
How to take yourself on maternity leave. What to do in the decree to make money? Pet breeding

Even sitting at home with a baby, you can get a decent additional income. And after about half a year, already accustomed to the role of Mom, almost every woman thinks about how to make money on maternity leave. If you are one of them, we suggest you find out the actual ways of getting income at home.

And also reveal the prospects, pros and cons of the work of the house. And we will help you decide which work out of 40 ideas will have to be able to you, and will not prevent the care of the child.

From this article you will learn:

Why mom in maternity needs work?

Depending on the situation, the reasons for finding earnings at home are different. Consider the main of them:

  1. Banal lack of money. The husband earns a little when there were two salaries on two people - it was enough, and now it becomes difficult to live in three, and even in conditions of constant increase in prices. Therefore, you have to sit at home on maternity leave and look for additional sources of income.
  2. Mom copes well with the child, and she still has free time. In this case, decree is the perfect time, for self-development, improvement of the existing skills and acquiring new, opening new talents, which, besides pleasure, are able to bring additional money in the family.
  3. It happens that a woman in the decole for some reason does not want to return to the previous work. And now for her ideal time to look for a new direction, it will be determined than it will be engaged in the future. It is advisable to start working as quickly as possible so that at the end of the maternity leave already be a specialist of your business and earn good.
  4. Or maybe, on the contrary, Mom further plans to do what both before the decree, but in order for 2 or 3 years to not lose the qualifications, and be aware of all innovations, it decides whether to deal with your favorite thing at home. For example, if you worked as a lawyer, you can give legal advice on the Internet, familiar, etc. The main thing is to organize everything correctly.
  5. Some women, not even experiencing financial difficulties, want to be financially independent. They are inconvenient to ask her husband every time money on cosmetics, clothing or other women's little things and therefore they actively begin to search for ways to make money on maternity decrees.

Video for motivation.

In general, everyone has their own story, and if you decide to work out at home - it is very commendable. The main thing is not to throw everything halfway, it turned out one thing, try another. Decree leave is a great time to find, reveal and develop your talent and potential.

➡️ Earnings on the decree - where to start, 3 main questions

Methods are well earned sitting at home on maternity leave. To decide which vacancies the best way to suit you, think about the following issues:

  1. How much time can you devote work and when? It will only be when the child is sleeping, or he can take himself for a while during wakefulness, letting him make a mother. Is there anyone to replace you, if necessary? Granny, grandfather, neighbor, girlfriend, nanny can come to the rescue.
  2. What do you already know how to do best? Maybe you love cooking very much, or you have design depositors, or you really like spending time not only with your child, but also by other kids. All these and other talents and abilities can be developed in many directions, and earn them.
  3. Are you looking for a job for pleasure or, first of all to earn more money? How quickly money is needed - you are ready to invest in training, the development of your business, that is, to work on the future, or income is needed, the faster, the better.

Well, the last, the most important question:

Ideas for earning at home for moms on maternity

Options, how to earn a young mother on male, there is enough. For convenience, we split them into several groups.

Work on the decree in the specialty or with reference to the previous organization

There are specialties that can be combined with maternity leave. The huge plus here is that you do not lose the qualification, skills, will always be "in the subject". And this is very useful when the time comes to go back to work.


You perfectly own foreign languages, know well math, or know how to play on musical instruments? You can earn it! Decree is the right time to try yourself as a tutor. Classes can be held at home online by Skype, or with departure to the client. Of course, for the young mother, the first two options will suit more.

Student and student tutor is most needed in preparation for OGE, Ego, for exams, especially introductory. Then you can earn more.

Writing coursework, control, abstracts, solution solving, drawings

If you have learned well at school, university or worked in the field of education, why now do not work on this? Modern students are very often resorted to the help of people who are working for money. Having the necessary knowledge, mom on maternity leave can be well earned.

Lawyer, psychologist

Are you a specialist in such spheres? Agree with the employer, and earn, performing part of the duties of the house, sitting on the decree. You can give advice, organize trainings, draw up contracts, check the correctness of their conclusion, to support the trial and so on.


In the former work was the position of designer? You can agree with the bosses and work at home on the decay on the Polish, performing orders in your free time.

You can also offer your services on the Internet, making interior designs, furniture, landscape, web pages, leaflets, albums, banners. Being a good specialist, you can always earn.


If you are by education medic and have a masseur skill skills - it's great! In the absence of skills, you can finish courses and acquire them. Very often good masseurs are looking for young parents for children of the first year of life. Considering that the massage course is at least 10 sessions, then not so many clients need to be found to make money on life.


Maintain accounting affairs of a small company or enterprise is quite successfully at home while on maternity leave. This newfit direction is called outsourcing - when a company or enterprise shifts part of its work and duties on an individual or other enterprise.

We earn money on your favorite lesson sitting on maternity leave

Women in most creative personalities, Everyone has a favorite occupation, hobby, hobby, what she likes to do in his free time. With the right organization of the process, these hobbies are able to bring money to the family budget. Below are ideas as you can earn mom on your hobby on maternity leave.


Children's products are particularly popular, such as sets - cap, scarf, mittens. You can knit soft toys, better than the heroes of various cartoons. Very good if you can knit and crochet, then you can create real masterpieces.


Easover can be threaded, ribbons, beads, applying various techniques. Embroidered paintings, tablecloths, clothes look very beautiful. If the embroidery do you like, develop and earn money on maternity leave.

Especially popular recently enjoyed embroidered national clothing - shirts, blouses, look original women's dresses, embroidered beads. You can earn, to order embroidering clothes for the whole family.

Sewing educational books, rugs, etc.

Modern mothers pay great attention to developing their cuts straight from the diaper. Developing books, rugs, cubes, pyramids, organizers from various fabrics, textures, with linking, rustling elements are in great demand. Create something original, and you can work well on this. Ideas can be found on the Internet, and supplement them with your fantasy.

Creating jewelry and jewelry

Start with small - making decorations with young girls. Multicolored gum, hairpins, bows, hoops, wreaths, dressings, hats, decorated with homemade flowers, ribbons - moms are very loved and buy for their bass in considerable quantities.

And also at all times there was a bijouterie for women, rings, earrings, bracelets, beads, pendants - how without it? You can earn, creating kits for mom and daughter in one style.

Manufacturing of soap, decorative candles

These products are perfectly suitable as a gift, and the original, author, handmade gifts are valued very high.

The manufacture of candles will cost a little cheaper than soap, since the materials for soap cost more. But, the main thing is that it is necessary in both cases is a fantasy, as you have to come up with an original design for each product, mix colors, aromas, invent forms. But if you wish everything you can learn, and it is not as difficult as it may seem first. There are various video, master classes, photos with ideas, and detailed instructionsdevoted to this topic.

Breeding indoor plants

Immediately note that one-year-old child And many indoor plants in a small apartment are unlikely to be able to exist together. But if the living space allows, why not do - on decree, there is a time for it. Choose some kind of one species, for example, the most popular orchids or violets, each of them has a series of varieties. In social networks and forums, there are whole communities where people buy, sell, share experiences and other secrets for breeding and care for indoor plants.

Production of festive attributes - for weddings, birthdays

The popular theme of recent time is the baby's birthdays of a certain topic and style, for example, in the style of some cartoon. Invitation, garlands, balls, pumps, banner, bulk digit, caps, masks, bonbonnieres, all for table setting - in general, work is a bad edge. Something you can buy something to do something in an individual design (garland named, banner with photos, etc.) and make money on it, selling all the set.

Similarly, at weddings you need various attributes - packages for punitive, invitation, chest for money, rings pad, glasses for newlyweds, and much more. In addition, there are still a lot of other holidays and parties - bachelides, Baby Shower - a holiday for pregnant women, christening, corporate parties, holidays in kindergartens.

Decoupage, scrapbooking, souvenirs

Using the decoupage technique, you can decorate caskets for female trifles, souvenirs, small pictures, magnets, decorate pots for vases, jars for spices, even furniture.

Scrapbooking - a separate view of needlework art - the creation of original unique photo albums, postcards, photo frames and the like. Children's photo albums of the first year of life are popular in this direction.

The theme of souvenirs is very wide, it is important to choose some one direction and develop in it. Souvenirs are made of wood, coffee beans, beads, coins, natural materials (stone, dried branches, grass, fruits) and others - the flight of fantasies is not limited here.

Remember that there is a demand for your products - you need to offer something unique and interesting. Then the opportunities will earn more.

Sales sales

The implementation of your products can be started with friends and acquaintances. First work can be simply supplemented, and to report at the same time that you need to order when necessary.

Then you can think about fairs, sales, souvenir shops, exhibitions, stores. For example, wedding attributes can be implemented through wedding salons. If you plan to make children's festive attributes, you can agree with those who bake sweets for children's holidays, and send customers to each other.

Separately, we note the Internet - thematic forums, groups and communities in social networks, trading platforms. You can even create your own online store and a personal blog, where to post your master classes, share experiences, describe the process of working with photos and videos. In the future, you can further earn not only from products, but also from the blog.

Do not forget to do quality photos His works. Portfolio and reviews are two important components for successful sales through the Internet and stable earnings. It is also important to have your business cards, and together with the goods to give them to customers. From time to time, the business card will be on the eyes, you will be remembered and will also come back or someone will advise.

Professions that can be assimilated in a short time and earn at home

Sometimes, after the birth of a child, Moms open up completely new talents and hobbies. Begin to do what they never practiced before. Or maybe it was just that was not? But in the decole you can try everything!

To master the profession listed below and start making money, it is not necessary to study for 5 years. It is enough to master certain skills, posting on special courses, if possible. Or trained on the Internet, materials for each topic is enough.

Hairdresser, makeup artist, cosmetologist, stylist, master manicure, pedicure

Services of these specialists will always be in demand. You can put them at home and with departure to the client. At first, in order to find out faster than you, you can offer your services cheaper. Good experts quickly appear their regular customers, and, accordingly, the ability to steadily earn money. Of course, if you want to be a popular specialist, working, you must study in parallel to be aware of all new products, as the world of beauty and fashion changes very quickly.


Who never ordered a festive cake to a child for a birthday? Probably, only one who knows how to do them! But most are still ordered.

If you like to spend time in the kitchen, why not do baking - for a decree mother, this is a good opportunity to earn. You can start with something simple, for example, sweets for Candy Bar for children's holidays - Capps, cupcakes, Kake Pops, Makaruna. If the soul does not lie to the baking, you can sculpt dumplings, dumplings, chebureks. A lot of people buy them in stores, why not offer them home?

Photographer, photo and video editing

If you like to take pictures, and you do it, then having a good camera, you can also make a job normally. The work of the photographer is very promising, and subsequently can become the main one. Various photo shoots - for pregnant, newborns, family, love story, photographing weddings, birthdays, children's holidays in kindergarten, school ... In general, for a good specialist, work will always be found. Only here it is necessary to consider that professional equipment is expensive.

And if you decide to develop in this direction, it will be necessary to master photoshop and other graphical editors, learn how to install.


Know how to do beautiful bouquets, Flower compositions? You can also make money on the decret, offering your services, for example, for weddings. But here it is important to have a good supplier always fresh colors.

Fashion designer, seamstress

Love and know how to sew? Then you can always earn. Just try to know about you. Repair of clothing periodically requires everything, but you can go on, and sew exclusive things to order. As they say, a good specialist work itself finds.

Work on the Internet

This is a very tempting offer, as there are many cases of earnings that do not require any investments and special education on the Internet. But, as you know, there is no light money! And on the Internet, like everywhere, to make money normally, you need to really work.

Writing articles to order (copywriting)

For this work, no special education is needed. It is enough to be able to competently write, the skills quickly dial the text will appear with experience. To find customers, you need to register at special venues - copywrites and rewrites. It is clear that at the first time there will be no big money - you need to gain experience, earn a reputation.

Important: The first articles will be cheap (15-20 rubles per 1 thousand characters), since a person with a zero reputation will not be expensive to buy. But with each written article you can increase their cost. Over time, regular customers will appear, and it will be possible to earn money, the main thing is that the work is high-quality, as in copywriting of competitors thousands.

Each exchange there are still shops of articles, where you can make ready-made articles on sale. You can write on any subject that you are close, and in which you are oriented. About each specialty, hobby, enthusiasm you can write interesting useful articles. Share your experience and knowledge with others, and you can make money on it.

Trading on the Internet

This is a relevant earnings to divide into several directions:

  1. JV (joint purchases). The task of the organizer of the joint venture is to find customers to redeem Rostovki (dimension range) from the wholesale site, collect money, arrange and get an order, send the goods. All this is done for a certain percentage - mostly plus 10-20% of the price of goods.
  2. Thringspping or mediation. The essence of sales is that you take the wholesale suppliers of the product of the goods, place them on various resources, but the prices put their own. Buyers pay you, you make an order supplier, but ask him to send the goods directly to your buyer.
  3. Own online store. This is the most expensive type of trade, both in finance and in time, but with the right organization, in perspective, the most profitable. You need to create a site, invest in the promotion, purchase goods and profitably sell it.
  4. Organization of purchases from popular overseas online stores. Having basic English proficiency skills, you can organize purchases from well-known European and American online stores, taking on the role of an intermediary. It is necessary to assemble the target audience (create a group in social networks, in Vaiber) and regularly inform participants about interesting offers - discounts, promotions, sales. As practice shows, get high-quality things world-famous brands can be even cheaper than our domestic, often average, and even low quality. And so people will get a quality product, and you can earn.

Personal blog

The most promising option for earning the Internet for mothers will be income from its own website or blog. But here you need to take into account a lot of nuances and seriously tune in to work. You need to be ready at first to invest time and, perhaps, money, before getting the return.

First you need:

  1. Come up with topics and decide how you will monetize it;
  2. Create a site (or pay the programmer yourself);
  3. To fill it with high quality content (or buy articles by copywriters);
  4. Slide the resource by making it visited.

You can create a website for different purposes:

  1. For earnings on advertising and posting (information blog);
  2. To work with partner programs;
  3. To promote their services (website-business card, portfolio);
  4. For the sale of various goods, own products, info products.

Mom in the decree can blog, where will share information about child care, its development and upbringing. If Mom is a Hand Made amateur, you can develop a blog where to post master classes and at the same time combining it with an online store, which sells your products.

Most of the life of a modern woman takes place at work. And even a positive pregnancy test is not always able to temper her creative stuff. Therefore, when it goes into maternity leave, it faces a huge stock of free time. What to do these two months waiting for the baby? If you are tormented by such a question, this article is for you.


Go to the movies or download a good series. If you are lost in guess, what to see, take advantage of this site https://cinemaze.ru/. Here you will find filmmaster news, trailers and interviews with actors. It will help you choose something like.

Taking into account future moms are very impressionable. Try to stay at good melodramas or comedies. The most innocuous scenes for the "not pregnant" person, you have, waiting for a baby, can cause a storm of emotions. Therefore, without fanaticism. Movies about zombies and maniacs Look after the hormonal background in your body stabilizes. And let your companions become good films about children, pregnancy and happy families.

Believe me, then you will regret that there is little time spent on an elemental vacation. Friend yourself and more sleep. Then she will "tens."


The sofa should not be your best friend on maternity leave. You need fresh air. They noticed, sometimes the child begins to rush in the stomach and actively move? It is believed that at such moments he signals you that he has little oxygen. You breathe for two.

In addition, you need to move. Muscles should not be stuffed, especially if you actively engaged in sports before delivery. Even if they did not do, now at least just just walking. Player with good music or book, telephone conversations with pleasant people will help you pass time.

If you move very hard (for example, on the ninth month of pregnancy), take a book or tablet with some series and sit on a bench somewhere in the park or square. Maybe during such walks you will find a company "for interests" from the number of real or future moms, and in the future you will walk more fun.

Get ready for childbirth and child education

Nobody taught us to be mothers. Think, will the simple natural program work? But we went far away from nature that ordinary processes may fail. Before taking for work in your office, did you study this somewhere? So with motherhood: it would not be bad to rush.

Someone prefers to go to the training courses for childbirth, someone learns himself, focusing on information on the Internet. There is no special difference here - as convenient. Be sure to learn how to breathe correctly in childbirth, care for the baby and, that is important, breastfeed.

Believe me, breastfeeding is a whole science. And if you comprehend it at least in general terms before childbirth (or you will know where to see), then tell yourself "Thank you." Proper applying to the chest and properly adjusted feeding process - the key to your happy life In the next six months. Otherwise - cracks, closures, low-demand weight and other charming dismissive attitude to this issue at the preparation phase.

Take time for creativity

If you are already interested in any needlework, now it's time to devote more attention to him. Firstly, it charges with positive emotions (in ancient religions, creativity is considered one of the ways to raise female energy), secondly, can benefit in the economy. For example, you can sew something or tie for a baby, make a beautiful picture in his room.

If you like to cook, make reserves two months after childbirth for your husband and older children. Cutlets, dumplings, blanks for soups, vegetable mixes, stew, pies and so on.

Fitness for pregnant women

By the eighth month, you probably sobat back and joints. Get a subscription to the pool. Water will take pain in the lower back and will help your muscles stay in a tone. If you just swim you boring, make up aquaaerobics.

Another option (or additionally to the pool - if there are no contraindications) is yoga for pregnant women. Also perfectly tones and at the same time relaxes the body.

Finally, prepare a house to the appearance of a child

It's time to disassemble the grooves in the cabinets, to buy everything you need for a child, collect bags in the hospital, launching and releasing all children's thing, make general cleaning (only without fanaticism, not provoke delivery) or even order dry cleaning of some interior items. By the way, many cleaning companies now provide such a service as "general cleaning to discharge from the maternity hospital", so if the budget allows, it is better to give up a rag and vacuum cleaners to spill professionals, but to go to the pool, cinema or cafe with girlfriends.

Try in these two months before birth to the maximum to charge positive energy, sleep and relax. Then you will nostalgate for these times.

Publication author: Elena Maksimova

Sooner or later, any mommy in the decree begins to think about what she do and how to diversify its usual weekdays. True, some girls argue that all their free time they go to the baby, and there is not even a minute to drink tea or to pay time for themselves. And the other on the contrary, they admit that their life is just beginning in maternity leave. Because, the time appears to determine what they would like to do, find their favorite hobby or even start their own business.

Decree does not reason forget about yourself

First we look forward to the long-awaited decret when you finally have the opportunity to sleep and relax. But with the advent of the child, we understand that the decree is also a job. Sometimes severe and routine. The first months of mommies are completely absorbed by the baby, time is grazing enough to run in the store and break out to friends. Such an opportunity seems just a holiday. The boredom overcomes in the second half of the decree, when every day it becomes like the "Groundhog Day" and wants outside home communication and self-realization itself as a person.

Of course, the upbringing of the crumbs should be the primary task of any mom in maternity leave. After all, the first years after the birth of the most important for the kid. From comprehensive development, its future performance in school will depend on the school, as health and strengthening of immunity are very important for children in the first years of life. But you should not at the same time forget about yourself, your hobbies. And be sure to keep up the beauty and attractiveness for your beloved husband. Thus, you have a huge selection of classes: put in order a figure, to do self-development, find your favorite hobby or additional earnings.

The main thing to find your way

There is a lot of time to reflect the time. After all, while we work, often there is no time to stop and think about your beloved lesson, which will be like. In addition, routine work does not like everyone. Yes, of course, official earnings are constancy and stability. But who knows, perhaps finding his favorite activity and turning his profitable business, you will earn much more than on old work.

It is no secret that during pregnancy and the first months after childbirth, the girls exacerbated hormonal background and they only manage feelings and emotions. This period is how it is impossible to tell you exactly the lesson in the shower, which will bring you the greatest joy. And if you are able to monetize your hobby into a business, then some income. Many mammies are successful, it turns out to combine the upbringing of the baby and the earnings at home. Because it is much more pleasant to the house with a favorite baby and at the same time receive income from your beloved thing than spending precious time every day at hired work.

If you have long dreamed of learning a foreign language, get right or visit cooking courses, then decree is the best time to make desires. And girls planning to be further implemented in their profession and dreaming to advance through the career stairs appears the opportunity to get additional education Or visit professional courses in their direction. Currently, it is very easy even without leaving home. On the Internet there is a lot of video courses and learning videos on any topic. Of course, if you are going to become, for example, a wizard for building eyelashes or hairdresser with a stylist, then you will need practice and professional courses where the certificate is issued about trained.

What is useful to do on maternity leave?

  1. Improving the qualifications or receipt of second education.
  2. Finish training courses, with a certificate.
  3. Learn a foreign language.
  4. Get the right to control the car.
  5. To do creativity or needlework.
  6. Master various recipes of cooking.
  7. Learn the art of photography.
  8. Lead a figure in order after delivery.
  9. Think up the design of the future child or even redevelopment of the entire apartment.
  10. Read interesting books.

Additional Earnings on Decree

The first year and a half decree is transferred not noticeably financially. But the second half of the maternity leave becomes a real test for the family budget. Because the costs are large, and additional payments in this period are already completed. Therefore, many mommies have to go to work before the onset of the three years of age of the child. Accordingly, the baby has to be given in, and as you know, they are first sufficiently painfully get used to new conditions.

Without any investments, it is possible to earn the opportunity, without even spending the training courses or without special skills. There are many options for freelance at home, here are some kind of types:

  • creating your own blog or site
  • writing articles to order
  • online consultation on the themes in which you are well versed
  • work by the operator of the call center at home,
  • part-time by a secret buyer.

And if you have any special skills or knowledge in some particular area, you are big lucky. Even accumulating a certain experience in the process of upbringing the baby, you have the opportunity not to earn it badly. For example, you perfectly understand breastfeeding and have extensive experience in this part. Many mammies remove the video on this topic, give advice on social networks and even create separate sites for communication between nursing mothers, on what they earn great. Believe me, any knowledge and skills, if they really have, can become a matter of income.

What opportunities gives additional earnings on maternity decrees?

Praise, what would you like to do in life most of all. Forget for a while about your main profession, do not think about how much money your passion will bring. The main thing is that it is pleasant and exciting for you. And even if your hobby, which appeared during the maternity leave, will not become the whole of your life, it will still bring only benefits.

After all, your favorite occupation or hobby allows you to relax, distract from home care and raise the mood. And for your baby, this is an extra plus. After all, it's so nice when mom in good arrangement of the Spirit is happy to return to the care of the baby

How not to mired in everyday routine home worries and thoughts about the upbringing of your beloved baby, watch the video

Search for information on how to make a young mother on maternity leave? We offer to explore the list and analysis of the most worthy vacancies today.

Many mothers have discomfort on the absence of a sufficient amount of money in the family. Leave the baby to access the main work with no one. There is an idea of \u200b\u200bpart-time at home. How to do it? What can actually bring additional income to the decole?

Reasons for finding earnings on maternity

  • If the work is needed in order not to be just a housewife and mom, but to feel your importance at all, you can realize yourself in simple projects. This category may include professions or classes that bring emotional pleasure. Often young mothers, wanting to develop with the baby, open a children's studio for various interests or sell goods created by their own hands. This allows you to combine the care of the baby and work.
  • A completely different things are when mom's income is a vital necessity. The circumstances of each family add up differently. Sometimes the spouse is not able to provide the house with everything necessary, not to mention the entertainment and additional spending. Then mom decides on finding a job that brings at least some income.

The selection of the profession for young mothers is expanding constantly. But the result depends on the abilities of the applicant or the desire to master new horizons.

Consider each situation separately, making a list of appropriate ways to make a mom in mailing.

Work in pleasure

If the baby does not take away a lot of time, then you can make money on what you know how to do without additional learning:

The hobby is first in the list of additional income. Favorite occupation has each mom: knitting, embroidery, sewing, decoupage, drawing, weaving beads, etc.

It all depends on the skills, the speed and the ability to find customers to implement their services.

Work at home in the former organization where you worked before the decree: accountant, translator or teacher of foreign languages, designer of different directions (furniture, interior, landscape, web, flyers, booklets), lawyer (drawing up contracts, consultation), psychologist, massage therapist, corrector of texts, tutor.

Realize your dreams and get income

In the decree, many mothers master new professions, which were reflected earlier, but not enough time to study:

  • visagiste;
  • cosmetologist;
  • the hairdresser;
  • photographer;
  • stylist;
  • culinary (especially in demand registered cakes);
  • florist.

Children's leisure organizer

The specialty has a wide range of possibilities: from group classes with children in their development before organizing holidays with theatrical ideas or shows. Find like-minded people and come up with the case that will be interested in moms and their kids.

Creative, sociable person without complexes there is a large field for self-realization.

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

List vacancies that can enjoy and use long. Next, we will consider the areas of activity that can bring, perhaps more income, but not always personal satisfaction.

If you do not have organizational abilities, there is no hobby that will bring income, you have no opportunity to fulfill the obligations of previous work, we recommend considering the following positions:

the Internet

The Internet is a large platform for finding the magnitude of Mamuchka with the baby. Many doubt the real opportunity to get a good income through the virtual world. Hurrying about different deceptions, the young mother does not risk spending time, and sometimes the means is wasted. But you can earn, if you know what:

  • Copywriting or Rewitting - This is a common activity, if you have a literary mind and literacy. There are special sites (stock exchanges) on which you can choose a suitable direction and write texts to order. At first, the money may be small - experience is required, rating, the ability to quickly type text. Read more about
  • Development site or blog. This type of activity is suitable for those who can offer interesting information visitor. The theme is selected individually. But it is impossible to wait for quick returns. For the development of any case, the time and confidence of users is required. Here is the information how to create a blog http://aimblog.ru/kak-sozdat-blog
  • Online store It can become one of the types of earnings if you have something to offer.
  • Moderator thematic forums or social groups. Work is performed from the house, sitting at the computer. It is necessary to track the work of the site / forum / group and delete information that violate the rules for use. You can choose a certain clock when it is free time and take several directions under your guardian.
  • Proofreader text - Remedy from the finished text of errors, typos, incorrect phrases, information. The work is painstaking, requiring good knowledge of the Russian language and text formatting norms.

Read more: Ways to make money over the Internet for moms on maternity leave. (Without pyramids and mlm)

Tip! Do not try to make money on the Internet on empty promises or tempting proposals that require investments. We want to earn, not spend. Money can only be in learning that is required for retraining. Do not be lazy and read the reviews of people about working on the Internet that you are interested.

Other opportunities earnings

If the computer and the World Wide Web are not about you, you can find a job outside the house. But then you have to search for a baby to the nanny for the period of your absence. ()

  • Social work

Take the patronage over people who need social assistance (buying products, drugs, pets or just a conversation for souls). It is possible to allocate for this a couple of hours a day and take control of people living nearby.

Agent of a wide or narrow profile. There are different areas when you can be a representative of the insurance, trading company, to survey, any agitation or the census of the population. Income may be non-permanent, since agents receive percentage of the final result.

  • Marketing

Distributor of products of various purposes. It is only for those who can convince people well in the need to buy the proposed goods or services. Exposure, stress resistance is also not the last requirement.

  • Educational sphere

Often the organizers of children's clubs, circles, schools are the same young mothers who were looking for additional earnings on maternity. It became their main work that makes fun and income.

You can start with small:

  1. Dial several babies to care for a short time. Become a nanny for an hour (). You can do your baby and get money for nanny services.
  2. If the house allows you to organize home kindergarten, then dare in this direction. The state may support such undertaking.
  3. If you have the talent of the artist, a musician or something else, open the children's circle for interest.

Hello, dear blog visitors! We have repeatedly discussed the possible prospects for additional income for women who would like to work through the Internet at home, and it occurred to me that my articles had a completely specific audience. Most of those who are interested in the topic of earnings for women do not plan to combine work online with the main labor activity, and, as a rule, are on vacation for child care. Therefore, I want to contact this topic in more detail and tell you how to do on maternity leave to make money.

Perhaps someone will not agree with me and say that the birth of a child is a long-awaited event for a woman, and it's stupid to spend this precious time to attempt to earn an extra penny, and in part, I can agree with this, because how folk wisdom says, everyone No money earn money, and children are small only once.

However, on the other hand, it will not be here not that women, as in Soviet times, should go to work at the plant almost straight from the maternity hospital! On the contrary, my task is to figure out how to make additional funds come to the family budget, but the baby has not been deprived of attention and care, and the mother is not too tired.

From this article you will learn:

I confess when I only wondered this issue, it seemed to me that this is some kind of utopia about the "strong and independent" ideal women from the American TV shows - you know, those whose ideal order in the house, the child is always clean, fed and not capricious In the refrigerator, there is a lunch of three dishes in the refrigerator, and business negotiations are replaced by training with a personal fitness instructor and a relaxed shopping in all respects of the ladies. However, when I plunged into the problem somewhat deeper, I studied the question on the Internet, I talked with real (and not cinema!) Women and received answers to her questions, much fell into place.

It turns out that the saying "Who is looking for, will always find" and in this case. You just need to know what you are looking for. To do this, appreciate your abilities, strengths and availability of free time, and then - boldly go to look for your ideal work on maternity leave.

Perhaps you are interested in needlework, perfectly mastered some of his varieties, and can you create a handmade for sale? Or are it good with children and are ready for a certain fee to look after not only your baby, but also for several children? In addition, freelance trades are at your service, sites specializing in translations or student tasks, Internet publications and much more. In a word, it is always possible to ensure your employment at home and you can always receive a chance.

Who needs work on maternity leave?

Pregnancy and the appearance of a child's light is quite ambiguous, but an extremely important period in the life of every woman. She is trying on a new Mom's role for her, learns to take care of the child, to fulfill his needs and bear responsibility for him. But the changes are also associated with the fact that the woman after childbirth often falls out of its former lifestyle and the old circle of communication.

Judge themselves: before pregnancy, the average woman goes to work, engaged in sports, meets with friends, spends time for interesting classes, and with the advent of the child in the life of the child all ends.

Many fair sex representatives are quite satisfied with the role of his wife and mother, which is engaged in leading household, care for the kid, but at the same time it does not worry about the search for earnings. For such women, decree is a real holiday, but for a number of reasons, this is not always possible.

Some, being on parental leave, because of their nature are too active people and do not receive satisfaction from the aimless, as it seems to them, sitting at home. Any active girl is easy to imagine yourself in their place - only imagine, instead of business or beloved work, meetings with friends, financial independence, the opportunity to travel and play sports you can only have a house, a child and leisurely walks with a carriage!

Therefore, for them, work is akin to salvation - it becomes an outstand in the monotonous weekdays of the decree, gives additional "pocket money" and allows you to feel an independent and personality.

Not every family, which decides to have a child, has an opportunity to allow one of the spouses to quit work, even if it comes to maternity leave, and such a development of events seemingly quite naturally. For this reason, for some part of women, work in the decree is a forced measure. Here we will take the same and single mothers who are not to rely on, except themselves, but it is necessary to take care not only about their own well-being, but also about the child.

Why is it on the decret worth looking for a job at home?

Of course, not every employer will be happy to go to work a woman in maternity leave, because most vacancies usually assume that the employee will be present in its place during the working day. And it is better to immediately give up the idea immediately return to the old place of work, barely leaving the walls of the maternity hospital - you, first of all, need home to your child, and there somehow cost you without you. You can easily find something more suitable.

By the way, work at home is an excellent option not only for moms who are on maternity leave (it lasts until the baby turns three years), but also for those who recently sent children to kindergarten. The fact is that during the adaptation period, the child often sicks, and hardly the employer will be delighted, signing your next sick leave, and this will explicitly affect the wrong way.

Pros and cons of work on maternity

If you are planning to work home or remote work while you are on maternity leave, you need to familiarize yourself with the positive and negative parties with which it is connected to appreciate whether to contact it at all.

Positive sides:

  • the ability to conveniently plan your working time;
  • partnerships with customers, lack of bosses;
  • there is no need to interact with the team;
  • you do not need to spend time and money to get to work and on business clothes;
  • there is a time to engage in a child.

Negative sides:

  • a large load associated with the need to pay attention to the child and at the same time have time to work;
  • probability stumble upon Internet fraudsters;
  • not every woman can competently organize the workflow.

Even if the minuses now seem significant to you, do not forget, if you wish, they are quite easy to neutralize. Over time, you will gain experience and learn how to calculate the scammers, make a working schedule and distribute your affairs so to get at a minimum.

You are interested in a part-time job for women sitting on maternity leave, and you weakly imagine how you can find it? Everything is very easy. You only need to enter the world web and drive the corresponding request to the search string. Of course, you should not blindly trust absolutely all links and suggestions that you will find by going on them, but this will at least help you determine the selection direction.

The next step is to find suitable vacancies on sites that specialize in employment. In search by site, specify that you need work at home with a free schedule for part-time, and then select from the proposed options. Be sure to place your own professional skills and wishes on this site. It is possible that it will work, and the employer will be contacted with you that you are interested.

If you failed to find anything suitable, you can write to me in and we will definitely select a worthy option.

Where can I get a job?

Conditionally all varieties of activity that Mom could do on child care leave can be classified as follows:

  • activities associated with hobbies and talents;
  • activities requiring professional skills and skills;
  • work requiring certain conditions or equipment.

If you talk more about the first group, you should not forget that work is not always the routine and boredom. There are so many examplesWhen women sitting on maternity leave, revealed completely incredible sides in themselves - they suddenly discovered the desire to draw, sew clothes, write poems or novels, to keep blogs - and often earned very well on it!

Why did their "creative veil" have not woke up before the child's birth? Most likely, because they have too many work, which has not leaving spaces for the development and self-expression.

Even if the decret did not reveal in you "superconduct", do not be discouraged! It is important for you to find a job for which will be worthily paying? If so, then you, using your existing skills and skills, you can easily find something suitable. Why not arrange houses mini-office for manicure or not to do the provision of audit and legal services - perhaps it will be a very profitable business!

If you have an Internet, computer and telephone, or you have free rooms in the apartment, you can try your hand as an employee of a call center, an online consultant on a popular website or organizer of joint procurement. As a rule, such work does not cause much difficulties, and it's not difficult to cope with it.

Check out the small list of the most popular earnings, which are suitable for mommies on male decrees. Perhaps in this list you will find something for yourself!

  • rerait and copywriting (writing texts for customers);
  • provision of beauty services at home;
  • opening of a private kindergarten or nanny services;
  • work on a remote basis as a designer or artist;
  • tutoring on Skype or "live";
  • preparation of cakes and desserts to order;
  • joint procurement;
  • manufacturing a handmade to order and its sale.

It also lists the most popular options to ensure their income during maternity leave. Perhaps you will come up with a more original, interesting and profitable option, which will arrange you not only on maternity leave, but also after its end.

And now I suggest to analyze in more detail than to do on the decret to earn money.

Verified methods for making moms

Work coordinator (personal experience)

Popular to date earnings at home on the decree is work in marketing companies. One of the most such income options is a job in Avon. This is a reliable and proven way of earning. Almost all the fair sex representatives, ranging from schoolgirls and ending with pensioners, are familiar with this name, and very many regularly enjoy the products of this company.

In fact, it is a small own business based on direct sales of cosmetics and perfumes from Avon interested people. Considering that during walks with the baby and visiting the children's clinic, a woman is constantly meeting with other mothers, find an audience, among which the products of Avon will be in demand, will not be difficult.

What are the responsibilities to perform? Avon's representative offers customers to view new directories, fill out applications and send them, then give orders to buyers and send money to the company, leaving themselves the difference between the sum in the hands and the amount in the payment documents. Up to 8,000 rubles, the company makes a discount of 27%, more than 8000 rubles - 31%.

Example: Suppose you among your friends familiar to the catalog collected an order for the amount of 5,000 rubles, then earn 1350 rubles from this order. When setting an order for 8,500 rubles - the remuneration will be 2635 rubles. I have acquaintances who are gaining orders and are 30000 rubles, respectively, the remuneration is 9,300 rubles.

This work does not take a lot of time, does not require special KnowledgeAnd, moreover, representatives can use the company's exclusive proposals and acquire products at special prices. On the online page of each representative there are free video courses about Avon products, having passed them quickly and just be a professional. As you can see, the representative is really easily and profitable, and you will definitely cope with it!

And if you want moreYou can always go to a more interesting position -, to gather your own group of Avon representatives and supervise their activities. The coordinator must explain to the representatives, which are their responsibilities, and provide assistance in resolving dispute working moments and incomprehensible situations. Evon reinforcement reserves the right to receive all bonuses that the company provides its representatives. In addition, their income is added a percentage of sales that make representatives from the prison group.

Thus, the amount of money remuneration will depend not only on the work of the coordinator itself, but also from the activity of representatives. But when the system is established, it is quite possible to spend at work no more than one or two hours a day, getting on average 10-30 thousand rubles for it. There are those that earn more than 30,000 and even 100,000 rubles. I wrote about this in the article ""

Of course, someone has a less payment size, someone is substantially more, everything is determined individually and depends exclusively from the efforts and desire to work. I can say with confidence that you can earn such sums here.

By the way, work in the company can successfully continue after decading leave. It can be combined with the main, and also fully immerse itself into it, refusing the "traditional" work in the office or in production. It has common sense, because a three-year-old child is still still very small, and it is important for him that Mom is next to him as much time as possible. Work in a cosmetic company perfectly solves this problem.

If you liked the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming an Evon employee, you can write to me. The demand for Avon's products is always, so do not be afraid and start!

Buy together!

Just ten years ago, joint purchases were not so widespread as now. This is not surprising, because during this time, even minor stores have acquired their own sites, from which you can always order the goods you are interested in. This method has only one substantial minus: often the costs that go for delivery are quite high and "eat" the benefit that the buyer is haunted, acquiring goods via the Internet.

But a logical decision appeared - joint procurement. The process of their commit looks like this: the procurement organizer will learn from the goods supplier the conditions at which he is ready to sell products at a wholesale price, tells about these conditions in the group on the social network, and then opens the collection.

For example, in order to buy children's diapers of a well-known firm at a price, which is two times lower than the store, it is necessary to check 50 packs at the same time. Naturally, one buyer hardly wants to accomplish such a large purchase. But if other people wishing to save on diapers will be connected, the order will be checked pretty quickly. The task of the organizer is to promptly assemble money from all participants - personally in hand or on the card, translate them to the supplier, then get a parcel with the goods, notify the rest of the goods receipt and distribute it to customers. For their services, the organizer pay a commission in the amount of 10 - 20 percent of the order amount.

An additional condition that plays for the organizer is a very important role - the availability of a glazed balcony, storage room, chulana or a spacious cabinet, where you can store parcels. In addition, he should take care that participants in joint purchases will timely disassemble their orders, otherwise the apartment will turn into a warehouse. Alternatively, it is possible to limit free posting storage with two weeks - with such a scenario, things understand very quickly!

Perhaps this is not the easiest option of what you can go on the decret, but joint purchases are very convenient. You not only receive a commission from other buyers, but also themselves constantly have the opportunity to purchase everything you need for yourself and your child at very low prices.

This condition somewhat compensates for the problems that arise because of the compensation with the parcels and distributors to their customers. How much can you earn in this way?

Everyone comes in different ways, someone has enough commission to justify their own "Wishlists", and someone puts this thing on the flow, and after some time it even draws up an individual entrepreneurship, earning on joint purchases of 20-25 thousand per month.


Even if you didn't always go with school essays, you can easily try yourself as a copywriter. This is a person who is engaged in the preparation of commercial texts for Internet resources.

Here you can select such directions as rewritten - alteration of text from the existing source in such a way that it becomes unique, and SEO-copywriting is to write texts with keyword entries.

No need to scare, no one will make you write text about the device of a nuclear bomb or repair of a Japanese car, unless, of course, you are completely accidental than the expert in these industries. Looking at the copywriting exchange, for example, Text.ru.You will see a lot of offers from customers vary by cost, topics and execution time. Choose a suitable topic, and go ahead!

For example, if you are sitting on a child care, most likely, such topics such as pregnancy, childbirth, maternity leave and everything connected with it is close to you. Start with a simple, at first, do not chase for expensive orders - for a start, you have a little voice. Observe the time allotted on the order and do not hesitate to check the details at the customer.

But then, when you develop your own algorithm for writing texts, it will be possible to take almost any topic - you will turn into a pro-stationswear and you can get a higher payment for your works. Copywriting is good and the fact that the brain is constantly holding a brain, and many moms who are forced to devote most of their time care of the baby, complain that they sometimes lack it. So think and solve!


Before the decree did you work at school? Or maybe you perfectly know a foreign language or some other item in demand among school students and universities? If so, then why not do tutoring!

First of all, this is a great opportunity to refresh your own knowledge and, what is called a little "shake" brains. Secondly, this is a real income. If you look at the rates of large regional centers, hour lesson with a tutor costs at least 500 rubles.

This is a great price to start, you can set it when you are submitted by the announcement that you give lessons at home, and after some time you adjust. By the way, students who work up the tutoring are taken a little cheaper, so if you are not too confident in your abilities, put the price tag of 350-400 rubles. It will definitely attract customers to you, which make it difficult to afford more expensive classes.

Do not dial too many students, keep in mind that each of them will leave for 2-3 hours a week - depending on how many times a week you plan to do, and what is the duration of one lesson. By the way, if you do not want to do at home, since your housing conditions are bad for this are adapted, and you have, with whom to leave the child, you can go to the disciples yourself - many tutors come in this way. Only in this case, try to find a clientele closing to the house.

By the way Site pROFI.ru. It is one of the best resource on the Internet, where you can place a detailed summary of tutoring.

In the end, there is another, "advanced", the tutorial option - Skype classes. In our time, he is gaining increasing popularity, because it is convenient and student, and teacher. Especially often, classes in a foreign language are carried out, but the rest of the items are also not lagging behind. Agree, an excellent solution - your child has a dream mode, and at this time you are calm. And if the plans suddenly have changed, or the baby fell ill, transfer such an occupation is much easier than a real lesson with a student.

Performing student work

If the tutoring is, due to some reasons, not your option, you can always try good luck in the next niche - writing student work. This type of employment is remarkably suitable for moms on maternity decrees, as it does not require any specific hours to be given to him. Student work is quietly performed at a convenient time and rent to the customer, after which he lists the money.

Now there are many Internet resources, for example vsesdal.com.: The student makes payment for the order, and the Contractor receives money only after the work is accepted and edits are submitted if necessary.

Currently, ready-made student works are very in demand, since modern students are quite busy people and are not always ready to write them on their own, or postpone the fulfillment of their tasks for the deadline. This concerns both humanitarian and technical and natural science items, so think in which areas of knowledge you are quite a comment, and start writing coursework, abstracts, essays, control and so on.

Decree is not a hindrance of such work, and if you are interested in doing this, you can continue to work in such a way in this way.

"Hello, Hello, did you call us?"

Today, many employers depart from the classic office model, whose employees should remain in their places from 9 to 18, and many are at all rented a tiny office from which the coordination of remover workers is coordinated. This system acts in most major call centers. Their employees work directly from the house.

They cannot be called freelancers, since they have fixed working hours, but at the same time they are in much more convenient conditions than ordinary office workers. Such work perfectly fits moms on male, especially since the employment you can choose a convenient shift and work when someone else is engaged in the child.

For such a job, it is important to possess the prerequisite and have a competent speech, because you have to communicate with people. In addition, it is necessary that you have the opportunity to work in a room where there will be no interference and extraneous sounds. You must have headphones with a headset, unlimited Internet, computer and, in general, everything.

For successful work in the call center you need to be able to communicate with customers, at a high level to own all the necessary information about the organization and goods or services it promotes. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to answer numerous customer issues, and you must be fully armed.

As the experience of many women shows, mom in the decole can earn in a call center from 15 to 45 thousand rubles per month - the final result depends on how much time it turns out to be allocated to work.


New and very interesting trend - blogging. If you are interested in watching video on YouTube, you probably saw women who position themselves as mothers-bloggers. If the channel on YouTube succeeds to promote, it will bring good income from advertising and various affiliate programs.

In the event that the channel has more than 50 thousand subscribers, it can bring 20-30 thousand rubles per month, and this is a very good amount for mom on maternity leave!

But it is very important that the video had an interesting plot and differed from banal "we attempt" and "we pounded." The picture must be a clear and high resolution - for this you need a decent video camera. Of course, in order to fill the channel with high-quality content and promoting it, you will need time, but if it fonds it, then the game is worth the candle!

Beauty salon at home

Very many women still during pregnancy or much earlier erect some courses - makeup, manicure, mehendi, billment, extension of eyelashes, shigaring, eyebrows modeling, and so on. Therefore, sitting on the decole, many of them are happy to use their ability to give women beauty, while getting very good money for their work.

To secure a client base, you can print business cards and decompose them by mailboxes in our area, and also be sure to advertise on social networks. At the first stage, this is very useful, and then such an advertisement method will work as "Sarafan Radio". If you prove yourself well, your old customers will certainly lead you new!

Deciding to open a mini-salon of beauty at home, take care of your visitors to be comfortable. It is worth noting that very many girls who started working in the beauty sphere during their maternity leave, subsequently with pleasure continued to do the same even when their children became older and were able to go to the kindergarten.

How much does the master earn for the day who takes customers at home? For example, the cost of a gel varnish coated manicure is about 600 rubles. On the day, the master takes 4-8 people. Part of the money goes to consumables, but at the end of the month there remains a completely tangible amount in the amount of at least 30-40 thousand rubles.

For comparison, the master working in the cabin is forced to give 40-50 percent of the money earned in favor of the cabin owners, besides, the services there are much more expensive, and therefore many willingly attend those who offer them at home. If you doubt what prices, just read the similar offers from other masters and make out of this.

Hands - not for boredom

If "Golden Hands" is about you, why not apply your talents in needlework for income on maternity leave? Nowadays, handmade products are in fashion, and that your hobby began to bring money, you need to relatively a bit - an enno amount of free time and a small advertisement.

What types of needlework are in demand today? Almost any! Knitting, embroidery, patchwork, creating decorations from clay, making various interesting accessories and much more.

If you have taste, time and desire, and the process of manual creativity brings pleasure - it's great! So, the work will be in joy, and you will receive not only money, but also the charge of positive emotions, which is so important for moms on male. Exhibiting the price for your crafts, take into account factors such as the time spent on the product, consumables, the efforts that the manufacture of a specific subject and its exclusivity cost you.

In the West have long been accustomed that handmade things are more expensive than factory, which cannot be said about Russia. Many buyers do not understand what the price is due and are trying to prove to the seller that his work is cheaper. Do not give in to similar statements. Your work should be paid proportionately, otherwise it will not be any sense.

Over time, you will have a customer audience, which will not ask similar questions, and among which your products will always hold steady demand. Now masters earn on Handmade from 25 thousand a month and above. The main thing is to know the price. And if you want to find out as many people as possible about your work, make yourself accounts in all social networks and share more often beautiful photos His crafts!

Sweet life

Maybe you are an outstanding cook, and you even have an appropriate education? However, even if with "crusts" did not have grown, not trouble! You probably know that the so-called is now very popular "Copyright" confectionery - Cakes with mastic, decorated in accordance with the wishes of the customer, festive cupcakes and desserts and other yummy.

My cakes

It's no secret that most women who are engaged in cooking confectionery products do it in their own kitchen at home. I will not talk now about the sanitary and hygienic conditions and freshness of the products, I will say one thing: if the cook is interested in the order from him also, he will take all measures to keep the kitchen in exemplary clean and choose only high-quality Products.

If you know how and love to cook, especially the oven, and have already been podnators in the design of the cakes, how do you look at trying them to order them?

FirstlyThis is very exciting, because customer wishes are often incredibly original.

SecondlyThis is an excellent opportunity to show your creative veil and create a real masterpiece of culinary art.

Well, B. thirdOf course, this is a real chance to earn good.

On average, such a cake costs from 900 rubles per kilogram and above. The price depends on the filling and cortex used to create a dessert.

The price includes the value of the ingredients, as well as the efforts of the chef, who did not just try, but also spent a lot of time. Take care that you have different decorations, forms, filling, suitable dishes and a kitchen, which is not ashamed to show the client, in case he expresses a desire to take a look at it.

And yet, try your child to have access to ready-made pastry shops - you know what it can end! When you have a client base, and your occupation will start making a profit, you can hardly regret your sweet hobby work!

Kindergarten without leaving home

And if you get pleasure, causing and looking after your child in maternity leave, but at the same time you upset the lack of opportunity to work out, do not be sad! It is for you invented the following option: kindergarten at home! The idea is that you are negotiating with moms for three more or four children for a certain fee, and they give their babies to your care.

If the square meters of your dwelling make it possible, this quantity can be enlarged. Considering what kind of queues in kindergartens are now, and how mothers seek to go to work as soon as possible, most likely your offer will be in demand. It is better to take into your mini-kindergarten kids of your acquaintances, for whom you will not be a stranger, it will greatly facilitate your work.

It is advisable to conclude a child care agreement with parents, it will protect both parties in the event of mutual claims. In such a kindergarten, the kids are much better than in the usual state, because the kids in the "group" are completely small, and everyone can get their portion of attention. In addition, your own child will also be supervised, and it stands dear! Taking into account such activities does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, however, in accordance with it it is necessary that the nutrition of children is ensured at the proper level. This may arise difficulties, but if you are ready to decide - act!

Light option is possible - hourly nanny. You still sit with your child at home and go for a walk. Why not impose care for another one or two babies for an additional fee? Not all parents want to give their children to the municipal or private kindergarten, but even they sometimes need to be rented.

In this case, there are babysitters who are ready to look after the baby, until the mother and dad can do this. You can sit with children on your territory or on the territory of the clients, depending on what kind of relationships are you with them and what an agreement between you is. It is not too burdensome, and the labor of the nanny is paid, ranging from 200 rubles per hour.

Internet resources where you can find a job!

If you are a modern mom and "friend" with the Internet, you may be time to reconsider his role in your life. Judge yourself: you spend money on my payment monthly and spend a bunch of time on social networks! Why not make the Internet begging to bring you income?

I want to advise you several sites that, one way or another, should take note, as they really can help you make money.


One of the best sites for earning the network is the stock exchange kWork.ru.. On it you will find certain tasks to which fixed price tag - 500 rubles. For a mother in maternity leave, this is an excellent option to earn in your free time, without applying to this special effort. Also on the CVKA, you can place an ad about your services all at the same single price and wait until the customers respond to it.

For this work, you will not need anything except for the computer, the Internet and a small amount of free time.

Copywriting Exchange Text.ru.

Copywriting Exchange text.ru. - This is a place where you can find orders for diverse texts. If you are an expert in any field - medicine, education, tourism, beauty sphere - and at the same time you can easily and access your thoughts in writing, you here! Here you can choose the order you like, wait for the approval of its creator and book a task as a performer.

Rates, unlike the CVK, here are diverse. The cheapest texts are about 5 rubles per 1000 characters, but real prices begin with 30-40 rubles. Subsequently, when you get experience and get the rating points, you can claim more highly paid orders.

The Exchange removes the commission in its favor, however, this is a kind of guarantee that you will not be deceived, and your work will certainly be paid. As far as the customer is, it will be clear from who left the performers who worked with him earlier. Your profile will also display customer reviews - try to be positive!

To do this, you need to fulfill the requirements set forth in the technical task, and strictly observe the Deadline - the deadline for delivery of the text. Otherwise, it will negatively affect your reputation and ranking. You will need a computer, the Internet and the electronic wallet to work, which you can withdraw money received for orders. Consider the withdrawal of funds is also carried out with a small commission.


Yes, do not be surprised! One of the most popular Internet resources in our country is quite capable of bringing money. Every day, hundreds of ads are published on it, and here you can offer our services, leave a resume and extract the offers of employers.

I will say a few words about the resume on Avito. Perhaps this is not the resource to which the employers come first in the first place, but try good luck. Take care that the resume is supplemented with high-quality photography, and the information in it was competently structured - then it may be possible to attract the attention of the potential employer.

Please note that Avito regularly appears a huge number of part-time for moms on male - this is set right in the headlines. Carefully read each of these ads, contact those who posted them, and choose the offer that seems most reliable.

In addition to the sections "Summary" and "Vacancies", Avito also has a "Services" tab, and this is an excellent opportunity to promote yourself if you are doing handicrafts for order, make a manicure or makeup or provide other services: medical, legal, hairdressers and so on . In addition, you are sitting with the child, and the children grow like on yeast, so Avito can easily sell children's clothes that no longer suitable for your baby, or inexpensively acquire new or lightly used things for more than reasonable prices. Perhaps it does not quite fall under the concept as earnings, but is a direct opportunity to save!


This is one of the most popular Russian sites that specialize in employment. According to statistics, most employers first go out in search of new frames, so you should not lose your chance - registration does not take much time. You need to place a resume by filling out the standard form offered on the site.

In it, you must specify data on your education, work experience and professional skills and knowledge, as well as information on what work suits you. For moms on maternity leave there is an excellent choice, as many employers offer remote employment with a free schedule - proofreading or writing texts, design and creation of sites and so on.

We met with the most popular options for employment in the decree, and now I would like advice that I hope will lead you to the maximum successful start of work and will be able to not get caught on the bait of intruders who are coming on someone else's trust.

  • Never agree to the prepayment of the alleged employer! Never! Very often, the woman wants to start working so much so much that it is ready at the request of the "chief" to translate the required amount, which allegedly be spent on working materials or other purposes.

For example, on the network, the popular vacancy of the text type is walking (the name "Publishers" is always different), but employers explain that employees are often summarized, so they need a guarantee of 1000 rubles, which will be returned after the first month of work. As you understand, no one will return money, and many have come to this trick. By the way, such a requirement is a direct violation of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, have this in mind.

  • Do not hurry. Do not agree on the first proposal immediately, even if the money is very necessary. To begin, promoning the Internet, having experienced as much as possible to learn about your potential employers. If you have the slightest doubts, refuse the vacancy, you do not want to work for free?
  • Be creative! Originalize your products, make unusual promotions in social networks, add to the product, which are selling, small free pleasant surprises. Surprise and make a client, and he will not go anywhere!
  • Do not be fooled by high payment for seemingly simple and fast work! Very often such tricks use fraudsters, hiding a hoax under the mask of highly paid work. And, of course, do not believe all sorts of "attractions of unheard of generosity" - online casino, lottery and other ways to quickly get rich, without applying to this effort. Remember, free cheese can be found exclusively in a mousetrap, and work on the Internet here, alas, no exception.

So, as you can see, the time spent on maternity leave can be spent with the mind. Someone focuses on the child, forgetting about himself and completely falling out of reality, and someone creates a new one, while doing so much to care for his baby (and not even one!), Conducting an interesting business and leading to make money.

What do you think, who will end up happier? Earnings on maternity leave often becomes not just a way to secure income, but also incentive to self-development, and for each woman it is very important and significantly. It helps to avoid multiple stress situations (connected with both "traditional" work and with lack of money) and allows you to look at yourself and your life at a completely different angle.

Dear readers, thank you very much for being got to the end of this huge publication. I hope you were interested, and the material will benefit you and will help you in the difficult question for finding suitable work on child care leave. Did you like the material? If yes, and, in your opinion, he is able to use the ladies interested in employment during the decree, do not forget to reprehet an article in the social network and subscribe to my blog - there will be a lot of interesting things here, you do not want to miss it here? Once again I sincerely thank all the visitors for your attention and for this I say goodbye to new publications.

POLYESTER.RU - Magazine for girls and women