
The causes of arthritis: why the disease occurs, how to avoid it. Basic measures to prevent the development of arthritis How to prevent arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the most mysterious and ancient diseases. Traces of rheumatoid arthritis have been found on the remains of Indian skeletons in Tennessee, USA, dating back to 4500 BC.

RA belongs to the class of autoimmune diseases - when the body, instead of destroying natural enemies (disease-causing microbes, tumor cells, etc.), suddenly takes up arms against its own healthy tissues and begins to destroy them. With rheumatoid arthritis, the connective tissues of the joints are affected. Periarticular tissues such as ligaments and muscles can also become inflamed.

Invisible virus

Despite all the advances in modern science, the causes of rheumatoid arthritis have not yet been established. Some researchers believe that the development of this disease is triggered by a certain virus that disappears by the time the disease appears. p>

The disease plays hide and seek

Like most autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis occurs in waves, alternating between periods of exacerbation and remission. Even in severe forms, the pain may decrease or disappear altogether for a long time, even for several years. Sometimes it starts to feel to the sick that they are completely healed. Alas. Unfortunately, this is not so. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease and currently cannot be completely cured. If someone promises a remedy that will relieve you of rheumatoid arthritis, you can be sure that you are a cheater.

Risk factors

  • Analysis for rheumatoid factor (RF, Rheumatoid factor, RF). Rheumatoid factor are special proteins, autoantibodies to immunoglobulins of class G (IgG). These proteins attack the "native" class G immunoglobulins of the body, because they have been modified under the influence of a virus or other influences. In rheumatoid arthritis, the RF indicator is increased. However, in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (found in children and adolescents), RF is often negative, and in older people, an increase in RF can be determined without clinical manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, this analysis alone does not allow a diagnosis to be made unambiguously. It must be confirmed by other clinical and laboratory tests.
  • X-rays early in the disease may not show changes. In the future, the pictures show the changes in the joints typical of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Arthrocentesis is a puncture of the joints. Using a syringe, a sample of the articular fluid is taken, which is then examined. Arthrocentesis is also used for medicinal purposes - to remove excess fluid during inflammation or to inject drugs into the joint.

Flow and result

Rheumatoid arthritis is not a disease that can be ignored. As the disease progresses, various disorders in the work of internal organs are added to the damage to the joints. Rheumatoid damage to the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, blood vessels can occur. Therefore, it is so important to start therapy at an early stage of the disease.

Medicationsand treatment

First aid is provided by anti-inflammatory or fast-acting drugs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and hormones (corticosteroids).

1) NSAIDs: acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), flexen, diclofenac, indomethacin, piroxicam, brufen, etc. They relieve pain and make the patient's life easier. They are selected by the doctor individually for each patient by the method of "trial and error", since different drugs are effective for different patients.

  • They are valid only during the period of their application. Unfortunately, long-term use has side effects. Most often they have a bad effect on the stomach. Therefore, patients who have had gastritis or ulcers are prescribed NSAIDs with caution.
  • To protect the stomach lining, your doctor may prescribe gastroprotective agents such as misoprostol and drugs of the ranitidine group. If you are taking NSAIDs, remember to take them after meals.
  • Currently, a new group of NSAIDs has been developed - selective anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, "Movalis"). They can be used for a longer time. The risk of developing side effects is significantly reduced.

2) Corticosteroid hormones (prednisone, methylpred, hydrocortisone, etc.) reduce pain, morning stiffness, weakness and fever. They are prescribed as pills or injections, sometimes injected directly into the joint.

  • With prolonged use, they also have strong side effects: increased body weight, deterioration of immunity, hypertension, and bone destruction.
  • Short (up to 10 days) courses of steroids practically do not cause side effects.
  • It is important to remember that with prolonged use (2 weeks or more), their cancellation can only be done gradually and only under the supervision of a doctor.

Dimexide may be used externally to reduce pain and inflammation. It is applied to the joints in the form of applications. Improvement is noted after 6-7 days and becomes more pronounced after two weeks of use.

Disease-modifying or basic drugs - affect the basis, the "basis" of the disease. Induce remission and prevent joint destruction. They are not anti-inflammatory and pain relievers. They do not give a quick effect, they are designed for long-term use. Results usually begin to appear within a month of starting the drug.

Most often, drugs of five groups are used:

  • Gold salts (chrysanol, auranofin) bring significant relief to about 70% of patients. Recently, however, they have become less commonly used due to side effects: skin rash, inflammation of the oral mucosa, inhibition of hematopoiesis, kidney damage.
  • Antimalarials (Delagil and Plaquenil). In the past, they were treated for malaria (tropical fever). But in the 20th century, rheumatologists noticed that with very long-term use, Delagil and Plaquenil slowed down the rheumatoid process. Alas, this is not without side effects. Possibly upset stomach, skin rash, muscle weakness, and blurred vision. If you are taking Plaquenil, you will need to be checked regularly by an ophthalmologist.
  • D-penicillamine (cuprenil) is prescribed when gold therapy does not help or causes side effects. But D-penicillamine is also very toxic. Complications can include skin rash, stomach and intestinal upset, kidney inflammation, jaundice due to bile stasis, and changes in blood composition. Therefore, in the case of the use of D-penicillamine, the patient at first regularly takes blood and urine tests. Complications appear in the first two months of using the drug, but when the drugs are canceled, the drugs disappear. D-penicillamine is contraindicated in pregnant women and in patients with diseases of the blood and kidneys.
  • Sulfasalazine (antimicrobial) is better tolerated than gold and D-penicillamine. Side effects (upset stomach and skin rash) develop in only 10-20% of patients. This is a "long-term" drug, the improvement is usually observed after three months of its use.
  • Immunosuppressants. This is a "gift" of oncologists who use these drugs (methotrexant, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, chlorbutin, leukeran) to suppress the immune system and inhibit cell division, including cancerous ones. In rheumatology, they are used in significantly lower (3-10 times) doses than in oncology, which reduces the risk of side effects. However, in 15-20% of patients, indigestion and urinary disorders are still observed. After discontinuation of the drug, complications disappear. Improvement in well-being can be expected within a month after prescribing the drug.

Rheumatoid arthritis is not only a mysterious, but also a capricious disease that requires an "approach". Different medicines help different patients; it sometimes takes a long time to find the right ones. It happens that a few months after taking it, you have to change the drug and wait for the results again. If you are undergoing treatment, be patient. Do not stop taking medication without talking to your doctor.

In addition to drug treatment, it is used:

  • Laser therapy. It has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. It is used as a separate method of treatment and in combination with basic therapy. It is not the joints that are irradiated, as one might expect, but the ulnar vein. Radiation affects the blood circulating inside the body. As a result, immunity is normalized, the blood supply to organs and tissues improves, any inflammation decreases and foci of infection are suppressed. Prescribe 15-20 procedures every other day. The best results are obtained with a mild form of the disease. In severe forms, it is ineffective.
  • Cryotherapy (local freezing treatment) is an expensive but effective treatment. Improvement is observed in 60-70% of patients. It has no contraindications. It is used in both acute and chronic phases of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Massage. It is carried out during the period of remission.
  • Physiotherapy . Strengthens muscles, maintains joint mobility. Swimming is the best form of exercise because it removes the gravitational stress on the joints.
  • Surgery. It is used to eliminate deformities and restore the function of joints. Minimally invasive surgery (arthroscopy) is widely used. In some cases, a complete replacement of the destroyed joint with a prosthesis is performed.

How can rheumatoid arthritis be prevented?

But it's much harder to come to terms with the fact that you have arthritis!

People who have arthritis never cease to amaze me.

What only can they do to reduce, stop the progression of the disease. And, of course, by taking some steps, people with this disease live easier. But many, even those who communicate with a highly respected doctor and who follow the treatment regimen, can go astray and develop bad habits or negative attitudes that worsen their condition at times.

What to do with arthritis of the joints?

It is difficult to live with chronic pain and other aspects of arthritis. This may seem like an obvious statement, or even an understatement of the real inconvenience. But, it's important to keep in mind that life with arthritis can be easier if we stop doing certain things.

Paying attention to what we SHOULD NOT be doing can be as important as focusing on what we SHOULD be doing.

Consider these TEN things you SHOULD STOP do if you have arthritis!

# 1. Stop thinking you CAN'T exercise!

This can be one of the biggest misconceptions associated with arthritis.

People with arthritis are encouraged to exercise and participate in regular physical activity to keep their joints moving, reducing joint pain and stiffness, strengthening the muscles that support the joints, and improving overall mobility. Many people with arthritis, fearing that exercise will increase pain, choose ways to avoid activity.

In fact, this is the usual inactivity (passivity, lack of exercise), which brings less pain at first, and then disability in the long term.

In order to take advantage of the benefits of exercise, you must start slowly with a safe type of movement, relying on what you can do and respecting your pain, but not letting the pain stop you.

No. 2. Stop being sedentary

Not only do some people think they cannot exercise, but they also have difficulty with the concept of balancing rest and activity.

Rest can help you temporarily feel better, but it doesn't have to be a way of life. A sedentary lifestyle can increase joint pain and stiffness, as well as lead to obesity, which is bad for weight-bearing joints.

No. 3. Don't buy junk food

It is a recognized fact that eating healthy foods is good for everyone. Correct and maintaining the ideal is especially important for people with arthritis. Being overweight can affect the weight of weight-bearing joints and can increase arthritis pain. Even mild weight gain can worsen joints that are already burdened with arthritis. Be kind to your joints by balancing your intake.

No. 4. Stop ignoring physical limitations

Just as there are people with arthritis who avoid physical activity, there are those who pull themselves by the ears beyond their limits. The recommendation is to keep your pace at a moderate and comfortable pace. Lack of movement, as well as an excessive amount of them, are equally harmful. By overcoming your limits, you can increase pain and increase the risk of joint damage.

Respect pain and choose activities that are physically challenged.

No. 5. Stop avoiding mobility aids because pride gets in the way

A cane, walker, or wheelchair may be necessary for some people with arthritis to increase their independence and be able to walk. Some people cannot bear the thought of giving up mobility using gadgets. Due to the fact that using these things diminishes their self-esteem and self-esteem, people do not use them.

Some people do choose to isolate themselves at home so as not to see a cane, hold a walker, or sit in a wheelchair. Walking sticks and walkers can offer additional support and improve balance while walking. Do whatever is necessary to protect your joints and improve your balance.

No. 6. Stop thinking that arthritis will go away

Many forms of arthritis are chronic conditions. There is no cure for them, there is only constant. Getting started early and early will help you manage symptoms and disease progression, but for most, it won't go away. Make decisions that will keep you as healthy as possible despite your arthritis, but never deny that this is now a big part of your life.

No. 7. Stop being afraid of medications that can help

Some people with arthritis do not agree to take certain ones, even if their doctor has recommended a specific course of treatment. Arthritis patients sometimes avoid pain relievers because they fear drug addiction or they choose not to use biologics because they fear potential serious side effects.

Rather than being afraid, each person and their doctor should weigh the benefits and risks of using a particular medication.

No. 8. Stop postponing a visit to the doctor for a consultation

It can be tempting not to tell your doctor everything, especially when you think that full disclosure could lead to changes arising from that diagnostic testing or treatment that you don't want. But in order for your doctor to have the optimal, which means the best chance to help you, he must know everything. Be open about what makes you feel better or worse about you, and discuss what you don't understand.

A good communication with your doctor is essential.

No. 9. Stop the feeling of guilt

Arthritis can invade life. He may get in the way of your usual duties and take care of them at work or at home, interfering with you. You may feel guilty about not doing what is expected of you. It can take a lot of effort, but learn to let go of the guilt and be content. It is worth doing the best you can under the circumstances.

No. 10. Stop asking "why me?"

Arthritis can make a big difference in your life, especially when you are in severe pain or have a particularly bad day. You may start to wonder what you did to deserve arthritis and you may get stuck on it, asking yourself "why me?" This thinking should be short-lived. Negative thinking can only work against you.

Joint diseases have become a fairly widespread phenomenon in recent years. It is often believed that overweight, sedentary and elderly people suffer from these diseases. I want to upset everyone at once - this is not so, and to understand together the causes of joint diseases.

The main task of this article is to attract young people, inform about all the risks, in order to protect themselves from all the reasons that can lead to joint diseases, as well as to start early prevention of diseases and the health of the body.

The causes of joint diseases are extremely varied and in many ways have not yet been studied. Only the reasons for the development of specific infectious arthritis (tuberculous, gonorrheal, brucellosis, etc.) associated with a specific infection are known for sure. As for all the other numerous forms of joint damage, then, according to modern concepts, their development is associated with a complex of many internal and external factors, the proportion of each of which has not yet been sufficiently identified.

1. Infection. The role of infections in various forms of joint diseases is not the same. In infectious specific arthritis, an infectious agent (tuberculous mycobacterium, streptococcus, gonococcus, chlamydia, etc.) is the determining cause of the disease. In this case, both a metastatic pathway due to the transfer of microbes through the blood and lymphatic vessels from the primary focus of the disease to the joints is possible, as well as a toxic-allergic pathway of joint damage. The microbial pathogen in these diseases can be found in joint effusion (for example, gonococcus, tuberculous bacillus, etc.), and in some cases in the blood of patients. The onset of rheumatism and infectious nonspecific polyarthritis is associated with focal streptococcal infection, since the onset and exacerbation of these diseases is often provoked by tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis and other infectious foci. This is confirmed by an increased level of anti-streptococcal antibodies in the blood of patients, sowing of streptococcus from the throat and blood of patients with rheumatism, and, finally, the good effectiveness of bacilli-prevention of recurrence of these diseases.
However, focal infection in rheumatism and arthritis belongs only to the role of a trigger mechanism, and the determining role in the development of these diseases, according to modern concepts, belongs to the state of general and immunological reactivity, on which the course and outcome of the disease depend, which, in other words, should be understood as a reaction the immune system in response to antigens, which are proteins and protein-containing components of infectious agents. Some authors consider rheumatism as a disease of a double (viral-streptococcal) nature, believing that the disease is caused by a specific virus, and the associated streptococcal infection causes a non-specific allergic reaction. Thus, in all diseases of the joints, infection plays an important role.

2. Allergies. Changes in the general reactivity of the body (in the direction of its allergic setting) are currently of primary importance in the development of a number of inflammatory diseases of the joints, first of all, rheumatism and infectious nonspecific polyarthritis. Both of these diseases, occurring with vivid allergic reactions, are now considered infectious-allergic. There are allergic forms of other infectious arthritis, for example, tuberculous, gonorrheal, dysentery, etc.
However, the chronic, progressive course of rheumatism and infectious nonspecific polyarthritis cannot be explained only from the point of view of infectious allergy, since, revealing a clear dependence on an infectious factor at the onset of the disease, these diseases often proceed as if autonomously in the future, giving 5 "spontaneous" seemingly unmotivated relapses. This fact finds an explanation from the point of view of the latest ideas about autoimmune allergy (a condition of allergy, the main reason for which is the increased sensitivity of the body to some components of its own tissues), according to which, in a number of infectious non-infectious diseases, the formation of specific protein compounds of tissue autoantigens and corresponding , autoantibodies, due to which the allergic condition is constantly maintained - autoallergy.

3. Endocrine factor. Dysfunction of the endocrine glands can be the cause of the so-called endocrine arthritis (for example, acromegalic arthropathy, diabetic arthropathy, etc.), which must be treated by an endocrinologist. Currently, the role of endocrine disorders (mainly dysfunctions of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal cortex systems) is considered from a broader perspective - the so-called Selye's theory of adaptation. According to this theory, some diseases of the joints, for example rheumatism and infectious nonspecific polyarthritis, arise due to a violation of hormonal regulation of homeostasis, the relative dynamic constancy of the internal environment and the stability of the basic physiological functions of the body, or due to an inadequate response of the hypothalamus-pituitary gland - adrenal cortex, which produces hormones , regulating the adaptation of the body, or due to the inadequate, that is, inappropriate, degree of influence of the tissue response to these hormones. Clinical confirmation of this is the frequent occurrence of joint diseases in women during menopause, when there is a radical hormonal change in the female body due to ovarian hypofunction, that is, the extinction of their reproductive functions. During this period, women are most susceptible to joint diseases, both infectious (rheumatoid arthritis) and dystrophic (metabolic-dystrophic or climacteric arthritis, Geberden's nodules, deforming spondylosis, etc.).
Thus, much indicates the undoubted role of endocrine disorders in the development of joint diseases.

4. Nervous factor. Diseases of the nervous system are a direct cause of the development of some joint diseases. Functional disorders of the nervous system, especially its vegetative part, also play a large role in the development and course of various diseases of the joints. In the clinical picture of many diseases of the joints, such signs as the symmetry of joint damage, violation of trophism - nutrition of muscles, bones, skin, violation of sweating, vascular tone, etc., are clearly visible, indicating the participation of the nervous system. The participation of neuro-trophic influences is especially pronounced in rheumatism and infectious arthritis. It is assumed that the antigen emanating from the focus of chronic infection, in addition to affecting the connective tissue, affects the Central nervous system. This leads to a violation of the regulation of immunogenesis, in other words, the process of formation of immunity, protein metabolism and enzymatic processes and creates a background that favors the development of the disease.

5. Vascular factor plays a role in the development of many joint diseases of both infectious and dystrophic origin. It has been established that the vascular wall is the main arena for the development of the pathological process in rheumatism and infectious nonspecific polyarthritis. It is known that the violation of its permeability is one of the main links in the development of the inflammatory process in the joint. Organic vascular lesions in rheumatism and infectious arthritis explain the lesions of internal organs observed in these diseases. Disturbance of circulation in arterioles and capillaries is also important in the development of some degenerative diseases of the joints. Violation of capillary circulation is the cause of inferiority of trophism (nutrition) of cartilage and bone and provokes degeneration of cartilage and scleroepiphysis.

6. Disorders of metabolism and enzymatic processes is probably the most important, but least studied.
It is only well known that the impairment of urine acid metabolism is important in the development of gouty arthritis. However, with
other types of dystrophic lesions usually fail to detect violations of protein, lipoid, mineral or carbohydrate metabolism.

The role of mechanical damage to the joint for the development of both arthritis and arthrosis is beyond doubt. In inflammatory arthritis, acute trauma can contribute to the development of the disease or its exacerbation. Chronic micro-traumatization of the joints is the cause of the development of occupational arthritis. With degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the joints, the mechanical factor as the cause of the development of the disease is also given great importance at the present time. It is believed that the development of deforming osteoarthritis is associated with functional overload of the joint and the summation of multiple microtraumas that cause premature wear of the articular cartilage. Experimental arthrosis was obtained by traumatizing the articular surfaces of experimental animals for a long time. The spread of arthrosis among persons of various professions has been established, tailors and knitters have predominantly arthrosis of the fingers, loaders and workers of heavy physical labor - arthrosis of the spine, workers with a pneumatic hammer - arthrosis of the elbow joint, etc. The development of arthrosis in obesity is also considered from the point of view of stress on the joints. Violation of the normal ratio of articular surfaces and their mobility (for example, due to congenital dislocations or subluxations of the hip, intra- or periarticular fractures, chronic inflammatory processes, etc.) cause permanent injury to the articular surfaces, which leads to the development of arthrosis.
Thus, if in some forms of articular diseases the trauma belongs only to a provoking role, then in others, mainly dystrophic, it can be considered one of the main causes of the disease.

8. Heredity. Hereditary joint diseases do not exist, but the significance of hereditary predisposition in some forms of arthritis has been established. So, rheumatoid arthritis occurs in relatives of patients with this disease 2-3 times more often than in other population groups. The same is observed in relation to rheumatism and some other arthritis and arthrosis. The importance of heredity in diseases of the joints is currently understood not as a direct transmission of the disease to offspring, but as an inheritance of the characteristics of general and tissue reactivity that predisposes to joint disease. For "family" diseases of the joints, it is also important that one family is in the same conditions of climate, life, nutrition, favorable to the development of the disease.

9. Other factors. Floor. Both sexes are equally susceptible to joint diseases, but with different localization of the process: in men, diseases of the spine are more common, in women, diseases of peripheral joints. In some forms of arthritis, for example, in infectious nonspecific polyarthritis, there is a predominant morbidity in women, with gouty arthritis in men.
Cold and dampness are also known as provoking factors of joint diseases and their exacerbations, although the mechanism of the pathogenetic action of these factors is still unknown. A study of the epidemiology of rheumatoid arthritis in Sweden showed that this disease in coastal areas (near the sea) occurs 2 times more often than in the country.
The nutritional factor in most cases does not play a decisive role in the development of joint diseases. However, if metabolic processes are impaired, the patient's diet can contribute to further metabolic impairment and, thus, the development of metabolic arthritis.
For example, the consumption of large amounts of protein products of animal origin, containing purines, in patients with impaired uric acid metabolism can cause a gout attack. Prolonged lack of vitamin C in food leads to the development of scurvy, one of the manifestations of which is hemarthrosis. With a diet that promotes the development of obesity, as a result of an increase in body weight, and, consequently, mechanical stress on the joints, manifestations of deforming osteoarthritis increase.
Based on the above data, it can be concluded that joint diseases can be caused by many factors of the external and internal environment. Moreover, apparently, joint disease almost always develops under the influence of the cumulative effect of several factors (for example, infection in combination with cooling and hereditary predisposition).

Prevention and treatment

2. Allergic manifestations. In case of allergic manifestations, it is necessary to seriously examine and identify the cause. In addition to the main treatment, you should cleanse your body with a colloidal Detox- a unique and balanced combination of medicinal herbs, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, immunocorrectors, macro- and microelements, antioxidants necessary for a comprehensive and effective cleaning of the body with a prolonged action, increasing the efficiency of the detoxification organs (primarily the liver and intestines), and also complex support for the functioning of the organs of the hepatobiliary system - the gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas. It is no secret that many diseases are provoked by the penetration of a large amount of toxic substances, Antioxidant The drug cleanses cells and body fluids (blood and lymph) from toxic free radicals and thereby improves health and prolongs youth.

3. Endocrine factor. You should, as early as possible, begin to support your body in the event of endocrine disorders. For both women and men, it is very important to have a normal hormonal background and a healthy thyroid gland. To help your body, you need to drink a course of phyto-formulas from time to time. Fimeil Active- for women. Effectively eliminates the manifestations of menopause: hot flashes, sweating, palpitations, anxiety or depression. Contributes to the normalization of the menstrual cycle. Eliminates discomfort during menstruation: eliminates pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, normalizes mood. Stimulates female libido - sexual desire. Improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

Mail Asset- for men, created specifically to

restore the health of men, increase sexual function and correct the hormonal balance in general, have a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, prevent vascular crises, naturally activate and balance the hormonal system, increase libido. For thyroid health Thireo Support- For the correction of hormonal disorders associated with dysfunction of the thyroid gland (including "female" diseases - mastopathy, fibroids). In order to correct all types of metabolism (fats, proteins and carbohydrates). To enhance mental activity and increase physical activity. In order to stop iodine deficiency in the diet. With hypofunction of the thyroid gland (subclinical hypothyroidism, the development of a goiter - diffuse, and then nodular, an increase in the size of the thyroid gland). Also for those suffering from diabetes mellitus formula Sugar Balance- Promotes the normalization of all links in the development and formation of diabetic disease at the same time. Creates stable compensatory phenomena that help the body to cope with the disease. Effective in the stage of "pre-illness", is able to stop and stimulate the reverse development of diabetic disease at the initial stage. It is not a synthetic drug, while it has a proven antihyperglycemic effect. The colloidal form of the solution provides for the guaranteed assimilation of healing substances by the cells of the body. Supports the vital functions of pancreatic cells.

4. The nervous system. It is imperative to monitor your sleep and wakefulness. Normalization of biorhythms Slip Control- normalization of sleep disorders of various nature, neurological diseases - Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, etc., atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, osteoporosis, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, decreased performance and emotional background, mood swings, to maintain active longevity with signs of decreased functional body activity.

Mental Comfort- effectively removes feelings of anxiety or depression; helps to normalize sleep; increases efficiency; normalizes mood; returns a feeling of freshness; helps to improve the condition in cardio-neurotic disorder; eliminates headaches; reduces the toxic effects of alcohol; normalizes appetite, helps to normalize body weight. chronic stress and acute stressful situations; states accompanied by increased excitability, emotional instability: neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, the consequences of neuroinfections.

5. Vascular factor. You can support the vascular system Antioxidant and treat AngiOmega- Atherosclerosis of various localization, various manifestations of atherosclerosis; atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels, manifested by ischemic heart disease (pain, discomfort in the region of the heart); atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain (loss of memory, attention, forgetfulness); atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities (chilliness of the legs, pain, discomfort in the legs, especially when moving). Hereditary predisposition to cardiovascular diseases (close relatives, parents suffer from atherosclerosis, or high blood pressure.

6. Disorders of metabolism and enzymatic processes. Metabolic disorders are a very common cause of joint disease. The gastrointestinal tract is the main system for the delivery of vitamins and minerals for the health of joints and cartilage tissue.

Gastero Complex is recommended for enriching the diet with biologically active substances for prevention and as a component of complex therapy for the following conditions and diseases:

Acute and chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, including erosive gastritis and duodenitis, atrophic gastritis:

• peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

· Acute and chronic stress and overwork, with a tendency to ulceration;

· Irritable stomach and intestines syndrome and other functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;

· During the period of recovery and rehabilitation.

7. Mechanical factor. Support for the musculoskeletal system at any age is essential.

Arthro Complex- effectively eliminates joint pain, normalizes motor activity in the joints, increases endurance during physical activity due to the effect on all components of the joints, helps to restore articular cartilage, including intervertebral discs, increases its elasticity, firmness, resistance to mechanical stress, improves quality inter-articular fluid, which facilitates the movement of the articular surfaces relative to each other, facilitates mobility in the joint, strengthens the soft tissues of the joint (ligaments and muscles), thereby contributing to the creation of a tendon-muscle corset.

Osteo Complex- phyto-formula for the restoration and strengthening of bone tissue. Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and impaired quality, mineral balance of bone tissue, leading to increased fragility of bones and an increased risk of fractures. Most often women suffer from osteoporosis, especially in mature age. AD Medicine has developed a colloidal phyto-formula specifically designed to restore, strengthen and support bone function.

Back pain health joints

Arthritis of the joints- a pathological condition with a multifaceted course plot, very mysterious, because inflammation can start even without an obvious reason.

Sometimes the disease is gaining momentum with lightning speed, and then, suddenly, it suddenly disappears.

On the other hand, there is a diametrically opposite scenario, when the disease proceeds without obvious pain, but the time interval stretches for many years.

Fundamentally, arthritis refers to numerous joint problems with fairly identical symptoms. However, primarily, it is still an inflammatory process that originated in the joint for various reasons.

Signs of arthritis

The onset, and the likely further development of the disease, can be judged primarily by the presence of very significant pain sensations, as well as excessive stiffness in the joints. As a rule, the intensification of such problems is observed in the morning hours.

In acute forms of the disease, for example, purulent, extremely powerful, aching pains occur. The painful joint swells up and becomes reddish. If joint problems are observed on a chronic basis, then there is a likelihood of the absence of this symptomatology, but articular hyperthermia, when the joints become very “hot” to the touch, is clearly enough.

Causes of the disease

Genetic predisposition can be considered a very “popular” basis for the development of arthritis. The likelihood of developing the disease increases significantly, provided that one of your close relatives has been diagnosed with arthritis. Sooner or later, the disease will declare itself, and believe me, you will immediately “hear” it.

In addition, the list of other factors provoking the onset of the disease includes:

  • problems with immunity, and in some cases, not only its decrease, but also, on the contrary, excessive overestimation
  • weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus
  • various injuries
  • allergic reactions
  • psoriasis
  • infectious diseases
  • hypermobility
  • dysplasia of the hip joints

Hence the conclusion - in the presence of the above problems, a systematic consultation with a doctor is necessary. Age, and the likelihood of occurrence have a direct relationship.

Types of arthritis

Several key forms of this ailment are classified, let's talk about each in more detail.

1. Reactive arthritis, perhaps the most common type, is the result of previous infectious problems. The list is quite extensive:

  • urological
  • intestinal
  • giardiasis, helminthiasis
  • rubella

In principle, almost any infection can lead to the development of reactive arthritis.

However, it is very important to understand that the disease is not provoked by microbes.

I think it is worth explaining a little what has been said. A similar disease belongs to the autoimmune group. In other words, the immune response to external stimuli turns out to be incorrect, or excessively excessive. For example, the infection in the body has been defeated, recovery has begun, and the "immune wars" continue, and completely healthy cells fall under the hot hand.

Women, especially young women, are more likely to suffer from this ailment. Hospitalization is required in extremely rare cases. At the same time, the swelling of the joints is insignificant, the temperature over the site of inflammation is slightly increased, the pain is weak.

The therapeutic process is fairly easy, in the overwhelming majority of cases, limited to a few months.

Upon completion, the shape and size of the joints acquire their original, normal parameters, the functionality is restored.

Unfortunately, this type is characterized by fairly frequent relapses. An exacerbation can be provoked by another infectious lesion or simply hypothermia of the body.

2. Now let's talk about rheumatoid arthritis - an autoimmune chronic joint pathology, in which inflammation affects the synovial membrane of the joints. Smaller joints, such as hands, fingers, wrists, are the first to be hit. Symptoms of this form of arthritis are characterized by pronounced inflammation, pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints.

In addition, inflammation can give a starting impetus to activate the processes of bone erosion, cartilage destruction. The exact causes of the onset of the rheumatoid form of the disease have not yet been identified, however, the development of the disease is observed with significant violations of the functional of the immune system.

3. Now the turn has come, perhaps, of the most dangerous type - juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. A sad distinguishing feature is the rapid destruction of the joint. Pronounced deformational changes can appear in a patient in just a few months.

In this situation, timely started treatment is of the highest degree of importance. The danger of inflammation is extremely high, because sometimes, even with qualified treatment started on time, a good result cannot be achieved. Joint flexibility suffers significantly.

Another negative detail - the disease comes on a wide front, many organs are affected. For example, prerequisites are created for the occurrence of inflammation of the heart muscle, pneumonia.

The standard signs for the juvenile form of the disease include:

  • an increase in body temperature
  • growth in the size of the liver, spleen
  • the appearance of a rash

There are situations when pathological lesions of internal organs come to the fore, and pain in the joint is minimal, practically does not bother the patient.

The most severe cases involve multiple simultaneous inflammation of the joints and painful changes in internal organs.

4. Moving on, and next in line is the allergic form of the disease. The occurrence is due to an increased sensitivity to an allergen, which is most often the drug being taken. Trouble can begin almost immediately after re-administration of the drug. Basically, large joints are affected.

In addition, with an allergic reaction to the medications used, other symptoms may appear:

  • edema occurs
  • nausea and vomiting
  • a rash, blisters appear on the skin

After the withdrawal of the allergenic drug, as a rule, the symptomatic manifestations of the disease gradually lose their strength.

5. Traumatic arthritis - the main reason is considered to be a harmful effect on the joint, which includes a closed injury.

The risk group is made up of elbow, knee, and shoulder joints. A severe bruise, rupture of the articular bag, can lead to unhindered penetration of pathogens that cause inflammation, purulent processes.

With serious damage, bleeding inevitably occurs, the joint becomes a place of excessive accumulation of synovial fluid, swells, swells. The excess is removed from the joint capsule by means of a syringe.

6. A purulent variety - actively asserts itself when the infection enters the joint, and its pathogen begins to multiply rapidly there. The gate inside is usually opened by sepsis or some kind of injury. Knee, shoulder, hip joints are affected most often.

The articular cavity becomes a reservoir for purulent accumulations. The victim has a high temperature, constant headaches, intoxication of the body. The swelling is very strong, the joint becomes reddish. Severe pain occurs even with the slightest movement.

During treatment, antibiotics are prescribed; surgical intervention is possible to remove pus.
7. There are plenty of reasons for the appearance of dystrophic arthritis, for example, unsatisfactory working conditions.

Also, multiple effects on the body of cold, sharp temperature fluctuations can provoke dystrophic phenomena in the joint. Risk group - fishermen, sailors, hot shop workers, street vendors.

Cunning lies in a gradual, imperceptible emergence. Initially, the swelling is very slight, only in those areas that are subject to maximum overload, hypothermia. Further, insignificant painful sensations during movement are added to the chain of troubles.

As the disease progresses, the joint becomes stiff, however, there are practically no strong deformation changes. This fact is explained as follows: the pathological process mainly does not concern cartilage, bones, but mainly proceeds in the surrounding tissues. Temperature at acceptable values, blood counts without significant changes.

High-quality rest, change of profession, lead to the elimination of painful phenomena, motor activity is restored.

8. Ankylosing arthritis - severe pain, stiffness, deformation of the joint. Problems first start in the hands, affecting the interphalangeal joints of the fingers. After that, the coverage expands, and the wrists, elbows, and shoulders are in the affected area.

The blood supply to the affected tissues, due to inflammatory processes in the synovial membrane, is cardinally disrupted. Its replacement by connective tissue is observed, the articular capsule “shrinks”, and scars appear. The muscles surrounding the joint capsule become weaker and thinner.

For a long time, bones, cartilage remain away from the pathological process, but then, they are still overtaken by the destructive power of arthritis.

9. Finally, the last on the list is the psoriatic form, which is the hardest complication of psoriasis. In essence, this type of arthritis of the joints is a combination of two diseases, which are called rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. The disease is difficult to diagnose, since in many, it can proceed without overt painful manifestations.

With this form of arthritis, the inflammatory process “bothers” the joint for many years, often leading to disability, because the destruction is unhurried, gradual.

Timely prescribed course of treatment - significantly increases the chances of maintaining the proper form of the articular functional.

The possibility of prolonging active life years is increasing.

Since the mechanism of the appearance of this type has not been sufficiently studied, then, unfortunately, it is not possible to achieve final disposal at this point in time.

When to see a doctor

A few days, this is the period at the end of which, in the absence of positive dynamics, you should visit a rheumatologist. You will definitely be prescribed an X-ray, because swelling, pain - the symptomatology is very multifaceted, characteristic of many diseases.

Not always, with pain in the joint, inflammation is observed in it. For example, sometimes there is severe pain in the knee, and the real danger lies in the hip joint.

In addition, an extensive list of tests should be submitted: blood, urine, feces. MRI, computed tomography are also on the list of possible medical appointments. They can be referred to an ophthalmologist, because ankylosing spondylitis is a systemic autoimmune disease that can be triggered by inflammation in the choroid.

If possible, it is better to be examined in a stationary environment. The standard course takes about a week + two more for the upcoming therapy.

Arthritis treatment

One of the main medical prescriptions is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The standard time interval for admission is one and a half months, so after discharge, for some time, patients need to complete their treatment on their own. It is important to remember that the chances of recovery will only increase with long-term medication.

If you ignore the medical recommendations, then the effectiveness, of course, will be present, but then, there may be frequent relapses, and arthritis will become chronic. Again, the disease can return even after many years (30 years). Unfortunately, it is impossible to say for sure from what the disease becomes chronic.

Doctors only make a prognosis, according to the nature of the further course of the disease. If there are signs of the overflow of the disease into the chronic stage, then the doctor prescribes immunosuppressive drugs that have a powerful inhibitory effect for overly aggressive immunity.

In chronic arthritis, an adjustment of dosage doses towards a decrease is permissible after a five-year interval of constant remission. In other words, while taking the medication, there should be no signs of illness. Only after five years has passed, it can be carefully stated that the healing process is on the right track, the amount of medications taken is reduced.

For a traumatic type of arthritis, initially, therapeutic actions are reduced to the competent application of a bandage, in order to prevent more damage to the joint. Further, the treatment is quite standard - anti-inflammatory, antibiotics if necessary, full use of physiotherapy.

The therapeutic process of reactive arthritis is also complex. Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antihistamines - these are the main drugs for a standard course of treatment, usually lasting about ten days.

With excessive immunity, drugs called biological agents are used.

Prevention of arthritis

In order to minimize the possibility of repeated relapses, you should adhere to simple recommendations.

If you are an adherent of water procedures, then their use should be carried out with great care, since they are based on some hypothermia, and this has a very detrimental effect on inflamed joints.

It is strongly not recommended to swim in open reservoirs, sunbathe, because under the influence of sunlight, immunodeficiency increases. The penetration of a common viral infection into the body will be a sufficient factor for exacerbating arthritis. Under the prohibitions, hypothermia (you will have to wait a little with hardening).

If the period of remission is more than six months, then moderate sports and dancing are quite acceptable. Otherwise, in the presence of inflammation, limitation of joint mobility, physical activity should be moderate.

Tangible help for patients with a diagnosis arthritis of the joints are able to provide qualified massage procedures, as well as therapeutic exercises. As for physiotherapy, their use at the acute stage of the disease is not encouraged, since it can only seriously aggravate the inflammatory process.

When a period of stable remission comes, it is worth taking advantage of the wide range of possibilities of this type of therapy, for example, electrophoresis, paraffin applications, magnetotherapy, light therapy.

Take an interest in your health on time, goodbye.

Arthritis causes

Symptoms of arthritis

Arthritis and arthrosis in fact are very similar in symptoms of joint pathology, accompanied by pain and limitation of movement, but the basis of arthritis is inflammation, and arthrosis is the destruction of the joint. These are not diagnoses, they are a consequence of any disease. Diagnosis is based on the cause of this joint condition, such as reactive arthritis (inflammation of a joint in response to an infection in another organ) or osteoarthritis.

Joint diseases are usually divided into inflammatory ones - these are arthritis, non-inflammatory ones are arthrosis, and joint pain due to tumors and other disorders - arthralgia.


Arthritis it is customary to call any joint inflammation (the name "arthritis" comes from the Greek word arthron, which means "joint", the ending IT in medicine means inflammation). Arthritis can be traumatic, infectious, and dystrophic in origin.

The defeat of one (arthritis) or several joints (polyarthritis) is a symptom of other diseases. Arthritis often occurs with repeated minor injuries, open or closed joint injuries. Arthritis can develop with frequent physical stress and hypothermia. Various infections (such as intestinal or urinary infections) can also cause arthritis, called reactive arthritis. There is also rheumatoid arthritis, in which there is a progressive inflammation of several joints (most often small ones), while the limbs are affected symmetrically. Often older people suffer from this. Metabolic disorders can also cause arthritis.

Arthritis in its various forms can be characterized by different combinations of symptoms. Arthritis usually causes swelling and pain in the affected joints. In the initial stages of the disease, pain can occur both during movement and physical exertion, and at certain times of the day (for example, at night or in the form of morning stiffness). If arthritis becomes chronic, the pain may become permanent. In addition, the inflamed joint usually turns red, swells and even deforms, its work is disrupted, in severe cases of arthritis - to complete immobility.

The causes of arthritis

The causes of arthritis: bacterial, viral or fungal infection, trauma, allergies, metabolic disorders, diseases of the nervous system, lack of vitamins. Usually, the penetration of infection into the joints occurs through the circulatory system from another part of the body; this can occur with trauma, surgery, or a general decrease in immunity.

Types of arthritis

Arthritis includes:

- infectious arthritis
- rheumatoid arthritis
- gout
- reactive arthritis

All of them are associated with inflammation of the synovium - a thin film of connective tissue that lines the joint from the inside.

Degenerative arthritis refers to traumatic arthritis, it is associated with damage to the articular cartilage that covers the ends of the bones at the point of their articulation.

Arthritis symptoms

Arthritis is characterized by pain in the joint, especially when moving, often there are restrictions on its mobility, swelling, change in shape, sometimes the skin over the joint turns red and fever appears.

Symptoms of infectious arthritis are redness, swelling of the joint, pain when pressed, the joint may feel hot to the touch, and common symptoms of an infectious disease are common - fever, chills, and pain throughout the body.

There are arthritis in one joint (monoarthritis) and many (polyarthritis).

Arthritis can start suddenly and be accompanied by severe joint pain (acute arthritis) or develop gradually (chronic arthritis). Some people experience sharp aching or dull pain. This pain is comparable to a toothache. Movement in this joint is usually impaired and stiffness is observed.

Arthritis treatment

Treatment for arthritis depends on the form of the disease. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate its root cause (infection, excessive physical activity, unhealthy diet, alcohol abuse).

Treatment of arthritis involves primarily taking antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, often administered intra-articularly. Carrying out the treatment of arthritis, specialists also pay great attention to physiotherapy procedures and therapeutic exercises, which are necessary to maintain joint mobility and maintain muscle mass.

Read more about the causes, symptoms and treatment of arthritis in the article Arthritis - inflammation of the joints >>


What is the difference between arthrosis and arthritis?

Arthrosis - a chronic disease of the joints of an metabolic nature, accompanied by changes in the articulating surfaces of the bones. A more correct name for arthrosis is osteoarthritis.

The main symptoms of arthrosis: severe pain in the joint, decreased joint mobility. In case of neglect of arthrosis, joint immobility occurs.

The main difference between arthrosis and arthritis: with arthrosis, the main destructive activity is performed not by inflammatory, but by degenerative processes in the articular cartilage, the cartilage is destroyed.

Arthrosis is not an inflammatory disease and therefore has nothing to do with arthritis or chronic polyarthritis, in which joint inflammation is based on a reactive pathological change in the joint fluid. The same can be said for acute arthritis - joint inflammation caused by various infectious agents.

The characteristic symptoms of arthrosis are pain during exertion that subsides at rest, limitation of mobility and crunching in the joint, muscle tension in the joint area, periodic appearance of swelling, gradual deformation of the joint. But at the same time, unlike arthritis, there is no reddening of the joint, it is not hot to the touch.

Unlike arthritis, arthrosis is a disease of the joints, accompanied primarily by the destruction of cartilage, and inflammation occurs later and may not be permanent.

In the initial stages, arthrosis manifests itself in the form of discomfort and crunching when bending the joints. When arthrosis begins to progress, pain appears during movement, physical exertion, which intensifies by the end of the day (during the night it usually subsides, and a person suffering from arthrosis may not pay attention to the disease for a long time). In the later stages of arthrosis, the mobility of the joints is completely disturbed, and the pain torments a person more and more often.

Osteoarthritis is very dangerous, and if the degenerative tissue changes have gone too far, the doctor will not be able to restore the joint. Usually it is possible only to slow down the progression of the disease, relieve inflammation (through the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and reduce pain. So that arthrosis does not lead to disability, the patient should try to reduce the load on the affected joint and get rid of excess weight, which is facilitated by physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy procedures. Severe arthrosis may require surgery.

Causes of arthrosis

Arthrosis causes pathological changes in the articular tissues, and the causes of the disease are still not fully understood. Arthrosis develops under the influence of various genetic (arthrosis often affects women, as well as people with congenital diseases of bones and joints) and acquired (old age, overweight, undergone joint operations) factors. Arthrosis can also occur as a result of excessive stress on the joints or their injuries. It is customary to distinguish between primary and secondary arthrosis. Primary arthrosis is the result of a violation of the processes of regeneration of cartilage cells, which can occur due to poor blood supply and nutrition of the joint tissues. It is believed that secondary arthrosis develops in an already affected joint, but it is difficult to draw a clear line between the two forms.

Arthrosis can occur as a result of intoxication, infectious diseases (for example, typhus, syphilis, etc.). Arthrosis can also occur with joint injuries (fracture of the articular ends of the bones, damage to the articular cartilage), with significant functional overload of the joint (for example, ballet dancers, loaders and etc.). Occupational stress is of a certain importance (for example, arthrosis in workers in hot workshops).

Classification of arthrosis

Primary arthrosis - accounts for approximately 40-50% of all cases of arthrosis. In this case, the disease occurs on a previously healthy joint, and its cause is not damage to the joint, but, for example, hard physical work.

Secondary arthrosis is about 50-60% of cases. In this case, the joint prone to arthrosis was deformed even before the disease - for example, as a result of trauma.

Osteoarthritis suffers from 10 to 15% of the world's population. With age, the risk of arthrosis increases significantly. Often the symptoms of arthrosis are found already at the age of 30-40. 27% of people over 50 suffer from arthrosis. And after 60 years, almost everyone suffers from this disease. The incidence of arthrosis is the same among men and women. An exception is arthrosis of the interphalangeal joints - this type of arthrosis occurs most often in women.

Most often, arthrosis is a destructive change in cartilage and bone tissue that occurs with age as a result of natural aging. The statistics are also eloquent. Upon reaching 60-70 years, arthrosis disease is diagnosed in 60-70% of people. The words "arthrosis" and arthritis are similar only phonetically, but the reasons may be different, respectively, and the treatment too.

When highlighting the differences between arthrosis and arthritis, it is important to realize the different direction in which the destructive and deforming process is taking place. If you have arthrosis, then the metabolism in the joint is disturbed, its elasticity is lost, the cartilage becomes thinner and every movement causes pain. If you have arthritis, germs or even your own immune system have taken up arms against the joint, your body works against its tissue and this causes inflammation, pain and deforming changes. This is important to understand because it determines the treatment. While infection or autoimmune processes will be suppressed in arthritis, mechanical repair of the joint is the primary goal for the treatment of patients with arthrosis.

The first blow is taken by the knee joints, joints of the elbows, hands. Thus, arthrosis of the knee joint is the most common. Over time, deforming arthrosis occurs, the joints begin to deform, due to curvatures, the affected areas can take on bizarre outlines. There are, in particular, such terms as "swan neck", "button loop". If a person has deforming arthrosis and fingers are affected, then outwardly they may become shorter.

Deforming arthrosis is a disease of our time, a sedentary lifestyle led us to it. Nature was destined to live differently, but by automating the processes, man "earned" a lot of sores, with which people pay for all the benefits received. Deforming arthrosis usually affects the supporting joints. Arthrosis of the knee joint is explainable, because its peculiarity, unlike other joints, is in the heavy loads that it carries. Nature has not bothered much about feeding such overworked places. And since the cartilage of the knee joint does not have its own vessels, it can atrophy as a result of aging or under the influence of infections or injuries.

What joints are affected by arthrosis?

The most common diseases are arthrosis of the joints of the lower half of the body (hip, knee, first metatarsophalangeal). Most often, osteoarthritis affects the knee (gonarthrosis) and hip (coxarthrosis) joints. One of the earliest symptoms of arthrosis is pain in the knee joints. At the onset of the disease at rest, it is practically absent, but it appears with a load on the joint. With arthrosis of the knee joints, massage of the lower extremities can be useful, but at the same time it is necessary to avoid direct effects on the diseased joint, as this can increase the inflammatory reaction in it.

On the hands, the joints of the phalanges of the fingers are most often exposed to arthrosis. Osteoarthritis usually occurs first on one joint, and then on the second - symmetrical to the first.

Spinal arthrosis

Ankylosing spondyloarthrosis (ankylosing spondylitis) leads to a limitation of the motor capabilities of the spine due to the connection, i.e. accretion, some joints.

X-ray results reveal that the spine prone to arthrosis is like a bamboo stick.

There are five forms of spinal arthrosis:

1. Central - only the spine is susceptible to arthrosis
2. The defeat of arthrosis not only of the spine, but also of the shoulder or hip joints.
3. Peripheral - the spine and peripheral joints are susceptible to arthrosis
4. Scandinavian - arthrosis damage occurs in the spine and small joints of the hands and feet
5. Ankylosing spondylitis with extra-articular manifestations: damage to the eyes, cardiovascular system, kidneys, lungs in the form of fibrosis.

The assessment of how much arthrosis has damaged the spine, more precisely, how much it has limited mobility, is made by the following tests:

  • It is necessary to tilt the torso forward to the maximum distance, without bending the knees. The distance to the floor in the absence of arthrosis is within 5 millimeters.
  • You need to stand with your back to the wall and press your heels, buttocks and the back of your head against it. Most often, patients with arthrosis cannot touch the back of the head.
  • It is necessary to stand up straight without bending the spine, and then try to reach the shoulder joint with your ear.

Patients with arthrosis cannot do this.

Symptoms of arthrosis

At the heart of the disease is a malnutrition of the articular (epiphyseal) ends of the bones. Due to changes in patency or damage to the vessels feeding the bone, aseptic necrosis occurs, aggravating the damage in the joint. Arthrosis is progressive. Initially, painful changes appear in the inner (so-called synovial) membrane of the articular bag, then they capture the cartilage that covers the articular surfaces of the articulating bones; the cartilage gradually collapses, exposing the bone; bone tissue is rarefied in places, compacted in places, bone spike-like outgrowths - osteophytes - are formed, a picture of deforming arthrosis develops. Osteophytes can split off and then arthrosis is accompanied by arthritis - inflammation of the joint.

More often, arthrosis develops in the hip, knee and first metatarsophalangeal joints. Usually, middle-aged and elderly people suffer from arthrosis. Arthrosis is manifested by pains that appear gradually, occur periodically, exacerbate after sudden physical exertion or, conversely, after a long state of rest. Joint mobility is limited due to pain. Arthrosis is accompanied by inflammation of the tissues surrounding the joint and of the nerve trunks, the function of the joint also suffers due to the protective tension of the muscles.

Arthrosis treatment

Treatment of arthrosis - outpatient and in spa conditions. Prescribe painkillers, hormonal drugs (adrenocorticotropic series), physiotherapy (thermal procedures, ultrasound), therapeutic exercises, massage. In severe cases, for the treatment of arthrosis, they resort to surgery (arthrodesis, arthroplasty).

If the process of cartilage wear has not gone too far, preparations containing glucosamine sulfate, a natural substance obtained from the shells of marine animals, help. It has a positive effect on cartilage metabolism and improves joint mobility.

Read more about the causes, symptoms and treatment of arthrosis in the article Arthrosis (Osteoarthritis) >>

In fact, in the world there is not a single reliable way to prevent this ailment completely. However, you have the opportunity to reduce your risk and delay the onset of some forms of arthritis.

If your joints are healthy, do your best to maintain their mobility and function to avoid the pain and disability that arthritis can lead to in the future.

Medicine knows more than 100 forms of arthritis, and they are all associated with certain conditions, risk factors, individual characteristics, human behavior and other circumstances.

Some risk factors cannot be changed or eliminated. You have to put up with them.

Belonging to the female sex or family history of arthritis(genetic profile) are two examples of risk factors that are most likely, but not necessarily, to lead a person to this condition.

Conversely, it is quite possible to deliberately change some of the circumstances provoking the disease. By reviewing behavior, a person can reduce the risk, delay the onset of the disease, or even prevent it altogether.

  • arthrosis Maintain a healthy weight
  • rheumatoid arthritis- do not smoke;
  • gout- eat healthy food, limit yourself in sugar, alcohol.

In some cases, preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of arthritis. Correctly selected sports equipment, proper preparation, safe play will help to avoid sports injuries (for example, rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament), which after a few years, maybe even decades later, may remind of themselves with such a disease as osteoarthritis.

Today, since scientists cannot fully understand the causes and mechanisms behind the disease, it is believed that there can be no effective prevention.

Nevertheless, there is a very real hope that one day humanity will completely defeat arthritis itself, and its varieties, and related conditions. Medical breakthroughs may be closer than they seem. Let's take a closer look at this problem.

Many types of arthritis are believed to result from a combination of genetic predisposition and external factors such as a virus or toxin. Identifying the pathogen for each type of arthritis can be the key to preventing it, even in cases of genetic risk.

Scientific programs to search for the causes of arthritis bring more and more discoveries in this area, so the prevention of the disease and a complete cure from it in the near future may become a reality.

Prevention of arthritis and arthrosis - video

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