
Buckwheat with vegetables and meat in the oven. Buckwheat in the oven: recipes with photos. Loose buckwheat porridge

Ingredients for cooking buckwheat with vegetables and meat

Cooking method step by step with a photo of buckwheat with meat and vegetables

  1. It is better to do everything sequentially so that the cooking process is continuous. Rinse the meat and cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel the carrots and peppers, rinse them and cut them into cubes, but not too small, so that during cooking they do not boil down and turn into a mashed state.
  3. The tomatoes need to be washed and grated, it is possible with the peel.
  4. Peel the onion, rinse and cut into cubes (or whatever you like best).
  5. Heat the cauldron with oil in which you will cook the dish and fry the prepared meat over high heat until golden brown.
  6. When the meat has reached the desired effect, reduce the heat to medium and add a little water to simmer the meat a little. You do not need to close the cauldron lid.
  7. When the water has boiled away, add the onion and fry the meat along with the onion.
  8. When the onion has already acquired a little color, you can add the carrots and peppers, stir all the ingredients and cover with a lid to stew the vegetables.
  9. We will focus on carrots, it should be half-finished. At this stage, you need to add mashed tomatoes, spices and salt.
  10. Let the tomato juice evaporate a little.
  11. Meanwhile, rinse the buckwheat several times to keep it clean and free of black grains.
  12. Pour buckwheat into a cauldron and gently fill with water (for 1 glass of buckwheat you need 2 glasses of water) and bring to a boil.
  13. Stir gently, try with salt, salt if necessary and send the cauldron covered with a lid in the oven at 110 o С for 30 minutes.
  14. When the time is up, take out the cauldron and let it brew with the lid closed for 15 minutes.

If you did everything correctly, then the vegetables should keep their shape, buckwheat is saturated with the aroma of meat and vegetables, crumbly, and the meat should be soft and tender.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

There is a very convenient way to quickly and tasty feed a family with a hearty dinner or lunch - to cook something from the "two in one" series, when both the meat and the side dish are immediately prepared. There are many such recipes - both with vegetables and cereals, meat can be marinated or fried, cooked in portions in pots or in one large baking dish. Buckwheat in a merchant's way with pork turns out to be very tasty, the recipe with a photo of which we will show. Previously, the meat and vegetables will need to be fried to make the taste brighter, and it is enough to rinse the cereals or dry them if desired, if you like crumbly buckwheat. Next, the dish will be cooked in the oven, but you can cook it.
For our recipe, it is better to take soft meat; moderate fat pork is ideal. It cooks quickly, but if you have time, it is better to simmer the meat with buckwheat and vegetables in the oven longer, making a small fire, so that the result is tender, juicy meat and a crumbly side dish to it.

- buckwheat - 2 glasses (faceted glass);
- pork - 350 gr;
- tomatoes - 3 pcs;
- onions - 2 pcs;
- carrots - 1 pc;
- sweet pepper - 1 pc;
- water - 4.5 cups;
- salt - to taste;
- black pepper - to taste;
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Cut the pork into portions of such a size that it is convenient to hook with a spoon or pick it up on a fork.

Heat oil in a thick-walled pan or cauldron, put the meat and fry it over medium heat until golden brown appears on all sides. In time it will take 10-12 minutes, no more. Do not fry too much so as not to dry the meat.

In the meantime, pour 4.5 cups of water into a kettle or saucepan and put on high heat so that you have boiling water for pouring the grits with meat. Prepare your vegetables. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, chop the onion into small cubes or chop it in half rings.

Wash carrots and peppers, peel, remove the center with seeds from the pepper. Cut the vegetables into medium-sized chunks, not very finely.

Add the onion to the fried pork, continue to fry the meat with the onion for about two minutes.

Then add the rest of the vegetables, all at once: tomatoes, pieces of bell peppers and carrots. Stir, pepper and fry for a minute.

Wash the buckwheat. Put it in a saucepan with pork and vegetables. Stir, evaporate the liquid, fry the cereals a little (if you need crumbly buckwheat). If the cereals are not fried, then you can mix everything at once or put in layers in a form - meat with vegetables down, sprinkle washed cereals on top of it.

Put the meat with buckwheat and vegetables in a form convenient for cooking, always with a lid. In the absence of a lid, the form will need to be tightened with foil so that the water does not evaporate before the buckwheat is ready. Carefully pour in 4.5 cups of boiling water, salt. Stir in salt and taste. Cover the mold, place in a hot oven with a temperature of 180 degrees. After 40-45 minutes, the merchant-style buckwheat with pork in the oven will be ready.

Leave the buckwheat in the turned off oven, let it sweat and gain flavor. Prepare a salad of fresh or pickled vegetables for serving, green onions, pickles - get whatever you love. Spread hot aromatic buckwheat porridge with meat on plates and serve. Bon Appetit!

Buckwheat is a universal cereal, which in popularity can only be compared with rice and oatmeal, and in terms of the content of nutrients, it is generally out of competition.

You can, of course, just cook buckwheat on the stove, but the porridge will turn out to be much tastier if you cook it in pots, where it will slowly languish.

Buckwheat with meat in pots - the basic principles of cooking

Buckwheat with meat cooked in pots tastes like porridge cooked in a Russian oven. In addition, the pots keep warm for a long time.

The main thing is to choose the right meat. Buckwheat is cooked with poultry, pork or beef. To do this, take a fillet, wash it, dry it and cut it into small pieces. The meat is transferred to a suitable dish, seasoned with spices, salted, mixed and left for a while. Meat can be marinated in soy sauce or any other sauce.

Vegetables are peeled and chopped. They can be used raw, or lightly fried beforehand.

Put well-washed buckwheat in pots and fill it with boiled water at the rate of 1x4. Lay out vegetables and marinated meat on top. Cover the pots with lids and put them in the oven for 45 minutes.

A few minutes before cooking, the dish can be sprinkled with grated cheese.

Instead of water, buckwheat can be poured with a sauce based on sour cream, milk or mayonnaise. For a change, mushrooms, vegetables or dried fruits are added to the dish.

Recipe 1. Buckwheat with meat in pots

a glass of buckwheat;

a bunch of fresh herbs;

300 g of pork or chicken pulp;

30 ml tomato paste;

1. Rinse the buckwheat well under running water.

2. Wash the meat, dry it with a towel and cut into small pieces. Pour oil into the pan and heat it well. We spread the meat in it and fry, stirring constantly, until tender.

3. Peel the onion and cut into large slices. Chop the peeled carrots into cubes. Put the vegetables in the pan where the meat was fried and sauté them until golden brown. Add tomato paste, pour in water, stir and simmer everything together for ten minutes.

4. Put four tablespoons of buckwheat in a clay pot, layering it with fried vegetables and meat. Add bay leaf and a couple of peppercorns to each pot. Fill the contents with boiled water up to the shoulders, cover with lids, lightly salt and put the pots for half an hour in preheated to 180 C. We take out the pots with buckwheat, mix the contents and serve.

Recipe 2. Buckwheat with meat and vegetables in pots

buckwheat - 300 g;

400 ml of drinking water.

1. Cut the meat into pieces and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown.

2. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Fry the onions in the oil left over from cooking the meat until golden brown. Add chopped carrots to the onion and continue to fry for another minute.

3. Wash the tomatoes and cut into small pieces. Place the tomatoes in a vegetable roast, stir and fry everything together for a few more minutes.

4. Now place all the ingredients in the pot. Sort the buckwheat and rinse thoroughly under running water. Put half of the cereal on the bottom of the pot. Spread half of the fried meat on top. Cover it with half the vegetable fry. Repeat layers in the same order one more time. Season with spices and salt. Pour boiling water over the contents so that the liquid level is one centimeter below the edge of the pot.

5. Sprinkle everything with finely chopped herbs. Cover the pot with a lid and put in an oven preheated to 200 for 45 minutes. Arrange buckwheat with meat on plates and serve with fresh vegetables.

Recipe 3. Buckwheat with meat and mushrooms in pots

600 g pork shoulder;

30 ml of vegetable oil;

500 g of any mushrooms;

one and a half glasses of buckwheat;

40 g butter;

a bunch of dill greens.

1. The number of ingredients is calculated for four pots. Wash the meat, dry it with paper towels and cut into fairly large portions, the size of a matchbox.

2. Pour oil into a cauldron and heat it over high heat. Put the meat in the heated oil and fry it, stirring with a wooden spatula, until golden brown. Season lightly with pepper and salt. Remove from heat and place in pots.

3. Peel the vegetables. Finely chop the onion. Cut the carrots into circles. Send vegetables to a cauldron and fry until golden brown in the oil left over from frying the meat. Arrange the fried vegetables on top of the meat in pots.

4. Wash the mushrooms and cut them into large pieces. Put in a dry skillet and heat until they let the juice flow. Drain the liquid, and transfer the mushrooms to a cauldron and fry for seven minutes. Salt and place the fried mushrooms in the pots.

5. Wash buckwheat under running cold water and put in equal portions in pots. Put a bay leaf in each, add salt and pour drinking water. Put the pots in an oven preheated to 200 degrees Celsius. Cook, covered with a lid, for about forty minutes. Season the cooked buckwheat with meat in pots with chopped dill.

Recipe 4. Buckwheat with meat and parmesan in pots

200 g buckwheat groats;

3 g black pepper;

400 ml of boiled water;

45 ml of sunflower oil;

1. Wash and dry the pork with a paper towel. Cut the meat into small pieces. Season with pepper and salt. Peel the onion and cut it into thin half rings. Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Put pork and onions in it. Fry everything together until tender.

2. Sort the buckwheat, wash under running water and boil until tender in slightly salted water. Put the buckwheat in a bowl and mix with the fried meat. Season with spices and transfer to pots.

3. Top the buckwheat with meat, sprinkle with fine parmesan shavings. Cover with lids and place in an oven preheated to 200 C for 20 minutes. Before serving, you can put the buckwheat on plates or serve directly in the pots.

Recipe 5. Buckwheat with meat and prunes in pots

10 g ground white and pink pepper;

75 g of buckwheat;

14 pcs. prunes;

5 pickled apples.

1. In a small saucepan, boil water, put half of the peeled onion in it, salt and boil all together for another three minutes. Wash the meat and cut into large pieces. Place in boiling water, reduce heat until moderate, cover and cook pork until tender.

2. Wash the prunes, put them in a cup and pour boiling water over them. Soak dried fruits for half an hour. Then rinse the prunes and discard in a colander.

3. Remove the pork from the broth, cool and cut into slices. Put the meat on the bottom of the pots. Cut the soaked apples in half, core and cut into small pieces. Spread them on top of the pork.

4. Sort and wash the buckwheat. Arrange the cereals in pots, season with pepper and lay out the steamed prunes. Close the lids tightly and put in the oven, heating it to 75 C. Cook buckwheat with meat in pots for a little over an hour. Serve with fresh or pickled vegetables.

Recipe 6. Buckwheat with meat in pots in sour cream

80 g buckwheat;

500 g pork tenderloin;

3 g black pepper;

250 ml chicken broth;

30 ml of vegetable oil;

3 cloves of garlic;

200 g of champignons.

1. Rinse the pork, dip with a towel and cut into small cubes. Put in a bowl, pepper, salt and sprinkle with vegetable oil. Stir and leave to marinate for half an hour

2. Peel, wash and dry vegetables and mushrooms. Chop the carrots and onions into small cubes. Cut the champignons into strips. Finely chop the cloves of garlic.

3. Put the meat in a frying pan with heated oil and lightly fry it. Add carrots and onions to the meat, continue to fry, stirring occasionally, for three minutes. Then add mushrooms, pepper, salt and cook for another five minutes. Put the mixture of vegetables and meat in pots.

4. Put three spoons of pre-washed buckwheat in each pot. Dissolve the sour cream in the broth and pour the sauce over the pots "on the shoulders". Cover and send to the oven. Set the temperature on the oven to 180 C and cook for an hour and a half. Serve directly in pots with vegetable salad.

To make buckwheat even tastier, fry the washed cereal until golden brown.

After the cereal has absorbed all the liquid, reduce the temperature in the oven and continue cooking for literally five more minutes.

Buckwheat will turn out to be crumbly if it is soaked in cold water before cooking and left for an hour.

During cooking, do not open the lids of the pots to prevent steam from escaping.

The main dish is pork pulp, and the garnish is buckwheat, surrounded by assorted vegetables, we send to cook in one container at the same time. We languish for no more than an hour, steam and soak through and through with mouth-watering aromas in a hot oven, serve immediately, without delay. To accompany a hearty lunch or dinner, we choose pickles, mixes of fresh vegetables, juicy salad leaves.

To cook buckwheat with pork in the oven, prepare the necessary ingredients.

Before placing food in a ceramic container, first fry the onion and carrot slices.

After a couple of minutes, throw in the leaves of the fragrant thyme, small pieces of chili, and garlic.

After another 20 seconds, add buckwheat washed under cold water.

Stir and soak buckwheat with oil, spicy aroma at low heat for the next 2-3 minutes.

Spread the mixture evenly inside a heat-resistant container.

Arrange rather large pieces of pork, salt, add bay leaves, peppercorns.

Pour with boiling water 1-1.5 cm higher. Cover with a lid or a sheet of foil / parchment. Put the buckwheat with pork in the oven, preheated to 170 degrees, cook for 45 minutes. Add boiling water if necessary.

Garnish with finely chopped fresh herbs before serving, stir.

A simple dish without much hassle and cost - buckwheat with meat in the oven. We take any meat, buckwheat groats, more onions (buckwheat loves onions!), Carrots and prepare hearty healthy food from all this. The cooking time directly depends on the meat component of this dish: buckwheat with pork will be ready faster, buckwheat porridge with beef cooks twice as long. In the case when time is running out at all, and you need to quickly cook something, there is

We will proceed from the fact that we have little time, hunger is already making itself felt, and we will choose the fastest recipe for buckwheat with meat in the oven, which uses pork. If possible, we choose the soft part: the back, neck, shoulder blade, then, it is prepared quickly and without problems. It is not necessary to sort buckwheat, although you can do this while the pieces of pork and vegetables are fried. But usually all nigella and husks pop up as soon as you fill the cereal with water, and those that remain are easy to choose.

To cook buckwheat with meat in the oven, we need:

  • Dry buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • clean cold water - 2.5 cups;
  • pork without bone - 350-400 g;
  • onions - 2-3 pcs;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp (add to taste);
  • salt - 1 tsp (to taste);
  • sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Buckwheat porridge with meat in the oven - recipe

To speed up the cooking process, we cut the pork pulp into small pieces, not forgetting that during frying and stewing, they will lose about a third of their volume. Do not cut off the fat, it will make it juicier and tastier.

First, the pork needs to be fried. We immediately take the dishes in which we will cook buckwheat porridge with meat in the oven (a deep frying pan with a removable handle, cauldron) or we do preliminary preparation in a frying pan, and bring it to readiness in a goose maker or other baking dish. Pour pieces of pork into hot oil. While stirring, fry until an appetizing light crust.

Let the meat be fried on a small fire, and we will peel the onions and carrots. Dice the vegetables.

The pork is fried, we get it out of the oil. Pour the onion there, fry it constantly, stirring it and not letting the onion get too fried. The color of the fried onions is transparent amber; it will reach this degree of roasting in 7-8 minutes. It is very important not to overcook the onions, delicious buckwheat with meat is obtained when all the ingredients are only lightly fried and saturated with fat. Add carrots.

After a few minutes, the carrots will be saturated with oil and soften. Return the fried pork to the pan, salt and pepper. You can play with spices - throw in a pinch of basil, add a little paprika, or whatever you like - it already depends on your taste. We wash the groats, choosing, if possible, specks and black spots. Pour clean buckwheat into the pan. Pour in water (preferably boiling water), salt, taste. That's all, we don't mix anything else. Cover, let it boil over high heat, put it in the oven with a temperature of 200 degrees. Cooking buckwheat with meat in the oven for 35-40 minutes. This is for a frying pan with a removable handle, a cauldron and other utensils that can be rearranged in the oven. For all other options: transfer the contents of the pan to the roaster (or whatever you have chosen for this purpose), pour 2.5 cups of boiling water. We also remove a test for salt. We put in the oven, the temperature is the same. We increase the cooking time by 10 minutes.

Actually, the readiness of buckwheat with meat in the oven will be communicated to you by the aroma that spreads in mouth-watering waves throughout the kitchen and the surrounding area. But just in case, ten minutes before the end of cooking, we take out the dishes, make sure that all the liquid has been absorbed, the cereals are swollen, the pork has become soft. At the same time, we do not mix, but carefully try from the edge. We send back with confidence that now we know exactly how to cook buckwheat with meat in the oven!

In the remaining time, we construct some kind of vegetable salad or take out a jar of canned tomatoes, we type sauerkraut from the can. Turn off the heat, leave the buckwheat with meat in the oven for 10 minutes or immediately put it on the table and put it on plates.


Buckwheat with meat in the oven

Rice for garnish

  • Pumpkin porridge with rice

  • How to cook buckwheat correctly - 6 rules from V. V. Pokhlebkin

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    Margarita, a very interesting recipe. And at what stage do we add buckwheat? When roasting meat or before going to the oven?

    Before going to the oven, have I missed this moment? I'll fix it now

    I missed you for sure * crazy * thanks, Anya. * good *

    Buckwheat with meat and onions is my favorite "rescue" dish when there is no desire to chop with potatoes and other vegetables in the assortment for a side dish. Buckwheat saturated with meat broth and aroma is a dizzying thing! I often cook it in a multicooker, oddly enough - because it takes longer to cook there, and you sit and swing your legs, like - I'm cooking. The same motive as with the oven, only the scope of insolence is greater than * beach *.

    Rit, how do you cook buckwheat with meat when in the oven?

    A very interesting recipe. But I have a question: can you use cropped tomatoes? Has anyone done that? Will it be tasty?


    Buckwheat with meat in the oven - recipe with beef

    Friends, buckwheat with meat in the oven is a recipe, in principle known and very simple. But in our case, I would strongly like to recommend cooking buckwheat porridge with beef meat. If you have a desire to eat beef with buckwheat, of course, you can cook separately porridge and meat, and then just mix it all in your plate. It's just too easy. And to some, such a meal will seem too bland. What if you add onions and carrots to beef and buckwheat? And you will not cook all this separately, but together? Now, you will find out what you will need to take for such a dish, and how to cook buckwheat with beef meat ...

    To cook buckwheat with beef meat, we need:

    • 700 grams of beef;
    • One glass of buckwheat;
    • Two glasses of water;
    • Two tomatoes;
    • One carrot;
    • One onion;
    • Vegetable oil;
    • Salt, herbs and spices to taste.

    Now let's move on to the process of cooking buckwheat with meat:

    1. Turn on the oven first. It should be heated to 180 degrees.
    2. Cut the meat into small pieces (into cubes or strips - whichever you prefer), onions into half rings, carrots into small cubes. Grate the tomatoes.
    3. Pour some oil into the pan (just enough to cover the bottom of the pan) and heat it up.
    4. Add the meat to the skillet. When it's lightly browned, add the onions and carrots. Cook everything until golden brown.
    5. Add mashed tomatoes, water, salt, spices and herbs. Place the skillet in the oven for 30 minutes.

    This is how you can prepare a hearty and aromatic dish from simple products.


    Buckwheat with meat in the oven

    Buckwheat groats - 360 g

    Vegetable oil - 50 ml

    Butter - 50 g

    Cooking process

    I like to cook different dishes in the oven, when it turns out two in one: both the side dish and the main dish at once :) And now I want to offer you to cook meat with buckwheat in the oven.

    For an hour, pieces of pork, vegetables and cereals will languish, and the result will be juicy meat and crumbly flavored buckwheat as a side dish! Tasty and simple;)

    So, take pork, buckwheat, onions, carrots, vegetable oil, butter, water, salt. Cut the meat into about 4 x 4 cm pieces. Cut the onions and carrots into about 1 by 1 cm cubes.

    Saute the meat with onions and carrots until the meat is lighter. Or you can fry it to the crust, this is optional. At the time of frying, add a little salt to the meat. Rinse the buckwheat.

    First, put the meat with vegetables into a mold with a lid, then put the buckwheat, covering the bottom layer with cereals.

    Put pieces of butter on the surface of buckwheat and pour in salted freshly boiled water. Cover the dish with meat and buckwheat with a lid and place in the oven.

    Cook buckwheat with meat in the oven for about an hour at 190 degrees. There should be no liquid left in the finished dish, buckwheat will greatly increase in volume, become crumbly, downy.

    Buckwheat with meat is ready, serve the dish to the table :)


    Baked buckwheat in the oven. Recipes for cooking buckwheat in the oven

    Buckwheat porridge is a classic for Russian cuisine, so it is always important to know how to cook it correctly and tasty. A common option is to bake it in the oven, combining it with meat, vegetables and spices. It turns out a fragrant nutritious dish.

    Oven baked buckwheat

    Many housewives and novice cooks will find it useful to know how to cook buckwheat in the oven. Buckwheat in the oven must be prepared before cooking - you need to sort it out, rinse it, clean it of bad grains and debris. This task can be facilitated by using a colander - rinse the cereal with your hand, discarding everything unnecessary. Meat for cooking can be cut into pieces or use whole carcasses.

    What to cook buckwheat with

    Cooking a delicious aromatic dish is not complete without the question of what buckwheat can be made with. To get an appetizing second, which looks spectacular in the photo, you can combine cereals with the following components:

    • turkey, beef, pork, lamb;
    • chopped meat;
    • smoked legs, chicken legs;
    • cheese, mushrooms;
    • carrots, onions, tomatoes.

    The recipe for cooking buckwheat in the oven

    It will come in handy for every housewife to know how buckwheat porridge is prepared in the oven - the recipe for this dish can be found with step-by-step stages, painted and shown in detail in a photo or video. There are many options for preparing a hearty second - it can be cooked in milk, water, cream. Any spices, dry herbs, condiments, cheese, mushroom and vegetable additions are allowed.

    Chicken with buckwheat in the oven

    Baked buckwheat with chicken is a simple and convenient dish. Time is saved when cooking, because you get both a side dish and a main dish at the same time. If you bake cereals with meat together, they will absorb the flavors into each other, exchange them, which gives the dish a special taste, incomparable with the separate preparation of each component. The resulting full-fledged lunch or dinner will saturate the body.

    • chicken thighs or drumsticks - 0.8 kg;
    • buckwheat - 0.4 kg;
    • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • water - liter;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • dry herbs - a pinch.
    1. Cut the meat into cubes, marinate for a couple of hours with spices and salt.
    2. Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil until soft and golden brown.
    3. Sort the buckwheat, rinse, dry slightly, mix with fried onions.
    4. Place on the bottom of a baking dish, place the meat on top.
    5. Cut the butter into cubes and place between the cereals and the meat.
    6. Pour hot water with salt until buckwheat is completely covered.
    7. Bake for an hour at 180 degrees until all the water is absorbed.

    Buckwheat in a pot in the oven

    It is useful to know how to cook buckwheat in a pot in the oven, because this cooking option has a rich final taste of stewed cereals. You can only bake buckwheat with spices and butter, but it is better to make a fragrant appetizing dish, hearty by adding meat. The pumpkin adds piquancy and a little sweetness, which decorates the resulting portions.

    • buckwheat - a glass;
    • water - 1.5 cups;
    • pumpkin - 0.2 kg;
    • chicken breast - 150 g;
    • butter - 7 g;
    • vegetable oil - 30 ml.
    1. Sort the groats, clean from debris, black grains, rinse twice. Dry lightly in a dry preheated frying pan.
    2. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, put on hot oil, fry until half cooked. Season with salt, black and red pepper.
    3. Cut the breast into pieces, fry in butter with salt and spices until tender.
    4. Put cereals, meat, pumpkin on the bottom of the pots. Fill with water so that it covers the ingredients to a height of 2.5 cm. The pots should be ¾ full so that the porridge does not run away.
    5. Close with a lid or foil, put in a cold oven, heat to 185 degrees, cook for 50 minutes.
    6. 5 minutes before being ready, put in a piece of butter, reduce the temperature, and bring to readiness.

    Recipe for merchant buckwheat with chicken

    All guests will like merchant-style buckwheat with chicken, because it looks great on photos and in life, has a lush texture and rich taste. Due to the use of vegetables, the casserole makes the cereal juicy in a merchant way. You can use any meat - beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit will do. When choosing pork, it is worth taking a lean piece so that the dish turns out to be dietary.

    • chicken fillet - 0.6 kg;
    • buckwheat - 350 g;
    • onions - 200 g;
    • carrots - 150 g;
    • bell pepper - 120 g;
    • tomato paste - 2 tbsp l .;
    • vegetable oil - 3.5 tbsp. l .;
    • greens - a bunch;
    • garlic - 2 cloves.
    1. Cut the chicken into cubes, lightly fry in oil.
    2. Chop the onions, carrots, fry in oil.
    3. Cut the pepper into strips, add to the onion-carrot mixture, fry for 2 minutes.
    4. Pour tomato paste diluted in a little water to the gravy, mix with fried chicken.
    5. Gently transfer the mixture to the bottom of the gosyatnitsa, add washed buckwheat, pour water so that it rises 2.5 cm above the cereal.
    6. Season with salt, crushed garlic, chopped herbs.
    7. Put in the oven at 175 degrees, simmer for 2/3 hours.

    Duck with buckwheat in the oven

    Duck stuffed with buckwheat in the oven will be a wonderful festive dish. In addition to cereals, the carcass is stuffed with mushrooms, offal. Due to the fat content of the duck, the fat permeates the entire filling, resulting in a fragrant oily porridge that delights all guests with its friability and extraordinary aroma. The perfect choice for serving on New Year's table to surprise guests.

    • duck - 2 kg;
    • chicken liver - 0.3 kg;
    • champignons - 250 g;
    • buckwheat - 150 g;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
    • salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
    • black pepper - a teaspoon;
    • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
    1. Rinse the duck, check that there is no goiter, neck and trachea inside. Rub inside with salt and pepper, wrap in a bag, marinate for a couple of hours.
    2. Boil buckwheat porridge in 3 glasses of water - pour cold water over the cereal, add a little salt, boil, cover, simmer for a quarter of an hour so that all the water is absorbed. Wrap with a towel, let stand for half an hour.
    3. Chop the onion with mushrooms, chop the liver.
    4. Fry the onions in oil for 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly, pour the mushrooms there, add a little salt, fry until the liquid evaporates.
    5. Separately fry the liver, to which, if desired, you can add duck heart, stomach and liver. Fry until moisture evaporates, season with pepper and bay leaves, mix with mushrooms and cereals.
    6. Pull the skin on the duck's neck, sew up the hole with a simple thread. Stuff the carcass with a spoon, but do not stuff it too much. Sew up the hole from the bottom.
    7. Put the duck in the sleeve, tie, bake for 2 hours at 170 degrees.
    8. Half an hour before being ready to cut the sleeve so that the carcass is browned.

    Buckwheat with meat in the oven

    Buckwheat porridge with meat in the oven turns out to be hearty and aromatic, which can be called a truly masculine dish. It has a high calorie content, saturates the body well, gives strength and vigor. You can choose any meat for the casserole, but pork with a low amount of fat is better. Butter and ketchup of the right spice will add spice to the dish.

    • pork - 375 g;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • red bell pepper - ½ pc.;
    • fat - 1 tablespoon;
    • ketchup - 2 tbsp. l .;
    • buckwheat - 200 g;
    • dill - a couple of twigs.
    1. Rinse the groats, clean them of debris.
    2. Cut the meat into cubes, lightly fry in fat, season with salt and pepper.
    3. Mix with chopped onions, carrots and paprika, ketchup. Place on the bottom of a baking dish.
    4. Pour broth or water on a finger above the cereal level, cook at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. Insist 10 minutes.

    Meat with buckwheat in pots in the oven

    It is very easy to make pots of buckwheat and meat in the oven to make a delicious stewed porridge, rich and aromatic. You can take any meat, but it is better to take chicken fillet, so that it is saturated with all the flavors, giving the dish a light dietary character. The spicy pungency of the porridge is created by the addition of garlic, onions and ready-made spices collected especially for chicken.

    • buckwheat - 150 g;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
    • butter - 30 g;
    • chicken fillet - 0.3 kg.
    1. Chop the onion, grate the carrots, cut the fillets into cubes. Fry the meat in vegetable oil until the moisture evaporates, add the onion-carrot dressing, fry for 6 minutes with occasional stirring. Squeeze out the garlic, season with salt and pepper, fry for another 2 minutes.
    2. Rinse the groats with cold water, mix with the dressing, stir.
    3. Spread the mixture in pots, cover with hot water, season with bay leaves, close the lid.
    4. Cook for 35 minutes at 180 degrees, season with butter 10 minutes before the end of simmering.

    Buckwheat with mushrooms in a pot in the oven

    Buckwheat with mushrooms in the oven, prepared from two types of meat, has a bright rich aroma. The combination of chicken and pork gives the dish juiciness, interesting taste and spectacular appearance. You can take any mushrooms for porridge - forest, white mushrooms are best suited, but in their absence, champignons or oyster mushrooms will do. You can serve this dish directly in the pots.

    • chicken - ¼ kg;
    • pork - ¼ kg;
    • buckwheat - a glass;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • garlic - 4 cloves;
    • champignons - 0.25 kg;
    • mayonnaise - 50 ml;
    • tomato paste - 50 ml;
    • water - 400 ml;
    • salt - a teaspoon;
    • ground black pepper - 5 g.
    1. Rinse buckwheat, pour cold water.
    2. At this time, rinse the meat, cut into pieces, put in a saucepan, simmer in its own juice for 10 minutes.
    3. Chop the onion with garlic, chop the mushrooms, add to the meat, season with salt and pepper. Simmer until the juice evaporates.
    4. Dilute mayonnaise with ketchup with 2.5 glasses of water.
    5. Put meat, cereals on the bottom of the pots, pour mayonnaise-tomato broth just below the edges, season with butter.
    6. Place the containers in the oven. Heat to 190 degrees, simmer for 2/3 hours.

    Chicken stuffed with buckwheat in the oven

    Chicken stuffed with buckwheat in the oven, made in honor of a family celebration, looks spectacular. It is useful to know how to prepare this dish to please the household and the assembled guests. To get a bright golden brown crust that will crunch when consumed, you need to grease the poultry carcass with mayonnaise. In addition to cereals, the filling includes onions, herbs and bread crumb.

    • buckwheat - 0.5 cups;
    • chicken carcass - 1.5 kg;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • loaf - ¼ pcs.;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • fresh parsley - a bunch;
    • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.
    1. Cook the porridge until half cooked.
    2. Rinse the carcass, dry, rub with a mixture of salt and pepper.
    3. Grate the carrots, chop the onions, fry the onion mass over medium heat for 5 minutes, then add the carrots, fry with stirring for 10 minutes, mix with cereals and chopped parsley, season with salt and pepper. Cook for another 5 minutes.
    4. Soak the loaf with milk, squeeze, mix with the dressing, boiled chopped egg and chopped parsley.
    5. Stuff the chicken with the mixture, sew up the edges or fasten with a toothpick, coat the surface with mayonnaise.
    6. Bake at 180 degrees for an hour and a half.

    Baked goose with buckwheat

    Difficult to prepare, but very effective in appearance, it turns out a goose with buckwheat in the oven. There are several options for its preparation, the classic of which is mixing cereals with apples and onions. The dish will turn out more delicious if the carcass is pre-marinated in mayonnaise for a day. This is especially useful when cooking middle-aged poultry, the meat of which will seem dry and tough.

    • goose - 1 pc.;
    • buckwheat - 0.3 kg;
    • apple - 2 pcs.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • lettuce leaves - 3 pcs.
    1. Rinse the goose, dry it, grate the outside and inside with salt, pepper, chopped garlic.
    2. Boil porridge until half cooked.
    3. Chop the onion, fry in oil until golden brown, mix with cereals, fry for 4 minutes, stirring continuously.
    4. Cut apples without a core into slices, add to the mixture.
    5. Stuff the carcass with the filling, sew up the holes with thread, pierce in several places to release the fat.
    6. Place the goose on a baking sheet with the back facing down, fry for 2 hours at 180 degrees.
    7. During cooking, the carcass must be constantly watered with the released fat to get a golden brown crust.
    8. Serve on lettuce leaves.

    Buckwheat with chicken in the oven with cheese

    Buckwheat with chicken is very aromatic and juicy in the oven under cheese, whose crust keeps all the juices inside the dish. For cooking, you can take any cheese - cheddar, mozzarella, classic Russian. To enhance the creamy taste, you can put curd cheese inside, which will give the porridge a softness and amazing aroma. The seasoning of hops-suneli adds spice to the dish, which is put to taste.

    • chicken meat - 100 g;
    • buckwheat groats - 2 cups;
    • boiling water - 2 glasses;
    • cheese - 100 g;
    • mayonnaise - 50 g;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • hops-suneli - 1 tsp.
    1. Rinse the groats, put on a greased baking sheet.
    2. Sprinkle with chopped onion and crushed garlic.
    3. Put the chicken cut into pieces, sprinkle with suneli hops, coat with mayonnaise, pour in boiling water, salt.
    4. Sprinkle the chicken generously with grated cheese.
    5. Bake at 180 degrees for an hour until a crispy cheese crust forms.

    Delicious buckwheat in the oven - cooking secrets

    Experienced chefs advise that in order to fulfill the recipe for delicious buckwheat in the oven, you need to follow some secrets:

    • to get a crumbly aromatic porridge, buckwheat is lightly fried in a dry frying pan;
    • instead of an oven, you can use a multicooker;
    • whole poultry carcasses should be marinated before stuffing - delicious marinades are a mixture of sour cream, mustard, mayonnaise, garlic and mustard with honey;
    • so that the carcass is evenly baked, put a dish with water on the bottom of the oven.

    Here you can see how to cook buckwheat in water correctly.

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