
Why vomiting occurs. Causes of vomiting with liquid, liquid, why it is very liquid, causes. Natural remedies against nausea

Vomiting is a reflex protective reaction of the body, aimed at emptying the stomach from its contents. This is due to the reduction of abdominal muscles, to a greater degree of diaphragm. The process is regulated by a vomiting center in the brain. Causes of vomiting diverse. To determine them, analyze the nature of the vomit. They are of different colors and contain impurities of untapped products, mucus, blood, bile.

Causes of vomiting associated pathology of digestive organs

This is the most frequent reasonsin which vomiting occurs. It develops, as a rule, after meals and is associated with inflammatory processes mucosa.


With the indentation of the stomach, each person faced. It is caused by the reception of severe or poor-quality food, also happens when overeating. Vomiting with this state is one-time. After it always comes noticeable relief. The general condition is satisfactory. A person after 1-2 hours can quietly return to the usual way of living and the routine of the day. Massows contain pieces of products and mucus in small quantities.

First aid - refuse to eat any products for 2-3 hours to give the stomach pause for recovery, refuse until the end of the day from physical activity. If this happened in the workplace, and the activity is related to exerciseIf possible to make small breaks (5-7 minutes) every hour.

Acute intestinal infections (OKI)

Oka or gastroenteritis - frequent and dangerous reason. One of the main symptoms is a frequent vomiting, which arises as a result of the damage to the mucous membranes of the GST pathogenic microorganisms. The most frequent pathogens that lead to such a state are intestinal wand, staphylococcus, dysentery, cholera, abdominal typhoid, botulism.

When gastroenteritis vomiting is repeated, heavily transferred to man, worsens general health, very dehydicing the body. Concomitant symptoms - diarrhea (sometimes up to 15 times a day), high temperature, intoxication. The chair and vomit mass can contain a large amount of mucus, untapped food, with a severe course of the disease - blood and pus.

The main task in providing assistance to the victim is to prevent critical dehydration of the body. For this, the patient must drink at least 4 liters of water per day. The rapid loss of the fluid will lead to a high concentration of toxins in the blood and, as a result, - brain poisoning and kidney stop.

The reason may be the enzymatic lack of pancreas. Lack of enzymes - proteases, amylase, lipase, steakin, nucleases. This leads to the fact that the food received is not digested in full, not split into proteins, fats, carbohydrates and, as a result, does not digest in the intestine.

Vomiting arises after a person ate fat, fried, smoked food. After 1-2 hours, characteristic symptoms are developing - nausea, constant vomiting (every hour), one-time liquid chair. The first time the food is evacuated from the stomach, then vomiting gastric juice appears. Such a state happens with acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of a chronic form of the disease.

Another functional disorder is a violation of the development of bile, the difficulty of the outflow, its cast in the stomach. It happens when the gallbladder is inflammation (cholecystitis) or the presence of stones, obstruction of bile ducts (dyskinesia), inflammation of the liver (hepatitis).

Giving help:

  1. The patient to organize fasting the first day after the attack.
  2. During the week, assign a discharge diet to remove inflammation.
  3. In order to unload the pancreas, daily during meals take enzymes - Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim, Festal.
  4. But-SPAP with vomiting bile in children and adult shows when there are pronounced pains in the right hypochondrium. It will remove the spasm of smooth muscles and facilitates the state.

Chemical or Medical Poisoning

Causes of vomiting - the penetration of poisoning substances into the body. Promotional factors - neglect of safety equipment when working with poisonous substances, an accident, household chemical poisoning.

Toxic chemical compounds when entering the gastrointestinal tract is affected by the mucous membrane, it changes its structure and violate the functionality. The degree of lesion depends on the concentration and volume of the substance that penetrated inside. The first and affects the esophagus and stomach, they destroy more than other organs. Chemical burns can cause:

  • hyperemia (redness), inflammation;
  • erosion, ulcers;
  • thinning of the organ;
  • necrosis (death);
  • split (break) walls.

In the body of the victim, protective mechanisms are triggered and vomiting occurs. If the poisoning substances fell through the respiratory tract, man is sick. If vomit urge appeared - this is a sign of brain damage.

With chemical poisoning, it is impossible to wash the stomach yourself. This will increase the degree and area of \u200b\u200bthe burn.

The constant nausea and vomiting are from systematic overdose of drugs. The reason is non-compliance with the treatment regimen, an independent increase in the received dose. This is especially true of patients who take neuroleptics - narcotic drugs from insomnia, migraine, mental disorders. These drugs are able to cause an abstineent syndrome - dependence that requires an increase in dosage.

Causes of vomiting associated with the damage to the nervous system and other internal organs

The reason for which a person has constant vomiting is observed, there may be irritation of a vomit, which is placed in the oblong brain.

Finding into the body, the alcohol is quickly absorbed through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and rushes to the brain. With exceeding permissible norms Inxication of consumed alcoholic beverage is developing. The immentable vomiting is not associated with the hit of ethanol in the stomach, but with the poisoning of the brain. Depending on the degree of intoxication, it can be one-time or multiple.

Vomnot indicates a severe degree of poisoning. Alcohol destroys blood cells and brain, leads to oxygen starvation. In this case, vomit urge - harbing respiratory disorders and cardiac activity, up to their stop.

Diseases and injuries of the nervous system

The defeat of the central nervous system under which vomiting appears:

  1. Infectious diseases - meningococcal infection. If you get into the body, the causative agent quickly multiplies. With its death, endotoxins are distinguished, which rapidly destroy blood vessels, mucous membranes, often cause the development of infectious toxic shock. Symptoms are a sharp pain in the head, eyeballs, vomiting, high tactile sensitivity, irritation on the light, sound.
  2. A concussion of the brain - happens with bumps, blows, collisions. Factors - domestic, sports and production injuries, criminal incidents. As a result, neurons functionality is violated. Symptoms are one-time vomiting, surface and frequent breathing, slow heartbeat, memory disorder.
  3. The compression of the brain - occurs as a result of filling the cranial-brain space with blood, intracerebral fluid. Brain infringement - life threatening condition. It develops as a result of mechanical injury. Symptoms - multiple vomiting, strong headache, psychomotor arousal, high blood pressure, epileptic cramps.

Nausea, vomiting, pain in the occipital region are signs of a sharp increase in blood pressure to critical numbers. The instability of circulation in the brain, the increased voltage of blood vessels has an impact on the dump center. With systolic arterial pressure Over 200 mm Hg. Art. A strong multiple vomiting may begin in the patient. Accompanying symptoms - chills, headache, swelling of the face and limbs, sharp decay of forces, seven-resistant state.

The appearance of a hypertensive crisis contributes to stress, nervous shock, meteorological conditions, physical exertion.

Causes of vomiting in children

In children, the causes of vomiting depend on age features. Breasts have frequent joins due to overproing. Or as an adaptation reaction to new conditions of the body's life. Babies vomiting for no reason - frequent phenomenon.

Development factors vomiting in children:

  • Congenital developmental anomalies internal organs digestive system.
  • Immature vestibular apparatus - indicating in automotive transport.
  • Dyspeptic disorders - food, not suitable age, unsuitable baby food, incorrect administration of dust.
  • Vomiting as a reaction to the reception of pharmacological preparations.
  • Allergic reactions to products.
  • Foreign body in the throat, esophagus or stomach.

Identification of the causes of vomiting allows you to determine what to do in one case, what measures to take to eliminate and prevent the symptom.

Vomot in medicine is called a complexoreflex actor, in which the contents of the stomach comes through the mouth. This may happen because of the irritation of the vomiting center of the brain by various stimuli. The muscles of the abdominal press are reduced, the esophagus is expanding, the person feels a sickening nausea, his breathing is heard, he begins to stand out, it makes involuntary swallowing movements and as a result, the vomits are pulled out.

Often, this unpleasant symptom indicates a serious disease, and therefore in this article will find out why there is constant vomiting.

Causes of vomiting

Vomiting in poisoning
Most often, vomiting appears as a protective reaction of the body in the event of toxins and other stimuli in the stomach. It may be poisoning food, alcohol and narcotic substances, medicines, poisons, chemicals or carbon monoxide. In this case, a person needs emergency assistance to doctors, washing the stomach and receiving sorbents that prevent toxins suction by the walls of the stomach.

Vomiting during acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal
Long vomiting almost always accompanies acute gastric diseases. In this case, this symptom is complemented by pain in the abdomen. If vomiting provokes acute gastritis, in the vomit masses you can find bile. If vomiting is a sign of peptic ulcer, in the contents of the stomach there are blood impurities and mucus, and the patient's condition is accompanied by pain in the opposite region.

The narrowing of the weekend of the gatekeeper due to the scarring of ulcers or the education in the stomach malignant tumor It is also accompanied by abundant vomiting with an acidic stomach content. Vomiting in this case is so strong that the human body is very quickly dehydrated. As a rule, faces with organic stenosis of the gatekeeper already in the first appeal to the doctor need urgent administration of the glucose solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution.

The bloody vomiting is extremely dangerous, which may indicate the erosion of the vessel with a duodenal ulcer or a stomach ulcer, about the break of the varicose-extended vein, about the decay of the tumor of the stomach or hemorrhagic diathesis. The masses at the same time contain Aluu, or just curved blood. If the blood was delayed in the stomach before vomiting for some time, under the action of hydrochloric acid, it becomes like a coffee thickness.

Vomiting for diseases of the CNS
This is an unpleasant condition, which is also called the "brain" vomiting, may arise as a result of a brain circulation disorder, with hypertensive crisis, migranes, injuries and brain edema, meningitis and brain tumors. The cunning of this vomit lies in the fact that it appears suddenly, and neither nausea, or pain, no salivation in these cases arises. Only a qualified doctor after a number of diagnostic events will be able to identify the cause of this state.

Vomiting for the disease of the abdominal cavity
Often, a vomit reflex accompanies diseases such as pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis or a hepatic colic attack. Accompanied by vomiting and attack of acute appendicitis. The accompanying symptom here is pain in the right hypochondrium. When abundant vomiting has a sharp evil smell, it is quite possible that the patient develops intestinal obstruction.

Vomiting with myocardial infarction
In the acute stage of the infarction, vomiting can also be observed, which is often the cause of diagnostic errors. To put the correct diagnosis, the doctor should ask the patient about the attacks of the angina and the presence of prudged pain.

Vomiting sugar diabetes
In the case of decompression of diabetes, or with increasing insulsion deficiency, there is also a constant vomiting. It is a sign of a diabetic precance, and therefore urgent help should be provided in this state. Take care of yourself!

Nausea and vomiting They are two similar, often concomitant protective phenomenon, which are provided for by nature as reflexes that are not amenable to conscious control. Nausea and vomiting are designed to cleanse the digestive tract from harmful, according to the body, substances, despite the fact that these substances can not fall into the blood from the intestine. So, for example, there are examples in medical practice that a person is nauseous and tears from some particular smells, tastes and even paints. Nausea and vomiting can be symptoms of various diseases.

Externally vomiting is an uncontrolled eruption of the contents of the stomach through the mouth, and in some cases through the nose. Absolutely all the reflexes, to which vomiting also applies, are paths that carry the momentum team to the organs that perform it, such as the muscles of the diaphragm, the stomach, the chest. Vomot may cause irritation of any portion of the reflex path. All components of the reflex pathway do not have to be involved. Understanding this fact is necessary to find out for what reason vomiting appeared.

The frequency of vomiting depends on many factors, such as age, gender, individual features of a person. For example, women suffer from vomiting more often than men, And children (especially in adolescence) More than adults. Also more often than others, vomiting arises from people with a tendency to "tech", as well as with an increased nervous excitability.

Causes of vomiting

The causes of vomiting can be the following:
1. Disease gasts:
sharp surgical diseases: peritonitis, acute pancreatitis, acute intestinal obstruction, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, acute cholecystitis;
chronic diseases: gastritis, ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum, enterocolitis, duodenitis, biliary disease;
anomalies of the development of the gastrointestinal organs: the narrowing of the gatekeeper (stenosis), the infection of the area of \u200b\u200bthe gastrointestinal tract (atresia), defects in the development of the pancreas;
infections of the gastrointestinal tract: virus lesions, food toxicoinfection, helminthiasis,
stomach's foreign bodies, esophagus, intestines,
functional disorders that are accompanied by a violation of the intestinal motor function, stomach.
2. CNS diseases: Tumors and brain injuries, brain infection (encephalitis, meningitis), elevated intracranial pressure.
3. Diseases of cardio-vascular system: Hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction.
4. Diseases of the inner ear: Mulence disease, maze.
5. Diseases endocrine system: In diabetes mellitus - ketoacidosis, thyrotoxicosis, insufficiency of adrenal function, phenylketonuria.
6. Side effect medicinal preparations and penetration into the body of toxic substances.
7. Psychogenic reactions: Fear and anxiety, hysterics, as an expression of some emotions - familiar vomiting.
8. Vomiting and nausea may be the result of "pointing".
9. Often vomiting appears in women in the first trimester of pregnancy, during toxicosis (gestosis).

Vomiting and nausea are found in many diseases. As a rule, nausea should be before vomiting, and vomiting causes a sense of relief in a patient. But this is not always the same, so the presence or absence of nausea is one of the main criteria for diagnosis.

Vomiting in children

IN childhood Vomiting may be a reaction to many types of infections, nasopharynx disease. This is due to the fact that the mechanisms of the occurrence of vomiting reflexes in this age gap are not yet formed finally. Often vomiting in children can be consequence of negative emotional reactions. It should not be confused by vomiting in infants and tightening a small part of food after feeding, and vice versa: abundant and frequent jerking after feeding should be distinguished from vomiting, which is associated with intestinal pathology and stomach.

Vomiting in infectious diseases

With such a group of diseases, such as acute intestinal infections, vomiting in most cases accompanying symptoms of intoxication: weakness, fever, pain in joints and muscles. In many cases, vomiting precedes diarrhea or these symptoms occur at one time. In such cases, vomiting brings a sick sense of relief. Such diseases include: edible toxicoinfection, salmonellosis, cholera, yersiniosis. In addition, vomiting may be present under gliscate invasions.

In the group of acute common infections, almost every acute infectious disease includes signs of intoxication, often - especially if we are talking about children younger age - accompanied by vomiting (in most cases one-time) and diarrhea.

Concerning infectious diseases The brain and its shells should be noted that with the defeat of the shells of the brain to the signs of general intoxication, pronounced vomiting is added, a pronounced headache, a consciousness confusion may later be observed. A distinctive feature of such vomiting can be called that it is not preceded by nausea, and after it the patient does not feel relief.

Vomiting with blood

An important factor in establishing the causes of vomiting is the contents of the poles. For example, if they are constantly present red blood blood This testifies to the presence of bleeding from the upper stomach departments (Meloro-Weix syndrome), esophagus or blood vessels. The blood entered into the reaction with gastric juice will be painted in a brown color ("Coffee Human"). If there is an impurity of such blood in the lots of such blood, this indicates the presence of bleeding from the stomach or, in more rare cases, from the duodenum.

Vomiting with blood can testify to bleeding from the stomach ulcers or duodenal intestine, in patients with a diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver - about bleeding from the extended veins of the esophagus. If there is an admixture of foam in vomiting with blood, this is in most cases a sign of pulmonary bleeding.

In erosive gastritis, it is also possible to appear vomiting with a slight admixture of blood.

Vomiting with biliary

If the vomit is painted in yellow or green And they have a bitter taste, we can talk about what is bile. The presence in the vomits of bile may indicate two facts: 1) or it was simply abandoned in the stomach, 2) or we are talking about the obstruction of the duodenum. Only in a small percentage of cases to vomiting, helminths, pus (phlegmon stomach), bodies of foreign origin can be mixed.

The time of vomiting

The reason for the occurrence of vomiting can also be judged by knowing her time (vomiting) appearance. The ultimate time of vomiting occurs in pregnant women, when alcoholic gastritis and diseases of the brain. If vomiting arises in the afternoon, it may be associated with diseases accompanied by disruption of the evacuation of gastric content. With ulcerative disease and gastritis vomiting manifests itself after meals.

Smell vomiting

By the smell of vomit, it is possible to judge not only about the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, sour odor vomiting It may indicate ulcerative disease or other processes with increased acid formation. If food in the stomach is struck, will be observed mashed smell of vomit masses. In the intestinal obstruction for the vomit characteristic the smell of feces. When using alcohol surrogates or technical fluids of vomiting will have a characteristic the smell of chemicals. With renal failure of vomiting smells ammonia, and with diabetes - acetone.

Patient examination with vomiting

If the diagnosis is carried out according to the symptoms of vomiting, it is necessary to use, in addition to the traditional detailed patient survey, instrumental and laboratory research methods:
clinical blood test. It is needed in order to find out the nature of the disease (whether it is infectious or any other).
blood chemistry. It will help to assess the function of almost any organ, learn the level of glucose in the body, as well as the level of metabolic products.
fibrogastroduodenoscopy It is necessary to eliminate diseases of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum.
x-ray homemade with the use of radiocontrase substances. With this procedure, you can identify the disease throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract.
additional diagnostic methods: cT scan, ECG, ultrasound studies.

Treatment of vomiting

To get rid of vomiting, first of all it is necessary to identify the reason that caused it. For symptomatic treatment of vomiting, various groups of drugs are used:
with non-knowledge vomiting: neuroleptics (Etperazin, Galloperidol), Tranquilizers (phenozepam, diazepam);
in vomiting caused by diseases of the inner ear, antihistamines are used (Diemenhydrinate, industrial hydrochloride).

During symptomatic treatment, pre-fin antagonists are given the greatest effect. (Cerukal, metoclopramide). Similar to drugs of this group cisprid (stimulator of the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract) has a large peripheral effect, in addition, he does not have some side effects metoclopramid.

In vomiting caused by chemotherapy when oncological diseases, Serotonin receptor antagonist drugs are used (Ribeetron, Ondansetron, Tropeetron).

To avoid dehydration of the body and violation of the electrolyte balance with frequent vomit used solutions: for internal use - recider For intravenous administration - ringer's solution.

Folk treatments vomiting

Treat vomiting using funds folk Medicine At home, it is recommended using brake brands:
soothing effect: Melissa, Valerian, Mint,
soothing and antispasmodic effect on the gastric mucous membrane: dill, chamomile.

As long as the cause of vomiting is established, you should refrain from meals. If vomiting has opened in a child, do not self-medicate, seek help to doctors.

From the article you will learn what can be causes of nausea and vomiting, possible means relief. These two sensations, in fact, are closely related to each other and may depend on both pathological and nonpatological reasons.

What is nausea: mechanisms and sources

Nausea is a subjective feeling of the upcoming vomiting. Fights, mainly in the field of epigastria, that is, in the abdomen.

It can manifest as a light feeling, that is, warns you of possible vomit, but this does not happen, or maybe the symptom followed by the act of vomiting, and in this case is accompanied by muscle spasms in the field of respiratory organs.

When nausea appears

You cannot determine the exact time in which there will be nausea and vomitingHowever, there are conditions and even the reasons that predispose the emergence of these disorders.

The main ones are:

  • In the morning: Morning nausea often happens during pregnancy, or may appear if you quickly get out of bed and do not give the body to adjust the blood pressure.
  • Before eating: The feeling of nausea can be associated with hunger. If we are starving for too long, we can experience nausea with spasms in the stomach caused by hunger.
  • After meal: This is a classic nausea that arises when we eat too much or suffer from gastrointestinal disorders.
  • At night: Night nausea can be caused by pregnancy or body position during sleep, in the second case, it can be a symptom of gastroofic reflux.

Pathological causes of nausea

Nausea is one of the most common nonspecific symptoms. For many diseases can cause nausea and even vomiting.

In general, the following states can be distinguished, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting:

  • Gastric problems: Nausea can be one of the symptoms of the stomach diseases, such as ulcers, gastritis and GERB. In this case, the feeling of vomiting more often appears on an empty stomach or when you are in the position of lying.
  • Intestinal disorders: Maltacks in the intestines can also cause nausea, among them - an irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis, which, besides nausea and vomiting, are manifested by diarrhea or constipation, an unpleasant smell of mouth and meteorism.
  • Problems of gallbladder: The inflammation of the gallbladder and the gall-stone disease can cause a feeling of nausea, which is accompanied by pain in the epigastric area, mainly after eating or after eating with high fat content.
  • Heart diseases: Decompensation of the heart or myocardial infarction may have subsequent symptoms of nausea, accompanied by tachycardia, rapid heartbeat, sweating and dizziness.
  • Labyrinthitis: Inflammation at the level of the EU labyrinth changes the perception of the balance of the subject, which can manifest itself with such violations as nausea, vomiting and dizziness, very strong.
  • Liver diseases: Serious liver diseases, such as liver or tumor cirrhosis, can lead to nausea associated with jaundice, stubborn fatigue and lack of appetite.
  • Thyroid problems: diseases that affect the thyroid gland, such as hyperthyroidism, can also manifest themselves with nausea and vomiting associated with diarrhea, anxiety and weakness.
  • Violations B. cervical department : Those who suffer from diseases at the level of cervical vertebrae, arthrosis or pinching of the vertebrae of the neck, may experience a feeling of nausea associated with severe dizziness.

Nepatological causes of nausea and vomiting

The causes of nausea not related to diseases are more numerous and can be associated with certain conditions or actions that are performed during the day.

Among the nonpathological reasons, we have:

  • Pregnancy: Nausea after childbirth is a common state of women. As a rule, it appears at the beginning of pregnancy and lasts throughout the first trimester, although it is often persisted during the entire period of pregnancy. Nausea during pregnancy is associated with a change in the level of hormones, which occurs in a woman, and, in the first place, is the appearance of chorionic gonadotropin, pregnancy hormone, which leads to the appearance of nausea.
  • Menstrual cycle: Nausea can also appear in different periods menstrual cycle women. Those who suffer from premenstrual syndrome may encounter this feeling a few days before the cycle. In these cases, nausea is closely related to changes in hormones.
  • Vision: Fatigue of view, for example, during a long-term work at a computer or addiction to new points, can lead to the emergence of a painful feeling of nausea.
  • Low pressure: After intensive physical activity, such as run, or when it is very hot, a sharp decrease in blood pressure is possible. One of the symptoms of low pressure is the feeling of nausea, accompanied by dizziness, coldly, and a feeling of fainting.
  • Anxiety and stress: The difficult state of anxiety can lead to the occurrence of abdominal pain, which is accompanied by sweating, dizziness and nausea. Nausea in this case has psychosomatic origin.
  • Movement disease: More famous as "sea disease", that is, a feeling of nausea and ailments, which occurs when you are in motion, for example, in a car or on a ship. This disorder is associated with changes in the equilibrium bodies located in the inner ear. Symptoms are classic - nausea, vomiting, pallor and sweating. This is one of the main causes of nausea in children.
  • Alcohol abuse: You can experience nausea with excessive alcohol consumption. The effect of alcohol on the gastric mucous membrane can be the cause of nausea.
  • Smoking: Cigarettes can cause nausea. In this case, the feeling is the reaction to nicotine contained in tobacco and inhaled smoke.
  • Medicine: Chemotherapeutic drugs are most often responsible for the occurrence of nausea and vomiting. This is due to the composition of chemotherapeutic drugs: very aggressive capable of stimulating both the center of vomiting and gastrointestinal, Causeing nausea. Another drug that may cause nausea is birth control pills. Among other drugs that can cause nausea should be noted antibiotics.
  • Caffeine: The substance contained in coffee may be responsible for the appearance of nausea in two ways. First, excessive coffee consumption can lead to the problems of the stomach, irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and the appearance of nausea. Secondly, the abstinence from caffeine can manifest itself with such symptoms as headache and nausea.
  • Food: When you exceed normal food intake, nausea can appear as a stomach protection mechanism.

Natural remedies against nausea

Natural remedies are suitable for the struggle with the nausea of \u200b\u200bany kind, caused by diseases, after delivery, from the reception of drugs.

Of natural resources, the most commonly used:

Lemon juice It is one of the most famous and ancient means from nausea. It is enough to add lemon juice to hot water, and then drink everything.

Products against nausea: Especially recommended to combat nausea during pregnancy. These products help prevent nausea and fight if it has already appeared. Among such products, crackers, cookies, and bread, preferably from whole grains, as well as mint and mint-based products are noted. From other products you can use potatoes, pasta, white rice and bananas. But should be avoided fatty products, fried food and strong spices that can increase the feeling of nausea.

Licorice: Excellent remedy against nausea - the root of licorice, which, being eaten, reduces the feeling of nausea. However, has a side effect - increase pressure.

Wheat germ: contain vitamin B6 and especially useful against nausea. Add a couple of teaspoons into warm milk and drink several times a day, if necessary.

Fermented milk: If nausea is caused by antibiotics or intestinal problems associated with diarrhea or abdominal pains, the enzymes of lactic acid can be taken, which restores the intestinal flora.

Apple vinegar: To reduce nausea, apple vinegar is diluted in natural water, which is added to a teaspoon of honey. You should take in the evening.

Rice water: Water after boiling rice contains starch, which helps reduce the feeling of nausea. You can drink several times a day.

  • Melissa: It is useful against nausea caused by alarm or stress state. Contains active ingredients such as essential oils, phenolic acids and triterpene acids. Take in the form of infusion, approximately 40 drops on a glass of water.
  • Dill: its active ingredients - aetol and flavonoids - act on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Take a cave tea from a teaspoon of dill seeds brewed in boiling water. Avoid during pregnancy.
  • Ginger: The root of ginger contains two acids - ethanol and acetone, which suppress the feeling of nausea. You can take it in the form of capsules, in this case it is enough to take two capsules per day containing about 250 g of dry extract, or in the form of infusion, putting a teaspoon of ginger root at 250 ml of hot water. During pregnancy, agree with the gynecologist.

Drug therapy

Drugs against nausea should be taken under the strict observation of the doctor, especially during pregnancy, and only when there is real need Their acceptance, that is, when nausea and vomiting impede daily activities. Dosage and administration mode will be determined by your doctor.

The most common drugs against nausea:

  • Metoclopramid: Suppresses a vomit reflex and, as a result, nausea. You can take during pregnancy, but not recommended for the first quarter.
  • Prokhlorperazine: acts on the center of vomiting, suppressing the feeling of nausea. It should be taken with caution, as the side effects of other drugs can mask.
  • Dexametanone: This is a drug that is a corticosteroid, and is used to get rid of nausea during chemotherapy or after surgery.

Vomiting is a protective reflex of the body and in an adult, and a child. Together with the vomit masses, the contents of the stomach, harmful substances are displayed. An unpleasant phenomenon may occur in case of disorders of the processes in the body. A single vomiting is odorless, no temperature, without diarrhea does not carry danger, but if it is repeated, this is a signal about the development of the disease.

Vomiting is a complex reflector mechanism that is coordinated by the CNS (Central nervous system). Everyone came across with nausea.

The provoking factors are divided into 6 groups:

Typically, this reflexion of the body is preceded by nausea, poor well-beingThe salivation increases, sharp pain in the stomach, dizziness. When vomiting may occur:

  • damage to the esophagus;
  • large fluid losses associated with dehydration and washing minerals;
  • complications of the concomitant disease;
  • aspiration pneumonia - inhalation of the vomit, from which they fall into the nose, respiratory tract (there is a greater danger of night vomiting);
  • damage to the dental enamel gastric juice, if there is a sudden, the mouth cavity is not enough is washed by saliva.

Pay attention to. It indicates pathological processes in the body.


Before man breaks out, the body launches a number of processes. Signs:

First aid for nausea

What needs to be done to help the body cope with vomiting, weaken the attacks of nausea? Try to apply tips:

Remember! Nausea and vomiting is not a disease, but an accompanying symptom that does not occur without reason. If it is involuntary or continuous, then contact medical care. After identifying the cause, you can begin to treat the disease and get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon.

Methods of diagnosis

An important step is the correct diagnosis, studying the history of the disease. Medical examination of the patient finds out questions:

  • The time of emergence is nauseous, (up to / after eating / not related to food);
  • The presence of pain (in the stomach, in the head);
  • Character of discharge - color, content, presence of food, blood, bile, mucus.

In accordance with the responses received, surveys are carried out: laboratory tests of blood and urine, ultrasound, endoscopy, etc.

Diseases accompanied by nausea and vomiting

Some diseases can leak without symptoms. For example, pancreatitis at the old and elderly person proceeds with low-rise features. Therefore, in order to diagnose the cause, it is important to undergo a complete medical examination.


Bringing treatment is necessary after installing the exact cause and diagnosis. To cure the disease, a comprehensive approach to therapy is needed:

At which symptoms urgently cause ambulance

Emergency medical care is required if:

  • It began non-leaving vomiting after a disease associated with inflammatory processes in the body;
  • There were signs of dehydration;
  • High temperature, antipyretic do not help;
  • Invertible pain in the abdomen;
  • There are signs of poisoning, malicious diarrhea;
  • If the selected mass is empty, the urges begin every 5 minutes without nausea, even after water;
  • The child vomiting the fountain at night, without other visible symptoms;
  • Dizziness, faint;
  • Manifestation of other symptoms of the disease.

Prevention includes proper nutrition, identification and elimination of reasons promoting vomiting, prevent recurrence and complications chronic diseases, timely appeal to medical care and treatment.

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