
See what "afk" is in other dictionaries. What is afk? A detailed analysis of "AFK", what is it

0 The abbreviation AFK (Russian AFK) is a message that a gamer sends to his team. AFK can be deciphered that a person urgently needs to move away from the computer. This is an abbreviated version of the English phrase "Away From Keyboard". That is, he informs everyone that he will not be at the keyboard for some time, they say you need to leave for a couple of minutes and then all players will be aware that his game character will be inactive.
In addition, the term AFK is used in all sorts of IRC, chats, Skype and other instant messengers to indicate your online status.
There are still options for using this abbreviation - in the Cyrillic keyboard layout FAL, and in the Latin FAR. In addition, for some time now, the term DOK, which is similar in meaning, has begun to spread on the network, which means "Far From the Keyboard". However, it is used very rarely, but as they say it has a place to be.

The greatest use of the acronym AFK is seen in various online multiplayer games, from Counter-Strike to all sorts of popular online RPGs. It happens that the abbreviation AFK stands for "hung" due to a break in the Internet connection of gamers. Often this word is jokingly translated as " A Free Kill"- a free sacrifice. Because when a person's connection is broken, his character remains completely helpless in the game, and he is immediately deprived of his life.

What does OFC mean?

The abbreviation OFC was borrowed from the English language " course" (of kors) and is translated into Russian as "of course".

OFC- means by all means, this very hour, this very second, of course, undoubtedly

If you want to know more about

What is AFK? Exercise therapy and AFC - what's the difference? Probably, many of us have come across these abbreviations more than once, and racked our brains, what does just one changed letter mean? Despite the superficial simplicity of the question, in reality the situation is quite different, and the depth of the question will impress the uninformed person. We have prepared a fairly detailed material for you, enjoy reading! Such a concept as AFK or adaptive physical culture is usually not considered as a particular one, but rather as part of an extensive scientific and pedagogical direction. Before going deeper and moving on to a more detailed consideration of this issue, it is necessary to look into history. Let's start with the 70s of the last century, when the ever-accelerating globalization dramatically changed the face of man, society and science. The growing value of human life, education, culture, scientific activity - all this contributed to a change in the direction of society's thinking in the direction of understanding the importance of the individual person, his personality. The reassessment of values, coupled with the changing political environment (democratization and liberalization of society), brought to the surface and drew attention to one of the most difficult problems of our time - disability. However, not only close attention from the public, but also the involvement of science and healthcare in this problem - this is what really changed the approach to the disabled in general, and physical culture in particular. In our country, the greatest experience in the application of physical culture (hereinafter FC) to people with disabilities and health problems is available, to a greater extent, in medical and educational areas. The problems of people with disabilities, as you know, require an integrated approach, but there is an imbalance in the exchange of knowledge between the mentioned areas. This leads to the fact that the emerging difficulties do not fall on those who should deal with them. It is because of this that adaptive physical culture is perceived as a kind of exercise therapy - therapeutic physical culture; also, there is often a point of view that AFC is only a method of physical education in correctional educational institutions or rehabilitation centers. Such a narrow view of the capacious concept of AFK is incorrect, and does not allow us to fully judge the functions of this direction. Well, now let's get to the point, and let's start with the name - adaptive physical culture. Given the context in which we use this concept, it can be interpreted as follows: adaptive - means "adjusting". No one will have problems with the phrase "physical culture". AFC combines at least three major areas of knowledge - medicine, physical education and correctional pedagogy. Each of them, in turn, is also divided into a great variety of large and small disciplines. Thus, one can imagine how significant and extensive the concept of ROS is. Let's return to the voiced statement - that in the view of many people (not only ordinary parents, but also some specialists in the field of rehabilitation) AFC and exercise therapy are identical to each other, and imply only physical rehabilitation. In fact, the situation is quite different: Adaptive physical culture is a more capacious and broad scientific and social phenomenon, the purpose of which is the socialization of the personality of a disabled person or a person with disabilities, a qualitative increase in their standard of living, filling it with new content, meaning, emotions, feelings, and not just their treatment with the help of certain physical exercises or physiotherapy procedures. What is the AFK theory based on and what are its main concepts? The principles and methods, tasks and goals, as well as the means of the AFC are aimed at meeting the various needs of people with health problems, including the disabled. Equally important is the study of the needs, problems of motivation, personality traits of people with disabilities and people with disabilities. The most important problem of the AFC theory is the study of the features of mental, moral, aesthetic, labor education in the process of physical exercises. The following basic concepts are the most important and decisive for people with any impairments and for the formation of the theory of AFK: 1. In the theory of AFK, human life is the highest value, regardless of the state of health; 2. The perception of a person as a single and indivisible entity, in which biological, spiritual, psychosomatic and sociocultural development are intertwined, forming a unique image of the individual; 3. Recognition of a person as a personality, the uniqueness of which is determined by a combination of many factors: innate characteristics, the environment in which it is formed, the originality of the bodily and mental organization, temperament, intellectual potential, abilities and much more; 4. The ability of any person to self-knowledge, self-development, self-realization and creativity in all spheres of life, activities, including physical education. Goals of AFK For many people with disabilities AFK is one of the few ways to get out of the walls of their apartment, go out and find new friends, explore the world around them and experience new emotions. In addition to learning the joy of movement, for some disabled people this is an opportunity to find a job, which means to fight their fears and feel truly equal to others. The purpose of adaptive physical culture, as one of the varieties of FC, is the maximum development of the abilities and capabilities of a person with severe health problems. In other words, the AFC strives for the maximum viability of people with disabilities, for the harmonization of their lives. Tasks in the AFC are set only on the basis of the individual characteristics and capabilities of each person. Given these features, priority areas of work are already being set. Generally speaking, these ROS can be divided into several groups: 1) The first group is aimed at correcting, compensating, and preventing the patient's physical disabilities. 2) The second group is educational, educational, health-improving and developmental tasks - the most traditional for FC. What does it look like? Now we finally move on to what ROS is in practice. Taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and persons with disabilities, the following components or types of AFC can be noted: Adaptive sports - a type (or component) of AFC designed to meet the needs of people with disabilities in self-realization, helping them to feel and apply their abilities; Adaptive physical education is a type (or component) of AFC, the purpose of which is to meet the needs of a person with disabilities in household and work activities, in preparation for independent living; An adaptive motor response is a component (type) of AFK that allows satisfying the needs of a person with health problems (including a disabled person) in rest, entertainment, interesting leisure activities, changing the type of activity, getting pleasure, in communication. Adaptive physical rehabilitation is a type of AFC, the purpose of which is to return lost opportunities to people with disabilities (which were lost as a result of illness or injury, or were absent altogether); An essential component of AFK, which, however, does not have a separate name, can be called creative and body-oriented practices of AFK. They are aimed at meeting the needs of a person with disabilities in creative development and self-realization, in self-expression through various creative tools (musical, artistic, etc.). ). As a very versatile and multifaceted technique, AFK has many functions, and all of them are implemented through various activities. The activity in the field of AFC is so diverse that it goes far beyond the scope of the direct activities of FU, where pedagogical functions are carried out, and enters into various social relations with other institutions, social phenomena and processes that form social functions. In order to avoid the different scale of consideration of functions in the AFK, groups of functions have been identified: pedagogical, peculiar only to it and implemented in the process of studying FU, and social as a result of joint activities with other social institutions (social protection institutions, special education, medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance, parents, etc. .). At the same time, not all known functions are selected, but only those that have priority for this category of persons. Pedagogical functions: correctional and compensatory; preventive; educational; developing; educational; value-oriented; medical and rehabilitation; vocational training; recreational and recreational; hedonistic; sports and competitive. Social functions: humanistic; socializing; integrative; communicative; spectacular and aesthetic. AFC as a new for Russia integrative field of education, science, culture, social practice has great prospects. This is due to the unsatisfactory state of health of the population of our country and the impossibility of radically changing the situation without revising the entire policy of the state, the mentality of its leaders and the general population in relation to FC, including an adaptive, healthy lifestyle. Huge prospects for research work in the field of AFC, which combines such areas of knowledge as physical education, medicine, correctional pedagogy and a large number of other scientific disciplines. The widespread introduction of AFC into the life of Russians as the most important area of ​​social practice will raise the entire system of comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people and people with health problems, their integration in society to a new qualitative level. And this, in turn, will provide a new level of quality of life for every person in our country.

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The slogans: "Sport is health" or "Movement is life" are probably familiar to every active member of our society. Regardless of race, gender, social status and religion, people are united in the unanimous opinion that human health is the highest value. Unfortunately, in the age of modern electronic technology, the younger generation underestimates the importance of their own physical capabilities that nature has provided them. Sitting all day long in front of gadget screens, children weaken their bodies and endanger their health. Such behavior increases the level of morbidity and general weakness of the generation and, as a result, of the whole nation. Developed countries have begun to allocate more and more resources and material costs to health programs. Including also extends and develops adaptive physical culture. In our article, we will consider in detail this type of active activity: what it is, its goals, functions, theory and implementation in practice.

Improving physical education: characteristics

Each of us at least once in our lives has come across the concept of health-improving physical education. Starting from infancy, mothers or patronage nurses conduct special general strengthening and developmental gymnastics for newborns, then the children get acquainted with exercises and various sports. And the private industry does offer a variety of forms of recreational physical education: from yoga to step aerobics.

What is recreational exercise? This is a series of sports activities that are aimed at general strengthening of the body, activating its immune forces. Improving and adaptive physical culture are similar concepts, but have different goals and ways of implementation. The concept of recreational physical education should not be confused with therapeutic, rehabilitation gymnastics.

Healthy strong people are engaged in general physical education to maintain and strengthen physical fitness and health.

Goals and functions of recreational physical education

The main goals of health-improving physical culture are the following:

  • ensuring and maintaining a high level of public health;
  • improvement of physical skills and abilities;
  • increased immunity;
  • psychological realization of the needs for physical activity, competition, achievement of goals;
  • regulation of normal body weight and proportions;
  • active rest, communication.

Adaptive physical culture pursues other goals, therefore it is used only for people with persistent health disorders.

In the methodology, the following main functions of general developmental physical education are distinguished:

  • health: a set of exercises is selected taking into account the individual capabilities of the human body, age and other factors;
  • educational: implemented in the dissemination and promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
  • the educational function consists in the presentation of theoretical and practical material for the course of recreational physical education by professional trainers based on proven methodological and experimental data.

Types of recreational physical education

Health-improving physical education is classified depending on the age of the wards: children, adolescents, youth, for the elderly. There are healing systems of various nationalities, such as yoga and Ayurveda. Author's methods are being developed, for example, according to Ivanov or Strelnikova. There are complex recreational activities or those with a specific direction. As well as well-known modern trends: aerobics, fitness and others.

What is adaptive physical education?

Back in 1996, physical education for people with health problems was included in the state register-classifier of specialties for higher education. Today, this specialization is called "adaptive physical culture". The appearance of this direction is connected with the massive deterioration in the state of health of the population of the country, the increase in the level of disability.

Adaptive physical education differs in theory and implementation in practice from recreational or remedial physical education. If the first is aimed at general recovery, and the goal of the other is to restore impaired body functions, then the adaptive system is designed for the socialization of people who have serious health problems that affect the adaptation and self-realization of disabled people in society.

Adaptive physical culture is an integrated science. This means that it combines several independent directions. Physical education for the disabled combines knowledge from such areas as general physical education, medicine and correctional pedagogy, and psychology. The adaptive system aims not so much to improve the health of a person with disabilities, but to restore his social functions, correct his psychological state.

Targets and goals

Often, adaptive physical education becomes the only opportunity for a person with a disability to become a member of society. Being engaged and competing with people with similar physical abilities, a person is able to realize himself as an individual, develop, achieve success, learn to interact in society. Therefore, the main goal of special physical culture is the adaptation of a person with limited abilities in society, labor activity.

Based on the individual physical capabilities of a person, the level of equipment with professional personnel and materials, different tasks of adaptive physical culture are set. But the main activities remain unchanged. The general goals are:

  1. Corrective and compensatory work on the identified physical deviation. In most cases, such activities are carried out both for the underlying disease and for related problems. For example, with cerebral palsy, attention is paid not only to the development of muscles, joints, coordination of movement, but also to vision, speech, and other discovered health problems.
  2. The preventive task is to carry out measures aimed at the overall improvement of a person's well-being, increasing strength and capabilities, and strengthening immunity.
  3. Educational, upbringing and developing tasks of adaptive physical culture are also important. The goal is to instill in people with disabilities the concept of physical activity as a daily integral part of life, to teach the culture of sports, the rules of conduct in a team and during competitions.
  4. Psychological tasks are important components of the direction of physical education for people with disabilities. Often there is asocialization of a person, not so much because of any deviation in health, but because of lack of confidence in one's own abilities, inability to interact with other people, misunderstanding of one's place in society.


It is customary to distinguish the following types of adaptive physical culture:

  1. Special education involves teaching people with disabilities the theoretical and practical foundations of physical culture.
  2. The rehabilitation direction includes the development of integrated sets of sports exercises aimed at the socialization of a person with disabilities through the disclosure and improvement of physical skills.
  3. Classes of adaptive physical culture are of an extreme nature. They carry a subjective or objective danger.
  4. Separately, it should be noted directly adaptive sports. Every year the development of this direction is significantly accelerated and improved. There are Paralympic, Special and Deaflympic directions. Thanks to the emergence of sports for the disabled, tens of thousands of people with disabilities around the world have been able to realize their potential and become socially active members of society.

adaptive sports

The concept of adaptive sport is not new. It is authentically known that in the 19th century, special educational organizations for the blind were created on the territory of modern Russia. Their program, in addition to general intellectual knowledge, included special gymnastics. In 1914, football competitions were held for the first time for people suffering from deafness. And already in 1932, competitions in a variety of sports among people with disabilities began to be held in the country. All kinds of associations and organizations aimed at the development of adaptive physical culture began to be actively created.

In the future, sports for people with disabilities went through different stages: from a decline to a revival and the emergence of new directions. Since 2000, adaptive sport has begun a new round of its formation and development. The direction is popularized, distributed. Coaches gain experience, athletes achieve high results at the international level.

To date, there are different classifications of areas of adaptive sports. Initially, only a few major large groups were distinguished. Then new species appeared in connection with the division according to the type of deviation in health. Nevertheless, the main and most widespread are 3 branches:

  1. Paralympic sports are competitions for people with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system and vision.
  2. Deaflympics - for people with hearing impairments.
  3. Special - with intellectual deviations.

In turn, each of the above directions is divided into sublevels. For example, in Paralympic sports, there are competitions between people with amputated limbs, paralysis, and spinal cord injury.

In addition, competitions are organized both on general, characteristic of the Olympic Games, requirements, and on special ones, adapted to the capabilities of a particular group of people with disabilities in physical health.

The relevant specialized organization should develop the criteria for evaluating competitions. Adaptive physical culture is not only sports performance, but also the strength of the athlete's spirit, his personal achievements in the fight against the disease.

Implementation Methods

The goals of adaptive physical culture and sports are clear. How to put them into practice? For this, it is necessary to master special pedagogical techniques. The following methods are effectively used in work on physical culture with the disabled:

  1. Formation of knowledge. In addition to assimilation of the required amount of information, this method includes the development of motivation, the definition of values ​​and incentives. They use verbal and figurative-visual methods of transmitting information. Depending on the type of the student's disease, one should choose the most effective method or combine dosed and reinforce verbal information with a clear example. Different means of adaptive physical culture are chosen. So, for example, a blind person can be offered, as a visual method of gaining knowledge, to tactilely get acquainted with the model of the human skeleton or individual muscles, thereby teaching the basics of anatomy and physiology. And the verbal method for deaf people is carried out together with an audiologist or by showing tables.
  2. Method of development of practical skills. Both standardized approaches and author's private methods of adaptive physical culture are used, designed for people with certain disabilities. More details about private methods are described below.


Different deviations from health require an individual approach. What is recommended for one group of people with disabilities is a contraindication for others. In this regard, depending on the pathology, private methods of adaptive physical culture are being developed. Health deviations are classified into such large groups:

  • visual impairment;
  • intellectual impairment;
  • hearing impairment;
  • violation in the work of the musculoskeletal system: amputation, spinal and cerebral nature.

Thus, for each type of disease, complex methods of adaptive physical culture have been developed. They indicate the goals and objectives, methods and techniques, recommendations, contraindications, necessary skills and abilities of a certain area of ​​physical education for the disabled.

The greatest contribution to the development of private methods in this area was made by such a teacher as Shapkova L. V. In her works, adaptive physical culture is considered as a social phenomenon that requires a multilateral approach from professionals working with people with disabilities.

It should be noted the research of such a teacher as L. N. Rostomashvili, according to the method of adaptive physical education for people with visual impairments. The problem of physical activity for people with disabilities was dealt with by N. G. Baikina, L. D. Hoda, Ya. V. Kret, A. Ya. Smekalov. The method of adaptive physical education in cerebral palsy was developed by A. A. Potapchuk. For people with amputated limbs and congenital anomalies, A. I. Malyshev and S. F. Kurdybaylo were engaged in a complex of special physical education.

A handbook for students of pedagogical universities in sports specialties is a textbook authored by such a teacher as L.P. Evseev. Adaptive physical culture is considered from the point of view of practical implementation. The book reveals the basics of adaptive physical education for people with various disabilities: goals, objectives, principles, concepts, types, methodology, content, and other recommendations.

Adapted physical education for children

If children are engaged in recreational physical education from a very early age, then when does the need for adaptive sports appear? Unfortunately, medical statistics are disappointing - every year the number of births of children with physical pathologies increases, and the leader of this rating is cerebral palsy. For such children, adaptive physical culture is an integral and mandatory part of general rehabilitation and socialization. The earlier the diagnosis is established and measures are taken to implement specially directed physical activity of the child, the higher the likelihood of favorable adaptation in the surrounding society.

In our country, the creation of separate "special groups" and classes in general preschool and school educational institutions is practiced. In addition, there are special organizations for children with persistent health disorders, where private methods of adaptive physical education are implemented.

The prognosis for disabled children with whom adaptive physical education is carried out is positive. For the majority, physical indicators are significantly improved, a correct psychological assessment of oneself and others develops, communication and self-realization are formed.

Our article considers the theory and organization of adaptive physical culture. This direction is a significant part of general physical culture and sports. The development and dissemination of this sports industry in society is an important task for the whole state and each of us in particular.

The farther, the more people use various incomprehensible abbreviations in speech. Let's deal with one of them. What is "afk", from what phrase did this expression come from and where is it used - read the article.

Borrowings and jargon

In any living language spoken by people, new ones gradually appear, from foreign languages ​​and dialects. Slang is a little different. Usually these are distorted words of the native language or their abbreviations. But they can also come from foreign speech, and for some specific reason people will fall in love with them.

The Internet has played a particularly important role in this. Its widespread distribution has led to the fact that it even formed its own subcultures, legends and, of course, slang. The latter varies depending on the particular community of people. And one of these words, which is far from clear to everyone, is afk. So what is afk, how did it happen and who uses it? In this we will understand.


This word comes from the English phrase AFK - Away From Keyboard, which literally means "departed from the keyboard." But, why should someone report such information, and even reduce it to an obscure abbreviation? It’s all about brevity, saying or writing “afk” is much easier and faster, and it’s immediately clear to everyone that the person is not at the computer at the moment. So now we know what afk is.


It all started with the first programs for communicating over the Net. Many adults remember those times - the lack of now widespread social networks and other things led to the fact that messengers for instant text messaging and other chats were insanely popular. In addition to communication between two people, there were also common channels where many users corresponded, united by common hobbies or something else. And since those programs did not have presence indicators or they did not work quite correctly, it became fashionable to write “afk”, informing all interlocutors that you were moving away from the computer and could only answer later. So now we know what afk is.

But nowadays text messaging programs are not as popular as they used to be. They were replaced by social networks, but they could not completely displace them. True, few people use the old versions and varieties, only their ardent supporters. But if so, why is this word alive and still used today? It's all about online games.

Online Games

Such games differ from ordinary computer games in that they can be played with your comrades or random people. Of course, the entire virtual world is not inhabited exclusively by "live" people, there are also non-player characters (NPCs). Of course, most of them can be played quite comfortably alone, but at certain stages you still have to cooperate with other players and fight together. However, that is exactly why they are loved.

When playing together, teamwork is very important, especially in situations where even the slightest mistake can lead to the death of the group or the failure of the task, and therefore, in order to warn your comrades about an absence, it is customary to write “afk” in text or voice chat. So now we know what afk means.


Of course, one can quite rightly object - why do we need incomprehensible abbreviations when you can use your native language? But it is so accepted that in any community, subculture, and even online game, its own slang gradually appears. Of course, no one is forcing anyone to use it, but most of the words have remained from the time when online games or programs did not have a Russian translation. Yes, and as already mentioned, writing or saying “afk” is much faster and more convenient, and everything is immediately clear to everyone. So we figured out what afk means.

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