
When collecting maple juice. When and how to collect maple juice, so as not to harm the trees. Maple juice: benefit and possible harm to health

Good day, dear readers!

Today I want to talk about such a wonderful and useful, but relatively rare natural drink, like maple Sok, as well as its derivative - maple syrup.

Maple Sok - Intercellular fluid transparent with a yellowish colors, resulting from cut or branched trunks and branches under the action of root pressure.

Collection maple juice not so popular in the territory former USSR, unlike the collection, but, nevertheless, in usefulness and use, it is not inferior to Berezovice. Maple juice is popular in North America, especially in Canada, where it is a national drink. Moreover, in Canada and the United States, collecting maple juice, and its further processing in the maple syrup is placed on an industrial scale. Of course, the mother of nature contributed to this, because It is in Canada and the Northern part of the United States a lot of maple types, although only three types of wood are used to produce maple syrup - Maple Sacchar (Acer Saccharum), Maple Black (Acer Nigrum) and Maple Red (Acer Rubrum) reaching 30 m in height and more than 1 m in diameter, because They have an increased amount of sucrose, thanks to which the maple juice on the taste is sweeter.

- thickened liquid formed during evaporation of the juice of leaf falling trees of the Sapind family.

In addition to sugar and black maples, maple juice with its further processing in the maple syrup is mined from: red maple, silver maple, ashenoenal maple. But here it will be fair to say that these species sucrose are less, so it will be more difficult to produce syrup, and the taste of juice can give a little bitterness.

Composition of maple juice

The maple juice includes:

  • water - 90%;
  • sucrose - on average 2-3%, but can be from 0.5 to 10%, depending on the growing conditions of the tree;
  • oligoshara;
  • vitamins - ,;
  • - on average 0.66%: (0.26%), (0.07%), silicon oxide (0.02%), and minor quantities -, manganese, and;
  • organic acids - malic acid (0.21%), lemon acid (0.002%), traces of amber, fumarove and several other organic acids;
  • polyunsaturated acids;
  • glucose - no more than 0.004%;
  • carotenoids, lipids, aldehydes, tanning substances;
  • dextrose.

The amount of sugar in maple juice strongly depends on the type of maple, as well as the conditions for its growth. If the maple grows in conditions of high humidity and in the soil enriched with minerals, then in its juice sugar, it will be much more than that of a maple growing in a climate with low humidity and the poor on the mineral substances.

How do you dear readers make up maple juice, like? I personally like, especially if it is possible to use it often. Drink maple juice after winter, instead of water, when the body does especially need other useful micro and macroelements good, tasty and useful things!

In addition to saturation of the body with all the necessary vitamins, maple juice has other beneficial features, eg:

    • used as a diuretic agent and various diseases of the urinary system;
    • strengthens immunity, useful at;
    • is an excellent prophylactic agent against the formation of blood clots in vessels, cardiac pathologies, as well as;
    • cleans blood vessels from toxins;
    • due to the antioxidants that are part of the maple juice, it is an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent on infectious and oncological diseases;
  • it has a soft choleretic effect for diseases of the gallbladder and disease liver;
  • maple juice is recommended for the normalization of the pancreas, because It includes an abscusing acid, which is beneficial affecting this body;
  • the juice from the maple partially acts and as an antibiotic, for example, some experts recommend it to handle shallow wounds, cuts or burns;
  • slows down the development of neurodegenerative pathologies (Parkinson and Alzheimer's disease);
  • satisfies all the cells of the body charge of energy;
  • it has antimicrobial and bactericidal action and much more.

Harm maple juice

Maple juice, especially maple syrup, contains a large amount of glucose, so it is necessary to take it with caution!

In addition, you should not collect maple juice near highways or major industrial enterprises, because The land near such objects is usually saturated with heavy metals, which, as a result, turn out to be a maple juice. Such juice is definitely good for use!

One of the most common trees of our edges is Maple, but few people know that from it you can get juice, which serves not only with a refreshing drink, but also a natural medicine. In this article collected detailed information About what maple juice is what is useful, how to use, extract and store.

Composition of maple juice

Despite the fact that the maple juice is 90% consists of water, in the composition of this miraculous product there are many substances that have a positive effect on the body and general state man:

  • B, C, RP vitamins, fat-soluble A and E;
  • Mineral substances - potassium salts (0.26%), calcium (0.07%), silica (0.02%), as well as iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and sodium;
  • Organic acids - apple (0.21%), lemon (0.002%), acetic and fumaroic;
  • Sakharoza, the percentage of which hesitates, depending on the conditions in which the tree has grown. If the maple grows in conditions of good moisture, then the sugar in the juice will be much more than the tree that grows under reduced humidity. Most often, the percentage of sugar in Maple is between 2% to 3%;
  • Polyunsaturated acids;
  • Tannins;
  • Alcolaoides, flavonoids, lipids, aldehydes.

The benefits of the maple juice are indisputable and in the sphere of dietology, because at 100 ml there are only 12 calories.

Action on the body, beneficial properties and contraindications.

The chemical biological composition of the Juice of Maple explains its useful impact on the body. Organic acids and minerals are particularly highly appreciated.

  • Maple juice, the beneficial properties of which are aimed at improving the body, will help strengthen the immunity and reduce the possibility of avitaminosis;
  • It is a prophylactic means in the fight against varicose veins and heart disease, prevents the formation of vascular stars and thrombus, purifies blood from toxins;
  • Applied as a diuretic and as an additional source nutrients for diseases of the urinary system;
  • Maple juice will be a good stimulating means when deciding for forces - it perfectly saturates the cells of the body and gives a powerful charge of energy;
  • Acts as an antibiotic, has antimicrobial properties;
  • With various gallbladder diseases, the juice is able to provide a light choleretic effect;
  • Slows down the development of severe pathologies, for example, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson.

But, no matter how much maple juice was useful, Contraindications I still have :

  • Allergies and people with increased sensitivity need to be careful with this drink;
  • We should not collect juice with roadside maples and from trees located in large industrial enterprises. It will be oversaturated with heavy metals, so it is clearly not going to use;
  • For many, the question is interesting - in period lactation Is maple juice useful, can I drink it when pregnancy? The answer is yes, you can and, of course, useful. It is only necessary to start the intake of juice from a small amount, since the possibility of allergies or individual intolerance of maple juice remains. With a high tone of the uterus, you should consult a doctor - This recommendation concerns maple syrup, where the concentration of mineral substances (namely, potassium responsible for muscle tones) is significantly higher than in maple juice.

Collection of maple juice.

When it became clear that the maple juice is, the benefits and harm are explained in detail, it is time to figure out how it is mined.

The technology of collecting is no different from the production process. For this, the following tools will be required:

  • Special Container (Tuesuck, Glass Bank or Simple plastic bottle). Of course, the glass vessel will be preferable, and the juice is recommended to pour juice at the first opportunity;
  • Aluminum or plastic grooves, or a tray of Berestov, a common cocktail tube;
  • Drill or special knife for a break hole.

From the northern side of the tree, at an angle of 45 degrees, at an altitude of 40 cm on the ground level, in the direction of the bottom-up, the hole of the suitable under the groove or the diameter tube is fluttered to the depth of no more than 3 cm. Inhabitants in it with a small diameter or tube Carefully driven inside.

Another way that reveals the secret is how to get maple juice how to collect it without mistakes and spending nerves. To do this, we need to arm a small bundle of last year's grass, clean it from garbage, tie a rope and insert into the well-done hole. After these manipulations, a collection container is substituted under the slut.

During extraction, it is very important not to damage the tree. To do this, you do not need to drill too deep hole, try to merge all the juice from it. From serious mechanical interventions, the tree can dry and die. During the day, about 2 liters of juice can be collected from one maple. After graduating from the collection of juice, it is necessary to shut down the holes with wooden chops and shock with clay, plasticine, wax. When the chips will scatter, the juice will cease to peel. Treat the nature carefully and it will delight you with your gifts for many years.

Maple juice - when to collect?

Traditionally, the beginning of the collection of juice from trees is considered early springAnd if more specifically - the time when the kidneys are already swollen, but the first leaves have not yet appeared. The mining of juice from maple begins 10 days earlier than from birch, and is limited to the entire pair of weeks. After dissolving the kidneys, the drink becomes not so sweet and pleasant to taste.

Storage and preservation of maple juice

After collecting the next stage comes, allowing to save maple juice - conservation . This process is necessary in order to save. useful drink For several months, after all, it is advisable to drink it in a few days.

I would like to clarify the latter, no less significant question about maple juice - how to save and not to lose all vitamins and minerals. Most the best way - this is freeze. In this case, all useful substances will remain safe and preservation. For the correct freezing, small special packages, tanks for ice cubes are best suitable. A frostbed maple juice is used, as well as ordinary fresh, and ice cubes, in addition, you can wipe the skin and neck.

There is another way to preserve - by the method heating. To do this, the freshly placed juice of the maple must be heated to 80 degrees and pour into advance sterilized containers. After that, pastenerize the drink for another 30 minutes and roll the container with hermetic covers. However, this method is not acceptable for raw foods, because loses many valuable substances as a result of heating, so the freezing method is the most optimal for saving juice.

How to get maple syrup

It has already been said that the maple juice is 90% consists of water. To obtain a syrup, this water must be evaporated by heating the juice in deep dishes. As a result, it turns out a thick and viscous sweet mass, with a high content of potassium, calcium and iron. It is spilled by banks and stored in a cool place or refrigerator.

It should be noted that the maple syrup is not crude productIt is subjected to heat treatment, which means it is not raw food, although in some sources of information about raw food and is recommended for use as a sugar substitute. And there is its own truth - maple syrup, in my opinion, is still more useful than sugar.

Maple juice is less common in our country drink, rather than birch juice, although not inferior to him in taste and useful properties. But Canada, famous for maple forests and groves, put the production of this natural nectar on the stream, actively using the generous gift of nature. The benefits and harm of the maple juice should be interesting to us, since this vitamin extract has recently become becoming increasingly popular.


Maple juice - intercellular wood fluid transparent or pale yellow with a pleasant, sweetish taste. The juice of the maple is unique with a rich vitamin-acid composition. Used as a refreshing, toning drink and as a basis for the wedge syrup in Canada and North America.


As part of the product, the mass of the necessary organisms of elements, which, with regular use, will be more beneficial.

  • Vitamins: A, E, C, PP, Group B.
  • Trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, sodium, manganese.
  • Organic acids: fumaric, acetic, apple, abscusing, amber.
  • Calorie: 12 kcal per 100 grams.

No wonder all canada so appreciates this beautiful tree, maple gives nutritious and useful product With the most valuable properties.

What makes the maple juice

The presence of tuning substances, aldehydes, lipids and carotenoids in the composition of tuning and carotenoids does not only with delicious drinking, but also a healing agent of a wide range of action. It is useful in different situations.

For the body.

It has a strong diuretic effect, purifies from salts and slags. Being natural anesthetic, nectar has antimicrobial and wound-healing effect, when drinking is fighting with inflammatory processes From the inside, and if processing wounds, cuts and ulcers, flushes pathogens from them and speeds up the process of recovery. During the peak of colds and various ORZ, the extractor of the maple will serve as a prophylactic agent.

For the venous system.

For diabetics.

The incoming abscosive acid has a positive effect on the pancreas and improves insulin production. Together with other substances, it helps to improve the condition in diabetes and concomitant obesity.

For immunity.

Mass of vitamins and trace elements make this natural drink An indispensable energy that will strengthen the immune system will put together the metabolism and supplies energy. Nectar perfectly replace artificial vitamin complexesYes, and learns significantly better. Considering that he is mined in early springWhen not yet, neither fresh greenery (Turkish pesticides do not count), no vegetables, no fruits, it will support the body and cope with seasonal avitaminosis.

As a barrier.

Maple juice, like the maple syrup, not in vain, so fell in love with pragmatic northerners, except for food value and medical properties, it is also an effective antioxidant. It will not be able to completely protect against oncology, but to reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of the tumor is quite capable if you make it part of the diet.

How to get a

The juice is produced in our climatic zone from the ostolistic maples, and in the north for these purposes there are several varieties of "sugar" wood, characterized by a fluid with a high content of sucrose. For drink to be as much as possible and effective, its fee must be carried out correctly, taking into account the specifics.

    The collection zone is to not get the hood of carcinogens instead of a valuable drink, the collection must be carried away from lively trails, railway tracks, factories and plants.

    When collecting - the active movement of the juice begins in March, when the daily temperature rises to a pair of heat degrees. The collection of juice lasts a few weeks, but as soon as the kidney will begin on the tree, it becomes meaningless to humans (the juice is lost its useful properties) and dangerous for wood.

    The tree is an adult maple with a scattered crown and a trunk in the grip of more than 20 cm.

    The location of the opening is at an altitude of about 0.5 meters above the ground, from the northern side of the trunk.

    Collection time - during the day, during thaw, especially when the sun is heated.

    The hole is a longitudinal incision or a cylindrical recess made by a drill or a breakdown at a low angle, a depth of 4 cm.

    Volume - liquid is needed both in the tree itself, it is not necessary to abuse the gift of nature, it is better to collect a couple of liters from several trees than to make a dozen from one and guaranteed to handle it.

    Preservation - After graduating from collecting a hole or cut the garden harness or plug with moss to prevent the loss of juice.

How to store at home

Like birch, maple is rich in sucrose, which quickly launches the fermentation process, it reduces the shelf life of freshly plane fluid. In a cool place on the street, at minimum temperatures or in the refrigerator, the lessed nectar can be kept for about two days. After this period, it must be frozen, weaken or turn into kvass. Proper storage is important for other products, here and pomegranate juice with breastfeeding Must be the most fresh.

Reservation recipes

Although a majority of vitamins are lost at preservation, this is the only option to keep juice for a long period. The easiest way to do this in the following ways.

    Pasteurization. The fluid is heated to 80 °, bottled on prepared banks, pasteurs about half an hour, rushes hot. The cooled banks are cleaned into the basement or storage room.

    Boiling. Sugar is added to the juice, 50 grams per liter, for taste you can put sprigs of mint, melissa, rosehip fruits or lemon slices. The composition is brought to a boil so that sugar is completely dissolved, spill on banks and roll. Storage, as in the first recipe, but due to boiling, the benefits of such a drink are slightly smaller.

    Maple syrup. This is a concentrate obtained by evaporation of maple juice. Fully natural product It is obtained by a long-lasting voltage on a slow fire, as a result of which all water is removed from the juice, and a small part remains from the initial volume, about 1 liter of syrup will be left of 30-40 liters. A viscous substance is also poured into glass dishes and sealed hermetically closed.

Recipes for use

Delicious, playful drink, capable of being stored for a long time, it is kvass - he will refresh in the heat, and it will give cheerfulness, and the vitamins will provide. And for a variety you can not know and how to drink carrot juice.

Kvass from maple juice:

  • Juice - 3 liters.
  • Rye crackers - 200 grams.
  1. For better fermentation, the juice is slightly heated and crushed into the container, drums are added, covered with fine cotton cloth or gauze and put in a warm place.
  2. After a day, the drink is filtered, it is ready for use. To enrich taste, you can add dried fruits or rosehips.


Harm to health by itself maple juice is unlikely to cause, they can be completely replaced by a liquid for day, but should be careful in the following situations.

  • If there is a tendency to allergies.
  • If it is assembled in ecologically unfavorable zones.

Maple juice, it is a good opportunity to diversify the diet and introduce a health beneficial to it, the necessary organism of the drink, instead of purchased lemonade with preservatives and flavors.

The healing properties of maple juice are known from time immemorial, and in many countries of the world this drink today has very widespread use. On its basis not only different medicinal productsBut the famous maple syrup, which is rightfully considered to be a magnificent dessert.

You can harvest the maple juice yourself, it is well stored and it can become an excellent helper in solving many health problems. The thing is that this drink is rich organic substanceswhich are so necessary for the organism of any person.

Composition and benefit of maple juice

This drink, first of all, is famous for the elevated content of glucose and sucrose, which is due to the saturated sweet taste of maple juice. In addition, it is rich in organic acids, among which is ascorbic, amber, fumaric, apple, is anxcisive and acetic. Vitamins A, B and C are also present in the juice, so the inclusion of it in the diet in the spring - optimal option In order to take care of your own health. It is also worth considering that the maple juice includes such micro and macroelements such as potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, sodium, silicon and calcium. Plus, this drink is rich in natural antioxidants, which contribute to the regeneration of the body on cellular level And help to preserve youth.

Who should use maple juice?

By and large, to include this drink in your diet stands and adults, and children who have no special contraindications. After all, the benefits of maple juice are very large with his chemical composition. Well, and do not forget about the excellent taste of this drink, which successfully replaces the kids lemonade, and adults are so favorite tea and coffee.

However, first of all use maple juice recommended people with weakened immune system. This drink is especially good during or after a cold., in the rehabilitation period after injury and surgical intervention. In addition, it is necessary to include juice for those who have problems with the pancreas. The thing is that the abscusing acid included in its composition is a natural hormone, which is similar to that produced by this body. Therefore, with violations of the pancreas functions, maple juice can become an excellent alternative to medical preparations.

This drink is famous for its excellent. diuretic and choleretic properties. In addition, the juice juice contains active substances that are considered natural antiseptics and even antibiotics. Therefore, drinking juice is useful for various viral and colds. In addition, they can handle wounds and cuts that will not only be disinfected, but also will be losing much faster due to the regenerating qualities of this drink. For the same reason, maple juice is very useful in the prevention and treatment of oncological diseases.

It has been proven that regular use of maple juice prevents the formation of blood clots and helps to clean blood from toxins. Plus, the drink very favorably affects the features of the brain and is often used as a prophylactic agent in Parkinson's disease. It is also known that the drink is very favorably affected by the kidneys, so it is often used as an auxiliary means in the treatment of hepatitis.

Maple juice is an intercellular plant fluid. In Russia, it is mined from a sharp maple, and in America another species is popular - Canadian. Its juice is sweeter, maple syrup is made of it.

When should I collect?

Maple blooms early when the leaves have not yet blocked. Collect maple juice can be in a week or two before the maple flowering, in March-April. The process is simple: you need to make a hole with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm, measuring the distance of 30-40 cm from the ground. The tubule is inserted into the hole for which it will flock. Another end of its end should be lowered into a clean capacity.

It is well distinguished in warm sunny days, and when low temperatures The process can slow down significantly.


The main component is, of course, water, more than 90%. The composition includes sucrose, a small amount of oligoshares, raffinosis. It contains dextrose (D-glucose) - natural substance, monosaccharide. This is a carbohydrate that the body uses to generate energy. The benefits of maple juice are that dextrose normalizes the functioning of all systems and human systems, the brain work.

The amount of sugar affect climatic conditions. If the trees are sufficiently moistened, get mineral nutrition, then sugar will be greater.

Drink is rich in useful trace elements and contains organic acids:

  • apple;
  • lemon;
  • footage fumarov, amber and some others.

Its composition has lipids, aldehydes, carotenoids, vitamins, tanning, mineral and nutrients.

Is it useful for the body?

The benefits are obvious - his composition says. This natural "orphan" has a bactericidal effect, it is used as a vegetable antiseptic for processing wounds.

The benefits of the maple juice are indisputable for the body that is weakened. It needs to be drunk in avitaminosis, asthenia, it acts as a prophylactic remedy for colds.

A drink gives a powerful charge of minerals and vitamins, so it is recommended to use it in winter and at the beginning of spring.

It has a fascinating effect, increases immunity. It is effective in diseases of the kidneys, liver, atherosclerosis, as well as during the exhaustion of the body.

People who suffer from diseases gOOD SYSTEM, You can use this natural drink as a diuretic. With liver diseases and illness of the gallbladder, it is used in the composition complex therapy - It has a soft choleretic effect.

Regular use warns the development of heart pathologies, atherosclerosis, blood cloves formation in vessels.

An absolute acid is extremely useful for the pancreas. It also is part of the juice and is a vegetable hormone.

Vitamin C and antioxidants have preventive impact against infectious and oncological diseases.

This natural drink has an antibiotic effect - it is useful not only to drink it, but also to handle them small scratches and abrasions.

In addition, it cleans the bloodstream from toxins, slows down the development of such pathologies as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer.

Is there harm?

There are certain contraindications to use. Despite the fact that the benefits of maple juice is obvious, it may be harm from it. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the environmental situation in the place where the tree grows.

It can not be collected, if there is railway highways in close proximity, roads, industrial enterprises.

It will be harmful because the soil is saturated with heavy metals.

People who should limit the taking sugar, also need to be careful with this drink. Although his content is small, but he is still there. Another possible by-effect From use - allergic reactions.

As you can see, the use of natural products that nature gives us, a positive way affects our health and well-being.

However, do not forget to consult with a specialist, do not exceed the norms and immediately stop the beverage when a negative reaction of the body is manifested.

Materials posted on this page are informational and are intended for educational purposes. Website visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determination of the diagnosis and the choice of treatment techniques remains an exceptional prerogative of your attending physician.

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