
Refugees global problem of the 21st century. Problems of migrants and refugees. The issue of emigration in the modern world. Refugees in the world: the history of the issue

When the first refugees appeared

The problem of refugees in the form in which we understand it now arose at the beginning of the 20th century. However, as he wrote in his article "Refugees - the global problem of the XXI century, an employee of the Office of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Belarus, Yuri Morgun, the history of humanity is full of tragic pages related to refugees. "Back in 695 BC. e. 50 thousand people fled to Egypt, escaped from the Assyrian army of King Senneteriba, who joined Judea. At the beginning of the new era, about 300 thousand was ready to fled from the invasion of the nomads-Gunnov on the land of Rome. The decay process under the blows of the Varvarov of the Great Roman Empire (410) was accompanied by an unprecedented to the outcome of the masses of people (the "great resettlement of peoples"). In the VIII-IX centuries. As a result of the devastating invasions of the Vikings in Britain, about 40 thousand islanders fled to France. The first crusade (1096-1099) caused a massive outcome of Muslims with "holy places" captured by knights. More than 500 thousand Arabs and Turks became refugees. Refugee waves have been generated not only by wars. Thousands of people in Europe and Asia fled from frequent plague epidemics. The present mass flight began in the first half of the XIII century, when Mongolian hordes, sow death and destruction, passed from the Pacific Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Chinese, Arabs, Rusich, Persians, Poles, Hungarians fled to neighboring countries, trying to escape from terrible invasion. In 1492 after the verdict of the King and Queen of Spain, more than 200 thousand people who did not accept Christianity became refugees.

According to the famous Russian political scientist Fyodor Shelova-Kovadyaeva, it was in international law that the term "refugee" appeared after the First World War, when as a result of the appeal, which was subjected to the peaceful population from the side, above all, the German troops, hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of France and others european countries were forced to leave their homes. In the future, the problem of refugees has repeatedly sharpened, starting in the 1930s. For example, as a result of the policies of the Nazis and the Nazis in Hitler's Germany, Frankist Spain and Italy for Mussolini. Claims are also considered to be cases of East and Western European refugees during and after World War II, Afghan and Jewish (in Israel, from Islamic countries due to persecution and arab-Israeli wars) refugees, Iraqi Kurds, saved from the regime of Saddam Hussein, Cambodians who fled From the mode of half the sweat and many others. Among the inner refugees are distinguished by Colombian (as a result of the activities of the Farc rebels) and Mexican (as a result of the capture of the power revolutionary radicals in one of the states of Mexico). Recently, the most attention was drawn to the problems of refugees arising during the collapse of the USSR; With different hostilities in Rwanda, as a result of the conflict, the Huti tribes and Tutsi; in Sudan, because of the war on religious soil; In Iraq, after entering into this country coalition forces under the leadership of the United States.

To date, there are tens of millions of refugees in the world, most of which are in Africa. Within the framework of the UN, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees is functioning. The status and rights of refugees are governed by international documents. The main among them are - the 1951 Convention and the Protocol of 1967 on the status of refugees who did not recognize the USSR and signed by the Russian Federation; As well as the Convention of the Organization of African Unity on Refugees in Africa. Large compact refugee clusters are a nutrient medium for various kinds of criminal and extremist groups and organizations that are often using support from abroad. For Russia, refugees were the most relevant issues after the collapse of the USSR - from the former Allied Republics: Meskhetians, Azerbaijani Armenians, from Transnistria, Georgians from Abkhazia, South Ossetia and actually Georgia as a result of civil war in this country, as well as in connection with separatist Movements in the North Caucasus, from Chechnya and Dagestan.

If anyone before this definition fell, now it looks more specifically. And so, under the word "refugees" it is customary to understand the persons who left the country in which they constantly lived, as a result of hostilities, persecution or other emergency circumstances. (Economic causes, hunger, epidemics, emergency situations of a natural or man-made character, as a result of which the person left the place of residence, are not such circumstances). As a rule, these people cannot or do not want to use the protection of their country because of fear to be deceived and suffered even more and, as a result, no opportunity to return there. That is why refugee or asylum seeker cannot be expelled back to the country of origin.

It is worth recalling that in the domestic jurisprudence there is still such a term as a "forced migrant". Their rights are largely similar to the rights of refugees, and the main difference is that, unlike refugee, a displaced man has all rights of Russians. They are recognized by citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners legally living in its territory.

A refugee cannot be recognized as a terrible crime of a non-political nature before arriving in Russia, or a really suspect in committing a crime against peace and humanity, or a war crime. (We must especially consider this item, especially in terms of the intersection of our border with deserters from the Ukrainian army). Also cannot be recognized as a refugee. A person competent authorities in which it lived, recognize the rights and obligations related to the citizenship of this state. Here mean, first of all, unpaid taxes and call for military service (although in a situation with Ukrainian citizens, on their part, all these bureaucratic formalities may well be not observed). If you answer the question about where the line between immigrants and refugees is going on, only those who ran from violence and wars are considered to be the edge of the United Nations, but not their descendants born on another land.

How to get refugee status

It is necessary to know that in a strictly legal sense, a refugee as such does not become after recognition, but is due to the onset of existing circumstances. In other words, a person is recognized as a refugee, because he is a refugee. Refugee Refugee provides:

1) an appeal with a refugee recognition (hereinafter referred to as a petition);

2) preliminary consideration of the petition;

3) making a decision on issuing a certificate of consideration of the petition on the merits (hereinafter referred to as evidence) or to refuse to consider the petition on the merits;

4) issuance of a certificate or notification of refusal to consider the petition on the merits;

5) consideration of the petition on the merits;

6) the decision to recognize as a refugee or to refuge with refugees;

7) the issuance of refugee certificate or notice to refuse to recognize as a refugee.

With a legal intersection of the border, the application for refugee recognition does not establish the law. If the man crosses the border Russian Federation It is illegally, then you should seek any border control body or a migration service authority with a statement about the provision of refugee status. It must be borne in mind that the daily duration of the appeal begins with the hour of intersection of the state border of the Russian Federation.

In the petition (or questionnaire), he will need to summarize everything most important for the circumstances for which it was forced to leave the place of permanent residence (interethnic distribution, hostile campaigns, mass riots and pogroms, the death of relatives due to ethnicity, etc. ), because It is of great importance.

Certificate of consideration of the petition for the recognition of the face by refugee is a document certifying the identity of the petitioner. When he received, a potential refugee learn the national passport either another document certifying the person to storage in the post of immigration control or to the management of Migration Migration Affairs of the District of the Russian Federation.

If the person already has a residence permit in the Russian Federation, then his petition is not considered in the provision of refugee status refuses. It is believed that such a person can be equipped independently, and state guarantees provided to refugees, it is not required.

Certificate is the basis for registration of registration in the internal affairs body. Certificate is also the basis for receiving a person and members of his family destinations in the center of temporary placement. Upon receipt of the certificate, a person pays a one-time monetary allowance in the amount of one minimum wage amount, a direction is issued to the center of temporary placement of refugees or persons applicant to the recognition.

The status of a refugee is granted for up to three years (as a rule, for three years), then it can be extended to solve the territorial department of the FMS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, while maintaining the civil affiliation (former ordinary residence) of the circumstances in which the person is recognized as a refugee.

When providing refugee status, a refugee certificate is issued. Information about refugees of family members who have not reached the age of eighteen years are recorded in a certificate of one of the parents.

In case of refusal to recognize a refugee, a person has the right to appeal this decision to a higher authority or to court.

How to solve refugee problems

Of course, in a situation with Ukraine, it is impossible to scatter with critical statements and succumb to the attacks of panic, but it is also impossible to close their eyes to the risks, which carry refugee streams. This is the danger of outbreak of the epidemic of various diseases in camps for displaced persons, as happened during the tragic outcome of refugees from Rwanda in Zaire in 1994, when the total number of persons qualified as refugees, only one week increased to 1.2 million people. This is the danger that after the relative stabilization of the situation in their homeland, refugees may again be in the whirlpool of wars and chaos, and all measures to protect them will be in vain. It is the danger of conflicts between refugees and the indigenous population, when the territory overpopulation comes and people begin to share it.

This is a certain burden on the state budget, since the sources of financing the costs of reception, travel, accommodation and arrangement of refugees and forced displaced persons are the funds of the federal budget allocated for the implementation of federal migration programs, as well as funds of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, directed to the implementation of regional migration programs. .

Relatively simply resolve issues of returning to the places of former living and restoring the rights of refugees from natural and / or environmental disasters; And also, in a number of situations, political refugees, as it was after gaining independence by some African countries or in Cambodia after the fall of the climate regime. Special practice here are cases of exchange of the population between the states - Turkey and Greece after the Greek-Turkish war in the middle of the twentieth century., Poland and the USSR and Poland and Czechoslovakia, on the one hand, and Germany, on the other, after World War II. In conflicts, on the ethnic, racial or religious soil of the political efforts of the parties and the world community and economic support from international organizations, it is not enough for the mass return of refugees and their restoration of them in the rights, especially property.

One of the most successful refugee reintegration programs became the integration of millions of residents of Mozambique, who had to leave the Motherland as a result of the Civil War in the 80-90s. In the 90s. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, UNHCR provided assistance to 3.5 million people during the conflict that covered the former Yugoslavia and caused mass relocation and widespread destruction. One of the most difficult emergencies in the history of UNHCR was a crisis in the area of \u200b\u200bAfrican Great Lakes, which began in 1994 and forced to leave his homeland millions of people.

Thus, ideally, the problem of refugees is to create an exceptional paradise on Earth, where there would be no poverty, hunger, civil wars and political repression. If we talk about refugees from the Donbass today, then, of course, they need to provide any assistance and no state budget will turn. Moreover, they may even be useful as a qualified labor force. But the most terrible thing is that all these complex operations on the placement of refugees and their return to their homeland conducted various international organizations, and now they are either limited to common phrases, or only the humanitarian cargo accompany us, so we have to count on ourselves.

The history of the provision of refuge by foreign states, those who save from persecution and conflict, are calculated by thousands of years. In the 21st century, looking for refuge in other countries, people also force natural disasters.

At the end of the Second World War, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), also known as the United Nations Agency for Refugees, was established to assist forced displaced persons from Europe.

Currently, the world is a witness to the most large-scale movement of the population in history. More than 65.6 million people around the world were forced to leave their homes as a result of conflicts and persecution at the end of 2016. Among them are about 22.5 million refugees, more than half of whom have not reached 18 years of age. Another 10 million aparts were denied citizenship and access to fundamental rights, such as education, health care, employment and freedom of movement. In the world, where 20 people are every minute becoming internally displaced persons as a result of conflicts or persecution, UNHCR's activities are important than ever.

Initial three-year mandate

UNHCR was allocated on December 14, 1950 with an initial mandate for three years, at the end of which was subject to disbandment. On July 28, 1951, the United Nations Convention on the Status of Refugees was adopted, which became the basic document, which guides UNHCR in their activities. After three years, the Agency did not cease its activities and to this day assisted refugees.

UNHCR and Decolonization of Africa

In the 1960s, UNHCR took an active part in resolving refugee crises that arose as a result of the decolonization process in Africa. Over the next two decades, UNHCR assisted in resolving migration crises in Asia and Latin America. The end of the past millennium was marked by a resumed migration crisis in Africa and, returning to the starting point, the crisis of refugees in Europe caused by wars in the Balkans.

Millions of Syrian refugees

Since the beginning of the crisis, the need for humanitarian assistance in Syria has increased significantly. Millions of people need in humanitarian support, including several million children. Since 2010, more than 400,000 people died.

The Syrian crisis associated with the movement of the population became the largest in the world. 6.3 million inhabitants of the country became internally displaced and almost 4 million were refuge in neighboring countries. It is estimated that 4.53 million people in hard-to-reach or precipitated areas are required in humanitarian assistance. In the country, more than 50 percent decreased school attendance. The order of quarters of educational institutions is damaged, destroyed or used as collective shelters. More than half of hospitals are destroyed or severely damaged. Water supply accounts for less than 50 percent of the pre-crisis level. About 9.8 million Syrians experience food shortages and a much larger number of citizens of this country live in poverty.

Turkey adopted more than 2.9 million Syrian refugees. Most of them live in cities, and about 260,000 are in 21 government refugee camp. More than a million Syrian refugees are registered in Lebanon, and 660,000 in Jordan. The growing number of Syrian refugees arrives in Iraq, where more than 241,000 people are already located. At the same time, UNHCR assists more than 122,000 Syrian refugees located in Egypt.

South Sudan

In 2016, due to the failure of the process of peaceful settlement in South Sudan in July, by the end of the year the country was forced to leave 737,000 people.

UNHCR in places

UNHCR headquarters is located in Geneva, but about 85 percent of the state operates in the field. To date, more than 9,300 employees in 123 countries provide protection and assistance about 55 million refugees, repatriates, internally displaced persons and stateless persons. More than five million registered refugees are under the guardianship of the Middle Eastern UN agency to help Palestinian refugees. The main part of UNHCR personnel is based in countries in Asia and Africa leading by the number of refugees and internally displaced persons. Often, UN staff have to work in difficult and dangerous conditions, since many in need of help are in hard-to-reach places. Among the largest operations of UNHCR - programs in Afghanistan, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Pakistan, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq.


The United Nations Middle Eastern United Nations Agency for the Assistance of Palestinian Refugees and Work Organization (UNRWA) was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1949 to provide services to registered Palestinian refugees in the Middle East. In 1950, when the Agency began his work, his task was to meet the needs of about 750,000 Palestinian refugees. UNRWA is a direct service provider, engaged in providing assistance related to primary and secondary education, health, provision of support and social services, infrastructure support and improvement of camps, microfinance and response to emergency situations, Palestinian refugees, which are currently 5, 4 million people, in five areas covered by its mandate: in the Gaza Strip, in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

The World Bank called the Educational System created by UNRWA for 530,000 boys and girls "global public blessings." UNRWA is an effective and competently managed United Nations agency. It conducted major reforms and took measures to save, which allowed him for the period held since 2015, reduce costs of approximately $ 300 million.

Mandate Borp

The definition of refugees, which cited in the 1951 refugee status convention, and the definition of Palestinian refugees, which is given by the United Nations General Assembly, are complementary.

For the purposes of the Bormp, under the "Palestinian refugees" are understood as the usual place of residence of which from June 1, 1946 to May 15, 1948 was Palestine and who lost both their homes and livelihoods as a result of the 1948 conflict. Palestinian refugees and their descendants can register with UNRWA for services provided in the areas covered by its mandate.

UNRWA did not change and cannot change their mandate. These are authorized to make States Members of the United Nations. Through the General Assembly of the United Nations, they set up a task before the Bormp to provide assistance to Palestinian refugees and ensure their protection until the ways were found on the long-term political settlement of the situation on a fair basis, which would allow them to leave a distress.

Since it is not easy to achieve a political settlement, there are still several protracted refugee crises in the world, that is, situations where the status of refugees is preserved for representatives of several generations in a row. According to the General Assembly, in the absence of a fair solution to the issue of Palestinian refugees, the need for UNRWA activities is maintained. Without UNRWA, the problem of Palestinian refugees will not be solved.

Descendants of refugees retain the status of refugees

In accordance with the international law and principle of family unity, children refugees and their descendants are also considered refugees before ensuring a long-term settlement of the situation. On this basis and the Bormp, and UNHCR, the opinions that descendants of refugees are also refugees, are the opinions that enjoys wide recognition by the international community, including both donors and receiving refugees of the country.

The situation of Palestinian refugees does not differ from other protracted refugee crises, such as in Afghanistan or Somalia, where refugee status persists for several generations and recognized UNHCR, which provides them with appropriate support. The tightening refugee crises are a consequence of the inability to find ways to politically resolve the political crises underlying them.

Supply of refugee camps

Camps in which refugees live are often protected. Institutions of the UN system provide refugee access to such urgent needs as food, water supply, sanitation and healthcare.

The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees was doubled the Nobel Prize of Peace - in 1954 and 1981.

Migration in the context of climate change and natural disasters

For persecution and conflicts forcing people to seek asylum in other countries, another sad factor added in the twentieth century - natural disasters (sometimes caused by climate change). The frequency and intensity of such cataclysms as flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes and landslides is consistently growing. This mainly leads to movements of the population within countries, but can also make people look for refuge in other countries. Nevertheless, neither of the existing international or regional legal documents in the field of refugee rights, the plight of such people is specifically stipulated.

Factors associated with climate change also provoke mainly internal resettlement. However, drought, desertification, salinization of groundwater and soil, as well as raising the sea level, which are also caused by climate change, often forced people to leave their countries.

Anthropogenic catastrophes and associated socio-economic deprivations can also force people to run abroad. While only some run from persecution, most people leave their countries due to the fact that they have no real opportunity to stay there. In accordance with, factors such as lack of food and water, limited access to education and health care, as well as lack of livelihood, cannot themselves become the basis for a petition for the provision of refugee status. Nevertheless, some of these people may need one or another protection.

Thus, conflicts, natural disasters and climate change are serious challenges for the international community.

On September 19, 2016, the UN General Assembly organized a high-level meeting to mobilize the efforts of all countries to solve the problem of refugees and migrants.

The question supplied by the professor of political science of the International University of Andalusia, Naila, sounds like this: "What should the European Union be done to resolve the migration issue?"

I'll try to answer him

First, it is necessary to understand what the difference exists between concepts
"Refugee" and "Migrant". The definition of the concept of "refugee" in international law is contained in two main documents: the UN Convention 1951 "On the Status of Refugees" and the protocol of 1967 to it.
Refugees are persons who left the country in which they constantly lived, due to emergency circumstances (armed conflict) or political persecution.

While a migrant is a person moving to a permanent place of residence to another state of economic reason to improve its standard of living.

The European Union sends thousands of people back to the zones of hostilities or countries with dictatorial regimes (Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Afghanistan), despite the fact that they relate to the category of refugees. Thus, Western countries, so Yaros protect democratic principles, violate the 1951 UN Convention on the Status of Refugees.

Secondly, in the confused concept of "European Union" should be divided by governments and citizens.
Is the current Government of Spain acts in the interests of voters when pre-election program Differs to specific cases?
Or, the European Commission protects, for example, the interests of the Greek people when it requires the terms of the financial oligarchy, thereby destroying the foundations of their citizens (Europeans, White, Christians)?

Thirdly, European governments, along with the White House, are responsible for the death in hostilities, at least one and a half million people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Pakistan, Somalia, Mali. As a result of unleashed wars, at least 100 million people lost their home, and another 25 million fled to other countries. Are they ready to assist these people? While we do not see this.

Of course, not only Europe is responsible for the creation of the refugee crisis, it is also not necessary to take the solution of this problem only to European countries, despite the fact that it is here that the Ryano protects human rights.

Such an approach would be unfair and would have given the opportunity to take responsibility to other countries. Is there no guilt of Turkey and Saudi Arabia in the mass outcome of the Syrians? In Australia, for example, thousands of refugees from Africa and Asia are in the so-called "Pacific Guantanamo" located on the territory of Papua New Guinea and the island of Nauru.
In refugee camps in Jordan, hundreds of women and girls (including 2 or 3 years old) were sexually violent.
In Turkey, there are about 3 million Syrian refugees, in Jordan to 2.6 million (40% of the population of the country), in Lebanon to 1.4 million people, while in 27 EU countries (except Germany) 160 thousand.
Fourth, beyond any doubt, the existence of about 60 million refugees in the world is due not only by dictatorial regimes, as well as religious and civil conflicts that only disparate political forces and progressive intelligentsia are opposed.
Such a shocking figure, which many in Europe ignore, is a direct or indirect result of the robber wars of large Western powers, which leads NATO under the brand of "global war with terror" or "planting democracy" in countries rich in natural resources.
France would participate in military aggression against Libya, one of the most stable and prosperous countries in Africa, if there were no huge reserves of oil and fresh water in the country?


Refugees in the EU: the time has come for concrete measures

Yomiuri 07.11.2015

UNICES and Falls of UN

IRNA 29.10.2015

Refugees went to run

Russian Germany 03/04/2016
Since 2011, thousands of Libyans left Libya, which as a result of the military operation of Western countries turned out to be dismantled and looted. The Mediterranean Sea has turned into a huge marine cemetery, at the bottom of which the bodies are resting in any no obey people. Notice that at the same time no one has been rapidly responsible for crimes against humanity.

Recall that Poland promptly responded to the request of Americans to participate in the Afghan mission and, since 2001, fought as part of the forces of the International Coalition in Afghanistan. As a result of bombardments and occupation of Afghanistan (it has nothing to do with the war against terror) killed 700 thousand people, eight million were forced to escape from the country. Now Poland declares that it does not see the possibilities for placing refugees in the country.

In all these wars, the name Abdelhakim Belhaji pops up, which is one of the founders of the "Fighting Islamic Group - Libyan". At one time, he collaborated with the CIA and Mi-6, and now oversees the so-called business associated with the illegal migration of refugees.
In the office of American senator John McCain on the wall hanging his picture.


The US plan of the Middle East map and the North Africa provides for a change in borders not only in Iraq, but also in Syria. It is not by chance that the United States, as well as the European and regional partners of the White House undertake a large-scale military invasion of Syria. If the international coalition intervention in Syria is not stopped, it will bring new victims among the civilian population and increase the flow of refugees from the country.
The "final decision" of the Syrian conflict will be accompanied by ethnic cleansing of communities, which "mistakenly" live here for centuries.

Now there is no more important task for the UN than to put an end to the wars to avoid further human tragedies. In solving this task, we must all show solidarity and be responsible. Unfortunately, Currently, the UN is experiencing not the best of its times. Undermined the confidence of many states to the Universal Institute of "Equality and Brotherhood". Now it is time to give this organization a new impetus in solving global problems. In the near future, it is necessary to develop and implement a new "Marshall Plan", which would finally decide the problem of refugees.

Currently, it is more important to form a global platform for countering wars and militarism.

In connection with the current situation in geopolitics, the modern world is experiencing the process of active resettlement of citizens from the countries of the Third World and the countries of the post-Soviet space. The main reasons for migration are: a low standard of living, unemployment, lack of social guarantees and support from the state, human rights violations, military conflicts, an unfavorable climate. As a rule, West countries today are the most attractive for emigration due to the high standard of living and the powerful social policy of the state regarding their citizens.

Globalization contributes to the process of migration, since the conditions for residence in the third world countries deteriorate every year, the economy of these states works in an occupying mode, which means stable inflation and price increases for goods and services, utility rates, fuel, continuous tax rates, fines, low The quality of food, an increase in the number of unemployed, a high level of the number of persons living beyond poverty, poverty, a high level of crime, environmental problems, a high level of corruption and the indifference of state authorities in relation to the welfare of their people.

In addition, in a number of countries, by virtue of an unstable political situation, military conflict crisis can go, in connection with which, part of the population becomes refugees who are forced to leave for other countries for living.

Today the problem of refugees is present in the Donbas and in the countries of the Middle East. Many DPR and LNR citizens were forced to migrate to Russia, where there are problems with a legal stay in the country.

The problem with illegal migrants and refugees emphasized himself in the European Union, when refugees from Africa and the Middle East, as well as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, began to sharply migrate in 2015 in a huge amount. As a result, the power of the European Union faced the problem of mass influx of illegal migrants and the inability to quickly legislation issues on the assignment of refugee status and issuing documents. In this regard, for migrants from third world countries, camps were created with terrible living conditions, where thousands of people stay. To all of the time, Europe faced the fact that most of the refugees profess Islam, they were brought up in religious families, where, according to the norms of Islam, the European lifestyle is simply unacceptable. As a result, it caused a cultural shock to visit guests and misunderstanding the liberal values \u200b\u200bof the local population.

Residents of European countries were sharply criticized and condemned by migrants, which led to a wave of crimes, mass riots and a threat to the further future of the European Society.

It is quite clear that the authorities of the European Union initially listened to the advice of the main globalists from the United States and the recommendations of liberal politicians who instill in the population of the European Union tolerance to all people, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, religious beliefs. The same gentlemen will promote in Europe the idea of \u200b\u200blegalizing prostitution, same-sex marriage, transgender propaganda, gender shifts, legalization of drugs and other things. As a result of the influx of migrants, the European Union is now in a migration crisis, which can lead to large clashes between indigenous people and refugees and even go to civil war.

In addition to the European Union, problems with labor migrants exist in Russia and the CIS countries. By virtue of the established economic and political situation after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 90s and 2000s in the countries of the post-Soviet space, Russia was under the most favorable conditions from the point of view of the economy and standard of living. Market economy, coming to the country of foreign corporations, made Russia a country attractive to immigration of citizens from Vietnam, China, and more recently for citizens from African and the Middle East. Most of the labor migrants arrive in the major cities of Russia, in particular to Moscow and St. Petersburg due to high wages and a sufficient number of jobs.

Unfortunately, in a situation with migrants in Russia, a number of serious problems have emerged: corruption among law enforcement officers, illegal entrepreneurship, related to the migration records of foreign citizens, issuing patents to work, registration for registration at the place of residence, etc.

Here you can also add a visit to the country of illegal migrants, which employers illegally take a job, creating slave working conditions and paying low wages. In this situation, employers commit a number of offenses and criminal offenses against illegal migrants, without paying them no funds for their work, forcing them to work with a gross violation of the norms of the Labor Code. As a result, it leads to permanent checks of firms and enterprises by law enforcement officers who deal with issues of migration and identifying violations of the legislation, followed by the deportation of the visitors of migrants beyond the Russian Federation.

In addition, labor migrants periodically commit crimes in our country in various reasons: poverty, the inability to get a job, a cultural conflict on the basis of religious norms and beliefs, interethnic distribution and nationalism.

In general, this creates a negative attitude towards visiting migrants from part of Russians, which leads to conflicts close to extremist activities by active citizens with ultra-right views. There are cases when the migrants themselves become victims of crimes from Russian citizens, which indicates extremism and non-compliance with the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Over the past 5-7 years, the problem with emigration has been widely in Russia. Constant drop in living standards, low wages, growth of utility tariffs, corruption, indifference of power to population problems, poor quality of roads and medicine, lack of social guarantees, decent pensions and benefits, low level of security, unemployment, etc., causes part of Russians to think On emigration to the countries of the West, either in the countries with a hot climate in order to occupy downshifting. Thus, over the past 5 years, more than 2-2, 5 million Russians have emigrated from our country.

To solve problems of migration of the population in different countries, Governments and other elite of countries of the Third World and CIS countries should make order in the national economy, create jobs and build enterprises, pay decent salaries, and not to force their citizens to immigrate abroad in search of earnings and better living conditions. Them domestic politics Sometimes just the monstrous in relation to its own population.

It is necessary to clean the fifth column among legislative and executive bodies, introduce hard measures to combat corruption and fully abandon the political course serving the world elites of globalists, for whom migration only benefits and helps them solve their geopolitical tasks.

As practice shows, to labor migrants almost everywhere in the world are not as good as well as the people of the "second grade", especially those who are in someone else's country illegally. This occurs even in a number of countries of the European Union, USA, Canada, Israel, etc. Tolerance and a mysterious European smile, on which it is possible to not understand that a person on the mind will not always talk about friendliness and respect for migrants, even from CIS countries. Sometimes in the process of work, indigenous citizens of any of the Western countries, are indirectly trying to "shove" a larger amount of work on a foreign citizen. In other words, "there is good where we are not."

The text is large therefore it is broken on the pages.

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