
Extra-curricular event "100 years of the February Revolution". Extra-curricular event in the library “Day of Consent and Reconciliation. One Hundred Years of the Great October Socialist Revolution "Scenario of the evening about 1917

Ministry of Education of the Ryazan Region

Regional state budget

professional educational institution

Ryazan College named after the hero of the Soviet Union N.N. Komarov "


extracurricular activities

Varskiye 2017

Plan for an open extracurricular activity.

Goal: - to create a holistic picture of the events of the February


Promote correct moral and ethical understanding

the events of February 1917;

Development of historical thinking;

Foster a sense of patriotism and respect for the historical

the past of our Motherland;

Continue to form information and communication



    contribute to the consolidation of the student body through the inclusion of all students of the group in joint creative activities;

    contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences in children;

    develop initiative, reveal the creative abilities of students.

Form of carrying out: educational event

Scope: - « I and the world "- to continue to develop the needs of the spiritual and moral

qualities and creativity;

- “I am society” - to continue to form a harmoniously developed personality;

Social role: public

Time and place: reading room, 45 minutes

Participants: college students

Teacher: G. N. Vilkova, V. G. Filatikov.

Decoration and equipment: - presentation "February 1917"

Musical accompaniment;

Projector, computer

Expected Result: positive emotions, team building,

students' desire to participate in others

college activities.

Terms of implementation and stages:




1-2 weeks

Discuss the chosen topic

Announces the theme and purpose of the event

Define their role in the preparation of the event

Distributes roles

and tasks

Select material


Make a plan, script

Organizes work

with text, corrects entries



Prepare a presentation

Conducts consultations on the preparation of the presentation


1 day

Prepare, arrange

reading room

Prepares equipment

Act as presenters, readers, artists

Acts as a co-host

Summing up, reflection

Open event day

Participants exchange impressions

Summarizes the event, thanks the participants of the event

Potential risks: equipment failure, low interest

to the event on the part of the students.

2. Scenario of an open extracurricular activity.

Introductory speech of the teacher: Hello! Today we are holding an event dedicated to the centenary of the February Revolution. I invite everyone present to try to comprehend the picture of those days, to understand the causes and consequences of what is happening. Within the framework of human life, this event took place a long time ago, and in the historical framework - recently. An interesting fact is that the 1917 and 2017 calendars are exactly the same. Moreover, such a popular holiday as Maslenitsa fell on the same days as this year. And so I give the floor to the hosts.

First presenter: In his the President noted to parliament that the coming 2017 is the year of the centenary of the February and October revolutions. “This is a weighty reason to once again turn to the reasons and the very nature of the revolutions in Russia. Not only for historians and scientists. Russian society needs an objective, honest, deep analysis of these events. This is our common history and must be treated with respect.

Second presenter: The outstanding Russian and Soviet philosopher Alexei Fedorovich Losev wrote about this. “We know the whole thorny path of our country,” he wrote. We know the agonizing years of struggle, lack, suffering. But for the son of his Motherland, all this is his inalienable, dear. "

First presenter: “I am sure that the absolute majority of our citizens have just such a feeling of the Motherland. And we need the lessons of history, first of all, for reconciliation, for strengthening the social, political, civil accord, which we have managed to achieve today, ”stressed .

Second presenter: the February revolution of 1917 in Russia is still called the bourgeois-democratic. It is the second revolution in a row (the first occurred in 1905, the third in October 1917). The February revolution began a great turmoil in Russia, during which not only the Romanov dynasty fell and the Empire ceased to be a monarchy, but the entire bourgeois-capitalist system, as a result of which the elite in Russia was completely replaced.

First presenter: There were several reasons for the February revolution.

Video fragment "Who Benefited the February Revolution"

Second presenter: The spark in the barrel of gunpowder was only a three-day interruption in Petrograd with black bread. Only with black - white, a little more expensive, lay free. There were also objective reasons for this - snow drifts that prevented the delivery of flour. There were rumors; that ration cards would be introduced for bread, and the deficit immediately increased: they began to buy bread for crackers. An increasing number of people who defended the "tail" - that is, the line, who already outraged the then Russians - were left empty-handed.

Musical accompaniment by Yaskin Gleb, read by Harutyunyan Jaan.

“… For several days we have been living on a volcano… There was no bread in Petrograd, - the transport got very bad because of the extraordinary snows, frosts and, of course, because of the tension of the war… There were street riots… But, of course, it was not about bread ... It was the last straw ... The point was that in this whole huge city it was impossible to find several hundred people who would sympathize with the authorities ... And not even that ... The point is that the authorities did not sympathize with themselves ... , not a single minister who would believe in himself and in what he is doing ... The class of former rulers was dying ... "(Vas. Shulgin" Days ")

First presenter: The city was seething.

Video fragment: The bloody revolution of 1017 Russia on blood.

First presenter: March 2, night - Nicholas II signed a manifesto on the granting of a responsible ministry, but it was too late. The public demanded renunciation.

Second presenter: On March 2, at about 15:00, Tsar Nicholas II decided to abdicate in favor of his heir, Tsarevich Alexei, during the regency of the younger brother of the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich. During the day, the king decided to abdicate also for the heir.

First presenter: March 4 - the newspapers published the Manifesto on the abdication of Nicholas II and the Manifesto on the abdication of Mikhail Alexandrovich.

Musical accompaniment student of group 2 ZChS "B" Yaskin Gleb, read by Harutyunyan Jaan.

“The man rushed to us - Lovely! - he shouted and grabbed my hand - Have you heard? There is no king! Only Russia is left. He kissed everyone hard and rushed to run on, sobbing and muttering something ... it was already one o'clock when Efremov usually slept soundly. Suddenly, at this inopportune hour, the cathedral bell rang out with a short echo. Then the second blow, the third. The blows became more frequent, a tight ringing was already floating over the town, and soon the bells of all the surrounding churches joined it. Lights went on in all the houses. The streets were filled with people. The doors in many houses were thrown wide open. Strangers hugged each other crying. From the side of the station came the solemn and jubilant cry of steam locomotives. "(K. Paustovsky" Restless Youth ")

Second presenter: The emperor returned home and was taken under investigation. He was very worried when he learned that in the general mass even his convoy of 500 people went to the side of the revolution, each of whom he knew personally, and not only by name. This is how the “nationwide, bright and bloodless” revolution took place. Not so bloodless, by the way. In the capital alone, in the days of the revolution, 1,443 people were killed and wounded. A significant proportion of the dead were employees of the Petrograd police. Then there were persistent rumors that it was the police who were buried on the Champ de Mars under the guise of "heroes of the revolution." Whether it is true or not, in the revolutionary chaos, they really became one of the few heroes who fulfilled their duty to the end.

First presenter:Verse "Towards the February Revolution" by Sergei Momdzhi Read by Danil Mikhachev.

February is old and new is March,
And the seventeenth year with a sign
He is now rich in revolution,
One such date in it.

February and Petrograd dawn,
What was it? Woe, good?
When "Down with!", And threw the king,
Without even changing the flag.

A weak-willed king, a mediocre war,
And millions of dissatisfied
People and generals, the whole country,
Participants of those days are involuntary.

Freedom! Red bow on the chest
And the head is spinning
Brothers! Are the defeats over?
And on the fronts in the troops fermentation.

And irresponsible talkers
Even the name is Temporary,
Disorder, robbery, collapse of the country,
And they are pregnant with a new revolution!

Only bullets and bayonets for the people
For them whips from the Cossack hundreds,
They are all slaves to capital,
And the people are still deprived of them.

The collapse of the empire, of course, is a disaster,
Freedom, of course, is a blessing
But only the country should become powerful,
And all the power should be given to the people!

And that February is both good and bad,
He showed: everything on the shoulder of the people,
And liberals are always talkers,
And expect trouble, if they make the weather!

First presenter: Was the February Revolution good or bad? Do you need it or not? This question hardly makes sense. February, unlike October, was a natural phenomenon. As in a thundercloud: the potential difference accumulated - and it burst out. It is hardly possible to single out the right side in this social conflict.

Second presenter: In custodyit is appropriate to quote the Russian historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky. "History," he noted, "is not a teacher, but a warden: she does not teach anything, but severely punishes for ignorance of the lessons." Time will tell whether we have learned the lessons of the events of a century ago.

First presenter: This concludes our event. Thanks for attention.

Mironova Valentina Borisovna
Educational institution: ICOO "Prosek Basic School"
Locality: Kostroma region, Antropovsky district, village Prosek
Material name: methodical development
Theme: "By the roads of the October revolution"
Date of publication: 25.04.2017
Section: secondary education

Municipal government general educational organization

"Prosek Basic School"

Antropovsky municipal district of the Kostroma region

Methodical development of extracurricular activities,

dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Russian Revolution.

"By the roads of the October revolution"

history and social studies teacher

Prosek 2017

Goal: to acquaint students with the history of the Great October Revolution of 1917


fostering interest in the historical past of Russia;

foster understanding and respect for the historical events of our






revolution. The hundred-year history of this event is associated with heroic pages




state. The year of the centenary of the revolution is a good reason to remember that this

the event turned out to be a turning point not only for Russian, but also for world history.

The president

Vladimir Putin

bloody events, but this is what we went through and what we must know. "

And scarlet banners and orchestras

And military power at the walls of the Kremlin,

And native songs of the festive columns ”.

(L.P. Maslovsky)



forever and ever

will remain

the most important

events of the XX century. The October Revolution decisively changed

the path of the historical development of Russia and had a tremendous impact on the development of peoples

the whole planet.

Today we turn over the pages of the Great October Revolution and find out

how it was.

V.I. Lenin



Finlyandsky railway station, soldiers surrounded Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in a tight ring,

who spoke simply and clearly about what worried every worker and

peasant - about land and freedom, about how to end the war.

A history teacher.

N. K. Krupskaya recalled: “The soldiers stood on benches to better see

and to hear someone who spoke so clearly about pressing problems. And every minute

their attention grew, their faces became more tense. "

From the memoirs of Nikolai Podvoisky: “The wind rushing into the square from the Neva,

picks up



covered with a crimson flame. Going down to the first step of the carriage, Lenin





Inexpressible enthusiasm grips the greeters. A storm thunders all over the platform

ovations, welcome slogans. When V.I. Lenin said the word "Comrades!"

everyone felt in him the depth and strength of his love for the people.


A grandiose night procession to Petrogradskaya began from Finland Station

side. On this occasion, V. I. Lenin spoke several times with the workers who were eagerly catching

every word he says.

A history teacher.

A.A. Andreev wrote: “Lenin is brilliant, with extraordinary conviction, which

felt in his every word and gesture about the revolution, which was supposed to win

after a few months".


V.I. Lenin




report, where he outlined his famous April theses. So, barely returning to

Motherland, Vladimir Ilyich took the helm of the revolution.

May 1917 came. For the first time, the working people of Russia celebrated openly and freely

May Day. Demonstrations took place in Petrograd in July. Workers, soldiers and sailors

walked with slogans, they were greeted by V.I. Lenin.

preparation of the Great October Revolution. Lenin was not in Petrograd, he was not far from





VI Lenin conveyed instructions and advice.

which called for the creation of Red Guard units and the training of ship crews.

apartment in the Vyborg district. The next day, Lenin wrote articles in which

the leader once again stressed that everyone should prepare for an armed uprising.

The decisive days of the revolution have come. At factories and factories signals sounded to

red guards.










events, sent instructions to Smolny on how to proceed. Revolutionary headquarters in

Smolny prepared his speech with the greatest energy and determination.

forces. On the same day, the Red Guards occupied the Finland Station.


V.I. Lenin.


directly at the storming of the uprising.

History will forever preserve the unique picture that it presented in this

night great Russian city on the Neva. A damp cold wind blew. In the fog blinked

rare lights. Smolny, headquarters of the uprising, center





exhausted workers and soldiers who yearned for peace, land, justice and freedom.

A history teacher.

Exhausted, in tattered clothes, a worker stopped in front of Smolny,



mingled with the crowd. He was one of the delegates to the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets,

who came from all over the country to Smolny to tell about the birth

new Russia.


Smolny hummed like an agitated hive. Everything that night moved either from




Petrograd was in the hands of the insurgents. In factories and factories, in barracks and in

in the streets, jubilant workers and soldiers read the first document, which contained the words:

"Long live the revolution!" Deputies gathered in Smolny. Emergency meeting

The council opened at 2 hours 35 minutes in the afternoon.

A history teacher.

NI Podvoisky recalled: “When on the podium after a four-month break




erupted into thunderous applause. Everyone got up. Lenin was never like this

solemn and excited as at this moment. Inspirational and simple sounded

his words: “Comrades! The workers 'and peasants' revolution, the need for which is all

time they said, it happened. "


To complete the revolution, it remained to take the Winter Palace. Not far from the palace, near

Nikolaevsky bridge, there was the cruiser "Aurora". At 9 hours 45 minutes in the evening, there was




the historic salvo of the Aurora, heralding the beginning of a new era to the world.

A history teacher.

N.I. Podvoisky described this historical moment as follows: “In the darkness

night, illuminated by a pale, foggy smoke, light, from all adjacent streets

and from the nearest corners rushed chains of Red Guards, sailors and soldiers. In the air

there was a continuous victorious "Hurray!", exciting, uniting ".



the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets opened. He represented the entire labor

Russia. There were delegates from provinces and national regions. Lenin at the congress

talked about the world, about the earth.

A history teacher.

Delegate II


S. A. Aralov


lenin's speech on the world: “The hearts of people who have suffered

the world. "Well, my brother, will there be reconciliation or not?" - the delegates often asked.

Finally the moment came when Lenin got up and spoke about it. The first

words immediately captured everyone: “The question of peace is a burning question, a painful question

modernity. Much has been said, written about him, and you probably all discussed a lot.

him". Someone exclaimed: “We only think and talk about the world. True, yours, comrade

Lenin! " And when V.I. Lenin announced the decree on peace, there was such silence, as if people

they even stopped breathing. And then, as if the whole audience breathed a sigh of relief - and after

this is a whirlwind and thunder of applause, joyful shouts.


The II All-Russian Congress of Soviets fulfilled the will of the people - it adopted a historic

standard bearer


identified foreign policy new state. The decision mattered

the question of land.

I want to end our event with the following words:

“Once it was so:

It was a red calendar day

But somehow everything was forgotten

Over the years, and probably in vain!

It was a wonderful holiday

Both for people and for the country ”.

I think that a lot of time will pass, and everything will fall into place, and day 7

november, as before, will become one of the main holidays of the country.

Vladimir Putin said: "Russia has a great history and no less great future." So

let's not forget the lessons of the past.

concert dedicated to the 56th anniversary

Great October Socialist Revolution

Kremlin Palace of Congresses

The lights in the auditorium slowly go out. The orchestra performs a solemn symphonic overture. The main curtain of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses opens.

A fluttering scarlet banner - into the entire mirror of the stage.

Against the background of the banner a male choir.

An invisible brass band and a male choir perform the 1905 song "Boldly, Comrades, Keeping Up".

While the last verse of the song is still playing, a poetic text about 1917 - Great October is heard on the radio.

The figure "1917" appears on the banner at the full height of the stage.

End of song and lyrics. Volley of guns.

A scarlet banner soars up. The legendary "Aurora" is on stage. Baltic sailors are lined up along the side. A revolutionary song is being sung.

A special curtain, in which the screen is mounted, is lowered, and on the screen is a large slide: "Decree on Peace."

Against this background, the singer and a group of the female choir perform a song dedicated to the decree on peace, the Great Lenin. This theme is continued by a scene from the play "The Man with the Gun" (Reading the Decree). The scene is in costumes and makeup. The background will be the silhouette of Smolny.

On the curtain overlapping this scene, there is a slide of the Kremlin's Kutafya Tower (black and white image). There is a double-headed eagle on the spire. A poetic text begins about the move of the Soviet government to new capital states - Moscow ...

On the screen is a memorial plaque: "In 1918, the Great Lenin entered the Kremlin through these gates." The black and white image of the Kutafya Tower is replaced by a color image, and now there is a ruby \u200b\u200bstar on the spire.

The reindeer folk choir itself sings a song about Moscow.

On the screen, in the rhythm and character of the song, landscapes of old Moscow in black and white are replaced by color photographs of modern MOSCOW.

For example, the old Okhotny Ryad (black and white image) - Prospect Marks (color image).

And again a text that says that Moscow has been guarding the world for many decades and the voice of our Party is heard far beyond the Kremlin.

Quotes from the law prohibiting the propaganda of war are read. On the screen is a slide of the first page of the Pravda newspaper with the decision of the 24th Party Congress.

On the screen, there are film documents telling about the nationwide support for these decisions.

The film documents of our country are followed by film documents of demonstrations, meetings and demonstrations of supporters of peace around the world, and excerpts from the speeches of delegates to the Congress of Peace Forces are broadcast on the radio.

The background in the recording is the song of S. Tulikov "We all swear an oath for peace ..."

On stage, a group of masters of artistic expression performs montage of poems by Soviet poets. Editing theme: Peace on earth is the main achievement of the era. Peace on earth is the happiness of peoples. Peace on earth is the flourishing of national cultures and the brotherhood of peoples.

As proof and confirmation - on the stage of the State People's Choir of the Byelorussian SSR; Kazakh artist B. Tulegenova with a group of musicians; Ukrainian team "Tavria"; masters of Soviet ballet from the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR; Georgian Song and Dance Ensemble; the vocal quartet of the State Academic Choir of the Estonian SSR and other performers representing the art of the peoples of our country.

Fulfilling the decisions of the 24th Congress of the CPSU, Soviet people are working - each at his post.

Fulfilling the assignments of the third decisive year of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, we are fighting for peace.

Our Party is fighting for peace, tirelessly and hourly.

In the center of the screen, inscribed in the relief of the map of the Soviet Union, a flying plane appears. It sits down smoothly on the ground. Leonid Brezhnev is on the gangplank. Jubilant masses of people greet the distinguished guest.

Again the center of the screen, again the plane. NV Podgorny is getting out of the plane. Another plane - this arrives with a visit of friendship A. N. Kosygin.

And again people who meet them, again banners and posters with greetings written in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

The concert ends with a song about Lenin's part, performed by the united chorus of all its participants.

SCENARIO of an extracurricular event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great October Revolution of 1917

The game “What? Where? When?"


Prepared by: Natalya Mikhailovna Solovieva

Goals and objectives of the event: To contribute to the moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren. To preserve the memory of the events of that time, which were significant for the whole people. Find out what students know about the October events of 1917. To educate the significance of this event today in the history of the Russian state, interest in studying the history of their country.
Before the concert, songs on the theme of October, Motherland are played. Equipment: computer, projector, presentation. Leading. “There is no better companion than memory. Our heart is at one with it. She will find with truthful eyes what was so long ago.” On November 7, our country celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. We are moving further and further away from this historical milestone. We call the Great October the event of the past century. However, over time, we more and more clearly understand that it was conscious choice generations.
Game questions:
Round 1. Slide 3 What holiday was celebrated on November 7?
Slide 4. (November 7 is a memorable date in Russia [Download the file to view the link] [Download the file to view the link].)
Round 2. Slide 6. A politician who announced the presence of a party that is ready to take power into its own hands instead of the Provisional Government
Slide 7 (V. Lenin)
Round 3. Slide 9. Who was in charge of the general leadership of the armed uprising
Slide 10. (The general leadership of the uprising was carried out by V.I. Lenin from Smolny)
Round 4. Slide 12. Who directed all the actions of the rebels
Slide 13. (Directly all the actions of the rebels were directed by LD Trotsky).
Round 5. Slide 15. What was the signal to storm the Winter Palace?
Slide 16. (Blank shot from the cruiser Aurora)
Round 6. Slide 18. The armed forces of the proletariat during the October Revolution?
Slide 19 (Red Guard)
Round 7. Slide 21. It is known how they dealt with historical monuments after the October Revolution. But even before her, one famous emperor wanted to destroy the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed in Moscow. Who was that?
Slide 22 (Napoleon)
Round 8. Slide 24. What was used instead of paper money in Yakutia after the October Revolution of 1917?
Slide 25. (Wine labels)
Round 9. Slide 27. What event happened on November 7, 1941?
Slide 28. (Military parade on Red Square, for the sake of which the entrances to the main square of the capital were specially reconstructed. This canon was strictly observed, and even on November 7, 1941, when the Germans were attacking Moscow, was no exception: regiments that marched through Red Square, went straight to the front. The 1941 parade in terms of the impact on the course of events is equated to the most important military operation).
Round 10. Slide 30. What is the difference between the February Revolution and the October Revolution?
Slide 31. (Unlike the February Revolution of 1917, which began spontaneously, a new action by the Bolsheviks was carefully planned.)
Round 11. Slide 33. A politician who announced that there is a party ready to take power into his own hands instead of the Provisional Government

Slide 34. (As a result of the armed uprising in Petrograd on the night of October 25-26, 1917, the period of the Bolshevik Party's rule begins in Russia).
Round 12. Slide 36. Which authority formed the Soviet government?
Slide 37. The Soviet government was created - the Council of People's Commissars.
Soviet power was established throughout the territory of the former Russian Empire.
Host: Let's sum up the game.
Thanks for playing!!!

Figure 2 Figure 115

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Saratov region "Krasnokutsk Polytechnic Lyceum" Thematic concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917. "We all come from the land of the Soviets!" Lecturer of history of GBPOU SO "KPL" Shtyrenko ZI Red Kut 2017

The script for the thematic concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution "We all come from the land of the Soviets!" Author and presenter: Shtyrenko Zulfiya Islyamovna, lecturer of history and social science, Krasnokutsk Polytechnic Lyceum, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Education Objectives:  to create a holistic picture of the events of the October revolution for students;  contribute to the correct moral and ethical understanding of the events of 1917;  development of historical thinking;  foster a sense of patriotism and respect for the historical past of our Motherland;  continue to develop information and communication competencies. Development of the need spiritually - moral qualities and creativity;  formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Objectives:  to promote the rallying of student and engineering-pedagogical teams through the inclusion of all students and teachers of the Lyceum in joint creative activities;  contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children;  develop initiative, reveal the creative abilities of students. Form: thematic concert Design and equipment:

 photo slides  video accompaniment  musical accompaniment;  projector, screen, computer  pioneer attributes

The course of the event The concert opens with a short video about the revolution. Screensaver on the screen Moderator: Good afternoon to everyone gathered in this hall. I think you have already guessed why we are all gathered here today. Today, November 7, our country celebrates the centenary of the October Revolution. We are moving further and further away from this historical milestone. We call Great October the event of the past century. And the further we move away from this event, the less we understand why and why the revolution was needed. Our event will be held today in a rather unusual way, in a new format. A kind of skit. All of us will be leading today. After all, each of you has something to tell the younger generation about what kind of holiday it is, how Soviet people celebrated it in the country, how this holiday was celebrated in your family, because we all come from the Soviet Union! And everyone will have something to remember! And first I want to give the floor to Mikhail Yuryevich, a small historical excursion from him. The floor is given to the director

Poem (read by a student) You remember, comrade, the seventeenth year, And there was no more memorable year When the people exhausted by the war, For the truth went into battle and freedom, Then there were no obstacles for the people And they did not knock off the right path Neither the intrigues of the Entente, nor the fierce hail From bullets and fragments, and the hearts of the soldiers were then harder than lead, After all, their hearts were made of steel, Their courage and firmness knew no end, They fought for you! Host: Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers entered life in different years... Some matured in the first days of the revolution, others mowed down the White Guards with fire, flying on winged carts in the smoke of the civil war, erected the first power plants, built collective farms, others walked through the flame and cold of the Great Patriotic War... And the next issue is about them now! Song "Two Eagles", on the screen a video clip with frames from the movie "Quiet Don" Presenter: After the revolution, it continued for several years civil War... The resistance of the two sides. Whites and reds ... how many broken destinies, destroyed families ... As in any war, this one had its own partisans. And among them were children. And now we want to invite a hero from everyone's favorite movie! Yashkatsygan comes out, Musical performance, splash screen

Question to Fomina T.A., whether she recognized the hero, and from which movie he was. Fomina T.A. tells how they celebrated the holiday in her family. Presenter: The civil war is over, but in Central Asia, gangs of Basmachi, liquidated by the Soviet regime only in the 1930s, are still operating in Central Asia, although individual battles and clashes continued until 1942. A little about that time in the next issue! The song "East is a delicate matter, Petruha", with video accompaniment. After the song, the screen saver on the screen changes. Host: How did the country develop after the Revolution? New books, poems, songs, paintings, films appear. NEP, Pioneers, Komsomol. People were building a new life! And the leader of the proletariat was V.I. Lenin! An excerpt from S. Yesenin's poem "Captain of the Earth" (read by Alikova O.Yu.) No one has ruled the planet yet, And my song has never been sung to anyone. As soon as he, With his hand raised, Said that the world is One family. I am not deceived by the Hymns to the hero,

I do not tremble Lived by a blood pipe. I am happy that at times gloomy I breathed with him And lived with some feelings. Not like we, To whom everything is so Close, - Fall into a miracle And elephants ... Like a modest boy From Simbirsk Became the helmsman of His country. I. Kobzon's song “And Lenin is so young”, dancing by revolutionaries Host: In Soviet schools, there was a tradition on the eve of the anniversary of the Great October Revolution, first-graders, yesterday's preschoolers, in a solemn atmosphere, they received the first public organization “October” in their life. A ruby \u200b\u200bstar with the image of V. Lenin was pinned to their chest. And now I want to ask our chairman of the Council of Veterans, O. Yu. Shutenko. does she remember how she was received in October. What did Olga Yuryevna feel at the same time? Tell us your childhood experiences. O.Yu. Shutenko, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the CPL.

Host: Yes, how long has it been. Admit it, O.Yu., for sure you want to return at least for a moment to that time and again experience this feeling of pride when you are received in October? And now we will provide you with such an opportunity! Also for adoption in October, I would like to invite Fomin T.A. , Kusherov M.A., Dranichnikova P.G. To the sounds of the October march, the CPL students wear October badges to labor veterans. Host: And the next issue for the young October! Dance "Yablochko" (prepared by IS Postnaya), splash screen on the screen After the dance, the splash screen changes Presenter: April 22 was considered not only the birthday of V.I. Lenin, but also the birthday of a pioneer organization that raised children on the principles of solidarity, patriotism, high moral standards. The oath taken on the day of joining the pioneers is engraved in my memory forever ... It was a joyful day when a red tie was tied to you, and you saluted: Always ready!

And now I want to ask if any of the masters and teachers present here in the hall remembers how they joined the pioneer organization? Let's tell our students how it was! The floor is given by N. G. Isniyazova. and Tumanova V.N. (talk about how they were accepted into the pioneers) Host: To join the ranks of the pioneers, it was necessary to study well, be polite, hardworking, responsible, etc., that is, to have many positive qualities! And today I propose to join the pioneers for those who at one time did not have time to do this, but have all these positive qualities! Representatives of the young generation of the engineering and teaching staff of our lyceum, who at one time did not have time to join the ranks of the pioneers, are invited to the stage: Akhmedova A.S., Mishchenko I.S., Gabdusheva E.A., Kotunova I.P., Zandalieva D.U ., Karpova O.A., Ilyasova D.B., Bystritskiy N.N., Maltseva A.N. While the above colleagues go on stage, the screen saver is changing The pioneers oath is read in chorus Presenter: And now I invite young pioneers to tie pioneer ties on the stage of the leaders: Kovalenko I.V., Karamysheva E.V., Pavlova O.A., Tumparova E.V., Filatova S.A., Zhandalieva Z.M., Isniyazova S., Postnaya I.S., Burmistrov N.E., and we appoint Gabdusheva A.G. the chairman of the council of the pioneer squad of the CPL.

The counselors put on their caps and tie their ties, one participant takes the drum, the second participant takes the bugle. The other 10 participants are tying ties to the young pioneers. The leader reads a poem, the pioneers answer: Always ready! Pioneer! Always be brave, Do not throw words to the wind And check the word by deed Be ready! Always ready! Be cheerful, swim, jump, Burn fires among the bushes, But bow your face over the book Be ready! Always ready! Develop both mind and hands, Remember: labor will not bear fruit Without study, without science. Be ready! Always ready! Walking into life with a victorious march, In the noise of battle and labors Change to give older heroes Be ready! Always ready! With a clear and fearless gaze To distinguish the skills of enemies. Stand bravely for friends Be ready! Always ready! Always be ready to intervene

For cripples, orphans and widows And stand up for the truth, like a knight, Be ready! Always ready! Be ready to give all your strength to the Cause of the glorious fathers, Serve the dear Fatherland Be ready! Always ready Song "Go up the fires", video clip on the screen. After the song, the screen saver changes. Presenter: And the next step was the Komsomol. Now I want to invite our Komsomol members to the stage: A.D. Romanov, M.Yu. Zinchenko, O.Yu. Alikova, N.E. Burmistrova, A.B. Kriklivy, and we appoint V.A.Koshkina as the chairman of the Komsomol cell of the CPL. Tell us how you were accepted into the ranks of the Komsomol. The summoned Komsomol members tell their memories, show their Komsomol tickets. Host: In our hall there are people who were pioneers, but did not manage to become members of the Komsomol. Let's give them that opportunity, maybe it's someone's unfulfilled dream! And to join the Komsomol, I invite the following comrades: Pavlova O.A., Postnaya I.S., Filatov S.A., Vorobzhanskaya O.V., Ermakov A.S., well, I myself would like to join the Komsomol, because I didn't have time to become one either. Of course, we will not read the charter now, but

we will get Komsomol tickets! Now the mentors from our Komsomol cell will hand them over to us! The presentation of Komsomol tickets to the sound of a bugle is in progress. Host: the next issue for young Komsomol members! The song "Love, Komsomol and Spring", video clip on the screen. After the song, the screen saver changes. Host: the USSR, how much in this one word! International, collective farms, state farms, five-year plans, Stakhanovites, Celina, BAM, the first in space, the first in sports, science, the first in everything! I propose to watch the video and for a while, though not much, return to the Soviet Union. I think many who sit in this room will be pleased to remember! And at the same time we will show the younger generation what this great country was like! Video clip "Made in the USSR" After the clip, the intro is changed Poem (read by the teacher of Russian language and literature Martynova E.S.)

We come from the country of the Soviets, Where everyone had enough joy and light, Where everyone had enough peace and kindness, And tomorrow seemed better to us than yesterday! There we believed in communism, as in God, We walked in step to it little by little. And let them laugh that we were naive, But from the bottom of our hearts we sincerely loved ... Like air, we needed friendship. That is why it warms us now! And neither money nor fences will separate us - We know: "A friend is hope and support!" And, if life hits you suddenly, an old friend will always substitute a shoulder. Soviet children were taught at school so that they cherished friendship from childhood! Host: Yes, we all come from the country of the Soviets! The experience of 1917 taught us to strive for the best, by hard work to build a highly developed, modern democratic state, the main goal of which is to improve the lives of citizens. The history of the country has both light and dark pages. And although this holiday has not been celebrated recently in our country, we must not forget the past! And now the song that you all know will sound! Sing along and don't be shy! The song sounds "My address is not a house and not a street, my address is Soviet Union". On-screen video. After the song splash screen

Host: I would like to express my gratitude to all those present in this hall for their attention, to everyone who spoke, and to students and teachers, special gratitude, and of course, I would like to express special gratitude to all those who helped in organizing this concert, namely: Matveeva A .IN. and Tumparova E.The. for tailoring costumes in such a short time, Postnoy I.S. for staging dances, Chernyshova S.V., to the golden voice of our lyceum for staging vocals. To our sound technicians and photojournalists, everyone who provided requisites for the performances, and of course to the director of the lyceum for moral and financial support! And according to tradition, at the end of the concert, we give him the floor! The floor is given to the director of the Lyceum.

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