
Non-drug treatments. Non-drug treatment of arterial hypertension. Treatment of arterial hypertension with natural remedies Non-drug methods of treatment of hypertension

They are: bloodletting, moxibustion, compresses, baths, massage. Non-drug methods of treatment also include methods of physical and mental training that are not described in detail in the "Four Tantras", such as relaxation, yantra yoga, contemplative transformation of the body - speech - thought complex.


“Diseases for which bloodletting is prescribed: widespread fever, confused fever, fever from infection, swelling and edema, Surya disease, shingles, lymph disease, leprosy, and, in the absence of such, diseases of the liver, spleen, mouth, eyes, head etc. In short, phlebotomy is prescribed for the most part in diseases of heat, arising [on the basis of] blood and bile. But bloodletting is not allowed with undivided blood [see. below], immature infectious diseases, empty heat, with unreleased intoxication, dangerous infectious heat, exhaustion of bodily forces, although this is the essence of a disease with the genesis of fever. In addition, bloodletting is not allowed during pregnancy in women, after childbirth, in diseases of edema due to metabolic disorders, a decrease in the fiery heat of the stomach, indigestion of food, in short, in diseases arising [on the basis of] mucus and wind, [but even] with the absence of such - in children under 16 years of age and in persons who have reached old age ”.

Time sequence. "Separation bloodletting must be carried out immediately in cases of blood swirling in internal dense and hollow organs, in case of extensive heat, infectious diseases, and in the absence of such, in cases of continuous bleeding from the mouth, from the nose, classified as mature diseases, etc. ..." ...

There are a number of other indications and contraindications, however, due to the complexity of preparing for bloodletting and the bloodletting procedure itself, I consider it inappropriate to expound this topic in detail in this book. I just want to briefly outline the main points related to bloodletting.

First. To carry out the bloodletting, special instruments were used, for the material of manufacture, the form, the quality of which was very serious. The secrets of making such instruments were passed on from master to master.

Second. It is necessary to learn to clearly distinguish between diseases in which bloodletting is used, and those diseases in which it is unacceptable. To do this, the doctor must be fluent in the art of making a diagnosis, have a good knowledge of nosology. The same requirements are also important for the third point - knowledge of the time sequence of the development of diseases, since the use of bloodletting in an immature disease, as a rule, is not allowed.

Fourth. It is necessary to properly prepare the patient's body for bloodletting. Using special methods, an immature disease should be brought to maturity, with the help of special medicinal compositions, in places of bloodletting, bad blood should be separated from good blood, then, again, using medications, separate the blood and the wind. As a result, during bloodletting, a little bubbling blood first comes out from the dissected area, with large bubbles of gas, then a little black bad blood comes out, and then the blood stops. But this is the simplest case. Fifth. A good knowledge of the technique of bloodletting is necessary, first of all practical. This technique varies depending on which vessel the bloodlet is being made from. Note that what is called bloodletting includes bloodletting from the veins, arteries, and the removal of lymph from the lymphatic vessels.

Sixth. A good knowledge of the topography of the points of the body where bloodletting is performed for specific diseases is required. In total, there are 77 main and 13 additional channels of blood, bile and lymph, from which diseased blood, bile and lymph are released from the body. There are also 112 main and a number of secondary canals and places where bloodletting is unacceptable, these are "vulnerable structures of the body canals."

Seventh. It is necessary to know the measure, the amount of released blood or lymph in each case.

Eighth. Knowledge and skills are required to take care of the patient at the end of the procedure.

Ninth. You should be aware that excessive, insufficient and unskilled bloodletting can be harmful. The doctor must be extremely careful not to make a mistake, and if such a mistake is made, he must be able to protect the patient from its consequences.

Tenth. The doctor should be aware of the signs of a beneficial effect on the patient's body of the bloodletting procedure.


The topic of moxibustion is considered, as a rule, on seven points: indications for the use of moxibustion, contraindications, moxibustion cones, places where moxibustion is performed, moxibustion technique, rehabilitation, moxibustion action or the benefits of moxibustion.

Indications and contraindications. Moxibustion is recommended in the presence of "a decrease in the heat of the stomach, the formation of edema [tumors], gout, swirling of lymph in the bones and joints of the limbs, external edema, pain, dizziness due to wind diseases, confusion, insanity, pain leading to fainting, disorders of limb movements due to diseases channels, lymphatic vessels and veins.In the absence of such [diseases] it is very useful in diseases of the wind and cold classes, which very often occur after abscesses [ulcers], empty heat and other hot diseases, and in addition - in diseases of the lymph. cauterization should be performed in case of hot bile diseases, in case of heat of blood, in [diseases] of the inputs of the sense organs, the channel of being in the perineum in men. "

Collection and processing of edelweiss, manufacture of cones. Cauterization is performed using special cones of different sizes, made from edelweiss and a certain amount of nettles. In various diseases, the size of the cauterization cone varies from the size of the "upper phalanx of the thumb" to the "size of a dry pea". For the manufacture of cones, the inflorescences of depleted edelweiss and Palibin edelweiss are used.

The places where the moxibustion is performed are called "sang dmigs" in Tibetan. They are of two types: "sanmmg", in which pain is felt, ie. tied to the disease itself, and additionally known to the doctor "sangmig".

The first are places of arthritic swirls of lymph in the joints of bones, external tumors, edema; places in which soreness is felt when pressed, and when the pressure is released, relief is felt; around edema, growths, malignant wounds.

The second are places associated with the channels of circulation of wind, bile, mucus, blood, lymph.

Let's give an example. “The first vertebra is the wind sangmig. When bending the neck, round protrusions become visible; moxibustion is performed on the first such round bone. [This is the VII cervical vertebra.] Main indications: confusion of consciousness, insanity, severe cardiac arrhythmia, tremors in the body, wind-induced dumbness, insomnia, deafness, inability to turn the neck are observed due to wind entering the life channel; [cauterization of this vertebra] is also useful for other diseases of the wind group [diseases].

Moxibustion technique. First, the poison should be removed from the patient's body. “Poisons are a term for denoting substances harmful to the body and life that enter [the body] with food." , the rules that determine the duration of moxibustion, and “if, for example, moxibustion is performed on a sangmig, warmth should be felt from the front, and vice versa. The absence of pain at the site of moxibustion after the procedure is a sign that moxibustion has been of great benefit. "

Rehabilitation. After the moxibustion, the remains of the ash are not cleaned off clean, but are smeared on top with a mixture of butter and salt, it is not recommended to drink cold water and wine, etc. at night. ...

The benefits of moxibustion. “If moxibustion is performed in accordance with the method, it has a beneficial effect on the flow of wind and blood,“ closing the mouth ”of the channels, relieving pain, suppressing the wind, strengthening memory and mind, generating warmth of the stomach and body, digesting food, removing dead tissue in case of tumors, abscesses, old wounds, removing edema, drawing out lymph, draining it, etc. " ...


Distinguish between cold and hot compresses, but doctors believe that in some cases, special compresses are needed for children.

Cold compresses.

In case of swelling from bruises and fractures, widespread and confused heat, if they are accompanied by pain, apply a heating pad filled with cold water, a cloth moistened with cold water, a cold cobblestone pulled out of water or other cold objects to the sore spots. Such a compress relieves pain, eliminates fever.

With continuous nosebleeds, it is recommended to apply a bottle of cold water taken in the early morning, when the stars have not yet gone out, or mixed with water from the bottom of a well or a spring to the gap between the eyebrows, to the hollow on the back of the head.

For toothaches due to heat of the blood and swollen areas due to wind disorders, cold sludge is also applied.

In case of gouty heat, apply a cold compress from the crushed root of the yellowish Sophora in a mixture with an equal amount of cow dung.

In case of extensive fever due to disorders of blood and bile, a cloth moistened with cold water or a cobblestone pulled out of cold water is applied under the armpits and on the forehead.

Hot compresses. For pain from indigestion or as a result of acute diseases of the abdominal organs, apply a hot compress from the salt wrapped in cloth heated in a frying pan or in a cast iron.

With a decrease in the heat of the kidneys and urinary retention on the lower back, it is recommended to apply a hot compress from a dried stillage preheated over a fire and wrapped in a cloth.

In case of postpartum pain in the lower intestines, in the buttocks, kidneys, lumbar region, it is recommended to apply warm compresses from the earth wrapped in cloth, thrown back by the mouse while digging a mink, after heating the earth on fire in good wine.

With dark red mucus, intoxication and other diseases that cause pain in the stomach, it is recommended to apply hot compresses from the leaves of badan, sorrel and loquat, boiled in water and then wrapped in cloth.

For cold tumors of the stomach due to indigestion, it is recommended to apply hot compresses from pigeon droppings heated over a fire and wrapped in cloth.

In acute diseases of the abdominal cavity organs of helminthic origin, it is recommended to apply hot compresses from the roots and leaves of the angelica dahurian, heated over a fire and wrapped in tissue.

If lymph enters the articular sheaths, it is recommended to boil crushed peat or sand mixed with a small amount of salt in beer or water, wrap it in a cloth and apply a hot compress.

In case of urinary retention due to cold, it is recommended to apply a hot compress from the sediment of ghee and pigeon droppings to the lower abdomen.

In case of pain in the limbs due to lymph diseases, it is recommended to apply a hot compress from sheep dung boiled in wine.

Compresses are contraindicated in diseases of mucous edema, when the juice of bile stains the meat and skin in a dark yellow color, with leprosy, intoxication, dropsy, obesity, infectious disease "ball", smallpox, skin rashes, after eating.

Compresses applied to the liver in children are used in cases of liver enlargement. The child is undressed and laid on his back. A piece of natural silk is immersed in cold water, then placed on the child's belly on the right, cleaned it, barringgonium leaves are applied to the liver area, a mirror, crystal, a ladle, a vessel with water, an old opener or any cold, round and smooth is placed on top of the lower part of the liver a thing and move it 10 to 15 times to the upper part of the liver, then cleanse the stomach again, moisten a piece of silk with water and place it on the liver area, tying it with ribbons, as if wrapping the stomach in silk. According to the degree of the disease - small, large, dangerous - this compress should be worn for 3 to 5 days.


Distinguish between hot baths from natural waters and artificial baths.

Baths are prescribed for gouty, rheumatoid, resulting from swelling of the legs, constriction of the limbs due to coarsening of the veins and the formation of articular tumors and edema; with lameness caused by improper functioning of the white channels; with sagging muscles; with the formation of nodes in the channels due to a decrease in their heat; with curvature of the lumbar canals; with the disease "variegated meat" and other diseases of the skin and lymph; with old wounds; with suppuration of wounds; with the disease "surya" of dense and hollow organs; with intoxication; with tumors and edema due to wind disorders; with deterioration of skin pigmentation, coarsening of the skin; with old, difficult to treat diseases.

Baths are contraindicated in case of heat from infection, confused heat, extensive heat, pregnancy, high blood pressure, heart disease.

The waters of natural springs in Buryatia and in the Chita Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic were at one time studied by lamas and distributed according to classes of diseases. Already in the 70s, the traditional doctor G.L. Lenkhoboev and candidate of philosophical sciences N.Ts. Zhambaldagbaev jointly surveyed a large number of natural sources in Buryatia and the Chita region. The springs were examined by traditional methods: the water was determined by taste, by its strength (advantage), by the soil through which it passes, by the characteristics of the flora growing at the source, etc. At the same time, it turned out that many natural springs retained their strength, but in those places where deep wells were drilled and torpedoed for mass use of waters, these waters largely lost their healing properties. In the same locality, different sources, even those located in the immediate vicinity, could be used to treat diseases of completely different etiologies - they passed through different soil, enriched with different microelements and, therefore, forces. When such waters mix, their features are lost. When using water from natural, natural sources and specially prepared water for baths with the use of various medicinal ingredients, it is necessary to adhere to rather strict rules, partially varying in each case. The experience of practical balneology is not easily transmitted, and in this book it would be inappropriate to describe the rules for using healing baths - if they are used incorrectly, the consequences can be very dire.


Massage in Tibetan medicine refers to the application of methods of rubbing, kneading and tapping after anointing the skin with old butter, sesame oil, animal fat and medicinal substances. This is one of the ways to treat painful bases.

Lubrication with fats.

In case of madness, fainting, memory loss and other groups of wind diseases, butter a year ago is rubbed into the region of the I vertebra (this is the VII cervical vertebra) and, starting from it, VI and VII, as well as to the point between the nipples on the chest. After grinding and kneading, these places are wiped with flour from toasted barley. A similar procedure is carried out in the cases described below.

In case of itching due to lymph disorders, it is recommended to rub horse, onager, donkey fat into the skin.

When the strength of the kidneys is exhausted, the expiration of semen is recommended to rub beaver fat [or otter fat] and marmot fat into the lumbar vertebrae.

When a whitish discharge appears between the eyelid and the eyeball, resembling paste in consistency, it is recommended to rub yak oil with caraway seeds into the soles of the feet. Rubbing potions.

In case of boils, abscesses, abscesses, it is recommended to rub a mixture of yellow sulfur, salt, wine (beer) culture, soot in old oil, prepared in the form of a gruel, into sore spots and bask in the sun.

In old festering wounds and old wounds with stubborn pus, it is recommended to rub a mixture of ash from the burnt hollow stalks of astragalus or a spiker on mare's or donkey's milk.

For gouty pains, rub in white or black sesame flour, cooked in cheese whey.

When acne, acne, lichen sores appear on the face, rubbing a liquid mixture of white mustard powder, marsh calamus, purified salt and dry leaves of Japanese medlar on cow urine is recommended.

In case of colic based on blood diseases, skin diseases, infectious edema, shingles and eczema, it is recommended to rub a mixture of red sandalwood powder, large-leaved gentian flowers and Scutellaria Baikal roots in snow water.

For rashes on the skin with scabies, rubbing a mixture of soot, burdock Saussurea roots, sorrel, dwarf steller root ash, salt, wine [beer] sourdough in rancid oil (in oil collected on the walls of a vessel with sour milk) is recommended.

For diseases of "skin spotting", lichen, "licking by a cow" (see) and other diseases of the skin, it is recommended to rub a mixture from the skin of a black snake, burned in a vessel without smoke, on pork fat.


Massage is contraindicated in cases of indigestion (indigestion of food), stiffness in the thighs due to wind disorders, lack of appetite, poisoning with poisons made from precious stones, dropsy, diseases of mucus and dark red stomach mucus, etc. In total, five main non-drug treatments for Tibetan medicine are described.

As for the additional corrective methods available in Tibetan medicine, a special study should be devoted to their study. Let's name some of them.

Acupuncture It is considered the final corrective procedure that closes the canal entrances after removing diseases from them with the help of drug and non-drug therapy. Carrying out the acupuncture procedure at the very beginning of treatment is compared to the situation when, having found thieves in the house, they close the doors without driving them out.

Yoga methods. There are many systems of yoga, individual elements of which can serve the cause of maintaining and restoring health. In general, we can say that the practice of yoga includes exercises to control the mind, speech and body, aimed at achieving a balance of the functions of the body systems, energetically provided by the activity of the "lunar" wind of La-lana, "solar" wind of Rasana and "wind of wisdom" Avadhuti, as well as the mode of pulsations of "solar", "lunar" and "equal" origin.

Today it is impossible to find a person who has never taken synthetic drugs in his life. Moreover, pharmacological agents have become, in fact, a part of our life, like other household items or food, from birth to ripe old age. We often don't think about it, taking it for granted. Is it correct?

Currently, according to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of complications of drug treatment has reached alarming proportions - for example, the consequences of the use of pharmacological agents took 5th place on the globe among the causes of death.

Examples of the negative side effects of synthetic drugs are widely known. A long article could be devoted to this topic alone.

Many health workers and people without medical education recognize the negative aspects of drug treatment (although they agree that at this stage of the development of medicine it cannot be done without it).

In this regard, the role of non-drug methods of treatment is increasing (we do not consider surgical methods - this is a separate branch of medicine). These methods are becoming more and more in demand by patients seeking medical help.

Their main advantage is the absence of side effects inherent in medicines, a more physiological effect on the body.

Most common among non-drug methods the treatments are as follows:

  • Therapeutic acupuncture (acupuncture)
  • Herbal medicine (treatment with drugs made from medicinal plants)
  • Various methods of detoxification (plasmapheresis, hemosorption)
  • Ozone therapy
  • Bioresonance therapy
  • Homeopathy
  • Manual therapy
  • Osteopathy
  • Massotherapy
  • Breathing exercises
  • Physiotherapy
  • Hirudotherapy (treatment with medicinal leeches)
  • Other traditional medicine methods

Within the framework of this topic, it is planned to cover issues related to this vast branch of modern medicine. Moreover, there are different opinions about many of these techniques, often diametrically opposed ones. Therefore, experts who practice in this area will be necessarily involved in the discussion so that the information is the most reliable and objective.

The basis of non-drug treatment of hypertension is changing the patient's lifestyle. This implies:

  • reducing the consumption of table salt. The recommended rate is 5-6 grams per day. The contribution of salt (sodium chloride) to the development of hypertension is quite large, since salt retains liquid in the vessels, hence the increase in pressure.
  • complete smoking cessation. It has been proven that nicotine can suppress the effectiveness of some antihypertensive drugs. Moreover, smoking in itself increases the risk of cardiovascular complications and other pathologies, including cancer.
  • reducing alcohol consumption. It is important to understand that alcohol is not so terrible as dependence on it. Alcoholism leads to liver pathology, and its role in blood pressure regulation can hardly be overestimated. The daily alcohol intake for men is 20-30 g of pure ethanol (50-60 g of vodka, 200-250 ml of wine, 0.5 liters of beer), for women - half. Drinking more alcohol is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, at the same time, the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy also decreases, which is especially fraught with hypertensive patients. And it is best to eliminate alcohol from the diet altogether.
  • reduction in excess body weight. As you know, being overweight contributes to the development of diabetes. an increase in blood cholesterol and plaque deposition in blood vessels, leading to an increase in the size of the heart - all of these are risk factors for hypertension. It is noticed that a decrease in body weight by 10 kg reduces the "upper" pressure by 5-20 mm Hg. Maintaining body mass index between 19 and 25 is considered ideal.
  • revision of the diet. A person prone to high blood pressure should have more vegetables, fruits, cereals, wholemeal flour products, fiber, natural products, unsaturated fatty acids (olive, flaxseed oil, fish of the northern seas), dairy products on the menu. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery made from premium flour), animal fats, products containing a large amount of cholesterol. Particular attention should be paid to drinking water, which should be of medium hardness. Too soft water contains little calcium and magnesium salts, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. The heart also needs potassium, its source is potatoes, natural juices, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • increased physical activity. Regular exercise enhances the antihypertensive effect of diet and other non-drug lowering blood pressure. It is recommended to carry out systematic aerobic exercise, especially for people with a sedentary lifestyle (office workers, drivers). The loads must correspond to the person's abilities: it is unacceptable to overextend oneself, since the pressure in this case will, on the contrary, increase. Best of all - walking (up to 5-6 km daily), light jogging (up to 45 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week). Effectively helps to reduce swimming pressure. If the level of blood pressure is very high, then physical activity is allowed only after reaching optimal blood pressure with the help of drugs.
  • reducing emotional stress, eliminating stressful situations from your life. It is clear, of course, that it is almost impossible to completely avoid stress in our life, but we must strive to reduce their number and the overall level of emotional stress in everyday life.


Non-drug treatment

Treatment of arterial hypertension. Non-drug measures. Prevention of arterial hypertension

All measures for the treatment of arterial hypertension can be conditionally divided into two groups: non-drug (recommendations for nutrition, physical activity, etc.) and drug (antihypertensive drugs) The word "conditionally" is very important, because non-drug measures aimed at correcting risk factors for cardiovascular vascular complications, despite their apparent simplicity, are very important. Their rather strict and constant observance in some cases allows to prevent the appearance of arterial hypertension, slow down its progression, and in some patients (unfortunately, not many) they are enough for a complete correction of high blood pressure. It should not be forgotten that even if your doctor has prescribed you an antihypertensive drug, adherence to non-drug recommendations is very important for the same reasons. Avoiding non-drug measures when drug therapy is available is a mistake.


The goal of non-drug treatment is to promote a healthy lifestyle, which reduces the overall risk of such formidable cardiovascular diseases as stroke, coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction, heart and kidney failure. The basic principles of non-drug treatment include:

  • reduction in salt consumption (no more than 5 g per day, or 1 level teaspoon);
  • sufficient intake of potassium and magnesium (3.5 g per day) due to vegetables and fruits;
  • decrease in the amount of saturated fat;
  • reduction in excess body weight;
  • increased physical activity;
  • limiting excess alcohol consumption (no more than 30 g per day for men and 15 g per day for women in terms of pure alcohol);
  • to give up smoking; the ability to relax.

In addition, it is advisable for women of childbearing age to cancel hormonal contraceptives, since they increase blood pressure, and also discuss another method of contraception with the gynecologist. In addition, with concomitant problems with the joints and spine, you should discuss with your doctor the possibility of canceling non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ortofen, diclofenac, ibuprofen and others), the use of which can cause arterial hypertension (an increase in diastolic blood pressure by an average of 5 mm Hg. .).


Complete and immediate cessation of smoking is necessary!

Stopping smoking leads to the fact that after 5 years the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases and their complications becomes the same as in non-smokers. At the same time, people who continue to smoke remain at increased risk of coronary heart disease even after BP has returned to normal. In addition, smoking can reduce the effectiveness of some antihypertensive drugs (eg, propranolol).

At the same time, with prolonged smoking, physical and psychological dependence develops, so you may have considerable difficulties when trying to quit smoking, and you will need to consult a specialist to resolve them. It is necessary to quit smoking immediately, at once, because experience shows that attempts to quit smoking are gradually doomed to failure. In the first days and weeks of quitting smoking, avoid stressful situations, informal communication with heavy smokers, boredom, try to occupy your head and hands with something.

Dieting has been shown to lower blood pressure. Moreover, the effectiveness of dieting in many patients is comparable even to the action of antihypertensive drugs. Dieting lowers systolic blood pressure by 4.4-14 mm Hg. Art. and diastolic - pa 2.5-5.5 mm Hg. Art. Special studies conducted among large populations have shown that dietary intake leads to a 15% reduction in heart disease and stroke by 27%.

People who follow a vegetarian diet have lower blood pressure than those who do not eat meat. This appears to be due to the exclusion of foods containing saturated animal fats from the diet. This leads to a decrease in blood viscosity. In addition, plant-based foods contain less sodium and fat with virtually no cholesterol. Vegetables and fruits are also rich in potassium and magnesium, which also help lower blood pressure.

There are 10 rules for a healthy diet.

1. Eat varied and tasty meals.

2. Pay attention to the fat in your food. Try to cook without animal fats.

3. Eat enough bran bread and potatoes.

4. Use 200g vegetables and 2 1 servings of fruit every day.

5. Don't increase your weight! Do not eat "for the company"! Don't be afraid to leave half-eaten on your plate! Do not buy food when you are hungry!

6. Save salt!

7. Drink enough (but not alcohol). Everyone should drink at least 1 - 1.5 liters of liquid per day (water, tea, milk, juice, yogurt, soup, etc.) A glass of still water half an hour before meals reduces appetite.

8. Don't snack all day. Start from the sin of the main methods of poverty and one additional. Don't skip breakfast or lunch.

9. Observe good hygiene practices. Give yourself enough time, take your time to swallow food,

10. Read the information on the food packaging. Do not trust the words "dietary", "low-calorie", pay attention to the numbers.

Our ideas about what we eat and how much it corresponds to the concept of healthy eating are strikingly different from reality. This is illustrated by a study conducted in one of the prosperous countries of the European Union - the Netherlands:

- only 2 in 10 Dutch people think they eat too much fatty foods. In fact, 6 out of 10 do it;

only 1 in 10 thinks they are eating too few vegetables. In practice, this is the case for 8 out of 10;

- only 3 out of 10 think they eat too little fruit. In fact, this is observed in 6 out of 10.

Low-fat or low-fat dairy products, cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and fish are recommended. Preference should be given to foods rich in protein and containing trace elements - potassium, calcium, magnesium (these trace elements have a hypotensive effect). It is recommended to introduce garlic into the daily diet, which has a beneficial effect on people with high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. You can start with 1 clove of garlic per day or 1.5-6 grams of garlic; in tablets. At the same time, there is no need to count on lowering blood cholesterol levels. It has been proven that this requires a daily intake of 7-28 cloves of garlic!

Foods rich in saturated fat that increase cholesterol are not recommended. in the blood, as well as in cholesterol itself: fatty meats, including goose and duck meat, rich broths, beef, pork, lamb fat, meat offal (liver, kidneys, brains, heart), minced meat, bacon, bacon, lard, loin, carbonade, hamburgers, salami cervelates, sausages, sausages, pates, butter, margarine in packs, coconut and palm oil, mayonnaise, egg yolks, caviar, shrimp, calamari, eel, cream, fat sour cream, concentrated milk, goat milk, cheeses (fat content more than 40%), cream or cheese sauces, puddings, cream, baked goods, cakes with cream, fatty snacks, cocoa, chocolate (especially milk), toffee, fondants, coconut bars, cream and soy ice cream, hot chocolate , Irish coffee. Remember that "the cake lasts a minute - in the mouth, an hour - in the stomach and all life - in the waist." An extra 100 g of carbohydrates leads to the deposition of 30 g of body fat.

Try to eat fish, especially sea fish, at least 1-2 days a week (with a ratio of 2/3 "white" and 1/3 fat). Replace most of the animal fats with vegetable oils: sunflower, olive ("Extga virgen"), corn, soybean, peanut, nut, grape seed (1 tablespoon per day). They are unsaturated ("healthy") fats that lower blood cholesterol. For margarines, choose only soft varieties with less than 17 grams of saturated fat per 100 grams (in jars, not packs). Please note: the minimum unsaturated fat content should be 75%, while polyunsaturated fat should be 50%. Use products that include the word "light" in the name. The latter means that they contain 1/3 less calories, fat, sugar and salt than a comparable "regular" food. French fries and potato croquettes cooked with lard and ghee are not recommended. They can be cooked in vegetable oil and eaten no more than 1 time per week. We recommend mashed potatoes with vegetable oil and without adding egg yolks. Chill the broth and remove the layer of frozen fat. Eggs are allowed to be eaten only in boiled form and no more than twice a week. If you love baking, replace eggs in recipes with egg whites (2 proteins or 1 protein with 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil correspond to one whole. Avoid high-fat baked goods (cakes, biscuits, croissants, coffee biscuits). Choose low-calorie, low-content sweets fat (oatmeal cookies or whole grain crackers) Prefer fruit desserts without cream or sugar, fruit jellies, sorbet ice cream, ripe fruit sorbet.

Use nonstick pans that do not require added fat for cooking and grill. A microwave oven works well for cooking potato, vegetable or fish dishes, as well as heating food.

Products containing licorice (licorice) (antitussive sweets, etc.) should be excluded from the diet. The maximum intake of caffeine per day should not exceed 400 mg (drink no more than 2 cups of coffee or strong tea per day, actively use caffeine-free coffee). Coffee beans contain substances that increase blood cholesterol levels. However, when brewing coffee in coffee makers, they remain on the filter by filtration. On the contrary, when making coffee in a cezve, a French press, these substances directly enter the cup, so do not use these methods of brewing coffee every day. Instant coffee has no effect on cholesterol levels. The use of "Coca-Cola" and "Pepsi-Cola", preparations containing caffeine is not recommended. It should be remembered that 1 teaspoon of instant coffee or 3 teaspoons of ground coffee contains 100-150 mg of caffeine, 1 glass of tea or "Coca-Cola" - 14 mg, cocoa - 17 mg.


A relatively simple dietary modification (not putting salt on the table, avoiding oversalted food) can lead to a decrease in salt intake to 100 mmol / day. This in 20-29 years leads to a decrease of 1 mm Hg. Art. diastolic blood pressure. In contrast, the same decrease in dietary salt at the age of 60-69 can lead to a 7 mmHg drop in diastolic blood pressure. Art. which is comparable to the reduction achieved with diuretics or beta-blockers. Therefore, older people with hypertension need to reduce their salt intake. This can be achieved without feeling uncomfortable, and patients are likely to benefit from this measure, as it will lead to a decrease in diastolic blood pressure and a decrease in the need for drug therapy, with all the accompanying side effects.

Excessive salt intake leads to fluid retention in the body, which leads to high blood pressure. It is recommended that you limit your salt intake to 2 g per day.

Stick to the following rules:

- do not add salt to food during cooking,

- remove the salt shaker from the table,

- replace salt seasonings with salt-free spices,

- When buying food, read about their sodium content.

Reduce the amount of salt gradually. Eliminate salty snacks from your diet (potato chips, salted nuts, olives, capers, sauerkraut, cheese crackers, etc.), foods in fast food restaurants, salted butter and cheese, ham, smoked meats, sausages, including cans, herring, anchovies, smoked eel, salmon and sardines, canned vegetables and mushrooms and instant soups from cans or sachets, bouillon cubes, tomato juice. Ready-made herbal mixtures, Maggi seasonings, sauces from bags, mayonnaise, ketchup, ready-made mustard, salted tomato paste, soy sauce are not recommended. Use fresh or deep-frozen vegetables, which are naturally low in sodium. Read food labels carefully for sodium content.

If you are used to a certain taste of food, use special table salt substitutes - "Sanasol", "Losalt", etc. (sea salt contains a lot of sodium and therefore is not recommended), onions, garlic, pepper, paprika, horseradish, mustard seeds , lemon juice, ginger, cranberries, caraway seeds, Thai fish and Chinese oyster sauces, fresh and dry herbs (basil, dill, tarragon, rosemary, oregano, watercress, parsley, mint, thyme), as well as spices (bay leaves, anise, cloves, curry, nutmeg, cayenne red pepper, cinnamon, juniper).


Excessive alcohol consumption not only raises blood pressure for 1 to 2 weeks, increasing the risk of stroke, but it is also a source of high calories, which exacerbates the problem of being overweight. Excessive alcohol intake can cause low efficacy of antihypertensive (blood pressure lowering) drugs. Alcohol restriction provides a 2-4 mm Hg reduction in systolic blood pressure. Art.

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend limiting alcohol consumption (no more than 30 g of pure alcohol per day for men, these are: 30-60 ml of vodka, cognac, gin, rum or tequila, 120-240 ml of wine, 350 ml of beer; and 15 g of pure alcohol per day for women or low weight men). And yet, preference should be given not to spirits, but to wine. The latter is due to the fact that it contains natural antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E), as well as substances that reduce blood cholesterol levels, thin the blood, and protect against the development of tumors (polyphenols). Polyphenols are twice as high in red wine as in white wine. It should be noted that the beneficial effect of wine is manifested if it is drunk slowly with meals. Do not think that if you did not drink today, then tomorrow it will be possible to add the saved glass to the daily without harm!


Basal metabolism is the minimum energy expenditure necessary to maintain the life of the body in a state of complete rest, with the exclusion of all internal and external influences, 12 hours after eating.

The basal metabolism is expressed in the amount of energy in kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ) released by the whole organism (or per 1 kg of its mass) per unit of time (minute, hour or day).

Calories are outdated and non-standard, but the usual and generally accepted units of measurement of energy (heat, amount of work): one calorie heats one gram of water by one degree. One kilocalorie is a thousand calories.

The basic metabolic rate of an adult is approximately 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight in 1 hour. So, the daily basal metabolic rate in a man aged 30 years weighing 80 kg will be 1920 kcal (1 kcal x 80 kg x 24 hours).

Basal metabolic rate depends on age, body weight, gender and many other factors. The basic metabolism of the same person on different days can vary by ± 10%.

Age... After 20-30 years, the basal metabolic rate begins to decline. On average, per year in adult men, the daily basal metabolic rate decreases by 7 kcal, in women - by 2 or 3 kcal.

The basal metabolic rate in adults every 10 years decreases by 7-10% and by old age reaches the minimum values ​​for each person.

The daily basal energy requirement for people aged 60 is calculated as follows:

for men: weight (kg) x 13.5 + 487;

length of women: weight (kg) x 10.5 + 596.

Body mass... There is a clear connection between the development of muscle tissue and basic metabolism: with the same weight and height, a lean and muscular person spends 10-15% more energy on basic metabolism than a full and loose "non-athlete".

The intensity of metabolism and energy in adipose tissue is three times lower than in the rest of the body's cell mass.

Each gram of adipose tissue "burns" 25-30% less energy than the "average" gram of the so-called lean mass spends during the same time. Energy consumption per kilogram of weight with obesity II degree is 20-25% less than that of healthy people, and with obesity III degree - by 30%. Therefore, with obesity, the total mass of the basal metabolism grows much more slowly than body weight.

Floor... Metabolic processes in women are less intense than in men. With the same height, women have less body weight, the muscular system is less developed, and the adipose tissue is stronger. All this leads to the fact that the basal metabolic rate per kg of weight in women is less than in men. Accordingly, a woman needs less energy to maintain basic metabolism than a man of the same weight. Normally, these differences are 5-6%.

Nutrition... Basal metabolic rate depends on a person's dietary intake. Prolonged dietary restriction or excessive food intake significantly affects the basal metabolic rate. Significantly affects the metabolism and the qualitative composition of food, in particular, the increased or insufficient content and diet of certain nutrients, i.e. imbalance in the diet.

When nutrition is limited, the basal metabolic rate decreases. At the same time, body weight can remain unchanged or decrease - depending on individual characteristics and the quantity and quality of food consumed.

Excessive food intake can lead to both an increase and a decrease in basal metabolism. The decrease in metabolism is explained by the accumulation of inactive adipose tissue in the body, and the increase is explained by the increased load on the internal organs associated with overweight.

Basal metabolism also depends on the quality of food, excessive and predominant protein nutrition, the basal metabolism increases, and with carbohydrate, on the contrary, it decreases.

Muscular activity... The hard work of the muscles helps to increase the basal metabolism. Physical inactivity leads to a decrease in basal metabolism.

Ambient temperature. Most researchers point to an increase in basal metabolism at low temperatures and a decrease at high temperatures.

Diseases... In healthy people, the basal metabolism largely depends on the individual characteristics of the state of the thyroid gland. With increased function of the thyroid glands (hyperthyroidism), the basal metabolism increases by 150% or more, and with a significant decrease in its function (severe hypothyroidism), it decreases by 35-40%.

Basal metabolism increases in febrile states. An increase in temperature by 1 degree leads to an increase in basal metabolism by 13% due to an increase in heat production, increased ventilation of the lungs and an increase in the frequency of heart contractions.

Nutrition and metabolism. There is a theory of ideal energy expenditure. Its essence lies in the fact that with a constant mass in healthy people, energy expenditure does not depend on changes in the amount of incoming food. In the case of deviations from the ideal body weight, energy expenditure decreases with a decrease in food intake and increases with overeating. Intense physical activity causes a natural increase in food consumption while maintaining body weight at a constant level.

With obesity, a more economical consumption of nutrients and energy during work and work is noted. To maintain a stable weight, full requires only 65% ​​of the "average" diet, and lean - 135%.

Maintaining body weight is an indicator of the energy adequacy of nutrition.

Appetite and eating behavior. People who are prone to obesity spend less energy to carry out normal physiological functions. However, excess nutrition in comparison with energy expenditure is the main reason for the deviation of body weight from ideal.

Appetite is not a necessary part of feeling hungry. It can occur on its own: sometimes during meals, and often in anticipation of a favorite dish. Appetite is caused by a deficiency in the body of a certain substance. It often reflects innate or acquired as a result of the characteristics of upbringing, individual inclinations for a particular dish.

Eating behavior is formed during childhood. Older children often make up for their loneliness and abandonment with food. Parents often use food as a reward. If the child is behaving well, then he is given something "tasty" - the food in this case becomes a reward. If the baby does not behave the way the parents want, then he is deprived of sweets, that is, food is used as a punishment. As a result, the child begins to perceive the abandonment of poverty as deprivation of the only joy. Subsequently, it will be difficult for him to teach him to perceive refusal to eat as a reward, and overeating as a punishment.

Pathological eating behavior often develops in adulthood as well. At the first stage, psychological dependence develops, and at the second stage, physiological dependence. Imagine that you really like some product, for example a cake, and you want to eat it again - this is a psychological addiction, you buy it again and again, and then you feel that without this cake the evening will be ruined, and again you go to the store - this is already a psychological dependence. The cake has ceased to be a source of pleasure, but becomes a need that must be satisfied. The habit of drinking sweet tea and using a lot of salt is also formed.

Eating behavior can be significantly disturbed in cases of psychosis and neuroses. Eating too much or not eating too much can be a protest when difficulties arise in other areas of life. It has long been known that many widows begin to gain weight. 30% of people experience an increase in appetite in response to stress. In overweight people, this phenomenon occurs 1.5 times more often. The feeling of anxiety prompts us to approach the refrigerator more often, and even in those accidental anxiety is not justified by anything. Depression, violation of the usual way of life can cause a desire to relieve tension, get rid of anxiety. This is where the danger of deviating from the ideal mass lurks - either in connection with overeating, or in connection with a complete refusal to write. Often the reason for overeating is boring work, monotonous life, lack of new experiences and joys.

This process is accompanied by the development of physical inactivity, laziness, unwillingness to do anything. Overeating and physical inactivity contribute to weight gain. If a person once was "overweight", then psychological reasons will return him to his previous state.

Food causes the brain to release endorphins, hormones similar to drugs. It creates a sense of calmness, relaxation, comfort. This happens especially often with those people who developed a conditioned reflex of "seizing anxiety" in childhood. Often there is a need to "seize" anxiety with carbohydrate products - sweets, chocolate. The so-called carbohydrate thirst develops - some nutritionists call it "carbohydrate addiction". Craving for sweets often accompanies depressive, anxiety states.

If you are used to eating more than required, if you are used to eating to encourage yourself, if you are used to eating when cats are scratching your soul, then you can no longer rely on the signals of your body.

People grow fat from tedious work. The Department of Public Health at the University of Helsinki has published Psychological Working Conditions and Weight Gain in Employees as part of the ongoing Helsinki Heart Study, which involved 7,000 women and 2,000 men between the ages of 40 and 60. It turned out that those who get very tired at work especially often get better: among women - those who found it difficult to combine work and family, among men - those who have high demands at work.

Alcohol and excess weight. Excessive alcohol consumption is undoubtedly the most common, though not the only, cause of weight gain.

Alcohol stimulates appetite. Even mild intoxication reduces food intake control. A person who regularly drinks alcohol gains weight rather quickly. If alcohol dependence develops, then over time the appetite and need for food fall, and patients gradually become exhausted.

Any alcoholic drink is a high-calorie product, which, moreover, is very easily absorbed into the bloodstream and very quickly absorbed (for example, a glass of beer (200 ml) contains about 53.2 kcal, in a glass of table wine (90 ml) - 57.4 kcal , in a glass of fortified wine (60 ml) - 61.6 kcal, and in a glass of vodka (30 ml) - 64.4 kcal).

Thus, the constant consumption of alcoholic beverages, even in small amounts, can lead to overweight and obesity.


There is a close relationship between being overweight and high blood pressure. Excessive fat deposition in the abdominal area is especially unfavorable. Weight loss lowers blood pressure, normalizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications.

The problem of achieving and controlling ideal body weight is very difficult, since there is no panacea for this, therefore, you will need the help of an appropriate specialist. There is a widespread belief that to lose weight you need to eat less. However, this is not quite true. To maintain a normal body weight, it is necessary to adhere to the dietary regime, which will provide a real level of energy expenditure. So, if you find that you are gaining weight, then you have two options: first - to reduce the calorie intake of food; the second is to increase the level of energy costs through physical activity. The best results are obtained when you combine both methods. A balanced diet is a matter of discipline, moderation and sanity, not life from hand to mouth! Remember to refrain from all fancy and exotic dietary recommendations, as they tend to be nutritionally deficient and the weight loss they produce is usually short-lived and quickly reversible.


Regular exercise is very beneficial for your health. They normalize body weight, help reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and blood pressure, keep the cardiovascular system in good shape, stimulate metabolic processes, reduce exposure to stress, etc.

Regular exercise for 30 minutes lowers systolic blood pressure by 3-9 mm Hg. Art. and diastolic - by 3 mm Hg. Art. Overall, they reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular complications.

Entering physical activity should be done gradually - the less physically active you are, the slower you should increase the load.


It is extremely difficult to get rid of the manifold stresses that our life gives us. The founder of the doctrine of stress, Hans Selye, said: "Stress can cause both a passionate kiss and a kick in the ass!" What can you oppose to this? Smile! Think pleasant! It is very important to create a calm psychological climate at home and at work, to be optimistic and benevolent. Avoid a state of chronic overwork, alternate mental and physical activities. Organize your life: keep a diary, establish an effective system for storing invoices, receipts, letters and documents.

Try to keep your sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. To improve falling asleep, it is useful to take a quiet walk in the fresh air before bedtime, take a warm foot bath or a general bath, drink warm tea with soothing herbs, refuse a hearty dinner in the evening, and from television programs. In addition to exercise, your doctor may recommend relaxation or relaxation periods. This can be reading, listening to music, extra daytime sleep, deep breathing exercises, autogenic training (breathing training, volitional mouse relaxation, changing body position, concentration, yoga, meditation, hypnosis, and anything else that really relaxes you) ... Applying these techniques once or twice a week will lower the level of substances that increase blood pressure, which, in the end, can lead to a decrease in systolic blood pressure by 6 and diastolic by 4 mmHg. Art. But it does not at all follow from this that you have reason to consider yourself disabled and to relax indefinitely. If something touches you, do not accumulate tears inside, do not be afraid to cry in front of loved ones or alone. Control your feelings of guilt, learn to distinguish between the justified expectations of loved ones and their unrealistic demands. Learn to be a little selfish: you should love yourself more, think about yourself, be able to appreciate your good qualities.

Non-drug treatment of arterial hypertension

Arterial hypertension 20-30% of the adult population are affected. With age, the prevalence increases and reaches 50 - 65% in people over 65 years of age. Among all forms arterial hypertension the share of mild and moderate accounts for about 70 - 80%, in other cases, severe arterial hypertension is observed.

For the diagnosis of increased blood pressure it is enough to record at least three times the increased blood pressure figures obtained at different times against the background of a calm environment, the patient on this day should not take drugs that change blood pressure. Failure to comply with the last condition can lead to an increase in blood pressure: after taking coffee by 11/5 mm Hg. Art. alcohol - by 8/8 mm Hg. Art. after smoking - by 6/5 mm Hg. Art. with an overflowing bladder - by 15/10 mm Hg. Art. in the absence of support for the hand - by 7/11 mm Hg. Art.

Purpose of treatment arterial hypertension- prevention of long-term consequences of this pathological condition. Most patients need lifelong antihypertensive therapy, but first it is advisable to observe the pressure for 4 to 6 months in order to assess the possibility of its spontaneous decrease, except in cases where immediate drug treatment is necessary (in case of damage to target organs: kidney, brain, heart , vessels, as well as with the ineffectiveness of non-drug treatment).

Non-drug treatment implies a change in lifestyle. The main measures of non-drug exposure for arterial hypertension are diet, reduction of excess body weight, sufficient physical activity, rejection of bad habits. In 40 - 60% of patients with the initial stage of arterial hypertension with low blood pressure figures, it is possible to achieve its reduction with the help of only non-drug treatment.

For patients with high blood pressure, a special diet number 10... which implies limiting table salt to 6 - 8 g / day (3-4 g in food and 3-4 g added to food), free liquid up to 1.2 liters (including soups, jelly, etc.), animal fats , with their replacement with vegetable, the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in cell membranes (vegetables, fruits, cereals), vitamins, potassium ions, calcium, magnesium. Energy value should not exceed 2600 kcal / day. A similar diet should be followed by everyone who suffers. arterial hypertension... Additional difficulties arise in patients with increased body weight. As a rule, hypertensive patients are obese. It is now generally accepted that if the weight begins to exceed 15% of the ideal, there are much more chances of occurrence against the background of high blood pressure ischemic heart disease, diabetes. vascular atherosclerosis.

All patients with arterial hypertension, whose body weight exceeds 15% of the ideal, are shown to lose weight. It is believed that a decrease in excess body weight by 1 kg leads to a decrease in blood pressure by an average of 2 mm Hg. Art.

In order to reduce the amount of energy stored in the body in the form of fat, it is necessary to consume less energy than the body expends. You can lose weight in three ways: reduce the amount of food consumed, increase physical activity, or a combination of these 2 methods. It is necessary to make sure that the body expends more energy than it receives from food.

For a fat person, whose energy requirement reaches 2000 kcal per day, even a fairly sparing diet of 1500 kcal will lead to a decrease in energy consumption by 500 kcal per day, or 3500 kcal per week, which corresponds to 450 g of weight. Even Hippocrates said: "Medicine must be food, and food must be medicine." Following this rule, when choosing a diet, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism, lifestyle, work and rest regime. The diet should also be complete, i.e. contain all the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities.

As an independent method of non-drug therapy arterial hypertension... and also, in addition to diet, sufficient physical activity of a cyclic type (walking, light jogging, skiing) in the absence of contraindications can help to normalize blood pressure. For example, jogging for 30 minutes burns 300 kcal or 40 g of weight, swimming 175 kcal in 30 minutes, ice skating 200 kcal in 30 minutes. But the simplest and most affordable way is regular walking. When 4,000 doctors from 20 countries were asked the easiest way to improve their health, they answered: to walk. Walking improves circulation, stimulates the heart and lungs, relaxes joints, and helps you lose weight.

American scientists have proven that repeated moderately intense dynamic loads cause a significant decrease in blood pressure regardless of weight loss or changes in sodium excretion.

Other methods of treatment have retained their significance. arterial hypertension... psychotherapy, acupuncture, physiotherapeutic methods (electrosleep, diadynamic currents), water procedures, herbal medicine (chokeberry, hawthorn tincture, motherwort, collection with marsh cuddog, hawthorn, sweet clover).

Hypertonic disease. Home encyclopedia Malysheva Irina Sergeevna

Non-drug treatment of arterial hypertension

If the patient has increased blood pressure, but this increase is no more than 10–20 mm Hg. Art. and there are no changes in the heart, blood vessels, fundus and kidneys, then drugs are not immediately prescribed, but start with non-drug treatment.

What is it? First, it is necessary to exclude all factors contributing to an increase in blood pressure. To do this, first of all, all drugs that can increase blood pressure (drops from the common cold, birth control pills, hormonal and non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.) are canceled. With constant emotional overload, they resort to auto-training or the help of a psychotherapist. It must be remembered that psychological comfort is important for patients with hypertension.

Non-drug treatment of GB involves a certain lifestyle correction in three areas:

1) the formation of healthy eating habits;

2) rejection of bad habits;

3) the fight against physical inactivity.

1. First of all, we characterize changes in the regime and characteristics of nutrition. Sufferers of hypertension should strive to reduce weight in the case of existing obesity - this contributes to a decrease in blood pressure. After all, overweight people (20% or more above the norm) often suffer from hypertension. Normalizing weight can not only lower blood pressure, but also help prevent dangerous diseases of diabetes and atherosclerosis.

All patients with arterial hypertension are recommended a plant-milk diet, limiting the use of coffee, tea and tonic drinks (Coca-Cola, etc.). It should be remembered, however, that there is no such diet, after which the lost pounds will never return. Therefore, it is wiser to talk not about diets as something temporary, but about changing food habits.

In all cases of arterial hypertension, the use of table salt is limited - no more than 5-6 g per day. In a number of people, only limiting the intake of salt and salty foods normalizes blood pressure.

2. Bad habits - smoking and alcohol abuse - constitute a serious health hazard in general, and especially for patients with hypertension. They increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and, most importantly, reduce the effectiveness of medications that lower blood pressure. It is highly recommended to limit, or even better, eliminate smoking and alcohol consumption altogether. This is especially true for those who have had cases of pronounced addiction to alcohol in the family and for those who have an increased sensitivity to alcohol-containing beverages.

3. Physical inactivity - enemy of patients suffering from hypertension. With this disease, in its early stages, it is recommended to reasonably increase physical activity. Exercise along with weight loss and salt restriction is an essential element in the drug-free treatment of hypertension. Studies have shown that people involved in aerobics, after 4 months, the pressure indicators were significantly lower than in the control group, where these exercises were absent. Sports training is best done 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes; the exercises performed should be enjoyable and not too difficult. For those whose blood pressure rises during exercise, another type of physical activity can be recommended - long, measured walks.

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Treatment of arterial hypertension Non-drug treatment and prevention of arterial hypertension in pregnant women includes: 1. Diet - reducing the consumption of table salt, coffee, tea, giving up bad habits (alcohol, smoking). Permissible amount of salt per day

The gold standard for treating IBS has not been established. Treatment is usually divided into non-drug and medication.

Non-drug treatment

Diet therapy. A number of studies have shown that nutrition, including the use of carbohydrate foods, correlates with the prevalence of the disease. Thus, according to the results of multivariate analysis, Zheng et al. , among those who daily consume rice, bread, pasta, while adjusting other factors (socio-demographic, anthropometric, lifestyle), the disease occurs more often than among those who rarely consume these products.

Research by Mansueto et al. gave conflicting results. To address this issue, the authors studied a long-term complex restriction in food of such sugars as fructose, lactose, fructans, galactans, polyols (sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol, xylitol, erythritol, polydextrose and isomaltose). Some patients on such a diet improved, while others did not. The authors still believe that limiting carbohydrate intake is beneficial in treating IBS patients.

Nutritional adjustments play an important role in the treatment of the disease. A feature of IBS is the fact that different foods can cause symptoms in different patients. Therefore, it is advisable to keep a food diary, where you indicate the product and the reaction of the body after it is consumed. This will allow you to identify the product provocateur and, if possible, exclude it from the diet.

The diet allows you to exclude conditions that mimic IBS (lactose intolerance, fructose): to reduce gas formation and bloating, as well as the discomfort associated with this. At the same time, there is no evidence today that patients with IBS should completely exclude any foods from the diet.

It is advisable to select a diet for patients with IBS based on the prevailing symptoms. As already mentioned, the patient should keep a food diary and experimentally reject foods that cause pain, dyspeptic manifestations and stimulate gas formation. These can be foods such as cabbage, peas, beans, potatoes, grapes, milk, kvass, as well as fatty foods and carbonated drinks. Limit your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.

As already indicated, it is desirable to limit the intake of oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols.

It is believed that patients with IBS need nutrition training. Such training is a rather laborious process. The authors studied the effect of training using the one-to-one methodology (one doctor - one patient) and the group method. It was found that the effectiveness of both methods is the same. Consequently, group training is possible, the organization of schools for teaching nutrition in this disease.

Bovine immunoglobulin derived from blood for administration peros may play a positive role in the treatment of IBS. When consumed within a few weeks, abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea may be reduced.

Alimentary fiber. In irritable bowel syndrome, a high content of dietary fiber in food is of great importance, i.e. the diet should be dominated by foods that

containing dietary fiber. Preference is given to various cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice). You need to take food 5-6 times a day in small portions.

In addition, there are a number of specialty dietary fibers that are widely used to improve bowel function in athletes.

Polydextrose is a food supplement, a polysaccharide consisting of glucose residues. It is used in the food industry as a filler. Refers to water-soluble dietary fiber; in this capacity it is officially recognized and used in 20 countries, including Russia.

Guar gum is a food additive that belongs to the group of stabilizers.

Gum arabic is a completely water-soluble polysaccharide that is resistant to hydrolysis by the digestive enzymes of the human body. Like any other soluble fiber, it lowers blood glucose levels. The addition of gum arabic increases the viscosity of the food mass and thus normalizes the secretion of gastric juice and inhibits the secretion of digestive enzymes.

Psyllium husk is one of the most popular types of fiber, it can absorb large amounts of water and form a jelly-like mass, which helps soften stool and improve intestinal motility.

Inulin is a natural polysaccharide obtained from the tubers and roots of some plants, such as chicory, garlic, dandelion, echinacea, but Jerusalem artichoke contains the most inulin. Stomach hydrochloric acid and intestinal enzymes break down inulin into individual fructose molecules and other small fragments that enter the bloodstream. The unsplit part of inulin is excreted from the body, carrying with it a lot of unnecessary substances for the body - from heavy metals and cholesterol to various toxins, while inulin promotes the absorption of vitamins and minerals (especially calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron and phosphorus) in the body. It eliminates constipation and diarrhea. Inulin is the most common source of dietary fiber in sports nutrition.

I? Then / 2 ™ is digestible maltodextrin, the richest source (90%) of soluble dietary fiber. LLgao / 2 ™ supports the growth of "friendly" bacteria in the intestines, contributing to the normalization of microflora.

Currently, the product is registered in Russia and can be used Fitness Fiber, which includes all of the above dietary fiber. The drug is available to patients, has properties that are very beneficial to human health, and plays an important role in improving digestion.

Adults are advised to consume 10 to 25-35 grams of fiber per day. The use of this drug is also important because patients with IBS poorly tolerate fresh fruits and vegetables, and this drug to a certain extent is able to replace them in the diet during treatment.

You can add a teaspoon Fitness Fiber to porridge, drink 2-3 times a day, and this will normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

It has been shown that pectin (a purified polysaccharide obtained by extraction of citrus or apple pulp) has a positive effect on patients, acting as a probiotic, stimulating the growth of bifidobacteria in the intestine.

Physical mode. There are indications in the literature that physical activity significantly improves the general condition of IBS. Patients are shown regular physical activity. This has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps to increase the body's resistance to stress and get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

Patient awareness. Interaction between doctor and patient. Studies by Flik et al. Are of considerable interest. ... The authors examined patients' perceptions of their illness, and also determined what kind of information they need. In a meta-analysis of the results of a significant number of such studies, the authors concluded that many patients have no idea about the nature of their disease. They believe IBS is due to dietary factors, food allergies and food intolerances (37-90%), heredity (52%), or lack of digestive enzymes (52%). Others believe that it is a form of colitis (43%) and will last a lifetime (31-54%) or an age-related condition (48%).

Patients worry about their illness, consider themselves poorly informed (65%). They want to receive information about the diagnostic process, about which foods should be avoided (63%), about the causes of the disease (62%), about new drugs (55%), course treatment (52%), the role of the psychological factor (51%) ...

The authors conclude that IBS patients need significant information about their illness. Educational programs that would optimally respond to their needs should be used in solving the problem of this disease.

The most important condition for successful therapy is the establishment of a trusting relationship with the patient. He definitely needs to explain the functional nature of the disease, and also warn that the manifestations of the syndrome can persist for many months and even years without progression; under the influence of treatment, symptoms may be reduced. The patient's attention should be focused on the fact that the disease does not turn into cancer and that it is associated with intestinal hypersensitivity to normal environmental factors. The duration of such a discussion with the patient should be at least 15 minutes. Together with the patient, an individual plan of measures is drawn up, necessary to achieve remission of the disease, and possibly a complete cure.

Of practical interest is the work in which the opinion of patients about their assessment of the provision of care by doctors was studied. The doctors participating in the medical experiment believed that patients had little adherence to persistent treatment. At the same time, 88% of patients were satisfied with the help they received for their illness, and 73% stated that they consider their doctor to be a competent specialist.

The better the contact between the doctor and the patient is established, the more trusting their relationship is, the less often patients come with repeated visits and exacerbations of IBS.

Psychotherapy. Given the fundamental role of the stress factor in the onset of the disease, psychotherapeutic measures can, if not cure the patient, then significantly reduce the manifestations of IBS. Consultation with a psychotherapist is recommended for many patients with this syndrome. Psychotherapeutic methods of treatment, including hypnosis, can reduce the level of anxiety, teach to resist stressful influences, and adequately respond to problem situations.

Hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is not used often enough in the treatment of IBS patients. Meanwhile, the data obtained in a number of studies indicate that this is a highly effective method of treatment, especially in refractory forms of the disease. It turned out that 76% of patients (83% of women and 62% of men) feel significant improvement after hypotherapy. Decreased the severity of intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms of the disease, improved quality of life. The number of days with pain and depressive symptoms decreased by 2 times. At the same time, the positive effect was stable and lasted for years.

Physiotherapy treatments. In the works of a number of authors, the significance of physical therapy methods in the treatment of IBS has been studied. Aligacy et al. Conducting lumbar and transcranial magnetic stimulation in the single-pulse mode showed that these methods significantly increase the pain sensitivity threshold both in the control group and in patients. Thus, both lumbar and cranial magnetic stimulation in this syndrome can reduce pain.

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