
Wasabi sauce at home. Wasabi: benefits, medicinal properties and effects of wasabi seasoning on the body. How to make wasabi

Japanese horseradish, it turns out, is not at all. Its other name is wasabi, or Japanese eutrem. Despite the fact that the plant is herbaceous, in national cuisine its rhizomes are used to create a spicy seasoning in the form of a green paste. This product has no analogues in the world.


You don't have to do wasabi yourself. The paste is sold in special tubes. It is made from Japanese horseradish root powder, dry mustard and dye. It is a convenient substitute for a natural product. However, the whole spectrum useful properties he no longer possesses. It also lacks the real aroma and taste of wasabi.

Natural green mustard is made by hand, just before serving. The main ingredient is the root of the Wasabi Japonica plant. Depending on which part of it is used, the taste of the finished product is obtained:

  • the upper part of the root makes the paste sharper;
  • the bottom is soft and light.

Japanese chefs know for sure that fresh green mustard retains the maximum amount of nutrients. Therefore, exactly the amount of horseradish is rubbed, which is necessary for this or that dish. The remainder of the root is stored in a film for no more than 1 month.


Japanese horseradish is rich in nutrients. It includes:

  • cellulose;
  • vitamins of group B, C, A;
  • essential amino acids;
  • minerals (calcium, manganese, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, sodium);
  • niacin;
  • essential oils;
  • synergin.

Wasabi contains a unique substance called isothiocyanates. They make the product so pungent. Their use helps to eliminate diseases such as asthma and colds. With its help, you can alleviate the condition during anaphylactic shock.

Isothiocyanates, which are found in Japanese horseradish, are prized for their antibacterial properties. With their help, it is possible to stop the growth of bacteria in the mouth and prevent tooth decay. They also successfully fight staphylococcus and Escherichia coli. That is why wasabi is served with sushi. Indeed, among the ingredients of this dish there is raw fish.

Beneficial features

The health benefits of Japanese hot mustard are varied:

Despite the many positive properties of Japanese mustard, the product has its own contraindications. Firstly, you should not get carried away with the use of this paste. Only in small quantities can it have a positive effect on the state of the body.

Secondly, the following people should completely abandon the hot mustard from Japan:

  • suffering from problems with the stomach and pancreas;
  • having liver disease;
  • intolerant of any kind of seasoning.

Where is it applied?

Spicy green mustard is not only used to complement sushi. There are many other Japanese dishes where this seasoning is found. So, often this horseradish is combined with soy sauce... True, you need to add it in small quantities. Otherwise, it will completely kill all the taste of the main components.

So, wasabi can be used for cooking:

  • Soba noodles.
  • Vegetable salad. Be sure to add sesame seeds along with hot mustard.
  • Ice cream.
  • Potato chips.

Not only in culinary recipes you can meet wasabi. Green mustard is used in cosmetology:

  • Wasabi massage helps prevent blood clots. In addition, this procedure will effectively cleanse the skin of toxins.
  • Wrap to normalize blood circulation.
  • Scrubbing the body with wasabi paste. This manipulation allows you to get rid of impurities, as well as make the skin smooth and elastic.

Nutritionists also advise their patients who want to lose extra pounds to include wasabi in their diet. This mustard green has a low calorie content. And its aroma is able to suppress appetite. Therefore, a person will eat much less.

Green mustard (as wasabi is called in Russia) is used today in many recipes. Therefore, now it is not only a seasoning for sushi, but also a useful ingredient in other dishes.

When we hear the word "wasabi", most of us immediately recall the famous French action movie, with the popular and beloved actor Jean Reno in our country.

Wasabi plant

However, wasabi is the name of the plant from which a purely Japanese is made, surprisingly specific and interesting seasoning, very spicy, but tasty and healthy. Just how this plant is grown may seem surprising to us: the sharp-burning roots of wasabi feel best in the icy water of mountain streams. Perhaps the director of the action movie wanted to say that the film is French, but it looks like it is seasoned with a spicy and original Japanese sauce.

The wasabi plant is perennial, and the Japanese grow it in the mountains, on terraces, passing these streams through them. Wasabi grows slowly - the root lengthens by about 3 cm per year, so a real plant is quite expensive. The present just means that it is grown in the water of a mountain stream, and it is called "honwasabi". The fact is that wasabi is also grown in gardens, like ordinary vegetables, but the seasoning from such a plant is considered not too correct.

Wasabia japonica means Japanese horseradish, and the real, valuable seasoning comes from cold-water honwasabi.

This plant is exclusively Asian, but today it has begun to be grown in other places as well: in Taiwan, in America, and even in New Zealand - everyone wants to grow their own wasabi. However, the purely Japanese version is still considered a real, classic one.

Wasabi seasoning

Almost no Japanese dish is complete without this seasoning; it is often added to soy sauce, but wasabi is especially known as a sushi seasoning. They say that they began to eat it along with sushi in the 19th century, when they noticed that people who consume it did not suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.

In general, the use of wasabi in Japan began much earlier - already in the XIV century, and possibly in the X - the first mention of it dates back to this time. Then the inhabitants of one of the districts presented this plant to the future military-feudal ruler - the shogun, wishing to earn his favor. The commander liked the plant very much, and soon wasabi spread throughout Japan.

The effect of wasabi on the body

Real wasabi really can be called miraculous: without a doubt, it kills pathogenic microbes, helps with asthma, anemia, and even is used in the treatment of cancer. Wasabi also kills fungi and prevents the accumulation of platelets in the blood.

Of course, the best place to try wasabi is in Japan - the restaurants there serve a green pasta seasoning made from real root brought from mountain plantations and crushed.

However, in cheap restaurants, and especially in those located in other countries and offering visitors Japanese cuisine, under the guise of wasabi, they can serve ordinary horseradish with dye, or a substitute - pasta or seasoning made from powder. The Japanese call this product an artificial substitute or imitation. You just have to try real wasabi once, and you will never mistake it for substitutes.

Looking at the root of honwasabi, a real root grown in a mountain stream, you will notice that its upper part looks slightly different, but tastes sharper than the lower one.

In Japan, cooks usually use part of the fresh plant, grating it, and wrap the rest and store in the refrigerator - that is, they do not prepare the seasoning for future use. In the refrigerator, the root is freely stored for almost a month, and at the same time it remains the same sharp and burning, retaining all its properties.

It is not worth looking for similar products among others: although some plants are similar to wasabi, they are not this plant. Of course, the real root is expensive, but the restaurants around the world calling themselves Japanese are not going to spend money on buying it.

Most of them do it in a simpler way: they use a seasoning from the wasabi-daikon vegetable, which is much cheaper. The vegetable got this name in Japan, and it was brought there from Europe, so the seasoning from it cannot be called a real wasabi, but they taste very similar: wasabi daikon is also very spicy.

In Europe, it is used for seasoning roast beef, and in general for many dishes, since it is inexpensive and easy to grow. It is from it that wasabi substitutes are prepared: paste, powder and even tablets, adding dye to them. Mustard is also added to the paste, so that the pungency, taste, and color are very similar to real ones.

The benefits of wasabi

However, the taste of real wasabi is unique, as are its health benefits. If you regularly eat wasabi - in small quantities, then the teeth will not decay for a long time, thanks to the substances contained in the plant that suppress the development of caries. Honwasabi not only blocks the proliferation of cancer cells, but also destroys some of them completely.

The healing properties of wasabi

We will tell you a little more about the medicinal properties of wasabi. This plant contains the phytochemical isothiocyanate, an ester compound with strong antibacterial properties.

Recent studies have also shown that this substance is very active in destroying mold fungi, neutralizes food poisoning, and acts on the blood composition immediately: unlike aspirin, prescribed by doctors to thin the blood and prevent thrombosis.

With regard to oncological diseases, research has also been carried out here. The animals were exposed to chemical carcinogens, and then they were given wasabi - it turned out that it stops the formation of cancer cells in the stomach and intestines. There are also results showing that isothiocyanates protect against breast cancer, but re-studies have not yet been conducted. One thing is clear: the substances contained in wasabi have antioxidant activity.

The life expectancy of the Japanese is known to all residents of developed countries, and their longevity is largely due to the peculiarities of the national cuisine. By the way, the teeth of most Japanese people are also white and healthy, without the use of any special toothpastes: although it is quite possible that such a paste may soon appear - based on wasabi.

Currently, Japanese scientists are actively researching wasabi in order to identify it healing properties and the development of new drugs based on it.

Wasabi is now used in Japan to prevent tooth decay, diarrhea, vascular disease, and thrombosis; to strengthen the immune system, in the treatment of diabetes and acne.

Japanese cuisine has a lot of bland dishes, and wasabi gives them flavor and spice. Freshly grated wasabi tastes less pungent than horseradish and has a softer smell, too. The grated flesh of the fresh root is bright green, but fresh wasabi is not always at hand, even in Japan, where it is grown - they also use paste and powder there. Besides fish dishes, wasabi is used in various sauces, salads, pickles, vegetable dishes, seafood and meat dishes.

How to make wasabi

Making fresh wasabi seasoning is simple: peel the root from the end to be grated - this is the upper end, and grate on the smallest grater, in a circular motion. Put the rest in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic.

It is more convenient to store wasabi powder: it is stored in a closed container for a very long time, but paste, if you open the tube, only a few weeks.

You can quickly prepare a paste from powder: you need to put 1 tsp. powder in a glass, and then add the same amount of warm water - you get a one-time portion. Stir the powder and water quickly to create a thick, clay-like paste. Then tip the glass over onto a flat plate and let stand for about 10 minutes: the seasoning will dry out slightly, and its taste and aroma will become more pronounced.

Wasabi sauce is quite popular today. Most often it is served with sushi, rolls. It has a specific pungent, pungent taste, but it also has beneficial properties. To understand them, you need to pay full attention to the composition of the sauce. The main component of the sauce is Japanese seasoning, which is made from the wasabi plant. It is interesting and surprising at the same time that the wasabi root is most developed in the icy water of a mountain stream. What is the use of wasabi? How to use it correctly? Can a plant harm?

Description of the unusual root

Wasabi is a perennial plant that the Japanese prefer to grow on terraces in the mountains. It differs in slow growth - in a year the root can only lengthen by 3 cm, so the plant is expensive. Especially appreciated is the real wasabi, which is grown in mountain streams - "honwasabi". Some Japanese people grow the seasoning in the garden, like other vegetables, but the sauce from such a plant will not work.

Attention! Wasabia japonica means Japanese horseradish grown in ice water. The plant belongs to Asian, although today it is already grown in America, Taiwan, New Zealand.

If we consider a real root that is grown in a mountain stream, you will notice that the upper part has a completely different appearance than the lower one. It is up to the root that is considered stinging.

The Japanese try to use a fresh plant. They rub it, then wrap it up and put it in the refrigerator. In this way, the plant can be stored for a month, it will not lose its beneficial properties. Real root is very expensive and not every restaurant can afford to buy it. Therefore, sauces are made with wasabi daikon seasoning.

How does wasabi affect the body?

The wasabi plant is a miracle cure that quickly destroys various microbes, relieves bronchial asthma, anemia, and malignant tumors. Wasabi prevents a large number of platelets from accumulating, prevents the development of fungus. Of course, the best wasabi is served in Japanese restaurants. A green paste is prepared from the root and served as a condiment.

We draw your attention to the fact that most often they cheat in restaurants: instead of real wasabi sauce, horseradish is served with the addition of dye. Sometimes you may be offered a green powdery seasoning, a paste that is artificial and quite harmful.

The healing properties of wasabi

This seasoning has a unique taste and many health benefits. With regular use of the seasoning, you can protect teeth from decay, prevent development. Honwasabi not only prevents the development of cancer, but is also capable of destroying some cancer cells.

Many nutritionists are aware of the medicinal properties of the sauce. The plant contains a large number of phytochemicals, essential compounds that have an antibacterial effect.

Recent studies show that the wasabi plant is capable of destroying mold fungi and helps with food poisoning. Also, the seasoning immediately affects the blood - it dilutes it and prevents the development of thrombosis.

Wasabi sauce has been proven to be carcinogenic. Studies have been conducted on animals, from which they learned that the Japanese seasoning can stop the growth of cancer in the intestines and stomach. There is also evidence that using the product can protect against breast cancer. Thus, wasabi has an antioxidant effect on the body.

Why do you think the Japanese live so long? Because in their national cuisine, various natural seasonings and sauces are used that improve the state of the body and prevent stomach problems. But recently it became known that the wasabi plant will be used for toothpaste, which will not only heal the teeth, but also whiten them.

Modern scientists in Japan continue to actively study wasabi and plan to develop drugs based on it in the future. While wasabi is used as a prophylactic agent for diarrhea, caries, thrombosis, and vascular disease. Wasabi seasoning perfectly strengthens the immune system, treats diabetes, acne.

The Japanese tend to eat a lot of bland food to give them a pungent taste using grated root. It is also added to seafood, meat, vegetable dishes, pickles, salads.

Making wasabi sauce

The seasoning is very simple to prepare: the root is cleaned and rubbed. If you have a small portion of the root left, you can wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate.

The powder is more conveniently stored, but the sauce must be used within a few weeks. The pasta is prepared simply and quickly: take a teaspoon of powder, put it in a glass, dilute with the same amount of water. Everything mixes quickly. The sauce should be thick. Then the glass is tipped onto a plate. It is important that everything is infused for about 10 minutes.

Wasabi harm

Despite all the positive properties of wasabi, you cannot get carried away with seasoning. It is worth considering its severity, pungency. Wasabi sauce is prohibited when:

  • Ulcers of the intestines and stomach.
  • Increased irritability of the gastric mucosa.
  • Gastritis.
  • Hepatitis.

Thus, wasabi belongs to one of the varieties. It contains a lot of vitamin E, C, B, ascorbic acid, pyridoxine, thiamine. Using seasoning, sauces can enrich your body with zinc, calcium, manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium. Wasabi is known to not only stop inflammation but also help protect against serious food poisoning. It is no longer a secret that sushi is the main cause of helminthiasis and other serious diseases. Be careful not to get carried away with oriental cuisine.

Many Russians got to know the word "wasabi" without reading it on the menu of a Japanese restaurant, but thanks to a wonderful film about the adventures of the hero of Jean Reno in the land of the rising sun. The French policeman, who happened to be in Japan by the will of fate, did not feel the pungency of the sauce, but managed to enjoy the local flavor in full measure.

In fact, it burns wasabi in such a way that tears can flow from the uninformed. It is the pride and zest of Japanese cuisine, and initially it is a local plant, from the juicy fleshy root of which a spicy original seasoning is obtained, beloved not only in Japan, but now all over the world.

What is wasabi made of

Some people compare wasabi with horseradish, well-known to Russians. There is a deal of truth in it. The plant Eutrema japonicum is a direct relative of Russian horseradish and common cabbage. But they don't grow it in gardens.

According to experts, the best hot seasoning is made from roots that have gained strength in the cold water of the purest mountain streams. Therefore, hardworking Japanese do their best to create conditions for plantings to grow, build terraces on the slopes and direct streams of water to the sprouts. To wait for the harvest, you will have to wait not a year or two, because during the season the root grows only three centimeters.

This, truly Japanese, grown and made according to all the canons, the sauce has its own name "Honwasabi". And the seasoning that is sold in supermarkets and served in chain restaurants is grown in large quantities in irrigated fields, made in factories, which means that it is less valued and tastes easier. The popularity of Asian cuisine did its job, and the sauce began to be produced not only at home, but throughout the world. Today you can see the spice from the USA, Taiwan, Australia and Russia, but the authentic wasabi is still Japanese.

Wasabi sauce

So what is the secret of the spicy greenish seasoning? Its secret lies in Japanese cuisine and the properties of the sauce itself.

The history of the use of the sauce dates back to the XIV century, and, perhaps, even more ancient times. According to legend, the inhabitants of one province of the country presented the sprout to the new shogun as a sign of submission and respect. The feudal lord appreciated the gift and ordered to grow wasabi throughout the province.

This is not an exaggeration. Today, when medicine knows a huge number of powerful medicines, plants could quietly recede into the background. But it turns out that a modest root from a mountain stream can compete with dignity with modern drugs.

Dentists, however, note that the development of caries when using Japanese mustard dramatically slows down or stops altogether. The enormous and not yet studied power of the plant is of interest to many specialists. It is believed that the extract from the root can be used to create acne remedies, toothpastes and lotions. But the shampoo with wasabi extract already exists.

But these wonderful properties are possessed by a real Japanese product, and not that surrogate that sometimes can be seen on the shelves. Therefore, in search of a miracle, it is better to travel to Japan and taste the healing sauce from the mountain terraces there.

Fresh honwasabi root is said to be much spicier at the top. To always have fresh wasabi at hand, rub the root on a fine grater if necessary. And the rest can be wrapped in a damp cloth and safely stored in the refrigerator for about a month. This is what the chefs of famous Japanese restaurants do all over the world.

It is impossible to confuse such a seasoning with a canned factory-made product. If even a small amount of seasoning is introduced into the daily diet, then dysbacteriosis and other intestinal diseases will recede, metabolism will improve and appetite will increase.

Substitute or fake?

But due to the rather expensive raw materials and the highest popularity of sushi and sashimi, which cannot be imagined without the traditional seasoning, real honwasabi is a rarity. More often you can see tinted horseradish or grated wasabi-daikon disguised as a real Japanese sauce, a variety of very spicy radish that has nothing to do with the real product.

Unlike wasabi, daikon grows extremely quickly and does not require laborious maintenance. Both horseradish and daikon are dried, ground into powder, and then sold in the form of a dyed paste. The Japanese do not recognize such a seasoning, considering it to be a fake or artificial cheap imitation.

Real wasabi has a pleasant clean green color, a more juicy and delicate structure than grated horseradish, and less pungency. Today it is used not only as a seasoning for sushi, but is also used with other oriental and European dishes: fish, pickles and fresh salads, grilled vegetables and meat.

Wasabi in my kitchen

To make an authentic Japanese herb at home, you need ground root powder, water, and lemon juice. The recipe used in sushi bars and the most fashionable restaurants is simple. Dry grated wasabi is gently mixed with a little boiled water and lemon or lime juice. Much more hot seasoning it turns out if the water is completely replaced with juice.

The strongest bactericidal property does not allow the mixture to deteriorate, and so that the seasoning does not dry out, you should not cook it for future use, the dishes must be tightly closed.

But what if you still have a surplus of ready-made wasabi? Why not have a party?

Wasabi party!

It turns out that the spicy seasoning can be successfully used in the most unexpected dishes. Entering European cuisine, wasabi has found use in sauces, marinades, and salad dressings. The most daring chefs prepare original soups with "Japanese horseradish", use wasabi in main courses and even in desserts. So why not come up with a complete menu with wasabi!

These are just a few of the possible recipes. One has only to show imagination, and it turns out that the world around, as well as for the hero of the movie "Wasabi", can easily acquire a Japanese flavor.

Bon Appetit! And may such a simple and such wonderful wasabi add spice not only to dishes, but also to feelings!

Japanese wasabi (or wasabia japonica) is an expensive spice of the cabbage family, made from the root of a perennial plant with large leaves and a raised stem. It grows up to 45 centimeters, and the root increases in thickness to 15 centimeters. The sharpest part is the top of the rhizome.

This herb resembles our ordinary Slavic horseradish. There is also a second variety - this is hon-wasabi, which has a very rich taste and is of higher quality, therefore it costs much more.

And also the third - wasabi daikon (horseradish wasabi), is much cheaper than the others, because it is much easier to produce.

Japanese horseradish was first cultivated in the tenth century. Today it is massively cultivated in vegetable gardens and on the banks of mountain rivers in Japan, on plantations in China, USA, New Zealand and Korea. In these countries, the product is also not cheap, despite its production.

Many restaurants, instead of the original, use artificial pastes, powders, tablets, which have only a small fraction of the plant, and everything else is dyes, additives, spices (mustard). They imitate natural color and taste. We already know what wasabi is made of; now we will consider how it is useful and harmful for us.

Wasabi, its benefits and harms

The root contains protein and volatile (isothiocyanates) substances, sinigrin, vitamins A, B6, C, glycosides, folate, niacin, fiber, essential oils and trace elements.

Wasabi has the following beneficial properties:

  • inhibits the growth of streptococcus bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • destroys the formation of caries on the teeth;
  • kills germs, fungus;
  • stimulates the stomach;
  • neutralizes poison in the body;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels;
  • acts as a remedy against atherosclerosis, heart disease, asthma;
  • blocks reproduction and destroys cancer cells.

The Japanese root is harmful to those with digestive problems. It exacerbates hyperacid gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis. If consumed in large quantities for an unaccustomed organism, it can provoke an increase in pressure in a healthy person.

Wasabi in cooking

The fresh seasoning has a subtle smell of radish, and the taste is pungent, somewhat reminiscent of our horseradish and mustard. It is used as a dressing for salads, meat, fish, sushi, sashimi, marinades and pickles. It goes very well with soy sauce, sesame seeds, nuts or nut butter, lime and lemon.

By the way, thanks to the antifungal and antimicrobial effect of wasabi, you can safely eat sushi with raw fish.

But besides the root, young shoots of leaves and a stem are also used in cooking. Tempura is prepared from them in Japan. The plant is washed under running water, cut into small pieces, and fried in batter until crusty. This dish is very tender on the inside.

You need to cook a green seasoning in small quantities, because it loses its aroma and taste if it stands in the refrigerator for a while. If you buy it, be sure to see the composition. In addition to wasabi daikon, you can buy an artificial surrogate made from ordinary horseradish, cornstarch, dye and mustard.

How to make wasabi

There are several recipes for wasabi:

  1. Natural Japanese wasabi. For it, you need to have a plant root available. We cut off the piece we need, which we immediately use, wrap the rest in cling film and hide in the refrigerator. We clean the root from the surface peel, rub very finely on a grater. Then we leave for ten minutes - the seasoning is ready to use!
  2. Wasabi made from dry powder. The ideal composition is a mixture of crushed root, dry mustard and corn flour. How to make wasabi from it:
  • we take a small bowl in which it will be convenient to observe the consistency;
  • pour the required amount of powder, you can not use everything, close the rest tightly and put it in a dry, dark place;
  • pour boiled cold water into a separate container, other (raw, mineral) water is not suitable, because it can spoil the taste;
  • gradually pour a few drops of water into the powder, stir constantly, the approximate amount should be 2: 3, that is, for 1 spoon of powder 1.5 tablespoons of water;
  • we carefully look at the mass, at first it resembles sour cream, then - soft clay, do not overdo it, otherwise the mass will be liquid;
  • put the prepared sauce on a plate, leave to dry for 15 minutes and pick up your own smell.
  1. Wasabi, homemade recipe. It is necessary to mix dry mustard and grated horseradish in equal proportions, add a little green food coloring. If the mixture is thick, dilute with water.

On a note. When preparing a paste from powder, you can use lemon juice instead of water. Only then can you get enough spicy sauce with a lemon flavor. Store the finished product in an airtight container.

Japanese Wasabi Recipes

Wasabi Sauce Salad:

  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • japanese horseradish sauce;
  • parsley, dill, onions.

Wash vegetables and greens, grind them to the size we need. We combine these components. Season with sour cream, add pasta to taste, stir.

This salad promotes metabolism and is easy to digest.

Nuts in wasabi sauce:

  • a spoonful of Japanese horseradish paste;
  • 3 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • nuts (such as peanuts).

Mix the soy and green sauce, add honey there for sweetness. Mix well with the nuts. Then we lay it out on a baking sheet, which was previously covered with baking paper.

We preheat the oven to 200 degrees, put our sharp little nuts in it for 10 minutes.

Baked red fish with wasabi sauce:

  • salmon fillets;
  • sesame oil;
  • green seasoning;
  • bread crumbs or crumb crumbs.

Cut the fish meat into small pieces. Mix a drop of sesame oil with paste and crumb crumbs. Spread each piece with the prepared mixture. We bake in an oven heated to 170 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Rich in flavor and aroma, salmon will awaken the appetite of your loved ones.

Wasabi dressing for salads:

  • lime juice;
  • sesame oil;
  • peanut butter;
  • green root paste;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

The amount of each ingredient is determined according to your taste. The main thing is to mix them into a homogeneous mixture, if you need to salt and pepper a little.

This dressing is served mainly with fried beef or vegetable salad. You can sprinkle a little sesame seeds on top.

Cheese and wasabi crackers:

  • a glass of flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 spoons of green seasoning;
  • 4 tablespoons of butter;
  • 225 grams of hard cheese;
  • 2-4 tablespoons of water.

Beat flour, salt, butter until crumb with a food processor. Add grated cheese. We mix the green seasoning with a spoonful of water, add this mixture to the dough. We knead it. Then put it in a food bag, send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes. In the meantime, preheat our oven to 180 degrees.

Roll out the finished dough into three millimeters thick, cut out crackers of various shapes. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, lay out the figures, bake for 15 minutes until yellow. Studying. If you do not have enough spiciness, then dip the crackers in addition to the sauce.

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