
Moderately pronounced subchondral sclerosis of the articular surfaces. Subchondral sclerosis: What is this disease and how is it treated? Physiotherapy for the treatment of osteophytes

Subchondral sclerosis is a degenerative damage to the cartilage covering the inner surfaces of the joints, in which the normal functional tissue is replaced by a connecting, which is not capable of performing the required functions. At the same time, the bone tissue of the joints, forming the growths, also begins to grow.

This pathological process is not distinguished as a separate disease, and is one of the manifestations of osteoarthrosis of the joints and the osteochondrosis of the spinal column. It is not immediately developed, but as the main disease progressing is progressing in disgraving caused factors, improper treatment. Subchondral sclerosis is more susceptible to the elderly, but lately it is also celebrated in young people.

Stages of subchondral sclerosis

The development of the disease passes in stages:

  1. Initial subchondral sclerosis - growing bone tissue It happens only at the edges of the joint.
  2. Moderate subchondral sclerosis - osteophytes are distinguishable on a x-ray, the articular slot is narrowed, and the articular part of the bone is characterized by a brighter color.
  3. Subhondraral sclerosis III stage - there is a significant narrowing of the articular slit, large bone growths, the joint ventilation activity is significantly violated.
  4. Subchondrian sclerosis IV stage - osteophytes of a very large size, the articular surfaces of the bones are significantly deformed, the dryness of the joint is noted for full extension and bending.

Subhondraral sclerosis of the knee joint - what is it?

The knee joint is very often amazed by subchondal sclerosis, because It is constantly exposed to high loads. The risk factors for the development of pathological processes in this joint are:

  • overweight;
  • hormonal failures;
  • professional harm.

Pathology is detected in patients with deforming osteoarthritis of knee joints that manifests such symptoms as pain when loading and at rest, crunch when driving, hindrances, knee extensions. In this case, cracking, thinning of cartilage tissue, loss of strength and elasticity. The frequent consequence of the subchondral sclerosis of the knee joint is the development of the varetle or valgus deformation of the legs.

Subchondral spine cleaner - what is it?

The subchondral sclerosis of the closure plates of the bodies of the spine vertebrae is more often noted in the cervical department, less often in breast and lumbar. In this case, patients complain about chronic pain in the appropriate affected area, neurological complications are also possible (numbness of limbs, dizziness, etc.), the deformation of the spine.

The main danger of the pathology of this localization is the increased risk of spontaneous compression fractures that may occur even with minimal physical exertion. In the most launched cases, partial or full paralysis is noted.

Subchondral sclerosis of hip joint

This location of pathology almost always complicates the flow of hip arthrosis. The main manifestations in this case are: chronic hip pain (in motion and alone), limiting the amplitude of movements in the joint, the development of chromotype.

The subchondral sclerosis of the hip joint is dangerous in the increased risk of fracture of the neck of the femur and the aseptic necrosis of its head. Therefore, when the pathological process is detected, it should be immediately involved in the prevention of possible severe consequences. If the treatment does not start on time, you can completely lose the limbs.

The pathological process in the joint tissue does not relate to diseases. It is manifested during the patient of the X-ray study and is a consequence of the concomitant disease of the joint.

Subchondral sclerosis of the joint surfaces is diagnosed in older patients. Characterized by the ignition of living cells inside the human body, on the place of which is formed connective tissue coarse structure.

It does not fulfill all the functionality, but only an auxiliary function. Sclerosis occurs when improper treatment of arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

Bone tissues come into contact with each other with articular tissue. Sustains and cartilage, flexible and elastic, are responsible for the smoothed limb movement. Under the cartilage cloth is a subchondral plate on which it relies as on the support.

When injuring the record, osteophytes begin under cartilage on bone tissue. These are highlights that interfere with the limbs smoothly move.

If a benign neoplasm is located with the edge, then the changes are minor, weakly affecting the functionality. If osteophytes grow up and shy the joint bag, then the mobility of the limb is limited, the patient feels pain.

Most movements people are carried out in a vertical position. Young patients are more often diagnosed with CBC sclerosis. The articular and cartilage tissues wear out, affect the plate, and it is on bone fabrics with their subsequent deformation.

Osteosclerosis of the knee is more often diagnosed in the elderly. Symptoms In the development of pathology, they begin with pain syndrome and reduce the amplitude of the knee movement.

Carrying out x-ray study, distinguish 4 degrees of the pathological process:

  1. Osteophytes begin to grow along the edges of bone tissue, not shifting the articular and cartilage tissue. The growths do not overlap the lumen between the bones.
  2. Osteophytes are actively increasing in size. Sclerosis of the joints is characterized by narrowing the lumen and restriction of the movement of the limb.
  3. Sclerosis of the joints of the joint is developing as quickly as possible. Osteophyte is large and completely overlap the clearance of the bag between the bones.
  4. Benign bone growths overlap the gap. Go beyond the bones and begin to shift soft fabrics.

Important! Osteosclerosis is well visible on the radiographic picture. When suspected the development of pathology in a patient against the background chronic disease articular tissue, you need to contact a specialist in the direction of research.

Causes of the development of pathology

Why the pathological process develops:

Causes of development of subchondral sclerosis Description of disease
Endocrinology. Diabetes

Crying and joints in diabetics are subject to rapid destruction. Blood impairment, change in vascular grid, defective cell power, excess body weight and low-luxability cause subchondral sclerosis of the hip joint. The excess glucose destroys osteophyte, which consists of collagen.
Immunology. Lupus erythematosus.

The lesion during the red lolly comes from the development of the inflammatory process associated with the decrease in immunity. Pain syndrome is manifested in one or several places at the same time. More often amazed small joints. Red lupus causes osteosclerosis of the elbow joint. If the patient leads an active lifestyle, the articular tissue is exposed that migrates through the tissues of the entire body without residual phenomena.
Metabolism. Gout

It is characterized by a change in the human body of metabolism. Pathology leads to the accumulation of urinary acid metabolic products in the articular bag, which causes the atherosclerosis of the joints. Pathology has a second name - gouty arthritis. In the risk group, strong sex representatives over 35 years old.
Injury. Fractures.

Sclerosis of sacrolling and ileum joints is formed in patients with a fracture of bones, cartilage and osteophyte. Restore need a lot of time. For the resumption of motor activity, the patient passes a rehabilitation course.

Important! The damage to the joints during sclerodermia occurs when age-related changes, genetic predisposition and overweight.

Symptomatics of subchondral sclerosis depending on the location site

If the patient has sclerosis of small bones of the joints and the first degree of pathological change, then there is no symptomatic. Symptoms begin to manifest themselves from the second stage of deformation, at which the mobility of the joints begins to be lost.

For the third degree of damage, cartilage is fixed. Bone tissue rubs on each other and deliver severe pain to the patient. With the fourth steppe, the lesion of the joint tissue is assigned to the stage of disability.

Symptomatics of pathology, depending on the location of localization:

Ajacked joint Description of the process of modification
Sclerosis of intervertebral discs Symptomtics begins with painful sensations in a stupid neck. Benign bone neoplasms affect the work of the Central nervous system. The patient may begin headaches, dizziness and reducing the clarity of vision.
Sclerosis of the knee and elbow joints The initial manifestation of symptoms is characterized by clicking and scripting in the joints when movement. When developing pathology, the patient is hard to bend and blend limbs. Later treatment leads to complete immobilization and assignment of a group of disability.
Sclerosis TBS Pain syndrome increases at night. The patient cannot serve himself in the morning. Subchondral sclerosis affects the work of a number of internal organs. The patient has a delay in urine and change potency in men. In the development of pathology and late treatment, the person moves with the help of canes, in the launched state - a wheelchair.

Treatment sclerosis

If the patient was diagnosed by the subchondral sclerosis of the articular surfaces, the treatment consists in receiving analgesic drugs that reduce pain syndrome.

These include:

Name of the drug

Combined analgesic, manufactured in tablet form. Active component - sodium metamizole. The daily dosage is designed for receiving up to three tablets of the drug. Contraindicated to take a medicine at: acute diseases Liver and kidney, elevated arterial pressure. In childhood, up to 14 years, pregnant women and in the period of natural feeding of babies.

Complications: Changes in the gastrointestinal mucosa, dizziness, blood pressure change.

In order to improve the state of the articular and cartilage tissue, the doctor prescribes the reception of medication with chondroitin and glucosamine.

Name of the drug Pharmacokinetics and daily dosage Contraindications and development of possible complications
Glucosamine Chondroitin complex

The drug is produced in a capsuated form. Active components - glucose sulfate and sodium chondroitin sulfate. Complex include a biological additive that helps regulate the exchange in cartilage tissue. The drug is accepted by 3 capsules per day during feeding. If the patient has subchondraral osteosclerosis, treatment with the help of glucosamine chondroitin complex is carried out in the absence of an allergic reaction to the active components of the drug. It is also forbidden to use biologically active additive in childhood up to 12 years.

Reception of drugs for a while suspends the pathological process, but does not restore the functionality completely. Operational intervention does not give a positive result capable of stopping the development of pathology. Experts recommend visiting a masseur, manual therapy and yoga courses.

After reviewing the video in this article, you can consider in detail what subchondral sclerosis is and how it is manifested in different parts of the articular tissue.

Subhondrian sclerosis of the articular surfaces is the process of dieting healthy joints of the joints and their subsequent replacement with a connective tissue. This is rather an X-ray term than a separate disease. Often subchondral sclerosis becomes a sign of a developed osteoarthrosis.

Causes of development of subchondral sclerosis

Sub-acting ball is a layer of fabric, which is adjacent to the cartilage. Unfortunately, with age, he can be scruved and grow. This is due to the fact that the blood supply to the subchondral layer is disturbed due to atherosclerosis or other vascular pathologies. Due to the violation of the blood flow to the subchondral layer, the structure of cartilage is disturbed. This is one of the pathogenetic mechanisms for the occurrence of osteochondrosis and the appearance of osteophytes.

Environmental process develops with age. The elasticity of the structures that surround the joint is raised, the cartilage is destroyed and sclerosis is formed. Subhondraral sclerosis and creeping osteophytes is a diffuse phenomenon, most often common on the spine. Large growths provoke pain while driving.

Subchondral sclerosis and osteosclerosis can develop for such reasons:

  • degenerative processes in articulations (osteoarthritis);
  • constant, uneven physical burden on the joints;
  • excess weight;
  • diabetes and atherosclerosis of the lower extremities;
  • autoimmune pathology.

Subchondral sclerosis often affects the hip joints of patients after 50 years. This is a symmetric process, it is accompanied by morning stiffness and pains during exercise.

Subhondraral sclerosis of the joints of the lower coaches is accompanied by intermittent chromota, pain at the end of the working day.

Treatment of subchondral sclerosis

Unfortunately, subchondral sclerosis is not treated in 80% of cases. You can only stop the progression of pathology. It is unknown to the end, which of the factors affects the development of the disease and it is impossible to cure it with one tablet.

But if not engaged in treating in general, it will lead to the immobility of the limb or spine. Over time, ankylosis will develop against the background of subchondraral sclerosis.

What drugs are prescribed to the patient with osteosclerosis:

  1. Package and anti-inflammatory agents from the NSAID group (diclofenac, meloxicami, celecoxib).
  2. Chondroprotectors. Tools have unproved efficacy, therefore are used only as auxiliary method.
  3. Vitamins of group B. Actually with a deficiency of vitamins, polynereropathy. Assign combined drugs (Milgamma, Combiliphene).

With severe, in the joints of the patient, it is necessary to make novocaine blockades. They are performed by a verticrologist or neurologist.

It is possible to connect the course of physiotherapy methods in the treatment of osteosclerosis:

  • magnetic waves;
  • phonophoresis and electrophoresis;
  • paraffin and mud appliqués.

The extreme degree of burden of the joint is borne by the surgical method - endoprosthetics.

It is important to engage in dosage physical files or exercises.

The main rules for the patient with osteosclerosis, which should be observed at home:

  • control body weight in body weight index;
  • do not injure bones and joints;
  • engage in dosage exercise;
  • avoid infectious diseases and synthesis inflammation.

Osteophytes represent the growth of bone tissue. Quite often bone growths proceed without any symptoms, and they can only be identified after a x-ray study. Osteophytes can be formed on the surfaces of the bones of stop and arms ( on their end sites), in the cavity of the tops of the upper and lower extremities. Also bone growths may occur in the spinal column, in different areas.

Osteophytes are usually formed after injury to medium and severe, which end in bone fractures. Osteophytes may also develop due to the presence of degenerative-dystrophic changes that affect the joints and the spine. Often the chronic course of the inflammatory process, which flows in bone tissue, as well as in the surrounding tissues, contributes to the occurrence of bone expansions.

Interesting Facts

  • Osteophytes are also called bone spurs.
  • Osteophytes may arise from bone tissue of any type.
  • Bone expandments of large size to significantly limit movements in the affected joint.
  • In some cases, osteophytes may occur after the bone tissue of tumor metastases from other organs.
  • Bone expansions, as a rule, have a thicker or tidworm form.
  • Osteophytes may occur against the background of diabetes.

What is osteophyte?

Osteofit is nothing more than the pathological growth of bone tissue. Osteofit received its name due to its form ( from Greek. Osteon - Bone and Phyton - Plant, Process). Bone expanding can be both single and multiple. The form of osteophytes can be diverse - from fine processes in the form of teeth or spikes to thick and massive structures in the form of tubercles. Osteophytes, as well as the usual bone tissue, consists of the same structural elements.

The following types of osteophytes are distinguished:

  • bone compact;
  • bone spongy;
  • bone-cartilage;
  • metaplastic.

Bone compact osteophytes

Bone compact osteophytes are derivatives of compact bone tissue substance. The compact substance is one of two types of bone tissue, which forms the bone. Compact bone tissue substance performs many different functions. First, this substance has considerable strength and can withstand large mechanical loads. The compact substance is an outer layer of bone. Secondly, the compact substance serves as a kind of storage for some chemical elements. It is in a compact substance there is a lot of calcium and phosphorus. The compact bone layer is homogeneous and especially developed in the middle part of long and short tubular bones ( femoral, tibial, small, shoulder, elbow, radiation bone, as well as bones Stop and phalange of fingers). It is worth noting that the compact bone tissue is approximately 75 - 80% of the total weight of the human skeleton.

Bone compact osteophytes are mainly formed on the surface of the stop bones ( tweets), as well as on the phalanges of the fingers and hands. Most often, this type of osteophyte is located on the terminal areas of tubular bones.

Bone sponge osteophytes

The bone sponge osteophytes are formed from the spongy bone tissue. This tissue has a cellular structure and formed from bone plates and partitions ( trabez). Unlike compact substance of bone tissue, the spongy substance is light, less dense and does not have a special strength. The spongy substance participates in the formation of end departments of tubular bones ( epiphyshes.), and also forms actually the entire volume of spongy bones ( wrist bones, represented, vertebrae, ribs, chest). In the tubular bones, the spongy substance contains a red bone marrow responsible for the blood formation process.

Bone spongy osteophytes occur due to serious loads on bone tissue. This type of osteophyte may occur in almost any segment of spongy and tubular bones, since the spongy substance has a relatively large surface area.

Osteophyte bone-cartilage

Bone-cartilage osteophytes occur due to deformation of cartilage tissue. Normally, the articular surfaces are covered with cartilage. The cartilage performs an important function in the joint, since due to it, the friction that occurs between the articular surfaces of the articular bones becomes much less. If the cartilage tissue is subject to permanent excessive loads, as well as in the case of inflammatory or degenerative disease, thinning and destruction of this tissue occurs. The bone under the influence of a large mechanical load begins to grow. Cross-cartilage data ( osteophytes), increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe articular surface in order to evenly distribute the entire load.

Bone-cartilage osteophytes are most often formed in large joints, where the load on the articular surfaces reaches maximum values \u200b\u200b( knee and hip joint).

Metaplastic osteophytes

Metaplastic osteophytes occur in the case when the cells of the same type are replaced in the bone tissue on the other. In bone tissue, 3 types of basic cells are isolated - osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts are young bones cells that produce a special intercellular substance ( matrix). In the future, the osteoblasts are immutted in this substance and are transformed into osteocytes. Osteocytes lose the ability to share and produce an intercellular substance. Osteocytes are involved in metabolism, as well as maintain the constant composition of organic and mineral substances in the bone. Osteoclasts are formed from white blood taurus ( leukocyte) And necessary in order to destroy the old bone tissue.

The quantitative ratio of osteoblasts, osteoclasts and osteocytes in metaplastic osteophytes is atypical. These osteophytes arise due to inflammation or infectious diseaseaffecting bone tissue. In some cases, metaplastic osteophytes may occur with the impaired regeneration of bone tissue.

It is worth noting that osteophytes in an evolutionary plan played an important role, since if there is no complete regeneration of cartilage or bone tissue in the destructive joint, osteophytes limit the amplitude of its movements and slow down the process of destruction.

Causes of osteophyte appearance

The reason for the appearance of osteophytes may become different disorders in the metabolism. Often bone growths arise due to large loads on the joint, which leads to the destruction of cartilage tissue. Also the reason can be direct injury to the joint or spine.

The following causes of osteophytes are distinguished:

  • bone inflammation;
  • degenerative processes in bone tissue;
  • bone fracture;
  • long stay in forced position;
  • bone tumor diseases;
  • endocrine diseases.

Inflammation of bone tissue

Inflammation of bone tissue often leads to osteomyelitis. Osteomyelitis is a disease that affects all bone elements ( bone marrow, spongy and compact substance, periosteum). Osteomyelitis, as a rule, is caused by glotted bacteria ( staphylococci and streptococci) or the causative agent of tuberculosis ( mycobacteriums). The reason for the occurrence of osteomyelitis can be the open fracture of the bones, the ingress of globular microorganisms into bone tissue from chronic infection foci or non-compliance with the Asepta rules ( disinfection of tools in order to prevent the microorganisms into the wound) when conducting Osteosynthesis operations ( operations in which various locks are used in the form of spokes, screws, pins). This disease most often occurs in femoral and shoulder bones, vertebrae, leg bones, as well as in the tops of the lower and upper jaw.

For children, the hematogenous path of transmission of infection is characterized, when the diseases of the infection through the blood are pepped by bone tissue. In this case, most often the disease begins with chills, headaches, general ailment, multiple vomiting and increase body temperature up to 40ºС. After a day, there is a sharp, drilling pain. Any movements in the damage zone cause severe pain. Skin covering over the pathological center becomes hot, blushing and tense. Often the process extends to the surrounding fabrics, which leads to the spread of pus into the muscles. Nearest joints may also be affected ( purulent arthritis).

In adults osteomyelitis occurs, as a rule, after open bone fractures. The wound during injury is often contaminated, which creates favorable conditions for the development of a purulent inflammatory process. If the fracture is linear ( in the form of a thin line), then the inflammatory process is limited to the fracture. In the case of a convolver fracture, the purulent process can spread to most of the bone.

Often, the process of regeneration of bone ends with the formation of osteophytes. This is due to the fact that the periosteum ( film from connective tissue covering bone top) In some cases, it can be separated from bone tissue and reborn into osteophytes of various shapes. It is worth noting that bone expansions that arose against the background of osteomyelitis, for a long time they can decrease in the amount of up to complete disappearance. This process is possible at the normal process of regeneration of periosteum, as well as due to the thickening of the compact substance of bone tissue.

Degenerative processes in bone tissue

Degenerative processes in bone and cartilage tissue can occur not only in old age, but also due to excessive loads on the joints and the spine in younger.

The following diseases are distinguished, which lead to degenerative processes:

  • deforming spondylosis;
  • deforming osteoarthritis.
Deforming spondylose
The deforming spondylosis is a disease that leads to the wear of the intervertebral discs. Normally, each intervertebral disc consists of a ring-shaped connective tissue ( fibrous ring) And the coder, which is located in the center. Thanks to these fibrous cartilaginous discs, the spine has mobility. With a deforming spondylise, the front and side of the intervertebral disks is destroyed, it is protruded outward and under the action of constant pressure from the spine is reborn into osteophytes. Also, bone expansions can be formed from the anterior longitudinal bundle of the spine, which strengthens the entire vertebral barrel. In fact, deforming spondylosis is a consequence of the osteochondrosis of the spinal column. In osteochondrosis, the blood supply to the cartilage tissue of intervertebral disks occurs, which leads to degenerative processes in them. The appearance of osteophytes with a given disease is a protective reaction of the organism on the process of degeneration in intervertebral disks.

Deforming Osteoarthrosis
Deforming osteoarthritis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease that affects the cartilaginous tissue of the joints. The cause of osteoarthrosis can be a joint injury, an inflammatory process or improper development of tissues ( dysplasia). At the initial stage of the disease, only the synovial fluid is affected, which feeds the cartilage tissue of the joint. In the future, pathological changes occur in the joint itself. The affected joint is not able to withstand the usual load, which leads to the emergence of an inflammatory process in it, which is accompanied by pain syndrome. In the second stage of osteoarthrosis, the destruction of the cartilage tissue of the joint occurs. It is for this stage that the formation of osteophytes is characteristic. This is due to the fact that the bone is trying to redistribute the weight due to an increase in the surface area of \u200b\u200bbone tissue. The third stage of the disease is manifested by a pronounced bone deformation of the joint surfaces. Deforming osteoarthritis of the third stage leads to the insolvency of the joint and shortening the ligament. In the future, in the affected joint, pathological movements arise or active movements in the joint become strongly limited ( contracts arise).

Fracture bones

Often osteophytes may occur due to the fractures of the central part of the bones. At the site of the fracture, bone corn is formed, which is a connecting tissue. After some time, the connecting tissue is gradually replaced by osteoid fabric, which differs from bone because its intercellular substance does not contain such a large number of calcium salts. During the process of regeneration around the connecting bone fragments and osteoid tissue, osteophytes may occur. This type of osteophyte is called post-traumatic. If the fracture is complicated with osteomyelitis, the likelihood of bone expansions increases. Often osteophytes are formed from the periosteum, which is most actively involved in regeneration during fractures of the central part of the bones. Most often, post-traumatic osteophytes have a similar structure with compact bone tissue. In some cases, osteophytes may be formed during damage and separating only one periosteum. In the future, this connective tissue film is shown and transformed into bone process. Most often, post-traumatic bone expansions are formed in the knee and elbow joint. Also osteophytes can be formed when bundles of ligaments and articular bags. It is worth noting that post-traumatic osteophytes over time can change their dimensions and configuration due to the constant exercise on the joint.

Long stay in forced position

Long stay in a forced position ( standing or sitting) Inevitably leads to overloading of various joints. Gradually, due to the increased load, the cartilage tissue of the articular surfaces begins to collapse. The process of destruction, as a rule, prevails over the regeneration process. Ultimately, the entire load falls on a bone tissue that grows and forms osteophytes.

It is worth noting that staying in an uncomfortable and forced position for a long time often leads to the emergence of diseases as deforming spondylosis and osteoarthritis.

Tumor bone tumor diseases

In some cases, osteophytes arise due to the lesion of bone tissue of a benign or malignant tumor. Bone expansions may also arise due to metastases ( moving tumor cells from primary focus to other organs and fabrics) into bone tissue from other organs.

Osteophytes can be formed at the following tumors:

  • osteogenic sarcoma;
  • sarcoma Yinga;
  • osteochondroma;
Osteogenic sarcoma
Osteogenic sarcoma is a malignant bone tumor. Osteogenic sarcoma ( cancerIt is a very aggressive tumor, which is characterized by a rapid growth and a tendency to early metastasis. This sarcoma may occur at any age, but, as a rule, people occur from 10 to 35 years. In men, osteogenic sarcoma occurs about 2-2.5 times more often than in women. For this pathology, the defeat of the long tubular bones of the upper and lower extremities is characterized. The lower limbs are subjected to this disease 5 times more often than the top. As a rule, osteogenic sarcoma occurs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe knee joint and the femoral bone. Often the beginning of the disease remains unnoticed. At the beginning of the disease near the affected joint, a mesmer stupid pain appears. Pain sensations in this case are not associated with the accumulation of inflammatory liquid ( exudat). Gradually, the cancer tumor increases in size, which leads to an increase in pain syndrome. The fabrics around the zone of the damage are pale, and their elasticity is reduced ( pastosity fabrics). In the future, in progression of this disease, articular contractures arise ( restriction of movements in the joint), and also increases chromota. Strong painses that arise both in the afternoon and at night are not removed by the admission of painkillers, and also do not stop when fixing the joint gypsum bandage. Ultimately, the tumor strikes all the functional tissues of the bone ( spongy substance, compact substance and bone marrow), and then applies to neighboring tissues. Osteogenic sarcoma very often gives metastasis in the lungs and brain.

Sarcoma Jinga
Sarcoma Yinga is a malignant tumor of the bone skeleton. Most often the long tubular bones of the upper and lower extremities are affected, as well as ribs, pelvic bones, a blade, clavicle and vertebrae. Most often, this tumor is detected in children 10 - 15 years, and the boys sick one and a half times more often than girls. This oncological disease in 70% of cases affects the bones of the lower extremities and the pelvis. At the initial stage of the disease, the pain in the place of the defeat is insignificant. Often the emergence of pain explain to sports or household injury. In the future, the pain occurs not only when performing movements, but also alone. At night, the painful syndrome, as a rule, is amplified, which leads to a breakdown of sleep. With the sarcoma of Jinga, there is a limitation of movements in nearby joints. The leather above the damage zone becomes edema, blushing, hot to the touch. Sarcoma of Yinga can give metastases in the brain, as well as in the bone marrow.

Osteochondrome is the most frequent benign bone tumor, which is formed from cartilage cells. Most often osteochondrome is found in long tubular bones. This benign tumor is usually diagnosed in children and adults from 10 to 25 years. Osteochondrome leads to the fact that the bone tissue is formed, which is coated on top of a cartilaginous cloth. These growing can be both single and multiple. Often multiple osteochondromes talk about hereditary diseases of the disease. Osteochondrome ceases its growth when the process of growing bones is completed. It was after 25 years that the epiphysear plate is replaced, which participates in the longitudinal growth of bones and from which osteochondrome is formed. It is worth noting that sometimes osteochondrome can be reborn into a malignant tumor ( if it is not treated in time to a surgical way).

Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor among the male population. According to statistics, the prostate cancer is the cause of about 10% of cancer deaths in men. In most cases, this tumor occurs in old age. For prostate cancer, slow growth is characteristic. Sometimes from the moment of the occurrence of the tumor cell until the last stage of cancer can take place for 15 years. The main symptoms of the prostate cancer can be attributed to rapid urination, pain in the perineum, the presence of blood in the urine ( hematuria) and sperm. In advanced cases, an acute urination delay may be observed, as well as symptoms of cancer intoxication ( progressive weight loss, unmotivated weakness, resistant body temperature increase). It is worth noting that the symptoms of prostate cancer may appear only in the later stages of the disease or not to appear at all. With this disease, metastases can penetrate into the lungs, adrenal glands, liver and bone tissue. In most cases, metastases fall into femur, pelvic bones, as well as in the vertebrae.

Mammary cancer
Breast cancer is a tumor of iron fabric ( main functional fabric) Breast. Currently, the breast cancer ranks first among all the forms of cancer among women. Risk factors include alcohol abuse, smoking, obesity, inflammatory processes in the ovaries and the uterus, liver disease, hereditary burdensity, etc. In the early stages of the disease, the symptoms are usually absent. In the future, small small-sensitive and moving masses may appear in the breast. During the growth of the tumor, the mobility and fixation of the breast is disturbed, and specific discharges from the nipple pinkish or light orange color appear. Metastases with breast cancer can reach the liver, lungs, kidneys, spinal cord and bone tissue.

In most cases malignant tumors lead to the formation of massive osteophytes. As a rule, tumor data break through the periosteum into the surrounding tissues and lead to the formation of osteophytes having a look of a spur or visor. Osteophytes that are formed against the background of benign lesions are bone spongy type. In the event that metastases fall into bone tissue, then the body of the vertebrae is affected primarily ( the main part of the vertebra on which the intervertebral disk is located) and the upper part of the bones of the pelvis ( comb of the iliac bone).

Endocrine diseases

Some endocrine diseases can lead to serious changes in the skeleton. In most cases, such pathology as acromegaly leads to the emergence of bone expansions.

Acromegaly is an endocrine disease, in which an increase in the production of growth hormone ( somatotropic hormone). This is due to the fact that in the front of the pituitary one of the centers of the endocrine system) There is a benign tumor ( adenoma). With acromegaly there is an increase in the sizes of the skull bones ( bones of the facial department), Stop and hands. The chest becomes a barrel shape, the vertebral pillar is significantly twisted, which leads to limitation of movements in it. The cartilage tissue of the joints under the influence of additional loads associated with the increase in body weight, begins to collapse. Often these violations lead to deforming osteoarthritis and spondylosis. On some bone protrusions ( nail Falangi, Sedal Bugs, Spiters on the Thigh BonesBone expansion can be formed. Also patients are worried about frequent headaches, increased fatigue, vision disorder, as well as a violation of menstrual function in women and a reduction in potency in men ( up to impotence). It is worth noting that this disease occurs only in adults. If the somatotropic hormone in excess is produced in childhood, then this leads to gigantism.

Osteophytes of the spine

The cause of osteophytes of the spine in most cases is deforming spondylosis. With this pathology, bone expansions may arise from the front edge of the bodies of the vertebrae or depart from the articular processes ( processes that participate in the formation of joints with the overlying and underlying vertebrae).

Spine osteophytes are manifested as follows:

  • pain syndrome;
  • bone rebirth of spinal bundles;
  • restriction of mobility in the spinal column.

Pain syndrome

At the initial stage of diseases of pain, as a rule, does not occur. Over time, there is a deformation of the vertebrae, which in most cases leads to the formation of osteophytes. In the future, degenerative-dystrophic processes progress, which leads to a narrowing of the channel, in which the spinal cord is located. In some cases, osteophytes can reach significant sizes and thereby squeeze the nerve roots, which come from the spinal cord and are part of the peripheral nervous system. If the nerve roots are infringed, this is manifested as painful syndrome. The pain in the affected segment of the spine is enhanced while driving, as well as during coughing or sneezing. Paints can enhance during the day, as well as break sleep at night. Often, when squeezing the nerve roots of the lumbar spine, the pain spreads into the buttock, thigh, shin and foot on the projection of the sedellastic nerve ( symptoms of radiculitis). If osteophytes or deformed vertebrae excessively squeeze the nerve roots, then it leads to the loss of motor and muscular sensitivity of those parts of the body that the root data is innervated ( put nerves).

It is worth noting that the cerhing segment of the spine is affected most often with spondylise. In this case, some vascular disorders, such as dizziness, violation of visual perception, whiskers in the ears can also be joined in painful sensations in the cervical.

Bone rebirth of spine bundles

Often, when spondylise, bone rebirth of the ligorous apparatus is observed, which supports the entire vertebral pole.

The following spoken ligaments are distinguished:

  • front longitudinal bunch;
  • rear longitudinal bunch;
  • yellow ligaments;
  • inter-silent ligaments;
  • supported bunch;
  • own bunch;
  • interiperee ligaments.
Front longitudinal bunch attached from above to the first vertebra cervical department And goes to the periosteum at the level of the first two sacrats vertebrae. The front longitudinal bunch covers the entire front surface, as well as a slight piece of the side surface of the vertebrae of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and partially sacrilate department. This bundle is firmly woven into intervertebral discs and is less firmly connected to the bodies of the vertebrae. From the side of the sides, the front longitudinal bunch goes to the periosteum. The main function of the front longitudinal ligament is to limit excessive extension in the spine.

Rear longitudinal bunchoriginates on the rear surface of the second cervical vertebra ( in the spinal canal), and the bottom is attached to the first vertebrae of the sacrilate department. This bundle is fastened with intervertebral discs. The rear longitudinal bunch in contrast to the rest has a large number of nerve endings and is extremely sensitive to various mechanical stratification by the type of stretching from intervertebral discs. Often, the rear longitudinal bunch is affected by the appearance of the hernia of the intervertebral disk.

Yellow baleslocated in the intervals between the vertebral arcs. Yellow ligaments fill the intervertebral slots from 2 cervical vertebra to a sacrum. These bonds consist of a large number of elastic fibers, which, when extensing the body, are able to shorten and act like muscles. It is the yellow ligaments that help hold the torso in the state of extension and at the same time reduce the muscle tension.

Inter-silent ligamentsthey are plates of connective tissue, which are located between the masculine processes ( unpaired processes that depart from the arc of each vertebra on the midline) nearby vertebrae. The thickness of inter-sliced \u200b\u200bligaments varies greatly depending on the spinal column segment in which they are located. So the most thick inter-silent ligaments are located in the lumbar department, while in the cervical department they are less developed. These ligaments are bordered in front with yellow ligaments, and near the tops of the spasy processes merge with another bundle - navigable.

Supported bunchit is a continuous connective tissue of heavy, which stretches on the tops of the spinless processes of the vertebrae of the lumbar and sacrilate department. This bunch largely fixes the sausage processes. At the top, the supervisory bundle is gradually moving into an outbag.

Own bunchit is a record, which consists of connective tissue and elastic seasites. The left bundle is located only in the cervical department. From above, this bunch is attached to the occipital scallop, which is located just above the first cervical process, and below the bundle is attached to an accelerated process of the last seventh cervical vertebra.

Interpretation ligamentsare underdeveloped fibrous plates, which are located between the transverse process of vertebrae. Intervertebral ligaments are well developed in the lumbar department and are poorly expressed in the cervical and thoracic segment of the spine. In the cervical department, these bundles may be completely absent.

In most cases, osteophytes, which are formed from the front edge of the vertebral bodies, can adjust to the front longitudinal ligament and lead to its irritation or even to the partial rupture. Gradually connecting fabric damaged ligament reborn into bone tissue ( ossification process). This process in rare cases can occur with other spoken ligaments ( rear longitudinal bunch, yellow ligaments).

Restriction of mobility in the spinal column

Limiting mobility in the spine may be due to the presence of osteophytes of significant sizes. Bone growths lead to the deformation of the bodies of nearby vertebrae, which sometimes causes their battle. If osteophytes deform or destroy the articular surfaces of the intervertebral joints, then this can lead to a significant loss of mobility in separate spinal segments, up to complete immobility ( ankylosis).

Diagnosis of osteophyte spine

The identification and diagnosis of osteophytes does not represent special difficulties. Detect bone expansion in the absolute majority of cases helps a radiographic method. But in itself, osteophyte detection is not worth any value without identifying the cause, which entailed the formation of bone expanding data. It is worth noting that in some cases osteophytes of minor sizes can be found, which proceed without symptoms and do not need drug or surgical treatment.

For detection of osteophytes, the following instrumental diagnostic methods are used:

Radiographic method

The radiographic method is the main methods for the diagnosis of osteophytes due to its availability and non-invasiveness ( this method does not injure tissues). At first, osteophytes look like small pointers on the front top or bottom surface of the bodies of the vertebrae. Their sizes do not exceed a few millimeters. In the future, bone expansions may increase in size. The massive osteophytes of the spinal column very often on radiographic images have the shape of bird bears. It is important not only to determine the localization and form of osteophytes, but also structure, contours and dimensions. In some cases, the X-ray method allows you to identify other pathological changes in the spine.

CT scan

Computed tomography is a method of layer-by-layer study of the internal structure of tissues. Computed tomography allows you to get slightly more accurate information about the changes occurring in the spine and the surrounding structures. Computed tomography in the diagnosis of osteophytes, as a rule, is not used, since this method compared to X-ray is relatively expensive.

Magnetic resonance imaging is a highly informative method for diagnosing damage to various tissues. To diagnose osteophytes of the spine, this method, as well as the method of computed tomography is relatively rare.

Treatment of osteophytes of the spine

Treatment should be started only after the presence of osteophytes is confirmed by the X-ray data data. Depending on the stage of the disease, as well as on the basis of various Osteophyte parameters ( size, shape, structure, location), the orthopedist doctor in each individual case chooses the necessary treatment regimen.

  • physiotherapy;
  • medication treatment;
  • surgery.


Physiotherapy is a complex of treatment methods using various physical factors (electric current, magnetic radiation, thermal energy, ultraviolet rays, etc.). Often, it is particular physiotherapy that helps to remove pain, as well as to restore largely movement in the affected segment of the spine. Physiotherapeutic procedures in combination with properly chosen drug treatment in most cases lead to a significant improvement in well-being. It is worth noting that physiotherapeutic procedures are most effective at the initial stages of diseases.

Physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of osteophytes of the spine

Type of procedure Mechanism of action Duration of treatment
Acupuncture (acupuncture) When piercing special points on the body, various effects can be achieved. Acupuncture is actively used in the treatment of spondylase to eliminate the increased tone of the muscles of the spine ( hypertonus), which enhances pain. To relieve pain syndrome use a sedative method of treatment having an anesthetic and soothing effect. As a rule, 6 - 12 needles are used, which are enhanced in the necessary areas of the skin around the spinal column. The depth of the introduction of the needle should not exceed 0.9 - 1.0 cm. The duration of one acupuncture session, on average, is 20 - 30 minutes. The course of treatment in each individual case is selected by the attending physician.
Massotherapy Mechanical and reflex effects on tissue arranged around the spinal column contribute to a decrease in the severity of pain syndrome. Therapeutic massage must be carried out before therapeutic physical education, as the massage removes the stress from the muscles, which are involved in maintaining the spine. Massage improves blood circulation of surface and deep spinal tissues, and also accelerates metabolism in damaged tissues. It is worth noting that in the spondylise is strictly forbidden intensive massage and stretching the spine. The duration of treatment depends on the type and stage of the disease.
Physiotherapy Properly selected exercises contribute to reducing pain syndrome, strengthening muscles and a ligament, and also significantly accelerate the process of regeneration of damaged spine tissues. It is worth noting that the set of exercises selected specifically for each case ( based on the stage of the disease and symptoms) must be performed for a long time. The duration of the course of therapeutic physical culture, as well as the exercise complex should be seamless in each individual case.
Electrophoresis with Novocaine The effects of constant electric current contributes to a faster penetration of medical preparations into surface and deep spinal tissues. Electrophoresis contributes to the fact that in the affected tissues a drug depot is formed, which for a long time constantly affects damaged tissues. To reduce pain syndrome, electrophoresis is used in combination with 1-5% novocaine solution. Medicinal electrophoresis should be carried out daily for at least 10-15 minutes. Treatment must be carried out until completely relieving pain.
Ultrasound therapy The impact of elastic oscillations of sound waves, which are not perceived by the human ear, significantly improve the metabolic process in tissues. Ultrasound is capable of penetrating the tissue to a depth to 5 - 6 cm. Ultrasonic waves also have a thermal effect, as the sound energy can be transformed into thermal. Under the action of ultrasound therapy, degenerative-dystrophic processes are slowed down, which lead to spondylise. Every day or every other day for 15 minutes. The course of treatment, on average, is 8 - 10 sessions.
Diad dartimatherapy The mechanism of the effect of diadimetherapy is similar to electrophoresis. A constant electric current with a frequency of 50 to 100 Hz is served on the affected segment of the spine. Depending on the current type ( single phase or two-phase), as well as its strength in the damaged spine segments, various effects can be achieved. The current is most often used with a higher frequency, as it stimulates the metabolism of deep tissues, reduces the pain in the field of exposure, and also improves blood circulation.

It is worth noting that some physiotherapeutic procedures are contraindicated in the presence of a patient certain diseases.

Physiotherapy is contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  • malignant tumors;
  • veins ( thrombophlebitis, thrombosis);
  • massive bleeding;
  • elevated blood pressure ( hypertension 3 Stages);
  • atherosclerosis ( cholesterol deposition in the walls of arterial vessels);
  • active form tuberculosis;
  • the aggravation of infectious diseases.

Medicia treatment

Medical treatment is reduced to the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. This drug group largely contributes to the elimination of pain syndrome. It is worth noting that anti-inflammatory drugs for a better effect should be used in combination with physiotherapy procedures, therapeutic massage and therapeutic gymnastics.

Medical treatment of spinal osteophytes

Name of the drug Group Affiliation Mechanism of action Indications
Ketoprofen. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs outdoor use. These drugs inhibit the production of biologically active substances that are involved in the inflammatory process. Reduce the intensity of pain syndrome, reduce swelling of tissues. Outwardly on the painful spine segments three times a day. The drug is applied by a thin layer and rub in the skin to the skin completely absorb. The course of treatment is 10 - 14 days.


Surgery prescribed only in running cases or in the absence of effect from medical treatment. As a rule, the operation is assigned, if osteophytes are pressed on the spinal cord or nervous roots. In this situation, it is resorted to decompression of Laminectomy.

Surgical treatment of spinal osteophytes

Indications Methodik Purpose of the operation Duration of rehabilitation
If massive osteophytes lead to a narrowing of the spinal canal and pressed on the spinal cord ( spinal stenosis), causing appropriate symptoms, then in this case decompression laminectomy is shown. In order to make decompression ( elimination of compresses) The spinal canal resort to removal of an arc of one or several vertebrae. The operation is carried out under general anesthesia. At the beginning of the operation, the surgeon makes a suction of the skin corresponding to the place of operation. After receiving access to the necessary vertebrae, an incision is made and at the rear of the vertebral arc, and in the future and complete removal. At the end of the operation, the wound is in layers. Eliminate numbness, constant pain, irradiating in hand or legs depending on the affected spine segment. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the general state of the patient's health before the operation, as well as the volume of operation. As a rule, for 3 - 4 days after the operation of the patient, they are released home. It is possible to return to work that does not require special physical efforts, it is possible to return 15 days after the operation, and if the work is conjugate with the performance of physical exertion, then after 3 to 6 months.

Osteophyte foot

Osteophytes of the foot, as a rule, are formed on the heel bone. The main cause of the formation of the so-called heel spur is inflammatory-degenerative changes of the plantar fascia ( tendon). This fascia is attached to the heel bugarh and is involved in maintaining a longitudinal foot. The constant microtravum of the plantar fascia leads to its inflammation ( plantar fasciy). The predisposing factors of the plantar fasci are believed - excessive loads on the lower limbs, as well as various injuries of the heel bone ( fractures or cracks).

Osteophytes can also be formed around the nail ( nail Lodge) Thumb foot. These osteophytes are often able to push the nail plate and thereby cause severe pain in the finger. Such manifestations are very similar to the symptoms of an ingrown nail ( onichokriptosis).

Osteophytes of the foot are manifested as follows:

  • pain syndrome;
  • violation of the foot function.

Pain syndrome

Paints are the most important feature of the presence of heel osteophytes. The pain in the heel area, as a rule, occurs and amplified under load. Paints are most pronounced in the morning. This is due to the fact that at night in damaged fascia, the regeneration process occurs, which shortens it. In the morning, while walking, the impact on this shortened fascia again leads to its discontinuity and stretches it to the initial sizes. The pain gradually subsides, but in the future it can appear again.

If osteophytes occur at the base of the distal phalange of the thumb ( under the nail record), it inevitably leads to the emergence of pain. This is due to the fact that these osteophytes are mechanically irritated by the nerve endings, which are located under the nail.

Violation of the function of the foot

Violation of the function of the foot is observed with massive heel osteophyte. Pain sensations can be quite strong, which can lead to temporary chromotype ( gentling or painful chromoty). The patient due to the presence of pain in the heel region is trying not to load the affected lower limb, it shits it, as well as during walking, relies on it a smaller time, making focus on the front of the foot.

Diagnostics of osteophyte foot

In most cases, the diagnosis is made on the basis of patient complaints, as well as on the basis of the data obtained after an objective inspection of the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe foot. To confirm the diagnosis, you must use the instrumental methods for diagnostics.

In most cases, for the detection of osteophytes, the footsteps are resorted to a radiographic method. On X-ray, the heel spur can have a spike-shaped, wedge-shaped or a semi-shape, which departs from the heel beast. The radiographic method refuses this pathology in the absolute majority of cases, and that is why the use of other instrumental methods, such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance tomography, is inappropriate. These methods are prescribed only when it is necessary to obtain information not only about bone tissues, but also about the surrounding structures.

Treatment of osteophyte foot

The treatment of osteophytes of the foot should begin with a decrease in the physical activity on the affected limb. In the treatment of heel spurs, special orthopedic insoles have proven well, which support the longitudinal arch of the foot. You can also use tuners that are an insole with a cut front part. The teller allows the heel to be in the correct anatomical position, and also reduces the load on the entire foot as a whole. It is worth noting that in most cases, various types of fixation of the plantar fascia are helped by patients with heel spur.

The following types of fixation of the plantar fascia are distinguished:

  • tipping;
  • use night orthosis.
Tipping It is a procedure for applying adhesive tape on the skin for better fixation of the ligament, joints and muscles. Tipping is used to prevent and treat various injuries and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Foot tipping is extremely effective in the presence of heel spurs. The special laying of the patch contributes to maintaining the longitudinal arch of the foot, and also supports the plantal fascia itself in a physiologically normal position ( the elongated state of the tendon). It is worth noting that tipping must be carried out after therapeutic physical education ( after gymnastics, the plantar fascia). For taping, you can use as a special adhesive ribbon ( teipom), so and the usual wide adhesive plaster.

Night Orthhesesare special orthopedic devices that help unload the sore limb, fix and correct its function. In fact, the night orthosis is a kind of corset for the joint or limb. These orthopedic devices are capable of fixing the foot at right angles ( position of the maximum revenge), which provides at night support for plantar fascia. In the future, this fascia is restored without shortening, and its tissues are not exposed to microtraumism. To achieve the necessary therapeutic effect, night orthoses should be used daily for several months.

It should be noted that the above methods of treating the heel spurs do not always have the necessary therapeutic effect and often need to be combined with other methods of treatment.

The following methods are also used to treat osteophytes:

  • physiotherapy;
  • medication treatment;
  • surgery.


Physiotherapeutic methods for treating heel spurs are currently the most preferred. These methods are not able to eliminate the bone exploration themselves, but painfully eliminate pain. Physiotherapy in combination with wearing shoes with orthopedic insams or tents, as well as the use of night orthoses in most cases, completely stop painfully syndrome.

Physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of osteophytes of the foot

Type of procedure Mechanism of action Duration of treatment
Vibroacoustic therapy Normalizes blood circulation in the affected area. Promotes reducing pain. As the treatment of heel spurs, the Vitafon apparatus is used. This vibroacoustic apparatus affects the body tissue by microwave oscillations. The device works in two frequency ranges - from 20 Hz to 4.5 kHz and from 200 Hz to 18 kHz. In the process of operation, the frequency of the apparatus is constantly changing and thereby achieved the effect of deep vibration. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the severity of pain syndrome.
Massotherapy The mechanical effect on the heel bone of the foot leads to an improvement in blood circulation in tissues and accelerate the regeneration process of plantar fascia. Also, mechanical irritation of the heel osteophyte contributes to a decrease in pain. Massage can be carried out both independently and with the help of a specialist. First, it is necessary to find the place of maximum pain. Next, with the help of large fingers, it is necessary to massage a painful point for 5 to 7 minutes. The movements should not be quick, but strong. The duration of the massage should not exceed 7 - 8 minutes. Massage must be done no more than once every two days.
Physiotherapy Performing special gymnastic exercises contributes to the training of the plantar fascia. Regular and dosage loads make fascia with elastic, durable and elastic. Therapeutic gymnastics should begin after the warm-up, because during the workout all the muscles of the leg muscles ( ion and cambaloid muscle) Well stretch and warm up. It is these muscles that interact with the heel tendon ( Achillovo tendon) And through it, the sole fascia itself is stretching.
Laser therapy The effect of directional light radiation activates regenerative processes, improves blood circulation in damaged tissues. Laser therapy relieves swelling, reduces pain, eliminates inflammatory processes. Laser therapy also increases the effect of drug treatment. Laser therapy should be carried out in 2 stages. Initially, 10 procedures with a pulsed frequency of 50 Hz and a light radiation capacity of 80 MW in 4 projections are carried out. The procedure is carried out daily within 10 days. The second course lasts 2 weeks, during which the radiation frequency is gradually increased to 80 Hz.
Shock-wave therapy Penetrating the tissue, pulses of sound waves of a certain frequency are able to block the transmission of pain pulses, eliminate swelling and restore damaged tissues. Also, the effects of shock-wave therapy reduces the load on the ligament, by grinding salt deposits ( calcinatov). Some experts believe that the effect of using shock-wave therapy is comparable to surgical treatment. The duration of the procedure varies from 10 to 30 minutes. Between each procedure, depending on the result should pass from 3 to 21 days. On average, the duration of the course of treatment is 5 - 7 sessions.
Radiotherapy X-rays can penetrate deeply into the tissue and block the transmission of pain impulses. X-ray radiation has high energy and low wavelength. This method does not eliminate the heel osteophytes themselves, but can eliminate pain for a long time. X-ray therapy is used in the case when other physiotherapeutic methods do not bring the necessary therapeutic effect. The duration of the radiotherapy course is 10 sessions. Each procedure lasts about 10 to 12 minutes.

Medicia treatment

Medical treatment is based on the use of anti-inflammatory drugs of outdoor action ( gels and ointments). These funds eliminate pain in the heel region, and also accelerate regenerative processes in the plantar fascia.

Medical treatment of osteophytes of foot

Name of the drug Group Affiliation Mechanism of action Indications
Flexen Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs outdoor use. These preparations penetrate the skin into bundles, tendons, blood and lymphatic vessels and have local anti-inflammatory, painkillers and anti-ethnic effects. Also, the impact of these drugs on the plantar fascia helps to reduce the morning stiffness. Apply outwardly on the entire heel area twice or three times a day. The drug must be applied with a thin layer and rub to the skin well until it absorbs. The course of treatment is 10 - 14 days.

If anti-inflammatory drugs outdoor use do not bring relief, then you can use the medicinal blockade of the heel spur. This procedure is not too common, as it requires an orthopedic or a surgeon of great practical experience and knowledge.

Therapeutic blockade is an effective method used to relieve pain syndrome. This method is based on the introduction of a medical preparation directly into the pathological hearth ( in the zone of the heel osteophyte), which is the cause of pain. The surgeon slips the most painful plot several times.

The following medical preparations are distinguished, which are used for the blockade of heel spurs:

  • Hydrotisutis a hormone of adrenal cortex ( glucocorticosteroid). Hydrocortisone has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, painkillers and antiallergic effect.
  • Kenalogit is a synthetic preparation from a group of adrenal hormones. This drug has a strong anti-inflammatory and painkillery effect. Kenalka practically does not affect the water-salt balance and does not lead to a fluid delay in the body.
  • Diprosphe is a hormone of adrenal cortex. Significantly reduces the severity of the inflammatory response and contributes to the rapid relief of pain in the pathological focus.


Surgical treatment is shown in the event of osteophytes on the phalanges of the fingers of the feet, as well as in the event that there is no effect on the medical treatment conducted and physiotherapy during the heel spur.

Surgical treatment of osteophytes of foot

Indications Methodik Purpose of the operation Duration of rehabilitation
Expressed pain syndrome together with the lack of effect from other treatment methods ( physiotherapy, medication treatment, the use of special ralk, tunes or night orthosis). The operation is carried out endoscopic. The surgeon makes 2 small holes with a diameter of no more than 5 mm. Through one hole, a special camera is introduced, which helps the surgeon to control the course of the operation, and through the second - required tools. To access the heel osteophyte, it is necessary to launch the plantar fascia. Next, a special tool for serving bone tissue ( surgical cutter) Conduct osteophyte. The operation is carried out under local anesthesia. Remove bone growing on the heel bone, which is the cause of constant microtraumamism of the plantar fascia. The duration of rehabilitation is several days. Immediately after the operation, the leg can be gradually loaded.

Osteophytes knee, shoulder, hip joint

In some cases, osteophytes can both form in the custody of the joint. Most often, bone expansions are formed in the knee, shoulder and hip joint. The reason for the occurrence of osteophytes is deforming osteoarthritis.

At the initial stage of osteoarthritz joints, bone expansions are peculiar pointers, the size of which does not exceed 1 - 2 mm. Most often, osteophyte data is formed at the boundary areas of the surfaces of the joints or in the places of attachment of ligaments. As the narrowing of the articular gap progresses, bone growths increase in size and acquire a different shape and configuration. If the number of osteophytes and their dimensions are constantly increasing, this indicates the progressive course of deforming osteoarthrosis.

Osteophytes of the knee, shoulder and hip joint are manifested as follows:

  • pain syndrome;
  • violation of joint mobility;
  • sustav deformation.

Pain syndrome

Paints arise due to the fact that bone expansions are pressed and injured the ligament apparatus of the joint and the articular surfaces. These elements of the joints are most sensitive, since it is in them a large number of nerve endings. The intensity of pain depends on the stage of osteoarthrosis, as well as from localization and sizes of osteophytes. Bone expansions up to 1 - 2 mm, as a rule, do not cause any subjective sensations. In the future, as they grow, patients begin to complain about the pain that appear at the end of the working day. Strengthening the severity of pain syndrome talks about the progression of the disease. Chronic pains correspond 2 and 3 stages of deforming osteoarthrosis.

Violation of mobility Sustava

Violation of the mobility of the joint is observed in 2 and 3 stages of deforming osteoarthrosis. The amplitude of movements in the affected joint is noticeably reduced due to the fact that bone expansions can largely block the movements in it. It is also observed a limitation of movements in the joint ( contracture) Due to the combination of shortening ligaments and thickening the joint capsule. In the future, the muscles, which lead to the movement of the joint, weaken. This is connected with the displacement of points of attaching tendons to the bones, which leads to shortening or stretching the muscles and the inability to fully fulfill their functions.

Sustav deformation

The third stage of osteoarthrosis leads to a significant deformation of the articular surfaces. As a compensatory reaction, an increase in the sizes of bone expansions occur, which take part of the load on the joint. In some cases, the full or partial destruction of the cartilage tissue covering the articular surfaces occurs. Extremities axis ( conditional straight line, along which the main burden on the joint is distributed), affected by osteoarthritis, changes greatly. The shortening of the ligament apparatus of the joint can lead to the appearance of the unstability of the joint and pathological mobility in it.

Diagnosis of osteophytes of the knee, shoulder, hip joint

The diagnosis of osteophytes arising in the custody of the joint should be based on highly informative methods. It is necessary not to just identify the presence of osteophytes, but also to understand at what stage there is a disease that led to the appearance of bone exploration data.

The following methods of visualization of osteophytes are distinguished:

  • x-ray of joint;
  • cT scan;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

X-ray Sustava

The X-ray of the joint allows you to identify bone expansions, localize them, and also allows you to determine their dimensions and shape. The radiographic method is used to visualize the state of the articular gap. This method, in turn, has one longer minus, since it does not give information about changes in the surrounding tissues of the joint.

Currently, the following X-ray classification of osteoarthrosis is used.(by kellgren-lawrence) :

  • 1 Stage - the unbearable narrowing of the articular slit, the edges of osteophytes are possible;
  • 2 Stage - identified osteophytes, doubtful narrowing of the articular gap;
  • 3 Stage - osteophytes of medium sizes, the presence of the narrowing of the articular slit, the possible deformation of the bones;
  • 4 Stage - osteophytes of large sizes, significant narrowing of the articular slit, heavy osteosclerosis ( thickening of bone fabric), revealed deformation of bones.

CT scan

Computer tomography allows layer-in-law to scan the struck joint. This method, as well as radiography, is based on the use of X-ray radiation. Computer tomography shows the condition of the joint surfaces, the ligament apparatus of the joint, as well as all the tissues surrounding the joint. Computed tomography allows you to identify various inflammatory and oncological changes in tissues, as well as indirectly confirm the presence of degenerative-dystrophic processes. In contrast to magnetic resonance tomography, this method does not always give complete information about the tendons and joint bundles.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance tomography is a gold standard in the diagnosis of various articular pathologies. Magnetic resonance tomography with an accuracy of 90 - 95% allows you to identify various pathological changes occurring in the joint. Osteophytes can be both single and multiple, as well as have a different form. As a rule, at the initial stage of the disease osteophytes have a kind of spikes. In the future, with the progression of osteoarthrosis, their form can resemble the "ridges" or "skirt".

Treatment of osteophytes of the knee, shoulder, hip joint

Treatment should be based on physiotherapy methods and medicinal physical education, as well as to limit the load on the affected joint. To remove inflammation and pain in most cases, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. In most cases, in addition to painkillers, chondroprotectors are prescribed. These drugs contribute to the regeneration of damaged cartilage tissue.

The following methods are used to treat osteophytes:

  • physiotherapy;
  • medication treatment;
  • surgery.


Physiotherapeutic methods, depending on the state of the patient, can be used both independently and in a complex with other methods of treatment. The effects of electrical and mechanical energy, as well as various natural factors ( water, light, climate) Provides a good therapeutic effect and helps reduce the progression of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the affected joints. Physiotherapeutic treatment methods help reduce pain that occurs during the squeezing of joint surfaces and bundles with osteophytes.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment of intra-articular osteophytes

Type of procedure Mechanism of action Duration of treatment
Diad dartimatherapy A constant electric current with a frequency of 50 to 100 Hz is served on the affected joint. The use of current with a larger frequency allows to reduce the effect of exposure, stimulate the metabolism in deep tissues, as well as improve blood circulation. Daily. The duration of each individual procedure should not exceed 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out up to 3 times a day. The course of treatment should be 5 - 8 days.
Massotherapy Mechanical impact on the fabric during massage allows you to remove the stress in the muscles, as well as improve their tone and blood supply. Therapeutic massage contributes to a decrease in pain in the affected joint. Massage is able to counteract the development of muscle contractures and limiting the mobility of the joint. The duration of the massage session is 15 - 25 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 procedures.
Physiotherapy Performing special gymnastic exercises contributes to the restoration of mobility and the required volume of movements in the affected joint. At the same time, the muscle strength and endurance of the muscles are growing, which are involved in the joint movement. Regular and dosage loads strengthen the bundling apparatus and reduce the speed of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the joint. The duration of the course of therapeutic physical education ( depending on symptoms) Must be 3 - 8 weeks.
Medical baths The impact of therapeutic baths stimulates the metabolism and improves blood circulation in the affected joints. As a rule, they use turpentine and radon therapeutic baths. Bathtub data help improve the regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue, and also help to normalize trophics ( blood supply) Muscles. The course of treatment is 5 - 8 procedures.
Electrophoresis In most cases, sulfur, lithium or zinc electrophoresis are used. In the affected tissues, a medicinal depot is created under the influence of constant electric current. For a fairly long time, the medical drug is able to enter the pathological center and provide therapeutic action. Electrophoresis is used to remove pain syndrome, improving tissue regeneration processes, as well as to stimulate cellular immunity. The course of treatment is selected depending on the stage of the disease. On average, the duration of treatment is 10 - 30 sessions.

Medicia treatment

Medication treatment is aimed at reducing the severity of pain in the affected joint. For this, as a rule, various gels or ointments are used, which have anti-inflammatory activity. You can also take advantage of anti-inflammatory preparations and in the form of tablets or capsules.

Anti-inflammatory preparations for pain relief

Name of the drug Group Affiliation Mechanism of action Indications
Flexen Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Capable to slow down the production of biologically active substances that are involved in the inflammatory response. Reduce the edema of tissues, as well as reduce pain in the affected joint. Externally on the skin of the affected joint three times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.

Recently, drugs have proven well that promote the regeneration of cartilage tissue ( chondroprotectors). This group of medicines contributes to the normal process of restoration of the joint structures that, in turn, stops the growth of osteophytes.

Chondroprotectors for the restoration of cartilage fabric

Name of the drug Pharmacological group Mechanism of action Mode of application
Chondroitin Correctors of the metabolism of cartilage and bone and tissue. Participates in the regulation of phosphorus and calcium exchange in cartilage and bone tissue. Prevents degenerative processes in the cartilage tissue of the joints. Promotes the process of restoring the joint surfaces by developing the main components of the cartilage. Depending on the dosage form. Inside 750 mg twice a day for the first 3 weeks. In the future, the dose is reduced to 500 mg. Intramuscularly, once a day in a day of 100 mg. Starting with 4 injections, the dose must be increased to 200 mg. The course of treatment is, on average, 30 injections. You can repeat the course after half a year.
Glucosamine Strengthens the production of cartilage components ( proteoglycan and glycosaminoglycana). Increases the rate of production of hyaluronic acid, which is part of the liquid that feeds the joint ( sinovial fluid). It has moderate anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Outwardly, they are applied to the skin 2 - 3 times a day and rub up to complete absorption. The course of treatment is 14 - 21 days.
Rumalon Regenerates and reparants ( preparations that participate in the restoration of damaged sections of cartilage and bone tissue). The bone marrow extract and the cartilage of young animals contributes to the improvement of the regeneration process in the cartilaginous tissue of the joint. The drug normalizes the metabolism in cartilage and inhibits degenerative-dystrophic processes. Intramuscularly, deep. On the first day - 0.3 ml, on the second day - 0.5 ml, and in subsequent times 1 ml three times a week. The duration of treatment is 5 - 6 weeks.


Surgical treatment is necessary in the case when the joint surfaces of the joint are completely destroyed, which leads to the formation of massive osteophytes. Often in such situations resort to the replacement of the struck by the joint endoprosthesis ( prosthetic inside the organism). The materials of the prosthesis allow it for a long time not to wear out. The prosthesis, as a rule, completely restores the entire volume of movements in the joint, and also eliminates pain.

Endoprosthetics Sustava

Indications Methodik Purpose of the operation Duration of rehabilitation
Lack of effect from drug treatment, progressive destruction of cartilage and bone tissue joint, the presence of massive osteophytes. The operation is carried out under general anesthesia. Depending on which the joint is performed, the duration and volume of surgical intervention can vary greatly. After cutting the skin and surface tissues, as well as gain access to the joint, the surgeon removes the destroyed cartilage cloth and partially bone. Endoprosthesis is installed on their place. Composite parts of the prosthesis can be fixed to the bone with screws or cement. At the end of the operation, the wound can be installed drainage for blood outflow and inflammatory traffic ( exudat). Removal of the affected joint and replacing it on endoprosthesis. Depends on the operated joint. With the endoprosthetics of the knee joint, the entry takes place on 10 - 14 day after the operation. Within 6 weeks, it is necessary to limit the joint from exercise ( use a cane). Rehabilitation after surgery on the hip joint should be 8 weeks, and on the shoulder - 5.

It is worth noting that endoprosthetics, like any other operation, there are a number of contraindications.

The following absolute contraindications are distinguished for operations on endoprosthetics of joints:

  • cardiovascular diseases in the decompensation stage ( exhaustion of compensatory capacity);
  • diseases of the respiratory system in the decompensation stage;
  • pathologies of the lower limbs with the formation of thrombov ( thrombophlebitis, thromboembolia);
  • the focus of purulent infection in the body;
  • infectious process in the joint area;
  • poliallergia ( allergy to a large amount of various allergens).
There are also relative contraindications.

The following relative contraindications are distinguished for operations on the endoprosthetics of the joints:

  • tumor diseases;
  • liver failure;
  • obesity of the third degree;
  • chronic diseases.

There are many reasons for the appearance of marasmatical diseases of the bone tissue and joints of the musculoskeletal system. Subchondral sclerosis of the articular surfaces - An irreversible disease, which is usually subject to older people. Such a defense greatly complicates human life.

What is subchondral osteosclerosis

Subhondraral osteosclerosis It is characterized by a sealing of bones under the lower surface of the cartilage, as well as a violation of its blood supply and structure.

Sclerosis joints It is a special danger, because it faces the restriction of motor activity and early disabilities. The thinned bone, remaining dense, breaks both with small injuries and under the severity of his body.

The reasons

The disease does not appear suddenly, but develops for many years due to a number of reasons, one way or otherwise affecting the health of the musculoskeletal system. There is external and internal factors that cause the development of subchondral osteosclerosis.

To internal (endogenous) reasons include:

  1. Natural aging of the body. With age, the balance between the "old" and "new" cells of the bone layers is changing, their mineral exchange is disturbed. All these signs are characteristic of the elderly and cause osteosclerosis.
  2. Hereditary features.
  3. Endocrine violations, such as diabetes and hyperparathyroidism.
  4. Disorder of metabolism And the following diseases, such as Wilson-Konovalov, gout.
  5. Vascular diseasesaccumulated throughout life worsen blood circulation in the limbs.
  6. Autoimmune diseasesWhen the cells are damaged by the body. These ailments include rheumatoid arthritis and systemic red lupus.

To external (exogenous) reasons include:

  1. Various injuries Musculoskeletal system. Fractures of articular surfaces are often due to the development of subchondral osteosclerosis.
  2. Micro-grasprovoked by long-term excessive loads on the legs and feet. Most often, such injuries appear in dancers, athletes, military.
  3. Excess body weight entails high injuries and passive skeleton destruction. Excessive weight arises due to improper lifestyle and non-compliance with the power mode and is one of the main factors for the emergence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Reduction of auxiliary systems support vehicle, failure of the process of outflow and the influx of intra-articular fluid due to the insufficient amount of motor activity.

Stages of development of osteosclerosis

The flow of subchondral diseases of the bones is divided into 4 stages. The transition from the first to the last stage is accompanied by the specific X-ray readings.

  1. On the first stage The development of the disease appear edges osteophytes on the surface of the joints.
  2. Next stage - moderate subchondral sclerosis of the articular surfaces. Using radiographs, it is possible to identify the narrowing of the interspace space. Against the background of a healthy bone in the form of enlightenment, the epicenter of sclerosis is traced in the picture.
  3. On the third Stage The interface slot is strongly narrowed, osteophytes are increased in size, damage the cartilage cloth as a result of friction of damaged surfaces. Moving, man is experiencing pain in the joints, there is a violation of mobility. Often, the "articular mouse" is formed in the 3 stages - a osteophyte fragment or a deformed surface, separated due to any injuries. The destruction of cartilage is noticeable when carrying out arthroscopy.
  4. On the fourth stage The joint is noticeably deformed, flat, not coinciding the articular surfaces, are formed. The intermediate gap is not determined, osteophytes are cut into the bone, due to which the chips are appear, defined in the near-chosen space. On the X-ray snapshot of the epiphyse of the bone, you can see how large foci of osteosclerosis with osteoporosis varies. When implementing arthroscopy, the cartilage is completely destroyed and is not visualized. At the fourth stage, the patient is no longer able to move without any assistance, constantly experiencing pain, cannot perform elementary movements.

Forms of subchondral osteosclerosis

Taking into account the localization and volume of the lesion, allocate:

  • Limited osteosclerosis. With a limited form, the focus of osteosclerosis is presented against the background of a healthy tissue in the range of one anatomical education.
  • Common osteosclerosis. The prolonged sclerosis causes damage to one or more limbs or anatomical area. A common form causes diseases such as Melotostosis of Lerie, Pedge's disease, as well as malignant neoplasms with metastases.
  • Systemic osteosclerosis.Systemic osteosclerosis can be caused by a number of factors. Such a form of the disease completely affects the skeleton and agade joints, joint bones.

Types of osteosclerosis at the location of localization

In addition, symptoms, and, accordingly, the treatment of the disease depends on the location of osteosclerosis.

Subchondral splerosis of the spinal column

Subhondraral osteosclerosis of vertebrae and intervertebral discs is the most severe form of the disease.

Danger is that a person is almost does not feel the development of subchondral sclerosis In adjacent articular surfaces (in this case, there is a vertebra).

With time osteophytes Create pressure on the nerves of the spinal cord. Sclerosis of the spinal closure plates affects the variety of bone tissue sections and has the following symptoms:

  • The most dangerous is sclerosis in the field of cervical vertebraeBecause it disrupts the functions of the body. The patient is experiencing dizziness, hears the ringing in the ears, deafness occurs, the vision is worse, the coordination of movements is impaired. This is due to squeezing the nerves and blood vessels. Rapid heartbeat and cardiac pain, respiratory rhythm disruption, memory deterioration and attention are bad signs. In any attempt to move the neck, a man feels "stupid" or shooting pain. As a result of subchondral sclerosis of the closure plates of the cervical, the sensitivity is reduced, and the muscle forces come into decay. Pronounced sclerosis leads to the complete loss of the motor ability of hands due to squeezing and destruction of the layers of nervous tissue at 4-7 vertebrae.
  • Subchondral sclerosis of the closure plates bodies of the vertebrae in the field of the chest accompanied by distortion of posture and respiratory impairment. There is a pain that impede movement.
  • Sclerosis of the lumbar spine It is characterized by a shooting pain during slopes or corps turns. If the disease is developing, a person is weak in legs, as a result of which it can lose the ability to move without any assistance.

If this disease is not timely to begin to treat, there will be a quick development of neurological symptoms, which entails heavy motor and sensitive disorders. Therefore, it is important to begin treatment of subchondral sclerosis immediately.

Osteosclerosis of the joints of the upper limb

In the first phases of the progression of the subchondral osteosklerosis of the articular surfaces of the bones of the upper limbs in the patient, a crunch, not accompanied by pain appear, appears.

Soon there is a feeling of the presence of a foreign body, which interferes with the usual movement of the elbow joint. With obvious distortion of the joint, it is impossible to break the hand, and the attempt to do this causes a tangible pain.

The most painful in the elderly people proceeds by subchondral sclerosis of the hip joint. With this form of the disease, the risk of fracture of the hip neck is great.

If the patient is experiencing a hooking pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back and pelvic bones, then, most likely, deformation occurred in the field of gloomy surfaces. Paints may arise in the hip area, which means that the hearth disease is located there.

At first, the patient feels the same symptoms that with the subchondraral sclerosis of the spine. However, after a while in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hip joint, there is a violation of movement, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about the true localization of the disease.

About the osteosclerosis of the knee joint can be said in the presence of typical clicks while driving. The ligaments take place, which is why pain syndrome appears.

The patient makes it difficult to move, he is not able to bend his knees, and is forced to either lick or walk on the "straight" legs. The disregard of the timely treatment of the subchondral sclerosis of the knee is able to "plant" a person in a wheelchair.

Diagnosis of subchondral osteosclerosis

With the appearance of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is an important place to occupy methods that show the structure of bones and joints. Consider them in more detail:

  • Radiography. This is the easiest and most affordable method, it is for this reason that it is often used during the diagnosis of subchondral osteosclerosis.
  • Magnetic resonance tomography (MRI). This technique is widely known and is very popular in the diagnosis of the nervous system and parenchymal organs (liver, spleen, endocrine and exocrine glands) for the musculoskeletal system. However, when recognizing mRI bone diseases is the least effective. This is due to the fact that during this procedure, the soft tissues are viewed better than solid, therefore this method is not the main one for the diagnosis of subchondral sclerosis.
  • CT scan. This method is good because it allows you to visualize solid fabrics bones and joints and practically unmistakably reveal subchondral sclerosis. The method of computed tomography is recognized as the most effective in the study of this disease.

All listed methods contribute to the conduct of high-quality differential diagnosis with other diseases, and also make clarity with an incomprehensible clinical case.

Methods of treatment

For the treatment of subchondral sclerosis of the joint surfaces is necessary a complex approachwhich includes the following components:

  1. improvement of the power and lifestyle;
  2. consumption of drugs;
  3. surgical intervention;
  4. medical exercises;

People who move little or not enough, you need to change the lifestyle. Reduce over-weight body and slow down degenerative and dystrophic deviations will help daily charging and joint development. There are no special restrictions in nutrition, but it is recommended to reduce salt intake.

Key treatments for osteosclerosis treatments include the use of drugs of the following groups:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicinal products ("Indomethacin", "Diclofenak").
  • Chondroprotectors ("Chondroitin").
  • Funds that include hongdin and glucosamine. These substances contribute to the restoration of cartilage tissue.

In the last stages of the development of the surface of the joint, the joint is completely destroyed. That is why there will be no surgical intervention in such cases. During the operation, the installation of titanium prostheses, which will restore the lost joint functions are carried out.

After exacerbation of the disease and complications, as well as during the recovery period, therapeutic physical culture is used. The bones and joints need rehabilitation, which contributes to a specially designed set of exercises.

Physical activity

The modification of the structure of subchondral tissue indicates that the pathological process in the joint flows for a long time.

Chronic diseases require stimulating procedures, in contrast to sharp inflammatory or traumatic states. Such measures will put exchange processes in the joint, as well as minimize the possible deterioration of the situation.

It is for this reason that one of the most optimal methods for the restoration of the joint functions and the slowdown of its deformation is therapeutic physical culture.

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