
What spray strawberries in spring to flowering. How to treat strawberries in the spring? Caring for strawberry early spring.

With the arrival of spring, many daches are worried about the state of strawberry bushes. These plants, after a long and cold winter, a special processing is needed, which will allow in the future to increase the harvest of berries. There are many questions about the dried leaves and the upper layer of the soil, the prevention of diseases and pest protection, as well as fertilizers. Let's try to figure it out in each of them.

Unfortunately, fruits filled with vitamins and minerals, including substances that act as aphrodisiacs, attract not only people, but also of various pests. The plant that produces this delicious fruit is called a wide-sized strawberry, and not only in our medium suffer from various mushrooms and mold.

Proper care about strawberries begins when it is purchased. You need to choose high quality seedlings. Strawberry - a plant that tends to suffer from nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency, so when landing it is necessary to think about where to place the plant. It is necessary to change this place every four to six years and regularly fertilize it.

Instead of the usual breaking of old foliage, soil loosenings, spraying and feeding, you can do. These events take a lot of free time and give a minimum of benefit. Try to organize your work on such a scheme:

  • First of all, collect a mulching layer on strawberry beds, which did not have time to overwhere in the winter.
  • If necessary, restore or correct wooden sides, which are surrounded by the garden.
  • Put feeding to the soil (at its discretion - organic or mineral).
  • Provide preventive measures to protect plants from pests and diseases. Use special preparations for spraying.
  • Tighten strawberry beds.

Cleaning beds with strawberries

The most important spring is to clean the beds with strawberries from the remaining mulch. She is still useful for compost. Such cleaning will allow the soil to warm up faster, and it is of great importance for the growth and development of strawberry bushes. Warm soil will accelerate the beginning of the formation of green mass and the formation of ovary.

The choice of the right place to grow strawberries can reduce the potential threat of mushrooms and pest insects. Tubers must be planted in well-drained soil, which does not accumulate water after the rain. Also be careful with a lot of irrigation. Higher planing minimizes frost damage to seedlings and increases the circulation of air around strawberry plants, which allows you to quickly dry the fruit, which reduces the frequency of certain diseases - especially molds for which the wet environment creates ideal conditions for breeding.

Fertilizers are necessary for this culture to stimulate growth and development. Each dacket can choose one of the types of feeding, depending on professional preferences - mineral or organic.

You can make an integrated fertilizer consisting of water (large bucket), cow manure (half-liter), ammonium sulfate (1 tablespoon) or water and nitroammofoski (1 tablespoon).

Against mold, it is better to fight with fungicides, the use of which on large areas is best estimated by the rear sprinkler. Slugs are pests No. 1, and completely mature strawberries is an absolute magnet for them. Symptoms: After the attack of the slug and snails, you usually detect the characteristic mucus paths on your plants and fruits. When cleaning ripe fruits, you will find irregular holes in ripened fruits.

The prevention of snails is the creation of barriers, their collection and the struggle with slugs, there are many childhood councils for chemical production products. You can recognize the mold with the advent of powder gray spots that appear on the bottom of the leaves. It is accompanied by reddish brown markings on the top of the leaves. If the problem is not solved, the fungus can continue to infect both a flower and fruit, which destroys not only the harvest, but also a harvest both, and in the future.

For farmers who have chosen the organic, the following recipes are offered:

  • Corobyan and water in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  • Bird litter and water in a ratio of 1 to 12.
  • Herbal infusion based on young nettle.

When applying fertilizers, do not allow it to hit the leaf mass, water only under the bush.

However, if this problem occurs, remove and burn all damaged vegetable substances, and in extreme cases you will need to use spraying. This can significantly reduce the yield of fruit and is considered one of the most serious diseases. Flowers are usually brown and dying. A soft light brown rot can appear on any part of the berries, but usually it is found first in the covers area, which destroys the berries within 48 hours. In the spring in cold wet weather, disputes are formed and spread with wind or water into damaged or extremely soft vegetable fabrics.

Spraying strawberry plantations must be carried out at an air temperature of at least 18 degrees of heat and be sure to start flowering. Such preventive treatment in the future will not allow harmful insects and protection against many diseases. Such chemical preparations are suitable as "Caesar" or "Taurus" or drugs on a natural basis (for example, "phytoofers").

Therefore, it is necessary, especially during this period, to prevent the strawberry payment by a portable sprayer. Infection may also occur when fungal mycelium grows from previously infected parts of the plant. A sponge can survive when decomposing vegetation so that it can inflict healthy plants during the growing season. Treatment: Collection and removal of infected parts of plants can slow down the spread of the disease, but it must be done more often, especially during the embryo stage.

Strawberry is not only troublesome mushrooms and mushrooms, but also pests, such as spiders, caterpillars, short and strawberry flowers. Strawberry - Fresh strawberries from the garden is absolutely irresistible, tasty, fragrant and incredibly tasty. But I needed quite a long time to grow a little more than just a roll on a flower bed and some delicious fruits.

Experienced summer residents recommend using a non-standard way to handle strawberry bushes. It will take hot water for processing, heat up to about sixty degrees. Using watering can with a small sprinkler, you need to pour each bush and, if possible, each piece. Such a "souls" for strawberry bushes will become not only a defender from insects, but also to reflect on the magnitude of the berries in the near future.

They help to clean the body and joints for gout and rheumatism, clean blood and improve its quality. Strengthen nerves, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and digestion. The high content of iron and other active ingredients are recommended for anemia anemia, rash, acne and eczema, vascular problems, including hemorrhoids and atherosclerosis. For strong antioxidant properties and ability to increase cell regeneration are strawberries are also considered to prevent cancer and premature aging.

In official healing, the leaves are used, but not from the species grown in the garden, but only from wild, forest strawberries! The injection of leaves can also be used as a black tea substitute, it is also perfectly combined with raspberry leaves and black currant. In addition to tasty fragrance also possess medical properties - There is a positive impact on the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal and in general, blood purification and organism. For regular use of alcohol, it is advisable to wander the leaves to get black and the flavor is much closer to true black tea.

The next important stage of the care of strawberry bushes is the mulching of the soil. Last year's mulch was collected in order not to interfere with the warming of the soil. Now that the beds warmed enough, you can decompose a new mulching layer. This reliable and proven defense is applied to the garden surface at about late April - early May.

Speaking about strawberries, culinary use of strawberries in the kitchen

These "lost" years, but never regret at least I have everything that is still fresh in memory, and I have the opportunity to compare between classic and natural growing. Probably, it is not necessary to not emphasize that today I have a strawberry from the same beds several times more, and even more fragrant. The strawberry season is relatively short, about four weeks, so this is definitely good to get some materials to hide and winter.

It is recommended to choose such a material for mulch, which will not only save moisture in the soil and fight weeds, but will also become a natural antiseptic. The needles of pines and fir fit for this purpose just perfect. The specific aroma of these plants will help to resist any diseases.

If this type of mulch is not available to you, you can use a straw. True, she has its pros and cons. Plus - it perfectly passes water and will not allow the rotting of the fruit. Minus - in the straw often relieved insects.

Pancakes or pancakes with strawberries can be prepared in the season, but rather fresh fruit. Just crush them in a bowl with a fork, add sugar and a drop of milk and add dry pancakes or joints to them. Excellent, of course, strawberry dumplings and cakes, but more about taste and calories than nutritional value, in the end, it is likely to prefer fresh fruit. Perhaps they hunted a pre-baked dessert. Or they can fill the roll with vanilla cream. Or prepare cups with cottage cheese and strawberry.

With chocolate cream, biscuits and strawberries. Fruit salad from strawberries, apricots and other seasonal fruits with lemon sauce. Water and sugar. Just throw your imagination and enjoy the few weeks of strawberry deals! Strawberry pride The bed as soon as possible if you take your own plants seedlings, so calmly from mid-July. Ideally, if we can prepare a holiday a year earlier, namely the strawberry grows very well on the bed that was overgrown with nettle.

As for last year's leaves on the bushes of strawberries, they themselves will fall over time - there is no point in turning them. The dried leaves will complement the mulching layer on strawberry beds.

Features of spring care for strawberries (video)

For the high yield of strawberries, it is necessary to start struggling in the spring. Need to take care of timely proper care For the growth of strawberries, feeding fertilizers, protect against pests and diseases and it will delight you and your children juicy, delicious berries. In the article, you will learn how to properly organize a strawberry care in the spring, what to do for this to make strawberries to have a lot and get a harvest more than once over the summer.

Strawberries require slightly acidic soils, so they testify to forest soil. If we have prepared the soil from nettle or potatoes, just to each well to add a little compost, plant seedlings and collect some rubbish, peat or leaf shape. Because hates naked soil throughout the year to mulch the beveled grass. Seedlings can be planted and, of course, a black film is probably the usual practice in most gardens. It is also a bit of the problem between strawberries in the plant foil of other plants, especially the cucumber, which leave free seed and grown on the bed from my own.

Terms of work on the site

In each climatic belt, its timing of work in spring. In the southern regions, the snow is tatt in March, the beds dry and can be processed. In the middle strip, the snow goes later, but those who wish to get strawberry harvest before, you can sprinkle with peat or ash, so that it melted faster and start work.

Strawberry requires Sun and so tying fruit and abundant irrigation. Onions, garlic, onions and leeks protection against mold strawberries, several plants can be planted directly on the bed of strawberries. The cucumber improves the growth and aroma of fruits. Cruciferous, tomatoes.

For good conditionsStrawberry suffer any diseases. In moisture and higher temperatures may be affected by mold or rot, the spray helmet helps. Waters, and directly to the roots of plants, we try not to leave the leaves are wet. Directly put the layer of garlic as a precautionary measure against mold.

In Siberia and in the Urals, the strawberry sections are proceeding not earlier than the middle of April.

Strawberry are considered an evergreen plant, it retains leaves even under the snow. The awakening of the root system begins at the temperature of the soil + 2-3 degrees. There is an increase in new green leaves.

Subsequent infected plants die. The reason for withering and drying is rooting damage, which comes down with the root of the plant. The disease also affects the cutters and flowering or fruit stems. It also attacks immature fruits, the fruits do not grow, gradually brown, they have a sticky consistency, and they dry.

Sorrow of ripening fruit causes mitigation and bite. Falling plants and direct damage to fruits occur when they occur. Damage occurs primarily on old stands. The disease is found mainly in heavier and wet habitats. Distribution especially in rainy and warm weather. The manifestation of fading and death of plants contributes to the subsequent warmer and dry weather.

It is already possible to proceed to work, if the soil dried at so much that you do not fail.

Spring Strawberry Processing: What do you need to do?

Trim last year's dry leaves, mustes of mustache, flowercours with dry berries.

To remove the old leaves from the surface, the grass, which was covered with strawberries for the winter. They were overwhelmed with fungi, viruses and various pests. After cleaning the old vegetation, the soil warms down much faster and the root system of strawberries, respectively, will begin to grow better.

The disease is widely multiphage and very volatile. It attacks many cultural and wild animals. Frequent owners are also some strawberry strains. The parasite is in a hibernation in the tissue of infected plants and in the soil by Sospora. On the affected fabrics grow in spring sporangiencies, which is differentiated by zoosporengia, which are the source of further infection.

The disease occurs mainly on heavier soils and wetlands. Distribution is mainly due to rainy and warm weather. Not cultivating susceptible varieties at risk. Compliance with the five-year period of cultivation on land.

Follow the landing of strawberries, you need to have time before flowering. Good option It will be an infusion from a cowboy with the addition of trace elements: inject 0.5 liters of dung alive in the water bucket and no more than 10 ml of trace elements. 1 liter of such fertilizers are poured under each strawberry bush. If there is no manure at hand, get in stores specialized comprehensive fertilizers For strawberries.

Growing for a maximum of 3 years and continuous removal of infected plants. Chemical seedlings are treated with chemical or young strawberry sauce. Strawberry is one of the most popular fruits of all children. But if you grow strawberries, you may have a disease, called a spotted sheet, which may adversely affect the fecundity of the bush.

White Spotted Strawberry Symptoms

Is it possible to avoid white spots of strawberry leaves? Is there a targeted anti-disease control? We tried to answer these questions and read the answers below. Home Feature - White necrotic stains on strawberry leaves, limited purple trim. Over time, the stains grow, the leaves begin to deform, and then dry. On sheets, due to necrosis, the surface of assimilation decreases, thereby limiting photosynthesis. This spongy disease can spread beyond the leaves.

The next step is the soil of the soil between the bushes, which will increase the yield by 10-15%. If weeds are made to remove them.

In the area where the strawberries grew last year, it is recommended to add ash in the amount of 2 glasses on m 2 when loosening the soil at m 2. Wood ash serves as prevention against slugs and gray rot.

Often after the snow, you can detect the cereal roots of the plant, they must be filled with soil. Mulch the soil of fresh layer humid from the leaves, hay, straw thick up to 4 cm. So you save moisture in the soil, and berries will not suffer from fungi. If you do not use mulching, then prick the soil under the strawberry bushes.

Watering should be uniform and to the depth of penetration of roots into the soil, this requires young growing foliage, flowers and the resulting zerozya.

During the rapid growth of greenery, it's time to transplant strawberries. The root system during this period is actively growing, so when transplanting damage will be insignificant.

After transplanting the bushes, mulch or cover with a thin material.

There are burly strawberry varieties that multiply the division of the bush. New shoots grow out of side kidneys, after rooting, buds are formed. We need to share the bushes every 2-3 years. To do this, dig a whole bush and divided into parts with a secaterator. Each particular part should have a root system and central kidney. Thus, there are several bushes from one.

Watering strawberries

The need of strawberries in moisture in different periods of growth are different, therefore, watering must comply with the needs of plants. The first watering is carried out with the start of plant growth. Moisture is delayed before the flowering of strawberry with soil looser.

The following watering is produced during flowering, pouring strings, after harvesting. Shortly before the first frosts watered the last time a year.

When watering the soil should grow to a depth of up to 40 cm. Checking sufficient watering after 2-3 days, a lump of land, taken from a depth of 30-40 cm: If a compressed lump does not scatter it means watering good, if it crumbles into small parts (less cedar walnut) So watering must be repeated.

Strawberry feeder organic fertilizers

When laying strawberry plantation, the main part is made organic fertilizersFurther fertilizers after harvest and in the second year of life. Fertilizers made earlier added: a mixture of 10 g of superphosphate, 6 g of potassium salt, 10 g of ammonium sulphate - 1 m 2. In the second year, this mixture is replaced with a nitromeophosquet of 10-20 g per 1 m 2.

The application of nitrogen fertilizers will accelerate the growth of plants, and will also prepare strawberries to the next harvest. Strengthen and prepare for winter the plant feeding from phosphorus and potassium, which is produced at the beginning of autumn.

Also, for feeding strawberries is used in the proportion of 1 x 5 liters of water, as well as a bird litter in a ratio of 1 x 10-12 liters of water. The technology of cooking such fertilizers: 4 buckets of the cowboy are divorced in 100 liters of water, leave to wander for 2-3 days. The solution obtained as a result is 4 times. On 3-4 rocker meters, 1 bucket of the solution is used. Fertilizers are brought after rain or abundant irrigation.

IMPORTANT: Follow the fertilizers not to fall on the leaves, the sinuses of the leaves and the berries.

Strawberry processing in spring from pests and diseases


The main pest of strawberries. Beetle size up to 3 mm, grayish-black. The harm is applied in the stage of the larva, overlooking the core of the flower that dries out and falls.

You can scare this beetle with the smell of garlic (squeeze 1 cloth of garlic on 4 strawberries between rows).

Prevention for the appearance of the beetle: with the advent of blossoms, rub the leaves of garlic daily daily, creating an unpleasant smell. Prepare a tincture of 10 liters of water and 150 g of finely chopped garlic, after a day, as we stand, spray the plants in the evening. The weevon also does not tolerate the smells of nail, velvetsev and nasturtiums.

Nematoza - Small worms up to 1 mm long. Call for the struggle are deformed and twisted leaves on short stiffs. The affected bushes stop fruit, berries are deformed and small.

Strawberry tick - damages the leaves of plants, sucking juice. The casting will be wrinkled, become oily, small berries.

Measures of the struggle such as with non-dispensing in transplantation. Growing plants to handle carbofosomes, colloid gray. Infected plants destroy.

Cobbled tick. The appearance of cobwebs on the leaves and their yellowing, indicates the appearance of this pest. The struggle should be started only after collecting the last harvest of strawberries. Effective tool - Infusion of 200 g of chopped garlic in 10 liters of water. Perfoliate infusion and spray plants. Strengthen the effect of processing, if you cover the strawberry film at the time of the struggle. The tick dies after 24 hours.

Diseases of strawberry

The defeat of the entire ground part of the bush. The leaves of the plant are covered with a raid, twisted, change the color to violet. Berries are deformed, acquire the smell and taste of mushrooms. To combat the disease Copper-soap emulsion: add 30 g of soap and copper mood for 15 liters of water. Also, a solution of ammonium nitrate 10 g per 10 liters of water will also help.

Dangerous fungal disease. The appearance of fluffy plaque, dries berries, marking and frozen, raging leaves.

It is necessary to destroy the sick plants. In the spring of the plant to handle 4% Bordeaux liquid.

Fungal disease. The appearance of brown spots on the leaves. Processing strawberries Bordeaux liquid, clean the section from last year's leaves, cut forward the beds, more often change the site where you grow strawberries.

To prevent the emergence of most of the diseases and pests of strawberries, perform simple tips:
processing the purchase of strawberry seedlings before landing;
buy landing material only from proven sellers;
more often change the place of growing strawberries;
delete the diseased plants and weeds in a timely manner;
squake next to the strawberry of the grass scribing pests.

Premature prevention will get rid of you from fighting annoying insects and diseases.

Large harvesting berries!

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