
Elena's holiday on June 3. Birthday of Constantine. When to celebrate and which saints are patrons? Day of Saints Helena and Constantine congratulations: congratulations in verse

Day of Saints Helena and Constantine - June 3.

Memory of the ruler of the Roman Empire, Equal to the Apostles

Tsar Constantine and his mother, Queen Helena

the Orthodox Church honors annually on June 3.

Raised by a Christian mother and father,

not allowing the persecution of adherents of the Christian

religion, Constantine from childhood absorbed special respect

to faith. After becoming a ruler, he directed all his efforts,

so that the freedom to confess faith in Christ be proclaimed

in all countries subject to him. Tsarina Elena, mother

Constantine, also made a great many

good deeds for the Church, she built temples and, at the insistence

son, even brought from Jerusalem the same

The Life-giving Cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified,

for which she was also awarded the title of Equal to the Apostles.

For Elena ...

Congratulations to Elena

Paris was right to choose

Greek Goddesses Helen!

Let this fact lead to war

And the walls of Ilion fell.

But what are the peoples and kings!

What cities they live in!

If Paris chose beauty

His subject of adoration!

It was in the ancient years

Troy has become a legend for a long time.

But Elena is forever

It remains a wonderful symbol!

@ Names in verses

For Constantine

There are light wines

There are strong wines

And for Constantine -

You need a middle.

Need a middle

Not empty at all.

No, for Constantine -

Need a gold one!

Found the middle.

So let's hit three times:

Vivat Constantin!

Vivat! Vivat! Vivat !!!

The meaning of the name Elena

The female name Elena has Greek roots and occurred

from the word "helenos", meaning "light", "light",

"Shining". It was originally pronounced "Selena"

(this is what the Greeks called the moon), and then it was transformed

to Elena. In Russia, this name has always been the prototype of the female

beauty, such a subtle, intelligent and malleable

Elena the Beautiful. Interestingly, the popularity of the name

Elena has survived many centuries and is now

is just as widespread and popular,

like before.

Characteristics of the name Elena

Elena's character is distinguished by emotionality and

cheerfulness. She is usually very sociable,

open, kind, charming and witty woman,

attracted by all that is beautiful. In childhood

this is a little reserved, modest and obedient child.

Little Elena studies well, but diligence

usually does not apply. But she likes to dream, maybe

even invent a whole world of her own in which she

a rich, luxurious, self-confident beauty.

Adult Elena is often quite lazy, but in general

loves work. She easily finds a common language with people,

knows how to flirt beautifully with men and diplomatically

avoid conflicts. She has a lot of friends, but not all

Elena reveals herself completely. Since she is very

gullible, it is easy to deceive her. The owner of such a friend

He will not forgive this name, and even try to punish him.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Elena will suit many signs of the zodiac, but best of all

name them a girl born under the auspices of Cancer,

that is, from June 22 to July 22. Alternately open and

melancholic Cancer is in many ways similar to Elena, who is under

his influence will feel a great need for a family,

home comfort, but at the same time in society will show

charm and sociability. In addition, it will become

homely, sensitive, bohemian, kind,

diplomatic, appreciating family traditions and loving

sit alone.

Pros and cons of the name Elena

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Elena?

This name is positively characterized by its gentle beauty,

familiarity, a good combination with Russian surnames and

middle names, as well as the presence of many euphonious

abbreviations and diminutive forms,

such as Lena, Lenochka, Yelenka, Lenusya, Lenulya, Lenchik.

And if you consider that Elena's character also causes more

positive than negative emotions, then obvious disadvantages

in this name is not visible.


Elena's health is quite strong, but many owners

of this name throughout life there are problems with

pancreas, kidneys, intestines, or


Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Elena takes great care

about her husband and children, but always makes it clear that washing and cleaning -

this is not what she wants to do. In youth

pretty amorous Elena, having met her future

spouse, transforms and, as a rule, very jealous

refers to the fact that the husband has some separate

from family hobbies. She chooses life companions

a man with a status or material perspective,

but it happens that she falls in love with a person whom

I just regretted it.

Professional sphere

As for the professional sphere, from Elena

you can get a successful artist, actress, writer,

journalist, psychologist, interior designer, architect,

director, masseur, hairdresser.


Name days according to the Orthodox calendar Elena notes

Every year on June 3, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Tsar Constantine and his mother Equal to the Apostles Helena.

During the time of persecution of Christians in Britain and Gaul, Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine, son of Emperor Constance Chlorus, revived faith in Christ on his lands. Love and respect for this religion was instilled in the boy from childhood, since his mother was a Christian. In addition, the emperor-father himself did not persecute the adherents of Christianity, unlike their co-rulers, Deocletian and Maximian, who display particular cruelty in the persecution of people of this faith.

After the death of Constance, Constantine came to power. He immediately proclaimed the freedom of Christianity in his lands, and soon throughout the Roman Empire, delivering from persecution all who believe in Christ. The new emperor made a lot of efforts to get rid of the opponents of this religion. Queen Helen, with the advent of her son to the throne, did many good deeds to maintain and develop Christianity. At her behest, many churches were built in places where paganism flourished, and the very Life-giving cross was brought, on which Jesus Christ was crucified, for which she was called Equal to the Apostles.

During his reign, with the support of his mother, Emperor Constantine managed for the first time in 300 years to give people the opportunity to freely remain faithful to Christianity.

Day of Saints Helena and Constantine 2020 - congratulations

We dedicate to the great saints
Bright prayers today
We glorify Constantine,
Who was the savior of the people

I won with my faith
Pagans in their native land,
With beautiful mother Elena
He bestowed his mercy

To all Orthodox Christians!
Stand untouched for centuries
Great, glorious temples
With gold in the bells!

Saint Constantine we
We dedicate our prayers,
He saved us all from darkness
Driving paganism away,

He is with his sweet mother,
Wonderful, kind Elena
Saved the peoples of these lands
From grief, death, pain, decay!

We will not forget the names
Beautiful, dear saints,
Let the bells ring
Let the prayers sound for them!

On the day of the fairest saints
Constantine and Elena
Let the candles be lit in honor of them,
Their exploits are priceless for us,

They, keeping in their hearts
Belief in the true God
Shown for others
Blessed road!

We will praise at this hour
Holy mother with a great son,
Let the prayers sound
In honor of Elena with Constantine!

Postcard for the Day of Saints Helena and Constantine 2020

Click on the repost to copy to social. network

The memory of the ruler of the Roman Empire, Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and his mother, Queen Helena, is honored by the Orthodox Church annually on June 3. Raised by a Christian mother and a father who did not allow the persecution of adherents of the Christian religion, Constantine, from childhood, absorbed a special respect for the faith. Having become a ruler, he directed all his efforts so that the freedom of the confession of faith in Christ was proclaimed in all countries subject to him.

Queen Helena, the mother of Constantine, also did a great many good deeds for the Church, she built temples and, at the insistence of her son, even brought from Jerusalem the very Life-giving Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified, for which she was also awarded the title of Equal to the Apostles.

Show congratulations

Elena gave birth to a son
St. Constantine.
I remembered this day forever
Orthodox person.
Emperor and queen
They began to help people.
And the problems of the state
Decide in concert.
For their great merits
Helen and Constantine became saints,
And this day was named in their honor,
So that everyone in the world knows
That today we congratulate not Zhora and not Gena,
And the birthday people Konstantin and Elena.


Constantine the Great! And Saint Helena,
In honor of great faces, hearts are joyful!
On this day, misfortunes will be perishable in the ashes,
We need to pray in the church with Christ!

Well, since the name day, let the souls laugh,
If the sadness in the heart - it will disappear forever!
In honor of Saints Helena, Saint Constantine,
You would live happily your years!


On the day of memory of Elena, Constantine,
Whose holiness has long been recognized,
About whom the ancient epics were composed,
Who is destined to glorify God

The Church will celebrate the Liturgy gloriously,
Thereby paying tribute to Heaven.
Deeds today are only good
Backbiting and abuse are excluded.


Thank you, the glorious emperor, for loving Christians,
For the fact that you have confirmed our main faith in all Rome,
Thanks to mother Elena for finding the life-giving cross,
Because she resurrected churches, she took care of the Christian world!
Keep the faith holy, people! All my life, to the very gray hair,
And we will not forget you, saints - Elena - mother and Constantine!


Few people know Elena and Konstantin,
Their pedigree, titles and ranks.
No one has heard about the life of the queen and her son,
So you better read this story.

Holy Queen Helen was once a Christian,
And her son did not rule the Roman Empire for a year.
Forgetting about paganism and adopting Christianity,
Constantine began to appreciate the Byzantine people.

And remembering how Christ was crucified on Calvary,
Constantine tried to find the cross with all his might.
Honoring Jesus, He sent Queen Helena
To Jerusalem, to convey faith in hearts!


I devoted my whole life to the adoption of faith,
He gave his whole soul to Christianity in love.
Saint Constantine, without feeling and measure
He created the unity of you and me.

Unity of people who accept the faith,
He could not walk through hell alone
Only my mother gave support all the time.
Not everyone is happy to bow to fate.

Saint Helena gave support,
She was a Christian and shared warmth.
She raised the child correctly,
So that in the future he will become a holy king!


Blessed by God are mother and son.
Faith can do a lot ...
Constantine proved it
And his mother, blessed Elena.

They are now numbered among the saints,
Their deeds are pure, pleasing to God
And they can calm the days in grief,
Giving the right path in life.


Emperor Constantine once lived in Rome,
He defended Christian doctrine,
He was majestic, invincible,
He believed in God, he called Jesus.

A queen mother named Helena,
I was sent to Jerusalem,
For believers of new generations
I found the very cross where God was crucified.

They did not recognize paganism,
And the tomb of the Lord was found by them,
The living God was only called upon,
So that He lives in the hearts of believers.


Equal to the Apostles Helen, Constantine.
Mother and son were righteous.
Holy great emperor
Augustus proclaimed his mother.

He supported the Church in every possible way,
He returned from exile Christians.
And the first thing is the emperor
He declared the freedom of Christian faith.

He sent the queen mother
To seek the life-giving cross.
And miraculously she found
Cross for the crucifixion of Christ.


They fought for what they believed in.
Son - Constantine - he saved Christians
From certain death at that time of persecution,
Not afraid of threats from neighboring countries.

Elena - mother - converted
She did not back down on a good path.
She carried her cross, hard and humbly,
May God grant everyone his own way to go.


When the Roman emperor
He forbade Christ to glorify,
And pagan debauchery
Filled my mouth
Elena's Christian
A beautiful son was born -
Christian intercessor bright
Emperor Constantine.
Constantine and Elena
We honor the saints
And in prayer always
We remember their feat.


Equal to the Apostles, Constantine and his mother Elena.
During their lifetime, their great deeds were accomplished:
Christianity freed itself from pagan captivity,
And three hundred years of persecution ended.
Elena raised Constantine in deep faith in Christ,
With him, "consubstantiality" was supplemented by the Symbol of Faith,
And the finding took place of the Life-giving Cross!
And the city of Constantinople was revealed,
As Rome the second, and as a base
Religions of free people who believe in Christ,
For repentance on the eve of the coming of the second!


On the day of Helena, Constantine
We want to wish you
Bright life so that the picture
Turned back time.

So that you can easily
Not getting old, but getting younger,
And with my warmth of soul
Warm us all for many years.

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The name Elena is of Greek origin. Translated into Russian, it means light, radiant. The positive features of the name include gullibility, charm, flirtatiousness. She's kind enough. Elena is the person who shows good-naturedness, sympathy for people who need it. But despite her gentleness, the girl is fair. She does not tolerate deception. She is able to protect herself and punish her offender.

Today, the name "Elena" in terms of the popularity of female names occupies 38th place in the rating on the territory of Ukraine and Russia.

The character of the birthday girl

Girl Elena is fast, smart, warm-hearted. People like her are often called "Lady Sincerity." She is very amorous, but despite this, having found her soul mate, she is ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of her love. Peace and tranquility are very important to her.

The girl is doing very well at school. She differs from her cousins ​​in her rich imagination and excellent memory. Mostly she is friends with men than women. It is very difficult for Elena to forgive insults. She is touchy and does not tolerate insults and criticism in her direction, even from the closest people. The girl is very curious and does not know how to keep secrets. Elena also has a negative trait in her character - it's laziness. She moves her life energy.

Angel Helena Day according to the church calendar

As you know, it is believed that the name of the child needs to be selected according to the Orthodox calendar. It is believed that how happy he will be in life depends on the correct choice of the name. Also, how much you honor your guardian angel affects your luck in life. But in order to honor it, you need to know what date it is celebrated. So, when is the day of the angel Elena?

There are not so many memorable dates throughout the year. Elena's birthday according to the church calendar is celebrated on the following dates:

Elena's birthday according to the church calendarNS

date Patron saint
28 January Great Martyr Elena
19 march
June 3 Equally Apostle Queen Helena of Constantinople
June 8 Martyr Elena
June 10th Venerable Elena Diveevskaya
July 24 Baptized Elena (Olga) Grand Duchess of Russia
August 10 Inokia Elena Astashikina
September 17 Martyr Elena Chernova
12 november Reverend Queen, Helena of Serbia

May the Lord protect you!

Watch also the video about Angel Elena Day:

The Holy Emperor Constantine (306 - 337), who received the name Equal to the Apostles from the Church, and was named Great in world history, was the son of Caesar Constantine Chlorus (305 - 306), who ruled Gaul and Britain. The huge Roman Empire was at that time divided into Western and Eastern, headed by two independent emperors who had co-rulers, one of whom was the father of Emperor Constantine in the Western half. Holy Empress Helen, mother of the Emperor Constantine, was a Christian. The future ruler of the entire Roman Empire, Constantine, was brought up to respect the Christian religion. His father did not persecute Christians in the countries he ruled, while in the rest of the Roman Empire Christians were severely persecuted by the emperors Diocletian (284-305) in the East and his co-ruler Maximian (284-305) in the West and the emperor Maximian Galerius (305 - 311) - in the East. After the death of Constance Chlorus, his son Constantine in 306 was proclaimed emperor of Gaul and Britain by the troops. The first task of the new emperor was to proclaim the freedom to practice the Christian faith in the countries subject to him. The fanatic of paganism Maximian Galerius in the East and the cruel tyrant Maxentius (Maxentius) in the West hated the emperor Constantine and plotted to depose and kill him, but Constantine warned them and in a number of wars, with the help of God, defeated all his opponents. He prayed to God to give him a sign that would inspire his army to fight bravely, and the Lord showed him in heaven the shining sign of the Cross with the inscription "By this, conquer." Having become the sovereign ruler of the Western part of the Roman Empire, Constantine issued the Milan Edict of Tolerance in 313, and in 323, when he reigned as the only emperor over the entire Roman Empire, he extended the Milan Edict to the entire eastern part of the empire. After three hundred years of persecution, Christians for the first time were able to openly confess their faith in Christ.
Having renounced paganism, the emperor did not leave ancient Rome, which was the center of a pagan state, as the capital of the empire, but moved his capital to the east, to the city of Byzantium, which was renamed Constantinople. Constantine was deeply convinced that only the Christian religion can unite the vast, heterogeneous Roman Empire. He supported the Church in every possible way, returned confessors-Christians from exile, built churches, took care of the clergy. Deeply venerating the Cross of the Lord, the emperor wanted to find the very Life-giving Cross, on which our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. For this purpose, he sent his mother, the holy queen Helena, to Jerusalem, giving her great powers and material means. Together with Patriarch Macarius of Jerusalem, Saint Helen embarked on a search, and by the Providence of God the Life-giving Cross was miraculously found in 326. While in Palestine, the holy queen did a lot for the benefit of the Church. She ordered to free all places associated with the earthly life of the Lord and His Most Pure Mother, from all traces of paganism, ordered the erection of Christian churches in these memorable places. Above the cave of the Holy Sepulcher, the Emperor Constantine himself ordered the construction of a magnificent temple to the glory of the Resurrection of Christ. Saint Helena gave the Life-giving Cross to the Patriarch for safekeeping, and she took a part of the Cross with her to present to the emperor. After distributing generous alms in Jerusalem and arranging meals for the poor, during which she herself served, the holy Empress Helen returned to Constantinople, where she soon died in 327.
For her great services to the Church and her labors to acquire the Life-giving Cross, Queen Helena is called Equal to the Apostles.
The peaceful existence of the Christian Church was disturbed by discord and discord that arose within the Church as a result of the emerging heresies. Even at the beginning of the activities of Emperor Constantine, the heresy of the Donatists and Novatians arose in the West, demanding a repetition of baptism over Christians who fell away during the persecution. This heresy, rejected by two local councils, was finally condemned by the Council of Milan in 316. But the heresy of Aria, which arose in the East, turned out to be especially destructive for the Church. This heretic denied the divine nature in the Lord Jesus Christ and impiously taught that He was created by God the Father. By order of the emperor, the First Ecumenical Council was convened in the city of Nicaea in 325. 318 bishops gathered at this Council, its participants were the bishops-confessors who suffered during the period of persecution and many other lamps of the Church, among which were Saints Nicholas of Myra, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Athanasius the Great (then still in the rank of deacon). The Emperor was present at the meetings of the Council. The Aria heresy was condemned and the Symbol of Faith was drawn up, in which the term "Consubstantial with the Father" was introduced, which forever consolidated in the minds of Orthodox Christians the truth about the Divinity of Jesus Christ, who took on human nature to redeem the entire human race, but did not cease to be God.
One can be surprised at the deep ecclesiastical consciousness and feeling of Saint Constantine, who singled out the definition of "Consubstantial", heard by him in the debates of the Council, and proposed to introduce this definition into the Symbol of Faith.
After the Council of Nicea, Constantine, Equal to the Apostles, continued to actively work in favor of the Church. At the end of his life, he received Holy Baptism, preparing for it with his entire life. Saint Constantine died on the day of the Holy Trinity in 337 and was buried in the Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople, in a tomb prepared by him in advance.

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