
List of goods in the consumer basket. The consumer basket in Russia and the world - what it is, what products. Change in prices for products of the consumer basket

The consumer basket is an approved list of goods and services that are supposed to be consumed by 1 person within a month to maintain a normal standard of living. All these goods and services are divided into food and non-food. They are determined in accordance with federal law, and the basket must be changed at least every 5 years. The composition, size and principles of the formation of this list are described in detail in the article.

There are different approaches to determining what is considered the minimum necessary list of goods and services for a normal standard of living. If we talk specifically about the consumer basket, then this is the minimum set of goods that performs at least 2 functions:

  1. Keeps health.
  2. Provides vitality.

The corresponding definition is given in federal law.

Thus, the official approach is based on the definition of the minimum set of benefits that allows a person to live for 1 month and at the same time carry out all the basic activities, including performing work functions. However, the lifestyle of all people is different, so it is customary to distinguish 3 types of consumer baskets:

  1. For adult people engaged in labor activity (these are able-bodied citizens, regardless of whether they go to work or not).
  2. For children (i.e. minors who are no more than 17 years old inclusive).
  3. For pensioners (i.e. for persons who have retired either due to age, or length of service, or due to medical reasons).

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Salomatov Sergey

Real Estate Expert

It is important to understand that the general parameters of the basket are determined by federal law. At the same time, each region can make its own additions both to the composition and to its size. That is why the size of the subsistence minimum in different regions of the Russian Federation may differ - here is an example of what the food basket component looks like in accordance with the Law of the Astrakhan Region.


In terms of composition, this is a list of goods (food and non-food), as well as services, which in total includes 156 items. The structure is divided into 3 sections:

Basket size: the concept of a living wage

In fact, the minimum is the same as the basket. However, it is an expression of the list of goods and services in rubles. The sum is made up of all items (half - the share of food, a quarter - other goods and a quarter - services). The size of the minimum is reviewed every quarter (it is also called quarterly), i.e. 4 times a year. In this case, the composition can be stored up to 5 years. This difference is explained by the fact that due to inflation and other factors, prices for the same goods/services can change even within a few months.

The cost is determined in the quarter following the reporting one. For example, Q1 2020 ends March 31st and Q2 ends June 30th. Accordingly, the cost of the minimum list for the 1st quarter will be determined by June 30th. The calculations are carried out by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, which determines the composition of the list as a whole. Also, similar calculations are carried out by local authorities and in the regions. They issue relevant orders, which can be found in the public domain.

According to the latest data, the cost of the basket for the 1st quarter of 2018 was (based on 1 month):

  1. For adults, able-bodied people 10842 r.
  2. For children 9959 р.
  3. For pensioners 8269 р.

These values ​​apply at the federal level and may vary by region (as in b about up and down). For example, for Moscow the data is as follows:

  1. For adults, able-bodied people 18200 rubles.
  2. For children 14360 rub.
  3. For pensioners 11780 rub.

And for Kabardino-Balkaria, similar figures:

  1. For an adult 10749 р.
  2. For children 11517 r.
  3. For pensioners 8316 rubles.

The subsistence minimum has social significance. For example, the minimum wage (assuming full employment) has been equal to the minimum since May 2018, i.e. she can't be smaller than him. Therefore, under the law, every working person is guaranteed at least a minimum supply of food, other goods and services.

However, in families with dependents (children), income per person may be below the minimum. Then such a family has the right to receive an additional allowance, which is issued in the department of social protection under the local Administration.

The consumer basket is one of the most important indicators reflecting the level of development of the state economy. It represents the minimum set of food products per person, depends on the subsistence minimum, as well as the minimum wage. The composition of the consumer basket is constantly changing, and the state regularly changes it.

Before considering the cost of the consumer basket, it is advisable to study the products provided for it. After all, the total cost of the consumer minimum will depend on the amount of food products, their prices.

Understanding what is included in the consumer basket in Russia, it should be noted that now the composition of the current minimum set of products is regulated by Federal Law No. 227, which provides for a number of features. Among them, the division of all citizens into 3 main categories deserves mention, for each of which an individual set of products is provided. The minimum list of products is compiled for:

  • people of working age;
  • pensioners;
  • children.

This approach is designed to significantly improve the quality of life of consumers, as well as ensure that the set of products meets the individual needs of the body. The grocery basket includes 11 components. At the same time, the current law provides that the costs of non-food categories of goods will be about 50% of the costs of food.

The composition of the consumer basket is different for a working citizen, a child and a pensioner

Earlier versions of the document detailed not only food expenses, but also other necessary payments - clothing, essentials, the cost of services. Subsequently, it was decided to abandon such a practice, and legislators focused their attention on the consumer basket.

The composition of the consumer basket

Such an indicator as the consumer's basket is designed to reflect the list of products and services that a citizen needs for a minimally comfortable existence. The composition of such a set was constantly changing, however, all the items presented can be divided into three groups:

  1. Food.
  2. Products of the non-food segment.
  3. Services required for living.

As mentioned earlier, the composition of the basket was repeatedly revised, supplemented, and the proportions of the products in it changed. According to the decision of the government of the Russian Federation in 2015, quite serious changes were made to the basket - the share of bakery products, as well as potatoes, was reduced. At the same time, the amount of meat/fish per person has increased significantly. Dairy products have been increased.

Significant innovations include the introduction of greens into the diet of Russians, which made it more balanced and healthy. Despite the significant transformation that the size of the consumer basket has undergone, the list of services and non-food products has practically not changed.

Products in the cart

The number of product items, as well as their quantity provided for by the consumer basket, can vary significantly, depending on the region. A similar situation is observed with the cost of services, which, according to the idea of ​​legislators, should be approximately 50% of the cost of food.

Nevertheless, in the Moscow region, this figure is significantly higher than this mark, which makes the consumer package less relevant. Annual calculations for each category of the population provide for the following composition of the consumer basket.

The minimum set of food products in the consumer basket

Such values ​​are relevant when calculating annual consumption, however, if desired, each citizen can calculate monthly limits. To do this, it is enough to divide the number of products presented in the table by 12, which will allow you to find out the monthly consumption rate of each item.

The presented figures at the first acquaintance may seem quite large, but such an impression is erroneous. If you calculate the daily norm of products, it becomes clear that it does not always cover the real needs of the body.

Categories of citizens and the cost of recruitment

The key parameter for the consumer set of products is the cost, which is calculated individually for each category of the population. In the process of calculations, three of them stand out - pensioners, able-bodied citizens and children. For each of them, there is a monetary limit required for living:

  1. Pensioners - 8528 rubles;
  2. Children - 10443 rubles;
  3. Adults 12145 rubles.

The cost reflects the set of services and products, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, which each category is entitled to expect. For pensioners, there are reduced limits on goods and services, and for children - an increased amount of fruits and vegetables, in comparison with the working-age population.

The minimum set of food products includes the maximum amount of healthy and nutritious foods

How the composition of the basket is determined

Despite regional differences in composition and quantitative terms, the consumer set in all cases is determined by the same algorithm. The main requirement for such a set is the frequency of its renewal. The list of products included in it must be updated at least once every 5 years, and the changes must be fixed by law.

When updating a food set, legislators should take into account its nutritional value, balance and other parameters. In theory, each subsequent set should be better than the previous one, since the changes made are primarily aimed at increasing the proportion of healthy foods in the diet.

Recently, there has been a trend towards an increase in the share of meat, fish and dairy products, as well as vegetable and fruit products. This happens due to a decrease in the share of potatoes, bread, as well as oil and fat products.

Purpose of the consumer basket

The practice of determining the minimum required food, services and other expenses can be observed in many developed countries of the world. This approach allows you to easily calculate the minimum amount that a citizen is able to live on. Any set is exploratory in nature, since it is clearly not enough for a full-fledged life of a modern person. However, it reflects the consumer minimum necessary for life.

As a rule, the cost of living acts as the main indicator when calculating various social benefits, payments and other benefits.

A basket of products for a month allows you to reliably determine inflation indicators, focusing on an increase in its cost.

The consumer basket includes not only food products, but also non-food products and services.

Non-food limits

The consumer basket consists of three main components, among which an impressive role in the daily life of a citizen is played by non-food products and services. First of all, it should be noted the amount of utility costs provided for by the basket. They are exploratory in nature, since such costs were painted only for earlier versions of the basket.

Daily consumption of utilities:

  • 285 liters of water;
  • 10 cubic meters of gas;
  • 50kw electricity.

It also provides for the cost of purchasing clothes that were previously scheduled for each item of clothing separately. To date, the share of clothing, non-food items and services necessary for life is 50% of the cost of food and is not itemized.

Is this set enough for living

After studying the data on the consumer basket and the estimated costs per person, citizens begin to doubt the possibility of living on such an amount. In fact, this is quite real, but the restrictions provided by the set can make life much less comfortable.

The grocery basket does not include alcoholic beverages, and the allocated funds will not be enough to purchase most of the fruits brought from abroad. Such a minimum also does not provide for any cultural program, which is why it will be necessary to abandon trips to museums, theaters and other leisure facilities.

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Before proceeding to a detailed consideration of this topic, it is worth deciding on the concept of a consumer basket (PC) - one of the basic in the economy.

So, a consumer basket is a certain set of services and goods that provides a full-fledged living of a person during the year and satisfies his needs at the minimum acceptable level.

In Russia, it is quite significant, especially when calculating the minimum wage, other social benefits, and determining the purchasing power of the population. The composition of the PC, as well as its cost, are updated periodically and change based on certain realities. Today, for example, many citizens are concerned about the current composition of the PC.

Formation of a consumer basket

The concept of a consumer basket exists in all countries of the world, and if we compare its composition in Russia and in civilized European countries and America, the situation will turn out to be disappointing. Thus, 350 goods and services are included in the PC of England, 475 in Germany, 300 in the States, and 156 in Russia.

Once every few years, the composition of the consumer basket, its value are reviewed and compiled anew. An updated version is being considered and further developed that better meets the current needs of the country's citizens.

The PC mainly includes those goods and services without which a person cannot live in comfort for one year (all calculations are made for one year). However, if you plunge into the affairs in more detail, then with the naked eye you can see that the bulk of the figures and indicators are either underestimated or absolutely do not correspond to modern realities. Therefore, all the arguments and questions that have arisen on the part of the citizens of the country that the PC should be completely revised in the new year are far from being based on an empty place.

There are several types of consumer basket based on the categories of citizens for whom it is compiled:

  1. For kids.
  2. For citizens of working age.
  3. For citizens of retirement age.

What's Coming to PC in 2019

Today, many are concerned about the composition of the consumer basket in the new year. After all, the standard of living of the population of the country depends on what will be included in it officially.

Accordingly, the main part of the list consists of food. Food is the main part of the consumer basket, because without it there is no need to talk about any comfortable and fulfilling human life. By the way, in the PC of Western countries, products make up only a fourth of the entire basket. The reason lies in the following: in the West, not only is the basket "richer", but far from so much money is spent from family budgets on food.

Food complement clothing, household appliances, medicines, shoes. The third conditional group includes all kinds of services that a person also needs for one year.

This includes:

  • utility bill payments;
  • transport payments;
  • trips to cultural events.

With a more detailed and accurate study of the numbers, you can see the following picture. For an adult, the Government of the Russian Federation officially took:

  • potatoes - 1 ton;
  • various vegetables - 115 kg;
  • various fruits - 60 kg;
  • bread, other flour products - 127 kg;
  • meat - 59 kg;
  • fish - 18 kg.
  • bread - 300 grams;
  • potatoes - 280 grams;
  • milk and dairy products - 80 grams;
  • fish - 50 grams;
  • meat - 160 grams.

If we evaluate objectively, then these figures are simply mocking and do not hold water at all.

How much is a PC worth in 2019

No less interesting is the cost of the consumer basket. According to experts, the cost of a PC in the new year is set at 10,000 rubles. However, it must be remembered that a lot depends on the specific region for which the calculations are made, as well as on which store the installed set of products was purchased from. For example, if the purchase took place in economy class stores, then the cost of a PC may be about 5,000 rubles.

Increase in PC-2019 in value

The cost of the consumer basket in 2019, according to the latest news, should change upwards. Analysts explain this by the fact that the situation in the country has changed dramatically, the incomes of many citizens have decreased, while prices, on the contrary, have increased.

But even the most negative conditions will not be able to stop the gradual increase in the cost of PCs. The value level will continue to rise in a sequential order, neither speeding up rapidly nor slowing down more than necessary.

And although it is difficult to name the exact amount of growth now, analysts say that it will vary within 500 rubles. This is exactly what it has been like in many regions of Russia in recent years. In other words, every quarter we can expect an increase in the level of consumer spending by about 150-200 rubles, no more.

However, based on the experience of previous years, it can be understood that there will be no significant and qualitative improvement in the basket.

In recent years, it did not rise much in price (the increase was about 3-4%, which did not reach the then level of inflation), but today it is completely hopelessly behind. After all, the increase in prices, the decline in incomes of citizens, the general situation with Russian loans - all this literally emptied the baskets. Feeding yourself and your family with such indicators is simply unrealistic.

PC-2019 by regions of Russia

The table shows official data on the composition of the PC for various regions of the Russian Federation.

Region Kostroma region Moscow Moscow region Murmansk region Leningrad region. Nizhny Novgorod region. St. Petersburg
Bread products, kg 128,4 130,86 128,4 156,8 130,6 131,0 130,6
Potato, kg 100,5 108,5 100,5 82,9 87,9 87,8 87,9
Vegetables, kg 115,2 108,5 115,2 112,6 115,2 121,1 115,2
Fruit, kg 60,0 60,0 60,0 65,0 60,0 60,0 60,0
Sugar, confectionery, kg 22,2 22,26 22,2 26,3 23,8 23,8 23,8
Meat, kg 58,7 58,7 58,7 70,4 58,9 58,5 58,9
Fish, kg 19,0 19,0 19,0 32,6 19,0 20,0 19,0
Milk, dairy products, kg 290,8 290,8 290,8 260,8 290,8 254,8 290,8
Eggs, kg 210,0 210,0 210,0 261,0 210,0 210,0 210,0
Vegetable oil, kg 11,5 13,32 11,5 15,9 11,6 13,0 11,6
Other products, kg 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9
Non-grocery goods, % 50,0 45,0 50,0 60,0 45,0 50,0 45,0
Services, % 50,0 127,0 85,0 68,0 45,0 50,0 50,0

Since the composition of the PC is set at the level of regional laws, the figures for each region of the country are different.

Consumer holiday basket-2019

In 2019, the festive table for the New Year will be released for Russians at an average of 5,790 rubles. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of food for the festive table increased by 28% compared to last year.

Traditionally, the festive consumer basket includes 23 products: vegetable pickles, red caviar, raw smoked sausage, smoked fish and meat, fresh vegetables, cheese.

Often, Russians choose 1 kg of chicken and 1 kg of beef as hot, and desserts are oranges and bananas (1.5 kg each), lemons (0.2 kg), cake (about 1.0 kg) and chocolates (0. 5 kg).

On the table of drinks, there are usually juices, carbonated drinks, mineral water, cognac, champagne.

According to statistics, due to the increase in the price of many products this year, 63% of the country's residents plan to reduce spending on the New Year holidays. To a greater extent, the savings will affect gifts and various delicacies. On average, citizens plan to spend about 17,000 rubles on New Year's celebrations this year.

The living wage and the consumer food basket are the basic concepts on which the well-being of citizens directly depends. That is why there is so much interest in what the subsistence minimum will be. It is set annually by the government based on the jump in annual inflation.

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General concepts

The size and composition of the consumer basket is the main economic indicator of the standard of living of the population of the Russian Federation.

The base level of PC is set by the federal government, but for each region can be adjusted to suit specific living conditions.

The cost of the consumer basket is reviewed every three to four years. Depending on the level of prices and inflation, the government is trying to regulate the size of benefits, tying them just to the subsistence level.

The crisis years have affected the size of the subsistence minimum. Now the established amount is hardly enough to ensure the life of a person. It is incredibly difficult to survive in the indicated conditions, and you have to forget about quality nutrition.

The rate of inflation, which varies from year to year, affects the change in the consumer basket. This happened in 2020 as well.

It is assumed that the higher the inflation, the greater the amount will be pledged by the government to meet the everyday needs of citizens. And it really is. However, no radical changes have taken place and are unlikely to happen.

Inflation is forecast to slow slightly over the next two years:

Despite the generally positive figures, one should not expect a significant increase in well-being.

Moreover, there is a certain discrepancy between the established amount of the consumer basket, which takes into account the prices of basic foodstuffs, and the real prices for them. In practice, prices in stores are much higher than in government calculations.

What it is

The living wage is usually called a list of food and essentials compiled by government officials.

The state lists only the most necessary industrial and food products, so there is no hope for a varied table or a high standard of living.

The composition of the living wage basket includes:

  • personal hygiene products;
  • foodstuffs needed to sustain life;
  • a minimum set of clothes and shoes;
  • payment .

Since mandatory utility bills may rise during the year, it is obvious that people have to sacrifice something from their other positions on the list.

As a rule, these are savings on fruits and vegetables, meat and fish - traditionally expensive products (in season).

In the capital and the Moscow region as a whole, the level of the subsistence minimum, for obvious reasons, is set higher than in the Russian outback.

A regional coefficient is added to the base level common to all, so in Moscow the subsistence minimum basket is higher than in other regions.

The food basket is the main basis for calculating the living allowable price level. A decrease in this base will inevitably lead to the inability to ensure the vital activity of the body of an adult and a child.

The special significance of the established value of the food basket for determining the size of the subsistence minimum is explained by the following aspects of the work of the government:

In other words, it is the size of the food basket that determines the work of social and labor government departments and services, including those responsible for people's health.

The established amount corresponds to the obligations that the state is ready to give to citizens.

To whom does it apply

The cost of the food basket is determined by the statistical authorities. Average values ​​are used, so they require regional adjustment.

It is clear that the standard of living in the capital and in the outback is different, the cost of food is different, so the basic cost should be taken into account only adjusted for the realities of life.

In 2020, there was an increase in the cost of food from the grocery basket.

At the same time, the cost structure for the living wage is as follows:

The cost of a food basket for different categories of citizens is not the same.

Divided according to age and social principle:

  1. Pensioners.

For each of these groups, the foods included in the minimum food basket are identical. But the percentage of these products is different.

The logic is simple - a working person needs more food to feed himself.

For a child, 40-20 percent of the norm of an adult is enough, for a non-working pensioner, products to support life are also needed less than for a working citizen.

Living wage food basket

The Moscow Government annually at the end of the calendar year adopts legislative acts, on the basis of which a model of the subsistence minimum and the food basket of a capital resident is built - a working adult, a child, a pensioner.

What are the goals of determining the cost of a living wage by the Moscow government in 2020:

  • ensure living standards for Muscovites;
  • guarantee by law the provisions on social protection of the inhabitants of the capital.

If the official Muscovites do not “live up” to the established level of the subsistence minimum, then additional charges are made to him in the form of subsidies, social benefits, an increase in pension, etc.

At the beginning of December 2020, figures were recorded that determined the amount of the subsistence minimum for the first quarter of 2020, too.

The numbers are as follows:

According to, the amount of wages must not be lower than the living wage. However, according to statistics, the minimum wage of people working in the capital at the beginning of 2020 was still lower, and significantly.

It is expected that in 2020 the cost of the consumer basket will rise in price by about 10 percent.

Official data indicate that annual inflation will remain at about the same level as before, that is, there will be no sharp jump in food prices.

The minimum living wage basket looks depressing.

The non-food group of goods includes:

Residents of the capital are not threatened with any significant changes in the list of products that fill the grocery basket.

Such a list is established for able-bodied citizens and contains fish and fish products, meat, fruits, vegetables, bakery products.

Norms for accommodation, utility costs, use of public transport are also prescribed:

Officials are obliged to control the implementation of the adopted norms.

However, people who are forced to be content with the provision of a minimum wage, tied, in turn, to a food basket and a living wage, this does not make it any easier. It's not about living, it's about survival.

What is included

If non-food items can be donated (as a last resort), then food cannot be thrown out of the subsistence level.

It is curious to know what exactly from food and nutrition is included in the grocery basket of the average Russian.

The daily norm of the main products looks like this:

It is interesting that no more than one visit to the cinema or theater per month is allotted for the cultural program.

People are forced to be content with what the government has decided to include in the food list, that is, what they are ready to pay for through official wages.

How is the calculation made

The food basket is designed for three groups of the population of the capital and other cities of the Russian Federation. The number of products in the calculation for able-bodied adults, children and pensioners is different, that is, the calculated indicators do not match.

First of all, the consumer basket for men is calculated. Obviously, this means that men need to receive an increased amount of energy compared to the elderly, women and children.

Based on the figures obtained, subsequent indicators are calculated. In addition, the need for different groups of non-food products in adults and children, men and women, able-bodied and unemployed is taken into account.

If we compare the amount of food identified per year for different population groups, then the comparison (in kilograms) per able-bodied/children/pensioners, respectively, looks like this:

Indicators The size
Bread, pasta, legumes, flour, cereals 127/77/98
Potato 100/88/80
Vegetables, gourds 115/113/98
Fresh fruits 60/118/45
Sugar and other sweets 24/22/21
Meat and meat products 59/44/54
Fish and fish products 19/19/16
Milk and dairy products 290/361/258
Eggs (in pieces) 210/201/200
Oil, vegetable and animal fats 11/5/10
Other foods, including salt, spices, tea 5/4/4

Obviously, the list compiled by government officials excludes some foods completely, and cuts the rest below a reasonable level.

So the real cost of food for a person is completely different, in no way coinciding with the official subsistence minimum food basket.

It is clear that the minimum is called the minimum because it includes an incomplete list of products.

And yet, it is on its basis that programs of social support for the population are formed, which in some cases do not hold water at all.

What are the requirements

When forming the food basket, a complex of factors affecting its filling is taken into account. In the same way, the need of people for industrial goods (not food products) is taken into account.

As for provisions, then compiling a full-fledged basket that more or less corresponds to the realities of the modern world is a rather difficult task, since food requirements still exist.

In order to compile a complete picture of the subsistence minimum from the point of view of officials and form a list of food group goods, they are guided by the following requirements:

Indicators Description
Meet the needs of people of all ages and social ranking in wholesome nutrition
Take into account the composition of useful substances in the calculation and their energy value
Take into account the usefulness for the body of each product and the cost of its preparation should be minimal
Take into account the percentage of the weight of the product lost during cooking
Provide a variety of positions in the food list
Take into account theoretical scientific data about the presence of vitamins and microelements in food products, as well as their digestibility

Thus, it is clear that the compilers of the main list of products for calculating the living wage are trying to make a plan for a good nutrition, including macronutrients necessary for life.

However, compared with the nutrition plans formed by other governments, the Russian version of the food basket remains scarce.

Government officials, of course, constantly return to the discussion of this issue, trying to include other foods on the list, but all talk rests on financial security.

At the moment, radical decisions regarding the increase in the cost of the food basket in particular and the living wage in general are not to be expected.

Video: living wage and minimum wage

Nuances are important

Indeed, if we compare the consumer basket of Russians with similar lists compiled by the governments of the developed countries of the world, then an ugly truth will become clear:

Thus, the Russian Federation loses not only in the quality of industrial and food products, but also in their quantity.

Meanwhile, the health of people directly depends on the diet. And this means that the formation of a full-fledged food basket in the structure of the subsistence minimum is a task of national importance.

This is understood at the highest level, but no one can yet take any constructive steps in this direction to turn the tide.

It is important that the composition of the food basket for residents of different regions is different. For example, in comparison with Muscovites, residents of the Murmansk region receive 26 kg more bread products per year. In addition, they are entitled to 5 kg more fruit.

The calculation of services included in the subsistence minimum includes the following indicators:

  • the real need for travel by public transport among different groups of the population (it is obvious that able-bodied people are more often forced to use transport than children and pensioners);
  • the amount of subsidies provided to this group of citizens;
  • the availability of benefits for pensioners, parents of young children;
  • the need to pay utility bills;
  • inflationary rise in the cost of food and services.

Despite the attempt to make a complete diet from the main food groups, the existing food basket is not balanced in terms of the content of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats).

The consumer basket is considered a conditional concept, which is updated every year at the federal level. The list includes a list of the most important goods, products and services. For every citizen of the Russian Federation, such a basket should be enough for one month, taking into account the stable growth of inflation and existing prices.

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The calculation of the basket is carried out on the basis of the prevailing social and economic conditions that are formed in each specific region of the country over a certain period of time.

The composition of the consumer basket and its price for a month in 2020 have some characteristic features. To understand them, it is important to get acquainted with the conceptual apparatus, with the ratio of products, with minimum indicators, with the procedure for calculating the cost, as well as with the opinion of ordinary citizens.

Definition of concepts

The consumer basket is considered to be an approximate set of goods that is used and consumed by citizens on a monthly basis. Based on its value, the minimum amount of money necessary for a comfortable stay is calculated - the cost of living.

There is another definition, this is the minimum amount of food, household goods and services that are urgently needed by every person to maintain life functions.

It should be noted that in the early 2000s the minimum amount was calculated based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. The composition of the basket is reviewed by the Government every year depending on current prices.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the consumer basket is used as a basic parameter when comparing actual and planned expenses, as well as for calculating currency prospects.

What is included in the consumer basket

It is known that the composition of the consumer basket is determined at the legislative level. This suggests that the list of basic products and goods in Russia is determined by the relevant Federal Law. Due to frequent changes in the inflation rate. The Government of the Russian Federation has determined a special price ratio, according to which the costs should be no more than half of the cost of production.

As for the cost of paid services, it cannot exceed 25% under any circumstances. The required percentage is reviewed annually, but it has not changed in 2020. However, depending on the consumer's belonging to a certain category of citizens, the composition of the basket can be determined.

In particular, some types of cereals and meat products were replaced by fruits and vegetables, since the data of mass sociological surveys say that the population of the Russian Federation began to pay closer attention to their health, which provides for an instant transition to rational and proper nutrition.

The grocery basket includes:

  • flour products and cereals;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • potato;
  • milk products.

The ratio of products to non-food products

In 2020, one important change was made to the consumer basket. It lies in the fact that non-food type goods and related services will be determined in the future as a percentage of the total cost of food. Prior to this, the state decided how much essential goods, such as clothing, each individual citizen needed.

For example, previously a person was supposed to:

  • about 300 liters of cold and hot water, as well as sanitation per day;
  • 10 cubic meters of gas per month;
  • about 50 kW of electrical energy per month;
  • 7 gigacalories of heat in 12 months;
  • 18 square meters for a comfortable stay.

It should be noted that previously 5% of all expenses were allocated for cultural education and entertainment. As for the latest changes, in accordance with them, it was decided to abandon the articles of non-food type goods and services. The legislation states that in the future such categories of expenses will amount to 50% of the cost of the food basket.

In other words, you need to multiply the total cost of the food basket by two and get the minimum amount necessary for a citizen to buy goods and services, as well as to pay off payments, including utility bills.

Minimum composition

In 2020, consumption rates for flour products are decreasing, including flour itself, cereals and pasta. An adult will need 7 kg less, and persons of retirement age - 5 kg less. After dividing the prescribed mass by the average number of days in a year, you can get the norm per day - 345 grams.

The norm for fats and vegetable oil was reduced by 3 kg, however, an increase is observed for meat products. Thus, the daily norm of meat for able-bodied citizens was 150 grams.

Each inhabitant of the Russian Federation relies on much more milk and dairy products. For minor children, the corresponding figure is 360 kilograms per year. The norm for fruits has doubled.

For other products, it is worth saying what every adult citizen should eat per month:

  • 1.5 kilograms of fresh fish;
  • 5 kilograms of fruit and meat;
  • About 10 kilograms of vegetables;
  • 10.5 kg of bread;
  • 8.5 kg of potatoes.

As for the normative indicators for confectionery products, their share was slightly changed. For children, about 60 grams of sweets per day are supposed. According to the new consumer basket, citizens of the Russian Federation consume approximately 300 liters of milk and 200 eggs each code. It should be noted that this figure is slightly lower for pensioners.

An increase in the share of fish, meat and vegetable products practically does not change the structure of the real consumer basket. On the other hand, it can indirectly help poor categories of citizens.

In the future, changes in the composition and structural components of the basket will lead to an increase in cost, which should be the main reason for the increase in the living wage. As a result, this will be a prerequisite for the growth of profitability indicators for certain categories of citizens. This is especially true for persons of retirement age and citizens who carry out their professional labor activities in budgetary organizations.

How the price is calculated for different categories of citizens

The calculation is carried out by authorized authorities in accordance with the provisions of the current federal legislation. For this, general rules are used, but regional conditions are additionally taken into account. The current consumer basket includes a minimum set of industrial goods, food products and services.

Practice shows that in most cases, territorial authorities are guided by the pricing policy of the regions and the nuances of living, for example, the cost of services, the need for household items, and so on.

Taking the indicator established at the federal level as the basic component, you can divide it by half by the number of months in a year. The result is a monthly basket per citizen of the Russian Federation.

It is important to remember that its cost in real terms increases slightly, which automatically requires the federal authorities to take certain measures. The initiatives taken can have an effect only if the price products for essential products do not change significantly due to changes in the inflation rate.

Citizens' opinion

News about the change in the composition of the consumer basket does not satisfy all citizens. Many believe that officials are engaged in the calculation based on some abstract values. For an able-bodied person, especially if he carries out his activities in energy-intensive industries, the composition of the product may not be enough.

Popular opinion, reflected in many media, is inclined to believe that the compilers of the consumer basket did not take into account certain factors of life in Russia, including the fact that prices for vegetables and fruits change in the winter.

There are situations when meat is cheaper. This is especially true against the background of the fact that in some regions of the Russian Federation winter lasts more than 6 months, and the consumption of the local population is geared towards agricultural products.

Citizens also believe that the consumption of flour products cannot be taken into account only in terms of small pastries. Despite the fact that experts give favorable forecasts for cheaper products, this is difficult to implement.

It is worth considering the fact that the consumer basket in 2020 may still undergo some changes in its composition. For example, it is expected to be supplemented with new things or food products, especially against the backdrop of growing dissatisfaction with the current policy of the country's top officials.

This can lead to an enrichment of the daily diet of the population, but surpluses will still not be observed. As of today, nutritional standards are quite low, especially if we take the state of affairs in foreign countries as a comparison parameter. Ordinary US residents spend about $300 on a grocery basket, which differs markedly from Russian indicators.

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