
Properties of viburnum fruit. With Kalina Friend - the doctor is not needed! Healing properties of viburnum: Simple recipes. Jam from Kalina

The viburnum of an ordinary - common unpretentious shrub - the healing properties have flowers, berries, and bark. Today we will talk about how in folk medicine Berries of viburnum are used.

They harvest them, cutting the brushes of ripe berries entirely. Dried in a well-ventilated room, hooking berry clusters to the rope, or in the dryer at a temperature of +60 ... + 80 degrees. Use and frozen fruits.

This medicinal raw material has a lining, antiseptic, binding, hemostatic, choleretic effect; It helps to reduce blood pressure, stimulates the work of the heart and strengthens the blood vessels. Kalina juice is used to prevent oncological diseases and the treatment of certain types of malignant tumors. Infusions and berries berries are used in cough, colds and flu, hypertension, atherosclerosis, vessels, neurosis, liver diseases and gastrointestinal tract.

Outwardly used Kalina's juice - as a cosmetic agent (against acne, pigment stains and wrinkles), as well as infusion - for skin diseases (eczema, furunculese and others).

Contraindication To take the inside of drugs based on viburnum berries acute diseases kidney; Caution should be taken to their use to those who suffer from hypotension (reduced blood pressure). Many recipes based on viburnum berries provide for adding honey - do not use them ,.

  • Cold infusion of viburnum berries
It is used as vitamin, a lining agent; Provides beneficial impact on work of cardio-vascular system. 3-4 tablespoons of berries (fresh, dried or frozen) from the evening to pour 0.5 liters of cold boiled water, to insist on the night, stretch, raw, press, add honey or sugar to taste. To drink in several techniques to equal portions during the day.
  • Infusion of berries Kalina
It is used as a sliding and soothing agent (including neurosis). 1 st. Supply of dried berries crumpled (rub in a mortar), pour 1 glass of boiling water, torture, insist for 4 hours, strain. Have a drink during the day in several techniques.

Another recipe: 4 st. You can add honey to taste. Take 3 times a day for half an hour before meals of 0.5 glasses with hypertension, atherosclerosis, neurosis, as well as as a common assembly.

  • Broth of berries viburnum when coughing and cold
1 st. Supply of berry pour 1 glass of boiling water, boil on low heat for 10 minutes, then cool at room temperature, strain, squeeze raw materials. Take 3 times a day for 1-2 tbsp.
  • Broth viburnum with lime color with cold, flu
Mix taken robust dried inflorescences Linden and viburnum berries. 2 st. Supplements to pour 2 cups of cold water, bring to a boil, boil on low heat for 5-7 minutes, strain. Take hot overnight for 1 cup by adding honey to taste.
  • Kalinic puree with hypertension with hypertension
This tool helps prevent the development of hypertensive disease, if used in the initial stages of the disease. Fresh or frozen viburnum berries to warm in a double boiler or colander over a hot ferry until they become soft. Softened berries wipe, add buckwheat honey in proportion 1: 1 (if blood pressure jumps are caused by elevated nervous tension, stress, overwork, it is desirable to use linden honey). Take 5-6 times a day for 2-3 h. The course is 2-3 weeks, after a two-week break, you can repeat it.

When you try to talk about the benefits of Kalina's berries, you always do not know where it is better to start. This small shrub can be used practically in any area. This is official and traditional medicine, cosmetology, cooking. In our article, we will not only try to illuminate all possible aspects of using this berry, but explain why it is an important element of a balanced diet.

Geography and origin

Our country is a plant familiar from ancient times. In Russia, it is distributed almost everywhere, although it has its own preferences:

  • Wet environment. You can find a shrub not only along small rivers, but also in swampy terrain.
  • Coniferous forests. The thick of the forest massif, the more likely to see red fruits there.

At the same time, it is impossible to say that the plant is soothing. It is well adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of the middle strip of Russia. Gourmet recommend to start collecting "harvest" with the onset of the first frosts. The cold kicks out of the berries all bitterness and acid.

Only fruits are considered edible, but this does not mean that the rest of the shrub did not find the use of human use. The bark, roots and leaves of the plant are actively used. All of them are rich in healing properties, and therefore serve as excellent raw materials for the preparation of a variety of drugs.

But do not forget that Kalina berries carry not only the benefit, but also harm to human health, there are a number of contraindications for use. Consider them in order to accidentally not harm yourself in the process of treatment, weight loss or culinary experiments. For correctly inclusion of berries in the diet, consult with a specialist.

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Berries Kalina for the human body: beneficial properties and contraindications

They are rich in various vitamins, but the most space is given to the group C and A. Also, this low shrub can boast the presence of tannins and pectins. They are indispensable if it comes to treating and restoring the normal functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fitoncides can be found in the composition, so the product has also an antimicrobial effect. Champs from viburnum are considered an effective folk remedy for colds.

Berry contains a large amount of magnesium, copper, iron. It helps to restore the body after serious physical workouts, defeat chronic fatigue, reduce apathy.

In the fruits there is valerian and formic acids. Their combination helps in the fight against depression.

Kalina is also a natural energy and can give a challenge of modern means located on supermarket counters.

What is the benefit of viburnum fruits for the human body and his health, maybe damage

  • Common strengthening effect. The beneficial effect on the human immune system, especially with systematic reception. Permanent small dosages help the body to actively resist the diseases of any kind, to deal with infections and viruses.
  • Preventive remedy. Especially relevant in winter, when the population suffers from colds. Properly made decoction can suppress Orz and ORVI at the initial stage. Fruits are well coped with the cough, with dry and wet.
  • Restoration of the joints. The plant is perfectly coping with arthritis and arthritis. The effect is the same as from most modern ointments, but this method is much more economical. Older people of old hardening are well acquainted with him.
  • Anti-inflammatory agent. An additional healing measure during an angina or other diseases of similar type.
  • Febrifuge. A good analogue of paracetamol and even modern powders like teraflu. We have already mentioned a large number of vitamin C, which is contained in our product. At the same time, its impact is softer than many famous pharmacy tablets. If you have a child got sick, use viburnum with honey.

  • Cleansing effect. Freshly squeezed berry juice brings slags from the body and other harmful substances accumulated over long time. At the preventive stage of rationalization of the power supply, this method is especially effective. Do not forget that the plant is also a diuretic tool, which can quickly derive an extra moisture from the patient's body.
  • Toning effect. Ensures stress, treats neurosis, helps to cope with insomnia and hysterics. Start a wonderful way to calm down and come to a mental balance.
  • Treatment of varicose veins. Rubbing from viburnum is not a drug tool. Therefore, we recommend using them in conjunction with other treated drugs.
  • Help cardiovascular system. Folk recipes using viburnum berries are effective, but they have beneficial featuresand contraindications. With increased blood coagulation, they will negatively affect the patient's body, and can even lead to the appearance of thromboms.
  • Rejuvenating effect. It is favorable on the skin and literally helps turn the time to reverse.

The useful properties of viburnum for women are confirmed by numerous medical researchAt the same time, contraindications for use are a bit. it effective method fighting any kind inflammatory diseases. Soft intervention helps to normalize the flow of physiological processes, remove the tumor, pain and discomfort.

Useful and harmful properties of potassium fruits: contraindications for pressure

We have already said that the fruits are not recommended with increased blood coagulation, but there are other limitations. One of the main ones is considered negative impact on the organism at elevated pressure. Especially when it comes to congenital effect. But the rule is valid in the event that the pressure has increased as a result of the reception of other drugs, drug influence or simply food. For example, excessive use of coffee or taurine. In this case, there is no vanity: it will aggravate the position.

And in counterweight, if you have reduced pressure, the plant normalizes it. Before accepting and starting any procedures related to this product requires a professional medical consultation. You can get it in the "Elena Morozova Slimming Clinic".

Learn more about our weight loss programs:

Women's Women's Berry: Fruit Benefits, Harm, Contraindications

Limitations are not so much. Pure women are considered to be several:

  • Any kind of kidney disease, since the beautiful half of humanity is subject to them more often.
  • Pregnancy. On any time it is not recommended to introduce a plant into the diet. It is also about internal welcome, and about the outer. The rules apply to the leaves, stems, roots, bark and berries themselves.

But if we consider useful and harmful properties Kalins, contraindications for the use of fruits for women and men, it is worth noting that the first many times more. A whole set of positive effects and only a few cases when the product can be perceived by the body negatively:

  • Hypotension.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Gout.

Systematic reception of funds that include a plant, for prevention and treatment is argued. For a strong half, the cosmetology effect does not matter much, but therapeutic qualities and toning effect are important.

Recipes with viburnum: Useful properties, contraindications, how to cook berry

This plant is valued in cooking. But not everyone positively belongs to its sharp taste. Someone complains of acid, someone on bitterness. Get rid of that and from the other is actually quite simple. Place the berries in boiling water for ten and fifteen minutes, and the taste quality of the product will be much softer.

If you want to pamper yourself with an unusual and useful jam, then collect fruits after the first frosts. Under the influence of low temperatures, they lose the characteristic bitterness. Those who do not want to wait for the arrival of winter and want to prepare the delicacy as quickly as possible, we recommend schwit and shove the plant in the freezer for an hour and a half. The effect will be the same.

The bodies collection season falls on the end of autumn, but knowing some storage subtleties, you can pour yourself to them almost all year round. To save the vitamins, you can:

  • Seeing the fruit in the oven. This is done at a temperature mode of 60 °. It is best if the door of the oven will be slightly ajar.
  • To freeze. Like any other seasonal product, this is perfectly stored in the cold.

Another option is to take a clean dry saucepan, folded the Kalina there and put the container in a cool place. In such a state, berries can be stored until six months. You can prepare them with sugar or honey.

Recipes are very popular - "Five minutes". The fruits are not cooking, but shake blender or kitchen combine. They remain fresh, which means that more beneficial substances retain. In the refrigerator, such a dish is stored long.

Fresh Kalina: Benefits and Harm

The only contraindication to its consumption is a high degree of acidity in the stomach. After long-term processing and drying, a significant part of the acid simply disappears. The dried product can no longer harm the sensitive stomach. At least with the same intensity. But this process also reduces the usefulness of fruits. A variety of microelements and vitamins ceases to act, digested worse. Therefore, the dried product is better to take as decisions and tinctures, and it is recommended to use fresh berries without a recipe. But be sure to follow the dosage. The presence of a large amount of acid can damage even a healthy stomach, cause unpleasant sensations on the teeth and in the oral cavity. Observe the measure.

In Russia, Kalina grows throughout. It is preparing to be prepared by kissel and jam, bake pies with a chamber stuffing, put kvass, the fruits are used when sauming cabbage. Various parts of viburnum are useful properties: berries, flowers, seeds, branches, bark. Folk remedies Successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the heart, vessels, organs of the respiratory and digestive system. Berries viburnum are treated nervous disordersThey help in case of inflammation.

The composition of Valina

The fruits of the plant contain vitamins A and C, tanning substances, pectins that purify the intestines from harmful substances. Fitoncides in the composition destroy microbes.

  1. To lose 250-300g beets, boil in one and a half glasses of water.
  2. Wash 300g berries, boil a few minutes in one and a half glasses of water in enameled dishes.
  3. Mix the decoctions, add a third of a glass of sugar, bring to a boil, let cool.

Take cold. Store in a glass container in a cool place.

Hypertension. For useful in the volatility of viburnum.

  1. Mix in equal parts of grass, valerian root, crushed shoots,
  2. Brew glass boiling water 2С.L. Mixes, boil on slow fire 2-3 minutes.

Take for treating small portions during the day.

  1. Get juice from poles of viburnum berries.
  2. Dispoded fruits pour 100g water, boil 5 minutes, strain, mix with juice.
  3. Add 100g sugar, mix, give cool.
  4. Add 1C.L. Honey.

Take 2C.L. half an hour before meals.

Headache. Kalina's juice is useful to therapeutic property to eliminate a permanent headache:

  • Each day 1-2 cup of permanent juice, add honey to taste.

Dilute juice with decoction of oatmeal to eliminate the inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

Liver diseases

Cleansing the liver. Berries of viburnum and honey are useful to therapeutic property of purifying liver from harmful substances:

  1. Rinse pinched fruits.
  2. Boil in enameled dishes until the water is added.
  3. Wipe through the sieve, mix with 250g honey.

Take 2C.L. In the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime for 14 days.

Purification of blood Other therapeutic remedy for viburnum berries:

  • Cooking 10 minutes 1.5 cup of crushed rosehip fruits in 1.5 liters of water.
  • Add 1-2s.l. , 5С.L. , insist 8-10 hours, strain.
  • Quick 1/2 cup of berries, 1/4 cup sugar, add to infusion.

Take a half package per hour before eating 3 weeks with breaks every 3 months for two years.

Stones in urinary and bile bubble . Kalina bones are useful to dissolve the concrete properties:

  • Swallowed one bone 10-15 times during the day.

Golden Infusion:

  • Stir in equal parts of viburnum berries, mint, birch kidneys.
  • Brew a glass of boiled water 1C.L. Mixes, insist half an hour, strain.

Take 1C.L. after meal.

Zhktic diseases

Berries and viburnum seeds are useful to eliminate pain in the stomach, intestines. They help with the treatment, indigestion, and duodenal estate, constipation, diarrhea.

Reduced acidity gastritis. Useful fresh berries:

  • Brew glass boiling water 1-2s. Fruits, insist 3-4 hours, strain.

Take 2-3s.l. half an hour before meals 5 times a day.


  • Brew glass boiling water 1C.L. Viburnum seeds, tomorrow on half an hour, give cool, strain.

Take in the morning and in the evening an hour before meals 2c.l.

Ulcery disease of the stomach and duodenalist:

  • Grind the berries of viburnum, pour cold boiled water (half a compartment for 1c.l. fruit), insist 10-12 hours, strain.

Take to treat 1C.L. An hour before meals.

Constipation. It is useful to take 40-50 berries every morning with a small amount of honey.

Another recipe:

  1. Seeds viburnum chop in a coffee grinder.
  2. Brew glass boiling water 1C.L. Powder, insist 10 minutes.

Take 1-2 times a day with sugar or honey.


  1. Fruits wash, crushed, mix 1C.L. With 1/2 cup of honey.
  2. To warm up 10 minutes in an enamelled container on a slow fire or in a glassware in a water bath, constantly stirring, let it cool.

Take 1ch.l. several times a day.

Hemorrhoids.For prevention and treatment, the following means is useful:

  • Brew glass boiling water 4h.l. Korean bark, tomorrow 10 minutes in a water bath, give cool, strain.

Take half a cup in the morning and in the evening an hour before meals.

Abundant monthly, bleeding with hemorrhoids:

  • Grind into powder a Kalinovy \u200b\u200bCour, pour a similar amount of alcohol.
  • Insist 3-4 days in a dark cool place, strain.

Take 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day. Store in a cool place.

Nervous overload, overwork

Kalina is useful to remove nervous overvoltage, relax:

  1. Brew glass boiling water 2-3s.l. Shredded bark, add 1c.l. .
  2. Tomber in the water bath of half an hour, insist the hour.

Take 1C.L. An hour before meals for a week.

Another recipe for the treatment of overwork, eliminating chronic fatigue:

  1. Stir in the equal parts of the crushed bark of viburnum, the chamomile pharmacy.
  2. Digger 1C.L. Glasses of boiling water mixtures, tomorrow on a water bath for 15-20 minutes, strain.

Take on the night of 1-2 s.

Outdoor application

The beneficial properties of viburnum berries are used in the treatment of boils, frunnels, eczema:

  • Apply 1-3 times a day compresses from Kalin juice per day.

The duration of therapeutic procedure is 1-2 hours. Take 2-3 weeks, after a week break. Repeat 3-4 courses.

Eczema. It is useful to take up to 0.5 liters of Kalin juice per day or infusion of fruits:

  • Brew glass boiling water 2С.L. Ground berries, after half an hour, strain.

Take a half package per hour before meals.

Yazovki, wounds. With external use, healing properties of viburnum are useful:

  • Grind 1C.L. Berries, fill half a glass of boiled water of room temperature, insist 6-8 hours, strain, add 1c.l. Honey.

Fasten on the affected areas for 1-2 hours in the morning and in the evening.

Increased foot sweating or hands:

  • Pour the glass of water 1C.L. Cory viburnum, bring to a boil, tomorrow on a slow fire for 10-15 minutes, let cool, strain.

Wipe foot and palm several times a day.

Malignant education

Kalina with honey is useful for the prevention and treatment of oncological diseases:

  • Stir in equal parts of Kalina's juice and honey.

Take 3C.L. Mixes 4 times a day.

Another recipe:

  • Digger 1C.L. Flowers viburnum glass boiling water, insist of half an hour.

Take a glass for half an hour before meals. It is believed that the use of means after taking drugs enhances their action.

The malignant breast tumor is treated with fresh shredded viburnum berries.

Harm and contraindications

In the case of hypotension, viburnum treatment can harm reduced pressure, especially the combination of juice with honey.

Do not be treated viburnum at elevated acidity of gastric juice.

Folk remedies from the cortex of viburnum are harmful with increased blood coagulation, tendency to the formation of thromboms.

From the treatment of Kalina, it is worth abandoning for gout, arthritis, urolithiasis, kidney diseases.

During the elimination of continuous use of berries.

Changed: 06/26/2019

Nature does not get tired of taking care of our health, and today we will talk, what properties has a berry of Kalina, why it is medical and to whom is contraindicated. You will also learn many recipes for recipes with this plant.

During the cold, Kalina acquires special popularity, and it is not surprising, because it can treat cough, reduce the increased temperature, protect against viruses and bacteria. However, the useful effect of viburnum red is much wider - people It is used in cardiovascular diseases, anemia, problems with liver and kidneys, with avitaminosis, bleeding ulcers and allergies.

Kalina is used to prepare teas, horses, infusions, kissels, decoctions, compotes. The food consumes fresh juice and berries themselves, stirring them with honey, also from the fruit of viburnum make masks for the face.

Each component is useful in Kalina: fruits, bark, seeds, flowers. Curra is starting to collect from April to June, and it is better to shoot it with young twigs and trunks. At this time, the boron can be easily separated from the wood due to active shipping. In the fall, the kourina can be removed from the fastened thick branches. Calinda blooms in May, and berries appear from August to September. Moreover, if the berries of vibrations are distinguished to the first frosts of vibrations with a taste with bitterness, then after frosts, the fruits acquire a sweetest taste.

In the fruits of this plant, a lot of vitamin C is 100g berries - up to 82 mg, twice exceeds its content in lemons and one and a half times - in oranges! Therefore, they are recommended to use if you are cut in the form of tea from viburnum or in the form of juice from berries added to ordinary tea.

Also, the Kalina berry is the source of such vitamins as: vitamin A, K, R, E, because it is good to use it avitaminosis.

This plant can be considered as a source of iron (it is not less in Kalina than in a more popular richness and beloved blueberries), as well as magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, molybdenum, manganese, calcium, iodine, vanadium.

Berry Kalina has in its composition of pectins necessary for bringing harmful substancesIt has many tubyl substances, phytoncides, organic acids, lipids, essential oils, amino acids.

It is not surprising that for such a richest composition of nutrients, this plant is highly appreciated by the people.

And not only the traditional medicine exalt the useful properties of viburnum. Representatives of traditional medicine also give it due. Doctors give recommendations to replace the vitamins vitamins in order to strengthen the immune system. Just one glass of this useful drink It is able to ensure the daily need of all the most important substances for us.

Doctors advise to use Kalin if you have abundant and painful menstruation. It is also recommended to use those who have uterine bleeding. And all this for the hemostatic properties of this plant.

What other useful properties has a berry Kalina:

  • choleretic - because it is so useful to use it with liver diseases,
  • diurendic - kouring viburnum should be used in the appearance of swelling,
  • soothing - it is good to use it during stress, in depressive condition and as a reducing agent after transferred psychological injury,
  • Cotton - Drink tea and champs with viburnum if you are cold,
  • expectorant - Kalina will help free from cough,
  • cleansing - helps to remove toxins, clean and update blood,
  • immunomodulating - if you are weakened by the disease or strive to strengthen the immune system, use Kalina,
  • antiseptic - these properties are very important in bleeding ulcers and long non-healing wounds,
  • knitting - it is good to use it in diarrhea,
  • Antispagasmic - therefore it is useful to use it when problems with the brain to eliminate spasms and strengthen the walls of the vessels.

Will Kalina help with what problems will help:

  • atherosclerosis and arrhythmia (cleanse blood from cholesterol plaques and helps to normalize the pulse),
  • Angina and Bronchitis,
  • Influenza and ORVI,
  • If you suffer from allergies and bronchial asthma,
  • with gastritis and stomach ulcers or 12 pans,
  • With low acidity of gastric juice and disorders on the skin (psoriasis, eczema, pigment spots, acne, freckles),
  • If you are tormented by insomnia and headaches,
  • with colitis and hemorrhoids
  • If you have stomatitis and bleeding gums,
  • pyelonephritis and cystitis,
  • Erosion of the cervix and inflammation of appendages,
  • tuberculosis and lung inflammation
  • as well as oncology.

Kalina is an excellent remedy for a bad appetite, it is well replaced by coffee - viburnum seeds have a strong toning effect.

Who is contraindicated berry Kalina

  • If you have an increased blood clotting, this plant cannot be used.
  • Accordingly, if you have a tendency to the formations of thrombus, Kalina is also not recommended.
  • It is not necessary to use it and for gout, since it contains organic acids in large quantities.
  • Pourin contained in Kalina does not allow you to introduce this plant into a diet of people with urolithiasis and arthritis.
  • With an elevated level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach it is worth applied with caution.
  • Kalina harm can cause hypotonized.
  • During pregnancy, the use of viburnum and preparations from it is contraindicated, since an allergic reaction to this plant is possible, in particular, to a significant content of vitamin C.
  • Overdose by drinks with viburnum can harm in the form of the appearance of rash on the skin.

Berry Kalina with Honey

Such a means benefits with hypertension, cold, cough, bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis and nervous excitation:

  • prepare Cashitz from 6st.L. Fresh fruits, mix it from 200g honey and give it in line 2h. The tool is taken by 1st.l. Four times a day, you can drink warm water.

If you are allergic to honey, replace it with sugar.

Kalin Sok.

With these problems, instead of cassel from viburnum with honey, you can drink juice from fruits:

  • gently squeeze juice from berries (without excessive effort, so as not to squeeze too much bitterness out of the skin). Juice is used to three times a day at 50ml.

Kalina Red Calina is also useful to drink in allergies and ulcers, hemorrhoids and colitis, pain in the liver and heart muscle, cough and for cancer prevention.

Not only juice from fruits, but also decoctions with informs from flowers and berries. Plants are well taken to improve appetite and digestive process, getting rid of headaches and bronchial asthma, in diarrhea, liver problems, with low acidity gastritis, as well as To eliminate the body lack of vitamins.

The juice obtained from Kalina's leaves is useful to drink when rams on the skin, eels, furunculese, delicate, as well as a strengthening agent for health recovery after severe disease. The affected areas on the skin is well lubricated by kalin juice.

And you can prepare a cosmetic mask, stirring in the same ratio of sour cream with municipal gland and imparting a means for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with simple water. With it, you get rid of acne on the face and whiten the skin.

Fresh berries

If every day there are 100g fresh berries of viburnum, you clean and update blood, improve the functioning of the heart, you can eliminate fat deposits in vessels, which is extremely important in atherosclerosis.

If you have high blood pressure and there are no contraindications to the use of viburnum, make yourself such a mixture: the fruits right with the bones need to be pouring honey or pour sugar and 1st. To eat before eating three times a day.

Another advantage of the use of fresh viburnum fruits - they are able to help with constipation, as they have reduced properties.

The beneficial properties of viburnum berries used in pure form will have an invaluable service with inflammatory gastrointestinal processes. It will be enough will just crush 1st.L. Fresh fruits and eat them before eating for 30 minutes. up to four times a day.

From this video, you will learn a recipe, how to harvest Kalina for the winter, especially it will be useful for those who have hypertension:

Broth Kalina

The decoction is made both from the plant's bark and its berries. Data champs are useful for rinsing the throat during hoarseness and voice loss, angina and bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, periodontalities and any other inflammatory process in the mouth. The beneficial properties of bravery viburnum are able to provide a beneficial effect on people who are ill diabetes. Outward decoction should be used in skin diseases, hemorrhoid and to accelerate wound healing.

Broth bark prepare like this: the bark is crushed and 1st. Powder poured 250ml. water. Everything needs to be boiled 5 minutes., Give 1 h. Stop and skip through gauze. A decoction of room temperature is 1-2 hundred. Three times a day after eating.

By the way, the viburnum cortan is rich in the hemostatic substances, therefore it is recommended in abundant bleeding, it often finds its use in gynecological problems:

If a man has hemorrhoids, he should not only use the decoction of the bark inside, but also to make the bath with this decoction. And nasal bleeding helps to eliminate the cotton trunk inserted in the nasal strokes in the nasal strokes.

Broth of begging It is preparing like this: berries (2st.l.) are rubbing in Cashitz, in the enamelized vessel mixed with 250ml boiling water, 15 minutes. It is warmed in a water bath and insist 1h., then focusing. In the resulting decoction, the pretty boiled water (200ml) is still fired. Used decoction of 100ml three times a day.

Especially well, this decoction is warm to use from cough both adults and children. For children, Kalina from cough is accepted by a third of a glass no more than four times a day.

Decoration of flowers Preparing like this: 1st.L. Cheese poured 250ml boiling water, boils 10 minutes. on a weak heat and drinks three times a day by 1st. This decoction has expectorant and streaming properties, plus it helps to accelerate healing wounds and seams.

By the way, if you are tortured carbuncules, eczema, furuncula, ulcerative processes in the digestive tract, you can drink not only chambers of viburnum, but also infusions from its berries.

Infusion Kalina

Preparing infusion simple: 1-2st. The berries were broken in Cashitz, mixed with 250 ml of water and gave standing 4h. The tool is used for 100ml four times a day before meals.

If you make the infusion of viburnum by such a recipe: 10g berries flooded 200ml boiling water, 40 min. Increase and accepted 80 ml. Three times a day, you can get rid of yourself from cough, colds and acne on the skin. Moreover, with the last problem, infusion is not only inward, but also used to four times a day to lubricate problem areas.

The alcohol tincture of viburnum is made by such a recipe: in the same ratios, viburnum berries with 70% alcohol are mixed, 14 days the means is insisted, then it is used before eating 30-40 drops three times a day. This extract is useful to take and with abundant menstrual bleeding.

From this video, you will learn a few more useful ways to use viburnum, as well as an interesting method of harvesting her juice for the winter:

As you can see, the beneficial properties of viburnum are very diverse. No matter what kind of recipe you choose, Kalina will bring a huge benefit to your health. If you do not want to mix berries of viburnum with or sugar, cook from it a decoction or drink clean juice, in any case, you will feel all the healing power of this plant.

Of course, when taking Kalina, it is worth considering and its contraindications to not harm themselves. If for some reason you can't use Kalina, not trouble, there will be other plants that will help you. After all, the nature of generous for gifts ...

Taxon: Family adox ( Adoxaceae.)
Other names: Red Ordinary, Kalina Red, (Ukr.) Bambara, Balbaneja, Pride, Kalenha, Caennina, Karina, Sweet
English: Guelder Rose, European CranberryBusch

The Latin name of this plant is found in the works of Vergil and comes from the Latin word vimen.That translated means a vine, a rod, or a wicker product, as due to its long and flexible branches Kalina was used for weaving baskets and wreaths. Your Slavic name "" This plant got behind the painting of fruits, similar to the color of hot iron. Species scientific name of the plant comes from the word opulus.which in the ancient times called Maple, and this plant for the like maple leaves.

Botanical systematics

According to the modern classification (since 2003), Calina Ordinary belongs to the nature of Kalina Viburnum L.included in the ADOX family ( Adoxaceae.). Previously, the genus was part of the honeysuckle - Caprifoliaceae.. However, in 1987, Armenian Systematics of Takhtajian, thanks to the essential difference of the perianth, separated from the well-known family of Kalinov.
In systematic relationship Viburnum L. divided into 9 sections, among which 3 types are growing in Ukraine.
In natural conditions, 5 forms of viburnum are growing, which are widely used in environmental landscaping and cultivated in Ukraine as decorative shrubs.
1. Dwarf shape, has small sizes, small leaves and a compact crown.
2. Fluffy shape that has original leaves. From above, the leaves are bare, dark green, the bottom is grayish-green due to the thick gun.
3. Petray form. Leaves of this form have a decorative view thanks to a whitish-bright color.
4. Sterile shape that has better decorativeness. The inflorescence of this form consists of sterile flowers forming a spherical shape. This form does not block the fruits and breed only vegetatively.
5. Yellow-filled form. A bush, which differs from other molds of viburnum with golden yellow painting fruits (Soloduhin E. D., 1985).
The leaves and fruits of Kalina decorates the streets of cities and villages, parks and squares.


High branched bush or a small deciduous tree with a height of 2-4 m with a grayish-brown bark. The shoots are naked, less often ribbed, greenish, sometimes with a reddish tint. Leaves opposite up to 10 cm long. The plate of their 3-5 blade with the heart-shaped base, from the upper side the dark green, naked, from the bottom - grayish-green, alkyms are weakly populated, with two thread-shaped strips and two disk-shaped siding glands, and long cuttings.
Fragrant flowers are collected in flat thyroid inflorescences on the tops of young shoots. Large flowers are large, fruitless, median - small, rigging. A cup with five tooths, a whisk (up to 5 mm in diameter) Five-annual, stamens Five, pestle one, a short column, zerovy bottom. White flowers or pinkish-white.
Fruits - Berry-shaped red, oval fires (6.5-14 mm long and 4.5-12 mm wide) containing a flat solid bone painted with red juice.
Flowers Kalina from late May until July, fruits ripen in August-September. Kalina is a fast-growing tree. Its annual increase reaches 30-40 cm. Looking for Kalina to fifty-year-old age.

In addition to viburnum in medicine, raw materials are also used black Kalina, or gordovina (VIBURNUM LANTANA L.) comes from America. This species is a leaf fall tree with dark gray bark having egg-shaped, oblong-oval or elliptical leaves and fruits painted black. This type of viburnum is grown mainly in parks and gardens like a decorative plant.


Kalina has an euro-Siberian agriculture area. In a wild state grows in Central and Southern Europe, in Malaya Asia, in North Africa, in the European part of Russia, mainly in its middle part. In the north and west of Russia meets less often. It is found in Western and Medium Siberia, as well as in the eastern and northern regions of Kazakhstan. In Central Asia and the Far East in the wild state, Kalina ordinary is not growing.
Kalina - plant of forest and forest-steppe zones; In steppe areas, it is found only by the valleys of rivers. Kalina is a conventional plant of forest cenos, as part of the undergrowth is growing scattered, mainly in wet coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests, in glades, in thickets, on cuttings, along the banks of rivers, lakes and swamps. Pure thickets, Kalina practically does not form.

Collection and harvesting of medicinal vegetable raw materials

The official (plants used in medicine) drug raw materials of ordinary viburnum in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus are the bark - Cortex Viburni. and fruit - Fructus Viburni.. In most european countries Drug raw materials from Valina Ordinary is unofficial and does not apply in scientific and practical medicine.
Corra is collected from young shoots in April-May, during the coilment, to the dissolution of the kidneys when it is easily separated from the wood. On the trunk and branches of a sharp knife are applied by half rings at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, which are then connected by longitudinal cuts. Do not do ring cuts, it can lead to the death of the plant. The bark is rolling in air, and then dried in the dryer at a temperature of 50-60 ºС or in attics, under sheds, a slide layer. When drying, the raw materials are periodically turned over and monitors the parts of the cortex inserted one to another, otherwise the raw materials molds and boils. Drying is considered complete when raw materials are easily flexible, breaks with a crack.

Fruits are collected in September-October, cutting off knives or secateurs, make up in baskets. Dried in furnaces or dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. Then finite, sort, separating twigs and frozen. Dry fruits are packaged in bags weighing 20, 30, 40 kg and stored in dry, well-ventilated rooms, on racks.

In addition to the bark and fruits also use viburnum seeds. To obtain seeds, fruits are used, which are obtained after processing fruit. Seeds are separated from the pulp mainly manually, rinse several times with water on the sieve, and then dried in the shade at a temperature not higher than 40 ° C. Seed output is 6-10% of the weight of the fruit.

It should be noted that the stocks of potassium fruits in the forests are insignificant, therefore the preparation of fruits, as well as the cortex of viburnum, is carried out mainly from the cultivated molds of viburnum grown on plantations. In the forest practice, Kalina preferably determine the seeds from which seedlings grow. Seedlings subsequently transplanted on the prepared area. To prepare high-quality planting material, high-quality seeds with well matched fruits must be seen.

Biologically active viburnum substances

For the first time, data on the study of the chemical composition of viburnum were published in 1844. H. KREMer, who announced the allocation of the Viburnin Slobynin's Viburnin's Vibling Viburnian Viburnian. Later, H.van Allen in 1880 and T. Shenmann in 1897 also reported the release of a similar glycoside from the bark of viburnum, which had an antispastic effect at the same time and stopped uterine bleeding. Later, such glycoside was allocated by E. Cowmann Donijov in 1902 from the leaves VIBURNUM TINUS. and bark VIBURNUM RUFIDULUM RAF., VIBURNUM ALNIFOLIUM MARSH. and VIBURNUM TRILOBUM. L. In 1976, Vigorov and co-authors reported the presence of viburnin in the fruits VIBURNUM OPULUS L.. At the same time glycoside viburnin It was isolated as a yellow-orange amorphous powder, which had a melting point from 65 to 72 ° C. In addition, this glycoside was bitter taste and had a specific smell resembling the smell of valerian acid. In the hydrolysis of the isolated glycoside, glucose and mannose was obtained, as well as ant, acetic, valerian and isovalaric acids. Agrikon (the restless part of the glycoside molecule) of the above glycoside was obtained in the form of a brownish fatty fluid.
Currently, most phytochemikiv believe that the main biologically active substances of the cortex of viburnum, due to the specific pharmacological activity of drugs created on the basis of this raw material, is iridoids (biologically active phytochimicals, which, unlike flavonoids, are rarely found in fruit) and glycosides.
In the cortex of viburnum, up to 9 compounds of the iridoid structure are identified, they received the name of low-surge. It has been established that the quantitative content of the amount of iridoids in the Korean Core varies widely, from 2.73 to 5.73%.
The studies of the quantitative composition of iridoids show that with long-term storage of vibration cortex, the total content of iridoids remains high enough, and ranges from 2.5 to 4.4%. Qualitative changes are not so significant in order to effect on the pharmacological activity of drugs obtained from said raw materials, so Karina can be stored up to 5 years (Ivanov V. D., Ladygin E. I, 1985).

In 1972, J. A. Nicholson et al. From the water extract of the cortex of viburnum, the specific substance that was given name was given viocel. Based on the results of steroscopic and elemental analyzes, it was established that the viophudal is ester of isovalarianic acid and sesquiterpene alcohol having two aldehyde groups and two double bonds.
R. P. Godeau et al. In 1978 from leaves VIBURNUM TINUS. The method of chromatography in thin layers of the sorbent was identified by a substance that gave a positive reaction to esters with hydroxylamine and dinitrophenylhydrazine. After acid hydrolysis of the selected substance, an individual connection was obtained. This substance received a knowledge viburbinal. It should be noted that a similar substance with a similar structure a little earlier was allocated from rhizomes Valeriana Wallachii..

It has been established that the Cora Valina of Ordinary Domestic Origin contains a blood coagulation factor, or vitamin K, which is considered as a compound, has a hemostatic effect. The spectrophotometric method found that quantitative content in the Korea Korea is 28-31 μg / g
In a phytochemical aspect, the fruits of viburnum were also studied.
In addition to vitamin K, the fruits of viburnum are a source of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C and carotenoids.
Gomecene Tym and Prilep V. L., when studying the effect of thermal treatment on the preservation of carotene and vitamin C in the fruits of viburnum, it was established that ascorbic acid is less resistant to temperature conditions compared to carothine. So, when drying fruits at a temperature of 65 ° C, vitamin C was only 50% stored. In the treatment of fruits at a temperature of 75 ° C of this vitamin, it was stored only to 12.7% (Galtingova T. M, Prilep V. L.).
The fruits of ordinary viburnum contain up to 3% of organic acids (acetic, formic, isovalarian, caprilovy). It is investigated that the ether fraction of rival fruits ordinary contains ursol, chlorogenic and non-chlorogenic acid of chlorogenic acid prevails, its content reaches 69 mg%.
In the composition of the carotine fraction, carotene prevails. Among flavonoid compounds in Kalina, Astragalin, Amenotoflavron and Peonosid are contained. Phenolic compounds of fruits are represented by leicoantocyans, flavonolas, catechos, anthocyanis, phenolcarboxylic acids. The content of catechins in the fruits is up to 96 mg%, with the number of catechins that precipitate protein, 80% less than the number of those that are not precipitated, which indicates the predominance of monomeric forms of polyphenols. Also in the fruits of viburnum detected up to 1% of the tannins and coloring compounds. In addition to the above compounds in Kalina, resinous substances are contained 6.12 - 7.26%, organic acids - up to 2% (in terms of apple acid) and sugars - up to 6.5% (after inversion). Cora contains choline-like substances in an amount of up to 20 mg%
As a result of chromatographic study of ethanol extracts from viburnum cortex, chlorogenic, non-chlorogenic and coffee acid are identified and identified.

Valina Cora is a source of tannins. In commodity samples of the bark of viburnum, the conventional content of tanning substances ranges from 4.48% to 8.60%, which depends on meteorological conditions. They mainly consist of pyrocatechin derivatives.

When studying the chemical composition of viburnum, it was found from 5 to 6.5% of triterpene saponins. Triterpene saponins in the viburnum core are contained both in a free stock and glycosides.
The fruits are also contained up to 32% of polysaccharides in terms of dry mass. In addition, in the fruits of viburnum, up to 2.5% of pectin substances, which include galactose, glucose, arabinosis, xylose, and rammanosis in a ratio of 5.6: 2.6: 1.2: 1.7: 1.0, respectively .
The energy value of the fruit of viburnum is due to the presence of protein components and lipids in them. The amino acid composition of potassium proteins is represented by serine, glutamic and aspartic acids, alanyin, arginine, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, proline and threonine. In the fruit seeds found to 21% of oily oil. According to P. D. Berezovikov, the oil of potassium fruit contains 0.25% by Miristinova, 1.5% palmitic, 0.63% palmitoolenic, 0.6% stearic, 46.71% oleic and 50.14% linolenic acids. According to V. D. Ivanov, the polyunasted fatty acid composition of the seed differs from the fruits of viburnum and contains 0.3% by Miristinova, 4.3% palmitic, 2.3% stearin, 34.6% oleinova, 56.8% Linolenic and small number of linoleic , lignocerin, chariot, arachidon and geadic acids.
Fluids also have high potassium content, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese (0.2 mg%), zinc (0.6 mg%) and selenium, and the ability of potassium fruits was established to accumulate selenium. Also in the fruits contain nickel, bromine, strontium, lead and iodine.

In thermally processed fruits, compared with fresh changes significantly chemical composition. Thus, the amount of pectic substances decreases by 21.2%, sugars - by 6.1%, and the loss of ascorbic acid reach 94%. When stealing the fruit of viburnum, the loss of p-vitamin activity occurs and the fruits acquire a light-chicted color.
It is established that in the pulp of the fruit of viburnum contains a significant amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. When comparing the sum of saturated acids and the sums of unsaturated acids, the following ratio was obtained: in the Code - 5.7: 4.3; in the leaves - 4.7: 5.3; Fruits - 0.6: 9.4 and in seeds - 0.3: 9.7. When comparing the qualitative composition and quantitative content of fatty acids in the lipids of solid fruits with lipids of viburnum seeds, it was found that the most unsaturated nature is oil obtained from the fruits and seeds of viburnum (Ivanov V. D., Ivanov V.P., Bobyl, and others, 1984)

Application of viburnum in medicine

Kalina has long been used in traditional and folk medicine. Fruits of viburnum are used in medicine from the Middle Ages. The first mention of her healing properties appeared in the herbalists of Guildergard and Albert Great in the XIV century. The miser lines of Lonister (1528-1580), Jerome Bosque (1498-1554) and Mattioli (1504-1577) indicate the use of viburnum fruits during nausea, diarrhea and as a cleansing agent. Later, in the herbalists of the XVII - XVIII century, data on the use of viburnum fruits in heart disease, kidney and stomach are given. But only from the beginning of the first half of the twentieth century. Kalina began to apply as medicine. Folk Medicine is widely used with warm decoction of fruits with honey for colds, cough, long-term hoarse and chronic bronchitis. Fresh fruits, rubbed with sugar, are recommended for nervous excitation, and atherosclerosis. Bars and infusions of dried fruits are used with asthma, tuberculosis, ascite, cholecystitis, hepatitis, colitis. In dermatology and cosmetics, fresh juice of variety fruits are used for vasculitis, impetigo, psoriasis, children's eczema and pigmented spots on the face.

In Ukrainian folk medicine, the juice of viburnum fruits are used to prevent breast diseases, in particular during tumors. Calina juice wipe the face with acute rash in the young men. The infusion of viburnum flowers is used as a binding agent for diarrhea, to improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, with cough and hoarseness, with bricken and renal diseases, atherosclerosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases. Infusion of viburnum flowers are used for gold and skin rashes.

The decoction of the cortex of viburnum is used to prevent the miscarriage and as an opposite agent instead of the overseas bark of the frying tree.

Fruits of viburnum have a tonic effect and improve the work of the heart. Fresh berry tea and infusion of dried fruits are recommended to be used as anti-cylinder and campphic.

The decoction of the bone of the fruit of viburnum is used as an astringent drug during dyspepsia. Water decoction of stones are also taken inside for the prevention of carbuncles, eczema, rash on the body.

AT Ancient Russia Kalina juice was treated with breast cancer. Later, folk medicine used potassium juice with skin cancer and fibromes. There is data on the peculiarities of the fetas of potassium cancer and uterine cancer. It is believed that the systematic use of viburnum fruits improves the well-being of patients and is well acting on malignant tumors digestive organs. The positive results of the complex treatment of cancer diseases, diathesis and ulcerative diseases of the stomach preparations from viburnum fruits were obtained.

As a medicinal appliance, for the first time, Kalina ordinary entered the USSR VII editions in 1925, along with the Karya Viburnum, as a substitute for the specified imported raw materials. Later she was excluded from the subsequent pharmacopy of the former USSR. Instead, the Cord Valina ordinary was independently included in the Pharmacopoeia of the USSR VIII, IX, X and XI editions.

Fruits and viburnum flowers are more often used in traditional medicine. Water decoction drink with coughing, shortness of breath, sclerosis, diseases of the stomach. With diatestees, eczema and tuberculosis of the skin in children they give it to drink this decoction, and also bathe children in it. For diseases of the heart and hypertension good to a tool are berries together with bones. They are also used in case of cough, shortness of breath, with kidney diseases, stomach, as a pulp. Berries of viburnum, boiled with honey, are used with, especially when coughing, respiratory diseases, as well as soothing with pain during menstruation.

The fruits of viburnum consider a good, cooler and soothing means. Apply in the form of tea. One tablespoon of fruits is brewed with a glass of boiling water and take 0.5 glasses 3 times a day after meals.

Pharmacological properties

According to most researchers, a wide range of pharmacological activity of most viburnum preparations are due to various groups of biologically active substances.

A. S. Smirnova, T. N. Vashchenko (1969) indicate that Kalina's juice in 7% concentration performs a detrimental effect on the abdominal and dysenteric sticks, as well as on the causative agent of Siberian ulcers.

The infusion of flowers and the leaves of viburnum by 5% and 10% concentrations exhibit antimicrobial effect, although the indicated activity is significantly inferior to levomycenetin and tetracycline antibiotics in a dose-dependent concentration (D. I. Ibrahimov, A. B. Kazanskaya, 1981).

The antimicrobial effect was tested for the daily agar culture of 13 pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms for a person. A total of 1728 experiments. The research results have shown that 10% and 5% of the infusion of colors of the colors of the ordinary can have a sharply pronounced antimicrobial effect on sarcin, lemon-yellow staphylococcal and pseudosibirski ulcers, and the same concentrations of informants from viburnum leaves are effective for a protea and lemon-yellow staphylococcus. Salmonella abdominal and paratifua a and b, golden staphylococcus to these drugs were weakly integrated. The decoction of the bark of viburnum ordinary in relation to some of the above microorganisms showed a weak antimicrobial effect or this property did not possess at all. In the preparations studied at a concentration below 5%, the antimicrobial effect decreased.

A parallel study of the sensitivity of microorganisms to Levomycetin and Tetracycline showed that viburnum preparations are inferior to the above antibiotics.

It was experimentally established that the fruits of viburnum possess a bactericidal and phytoncidal effect and show a strongly pronounced inhibitory activity on trichomonas and giardia. Experimental animal studies have shown that the extracts from fruits have a cardiotonic effect, similar to drugs. Besides medical properties Fruits are valuable dietary product.

The pharmacological activity of the vibernoside was determined by studying its influence on the contractile ability of the isolated horns of the uterus and, in addition, the hemostatic effect of the drug was studied. Statistically processed results have shown that the viburnid affects the contractile ability of the isolated horns of the cat's uterus, causing an increase in amplitude and slowing down reductions, as well as a reduction in muscle tone.

The effect of water extracts of viburnum on the process of blood coagulation was studied in studies on dogs. Preparations were given by animals in a dose of 0.5 ml / kg. The blood for the study was taken from Vienna to the introduction of the drug and 1.5 hours after reception.
The results treated with the variational statistics method showed that the vibonoid is accelerating the influence on the process of blood coagulation. Vibornoid reduces blood coagulation time by 46.2% and is significant (by 69.6%) an increase in blood thromboplastic activity. The drug carries out a blocking effect on an antoslude system, causing a decrease in fibrinolytic activity by 48.6% and reduce the heparin content by 21.1%.

In the experiments on dogs, the hypotensive and sedative effect of viburnum preparations. Under local anesthesia (15-20 ml of 0.25% of the novocaine solution), dogs exposed the femoral artery and a femoral vein. A cannula was inserted into the femoral artery to record the blood pressure of mercury pressure gauge, and the studied substance was introduced into the femoral vein. The recording of breathing was carried out by a mare capsule through a cuff, imposed on the breast of the dog. At first, they checked the influence on the braids of the decoctions prepared from the cortex of viburnum ordinary in the ratio - 1: 10. The studied decoctions were administered at the rate of 1 ml per kg of the weight of the animal. Statistically reliable experiments have shown that the decoction of the cortex of viburnum has a pronounced hypotensive effect, slows the heart rhythm, increases the respiratory amplitude. The maximum blood pressure immediately after the introduction of the decoction is reduced by 32 mm, followed by a gradual minor lift for an hour, not reaching the initial level. The greatest hypotensive effect was obtained with the introduction of a nailed preparation. The maximum blood pressure immediately after administration decreases by 92 mm, with a gradual lift for an hour, without returning to the initial level.
In all cases, 3-5 minutes after the administration of the drug viburnum or branch of the bark, they carried out a sedative action on dogs, which lasted 35-40 minutes.

Toxicology, side effect and contraindications to use

The preparations obtained from fruits, colors, bark and leaves of viburnum viburnum, as well as the obtained newhea remedy for viburnid and its two forms in toxicity tests have shown that they are all non-toxic (Smirov A. S., 1967). Studies have shown that liquid vibrant cortex extract obtained by 50% alcohol is not toxic.

Clinical pharmacology

Kalina ordinary is used quite wide. Fruits have a good tonic effect, improve the work of the heart, increase the selection of urine. And their infusion is recommended for colds as an antipyretic and coating agent.

Flowers viburnum are also used as an antipyretic agent. For 1 glass of boiling water takes 1 teaspoon of viburnum flowers and insist 10 minutes. Drink 2-3 cups per day.

The infusion of fruits, colors and leaves of viburnum woves the throat with angina and washed wounds, the juice from berries takes out acne on his face.

Of the preparations of the Korean Valina more often use liquid extract, less often - decoction. Apply them as a hemostatic remedy mainly in the uterine bleeding. Glycoside Viborinin, contained in the core, enhances the uterus tone and has some vasoconstrictor effect. Outward decoction of the bark apply with nasal bleeding.

In dentistry, a vasoconstrictor, antiseptic and hemostatic effect of fruits and cortex of viburnum is used.

For the manufacture of fruits, 1-2 tablespoons of berries are triturated, brewed with boiling water (1 cup), insist for 1 hour, filter and rinse the oral cavity.

Fresh viburnum juice with adding honey at home is treated cough (Grochowski W., 1986).

With catarrile gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease is used by the infusion of viburnum cortex. One tablespoon of the cortex is brewed with 1 glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes and filter. Used for rinse mouth.

It is also noticed that the extractive substances are slower than the individual biologically active substances (tannins, glycosides and vitamin K) and the slowdown in the extraction of extractive substances takes place only after 6 days, while in tanning substances, glycosides and vitamin it becomes Obvious after 4 days. Thus, there is no need to continue the process of percolation more than 4 days.

It is beneficial near or instead of the liquid extract to have a more purified total drug, which would contain mainly only those substances that attribute the specific effect of the cortex of viburnum.

It is believed that those of glycosides, the complex which in 1844 H. Kremer called Viburnin. After the glycoside fraction is isolated from the cortex of viburnum and checking it on cats, it has been proven that glycosides exhibit a more active uterine effect than the official extract. This circumstance served as the basis for the preparation of the Novogalen preparation of the cortex of viburnum ordinary with the orientation of the content in it in its main glycoside faction.

Novogaley drug is light yellow water solution Glycosides with bitter taste and specific odor. He was named - "Vibornoid". The resulting preparation was poured into ampoules of 3.5 and 10 ml, which were sterilized at 100 ° C for 30 minutes. Along with the manufacture of an ampulled preparation, a drug was made for oral administration. 25 ° alcohol was used as a solvent of glycosides instead of water. The finished preparation was poured into vials from dark glass with a capacity of 50, 100, 200 ml. When stored during the year at room temperature, no visible changes occurred. Depending on the glycoside content in the viburnum core, their content in the preparation ranges from 0.50 to 0.80%. Obviously, for the drug, the value of the content of glycosides should be at least 0.50%.

Medical preparations

1. APLONNE P. (OB Pharma - France). Popito-water solution for internal use in a bottle of 150 ml, 100 ml which contains a mixture of extracts from:
Aphloia Madagascariensis Clos. - 500 mg;
gamamemis ( Hamamelis Virginiana L.) - 500 mg;
canadian Yolter ( Hydrastis Canadensis L.) - 250 mg;
Piscidia Erythrina L. - 500mg;
viburnum viburnum ( VIBURNUM Prunifolium L.) - 400mg;
Eskuloside ( Aesculoside.) - 40mg.

Used in the treatment of symptoms of venolimphactic insufficiency, in particular with varicose veins,. Take 2 teaspoons before meals.

2. Climaxol. (Lehning - France). A solution for internal consumption in a bottle-dropper containing a mixture of tinctures made in the ratio of the raw material of the alcohol solution 1: 10. 100 ml of the solution contains:
tincture Hamamelis ( Hamamelis Virginiana L.) - 28 ml;
nelyl tincture ( Ruscus Aculeatus L.) - 28 ml;
tincture - 28 ml;
canadian Yolter Tincture ( Hydrastis Canadensis L.) - 8 ml;
tincture Valine Slothy ( VIBURNUM Prunifolium L.) - 8 ml;

Used with the symptoms of velolionphamia and capillary failure of feet in women in the menopausal period. Take 35 drops 3 times a day before eating, drinking with a small amount of water.

3. Cortex Viburni. - cora Kalina. (CJSC Ivan-Tea, Russia). Crushed cortex viburnum in bundles of 100g. Used in the form of a decoction ( Decoctum Cortices Viburni.) 10 g. (1 tablespoon) of the bark are placed in enameled dishes, poured 200 ml (1 cup) boiling water, closed with a lid and heated on a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, after which the contents of the vessel are cooled, filtered, the raw materials are pressed. In a ready-made decoction, water up to 200 ml. The prepared decoction stores in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take 1 - 2 tbsp. Spoons are 3-4 times a day after meals, like a hemostatic and antiseptic agent in the postpartum period, with uterine bleeding due to gynecological diseases.

4. Digestodoron. (Weleda SA, France). A solution in 30 ml dropper bottles, containing polyextract, made by 20% alcohol from the next raw material in terms of 100 ml:
rOINVES FILIX MAS (Dryopteris Filix Mas) - 4 g;
Polypodium. - 1 g;
Pteridium. - 4 g;
Scolopendrium. - 1 g;
Salix Alba. - 2 g;
Salix Purpurea. - 2 g;
Salix Viminalis - 4 g;
Salix Vitllina. - 2

Applied in disorders of the digestion of a referral nature, accompanied by heartburn, increased and reduced acidity. Take 10 - 20 drops 3 times a day for 15 minutes. Before meals.

5. Fluon (Rabi & Solabo, France). Solution in vials of 75 ml. 100 ml of solution contains:
menthol 0.4 g;
hamamelis extract - 15 g;
chestnut Konsky extract - 2 g;
butterfly of the caustic extract - 24.43 g;
valerians extract - 2 g;
viburnum of the liquid extract - 2 g

It is used to treat symptoms of venolimphatics of insufficiency, in particular, in varicose veins, gravity in the legs, with hemorrhoids. Take 40 - 60 drops a day before meals.

6. Fructus Viburni.. Fruits Kalina, 50.0 g. (Adonis JSC, Russia). Consumed in the form of infusion ( Infusum Fructi Viburni.). 10 g (1 tablespoon) of fruits are placed in enameled dishes, 200 ml (1 cup) boiling water are poured, covered with a lid and heated in a water bath to 30 minutes. After that, the contents of the vessel are cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes, the infusion is filtered, the residue of the fruit is pressed, water is added to 200 ml. Made of infusion stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take 300 ml (1/3 cups), 3-4 times a day, like a vitamin, a stuffing, sweetest and reduction.

7. Extractum Viburni Fluidum, Viburnum extract liquid (Astrakhan pharmaceutical GUP, Russia).

Liquid extract obtained by extraction of 50% vibrant cortex powder in a 1:10 ratio. Available in bottles of 25 ml.
Take 30-40 drops 2 - 3 times a day, as the hemostatic remedy for uterine bleeding.

8. Tisane Phlebosedol (Lehning, France). Herbal mixture in bags of 2 g, packed in a box of 20 pcs. 100 g of the mixture contains:
korak Korah horse 15%;
sheets Clematis - 10%;
hamamelis leaves - 5%;
fig feed - 5%;
valiny cords Slothy - 5%;
coray crash - 20%;
sheets of the buttercup of a caustic (zhovtozilla) - 15%;
cushion leaves - 15%.

Apply in venous insufficiency and varicose veins. Use in the form of tea from one bag, insisting 15 minutes, 1 tablespoon (15 g) 3 times a day during meals. You need to adhere to the instructions of the doctor, since the overdose of this tool may cause diarrhea.

Another use of Kalina

With the fruits of viburnum in Ukraine for holidays baked pies and cheesecakes, they were added to the dough when baked bread, from fresh fruits were preparing the unique Kalin Kvass and Kalinik Kalinik. The fruits of viburnum were added while sailing. Kalinic juice was added when prepared her grazing and marmalade.

In addition, the fruits can be made of wine. It should be noted that wine made from viburnum has original bouquet. From the fruits collected after the first frosts, syrups and confectionery products can be made.

From the history

In mythology, Kalina is a symbol of happiness, love, beauty. One of the legends tells about the fact that Kalina rose from the blood of warriors who gave their lives for the fatherland, the seeds of the fruit of viburnum reminds of the heart. One of the ancient legends talks about the origin of Kalina the following:
"The goddess of Lada carried spring on the Ukrainian land, hesitated and lay down to relax in the steppes of the Tavria and fastened firmly. Sleeping Lada saw the goddess of the death of Mara and put a barbed thranger around her, who instantly grew up. The desperate prayers of the farmers who asked for heat and moisture on the spring land were awakened by Lada. Lada woke up and quickly hurried to bear people in the spring, but the thorn wounded it. And where there fell blood drops to the ground, the bushes of viburnum crossed with red berries. "


Govorov V.P. Pharmacological Study medicinal plants Western Siberia and Altai / / Plant Resources Siberia, Urals and Far East. - Novosibirsk: Science Sib. Departure - 1965. - P. 97-103.

According to the materials of B. M. Zuzuk, R. V. Kutsik (Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical University), M. R. Shtokalo (LLC, Lviv).

Photos and illustrations

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