
The effect of birch juice on the human body. Birch juice - the benefits and therapeutic properties of a natural drink. Rules for use and collection of beverage

Birch juice - Transparent liquid, which is released from a tree trunk under the influence of root pressure, if you break away or cut the bark. Insert a tube or a small groove in the place of the door, along which juice flows into the prepared container. After collecting, the place of the nap plugs with wax so that the tree does not dry.

The movement of juices in Birch begins in early March, along with the first kidneys, and collect juice for 1.5 months, from the beginning of April to mid-May. In addition to Russia, this juice drink in Scandinavia and Northern China.

It is tastefully reminded of fresh spring water, but with sweet woody notes due to a small concentration of natural sugars.

The benefits of birch juice are large, because it contains many mineral substances, vitamin C, tannyl substances, phytoncides and essential oils. On hot days, he begets, quenching thirst thanks to a pleasant light taste and fills the stock mineral saltsthat a person loses with a strong sweating.

It is curious that in the US and the UK recently, the interest of this drink has increased, sweating another popular tonic - coconut water.

The Eva Calinic nutritionist says: "Birch juice is close to the chemical composition, the balance of electrolytes, the content of potassium and other phytonutrients to coconut water, but its main advantage is in saponines."

It is Saponins that are responsible for most of the beneficial properties of the original Russian drink.

  • Harrow Diseases: Cough, Angina. For treatment, it is necessary to take heated birch juice, mixed with milk and starch. It is recommended to drink a glass of such a drink every day until recovery.
  • To improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. This spring nectar stimulates the release of gastric juice and enzymes needed for normal digestion. Birch juice normalizes the chair, eliminates constipation.
  • It is possible to rinse the oral cavity to remove inflammation in the mouth and prevent caries with this juice. Are you going to drink a cup of juice? Just hold it a few seconds in your mouth before swallowing. Unlike many fruit juices rich in acids, this drink does not damage the dental enamel.
  • Helps get rid of migraines and headaches.
  • With a cold, any origin, especially chronic, should take daily on a glass of pure nectar birch. Natural anti-inflammatory connections will be expelled from your body in two bills.
  • Edems caused by a violation of the work of the kidneys, stones and sand in the kidneys and the bustling bubble are also given under the action of birch juice. It has diuretic properties, but it is possible to drink with such diseases only with the permission of a doctor.
  • If you have already received our doctor's approval, you can drink one gland three times a day, for two weeks, but not longer.
  • For a long time, no healing wounds, ulcers, abrasions need to be treated with undiluted fluid. Her beneficial features Protect the rapid tightening of open skin damage.
  • It is recommended as a supporting agent for people with anemia and other blood diseases.
  • With a sharp rise in body temperature, balsam balsam juice, sugar, wine and finely chopped lemon helps. All this is required to insist in a dark place for three months.
  • It helps to cope with the spring depression and vitaminosis. For this you need to drink daily on a glass of healing fluid every day.
  • Birchy juice contributes to the removal of toxic substances from the kidneys and the liver - they knew the European Lekari back in the XII century. To check its cleansing properties on itself, you need to drink 200 ml every morning before breakfast. The course of treatment will require 4-6 weeks and 6-8 liters of healing fluids.
  • Fresh tree juice is an excellent dietary drink, it absolutely does not contain proteins, fats. If you have already started working on yourself and lost a few kilograms, but then there was a weight stagnation, turn on this useful liquid into the diet.

In therapeutic and preventive purposes, the drink must be used for 1 cup of about a month. Preliminary medical consultation is required!

Cosmetic properties

Rinsing hair with birch juice makes hair stronger, restores the water balance of the scalp, prevents dandruff. You can cook lotion with the addition of honey and rub it into the roots of the hair. Also from hair loss helps the mask of birch nectar, brandy and raccara root of the reurenik. It is applied for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

In Scandinavia, this drink is considered an excellent means to power and rejuvenate the skin. With it, women cope with the first signs of aging.

  1. To get rid of acne, it is necessary to apply a mask on the skin consisting of egg squirrel, birch juice and honey. For the prevention of acne, wipe the face with undiluted liquid in the morning and in the evening.
  2. To preserve the healing qualities of the drink, you can freeze it in the form of ice cubes. If necessary, wipe the skin, neck and neckline.
  3. To smooth out small wrinkles, cream mask from 2 tbsp. l. Birch nectar, 50 g of germinated wheat and 200 g of wipers.
  4. For dry skin, the mask of woody juice and honey in the proportion of 1: 1 will be useful.

The listed masks are applied to the cleaned skin of the face, and after 15 minutes it is washed off with warm water.

Useful beverages based on birch juice

  1. Birch kvass. For it, juice is mixed, several raisins and sugar per 2 tsp. per liter.
  2. Multivitamin juice. The drink is well combined with natural citrus juices.
    Store juice is necessary in the refrigerator, but no more than two days.
  3. Birch syrup. Received by evaporation of fluid. It can be added to compote, tea or simple water. But find it is more difficult to find it than, for example, maple syrup.

Birch juice harm and contraindications list

If you like delicious and beneficial fluids, you can safely drink birch juice. The benefits and harm of this drink are not equivalent. Experts assess its negative effect on the body as weak.

The traditional Russian drink has a special healing force, allowing to protect against disease and strengthen human health. From time immemorial, it is revered by folk signs, and an extensive list of diseases that juice can cure, impressive. What is useful to birch juice, how and when it is necessary to collect it, in what cases to drink, and whether there are contraindications in its use - interesting information About the drink in our article.

"Tears" of the Russian village consist mainly of water. The taste of them is the same, only with characteristic gentle, sweet-tarts of wood notes. It seems to be nothing special, but in fact the whole secret - in a unique chemical composition.

After all, birch juice includes:

  • different tanning substances;
  • fruit saccharides;
  • a set of useful vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • saposids;
  • essential oils.

Separately, it should be indicated on a huge variety of microelements that have positively affecting a person supporting the vital tone.

With all this calorie drink is minimal, only 25 kcal per 100 ml. After all, there are no fats in it, but carbohydrates and proteins - in small quantities.

Birch juice: benefit for human body

In nature there is not so many natural products, especially drinks, which can boast of such a spectrum of healing properties in combination with unique safety for health. After all, the juice is recommended for use without exception, including children, pregnant women and mothers, nursing baby breast milk.

How influence the "birch tears" on the body:

  • improve digestion;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • normalize the throat microflora and respiratory tract;
  • possess antiseptic properties;
  • increase the total tone of the body;
  • regulate metabolism;
  • serve as caries prevention;
  • remote diuretic action;
  • increase the functionality of the kidneys;
  • remove toxins, slags;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • eliminate the symptoms of depression;
  • prevent the emergence of neoplasms of various genes;
  • improve blood formation processes.

Especially perfectly juice copes with such a seasonal spring phenomenon as avitaminosis.

What is useful to natural birch juice for women

Like any medicinal products, the drink for each person affects its own way, individually.

What is used to birch juice for the body of women?

It should be noted its special impact on the hormonal background of representatives of the fine sex:

  1. The introduction of a beverage in the diet during the climax helps women eliminate unpleasant symptoms: irritability, nervousness, pressure jumps.
  2. Nectar during pregnancy reduces the edema, which often accompany this difficult period, increases the mood and vital tone, supplies useful vitamin complex In the body of the future mother for the development of the child.
  3. The cosmetic properties of "birch tears" help improve the condition of the skin of the face, strengthen the hair and eliminate dandruff.

Therefore, any age laryrs are not worth a hurry to give up this healing elixir. If we are talking about, of course, natural product, not about sweet shop surrogate.

Useful properties of a beverage for men

Strong half of humanity will find the necessary and missing components in nectar to improve sexual health.

After all, drink:

  • reduces irritability;
  • contributes to psychological equilibrium;
  • normalizes testosterone production;
  • increases the activity of the semennikov;
  • improves reproductive function;
  • restores potency.

In addition, no recipes from the doctor for the beginning of such "treatment" are not required for men. It is not necessary to worry about the negative consequences of this natural therapy.

Benefit for the child's body

Due to its biostimulating properties, the juice has a positive impact on immunity. For a children's body, this aspect is very important, which is why pediatricians are recommended to include a drink into the diet of children from 1 year.

It prevents anemia in children, fights rapid fatigue and vitaminosis.

Juice is a hypoallergenic product, but it is necessary to introduce it into the diet of kids gradually, because individual allergic reactions are possible. It is better to start with a dosage with an incomplete dessert spoon, gradually increasing it every day. Maximum daily dose - 100 ml of juice.

It is necessary to take into account that the benefit brings fresh juice. Purchased packaged option is not recommended to give children.

In what diseases use birch juice

Therapeutic properties of the beverage help to eliminate a variety of pathology and indisposition. Also juice is used to prevent certain diseases.

Among the readings:

  • respiratory diseases - pneumonia, bronchitis of different genesis, angina, pharyngitis, tuberculosis;
  • reducing the functionality of the gulb bubble;
  • otings because of the failures in the work of the kidneys;
  • teenage acne, rash (for outdoor use);
  • period of seasonal infections;
  • urol and renal disease;
  • avitaminosis, general weakness;
  • anemia, blood disease;
  • the pathology of the bone system - gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis of different types;
  • increased acidity of the gastrointestinal organs;
  • fever;
  • aggravation of the depressive state;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • digestion disorders - constipation, diarrhea, heartburn;
  • headache, migraine attacks;
  • rubber, cough, first symptoms of colds;
  • reduced or increased pressure;
  • pancreatitis, Gastritis
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • scurvy;
  • wounds, ulcers on the skin (local use);
  • obesity.

Application in folk medicine

The characteristics know that such a product can not be ignored in their recipes.

In therapy is used clean, undiluted wood juice. There is also drugs with the addition of apple, beet or carrot nectar.

Effective healers recipes are based on the beneficial properties of birch juice:

  1. To eliminate the symptoms of hypertension, it is necessary every day (a week - two) drink a glass of beverage per day, separated by two receptions.
  2. Couple anemia will help a cocktail from apple, birch and carrot nectars divorced in the same proportions. Daily dose - 2 glasses, use 3 - 4 times before applying food.
  3. Patient throat will cure rinsing with warm juice. It is necessary to make them after eating until the removal of painful sensations.
  4. Lower heat will help a birch drink. The cotton disk or bandage in it should be attached to the bends of the elbows, on the forehead, armpits and knees. Also such compresses give a positive effect if you impose them to the place of irritation, rash.
  5. Cancel salted sediments (stones and sand) from the history will be able to 3-month course of therapy "Birch tears". For this morning, and before going to bed it is necessary to drink 1 cup of fresh nectar.
  6. The healing agent for patients with weakened immunity is prepared from juice, cow's milk (1: 1), with the addition of 5 g of starch. Drink the drug should be 0.5 glasses 3 - 4 times a day.
  7. The problems with the digestive process will help to eliminate the infused on 1,5 liters of the juice of the glass of the oats. At first it must be placed on the cold for the night, and then boil on a water bath until a decrease in the amount of fluid is twice. Take a tool is needed three times a day for 1 cup 28 - 30 days.
  8. Unpleasant symptoms of bone and joint diseases will remove the use of fresh birch juice. It is necessary to drink it 3 times a day for 1 cup, while in the morning and in the evening with the addition of 200 ml of warm milk.

Use in cosmetology

In addition to internal use, the drink is used and externally. The antiseptic properties of the juice found their use in cosmetics.

After all, "birch tears":

  • eliminate skin inflammation;
  • toned dermis;
  • reduce the amount of acne, boils;
  • reduce the number of sequels of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminate dandruff;
  • strengthen hair;
  • normalize the water balance of the skin.

Cosmetic masks and tonic significantly improve skin health.

  1. The mask of acne consists of 1 egg whit, 30 ml of honey and 100 ml of birch juice. The mixture must be wiped the problem areas of the skin several times a day.
  2. The formal cream includes 2 tablespoons of juice, germinated wheat (50 g) and flipping berries of sea buckthorn (200 g). Regular use of such a means will help women eliminate small wrinkles, smooth the skin and return her shining look. Store cream is better in the refrigerator.
  3. Mask for dry skin from honey and nectar (1: 1) Improve the water balance of the dermis. It must be applied for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Frozen cubes of birch juice perfectly tone the skin of the face, neck and zone neckline.

Hair becomes much stronger after using a special mask. It will take juice, alcohol or alcohol drinking drinks and decoction of the buried (1: 1: 1). After applying to head to wait 15 minutes and wash off.

Normalize the water balance of the skin on the head, eliminate the dandruff will help hair rinsing. In nectar, you can add a few lemon drops for better effect. The hair will become stronger and attractive.

Contraindications and possible harm

It will be fair to note the fact that the benefits and harm of the birch juice are not equally equivalent. The drink has very little contraindications, which indicates its safety and hestructal.

Do not drink "Birch tears":

  • with allergies to pollen plants;
  • in the case of the presence of stones in the kidneys or bladder;
  • for ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.

In this small list, the absolute contraindication is only the possibility of manifesting allergic reactions after drinking. In two other cases, it is necessary to be careful, to consult with a specialist regarding the possibility of juice consumption.

It is important to remember that everything is good in moderation, so the day does not need to drink more than 600 ml of a refreshing drink.

And remember that the beneficial properties have only fresh, just collected juice. In products that can be found on the shelves of hypermarkets, there is almost nothing but water and food additives, nectar there is in minimum quantity. If at all is present.

As soon as the snow begins to melt, and the earth is gradually warming up, you can confidently go to the birch grove. March - the beginning of April is a favorable period that continues until the first servants on the trees appear. By time - from noon to hours 18 pm.

Collect healing nectar is better away from highways, industrial facilities and settlements. It is necessary to choose a birch that gets more sunlight, grows away from its sisters - then the juice will be especially sweet.

The young tree is not suitable for collecting, and too old has a thick bark, which will be difficult to drill. therefore optimal option - Tree with a barrel of about 25 cm in diameter.

To get to juice, which flows between the bark and the barrel, it is necessary:

  1. At a distance of 15 - 20 cm from the ground to make a small hole. Its depth is no more than 3 cm. Do not do on one tree more than three holes.
  2. In the slot should be placed in the groove, which will be able to go juice: hose, aluminum or wooden tube.
  3. The second end of the device is sent to the puresysya.

During the day, the tree "sits" 2 - 3 liters of their "tears", but you should not use the vulnerability and kindness of birrors and collect their more liters.

It is necessary to take care of nature and not leave the open "wound". The hole must be smeared with wax, close the moss or score with a wooden peg.

Fresh juice is not stored for a long time, up to 3 days in the refrigerator. To preserve the nectar longer, it can be frozen or put it.

In nature, everything is thought out, we only should listen to her advice and use healing properties To promote health. And birch juice - bright and incredible tasty things the confirmation.

Birch is one of the most universal plants against medicine. The leaves, and kidneys, and the bark and, of course, birch juice, which has a huge amount of useful substances are used.

In the food industry, birch juice is actively harvested in advance for further conservation. It is an excellent refreshing drink, but canned juice is not as effective in treating and preventing as fresh.

It is engaged in the workpiece from early spring until the appearance of young leaves. The workpiece technology is quite simple. On the cortex make a longitudinal bowl, the chute is attached below for flow, as well as a container for collecting fluid.

When the workpiece is completed, the injured bark is lubricated by the Garden Warr - it will help save the tree.

Juice benefits for human body

The unique strength of birch juice is explained by his richest composition. There are many vitamins in it, the vitamins C, B6 and B12 are presented in the largest quantities.

As for trace elements, there is almost the entire Table of Mendeleev in birch juice. Also, there are organic acids, oil esters, tannins, natural sugars, phytoncides.

Juice has anti-inflammatory properties, since phytoncides are able to kill all microbes, intensify immunity and improve resistance towards all sorts of bacteria.

It is especially useful in a shortage of vitamins, Qing. The drink helps restore the strength and get rid of toxins in the body. Only one glass provides the body all the composition of mineral components.

Clearing birch juice regularly, it is possible to clean the blood with a qualitatively, bring slags, toxins, disintegration products, increase hemoglobin. It has a positive effect on healing wounds and other skin damage, even the most serious ulcers.

The drink is capable of stimulating the kidney function, so it is extremely useful for kidney stones, pyelonephritis (read how to treat). Thanks to the ability to improve metabolism, birch juice is used for weight loss.

After all, not in vain in the people, the girl's slightness is compared with birch. Also, the juice keeps in a tone nervous system, Therefore, it is shown in stress, chronic fatigue.

It is recommended to drink birch juice to normalize the level of acidity in the intestine and stomach microflora. Its consumption often becomes the component of the complex treatment of oncological diseases. It is useful in arthritis, tuberculosis ,.

Birch juice is valued and in cosmetology. The means based on it is returned to the skin tone, eliminate excessive fatty and pigmentation. Rinsing the hair with juice of birch eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair and activates their growth. A drink when, insomnia is recommended, and it is also useful for men to improve potency, and women are climax.

Nutritional value and calorie

Although in birch juice the mass of beneficial substances, the drink is considered low-calorie. 100 grams of the product contain only 24 kilocaloria. Of these, 5.8 g of carbohydrates, 0.1 g of proteins and 0 g of fats.

Is there harm and contraindications?

Birch juice has very little contraindications. It may be harmful to those who have allergies to dust birch. It is also necessary to be cautious people suffering from urolithiasis.

How is it used in folk medicine?

You can simply use birch juice as a means to maintain immunity and prevents of a number of diseases.

You can also mix it with other juice, for example, carrot, apple and beet.

There are a number of folk recipes.

  • Means for hypertension. High pressure is often accompanied by edema, dizziness, head and heart pain. It is necessary to consume a glass of birch juice for a day twice, and after a few days your well-being will seriously improve.
  • Against anemia. You can mix the same amount of birch, carrots and apples juice, drink half a glass 3-4 times a day before using food.
  • Means against joint diseases. Drink half a glass of fresh birch juice three times a day. To strengthen the effect, you can drink it with a glass of milk.
  • Against gastritis, problems with bubble . Drink in the fourth part of a glass of birch juice for half an hour before eating three times a day. If you have increased acidity, dilute it with water in combination of two to one.
  • Against colds, tuberculosis. You need to drink 100 ml a bit of heated juice. With sore throats, it is possible to use it for rinsing.
  • At elevated temperature. You can use compresses based on birch juice, applying it to elbow bends, forehead, armpits and knees. Similar stamps are useful for skin diseases - apply them to affected areas.
  • In disease diseases of the digestive. You need to pour half a glass of birch juice a glass of oat flakes. Leave for the night in a cool place, and in the morning heated in a water bath until the funds fall into half less. Drink in the size of a glass three times a day for a month.
  • In cancer. Mix the same amount of birch juice, carrots and yarrow, as well as half the juice of the Zverboard, Tolody and Boligol. Use twice a day in the size of the tablespoon - in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime, using warm milk after a glass.
  • Against sand and kidney stones. Every day, before you go to bed and on an empty stomach, you need to drink a glass of pure birch juice. Before applying, be sure to consult your doctor and determine the size of the stones. It is possible to be treated in this way for three months.
  • Upon avitaminosis and immunodeficiency. Mix in equal proportions birch juice and natural milk, add half a teaspoon of starch and use half a glass 3-4 times a day. You can also use another tool: Three lemon with a meat grinder with a meat grinder, add half liter of birch juice and leave in a cold place for two days. Then add two grams of natural honey and leave again in the cold for two days. Consume half a glass 20 minutes before eating three times a day. You can also apply this recipe at low arterial pressure.

Application in cosmetology

  • Hair Mask. You need to mix birch juice with rapid oil in a 3: 1 ratio. Apply on your hair for twenty minutes, pre-insulated your head, flush with shampoo.
  • Mask against hair loss and strong fatty. Mix one cup of birch juice, half of the chalk spoons and a quarter spoons of salt. Salt should dissolve, after which the composition needs to be stirred again. Leave the jar in the dark for 10 days. Use the tool every time before washing your head.
  • Bleaching face mask. You need to dissolve the juice of birch white clay so that the consistency of the paste is. Then apply the composition to the places you want to brighten and hold twenty minutes. You can wash off with ordinary water or the same birch juice.
  • Rejuvenating mask. You need to take 200 g of sea buckthorn, 50 g of wheat sprouts and two spoons of birch juice. Throw the ingredients so that the mask is like a cream. Apply to the skin for twenty minutes.
  • Mask, improving the complexion. You need to mix the spoon of sour cream, half a spoon of honey and two spoons of birch juice, apply on the face, keep 15 minutes. As a result, the face will acquire a smooth matte tone.
  • Dry skin lotion. You need to take 200 g of birch juice, put it on the stove, bring to a boil, and after immediately remove from the fire. Add half a spoon of honey and wait for its dissolution. Wipe the skin of the face and neck three times a day.
  • Universal skin mask. For cooking well mix a spoonful of cottage cheese, half a spoon of honey, a raw egg and two spoons of birch juice. You must receive a homogeneous mass that needs to be applied to pre-cleaned skin and keep for twenty minutes.

For weight loss

The drink is able to improve metabolic processes, which allows you to get rid of extra kilograms. It can be used in normal form in size 100-200 ml for a month.

It is better to drink juice first a day after its prey, and after applying fresh. You can also make kvass, balms and syrups from it, which are not as effective, but also very useful.

Allergies with fear await birch blossoms, but for everyone else early spring - nothing else like pleasure. People gladly collect birch juice and use other gifts of nature. The drink carries a lot of useful substances by the body, in part therefore many are wondering if there is harm? Consider the main aspects in order.

Composition of birch juice

There are no fats and proteins in the drink, all nutritional properties are discharged to carbohydrates. Also valuable qualities are due to a complex of vitamins.

As part of a lot of ascorbic acid. Also prevails in the group, namely riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acid, pyridoxine, in 10-B12.

The drink focuses sodium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine and calcium. Thanks to this, juice is used to prevent and treat many diseases.

In a small amount there are silicon, copper, titanium, barium, manganese. In a lot of drink citric acid and saccharide - glucose and fructose. This caused the sour-sweet taste of birch juice.

The drug is not deprived of tanning substances, saponins, ethers, phytoncides. All these elements emphasize the drink by bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Depending on the tree itself, the caloric content of the beverage varies. So, birch juice has 9-21 kcal with a calculation of 100 ml. For this reason, the composition is often used in dietary nutrition.

Action of birch juice

  • strengthens the body's protective shell;
  • removes the ethics of fabrics and legs;
  • improves food digestibility;
  • leads to normal blood pressure;
  • enhances metabolic processes;
  • accelerates blood circulation and cleans the stream;
  • fights with a lack of vitamins after winter "hibernation";
  • removes the consequences of stress, chronic fatigue;
  • suppresses a protracted depression;
  • improves mood and sleep strength;
  • makes it easier for menopause in women;
  • removes spasms in the muscles during menstruation;
  • regulates potency in men;
  • strengthens the heart, blood canals;
  • struggling with oncology and conducts its prevention;
  • cleans the kidneys, bull and bladder, liver;
  • displays cholesterol;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • improves the condition of nails, hair, skin.

The benefits of birch juice

  1. The presence of potassium and magnesium ensures the correct operation of the heart muscle and the circulatory system. Birch drink is shown for reception to people with heart pathologies, as well as those who are relatively recently transferred stroke or infarction.
  2. Valuables from the birch composition are often added to medicationswho are designed to overcome oncological diseases. It's all about the ability of these enzymes to block the bloodstream to cancer cells and run self-destruction of the tumor.
  3. If you systematically consume a drink, you clean the blood and strengthen the production of erythrocytes, free the liver from toxic compounds and radionuclides. The juice is shown to receiving patients with strong intoxication, sharp respiratory and chronic infections.
  4. The value is due to the content of many vitamins B-Group. All of these substances are favorable effect on a psycho-emotional human environment. To calm down, relieve stress, get out of depression, the juice is taken overnight in small portions.
  5. In the absence of individual intolerance, you can drink juice in full quantities. He will strengthen immune system And increase the body resistance to viruses. It is easier for a person to carry off the offseason and the spread of infections.
  6. The composition has a diuretic action. In view of this, it is often used to combat legged edema. The tool quickly outputs the excess fluid, the functioning of the kidneys and the bladder is set. The same qualities allow the use of a drink for the treatment of urolithiasis.
  7. Birchy juice is prescribed to the reception to people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. During the remission or exacerbation, this drink is a real find. It will save the mucous membranes and strengthen the digestion of food.
  8. As part of the juice, many saponins, they prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the blood canals. Vessels are also carried out, sealing their walls. It should be noted that Fresh strengthens the bones, nails and teeth.
  9. Natural saccharides in juice are presented in the form of glucose and fructose. These substances are responsible for mental activity, positive mood, psycho-emotional environment. Birch juice needs to drink people who work a lot of heads and often experience stresses by family.
  10. Tubils give drug bactericidal properties. Birch's juice removes the unpleasant smell of mouth, prevents many diseases of this cavity, strengthens the guys. Especially useful to drink Fresh People with Stomatitis and Caries.

Birch juice for children

  1. Children need to consume a birch drink. Its composition has a common effect. The drink will save the children's organism from seasonal avitaminosis and common viral infections.
  2. Small children are more susceptible to various diseases, so the inclusion of birch juice in the diet should be mandatory. Gradually accustom to the body to a new product, giving small portions. Mix 50 ml. Water juice in equal proportions. Let's from 1.5 years with the onset of spring.

  1. Currently, there is no accurate approval that the birch drink is shown to consuming pregnant girls. Some argue that the juice is completely contraindicated when entering the fetus. Official medicine has fully refuted a similar myth.
  2. The birch product is enriched with an inclied amount of beneficial substances. Regular reception of the drink helps pregnant girls to cope with strong toxicosis. To achieve a positive result, drink 200 ml. 3 times a day.
  3. If you suffer from unstable arterial pressure Against the background of pregnancy, the juice will be saved for you. The universal product equally helps hypotonics and hypertensive. To do this, it is enough to drink 250 ml. Drink per hour before meat.
  4. Birch composition showed himself well in the fight against eath. Drink 3-4 juice cups (230 ml.) Throughout the day. In the near future, you will feel a significant improvement in health. The edema will no longer disturb you.
  5. The drink perfectly holds the weight on the desired mark and does not give extra kilograms. Juice has a positive effect on natural metabolism and contributes to a soft slimming. If you take juice in the last trimester, you exhibit lactation in advance.
  6. Correctly consuming birch juice in the lactation period, you ensure the production of high-quality milk. In order not to encounter the intolerance to the product, it is recommended to begin the reception of juice with minimum portions, about 50 ml. in a day. Carefully follow the reaction of your body and baby.
  7. Birch drink is shown for consumption after delivery. So you will not encounter an overweight problem. The product is prohibited to drink only with allergies in the baby, urolithiasis.
  8. In the lactation period, it is important to drink only fresh juice. Canned composition is not able to store that quantity useful elementswhich is in primeval form. Most useful juice It is considered in the first hours after collecting.
  9. In order to preserve the useful qualities of the birch drink as much as possible, it is necessary to add raisins, carnation and currant leaves. The juice is useful for a person in combination with other freasses. Depending on the proportions, you can get a vitamin cocktail.

Hurting birch juice

  1. A beverage is prohibited when allergic to the birch pollen and directly on the juice itself.
  2. Canned product contraindicated with diabetes mellitus.
  3. With kidney problems, consult your doctor.
  4. It is forbidden to drink juice collected near industrial facilities and highways.

The listed beneficial properties of birch juice are far from the entire list of positive actions that are reflected in the human body. It all depends on the individual characteristics and functioning of specific organs and systems. The main thing is to use the absence of contraindications.

Video: The benefits and use of birch juice

Do you know that the birch juice is very useful and you can drink it? From the middle of March to the beginning of May, on the immense forest Russian expanses, the main natural symbol of the country is awakened by the main natural symbol of the country - birch: the coating of the roots of the tree begins throughout the crown. Movement time depend on the region and weather conditions. In Siberia, in the north-west of the country, and in the middle lane now, in the second half of April, the best time to drinkbirch juice - the storehouse of useful vitamins, micro-macroelements and amino acids.

Birch juice, is it possible to take it from Birch?

I foresee the question of environmentalists or people, zealously related to nature: Why collect birch juice, causing damage to this? I, too, against industrial juice and non-accurant, sometimes barbaric handling of trees leading to their death.

However, from 1 liter to 3 liters (no more than 1 liter per day) juice can give adult birches without prejudice to his health. It is like donors passing a blood portion for the benefit of human life and for their own renewal of the body. Often, the white-barn themselves cry, losing transparent, like tears, drops of juice, because remember:

"Juice appears on white trunks -

Then birch cry, then birch cries ... ".

Today, birch covers are attributed to biologically clean products with benefit and its cost exceeds 100 rubles. For 1 liter. Exotic or unique benefits? Let's see what is so rich in the juice of the White Beauty.

The composition of the birch juice

Birch juice - saline, feeding wood and contributing to the formation of foliage and providing him with life. And it is already clear that it will be useful composition Not only for wood, but also for a person, besides, also a pleasant taste. It does not have a pronounced taste, it is a cool slightly sweet with light sourness liquid resembling spring water.

Birchy juice contains the following components in its composition:

  • Proteins;
  • , the one that meets mostly only in animal products. Just this makes birch juice especially useful.
  • Organic acids, enzymes, aromatic, tanning substances that improve metabolism and contribute to the removal of carcinogens and toxins. Phytoelement saponin The juice reduces.
  • Fruit sugar.
  • Microelements and their salts: potassium, magnesium, sodium, copper, manganese. Especially the juice is rich in potassium, which blocks sodium, reducing the edema, improving the work of the heart muscle.

There is an opinion that in its composition Berezovaya approximate to whose benefits have already spoken.

Birch juice: benefit

  1. The juice perfectly replenishes the balance of vitamins and opposes the body.
  2. Strengthens, reducing the risk.
  3. The juice regulates the acidity of the gastric juice, therefore is prescribed by patients with gastritis with reduced acidity. It has a rare ability to scar the gastric and intestine mucosa caused by ulcers.
  4. Enhances metabolic processes in the body, removes depression.
  5. Well cleanses blood, gastrointestinal, kidneys, eliminates slags and toxins, removes the eath, is a natural diuretic.
  6. Birchy juice is recommended for angina, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs. You can just rinse your throat
  7. Birch elixir is used in the treatment of diseases of the joints, with arthritis, arthrosis, salting sediments.
  8. It helps with furunculese, neurodim, eczema, other problems with skin, hair.
  9. Thanks low calorie, in 100 grams of only 25 kcal With high benefits, used with diets to reduce weight.
  10. The juice is useful to women during the period of the Clematock, as a decrease in blood pressure, and softening the symptoms of this period. Eliminates fatigue, lethargy and gives strength.
  11. In cosmetology occupies a leading position: added to the creams, masks, in lotions. Rubbed into the hair.

When collecting birch juice

Birch juice is beginning to extract usually after the day of the spring equinox (March 21) immediately with melting of snow. It all depends on the weather, the tree felt fine. The beginning of the juice movement can be checked by making an easy incision for the trunk. If the juice is, then his droplet will appear. So you can start collecting. When choosing a place, it is important to consider the following points:

  • The most useful is the transparent juice, assembled in the middle of the sliding period. With the dissolution of the kidneys, the juice becomes muddy, bitter and cannot be used.
  • Berieza juice is collected away from the city, so that the motorway does not pass around, otherwise there will be no use in the juice.
  • It is better to choose birch on the hills, in the depths of the forest, where she wakes up a little later, such a juice is sweeter.
  • The tree must be adults, with a thickness of the barrel not meable 20 cm with thick bark. But too old trees are better neglected, the juice in them is also bitter and almost tasteless.
  • Calculate with clear sunny weather, then the best juice movement. In the dark, the movement is suspended, the tree also falls asleep.

How to collect properly birch juice without harm to the tree

It is important to properly collect birch juice so as not to harm the tree and at the same time get juice in full

  1. At an altitude of about 1 meter, a hole is made with a sharp knife or a diameter drill of 5-8 ml. In no case do not chop your bark with an ax and make big cuts - it can destroy the tree! Do not make more than 3 holes in one trunk.
  2. The juice goes between the bark and wood, so there is no need to get deep enough, it is enough to break a layer of the crust.
  3. Insert a plastic tube from juice, wood wand, a metal tube in the form of a drain, securing on the end of a thick thread, a rope or you can use a medical dropper, drove from it with a needle and put into the hole in the hole. On them juice will start flicking in plastic bottle or glass jar.
  4. The volume of the juice should not exceed more liters per day - then the amount that birch without loss is capable of restoring. It is better to use several trees.
  5. Do not forget to smell a hole in the tree after graduating from picking clay, shut up the grass, a stick or garden harrier, taking it in advance with me.

If you went to the forest and did not take with them to collect the birch juice with them, you can cut the branch and hang a bottle on the bitch, juice will flock. You can hang several bottles at once a few knots like this:

How to take birch juice with health benefits

It is better to drink juice fresh, there are more vitamins and useful substances. Fresh juice stored in the fridge no more than three days. You can put the juice, but as you understand, all its benefits will end. But it is better to freeze the juice, so he maintains its properties.

You can drink it with milk, making cocktails with the addition of citrus or mint juice. But I think that it is best to drink juice clean, enjoying it transparent moisture.

How to store birch juice

It is better to drink juice immediately upon receipt. If there is no possibility to extract it often, you can stock up and stored in the refrigerator to 3 days. This juice is the most useful. In case the juice is much, you need to think about how to save it.

Freezing juice in the freezer

The most convenient and reliable way to store birch juice is to turn it into a lot. And this method helps to keep all the useful substances. So boldly pour juice into the form and send to the freezer, as you need to get a mold, melt and drink.

Canning birch juice

It is possible to be birching juice to glass banks, but the process requires the heating of the juice to the booster temperature at which most vitamins are killed. Of course, something from the usefulness of the juice remains, because there is a way for example, but you will no longer save all the use of juice.

Heat the juice to a temperature of 80 degrees and pour into clean sterile pre-dried glass jars and close with metal sterilized lid. Wrap the banks with a warm blanket and so withstand clocks 6-8. Then the banks are stirred and sent to a cold room or refrigerator. So we save all the beneficial properties of the birch juice.

Birch juice: harm

  • suffering allergies to pollen,
  • urolithiasis,
  • gastric ulcer during the period of exacerbation.

Birch juice recipes treatment

Treatment of birch juice is quite affordable and enjoyable. Birch juice helps:

For chronic, Burges in the throat of fresh birch juice drink every morning of 1 cup.

From cough good taking birch juice, half-diluted with warm milk.

Remove purchase attacksThe renal recipe will help to improve the recipe for the kidneys:

N and 1 liter of juice take 100 ml of alcohol, stored in bottles or banks. Take a balsam 50 g three times a day before meals in 20 minutes.

For enhance hemoglobin: Mix birch juice in equal shares with apple, carrot or beetroot. Take 50 ml (this is approximately 1 stack) 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day, within 2-3 x weeks.

To purify the body, in particular, the kidneys from sand, when treating the gastrointestinal tract, articular problems and other diseases, the juice takes 1 cup three times a day 20 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.


Birch For a Russian person - a symbol of light bears, a cute heart and soul. The image of a whittle beauty, gentle, flexible, slim fit in verses and songs. And the birch forests are surprisingly bright, penetrating, fascinating. We will protect them and enjoy with caution to those gifts that they give us, like the whole mother-nature.

And to try real birch juice should everyone, at least once in life ... Now you know how birch juice is useful.

I suggest watch a video sketch of picturesque natural places and listen to the song "I drank birch juice in the spring forest." Author of music and words: Evgeny Danilovich Agranovich.

Open us, depreciation, your expanses,

Test agents Open with nonsense -

And just like before, I drink me

Birch juice, birch juice!

M. Matusovsky

POLYESTER.RU - Magazine for girls and women