
Computer tomography of temporal bone that shows. CT temporal bone. Decoding and results

Computed tomography of temporal bones is the most reliable way to examine temporal bones, an anatomical structure and visualize soft tissues that surround the temporal bone. This area works not just: it has Eustachiyeva pipe, cells of a mastoid process, middle and internally.

What shows CT temporal bones?

The complex structure and environment of the temporal region so much of the anatomical structures near does not always allow the doctor to put an accurate diagnosis, refine the location of pathology and prescribe treatment.

In this case, a computer tomography comes to the rescue, which provides layering pictures of the necessary field of human body.

Thanks to the pictures, you can detect the slightest changes, pathology, consider the snail of the inner ear, the hematoma, inflammatory process.

Indication for appointment

The examination of this area is usually appointed by the attending physician. In addition to the CT of the temporal bones, it is possible to go through CT eye orbits.

Testimony to the appointment is not so much:

  • Card and brain injury;
  • Fractures in this area;
  • Anomaly of the inner ear and temporal bone;
  • Oncology;
  • Otosclerosis;
  • Preoperative period;
  • Discharge of an unknown nature from the ear;
  • Worsening hearing, painful sensations;
  • Neof formation.


Diagnosis has a number of contraindications:

  • Myeloma disease;
  • Obesity. Each tomograph has a patient's body limitation. Most often, the patient's body mass should not exceed 160 kilograms;
  • Pregnancy;
  • There are age limits. Children under 12 years old are not recommended to undergo a survey;
  • Kidney disease;
  • In diagnosis with the introduction of a contrast agent, the list of contraindications is expanding:
  • Diabetes;
  • Cookie problems;
  • Allergies to iodine, as the composition of the contrast is iodine.


Shortly before computer tomography It is necessary to prepare for it: it is forbidden to eat food within 6 hours before the survey. In advance, it is necessary to take care of loose clothes that will not deliver discomfort during the study. In some diagnostic centers, such special clothing is provided individually to each patient.

It is important to remove all metal accessories, decorations and so on. Their presence may affect the quality of the pictures. It is also forbidden to move and move during computed tomography, since the pictures in this case have the property to distort. According to distorted snapshots, put an accurate diagnosis or simply to decipher them will be almost impossible.

How do

The process of research begins with the fact that the patient is placed on the back, on the movable table of tomograph. Next, it moves inside, the ring begins to rotate. The doctor goes to another office and watches the entire procedure through the window. Only at the request of the doctor you can move (turn your head left or right). Probably need to delay their breath several times.

The tomograph layerly scans the necessary inspection area. The entire diagnosis takes about 20 minutes maximum.

During the diagnosis, the patient may appear side Effects: Nausea, dizziness and unpleasant taste in the oral cavity.

MSCT temporal bone

Multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) of temporal bone - modern method Research. It differs from CT the presence of an X-ray tube, which rotates around the longitudinal axis of tomograph on the trajectory of the spiral. The MSCT takes a little less time relative to CT.


The temporal bones are perfectly visualized without a contrast substance, but it is simply necessary for inspection of soft tissues. Contrast improves visualization: makes soft fabrics more visible due to the fact that the contrast is quickly absorbed into them.

Decoding and results

After the study, the sections are transmitted to the patient, which is sent to them to a radigenologist. The decoding of the cut leaves 2 times longer: it all depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe survey, the number of images and the detected pathology.

The smaller the pathology, the harder to make decoding. If there are no pathologies, the decoding does not take much time.

Differences CT from MRI

Computer tomography is an alternative to MRI of temporal bone. The main and most important difference is the principle of work of tomographs: In computed tomography, the examination passes with X-ray rays, and MRI with the help of magnetic resonances.

By time, the MRI process takes 2-3 times longer than CT. At the same time, undergoing MRI in the presence of metal implants is strictly prohibited.

> CT temporal bones

CT temporal bones is used to diagnose diseases of the skull and detect pathological processes. During the examination, the doctor also receives data on the state of the middle and internal ear, the external auditory pass, the cells of the mastoid process. This is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to determine the anatomical features of the cranial box.

The role of the temporal bones is very important, so the diagnosis of its diseases is paid particularly attention. It is adjacent to artery, nerve fibers, it helps to function with the chewing machine, protects the inner ear and the vestibular device from damage. The need for such a survey appears if the patient appealed to the doctor with complaints of dizziness, pain in the temporal area, worsening hearing or vision, discharge from the ears, problems for chewing food. If the preliminary techniques do not give accurate information about the causes of these symptoms, CT is assigned, which helps solve any doubts and put an extremely accurate diagnosis. The method is based on X-rays that transmit information to the computer. If necessary, a three-dimensional image is built.


Tomography allows diagnosing a plurality of diseases that are difficult to be determined using other techniques:

  • Tumors, metastases and various neoplasms
  • Otitis, acute inflammatory diseases
  • Abscesses, infectious and bacterial lesions
  • Injuries, cracks, fractures
  • Hemorrhage in soft fabrics
  • Degenerative changes of the bone
  • Otosclerosis, mastoiditis

The survey is also carried out at the stage of preparation for surgical interventions before the implantation of the electrode. It is indispensable for observing the progress of the selected course of treatment. The direction on such a survey usually gives a otolaryngologist or a maxillofacial surgeon.


The radiation load in any dosages is prohibited by pregnant women. If their survey is needed, then MRI is recommended. The remaining contraindications concern contrast gain. Its use is unacceptable packing with endocrine, cardiovascular and renal diseases. If a person has allergies to seafood, preliminary samples are needed for the body's response to the drug. It is possible that from the use of iodine-containing substances will have to abandon and conduct a survey without contrast.


Preparation is required only during the examination with the contrast - the patient does not eat 5-6 hours before the procedure starts. It is important to take care of clothes - metal elements, insertions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe survey are unacceptable. Remove earrings in advance, piercing, if any.

How do you do?

The study is carried out lying on the back. Sometimes the doctor asks the patient to turn her head left or right. At some stages, breathing will be delayed for a few minutes. After selecting the mode and setting the survey parameters, the medical staff leaves the office and monitors the procedure from the adjacent room through the window. The tomograph layerly scans the body, sending rays in three planes at a distance of 1-1.5 mm. As a result, a detailed image is lined up, which has a high diagnostic accuracy. It occupies a study from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on whether the contrast is used. Results are ready on the same day. Usually, their processing takes no more than an hour. If necessary, snapshots are recorded on electronic media - in this form they allow them to more detail and clearly assess the condition of the temporal bones and adjacent to them tissues.

Using contrast

The temporal bones are perfectly visible in the pictures and without contrasting. However, it is necessary for a clear assessment of soft tissues: adjacent tendons, vessels, etc. This helps to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe flowing inflammatory and infectious processes. Contrast is introduced intravenously either 15 minutes before the procedure starts or during it after several pictures have already been made.

A substances with iodine content are used that quickly absorb soft tissues, making them noticeable against the backdrop of bones. Typically, the process is not accompanied by some discomfort, but side effects are not excluded: light dizziness, nausea, itching. When strengthening symptoms, it is necessary to inform the doctors about this using the built-in loudspeakers.

Carefully use contrast to examine nursing mothers - the substance quickly penetrates the milk and delayed there. If you avoid tomography, it fails, then the woman will have to overcome the child from the chest for 2 days, and the resulting milk to join.

Benefits of the method

  • It is possible to build a 3D reconstruction of the surveyed area. In electronic form, pictures can be increased without prejudice to their quality.
  • The procedure will take about 5 minutes if you do not need to use contrast.
  • The cost of the procedure is very democratic against the background of alternative techniques.

Possible risks

The intensity of irradiation to whom the patient is exposed is so small that he does not cause serious damage to health. But radiation has the property of accumulating in the body and is removed very slowly, therefore it is recommended to make intervals between tomography at least 3 weeks or replacing them with difficult diagnostics. Another risk is associated with the use of contrast, which approximately 3-4% of cases of the total number of the surveyed causes an atypical response of the body. Therefore, they recommend preliminary tests, analyzes to help identify possible side effects and prevent them.


Among the radiation diagnostics for examination of the temporal bones, the distribution of MSCT was obtained, which, in fact, is a type of computed tomography. It is characterized by the method of scanning - X-rays pass through the patient's body on a special spiral trajectory, thereby increasing the accuracy of the examination and its speed. If the irradiation is prohibited, then the MRI is prescribed - a difficult diagnosis that also allows you to see the condition of the soft tissues located nearby.

If there is no access to modern high-precision equipment, then we carry out ordinary radiography, with which you can also see inflammatory processes, injuries and hemorrhages.


The price of CT of the temporal bones will cost an average of 3.5 - 5 thousand rubles. The price includes the cost of a contrast solution. In some clinics, 7-8 thousand rubles will have to pay for the same survey. MSCT and MRI of this area stands just more expensive - 5-6 thousand, which is due to the use of more modern and expensive equipment. The most affordable diagnostic method is x-ray, the price for which does not usually exceed 1-1.5 thousand rubles.

Computed tomography (abbreviation: CT) is a diagnostic x-ray procedure, which is used to identify traumatic, inflammatory or tumor diseases. CT of temporal bones is most often used in suspected fractures or destructive processes, less often for the diagnosis of inflammatory changes in the internal and middle ear.

What is computer tomography?

Computer tomography of temporal bones principle of action is practically no different from conventional radiography. In contrast to the "classic" X-ray, which leaves only a two-dimensional picture on X-ray film, computed tomography creates sectional images of the entire body or a specific area. Hence the name of this method; Tomo in ancient Greek means "section".

CT visualizes fabrics in three dimensions; This not only allows you to identify various diseases, but also determines the location and degree of these pathological changes. At the beginning of the 70s, the first computer tomography was made. For several years, it has become one of the most valuable diagnostic methods in radiology, and today it is impossible to imagine the hospital without it.

American Physicist Allan M. Kormak and British Electrical Engineering Godfrey Hounsfield made a significant contribution to the development of the method, so the Nobel Medicine Prize was awarded in 1979.

How does computed tomography work?

As in the case of classical radiography, computed tomography uses the fact that different body tissues are unequal permeable for X-ray rays. The more denser the fabric, the more it absorbs radiation. In pictures different types Fabrics appear in shades of gray.

The bones absorb almost all X-rays, so they have a shade from light gray to almost white. With a normal X-ray examination, all tissues lying on each other are projected together on one plane (on the detector or film). Their shadows are superimposed on each other. As a result, only tissues that are very different from the density of radiation can be seen in the picture.

A modern CT device consists of an X-ray tube and detectors. The trick is that the source of X-ray radiation rotates around the studied part of the body, for example, around the head. As a result, organs and tissue in the body layer absorb rays not only from one, but also from different directions.

From these different projections at the same level, the computer calculates the cross-sectional image, on which the anatomical features and any pathological changes in the field of temporal bones are visible. Again in different shades of gray, but much clearer and more detailed than on the X-ray. As a rule, the CT study includes the visualization of a large number of layers of the area under study.

In modern spiral tomographs, the patient moves in the device until the X-ray tube revolves around it. On the one hand, it reduces the scan time and reduces the radiation load on the patient. On the other hand, the computer can also convert separate sections into a three-dimensional image. Devices of the last generation (multi-detector tomographs) can do the same, but faster and even better. As a result, moving organs - the heart - can be investigated in a fraction of a second.

According to the indications, contrast agents are used, which the patient receives either through a vein or orally. As a result, the informativeness of the computer tomogram can be further increased.

When is CT of temporal bones?

Computed tomography is a tool needed in medicine for both definition and to eliminate diseases, as well as to control the course of therapy. The procedure provides accurate images of almost all areas of the body and fabrics. Detection of tumors and metastases (secondary tumors) of temporal bones - basic readings for CT.

Computed tomography head is also used in hospitals and other practices to explore many other issues. In most cases, the procedure is prescribed by suspected blood hemorrhage to the brain, ischemic stroke, a fracture of a skull or other intracranial pathology. Vessels, especially cerebral artery, can also be investigated using computed tomography. CT ear and pyramids of temporal bones are prescribed to eliminate destructive processes, neoplasms, inflammatory process internal or middle ear, vascular lesions. The method is also used in ambulance departments, where the survey gives information about fractures and internal injuries.

Thanks to the ring design of the device, the survey is almost always done lying. The patient moves on a sliding bed inside the machine. While CT works, the patient is one in the room; Medical staff should leave the room due to the danger of radiation exposure. However, through the window, the doctor may at any time see what is happening in the diagnostic room.

It is important that the patient lay motionless during scanning, because even small movements can worsen image quality. The duration of the survey depends on the issue under investigation of the body of the body and, not least, from technical characteristics Devices.

Interesting! Modern CT lasts approximately 3 minutes, and sometimes no more than 30 seconds.

According to indications, X-ray drugs are used. As a result, the organs may be displayed even better, which further increases the significance of the CT-image. Typically, the patient receives a contrast agent immediately before examination in Vienna. CT temporal bones of the child can only be performed after consulting a pediatrician.

What should I consider in advance?

In women of childbearing age, it is necessary to eliminate pregnancy before computed tomography. Because radiation irradiation is a danger to the future child. For this reason, pregnant women should refuse CT if possible and resort to another diagnostic method (for example, ultrasound).

Patients who are appointed tomography with contrasting, you need to prepare in advance for the procedure. For 4-5 hours, you should not eat food, you can drink some water. If there is a known hypersensitivity to contrasting iodine-containing substances, this should be informed about this. The doctor will also ask for possible renal dysfunction to which contrast may affect.

Complications and alternatives

Some patients develop allergic reactions after the introduction of contrast. Threatening life complications due to contrasting hypersensitivity - as statistical data show - extremely rarely found anywhere in the world. It is important that the medical personnel know about possible disorders of the kidney and the thyroid gland before the introduction of a substance.

Alternative to CT of temporal bones - magnetic resonance tomography (MRI) and ultrasound examination. What method of visualization is most suitable, the doctor solves individually.

Modern Computer High-quality Tomography of Temporable Share bone tissue carried out in all medical centersequipped with innovative equipment. This procedure is carried out for both children and adults and allows you to accurately determine different pathological changes in this part of the skull or congenital, as well as the acquired abnormal abnormalities. Modern CT of the temporal bones of the child and adult does not require special training, and also present minimal amount Contraindications.

The essence of the CT of the temporal part of the skull

A person's temporal bones perform a large number of different enough important functions. It is the arteries that are attached to them, numerous nervous fibers, as well as the movable part of the upper jaw. In essence, this is the natural protection of the inner ear, as well as a complex system of an important vestibular apparatus.

Important! Different kinds of damage to the temporal bones are very dangerous for humans, injuries and diseases are fraught with different serious consequences. It may be a hearing impairment, vision problems, as well as a brain failure.

For the reason that diseases in this sphere exist quite a lot, and to produce their accurate diagnosis, without such a procedure, as a CT of temporal bone, can not do. The CT procedure is completely painless and occupies the minimum amount of time. As a rule, it is 5-10 minutes if the contrast is not used, and approximately 30 minutes if this substance was used. In the process of survey, the minimum amount of X-ray irradiation is affected. Despite relative security, it is not often recommended to conduct a procedure. At a minimum, from one to another procedure should pass at least 3 weeks.

Testimony to the survey

Children and adults for CT directs the ENT or a maxillofacial plastic surgeon. Among the main readings of this procedure can be noted:

  1. Worsening hearing and vision without visible reasons.
  2. Dizziness and various painful sensations in the field of temples.
  3. Pain and unpleasant discharge from the ear cavity.
  4. Acute and chronic otitis.
  5. Penetration of foreign objects.
  6. Injuries of temporal parts.
  7. Jaw mobility disorders.
  8. Suspicions on tumors.
  9. The presence of a cyst.
  10. The breadless process is investigated.
  11. Congenital destruction of temporal bones.

The indication is also a preoperative preparation of a person who is planned to install the electrode and then observe it after implant implantation. It is impossible to do without CT in the study of the pyramids - a special part of the temporal bone. It is here that there is a secondary and inner ear, as well as important nerve fibers and vessels with veins for humans.

Important! A feature of this procedure is the application in the process of research of special contrast.

What does CT show?

In the process of conducting computed tomography of the temporal area, a doctor who specializes in the pictures analyzes not only this part, but conducts a study of the general type of bones, the situation and features of the functioning of the internal and middle ear, the pyramids, the heart-shaped process in the ear, as well as the main auditory passage. Based on the pictures received, the doctor may diagnose the following pathologies, that is, it is responsible for the request:

  • Abscesses;
  • Acute and chronic otitis;
  • Development of different infections;
  • Cracks in the bones and fractures;
  • The presence of tumor formations;
  • Injuries of cartilage and soft tissues;
  • Hemorrhage.

Tomography is able to show such indicators as the overall structure of the pyramids, the development of tumors and the neurom, anomalies in the structure and the cause of adverse allocations from the ears. If internal damage was obtained as a result of injury, the procedure makes it possible to reveal the foci and sources of bleeding. The procedure of tomography on average takes 30 minutes, and an hour is spent on decoding.

In order to increase the information content of the CT of temporal bones, contrast preparations are used based on iodine.

Preparation for tomography

When implementing the procedure, the patient lies with a special moving table. In the process of work, it slowly moves into the main capsule, where the process of obtaining pictures is being taken. It is worth being prepared for the fact that the rotation of tomograph produced around the head with a little noise. X-ray radiation is directed strictly on temporal shares. In some cases, you can ask the patient to turn a little head and delay your breath. To obtain the most accurate pictures, it is necessary to maintain immobility.

Important! When examining the temporal parts of the skull, a study with contrast is often carried out. This is the ideal opportunity to get the analysis of soft tissues, identify different tumors, as well as infectious and inflammatory processes.

In mandatory, the pyramids of temporal bone elements are examined at MRI. Answering the question of how to check, it can be noted that the contrast is also used. In the substance used, iodine is present and it is introduced intravenously about 30 minutes before the survey. In some cases, the tool is administered directly with the already conducted tomography. When conducting a study by introducing this substance, you need to be prepared for the fact that it is sufficiently heavy.

Contrast causes serious allergic reactions, and in more easily cases can cause nausea and dizziness. With a significant increase in the serious strengthening of side effects, it is worth reporting to the doctor. This is not difficult to do, as a double-sided connection is installed between the room with a tomograph and office of the doctor.

Speaking about the need to prepare, it can be noted that it is quite simple. If the contrast is not entered, no action is undertaken at all. If the contrast is necessary, you need to trace the meals, the last of which should be accepted at least 6 hours before the event. As for drinking, the last drink should be used in about 2 hours. At least per day, you need to completely exclude smoking and alcohol.

These preparation measures are needed for the reason that in the process of introducing contrast, as few side effects occurred. This is the perfect opportunity to avoid itching, nausea, dizziness, and will not be negative effect on vascular system. As a preparation, there is a rule on the removal of all metal items from the body. The doctor must know about all implanted metal products and implants. The pictures will then turn out clearly, the decoding passes very quickly, the description in the hands is issued in literally an hour.

Contraindications for use

Even if there is no contraindication to the use of a contrast agent, there are undesirable moments that are contraindicated to conduct the procedure itself. A unconditional contraindication to conducting where to make CT temporal bones is pregnancy and head hyperkinesis. Completely not allowed to survey on tomograph patients who have a lot of weight, as the risk will appear that their anatomy will damage the mechanical properties of the device. Most of the devices are able to withstand human weight in 120 kg. Women who face sufficiently painful PMS should also refrain from a computer research.

If tomography of temples are carried out by small children, some difficulties with ensuring immobility may arise. For this reason, babies are injected into a slight state of medication sleep. This is completely harmless to the health of the child, the procedure that provides complete devils of the baby. Pictures and conclusions are issued very quickly.

The procedure is not carried out on the examination of the temporal part of the skull to adults and children if they have such pathological conditions, as:

  1. Acute and chronic renal failure.
  2. Violations in the work of the heart and endocrine system.
  3. Allergies to the contrast, which contains iodine. It is not difficult to recognize a similar reaction if it is, then a person has a negative reaction to seafood.

Special attention deserves the procedure for women, nursing kids. If a woman has passed such a survey, for two days after it is shown to refrain from feeding. This time will be quite enough to completely eliminate the substance from the body.

Summing up

The temporal region of the skull in normal operation performs quite a lot of functions important for humans. With its damage, there is a risk to face problems, hearing and other functions. If the cost will seem high, it is necessary to immediately relate it to the guaranteed advantages.

The temporal bone is an organ with a complex structure, inside of which there are many channels containing tubular anatomical structures - nerves and blood vessels. The temporal bone takes part in the formation of the skull's arch, it is a container of the inner ear structures - the organ of hearing and equilibrium, and also serves as a support for the articular eight of the lower jaw, is the place of attachment of the muscles. The structure of the temporal bone is most complex for visualization through the CT due to the large number of channels and cavities, the complexity of the anatomical structure. In the temporal bone, it is customary to distinguish the three main parts - the pyramid, the drum part and the scales - they are disconnected in detail on the reconstruction below.

In the image - reconstruction (based on CT of temporal bones). Arrows of the bright yellow color allocated the line of scaly-dark (temporal dark) seam, the blue arrow is marked by the temporomandibular joint, the green arrow - the temporo-zylovoy synostosis. The figure 1 is marked with a zyloma process of temporal bone, which together with a temporal process forms a zilly arc. Figure 2 marked the maternity process, a number 3 - scales of the temporal bone, 4 - dark bone, 5 - the articular process of the lower jaw, which forms the temporomandibular joint, 6 - the breadless process, 7 - a hole, which begins the outer hearing pass, 8 Bones, 8A - temporal process, 8B - frontal process, 9 - frontal bone. A gridder of green color is marked by a cornflower abnormal jaw.

Pyramids of temporal bones, CT reconstruction, axial cut.

X-ray of temporal bone (on Shuller). The red arrow is marked the outer hearing pass (as well as the inner, operating projection), the blue arrow - the temporomandibular joint, orange arrows - the cells of the mastoid process and the stony part of the pyramid containing gas with the xuller's xuller radiography are visualized in the form of multiple enlightenments.

CT temporal bones, three-dimensional reconstructions in bone mode. On the image on the left, the arrows were isolated by temporal packen seam, a number 1 - zyloma process, 2 - a mastoid process, 3 - scales, 4 - dark bone, 5 - the articular proceeding of the lower jaw, 6 - a seal process, 7 - an external hearing pass. On the right image (view from the inside of the cranial box), the arrows marked the rocky part of the temporal bone.

The scales of the temporal bone has a lamellar shape and is located almost parallel to the middle plane of the body. Its outdoor surface rough and slightly convex (here the temporal muscle is attached to the bone), from it to the zilly bone, there is a zyloma proof, which, together with the temporal proceeding of the zick bone, forms temporo-zylovoy synostosis. Together they form so-called. Skylty arc. On the lower surface of the zilovogo process, you can find the mandibular fossa, which is articular surface Temporable mandibular joint (limited front to the articular tubercock).

Sagittal Reformation obtained in computed tomography of temporal bones at various levels, demonstrated (from left to right): external hearing aisters (should be symmetrical in width, without signs of edema of mucous), internal auditory passes (the width of them in the norm varies in the range of 4-5 mm , and the right and left should be approximate equal to the left, deviation is allowed within only 2 mm), the channel of the internal carotid artery.

CT of temporal bones, axial sections, demonstrating (from left to right): Canal internal carotid artery; The deepening of the intracranial part (bulb) of the inner jugular vein (marked by blue arrows), as well as internal auditory passes.

On images - CT of the temporal bones normally, on the left side, the pyramids are isolated, blue circle - the structure of the inner ear, on the right when deciphering the CT - signs of right-handed average otitis. Please note how thickened the mucosa of the outer auditory passage (marked with a red arrow), as well as estimate the pneumatization of the cells of the mastoid process to the right (marked with a blue arrow) and on the left - to the right of the cells are filled with content, to the left of the air.

In the pyramid there are multiple gas filled cells, which serve as a kind of resonator, strengthening the perception of sound information. The pyramid is distinguished by the rear side department (chipidoid process) and anterior internal department, having a pyramidal shape, the top of it is directed by it and the klyona.

The mapping of internal hearing aisters on the CT of the temporal bones (left) and normal pneumatization of the preceding processes (right). Internal hearing aisters are symmetrical on the right and left, they are not expanded, the wall of them is flat, it is clearly traced, while one-sided expansion of the internal auditory passage is the signs of the tumor (the bowl of all Schwannomes, the nevinoma) of the auditory nerve - the description of the CT is normal. On the right is the normal version of pneumatization of predominant processes.

The main channels of the temporal bone, which are most often analyzed by describing the routine computed tomography, is a carotid artery channel, as well as an internal auditory passage. The channel of the carotid artery originates in the middle departments of the stony part of the pyramid, opens out the outer hearing hole. It is heading forward, somewhat ahead of the middle ear, makes bending and opens in the area of \u200b\u200bthe top of the pyramid. Structures passing through a sleepy channel - internal carotid artery, veins, fibers of sympathetic nerves. You can also visualize the facial channel at CT of the temporal bones. It begins at the bottom of the inner auditory passage and opens near the elevation of the pyramid; Contains intermediate and face nerve, as well as feeding them vessels.

Channels of temporal bone (channels of internal carotid arteries) on CT (axial slice - on the extreme right image, reformatted images on the left and center). Well visible inner carotid artery (intra-channel part), as CT was carried out with intravenous contrast. The channel has a length of about 2.5 cm, the curved stroke (artificially straightened during reformatting), changes in the lumen of the vessel inside it is not determined. In the image, in the middle is a mode that allows you to visualize the walls of the channel (bone).

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