
Instagram is given by Borisova. The latest news from Dana Borisova - the fight against alcoholism, mental disorder. Dana Borisova before and after plastic surgery

Dana Borisova is an actress, journalist and TV presenter. The blonde-haired star of the Russian media sphere, who destroys the prevailing stereotypes about blondes. Sparkling and bright, Dana did not cease to attract the attention of the press, even when she began to appear less in public.

Dana owes her success not only to her attractive appearance, but also to her dedication, the ability to get around life's troubles, reacting to problems with irony and a smile. The biography of Dana Borisova is the story of a bright and courageous personality, whose life is far from being like a fairy tale.

Dana Aleksandrovna Borisova was born on June 13, 1976 in the small Belarusian Mozyr, but does not remember her hometown - when the girl was only a few months old, the family moved to Norilsk. The girl owes her parents self-discipline and strictness to herself. Alexander Borisov, Dana's father, served in the police. Ekaterina Ivanovna Borisova, the mother of the future TV star, worked as a nurse.

As a child, the girl often had to stay at home alone, since her parents were constantly working, and relations with peers did not go well. Being thin and inconspicuous, Dana did not like the boys, and even activities in circles and sections, as well as good grades in all subjects, peers could not forgive at all. Dana was partial to music and played the piano.

The youngest sister, who was born 3 years after the Borisovs moved to Norilsk, became an outlet in loneliness. Dana recalled more than once that she read books to her sister and always shared the sweets that her father brought, feeling guilty for spending little time with the children.

As a teenager, Dana Borisova once saw an ad for a TV journalism class organized by the Norilsk TV and radio company. "What if?" - Dana decided and went to try her hand. Borisova herself was surprised when she managed to pass the strictest competitive selection. The girl did not think too highly of her abilities, so the selection results were pleasantly surprised. This is how Borisova's career in journalism began.

Projects and popularity

Dana first came to the TV screen at a young age - at the age of 16. Borisova liked the media sphere. While studying in high school, Dana hosted a program for young people under the name "Zebra", has established herself as an announcer of the Norilsk TV channel. Later, Dana became the host of the TV show "Congratulations". Having ascertained her own talent, the girl decided to try her luck in the capital and immediately after leaving school she moved to Moscow.

Dana Borisova in the TV show "Army Shop"

Since 1993, Dana Borisova studied at Moscow State University. Lomonosov. But, unlike admission, the student could not call her studies successful because of the absences caused by shooting in a TV show for conscripts called "Army Store", where the girl got at the same time, in 1993. Of course, combine studies and the job was not easy, and Dana chose a career path.

After the program “Army Shop”, the media started talking about the bright blonde. This was the beginning of Borisova's success as a TV presenter. Even in her youth, the girl began to be recognized on the streets of the city, and among the soldiers for whom the program was intended, Dana became an idol - every day the TV presenter received a lot of letters with declarations of love.

And although such a life looked beautiful and hassle-free, Dana had a different opinion: this period was difficult for her. The star's family just moved to Sergiev Posad. Therefore, after filming, the girl ran to the last train, where she repeatedly became a victim of theft. Yes, and not everything was going well in the family - the parents separated, the TV presenter's mother moved to Moscow, and dad to Belarus.

Dana Borisova - photo session in "Playboy"

The personal life of the actress was not easy, but her career, on the contrary, was waiting for a meteoric rise. In 1996, Borisova did what none of the former TV presenters dared to do. Soviet Union before her - appeared almost naked in a photo shoot for Playboy magazine. This led to an internal investigation, but there is a silver lining - this is how the girl's popularity flared up even brighter. Dana left the Army Store in 1997, but later returned to the TV show.

In 2002, Dana was recognized as the most popular Runet girl, thanks to which the blonde was invited to the reality show "The Last Hero 3: Lost." This show clearly demonstrated to the gentle blonde that the harsh life on a desert island is not for her. After leaving the show, the girl came to another TV program - she became one of the hosts of the "City of Predators" program. This work somewhat changed the usual role of Dana, and already in the TV show "Domino Principle" the blonde appeared before the audience in a new image - now Borisova became colder and sharper, which corresponded to the format of this program.

Dana Borisova in the program "Domino Principle"

Then Dana Alexandrovna began to try herself in the role of an actress. The film "Bear Hunt", however, became Borisova's only acting work.

Until 2012, Borisova disappeared from the screens, and then there was a triumphant return - the TV presenter appeared in the popular Ukrainian TV show "The Battle of Psychics", and then in the show of the First Channel "Vyshka". In 2014, on the Peretz Borisova channel, she began to broadcast the TV show "Machine" together with. These programs eventually became popular.

In 2014, Dana Borisova and the singer attended the TV show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Celebrities were able to answer the questions of the TV presenter, winning 800,000 thousand rubles.

Drug addict

In April 2017, a scandal erupted in Dana's life again. On the air of the program "Let them talk" Dana Borisova's mother says that her daughter is addicted to drugs. The woman publicly reported on the drug addiction of her star daughter, asking for help from the studio. Ekaterina Borisova decided to take this step, because, according to her, Dana was at a dead end.

Ekaterina Ivanovna said that the moral and physical condition of Dana causes concern among relatives and friends. The woman said that she personally saw drugs in her daughter's house, although earlier the TV star had already been treated in a special clinic. The fact that Dana is severely addicted to illegal drugs was confirmed by some friends of the TV presenter.

According to Ekaterina Ivanovna, producer Tim Brik, who died of a heart attack in February 2016, could have put her daughter on drugs. Such assumptions are coming soon. Dana Borisova herself denied there was a problem, refused to communicate with her mother, stating that she was absolutely a healthy person.

Having learned about the drug addiction of a celebrity, Andrei Malakhov promised to influence the situation and turned to Dana right in the studio, asking her for forgiveness for the fact that he could not do otherwise - the TV presenter insisted on compulsory treatment of Dana Borisova.

In the second part of the program, which came out a little later, the studio tried to find out about Dana's health. It turned out that the celebrity is undergoing rehabilitation in Thailand, on the island of Koh Samui. Also, stylist Ray Samedov appeared in the studio, whom Borisova's mother called the main culprit of Dana's drug addiction.

Personal life

The TV presenter was credited with many novels. It is known that Dana lived with the singer for several months. Borisova herself told reporters about this novel. Dana knew that the musician had a girlfriend who was pregnant with Danko, but she preferred not to think about it. The relationship broke up when the singer became a happy father and returned to the family.

In 2005, Dana Borisova met a businessman who became the civil husband of a TV star. After a while, the couple began to live together in Maxim's apartment, which is located in the center of Moscow. In August 2007, Borisova and Aksenov had a daughter, Polina, and less than a year later Maxim left the family.

This was followed by a difficult period for Dana Borisova, depression came. Former lovers decided financial issues through the courts. However, Dana and Maxim subsequently developed friendly relations.

After this unpleasant period, Borisova began to actively take care of herself, lost weight. The girl did not hesitate to say that she was not bad about plastic surgery, which caused new rumors about a possible facelift, as well as attempts by fans to analyze photos before and after plastic surgery, which may never have happened.

Soon, the personal life of the TV presenter improved again, and the celebrity got married with Andrei Troshchenko, a new lover. According to Dana, at that time they had known each other for 3 years, lived together, and their relationship was just great. Dana got married on June 22, 2015. The actress and her future husband just came to the registry office without beautiful costumes and guests and formalized the relationship. The solemn ceremony took place only 2 months later.

The couple was liked by journalists and fans, the press vied with each other to write that Dana gave birth to her second child. But neither replenishment in the family, nor a strong union happened. 8 months after the wedding, it became known that Dana applied for, although, as the journalists later found out, Andrei himself made the decision to leave.

Soon after the divorce, Dana Borisova was published with a new boyfriend. The hockey player became the chosen one of the TV presenter. The romance began in June 2016, but by the fall of the same year it turned into a loud scandal. According to press reports, Dana was invited to the United States to shoot, and Alexander was against, forcing him to choose between him and a career. And Dana Borisova chose the latter.

There is another version of the star brawl. In one of the TV shows, the hockey player claimed that he left Dana because of her infidelity. An unknown person, who introduced himself as Borisova's lover, sent Alexander an intimate video with a girl. Later, the "unknown" turned out to be Denis Kozlovich, an ex-participant in the show "House 2", who told reporters that Borisova lived with him for several days, forgetting about her own child.

Borisova denied her relationship with Kozlovich, and her little daughter told on camera that her mother did not go anywhere and did not leave the girl alone, but accusations of treason and irresponsibility still fell on the TV presenter. Ill-wishers stated that the TV presenter often appears in public drunk, because she suffers from alcoholism. In response to the persecution, Dana recorded a video, which she posted on Instagram, with a request to leave her alone.

In parallel with one scandal, another broke out. According to the media, Borisova's mail was hacked by hackers, and a photo of the TV presenter posing topless was leaked to the Network. Slander and threats from all sides knocked down the celebrity, Dana began to fear for her life and the life of her daughter, and even left a suicide note on social networks.

But the TV presenter's misfortunes did not end there either. As the journalists found out, on New Year's holidays, Polina went to rest with her dad and disappeared. Dana unsuccessfully tried to contact her ex-husband, and later received a message from him that her daughter liked living with her father and the child would never return to the woman. In January 2017, Borisova was able to get her daughter back with the help of the police.

Dana Borisova now

In April 2016, the press was informed that the car driven by Dana Borisova was in the north-west of Moscow. According to L! FE! , the TV presenter's car was cut by BMW at the intersection of Alabyan and Zorge streets. Nobody was hurt as a result of the road accident. Law enforcement officials soon began to establish the circumstances of the accident.

In 2017, the Russian media reported that Dana Borisova was deprived of her parental rights. The daughter of the TV presenter has been living with her father in Moscow for a long time.

Borisova confirmed that the court announced the deprivation of her parental rights, while she cannot return to Russia, fearing to lose the progress achieved in treatment. Now the star will be able to see her daughter only in the presence of her father for an hour.

“I think this decision is unfair. I will not interrupt my recovery. I want to get well myself and help other addicted people, ”said Borisova.

In June 2017, Dana Borisova on Instagram announced that she would interrupt treatment in Thailand for one day. Soon, the girl published a photo from a Moscow hotel, confirming her stay in Russia.

“I am happy that my example inspires millions of people who are now“ in trouble ”, and that I can simply tell you what a powerful thing rehabilitation is. All the details are in the next issue of Let Them Talk, ”Borisova said on Instagram.

Having visited the program “Let them talk”, Dana talked about her experiences and the course of treatment, shared her plans for the future, stating that everything had changed for the better. Borisova noted that she had already recovered and would never use drugs again. According to the TV presenter, she plans to open her own rehabilitation center in order to help people who not only suffer from drug addiction, but also find themselves in difficult life situations.

TV projects

  • Army store
  • Last Hero 3: Lost
  • City of women
  • Last Hero 5: Super Game
  • Domino principle
  • This morning
  • Business morning

Account: danaborisova_official

Occupation: TV presenter and actress

Dana Borisova Instagram has 48 thousand subscribers and 97 different publications. Dana uploads a variety of material to her instagram, where we can find beautiful pictures and video recordings both by the TV presenter separately and with a large number of acquaintances, relatives and celebrities. Dana Borisova is a frequenter of Russian television, therefore, she is perhaps the most famous blonde in the media space.

Dana Borisova's Instagram is the hallmark of the TV presenter and actress. Quite often, Instagram content is replenished with new colorful photos. Dana Borisova has an excellent appearance, which is emphasized by vivid photographs. In many photographs, you can see the daughter of the TV presenter. Under each photo, you can find a detailed description of it, which attracts even more interest from Dana's fans. Under the photos you can find various comments from fans and acquaintances. Very often, the actress responds to comments.

Dana Borisova photos from Instagram are stunning photos of the TV presenter that reveal her interests and show different sides Everyday life... Instagram shows us Dana's social circle, her friends, her priorities and life goals.

Biography of Dana Borisova

Dana Borisova biography: the future actress and TV presenter was born in the small Belarusian town of Mozyr on June 13, 1976. Dana was not yet a year old when she and her family moved to Norilsk. Thus, the future celebrity lived in a harsh Russian winter. Dana was a versatile child: she received good grades at school, mastered playing the piano, attended various circles. Moreover, the girl spent a lot of time with her younger sister, playing an important role in her upbringing.

The biography of Dana Borisova highlights the moment that she appeared on the screen at the age of sixteen. A little later, she began to host the TV show "Congratulations". Further stages of the biography can be distinguished:

  • In 1993 she entered the Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov;
  • In the same 1993, Dana got a job in the program "Army Shop";
  • In 1996, Borisova became one of the first TV presenters in the post-Soviet space to appear in the Playboy magazine;
  • In 1997, she left the Army Store, after which she returned and after a while left it again;
  • In 2002 she was awarded the title of the most popular girl on the Russian-speaking Internet;
  • In 2005 she was invited to play the leading role in the show "Domino Principle";
  • She starred in the movie "Bear Hunt", which appeared on the screen in 2007;
  • Currently, Dana is an infrequent guest on television, however, on the Peretz channel, he has been running the Mashina program since 2014.

Thanks to her attractive appearance, intelligence and bright charisma, the charming TV presenter Dana Borisova could easily win the love of the public and turned into one of the most famous stars of Russian show business. Despite a brilliant career and great popularity, the blonde beauty had to face many difficulties, both in her creative and personal life. However, the experienced trials did not break the girl, and she, not paying attention to the difficulties, continues to stubbornly move towards her goals.

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Borisova Dana Alexandrovna was born on June 13, 1976 in Belarus, in the small town of Mozyr. Soon after the birth of the child, her parents decided to move to the city of Norilsk, it was here that the girl spent all her childhood and adolescence.

A few years later, another baby was born in the family. However, even despite the appearance of his sister, the future TV star with early years the feeling of loneliness did not leave. The girls' parents spent most of their time at work, so they had to stay at home alone. In addition, the cold Norilsk climate was not conducive to frequent walks, and the sisters were rarely given the opportunity to play outside with other children. The girl did not have a relationship with her peers even in adolescence. The thin excellent pupil did not arouse the interest of her classmates, moreover, for her good grades she was often teased as a “crammer”.

Nevertheless, the parents devoted a lot of time to the creative development of the girl. Dana went to various circles and for several years studied at the music school to play the piano. One day she saw an ad for a local television and radio company recruiting for a television journalism course. The girl decided to participate in the competition and successfully passed a strict casting.

For the first time on the television screen, a young blonde appeared at the age of 16. She worked as an announcer for a local television channel, as well as a presenter in the youth program "Zebra" and in the program "Congratulations".

After leaving school, Dana decided to continue her television career and, leaving Norilsk, went to conquer Moscow. The girl entered the Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov in 1993 and in the same period got a job in the popular TV show "Army Shop". It was very difficult to combine a career and training, so two years later the TV presenter dropped out of school, preferring to work. This decision turned out to be very successful for her, and soon she gained incredible popularity. For Russian soldiers, the charming blonde has become a real sex symbol; every day she received many love letters from fans from all over the country. Dana Borisova also liked this state of affairs.

Despite a dizzying career, not everything went smoothly in the life of a TV presenter. She had to get from work to home in the late evenings by train, since her family moved to Sergiev Posad. In addition, soon the girl's parents decided to divorce, her father returned to Belarus, and her mother moved to Moscow.

In 1996, the sexy blonde was invited to appear in Playboy magazine. Dana Borisova became one of the first Russian stars to be published in this well-known publication. This event prompted an investigation by the Ministry of Defense. However, it was after filming in the magazine that the girl's popularity reached unprecedented heights.

The TV presenter left the Army Store program in 1997, then she returned briefly, but after a while she decided to finally leave the project. In 2003, the girl took part in the popular program "The Last Hero - 3". Living conditions on the island turned out to be too difficult for the fragile blonde, so she soon left the show.

In the wake of popularity, the young woman was invited to the First Channel to broadcast the program "City of Predators". In 2005, she began working for NTV, in the Domino Principle program, where she appeared before the fans in a new, more strict and serious manner. After the closure of the program, Dana hosted the TV show "This Morning" for two years, which she left in connection with the birth of a child. The talented presenter returned to work in 2012, she began to host the program "Business Morning" on RBC.

In 2015, the girl announced that she had changed her profession and will now work as a PR manager for a clinic specializing in cosmetology and practical surgery. The former TV presenter is still engaged in this activity, she declares that she is very pleased with her work, because now she has the opportunity to devote more time to her family.

Personal life

In 2005, Dana Borisova began dating businessman Maxim Aksenov, and two years later gave birth to a girl from him, whom she named Polina. The child was not even a year old when the couple broke up. This event plunged the girl into severe depression, according to rumors, she even began to abuse alcohol.

After parting with her common-law husband, the blonde beauty had several more high-profile novels, which, however, did not last long. In 2015, Dana Borisova officially registered a relationship with businessman Andrei Troshchenko, the wedding took place with relatives and friends in one of the best Moscow restaurants.

You think it's easy to be a boyfriend Dana Borisova? No matter how it is. For example, Dana Borisova believes that a man should definitely earn more than her and have his own home, where he will bring her - preferably a country house. So if you are a simple engineer, doctor or manager, then look away Dana Borisova alas, not worth it. Dana Borisova often mistaken with the choice of men, or were they mistaken in putting their eyes on her? This lady did not have a long-term relationship. As soon as she began to give interviews about her happy family life, how the connection with her beloved collapsed according to incomprehensible to us, but most likely obvious to the most Dana Borisova reasons.

Can't name Dana Borisov an absolutely stupid person, but, frankly, I am amazed that this lady can be original, witty, her humor is interesting, she often thinks sensibly, but everything that concerns her attitude to men and money depresses me. I never post just photos of stars on my blog, I read their interviews, watch projects, films, TV shows with their participation. Sometimes you read one interview - and it seems that the star is adequate, then you read the second, third, and the new knowledge that I gained about a certain person of interest to me, like beads strung on top of each other, you get a necklace. But a bead will not work out of one bead, and in general my judgments are not groundless. Per Dana Borisova I have been observing for a long time, I notice everything that happens to this bright young lady, and, to be honest, I am very sorry for this beauty, because in her life everything could have turned out differently if she had not been so thirsty for a good, beautiful life, if she could have fallen in love a man not for expensive gifts: cars, jewelry, trips, but simply as a person, as a person, to abstract from all these handouts. This is what I read in an interview. Dana Borisova... A certain peasant began to look after her, immediately she really did not like him on the outside, but on the fourth day of acquaintance he gave her a new one Range rover, mom Are given expensive jewelry, daughter Polina filled up with gifts, and that's it! Dana Borisova she looked at her boyfriend with completely different eyes, now he no longer seemed to her just an ugly friend, warmth appeared in her gaze, as a result - she allowed him to begin to wander behind her.

Men have Dana Borisova there were a lot, in every relationship she threw herself into a whirlpool with her head, becoming older she became more restrained, but she did not stop making mistakes in people.

Started her career Dana Borisova in a programme "Army shop", many people watched this program thanks to the gorgeous blonde. With time Dana Borisova began to lead other programs: Domino Principle, "This morning", talk show "You suit us"(by the way, it is on this program Dana Borisova picked up another boyfriend, who eventually turned out to be a small gigolo with her words).

Recently Dana Borisova very unhappy, she became disillusioned with life, became withdrawn, she developed phobias, and after the scandalous release of the program "Let them talk" with Andrey Malakhov, it became clear (from the words of the mother Are given) that the TV presenter suffers from drug addiction and urgently needs treatment. Dana Borisova unlocked as best she could, but in the end flew out for rehabilitation in Thailand, paid for the clinic "First" channel.

In this photo you see Dana Borisov with her ex-husband Andrey Tishchenko... The marriage of these two lasted only 8 months. By the way Andrey Dan took away from the family, because it seemed to her that once in eight years Andrey and his wife, the model, did not have children, that something is wrong between them, which means that we need to act - urgently get a man out of such an inferior family.

And in this wedding photo you see Dana Borisov, her daughter Polina, ex-husband Andrey Tischuk... The young people planned to live the rest of their lives together, but in fact, eight months were enough for them ...

Take a look at this photo, Dana Borisova very often abuses foundation, chooses the wrong tone and distributes the product unevenly over the face.

Take a look at this photo Dana Borisova, once this glamorous blonde decided to have a breast augmentation. New, huge breasts Dana Borisova began to demonstrate to others with pride.

And here is a photo Dana Borisova very strange. Probably she dressed up like that for some show, and after filming she decided to drink tea with lemon in a cafe.

Take a look at this photo Dana Borisova, this is how she looked in her youth. As you can see, she slightly corrected her nose and pumped up her lips a little, well, and enlarged her breasts accordingly.

On this photo Dana Borisova and her daughter Pauline... To celebrate your child's birthday, Dana Borisova wants no money, no time, no imagination!

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