
Palmistry journey. The influence of travel lines on human life. How many travels can fit on a hand

The lines of travel, past and future, must be looked for on the right hand. These lines are located near the life line, and also originate on the edge of the palm and go out to the hill of the moon. By the location of the lines in the palm of your hand, you can determine which travels and adventures are in store for a person.

However, it should be noted that the presence of these lines on the palm of a person does not always indicate that their owner travels a lot. In the same way, their absence does not mean that a person has never seen and will not see new cities and countries. Palmistry claims that this is due to the fact that traces on the lines of the hand leave only those events that left the most powerful impressions and had a fateful character.

There are people with many thin horizontal lines on the hill of the Moon, and this despite the fact that they have never crossed the borders of their hometown. How can this be explained? Everything is simple: for sure, the owners of such palms are big dreamers, "couch" travels with a fascinating book or program evoke in them much more vivid emotions than other people do numerous trips to certain countries.

For example, the famous French artist Henri Rousseau, who painted the nature of the wild jungle, has never seen these places live. But his rich imagination - Russo painted pictures from the words of those who returned from the jungle - created the incredible: the lines of travel appeared in the artist's palm!

Do the lines on the arm promise a crossing?

  • The forked lifeline speaks of a more important and deliberate journey than the lines located on the hill of the moon (Fig. 4).
  • A weakly expressed branch, which is located in the middle of the life line, suggests that a person will leave his native land within the country.
  • If the branching line is deep and originates at the very end of the life line, it is likely that the person will emigrate to another country. Perhaps the move will be associated with another job or a new serious relationship.
  • Short branches from the life line in the middle part indicate travel to other countries, in the lower part - about sea travel (Fig. 5).

Warning labels

Sometimes signs are read on the travel lines (Fig. 5). For example, square or triangle are good marks that protect a person from troubles that can happen on the road. If the line ends with an island- this is a sign of an unfavorable ending of an undertaken trip, the loss of a valuable thing or money is not excluded.

Cross at the beginning of a line warns that on the eve of the trip there will be an unexpected obstacle - you will have to make a lot of efforts to overcome it. If the cross is in the middle, difficulties await in the midst of rest. In the end - the problem will arise in the last days or hours of the trip.

Auspicious messenger on the travel line - crossing it straight vertical line... The owner of such a sign is destined for a new acquaintance away from home, which will drastically change his whole life and, possibly, push him to the decision to emigrate. The circle on the travel line (Fig. 6) is a hazard warning. If you find this mark on your palm, give up extreme sports, especially water sports, when traveling.

Palmistry can tell a lot about the fate of a person: his career, success in love, life expectancy. Travels are also reflected in the palm of your hand. These are vacation trips abroad or moving to a new place of residence. You can find out how many trips you have along the lines of travel... Finding them on your hand is easy. This is one or more horizontal lines that emanate from the edge of the palm and are located on the hill of the moon or slightly higher.

Are all travels shown in the palm of your hand?

Palmistry cannot say that all movements of a person will necessarily be reflected in the palm of your hand. A person can wander all his life, but these lines will not be on his hand, since these travels left him indifferent, he did not have emotions associated with them. So, for a sailor, moving from one country to another does not mean anything, he is already used to it and considers it an ordinary routine. Then on his hand, either these lines will not remain at all, or they will be weak.

And sometimes the opposite situation happens. Not everyone finds money for a trip abroad, or health, family circumstances do not allow a person to leave his home for a long time. He does not go anywhere, but dreams of travel, presents them very vividly, and this play of imagination is imprinted on the palm of his hand in the form of lines.

Sometimes these lines are called the lines of restlessness, since people who have many such lines run somewhere all the time, do not like routine, they need a constant change of scenery. Any travel line indicates some important trip. But if for a person full of impressions there was a hunt or a trip to the forest for mushrooms, it will also be reflected in the palm of your hand.

The more important this trip, the more clearly this line is visible in the palm of your hand, it is deeper and longer.... By hand, you can roughly calculate the time of the alleged journey or trip from the past. The counting is carried out from the bottom of the palm upwards, but palmistry cannot tell the exact date.

Dashes emanating from the line of Life

By using travel lines, you can not only find out about upcoming trips, but also predict what they will be like. To do this, you need to carefully look at both the lines themselves on the hand and the signs on them. First of all, let's talk about those features that come from the line of Life.

  1. If the branch from l. Life is much clearer and deeper than L. herself. Life, then a person will leave his country forever.
  2. If l. Life is strong, and does not end, then there will be trips, but the owner of the palm will live in his homeland.
  3. If there is an island on the line, then this trip may have an unpleasant ending.
  4. The cross on it is also a negative sign indicating the likelihood of a disaster. It is especially dangerous if a clear cross is visible at the end of the line, on the hillock of the moon.
  5. To protect the owner of the palm from impending troubles along the way, there will be a triangle or square in this place.
  6. If the travel line is in the middle of l. Life, then you will have to move within this country, but if it is located below, you will have to move to another country.
  7. The circle on it indicates the danger that threatens you - you can drown, so you should not risk it during the trip.

Lines emanating from the edge of the palm

Signs such as a cross, a square, etc. have the same meaning, no matter which l. travel they were not, therefore, their meaning is the same. But according to some features of the location of the lines extending from the edge of the palm, conclusions can be drawn regarding the future journey.

The lines are located in the middle, where the hill of Mars is. The owner of the palm is waiting for trips by land, trips abroad.

The same long and clear lines are found below, on the hillock of the moon. There is a trip by sea or some kind of sailing to distant countries. If they start on the hillock of the moon and rise to the center of the palm, at an angle to l. Destiny, you have to travel the ocean.

If l. Travel horizontally crosses the palm and rests on the branch that goes from l. Life, then a person will live for a long time in a foreign country.

In palmistry, along the line of Travel in the palm of your hand, you can guess the number of travels of a person. It shows where the person will go, what awaits her on travel, and how often they will occur.

Lines on the hill of the moon

The hillock of the moon is located opposite, i.e., on the outside of the palm. Fits close to the wrist bracelet.

The appearance of the hill of Venus is judged on the success of a person. In palmistry, such variations are distinguished.

The Travel Lines on the hand, passing along the hill of the Moon, indicate a person who should not get married early (get married) and have children. It is important for him to visit all the desired countries in the world. This personality is bright, cheerful, the real soul of the company.

Signs on the line of Life

The Trait of Travel, passing along the line of Life or near it, indicates a person who will end his life in a foreign land. If it is an offshoot of the Life trait, then a person will have a frequent change of place of residence, constant travel.

If the Travel lane exists as a lonely lane, then one, but significant trip should be expected. It will be fateful and will radically affect some aspects of life. It may be associated with meeting a future loved one, a dream job, moving to a desired country or city.

The Travel Trait takes on different meanings depending on the form of the Life trait.

  1. Short. There will be few travels. They will not leave vivid impressions, but they will affect the change of thinking or habits. The owner of such a line of Life often lives with illusions.
  2. Thick. Traveling will be useful for a person and will have a positive effect on well-being. He will find peace of mind, harmony, peace. Eliminates the feeling of mediocrity and congestion of life. Clears thoughts of negativity. People with this Life trait should choose Asian destinations.
  3. Long. A person is easily influenced by outsiders. Often goes on trips at the request of friends, for the company. The climate in the team is important for him, so he tries to think over the entertainment program while traveling as much as possible. During the trip, his thinking may change, and the boundaries of perception expand.
  4. Has many dashes at the bottom (they are travel lines). They allow you to find out the exact time of trips, the age at which they will occur, and approximately predict the experience. The longer these stripes are, the more fun and exciting journey awaits the individual.
  5. Discontinuous, but with branches. Says that travel will be a turning point in a person's life. It will happen after something bad happens: the death of loved ones, divorce from a spouse, a serious illness.

Sometimes the Life line can be too high and literally touch the Heart line. This is a sign of a good and helpful person. He travels frequently, sometimes has financial difficulties. But thanks to his good-naturedness, he finds the same good people who make trips special, sincere.

If the Life feature is poorly visible or completely absent in the active palm, then the person will not travel or trips will be rare. He feels his destiny in another, therefore, he receives joy from other activities. He believes that it is only necessary to travel with a large supply of money, but since he is experiencing material difficulties, he cannot afford it.

Which countries to go to

The Travel trait in the palm of your hand is needed to see how often and where a person will travel. In palmistry, using its location, you can find out which countries a person will definitely visit.

  1. Between the line, a person should go to Scandinavia and Europe. These countries will positively influence his thinking, behavior and habits. Spend time with benefit, learns about the peculiarities of these regions.
  2. It is located near the end of the Mind line. For travel, the countries of Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East are ideal. Business travel will be associated with the latter region.
  3. At the intersection of the hills of Mars and the Moon. The owners of such lines are better off choosing the countries of Latin and North America: the USA, Canada, the Caribbean, Brazil, etc. Trips will bring a lot of unusual emotions and impressions. Such a person will be able to build his own business in America or start a labor activity in Canada, which can also cause travel.
  4. Middle of the hillock of the moon. India, Sri Lanka, Seychelles are perfect for visiting. They often go there for peace of mind, in search of themselves. Daily meditations will help you tone up and get rid of unnecessary thoughts.
  5. Lower part of the hill of the moon. When choosing a country for a trip, you should pay attention to China, Japan, Korea. If the travel line is long, it is highly likely that one of these countries will be chosen by the person for permanent residence.
  6. Intersection with the line or mound of Pluto. The owners of such stripes should choose Australia or New Zealand for permanent residence or a long trip, since people with similar lines value kindness and sociability in others, it will be easy and pleasant for them to be in these countries. Those who have the trait on their active hand (especially men) are encouraged to consider Australia as a place to develop their business.

If travel lanes are deep, long and pronounced, travel will be the main way of earning money for a person. The occupation can be varied: taking beautiful photos as a photographer or model, organizing tours, helping with travel planning, etc.

A short but flat line indicates the possibility of developing a business abroad or setting up an international company. Such a person will travel to analyze possible work sites.

Small and curved lines indicate that the person will travel through successful university studies. Another similar option is that the purpose of the trip will be the desire to get an education in another country. If the lines are pronounced, then at the place of training the person will remain for permanent residence.


In palmistry, signs help to interpret in detail the meaning of the lines. But not everyone has them. Traits without symbols are common.

The following signs may appear on Travel Lines.

  1. If this figure ends the streak, then the journey will backfire. The person will become ill or depressed. Sometimes the trip turns out to be bad because of the unpleasant personalities with whom the owner of such a sign traveled on the lines.
  2. He talks about a possible disaster that will happen during the trip. Indicates that the person will often get sick (not seriously) or just feel bad.
  3. Square. Tells about the upcoming serious test. Often predicts the need to travel to another country to fight as a soldier, especially if this symbol is on a passive hand. The journey will make a serious impression on a person, as a result of which there will be a shock. Mental problems are possible.
  4. Triangle. A good sign that protects the person from trouble. Says that nothing bad will happen on the trip.
  5. Lattice. An indicator that trips in which a person goes without desire will not bring anything good. Will negatively affect mental and physical health. Signals that you need to go only with a strong desire to learn another culture.


There are many lines on a person's hand, looking at which an experienced palmist can easily tell about the character of their owner and about important events in his life.

When decoding a palm drawing, not only large, but also small, secondary details are taken into account that can tell about important events. Among the important stripes on the hand are the travel line, thanks to the study of which one can understand whether life promises exciting trips.

To see the travel line in the palm of your hand, you need to look at the edge of the hand. In its lower part, at the wrist, there is a hill (bump). The line of travel is located next to this bump or slightly higher, running across and starting on the outside of the hand. It looks like one or more stripes of varying length, depth and definition.

What does

Palmists determine the meaning of the line of travel (it is also called the line of restlessness), given its location, length, depth, shape. The meaning of this hand drawing may be as follows:

1. If it is located clearly in the middle of the edge of the palm (on a hill), this may indicate that a person has to travel a lot by land, visit foreign countries, or that he has already had many such trips.

2. Deep stripes on the hill of the Moon - a sure sign of sea travel, travel on water. If the drawing begins on the hillock of the moon and ascends to the line, this indicates an already completed or future voyage to the ocean.

3. If the strip is long and intersects with the branch of the strip, such a pattern indicates that a person will have a long life abroad. If this strip is very thick and deep, then the owner of this sign will leave his native country forever.

4. The end of the strip matters. If its end is directed to the upper part of the palm, the tour will be successful, but if it “looks” down, then the voyage will not bring positive emotions.

5. Sometimes, small stripes appear on the mark, which can warn of possible troubles on the trip or mark a happy journey. A small cross is an unkind sign warning of serious problems on the road. The circle speaks of the danger of being in the water. The triangle and square indicate a successful outcome of the trip.

Most often, a travel line on the arm is available for those people who have already had or will have fateful trips in their lives. However, situations are not uncommon when such a drawing appears in the palm of the hand of a person who has never been to other countries and does not plan to wander around the world yet. This happens when the owner of the restlessness trait has a dream to make a long voyage, which he often imagines in the brightest colors.

The line of restlessness is not always associated with travel to distant countries. It is believed that even a short-term movement to the nearest city, which was of great importance in a person's life, can be reflected in the form of stripes on his palm. At the same time, constant trips abroad, which are made involuntarily and are workers, often do not manifest themselves in any way in the drawing of the hand.

Write your opinion

The science of palmistry will help to understand not only the length of life or the peculiarities of a future marriage, but also prompts upcoming trips using the Travel line in the palm of your hand. Not everyone can quickly find and correctly interpret these strokes. The signs of wanderings are poorly expressed, they may not be on the wearer's hand: the strokes mark only important trips that can change life and bring something new into it.

Location of traits

The wandering lines are marked on the wearer's right hand. The strokes begin from the edge of the palm, heading to the hill of the moon. Another trait of wandering can be found next to the life line. The location of the lines indicates the type of the proposed trip:

  1. Dashes heading down from the sign of life will tell of a long trip to the ocean.
  2. The trip to the sea is foreshadowed by the touches in the lower region of the Moon's hill.
  3. Adventure overland is marked by features located near the upper edge of the hill of the Moon.

The length of the line will tell you about the duration of the trip. A short touch bodes well for a short trip of one to two weeks. A long, clear line is a long journey or even a temporary move.

Features of the stroke shape

The Travel Lines on the hand can open the veil over a person's personality. So, in the presence of weakly expressed strokes, we can say that a person cannot be in one place and loves moving.

The crisp, striking features mark an important journey that influences the life of the wearer and prescribes important changes.

There are situations when there are many strokes in the palm of your hand, but a person has never traveled further than his city. This means advanced fantasy, often found in writers and screenwriters.

The wandering trait can promise a move to a new place of residence for the wearer. Then it leaves the line of Life and is clearer and more pronounced than the sign of Life itself, and can have bifurcations.

  1. A new place of residence within the home country means an offshoot of the stroke in the center of the arc of Life.
  2. A clear and deep branch at the end of the Life strip speaks of moving abroad associated with changes in personal life or career.

Which countries to visit

Many palmists are convinced that by the location of the Travel lines, a conclusion can be made about a specific direction of travel. Not everyone shares this opinion, but there is a lot of evidence for this theory. The dependence was revealed as follows:

  1. Traits located at the very wrist promise a trip to Australia or New Zealand.
  2. The strokes in the lower region of the Moon's Hill mark travel to China, Japan, or Korea.
  3. The lines in the center of the lunar hillock indicate a possible visit to India, Seychelles or Sri Lanka.
  4. The journey to America is foreshadowed by the stripes between the hills of Mars and the Moon.
  5. Business trips to Central Asia or Eastern Europe promise strokes located next to the sign of the Head.
  6. The space between the lines of the head and heart is occupied by features that speak of acquaintance with the countries of Europe and Scandinavia.

Travel line signs

Palmistry always takes into account additional marks and signs on all important lines. The Wanderings trait is no exception, the signs on it warn of many nuances.

  1. A lucky sign for a good trip is a triangle or square.
  2. An excellent sign is a vertical stroke that crosses the line of travel - it will tell you about an important acquaintance or an event that has the ability to change the course of life.
  3. Gaps warn of a change in plans, an obstacle in the implementation of the plan.
  4. The island at the end of the Travel line will tell you about the bad ending of the trip.
  5. The circle warns the owner of the danger, do not get carried away with extreme entertainment on the trip.
  6. The cross on the sign promises disaster. The exact time will tell you the location of the cross. The mark at the beginning of the stroke will indicate the difficulties at the start of the journey, at the end - about the trouble at the end of the journey.
  7. The scar on the Travel Lane also requires attention and is not a very good sign, promising serious problems during the trip.

One of the most important signs of meaningful movement is not related to the trait of wandering. This sign is the bifurcation of the line of Life in the final segment. It speaks of a journey that can greatly affect life and radically change it.

Relationship of the Travel trait with other signs

In many cases, the travel lane touches or crosses other important lines in palmistry. This situation requires attention and clarifies details.

  1. The business trip marks the intersection with the Mind line.
  2. Touching the sign of Influence will predict a meeting with a possible marriage partner.
  3. The line of Saturn, intersecting with the sign of Travel, will tell about an important journey that changes the life and worldview of the wearer.
  4. A stroke reaching the hill of Jupiter means a promotion.
  5. The travel sign, located on the border with the Hillock of the Sun, promises glory to the owner.
  6. Crossing the hill of Mercury marks an improvement in material condition due to travel.


The Travel Line in the palm of your hand will tell you about all the details of the trip: the time, the possible country of visit, the consequences of the journey. The trait marks only important, significant travels that affect the fate of the wearer. Another line can tell about a person's dreamy nature, about a penchant for writing. Having correctly interpreted all the messages, you can get ready for the journey and not be afraid of surprises along the way.

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