
The most dangerous plants of the Crimea. Herbs. Drug herbs Crimea. Description of the healing and medicinal herbs in the Crimea medicinal and edible plants in the Crimea

1. Want to be cheerful to be, you need to drink Tatar-tea

A cup of morning invigorating coffee will easily replace Tatar-tea, he is a lemongrass, he is a shepherd tea. In the pharmacy it is difficult to find it, because the grass grows in the mountains, most often on the Yai Chatyr-Dagi and Demerji. It seems to be a lemongrass almost gray, covered with dense felt hairs, and stalks with yellow inflorescences. - Collect it in the middle of August, by this time there are many essential oils and vitamin C, and in the stems and leaves - calcium, "Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences told" KP ", Senior Researcher, Nikitsky Botanical Garden Farhad Melikov. - Young inflorescences and leaves have a pleasant smell and good for making tea. Unlike coffee, Tatar-tea perfectly supports the performance of the entire body all day. Dropped in the morning a cup will help quickly get into operation. Chaban-tea has a pleasant lemon aroma, so drinking it is one pleasure, especially with dried fruits. Such tea activates the bark of the brain and strengthens the immunity. It is still used as a means against fever. And the tincture of grass will help rapid healing and scarring of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Specifically To prepare tea, you need a pinch of leaves and the inflorescences of the lemongrass to pour boiling water and give it in 15 minutes. Also, the tincture can be added to the bath.

2. To strengthen the nerves, the lavender needs to brew If you go hiking, in the mountains, do not forget to narrow the fragrant lavender along the way. Everyone knows that the smell of this plant scares the mole, but it does not end in this dignity. Now the lavender is used for the manufacture of therapeutic tinctures, perfumery, food and even clothes. "She blooms all summer, but it is better to collect her in July," explains Farhad Maisovich. - Lavender is an excellent agent against insomnia, headache, neurasty, hysterical reactions and plasticity. That is why the decoction of lavender is recommended for children and adults in the manifestation of aggression and insomnia. Also, the mountain plant has antibacterial properties. When eating, immunity is strengthened. Baths with inflorescences Lavender will help to relax after a hard working day. And the sachet pads will guard your strong sleep.

Specifically To combat insomnia and nervous tension, you need to crush dry lavender flowers, 2-3 tablespoons pour two glasses of boiling water. Leave broke up for 15 minutes. Drink such tea 4 times a day by half a cup or 1 cup before bedtime.

3. Stevia - like honey, drink, and ailment will pass The grass is called honey, because it tastes like sugar. It grows on fruitless sands or on the edge of the marshes. To collect her, it will be necessary to work hard, because the swamps in the Crimea is extremely small. - The composition of Stevia includes various mineral compounds, vitamins, essential oils, amino acids and pectins, "Specialists of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden say. - This plant has many substances that serve as a building material for the production of hormones. Stevia decoction is great for supporting metabolism, restores carbohydrate and protein metabolism, increases the body's protective functions, neutralizes and removes toxins from it. The grass is indispensable in diabetes mellitus, obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, allergic diseases, reduced immunite, blood diseases, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Specifically, the grass is compatible with any products and easy to use. It is enough to pour 1 teaspoon of collecting boiling water, let it brew a few minutes and take an empty stomach. In order to strengthen the immunity, the decoction of this plant should be applied over a long period.

REPEA oil perfectly stimulates hair growth and strengthens their roots Photo: Nikita Garashuk

4. To reset the adipose bag, collect rebel Grows rebel on forest edges, along the roads and even on urban wastehouses. Five-line yellow flowers are distinguished by the right shape and a small size. Hurry up in time to collect inflorescences, because by the end of August it will go away. - This plant is a universal means for weight loss and cleaning of the body from salts, toxins and slags, "said Lyubov Zavalovsky," KP ". - Alla Pugacheva said in one of the interviews that she was losing weight with the help of a reproach from the inflorescence. It gently purifies the vessels and removes salt not only from the joints, but also from the spine, thereby providing the recovery effect on the body as a whole. Specifically For weight loss and cleaning the body, 100 grams of repaint pour water liter and put to boil on a weak heat for 15-25 minutes. In the Remedy, you can add honey. Drink decoction in the morning and in the evening before meals for a month. 5. From aging, the wrinkles will help you rosemary This fragrant, evergreen shrub with needles is highly valued in cooking and aromatherapy due to the essential oil contained in it. All because Rosemary is struggling with aging and wrinkles. It can be found on the marine banks of the Crimea, which is why many call this plant "Sea Ros". Collect rosemary is recommended at the beginning of summer. - Rosemary essential oil is used in the treatment and cosmetology, "Specialists of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden say. - The plant helps with a worsening of memory, skin diseases and heads. Rosemary is able to lead to a tone of cardio-vascular systemas well as stomach and liver. The oil of this plant stimulates blood circulation, so it is shown to people suffering from reduced blood pressure. Specifically, rosemary oil can be rubbed into the skin in the mornings or add leaves of this plant in the food. On the notes of the tourist If you arrived in the Crimea to rest, you want to sunbathe and swim, and the time to go to the mountains or wander around the fields in search herbal herbs No - not trouble. Fees can be bought in almost every spa town. True, they are not sold in pharmacies, but often in the markets near souvenirs.

Crimea is a storehouse of therapeutic herbs. Many are specially closed away and higher from civilization, which would choose and print her herbal fees for the winter. In Crimea, more than a thousand different herbs, many of which are therapeutic. The peak of flowering herbs falls on June-July month and continues until September. If you want to diversify the journey on the mountain Crimea delicious and useful herbal teas We advise you to choose the summer months.

Unfortunately, not all herbs are equally useful, to some it is worth fitting with caution. If you do not know what kind of grass, it is better not to touch it. Below we will list the most popular herbs that throw in the bowler. On these herbs, excellent fragrant herbal teas are obtained.

Chabret (thyme) - Plant, which previously people called the Holy Grass of the Virgin. It was believed that the smell of the chastard, cleans the air, expels evil spirits and extends youth and beauty. To this day, people use it as a panacea from many ailments. Find it easy. Landy shrub, numerous stems reach a long 15 cm., Leaves are oblong, flowers of pink - purple color, shot into small junny blossoms. Tea from it turns out fragrant and rich.

- This plant is used not only in the preparation of delicious, fragrant tea, but also has an excellent antiseptic effect. Tea from this fragrant plant, quenching thirst, fills with force and energy, as well as rinse wounds. Very common plant in our time. Oral is a good honey. It is high enough 30 - 60 cm. It is not difficult to find it, the stalks are straight, tetrahedral and have a reddish tint. Purple flower, assembled in a small heartflower. Flowers Oilsman in June - August.

Zheleznik Krymskaya (Shepherd - Tea) or in common arms "Lemongrass", It is not necessary to confuse him with a "lemongrass" which grows in the Caucasus, these are different herbs. The grass has its name due to a saturated lemon smell. Tea from it turns out very fragrant and tasty. The benefits of this plant are known to the tourism lovers not at the break. One of the best tones, strengthening the organism of plants. It gives cheerfulness, supports the work of immunity, restores strength and much more. Parish from leaves has a disinfecting and healing agent. This miracle - grass grows on stony steppe slopes. You can learn it in a gray stalk with thick downsion. The flower has a yellow color, in the form of a spike. Well, if you doubt, scroll the sheet with your finger and you will feel the lemon fragrance.

Mint grows in the shade along the springs. Does not like arid places. It occurs on the outskirts of the Yayl. It has this plant and healing properties. Restores the cardiovascular system, well for colds, very useful for the female body. Men with mint is better be careful, it reduces testosterone levels in the body. Tea with mint is very fragrant and refreshing thanks to the Menthol contained in the leaves. Collect mint can be started with spring. It is used both in its pure form and add to tea.

Strawberries (leaves and berries) - Stopping at the glade with strawberries and not finding delicious berries on it, do not be discouraged. Narvit a little strawberry leaves and add to the boiler with your tea or compote. The benefits of such tea will be indispensable in the mountains. Strawberry leaves give tea not only pleasant taste and aroma, but also benefit. Vitamins, minerals, acids, fructose, glucose .... All this helps the liver, gastrointestinal tract, with colds and strengthen the body. But if you also got the berries, then make a delicious compote from berries and leaves. And of course, using the case, there is a little about the supply. Tie a small bundle and hang it on a backpack. To the next parking lot you will have again, fragrant and useful drink.

Hunther - It is believed that this plant "allegedly" kills the beast in a man. No no and one more time no. There are many legends about the appearance of this plant. But all legends are alone: \u200b\u200bin the beast blood (fiery bird, Jesus Christ, mythical beings ...). The fact is that if you confront the Flower of the Zverkoy in the fingers, you will see a red juice. And of course - in the old days, people attached special attention to this plant. It was hidden in the mattresses of children, they scared the evil spirits, wore the branches of the Hyperician, how walked from the evil eye and much more. But most importantly, they were treated. There is even an ancient saying "how without flour does not bake bread, so without a hunter not to cure diseases." I will not describe all benefits, but I can say one thing in your tea, this plant will only benefit. Of course, it is worth noting contraindications. Hypertension, it cannot be used regularly - as it is a bit toxic, and can complicate the work of the kidneys.

In Crimea (and probably everywhere), every grass knows its place - it grows only where the best (more precisely, the usual) ratio of the sun and shadow, moisture and drainage, on suitable soil or even with its complete absence.
1. Stony slopes of lime ridge In April, illuminated with almost solid radiance gorition Spring . Separate plants are found even in the city feature of Sevastopol, Bakhchisaraya, Belogorsk and Simferopol (only here they are, of course, not completely therapeutic). In general, the horizon is a strong and proven tool for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Summer bloats yarrow - White bash. Collect it, cutting up the tops of the plant or separate flowers and grass. Infusions, drugs from yarrow are used in intestinal, pulmonary, hemorrhoids, uterine diseases, as well as various bleeding.
Here, on the stony slopes, you can meet odorless thyme Collect it in full bloom - from mid-June to the end of summer. Essential oil contains only the upper, thin pieces of stalks with leaves and flowers. Preparations are used as an expectorant, antiseptic; wind turntable, soothing, anticonvulsant. With neuritis and radiculitis, he relieves pain.
Grass gorky wormwood , growing in the same stony dry places, is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, Malokrovia, insomnia, hypertension, liver disease and gallbladder.

2. If you go down a little, then at the foot of the foothill, on the solar edges of the armor, in the meadows, the roads grow rare now curtains chamomile pharmacy Flowering from June and having a wide range of applications from the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract to improve hair nutrition. Chamomile flowers tea - one of the few medicineswhich is always by the way.
Praise plantain Perhaps it makes no sense, although it is worth it: we all in early childhood used themselves with merciful leaves. But besides the treatment of abrasion and cuts, fresh plantain, it is used in the form of juice - with gastritis, colitis, cystitis, and infusion of dried leaves as an expectorant.
Can rarely meet st. John's wort (A lot of similar herbs with the same bright yellow asterisks of flowers, but with leaves without perforation), blooming from June to September. Infusion of flowers and leaves have knitting, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties. Tea from the Hypericum, fragrant and pleasant taste, soothes, fills comfortably. Only Attention: the infusion of the Zverkoy is fastened. With normal digestion (and even more so with a tendering of constipation), it should be brewing only in a mixture with a chamomile (light laxative).
Habitual dandelion In cities and towns, it is better not to touch - car exhausts are settled on his leaves, but bring leaves from a country walk will not hurt. Fresh young leaves, painted in salted water about half an hour, can be added to the bass. The roots of the dandelion (they are harvested in autumn) are used to excite the appetite, during constipation and as a choleretic agent.

3. The next typical "field" is pustaines, Weed places abandoned by people, the site of a centuries-old grazing of livestock. First of all, it rushes into the eyes lophukh reurenik with a powerful coloring stem. But he is just not needed - old too, but the annual burdock with the same huge leaves, but without a stem, has a healing root, the decoction of which is known as a strong diuretic and catholic agent.
Nettle It makes itself felt a burning pain, but however, this plant is very useful, especially fresh leaves, the chlorophyll of which is not destroyed by boiling. They have strong bloodstand and expectorant properties, are used in intestinal disorders. Beams from dried leaves of nettle are also used for hair rinsing.
Speat (Buckle Buckwheat) is well noticeable where another grass was flooded, it is a lot in populated areas, especially in new buildings. Meanwhile, this invarious plant increases blood clotting, reduces the muscles of the uterus, has an anti-inflammatory effect, the sand is expelled during kidney disease. Of course, it is necessary to collect it in those places that people have long been left.
Name motherwort Says for himself. It is difficult to imagine a pile of the tiles and the old aslace somewhere in a mountain abandoned village without nettle and without his pink small flowers that look out of the sinuses of five-blade leaves. The dyeing contains an excellent sedative, superior to Valerian in efficiency 3-4 times. The upper part of the flowering plants is collected from June to September.
In the same habitats left by people (in the valleys under the "cavemen" cities of the South-Western Crimea) I saw whole glades or even fields indian cannabis . It is true, it is not recognized as not in all countries ...

4. Finally, the last type of habitats. On the road will always come thought about water. And in raw places strikes, River, Ponds, on Wet Slopes Ovragovyou will probably meet blind With three-part leaves and small yellow flowers. If in the house breast child, without it can not do. Collect and dried only the leaves of a series. Used in decoctions in colds and as a diuretic. Bathing in brands of a series protects the child from the Padder, all sorts of rashes and diameters, gold, rickets, makes his skin sustainable infections. *
For the same springs, gaining water for tea, you are very different by the way mint. and melissa (lemongrass). An unusually pleasant taste (moreover, allowing to save on sugar) and a strong sedative. To drink, however, it is only for the coming dream - smearing great.

* By the way, about children and infection. Radical remedy against the oral cavity infection, primarily the thrush in infants - jam from the petals of tea rose. It is enough to moisten a pacifier in a cup, where 20-30 grams of water (boiled) a few drops of jam - all this is filtered.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Presentation on the topic: Rare Plants of Crimea (to the lessons culture of good neighborliness and the world)

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The presentation prepared the primary school teacher MBOU №40 Symferopol of the Republic of Crimea Nikisitis Inna Ivanovna

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Snowdrop Foldly perennial bulbous plant up to 25-30 cm high with two sisovato-green, along folded leaves. Flags from February to April. It is found in forests and shady places throughout the mountain Crimea. Every year in huge quantities is destroyed by collectors for sale, often digging together with bulbs. Therefore, the existence of a snowdrop is under threat.

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Schedule tulip is a perennial bulbous plant up to 30-40 cm high. Flowers are large, yellow or red, blooms in April. It grows in the steppe Crimea, in the foothills and the eastern part of the southern coast. This beautiful plant is predatory destroyed for sale.

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Lily of the Lily of May is a perennial plant of about 20 cm high with 2-3-green leaves and a rare brushes of white very fragrant flowers. Flowers in April-May. Grows in light forests among shrubs throughout the mountain Crimea. This is decorative I. medicinal plant

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Planting two-income is a perennial bulbous plant 10-20 cm high. Flowers consist of 2-10 blue flowers on a long flowering, blooms from March to the end of April. It lives in mountain forests, among shrubs, on the southern shore, in the foothills and in the Kerch Peninsula. Intensively exterminated by collers for sale.

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Adonis Spring (Gorizvet) Perennial plant tall up to 10-30 cm. It has bright green, dissected leaves. Flowers are large, golden yellow. Flowers in April-May. Grows on the slopes, fields of stony places throughout the Crimea, more often in steppe areas, foothills and on the egg. This is a decorative and medicinal plant.

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Peony Crimean TTT is a perennial plant up to 75 cm high. Flowers single, large, pink, leaves round, blooms in May-June. It dwells in the pine and oak forests of the mountain Crimea. Very beautiful plant, so intensively exterminated by collers for sale.

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The chabret is one of the most fragrant and healthy plants of Crimea. This wonderful grass was popular at all times and in different parts of the Earth. So, in Russia, the icons of the Mother of God were decorated for Holidays, and in Ancient Greece During worship services used fragrant smoke. Ancient believed that thyme (the second name of the Cabbar) is able to return not only health, but also life! Nowadays, the grass is considered a symbol of fertility, which is why there is a tradition to wear wreaths from a plant of brides. Actively used as fragrant seasoning to dishes and as a medicinal product.

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Zelenery Crimean or Crimean Lemongrass Lemongrass Krymsky also called Tatar tea or shepherd tea. This is a long-term flower plant with gray at the base of wood stems with thick downsion. Inflorescence in the form of spikes. Flowers light yellow. Crimean lemongrass blooms in the late spring at the beginning of summer. It is possible to find it on the rocky slopes of the Crimean steppes, on the meadows and solar pools. The name Zheleznok got from the Latin version - Sideritis. That translated sounds like "the one who has iron." In antiquity, the same name had all the plants that perfectly coped with the healing of wounds caused by metal weapons (swords, spears, knives, axes, and so on ...). Lemongrass Crimean magnificent medicinal plant. Crimean Tatars They considered him panacea from all colds and with regular consumption of tea with a lemongrass guaranteed the impossibility of cold or getting the flu.

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Mint peppermint pepper contains essential oil (2.5%), the main component of which is menthol. The pepper mint has painful properties. Mint is added to various toothpastes, powders, colognes, elixirs, etc. Mint is used to combat cold and fever. Mint is used in the pharmaceutical and food industry, perfumery, in confectionery case, in the production of emphasis and liquor products. In the cooking, it is simultaneously seasoning to all sorts of dishes (meat, vegetable, etc.), and additive for aromatization.

Oregano Ordinary Useful Properties

Oral - fragrant perennial plant, very resembling the smell of a chamber. Czczuchka type rhizome, branched. Stems upright, opposite, in the upper part are slightly pubescent, reach a height of up to 60 cm. Leaves with a small fluff, opposite, top with the top, rather than on the bottom. Purple flowers, reddish-purple, fragrant, very small and numerous, are assembled at the ends in the blurred inflorescence. The fruit is in a cup and consists of 4 brown nuts with a size of about 1 mm. Own soul blooms in July-August, fruits ripen by early September.

The oregano is widespread in Ukraine and Russia, loves dry soils, forest edges, cutting, roadside of roads, iula.

Oregano useful properties:
Oilsman ordinary has a rich chemical composition. The above-ground part of the plant contains 1.2% essential oil, which has a very pleasant aroma and bactericidal properties. Also in the stems and colors of the plant contains tubil and coloring substances, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, thymol.


IN folk medicine A decoction of the ordinary oregano was taken with diseases such as epilepsy, paralysis, cramps, abdominal pain, rheumatism. The infusion of grass is taken in gynecological diseases, colds, and stomach diseases. The decoction of the Oral attaches cheerfulness, improves the mood, drink it after fainting, with insomnia and general weakness.

The useful properties of the souls made it simply not replace in medicine. It is used in atony and blown in the intestines, for more intensive selection of gastric juice. Decoction of the souls should be taken when bad appetite and liver diseases. It has the effect of a strong diuretic, helps to dissolve stones in the kidneys.

The soul is a good anti-ansulous and tall agent, used for cramps, epilepsy. It has a small painkillers, good soothing.

It is often applied against female diseases, it is sometimes called women's or maternal grass. Most effective when climax and diseases associated with bleeding.

To reduce dental pain, you can soul leaves. The decoction make compresses that are used to treat boils.

Oilsman ordinary contraindications
Despite the fact that such an extensive useful properties of the oregano, constantly drinking it is also not good. Reception of the souls during pregnancy can provoke miscarriage. Men are contraindicated for long-term use in large quantities, as this may adversely affect potency.

Oilsman in cooking:
In the soul cooking is used as fragrant seasoning to vegetable dishes, potatoes, peas, meat, beans. Such a seasoning makes your dishes not only tastier, but also more useful! Leaves from oregano can be added to salads and soups. It is good when flavoring tea, gives pleasant, thin fragrance.

Recipes from oregano:
Jam from soul and gooseberry. Ingredients: 1 kg of gooseberry, 500 g of water, 1kg sugar, soul branches and cherry leaves - pieces 20. Gooseberry pour cold water for 8 hours. I drag my influence, add sugar, soul, cherry leaves and boil. After cool and fix the syrup, we add berries to it and boil until readiness.

Kvass from oregano. Ingredients: a glass of inferior souls, 10 liters of water, 1 kg of sugar, 30 g of yeast and 50 g of flour. Sugari, better from stale bread, pour boiling water and pursue 12-15 hours. Make a yeast, flour, water with sugar and add to breadcrumbs. All this put to fermentation. Then add an infusion from the oregano and give it another two more. Pour bottles and put in a cold place at 10.

Milestone ordinary, useful properties

Evian Yarrow - Medical herbate plant From the family of comprehensible. Straps straight, ribbed, reaching a height of 20-60 cm. Rhizome creeping. The leaves are grained, on one cut is an incredibly large number, it is from here and the name is the yarrow. Blooms in June and blooms in September White collected inflorescences. It grows on the side of the roads and fields, on the meadows, is not whims for climate and soil.

The composition of the millennic
During the flowering period, the grass contains alkaloid Achillein, Kumarin, flavones, tannins, resins, organic acids, ascorbic acid, mineral salts, carotene, Khilin. The leaves and inflorescences contain essential oil of gas or bluish color. It consists of substances such as cinol, camphor, tuyol, esters, cariofillen, acetic, formic, salicylic acid.

Properties and application:

Yarrow has many useful properties, the main one from which is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial property. It also helps against golden and white staphylococcus, increases blood clotting, has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties, has a shipping effect, contributes to the removal of pain in the intestinal and gastric diseases.

Due to the presence of bitterness and essential oils, an ordinary yarrow is used to increase the appetite, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a hemostatic remedy for various internal hemorrhages: pulmonary, intestinal, uterine, hemorrhoids, wounds or bleeding from internal wounds. Also, preparations from grass can be used as a soothing means.

In folk medicine, the yolk is very loved and used with nightly cramps in the legs, headaches, anemia, worms, in the form of a siparan on bleeding or fusion wounds, naryvy. This significantly accelerates healing and contributes to stopping blood. In the form of infusion used to improve appetite, the treatment of respiratory tract, with violations menstrual cycle, To increase the amount of milk in nursing mothers.

St. John's wig

St. Johscoy has long been considered one of the main medicinal herbs, they say that he treats 99 diseases! It enters many different fees and is widely used in medicine. This is a perennial grassy plant with a lot of bright yellow flowers collected in blurred inflorescences. Flowers in June-August and it is these months that are ideal for its collection and harvesting. The blooming tops of the stalks long 20-30 cm are valuable. It is necessary to dry in the shade and keep a dried plant no longer than three years.

Properties and grasses composition
St. John's wings are widely used both in traditional and folk medicine due to its complex chemical composition and the presence of many beneficial substances. It consists of: resins, carbohydrates, essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, anthocyans, kartatoids, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, vitamin E, vitamin R, choline, alkaloids, cerilic alcohol and other useful and not very substances. After all, you should not forget that St. John's wort is lowly toxic and is not dangerous for people, which will not tell about the beasts. The most susceptible to the hazard of the sheep, cattle, horses - the name speaks for itself.

The bertoy has excellent antimicrobial, disinfectant, astramic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic properties and is used to treat bloodwack, diarrhea, kidneys, liver, rheumatism, ulcers, cardiovascular system, nervous diseases.

From the Hypericum do natural antibiotics Imanin and Novymannan, which are used for purulent heavy wounds, strong burns, abscess, ritin, hyimorite.

Tea or tincture are used with prolonged nervous state, depressions, permanent fears, anxiety. For the whole family, and especially people with excessive loads on nervous system You can offer such a tea collection:

  • hypericum flowers - 50 gr
  • melis - 20 gr
  • lavender - 5 gr
In dentistry, a strong infusion of St. John's wort for the treatment of gums and removing unpleasant odor with mouth is used.

Recipes from Hypericum:
Broth of the Zverca (one tablespoon of dry crushed grass pour a glass of water and boils about 15 minutes. After that, the brave is to cool and drink for a few approaches during the day.

Hypericum tincture: glass of boiling water Pour one tablespoon of the grass of the Hypericum and give it in the course of 30 minutes. Drink for 3-4 approaches.

Hypericum Oil: Fresh Flowers Fall sunflower oil In proportions 1:10 (10 grams of flowers per 100 grams of oil) and insist in the course of 14 days periodically squeezing. Helps with strong bruises, wounds, ulcers and other injuries.

Hypericum extract: Four tablespoons of grass pour 100 grams of clean alcohol and laugh for 10 days. After that, take no more than 50 drops three times a day.

St. John's wort is the properties of raising pressure, so it is contraindicated in pregnancy or hypertension. It has a weakly toxic property, so the long-lasting reception is also not desirable, can cause a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, the unpleasant sensation in the field of the liver.

And the most unpleasant for men is temporary impotence with long-term reception (from 3 weeks). After the cessation of the reception, the grass is excreted from the body and everything returns to normal.

Also, Zvemya increases the skin sensitivity to ultraviolet, so it is better to stay from the tan immediately after reception. So during hikes in the Crimea, I would think, do you?

Barberry - Useful properties, recipes

Lingonberry - a long-term evergreen shrub of a flutter type, reaches 10-30 cm in height. Stem reprehension with many small dark green shiny leaves. Blower blooms in May-June in small pale pink flowers. The fruit is bright red in color and xylo-sweet berry, ripening in late August-September. It is found in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, the mountains of the Caucasus, Crimea and Carpathians. It is best grows in coniferous and mixed forests, along with blueberries on swamps, sometimes on mountain slopes and eggs.

Lamberry beneficial properties
Lingonberry is very rich in useful substances. Berries are especially rich in vitamin C, to replenish its reserves in the body just eat ripe fruit. And according to the content of carotene (vitamin a), the lingonberry is superior to cranberries, pears, apples, grapes and even blueberries! Also rich in the line and the vitamins of the group V. about 10-15% is fructose, glucose, sucrose. The composition of the berries includes the minerals necessary for our organism: magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, manganese.

Berries lingonberry are used in fresh, uroin or boiled form with kidney stones, cystitis, gout, rheumatism, as a diuretic. Morse is very useful from the bodies of the lingonberry, since it combines an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect - simultaneously displays toxins and struggles with microbes. The drink is sour, if you wish, you can crawl a little. He perfectly removes thirst and gives strength, besides this is useful in cancer.

But in medicine, the leaves of lingry are more often used, they contain tannins, tannin, hydroquinone, waterbutin, carboxylic acids, vitamin C, hard and wine-acid. The decoction of leaves is recommended to be used when gougraning, diabetes, rheumatism, kidney diseases.

Preparation of leaves and berries Lingubes:
Berries need to collect only ripened, and they ripen in August-September, depending on the region. Green berries are not stored and not suitable for use. The lineware includes a natural preservative, so the berries are well stored in ordinary water, the main thing is to change it from time to not skiel.

The leaves are best collecting in the spring, it is at that time they contain most of all useful substances. The second time to collect leaves can be in the fall, after ripening berries. The leaves are dried in well-ventilated warm rooms, while drying is better to avoid direct ingress of sun rays. Once a few days the leaves need to turn over, properly dried should save green.

Lamberry recipes:
Morse brushing. A glass washed lingonberry pour two cups of cold water and bring to a boil. Add 5-6 sugar spoons and cook on a small heat for 15 minutes. Take one glass as a toning agent and to combat colds, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastritis.

Tea recipe from lingonberry leaves. One teaspoon to pour boiling water with a mug and give 30 minutes. To drink for three approaches throughout the day before meals. Such tea is useful in gastritis.

Lavender - Application, Properties.

Lavender - frost-resistant, medicinal plant, reaching 50-60 cm in height. It grows in small evergreen bushes to a meter in width. Stems upright, linear leaves, slightly bent around the edges and covered with small felt hairs. Flowers collected in cooled inflorescences at the ends of the stems, there are blue, blue-violet and violet flowers. Lavender blooms in the middle of summer and at this time extremely fragrant. Not in vain say that who once felt the exquisite fragrance of blooming lavender, fall in love with her forever. Confirmed on their own experience!

The name of the plant was given ancient Romans. They added extremely fragrant grass in the bath, mile her head, it relaxed and gave the body and hair the divine fragrance. Lava - Translated from Roman to wash and gave the name of Lavender.

Lavender - Properties and Applications

Lavender is one of the most fragrant herbs and contains many essential oils, most of all in the flower. In Essential oil, lavender is inherent in: LinalLilacetate, Kumarin, Valerian Aldehyde, Limonen, Valerian and Oil Acid. It is for obtaining this oil in the main lavender and bred. Lavender has been widely used in the paint industry, soap production, shampoo, deodorants, perfume, air fresheners, cosmetics.

At home, Lavender also found widespread. The oil is used to remove stress, against headaches, for relaxation and gaining soulful equilibrium, against pain in the joints and from burns, like massage oil. More than a long time, dry flowers and lavender leaves were used for refreshing the premises, fragrant herbal pillows, fragrances clothes and bed linen, against moths. So, it is enough to put a small bag of lavender in a bedside table to protect them from molia and give a weak pleasant fragrance.

Application of lavender in cooking:
The plant has a strong smell and pleasant, slightly tart taste. As a spice, the leaves of grass or whole branches with leaves and flowers are used. The most popular is in foreign cuisine - Italian, Spanish, French. Lavender is added to the dish with other spices, most often season meat, fish, soups.

When smoking, fish tasty will put a lavender along with juniper berries in the heat, it will give a gentle and fragrant taste of a dish.

Widely use lavender in the liquor-vodka and non-alcoholic industries.

Application of lavender in medicine:
Lavender acts well as a calming agent, helps to cope with insomnia, exconstructation, hysteria. Suitable for cosmetology care for any skin when peeling, inflammation and redness. Used to care hair, eliminates dandruff and fragility. As an anesthetic acts with headaches, migraines.

It has a choleretic effect, normalizes the operation of the gallbladder and the liver. Normalizes arterial pressure At hypertensive, heart rhythm with arrhythmias and tachycardia. Strengthens immunity, increases resistance infectious diseases And the endurance of the body.

Rosehip - useful properties.

Rosehip - wild rose, it is a medicinal plant (shrub) from the family of rosetic, reaching two meters of height. Thin branches, slightly shiny, covered with thin spikes. It was because of the abundance of the last rose hips and got its name. Nowadays there are about a hundred rosehip species. Flowers in May-June, flowers are large, pink or fad-pink with five separate petals, the whisk reaches in the diameter of five centimeters. Fruits ripen in mid-August - September. The fruit is red or red-brown, spherical or elliptical shape with a lot of angular covered with small seed hair.

Useful properties of richness

The beneficial properties of the rosehip are known for a long time and do not cause any doubts. Main this is a polyvitamin, choleretic, tall, anticipable. Rosehip fruits contain many vitamins, among which vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E, vitamin B, vitamin P (rutin) and some others in smaller quantities. They have good bactericidal and phytoncidal properties. By the way, according to the content of vitamin with rosehip, the leader among all fruits, vegetables and berries! Namely, this vitamin is involved in many acid-reducing processes of the body and will allow you to return to you after a long transition. In addition to vitamins in the fruits, such organic acids as apple and lemon, as well as minerals: phosphorus, manganese, lycopene, iron, calcium, magnesium, etc.

The use of rosehip:

Going out of the beneficial properties of the rosehip, its fruits are taken during the exhaustion of the body, anemia, slow healing of wounds, to raise immunity, atherosclerosis, stones in the liver .. used in the form of tincture, decoction, extract or powder. And in Chinese medicine they use richness roots as an anthelmic and improving digestion.

We still have a long time in the people of the broth of rosehip used as a common focusing agent with any diseases or severe injuries.

Regular rose hips increases the body resistance to disease, improves performance. Tea with rosehip extract instead of sugar removes headaches.
Decoration of Ryshovnika

How to brew a rosehip? Everything is quite simple. First you need to clear the fruit of the rose from all hairs if they fall into the body, it will not be nice. Then the fruit is crushed to bother seeds, which contain many vitamins. This can not be done, but then vitamins in your tea from the rosehip will be much smaller. Next, crushed berries to peel about 15 minutes in water with a calculation of 300 mg of water to one fruit cloth. The finished decoction is better to strain through Marla, in order to avoid hairs and solid seeds into the body. To raise immunity, drink such a decoction for a month three times a day about half a cup.

In addition, the Rosehip Fruits can be simply added to tea, it will make it much more useful and give a special taste.
Rosehip - contraindications

Caution for the use of rosehip should be taken to people with increased acidity, gastritis, ulcers - ascorbic acid is still as an acid.

Immorter sandy (Cmin)

Immorter sandy has other names. The most common ones are the Cmin sand, yellow feline legs, dried. It is a small (15-30 cm) a perennial herbaceous plant. Leaves elongated, felt, closely pressed against the stem. Flowers among the summer, in July-August, small, collected in the basket of lemon flowers with flowers. It is often found in Ukraine (especially in the Crimea), the Caucasus, Belarus. Loves sandy soil, large solar cleaners, planting of a young spruce, forest roads. It does not grow on wet soil.

The use of immortelle sandy
The immortelle harvested at the beginning of its flowering, dry better in the shade. Cmin is also used in folk and in scientific medicine, has very good medical properties. It is used in inflammation of the kidneys, with stones in bile bubble, with gastritis and cholecystitis. In addition, the flower contains an antibiotic isnain, which kills bacteria, so the decoction is used as a disinfectant. In the people of immortelle sandy cirrhosis cirrhosis, water, cold, jaundice, skin disease, lung tuberculosis, rheumatism, obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, in short, almost everything!

Recipes from the immortals of sandy

The infusion of the sandstone is sandy: for the preparation of infusion you need to take three teaspoons of crushed flowers and pour two cups of cold water. Let breed eight hours, then take. Infusion you need to drink throughout the day for several receptions. It has a much softer action than the Uzbar.

Uzber from the Cmina: one tablespoon of grass pour two circles of water and boil ten minutes. Take three times a day by half. If the decoction is more concentrated (reduce the volume of water 2 times, for example), then it is necessary to take three times a day on one tablespoon.

Contraindications: it is better not to take with hypertension or individual intolerance. It is also impossible to take longer than three months, because the immorter is sandy is weakly toxic and can cause congestive phenomena in the liver.

Thyme. Beneficial features

The chamber is one of the most fragrant and meal and healthy plants of Crimea. This wonderful grass was popular at all times and in different parts of the Earth. So, in Russia, the icons of the mother of God were decorated for the holidays, and in ancient Greece, during worship services, fragrant smoke was used. Ancient believed that thyme (the second name of the Cabbar) is able to return not only health, but also life! It was actively used in witchcraft rituals and magic. Nowadays, the grass is chasing the symbol of fertility, which is why there is a tradition to wear wreaths from the plants of brides. Actively used as fragrant seasoning to dishes and as a medicinal product.

The chabret is ordinary - a small landed long-term semi-staple. Thin numerous stems reach 15 cm long, weighing at the base, form floral shoots. Leaves are oblong, opposite with well read on the bottom side of the veins. Two-bottom flowers, collected in small pink-purple pink-purple inflorescences. Fruit - little almost black nuts. The flowering period comes to June-July, and the ripening of fruits by August. Grows on open sandy places, in the Crimea often occurs along the roads or on the eggs. Collect the most convenient with scissors or knife, cutting off the above-ground part - it is it used in medicine and cooking. If there is no scissors at hand, nothing terrible, the grass without any problems can be rummaged and hands.
Useful properties of Chablasta

We knew about the useful properties of the chasty in ancient times. The grass has simply excellent antiseptic, painkillers, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antihimal, sedative, anticonvulsant, invalid properties. It has a stiff and diuretic action, used as weak sleeping pills. Used for the treatment of rheumatism, bruises, gOOD SYSTEM, intestinal tract, neuralgia. And thanks to a large number of essential oils in the plant and for the treatment of colds and respiratory organs.

But has a chamber and contraindications. There are not many of them: pregnancy, with diseases of the thyroid, kidney, liver and stomach ulcers take in small doses, better after consulting a doctor.

Usage of thyme in medicine
In medicine, the chamber is used in the form of decoctions and extracts as an expectorant for bronchitis. Apply as painful with radiculitis and neuralgia, both internally and external (compresses and baths).

In the people, Chibret's decoction drink with cough, cold, bronchitis, edema, tumors, rheumatism, insomnia. In hiking conditions, a fresh chamber is used for processing and treatment of wounds. For this, the grass must be crushed, remember and attach to the wound. In the same way, you can remove pain after the bite of dangerous insects, such as the wasps, bees, ticks, and even spiders.

To make a decoction you need to take two spoons of raw grass or one dried and pour a mug of boiling water, insist hour or two. Take three times a day before meals for the treatment of colds, respiratory tract, insomnia, neuralgia, tuberculosis and simply as a gluing agent.

For the treatment of respiratory tract good inhalation. Just pour the grass with boiling water and breathe steam. And the ideal option is a bathhouse with vouches of the Castbar.

The people believed that this herb is useful for men. First, it is well affected by sexual function. For the prevention of impotence and prostatitis, he should drink decoction to the trash and sometimes take baths with a chamber. Secondly, it is believed that decoction from thyme and wormwood treats alcoholism. You should brew five spoons of the thyme and one wormwood per liter of water. Such a bitter drink to drink for about two months, if the patient is withstanding - it means to cure.
Clamp application in cooking

In addition to its extensive medical properties, the chabral is widely used in cooking! Most often used for cooking meat, especially good for fish and chicken. Added to salads and soups. Used for the manufacture of drinks. Be sure to try tea from the chastard, it is very tasty and useful. So, if you forget the seasoning season, do not worry, the chamber will help you out!

Zheleznik Krymskaya, Chaban-tea, lemongrass, Tatars tea.

Zheleznik Krymskaya is the scientific name of the endemic (increasing only in a certain area) of the plant of the Crimea possessing medical properties. People's names are more popular - lemongrass, shepherd tea, Tatar Tea. It is a perennial herb plant, very thickly covered with felt hairs, and therefore almost gray looks. In addition to floral shoots, which are somewhat, there are also shortened, not blooming. Pale-yellow flowers collected into a dense whisk. The lemongrass flowers contain a large number of essential oils and vitamin C, and in stems and leaves - calcium. Young inflorescences and leaves have a pleasant smell and good for making tea.

Where does the ironier grow?

Tatars tea, he is Zheleznik Krymskaya - Endemic of Crimea. Growing on the Crimean Yaylas, I met a lot on Chatyr-Dag and Demerji. Loves chicken steppe slopes. In pharmacies, it is difficult to find it, but you can choose in the campaign itself. Relatives of our lemongrass grow in Greece and the countries of Malaya Asia.

Therapeutic properties of Tatars Tea
Chaban-tea has excellent tonic properties, strengthens immunity, maintains performance. Just a few flowers crushed into tea will allow you in the morning to wake up and engage in work, and in the evening save performance and not to get out ahead of time. In addition, tea has a pleasant lemon aroma, so drinking it is one pleasure.

The infusion is drinking in vomiting and nausea, used as a means against fever, diuretic. It helps with tumors, bruises, contributes to rapid scarring of wounds. Also, they say well strengthens potency.

How to use shepherd tea:

  • Tatars tea leaves and flowers can be used as a surrogate of tea, he gives him an excellent lemon fragrance. Such tea activates the bark of the brain, gives the charge of cheerfulness and activity, strengthens the immunity. You can brew iron several times.
  • The leaf of herbs drink with vomiting and nausea. To prepare a decoction, three spoons of dry plants are chopped and pour boiling water for an hour. Take half a cup several times a day.
  • The decoction with flowers is taken with the disease of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia). To prepare a decoction, pour one teaspoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water for half an hour. Take a half package 3-4 times a day.
  • Paradise from the leaves of the Tatars Tea will help to eliminate the tumor, has antibacterial and healing properties.
  • Bath with lemongrass. Brew a little herb in a saucepan and pour into a cool bath (about 30 degrees). 15 minutes of splashing will give you strength and energy to finish all the cases started!

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