
Tsaritsynskaya group of troops Civil war. Liberation Tsaritsyn General Wrangegel. "Smart Commissioner Jugashvili"

In the history of the Civil War armored train, the defense of Tsaritsyn (now Volgograd) occupies a special place. In this military campaign, Bepo played a significant role on both sides of the front line. It was here that the armored train was first used massively both in defense and at the occurrence - which was a considerable degree of the developed network of railways west of the city, relying on which it was possible to maneuver a bepo, creating an armored fist at the right time, in the right place.

Tsaritsyn, at the time of the beginning of the fratricidal conflict, was important in supplying the country to food and fuel. Owning this city gave a huge advantage in conducting hostilities on the whole southern front, as the large industrial and food base allowed the troops with everything necessary, not only carry out the repair of weapons and military equipment, but also to engage in its production. First of all, it concerns the repair and construction of armored trains.
Do not forget that Tsaritsyn is "... The forge of personnel is a constituent point of the numerous contingent of the pioneers of the armored way with a rich, versatile and extremely relevant practical experience, systematization and analysis of this experience, the development of first theoretical schemes and installations. Hence, an excellent understanding of the specifics of the Armored War of the Summit, a creative approach to the case, the extremely effective use of BP, the high consistency of the actions of all links, a reasonable initiative of the BP commanders, an exceptional understanding of its tasks by armored teams, their high level of combustion, good individual preparation of each armored dressing room separately ".
Therefore, during the years of the Civil War, Tsaritsyn and its surroundings are becoming the arena of cruel battles.

In the summer of 1918, the command of the Don Army is attempting to clear from the Red Northern District Regions of the Don region and seize Tsaritsyn, thereby eliminating the threat to its right flank and rear.

For this, 42 thousand bayonets and a saber were concentrated, over 150 guns. Also, the Commander of the Don Troops Ataman Krasnov laid great hopes for the help of Denikin's volunteer army. A grouping of the Red Army on this front numbered up to 40 thousand bayonets and a saber and about 100 field guns. The defending were weakened by the "variety of" their divisions and the lack of proper combat experience in most commanders.

At the end of July, the troops of the Denikin volunteer army are traded by the villages of trading and grand permanent, cutting off the Tsaritsyn from the North Caucasus. But in the future, Denikin refuses to participate in the battle of Tsaritsyn and leads its parts to Ekaterinodar. The grandparents are transferred to the Donents Krasnov.
In the first days of August, part of the operative group of Fitzhelaurov, throwing red 150 km, go to the Tsaritsyn - Kamyshin line, interrupting this maneuver to the message of the Tsaritsyn group of RKKA with Moscow.
On August 18, the parts of the Don Army can be seen by the suburbs of Tsaritsyn - Sareptu and Yerzovka - and tie fights directly for the city itself. But the Polyakova group, which coming to the city from the south, was bogged down in local battles and could not break through Tsaritsyn. And on August 23, the red, tightening the reserves, strike the flank and rear of the group of Ataman Mamontov, who arrived in the center, forcing the Belocazakov by September 6 to retreat for Don.
The reason for the first defeat of the Don Army under Tsaritsyn was the lack of heavy weapons and system infantry parts, so necessary to consolidate the success achieved.
The second onset of whites on Tsaritsyn began in mid-September 1918. This time about 40 thousand bayonets and a saber were directed to the assault of the city, more than hundreds of machine gunners and 129 field weapons. Supported by the upcoming should have been the Don railway brigade General-Major N.I. Condirin, numbering 14 armored trains. "The armored trains consisted normally of two armor vessels with two 3-inch guns and fourteen heavy machine guns of Maxim. The crew of the armored train counted 9 officers and 100 lower ranks, half of which were Don Cossacks. Commanders in most cases were officers of the Don artillery, on the rights of battery commander. Armored train worn titles:

1st Division: Ataman Kalled, "Gundorovets", 2 tools, "Prince Suvorov" - 4 guns;
2nd Division: "Redem", Mityaiknets, 2 tools, "Ilya Muromets" - 4 guns;
3rd Division, commander of the division of military officer I.I. Babkin: "Partizan Colonel Chernetov" - SERGEY AMLEPEYCH RELAVOV (killed), Captain Kiyanian, Kazak Earthunukhin - Captain Popov, "General Blanov" - Sotnik K. N. Fetisov;
4th Division: "Donskoy Bayan", "Ermak", "Ivan Ring".

Two separate armored trains: "Ataman Orlov" - the military officer L.A. Stefanov (killed); "Ataman Nazarov" - Podstul N.D. Scandilov. " In addition to this compound, on the Bobrov plot - Talovaya - Mikhaylovka acted on their own three separate armormen: "Buzuluk", "Hoper" and a trophy bepor, shot down by the red detachment of General Geeselchchikov. The presence of radial railway branches west of Tsaritsyn played on his hand White, since the onset of the Don Army should have developed along these paths, in order to maximize the possibility of maneuver Bepo.

The defending Tsaritsyn 10th Army of Red, despite the big losses, incurred during the first defense of the city, was replenished with fresh parts and again numbered about 40 thousand bayonets and a saber, up to 200 machine guns and one and a half hundred field guns. In addition, firing support for the troops should have been given 15 armored trains reduced into the armor columns of the 10th Army under the leadership of F.N. Alyabyeva and D. Rudya.
These were Bepo: "Chernomorets", "2nd Taganrog", "Bryansk", "2nd Siberian", "1st Donskoy", "Bolshevik", "Artem", "Lightning", "carbon", " Thunder, "Communist", "3rd International," Will "," Thunderstorm "," Tov. Lenin. " Their maintenance should be carried out in the workshops "Treatron" of the North Caucasus Military District located on the territory of the tool plant. The ships of the Volga military flotilla were to ensure the coverage of the flanks of the 10th Army of the Red Army.
The second offensive of the Don Army, despite the fierce resistance of the enemy and large losses, developed successfully. Part 10 of the Red Army were rejected from Don to Tsaritsyn's suburbs.

In September, parts of the Don Army managed to seize: 43 guns, 312 machine guns, 10 thousand rifles, 5 armored trains, 4 armored vehicles, 12 thousand shells. However, Krasnov recognized that the loss of personnel in his troops amounted to 40% of the Cossacks and 80% of officers.
In early October, Belocazakov managed to knock out red from the suburbs of Tsaritsyn - Sarepti, Otrada, Beketovka - and go to the last broker of the defense of the city.
Despite the retreat, the crews of red armored train continued to manifest themselves worthy of fights with the opponent.
From the report of Voroshilova Stalin: "The enemy early in the morning has led a strong attack on the destroying of Basargino, but it was shot down by our infantry and armored trains. We were busy dominant heights, but the command staff did not dispose of linger at altitudes and began to pursue a retreating enemy.
The enemy, having recovered, went to the counterattack, hit our chain, and all ran. I and Kulik came up with the legs, trying to stop the deplents, but it was not possible to delay. Chains reached the railway track. Armor trains work selflessly and extremely stable. If the position is restored, then exclusively thanks to armored trains. I strain all the strength and take action to save the situation. Food again to the front in the chain. "

On October 2, the fierce battles broke out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Marinovsky Railway Bridge and the Muzgad Curve Station. Here the Cossacks Krasnov had to lead the hardest battles with armored trains of the 10th Army. Even reinforcements did not help: the 98th New-Nikolaev Cossack Regiment approached the rescue, the 98th Nikolaev Cossack Regiment was literally the sort of the most powerful artillery and machine-gun fire of red bepo. The commander of the 98th regiment recorded in the report: "Loss of huge losses, I retreated out of the shots with a regiment. Now I send the wounded and put in order the regiment ".
But, despite the local successes of Alyabyev armored trafficking, in general, the offensive of Belocazakov continued to develop, not slowing down the pace.

The successful actions of the Krasnovtsev shaken and the moral condition of the Red Army soldiers: October 15, 1918 in the area of \u200b\u200bBeketovka, the 1st and 2nd peasant shelves are moving towards the side of the White. As a result of this treason, a breach is formed in the defense of the red, it was not necessary to close, since the reinforcement did not hear due to congestion on the railways: "The prisoners showed that reinforcements to the red go hiking, as the railway compositions are all clogged with ammunition that drawers with shells stand even on the roofs of the wagons".

K.E. Voroshilov with Lugansk Red Guards at the front under the Tsaritsyn at the armored train
"Communist", autumn 1918. The inscription on the armoredagon Bepo - "Commune flies"

It seemed that the outcome of the battle was resolved: another throw - and Tsaritsyn will be in the hands of the Krasnov army. The decisive assault command was planned on October 17.

But sometimes Fortuna is very volatile, and the following events can serve as a bright example.

Commander of the so-called "steel" division of the RKKK Dmitry Petrovich Zhoba, climbing with the commander-in-chief of the Red Army in the North Caucasus I.L. Sorokin, removes his division from the Caucasian Front and takes towards Tsaritsyn. Already on the way, Zhlub receives an order from all the same Sorokin - to speak at Tsaritsyn. The "steel" division, which consisted of 8 infantry and 2 cavalry regiments, 10-15 thousand fighters, was put forward in September.
Moving at night, the division thoroughly masked her way, trying not to approach the railway closer than 100-120 miles. Thanks to this, the combat connection of the bilge approached the Tsaritsyn front, without finding himself an opponent. Having understood on the spot, coming "steel" makes a decision - to apply a powerful blow to the storm parts of the white storms from the rear.

At the same time, the flurry of artillery and machine-gun fire from Tsaritsyn fell on the Krasnovtsy. "... At this time, the armored train approached from the north along the ring railway; On the right and left flanks of the front section, the trucks converted into armored vehicles and armed machine guns broke forward; The batteries moved the fire into the deployment of the White Guards to cut off the departure paths to their advanced parts. Red infantry went to the counterattack. She quickly moved forward. And as the artillery moved the fire farther and further, before the eyes of the observers, there was still a smoking battlefield, destroyed by the corpses of White Guards and Perepanted by projectiles ".
After such a counterdard about the occurrence of Tsaritsyn could not go and speech. The Don Army was forced to retreat - and on October 25, the main parts of the whites were departed for Don.
But, despite this, brutal battles continued to occur in some places in which armored tickets took part. From the operational summary of the 10th Army: "On the Log Plot - Lipki on November 28, at 14 o'clock, the opponent has moved by considerable forces. Our parts, not withstanding the onslaught, were forced to retreat, but our armored train "Lightning", having stopped in the rear of the enemy, opened an artillery, machine gun and bombing fire.
The opponent ran in panic. Commander "Zipper" Comrade Belogrudov, stopped the fire, commanded the running: "Give up, otherwise I'm shooting everything." Part of the armored train team rushed to catch up running away. Cadets, raising her arms up, shouted: "Comrades, surrender", approached the armored car. "

To track the path of development of Tsaritsyn armored trains is extremely difficult separately. This is primarily due to the lack of due documentation, as well as a large confusion in their appearance, which has changed quite often. Armored trains when repairing repairs could have been replaced by many times the disposal arranging or repairs and re-repaid available. In addition, Bepo often passed from hand to hand, so sometimes it becomes impossible to determine who originally belonged to this armored composition.

Despite the fact that Bepo, repaired in Tsaritsyn, are classified by historians as a Tsaritsynsky-type armored train, it would be so literally erroneously, since many bubo were built in other workshops.

So, for example, the "Wolia" armored train was built in the Raism, and Bryansky Bepo was built at the Bryansky factory in Ekaterinoslava. Therefore, classify Bepo as Tsaritsynsky will be rather not in the project, but in conceptual. In the documentation of the "Centrobroni", they generally all from December 1918 had the labeling "D" - "Don". And it will be rather, since the modernization they passed not only in Tsaritsyn, but also on all other railway workshops and repair bases "Centrobroni".
In the autumn of 1918, according to the Centrhombronic Directive, the widespread unification of the Armored Park of the Red Army began. Most of the built-in armored traders should now be arranged to resemble the Bepo of the Russian Army of the 1915 sample. Only one reliable stammer-compound series of the O series, the ON who satisfies the requirements of use in intensive combat measures must come to the change of the "different set company" of the steam locomotives.

The "Donskoy" type armored train should consist of two or three four-axle armorpers, on which one 76.2-mm field weapon of the 1902 sample was installed. Sometimes there were two-axis platforms of Tsaritsynovskaya alterations, but this phenomenon was extremely rare. There were also four-axle armoredagons armed with two guns, but such, too, can be literally recalculated on the fingers.
The armor blinds had a simplified caasemate, with a semicircular roof, the radius of the rounding of which could very much, which occupied 2/3 or 3/4 of the wagon length. The rest was assigned to the brush with a "three-dimuum". For each board, there were 2-3 ambrusuras for Maxim machine guns.

For the "Don" bepo, standard "sheep", adapted to work both on dry and on liquid fuel. Bronproofaros had a rounded boiler booking with a brass ad-archer installed above it, which defended the height and other locomotive output devices.
Often there were armored traps with unarmarried locomotives, it was caused as a lack of reserved locomotives themselves, and the need to have at the front as many mobile weapons can be needed.
For this, the third armoredagon's third armoredagon was taken from the already existing bepor, and thus picing it to the usual "black" locomotive, received another armored armored on the front.

The third attack on Tsaritsyn began on January 1, 1919. It developed sluggishly and soon ceased.
On January 8, 1919, a meeting of white generals of Denikin and Krasnova was held at the trading station, at which it was decided to merge the elevelic troops of the Don and Volunteer Army to the Armed Forces of the South of Russia (Emergency), under the leadership of General A.I. Denikin.
In the second half of May 1919, the Armed Forces of the South of Russia began an operation, the purpose of which was the defeat of the Southern Front of the Red Army and access to the operational space to begin an offensive in Moscow.

At the same time, the troops of the South Front of the Red Army under the command of V.M. Gittis began an offensive in the Donbas and Rivers Seversky Donets and Manch towards Novocherkassk. The purpose of this offensive was the surroundings and the full defeat of the NEW.

To achieve this goal, the Reds were going to use 27 armored trains, which were distributed as follows: 13th Army - 13, 8th Army - 6, 9th Army - 3 and 10th Army - 5. In addition, several armored trains were in The 14th and 12th armies deployed at the time in Ukraine.
At the end of May, the troops successfully applied counterdasters on the southern front of the red in the band from Azov to the Caspian Seas. Red under the onslaught retreated, and the White Guards moved to the offensive on Kharkov and Tsaritsyn.

On June 2, in the suburbs of Lugansk, near the station Popasnaya there was a fight of red armored train No. 16 "Carcake" with three White Guard Tanks MK-V and Bepo "United Russia".
The carbon bar "Carbon" was a typical Bepo "Donskoy" type, consisting of a steam locomotive (presumably unreserved booking) and two "Tsaritsyn" armor aircraft. The armament of combat composition consisted of two "three-links" and twelve machine guns "Maxim". The Bepo team was scored from the sailors of the Baltic fleet hardened in battles, "carbon" participated in the battles in the Donbas and during the second defense of Tsaritsyn.
British production Tanks MK-V were part of the 1st squad (commander Captain Vereyev) of the 1st Division of the Tanks of the Armed Forces of the Southern Russia. Tanks arrived from Great Britain to Novorossiysk March 22, 1919 on the steamer "Saint Mikhail". Total 12 cars: six heavy MK-V and six light mk-a. Initially, the British instructor was going to train crews of 6 months, but after a month and a half, the combat vehicles were sent to the front.

At the end of May 1919, in view of the threat of a new onset of parts of the union, from the station Popasna Railway workers evacuated the entire rolling stock and chain equipment.
On June 2, 1919, part of the 42nd rifle division of the Red Army, defeated the front in the Popasnaya region, were attacked by infantry and three tanks of the Volunteer Army. Armor Train No. 16 "Carbon" arrived at the defendant, which immediately opened a squall fire from guns and machine guns on the advancing parts of white. Having received a decent story, Denikinians began to retreat towards the company's station.
In the continued artillery duel with tanks "carbon" destroyed the direct hit of MK-V, moving along the railway mound. The combat car completely burned down, 7 out of 10 crew members died. (According to the results of this, the Bai command of the armor's command was issued presented prohibiting "Use tanks for action along the railway canvas, which you can expect the movement of enemy armored trains")

In the midst of the battle on the part of the company station, the Belogvardeysky armored train "United Russia" approached. Hidden forest landing, which stretches along the railway canvase, he was not in a timely manner noticed by the team members and managed to first open aimed fire. The first projectile was pleased with the steamer boiler, and several the next shots fell into the compartment, where the ammunition to the tools was stored.
An explosion thundered, and the "carbon" lashed fire and a large black cloud of smoke. Inside continued to break the ammunition of the armored train, which some more explosions thundered. Five fighters left alive from thirty people and one nurse.

In 1965, a monument was erected on the spot of the death of the armored train "carbon".
In addition to the fighting, the sky losses and the material part of Bepo happened. So, earlier, we are known to capture the cadets in captivity of the Tsaritsynskaya building "Lightning", taking its name from the same name of the Krasnogvardeysky detachment, after the battles in the Tsaritsyn front, he was transferred to the Donbass, where they led active combat activities.
In early July 1919, after one of the battles, an unexploded large-caliber projectile was discovered non-corporate trap. Deciding to twist a remote tube from it to determine the installation, the Bepo Belogrudov commander orders to transfer a dangerous ammunition to the control platform. The result was quite obvious: the shell was downdown and all those present at the same time opened into pieces, including the Bepo commander. Soon after that, the armored train was surrounded and was undermined by his team.
By the end of June, the Crimea, Donbass, June 24 - Kharkov, June 27 - Yekaterinoslav are in the hands of Denikin. June 30, in fact, without a fight, Tsaritsyn was taken. Having defeated the three armies of the Bolsheviks, the troops of the East to the beginning of July go to the operational space.
On July 3, 1919, the offensive of the Emergency to Moscow begins.

Elevation of Stalin. Defense Tsaritsyn Goncharov Vladislav Lvovich

Chapter XIII. Fights at the Tsaritsyn front in November 1918

In the period on October 23-30, when a transactions in the prosecution of the Belarusakov, the Kalach-Na Donu, west of the Krivomazgin and the Lyapichev station, began to receive anxiety from the North Plot of the Tsaritsyn Front to the headquarters of the 10th Tsaritsyn Army.

At this time, the commander of the 10th Army of Tov. Voroshilov strained all his strength, so as not to give the enemy the opportunity to disrupt the surgery conceived by him on mastering the right bank of Don and to purify the Tsaritsyn-Railway railway from him.

Carefully analyzing the course of development of the persecution of white in the direction of Karpovka and Gnilo-Assay, Tov. Voroshilov by October 25 comes to the conclusion that the moment came when it is possible to start the energetic cleansing of the Northern plot of the Tsaritsyn front with the aim of the early mastery of the railway Tsaritsyn, Seryryakovo, Mistino. It was clear for him that if parts of the 9th Army were not resistant to keep his front, and parts of the 1st Kamyshinsky division on the right flank will not develop active actions in the direction of Filomovo stations, Kumylag, (Schel.) Sebryakovo, i.e. If they won't strive to move the enemy to the north of the Medlemon River to the west to the Seryburg railway and further on the south-west, behind the Don River, then all the offensive battles of the 10th Army north of Tsaritsyn will flow at extremely difficult conditions.

Belocasks acting on the Northern Piece of the Tsaritsyn Front, got a strictest order to hold the positions to the north of the Watching line, Kotluban, Varlamov, Prudkov. General Tatarkin, whose division headquarters was located in the farm Loznaya, was ordered: the 5th and 6th cavalry regiments, 1, 4, 17, 41, 78 and 82th infantry shelves to expand the breakthrough in the direction of Kotluban, Pichuga.

In the headquarters of the generals Krasnova and Denisov, after the failure of their offensive, the west and south of Tsaritsyn, the hope was still essential for the development of success in the north, in the direction of Gumba, Tsaritsyn. This hope was supported by the fact that the whiteboatas continued until October 25 to beat the part of the Mironov division, which was included in the 9th Army and was at the junction with the 10th Tsaritsyn army. Belocazakov was covered with successes in Kamyshin-Krasnoyarsk (Red Yar) direction, and they continued their offensive actions, seeking to master the railway Kamyshin, Red Yar, Balashov. In addition, quite favorable information for white walked from the front of the Liski, Novokhopersk, where they also had success against the 8th Red Army of the Southern Front.

October 25, 1918 TOV. Voroshilov gives orders number 19 for the troops of the 10th Army. Here we give it completely.

For the speedy liquidation of the breakthrough and displacement of the opponents in the northern and temporary 4th and 5th plots entrusted to me the army I order:

Northern Point under the Tov team. Kolpakova:

Holding a close connection with the central plot, the left flank of his troops to knock the enemy from the positions occupied and move to the North-West and the north, to take the station and the village of Kachalin, crossing the River Don from the village of Three-Ostrovskaya - Zimoviensky, right up to the mouth of the Ilovley River, River Don. The center and right flank of their troops, keeping a close connection with parts of TOV. Gavrilova (Schdiv Wolish) to shoot down the enemy from the occupied positions and, moving to the north-west and north, take the farm: Zotov, Sazanov 2nd, Fastov, Shirokov, Dog, Baibayev, Shishkin, Alaev, Zavarigin, Popov, Kolotsky, Art. Ilovly and Stanitsa Ilovlinskaya, Sand, Peschansky and Avilov. At the lesson of the above farms to gain a foothold on the positions occupied and wait for further orders.

The temporary 4th battle area under the command of the head of the Volsk Division Gavrilov:

Holding a close relationship on the right flank with parts of Kosolapov and on the left flank with parts of the Tov. Kolpakova, knock the enemy from the positions occupied around the site of his troops, moving to the north-west and north, expanding his combat site, take the farm Sadkovsky, Sazanov 1st, Yermilov, Greater Ivanovka and all the farm for p. Ilovlya, from Avilova to Ekaterinovskaya inclusive. According to the above operation and occupation of all farms to gain a foothold at the occupied positions by p. Ilovlya, waiting for further orders.

The temporary 5th plot under the Kosolapov team:

Holding a close relationship on the right flank of its troops with parts of Mironov and on the left flank with the parts of Gavrilov, with the promotion of which to move with its parts in the Sezryakovo direction.

Commander of the 10th Army Voroshilov.

As you can see, this order is detailing (mainly for the northern plot) of those policy guidelines that are Tov. Voroshilov gave the army troops on October 23 for the persecution of the Belocazakov for the Don River.

The main operational idea embedded in this order was to eliminate the breakthrough whites to the north of Tsaritsyn, to discard them behind the Ilovlya River, and then ride tightly to the Tsaritsyn-Dorinsky railway line. We again emphasize the extremely instructive method of using few more familiar TOV. Voroshilov in the fighting of the Wolish division, which he puts in the middle (with secured flanks) between the combat sections of Kolpakov and Kosolapov.

The successful development of the persecution of whites in the central and southern sites gave the opportunity to proceed with the speedy purification of the entire area between the Rivers of the Ilovlya and Volga (1st stage), and then between the Bed and the Volga (2nd stage).

If Tsaritsyn would receive the firepripasses asking them in a timely manner and if she had not been rebelled by the regiments of the Wolish division, the process of cleansing the northern plot from the enemy would certainly have passed faster and more successful. Similarly, further organizational improvement of parts of the 10th Tsaritsyn army continued to be intensively continued with operational work. New team members were preparing, even more carefully began the selection of contingents from new replenishment. Order of October 25 No. 18 formed the 1st Don Soviet Rifle Division (three-bit composition with artbrigada) with the 1st Soviet Equestrian Brigade of Tov. Buddy. Political commissars were appointed to all military units; Those comrades that showed their skill and courage in the decisive battles of the first and second environments of Tsaritsyn were put on top command posts.

Order of October 23 No. 17, as we saw, combat sections were installed with appropriate demarcation lines; In order to further consolidate this principle of the organization of the command, it was necessary to clearly indicate that individual divisions, previously submitted to the commander of the 10th Army, are now subordinate to the heads of combat sites, and the last - command of the army. This was done mainly in order to more quickly manage a huge time (up to 400 km) the front, which held the 10th Army, and this front was extremely unstable, movable and interrupted. In addition, it was necessary to give greater operational and tactical freedom in the choice of funds and events by the heads of combat sites, which by order No. 17 of October 23, five were established. In other words, five command instances with five private chiefs were installed, directly subordinate to that. Voroshilov.

We must not forget the main thing that in 1918 the Red Army built and improved its fighting parts in the fire and a bore of grave deprivation, fighting, in conditions of lack of fireprips, Valiantly reflecting on all parties to the Outdoor and internal counterrevolution. Discipline in battle and outside the battle was not everywhere at the height, and therefore Tov. Voroshilov very often turned to troops with orders who demanded iron discipline and a strict organization. October 26, when the immediate danger of Tsaritsyn had already disappeared and the broken and demoralized enemy went away at the central and southern combat sites, while holding back only north of Tsaritsyn, Tov. Voroshilov gives the following, extremely instructive order No. 20 for the troops of the 10th Tsaritsyn army:

"In the fire of battles, among the alarms and the jooms of hiking life, the army in the Tsaritsynsky front tirelessly continued its internal construction. Created large combat units, a discipline approved. And the Military Revolutionary Council of the 10th Army welcomes both the comrades of the Red Army team for their desire for revolutionary discipline and the team composition for his efforts to create military army military stroke and raise its combat revolutionary spirit to the fear of the enemies of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic. But at the same time, observing certain cases of evasion of discipline, fluctuations in the execution of orders, non-obstacles standing higher by the command, the Military Revolutionary Council of the Army on the basis of the decrees of the Higher Soviet power by this order of the stricter prescribes steadily to comply with the revolutionary discipline and the procedure for submission. The heads of the plots are subject to the army commander and the Military Revolutionary Council of the Army, the divisions commanders are subject to the heads of the plots, the commanders of the Brigades - Divisions Commanders, the commanders of the regiments - commanders of the Brigades, etc., to the exclusive, separated commanders and each Red Army of the Soviet Army inclusive. A strict friendly discipline, built on mutual respect for each other, should exist between all the faces of the command formulation, as among the comrades of the Red Army.

Order by troops of October 30 TOV. Voroshilov was addressed to the 38th Rogozhsky-Simonian regiment to the 1st Communist Division. In its glorious rows and fought the 38th regiment of Moscow proletarians with exceptional heroism and resistance.

In the process of developing active operations to the north of Tsaritsyn, he sends a request for sending no "telegrams-promises" to the center and headquarters of the South Front, and the cargo with firepripses for the supply of heroic fighters that continued to fight, having a small stock of Tsaritsyn Plants and trophies.

Tov. Voroshilov wrote:

"Kozlov, Complert Symita,

Member of the Board Worstyrova Mechanichina,

Copy Arzamas. Chief Committee

Donosha: By October 31 of this year, the army entrusted to me is the number of more than 70,000 people (infantry, cavalry, artillery). All trained. Until now, the 10th Army Heroyaka reflected the opponent's offensive, scorching up more than once without martial supplies, alone bayonets. Supplying to the army began to arrive while in small quantities; Despite the timely demands, their vacation is still inhibited.

November 5, s / g. The army moved to the offensive in the Archadinsky and Kamyshinsky sites and, when obtaining released combat supplies, in sufficient quantities go to the offensive throughout the front. The numerical composition of the army is sent monthly twice in the headquarters of the South Front. № 165.

Commander-10 Voroshilov. "

On October 31, in the headquarters of the 10th Army, it became known that her right neighbor was the 9th Army of the Southern Front - again tolerates defeat and under the pressure of Belokazakov departs to the east of the Railway Kamyshin, Balashov. The Mironov Division has departed with large losses to the Rudnya area, Division Kikivije - to Alexandrovka, Matyshevo.

On October 30, the Belocasaki was taken by Red Yar, interrupting the message Balashov with Kamyshin. In other words, a direct threat was created for the only way to supply the 10th Army - the Kamyshin district and the railway race from him to Balashov - Tambov - Moscow.

November 1 TOV. Voroshilov gives two orders, No. 24 and No. 25, aimed at ensuring that it is more expedient and faster to eliminate the successes of the Belarusians in the Kamyshin direction and north of Tsaritsyn. Order No. 25 TOV. Voroshilov entrusts the command of the central sections of the 140-km front from the Music River (South), through the wheel to Hut. Ekaterinovsky (on the Ilovlya River) and indicates that he will have an assistant to come on the northern plot. Caps. The southern plot of Harchenko remained unchanged, as indicated in the order No. 17 of October 23.

The front from the farm Yekaterinovsky and to the Red Yar was handed over to the Kamyshinsky division. He was also subject to all the troops, which were sent to the Kamyshin area.

Thus, the command of the central site was: steel division, 2nd consolidated Cossacks, Kotlubano-Buzinovskaya, Kachalin, Dono-Stavropol, 1st Communist, Wolish Division and Sorokina Brigade.

The main operational idea invested in order No. 24 was to allocate a shock group from the most experienced in the Archadin direction to the Archadney direction from the most experienced in combat terms of the 1st Communist Division with the task of mastering the Arched area and thereby go to the rear of the Belocamers who broke through In the direction of the Red Yar.

For this, the steel division, the 1st Donetsk-Morozovskaya, the 2nd pivot-Don and Kachalin divisions were to continue their nomination to the Don on the site the mouth of the Music River (South), Kolotsky farm. Four and a half divisions (Dono-Stavropol, Communist, Volskaya and 1st Kamyshinsky and one brigade) come in the strip between the rivers of the Major and Volga. By this time (the first numbers of November 1918), the combat composition of the division was the following:

Shock group, i.e., the 1st Communist Division, should have facilitated on the left flank Don-Stavropol division under the Kolpov team by the onset along the Don River to the Hootor of the Okrug, and on the right flank - the Volskaya and Kamyshin division, who had to adopted on the front Kamyshin, Gurov. In addition, a group of 1500 fighters should have a blow to the rear from the Kamyshin area to destroy the enemy, breaking toward the Red Yar.

Tov. Voroshilov believed that after regrouping divisions in the morning on November 3, it is possible to start an offensive in the direction of Archda, Mistino.

In the period on November 6-9, the VI All-Russian Emergency Congress of Soviets was gathered. During the work of the congress, there were reports of the German revolution, which crossed the Brest Treaty.

Tov. Voroshilov informed TOV. Stalin about the departure to the VI Congress of the Councils of delegates from the 10th Tsaritsyn Army:

From the conversation on the direct wire of Comrade Voroshilov (Tsaritsyn) with a comrade Stalin (Moscow) in the first days of November 1918

Voroshilov. Tonight, delegates go to the congress. The provision position is still hopeless. Kamyshin directly threatens the enemy, a reduction is obtained about the exercise of cadets below. Dobrynki, which is above Camile verso 25-30. We have taken steps for the distance of Kamyshin, but all this sad, if not fabulous, more sad story happened with such a dizzying speed, while on the nose at the commandment that we could not be undertaken by anything else. The overall position remains still sluggish, but we already have information that the enemy accumulates the strength of Lyapicheva and other places. As for our parades and reviews, they made a certain impression on Trotsky, who was convinced that we were not a squad, and that we have a really organized, serious revolutionary army. I, Voroshilov, now I stay almost alone here. Work now, with the created conditions terribly hard.

Stalin. I believe that you have to pull from Astrakhan, Voronezh all your active comrades in order to put the front of the front. Voroshilov, as the commander - the owner of the front and he has the ability to put the case, as it will find it necessary. All your notes are stored in the portfolio ...

Voroshilov. Tell me, what is the situation of the North Caucasian troops?

Stalin. Also suffer without supply, like you. According to the information received, the parts of the Caucasian army are occupied by the Caucasian and they are sent by Tikhoretsk, which, too, perhaps is busy. We had reported to the comrade passing Moscow.

Voroshilov. Driving comrades are reported in detail about everything, and I ask my part more often to inform me about the state of affairs in the center. In addition, I ask you to send a parchomenko here, which I really need.

Stalin. By this minute I will give Parhomenko. As for the change of politics, wait until the end of the congress. Cases in the center will now be better than they walked until now. I have no doubt about it. I'm leaving, I press everyone a hand.

Voroshilov. Be kind to say what you can hear about the West?

Stalin. So far nothing special.

Voroshilov. Well, all the best. From us Hi comrade Ilyich, press your hands.

Stalin. Ilyich soul with you, he loved you, devils.

Voroshilov. This is the greatest reward for all undeserved resentment by other comrades. Be healthy.

Stalin. Shake your hand.

We interrupted the presentation of the operations of the 10th Army at that moment when it began to regroup its parts for the execution of the order of the Tov. Voroshilova for No. 24 of November 1. Regrouping parts walked normally; Only from the region engaged in the regiments of the Wolish Division, by November 5 began to receive information that in parts of the Wolish division, the mood of the mood, in which they hardly fulfill the combat challenge to them by order No. 24. Three shelves of the Wolish division focused in the Loznaya region, which is white By November 3, left, going to the north, to the line of the Ilovlya River. Tov. Voroshilov on November 6 sent to the head of the Wolish division of Gavrilov and the Political Commissioner of Belyaeva Order No. 28:

"The Wolish division order immediately proceed to the execution of an operational order No. 24; For the non-fulfillment of the order, the entire team composition and commissioners will be given to the court of the Military Revolutionary Tribunal, and provocateurs that smelling soldiers to non-fulfillment will be shot without trial. On receiving the order number 28 to telegrapher me. № 132 ".

But this order did not have an impact on the Wolish division, the accomplusing, and the command did not manage to restore order and properly deal with the leaders of the rebellion.

"Our parts have passed on the offensive from 8 o'clock in the morning, the troops are suitable for the Beluzhinsky drive, which will be busy today. The opponent does not discover itself. Successful promotion is very braked through the destruction of all railway bridges and damage. On a large space, the rails are bent and the sleepers are destroyed. I will inform about further actions. "

And at the time when there were stubborn battles along the railway, going to the Ilovlya station, when the Voroshilov Comrade Voroshilova, the Valiant Heroes, the Moscow Workers of the 38th Rogozhskoy-Simonian Regiment went to the attack, destroying the class enemy, expired in the harsh battles When a team of comrade Sorokina named after III in International Mainuro went into the rear than white and one blow destroyed 250 people in the area of \u200b\u200bIlovlya station at 2 officers, at that moment the 1st Astrakhan, 1st and 2nd Balaklava rifle shelves, throwing positions, Focus in the Loznaya district, deciding to go further on Dubovka. Part 2 of the 2nd Ilovlinsky Regiment of the 1st Kamyshinsky Division, succumbed to the counter-revolutionary campaigning in the regiment of rebels from the Wolish division, also threw the positions and moved to the rear.

During this rebellion of the 1st and 2nd Balaklava and the 2nd Ilovlinsky shelves, the 7th company of the 1st Ilovlinsky regiment showed outstanding heroism: surrounded by the rebel shelves, on their demand to pass weapons, she replied to rifle-machine-gun fire, He broke out from the area of \u200b\u200bthe cachatry to the Alexandrovka district, disasted one of the treacherous mouth of the 2nd Ilovlinsky regiment and continued to firmly fight with white flames. The leaders of this valiant business of Solomentsov (Commissioner Regiment) and Dorokhin (commander of the 7th company) were gratitude to the commander of the 10th Army Tov. Voroshilova.

Seeing that the further dissemination of the insurrection can break the onset of our shock group successfully developing to the Ilovly Station, Comrade Voroshilov orders in the shortest possible time to eliminate the rebellion of the parts of the Wolish division. For this purpose, he highlights a detachment under the command of the hero of Tsaritsyn Defense Tov. Mikhailovsky, who very quickly and successfully eliminates the rebellion of the regiments of the Wolish division.

On November 1, the commander of the South Front, the famine of Trotsky, Syutin gave the directive in which he decided to go to the energetic offensive by all armies. He wrote:

"The main operating direction is recognized by the line of Tsaritsyn Zhengths, and in this direction the enemy should be applied to the enemy as a leaderino (the main shock group) and from Tsaritsyn."

The operational plan of the commander of the front was to apply 8, 9 and the 10th armies of the "rapid, energetic, concentric" strike towards Talovaya, Kalach; Mistino, Filonovo and the valleys of Archda rivers, a bear. But from this offensive, which was to start on November 4, nothing came out. Moreover, this directive was taken with him to Krasnov, the active member of the White Guard "National Center" Colonel Nosovich was taken towards the Krasnovka. On this occasion. Voroshilov wrote:

"Moscow, CEC, Chairman Sverdlov

From Tsaritsyn, adopted 6 / XI 1918

The renovation of the eighth army told us that the former Nettable Sevkavokra Nosovic moved to the side of Belykh. Not only we, but the surroundinguzh, we repeatedly pointed out the obvious counterrevolutionism of the novel, but the usual inattention of our comrades gave him the opportunity to slip away from the punishment and accept the command to the enemy forces. We believe that at the moment it is necessary to adopt a number of emergency measures towards the nearest nosoviche's associates who, together with him, prominent posts: General Snesarev, freed from the arrest and the commander of the Western curtain, and especially Kovalevsky, the headquarters of the South Front, openly The announced (which can be confirmed by Stalin and Sergo Ordzhonikidze) that he does not fight with the Cossacks. It is absolutely urgent to clean the south front and replacement of all ciphers, since the fact of the unimpeded passage of the novel is not only through our line, but the enemy clearly points to the intercourse of Nosoviche with the enemy during his headquarters of the front.

Commanderm X.

K. Voroshilov. "

Krasnov and Denisov, having learned the operational plan of the commander of the South Front of Sytin, threw a concentrated 13-thousand grouping into an energetic attack on the front of the Liski, Talova in the direction of Voronezh. It was very alarmed by the Sytin team, and he refused his concentric offensive plan. On the evening of November 3, Sotan wrote Tov. Voroshilov that white-facasters are conducted in the Bobrov area, Nikolaevka, a bathing attack by large forces. They hit the front of the 8th Army, the position of which was threatening, and therefore "there are reserves intended for a general offensive, distribute to two armies to delay the success of the enemy." Sitel demanded from the 10th Army to develop an offensive in the direction of the Seryryakovo station, where and focus most of the troops. The success of Belocazakov developed every day. The front of the 8th and 9th armies again suffered large losses (Latvian shelves and the 11th division, which lost 37 guns, almost failed).

For this failure operations, Syutin was removed from the command of the South Front.

By mid-November 1918, Tov. Voroshilov became clear that the 10th Army (Tsaritsyn), as before, was granted to himself; Assistance from the North Caucasus and the Southern Front is not expected. In the North Caucasus, Sorokinschina greatly complicated the situation. Denikin with the help of the holding of the Entente firmly mastered the Kuban and Stavropol, and although under the guidance of Tov. Ordzhonikidze The 12th Red Army successfully suppressed the counter-revolutionary uprising of the territory of the territory, but these private successes could not dramatically help the general political situation in the North Caucasus. The latter was cut off for a long time from the center. On the South Front, the 8th and 9th of the Army could lead only defensive operations that they carried out entire November 1918.

On November 15, Glavkom wrote Tov. Voroshilov, that in the place of the Iska division, he directs the 10th Army to the Kamyshin district of the Ural Division. The commander wrote:

"At the setting, your entire army must go to the offensive. The main task falls on your army, as it is the strongest. Please use all your credibility to raise the mood. "

The head of telegram No. 341 in the name of the new Commmond of Slavon demanded the earliest transition by all armies to the offensive in order to master the Borisoglebsk railway mainstream, Tsaritsyn. On this command of November 16, he answered the Commander about the causes of the failures of the 8th and 9th armies and that in November this task for the front is unbearable. Here, the commandance emphasized that the poor state of combat supply of the 10th Army prevents Ts. Voroshilov in the development of wide offensive operations.

But the military-political situation (the November revolution in Germany, the attempts of Krasnov change their German orientation into English-French) demanded the development of decisive operations against Krasnov for the final elimination of remnants of its parts.

All the second half of November again passed for TOV. Voroshilov in tense activities. Operational combat work was continuously intended, as before, with a large organizational work on the construction of the 10th Army.

By November 22, Tov. Voroshilov and artillery inspector Tov. The kulik conducted a thorough and more work on accounting and regrouping of the entire artillery, which was in the troops of the Tsaritsyn Front. Then the order was given along the 10th Army, which was fixed for each division the appropriate amount of batteries and caliber tools, bring them into artillery brigades and artillery divisions. By summing up these data on divisions, we give the appropriate table showing the presence of artillery in the divisions that were obtained by light artbrigade and severe arthdivision (see table).

The presence of artillery in the Division of the Tsaritsyn Front:

In addition, all the current troops of the 10th Army were summarized in the division, the latter had 2-3 brigades, brigades - 2-3 regiment.

According to orders. Voroshilova for № 55, the 10th Army in the second half of November 1918 formed:

1) Kamyshin Rifle Division;

2) Dono-Stavropol Rifle Division;

3) Communist Rifle Division;

4) Donetsk-Morozovsky Rifle Division;

5) 1st Don Soviet Rifle Division;

6) Steel Rifle Division;

7) Cavalry Brigade Budennya, after all the cavalry of the steel division joined it, was deployed to a consolidated cavalry division.

It is necessary to constantly remember that all this large organizational work on the rework of parts took place in 1918, into stormy combat days, under the enemy's fire, which did not relax in the Tsaritsyn front of his activity. And, of course, a number of these organizational measures of TOV. Voroshilova inevitably caused notes of discontent of individual commanders who have not yet been aware of the need to re-form parts and regrouping combat; They wrote letters to the command of the 10th Army, expressing insults and discontent to which the command of the army answered with a big tact, making clarity into this case. As an illustration at the end of the book, a letter is given by one of the combat commanders of the Tsaritsyn front and the response to him the commander of the 10th Army.

In order to finalize the remnants of Krasnov's troops, Comrade Voroshilov conducted three wonderful operations at the most important directions.

In the twenties of November Tov. Voroshilov left for the southern combat site of Tov. Kharchenko. He wrote from Abganerova in Tsaritsyn:

"Request immediately about the Ural division [t. e. About the one that we saw above, promised Glerk. - Vl. M.], Clear with Kozlov [Headquarters of the South Front. - Vl. M.], indicate the importance of the situation with the cessation of navigation [Cold came, and the Court of Volga flotilla began to winter. - Vl. M.]. In the southern site, the position is the former. Our occupies art. Abganerovo, the village [rot] Abganerovo and east to Elmat - Tundutovo, north-west to Hut. Lus that east of Stepannikova. I leave for the location of the steel division on November 23, 1918.

Voroshilov. "

Though. Voroshilov was very skeptical about the possibility of rapidly transferred by the Commander of the Ural Division promised to them at the disposal of the 10th Tsaritsyn army, yet he asked once again to learn how to deal with this division. And, indeed, the fears of Comrade Voroshilov were justified. Four days later, he received the following urgent telegram from the master committee:

"Commander-10 Voroshilov. 27.XII.18 G. Serpukhov.

Please inform you if you have the opportunity to allocate one very reliable and efficient brigade from your army, equipped with the working Donetsk basin, to transfer it to the Voronezh direction. № 373 ".

Tov. Voroshilov asked the Ural division promised to him mainly for the Kamyshinsky combat site (where he appointed the commander of the Northern Martial Point and at the beginning of Antonyuk), since the disbandment of the Wolish division and the activity of the Belarusians at the front of Red Yar, Kamyshin demanded that the direction of this direction. But after the main telegram number 373, Glavkom became clear that the struggle was necessary to lead, counting only on cash.

November 23 in the area of \u200b\u200bAbganerovo Tov. Voroshilov, having familiarized himself on the spot with the situation, with the position of their parts and the enemy, authorized the plan of the alleged active operation, which the commander of the South Piece of Harchenko was conceived jointly with the command of the Don Soviet Division and the Cavalry Brigade of Tov. Buddy. Carefully conducted intelligence has established that the white equestrian parts of the 7th cavalry regiment, the 1st and 2nd Plastunsk regiments, the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th infantry shelves, as well as the 46th and 2 "Infantry shelves are grouped around in the area of \u200b\u200bGnillosaxian and Kucher's farmers. There was an officer regiment with 4 guns and 8 machine guns. These white-market parts (76th, 77th, 78th, 79th partisan infantry shelves) were included in the group of General Popov, the rest were on the separation and were grouped south, in the Kotelnikovo district, wintering.

The commander of the southern plot decided to take the initiative to his hands and defeat the Gniloksay group whites; He received consent from the commander of the 10th Army. The details of this wonderful, lightning operation are little known and only recorded in the order for the troops of the 10th Army Tov. Voroshilova. The case, mostly, it was as follows: the cavalry brigade of Budenne (deployed from November 28 to the consolidated cavdivism), secretly and skillfully penetrating into the rear of the Bloodfasaks, with all the promotion of the infantry parts of the 1st Don Soviet Division, which arounced south of Art. Abganerovo, a successful maneuver, as Comrade Voroshilov writes in his order from November 26, took

"... the enemy in the ring and the headwood broke his cavalry, the 46th and 2nd Volga infantry shelves in full. Thanks to the outstanding crew and the managers of the commander and the boundless courage of the Heroes of the Red Army, the rapidly and exactly performing combat order, almost the entire cash composition of the enemy regiments turned out to be destroyed, and the trophies remaining we were enormous. Until now, there are several wagons of prisoners - soldiers, cadets, with 7 officers sent to Tsaritsyn, the remaining prisoners are collected and counted; 2 guns, 11 machine guns, two thousand rifles, over 100 cartridges with cartridges and projectiles entering into themselves more than 300,000 cartridges and over 1500 shells; The total number of prisoners exceeds 700, in the field of Bra talking more than 300 enemy corpses; The harassment of the enemy continues. Announced this brilliant victory for the troops of the 10th Army, the renovation of the army Gord and happy to celebrate this outstanding case of the heroic courage I am courage both from the command of the team and from the comrades of the Red Army. With such troops, victorious banners of the Great Socialist World Revolution will not know defeats. Honor and praise comrades to the heroes!

Upon submission of a more detailed report, the revisions of the 10th Army is the most brave and distinguished by a combat award.

Commanderm 10th Voroshilov.

Simultaneously with the Gniliacsay operation, it turned out under direct personal guidelines. Voroshilova fierce battle with excellent Polakazakov forces to the south of Krivomazgin, at the front of the steel division.

"Tsaritsyn, Covenants, Tov. Schadenko

Telegraf in the murmur curve, which is done with flotilla for removal to wintering.

Voroshilov. "

"Regarding flotilla measures are accepted. Some urgent cases strongly require your presence in Tsaritsyn. № 3236.


"Tsaritsyn, Reviable, Scharedko

All day led battles. The enemy of Cavalry in six regiments performed at all over the division, which was fighting all day. The enemy suffered great losses, our stopped in the East to Varlamovka. I'm going to Tsaritsyn.

Voroshilov. "

This operation flowed in this way.

Arrival TOV. Voroshilov in the arrangement of the troops of the steel division just coincided with the energetic attack of the whiteboat on the front of this division. According to the order on the 10th Army No. 24, the steel division was supposed to get out of the reserve and occupy the front from Marinovka through Krivomazgin further to the south, approximately to the Stepannikov district. The troops of the steel division occupied the front specified to her. Early on the morning of November 24, on the location of the 1st revolutionary infantry shelf (1018 bayonets, 27 machine guns), the 1st and 2nd Don infantry regiments (1070 bayonets, 25 machine guns and 633 bayonets and 15 machine guns), 1st Tikhoretsky infantry shelf (852 bayonets and 16 machine guns) and a backup infantry shelf (719 bayonets and 20 machine guns) attached a horse group of six poles of white-facasters in 8000 saber. The enemy sought a blow to the left flank and the center of the location of the steel division to go through the farm of the Varlam to the deep rear of the red and rapid ones to capture the Karpovka district.

White led the onset of lavams in the horseman at the front of the Varlamov, the elder, trying to master altitudes on the right bank of the Don Tsarina River. The fighters of the steel division were offered by a successful maneuver of white and fought surrounded. Whole day of com Voroshilov, risking every moment by their own life, gave on the battlefield of the order and led the move of the battle of red infantry with the Connection of White.

Under the end of the whiteland, seeing the infertility of all his attempts to clamp the shelves of the steel division into the fire ring, began to drain and under the cover of armored cars continued to the onset of chains. One of the armored cars broke away from Varlamov, but under the Maid Artillery Fire He had to go back, and then at the end of the day of the battle, he was beaten and destroyed.

A detachment of 8,000 white-tissue to the end of a continuous 16-hour battle ended from rage; I carry huge losses and feeling your impotence to drag the scales on your side, he began to quickly go to the West to the West to the West, throwing his wounded and exterminating the wounded redarmeys left on the battlefield.

Heroic day on November 24 in the combat life of the steel division of Tov. Voroshilov marked the Order of the 10th Army:

"With a sense of revolutionary gratitude, I note the selfless bravery of the infantry regiments of the steel division, which in continuation of the whole day acted courageously and persistently, reflecting the enemy, the ring surrounding the glorious revolutionary steel fighters. The enemy suffered big losses and retreated in disorder, leaving those engaged in them part of our positions. Leadership and watching in person on November 24 throughout the day, noting personal courage and excellent leadership of artillery fire inspector of artillery Tov. Kulika, solely to the gunfire of the opponent, who brightened the opponent, which went into the rear.

Comrades: Temporarily acting by the head of the Steel Division of Galelenko, the commander of Tikhoretsky Shelf, I express special thanks for their dedication and revolutionary courage - being both injured, they did not leave their post and tightly fought and managed the battle until late night.

For courage and high revolutionary valoria, I thank Comrades Parhomenko, consisting of instructions for me, and assistant head of the Agatanovich battle section, tirelessly under the hail of bullets and shrapnels workers, while the enemy was not broken.

Once again, I celebrate courage and high revolutionary resistance of infantry of the steel division, according to conscience, I must say that artillery could act much better, but, taking into account the criminal relationship of the head of artillery Tov. Ogienko, who was absolutely absent during the battle, I only explain to the cause of confusion and the inappropriate behavior of some of the batteries commanders, which were prevented to distinguish between comrades to artilleryrs. Inspector of artillery Tov. Keulika order to investigate the reason for the absence of TOV. Ogienko and, removing him from carrying duties, to give under the court of the military-revolutionary tribunal of the army.

Commander-10 Voroshilov. "

On November 23-25, Donetsko-Morozovsky's troops, Dono-Stavropol, Kachalin and Soviet-Don divisions continued to develop an offensive, fulfilling order No. 24 TOV. Voroshilova dated November 1, courageously discarding the Belochazakov behind the Don River.

By November 25, on the Kalach plot, the mouth of the River Ilovlya, the Belocarians were pushed back to the right bank of Don. Parts of the Communist Division were transferred to the Log, the Archadoian direction, where they successfully acted in the band of the Tsaritsyn railway - Roworino.

On November 23, a fierce fight on the shores of the Ilovlya River. A group of Belocazakov, under the control of General Tatarkina, had a stubborn resistance and tightly held the northern bank of the Illyl River from the mouth to Hut. Avilov. The rapid attack of the regiment of the communist division and the 38th Rogozhsk-Simonian regiment defeated the group of Belokazazak General Tatarkina and destroyed 78, 98, 82nd Don shelves, threading the remnants of this group to Archda Station. By November 23-25, the battle line on the Tsaritsyn front was from the Lipki station further to Novogirigorievskaya and on the left bank of the Don River to the farm Cherkassky. It was a huge victory, if we take into account the fact that the 10th Tsaritsyn army is still very poorly obtained weapons you need, fireprises, despite the promises of the central supply bodies. Such an intolerant position made Tov. Voroshilova, in late November, contact the center to the comrades of Lenin, Sverdlov, Commander and the Commander of the South Front with the following telegram:

"... We have enough to unsubsorious before Christmas. During this time, it is impossible to supply our replenishment, our replenishment does not cover the current losses, they have been bleeding, risk to destroy the army, pass Tsaritsyn, if there are no completely emergency measures to the center. It becomes clear that the 9th and 10th army in cash with full voltage will not solve the set of standing task. We absolutely need an immediate sending of one full division to the Kamyshin area. Currently, we attracted the big forces of the enemy, we cannot make any transit, the front is cracking. № 1575. "

With completely insufficient supply with fireprips, it was often happening that cargoes that followed Tsaritsyn or Kamyshin disappeared on the road and to the address of the 10th Army came empty cars, replaced by delicate delta in the rear of the Southern Front. For example, in a conversation on a direct wire, the head of the Martial Kamyshinsky Plot complained by the 10th Army, that the load in 2000 rifles disappeared on the road between Tambov and Balashov, and empty wagons came to Kamyshin. Equipped frauds of this kind have become even more complicated by the already severe position with weapons and flames.

In the Kamyshinsky district, due to the constant instability of the left-balance parts of the 9th Army (Mironov Division), the situation was tense all the time. November 30 TOV. Voroshilov wrote the commander of the South Front:

"Kozlov, Complert Slaven

The situation in the northern plot is improved, the breakthrough measures taken will soon be eliminated. Please accept the most emergency measures against the disgraces, which are revealed by Mironov, due to its no waste from the station Ilmen and Idadurovo [Red Yar. - Vl. M.], our northern plot cannot contact him and the opponent is given the possibility of a breakthrough to the north. № 3428.

Revvinovtsy 10 Army

Voroshilov. "

Cold days came; Episodic fights continued throughout the front in long-term rains with snow; Order orders. Voroshilova is full of care about the fight. He strictly ordered as best to equip the trenches, arrange the flooring, to take care of the delivery of straw in the trenches in order to preserve the health of the fighters. Comrade Voroshilov ordered to strengthen the vigilance behind the insidious enemy, especially at night, checking as often as possible (no less often than half an hour) Karaula, secrets, outposts, etc.

Kamyshinsky district held pretty steadfastly, driving battles in 40-50 km to the west and 100 km north-west of the city of Kamyshin and beat off all sorts of white-facade attempts to cut the Kamyshin railway - Red Yar.

At the end of November, Belokazaki broke through the front on the River Ilovlya, the north of the farm Alexandrovka, and began to spread again towards the Ust-Pagazine, Loznaya. It was a demonstrative group in the composition of two cavalry and one infantry regiments, since the main forces of the Property forces were in the Kotovo region, Solomatino. The main operational idea of \u200b\u200bthe White was to settle the Kamyshin Railway as soon as possible, Balashov, hit the junction between the 9th and 10th armies, dismiss them and fight each of these armies separately.

The enemy's transition to the south bank of Ilovly forces Tov. Voroshilova take urgent measures to localize this success whites. He orders to organize the Dubov detachment and throws him under the command of Shamov to the north with the task together with the right flank of troops. Kolpakova occupy the front on Ilovly from the bumps to the privilege. At the same time, in early December, part of the 9th Army, going to a successful offensive (15th Division - on Alexikovo, 16th - to the station Yaryzhenskaya, 23rd - to the Filonovo station), captured the railway, but soon again Lost and occupied the front at 40-50 km south (Bulgurinsky) and South-west (Transfiguration) Railway Red Yar - Balashov. Under these conditions. Voroshilov writes the following letter to the telegram by the command of the Kamyshinsky district:

"Kamyshin, Fellow

From Tsaritsyn, adopted 3 / XII - 1918

I order vigorously to lead an offensive according to order number 36. All the actions of the ninth army depend on your site. The offensive must be conducted, not subject to anything; Put everything on the card and put in execution Order No. 36. Collect, pull everything you can, and solve your fate and our. Pass Antonyuka, Mikhailovsky and all others, also ask you, let all efforts make and show more energy.

I wish you success.

Commanderm X.

Voroshilov. "

Throughout the Kamyshin Front, as well as the south of his left flank (Solomatino), stubborn battles were faced, which in the first half of December successfully ended; Belocales were thrown off to the west of the Burluk line, Kotovo, Solomatino; Further, the front was walking along the Ilovlya River from the boils on the sticky.

At the end of November 1918, the hetman regime in Ukraine collapsed. November 30 TOV. Voroshilov gave an order on the 10th Army, informing the fighters about the departure of the authorities of the Skulpadsky in Ukraine and the election of the Soviet government in Artem, Voroshilov and others:

"The revolutionary military council of the 10th Army encourages you, everyone to one steadily remains to remain in their posts. The day is close when our victory banners with joyful music will go through the fields of Don, Kuban, Ukraine under the fraternal cries of the lead, which will meet all the workers ...

Long live Ukraine! Long live red soldiers-Ukrainians of the 10th Army and all their comrades in the coming victory fights for the liberation of Ukraine! "

In December 1918, battles on the Tsaritsyn front went only on certain operational directions.

The 10th Army for October-November strongly expired. Almost continuous battles, as well as illness, brought many fighters in order. Losses were calculated by thousands. In December, the number of the Tsaritsyn army with 70,000 fighters decreased to 40,000. This circumstance made Tov. Voroshilova contact the center with a request to replenish this strong decline in people. Big front and lack of reserves strongly demanded new replenishments: Kamyshinsky division required 8900 people, the communist division - 7,800 people, the steel division - 7,500 people, the Donetsk-Morozov division - 9600, the 1st Don Soviet Division - 8700 and the Don-Stavropol division - 7600 human.

Tov. Voroshilov asked to send the replenishment by uniform and armed. Unfortunately, this request was made no more than 10%. In December, thanks to the well-organized work of Tsaritsyn Plants, thanks to the trophies and the ability to save stocks, to which Comrade Voroshilov constantly paid the most serious attention of their troops, flameshots, although small, calculated in 25 million cartridges and 50,000 shells.

The change in the orientation of Krasnov with the German to the allied failed; The anththy powers were fully helped by Denikin. Krasnov completely lost political and military authority on Don; Soon the circle of "Verevelikov Donskoy" he was dismissed.

In December 1918, on the Tsaritsyn front, the weather had deteriorated every day: impassive dirt during the period of cold rains, strong, penetrating to the bone winds added with heavy snowfall.

Huge material and human losses of the Don Cossack Army demanded new forces and replenishments. A wide maneuverable nature of the hostilities of the six-month period (from July 1918) was changed to the Tsaritsyn front. After Ataman Krasnov was dismissed, the General Denikin, General Denikin, prepared his gender of General Sidorin. But it happened already in 1919.

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Chapter 2. Fighting in the air in November. The reflection of the first assault on Sevastopol battles in Sevastopol between November 1 and 21 was included in the Russian historiography as a reflection of the first storming of the city. German historians do not consider this assault, preferring to call "an attempt to take

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Chapter II. Hike K. E. Voroshilova from Ukraine in Donbass (actions of the 1st detachment of Lugansk workers in the area of \u200b\u200bVorozhba - March 1918) in March 1918, in the middle of the offensive of Gaidamatsko-Kaisero troops, Tov. Voroshilov arrived from Petrograd to Kharkov. On behalf

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The operational grouping of the parties on the Tsaritsyn front The location of the Red troops of the Tsaritsyn Front and the operational groups of the White Army "Vereveliky Donskoy Troops" by the end of July 1918 was as follows: 1. At the front to the west of the Kumylang railway, Seryryakovo, Arched,

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July 1918 July 1, 1918 In Moscow, a meeting of representatives of the most important bodies of intelligence and counterintelligence issues was held in Moscow. Purpose - organization of close

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August 1918 in August 1918, in the context of civil war and economic ruin, Lenin wrote a "letter to the American workers", in which he called on to help in creating the economic base of the new worker state, since the economic crisis is so deep that

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September 1918 on September 2, 1918, a single collegial body of the Soviet high military authorities is being created - the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (RVSR) headed by his chairman Trotsky. The functions of military intelligence were transferred to the RVSR. September 5, 1918. Sovnarkk RSFSR accepted

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October 1918 on October 2, 1918 by order of RVSR No. 94 announced the formation on the basis of the Supreme Military Council, the Opening and VGSH Drug Administration of the RVSR Affairs and Staff of the RVSR. On the same day, at the RVSR meeting, all military intelligence and counterintelligence focuses in

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November 1918 on November 1, 1918. Three officials of the RVSR (Deputy Chairman of the RVSR Efraim Sklyansky, Commander-in-law Ioakim Danishevsky, and a member of the RVSR, the staff of the field staff on November 19, 1918 was approved by the secret order of the revolutionary military

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CHAPTER 1 MY PARTICIPATION on the South Front (March 1, 1918 - March 1, 1920) Flight from St. Petersburg to Kuban Revolution in Russia found me in the ranks of the Kuban equestrian squad in Persia, in the Penjvinsky direction, as a temporary commander of the detachment. Detachment essentially

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On January 5 / January 18, 1918, all this will have time to gather from among those elected to the electoral meeting (118), will be gathered, and if the power of having them will allow them to the Tavrichesky Palace under the guise of the electoral meeting, then something will start another. But it will be only the speculation , So

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Chapter 2. The beginning of the hostilities of a separate intelligence department headquarters Black Sea Fleet In October - November 1941, the first combat operation of invarriage was the landing on October 25, 1941 on the island of Jarylgach, where there was one of their surveillance service posts and communications

From the book of the author

Chapter III. Fracture in the war: confronting the National Policy of the USSR and Germany in the occupied territory of the Soviet Union in November 1942-1943

In the spring of 1918, Stalin first appears at the front of the Civil War. This happened in May under Tsaritsyn, when the echelons of the retreating V of the Ukrainian Army under the command of Voroshilov brought the crossing through Don. Stalin arrived as an emergency commissar of the food case in the south of Russia. Later, helpful historians will turn the Tsaritsinsky plot into the decisive front civil WarAnd Stalin himself proclaimed the chief organizer of the Red Army. But Stalin still does not know about his destination. He writes Lenin on July 7, 1918: "He chase and scold everyone who needs. I hope to restore [Railway communication with the center]. You can be sure that you will not spare anyone - neither yourself or others, and the bread will still give. "

Stalin on Tsaritsyn Front, 1918

In Tsaritsyn, Stalin is part of the Revivation of the North Caucasus Military District (SKVO). Using its high position of the member of the government (he remains a commark on nationality), he immediately begins to interfere in purely military issues, to figure out which cannot be due to the lack of knowledge and experience. Stalin himself thinks otherwise. From the same notes to Lenin: "If our military" specialists "(shoemakers!) Did not sleep and did not fit, the line [Railway] was not interrupted, and if the line is restored, then not due to the military, but in spite of them." It is immediately noticeable that the son of a shoemaker Comrade Stalin will not appreciate Warrenpots in a penny, in any case he intends to become over them.

Warwok (commander of the troops) Skvo on May 2, 1918, Lieutenant General of the Tsarist Army Andrei Evgenievich Snesarev, an experienced military leader and an outstanding scholar orientalist was appointed. He voluntarily entered the Red Army and at the end of May arrived in Tsaritsyn with the mandate of the Council of People's Commissars signed by Lenin. In the conditions of rampant partisans, a very poorly set party and Soviet work (the reporting of the commissioner K. Ya. Zedin) Snesarev is taken for creating regular parts.

Stalin in Tsaritsyn. Bloody chaos

The actions of Warwork many were pressed on her favorite corn. First of all, they did not have to moral the group of parbullies led by K. E. Voroshilov and S. K. Nezushilov, who have not yet understood what a regular army needs. Lyuhai partisanischina, rallies, the election of Komostava, they recognized the only method of revolutionary struggle, and the establishment of military disciplines was considered as a return to the "royal order". The commanders of numerous detachments were adhered to the same views, all of these Commands and Coms (usually the head of the bayonet detachment in 200 called himself the commander or commander-in-chief of troops in a given territory) - in most soldiers and university officers of the old army. The power of them is over people, almost uncontrolled, they appreciated very high. They intuitively felt that in the regular army they had no chance to stay upstairs: elementary knowledge and literacy are needed to occupy command posts. History showed that these fears were exaggerated. The old parties who have fallen on military work, like Voroshilov and Minin, at that time were less thought about the career, but a class distrust was tested to the royal officers.

Stalin instantly figured out at the setting and supported the partisans. It was always repelled by people like Snisarev, standing at a higher intellectual level.

Under these conditions, the creative work of Snisarov and the headquarters of the SCVO moved slowly. In Tsaritsyn, the Cossack parts of the general Krasnov. The cost of huge efforts to Sinnesarev managed to take this threat and restore the message with the center. At this point, in mid-July, Stalin, with the assistance of Voroshilov and the mining, arrested almost all officers of the headquarters and concluded them in a floating prison. Soon was taken into custody and Snisar. Sabotage accusations were unfounded, they did not confirm their local CC.. But Stalin already in 1918 knew that the actual guilt did not play roles. Enemies should be announced to those who now need to be removed from the road.

Repressions touched no headquarters officers. Here is how Stalin reacted on the news of the disclosure of the monarchical organization:

"Stalin's resolution was short: Shoot. Engineer Alexeyev, two of his son, and together with them a significant number of officers who part Consisted in the organization, and part Only by suspicion In complicity with her, they were captured by an extreme and immediately, without any court, shot. "

Quote taken from the "Don Wave" magazine. It would be possible not to believe the White Guard organ, but just this excerpt leads Voroshilov, the picturesque Stalinist style of revolutionary work.

Moscow did not believe Stalin's accusations. The Commission of the Higher Military Inspectorate, headed by A. I. Okulov, was sent to the place. Having learned about this, Stalin gave an order to destroy the arrested. Barge Prison was brought to a deep place and flooded in the Volga. After a few days, the commission of Okulov arrived, which established unperative accusations against Snisarev. He was released and translated into another front. Officers-drunks have written off as the costs of civil war. To justice, no one was attracted, which was the usual thing for that time.

White shelves, rushing to Tsaritsyn, somehow restrained the leader of the Red Cagracy, Philip Mironov, united around himself a part of the bangs believed the Bolshevism. Stalin, however, saw Mironov in a capable of folk leader first of all dangerous personal Competitor. On August 4, Joseph Vissarionovich wrote Lenin:

"... Cossack parts named by Soviet people cannot, do not want to fight the Cossack counter-revolution; Cossacks on the side of Mironov moved entire regiments to get a weapon, to get acquainted with the location of our parts and then lead the whole shelves in the direction of Krasnov; Mironov was surrounded by the Cossacks three times, who knew the entire submetsional Mironov site and, naturally, broke his head. "

There were really no three-time breakdown by white Mironov. Stalin composed him to justify himself for a common heavy position in the Tsaritsyn region, which arose because of Stalin-Voroshilovsky specials and blatant illiteracy. By the way, it is Stalin, who actively destroyed the loyal Bolsheviks of officers in the ranks of the Red Army, looked like a shaped traitor to Nosovich, and when he fled to White, Kovalevsky Denikinsky agent was appointed by Warrock. There are no needs that Mironov did not fulfill the dubious orders of the novel. Moscow was inclined to believe the member of the Central Committee to Stalin, and not the Cossack and Lieutenant Colonel Mironov, who never received asking reinforcements.

In the final strategic relationship, Stalin's activities in Tsaritsyn led to a genuine catastrophe. In the spring of 1918, the Soviet authorities were in the south two main enemies: Don Cossacks and volunteer officers of generals L. G. Kornilov and M. A. Alekseevareceding to the Caucasus.

The Cossacks tired of the war did not want to fight with anyone, including with the Soviets. When in April, the freshly mixed Ataman Krasnov proclaimed independent Don Statewhere, along with the original Cossack lands, included the Taganrog, Tsaritsyn and Voronezh district, Vodnikniki reacted sluggishly. As evidenced by the Krasnov himself, the Cossacks were not before the conquest of new lands. But bread recovery policyWhich Bolsheviks were spent from spring 1918, made them take up their weapons.

White Volunteer army It turned out to be a natural allied of the Cossacks. However, volunteers, like Krasnov, had very little strength. In May 1918, Krasnov had 17 thousand fighters (among them there are many unreliable) and 21 guns. He was opposed to the following strengths of red: South curtains - 19,820 bayonets and a saber, 38 guns; 10 Army - 39 465 pcs. and sub., 240 guns. In volunteer detachments in February there were about 3.5 pcs. And sub., Of these, almost a thousand patients and wounded. The onset of the red forced them on February 22, 1918 to leave Rostov-on-Don to the famous Ice hike. They had to move to Kuban, where their path was blocked by significant red forces: the Kalnina group (30 thousand pcs. And sub.), Taman army (30 thousand) and 11 Army (80-100 thousand). Thus, the superiority of the Red Army was overwhelming. All these troops were submitted to SCW, whose headquarters in view of the Cossack hazard was translated from Rostov to Tsaritsyn.

On April 13, 1918, General Kornilov died with an unsuccessful attempt to assault Ekaterinodar. The new commander of the Volunteer Army, General Denikin, led his detachments from Kuban back to Don. It seemed that in the established setting, the red could quickly finish the enemy. This, however, was prevented by the absence of the completeness of the authorities in the hands of the commander and the supervolutionary activities of the district RVS headed by Stalin. We have already lit its content, it remains to indicate the results.

So far, Stalin with comrades are fighting with the headquarters of his army, Krasnov and Denikin accumulate strength and act. Although the relationship between them is stretched, in the summer of 1918, opponents of Soviet power achieve serious success. In August, the Krasnova army consists of 40 thousand reliable fighters, and its power extends to the entire area of \u200b\u200bDon Troops. In May, the volunteer army, formed from officers, had 5 thousand pieces in its composition. and sab. In June, Denikin defeated ( Second Kuban hike) The Kalnina group, took the Stanitsa Trade and Grandia, and July 13 - Tikhoretsky. The strategic position of the Soviet troops in the North Caucasus was critical. Now Dobramia is an impressive force - 20 thousand fighters - and continuously replenished by officers, mainly from the south.

The successes of the Don and Voluntary Army are developing against the background of usurpation by Stalin Military Guidelines in Tsaritsyn and largely due to this circumstance. Stalin selfly controls schools for two months, starting with Snisarian removal (mid-July). Just at this time, Denikin successfully occurs and increasing the number of his troops. August 16, 1918 he took Ekaterinodar (Krasnodar). By the end of September, 40 thousand fighters were already under the white banner.

Having got rid of Sninarian, Stalin arbitrarily changed the Tsaritsyn defense plan. Thanks to this fall, there was a real threat to the fall of the city and the violation of the interaction of the Reds in the whole south. In addition, Stalin came to the conflict again - this time with the former General P. P. Syutin, appointed by the commander of the Southern Front.

It was hard for the Soviet Republic. Wounded Lenin lay in his apartment in the Kremlin. The work of the government office was led by Sverdlov and Zureupa. September 2, a new manual of the troops is being created - Revoensovtsy Republic led by L. D. Trotsky, appointed Commander - I. I. Vacegei. A merciless red terror has been declared across the country. Defensive events of Soviet power take new forms. New fronts and army are created. The Central Committee and SNK are approved, and the Revoensteen conducted the appointment of front commander. At the head of the South Front formed on the basis of Skvo, Sotan became Sotan. Stalin did not obey Moscow Directive. At first he sabotized the order for the redeployment of the front control in Kozlov, then at all the decision of the RVS of the front removed the sint as a former general and replaced him with Voroshilov. Stalin, of course, was not worried about the past of sint, but the power that he received as commander of the troops. Comrade Stalin always treated with all seriousness. By this time, the situation near Tsaritsyn and in all of the North Caucasus became so threatening that the center had to finally intervene ... On October 6, an angry exchange of telegrams between Sverdlovy and Stalin took place, after which the Central Committee was withdrawn Stalin from Yuzhfron and moved the composition of the RAW. Voroshilov and Minin were derived, their places were taken by K. A. Mehonoshin, B. V. Lehran and P. E. Lazimir.

New front-line guide began to delay the Stalin porridge. Cossacks approached Kamyshin, and the Soviet command for salvation Tsaritsyn transferred some of the forces from the Eastern Front. Sytin defended Tsaritsyn, but in the North Caucasus did not succeed. There began the collapse of the front. Engraved example of RVS, the bosses rang the rank of lower. Commander of Taman Matveyev refused to submit to the decision of the Cubano-Black Sea Cyc, for which he was shot by the commander-in-law of Sorokin. In turn, Sorokin sabotaged the formation of regular parts of the 11th army, arrested and shot members of the Cubano-Black Sea government. He was declared outside the law, fled, but was captured by one of Matveyev's friendship, which was calculated with him for his commander. Surrounded by Denikins, the Kochuby Combrigs with a part of his forces switched to the side of the enemy, however, by order of the general Lukomsky He was hanged.

All the North Caucasus fell into the hands of Dobramia. Denikin grew up in a formidable enemy, with whom it was desperate to fight for two more years.

Civil War. Fights for Tsaritsyn

Where and how did the Military abilities of Stalin develop, when and how he accumulated the battle experience?

The first event of a strategic scale, in which Stalin not only participated, but also played a guideline, occurred in 1918 near Tsaritsyn. And his participation began in the big battle not in the position of the military man holder, but only the food commissioner.

Let me remind you that, surrounded on all sides of the fronts, Petrograd turned out to be cut off from the provinces that supplied the capital with bread and other products. Hunger began to stroke not only the inhabitants of a huge city, but also the revolution itself. It was necessary to take urgent measures to establish food supply. One of these shares was the decision of the Central Committee to send Stalin to the Food Commissioner to Tsaritsyn, through which the bread could be held from the Volga and the North Caucasus to bypass the Denikin Army, which occupied Ukraine and the Don Her Bearing Scrosts.

Understanding and emphasizing the importance of this event, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissar V. Ulyanov (Lenin) signed a special mandate:

"Member of the Council of People's Commissars, People's Commissar Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin is appointed by the Council of People's Commissar, the general head of the food affairs in the south of Russia, which has been involved in emergency rights. Local and regional counterters, Sovildies, Revcoma, headquarters and chiefs of detachments, railway organizations and headquarters of stations, the organization of the Fleet Fleet, River and Maritime, Postal County and Food Organizations and Emissars are obliged to fulfill the order of Comrade Stalin. "

Describing the cases of historical personalities, usually lower the details from their personal life. And in vain: sometimes household, pure personal moments have a certain impact on the behavior of historical personalities and, therefore, on the course of events.

Here, it seems to me that it will be appropriate to tell about a little-known fact from the life of Joseph Vissarionovich. This case, undoubtedly, had a certain psychological influence on Stalin's behavior in Tsaritsyn. The fact is that Stalin, returning from the reference in 1917, settled in the family of the oldest friends allyluve. They once already provided shelter Stalin - after escaping from the reference in 1915. After February Revolution He again lived with Allyluve as in a conspiracy apartment, and then, in the fet of the October Revolution, and remained in this family - it was not to the apartment worries at that time.

But there is a reason, and rather convincing, it is considered that Jugashvili remained at Allyluve not only because of the lack of his own apartment. The fact is that Allyluve grew Nadya's daughter, she walked at that time the seventeenth year. Rising in the family of the revolutionary, she, clean and fermented nature, considered the father who came to the house comrades on the party with romantic heroes, she really liked, and she dreamed of being like them. And suddenly one of these legendary heroes is set in the apartment. He fled from the link many times and once he was hiding in this family.

She remembered it all, so she looked at the mysterious black-haired Jugashvili with delighted eyes, with a gulco beating heart.

All this could not not notice the 38-year-old "Uncle-revolutionary". The case went so far that despite the difference in age and not believing with how all these comrades in the party would ignite, Stalin took the Nadia to Tsaritsyn. Probably, Stalin wanted to paint before the young beloved with his significance: he was driving her in a personal salon-car and anticipated how Nadia would see him in big things that he rides to be left with the mandate of Lenin himself.

Stalin arrived in Tsaritsyn on June 6, 1918. He stayed in a salon-car that was guarded by St. Petersburg Red Guards with him. The Rights of Emergency Commissioner Stalin began to call for a report not only leaders of the local party and Soviet authorities, but also the military. The latter, not understanding at first, which the staff of the state commissar relates to them, did not really obey him and continued to do their affairs.

The Commander of the North Caucasus District, the former lieutenant-general of the Tsarist Army Snisarov skillfully led the actions of the troops subordinates and created a reliable defense of Tsaritsyn. Andrei Evgenievich was an experienced front-line team, graduated from the war by the Academy of General Staff. In terms of its progressive beliefs, which were probably in the years when he was a student of Moscow University, Snesarev decided to serve the revolution and voluntarily came to the Red Army. He was very necessary and useful to revolution. Lenin appreciated such people highly, he recommended on all the fronts to use the former military officers, ", and in order to prevent possible treason of some of them, to appoint commissarov to the Marespets.

Stalin has an attitude towards former officers was definitely suspicious. He considered them conspirators. And in this respect dispersed with Lenin's opinion on the use of military specialists. Having met the cool attitude of the military in Tsaritsyn, Stalin gave the telegram in the Central Committee of Lenin, demanding its authority to interference and the military, because he found big riots here.

The Central Committee first did not give Stalin such powers, considering that he should engage in the main case, for which the food is directed.

Stalin managed to send several echelons with bread to the starving Petersburg, which had a great revolution service.

But at the end of July, the enemy switched to the offensive. General Krasnov intended to master the Belarusian army to master Tsaritsyn and connect with the rebels of the Czechoslovak Corps, the Urals and Orenburg Pages. The union of the forces of the counter-revolution would cut off the northern part of Russia from the South, from where the food was made to Petrograd and Moscow. The loss of Tsaritsyn would be difficult to the corrected catastrophe.

I cut off Tsaritsyn from the North Caucasus, white deprived Stalin's ability to fulfill its main task, for which he was sent here, that is, to mobilize food resources and send them to Moscow and Petrograd. Bread remained in the south, and the isolated Tsaritsyn his bread did not have. Stalin makes all the forces to fulfill the assignment of the Central Committee and Lenin:

"He chase and scold everyone who needs, I hope to recover soon. You can be sure that you will not spare anyone - neither yourself or others, and the bread will still give. If our military "specialists" (shoemakers!) Did not sleep and did not sleep, the line would not be interrupted; And if the line is restored, then not thanks to the military, but in spite of them ...

As for hysterical, be sure of us your hand will not get drifts, we will act with enemies in enemy. "

"The case is complicated by the fact that the headquarters of the North Caucasian District turned out to be completely unsuitable for the conditions for the struggle against counter-revolution. It's not just that our "specialists" is psychologically incapable of a decisive war with counter-revolution, but also that they are as "staffing" workers who can only "draw drawings" and give plans for reforming, are absolutely indifferent to operational actions .. . And generally feel like outsiders, guests. The military commissar could not fill the gap ...

Look at this indifferently consider myself not entitled. I will correct these and many other shortcomings in the field, I accept a number of measures and will take up the bias of the chins and commanders, despite the formal difficulties that, if necessary, break. At the same time, it is clear that I take all the responsibility to all the highest institutions. "

The supply of the center of the country was interrupted. Lenin handed over to Stalin: "... I have to say about the food that today they are not issued in St. Petersburg at all in Moscow. The position is completely bad. Notify whether you can take emergency measures, for except from you to get nowhere ... "

Stalin replied that "Before restoring the way, the delivery of bread is unthinkable ... In the coming days, it will not be possible to help bread. Three days ago we hope to restore the line ... "But not the days, and the months, and the situation had worsened.

The situation was extremely tense not only at the front, but also in the rear: in Petrograd there was an uprising of Serc, the attempt on Lenin. A lot of hostile new power of elements has accumulated in Tsaritsyn: Sours, terrorists, anarchists, monarchists, former officers. There was an organized counter-revolutionary underground.

It seems to me that the role of Stalin in the fight against the internal counter-revolution will be more clearly represented in the lips of the participant of the events of those days, the former chief of the operational department of the army of the Colonel Nosovich, who ran to the White and on February 3, 1919, published the following in the Belog Guard magazine:

"Stalin's main importance was the supply of northern provinces food, and to fulfill this task he had unlimited powers ...

The dirt line - Tsaritsyn turned out to be completely converted. In the north, there was only one possibility to receive supplies and keep in touch: this is the Volga. In the south, after the class of "volunteers" Tikhoretsky, the situation was also very sharp. And for Stalin, drawing his (bread) reserves exclusively from the Stavropol province, this position bordered with the unsuccessful ending of his mission in the south. Not in the rules, obviously, such a person as Stalin, to retreat from the time they started. It is necessary to give justice to him that his energy can envy any of the old administrators, and the ability to be applied to the case and circumstances should learn from many.

Gradually, as he remained without a case, rather, along the way, with a decrease in his direct task, Stalin began to enter all the departments of the city, and, mainly, in broad tasks of the defense of Tsaritsyn in particular and the entire Caucasian front in general.

By this time in Tsaritsyn, the atmosphere thickened. Tsaritsyn's Emergencies worked a complete pace. It did not take place without the most conspiracy in the most, it seemed safe places. All the prisons of the city overflow ...

The struggle at the front reached the extreme voltage ... The main engine and the main vertex of everything from July 20 was Stalin. A simple negotiation on the direct wire with the center of inconvenience and inconsistencies for the case of the current device of control of the edge led to the fact that Moscow gave the order to which Stalin was set at the head of all military and civilian management ... "

"By this time, the local counter-revolutionary organization, standing on the platform of the Constituent Assembly, was significantly strengthened and, having received money from Moscow, was preparing for an active statement to help the Don Cossacks in the liberation of Tsaritsyn.

Unfortunately, who arrived from Moscow, the head of this organization, an engineer Alekseyev and his two sons, were little familiar with the present situation, and because of the incorrectly compiled plan based on attracting the actively protruding Serb battalion, which consisted in an emergency, the organization was revealed .. .

Stalin's resolution was short: "Shoot". Engineer Alekseyev, his two sons, and together with them and a significant number of officers who were part of the organization, and part of suspicion of complication in it, were captured by an extreme and immediately without any court shot. "

About purification from White Guard Nosovich writes:

"The characteristic feature of this overclocking was Stalin's attitude to leadership telegrams from the center. When Trotsky, concerned about the destruction with such difficulty management of the districts, sent a telegram about the need to leave the headquarters and the Commissariat on the previous conditions and give them the opportunity to work, then Stalin made a categorical and multigalous inscription on the telegram: "Do not take into account!"

So this telegram has not taken into account, and all artillery and part of the staff management continues to sit on Barge in Tsaritsyn. "

Stalin also broadcast to Moscow:

"... For the benefit of the case, I need military authority. I already wrote about it, but I did not receive the answer. Very good. In this case, I will myself, without formalities, to overthrow all the commanders and the commissars who lie down. So I prompted the interests of the case, and, of course, the lack of paper from Trotsky will not stop me. "

Under the "absence of a paper" Stalin meant that Trotsky, as the chairman of the Revoensuit of the Republic, did not give Stalin to the authority to interfere in the affairs of the military command.

And indeed, His "did not stop" the lack of "legitimate" powers, by order of Stalin was arrested by Snisarians and almost all former officers from the headquarters. Several hundred arrested officers were watershed on Barza and kept under guard.

About the fate of these officers, or rather, about the use of such steep measures to be used in Moscow more than once: from the barge, several groups of officers were derived, and they intended to flood this barge. In Tsaritsyn, a special commission headed by A. I. Okulov was sent to investigate this fact.

The Commission dealt with the accusation of the arrested, most of them were liberated, including General Snesarev. To dissolve Snisarev with Stalin, the general appointed the commander of the Western Front.

But while the Commission, Stalin, Voroshilov and other approximate managed to hide the ends into the water, in the most important sense of the word.

There were rumors for a long time that the Commission became known then not all. For example, I heard about the flooding of another barge from the elderly commanders in 1939, when he became a cadet of the Military School.

In the fall of 1918, the troops of the Whites came to the approaches to Tsaritsyn and somewhere broke to the Volga. The most critical situation was created in January 1919, when General Krasnov introduced fresh strength and, breaking through the red defense, moved to Tsaritsyn. The commander of the Sytin created by the time of the Southern Front and a member of the ZvvovinSetovka Stalin did not have any reserves for countering a breakthrough.

In this most complex setting, Stalin was not confused, showed hardness and found a way out. Here for the first time its ability to think in an operational-strategic scale is manifested.

In those days next to Stalin in the salon-car remember that Stalin was excited much more than usual, almost never ceased to smoke with a tube, but he spoke his smooth solid voice, and it calmed the surrounding.

Stalin understood: since he focused on his hands all the leadership, then the responsibility for the defeat will fall on him. But what to do? There are no reserves. The enemy will almost freely take Tsaritsyn.

Stalin suggested: parts of General Krasnova, probably, ready to celebrate victory. It always shifts vigilance. Many examples in history, when premature triumph led to the loss of success mined in battle.

- What is happening now in the arrangement of General Krasnova? - asked Stalin, not referring to anyone specifically. Those pretended. The representative from the headquarters of the Front reported:

- They are preparing for joining Tsaritsyn, the main forces are built into the columns in the Dubovka area. Ahead will go a small avant-garde to shoot down the remnants of our troops.

Stalin evil knocked the tube on the table.

- Fine! Avangard Skip and deal with him in our depth.

- But it means to open the road and the main forces of the enemy ...

"A completely fair remark," said Stalin. He felt confident because he found a way out of the emerging hopeless position. Stalin even smiled: - The main forces of the enemy will not go to the city, but to their death.

- But who ...

- Head of artillery, Comrade Kulik, how much do you have in the area of \u200b\u200bDubovka cannons?

"I have nothing here ..." Kulik began to justify.

- On the whole front, how much? - I was impatiently interrupted Stalin.

- guns a hundred will drop ...

- All these guns immediately, without losing a minute, start to focus to Dubovka. Send reliable people in batteries. Drive all in the tail and in the mane! To focus on Dubovka overnight. Here are all all shells. Did you understand me? Enemy in euphoria. The victory spun their heads. Here we will hit all artillery on these stupid heads! A consolidated cavalry division of Dumenko, to focus here, to Dubovka. Her task is to beat and pursue the enemy, after his tip of artillery!

During the night, all artillery was clutched and took firing positions at Dubovka. Division Dumenko entered the appointed district. Psychological analysis of Stalin regarding the enemy was fully confirmed. The army of General Krasnov was columns on the roads for the avant-garde. Cavalry, also in the ranks, moved along the roads. The heavy, a huge mass of troops flowed to Tsaritsyn thick stream.

Artillery's blow, in such a concentrated, unprecedented number, and even with limiting rapidity, was not only unexpected, but also destroying. The shells rushed in the thick of people, a few minutes a huge space was covered with corpses, fled to different sides of the soldiers. Dumeric Division under the command of Budenny (Dumenko fell ill) famously pursued retreating. They switched to the offensive and other parts of the front. Krasnov's troops were repulsed from Tsaritsyn.

This brilliant victory has strengthened Stalin's authority. The city was defended, white was thrown away. And who led all this? - Stalin! And one more person helped a lot - a kulik. And this is natural: artillery was played a decisive role in this battle, used by the original, not previously concentrated on its main direction and massive fire. And who is the commander of artillery? - Kulik! Slava Kulik after this was also stable for many years.

Well, the relationship at the level of leadership the front developed by their guy, Stalin continued to show his character. Rather, he remained himself and could not behave differently.

As mentioned above, in September 1918, Pavel Pavlovich Satin was appointed a new commander, also the former royal general, the General stakeholder, who also voluntarily joined the Red Army in January 1918.

From the very first days, Stalin began to conflict with the new commander of the satin. And even removed him independently from the front command. Thus, Stalin refused to obey the Order of the Chairman of the Revoensuit of the Republic of Trotsky about non-interference in the operational orders of the front commander. Trotsky appealed to the Central Committee. Chairman of the Central Executive Committee Ya. M. Sverdlov telegraphed Stalin and Voroshilov in Tsaritsyn: "All the decisions of the Reviable Council (republic) are mandatory for the part of the fronts. Without submission, there is no single army ... no conflicts should be. " But Stalin did not count with the indication of the WTCIK and continued to act at his discretion.

In order to correct this position, the Central Committee was forced to withdraw Stalin to Moscow. The commander of the front troops was left sown.

Summing up the first independent contact of Stalin with a military strategy, we note its wisdom, energy, determination, hardness, especially in difficult situations. All this is good qualities of the commander. Stalin received experience in organizing and conducting major army operations. I got acquainted with the activities of the headquarters whose roles, however, clearly did not understand. Along with this, it became apparent that broad powers, the authorities Stalin did not always use moderately. It has already gave the reel of the Central Committee, comrades on the party to be alerted. But on the busy days of the civil war was not before. And someone considered all this in that situation not by vices, but merits, especially since this was confirmed by the real result - Stalin defended Tsaritsyn. The winners are not judged, and the victory under Tsaritsyn really had a strategic scale.

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The newspaper "Soldier of the Revolution", the organ of the military-revolutionary council of the 10th Army of the Southern Front. The first room was released on August 7, 1918, the circulation was 16 thousand copies.

(In the Volgograd region, a complete selection of the newspaper has been preserved, starting from the first and ending with the last Yamer of April 16, 1919 tons.)

Boris Josephovich Magidov, Chairman of the Tsaritsyn City Committee of the Party, became the editor of the "soldier of the revolution". N. Mazanov-Anapsky, A. Dottov, T. Tachiav, S. Gray, were entering the editorial board. The oldest Tsaritsyn Bolsheviks took an active part in the work of the newspaper: S. K. Minin - Chairman of the Tsaritsyn City Executive Committee, A. Kamensky - Manager's managing cases, Ya. Semiyan - Commissioner Shelov, S. S. Litvinenko - a former financial worker, later Chairman of the Tsaritsyn Council; R. Ya. Levin - Chairman of the Tsaritsyn Council (1918-1919), Scoland Head. Agitational Department of the Commission on Military Affairs of SCVO, L. Kashirsky-journalist, an employee of the Council. There were own correspondents in the newspaper.

Materials were placed under the following headings: "Military Council Bulletin" (later - "Bureau Bureau Bureau Bureau at the Military Council"), "Recent News", "Operational Reports", "Abroad", "Local Life", "in the district", " In Russia, "" in Ukraine "," party life "," among the Red Army "," Life of the Red Army ", a literary department. As you know, after the October Revolution, General A. M. Kalden proclaimed the independence of the Don region, created a counter-revolutionary Union of Cossacks Don, Kuban and Terek.

Denikin, Kornilov and Alekseev began the formation of the White Guard Volunteer Army. In December 1917, a guiding counter-revolutionary center was formed in Novocherkassk - "Triumvirate" (Alekseev - Kornilov - Kalden). And the Government of the United States, England, France allocated the money, weapons.

Kaldenian troops were defeated, but the remains of the Kaldenian troops and the volunteer army went to the Salska steppes and to Kuban. In the summer of 1918, in the south of the country, the main forces of White Guards and the Interventory were concentrated. In May 1918, P. II. Krasnov is elected by the Ataman Troops of the Donsky and, based on the help of Germany, creates a counter-revolutionary Cossack an army; Denikin organizes an army to 35 thousand bayonets and a saber, which was the basis of the Volunteer Army.

Thus, Tsaritsyn divided the forces of counter-revolution, inclusion between the Don and Ural-Astrakhan white troops, he covered the right flank of the eastern, decisive at the time, the front of the Civil War. The detachments of the Red Army prevented the Don Belong Guard Army to advance in the northern direction. On the other hand, through our city there were ways connecting the central regions of the republic with the North Caucasus.

The defense of Tsaritsyn was the main event of the civil war in the summer of 1918. In May 1918, Sergo Ordzhonikidze arrived for the organization of central military leadership, and on June 6, I. V. Stalin, as a head of food affairs in the south of Russia.

On July 23, 1918, all the troops arrived in Tsaritsyn were combined into one group of troops under the command of K. E. Voroshilov. N. A. Rudnev was appointed chief headquarters. All combat actions at the Tsaritsyn Front, led the military created on July 19, 1918

Council of SKVO in the composition of I. V. Stalin, C, K. Mishina, K. E. Voroshilova. From August 1918 to January 1919, the city stormed the city several times, but were repulsed by the Red Army. In early August, three groups of white troops were coming: the troops under the command of Mamontov came from the West, from the Grand-Magnife for Sarepto - the group Bykadorov, from the north, in the direction of Balashov-Kamyshin-part of Fitzhlaurov. At the same time, the group of General Alferov attacked Soviet troops, covered approaches to the central regions of the country in the direction of Liski - Novokhopersk.

The pages of the newspaper "Soldier Revolution" recreate the picture of heavy fights for Tsaritsyn, the actions of the Red Army and the working cities. August 14, 1918. White Guards approached the Tsaritsyn himself. The newspaper over these days is under mobilizing slogans. She calls: "Comrades workers, peasants, Cossacks! You can and should prepare for the last and decisive battle. All to the arms to fight the executioners and scenters. All on the defense of its socialist family and its existence. Everything like one, in the ranks of the Red Army. "

For slogans, a high patient is characterized: "The enemy at the gate of the city! Here is the most important of the tasks of the day. All attention, all the forces of the proletariat should be directed to the destruction of the Gadina, which seeks to take Tsaritsyn in the ring. Red Tsaritsyn - Southern Avanpost of the Soviet Republic - for the power of the Don Refailed - a terrible danger, and they eat all their wild forces to destroy, strangle the burning torch of the revolution. . Smenitsyn and province were under threat of capture. " Siege was declared (orders of the Military Council of SKVO Nos. 12a and 13 of August 11, 1918).

Passionate Bolshevik campaign was carried out taking into account the situation and sentiment of the masses, the level of their development. The newspaper wrote in those days: "The position is before the evidence is critical, even more! In front of our Socialist Fatherland, a full tragedy questioned question: to be or not to be socialist Soviet Russia? And every proletarian, each worker he has to call one answer: "be".

On August 11, the Military Council of SCW announced the second mobilization. The newspaper unfolded campaign: "Responding to this call, the proletariat Tsaritsyn rose to defend the conquests of the revolution, his hometown!". "Nice Tsaritsyn! - wrote a newspaper. - The revolutionary heart of the worker can not not love. You suffered so much, I fought a lot and cost now the invincible stronghold of the Soviet workers' and peasant authorities. To give you to the hands of counterrevolution for the working class, it's not like to lose your life. Let the red revolutionary banner wave over the Tsaritsyn and let the glorious name of the Tsaritsyn proletariat goes out of the genus in the genus as the wonderful legend of the heroic struggle for the great ideals of the world revolution and socialism. "

The decisive revolutionary force of Tsaritsyn was the old qualified workers who arrived mainly from the largest industrial centers of the country, from the local mainly they were "politically mature", as noted by the "struggle" workers of the metallurgical and metalworking factories, as well as the workers of the carrier. The newspaper published their resolution on August 13, 1918, sent to the Military Council: "In view of the threatening dangers of our Red Mountains. Tsaritsyn decided to arm all the polls of the Union "Most". We ask the Council of Workers, Soldiers, Peasant and Cossack deputies to offer all workers in the city, so that everyone will be received by the Example of the Balkano-Butyrsky District in the field of weapons and protection of the mountains. Tsaritsyn and in general the entire Soviet power of revolutionary Russia. "

The Union of Coast Workers "Loop" has formed and sent three workers to the front: the 1st Novo-Nikolsky, the Beketovsky and 1st "carriers" with a total number of 3000 bayonets. The workers of the gun plant put out a detachment that had 2 six-inhame guns, 4 machine guns and armored vehicles. Tsaritsinsky Committee of the RCP (b) formed a consolidated communist battalion with a number of 1040 people, including 540 foreign communists. The Polish battle squad participated, the newspaper was told on September 14, 1918: "Polish battle squad, formed in Tsaritsyn, the efforts of the local party committee, and from half August all the time is on the front. On September 5, a hot battle with Cossack gangs began in Khutnev's farm. Three comrades died of our squad. Our welded all the time was ahead of us. He was injected with a fragment three times. Saved us and other machine gunners, suspending the onslaught of the upcoming gang. "

The main place in the newspaper these days is occupied by messages from the front, bulletins of the Military School of SCW on the position of the city. The newspaper also told the military mate within the city: "Enemies approach not only the walls of the city, they are in the most red Tsaritsyn. Counter-revolutionary prepared a conspiracy against Soviet power. He was headed by an engineer Alekseev. The beginning of the uprising was dedicated to 2 o'clock in the morning from 17 to August 18, when Karaul change usually. The conspirators did not doubt their success and even pre-prepared an appeal in which it was said: "Palzitsyn fell". But August 14-16, 1918. Emergency Commission to combat counter-revolution revealed this conspiracy. " The newspaper wrote these days: "Yes, the Red Revolutionary Tsaritsyn fell - only not in the hands of traitors, but on their criminal heads: on the night of 21 on August 22, the main conspirators were shot by the hands of the faithful soldiers of the revolution" 9.

On September 7-8, 1918, another counter-revolutionary presentation was also eliminated, which arose in the 2nd regiment of the "Most" and headed by the Right Ester Moldavian. It caused the perturbation of the entire population of Tsaritsyn and primarily the Communists of the Union. They demanded the publication in the newspapers a list of all participants in this conspiracy.

In mid-October 1918, the newspaper reported that a particularly threatening position was created on the southern segment of the Tsaritsyn front. If at that time, a brigade led to Nikolai Rudnev, the Cossacks would cut off from the city of Beketovka, Sarept and Revea. During this operation, N. A. Rudnev was mortally wounded and died in the Beketov hospital. He was a talented warrior-organizer, a serious communist. His newspaper devoted several numbers (October 19-27). She wrote: "In fact, we do not know a single commander of the Red Army, who would love and respected more and who obeyed with a greater hunt than Rudnev."

On the alarming October Days of 1918, he was told in the article S. K. Minin. "In half of October, Tsaritsyn survived a deadly danger," he indicated, -theral times of Krasnovsky gangs approached the city for a threateningly close distance: 12 The verts were separated from the city center from the advanced chains of the enemy at Voroponovo station ... But this time the Nice Army of the Tsaritsyn Front and this time The enemy beat off the Natisk and herself went to the offensive, despite the big losses and felting battles ... ".

The newspaper conducts great ideological work in the army. Exposes deserters, "evaded from the execution of their revolutionary debt." In the heading "Voice of Krasnoarmeysa", articles were placed, calling on the ranks of the Red Army. Ya. Jump, for example, wrote in one of them: "By whom the roads to conquer the revolution, he, without losing one minute, is obliged to become in the ranks of our Red Army to protect the workers' and peasant authorities. Comrades, organize!

Hurry up in the ranks of our Red Army, to the friendly struggle with counter-revolutionary gangs and mercenaries of the bourgeoisie. The death of the enemies of the labor nation. "

And in October, and in November 1918. The position on the southern front remained tense. The Red Army in number was superior to the enemy, but at the end of the advantage was on the side of the White Guards, which in the conditions of steppe areas created them certain advantages.

The Central Committee of the RCP (b) announced the mobilization of the Communists to the South Front. In the period from October 20, 1918, 1110 communists arrived here. It revived the activities of army party ganisies, strengthened the combat capability of the parts.

In January 1919, the White Army again approached the city. Power was temporarily transferred to the Military Revolutionary Committee, who announced the universal mobilization of the combat-ready population, a mandatory labor service was introduced (from 16 to 50 years). The siege last has lasted from January 25 to February 25, 1919. Thanks to the heroic efforts of the Red Army of the 10th Army of the Southern Front in January-February 1919, a number of important victories were obsessed near Tsaritsyn. This is what was said about this in official messages:

January 24th. "In the Davydovsky area, our valiant parts have broken down the heads of two equestrian and two tricks of the cadet gang. We are captured by 600 prisoners, 4 guns, 12 machine guns, several thousand shells, cartridges, weapons. "

And February. "The major victory of the Red Army: the railway track from Morino to Tsaritsyn all over the enemy is cleaned. Thus, the semiring, which was Tsaritsyn, burst. Tsaritsyn again acquires a direct path of communication with Central Russia. "

However, the situation could not be saved: July 30, 1919, the army of General Wrangel took Tsaritsyn. 5 months in the city were white. And in early 1920, the Red Army again achieved a decisive success. The troops of the South-Eastern Front liberated Tsaritsyn. "After midnight for January 3, the Zeta Zeta" Soldier of the Revolution "reported, - the advanced parts of our army entered into a red Tsaritsyn. A short review of the newspaper" Soldier Revolution "showed that it contains valuable materials on the defense of the Red Tsaritsyn.

The beginning of the Civil War, Numerous Siege of Tsaritsyn Whole Guardians in the second half of 1918, created serious difficulties for the development of printing in the city. A number of Tsaritsyn publications cease to exist.

As a result of the paper crisis, the volume of "struggle" is reduced - first up to two sheets, and in May 1919 - to one. More than an earlier, the lack of journalistic personnel is affected during this period. In the questionnaire of the Tsaritsyn Committee of the RCP (b) for 1919, aimed at the Central Committee, against the Count "What the Organization needs" is only one thing: "In the literary forces." Lacked and typers, printers. "It is necessary to take from the printing house of Balanin workers for the" struggle, "- wrote on March 5, 1919 in the Board of the Tsaritsyn Council, the then editor of the newspaper N. Blagoovidov." We need only two workers, and then the Union of Protniknikov guarantees the newspaper output in normal form. " The number of subscribers to "struggle" has decreased, the price of the room has increased.

However, at this time, the overall financial balance of the publication continues to be active. With a teary of 11,800 copies in early 1919, the "struggle" diverged on a day (on subscription and by selling) in the amount of 7080 rubles, publishing ads in each room gave approximately 525 rubles. (about 7% of the total amount of income).

In the days of the Civil War, the main task of the newspaper saw in the organization of masses to rebuff "the White Guards and dedicated to this most of its materials. Sections appear on its pages:" Red Army "," on the fronts "," in the Council of Council "," where No Bolsheviks "," In the occupied regions "," Protection of the Revolution "," Defense of Tsaritsyn "," The Life of the Front "," Red Front "... As a rule, the" struggle "went out these days under mobilizing slogans:" day, no hour to lose it! Soldiers of the revolution, go ahead! Long live offensive! " Or "Panic and Razbannost - defeat, exposure and calm - victory!".

The newspaper regularly placed operational reports of hostilities on its pages, painted the position of the republic and the situation in the Tsaritsyn sector of the Southern Front, covered the movement of mobilization, published resolutions of meetings and meetings of workers, testifying to the determination of the masses to defend the conquest of October, Military Materials.

August 14, 1918, when the White Army approached the very walls of the city, "Fighting" placed a poster flyer in full first page: "Everything to the weapon!". "Tsaritsyn, as the main military base for the south of Russia, said the newspaper, - in a formidable hour of danger, is to be in order to be saved. This is a nerve that feeds the north of food, fuel, cotton and fish; This is a heart that gives life to numerous revolutionary detachments of the North Caucasus. "

In those days in Tsaritsyn, the internal counter-revolution revived: the rebellion of the monarchist Alekseeva broke out, and a month later he rebelled the regiment headed by Eser Moldavian. The lighting of these events was replied by the "struggle" of its August and September pages. Regarding the revealing by the securityists of the conspirators headed by Alekseev (they were so confident in their success that the proclamation was imprinted in advance, entitled "Tsaritsyn Pal"), the newspaper wrote: "Yes, Red Tsaritsyn fell. Only not in the hands of traitors, but on their criminal heads: on the night of 21 on August 22, the main conspirators were shot by the hands of the faithful soldiers of the revolution. "

Until the end of June 1919, before the hour, when White managed to still master Tsaritsyn, the newspaper, not tired, called the masses to fight enemies. "Workers Tsaritsyn, your conquest in danger: Collect all the strength and boldly enter the battle with a black gang, - read in the room from June 14, 1919.- The situation is truly critical. Need to win ... "

Interestingly, it was in these terrible days that the perestroika of the newspaper was held, its direction was changed. The main role in this was played by the instructions of the press set out in the articles of Lenin "The next tasks of the Soviet power" and "On the nature of our newspapers". They first mentioned the need to turn the Soviet press in an effective instrument of economic education of the masses. Articles called for feather workers to deploy a merciless criticism of shortcomings, popularize the positive experience of the builders of socialism.

The leaders' instructions were discussed at Moscow in November 1918. The I All-Russian congress of journalists, whose delegate was the editor of the struggle of G. I. Tachiav. The tachachcheva note is indicative among archival documents. "The meaning of the press," he wrote, not only in the information of the population about what is being done on white light, not a restriction by speaking only: everything is safe. The task of the press is in the pushing of public thought, in the prompting of the initiative in a particular enterprise, aimed at the benefit of society, the benefits of the working class. Tov. Lenin in his article "On the nature of our newspapers" emphasizes that the Soviet seal has become a state print, and offers to quit it. He calls for the fight against specific carriers of evil, to raising the masses on bright examples. "

To maintain the systematic and consistent critization of the shadow sides of the reality of "struggle", the permanent section "Our Disadvantages". In contact with readers, this department said: "Opening on the" struggle "pages, this department for the sample of the" small disadvantages of our mechanism "in the" news of the CEC ", the editorial is devoted to his criticism of errors and miscalculations, inevitable in every work. The public announcement of negative phenomena in our lives will best help the Soviet power in the fight against its inner enemies: secret or obvious sabotage, inaction or exceeding power, etc.

Critical notes of readers for industrial, household and other topics. The editors were placed in the section "Trivia". The newspaper writes about the difficulties in supplying the city of food and goods to the "dominance of the Kulatsky elements", in some rural councils, criticizes the methods of coercion used by the excitation department of the Executive Committee when creating communes in the village, subjected to a rigorous disaster that does not respond to the tasks of the moment of the local theater and t. d.

The decisiveness of some critical performances of the "struggle" gives a representation of at least the article "incomprehensible science", which was sent to the then chairman of the Revivation of the Republic of Trotsky. "It's necessary to come not later than 12 hours of the day ..." - quoted the newspaper some of the theses of "military science" and noticed about this: "We must be an enemy and at 12 o'clock in the afternoon and at 12 o'clock at night do not give peace!".

The newspaper was maintained to maintain the critical orientation of the newspaper, and especially after administration (due to the siege position of Tsaritsyn) military censorship. Tsaritsyn Communists pointed out this in one of their letters to the Central RCP Committee (b). They noted that at once not only the information of the military, but also political articles was subjected. There was, for example, "Fixed" even the article V. I. Lenin "Reply to the inquiry of the peasant", placed in one of the rooms "Fight".

Stressing the need for a "business, merciless, truly revolutionary war" with "concrete carriers of evil", the newspaper did not forget that "Tsaritsyn's press should educate the masses of living specific examples and samples from all areas of life. " Thus, the newspaper publishes materials that promote "positive examples", advanced experience. Under the heading "Our heroes" "Fight" placed, for example, several essay notes and correspondence on the leadersar of the Red Army Khudyakov, Kolosov, and others. Referring to Leninsky statements about the press, "Fighting" in the article "Our institutions and our newspapers" indicated: " It is not enough to do with secrets of your work, you need to take all measures to the broad "publicity of all stages of this work ...". A number of its articles are devoted to the propaganda of economic activities of Soviet power: "The next tasks", "create the communes", "Fish industry in Tsaritsyn", "nationalization of factories", "Our leather industry", "Cooperation and Commodity", etc. Last article Directly crushed with published in the "struggle" at the end of 1918 by the River V. I. Lenin on the III congress of cooperation workers directed against the Menshevian thesis on the "independence" of cooperatives from Soviet power.

The most important event in the history of the "struggle" was its transformation into the party and Soviet authorities. From the first days after the October coup, Tsaritsyn Bolsheviks constantly experienced an acute need for the publication of their party newspaper. This is evidenced by numerous decisions of the city organization on print issues. At one of the meetings of the Tsaritsyn Committee of the RCP (b), it was indicated that most of the letters and articles of workers, due to the lack of party body, are not published, as a result, a lot of valuable thoughts disappears for the party. "

For a short time, the Communists of Tsaritsyn managed to establish the release of the weekly newspaper "Worker-Communist". However, the conditions of the war, the acute shortage of paper made it impossible to publish the party and Soviet newspaper at the same time. Local conditions suggested the only way out - the transformation of the "struggle" into the party and Soviet authorities.

The minutes of the meeting of the so-called "literary group of the Communists" of Tsaritsyn dated December 24, 1918 was mentioned: "The" Fighting "newspaper is called the authority of the Tsaritsyn Organization of the RCP (b), giving it a guideline and expanding the" party life "department ... The objectives of the concentration of literary forces and saving them ... to organize the Print Bureau in Tsaritsyn ... ". The next day, December 25, the City Committee of the Party approved this decision.

From January 1, 1919 The "Fight" newspaper comes out as an organ. Tsaritsyn Committee of the RCP (b) and Tsaritsyn Council. The circulation of it, according to the same data, in 1919, 15 thousand copies, on the other - 20 thousand. The number of members of the party in the Tsaritsyn Organization reached 4 thousand. Comparison of these figures indicates that the "struggle" was designed not only On party members, and above all - on broad non-partisan masses.

The transformation of the newspaper directly reflected on its content. There was a permanent department "Party Life", which had subsections: "In the Committee", "In Cells". The amount of information about the party meetings, conferences, meetings of the city committee has noticeably increased. The character of these materials has changed. Short messages from the life of the party replaced the detailed reports. More often, the newspaper began to publish propaganda and advanced articles on party topics. "Fighting" widely covered the work of the VIII party congress. During the preparation for the congress, the newspaper organizes on its pages the exchange of views on the project of the new party program, advises cells, how best to prepare and hold a meeting, gives advice "what to read on the history of the party?"

To strengthen the influence of the Communist Party in the field, special attention in this period of the newspaper pays to strengthen ties with rustic readers, seeks to fully reveal the peasant theme. Already in the March numbers of "struggle" for 1919, the "regional department" appears, in which the peasants themselves are the main storylors.

The great importance of the Tsaritsinsky Committee of the RCP (b) attached to ensuring that the print word of the party and Soviet power reached the most remote corners of Tsaritsynsky and the counties adjacent to him. The importance of spreading the party printed word in the village was indicated by the citywid party conference, held in April 1919. In order for more newspapers to be sold to rural residents, the conference proposed to reduce the distribution of newspapers in Soviet institutions, and also reduce the sale of them in the city itself, and all this Send to the village.

Thus, the expansion of the Party Life department and the measures taken by the editors to strengthen the influence of the party for the peasant masses are those new phenomena in the life of the "struggle", which were directly related to the transformation of it into the official party-Soviet bodies.

The most difficult period in the life of the "struggle" began after the delivery of Tsaritsyn on June 30, 1919. White, but also in, those harsh days of the newspaper continued to remain formidable weapons in the hands of the Bolsheviks. On one of her July numbers, the hand of the former editor I. Chernov, apparently, after the liberation of the city, made a curious note: "Fighting" is produced - on the leaving of Tsaritsyn with red troops - in the burden of the "storm" charge. They gained Dubovsky typewriters. Machine the vertors arrested priests (Tsaritsyn). "

Later, the newspaper was printed in Dubovka, in the printing house of the local council. In total, for the period of the White stay in Tsaritsyn managed to release 49 numbers.

The newspaper, called now the "Fight Bulletin", is still widely spread among the red fighters. The materials were inspired by the readers confidence in the near collapse of the Denikinian domination, the name of the defenders of Tsaritsyn on the decisive assault of the enemy. "Five times precipitated white beasts a long-suffering city .... - reprinting the newspaper excerpts from the advanced" truth. "Neither the flour of hunger, neither the flour of the cold did not make Tsaritsyn proletariat become knees to the general gangs. The working class will come out by the winner and will become the owner of the glorious city again. With a firm confidence in the victory and power of the Russian proletariat, we will say on the grave of the faithful Tsaritsyn friends: "Tsaritsyn fell. Long live Tsaritsyn! " Referring to the "truth" and "Izvestia", the newspaper regularly reports information about the success of the Red Army in the East, gives an assessment by the ratio of forces on the southern front.

It is understood that in the days of the domination of whites in Tsaritsyn, the "Bulletin" could not go into the amount of the former "struggle" and former circulation. In order to efficiently use the available newspapers, the Bureau of the Tsaritsyn district Organization of the RCP (b) suggested that shelters organize collective reading "Bulletin" in folk houses and spill-reading rooms.

Even the number of "struggle" over the past period continued to live at this time, leading devastating work in the rear of the enemy. Former typider M. Shishkin recalls, as after class the city, someone in the printing house remembered the old copies of the "struggle" and proposed to spread them among the soldiers of the White Army. "For whom they are old, and for them - new!" - the typographic workers agreed and began to distribute the newspapers to soldiers. "The White Guard Officer, the Commandant of the City," Further Typographical Worker says, "Even the order, where, among other things, it was said:" To stop the issuance of old Bolshevik newspapers to immediately ... the guilty will be betrayed by a court. " But all the newspapers were already distributed. "

3Yantvar 1920g. The red army liberated Tsaritsyn from white and forever restored Soviet power in it. Recommetrates in Tsaritsyn, the publication of the "struggle." It becomes the body of the Tsaritsyn Gubernsky and the City Rev. And the Tsaritsyn Sponge of the RCP (b) and goes almost daily, originally in the volume of one sheet. It was now about 7.5 thousand copies, it was now (almost two times lower than the delivery of Tsaritsyn) and was distributed as follows: 40% of the publication came to the periphery, about 27%-in the army and 33% applied to Tsaritsyn. The ratio of numbers indicates the transformation of the newspaper from the city (or actually - county), which it was before, in the provincial newspaper.

What did the newly created provincial authority wrote about? In the first rooms "Fight" for 1920s. still obviously sounds military TopicThe articles and memories of the months of Denikinsky captivity, reports and reviews of current military events are published. But gradually the topic of the struggle for peace and approval of the International Rights of the Soviet Republic is put forward to the fore. "The case of the world is not far off!", "The war is nearing an end," we are increasingly reading on the pages of the newspaper. "Fight" begins to widely cover the movement of workers of Western Europe for recognition by bourgeois states of Soviet Russia: publishes the appeal of 70 French intellectuals "Hands away from the Soviet Republic!" And the appeal of the professional organizations of Tsaritsyn to the workers' countries of the Entente, the article "Blockade is broken by", "to the removal of the blockade."

And finally, a passionate call begins to sound from the pages: to direct all the forces on the fight against devastation. "The Valorous Red Army dropped the igo landowners and capitalists; Now our revolutionary debt is to reset the chain hands of hunger, restore the economic life of the Soviet Republic, "she called for" struggle "on January 22, 1920, she was dedicated to a series of articles in subsequent issues:" Who does not work, do not eat "," Urban economy I. Soviet authority"," The state of agriculture in the Tsaritsynsky county and our tasks "and others. The newspaper appears a new rubric" On the Front of Labor ", where there is a coverage of the organization of the first communist Saturdays.

Already on February 5, 1920, the "struggle" is trying to sum up the first results of peaceful labor: "Proletarian organizations are created, part of the factory and plants are broken; Rail transport is gradually being uploaded. Restored partially waterproof. Work in all regions of urban life is boiling. Droza declared a merciless war. And, undoubtedly, the working Tsaritsyn will come out winners from this war. Tsaritsyn and his printing entered into a new lane of historical development - the recovery period.

A few years later, summing up the path of the traveled path, the newspaper was as appreciated by the activities of the party and Soviet authority: "Fighting" during the civil war spent heroic revolutionary work. She was a real Kruppovsky plant of those long-range guns, which the word of the proletarian truth, simultaneously with the efforts of our Red Army and the proletariat, broke the stronghold of the century of the century of capitalism and beheaded counterrevolution. "

Topic 4. Receptions of organizational, propaganda and campaigning of the newspaper "Fighting"

Peace years have come. X Congress of the party 1921. The decision was about the transition from military communism to the new economic policy. The main in the activities of party organizations now have been issuing issues: restoration of agriculture, industry and transport, revival of goods between the city and the village, the establishment of a monetary system. These goals were put before the party newspaper.

Propaganda, organizational and agitation activities of the struggle in the 1920s.

On the first strip Call: "Only at the voltage of all the forces of the republic, we will achieve only as a result of persistent and dedicated labor. happy life - Socialism. Under the crash of the hammer, under the clan, under the whistle of the steam locomotive, the Soviet republic will go to the Pahar song, along the path of communist construction. "

On the first page sections: "Labor Front", "Down with Destroy!", "Revival of industry", "Fighting hunger." In the foreground, questions of the struggle for bread, the revival of agriculture, which has declined. And very shaped "struggle" wrote: "Only by simulating agriculture, we will lay a good mine under our entire ruin."

The topic of agriculture occupies a central place in the newspaper. Topic 1: Preparation and holding of Seva. A selection is printed from the room: "Get ready for spring." For successful field work, there was not enough seeds, agricultural inventory. The management of the economy went from the center. The party and the government provide provinces and all over the Volga region. The newspaper reports that it is received from the center of the outfit for seeds, and after a few days the information is placed: "The Republic - Volga. On March 9, 1922, he was shipped in the Volga region over 18 million pounds of seeds, i.e. 91 percent of the planned task. By March 15, the Republic fully fulfill his debt before the Volga region. "

Organizational work of the newspaper: Through the struggle is declared "a week of red pahacary". This week, the workers of the city after work are repaired by the agricultural motor. The "struggle" clarifies the need for all citizens to assist the peasants. The peasants calls for more grain. Recommendation Function: The fight places agronomic tips, how best to handle the soil. The assistance of the Central Committee of the Party is emphasized: data are published, how many arrived for the village of seeders, plows, harrows. Created picture of holistic, i.e. United single goal of the country.

The means of agitation becomes the imagery in the names of companies: the field work of the newspaper called "Great Sowing". The organizational function is performed at the expense of regular appeals to the same the most important topics: When the spring sowing ended, the newspaper writes about how to organize sowing care, prepare for harvesting.

One of the means of increasing the motivation to work is to compare the registers of work for each reporting period: in the section on the construction of a new life in the village "at the end of 1923," Fighting "wrote that in comparison with 1922, agriculture advanced, there were ways to revive him In the future, agriculture will go to the mountain. The role of the party is hunted: in conditions of great difficulties, the provincial party organization has successfully coped with sowing work as in the fall of 1921 and in the spring of 1922. " To do this, in the villages organized sowing three who operated in the province, non-partisan sowing conferences for regular summary of the results, reports, exchange of experience were organized by mass-political work in the village, practical help Workers peasants (drove into the village to sowing, cleaning).

For almost three years (1922-1925), the "struggle" sends its attention to the fight against hunger, devastation and their consequences - outbreak in the city and province of cholera, plague and other diseases. From the pages of "struggle" does not come together a permanent section: "Everything is on the fight against hunger." The newspaper is a campaign for assisting the starving Tsaritsyn and province. She publishes materials of party and Soviet organizations about measures to combat this disaster.

The All-Russian Help Help Commission is being created. The provincial commission is organized in Tsaritsyn. The newspaper tells about its emergence of the starving. According to the call of newspapers in cities and counties, public tables open. "Fighting" leads a campaign for increasing the number of kindergartens, nursery, calls for help them. This campaign includes women in the city. They repair the premises, sew children clothes, collect food. The words of the newspaper do not come up with the words of the call: "If everyone's full will give three pounds of bread and half a welding, then all the starving will live to the new harvest," 10 referred and should feed the hungry. "

In response to this appeal, working cities each month was expelled from their scarce earnings and soldering money and products for starving. The struggle reports that the workers of the Metallurgical Plant decided to contribute to the help of three pounds of flour from each worker hungry, work every day for two hours overtime.

Materials were published about the help of the city from Dr. Grani and from abroad. "The assistance of the Tsaritsyn province is," wrote "Fighting". "Routes with bread from Novorossiysk arrived. From Vinnitsa in Tsaritsyn sent 25 wagons of food, "the newspaper reported.

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