
And complete hypoallergenicity of all components. Features of a hypoallergenic diet: a list of products, catering, recommendations from allergists and nutritionists. Hypoallergenic goat milk products

Under the term allergy, doctors mean a special condition (hypersensitivity) of the body to various substances, upon contact with which various negative reactions appear: redness of the eyelids, skin rash, sneezing, tearing, swelling. A hypoallergenic diet is one of the treatment options for this disease, involving the exclusion of highly allergenic products from the menu. It helps to identify the cause of negative reactions, relieve the burden on the body and improve the immune system.

A hypoallergenic diet is necessarily part of the treatment at the initial stages of an allergological examination. It is prescribed to all children in whom it was not possible to establish the cause of the allergy, to babies with a weakened immune system, with atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, and a history of Quincke's edema. Sometimes hypoallergenic nutrition is also recommended for lactating women in order to prevent allergies in newborns and to improve the quality of breast milk.

General rules

Nutrition for allergies in children should be physiologically complete, but sparing. It is necessary to limit salt intake to 7 grams per day. The preferred culinary processing of products is boiling, stewing, steaming, baking. Prepare the first courses in meat broth with three liquid changes, especially when boiling chicken, fatty meat or fish. It is advisable to eat fractionally, at least 4 times a day.

If the child's feet or fingers swell, bags under the eyes appear after sleep, limit fluid intake to 1-1.2 liters of water per day. Chemical and energy composition hypoallergenic diet for children is as follows:

  • proteins (vegetable and animal) - 90 grams;
  • fats - 80 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 400 grams;
  • daily calorie content of dishes - 2800 kcal.

Before moving on to building a menu, you need to understand the rules of diet therapy:

  • At the first symptoms of an allergy in a child, limit salt intake to a minimum (3-5 grams per day). Since this disease is accompanied inflammatory process, and salt contributes to swelling, you need to remove all pickles from the baby’s menu, including sausages.
  • For the same reason, give your baby more calcium-rich foods. This microelement contributes to the rapid removal of inflammation, and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, teeth and bones. It is better to add cottage cheese, cheese, milk to the menu. If you are allergic to these products, you need to replace them with analogues with the same level of calcium.
  • It is important to remove from the menu not only the main allergens, but also those products that cause a cross-reaction. For example, if a baby is allergic to milk, you need to stop giving him cottage cheese, cream, sour cream.
  • When preparing meals, use only fresh and high-quality products. Do not buy products with dyes, flavors, food additives and various modifiers that lengthen its shelf life.

The duration of the diet can vary from two to three weeks to several months or even years.. When the symptoms of the disease cease to appear, after 2-3 days from the moment of improvement, the excluded foods can be gradually returned to the diet. This should be done strictly one at a time, moving from low-allergenic to high-allergenic. A new ingredient is introduced 1 time in three days. If at the same time an exacerbation appeared, then the last component of the diet is allergenic, and it must be completely abandoned.

Hypoallergenic products

The list of allowed products, as well as the list of prohibited ingredients, may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the small patient. The final version of the menu should be discussed with your doctor. Often, the following products are allowed to be included in the diet of children:

  • meat - boiled beef, skinless chicken fillet, turkey, rabbit;
  • vegetarian soups made from permitted vegetables;
  • vegetable oils - sesame, olive, sunflower;
  • cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, semolina (in limited quantities);
  • dairy products - goat's milk and cheeses from it, curdled milk, natural yogurt;
  • vegetables - cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce, greens, potatoes, green pea, pumpkin, turnip, zucchini, squash;
  • hypoallergenic fruits - green apples, pears, red currants, gooseberries, plums, prunes, peaches, bananas;
  • tea, dried fruit compotes;
  • dried white bread, crackers, unleavened cakes, pita bread.

Sweets for allergy sufferers

If your child suffers from allergies, this is not a reason to completely deny him sweets. Many delicious treats today are easy to replace with healthier foods. As an alternative for kids who love chocolate but are allergic to milk, you can offer a bitter bar high in cocoa or nougat. There is no milk in this product.

A child over one year old can be pleased with marshmallows, marshmallows, waffles with fruit filling. They contain pectin. This element is useful for the body, as it improves the work gastrointestinal tract. When buying such treats, you should carefully read the composition: it should not contain dyes, chocolate, flavors. The following nutritional supplements are of great danger to the child's body:

  • E 321 or butylated hydroxytoluene is a popular antioxidant;
  • E 220-27 - sulfates;
  • E 249-52 - nitrates;
  • E210-19 - derivatives of benzoic acid;
  • E 200-203 - sorbic acid;
  • E 122, 102, 110, 124, 127, 151 - dyes;
  • B 550-553 - flavors;
  • E 621-25 - sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium glutamates.

You can find a good substitute for confectionery products with food additives: dried fruits, homemade ice cream or marmalade, gluten-free pastries, gingerbread. Many kids will be happy to eat frozen juice made from natural fruits, sweet popcorn. Do not offer your baby tartlets, store-bought muffins and other rich pastries with a high content of egg white and margarine. Choose not too sweet and low-fat cookies:

  • oatmeal;
  • cracker;
  • biscuit.

If you want to treat your baby with candy, you should give preference to milk-based sweets without chocolate: Iris, Cow, School. Purchased bars like Snickers and Twix can easily be replaced with pressed muesli, a vitamin treat from a pharmacy - hematogen. If the child is not allergic to honey and nuts, you can include halva in the diet.

Highly allergenic foods

There are many allergens among food products that can provoke unpleasant symptoms, and become very dangerous when the disease worsens. Doctors distinguish such products that negatively affect allergy sufferers:

  • fish and seafood, including caviar;
  • minced meat and meat, in addition to what is listed above;
  • citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • orange and red fruits or berries - pineapples, strawberries, strawberries, grapes, persimmons, melons, pomegranates;
  • vegetables - beets, carrots, tomatoes, celery, radish, radish, horseradish, eggplant;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • confectionery and sweet pastries;
  • eggs;
  • cow's milk and fermented milk products with cow's proteins;
  • wheat
  • spices and sauces - mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, soy;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned, salted and pickled products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • smoked meats.

For children up to a year

If an allergy is detected in a newborn who is on breastfeeding, the principles of a hypoallergenic diet should be followed by a nursing mother. From the menu it is necessary to remove all products that can serve as provocateurs of the disease. At the same time cancel breastfeeding Not recommended. Complementary foods for children with food allergies should be introduced gradually, adding no more than 3-4 new ingredients to the diet per month.

The introduction of complementary foods should start with vegetable purees or cereals without milk, sugar and salt. Acquaintance with a new diet should begin with monocomponent dishes: if it is vegetable puree, then it should consist of one vegetable, porridge - from one cereal. Meat dishes in the baby's menu, experts advise introducing it no earlier than 6 months. Allergy sufferers are better off preparing food from rabbit or turkey fillet. If you prefer to feed your baby with artificial mixtures, choose products without cow protein and casein. Hypoallergenic cereals have proven themselves well:

  • Nutrilak GA;
  • Alphara;
  • Tuttel-peptidi;
  • Nan soy;
  • Similac Hypoallergenic;
  • Nan-2;
  • Nutrilon pepti MSC.

Hypoallergenic diet menu

A child's body fights allergies much better than an adult. In this regard, for children, a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed for short term- up to 10 days. A sample menu for young children with allergies should look like this:

Meal time

Serving volume, grams

viscous buckwheat

Tea or peach juice

biscuit cookies

Vegetarian soup with potatoes and chicken meatballs

steam cutlet

boiled rice

Rosehip decoction


Oatmeal cookies

cabbage salad

Vegetable stew with cauliflower and meat

Tea or kefir

* The amount of lean bread per day should not exceed 150 grams

specific diet

In the presence of various diseases and allergic symptom complexes, with allergies to a particular type of food, doctors prescribe a specific diet. Compared to the general hypoallergenic food system, it has fewer restrictions, but it is very likely that you will have to follow such a scheme throughout your life. Common in young children and adolescents:

  • food allergy;
  • skin allergic reactions;
  • respiratory type allergy.

For food allergies in children

If there is an irritant in the food, the first thing parents should do is take the child to the doctor and ask for an allergy test. When the main trigger allergen is established, it is better to exclude it from the baby’s menu, and along with it, remove the entire chain of cross products. There are several basic diet tables, each of which has its own list of prohibited foods:

  1. Nutrition without milk involves a complete rejection of sour cream, cottage cheese, ice cream, cakes, chocolate, sausages, cow's milk, butter.
  2. A diet for hypersensitivity to chicken protein involves the exclusion of chicken meat, eggs, confectionery products that contain protein, sausages, sausages, mayonnaise.
  3. Diet at food allergies in children for fish, it requires the exclusion from the diet of all canned fish, caviar, seafood, the fish itself (it does not matter, sea or river).
  4. A hypoallergenic diet for children sensitive to cereals implies the exclusion of bread, bakery products, cereals (semolina, pearl barley, barley), pasta, noodles, cookies, bagels, pastries.

For any type of food intolerance, you should completely refuse to eat foods containing food coloring. It is not recommended to include cakes, pastries, puddings covered with sweet icing in the children's diet. In the future, parents should be careful about new dishes and fruits, especially if you plan a family vacation in exotic countries. Refuse dishes, the safety of which for the child's body you are not sure.

For respiratory allergies

If a child has been diagnosed with pollinosis or bronchial asthma, during the exacerbation season, doctors recommend that he follow a hypoallergenic diet that excludes all foods that can cause a cross-reaction. With intolerance to tree pollen, it is advisable to exclude from the diet:

  • Birch juice;
  • carrot;
  • apples, kiwi, pears;
  • nuts - walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds;
  • fruits with stones - plums, cherries, cherries, apricots, peaches;
  • honey and other bee products;
  • herbs and hot spices;
  • potato;
  • tomatoes, onions.

The period of flowering and pollination of cereal crops and meadow grasses falls on the end of May, June-July. At this time, the following allergenic foods for children should be excluded from the diet:

  • strawberries, wild strawberries;
  • citruses;
  • soybeans, legumes;
  • nuts;
  • corn;
  • chicory;
  • sorrel;
  • bee products;
  • kvass;
  • yeast;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • bakery products and pastries;
  • products containing wheat or corn flour, starch - schnitzels, gravies, sauces, meatballs.

With skin

When it comes to allergic dermatitis, hives or skin rashes, eczema, doctors prescribe a general hypoallergenic diet with a standard list of prohibited and allowed foods. This approach helps to calculate the product provocateur of an adverse reaction of the body and subsequently completely exclude it from the children's menu. If atopic dermatitis has been diagnosed, more stringent measures are taken.

The diet for allergies in a child with atopic dermatitis is very tough, it is practiced with severe exacerbation. The meaning of this power scheme is as follows:

  1. The baby’s diet is completely reset for two to three days, that is, all foods that can cause allergies are removed from it.
  2. Then one product is introduced every few days, starting with low-allergenic ones.
  3. If the baby's body responds well to food, allergic reactions do not occur, lean meat, fruits, and dairy products are introduced.
  4. The identified irritant is excluded from the further nutrition scheme.

A hypoallergenic diet is built based on these rules. A sample menu for 11 days looks like this:

  • The first three days the child is given only water and crackers without additives, sweeteners or salt.
  • For 4-5 days, hypoallergenic vegetables are added, mainly in boiled form.
  • On the 6-7th day, one type of lean meat is introduced: beef, tongue (beef, veal, pork), turkey.
  • For 8-9 days, fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat content are added: yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, goat's milk.
  • On the 10-11th day, cereals are introduced.

Recipes for hypoallergenic dishes

A set of allowed products helps to ensure good nutrition for the child and make a varied menu. Hypoallergenic food recipes are available in books and on specialized websites, or you can adapt any family dishes yourself according to the doctor's recommendations. Liquid dishes must be present in the child’s diet - soups, borscht, low-fat broths. They improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Chicken soup with spinach

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 91 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Light soup with spinach belongs to the category diet meals and it can be included in the menu baby food. For meatballs, it is better to use minced meat own cooking from chicken breast. It will definitely not contain any harmful additives, dyes, flavor enhancers. Before preparing the soup, be sure to rinse the spinach well under the tap to get rid of sand and dirt.


  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • minced chicken - 200 g;
  • spinach - 1 bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Make small meatballs out of minced meat.
  2. Cut potatoes into chunks.
  3. Put the meat and potatoes in a saucepan, pour 2 liters of water.
  4. Boil the broth until the potatoes are ready.
  5. Sauté carrots and onions in a pan with a little olive oil.
  6. Add vegetables to the pan, boil for no more than a minute.
  7. Put the washed spinach in a blender, add a ladle of broth. Grind everything until smooth.
  8. Add the spinach to the rest of the ingredients, boil for 1 minute.

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 97 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Dishes for allergic children should be not only healthy, but also tasty. Treat your little one for breakfast with oven baked apples stuffed with muesli. Take large-sized fruits so that the filling can easily fit inside. If your child has an intolerance to bee products, honey can be replaced with maple syrup, but it's best to first make sure this ingredient is safe.


  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • muesli - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon - 1 pinch;
  • maple syrup - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix muesli with cinnamon and maple syrup.
  2. Cut off apples upper part, use a spoon to remove the core.
  3. Start the apple molds with muesli.
  4. Pour 50 ml of water into a baking dish, put apples.
  5. Bake the dessert in the oven or slow cooker at 190 degrees for 15 minutes.


Often, people develop allergies of a different nature after consuming a certain product. Allergic reactions include asthma attacks, rashes on the skin, dark spots and other manifestations. In such situations, doctors recommend adhering to dietary restrictions, but it is better to use a real hypoallergenic diet. hypoallergenic diet is a special diet in which people of a certain age or with any disease are prohibited from eating various kinds of foods.

The advantage of a hypoallergenic diet is not only the relief of attacks of an allergic reaction, but also the gradual restoration of an eating disorder. So, after following a diet for a long time, a person can gradually introduce highly allergenic foods into his diet. Adhering to a hypoallergenic diet is necessary due to possible inconveniences for your continued existence.

Allergies, especially food allergies, are so common today that a person cannot consume the products necessary for normal life - dairy products, semi-finished products and others. After all, an allergic reaction is a reaction of the immune system to the consumed component, which, due to the widespread production of semi-finished products, can be contained in almost every type of product, not to mention ready meals. People with allergies prefer to eat at home because they know for sure that the allergen was not used in the recipe. This makes life uncomfortable, so the hypoallergenic diet should be discussed in more detail.

Allergen products

There is a whole list of highly allergenic foods that can cause a reaction in a child, adult, and the elderly. It should be noted that such reactions are unexpected if they occur for the first time. Immediately after identifying unpleasant symptoms in yourself, you should determine what was consumed the day before and in what quantities.

The antihistamine diet includes a list of foods that are prohibited for consumption:

  • whole milk- a laxative or strict anti-allergic diet excludes the use of whole milk and all dairy products, since they contain a large amount of protein that can lead to a food reaction even in small quantities;
  • cereals- allergens include rice, corn, oats, wheat, rye - everything is explained by the content of gluten and protein in the composition;
  • fruits, vegetables and nuts- their substances most often cause allergies in humans, but after heat treatment, most allergens lose their negative properties, therefore, with a hypoallergenic diet, these products are allowed;
  • eggs- the allergen is egg white, so an allergic reaction may occur on mayonnaise, sauces;
  • seafood- it also contains a certain type of protein that provokes disorders in the immune system.

This is important: If a decision has been made to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, the consumption of the presented allergens should be avoided. Eating highly allergenic foods is prohibited even in the absence of complaints about the occurrence and manifestation of characteristic reactions.

Menu for a week of hypoallergenic diet

A hypoallergenic diet is made individually, so the menu for the week may contain significant differences. Further in the table, a menu is presented for eliminating allergy symptoms and restoring the food system, strengthening immunity. Depending on the types of allergens, each person will have to replace the proposed dishes with acceptable ones for him - it is better to consult a doctor who will make a hypoallergenic diet.

Day of the week Time of use Allowed foods on a hypoallergenic diet
Monday Breakfast Portion of cottage cheese with the addition of low-fat sour cream
Dinner Beef soup with acceptable vegetables, green apple, a glass of yogurt
Dinner Portion of buckwheat boiled on water with stewed vegetables, a glass of berry jelly
Tuesday Breakfast Oatmeal on the water with the addition of dried fruits, green tea
Dinner Vegetable soup with beef or pork, berry compote
Dinner Portion of boiled rice with steamed patty, green apple
Wednesday Breakfast Cheese and butter sandwich, yogurt (preferably natural), tea
Dinner Vegetable broth, a piece of boiled beef, compote
Dinner Mashed potatoes, boiled meat, banana or any other allowed fruit
Thursday Breakfast Portion of boiled pasta with butter, tea, permitted fruit
Dinner Vegetable soup with any kind of meat, dried fruit compote
Dinner Vegetable stew, green apple and tea
Friday Breakfast Any dry biscuits with butter, fruit salad with natural yogurt dressing, tea
Dinner Vegetable broth with steamed meat patty, banana and berry compote
Dinner Wheat porridge with vegetables, tea
Saturday Breakfast Cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits, tea
Dinner Vegetable broth, boiled meat, compote
Dinner Buckwheat porridge boiled in water, natural yogurt, banana
Sunday Breakfast Sandwich with butter, boiled meat, fruit, cup of tea
Dinner Vegetable soup with steamed cutlet, banana a glass of compote
Dinner oatmeal porridge, salad fresh vegetables and herbs, a glass of yogurt

This is important: If you have a severe allergy, dairy products should be replaced with those allowed for a hypoallergenic diet. It is better to consult a doctor - he will determine the products that can be introduced into the diet on an individual basis.

hypoallergenic diet for adults

The anti-allergic diet for adults and children differs significantly due to differences in the immune system. Adults are prohibited from using only the individual allergen product, as well as those varieties that are included in the prohibited list. Otherwise, the hypoallergenic diet advises to diversify the diet so as not to provoke a deficiency of useful trace elements and vitamins. Otherwise, the allergy will only manifest itself to a greater extent.

Practical advice: If there are fears of provoking a new reaction and a hypoallergenic diet is scarce, it is recommended to use a vitamin complex.

Hypoallergenic diet for children

A low-allergenic diet for children is developed only by a doctor based on the results of the examination. Anti-allergic nutrition for children is prescribed for a period of 10 days, after which the prohibited foods are gradually reintroduced into the diet.

Hypoallergenic diet for pregnant and lactating mothers

Pregnant women should adhere to a certain hypoallergenic diet so as not to provoke complications in the development of the fetus, which can even be affected by a food reaction. An allergenic diet for pregnant women is similar to the nutrition of a nursing mother.

Here, with the development of allergies, a limited list of products is allowed, which include:

  • lean meat in the form of rabbit, chicken or beef, the meat is boiled or steamed;
  • buckwheat or oatmeal boiled in water;
  • rye bread in small quantities;
  • a little butter is allowed;
  • any vegetables, with the exception of yellow and red varieties;
  • no more than 100 g of fat-free cottage cheese per day;
  • no more than 30 g of cheese.

The hypoallergenic diet for pregnant and lactating mothers is very tough, so from time to time a woman wants to try the forbidden. This is permissible, but only in small quantities and with careful monitoring of one's own condition and the baby.

Please note: A hypoallergenic diet is specific and individual, therefore it is impossible to classify all people in one group and advise them to consume only a certain list of foods and dishes.

Yes, most people have questions - if you have a dairy allergy, why not eat citrus fruit? Nutritionists prohibit the use of any kind of allergens in the presence of a food reaction even to one product, since a weakened the immune system quickly "respond" to such barbarism on the part of man. It is possible that a food reaction will not follow, and a person will be able to use the forbidden. But often previously safe allergens become dangerous, which provokes not only a new reaction, but also aggravates a person’s previously painful condition.

Many people are allergic to various foods, which can be caused by hypersensitivity to a number of substances. In different people, the objects of an allergic reaction may be different, but the general essence remains approximately the same - with hypersensitivity, the main priority is the use of such foods, which are known as hypoallergenic foods. They may refer to different categories and carry a different effect, therefore it is worth familiarizing yourself with them in a little more detail.

The importance of consumption

Why is a hypoallergenic menu so important? It effectively helps if a person has a predisposition to severe allergy attacks, because in a fairly short period of introduction of this diet, you can stop the body's reaction to various foods that do not suit you. It is convenient that such nutrition is quite versatile, both adults and children can use them with equal efficiency, which simplifies the cooking process - you can actually use the same products.

There are other situations when a hypoallergenic type menu should be used. First of all, nursing mothers should adhere to it in order to prevent the development of allergies in the newborn. Another option is when you don’t understand what your reaction arose to, and therefore food for allergies should be exactly hypoallergenic, but it is necessary to introduce one familiar product into the diet in order to identify which one is the real cause of the reaction.


To understand what you can eat with allergies, you need to understand how foods are divided as part of a hypoallergenic diet. There are three key categories of foods that allergy sufferers should (or should not) eat. These categories include highly allergenic, moderately allergenic and low allergenic foods.

Highly allergenic foods for allergies should not be consumed in principle. The chance of a reaction occurring when they are consumed is maximum, especially if they are eaten by children, who are known to be much more sensitive to the effects of various substances than adults. These include things like:

  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • berries and fruits (primarily citrus fruits) of orange and red colors, as well as some types of vegetables;
  • figs, dried apricots and a number of other dried fruits;
  • eggs;
  • honey, nuts and all mushrooms;
  • fish, seafood, red and black caviar;
  • milk and whole milk products, cheese;
  • especially spicy foods, smoked meats, pickled and canned products;
  • black coffee, cocoa, compotes and kissels;
  • products with food additives or preservatives;
  • exotic food.

Moderately allergenic foods may not usually cause problems, but in individual cases they can cause them. These include, among others:

  • corn, buckwheat, some cereals like wheat and rye;
  • fatty pork, horse meat, lamb, turkey and rabbit;
  • a range of fruits and berries, including watermelons, red and blackcurrant etc.;
  • a number of vegetables, for example, potatoes, beans;
  • herbal decoctions.

Low-allergenic products can be safely included even in children's (not to mention adult) food, the risk that they will provoke at least some kind of reaction is minimal. These include:

  • bread rolls of various types;
  • certain types of fish, such as cod;
  • dairy products;
  • low-fat stewed or boiled beef, chicken or pork;
  • liver, kidneys, tongue and other by-products;
  • vegetables and herbs in their diversity;
  • rice, barley, oatmeal and semolina porridge;
  • olive, sunflower and butter;
  • a range of fruits and berries, like pears and green apples, as well as dried fruits and compotes from them.

It is clear that it is the latter category that can be attributed to the hypoallergenic menu.

Diet Features

What should be the food for allergies? Need to immediately pounce on hypoallergenic food? No, you should do everything gradually. To begin with, completely eliminate highly allergenic foods from your diet or your child's diet. As for the moderately allergenic, their number should be noticeably reduced. Such restrictions should be observed, if adults are on a diet, then about two or three weeks, if children are on it, then from a week to ten days. Gradually, both adults and children should gradually return to the diet the foods that were theoretically the cause of the allergy, and monitor whether the pathology returns. If it returns, this product must be excluded in principle from your diet.

Also, with such a diet, try not to get hung up on one thing, diversify the diet, and also do not overeat. Then the use of hypoallergenic products will bear fruit. The concentration of the allergen in the body will decrease, you will feel better.

Doctors call allergies the disease of the century because modern world for almost every person there is one or two irritants that can cause one or another symptom of an allergic reaction. Children who are born today surrounded by car exhaust, household chemicals and many synthetic substances that lead to the development of allergic diseases are especially affected by allergies.

To control the load of allergens on the body, many methods are used, and one of them is diet. An anti-allergenic diet is indicated for all types of allergies (food, eczema, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc.), regardless of their cause and origin. The diet is observed for life or a certain period of time (for example, nursing mothers adhere to this diet for the entire period of breastfeeding).

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    Goals of an Allergy-Free Diet

    By recommending a certain list of products to an allergic person, the doctor solves two problems at the same time. Firstly, such a table has a diagnostic, and, secondly, a therapeutic focus. This means that by eliminating highly allergenic foods one by one from their diet, the patient can determine which food causes adverse reactions in him and significantly improve his health.

    Slightly different goals are pursued by the appointment of a low-allergenic menu for a nursing mother. Such nutrition is already preventive, not therapeutic. Being on breastfeeding, the child receives with mother's milk the components of all products that her diet includes.

    The immune system of a newborn is imperfect, so you need to avoid over-irritating it with potential allergens.

    Non-compliance with antihistamine nutrition by a nursing mother can lead to the development of such allergic diseases in a child as atopic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, and bronchial asthma.

    List of prohibited products

    With the first appearance of an acute allergic reaction of any kind, it is necessary to exclude from the diet until the cause of this condition is clarified:

    • any nuts;
    • citrus fruit;
    • grapes, melon, pineapples;
    • all seasonings, sauces, spices and marinades;
    • smoked meats and pickles;
    • spicy root crops and vegetables (turnip, radish, radish);
    • red and orange fruits and vegetables;
    • fish, caviar, seafood;
    • poultry meat (except white chicken meat and turkey meat);
    • eggs;
    • fatty milk and dairy products, including hard cheese, butter;
    • any mushrooms;
    • coffee and chocolate;
    • any alcoholic drinks;
    • confectionery, sweets and pastries;
    • any products made in industrial conditions (pates, canned food, juices, etc.), except for baby food.

    The entire list of products is prohibited only in the acute period of an allergic reaction. After the aggravation is removed and the specific cause of the allergy is clarified, some of these products can be returned to the table. Also, the list of products can expand, since an allergy-free diet should be individual.

    List of allowed products

    Most often, the low-allergenic menu includes:

    • hypoallergenic cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
    • vegetable oils (olive, sunflower);
    • meat: white chicken, boiled beef (except veal), turkey;
    • green vegetables (cabbage, cucumber, peas) and potatoes;
    • green fruits (apples, pears), better baked;
    • meat-free soups containing allergy-free vegetables and cereals;
    • fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, curdled milk (without dyes and flavorings);
    • drinks: tea, homemade dried fruit compote;
    • bread: white, better dried (crackers), unleavened cakes, pita bread.

    Hypoallergenic diet for children

    Children's allergic reactions have different causes of manifestation than adults, so anti-allergic nutrition for children is planned a little differently. AT childhood polyvalent allergies are more common ( hypersensitivity to several products at once), and the protein of a chicken egg and cow's milk is an allergen for absolutely all children up to a year.

    It is important to remember that the child is growing and needs enough vitamins, nutrients and energy. Therefore, mothers should not independently prescribe an antihistamine menu for an allergic child, so that he simply does not starve. It is better to contact an allergist to establish specific foods that should be excluded from the diet.

    Feeding a nursing mother

    Currently, the view of doctors on the diet of lactating women has become less radical. If for the past two decades it was believed that the entire period of lactation a woman is obliged to adhere to the strictest anti-allergic diet, then today's research suggests the opposite. Doctors recommend that nursing mothers exclude from the diet only the most aggressive allergens (egg, cow's milk, red vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits, grapes, pineapple, melon), which can harm the baby for breastfeeding.

    A complete hypoallergenic diet is recommended only for those nursing mothers who themselves suffer from allergies or if the father of the child is allergic. Such nutrition by a breastfeeding woman will become preventive measure and will not allow unfavorable heredity to manifest itself in a child.

    The entire period of lactation, a nursing mother should monitor the reaction of the child to the dishes that she eats. It is not uncommon for a child who is on breastfeeding to react to it after the mother has consumed a certain product. The appearance of a rash, itching, swelling, hives, changes in stool in a baby is a reason for a woman to refuse this food until the end of breastfeeding.

    Ado Diet

    One of the popular hypoallergenic nutrition systems was developed by the Soviet immunologist Andrei Dmitrievich Ado.

    The goal of the Ado diet is the same as any other anti-allergic diet - to identify and eliminate the allergen from food, and thereby improve the quality of life.

    Product Lists

    For many years, studying the features of human immunity, doctor Ado identified three groups of products: allergenic, hypoallergenic and moderately allergenic. They are divided as follows.

    Allergenic productsHypoallergenic products
    Fish, caviar, seafoodKashi (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice)
    Any nuts (except almonds)Non-exotic dried fruits
    Citrus fruitAllowed fruits and berries (white currant, gooseberry)
    Cocoa and products containing cocoa (chocolate, creams)Homemade desserts
    Fatty meat, fatty poultryLean beef (not veal), lamb meat
    CoffeeTea (green), herbal decoctions
    Sauces, vinegar, any spicesSunflower oil, olive
    Red fruits, vegetables and berriesFruits, green vegetables
    Any mushroomsfresh greens
    Smoked meatsboiled meat
    EggPumpkin, squash, zucchini
    Exotic fruits, incl. peaches, apricotswatermelon, plum
    Cow's milkDairy products without additives (kefir, cottage cheese)
    Any alcoholHomemade infusions and compotes
    Sweet pastriesWhite bread, unleavened (dried)

    Medium allergenic foods include:

    • meat: rabbit, pork, turkey;
    • vegetables and fruits: peas, bell pepper, bananas.

    Such products should be added to the diet with caution, used in the morning (before lunch), so that in the event of an allergic reaction, it is easy to get medical help.

    Diet rules

    For the best effect of a hypoallergenic diet, the following rules are observed:

    1. 1. The Ado diet is prescribed by a doctor. It must be remembered that self-medication is not worth it.
    2. 2. The Ado anti-allergic diet is prescribed for a period of 14 to 21 days. A menu is prepared for each week, which lists the dishes consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With the start of a new week, the menu is changed so that the diet is more varied. It is undesirable to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet for more than three weeks, because this can lead to a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients in the body.
    3. 3. As long as the patient adheres to the norms of an allergy-free diet, it changes dynamically. First, all prohibited foods are completely excluded from the diet. When the acute symptoms of an allergic reaction disappear, the products are returned one by one to the table to determine which food is the allergen.
    4. 4. Hormonal, antihistamine and other anti-allergic drugs should not be taken during the Ado diet. They can hide the effect of allergenic foods on the body and distort the results of this food study.
    5. 5. An allergy sufferer on the Ado diet should keep a food diary. This will help your doctor identify food allergens and adjust your diet.

    Sample weekly menu

    In the first week on an anti-allergic diet, you can not eat any prohibited foods. But this is not a reason to worry about the taste of food - even from a small amount of permitted ingredients, you can cook delicious and satisfying dishes. An example of a low-allergy menu for the first (strict) week of the Ado anti-allergic diet is presented in the table.

    Day diets Breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
    The firstVegetable soup, white breadBuckwheat porridge, cabbage and cucumber salad
    SecondMilk millet porridge, teaVegetable ragoutCurd, teaBoiled rice with vegetables
    ThirdToasts (white bread), unsweetened cottage cheese with herbs, teaCabbage soup with carrots and potatoes, white breadMarmalade, apple juiceBoiled beef, buckwheat, cucumber
    FourthOatmeal (without milk) with dried apricots, teaVegetable broth with croutons (white bread)Green apple, natural yogurtSteam vegetables, kefir
    FifthToast (white bread), green vegetable salad with olive oilCabbage soup, white breadToast (white bread), cottage cheese, apple juiceMillet porridge, green vegetable salad
    SixthOatmeal (no milk), teaBeef broth with broccoli and zucchiniNatural yogurt with prunes and dried apricotsVegetable stew
    SeventhRice porridge with prunesVegetable stewToast (white bread), cottage cheese, teaBoiled rice, cabbage, cucumber and carrot salad

    After a "strict" week of an anti-allergic diet, it is allowed to gradually return allergenic foods to the diet. It is better to start with products of average allergenicity. After introducing the product into the diet, you need to observe the reaction of the body for several days and keep a diary. In case of an allergy, you should seek help.


    According to WHO, the incidence of allergic rhinitis has tripled worldwide since 1990.

    During this period of time, more than three thousand cases of death of patients using antihistamines were recorded in the United States. That is why it is so important to use non-drug methods control of the allergenic load on the body, that is, primarily diets.

Allergies are different. Contact with a food allergen leads to various forms of reactions - it is not so much the type of product that is important, but the severity of sensitivity to it. Some patients, when asked by a doctor about complaints, describe the appearance of an itchy rash, others are bothered by a runny nose, redness of the eyes, or nausea and vomiting.

It is known that allergies are repeated from time to time when using a food provocateur, so the question becomes relevant: what can you eat and what should you refuse? It is undesirable to cut the calorie content of the diet, to introduce an insufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. It is necessary to choose products that do not cause a reaction in each case individually.

Classification of food allergens

People with food sensitivities have legitimate concerns about what to eat with allergies. It is important to be aware of foods that often provoke allergic reactions and should be excluded from the diet. For the convenience of specialists in the field of allergopathology and allergic patients, a classification of products positioned as potential allergens has been developed. They can be divided into groups:

  • provocateurs of plant origin;
  • provocateurs of animal origin.

Among plant antigens, the most significant are pollen (for example, birch pollen, ragweed), as well as allergens contained in vegetables and fruits. Plant components often provoke cross-reactions with latex, animal hair.

Animal allergens are quite numerous. Very often, chicken eggs cause allergies, with sensitization to the protein of which there is also sensitivity to the eggs of other birds, chicken meat, bird feathers. A pork allergy can be combined with a reaction to pet dander. One possible combination is also house dust mite allergy and shellfish allergy.

The allergenic properties of food antigens can change during food processing.

This means the likelihood of an increase or, conversely, a decrease in the allergenic activity of a food provocateur. An example is the increase in the allergenic potential of peanuts during heat treatment in any way. At the same time, it is better for allergy sufferers to refuse any allergen product, since it is impossible to predict the severity of the reaction in advance. Eat only the right food.

Significant Allergens

Although allergic reactions can be provoked by a huge number of antigens, there is a list of foods that are called the most important food allergens. Products that cause allergies very often can be presented in the table:

Product type Cross reactions Components responsible for the reaction
cow milk
  • cheese, goat, sheep milk;
  • veal, beef;
  • sausage, sausages;
  • white bread, cakes;
  • kefir.
Casein, beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, lactose synthetase, bovine serum albumin
Chicken egg
  • eggs of other birds;
  • bird feathers (including in pillows);
  • chicken meat;
  • mayonnaise;
  • confectionery creams, cakes;
  • champagne, white wine.
Ovomucoid, ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, lysozyme, alpha-livetin
Fish If you are allergic to river and / or sea ​​fish cross-allergy is possible as a result of the use of shellfish or crustaceans, and vice versa. Parvalbumin
shellfish Tropomyosin
Shellfish (shrimp, crayfish, lobster, crab) Tropomyosin
Vegetables (peppers, carrots, lettuce, cucumber, celery, potatoes, tomatoes)
  • celery;
  • nuts;
  • sunflower seeds and pollen;
  • birch pollen;
  • latex, etc.
Profilin, osmotin-like protein, patatin, chlorophyll-binding protein
Fruits, sweet berries (apple, kiwi, cherry, banana, orange, lemon, pear, peach, plum, watermelon, melon, grapes) Thaumatin-like protein, profilin, endochitinase, rhinonuclease, cucumisin, germ-like protein
Legumes (peanut beans, peas, lentils, soybeans) Patients with allergies to legumes, nuts, and grains may also react to various fruits, vegetables, pollen of trees and plants. Vicilin, conglycinin, lectin, conglutin, profilin, etc.
Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds) Amandine, conglutin, profilin, vicilin, etc.
Cereals (wheat, barley, corn, rice, rye) Gliadin, agglutinin, secalin, etc.

It is not possible to combine all possible allergens in one table. It happens that patients can normally tolerate some foods that have a high allergenic potential and observe allergy symptoms when eating food allowed in general recommendations. Therefore, it is very important to find out which product caused the reaction - you can not eat it.

The formulation of an elimination diet is based on clinical symptoms and the results of special laboratory tests.

If the patient is sensitive to a limited amount of food, tests are performed to confirm the allergenicity of the product and the need to refuse it. Forbidden food should not be consumed even in small quantities. An anti-allergic diet is observed constantly, throughout the patient's life. The disappearance of sensitivity is possible only in childhood, and only under certain conditions.

Diet principles

When choosing a hypoallergenic diet model, one should not forget about the need to take into account food tolerance with subsequent dietary adjustment. If the dish is on the list of approved foods, but the patient is sensitive to it, it will have to be excluded. The hypoallergenic diet developed by Academician Ado is widely used. The author divides food products into three groups:

  • recommended;
  • limited use;
  • requiring an exception.

What can not be eaten with allergies? The list of products can start with food enriched with dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers - these are various types of chewing gums, carbonated drinks (including kvass), chips, marmalade, sweets, marshmallows and marshmallows. Cakes (especially if dyes are present in the cream and decorations), cakes, and muffins have an adverse effect.

The preparation of first and second courses also requires care. Patients are forbidden to eat spicy, salty and processed foods in the smokehouse; do not use rich broths, sausages, sausages and ham. An allergen can be liver, fish, caviar. Dangerous eggs, all kinds of seafood, ketchup and mayonnaise, processed cheese, margarine.

Plant components that should not be present in the diet of a patient with allergies are listed in the table. Not only fresh herbal products, but also processed - salted, pickled. Among drinks and sweets, coffee, cocoa, chocolate are considered allergens. Patients are advised to give up nuts, legumes, honey.

What foods can be added to the diet infrequently in a small amount? These include:

  • Pasta.
  • Chicken meat, lamb.
  • Early harvest vegetables.
  • Butter.
  • Milk of cows and food based on it: sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt.
  • Carrots, beets (juice, fresh, boiled or stewed).
  • Currant, cherry, sweet cherry.
  • Semolina.

Early vegetables are soaked for 2 hours before use - only filtered water is used.

Allowed foods are included in the diet with caution - if the patient feels worse, they will have to be abandoned. For children, it is recommended that the menu be designed to cover energy needs and include cereals, meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Before purchasing new food products, you should carefully read the composition - even in ordinary yogurt there may be components that cause allergies.

What can you eat

Allowed hypoallergenic products:

  • vegetable oil (necessarily refined);
  • melted butter, fructose;
  • apples (white, green), green beans, cherries and plums of slightly colored varieties;
  • currants (not bright varieties), blueberries, blueberries;
  • dill and parsley, light pumpkin, carrots;
  • meat of lean varieties (beef, rabbit meat);
  • lean poultry meat (turkey);
  • cheese without hot spices(excluding melted);
  • cereals (excluding semolina, as well as couscous);
  • fermented milk products (not containing dyes, fruits, flavorings).

Bakery products, which the author of the diet advises to include in the nutrition scheme, are represented by bread from wheat flour of the second grade, cereal bread, as well as sticks and corn flakes without the addition of a sweetener. They can be eaten with allergies, even if the diet is made for a nursing mother. For children, the menu is selected by the doctor in accordance with age, especially when it comes to a small child.

When determining what you can eat with allergies, it is advisable to keep a food diary - this will help both the patient himself and the attending physician.

It notes the amount of the product, a description of the symptoms, if any. This is relevant for patients who have doubts about the allergenicity of food offered in the list of allowed products of a hypoallergenic diet. A food diary, which is kept scrupulously and responsibly, contains important information that will be useful in the future when choosing studies, assessing the patient's condition. Looking at the recorded indicators, you can understand whether the range of allergens has expanded or remains the same, whether the new product is suitable for the patient.

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