
How much can you drink tranexam with uterine bleeding. Tranexam: instructions for use, contraindications and reviews. Use during pregnancy and lactation

The bulk of people, seeking medical help, do not even understand what they are being prescribed, why and from what. Some experts kindly explain what they prescribe and why, explaining the need to take the drug, but most doctors do not do this. In our time it would be useful to have minimum set medical knowledge about medicines and treatments. The drug Tranexam has become widespread in the market of pharmacological products, and we will talk about it.

In contact with

Composition, release form

The drug is presented on the market of pharmacological products in two types: ampoules and tablets.

  • ampoules contain 50 ml solution for intravenous injection (diluted with water). Packed in cardboard boxes, each unit contains 1-2 contour cells, each of which contains 5 ampoules;
  • tablets differ in the dosage of the main substance (500 mg, 250 mg). Packed in 10 units in contour cells, and those in quantities from 1 to 3 and 5 pieces in a cardboard box.

Tranexam tablets based on tranexamic acid, hence the name. Additional steel components: calcium stearate, hyprolose, talc, sodium carboxymethyl starch, macrogol, hypromellose, silicon dioxide.

Action on the body

Given the wide range of actions of the main components, the drug has a variety of effects on the body:

  • antiallergic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • anti-infectious,
  • hemostatic,
  • antifibrinolytic.

This is due to the nature of the use of funds. It is often prescribed for severe bleeding caused by gynecological pathologies, diseases of the teeth, digestive system, edema, severe allergies, and the development of an oncological tumor.

The drug is able to have a local, at the same time, systemic hemostatic effect, helping to stop bleeding, increasing blood clotting.

The analgesic properties of the main active ingredient and the activation of opiates can reduce pain. The antitumor property makes it possible to suppress the production of kinins, other active peptides, which sharply slows down allergic and inflammatory processes.

The absorption of the drug is average, when taken, a slight connection with the plasma protein is noted. The distribution in the tissues is uniform, the main components easily penetrate the placenta, are determined during lactation in breast milk, seminal fluid in men. A certain concentration of the substance during treatment remains in the blood for up to 8 hours, in the tissues - around 5 pm. The kidneys are responsible for removing the remnants of the therapeutic agent, the process takes about half a day.

Important! Tranexamic acid has an effective effect on the body only if the drug is taken correctly. It does not affect the movement of spermatozoa.


  • female diseases, gynecological nature;
  • pathologies of the nasal, oral cavity, respiratory organs (laryngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, lung diseases);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers);
  • poor blood clotting, pathologies of the circulatory system;
  • surgical interventions (on the bladder, chest, in a feminine way, peritonitis);
  • postpartum complications;
  • liver diseases.

Tranexam is prescribed for heavy menstruation, bleeding with dental pathologies. It is used as part of the complex treatment of oncological diseases, in which malignant bleeding growths appear in the prostate gland, in the organs of the digestive system, and on the pancreas.

The main use of the drug is possible with the appearance of urticaria, angioedema, dermatitis, strange rashes on the body.

Experts note the widespread use of Tranexam tablets during pregnancy, when there is a threat of miscarriage, there is heavy bleeding.


The main active ingredient, tranexamic acid, according to the instructions for use, has a lot of contraindications, which also apply to its derivatives. Absolutely forbidden the use of Tranexam or its analogues in the treatment of patients with:

  • individual intolerance to basic substances;
  • renal failure;
  • hematuria;
  • subarachnoid hemorrhage;
  • the risk of thrombosis;
  • the presence of thrombohemorrhagic pathologies;
  • wrong color vision.

Attention! Taking such dangerous drugs without the advice of the attending physician is strictly prohibited. If after taking the patient complains of a deterioration in well-being, the tablets are excluded from the course of therapy and the doctors are immediately notified. Tranexam is taken with particular care during pregnancy, carefully determining a number of contraindications.

Side effects

Long-term use of Tranexam, the dosage of which is increased without the knowledge of specialists, non-compliance with the rules of admission during drug treatment, provoke side effects. It may immediately seem that there are signs of poisoning:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • heartburn;
  • diarrhea.

Additionally, itching, irritation appears on the body, appetite decreases. The patient ceases to correctly distinguish colors, constantly wants to sleep, the heartbeat quickens. Sometimes it comes to the appearance of thrombosis, thromboembolism.

drug overdose

The manufacturer does not say anything about overdose.

However, doctors do not exclude a possible overdose of the drug, which is why it is important to clearly distribute the dose and frequency of administration.

Consider compatibility with existing medications.

Presumably overdose is characterized by symptoms similar to side effects, but in more severe forms. It is impossible to cope here without the help of doctors, the patient must be taken to the doctors as soon as possible.

How to use

Given the danger of an overdose of Tranexam, only the attending physician can decide how to take this drug. However, general recommendations for treatment are still available:

  • taking oral tablets;
  • dosage is mainly 1,000 - 1,500 mg, for 3 - 4 doses;
  • taking the medicine daily, the number of times, the duration of the course during treatment are determined individually.

Highly often prescribed Traneksam with heavy menstruation, accompanied by severe pain, violation of the cycle. The need for treatment is determined by the fact that without a hemostatic effect, there is a risk of developing fibroids, cysts, severe uterine inflammation, and infectious pathologies. This unpleasant phenomenon is eliminated in just four days, if you take the remedy one tablet four times every day.

The manufacturer, speaking about the treatment of pregnant women, postpartum women (who breastfeed the baby), does not bode well.

According to clinical trials, the instruction for the use of Tranexam tablets suggests their use in such a critical period for the body. The drug does not adversely affect the fetus, a weakened female body.

Regardless of what and how the drug is taken, the course of treatment is the same must not exceed 14 days. Any treatment should be supervised by physicians who not only monitor the patient's condition, but also observe the individual reaction to the pills.

Important! Before treatment, it is necessary to check the vision for color perception, sharpness, and examine the fundus.

Compatibility with other substances

When using Tranexam for bleeding, it is important to take into account the possible incompatibility and compatibility of the main active ingredients with other drugs that are most likely to be taken at the moment. more than one day. So, simultaneous administration with hemostatics, hemocoagulase will easily provoke the formation of blood clots. The solution actively interacts with penicillins, tetracyclines, and other substances.

Attention! When following the course of treatment, remember that Tranexam and alcohol are completely incompatible. The main property of the drug - to change the composition of the blood - can affect an unforeseen negative reaction. It is strictly forbidden to take Tranexam and alcohol together!


Modern analogues of Tranexam, which have similar effects on the body:

  • Trenax,
  • aminocaproic acid,
  • Tugin,
  • Aprotinin.

Each drug is peculiar, differs in the permissible dosage, course of treatment. Only the attending physician can decide on the replacement and introduction of one of the analogues. Independently replace the course with analogues It is strictly forbidden, because with its consideration general drug therapy is being built.

Cost, how to buy, where to store

You can buy a highly effective pharmacological product Tranexam only with a doctor's prescription. The market offers tablets quite expensive, their cost varies from 220 to 700 rubles. Self-medication, borrowing a drug from friends, acquaintances, is strictly prohibited, as well as buy without a doctor's prescription. The medicine is stored at room temperature. Closed packaging allows you to increase the shelf life of up to three years. Accidentally opened medicine is not recommended.

The use of Tranexam in various diseases - hemorrhoids


A pharmaceutical product called Tranexam is considered widespread. The effectiveness of the drug is impeccable. Proper use allows you to eliminate bleeding in a few hours, completely suppressing the unpleasant phenomenon. In addition, demand is increasing due to the admissibility of such treatment for lactation and pregnancy.

In contact with

The drug contains tranexamic acid as the main active ingredient. It has not only hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.

Widely used hemostatic effect of Tranexam. It is often introduced during surgical interventions in obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, traumatology, dentistry, and oncology. It is superior to other drugs in the same group in terms of effectiveness.

Forms and dosages of the drug

  • Tablet form. Each contains 250 mg of the active ingredient. Usually enough 1000-1500 mg every two times a day - 4-6 tablets, you can increase the intake to 1000-1500 mg every six hours.

Other commercial names“Trenax and Tugin. Hemostatic with less- Vikasol, Etamzilat, Dicinon, Askorutin and others.

- stopping bleeding, at any localization it stops "on the needle" when administered intravenously and a little more slowly when taking pills. Tranexamic acid increases blood clotting and the likelihood of clots.

Reception during menstruation contributes to the formation of microthrombi in these places - blood clots that literally close the lumen of blood vessels and stop bleeding.

To stop heavy periods; for the prevention of heavy bleeding after curettage of the uterine cavity, abortions, miscarriages; with various kinds of acyclic spotting; for the symptomatic treatment of bleeding in cancer of the cavity or cervix; in gynecological operations to reduce tissue bleeding.

The drug can be used provided there is no bleeding, for example, if a woman wants to prevent it. In this case, their character will be more scarce, they may end a day or two earlier. If you start taking Tranexam two or three days before the date of the expected period, then you can provoke a delay.

The drug is used to reduce the duration of menstruation only if they are pathological in nature - they last more than a week. Prescribing regimens are standard and depend on the amount of bleeding. With independent interruption, it is fashionable to provoke rejection of the endometrium, inflammation in the cavity, and the formation of polyps.

Characteristics of the menstrual cycle

allergic reactions; acute thrombosis or its high risk; with a change in color vision, or a violation of the kidneys.

Possible side effects: nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, heartburn; dizziness, desire to sleep constantly, unmotivated weakness; the formation of blood clots in any vessels; manifestations of allergies from urticaria to anaphylactic shock.

Read more in our article on the use of Tranexam during menstruation.

The drug contains tranexamic acid as the main active ingredient. It has not only hemostatic properties, but also a number of others:

  • anti-inflammatory effect - therefore, it is used in some schemes in the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, laryngitis;
  • anti-allergic effect - used in the complex treatment of urticaria, eczema, contact dermatitis and other conditions.

The most common and widely used hemostatic effect of taking the drug. Therefore, tranexam is often administered during surgical interventions in obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, traumatology, dentistry, and oncology. In terms of effectiveness, it is superior to other drugs of the same group.

Forms and dosages of the drug

Tranexam is available as tablets or solution for intramuscular/intravenous injection. The admission rules are as follows:

  • Tablet form. Each contains 250 mg of the active ingredient. Usually enough 1000-1500 mg every two times a day - 4-6 tablets, you can increase the intake to 1000-1500 mg every six hours.
  • liquid form. One 5 ml ampoule contains 250 mg of active ingredient. It should be administered at the rate of 15 mg/kg of body weight every six to eight hours.

Expert opinion

In the pharmacy chain, Tranexam is also available under other commercial names - Trenax and Tugin. In the absence or impossibility of acquiring it, it can be replaced with other hemostatic, but with less effect. These are, Etamzilat, Dicinon, Askorutin and others.

Traneksam's analogs

The principle of action with heavy menstruation

The desired effect of the use of the drug in bleeding is to stop it. Tranexam is one of the best drugs in this area, bleeding of any localization stops “on the needle” when administered intravenously and a little more slowly when taking pills. This is explained by its following properties.

In order for the blood to remain liquid all the time, there is a whole chain of interactions of substances in the plasma. One of the steps is the conversion of plasminogen into its active form, plasmin. Tranexamic acid prevents this reaction, thus increasing blood clotting and the likelihood of clot formation. The drug does not affect blood vessels, platelets and other formed elements that are involved in blood clotting.

Abundant menstruation is the result of bleeding from the gaping vessels of the inner lining of the uterus after rejection of the surface layer of the endometrium. Taking tranexam promotes the formation of microthrombi in these places - blood clots that literally close the lumen of blood vessels and stop bleeding.

With gynecological pathology, Tranexam is useful in the following cases:

  • To stop heavy periods, including in girls who do not live sexually with juvenile bleeding.
  • For the prevention of heavy bleeding after curettage of the uterine cavity, abortion, miscarriage.
  • With various kinds of acyclic spotting - during the period of ovulation, while taking oral contraceptives, and others.
  • For the symptomatic treatment of bleeding in cavity or cervical cancer - in this case, other treatment is ineffective until radical surgery is performed.
  • In gynecological operations to reduce tissue bleeding.

Diagnostic curettage

Can be used during normal menstruation

The medicine can be used provided there is no bleeding, for example, if a woman wants to prevent it. In this case, their character will be more scarce, they may end a day or two earlier.

If you start taking Tranexam two or three days before the date of the expected period, then you can provoke a delay - intentionally or accidentally. However, in the instructions for the drug there is no such indication as a delay in the normal course of menstruation.

How to stop periods with Tranexam

The drug is used to reduce the duration of menstruation only if they are pathological in nature - they last more than a week. Prescribing regimens are standard and depend on the amount of bleeding.

You should not experiment on your own and try to reduce the number of days of menstruation to one or two. This can provoke serious complications, including incomplete rejection of the endometrium, inflammation in the cavity, and the subsequent formation of polyps.

Types and causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in which Tranexam is prescribed

Undesirable effects of taking tranexamic acid

The use of the drug is possible after reading the instructions and eliminating contraindications for admission. They are next.

One of the most common symptoms that women seek help from gynecologists is uterine bleeding. Pathology has no age limits. Very young girls and mature women entering the menopause can suffer from heavy bleeding. To stop uterine bleeding, pharmacologists have developed many effective drugs. According to the reviews of women, Tranexam is a fairly popular and effective remedy.

Tranexam against uterine bleeding

Tranexam is widely used in gynecological practice to stop uterine bleeding, restore and reduce the volume of menstruation. The drug can be prescribed to pregnant women who have bleeding and are diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage.

Tranexam is an effective remedy for stopping uterine bleeding

The drug is recognized as a first aid, because it is able to effectively and quickly stop bleeding.

The active substance of Transekam is tranexamic acid. It is she who gives the drug the following positive properties:

  • antifibrinolytic (the ability to stop bleeding when the fibrinolytic system is activated, which helps dissolve fibrin (clots), thereby thinning the blood);
  • hemostatic (hemostatic effect is dictated by improved blood clotting);
  • anti-infectious;
  • antiallergic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitumor;
  • analgesic.

Mechanism of action

Prolonged, excessively intense bleeding is dictated by a high content of fibrinolysin in the blood. This picture is observed when platelets are unable to produce the required amount of plasmin (a component that ensures blood clotting). After penetration into the body, Tranexam triggers a complex mechanism of reactions that stop bleeding.

The drug provides the conversion of fibrinolysin to plasmin. Thanks to this transformation, bleeding is stopped.

What is uterine bleeding

Women need to understand what is hidden under this term, and be able to distinguish between menstruation and pathology.

Uterine bleeding is a serious pathology that can occur in women at any age.

Uterine bleeding is an abundant discharge of blood from the uterus, which differs from the physiological process in the following features:

  • the duration of bleeding is observed for more than 7 days;
  • large blood clots are present;
  • blood loss exceeds 80 ml.

Composition and forms of release

The drug is produced in 2 dosage forms:

  • tablets designed for internal use;
  • solution for intravenous administration.

Tranexam tablets are white coated pills

In a tablet formulation, tranexamic acid is combined with the following auxiliary components:

  • hydroxypropylcellulose,
  • microcrystalline cellulose,
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch,
  • calcium stearate,
  • talc,
  • silicon dioxide colloidal.

Produce tablets containing 250 mg and 500 mg of the active substance.

In case of extensive blood loss, Tranexam comes to the rescue in the form of a solution for intravenous injection. The medicine is packaged in ampoules of 5 ml. It is a clear liquid with a light brown tint.

The only excipient Tranexam in ampoules is distilled water.

The composition of the medication includes:

  • transescamic acid (in 1 ampoule - 250 mg);
  • distilled water.

Application features

Tranexam is a universal remedy that can help a woman in various periods of her life. But it is not recommended to use it on its own. Like any medication, Tranexam has a number of contraindications and can provoke side effects.

Indications for appointment

  • dysfunctional bleeding (pathologies caused by a lack of sex hormones);
  • bleeding in adolescence;
  • menstruation, which is characterized by a large loss of blood;
  • bleeding in pregnant women, including those provoked by fibroids, as well as postpartum;
  • premature abruption of the placenta.

Tranexam can be used not only to stop bleeding, but also to prevent its occurrence (for prevention purposes).

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The medicine can be used by pregnant and lactating mothers. But for this category of women, Tranexam should be prescribed only by the attending physician!

During lactation, only a doctor can prescribe Tranexam, while feeding the baby must be abandoned.

The components of the drug are able to penetrate into breast milk and through the placental barrier. Therefore, the drug is used only for vital indications. If a woman is prescribed Tranexam during the lactation period, then it is recommended to stop breastfeeding for a while.

The use of medication during menopause

Uterine bleeding can occur in women during menopause. Such phenomena are dictated by serious changes in the reproductive system (there is a high risk of developing oncology), endocrinological pathologies, and metabolic disorders.

In the presence of such reasons, Tranexam will be ineffective, since it acts only as a means of symptomatic therapy. But with the right treatment, aimed at combating the source of the pathology, it will bring significant benefits.

Side effects

The drug can provoke negative manifestations.

Taking pills may be accompanied by:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • rash on the skin;
  • diarrhea
  • the occurrence of itching;
  • dizziness, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite.

Some women complain about a change in color perception. There are cases when taking Tranexam led to the development of thromboembolism, thrombosis. But such violations are extremely rare.

Tranexam may cause drowsiness

Intravenous administration of the drug can provoke the development of:

  • dyspeptic phenomena (various disorders of the digestive system);
  • allergic manifestations;
  • autonomic disorders (dizziness, weakness, increased drowsiness, tachycardia, pain discomfort in the chest);
  • hypotension;
  • visual impairment (blurred perception, change in color vision);
  • thrombosis, thromboembolism.


The drug is forbidden to prescribe to women who have:

  1. Individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Thrombosis of various origins (thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction or thrombosis of blood vessels in the brain).
  3. Subarachnoid bleeding. These are hemorrhages that occur spontaneously in the area between the meninges. Such a pathology is observed with craniocerebral injuries, with an aneurysm rupture.
  4. Renal failure.
  5. Hematuria of the urinary system (increased level of red blood cells in the urine).
  6. Impaired color perception.

Tranexam can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, because the drug has a number of contraindications

Interaction with other drugs

The drug must not be combined with hemostatic agents. Otherwise, you can provoke the activation of the process of thrombosis.

Tranexam in the form of a solution is pharmaceutically incompatible with:

  1. Blood products.
  2. Medicines that contain penicillin, diazepam, urokinase, dipyridamole, tetracycline.
  3. certain hypertensive drugs. It is forbidden to combine Tranexam with Norepinephrine, Desoxyepinephrine hydrochloride, Metarmine bitartrate.

Instructions for use

  1. Tablets are intended for internal use.
  2. The drug is used 2 to 4 times a day.
  3. The duration of treatment can be up to 14 days. Tranexam is not prescribed for a longer period.
  4. Tranexam therapy can be repeated for 3 menstrual cycles. It is necessary to refuse further medication.

Only a doctor can choose the correct dosages and regimen for taking Tranexam

When prescribing a solution, doctors follow these rules:

  1. The solution can be used by jet and drip.
  2. Most often, one injection (dropper) is enough to stop uterine bleeding.
  3. If it is necessary to continue injection treatment, therapy can last 3 days. For a longer period, Traneksam (in injections) is not prescribed.

How to replace the drug?

You can replace the original remedy with preparations containing the same active substance. These drugs are called structural analogues. If the body does not perceive tranexamic acid, then the doctor will recommend medications that have a similar effect.

Structural analogues are:

  • Tranexamic acid;
  • Stagemin;
  • Troxaminate;
  • Transamcha;
  • Exacyl.

Excellent substitutes for the original product, which have a similar effect on the body, can be such drugs:

  • Aminocaproic acid;
  • Amben;
  • Aprotex;
  • Aprotinin;
  • Vero Narcap;
  • Vikasol;
  • Gumbix;
  • Dicynon;
  • Ingitril;
  • Contrykal;
  • Polycapran;
  • Traskolan.

There are many analogues of Tranexam, but only a doctor can replace the original remedy.

Effective analogues - table

Reviews of women

Treatment of uterine bleeding - video

Uterine bleeding can provoke a variety of reasons. Depending on the sources of the problem, therapy is selected, in which gynecologists often include Tranexam. The medication is quite in demand, because for many years it has come to the aid of women in solving unpleasant, and sometimes life-threatening conditions - uterine bleeding.

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The effectiveness of Tranexam in uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding is a dangerous phenomenon, the cause of which can be various disorders in the work of a woman's body. At the same time, they occur both in young and in adulthood.

In order to prevent the negative consequences of such bleeding, you should undergo a comprehensive examination. The doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Only in this case it will be possible to protect women's health.

One of the most popular drugs for eliminating bleeding in the uterus is Tranexam. Patient reviews indicate that its advantages are efficiency, the ability to stop even strong discharges and fast action.

What are the properties of the drug

The main effect of the drug is aimed at:

  • reduction in the abundance of monthly discharge, their balance;
  • elimination of pathological discharge of blood from the uterus;
  • help in case of bleeding during pregnancy and gestation.

The drug contains in its composition the active substance - tranexamic acid. Thanks to this tool, fibrinolysin is affected. It is he who does not allow blood clotting. Due to the excessive amount of fibrinolysin, bleeding occurs. And Tranexam works to increase the number of plasmin. After all, this component of the blood helps it to coagulate, which means that because of this, the bleeding will be stopped.

The spectrum of effects of Tranexam on the body includes:

  • cessation of bleeding - hemostatic both locally and systemically;
  • prevents inflammation in the body;
  • counteracts allergic manifestations, has antihistamine properties;
  • is able to protect the body from infections, and fights with organisms already present in it;
  • has an effect on tumors;
  • It is also used to reduce the pain threshold, it is used as an anesthetic drug, since it exhibits analgesic properties.

Thanks to all these properties in a complex, its pharmacological effect is quite wide. And the effectiveness of the tool is increased several times, in comparison with its counterparts.

Indications for use

Most often, Tranexam is used in cases where there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Another case of using Tranexam may be the appearance of bloody discharge after childbirth. A prerequisite for such consequences is the unnatural passage of the fetus and its separation by an obstetrician.

The phenomena of long monthly discharges with clots are not uncommon. Then doctors can also prescribe this drug. It helps to stop bleeding and regulate the menstrual cycle in the future.

The drug is also used for menopause. There are frequent cases of blood loss, which is in no way associated with menstruation.

In all these cases, Tranexam will be prescribed. It is drunk until the complete disappearance of bleeding and pain. In this case, only a doctor can prescribe a regimen for admission, after an examination and diagnosis.

How to use

Taking the drug differs depending on the woman's body and on what is the root cause of bleeding.

In the case of intense discharge during menstruation, the following scheme is recommended: no more than 4 tablets per day. They are divided into several methods. The first application should be at the beginning of menstruation.

In the presence of serious pathologies, the following schemes can be used:

  • on the first day of admission, it is prescribed to drink 2 tablets three times;
  • 4 tablets at once, and then 1;
  • for vision problems, normal blood viscosity, a maximum of three tablets per day are prescribed.

The drug can be used cyclically. However, one course cannot exceed three repetitions.

Tranexam is often used to achieve a delay in menstruation during a normal menstrual cycle. Every 8 hours, drink one tablet. You should start a few days before the start of the discharge. Then it turns out to delay menstruation for up to 4 days. This is the maximum period of admission in the normal course of critical days.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to constantly use Tranexam for such “delays”. The fact is that the drug affects the hormonal background of the body and changes the structure of the blood. It is because of this that problems may arise with the functioning of all systems and the general condition of a person may worsen.

Tranexam is also used in situations where the menstrual cycle does not stop. So, discharges that last no more than 7 days are considered normal. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing a large amount of blood, which will lead to disruption of the work of all body systems. There is also general weakness.

The following factors influence the dosage regimen:

  • the volume of allocations;
  • blood color;
  • duration of bleeding;
  • cause of the phenomenon.

Based on these data, the doctor will prescribe how to drink the drug.

In most cases, this is used:

  • drink one tablet every 6 or 8 hours;
  • the course does not exceed 8 days;
  • with severe bleeding, I take 6 tablets at once;
  • daily intake - 4 tablets.

In the normal state of discharge, it is highly not recommended to use such drugs. Indeed, due to blood clotting and the cessation of its release, an intrauterine inflammatory process may begin.

Analogues, if this drug does not help

If Tranexam does not help with uterine bleeding, there are allergic reactions to the drug, contraindications, you should refer to the analogues of this remedy:

Name and active substance Release form Is it allowed during the period of gestation Cost, rubles
Gordox - aprotinin intravenously starting from the second trimester from 4500 to 5 thousand for 25 injections

Aminocaproic acid

solution, powder No 40 for 100 ml
Vikasol - sodium menadione bisulfate solution, tablets, powder only under medical supervision from 16 to 100
Etamzilat solution, tablets, powder in small doses from 100 to 300
Crinon - progesterone topical gel in the early stages - under the supervision of doctors, starting from the second trimester - no 2500
Water pepper extract oral liquid No 40
Amben - aminomethylbenzoic acid solution, powder No 2500 for 10 injections


The cost of the drug depends on the outlet where the drug is sold, what its dosage and manufacturer are.

Wer.ru wholesale price pharmacy allows you to order the drug and get it in any region of the country, and in Moscow there is a courier delivery and the possibility of self-delivery:

Online pharmacy Likitoria allows you to get the drug at home in Moscow:

Pharmacy "Medbioline" has a wide network in Moscow and allows you to order a courier:

The Alexandrovskaya pharmacy in Moscow also allows you to get the drug both at the point of sale and by courier:

The SDL pharmacy in Moscow has the possibility of courier delivery and pickup:

Tranexam for uterine bleeding with myoma

Fibroids are benign tumors. Because of this formation, interruptions in the menstrual cycle often occur. In this case, bleeding will not appear regularly, but from time to time. And if you can often cope with them on your own, then in rare cases you have to turn to doctors.

Every woman should understand that menstrual flow can be profuse, or it can turn into abnormal. During this phenomenon, the bleeding will increase so much that it will be impossible to change the pads. Then you will need to call an ambulance, since self-treatment will not bring relief.

Among the analogues of Tranexam there are also hemostatic drugs that can be used for myoma:

Etamzilat and Dicynon They are drunk in the amount of two tablets. Drink plenty of plain water. After taking the unpleasant symptoms should pass within three hours. Otherwise, take another pill. The next application is possible after six hours.
Vikasol The scheme of using this drug is simple - one tablet three times a day.
Water pepper tincture Minor bleeding is stopped with this substance. It is necessary to drink one teaspoon of tincture with a large amount of liquid. This procedure should be repeated several more times a day. The medicine is drunk until the discharge stops. Most often, relief will come after the first dose.

These are the most popular drugs. But they use a number of medicines with high efficiency - Oxytocin, Askorutin and others.

Side effects

Like any drug, this drug has a number of side effects. Their occurrence is associated exclusively with individual processes in the human body. So, someone may experience one side effect, someone completely different. But the third patient will not notice any consequences for his health.

Adverse reactions can affect the body's digestive system.

During the reception there are:

  • feeling of nausea;
  • vomit;
  • heartburn.

The effect is also on the central nervous system. It manifests itself in the appearance of dizziness, constant fatigue and weakness. Vision problems may occur. Fainting, darkening in the eyes also indicate the negative effect of the drug.

In terms of the work of the heart and its vessels, taking the drug may affect the following functions:

  • the occurrence and development of tachycardia;
  • pain in the chest and lungs;
  • thrombosis.

Depending on whether the drug is suitable or not, an allergy to some components of the drug may occur. Symptoms of this phenomenon will be rashes on the skin, urticaria, constant itching.

It should be remembered that consultation with a doctor and examination will help to avoid such manifestations. You can not use Traneksam alone and in an arbitrary dosage. This will lead to big problems, which will be more difficult to deal with than with uterine bleeding.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, various threats to the development of the child may occur. They increase the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, many women are prescribed Tranexam.

It is completely harmless to the fetus, despite the fact that the substance itself passes through the placenta. The most common indications for use are cases of placental rejection. Bleeding in the first trimester more often than others indicates a threat to the development of the fetus.

Despite the fact that most of these drugs are prohibited for use in the early stages of pregnancy, Tranexam does not have a negative effect and is allowed.

Among the indications for use, doctors distinguish five main situations:

  • the appearance of direct conditions in which a miscarriage is possible;
  • during the examination by ultrasound (ultrasound), placental abruption was detected;
  • the occurrence of heavy bleeding;
  • the appearance of bloody or brown discharge;
  • pulling painful manifestations in the lower abdomen.

This drug also solves other problems that arose during pregnancy. Therefore, it is worth consulting a doctor before taking such an effective remedy.

The drug is used by women in cases of uterine bleeding. At the same time, its pharmacological action is quite wide. However, before taking Tranexam with uterine bleeding, you should undergo a diagnosis and get a dosage regimen from your doctor.


Tranexam for uterine bleeding: instructions for use + reviews

There are many reasons that can cause uterine bleeding in women. Often, the modern drug Tranexam is used in the treatment - an effective tool that allows you to cope with open bleeding or heavy periods in the shortest possible time.

Description of Tranexam

Tranexam is often used to treat uterine bleeding. It is used in therapy to reduce and restore the volume of menstruation, to stop bleeding and reduce the risk of miscarriage against the background of bleeding.

Tranexam has a systemic and local hemostatic effect on the body.

The main active ingredient of this drug is tranexamic acid. It is able to influence fibrinolysin - a substance contained in the blood and prevents its coagulation.

The increased content of fibrinolysin provokes intense and prolonged bleeding. This happens when platelets are unable to produce enough plasmin, a component that ensures normal blood clotting. Tranexam is able to convert fibrinolysin to plasmin, thereby helping to stop the increased release of bloody biological fluid.

Pharmacological action of the drug on the human body:

  • local and systemic hemostatic (hemostatic);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antihistamine (antiallergic);
  • anti-infectious;
  • antitumor;
  • analgesic (pain reliever).

Forms of release and composition of the drug

The drug has two forms of release: tablets and solution for intravenous administration.

Tableted means is a convex, coated with a water-soluble film, white tablets. The solution is a clear liquid, colorless or with a slight light brown tint.

  • active substance: tranexamic acid in the amount of 250 or 500 mg;
  • auxiliary components:
    • core: cellulose, hyprolose, talc, silicon dioxide, sodium carboxymethyl starch and calcium stearate;
    • shell: titanium dioxide, talc, macrogol, hypromellose.

As part of a solution for injection in an amount of 1 liter:

  • tranexamic acid in a volume of 50 g;
  • excipient - distilled water up to 1 liter.

The drug in injections is always more effective than tablets, but you should not use it at your own discretion.

Uterine bleeding, in the treatment of which Tranexam helps

Uterine bleeding can be triggered by various conditions or pathologies. They are conditionally divided into 2 categories:

  1. The result of systematic violations in different organs or systems.
  2. Dysfunctions associated with changes in the functioning of the genital organs.

There are many reasons for such uterine bleeding. Among them:

  1. Extragenital (not associated with diseases of the genitourinary system):
    1. Liver diseases such as cirrhosis and liver failure.
    2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension.
    3. Infections:
      • flu;
      • measles;
      • sepsis;
      • typhoid fever.
    4. Functional decrease in the work of the thyroid gland.
    5. Blood diseases:
      • hemophilia;
      • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
      • low content of vitamins C and K in the body.
  2. Causes associated with pregnancy due to genital diseases:
    1. Pregnancy that occurs with violations in the early stages:
    2. At a later date:
      • scars on the uterus;
      • placental abruption;
      • destruction of cervical tissue;
      • placenta previa.
    3. Generic reasons:
      • rupture of the cervix;
      • delayed separation of the placenta;
      • injuries of the birth canal and genital organs;
      • low location of the placenta;
      • afterbirth defects.
    4. Postpartum pathologies:
      • weak uterine tone;
      • delay in the release of the placenta;
      • endometriosis.
  3. Genital disorders not related to pregnancy:
    1. Bleeding in different age periods associated with pathologies in the functions of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries-adrenals system (depending on the presence or absence of ovulation, this is the so-called dysfunction):
      • juvenile, related to the period of development of the genital organs and maturation (from 10 to 18 years);

        If uterine bleeding manifests itself before the age of 9–10 years, then these may be the consequences of the occurrence of a “false” puberty of the child against the background of the development and growth of ovarian tumors.

      • reproductive (puberty);
      • menopausal, directly dependent on menopause (after 45 years).
    2. Tumors on the internal genital organs, including fibroids.
    3. Ruptures of the ovary or cysts on it.
    4. Uterine trauma.
    5. Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive organs:
      • cervical erosion;
      • endometritis;
      • vaginitis and vaginosis;
      • cervicitis;
      • endocervicosis.

Such bleeding can be caused by an additional number of factors:

  • chronic ailments;
  • emotional and mental overexcitation;
  • prolonged stress;
  • physical overload;
  • heredity;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • mental trauma;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • complications after childbirth or abortion.

In addition to the above indications, the basis for the appointment of Tranexam, at the discretion of the attending physician, may be allergic reactions, blood diseases and surgical interventions.

Uterine bleeding - video


There are a number of contraindications to the use of Tranexam:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • subarachnoid hemorrhages (spontaneous outflows of blood into the cavity between the meninges, the result of aneurysm rupture or traumatic brain injury);
  • thrombosis of various origins:
    • vessels of the brain;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • thrombophlebitis;
  • violation of color perception;
  • kidney failure;
  • hematuria of the urinary tract (high content of red blood cells in the urine);
  • thrombohemorrhagic complications.
  • penicillins;
  • tetracyclines;
  • agents for the treatment of hypertension;
  • other hemostatics (hemostatic drugs).

Tranexam use during pregnancy and lactation

Tranexam is widely used in gynecology as a remedy that can prevent the threat of miscarriage. It is prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination of a pregnant woman, since if there are some health problems, for example, if thrombosis is detected, the use of this drug is prohibited.

During lactation, the medication is taken exclusively for health reasons, since Tranexam carries a potential risk to the child. At the same time, for the duration of treatment, it is recommended to abandon breastfeeding and transfer the baby to mixtures.

Possible side effects

When using Tranexam tablets, especially if the prescribed dosage is violated, the following side effects may occur:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • unstable stool, diarrhea is possible;
  • skin itching;
  • rashes on the body;
  • weakness of the whole body (lethargy);
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • violation of color perception;
  • thrombus formation.

Solution for infusion (intravenous and intramuscular injection) can cause the following adverse events:

  • allergies in the form of:
    • rashes;
    • urticaria;
    • skin itching;
  • dyspeptic reactions (violation of the normal function of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, difficult and / or painful digestion):
    • anorexia;
    • diarrhea
    • nausea;
  • tachycardia;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • hypotension;
  • blurred vision;
  • dizziness.

Instructions for use of tablets and solution

Tranexam tablets are taken orally (by mouth) 3-4 times a day. Dosages and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor in accordance with the diagnosed disease. Usually the duration of the course is no more than two weeks. Therapy is carried out under the supervision of medical staff, independent use is prohibited.

The solution for infusion is administered drip or jet. The dose calculation is made by a specialist. Sometimes a single application is enough. The maximum duration of treatment is three days.

Traneksam's analogs

There are structural and pharmacological analogues of this drug. Those drugs that basically have the same active substance have similar effects and contraindications to Tranexam:

  • Exacil;
  • Troxaminate;
  • Traxara;
  • Cyclocapron.

What can replace the drug - table

Drugs used for uterine bleeding - gallery

In the old days, Vikasol was often used to stop bleeding, but now more modern drugs have taken its place Dicinon - an effective drug used to prevent heavy bleeding Vilate - one of the most expensive and effective hemostatic agents Amben will help stop uterine bleeding A popular substitute for Tranexam is Methylergobrevin

Tranexam belongs to a group of drugs that are inhibitors of fibrinolysis. Taking this medicine prevents the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin.

Composition and form of release

Release form

Tranexam is available in the form of tablets.

The composition of the drug

  • Tranexamic acid as an active ingredient in the amount of 250 mg.
  • Excipients: talc, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate, MCC, hyprolose, carboxymethyl starch.

Storage: The instructions indicate that this drug can be stored at room temperature if it does not reach 30 degrees. The place must be chosen so that children cannot use it without the knowledge of adults. Shelf life - 3 years, after its expiration, you should not take Traneksam.

pharmachologic effect

Tranexam is also distinguished by its systemic and local hemostatic qualities, so its use is quite effective for various bleeding, especially those associated with an increase in blood sugar levels. This happens in the presence of platelet pathology or menorrhagia.

The drug also has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, is used in the treatment of tumors and allergic manifestations.

The therapeutic effects of Tranexam include:

  • Blocking the process of fibrin dissolution.
  • Termination of plasminogen activation.
  • Suppression of the synthesis of biologically active substances that can cause an inflammatory reaction in the body.
  • Blocking the formation of biologically active substances that cause hypersensitivity reactions.

After entering the body, Tranexam penetrates well into all tissues and organs, is able to overcome the placental and blood-brain barrier. If you take the drug in the form of tablets, then its maximum concentration in the blood is observed after three hours and persists for almost a day. Domestic manufacturers are engaged in the release of the drug. Tranexam is available in pharmacies in the form of tablets packed in blisters of 10 pieces or in ampoules.

Tranexam indications for use

Tranexam belongs to the group of hemostatic agents, therefore it has proven itself well as a hemostatic agent. Indications for taking the drug may be as follows:

  • inflammatory processes.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • The presence of tumors of various origins.
  • The presence of an infection in the body.
  • The risk of bleeding against the background of leukemia, liver disease.
  • Stop bleeding after any surgery.
  • Cessation of bleeding in leukemia.
  • Stop bleeding in liver diseases.
  • To prevent uterine bleeding.
  • As an antiallergic agent for eczema.
  • As an anti-inflammatory agent for stomatitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.
  • Therapy of Quincke's edema.

The instructions note that Tranexam is usually prescribed when there is a threat of bleeding, so patients who have such concerns take this drug. This category includes:

  • Patients with cancers of the pancreas and prostate.
  • Patients undergoing chest surgery.
  • Women in childbirth and those women who decided to have an abortion.
  • pregnant women.
  • Injured patients.

In medical practice, there is also an effective intake of Tranexam in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for example, in the treatment of tonsils, throat, vocal cords.


Despite the wide range of applications, Tranexam also has contraindications. According to the instructions, the drug in tablets is not recommended for use:

  • In pregnant women.
  • Nursing mothers.
  • In the presence of intracranial hemorrhages.
  • If there are thromboses.
  • History of myocardial infarction.
  • Renal failure.
  • Particular sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Traneksam in the form of injections is contraindicated:

  • Pregnant women.
  • In combination with Penicillin preparations.
  • Lactating women.
  • With drugs that lower blood pressure.

Use Tranexam with extreme caution when:

  • development of thrombosis.
  • In the presence of cerebral thrombosis.
  • If you have deep vein thrombophlebitis.
  • Color vision disorder.

Side effects

Undesirable manifestations, although rare, can not be said about them. The most commonly reported side effects following the use of Tranexam:

  • Lack of appetite.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Heartburn.
  • Chair disorder.
  • Dizziness.
  • General weakness and drowsiness during the day.
  • Violation of vision.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Pain in the chest.
  • A sharp drop in blood pressure if the drug is administered intravenously too quickly.
  • Eruptions on the skin.
  • Itching and urticaria.

Instructions for use

For each disease, the dosage and treatment regimen is determined by the doctor.

Method and dosage of tablets

If there is local fibrinolysis, then Tranexam is prescribed at a dose of 1000-1500 mg 2-3 times a day. With uterine bleeding, the frequency of administration increases to 4 times a day at the same dosage for 4 days. Sometimes bleeding occurs against the background of von Willebrand's disease. In this case, it is necessary to take Tranexam 100-1500 mg 3-4 times a day for 3-7 days.

With nosebleeds, it is enough to take 1000 mg of Tranexam 3 times a day for a week. If bleeding occurs during pregnancy, then the intake should be carried out in the amount of 250-500 mg 3-4 times a day for a week. If there are signs of allergy or inflammation, the agent is prescribed at a dosage of 1000-1500 mg 2-3 times a day for 4-9 days, taking into account the patient's condition.

Method and dosage of injections

The instructions say that Tranexam solution for intravenous administration has the following composition:

  • Tranexamic acid - 50 mg.
  • Water for injection serves as an excipient.

In the presence of generalized fibrinolysis, Tranexam is administered at 15 mg / kg every 5-8 hours. It is necessary to inject the drug by drip at 1 ml per minute. Local fibrinolysis is treated with the administration of 250-500 mg 2-3 times a day. If an operation was performed on the bladder, then 1 g is administered immediately during the operation, and then the same dose every 8 hours for 3 days. After that, you can switch to treatment with tablets.

If there is a high risk of bleeding during surgery, then 10 mg / kg is administered 20-30 minutes before surgery. In patients with kidney problems, the dosage should be adjusted depending on the concentration of creatinine in the blood: if 120-150 µmol / l, then 10 mg / kg of Tranexam are prescribed 2 times a day, at 250-500 µmol / l - 10 mg / l kg 1 time per day, if more than 500 µmol / l - 5 mg / kg once a day.

Tranexam for uterine bleeding

The active substance of this drug is tranexamic acid. It has a very effective effect on the blood coagulation system in the body. After application, inactive plasminogen is affected, as a result, the formation of plasmin, which is involved in the resorption of blood clots, is significantly reduced. Thus, the bleeding can be stopped.

With uterine bleeding, Tranexam can be taken in the form of tablets or intravenous injections. The attending physician chooses the form of the drug depending on the severity of the patient's condition.

Tranexam in surgery

This Tranexam is widely used in operational practice. It is difficult for him to find a replacement, given its effectiveness and speed of impact. Studies were conducted that found that after taking this drug, bleeding during the operation was significantly reduced, and blood loss was reduced. In anesthesiology, the use of Tranexam has made it possible to significantly reduce the doses of narcotic painkillers used. Traneksam finds its application in cardiac surgery. With its use, the volume of blood loss is reduced.

Tranexam for children

Tranexam brand drug is approved for admission in childhood, only the dosage must be strictly observed, given the condition of the small patient. According to the instructions, the maximum dose at one time should not exceed more than 10 mg / kg, per day no more than 20 mg / kg of body weight. For children who suffer from hemophilia, 10 mg / kg is prescribed to prevent bleeding, for example, before surgery or before a simple tooth extraction. After that, for 3-8 days, the drug is taken at a dose of 25 mg / kg.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the drug is allowed, only when prescribing a treatment regimen, it is necessary to take into account not only indications, but also contraindications, since tranexamic acid is able to penetrate the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk.


There is no official statistics on an overdose of the drug, but purely theoretically, if you take a large dose of the drug, then the following manifestations are possible:

  • Vomit.
  • Nausea.
  • Hypotension.

This does not require special treatment. Drugs are used to relieve symptoms.

special instructions

Since among the side effects an effect on visual acuity was found, it is imperative to visit an ophthalmologist before starting therapy in order to check the clarity of vision, color perception and the condition of the fundus.

Interaction with other drugs

  • If you take Tranexam together with hemocoalugase, then there is a danger of activation of the thrombus formation process.
  • A solution of the drug for intravenous use can not be used simultaneously with blood products, solutions with penicillin, drugs for hypertension, tetracycline, diazepam, dipyridamole.
  • Particular care must be taken in complex treatment with heparin and anticoagulants in patients who have abnormalities in the process of blood clotting.

Domestic and foreign analogues

If we consider the analogues of Tranexam, based on the active substance, then we can name the following:

  • Tranexamic acid.
  • transamcha,
  • Troxaminate,
  • Exacyl.

Analogues for the group of fibrinolysis inhibitors:

  • Amben,
  • Aproteks,
  • Aprotinin,
  • aerus,
  • Gordox,
  • Gumbix,
  • Contrykal,
  • Polycapran,
  • Trascolap.

Before you buy an analogue of the drug, you should consult with your doctor about the effectiveness of its use.

Tranexam is a drug used to stop and prevent bleeding of various etiologies.

The drug has a local and general hemostatic effect in bleeding associated with increased fibrinolysis (platelet pathology, menorrhagia). Additionally, tranexamic acid in the composition of Tranexam is characterized by effective anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and anti-tumor effects based on the inhibition of active peptides involved in inflammatory and allergic reactions.

It is produced in the form of tablets and solution for injections (injections), the main active substance is tranexamic acid.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Tablets have antifibrinolytic, hemostatic, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buy by prescription.


How much does Tranexam cost in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of 270 rubles.

Composition and form of release

Tranexam is produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection into a vein. Tablets containing the active ingredient 250 and 500 mg are packaged in contour cells of 10 pieces, 1, 2, 3, 5 cells per pack.

  • Each tablet contains 250 mg or 500 mg of the active ingredient - Tranexamic acid, and also contains a number of auxiliary components.

pharmachologic effect

Tranexam is a fibrinolysis inhibitor, a hemostatic drug. This drug inhibits the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin.

Tranexamic acid in bleeding caused by fibrinolysis exhibits a systemic and local hemostatic effect. In addition, it has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and anti-infective effects, which are based on the suppression of the formation of active peptides that are involved in inflammatory and allergic reactions.

The potentiating effect of tranexamic acid in relation to the analgesic activity of opiates and its own analgesic activity have been confirmed experimentally.

When taken orally, up to 50% of the drug is absorbed, the maximum concentration is reached after three hours. It binds to plasma proteins, crosses the placental barriers, is excreted in breast milk at a concentration of 1%. Acts for 17 hours in tissues, 7-8 hours in plasma. In case of impaired renal function, there is a risk of accumulation of the active substance. When administered intravenously, the analgesic activity of the drug was confirmed.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed to patients for the treatment or prevention of disorders of the circulatory system, namely:

  • Bleeding or the risk of their development with increased generalized fibrinolysis: manual separation of the placenta, postpartum hemorrhage, malignant tumors of the prostate and pancreas, liver disease, surgical interventions on the chest, leukemia.
  • Bleeding or the risk of their development with increased local fibrinolysis: hematuria, gastrointestinal, uterine (including von Willebrand's disease and other coagulopathies) and nosebleeds, as well as bleeding after prostatectomy, conization of the cervix in carcinoma, tooth extraction in patients with hemorrhagic diathesis.

Tranexam capsules are also used for such diseases:

  • Bleeding during pregnancy;
  • Allergic diseases (allergic dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, toxic and drug rash);
  • Hereditary angioedema;
  • Inflammatory diseases (aphthae of the oral mucosa, stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis).

Solution for intravenous administration is also used in the following cases:

  • Operations on the bladder;
  • Surgical interventions for systemic inflammatory reactions (pancreatic necrosis, sepsis, peritonitis, severe or moderate preeclampsia, shock of various etiologies and other critical conditions).

    Tranexam for uterine bleeding

    There are many cases when uterine bleeding caused iron deficiency, which is also a threat to human health and life. Therefore, with uterine bleeding, hemostatic tablets are prescribed, including Tranexam. Of course, this should not be done without a doctor's prescription, since it is important to establish the causes of the violation, which can be very different.



    • subarachnoid hemorrhage;
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    Relative (Tranexam is used with caution):

    • thrombosis (myocardial infarction, thromboembolic syndrome, deep vein thrombophlebitis);
    • thrombohemorrhagic complications (in combination with indirect anticoagulants and heparin);
    • kidney failure;
    • hematuria from the upper urinary tract;
    • color vision disorders.

    Appointment during pregnancy and lactation

    The drug Tranexam during pregnancy is prescribed to women according to indications, only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risks to the fetus. Treatment is prescribed in the minimum effective dose, while constantly monitoring blood test results.

    During clinical trials, no teratogenic and embryotoxic effects of Tranexam on the fetus were established, but the drug easily crosses the placental barrier.

    The use of the drug during breastfeeding is not recommended. If therapy is necessary, it is advisable to stop lactation so as not to harm the child.

    Dosage and method of application

    As indicated in the instructions for use, Tranexam tablets are taken:

    • With recurring nosebleeds three times a day, 1.0 g for 7 days;
    • With uterine bleeding - 1.0 g every six hours for three days;
    • After tooth extraction in patients with hemorrhagic diathesis, for the prevention of secondary bleeding, Tranexam tablets are prescribed at the rate of 25 mg / kg 4 times a day for a week;
    • For the treatment of hereditary angioedema, the drug is prescribed in courses or constantly at 1.0 g twice a day;
    • In the postoperative period, 1.5 g three times a day for 10-14 days.

    Tranexam for intravenous drip or jet administration is usually used to stop massive bleeding, as well as bleeding that occurs during surgery. Before tooth extraction, patients with impaired blood clotting are also administered the drug intravenously, and after extraction, Tranexam is prescribed in tablets.

    Side effects

    Against the background of treatment with the drug in ampoules and tablets, the following may appear:

    • allergy, which is manifested by a rash, skin itching and urticaria;
    • thromboembolism and thrombosis;
    • loss of appetite up to anorexia, loose stools, heartburn, nausea and vomiting;
    • vertigo, drowsiness, disorder of color perception and color vision.

    When prescribing the drug in ampoules, the following undesirable reactions may occur:

    • increased heart rate;
    • chest pains;
    • pressure drop.


    Data on drug overdose are not provided.

    special instructions

    Before starting Tranexam and during treatment, regular examinations by an ophthalmologist are recommended for the diagnosis of visual acuity, the condition of the fundus, and color perception.

    During pregnancy, the drug is used with caution (contraindications must be taken into account). When prescribing tranexamic acid to pregnant and lactating women, it must be taken into account that this substance is able to pass through the placental barrier and enter breast milk.

    Interaction with other drugs

    With simultaneous use with hemocoagulase and hemostatic agents, thrombus formation can be activated.

    Tranexam solution is pharmaceutically incompatible with urokinase, blood products, tetracyclines, diazepam, dipyridamole, hypertensive drugs (metformin bitartrate, deoxyepinephrine hydrochloride, norepinephrine) and solutions containing penicillin.

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