
Ivan Tea benefits and useful properties Ivan tea. Ivan-tea is an original Russian healthy drink. From what ails he treats Ivan tea

Creeps (Ivan Tea, Skripun, Kaporovsky Tea) is a herbaceous plant of the Cylet family, characterized by soothing, anti-inflammatory, smooth, coating, enveloping, binding and antitumor properties.

Chemical composition

  • Tannin;
  • Mucus;
  • Vegetable fiber;
  • Organic acids;
  • Bioflavonoids;
  • Phenolic compounds;
  • Tannins;
  • Traces of alkaloids;
  • Pectin;
  • Sahara;
  • Carotene;
  • Proteins;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Vitamins, including A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and C;
  • Trace elements (copper, iron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, titanium, boron, etc.);
  • Macroelements (sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, etc.).

Beneficial features

The most valuable properties of Cyprusa:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Sedative;
  • Anesthetic;
  • Anticonvulsant;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Enveloping;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Antipyretic;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Hypnotic;
  • Binder;
  • Vasculating;
  • Antitumor.

Indications for use

Antimicrobial properties of Cyprus are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of various infectious diseases.

Ivan tea is a good anti-inflammatory agent used for different inflammatory agers, including digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems.

The leaves of the plant are rich in ascorbic acid - they contain 4 times more vitamin C than in Lemon. This property of Cypria, including, allows you to effectively deal with colds and ORZ, but provided that the reception has begun in the first two days after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease.

The binding and pronounced enveloping effect of Ivan-Tea is used in such pathologies of the digestive tract as gastritis, enterocolitis and peptic disease.

Preparations based on Cyprus strengthen the walls of vessels and capillaries, they have a soft sedative and sleeping effect, an antioxidant effect is rendered.

The externally, the plant is used for washing the wounds and ulcers, in the form of a powder - for the treatment of infected wounds, as a supprix - as an painful agent for injuries, otitis and artles, for rinsing - with angina, stomatitis.

Since Cyretes contain a number of useful vitamins, organic substances, micro- and macroelements, it is recommended to be taken as a common and vitaminative, especially patients undergoing radio and chemotherapy. There are scientifically confirmed data on the antitumor properties of Ivan tea. Halerol plants isolated from inflorescences is an oligomeric compound relating to the class of hydrolyzed tanins. In the series of chemotherapeutic and toxicological experiments, it has been established that haberol has a sufficiently high antitumor activity. Back in the 80s, Soviet scientists developed a drug called "Khanabol" - according to the research results, was a fairly effective antitumor agent with some types of cancer. However, for some reasons, the production of the drug was closed.

Therapists note that when using Cyprus, the body resistance to viral diseases of the respiratory tract increases, the process of recovery of patients is accelerated, the blood is cleaned, the functions of the kidney and liver are normalized, the potency increases. In medical sources there are mention of the ability of Ivan-tea to increase fertility.

Thus, biologically active substances contained in Cypria make it possible to use a plant in the following diseases and states:

  • Overwork;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Anemia;
  • Insomnia;
  • Migraine;
  • Neurosis;
  • Depression;
  • Intoxication, including alcoholic;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and a 12-rosewoman;
  • Intestinal dysbiosis;
  • Gastritis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Prostate adenoma;
  • Belie;
  • Irregular, abundant monthly;
  • Climax, menopause;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Heart disease and vessels;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Scrofula;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Eczema;
  • Neurodermatitis;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • Wounds, abrasions, etc.;
  • Sinusitis,
  • Hymorite;
  • Orz, flu;
  • Bronchitis,
  • Pneumonia;
  • Reduction of visual acuity;
  • Joint pain;
  • Alcoholism, hanging syndrome;
  • Smoking (helps to quit);
  • Oncological diseases.


Preparations Cypria are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Reduced acidity gastritis;
  • Simultaneous reception of sedative and antipyretic drugs;
  • Known hypersensitivity to any biologically active component of the plant.

Before use, Cypria is preferably consulted with a doctor and stick to his recommendations. The prolonged and uncontrolled reception of Ivan-tea can cause digestive system disorders.

Home Medicines from Cyprus

  • With fatigue and fatter: 2 tbsp. Dry chopped grass pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes. Take three times a day at 1/3 cups 30 minutes before meals;
  • With a subacute form of pancreatitis: 3 tbsp. Dry crushed leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water, 10 minutes to insist. Take in warm form 50 ml before and after meals;
  • With a stomach and 12-two-tires ulcers: 2 tbsp. Dry leaves pour 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the fire, 30-40 minutes to insist, strain. Take 3-4 times a day 1/3 cup before meal;
  • With psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis and allergic rashes: 2 tbsp. Pour 2 glasses of boiling water, for 6 hours insist, strain. The resulting volume of infusion is taken during the day;
  • With prostate adenoma: 3 tsp. Herbs pour 2 glasses boiling water, insist 5 minutes, strain. Take 1 cup twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening 30 minutes before meals;
  • When chronic prostatitis and after an operation at a prostate: 1 tbsp. Cypria pour 1 tbsp. Boiling water, 2 hours insist, strain. Take a warm 1/3 cup three times a day 20 minutes before meals;
  • With abundant menstruation: 1 tbsp. Pour 1 tbsp. Boiling water, 1 hour insisted, strain. Take 3-4 times a day on 1 tablespoon before meals.

Creeps, he is Ivan tea, is known not only as a delicious aromatic drink, but also as a unique healing agent. If you believe the ancient letters dating back to the twelfth century, then with the help of the plant managed to cure many pathological conditions, diseases.

In North America, Cyprus extract is used as a sweetener when cooking desserts. Young shoots - useful, food product. Flowers honey is one of the most useful. In order to get exceptional benefits using means from Ivan tea, you should know how to collect, harvest the plant, as well as the rules for use in folk medicine.

The plant has long proven itself as a healing. Infusion sheets - an effective means to help eliminate headaches, normalization of metabolic processes. Fresh crushed foliage can be used for therapy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The plants decoction is effective in the fight against gold, tractologies of the gastrointestinal tract, insomnia, otitis. Ivan-tea tincture helps in the therapy of prostate pathologies. This is still a powerful, the tower.

Crepe is valued by narrow-leaved dermatologists. Powder sheets helps in the therapy of ulcers, wounds. Ivan-tea-based funds are effective in combating red flat deprive, psoriasis, neurodermit, eczema.

Young foliage, shoots you can eat. Of them make salads, seasonings for meat dishes. Use roots as a substitute for coffee. In the Caucasus, the plant is used for the manufacture of flour, bread, alcoholic beverages. Ivan tea is another good honey plant. Dried leaflets can be used as tea surrogate.

In the piggy bank of alternative medicine there are many recipes for medicines from Ivan tea. They will help in pathology therapy. You just need to try to prepare the compositions, adhere to the proportions, dosages.

Before applying the medication, it is preferable to consult a doctor, and more to be convinced of the absence of contraindications.

  1. Those who want to get rid of you can drink such a drink. Flore 30 g of dry plants with boiling water - 300 ml. Leave the composition of pampering for a quarter of an hour. Profiltrate, if you wish, add cinnamon - a couple of grams. Use the drink twice a day - immediately after awakening, and then before breakfast.
  2. The prostate gland is suitable. Brew 30 g of dried crushed ground-based Cypria in boiling water - 500 ml. After half an hour, profile. Drink by half a cup of drink three times a day.
  3. Effectively such a means. Fall 20 g of boiling water - 200 ml. Give it. Use 20 ml of the lessed drug three times a day.
  4. If otitis occasionates periodically, take a note as a note. Flore 30 g of plants by boiled water - 400 ml. Leave it in five hours. In the warm liquid, moisten a cotton swab, enter it into the ear for two hours. Conduct the procedure twice a day.
  5. With prostatitis, infertility, reduced potency can be applied. Mix in equal ratios of Ivan-tea with nettle, golden, tail. All components must be pre-dried, crushed. Turn the tablespoon of the mixture in 300 ml of boiled water. Leave it for an hour. Take 50 ml of beverage four times per day.
  6. For therapy advised to apply infusion. Brew 20 g of plants in boiled water - 200 ml. Put in the heat for two hours. Drink 30 ml of the filtered drink three times a day, half an hour before meals.
  7. With the aim of early, it is recommended to apply fresh, flush sheets of perennial. You can still grind fresh grass - wrap marla, and then applied to the wound surface in the form of a compress. Another way to treat wounds is the use of Ivan-tea powder as a supper.

Botanical characteristic

Creeps is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the family of Cylet, reaching 150 and more centimeters. Ivan-tea is endowed with thick creeping rhizomes, cylindrical extensive low-techful dense-fruitful stems, numerous regular one-piece sedentary lanceal dark green tops, si-blue bottom leaflets.

Flowers are quite large, pink, purple. Fruits - long podlovoid boxes with the presence of four sash, numerous seeds. Flowering falls on the middle of the summer period.

The shrubs, bright, pine, birch forests, edges, seeds, waste, dried peat swamps, roadside roads - growing places.

Recommendations for collecting, harvesting, storage

For the preparation of drugs, the grass, sheets, flowers are used. The collection of ground parts is recommended to be carried out during the period of intensive flowering. After collecting, the raw materials are scattered with a thin layer on paper or tarpaulin, dried on the street in a shaded place. You can dry the grass indoors with good ventilation.

Disturb the plant in the oven. Parts of Ivan-tea are laid out on the tray, then covered with a damp cloth. It is important to withstand the plant for 7-10 hours at a temperature mode of 25 degrees. Then he was dried half an hour at a temperature of 100 degrees.

The billets are then falling asleep into paper bags, placed on storage in a dry place with sufficient ventilation.

Rhover collection is made in autumn. After cleaning the underground parts from the soil, they are dried in the dryer, furnace or oven at a temperature of 65-70 degrees. Next, the raw materials fall asleep into a wooden or glass container. Store, use overhead parts for two years, and rhizomes - three.

Healing properties, composition

The plant is not in vain is widely used in alternative medicine. Therapeutic properties, the ability to cure various pathological conditions, diseases are caused by the rich composition of Ivan tea. It is endowed with such substances:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins group B;
  • carotenoids;
  • tanins;
  • organic acids;
  • tanning substances;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • micro and macroelements: sodium, nickel, manganese, copper, calcium;
  • pectins;
  • tanning substances;
  • alkaloids;
  • vegetable fibers;
  • chlorophyll;
  • easily-friendly proteins.

A similar combination of beneficial substances makes tea from the Cyprus of a narrow-walled, as well as infusions, ragners are very useful for the human body. Cypete is a plant with a mass of therapeutic properties. Today it is known about the following properties: hemostatic, vesselding, antioxidant, painkillers, sedative, binders, enveloping, antipyretic, anticonvulsant, concentrating, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobials.

Regular use of tea from Cyprus, the use of medicines based on it contributes:

  • an increase in the protective properties of the body;
  • salvage, sputum removal;
  • rejuvenation of the skin due to the production of collagen;
  • acceleration of the reduction period after surgical intervention or severe illness;
  • prevention of development of neoplasms, in particular malignant nature;
  • excavation from the body of slags, toxic substances;
  • normalization of the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • combating pathogenic microorganisms.

Acceptance of Ivan-tea-based compounds also helps: eliminate excess fluid, sleep normalization, improved mood, braking aging processes, improving male health, combating headaches, stabilizing blood pressure, improving digestion, eliminate inflammatory processes, minimizing painful sensations.

Extremely useful tea from Cyprus a narrow-leaved. It has a pleasant aroma, taste. The use of such a drink will help in rehabilitation. Unlike the usual black or green tea, it does not include harmful components that have a detrimental effect on the CNS, the SCC. Father tea people who lead a healthy lifestyle. It is useful to drink drinks to people suffering from chronic diseases.

Means from perennials are effective in combating: iron deficiency anemia, inflammations in the stomach, hypertension, infertility, herpes, leather pathologies, atherosclerosis, toxicosis, poisoning, migraine, epilepsy, adenoma, avitaminosis, cold, prostatitis.

Popular use in hiking conditions Cypria. From flowers, experienced tourists brew tea, and vitamin salads are prepared from foliage.

Tea for soul and health

You can replace the Cytela tea of \u200b\u200bthe usual black or green. Moreover, he is no worse, but even on the contrary, tastier is more useful. He is preparing simply. Brew the 20 g of the dried plant of half liters boiling water. Remove in heat for half an hour. Use instead of tea. You can brew it many times, but not more than five.

Drink can be drunk as warm, so cold. And if it is used to use honey or dried fruit with him, then such tea does not only improve, but still enrich the body with useful vitamins, it will saturate energy.


Ivan tea is moved well. The use of plants based on plant is not associated with the risk of adverse action. If the drug is cooked correct, it will bring the body an exceptional benefit.

But there are certain rules for its application. It is impossible to use the compositions with large quantities, a long course. It is fraught with failures in the intestinal work. With maximum caution, it is necessary to use grass to people with a tendency to increased blood coagulation, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

In other cases, funds from Cypsum will only benefit you, will help in strengthening the immune system, the improvement of the body, as well as the deliverance from various pathological conditions, diseases.

Ivan Tea (scientific name - Cyprus narrow) - Perennial Plant of the Cylet Family Achieving 1.5 m, with lanceal leaves and collected long-tall brush with purple red (less often pale pink or white) flowers having a thick creeping rhizome with numerous shoots. The flowering of Ivan-tea lasts from mid-June to mid-August (during this period, Ivan tea is also an excellent honey), and the fruit of Cyprus is narrowed ripen in August - September.

Unpretentious to the conditions of growing Ivan-Tea can be found on dry sandy or peat soils, near pine bors and country roads, on meadows and wastehouses, on forest edges and cutting, along the shores of rivers and lakes, as well as in the form of a weed in gardens or gardens.

In the entire history of existence in Nature, Ivan-Tea acquired many titles, most of which are due to those or other properties or characteristic features of this medicinal plant. So, for example, such names are a narrow-tall cyprum as "Verba-grass", "Iva Grass", "Ivovaya Grass" talk about the external similarity of Ivan-Tea's leaves and willow. "Fireman" or "Fire Grass" Ivan-tea has long been called because of its unique ability, the first of the plants settles the scenes of the fire. The names of "Dremukha" and "Drema" were given by Ivan-tea for his expressed sleeping bag. Thanks to an abundant fluff accompanying the flowering of Ivan tea, in the people of Cyretes a narrow-walled one for a long time dubbed the "down jacket" or "powder". And due to the fact that the Stem Cyprus, when pulling out the plant from the ground, makes in the hands of the creak, and such names of Ivan-tea as "Plakun", "Skreipun", "Hyphen", "Crested", "Syrrhen", "Hypnik" , "Hiding", "forest hid", "scripting", "scrippre", "creaked", "script". The list of very numerous and expressive Russian names, Ivan-tea can also be noted such as: "Kuril tea", "Kopor's tea", "Caporca", "Breadnitsa", "Supiy's eyes", "Bogoroditsyna Grav", "Chulp", "Deltelnik", "Borovoye Potion", "Kopil Grass", "Harrnyak", "Hrypnik", "Epolina", "Sprying", "Smallk-Grass", "Krasnushka", "empty", "Mothenik", "Rubber "," Melnichnik "," Sinovod "," Stepnik "," Mulkovitsa "," Grusk "," Yarovnik "," Vinhod "," Hardness "," Petushkov Apples "," Niceozha "and MN. Dr.

In medicinal purposes, the leaves and flowers of Ivan tea, collected during the flowering period of this plant (less often for medicinal needs, stems and rhizomes are used). The cooking technology of Ivan tea includes the collection of plant raw materials and its further breaking, grinding, fermentation and drying.

A little from the history of Ivan tea

Delicious, fragrant and healthy drink from brewed dry Ivan-tea enjoyed wide popularity in Russia since the XII century (he was glad to drink in those days not only the poor peasants, but also representatives of rich Russian nobility). And from the XIII century, this traditionally, the Russian drink began to call the Kopor's tea. This one of the most common names of Cyprus the narrow-robbed occurred from the name of the settlement of Coporye in the St. Petersburg province, which was also founded by Alexander Nevsky at the site of the destroyed fortress of the crusader knights. It was in Corporea, where in the sand dunes there were extensive thickets of Ivan-tea, for the first time in the XIII century, the Kopor's tea began to produce local monks. And since the English sailors who accidentally visited Koporye, they tried a drink-brewed drink, Ivan-Tea, produced in Kokoria and other Russian settlements, began to sell in high-widespread in England and other European countries (for Prussia and France imported from Russian Koporia Ivan-Tea in those times was smuggled goods). It is worth noting that by which by huge tea payments in India and Ceylon Great Britain until the end of the XIX century preferred "Russian tea" from Cyprus the famous for its taste and popular in many countries of the world Indian tea. Ensuring an honorable place in the Russian foreign trade of Ivan-Tea from the XVII to the XIX century in terms of exports, such traditionally enjoyed in demand in the world market Russian goods like gold, honey and hemp.

However, at the end of the XIX century, the Indian tea and a seriously undermining financial power of the Ost-Indian tea campaign of Ivan-Tea as a result of intrigue and non-resident rumors on the part of Russia's competitors in the segment of tea trading was displaced during a short term from the international market. The first world world war and the 1917 revolution also contributed to the gradual obligation of Ivan tea also on the domestic, Russian market.

Today, modern Russians are no longer remembered about such an invalid Russian drink, like tea, boiled from Cyprus. But every summer, nature, abundantly decorating the fields and meadows by purple flowers of Ivan-tea, invariably reminds us of undeservedly forgotten and so famous in the former times "Coporian tea".


In the biochemical composition of the above-ground part of Ivan-Tea present vitamin C(this antioxidant in Cypria 3 times more than in oranges and 6.5 times more than in lemons), carotenoids (Predecessors of vitamin A), vitamins of group B, mucus (polysalarfids), pectins, chlorophyll, tannilic substances (up to 20%), organic acids, phytosterols (including beta-sitosterin), triterpenoids, coumarins, flavonoids (including quercetin and a kampferol), a small amount of alkaloids, as well as some macro and microelements (especially the high concentration in the leaves and the flower of Ivan tea iron, copper and manganeseare also contained in the leaves and flowers of Cyprus in significant quantities potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, boron, nickel and titanium).

In rich in starch, polysaccharides, internally friendly proteins and organic acids of roots of Ivan tea, there are no tanning substances, but are contained in a significant amount of phosphorus salts, calcium and cobalt.

Medical and prophylactic action

Having a pleasant taste and aroma of a drink based on brewed Ivan-tea not only perfectly quenching thirst (both hot and cold), but also has a wide range of recreation action, tones, relieves fatigue, gives strength and vigor.

It is worth noting that, unlike the black tea or coffee, the Ivan-Tea-based drink does not contain caffeine, oxalic acid and purine bases in its composition.

With regular use, imminent strengthening and increasing the vital tone of the ragners and infusions of Ivan-Tea:

  • Improve the composition of the blood (including contribute to the increase in hemoglobin level). Ivan tea with regular use helps to restore the normal acid alkaline balance of blood. The Ivan-tea contained iron, vitamin C, vitamins B, copper, manganese, nickel improve the hematopoietic function.
  • Increase the effectiveness of the assimilation of nutrients from food consumed, and also contribute to the improvement of carbohydrate and lipid exchanges.
  • Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects have an increase in the effectiveness of the prevention and treatment of infectious inflammatory diseases. In its anti-inflammatory property, the leaves and flowers of Ivan-tea are superior to such widely known natural antiseptics as evavy bark, oak bark and tolkinyanka (the relief of inflammatory processes contributes to the Ivan-tea as flavonoids, vitamin C, carotenoids, tannins, organic acids , triterpenoids, manganese, magnesium, copper).
  • Beneficially affect the functional state of the prostate and other organs of the men's urogenital system, contribute to the potency and improve the erectile function. Predated and traditionally rich Beta Sitosterin Ivan-Tea was widely known in folk medicine primarily as "male grass", that is, as a medicinal plant that contributes to improving male health.
  • Remaining a diuretic effect, contribute to the restoration of normal blood pressure
  • Reduced the increased excitability of the central nervous system, contribute to the elimination of insomnia, headaches and the consequences of psycho-emotional stress. Ivan-tea is an effective natural sleeping bag, which is unlike the pharmaceutical drugs of addiction and not having an adverse effect. The sedative effect is provided in Cypria flavonoids, vitamins of group B and magnesium.
  • Probably contribute to the elimination of constipation, there are enveloping, anti-inflammatory and protective effect on the gastric and intestine mucous membrane, contribute to the speedy healing of the gastrointestinal tract affected by the inflammatory-ulcerative process, restore the optimal balance of intestinal microflora. This complex healing effect of Ivan-tea on the organs of the digestive system is due to the presence in its composition of mucus (polysaccharides), tannilic substances, pectins, carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamin C and chlorophyll.
  • Remove a choleretic action. The improvement of organic acids, flavonoids, magnesiums present in Ivan-tea, contribute to the improvement of the processes of bile and bore.
  • Explain antiviral and antiallergic activity
  • The processes of granulation and epithelization of damaged skin sections are activated. Wound-healing property have such components of Cyprus as tubyl substances, carotenoids and chlorophyll.
  • Remote a moderate painful effect. Chipping of pain contributes in the leaves and flowers of Ivan-tea flavonoids, mucus, magnesium and alkaloids.
  • Contribute to strengthening lactation and improved the quality of maternal milk.
  • Protect the cleansing of the body from slags and toxins. "Cleaning" property of Ivan tea is largely due to the composition of its leaves and flowers of flavonoids and pectins.
  • Improve the work of the endocrine system
  • An antioxidant action is rendered, reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases. In folk medicine, Ivan-tea has long been and is widely known as an antitumor agent (scientific studies revealed the content in the Cyprus a narrowing high molecular weight and low-oxidic compound of the Hanerol, which manifests antitumor activity). Among the antioxidants contained in Ivan-tea are flavonoids, tannins, organic acids, carotenoids, vitamin C and some group B, manganese, copper, magnesium.
  • Contribute to improving the condition of the skin, preach the premature aging of the skin. In the leaves and flowers of Ivan-tea there are substances that contribute to the natural synthesis of collagen, which gives the skin elasticity and elasticity (including cyprum - phytosterols, vitamin C, carotenoids, copper, flavonoids, organic acids).

Regular use of brazers and informations based on Ivan-Tea increases the efficiency of prevention and treatment:

  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Gastritis with increased acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, knitness disease, cholecystitis, cholecystoocolangitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, pancreatitis
  • Diseases of the men's urogenital system (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, etc.)
  • Female and male infertility
  • Arterial hypertension, cardioneurosis (neurocircular dystonia)
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder (including urolithiasis and cystitis)
  • Diseases of the respiratory tract (including tuberculosis of light, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and the ARS caused by the influenza virus). The effectiveness of informants and bravery of Ivan-tea in the prevention and treatment of diseases of this group is due to anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and expectorant action of Cyprus.
  • Diseases of the spleen
  • Dermatological diseases (allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, furunculosis, acne and dr.)
  • Gout
  • Herpes.

The use of infusions and bravery Cyprus narrow can also recommend :

  • In food and alcohol poisoning, diarrhea, dysentery
  • Patients epilepsy
  • In neurosis and neurosis-like states, with hysteria, alcohol psychosis and depressive states
  • With a hangover syndrome, as part of the complex treatment of alcoholism
  • With frequent stress and intensive psycho-emotional loads
  • With chronic fatigue syndrome
  • In the period of teething, as well as with high bleeding gums
  • When disruptions of the menstrual cycle
  • In case of painful or abundant menstruation, in uterine bleeding, in pain in women in the menopausal period
  • To purify the body during the recovery period after ray and chemotherapy courses
  • As part of the complex treatment of lymphoganululetosis
  • In immunodeficiency states
  • With C-Avitaminosis (shortage in the daily diet of vitamin C)

Possessing a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect of decoction and info-tea influxers useful to apply for instillations when otitis, ritin, hyimorite, as well as used for rinsing as part of the complex treatment of diseases of the pharynx, larynx and oral cavity (with angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, stomatitis, periodontitis , Gingivit, Caries, etc.).

It is also useful to externally apply champs and infusions Cypria for washing the ulcers, wounds and laying, as well as in the form of compresses - to remove pain in bruises, muscle and joint diseases.

With problem skin or acne It is recommended to make appliques from stare leaves Ivan tea.

Mode of application

Recipe Dose Ivan-Tea: 1 tbsp. Spoon of dry grass Ivan-Tea pour 1 cup (200 ml) boiling water. Insist for 12-15 minutes, before use to strain. Take 0.5 glasses 2 times a day - in the morning before breakfast and half an hour before dinner. The recommended duration of the medical and preventive course of reception of Ivan tea is 1 month. The break between the courses of reception Cyprus should be 1-1.5 months.

Children from 6 to 8 years It is allowed to give no more than 1 tbsp. Spoon infusion Ivan tea 2 times a day, children from 8 to 14 years Dose can be increased to 50 ml of infusion 2 times a day.

Ivan-tea beard recipe: 15 g of dry Ivan tea (2 tbsp. Spoons) pour 200 ml (1 cup) boiling water, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes on slow heat, after which it was insistant 1-1.5 hours and strain. Take such a decoction adults are recommended for 1 tbsp. Spoon 3 times a day before meals.


Infusions and decoctions of Ivan-tea are contraindicated to children under 6 years. When pregnancy and breastfeeding before starting regular use, Ivan-Tea is recommended to consult with a doctor about the possibility of medical and preventive use of Cyprus. With prolonged use of informers and braveractions of Ivan tea (more than 1 month without a break), disorders of the stomach, liver and intestines are possible. With caution to use decoctions and infusions cyprum with increased blood clotting, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Popular goods.

(Cypria, Kopor's Tea) - a drink is very pleasant to taste and color having a powerful wellness effect!

Even in Russia, they used infusion from Ivan tea as a drink and a medicine from various pors. This is inexpressible in the form of the herb on therapeutic effects and the healing properties, given the unique chemical content, it becomes many times even.

Drinking Ivan-tea after sunset, you give your body a chance to prepare for the improvement, on the mild calming of heartbeat, reduced pressure from the pressure of arterial and normalization of the overall health condition. This state of the night "Anabiosis" is a real opportunity to extend or increase the periods of active livelihoods of at least a quarter of its cycle on average. And it certainly quite a lot.

An example and confirmation of the regenerating properties of Ivan-tea is the life of a researcher at the beginning of the twentieth century - Peter Alexandrovich Badmaeva. Most of his science works are devoted to the study of the funeral for the healing force of this plant. The doctor lived one hundred and ten years old, and at the age of a hundred years old - knew the joy of paternity. And it is not known how many years he could still enjoy life, if everything had not broke off the prison in Petrograd.

Europe very quickly appreciated the advantages of this tea for its unique content. It has six and a half times more vitamin C than in any lemon. In addition, there are tanning substances - up to 20 percent, a large amount of flavonoids, mucus and pectins. Therefore, from Russia this product was exported to Europe with huge parties.

Cavory tea

It is made from the vegetable raw materials of Ivan tea. This occurs by analogy of producing black tea. Preparation of delicious and useful tea begins with fermentation - 24-48 hours. On the start of fermentation and the existing temperature, the smell, color and taste of the product, which will result in all manipulations are depends on. Tea color becomes different - green, yellow or completely dark. The mixture of black in the tea market there are no competitors! More detail fermentation will be told

The taste of Ivan-tea is characterized by pleasant and fragrant features, leads the body into a tone, encourages and adds vitality. It affects the whole organism as a whole. In the heat there is no better means to quench thirst regardless of the temperature of the drink. The main thing is that this drink is most popular, especially for people leading a healthy lifestyle, it differs in composition from various caffener-containing drinks and black tea.

Cyprus effects perfectly on the blood if it is used as a strong infusion or bravery from Cyprus under the condition of constant use (increases the level of hemoglobin, restores the acid-alkaline rate in the blood)

What else is Ivan-Tea?

    Assists in the normalization of digestion and metabolism, improves all types of metabolic processes, especially lipid and carbohydrate;

    It has a powerful antiflogistic and antiseptic property, effective as a healing and preventive preparation in the overall diagram of treating infections and inflammation. In this matter, the leaflets and flowers of this grass are significantly superior to such familiar with all powerful natural antiseptics as evava bark, oak bark and bearish ears. Such a specific action of the plant is associated with the content of flavonoids, tanning substances, carotenoids, vitamin C, organic acids, triterpenoids, microelements;

    Prolongs the active life of a male body, maintaining and improving the function of the "second heart" - the prostate gland. In addition, the state of male health as a whole is significantly improved: increases potency, normalizes an erectile function. No wonder Ivan-tea is called "male" grass;

    It has a soft diuretic effect, normalizes the water and electrolyte balance, reducing;

    Thanks to the carpent of magnesium, group vitamins in, flavonoids, it is effective non-synthetic sleeping and sedative, normalizes psycho-emotional state (reduces nervousness, excitability, facilitates headaches, normalizes night rest);

    Since the Ivan tea contains tubyl substances, mucus, pectins, etc., it is capable of improving and restore the activity of the digestive system, eliminating constipation, heartburn, dysbacteriosis. This is achieved by enveloping, anti-inflammatory and reparative action;

    Thanks to the presence of organic acids in the copor's tea, in aggregate with magnesium and flavonoids, a choleretic action is manifested;

    Acts on viruses and resist allergies;

    Reparative (i.e. wound-healing) effect is achieved due to the presence of such elements such as chlorophyll, bunning, carotenoids, which accelerate the granulation and epithelization of damage on the skin;

    The gradual painful effects of Ivan tea occurs due to alkaloids, mucus, flavonoids, magnesium present in floweries and leaves;

    It has lactational qualities, prolonging breastfeeding and thereby improving the health of kids;

    Flavonoids and pectins of Ivan leaves are natural adsorbents and purify the body from toxic elements;

    Endocrine organs work simply and more efficiently;

    The grass especially acquired success in the form of an antitumor agent due to the antioxidant effect of Hangrole and other antioxidants - caroteninoids, flavonoids, tanning compounds, copper, acids belonging to organic, manganese, vitamin C, magnesium. During scientific research, they found out that in Cyprus a narrow-part contains low-toxic and high molecular weight substances, showing "interest" for cancer cells;

    Slows down early skin obsolescence, making it elastic and elastic. All this is due to substances that stimulate the natural processes of collagen synthesis (phytosterols, vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenoids, organic acids and copper).

With constant use, copory tea is used in general and preventive treatment of the following diseases:

    Malokroviya (anemia);

    Gastritis, ulcerative formations in the bulb of duodenum and stomach, colitis, disorders in the biliary system;

    Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system in men (prostate adenoma or prostatitis);

    Excaging skin diseases.

    Poisoning and intestinal dysfunction;

    General rehabilitation course from alcoholism, to relieve a hangover syndrome;

    Reinforced psycho-emotional pressure and chronic;

    Effect of constant fatigue, overwork;

    In dentistry - in children during the appearance of milk teeth, at the older age at loyalty and;

    Endocrine disorders in women of different genes (problems with menstrual cycle, available uterine bleeding, climax, premenstrual syndrome);

    As an aid after manipulations to combat tumors and cancer (chemotherapy and radiation impact) in the recovery period;

    In the treatment of blood diseases (blond or lymphogranulomatosis) as an adsorbent;

    With a decrease in immunity (immunodeficiency state);

    When avitaminosis, especially vitamin C and group V.

Ivan tea for men:

Of course, the healing properties of the plant help all - men, women, children, but, having the ability to heal prostatitis and prostate adenoma, Ivan-tea has deserved unconditional confidence from men.

Ivan tea for women:

This is an unsurpassed remedy for, thrush and other diseases of the genitourinary system in women.

Ivan tea tea

No matter how good Cavory tea, still taste, smell, and the color of the drink is largely conditioned by the quality of water. Who at least once drank tea on the spring or melting water, will never forget this taste. On a day, one person should have five grams of Ivan tea (dried welding). It turns out four of it - five cups of concentrated drink. Welding can be brewing several times, but note that the concentration of useful properties will decrease, although the taste qualities are stored in small quantities.

How to brew Ivan tea?

The correct brewing of Ivan-tea leaves is one of the two main components that ensure the safety of all therapeutic properties.

The first way of brewing Ivan tea

2 teaspoons of dry grass pour 600 ml of boiling water (it is best to use natural or purified water). The capacitance is tightly closed and left to come for 10-15 minutes, after which they are mixed with infusion.

The infusion contains in its composition essential oils, so the drink does not deteriorate within a few days, but it is best to use it freshly prepared. The concentration largely depends on your taste preferences.

Drink tea can be chilled. If there is a desire to warm up, in no case do not allow boiling. The finest fragrance will disappear immediately. Drink without sugar, instead, eat raisins, dates, kuragu, honey, halva.

The second way of brewing Ivan tea

Fresh Ivan-tea leaves are placed in the enameled dishes with a layer of 3-5 cm, then poured the purified water temperature (up to 10 cm), after which the infusion put on a weak fire and heated it. The next step is to insist the resulting composition for 10 minutes.

You can also take a mixture of leaves with flowers as a welding: a mixture of colors and leaves of Ivan tea 2: 2 (tea spoons) can also be boiled.

When to collect and how to rush Ivan-tea?

Ivan-tea is collected during flowering period, it is important to collect grass at the moment when the flower brush is not completely blossomed. Blossom starts at the end of June and continues until autumn. In August, the beans are ripening on the lower branches of Ivan-tea, inside which is unpleasant down, he should not fall into the collection.

The collection is recommended to exercise in dry weather, it is not worth starting to start immediately after the rain. Unsuitable for collecting dusty, dirty, patients, affected plants. Ivan-tea growing along the busy roads is not intended for medicinal fees.

For the preparation of medicinal tinctures and decoctions, the above-ground part of the plant is suitable, so during the collection it is cut or rearranged in the middle, sometimes closer to the ground.

Floral brushes neatly spread on the floor with a thin layer (about 5 cm), after which it is twisted into the roll and crimped in order to highlight the juice. The roll is left for 8-10 hours indoors, where the air temperature is 20-25 ° C.

The fermentation process can also be carried out in a wooden box, having folded into it compressed floral brushes and, to save moisture, covered with a wet canvas. After time, the grass is dried in the oven at a temperature of no more than 50 ° C.

In early May, you can collect the tops of young shoots, of which you get ready to prepare the tea of \u200b\u200bexcellent quality. This tea has an amazing ability to return forces and restore energy reserves.

Ivan tea seeds

The seeds of Ivan-Tea are collected in a small box, ripen from July to August. On one plant can be matured simultaneously up to 20,000 seeds, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of a white hokholka (fluff). Khokholok helps seeds fly away for a significant distance from the plant; For this, sufficiently light blowing wind. Another distinctive feature of the Ivan tea seed is the ability to grow even a few years after ripening and hitting the soil.

In folk medicine, the seeds of Ivan-Tea are not used, so they do not pose any value. Seeds are used exclusively for planting a plant on a certain area.

Fermentation methods:

1. Easy fermentation

The collection of vegetable material is carried out in the morning after dew dry. Take off the trees the most upper, without seeds and leaves. If it is very hot, then the grass cannot be collected, because the leaves will be ruined, "burnt". Carefully follow the fact that we put in the basket, since the forest bug that fell in the raw thief can spoil the entire harvest.

Leaf and flowers need to dry a little in a place where there is no direct sunlight, grind in the palms and compact to a three-liter bottle. Cover the wet napkin and leave in a dark cooled room (up to 25 ° C) for 36 hours. After the specified time, the fermentation process is considered complete. The prepared mixture is fried and dried in degrees +95 - +110. You can use electrical and gas oven.

In the drying process, the plant mixture is constantly stirred or turned over in the form of a dense layer. Gradually, tea becomes the right color, which varies from light brown to the dark. The drying of the crumbbed tea in time occurs in different ways, this is caused by the humidity of grass at the time of collection. Readiness is fixed visually, that is, "on the eyes." The drying period of round tea is determined by the mass of the dried tile. Raw mixture and dry tea in finished form correlate 5: 1. A ready-made tea in a dark dry place is stored, in a tightly closing container, better from glass, but a plastic bank is suitable. With proper storage, the shelf life is three years.

2. Forgotten way

A leaf of Ivan-tea, a layer of no more than 3 centimeters, a layer of no more than 3 centimeters, is folded into the moistlands, a thickness of the routine (twist) as close as possible. The size of the tissue depends on the volume of grass. Do not forget to moisturize the fabric with clean water. This can be done from the most ordinary pulverizer. In the reverse case, the napkin absorbs the most valuable juice from the leaflets of the grass Cyprus.

A twist is tightened with a rope, for which the rubber cord is suitable. Diligently carry in the palms of grass, making flexible and extensive movements about half an hour. It is desirable that two events participate in this event. In this process, the destruction of structural cells of the plant and the impregnation of plant raw materials juice is observed. Then two - three hours goes primary fermentation. The cleaner temperature is checked with palms. If heat is felt (approximately 37-38 ° C and higher), the initial fermentation process is completed. The mass has a gentle smell, resembling the skyshest compote from pears.

Young tops of plants collected in May, such fragile and sensitive that structural changes begin at the time of sealing in the container.

If you click on the raw material, you can hear the characteristic sound similar to a crunch. The mass is tightly stacked in the container (bucket of plastic or glass jar) and closes to complete fermentation to 36 to 40 hours. In order not to spoil the final product, it is best to write the date and bookmark time on the cover, and the end of the process. If necessary, you can give tea more refined taste, extinguishing the fermentation time in a chilled place. For the late collection of Ivan tea in July - August, we carry out additional fermentation.

For this purpose, remove the vegetable mass of the bucket and carefully carry your hands until juice appears.

Important moment!

To facilitate the cooking process, you can skip vegetable raw materials through a meat grinder (pre-remove knives), but consider as therapeutic properties, and taste qualities will be much worse, more weak.

Readers comment: If the leaves are freeze in the freezer immediately after fermentation, and then dry in the oven, it turns out tea with such a rich taste and aroma that after it does not want to drink any other.

Then we collect the treated mass in the pile and leave for 5-6 hours at room temperature, with a wet cloth. And when the mass under the fabric when pressing will remind a soft rubber - it's time to the oven for drying. The future tea unfolded on the contrary is dried at an average temperature of 100 ° C, the degrees increase before the drying is completed. This calcination, like coffee beans, will improve taste, make tea more fragrant and beautiful.

Do not forget about the mixture mixing frequent. The oven must be a bit ajar. Under the baking sheet, red bricks or facing tiles are made of ceramics so as not to overheat tea. This adaptation works like a Russian oven and normalizes the temperature in the oven. This is a very important point, as it depends on how the healing is the drink.

The manufacture of Koporsky tea in the oven takes a half - two hours. In one day, you can get 300-400 grams of the finished product in dry. The mixture in the tiles must be wrapped in compacted paper. Tea having a scattering structure is stored for 3 years, in the form of tiles - decades!

3. Fermentation under the nest in its own juice

All raw materials are divided into two parts (the top of the plant and his leaves are included here). From one part, juice is squeezed using a press juicer. Fluids are quite a bit, even if it is a modern "Angel" type. We place the second half of the raw materials in a metal-ceramic saucepan and the juice will pour there. Press the oppression from above. It is a wooden circle with a load of at least 20 kilograms. The cargo can be replaced by the weight of a mass in two pounds wrapped in polyethylene to eliminate the contact of the metal with juice. After 72 hours, fermentation ends, drying and obtaining tea in the final embodiment occurs at a temperature of 90 ° C.

And now a visual lesson for collecting and fermentation of Kopor's tea, look in the video:

Application with:

Healing infusions and decoctions have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent, camp and enveloping effect.

Ivan-tea has a pronounced sedative effect on the body (according to the mechanism of action and the therapeutic effect of the infusion of this plant is close to the action of medicinal). It is used for neurosis, increased excitability, aggression, frequent night awakening, feeling alarm and sharp mood drop.

The anti-inflammatory effect of Ivan-tea is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, including chronic and acute cystitis and inflammation of urinary tract. For men, the use of medicinal info will help cope with chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

The antibacterial effect of the medicinal plant is used in diseases of the oral cavity - angina, and.

Included in the chemical composition of Ivan-tea ascorbic acid, manganese and iron allow the use of an infusion of a plant as an auxiliary means in the treatment of iron deficiency.

Ivan tea during pregnancy

Ivan-tea is a plant, which today has not been detected by any contraindications, therefore, if necessary, pregnant women can take it.

Tea prepared on the basis of Ivan tea is a natural agent for the treatment of gastritis of increased acidity, colitis, stomach ulcers. The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to overcome headaches, nasopharynx diseases, angina.

Vitamins and other useful substances that make up Ivan tea have a positive impact on healing of wounds, contribute to the normal course of pregnancy, which emphasizes the safety of its use for pregnant women.

Ivan tea to children

The plant has an antiviral property and is used as a prophylactic agent during the exacerbation of seasonal diseases (and ORVI).

Ivan tea with prostatitis

Education: Diploma in the specialty "Therapeutic business" and "therapy" was obtained at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the department of phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples (2008).

Even the long-time Slavs, Ivan-Tea was a favorite drink, grappled on health and able to cure any disease. It is useful to each part of the plant - from the roots to inflorescence, everything goes into turn.

Ivan tea has the following healing characteristics:

  • Improve the qualitative and quantitative composition of the blood. The amount increases and leads to the blood pH.
  • The body's ability to absorb all the necessary substances is increasing, the process of assimilation of fats and carbohydrates is reduced to the balance sheet.
  • Bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects are useful in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections.
  • Active influence on male health. The work of the prostate gland and other organs improves, which leads to an increase in potency and erectile function.
  • Control of blood pressure by normalizing the kidney function.
  • A sedative effect eliminates insomnia and headaches, relieves stress.
  • Tubil components have an enveloping effect and restore the intestinal microflora. It helps in the treatment of ulcers and constipation.
  • Wound-healing properties that contribute to the speedy regeneration of tissues.
  • The beneficial effect on the lactation, an increase in the quality and number of maternal milk.
  • Prevents the development of oncological pathology.
  • Improves the condition of the skin and prevents aging.

Among other things, it affects the work of the endocrine system, purifies from slags and toxins, has an antioxidant effect and relative anesthetic effect.

Important! The use of this grass is not recommended for children up to 6 years, due to the large number of caffeine in the composition. For pregnant and nursing mothers, you need consultation with your doctor about the reception of tea. Carefully need to use people with a violation of blood coagulation. With the continuous use of decoctions during the month, problems with the digestive system are possible.

Ivan-tea plant: species, description and composition

Ivan-tea is called a whole family of perennial herbaceous plants - Cyware. In total there are about fifteen species of this grass, but more than others are known to our people in Cyprus narrow.

The shafts of the whole species are beautiful pinkish-lilac flowers and green purple leaves. Cyprix has a well-developed rhizome, which spreads far beneath the surface of the Earth.

It was allocated:

  • a large amount of ascorbic acid, much more than in citrus
  • thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid;
  • polysahara;
  • pectin compounds;
  • high molecular weight phenolic compounds;
  • vitamin A;
  • pectins;
  • plant hormones;
  • acid organic origin;
  • quercetin and derivatives;
  • caffeine;
  • triterpenoids;
  • biologically active components.

In the colors of the plant in huge quantities contain such trace elements as a manganese, copper and iron. And the leaves are saturated with salts of magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium nickel, boron and titanium. Rhizomes are rich in phosphorus and cobalt compounds.

Ivan Tea narrow (photo)

Cyretes narrow-walled in the northern hemisphere, but prefers not populated by other plants of terrain. This is a high perennial plant with yer-like leaves, dense bonding trunk.

The sheets are dark green, light beyond. Flowers Ivan-tea one month in the middle of summer. Inflorescences are large creeps, purple-purple flowers with pink.

Rhizome surface, creeping and common. Cyprus cannot compete with other plants and quickly dies. It often populates at the fireplace, giving fertile soil for other plants.

Ivan-tea broad-sized (photo)

A compact beautiful plant similar to its more common relative is beautiful purple with purple flowers, but already solitary. Line, single, oval or speaking shape. They have a beautiful emerald green color, to a chicken with a dark lilac.

His habitat is the Arctic and subarctic zone. It has become an integral part of the life for the inhabitants of Chukotka, Greenland, North America and the Scandinavian countries. It was not only used as a medicinal product, but also added to food as a greenery. For Greenland, Cyretes is a broad-sized national attraction.

This is a perennial plant, not particularly whimsical to the conditions. In Russia, the Cyprusa thickets can be found both in the European part and in Siberia.

It needs a lot of sunlight and moisture. Therefore, it can be easily found in an open area or not far from the forest, along the roads or sowing.

He often settles in places where the fire recently passed, away from other plants. The only exception to Malina - Cyretes loves and grows next to these bushes in abundance.

Love for moisture allows you to find thickets Cyprusa in rivers and lakes, swamps. The main thing is to look for light, away from the trees.

It is important to remember that the desired bush grows in open solar sites and has high sprouts. It is easy to confuse him with Bolotnaya Cypria, but it has small flowers and it can grow in the shade. On the edge of the forest there is a chance to assemble forest conifers, which is also not suitable for therapeutic purposes. It is distinguished by small growth and reddish inflorescences.

Grass blanks are advised after flowering when all the necessary nutritional elements are accumulated. However, there is no accurate date, it all depends on the habitat and climatic conditions. The perfect option is to find the clearing in advance and wait for flowering.

Once the first flowers and buds will appear - you can collect. It is not necessary to pull the plant with the root without a strong need, it is better to cut the trunk at an altitude of 10 cm from the ground or just croppers.

Production: How to dry and harvest?

Stages are quite simple. When transporting, try not to memorize the collected materials and do not keep them long in the bag. Plated grass loses its advantages.

The first part of the process is rumbling. The grass must be well rinsed under running water and put in the shade with a flat layer 3-4 cm on white paper. Do not use the newspaper, it will negatively affect the taste of tea.

In this form, raw materials should be ruined no more than a day. And all this time you need to steer leaves for better evaporation of moisture. The result will become the mild leaves. Pesked material is unsuitable because it did not have time to form the necessary elements.

After that, you can twist or ferment tea and proceed to drying in the sun. We declare Cypria to a smooth layer and give most of the moisture to evaporate. After moving to the shadow and cover the gauze to complete drying.

Ivan-tea fermented - fermentation steps

Fermentation is the process of oxidation of sheet Cyprus by fermentation. This process improves the taste quality sheet, making taste more noble.

The twenty or granulated sheet is tightly laid out into the tank with a twenty andantimeter layer. It is important that the material of the container does not react to the tea sheet. It is best to take enameled dishes.

From above to the container to lay wet fabric. The whole design is placed in a dark warm place. The best temperature for fermentation is 25 degrees Celsius.

The readiness criterion is the appearance of a sweet flower smell, instead of herbal flavors. You can stop fermentation at any stage and get absolutely unique taste.

After the end of fermentation, the sheet is laid out on the drying.

Granulated tea - how to do at home?

Proper granulated Cyprus is obtained using a special machine - granulator. However, if desired, make such tea at home, you can resort to the help of a meat grinder.

Before the grinding, be sure to check the sheets for insects and extraneous plants. After grinding it is not to separate it.

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