
Virgo is the sign of water or air. Virgo zodiac sign earth sign. Zodiac signs by elements

In this article, you will learn:

    How the elements relate to the signs of the zodiac

    How to determine belonging to your element

    What are the characteristic features of the representatives of the zodiac signs by the elements

    How the various signs of the zodiac and the elements are combined with each other

    Is it possible to find the perfect partner depending on his element and zodiac sign

Our zodiac and elemental affiliation, as well as character traits, are determined by the position of the Sun at the time of birth. Today we will tell you which signs of the zodiac correspond to certain elements, what are their distinctive features and how they are related to each other. This way you can better understand yourself.

Zodiac signs by elements

All the signs of the zodiac are located in the circle, and to get trigons(4 triangles), it is necessary to connect those signs that belong to the same elements.

    Trigon Of fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

    Trigon Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

    Trigon Of the earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

    Trigon Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

All signs of the zodiac are divided into 4 main types according to the elements, as well as 3 groups according to qualities and crosses. The elements, which include the signs of the zodiac, determine the main character traits and temperament, and the crosses explain the changes in character, as well as the pattern of behavior.

In each cross, you can read all four features of the elements, and each element is reflected in all three crosses. So, each individual zodiac sign is a unique combination of elements and quality.

The elements of the zodiac signs

Zodiac signs









Fire Release

The characteristic features of the fire element are considered to be warmth and dryness, which is favored by metaphysical energy, vitality and existence itself. There are three signs in the zodiacal circle that are distinguished by these qualities. The trigon of fire is the zodiac signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. This triangle is creative, creative, the main principle of which is activity, energy and action.

Fire guides our instincts, spirit, power of thought, intellect, it does not allow us to stay in place, gives hope and faith, teaches us to insist on our opinion. The main thing that drives this element is ambition. People born in the element of Fire are impatient, careless, self-confident, quick-tempered, impetuous, unceremonious, brave, courageous and warlike. Fire is life, it controls body temperature and stimulates metabolism.

Those born in the trigone of the fire element are choleric by their temperamental nature. These are bright personalities who do not like to remain in the shadow of non-recognition, especially with those who are their soul mates and ideological associates. They are creative and unshakable people, whose energy and huge breakthrough potential are inexhaustible. Fire signs give birth to good organizers, thirsty for movement, activity and enterprise.

A distinctive feature of those born in this trigone is the ability to find inspiration and fully devote themselves to their work, idea and soul mate. Courage, courage and courage are characteristic of these people. They are successful in both the material and spiritual areas of life, as they are active and inspired in a business-like manner. They enjoy everything they do, take pride in their successes, and await the recognition of others.

Those born under the fire element are imperious natures, born leaders who love and know how to give orders and lead. It is as if some kind of cosmic electrical energy of a certain potential has entered into them, which either attracts or repels others, thanks to which they constantly keep in good shape and tension. Even in their youth, these people try to gain freedom and independence, to become independent and influential. But they have one paradoxical feature: they hate being subordinate to someone, but they know how to adapt to any conditions.

"Fiery" natures are stubborn and persistent, wayward and stubborn people who want to establish themselves in society. If there are people of the fiery element in your environment, then you know firsthand that they always insist on their own. They can conduct and play the main role, but being an extra is not for them. They will never obey others, they will always command and control, sometimes, however, from behind the scenes. They respect only fair and reasonable autocracy and do not accept tyranny and despotism in any form.

Individuals born under the fiery signs of the Zodiac are quickly carried away by some new idea, idea, acquaintance. Without undue hesitation, they begin to work on some kind of business, connecting everyone around them to the process, pursuing a task set for themselves, which either finds them from the outside, or is born in their minds. But as soon as they start working on a new project, they lose interest in the old and unfinished. They do not like to procrastinate and make efforts to resolve issues for a long time, but prefer to do everything quickly, until the inspiration is gone. These people surrender to the momentary impulse of the soul, and waiting for them is torment. Fire is that powerful creative energy that can lift them up to heaven or lower them to the bottom of the ocean.

Fiery natures must be able to curb the negative aspects of their temperament, especially hot temper and irritability, aggressiveness and intransigence. They should stay away from conflicts and confrontation with the outside world, so as not to harm the goal that they pursue and their cause, which they so wished to accomplish.

The children of this triangle are difficult to bring up, sometimes even impossible. To achieve at least some positive changes, you have to go to extreme measures of education. We must completely exclude violent methods from our arsenal, since they cause the opposite reaction - stubbornness, resistance and obstinacy. The key to the hearts of children born under fire signs lies through warmth, tenderness and love, gentleness, and a fair attitude. They do not accept lies and belittling of their dignity.

Zodiac sign Aries 21.03 - 20.04.

The Latin name for this constellation is Aries; the leading star is Gamal; nearby constellations are Taurus, Perseus, Lesser and Greater Triangles, Pisces, Fly and Whale; peak activity is midnight, early November.

    This sign of the zodiac symbolizes a sinless sacrifice (lamb) brought to someone's good. Another interpretation suggests that Aries is a symbol of determination, enterprise, bright sexual energy.

    It is schematically depicted in the form of a glyph: a horn and a long nose of a ram. Many astrologers believe that this drawing symbolizes the human facial features (nose and eyebrows), which are influenced by Aries. This image testifies to the lust for power and the desire for excellence.

    Patronizing planet: Mars.

    Aries magic talismans: golden fleece, hammer.

    Stones: diamond, amethyst.

    Colors: red, crimson, purple, crimson, orange, lilac, blue, golden, all iridescent.

    Metal: iron, steel.

    Auspicious days: Tuesday, Thursday.

    Unfavorable days: Friday, Saturday.

    Favorable numbers and numbers: 4, 7, 9 (and all numbers that are divisible by 9), 11.

    Important years of life: those that are divisible by 9 and 15.

    Optimal compatibility with the years of birth according to the eastern horoscope: the year of the Sheep, Rabbit, Boar.

    Polar sign of the zodiac: Libra. People with the zodiac sign Aries are natural born leaders who are often selfish natures who do not need anyone else. Libra is the opposite sign, excellent life partners who will always support and help.

    Plants: nettle, olive, poppy, aloe, garlic; sweet peas, honeysuckle, geranium, cornflower, violet; all trees with thorns.

    Animal symbols: ram, goat, deer.

    Countries and regions of the world ruled by this fire sign: Asia Minor, Alaska, Syria, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, Poland, Korea.

    Cities ruled by Aries: Verona, Florence, Marseille, Naples.

    Suitable climate: hot dry, harsh dry.

    The best place to live: a large city with a population of over one million.

    Beware of: fire, fires, sharp and stabbing objects. Aries can be participants in unpleasant situations, which can only be solved by force, as well as accidents that occurred due to a violation of the speed limit.

    Celebrities born under the sign of Aries: Adolf Hitler, Nikita Khrushchev, Lavrenty Beria, Nikolai Gogol, Vincent Van Gogh, Francisco de Goya, Giacomo Casanova, Maxim Gorky, Charlie Chaplin, Mstislav Rostropovich, Hans Christian Andersen, Otto von Bismarck , Catherine I, Claudia Shulzhenko, Alla Pugacheva, Bella Akhmadulina, Montserrat Caballe, Leonardo Da Vinci.

Zodiac sign Leo 23.07 - 23.08.

The Latin version of the name is Leo, the guiding star is Regulus, the nearby constellations are Lesser Leo, Cancer, Virgo, Sextant, Hydra, Chalice. The peak of activity is midnight, the first half of the spring month of March.

    Interpretation: The zodiac sign Leo symbolizes power, strength, courage, nobility and prudence, but sometimes laziness.

    The glyph (image in the form of a diagram) is a sign of Greek origin, which is the first letter of the word "lion". It symbolizes two heart valves, since this sign influences the heart. This glyph is a symbol of the sensory and mental realms.

    Patronizing planet: Sun.

    Magic talismans of Leo: star, lion, eagle.

    Matching stones: ruby, amber.

    Colors: golden, purple, scarlet, orange, black.

    Metal: gold.

    Auspicious days: Sunday.

    Unfavorable days: Saturday.

    Numbers and numbers of the sign that bring good luck: 1, 5, 9, 11.

    The most important years of the life of representatives of this sign: those that are divided by 11 (cycles of 11 years are considered the most significant for these people).

    According to the eastern horoscope, it is combined with the years of the Cat, Goat, Pig.

    Opposite Zodiac Sign: Aquarius. Leos are people who take everything from life to the maximum, enjoy and strive to control others. The opposite sign is Aquarius, whose representatives symbolize the highest human desires aimed at developing the future. Their ideas about the ideal are quite large-scale, and in relations with others they are restrained and cold.

    Suitable plants: rose, gladiolus, peony, chrysanthemum, sunflower, marigold, citrus.

    Eligible Animals: All felines, eagle, wild horse, mountain snakes.

    Countries and regions of the world patronized by this sign: Italy, Sicily, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, France, Peru.

    Cities ruled by Leo: Damascus, Prague, Rome.

    Suitable climatic conditions: humid tropics, sultry, to a lesser extent - warm.

    Best place to live: large city, administrative center.

    You should beware of: someone else's backbiting, as well as confrontation about explosive and unrestrained behavior inherent in Leo.

    Celebrities born under the sign of Leo: Napoleon I, Alexander Dumas the father, Yves Saint Laurent, Bernard Shaw, Henry Ford, Avicenna, Guy de Maupassant, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ivan Aivazovsky, Coco Chanel, Madonna, Whitney Houston, Edita Pieha, Sofia Rotaru, Jennifer Lopez.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius 23.10 - 22.11.

The Latin name is Sagittarius, the guiding star is Rukbat, the nearby constellations are Capricorn, Scorpio, Shield, Antinous, Southern Crown, peak of activity is midnight, early August.

    Interpretation: This zodiac sign symbolizes qualities such as determination and directness. They enjoy hunting and other outdoor activities in the open air.

    The vulture (schematic) Sagittarius is an upward pointing arrow. Some astrologers believe that this is not an arrow, but a part of the human leg from the knee to the thigh bone, which is influenced by this sign. This image is a symbol of the desire to correspond to certain lofty ideals, alienation from ordinary everyday disagreements.

    Patronizing planet: Jupiter.

    Magic talismans of the zodiac sign Sagittarius: horseshoe, salamander.

    Matching stones: turquoise, lapis lazuli.

    Colors: red, burgundy, crimson, blue, light blue.

    Metal: tin.

    Auspicious days: Thursday.

    Bad days: Wednesday.

    Numbers and numbers that bring good luck: 3 and all numbers that are divisible by it.

    The most important years of life: 14, 24, 28, 42, 48, 56, 68, 80.

    It goes well with the years of the Rabbit, Boar, Goat according to the eastern horoscope.

    Sagittarius opposite sign: Gemini. Those born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius have a broad outlook on life, they like philosophy, care about the questions of the universe, they do not welcome strong attachment to people. Gemini, on the other hand, value communication with others and strive to be a part of their life.

    Suitable plants: daffodil, rose, clover, mint, dandelion, carnation, date tree, birch, oak.

    Suitable animals: horse, donkey, deer, birds.

    Countries and regions of the world that are influenced by this sign: Italy, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Yugoslavia, the Arab region, Latin America (except for Brazil and Mexico).

    Cities influenced by Sagittarius: Toledo, Budapest, Acapulco.

    Suitable climatic conditions: cold and harsh climate.

    The best place to live: any town or village located in a mountainous or forest area.

    It is worthwhile to beware of: explosions, fires and other accidents that are associated with fire, as well as conflict situations, the cause of which is the irrepressible desire of the representatives of this sign to gain independence.

    Celebrities born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius: Michelle Nostradamus, Jonathan Swift, Friedrich Engels, Alexander Suvorov, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Mark Twain, Alexander Blok, Walt Disney, Edith Piaf, Tina Turner, Mila Jovordich, Nonna.

Earth release

The earth gives shape to objects, creates rules, makes everything more precise, stable and constant. The earth is responsible for structuring, analyzing, classifying, creating the basis for everything. The Earth is characterized by such traits as inertia, practicality, reliability, rigor, patience and confidence. In the human body, under the influence of the Earth, there is inhibition, a feeling of a stone due to tightness and compression, a slowdown in metabolism.

People born under the Earth signs are melancholic. They have a sober view of life, are very calculating and practical in their views, they know how to behave in a businesslike manner. The tasks that they set for themselves are not transcendental, but quite realizable, and these people are building a plan to achieve their goals in their youth. If their task changes, then these changes are insignificant and more often this is due to internal, and not due to external factors. People of the Earth triangle usually succeed because they have such character traits as perseverance, perseverance, endurance, determination, endurance, endurance. They do not indulge in their fantasies as much as water signs, they do not have faith in a miracle, like the fiery representatives. They are persistent in achieving their desires, and they always succeed. They follow the path of least resistance, and in the event of obstacles they gather all their will into a fist and overcome everything that blocks their path to success.

To own matter is the goal of the Earth signs of the Zodiac. They enjoy the process of creating material goods, and the result of their work makes them proud. All the tasks they set out should be useful and beneficial. If the number of planets that converge in the Earth's trigon is large, then this means that these rules will prevail in other spheres of life, including love and marriage.

Representatives of the Earth Trigon know what they want from life, they are characterized by stability, moderation and consistency. They do not like to actively move from place to place, they are very attached to home, property and native land. Successful life stages are replacing crises that can last for quite a long time due to earthly inertia. It is this quality that prevents these people from doing something else or starting new relationships. They don't easily adapt to anyone or anything.

Representatives of this trigon, as a rule, become specialists whose work is related to finance, business and material wealth. They are jack of all trades, skillfully create various gizmos, can gain recognition in the study of applied sciences and art. Their patience and humility allows them to wait for the best, but they never forget the most important things. Everything they do is subordinated to a single goal - to make their lives better. They also care about peace of mind, but not so often. Achieving all of the above is not a problem for them if they do not spend their energy potential on restraining such traits of their character as selfishness, excessive pragmatism, self-interest and greed.

Zodiac sign Taurus 21.04 - 21.05.

Latin name - Taurus; the brightest star is Aldebaran; nearby constellations - Aries, Orion, Charioteer, Whale, Perseus; the peak of activity is midnight, early December.

    Interpretation: This sign is symbolized by a bull, which means perseverance, hard work, power, but also combines gentleness and anger.

    The glyph, or schematic drawing of the constellation, is represented in the form of the head and horns of a bull. Some experts note that the chin and organs responsible for the production of hormones and localized in the larynx are also present in the glyph. This image symbolizes the possession of various material values, finances, which is the fruit of volitional labor.

    Main planet: Venus.

    Magic talismans of this constellation: golden calf, elephant.

    Stones: emerald, agate.

    Colors: green, white, blue, yellow, lemon.

    Metal: copper.

    Auspicious days: Monday, Friday.

    Unfavorable days: Tuesday.

    Numbers and numbers that bring good luck: 2, 4, 6 and all numbers that are divisible by 6.

    The most important dates in life: those that are divisible by 8.

    An excellent combination with the signs according to the eastern horoscope: the year of the Rat, Dragon, Monkey.

    The complete opposite in sign is Scorpio. Taurus is constantly busy with the accumulation of property and money, he knows how to do it, and does not like to share with someone. Scorpio, on the contrary, welcomes the joint ownership of property, inheritance, disinterestedly shares the available benefits, valuing more a rich inner world than financial well-being.

    Plants: lilac, lily of the valley, dandelion, daisy, flax, moss, spinach, plantain, apple tree, cypress.

    Eligible animals: all cattle.

    Controlled countries and regions: Ukraine, Poland, Switzerland, Ireland, Holland, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Australia.

    Location: Leipzig, Lucerne, St. Louis, Dublin.

    The best place to live: a quiet and cozy place, a private home - the closer to nature, the better.

    You should beware of situations involving love and money, as well as serious disagreements with others.

    Celebrities Taurus: Immanuel Kant, William Shakespeare, Sigmund Freud, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Mikhail Bulgakov, Salvador Dali, Alexander Nevsky, Nicholas II, Catherine II, Charlotte Bronte, Marina Vladi, Uma Thurman, Michelle Pfeiffer, Ella Fitzgerald.

Zodiac sign Virgo 08.24 - 09.22.

The Latin name is Virgo, the guiding star is Spica, the nearby constellations are Leo, Libra, Chalice, Raven, Bootes, Hair of Veronica, Centaurus.

    Interpretation: This zodiac sign of the earthly element is symbolized by the virgin - the personification of purity, restraint, modesty, desire to please, hard work.

    A glyph (a schematic drawing of a zodiac sign) is a straight line connected to two curves (one of them is crossed by a line). In it you can see a schematic representation of a woman's virgin, not yet open genitals. This drawing is a combination of prudence and pragmatism with emotions and sensations.

    Stones: jasper, jade.

    Colors: white, purple, light blue, blue, gray.

    Metal: mercury.

    Auspicious days: Wednesday.

    Unfavorable days: Thursday, Friday.

    Numbers and numbers that bring good luck to this sign of the zodiac: 3, 5, 6, 12, 20, 27.

    The most important years of life: 3, 23, 33.

    Excellent compatibility with the years of the eastern horoscope: the year of the Dragon, Monkey, Rat.

    The opposite sign of the zodiac is Pisces. Virgo people always strive for self-improvement, they love to work very much and, it seems, never get tired. They always appeal to facts, try to obtain objective information. Pisces, on the other hand, often deliberately indulge in their dreams and fantasies, self-deception.

    Plants: aster, red poppy, pansies, bindweed, coltsfoot, all varieties of nuts.

    Suitable animals: small pets, large reptiles, parrot, nightingale.

    Virgo-ruled countries and regions: Greece, Turkey, Japan, Switzerland, Palestine, West Indies, about. Crete.

    Managed by the Virgin of the city: Heidelberg, Strasbourg, Boston, Paris.

    Suitable climatic conditions: moderate.

    Best place to stay: Small town with frequent cultural events.

    You should beware of conflicts, the cause of which is the caustic nature of Virgins, a cold-blooded attitude towards others, a passion to poke your nose into other people's affairs.

    Celebrities Virgo: Ivan IV the Terrible, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Alexey Tolstoy, Leo Tolstoy, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Mikhail Kutuzov, Karl Lagerfeld, Michael Jackson, Joseph Kobzon, Mother Teresa, Sophia Loren, Faina Ranevskaya, Agatha Garni, And Greta , Larisa Dolina.

Zodiac sign Capricorn 12.22 - 01.20.

The Latin equivalent is Capricornus; the brightest star - Giedi (Algedi); nearby constellations - Aquarius, Sagittarius, Southern Pisces, Lesser Horse, Eagle, Antinous; the peak of activity is the last days of August - the first days of September.

    Celebrities-Capricorns: Isaac Newton, Alexander Griboyedov, Mao Zedong, Paul Cezanne, Henri Matisse, Charles Louis de Montesquieu, Moliere, Martin Luther King, Federico Fellini, Jeanne D "Arc, Marlene Dietrich, Galina Ulanova.

    One should beware of the secrets of the past, as well as a negative (often hidden) attitude towards them, caused by excessive restraint of feelings.

    Suitable climatic conditions: it all depends on age - the older the person, the warmer the climate he needs (up to the tropical).

    Governed cities: Chicago, Boston, Montreal, Brussels, Oxford.

    Capricorn-ruled countries and regions: the Baltics, Bulgaria, Afghanistan, India, Mexico, Burma, China.

    Suitable animals: goat, other artiodactyls, as well as heron, monkey.

    Suitable plants: ivy, beetroot, pussy willow, black poppy, white carnation, poplar.

    The opposite of the sign is Cancer. People of the Capricorn zodiac sign show restraint in their relationships with others, they pay more attention to their status, want to have weight in society, to be authoritative. Cancers, on the contrary, want to love and be loved, they feel best at home among their relatives.

    Excellent compatibility with the signs of the eastern horoscope: Monkey, Dragon, Rat.

    The most important years of the life of this sign: 28, 35, 42, 56.

    Lucky numbers and numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8 (also all numbers that are divisible by 8), 14.

    Unfavorable days: Monday, Thursday.

    Auspicious days: Tuesday, Saturday.

    Metal: lead.

    Colors: brown, black, dark green, blue, ash, pale yellow.

    Stones: onyx, malachite.

    Magic talismans: black cat, turtle.

    Patronizing planet: Saturn.

    The schematic drawing of the sign (glyph) looks like the head of a goat and the tail of a fish (in ancient times, Capricorn was represented in the form of a sea goat). Some astrologers say that the Capricorn glyph contains the outlines of a human knee and patella (this part of the human body is influenced by this sign of the zodiac). Meaning of the glyph: symbolizes two related qualities - responsibility and power, the source of which lies in the passion of the nature of Capricorn.

    Interpretation: The symbol of this zodiac sign of the elements of the Earth is Capricorn, which symbolizes perseverance, the desire to achieve goals, despite no obstacles.

Air Release

Distinctive features of this element are warmth and an abundance of moisture, flexibility, ability to divide, adaptability. So, which zodiac signs by the elements refer to the air element? In the zodiacal circle, the above features are endowed with the signs of the air triangle (trigon): Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. This trigone is a combination of ideas and mind.

Air is responsible for developing connections and contacts. The air element makes the representatives of the trigone very active, active, lively and mobile, fickle, flexible, agile, sensitive, boundless, wanting to know everything. Independence and freedom are distinguished by Air, which is responsible for the main processes on our planet - movement, procreation.

Representatives of the air element are sanguine in their temperament. Such personalities can impress others. They quickly make decisions and do their own thing, easily and naturally absorb new information, then process it and pass it on to others in their vision. They easily adapt to any situation and life changes. They have spiritual flexibility, a stable psyche, an active mind, they are not characterized by fatigue if they are passionate about something. They get tired of the monotonous routine.

The main disadvantages of the character of the representatives of this trigone are the lack of solid and deep thinking, feelings and activity, they should not be trusted to perform important matters. They think too superficially, they constantly doubt, get nervous, change their plans. But they can use the disadvantages of their character to their advantage.

Representatives of other trigons cannot boast of such diplomacy and ability to lead a social life, as air signs. These people easily find contact with others, quickly grasp, build connections and use the received data. Air signs of the Zodiac do not accept sedentaryism, routine, they do not have a permanent income, unless their work is related to travel, communication and information.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are successful in the scientific, technical and artistic fields, especially in the field of literature. Such qualities as a desire to get new emotions, a previously unknown experience, a constant exchange of thoughts and ideas, views and opinions with others, and the ability to quickly establish contacts help them achieve success. The ideal for them is to constantly stay in the epicenter of everything that happens around.

Often, representatives of the air element go beyond generally accepted standards, since they value freedom and hate obligations, and do not tolerate excessive dramatization of relations. They carry even routine family everyday life like a cross, from which they will always try to get rid of, or at least make it easier.

They hate routine and monotony, so problems in family life and love relationships are commonplace. Their superficial feelings can easily develop into passion and infatuation, and they can establish close contacts with barely familiar people. But all this is temporary - until the air signs meet a new source of inspiration and passion.

Parents raising children of the air signs of the Zodiac should be attentive to their excessive craving for ideal, superficial views, excessive compliance with other people's influence. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to the development of morality, which will be their life support. Since the child of this trigone absorbs both good and bad, it is important to monitor his environment. Parents play a big role in choosing the friends of their child. They must constantly be in contact with him, take part in business, be near during rest.

The best advantage of representatives of this element is the ability to find a common language with the outside world, but they should beware of internal and spiritual fragmentation, which is often a source of stress and disappointment.

Zodiac sign Gemini 05.22 - 06.21.

Latin name - Gemini; the brightest stars - Castor and Pollux; nearby constellations - Orion, Cancer, Unicorn, Lesser Dog, Charioteer; peak activity is midnight, mid-January.

    Interpretation: This sign of the Zodiac symbolizes a twofold nature, impermanence, versatility; on the other hand, hands linked together are a symbol of harmony and combination of two energy channels - female and male (potential and realization).

    The glyph of this sign is the bodies of two twins. According to some astrologers, the schematic representation of Gemini is not a human figure as a whole, but his hands and lungs (they are under the influence of this sign). This glyph is a symbol of enlightenment, prudence, the ability of the brain to combine various knowledge into one whole.

    Patronizing planet: Mercury.

    Stones: beryl, topaz.

    Colors: orange, yellow, blue, purple, green, gray.

    Metal: silver, gold.

    Auspicious days: Wednesday, Sunday.

    Unfavorable days: Thursday.

    Good numbers for Gemini: 3, 5 (as well as all numbers that are divisible by 5), 12, 18.

    The most important years of life: 3, 13, 26, 33, 39, 52, 65, 66.

    The opposite sign is Sagittarius. Gemini value interpersonal connections, they are attentive to the opinions of others about themselves, they want to subordinate others to their vision. Sagittarius thinks more broadly, they approach mentally to the knowledge of the world and do not build close emotional contact with others, whose opinion is disregarded.

    Plants: jasmine, poppy, daffodil, daisy, hops, tansy, honeysuckle, nut tree species.

    Animals: butterflies, birds with bright feathers.

    Gemini-dependent countries and regions: Egypt, Canada, USA, Armenia, Austria, Belgium.

    Dependent cities: San Francisco, Melbourne, Versailles, London.

    Suitable climatic conditions: mild, not hot.

    Best Place to Live: City.

    You should beware of plane crashes, road accidents, and serious disagreements associated with unnecessary attitude.

    Famous Gemini: Peter I, Alexander Pushkin, Thomas Jung, Paul Gauguin, Carl Faberge, Ernesto (Che) Guevara, Arthur Conan Doyle, John F. Kennedy, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Joseph Brodsky, Yuri Andropov, Marilyn Monroe, Isadora Zuncan, Lyudmila Angelina Jolie, Daria Dontsova.

Zodiac sign Libra 23.09 - 22.10.

The Latin name is Libra. This constellation consists of double stars. Nearby constellations - Scorpio, Virgo. Ophiuchus, Hydra, Centaurus, Wolf; the peak of activity is midnight, early June.

    Interpretation: This zodiac sign of the air element is presented in the form of scales, which symbolize harmony, balance, perfection, the victory of good and justice, as well as order and tranquility.

    Schematic drawing (glyph) - scales in equilibrium position. This image demonstrates the primacy of reason over feelings, as well as partnerships.

    Patronizing planet: Venus.

    Stones: opal, coral.

    Colors: blue, lavender, aqua, green, all pastel colors.

    Metal: copper.

    Auspicious days: Friday, Saturday.

    Unfavorable days: Tuesday, Sunday.

    Numbers and numbers that bring good luck to Libra: 2, 5, 6, 9, 15.

    The most important years of life: 18, 25, 30, 42, 51, 54, 66.

    Excellent compatibility with the signs of the eastern horoscope: Ox, Snake, Rooster.

    The opposite sign is Aries. People of the zodiac sign Libra are afraid to be alone, a lonely existence for them is suffering, a loss of craving for life and spiritual harmony. Libra is a symbol of partnerships, marital ties and union. Aries are distinguished by independence and self-sufficiency, bright individuality and selfishness.

    Plants: strawberry, white rose, rosemary, grapes, violet, calendula, ash, cypress.

    Animals: goose, tiger, donkey, lizard, snake.

    Libra-ruled countries and regions: China, Tibet, Siberia, Austria, Egypt, Argentina, Canada, Japan, Burma, Thailand.

    Libra-ruled cities: Copenhagen, Lisbon, Charleston, Vienna.

    Suitable climatic conditions: moderate, warm.

    The best place to live: absolutely any.

    You should beware of conflict situations associated with love relationships, or rather, with the inability of these people to make decisions, as well as with their frivolity in relation to recognition, loyalty and constancy.

    Famous Libra: Mahatma Gandhi, Oscar Wilde, Nicholas Roerich, Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan Bunin, Mikhail Lermontov, Miguel de Cervantes, John Lennon, Sergei Yesenin, Giuseppe Verdi, Marina Tsvetaeva, Margaret Thatcher, Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuva, Martina.

Zodiac sign Aquarius 01.21 - 02.20.

Latin name - Aquarius; the main star is Sadalmelik; nearby constellations - Capricorn, Pisces, Pegasus; peak activity is midnight, mid-September.

    Interpretation: This sign has a symbol in the form of Aquarius, which denotes a gift that belongs to everyone, as well as the emergence of life, peace.

    A schematic drawing (glyph) is represented in the form of water that flows from a vessel, another image is in the form of a human ankle, which is controlled by this constellation. This glyph symbolizes the globality of the thought process, energy, and a bright future.

    The patronizing planet of Aquarius: Uranus.

    Stones: sapphire, obsidian.

    Colors: blue, light blue, purple, aqua, silver, electric blue, gray.

    Metal: tin.

    Auspicious days: Wednesday, Saturday.

    Unfavorable days: Sunday.

    Numbers and numbers that bring good luck: 2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 13, as well as all numbers that are divisible by 4.

    The most important years of the life of the representatives of this zodiac sign: 21, 29, 39, 42, 49 and all years, which are divided by 9.

    Excellent compatibility with the signs of the eastern horoscope Ox, Rooster, Snake.

    The opposite sign is Leo. Representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius are always worried about global universal problems that are not indifferent to a large number of people. Personal connections are of secondary importance to them, although they are benevolent. Leos, on the contrary, value connection with family and friends, try to subordinate them to their will, to get maximum pleasure from everything they relate to.

    Suitable plants: pear, pepper, aspen, tansy, orchid, alpine rose, myrrh, lilac, all fruit trees and very tall trees.

    Suitable animals: bat, beaver, squirrel, sable, and all large birds.

    Countries and regions dependent on this zodiac sign: Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Canada, Ethiopia, Italy.

    Aquarius-dependent cities: Moscow, Salzburg, Buenos Aires, Stockholm.

    Suitable climatic conditions: warm, mild climate.

    Best place to live: any.

    One should beware of unusual situations associated with extreme sports, disagreements with others arising from non-standard, contrary to the rules of Aquarius' actions.

    Famous Aquarians: Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin, Dmitry Mendeleev, Jules Verne, Wolfgang Mozart, Abraham Lincoln, George Byron, Ronald Reagan, Alisher Navoi, Fyodor Chaliapin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Wanga, Helena Roerich, Virginia Wolfe, Orlov, Lyubov Oprah Winfrey.

Release of Water

The distinctive features of this element are cold and moisture, metaphysical receptivity, sensation, perception. In the zodiac circle, there are three signs of the zodiac related to the water trigone: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The water triangle is a trigon of feelings and sensations. The main position is internal stability with external changeability.

Water symbolizes feelings, spiritual peace, preservation and memory. She has plasticity, changeability, secrecy. Water gives rise to such character traits as instability, devotion to dreams, imaginative thinking, softness of manifestation. Water slows down metabolism, controls fluids, and the work of secretory glands.

Representatives of watermarks are phlegmatic by nature. They are very sensitive, sentimental and impressionable, often indulge in reflections, live their own inner life, and not outer. People of the water element are contemplative, they care not only about themselves, but also about their relatives, however, sometimes they can be accused of indifference, lethargy, and laziness. This is common to everyone except Scorpio. They do not express their emotions as vividly as people born in a fire or air element, but their inner experiences always deeply affect their feelings.

Representatives of this trigon do not believe that they should be businesslike, practical, soberly looking at life, objective, but they have a very rich imagination and vivid imagination, powerful internal and external strength, especially Scorpios.

Due to their developed spiritual world and subtle perception of reality, these people are most successful in activities related to art. They make excellent artists and musicians. The water signs of the zodiac will be good food workers. Scorpios can also become good detectives, as they have subtle intuition.

The plans and mood of representatives of the water trigone can be subject to external influences, as well as internal impulses. An insignificant nuance, which even went unnoticed by the consciousness, can change their mood, as a result of which they absolutely completely lose interest either in their business or in their soul mate.

The water signs of the Zodiac have a subtle spiritual world, they are characterized by courtesy, politeness, courtesy. They are outwardly attractive and inviting. They are not characterized by aggression, except for Scorpio.

Of all the signs of the water element, it is Scorpios who are considered the most powerful physically and spiritually, showing aggression, not subject to unwanted external influences, resisting everything with which they do not agree. Scorpio is patient, hardy, tenacious and persistent, which often surprises others.

The most vulnerable water sign is Pisces. Cancer occupies an intermediate position between them. Despite the fact that he has a very subtle inner world, he is persistent, self-possessed, knows what he wants, therefore representatives of this particular zodiac sign become successful personalities more often than others.

All representatives of the water element are very sensitive natures in whom emotions prevail over reason. These people can sacrifice themselves for the benefit of loved ones, as they are always very sincere in showing feelings for loved ones and relatives. If their actions go unnoticed, they leave their partner forever, which hurts them very deeply. They try to find a soul mate worthy of themselves. Love, family, marriage for them are the most important in life, especially for women.

Inner imbalance and the clash of fantasy with reality can be caused by an excessive tendency to daydreaming. If a person does not know how to overcome this feeling, he may become depressed, addicted to alcohol, drugs and other drugs that excite the nervous system, he may develop mental disorders.

Zodiac sign Cancer 06.22 - 07.22.

Latin name - Cancer; the main star is Akubens; the central part of the constellation Cancer is a cluster called Manger. The nearby constellations are Leo, Lesser Leo, Unicorn, Lynx, Hydra, Lesser Dog, Gemini. The peak of activity is the first half of February.

    Interpretation: The symbol of this sign of the zodiac is considered to be the pincers of cancer, directed towards each other, which symbolize the union of male and female, motherhood, as well as the desire of the individual for growth and development.

    The graphic image (glyph) is presented in the form of cancer claws. Some experts say that the claws are a schematic representation of the human chest, for which this sign is responsible.

    Ruling planet: Moon.

    Stones: pearls, calcite.

    Colors: white, blue, light blue, turquoise, silver.

    Metal: silver.

    Auspicious days: Monday, Thursday.

    Unfavorable days: Tuesday, Saturday.

    Numbers and numbers that bring good luck: 2, 4, 5, 8.

    The most important years of Cancer's life: 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71.

    Excellent compatibility with the signs of the eastern horoscope Tiger, Horse, Dog.

    The opposite sign is Capricorn. Cancer appreciates an intimate home atmosphere, contacts with relatives and friends, and seeks peace of mind. Capricorns, on the contrary, strive to impress others, to achieve high social status, regardless of someone else's point of view.

    Suitable plants: water lilies, water lily, jasmine, reeds, pumpkin, melon, honeysuckle, and all white flowers and tall trees with even trunks.

    Suitable Animals: Cancer, Crab, Reptiles, Waterfowl.

    Cancer-controlled countries and regions: Africa, Australia, Pacific Islands, Holland, Scotland, Syria, Turkey.

    Cancer cities: Amsterdam, New York, Venice.

    The best place to live: any quiet place, the closer to nature, the better.

    You should beware of: theft, domestic injuries.

    Famous Cancers: Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, George Howard Darwin, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Franz Kafka, Pierre Cardin, Marc Chagall, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Joseph Chamberlain, Rembrandt Van Rhine, Rubens, Anna Akhmatova, Princess Diana, Georges Sand, Valentina Tolkunova ...

Zodiac sign Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11.

Latin name - Scorpius; the main star is Antares; nearby constellations - Libra, Ophiuchus, Altar, Sagittarius, peak of activity - midnight, early July.

    Interpretation: The symbol of this zodiac sign is scorpio, which means insane, unbridled, primal passion, lack of empathy, and poison - protection from enemies.

    Schematic drawing (glyph): a scorpion sting that connects to the human genitals (this organ is protected by this sign). This image embodies the combination of the pursuit of the highest knowledge with practicality and sensuality.

    Scorpio's ruling planet: Pluto.

    Stones: pomegranate, cat's eye.

    Colors: red, black, crimson, scarlet, burgundy, green, blue.

    Metal: iron, steel.

    Auspicious days: Tuesday.

    Unfavorable days: Monday, Friday.

    Numbers and numbers that bring good luck: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10.

    The most important years for Scorpions: 7, 15, 30, 45, 47, 60, 87.

    Excellent compatibility with the signs of the eastern horoscope Tiger, Dog, Horse.

    The opposite sign is Taurus. People born under the sign of the zodiac Scorpio, as a rule, try to understand what is the meaning of life, which may consist in serving people, transferring their knowledge and energy. Taurus, on the other hand, strives to accumulate any values ​​and does not want to share them with anyone.

    Suitable Plants: Nettle, Plum, Chrysanthemum, Peony, Clove, Garlic, Heather, Rhododendron, Blackthorn.

    Suitable animals: scorpion, snake, wasp, wolf, scarab beetle.

    Scorpio-dependent countries and regions: Morocco, Algeria, Ecuador, Malaysia, Ceylon, Sweden, Norway.

    Scorpio-dependent cities: Washington, Liverpool, Newcastle, New Orleans.

    Best climatic conditions: humid, temperate.

    The best place to live: the city, not far from the reservoir.

    It is necessary to avoid conflict situations caused by the jealous attitude of Scorpios, harshness, unpleasant words.

    Famous Scorpions: Mikhail Lomonosov, Pablo Picasso, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ivan Turgenev, Niccolo Paganini, Bill Gates, Voltaire, Ivan Michurin, Alain Delon, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Mitchell, Astrid Lindgren, Maya Plisetskaya, Lyudmila Pakhmilamutova.

Zodiac sign Pisces 02.21 - 03.20.

The Latin name is Pisces. People living in the middle lane can observe the constellation Pisces at the end of summer, in autumn and in the first days of winter.

    Interpretation: The symbol of Pisces is considered to be two fish pointing in opposite directions. This drawing symbolizes the inconsistency of desires, the fickleness of feelings, the presence of opposite qualities in the character.

    A schematic drawing (glyph) is two fish, according to another point of view, these are the legs (feet) of a person, ruled by Pisces. This glyph denotes a combination of higher knowledge and feelings, which are limited to the material world.

    Pisces patronizing planet: Neptune.

    Stones: moonstone, aquamarine.

    Colors: aqua, green, turquoise, steel, white, blue, violet, purple.

    Metal: zinc.

    Auspicious days: Monday, Thursday, Friday.

    Bad days: Wednesday.

    Numbers and numbers that bring good luck: 6, 7, 11, as well as all numbers that are divisible by 7.

    The most important years in life: 14, 24, 28, 42, 48, 56, 70, 72, 84.

    Excellent compatibility with the signs of the eastern horoscope Dragon, Horse, Rat, Dog.

    The opposite sign is Virgo. People of the constellation Pisces strive to find spiritual benefits, they are strange and dreamy. Virgos are an expression of practicality, they strive to achieve material wealth through efforts, do not indulge in fantasies, since they value only facts.

    Suitable plants: apple, apricot, pear, plum, cotton, poppy, tobacco, tea bush, coffee tree, algae, water lily, mushrooms, willow, fig tree.

    Suitable animals: fish, swan, horse, snake.

    Pisces-ruled countries and regions: North Africa, South Asia, Colombia, Brazil, Ceylon, Israel, Spain, Portugal.

    Dependent cities: Dublin, Lisbon, Seville, Casablanca.

    Most favorable weather conditions: warm and very humid.

    The best place to live: the only condition is closer to the water.

    You should beware of unforeseen difficulties, contacts with people who do not give an account of their actions, drink or take drugs.

    Famous Pisces: Albert Einstein, Frederic Chopin, Johann Strauss, Yuri Gagarin, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Amerigo Vespucci, Victor Hugo, Michel Montaigne, Antonio Vivaldi, Valentina Tereshkova, Rosa Luxemburg, Nadezhda Krupskaya, Liza Minelli, Sharon Stoe

Signs of the zodiac by the elements and their compatibility

All elements have different compatibility with each other. It is wrong to believe that if the signs belong to the same element, then they have one hundred percent compatibility. They have similarities, but sometimes this is the cause of the problems.

  • Fire-fire.

Fire signs have excellent sexual and love compatibility, but they are the ones who most often cheat on each other, get jealous, and scandal. Moreover, representatives of Fire want to take possession of a leadership position in the family, which interferes with the well-being of their union. Fire and Fire, however, is a union of gifted, extraordinary and generous individuals. Flammable, but very addicting!

  • Fire-Earth

These are opposite elements that have poor compatibility. Often times, the Fire burns the Earth, which can pacify it. Sometimes such a temperamental polarity, different views on life unite them together, making the connection strong and long. Such partners cannot understand each other sexually and in everyday life they behave differently: the Earth is trying to save money, and Fire is wasting everything; The Earth keeps order, and Fire destroys it; The Earth enjoys silence, and Fire dreams of merry holidays. Endless fight!

  • Fire-Air.

An unusual alliance with a great future that has deep meaning. Air can make the flame of Fire even more, become an inspiration for it. Of all the possible options, it is these two elements that have excellent mental and spiritual compatibility. Partners spend interesting time with each other, communication is always easy and natural, since they are close to each other by temperament. In their intimate life, everything is fine with them, too. Danger can only be caused by Fire's overly ambitious demands for leadership. Air does not strive to be a leader, but its patience has limits.

  • Fire water.

You can compare the compatibility of these two elements with a teapot: Fire blazes, and Water boils. Constant disagreements and quarrels. Emotionally, this union has a complete lack of harmony: they show their feelings, passion and tenderness in completely different ways. The permanent leader The fire will probably suffer from the water element, since it can extinguish it, deny mutual feelings, deprive a source of inspiration. All sensational love affairs and partings are the result of the combination of these two elements. They are attracted and repelled, they are attracted to each other, but misunderstanding separates them.

  • Earth-Earth.

This is a strong bond between two people who are moving in the same direction, understand and agree with each other's position. Representatives of this element are firmly on their feet, they are practical and rational, they love order and do not like unexpected surprises. Family is above all for them. They do not open to the outside world, they show their true feelings to few people. In their work activities, they make the best performers, as they are punctual and accurate in everything. The union of the two earthly signs of the Zodiac is a guarantee of constancy and order. Maybe a little boring, but okay.

  • Earth-Air.

These two elements have poor compatibility. They are opposite to each other in everything, in some issues there is a complete misunderstanding between them. They cannot find a compromise in any conflict situation, as they are too emotional, and in the absence of emotions they have neither passion, nor sexual attraction, nor violent jealous feelings. They do not have any global problems, but nothing binds them together. Nevertheless, both elements are pacifists, which can be useful for a common cause - the prudence of the Earth and the mind of Air can bring good results.

  • Earth-Water.

These two elements are simply created to be together. Water nourishes the Earth, makes it alive, and the Earth becomes a support for Water, gives it a channel for its flow and fills its life with meaning. Such tandems should already be deliberately happy and harmonious, since their attraction to each other was laid down by nature. Representatives of the water element strive for constancy, which is not in them, and the earth signs of the zodiac are more stable, constant than all others and are ready to transfer these qualities to their partners. The result of such a tandem is a strong family, many children and a happy family hearth.

  • Air-Air.

This union is easy, relaxed, free. Air representatives are romantics who are characterized by delight, detachment from everything earthly, irrationality and lack of judgment. In the period of a nascent relationship, they are simply in seventh heaven with happiness. But joint family life often becomes a disaster for them: routine and inability to conduct life are the reason for reproaches from partners. In addition, they rarely show unbridled passion for each other in bed, more platonic feelings.

  • Air-Water.

Representatives of these two elements are sometimes attracted to each other, but their union rarely leads to something positive: it is complete calmness or a real storm, an excess or lack of feelings for a harmonious tandem. In exceptional cases, Air can inflate the sails of the family ship so that it moves through the water in the right direction. To achieve this, partners must find compromises in conflicts caused by their spontaneous opposite: the water signs of the Zodiac have a difficult character, they are owners and jealous, and the signs of the air element value freedom and ease in communication.

  • Water-Water.

Water signs constantly feel lonely and alienated from the whole world. When two such lonely people meet, their union can turn into one stormy and cheerful stream that fills them with strength. Watermarks are very sexy and passionate. Their emotions are always seething, their jealousy knows no boundaries, they are overly nervous. All this can destroy their tandem. But even having lost feelings for each other, these signs cannot say goodbye, since the two water streams can no longer be separated.

When reading the horoscopes of compatibility of the zodiac signs and elements, remember that in real life you decide for yourself whether your union will become a real destructive element or an island of happiness. In addition, you can always create your own personal horoscope.

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  • Zodiac signs play an important role in the fate of a person: they determine the characteristic features of nature, warn of the weaknesses that a person may be exposed to.
  • Zodiac signs indicate priority qualities that help move towards set goals, in search of a happy lot, success and prosperity.
  • Each sign will show the character traits of a person, depending on the date of birth, his talents, mutual understanding with representatives of other signs of the Zodiac, hobbies and sympathy.

Zodiac signs by date of birth

If you observe completely different people, you can see similar character traits, the same reaction, similar patterns of behavior. This coincidence is explained by astrologers by belonging to a particular sign of the zodiac.

This means that at the time of the birth of these people, the celestial bodies had a similar position, and the solar path along the ecliptic ran in the same zodiacal sign.

The zodiacal circle is divided into twelve signs, each of which bears the name of the constellation that is closest to the Sun at the time of its passage through this section of the sky.

Planets of the patroness of the signs of the zodiac

Each sign of the zodiac has one or two planets that most strongly influence the formation of the character of a person born during the reign of a particular sign:

  • For Aries, this is the warlike Mars;
  • Taurus is patronized by sensual Venus;
  • Gemini is ruled by Mercury;
  • The Moon gives strength to Cancers;
  • Lviv illuminates the Sun;
  • Attentiveness and calmness of Virgo got from Mercury;
  • Stylish Libra influenced by Venus;
  • Scorpions have two patrons: Mars, Pluto;
  • In Sagittarius, the energy of the huge Jupiter is raging;
  • Capricorns under the influence of Saturn;
  • Aquarius under the protection of Uranus with Saturn;
  • Pisces is sponsored by Jupiter and Neptune.

The influence of the planet is reflected on the personality of the individual, forms his characteristic features and behavior

Sun (Leo)... Lions, born under the auspices of our luminary, are strong, creative and ambitious people. They have a developed self-esteem, such traits as authoritarianism, pride, self-sufficiency, arrogance are manifested. The sun gives them the energy of life, Leos are generous, kind and condescending to the environment, they can forgive people for their weaknesses.

In life, Leos prefer convenience, luxury, and are not indifferent to the holidays. They know how to forget troubles: they step over failures and move on, not dwelling on the bad.

Moon (Cancer)... The night star gives Cancers the ability to follow circumstances. They are quite flexible, sensitive, prone to romance, love to dream and fantasize. At the same time, these are unstable natures, they can become depressed, capricious, impressed and sentimental. Cancers are strongly attached to the family, to the home.

Mercury (Gemini, Virgo)... Virgo and Gemini receive from the planet the ability to think analytically and receive a lot of new information. They have a pronounced ability for linguistics, they can be sociable if they want to prove their case. They can be cunning and cunning, they will easily make concessions if it is beneficial to them.

Venus (Taurus, Libra)... Libra and Taurus are sensual and subtle people. They are stylish, bold and beautiful. They prefer a comfortable existence, love themselves and their whims. They can adapt, be attractive and charming to others if they see the benefits. They have many friends and acquaintances. The mood changes instantly, they do not like to get hung up on failures.

Mars (Aries, Scorpio)... The warlike planet and the wards are just as strong in character, Aries and Scorpio are leaders in life, they are brave, brave and decisive. Their ambitions only lead forward, they will not pretend if something is not to their liking, they can directly state their claims. These are hot-tempered people, irreconcilable, they can even be despotic. They flash quickly and always get what they want.

Jupiter (Sagittarius, Pisces)... The planet endows Pisces and Sagittarius with confidence, solidity, charisma and high self-esteem. These people can present themselves in any society. They subtly feel the general change in mood and always react correctly, knocking the opponent out of the saddle with this. They can use their strengths, but they cannot be called insidious, they are quite friendly and intelligent.

Saturn (Capricorn, Aquarius). The planet is to blame for the conservative views of Capricorns and Aquarius. They honor traditions and always remember their old preferences, although they do not mind developing and learning something new. These people will think for a long time before taking decisive steps, so they seem a little sluggish and slow.

It is not easy for Capricorn and Aquarius to start trusting new acquaintances, they are careful and patient. They do not like to let people into their personal space, it is difficult to forgive and remember offenses for a long time.

Uranus (to Aquarius)... Aquarius, thanks to Uranus, has a keen intuition, sometimes turning into clairvoyance. The planet rewards them with intelligence, the ability to be realized, original thinking, strong will, self-confidence and survival. Aquarians strive to be independent, they will not bow before authorities.

Neptune (Pisces)... All the sensual traits of Pisces' character from Neptune: the ability to subtly perceive the world around us, exactingness towards oneself and towards people, inappropriate behavior or whim, discrimination, inconstancy and willfulness. They often have an unstable character, they can easily fall under the influence of others, it costs nothing to convince them if the correct arguments are given. Pisces are inclined to alternative views, can be strongly religious or ardent atheists.

Pluto (to Scorpio)... Scorpio gets a strong and active character from the planet. These people are not prone to romance, you should not expect sentimentality and sensual manifestations from them. They are more destroyers in their essence, they always vote for transformations, they are irreconcilable with their enemies. Scorpios are smart and perspicacious, they always clearly follow their goal.

If a person is born on the border of the intersection of different signs of the Zodiac, in the last three days, when the influence of the current sign weakens, he may fall, in part, under the energy of the next sign. We must keep this in mind when considering the character of a person, depending on his zodiac sign.

To accurately determine your zodiac sign, if you were born on the border of the transition from one sign to another, you need to know the time of birth and the exact place, determined by the longitude and latitude of the area. Such accuracy will tell you what sign the Sun was in at the time of your birth.

The signs of the zodiac have the following period

The twelve signs of the zodiac are divided into four trigons and obey different elements. In the universe, matter can be in four states: plasma, solid, gaseous and liquid. The elements of the elements originate from here: Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

The signs of the zodiac of a certain element receive from their trigone the corresponding characteristics that have an active influence on a person's personality.

Fire element (zodiac sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Element fire... People born under fire signs have all the features of their patron. Character - quick-tempered, hot. The mind is lively, quick-witted. Appearance - bright, artistic. You do not like to think for a long time, you grasp everything on the fly. You are characterized by emotional impulses and impatience in everything. You tend to act without thinking or stopping.

Fire signs have an explosive temperament, they are very sexy, they have burning blood and a hot head, their feelings flare up like a fire in a forest.

Despite this, their temperamental, hot nature attracts people to themselves, they are always in the center of attention and rule in any company.

Fortune favors fire signs, but if she turns away, then this is serious and for a long time.

The best friends and lovers for you will be the representatives of the fire and air signs of the zodiac. The fire will not extinguish the fire, and the air promotes combustion. Fire is heavily compatible with Water, water can evaporate, and Fire can go out during interaction. Positive interactions are possible with the earth, however, the earth can extinguish the flame, and the fire can burn the earth.

The positive qualities of the character of the signs of Fire include: optimism, cheerfulness, energy, courage, attractiveness, sociability, the ability to quickly make decisions in difficult situations.

Zodiac sign Aries - the element of fire.

Negative qualities include: impatience, quick temper, superficiality, overconfidence, stubbornness. You are often overly indifferent or passionate.

You tend to flirt all the time, which can annoy your partners.

  • Each sign of the element of Fire burns in its own way. Aries constantly burn with the highest flame, this is the most fiery sign, its fire will not be extinguished. Lions burn with an even and steady fire, their fire is even, equally strong, constant.
  • Lions They are not as impulsive as other signs of the element of Fire, they act consistently and firmly insist on their own.
  • Sagittarius they shine with the most inconsistent fire, they flash, then they fade, maybe lightning flashes. They very quickly penetrate, become interested, but also quickly cool down and disappear from the horizon.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius is the element of fire.

The best conditions for home living are spacious rooms filled with fresh air. A favorable condition will be the presence of an open fireplace with real fire. Works best in cool rooms or outdoors - in parks, gardens, or on terraces or balconies, lack of air is detrimental to Fire.

The salamander, which is not afraid of Fire, she can live in it, has become the symbol and talisman of fire signs. The spirit of the element of Fire attracts fortune, brings good luck in all endeavors.

The element of air (zodiac sign: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)

Element air... Air signs of the Zodiac are very sociable, love to talk, have a cheerful, cheerful character. They always act as some kind of interpreter of family relations. They know how to write beautiful letters, but they like to communicate more live, or by phone. They know how to control their emotions well.

The signs of Air are very quick-witted, have a harmonious logical thinking, prefer coldness. Your signs are associated with good thinking and good imagination. In partnership, the signs of air, fire are suitable for you. Good compatibility with both Water signs and earth signs, if they are not afraid of the wind.

The advantages of air signs are:

  • good adaptability;
  • objectivity in judgments;
  • desire and ability to help loved ones;
  • teamwork skills;
  • great love for freedom;
  • the ability to reason logically.

And of course, an impartial assessment of events is a big plus.

The disadvantages are - excessive talkativeness, love to gossip, the ability to ambiguous actions, excessive coldness and prudence, a very willful character and sometimes licentious behavior.

  • Libra sign is the most typical representative of the element of Air, literally its embodiment: detachment, deep calmness and concentration characterize his behavior. They have the strongest gift of persuasion.
  • Aquarians represent still air. Representatives of this zodiac sign are constantly overcome by various thoughts, they constantly hatch any plans, are full of desire to free and make happy the whole world, not suspecting anything about it.
  • Twins- this is a symbol of changeable air, sometimes hot, sometimes cold, sometimes warm. Their state changes instantly, they are able to charm with their mind, they have great charm and, if necessary, know how to get away from trouble in the same ways.

Zodiac sign Aquarius is the element of air.

The house of air signs should be located in a place open to all winds, the air is always needed fresh. If it is not possible to stay in such conditions, use the air conditioner, it will help create the right atmosphere. If you work in a home, sit by the window.

Your talisman and patron is Sylph, who lives in fields and gardens where there is a lot of air.

Element water (zodiac sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Signs of the element of Water characterized by such character traits as emotionality, variability, sensuality. They have a highly developed intuition, they are able to act intuitively, based on the subconscious. They often perceive people at an associative level, they do not need to think deeply about events, their inner voice will allow them to make a quick and correct decision in any situation.

In some situations, you feel a sense of uncertainty and doubt, however, it is obvious and understandable to others that you will find a way out of any situation by flowing around any obstacles, like water in a mountain river.

You are very susceptible to the moods of the people around you. A stone thrown into the backwater of your soul will cause circles for several days.

Zodiac sign Scorpio is the element of water.

The mood of the water signs of the zodiac is very changeable. They know how to take other people's troubles close to their hearts. People around you recognize your supernatural intuition and tend to trust your premonitions and subconscious conclusions, which, as a rule, tend to come true.

The best partners and lovers for water signs will be representatives of the water element and representatives of earth signs. element Earth, in its essence, can become a reliable container for the element of Water. Relations with fire signs, which are their antagonists, will develop worst of all, coexistence with air signs is possible, but it will be constantly accompanied by fogs and clouds.

The pluses of the water signs of the zodiac are:

  • attractiveness;
  • artistry;
  • sensuality;
  • idealism;
  • intuition and the ability to penetrate the thoughts of loved ones.

Minuses: irritability, quick mood swings, pessimism, impracticality and melodramatic mood of character.

  • Cancer- the "hottest" sign of Water, steam emanating from it. Mood swings, artistry and pessimism are manifested with the highest force.
  • Scorpions- they know how to hold back their desires, hide their thoughts, but with the help of intuition they manifest them at the right time. They have the ability to quickly withdraw, but at the same time they do not forgive other people's mistakes.
  • Fishes are a symbol of the element of water, they know how to bypass any problems and obstacles, without entering into open confrontation. They have a tremendous ability to gradually move forward, flooding all the space, which will certainly lead them to victory.

Home conditions: Water signs need water spaces. It is best to arrange your home by a lake, sea or ocean (near any body of water). Choose a quiet place for work. The advice is to avoid noisy relatives and restless comrades. A good view of the water area will contribute to mental performance (can be used in the interior of the aquarium).

The patroness of water signs is a mermaid (undine), she needs any reservoir for her home, even an aquarium is suitable.

Element earth (zodiac sign: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

Element earth... Representatives of earth signs stand firmly on the ground. These are simple, everyday people, without ambitions, transcendental plans and projects. Their main credo is to be practical and correspond to reality. They do not tolerate flattery and lies - they themselves speak the truth "in person" and demand the same from others.

You can perceive exclusively material things: that which can be touched, seen and heard. Various fantasies and speculations are not for you. You may be considered a down-to-earth person, but it is you who will be asked for practical and utilitarian advice.

Zodiac sign Capricorn is the element of earth.

Earth signs do things while others chat and think about them. You are able to take reality very seriously and deeply, without opening up and demonstrating how deeply and meaningfully you act, your pride does not allow any demonstrations.

Almost any sign of the zodiac can become your partners, friends and lovers. The most suitable will be the signs of the elements of Earth and Water. Related signs will bring fresh breath, and water signs - saturation with moisture, which always has a beneficial effect on the earth. Interaction with Fire is possible if you are not afraid of the agility and fun of the representatives of these signs. Air signs can bring hurricanes or storms, but the power of the Earth is ready to endure them, and sometimes not even notice.

Your advantages are:

  • reliability, practicality;
  • ability to work;
  • the ability to provide support at the right time and not wait for gifts from fate.

You are ready to earn everything on your own.

Your downsides are: pessimism, boring, callousness and frequent manifestation of cruelty towards yourself and your loved ones.

  • Capricorns show the most "earthly" qualities in all their actions and intentions. They never climb into the forefront of action, do not reveal their strength, act covertly and without any demonstration of their intentions.
  • Taurus- the embodiment of earthly firmament and strength. Their designs and intentions are unshakable. But it is worth bringing them to the limit - a volcanic explosion may occur.
  • Virgins- the personification of the tranquility of the Earth, they are able to move mountains without disturbing dust, their work is not accompanied by dust and always reaches the goal.

Zodiac sign Virgo is the element of Earth.

Home conditions - the harder on the ground, the better. Your element is vegetable gardens, gardens, parks. In urban settings, greenhouses and flower boxes will come down. Reliable, calm and stable work is best for you. The place to work should be in perfect order and have many places for different things - every little thing has its own place.

The talisman of the earth element is a gnome, who guards and protects all the wealth of the Earth, usually gnomes live underground in gardens, parks, vegetable gardens and fields, but if you do not have such conditions, get a flower pot or box for your patron, and he will be happy.

Video: What signs of the zodiac have magical powers.

Interesting about the signs of the zodiac:

All zodiacal signs can be divided into four groups according to the elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. It is on this basis that the temperament and stable qualities of each representative of the zodiacal circle can be determined. From this point of view, the signs of water can be called changeable and dynamic, air - mobile and contact, fire - sparkling and temperamental, and earth - solid and stable. We will talk about the characteristic features of representatives of each of the above elements and their compatibility in this article.

Characteristics of fire signs

Fire signs have a truly fiery temperament. The peculiarity of this element is warmth and dryness, personifying metaphysical energy, life and its strength. There are three signs in the zodiac that correspond to these qualities: Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. They have an inexhaustible creative spirit, unshakable will and extraordinary punching power. In addition, the element of Fire gives them enterprise, a constant thirst for activity and organizational talent. They have been defending their independence, independence and personal freedom since childhood. It is interesting that they do not know how and do not like to obey, but they can adapt to almost any conditions. Flexible mind, strong will, creative approach to difficult life situations allow them to cope with any problem.

People whose horoscopes are dominated by the element of Fire are extremely ambitious. They are hot-tempered, impetuous, courageous, self-confident, courageous, warlike, careless, impatient and unceremonious. They love and know how to lead. Their inherent business activity and the flight of the soul help them reach serious heights in both the material and spiritual spheres. They get real pleasure from their work, are proud of their own successes and expect universal recognition.


The signs of the fire of the Zodiac by months differ slightly from each other. For example, the temper of Sagittarius differs from the explosive temperament of Aries and Leo. Its fire does not burn, but as if smoldering peacefully under the ash. This is the flame of inner passions, reliably hidden from prying eyes. Sagittarius has another characteristic feature: like their element, they are uncontrollable. Like fire, they are easily transferred from one object to another and never look back. For them, the most important thing is adventure and action. They are always enthusiastic and often go beyond their own capabilities. Representatives of other signs of the zodiac can keep their energy under control.

Sagittarius Compatibility

Sagittarius is a fire sign, so they attract the attention of people around them with their ability to have fun, curiosity, spirituality and kind disposition. However, not everyone can get along with them. For example, the signs of Fire and Earth contradict each other in everything. Cautious Taurus, fisted Capricorn and pedantic Virgo can cause a strong attack of irritation in freedom-loving Sagittarius. And the signs of water (Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer) require constancy and reliability from their partners. But any bond is a serious test for Sagittarius, so he will try with all his might to avoid them. The fire and air elements are close to the representatives of this sign. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are not jealous and love a variety of adventures. They will be an excellent company for Sagittarius in any endeavors. And Leos and Aries have a similar temperament and powerful vitality. They will quickly find mutual understanding with the representative of this zodiac sign and make his life happy.

a lion

The signs of the Fire of the Zodiac do not suffer from modesty and strive to declare themselves to the whole world. This quality is especially evident in Lviv. Their horoscope is dominated by the Sun - the planet, thanks to which all life on Earth appeared. Perhaps that is why the representatives of the "solar" sign consider themselves absolutely irreplaceable and refuse to play second fiddle in any situation. Their fearlessness and strength could be a source of much trouble for them, but they are smart enough to avoid them. With their courage, they win the sincere sympathy of others. They are fair and want to see everyone around them happy. However, their own person is always in the first place for them.

Leo Compatibility

Leos are very attractive and are of interest to all zodiac signs. However, finding a common language with them is not as easy as it seems at first glance. For example, the signs of Fire and Water have many claims to each other. The compatibility of these two elements is in question, because Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers prefer stability and require maximum dedication from partners, while Leo will not subordinate his life to the interests of his soul mate. He's too proud and independent for that. It is also difficult for people whose horoscopes are dominated by the element of the Earth to find the key to the representatives of the "solar" sign. Capricorns, Virgo and Taurus are too predictable and stable. Leo's extravagance annoys them, and extravagance makes them think about choosing a more practical partner. Representatives of the fire and air elements are the most suitable companions for Lviv. Aries and Sagittarius will give up their leadership for the sake of a "sunny" lover and make his life truly wonderful. And Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are able to inspire representatives of the "royal" sign for new exploits and endlessly admire his strong and generous nature.


Fire signs are aggressive and courageous people. If necessary, they are able to mobilize all their internal forces and fully armed to meet the opponent, while having remarkable chances of success. All of the above is fully consistent with the character of Aries. Representatives of this sign know how to defend their interests, while possessing extreme egocentrism. They are straightforward, fiercely prove their point of view in disputes, but they never cause rejection among people, as they have a rare charm. Aries are real hard workers. They tend to be successful in their careers. However, they have one drawback. Boldly undertaking the implementation of the next idea, they are practically unable to bring it to the end.

Aries compatibility

The signs of Water and Fire are attracted to each other. This fact is clearly visible in the Aries horoscope. They get along well with Pisces and help them overcome shyness, charm Cancers, find a common language with Scorpios. However, the initial infatuation sometimes ends in bitter disappointment. There is too little in common between these two elements. Therefore, in order to get along in a long and happy marriage, representatives of these zodiac signs will have to work on themselves and overcome a serious difference in temperaments.

Of all the representatives of the air element, Aries are most inclined to communicate with Gemini. The pressure from the former will be completely neutralized by the ingenuity of the latter. But with Libra and Aquarius, more complex relationships can develop. Aries will have to use all their tact in order to keep the representatives of these zodiac signs near them.

Aries does not interact well with the elements of the earth. At first, they may be fascinated by the restraint of Virgo, the consistency of Capricorn, the confidence of Taurus, but insoluble contradictions in the characters will quickly make themselves felt. The signs of Fire and Earth are opposite in nature.

Representatives of the fire element will be worthy partners for Aries. However, fierce competition in this case cannot be avoided. Leos and Sagittarius will never give up their positions and will not give way to their beloved. But this competition will bring true pleasure to partners.

Signs of the elements of the Earth

If the signs of Fire welcome changes in their lives, then the signs of the Earth prefer stability in everything. They are characterized by patience, reliability, practicality, rigor and confidence. People of the elements of the Earth have a melancholic temperament and rare endurance. Often, at an early age, they set a goal for themselves and consistently achieve it all their lives. At the same time, they usually prefer the path of least resistance, but if necessary, they can mobilize all their strength and overcome a serious obstacle. The creation of material values ​​is the main occupation in the life of people, in whose horoscopes the element of the Earth is expressed. They are very practical, but hard to adapt to new living conditions. That is why they do not like to change their place of residence and are very attached to their work and home. Consistency often brings Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus the desired success.

Earth Sign Compatibility

The signs of the Fire of the Zodiac are not always pleasant to people of the elements of the Earth. Of course, they need warmth. However, with intense interaction of these two elements, friction can arise. The hot earth is known to turn into a hot desert. Therefore, a happy marriage between representatives of these two elements is rare.

But watermarks get along well with earthly ones. For example, Pisces and Scorpios can make an excellent match for Capricorns. Unless with Cancers they have no prospects. And the desire of Virgos to patronize and control everyone will find a response in the hearts of Scorpios and Cancers. However, they will not be able to find a common language with Pisces. Taurus also gets along well with representatives of the element of Water. He can make Cancers happy, get along with Pisces, but he will fight for the palm with Scorpio all his life.

The signs of Air can irritate the signs of the Earth with their fickle and changeable disposition, but some relaxation is also necessary for these successive bores. That is why a long-term relationship may arise between representatives of these elements, but marriage is unlikely.

Earth signs interact best with each other. Taurus will always find an approach to Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus, because in addition to love and friendship, he will be able to offer them long-term and successful cooperation.

Air signs

Representatives of the air element are responsible for contacts and relationships. They are endowed with mobility, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility and curiosity. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius know how to impress the people around them with their intelligence and rare ingenuity. They instantly grasp the information and pass it on to others in the form they themselves have processed. Then the signs of Fire, Water, Earth and Air, if they are in the same team, will unite together to solve this or that problem. Of course, one of the signs of Air will give a brilliant idea, leaving its implementation to representatives of other elements. However, he will not stand aside - he will inspire his partners to complete the event until the last minute.

Air Signs are recognized diplomats. In addition, they can brilliantly prove themselves in science, art and journalism. Talented, bright, sparkling, they attract the attention of all representatives of the zodiacal circle. But getting along with them can be difficult.

Air sign compatibility

The signs of Air and Fire can create an excellent tandem in which the former will effectively inspire the latter to great achievements. An alliance like this can seem very successful from the outside. However, partners are able to quickly cool off to each other. The reason may be the excessive assertiveness of the signs of Fire. Actively feeding on the air element, they are able to get carried away and cross all boundaries. And pressure, control and constant criticism are highly undesirable for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They prefer freedom in everything, therefore, most likely, they will leave their "fiery" partner. The signs of Fire according to the horoscope, in turn, do not tolerate impermanence. The very first attack of jealousy will make them think about the advisability of a relationship with their unreliable partner. The breakup can be very painful. What signs of Fire are able to come to terms with the variability of the air element? Only the most devoted and lovers! They will be able to tame their soul mate to perseverance and constancy.

The signs of Fire and Air, the compatibility of which was considered above, are essentially antagonistic to each other. And what about other representatives of the zodiacal circle?

Stable and consistent Earth signs will be outraged by the extravagance and superficiality of the Air signs. This tandem can be extremely unsuccessful. The air, of course, is able to spread the seeds, which will subsequently fertilize the Earth, but it is also able to raise thick clouds of dust, in which each of the partners will be very uncomfortable. However, things are not so bad. Incredibly, the signs of Earth and Air have similarities. They are united by a sober and logical mindset. The brilliant intellect of the representatives of the air element and the organizational talents of the earth can be successfully combined into a fruitful union.

The signs of Water and Air initially have a very reverent and tender relationship. However, people whose horoscopes are dominated by the water element need attention, stability and boundless devotion. The impermanence of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius can hurt them badly.

Best of all, the signs of Air get along with each other. They are very romantic, and physical intimacy is not the main thing for them. Therefore, the relationship between them will be slightly literary, built on fantasies and experiences. In addition, representatives of this element are not jealous. They can part for a long time, but with mutual trust, they reunite again, creating an ideal union that all people around them will admire.

Signs of the element of water

People, in whose horoscopes Water prevails, are distinguished by a rich inner world. For all their outward inconstancy, they are extremely stable in their addictions. They are characterized by dreaminess, gentleness, uncertainty and indecision. They are not able to express their feelings as vividly as other signs of the zodiac. However, their inner experiences are very deep and rich.

There are many successful musicians and artists among the representatives of the water element. They can also excel in areas related to service and catering. And Scorpios, for example, are capable of becoming great detectives and investigators.

Water Attribute Compatibility

The signs of Water are drawn to the representatives of their native element at a subconscious level. They understand each other perfectly, respect the personal space of the partner and safely avoid mutual grievances. The most successful couples between representatives of the water element are Scorpio and Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer.

Good partners for the people of the trigon of Water will be the signs of the Earth. Any couple, consisting of representatives of these elements, has a high chance of building a long and fruitful relationship. They can create a strong family and live happily ever after. Rare exceptions are due, as a rule, to the personal individual qualities of partners.

Between the signs of Air and Water, everything is much more complicated. They are incredibly easy to converge with each other and are on the same wavelength for some time, but then their relationship also rapidly cools down. Passionate and vivid love may arise between them, but a beautiful romance is unlikely to end in a happy marriage.

The signs of Fire according to the horoscope, despite their different temperaments, are able to awaken a deep passion in their "water" partners. Representatives of these elements have a completely different approach to life. If Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio weigh their every step, then Leo, Sagittarius and Aries are carried away without looking back and just as rapidly cool. However, if the partners take a closer look at each other, they will understand that their relationship has prospects. The signs of Fire, the compatibility of which is ambiguous, will surely appreciate the originality of the judgments of the representatives of the water element, and they, in turn, will be imbued with the ardor and passion of Leo, Sagittarius or Aries. So, subject to mutual respect and tolerance, this union has great chances of success.


The signs of Water, Fire, Earth and Air have different compatibility. Much depends not only on which element dominates in their horoscopes, but also on the personal qualities of each individual person. However, relentless statistics suggests that representatives of different elements still have certain preferences. For example, most women trying to find their soul mate on the Internet relate to the signs of Air and Fire. Why are Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini looking for their happiness on dating sites? It's simple, because they easily converge with representatives of the same elements, who are also not averse to meeting on the Internet. However, some representatives of these signs are not at all inclined to long-term relationships (Gemini, Sagittarius), sometimes spoiled and capricious (Aries, Leo), and very picky (Libra, Aquarius). So it turns out that the second part of the male population (signs of Earth and Water) practically does not intersect with girls of other elements. Representatives of the fire and air elements consider them boring bores, incapable of great feelings. But in vain! They are what make the best spouses. Often the signs of Fire in a horoscope (as well as Air) do not guarantee strong family happiness. Therefore, we urge girls to pay more attention to the representatives of the signs of Water and Earth. They can also be very interesting partners and conversationalists.

VIRGO - Signs of the Zodiac.

Virgo is the Sign of the Earth. Practical mind, deep character. The Virgo sign is a sign of reality, logic, clarity. Those born under this sign require that there is a clear line of conduct and accuracy in everything. They rarely succumb to passion.

Their love of order sometimes develops into mania. Almost always gifted with a clear, analytical mind, good workers.

Virgo men are capable of politics, economics and science. These are people predisposed to constantly deepening and expanding their knowledge. They live, as a rule, for a long time. They are respected, but often quarrel with people because of their pedantry and pettiness.

Virgo woman. Women of this sign are charming, but they lack temperament. They love to flirt, but give up at the last moment.

Almost always suffer from shyness, even when they have learned to skillfully hide it. They are selfish, often jeopardizing their relationships with loved ones. The relationship of signs: an alliance with TAURUS, SCORPIO, CANCER is unfavorable. CANCER and VIRGO have a lot in common, but VIRGO's rationalism hurts the sensitivity of CANCER. Friendship easily develops between VIRGO and LION. Physical attraction is also possible. With the sign of WEIGHTS - frequent conflicts. With the sign of Virgo, mutual sympathy and understanding rarely arise. SCORPIO attracts VIRGO, despite the difference in temperaments, a happy union is possible, but they look at life too differently. Virgo strongly attracts AQUARIUS, short-term relationships rarely arise.

Constellation virgo

The main star of the constellation, called Spica, is brighter, hotter and much larger than Regulus. Only 600 suns could simultaneously create the same radiation flux as one Spica. Next to her, our star seems small and insignificant.

Although Spica is farther from Regulus (almost 190 light-years away), its apparent brightness is, however, somewhat greater (1.2m). In the telescope, no satellites around Spica are visible, but photoelectric measurements have noticed slight in amplitude (0.1m) and strictly periodic in nature brightness fluctuations. Spica is one of the eclipsing nontemporal stars. This pair is very close, with a period of only four days.

The range of Virgo is interesting. This binary star consists of two yellowish-white twin stars that are physically almost indistinguishable from each other. The angular distance between them is close to 5 ", and Bradley investigated this pair in detail in 1718. Since then, the stars have managed to complete almost one and a half revolutions around the center of mass, since the orbital period in this physical system is 172 years. The centers of the stars are separated by an interval at 44 AU, and this pair of suns is almost 10 pc away from us.

In the upper part of the constellation Virgo, in the region of the sky, approximately limited by the stars epsilon, delta, gamma, eta, beta, omicron, a huge number of galaxies are concentrated. Here, through powerful telescopes, one can see a "system of systems" - a grandiose cloud of galaxies, which includes about two and a half thousand "star islands" similar to ours. The center of the cloud is 12 million parsecs away from us, and the cloud itself as a whole is carried away from us, obeying the famous law of "redshift", at a speed of 1200 km / s, that is, a thousand times faster than a bullet!

The constellation Virgo is also notable for the fact that it contains the brightest of the quasars, designated ZS 273. It is located not far from the star 8 Virgo, and with the help of maps it can be found among the faint stars of 12-13 stars. magnitudes. For this search to be successful, you need not only a transparent sky, but also a telescope with a lens diameter of at least 15 cm. However, with sufficient skill, you can try to find this amazing object with smaller instruments.

All quasars are far beyond our Galaxy, and even the closest of them, the quasar ZC 273 from the constellation Virgo, is located at a distance of 1.5 billion light years from Earth. Observing quasars, we see the most ancient objects in space, if you manage to find the quasar ZS 273 in your telescope, you will see what was one and a half billion years ago, when all the main groups of animals and the first terrestrial plants appeared on Earth.

Many quasars (including ZS 273) noticeably change their apparent brightness in a short time (months and weeks). The total number of quasars available for observation in modern powerful telescopes is estimated at 100,000. All of them, obeying the law of "redshift", move away from the Earth at colossal speeds (the speed of the quasar ZC 273, for example, is close to 48,000 km / s). These speeds are a direct consequence of the expansion of the three-dimensional space of the Universe.

Quasar 3C 273, like many other objects of this kind, has a complex structure. It consists of a star-shaped object of 12.6 stars. magnitude and a small elongated nebula. An analogy with another remarkable object in the constellation Virgo - the Virgo A radio galaxy, a powerful source of radio waves, involuntarily suggests itself. A strange ejection is visible near the core of this galaxy. Is there not, apart from the external similarity with the quasar ZS 273, and some deeper internal connection?

The Virgo A galaxy (aka M87) is already visible through 10x prismatic binoculars. Its brilliance is 8.7 stars. magnitudes. Even the shape of this unique object can be seen through a school telescope with 20x magnification.

The mass of the galaxy M87 is approximately one billion solar masses. This most massive galaxy known includes over 400 globular star clusters. The "ejection" observed near the galaxy is immense - it is at least 300 light-years in length and consists of several condensations. It is no exaggeration to consider the galaxy M87 one of the most amazing objects in the stellar world.

The twelve signs of the zodiac are divided into four groups according to the elements, as well as three groups according to qualities or crosses. The elements of the zodiac signs show stable qualities and temperament, and the crosses show the dynamics of manifestation, the type of human behavior. Each cross contains all four elemental characteristics, and each element has its own representation in all three crosses. Thus, each zodiac sign represents a unique combination of elements and qualities.

The elements of the zodiac signs Zodiac signs
Fire Aries a lion Sagittarius
Earth Capricorn Taurus Virgo
Air scales Aquarius Twins
Water Cancer Scorpion Fishes

Fire Release

The peculiarities of this element are warmth and dryness, which are accompanied by metaphysical energy, life and its strength. There are 3 signs in the zodiac that have these qualities, the so-called. fire trigon (triangle): Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. The Fire Trigon is considered a creative trigone. Principle: action, activity, energy.

Fire is the main controlling force of instinct, spirit, thought and mind, forcing you to go forward, believe, hope, defend your beliefs. The main driving force of Fire is ambition. Fire gives zeal, impatience, carelessness, self-confidence, irascibility, impetuosity, impudence, courage, courage, belligerence. In the human body, it supports life, is responsible for the temperature regime and stimulates the metabolism.

People in whose horoscopes the trigon of the element of Fire is highlighted have a choleric temperament. These people will never go unnoticed, they will achieve the recognition of others, especially in the environment that is close to them in spirit and connected with them ideologically. These people have a creative spirit and unshakable will, inexhaustible "Martian energy" and extraordinary punching power. The Fire Element imparts organizational talent, a thirst for action, and an entrepreneurial spirit.

The peculiarity of the people of this trigon is the ability to be inspired and be devoted to an idea, a cause, a partner, up to self-sacrifice. They are brave, courageous and courageous. The take-off of their souls and their inherent business activity help them reach the heights in both the spiritual and material spheres. They get real pleasure from their work, are proud of the results of their work and expect universal recognition.

People of Fire are innate leaders who love and know how to lead and order. They seem to be charged with a cosmic electrical voltage of a certain polarity, which is transmitted to others in the form of attraction or repulsion, which keeps the people around them in constant tension and excitement. Personal freedom, independence and independence, which is most dear to them, are trying to win at an early age. But there is one paradox: they do not like to obey and do not want to, but the ability to adapt to various circumstances is excellently developed in them.

They have strongly expressed such character traits as perseverance, perseverance, self-affirmation, willfulness, intransigence. Anyone who is associated with a person of the trigon of Fire by partnership knows well that these people always bend their own line. They may be the main conductors, the leading actors, but never the extras. It is simply impossible to subjugate them to the will of others, only they will command the parade and lead, although often from behind the curtains. They recognize only a wise and just autocracy and most of all they hate despotism and tyranny in any of their forms.

People of the trigon of Fire at first quickly "light up", are inspired by new ideas and people, without much hesitation, immediately get involved in the business, involving all their surroundings in it to achieve the goal set by them, which comes to them from the outside, or arises in themselves. But they also quickly cool off to an already begun, old business, if they are inspired by a new, more meaningful idea for them, or if the business takes on a protracted nature and requires constant efforts. These are people of a jerk, an impulse, waiting for them is like death. Fire is the creative force that can lift them up to the "seventh heaven" or "throw them into the abyss."

People belonging to the element of Fire must restrain their negative character traits, especially - fervor and impetuosity, belligerence and aggressiveness. They should avoid conflict situations and confrontation with the world around them, so as not to harm not their idea, for which they are fighting, not their cause, which they dream of being realized.

Children of this trigone are difficult to educate, often do not lend themselves to education at all, and in order to have at least the slightest result in working with them, you have to apply specific methods of education. Violence and coercion are categorically excluded, since this causes stubbornness, obstinacy and resistance in them. You can approach them only with love and affection, with warmth and gentleness of the heart, it is very important to be fair with them, never deceive them, not belittle their self-esteem.

Earth release

The features of this element are cold and dryness, metaphysical matter, strength and density. In the Zodiac, this element is represented by an earthly trigone (triangle): Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The Earth Trigon is considered a materialistic trigone. Principle: stability.

The earth creates forms, laws, gives concreteness, stability, stability. The earth structures, analyzes, classifies, creates a foundation. She has such qualities as inertia, confidence, practicality, reliability, patience, rigor. In the body, the Earth gives inhibition, petrification through contraction and contraction, slows down the process of metabolism.

People in whose horoscopes the element of the Earth is expressed have a melancholic temperament. These are people of sober reason and prudence, very practical and businesslike. Their goal of life is always real and achievable, and the path to this goal is outlined already in their young years. If they deviate from their goal, it is very insignificant and even more because of internal reasons than external ones. People of this trigone achieve success thanks to such wonderful character traits as perseverance, perseverance, endurance, endurance, determination, steadfastness. They do not have such a fantasy and vivid, vivid imagination, like the signs of the trigon of Water, there are no utopian ideas, like the signs of Fire, but they stubbornly go towards their goal and always achieve it. They choose the path of least external resistance, and when obstacles arise, they mobilize their strength and energy to overcome everything that prevents them from reaching their intended goal.

People of the elements of the Earth strive for possession of matter. The creation of material values ​​brings them true satisfaction, and the results of labor delight their souls. All the goals that they set for themselves, first of all, should bring them benefit and material benefit. If most of the planets are in the trigon of the Earth, such principles will apply to all areas of life, up to love and marriage.
People with a predominance of the elements of the Earth stand firmly on their feet, prefer stability, moderation, consistency. They love a sedentary lifestyle, are attached to home, property and homeland. Periods of ascent and prosperity are followed by crises, which can be prolonged due to the inertia of the Earth's trigon. It is this inertia that prevents them from quickly switching to a new type of activity or relationship. This is where their limited ability to adapt to anyone and anything, with the exception of the sign of Virgo, is manifested.

People with a pronounced element of the Earth usually choose a profession related to material values, money or business. Often they have "golden hands", they are excellent artisans, they can be successful in applied sciences and arts. They are patient, submissive to circumstances, sometimes take a wait-and-see attitude, while not forgetting about their daily bread. Everything is done with one goal - to improve your physical existence on earth. There will also be care for the soul, but this is from case to case. All of the above is easily achievable for them, provided that their energy does not go to such negative character traits as ultra-egoism, excessive prudence, self-interest and greed.

Air Release

The features of this element are warmth and humidity, flexibility, divisibility, adaptability. In the Zodiac, these qualities correspond to an air trine (triangle): Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The Trigon of Air is considered to be the trigone of ideas and intelligence. Principle: exchange, contact.

Air defines contacts and relationships. The Element of Air endows a person with such qualities as mobility, activity, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility, receptivity, omnipresence, boundlessness, curiosity. The air is independent, free. He is responsible for the main processes on Earth - movement, reproduction, procreation, that is, for the transmission of life.

People in whose horoscopes the element of Air is expressed have a sanguine temperament. Such people can make an impression. They are quick in decisions and deeds, easily and quickly grasp any information, then all this in a reworked form is transmitted to other people. They instantly adapt to any changes and changes in life. They are characterized by spiritual flexibility, lability of the psyche, mobility of the mind, they are tireless as long as they are carried away by some business. Monotony tires them.

The lack of solidity and depth in the sphere of thinking, in the sphere of feelings and activity can be attributed to the shortcomings of the character of the people of the element of Air, they are very unreliable, you cannot rely on them. They are too superficial, nervous, indecisive, their goals and plans are constantly fluctuating, changing. But they can present their shortcomings as advantages.

No other trigone possesses such abilities for diplomacy and secular life as the trigone of Air. He is a virtuoso in the ability to establish numerous and varied connections, to grasp, connect and use heterogeneous information. People of the Air do not tolerate a sedentary lifestyle, business routine, most often they do not have a stable profession, unless it is connected with information, travel and contacts.

The people of the trigon of Air have the greatest success in the field of science, technology, the world of arts, especially literature. And journalism is just their element. The best helpers of these people in their work are their constant striving for more and more new impressions, new experiences, continuous exchange of thoughts and ideas, views and opinions with the people around them and their ability to establish quick connections and contacts. Their ideal is to be at the center of all events.

Most often, people of the element of Air do not fit into the generally accepted framework because of their craving for freedom, they do not like obligations, they avoid excessive dramatization of relationships. Even an ordinary family life for them may seem like a certain "cross", from which they will try to escape, or at least make it easier.

Monotony and monotony are their worst enemy, so crises in the field of love and marriage are a common story for them. Their superficial feelings can quickly inflame and be inspired, and close contacts can be established even from the first meeting and with the first person they meet, but all this will continue exactly until they meet the next object of delight and admiration, until a new cause of inspiration and enthusiasm.

Parents and educators of children of the trigon of Air, special attention should be paid to their excessive idealism, superficial thinking, susceptibility to other people's influence. Therefore, it is necessary as early as possible to lay in them that moral core, which will be their support in life. Since the child of this trigone is very susceptible to both bad and good influences, it is very important who is next to him. The role of parents in choosing friends is very important. With such a child, one must be constantly in contact, participate in his affairs and be close during rest, then the spiritual connection between the parents and the child will remain until the end of life.

The greatest advantage of people of this element is the ability to communicate with the outside world, the ability to connect people and circumstances, and the greatest danger is mental and spiritual fragmentation, which often causes unnecessary worries and disappointments.

Release of Water

The features of this element are cold and moisture, metaphysical sensitivity, feeling, perception. There are 3 signs of this quality in the Zodiac - a water trine (triangle): Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The trigon of water is considered to be the trigon of feelings and sensations. Principle: constancy of the internal with external variability.

Water is emotions, inner peace, preservation, memory. She is plastic, changeable, secretive. Gives such qualities as uncertainty, dreaminess, imagery of thinking, softness of manifestation. In the body, it slows down the metabolism, manages fluids, the work of the endocrine glands.

People, in whose horoscopes the element of Water is expressed, have a phlegmatic temperament. These people are very sensitive, very receptive and impressionable, thinking, living more internal life than external. People of the trigon of Water are usually contemplative, think about both their own good and the good of their loved ones, however, at times they are indifferent, lethargic, lazy, with the exception of people of the Scorpio sign. The external manifestation of feelings in them is not as pronounced as in the representatives of the trigons of Fire or Air, but they experience internal feelings with great strength and depth.

People of the trigon of Water have efficiency, practicality, sobriety of thought, objectivity are not a strong point, but they do not take fancy, they have a rich and vivid imagination, great internal and external strength, especially in Scorpios.

People of the water trigon, thanks to the richness of their inner world and the sophistication of perception, achieve the greatest success in professions related to the world of the arts, especially they shine as artists and musicians-performers. Water signs can also be excellent workers in the service and food sectors. And Scorpios are also great detectives due to their subtle intuition.

The plans and moods of people of the trigon of Water can change both from external circumstances and from the internal state of the soul. An insignificant detail, sometimes not even tracked by consciousness, can radically change their state of mind, which can lead to a complete loss of interest either in the case or in a partner.

People of the element of Water have great spiritual sophistication, are kind, polite, courteous, very nice and attractive. They are usually not aggressive, with the exception of the Scorpio.

Of the signs of the trigon of Water, Scorpio is the strongest in body and spirit, the most meaningful, the most aggressive, not susceptible to unwanted influences from outside and showing strong resistance to everything with which his soul does not agree. His patience, endurance, tenacity and perseverance are amazing.

The weakest of the zodiac signs of the trigon of Water is Pisces. The middle between hardness and instability is occupied by the third sign of this trigone - Cancer. Although his spiritual sphere is also very receptive and impressionable, he is distinguished by noticeable perseverance, endurance and purposefulness, therefore, of all water signs, it is Cancer who most often achieves success in life.

Feelings in all three signs of the trigon of Water are approximately equally strong and, as a rule, prevail over the mind. These people are always ready to make self-sacrifice for the good of a dear person, as they always experience deep and pure feelings in relation to loved ones and loved ones. If they are not appreciated, they leave their partner forever, which is a real drama of life for them. They are looking for a partner who deserves them. Love and marriage are of paramount importance for them in life, especially for women.

Excessive inclination to daydreaming and fantasy, too vivid imagination can lead to internal contradiction - the collision of their illusions with reality. If a person does not see a way out of this state, depression, dependence on alcohol, drugs, other stimulants, and even mental illness may occur.

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