
Directory of medicinal plants. Herbaceous plants

Common calamus - Acorus calamus L. - a perennial herb from the aroid family. It has a thick rhizome 1 to 1.5 m long and up to 3 cm in diameter with white cord-like roots 40-50 cm long.
Common calamus is widespread in Asia, Europe, North America. In Russia, it is found mainly in the European part (except for the northern regions), in Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Far East.

Orange (Citrus sinensis) is an evergreen fruit tree that belongs to the Rutaceae family. Currently, a huge number of subspecies and varieties of orange have been bred; 10-15 new varieties are added to the list of varieties per year.

Aronia, or chokeberry, - Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot - a large shrub up to 3 m high. Homeland - North America.
The fruits are used for medicinal purposes.
Chokeberry fruit juice (naturally, and whole fruits) lowers blood pressure, therefore it serves as a remedy for hypertension in the initial stage.

Marsh Ledum (Citrus sinensis) is an evergreen fruit tree that belongs to the Rutaceae family. At present, a huge number of subspecies and varieties of Ledum bog are bred; 10-15 new varieties are added to the list of varieties per year.

Leaves are whole, perennial; flowers are small, white, collected in brushes of 6 pcs. In the flower, a five-part perianth is distinguished, which has thick lobes, there are many stamens, the ovary is upper.

Badan thick-leaved - Bergenia crassifolia (L.) Fritsch - a perennial herbaceous winter-green plant from the saxifrage family with a long thick creeping branchy rhizome. The leaves are collected in a dense rosette, have rather long petioles and leathery broadly elliptical or almost rounded plates 10-20 cm long and 9-17 cm wide, with large obtuse teeth at the edges. The leaves are fleshy, dark green, reddening by autumn, but not dying off - they go under the snow alive, in the spring they continue to function.

Bergamot - Citrus bergamia is a plant of the Rutaceae family, genus citrus, subspecies of orange. Bergamot is a tree up to 4.5 meters tall. The leaves are smooth, oval. The bergamot fruit is round, pear-shaped, yellowish-green in color, inedible! This plant is cultivated in subtropical zones (homeland - West Indies). Bergamot belongs to essential oil plants; Healing oil is obtained from the peel of the fruit, as well as from flowers and leaves. It is this oil that is used in the manufacture of real tea with bergamot "Earl Gray".

Hanging birch, or warty, - Betula pendula Roth (Betula verrucosa Ehrh.) - a tree from the birch family with a height of 10-15 m (up to 25 m). Taproot, but strongly branching; the root system is located shallow from the soil surface. A remarkable feature of the tree is its white bark, which, apart from birch, nature has not endowed with any plant.
Hanging birch has a vast area located in the temperate and cold zones of Eurasia.

Sandy immortelle - (Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench.) - This is a herb belonging to the Asteraceae family, or Asteraceae (Compositae). Popularly called: tsmin, frost-grass, yellow tsmin, dried flowers. Perennial, the rhizome is short, woody, black-brown, weakly branched. Erect stems, weakly branching: height 25-35, up to 60 cm, at the base of the stem - scales of dead leaves. Leaves are simple, pubescent with white, tomentose hairs. Stems are usually solitary, but there are secondary, non-fruiting. The leaf arrangement is next.

Borovoy uterus, another name - Orthilia one-sided - Orthilia secunda (L.) - medicinal plantused for diseases genitourinary system in both women and men. Belongs to the Pyrolaceae family. It is a perennial herb with a creeping stem with low annual branches. The leaf arrangement is alternate, the shape of the leaf blade is ovoid, serrate, has a rounded-wedge-shaped base, the apex of the leaf is pointed; petioles are thin. The flowers are small, greenish, collected in an inflorescence - a one-sided drooping raceme.

The hawthorn has many species. And although various representatives of this genus are used in medical practice, for example, prickly hawthorn and five-pistil hawthorn, we describe the use of blood-red hawthorn.
The hawthorn is blood red - Crataegus sanguinea Pall. - a tall shrub or small tree up to 4 m high with a trunk up to 10 cm in diameter. The bark of old trunks is dark gray with cracks, on young branches it is shiny, red-brown.

Ivy budra - Glechoma hederacea L. - a perennial herb from the family Labiatae. Aboveground shoots, on which flowers are placed, rise to a height of 10 to 50 cm. In addition to flowering shoots, the plant is equipped with vegetative, creeping ones, which are spread over the soil and take root in nodes. They provide vegetative propagation of the plant. Stems are tetrahedral, pubescent.

Vanilla -Vanílla is a genus of perennial lianas belonging to the Orchidaceae family. The fruits of these plants are called vanilla and are used as a spice. The name of this plant comes from the Spanish word Vanilla - small pod. Of more than 100 types of vanilla, only three are cultivated for industrial purposes: Vanilla planifolia ANDREWS, Vanilla pompona SCHIEDE, Vanilla tahitensis J.W.MOORE.

Verbena officinalis - Verbena officinalis - herbaceous or semi-shrub plant belonging to the verbena family - Verbenaceae. It is popularly known as the tear of Juno, the vein of Venus, the witch plant, the witch's herb, the blood of Mercury, the poison of the devil. Verbena height 30-100 cm. Stem erect, tetrahedral, apical branching, covered with hairs. The foliage is opposite. The leaf petioles are short. Casting of three types: in the lower part of the stem - petiolate, pinnately cut, in the adjacent part - tripartite, in the upper part - sessile, oblong. The inflorescence is spike-shaped. Flowers with bracts, lanceolate or ovoid, pointed. The calyx is covered with hairs. The corolla is light purple or purple in color, has 5 lobes. The fruit is a nutlet, brown or brown.

Camel thorn - Alhagi pseudalhagi (Bieb.) Fisch - thorny dwarf shrub, leguminous family (Leguminosae). Has a deeply penetrating root system. Stem height up to 1 m, strongly branching. The leaves have a regular arrangement, oblong, oval or lanceolate, in the axils there are modified shoots - thorns. The spines are equal in length, may be slightly longer than the leaves. Flowers of red or pink color are collected 3-8 on a thorn. The structure of the flower is typical moth. The corolla of the flower is red or pink; the boat is shorter than the sail. Fruits - beans, can be slightly curved or straight, glabrous, with 4-5 kidney-shaped seeds. Blooms from May to August. Fruit ripening begins in July.

Veronica Dubravnaya - Veronica chamaedrys L. - a perennial herb from the family of norichnikovykh with a thin creeping branchy rhizome. Stems ascending, 10-45 cm in height, pubescent in two rows with soft hairs, often branched in the upper part. The lower part of them is spread over the soil, taking root.
Veronica medicinal - Veronica officinalis L. - a perennial herb from the family of the norichnikovykh with creeping rooting shoots up to 50 cm long.

Bupleurum longiforium L. is a perennial plant of the umbrella family (Umbellíferae). It is a herbaceous plant up to 1.5 m high. The stem is hollow, round. The leaves are oblong, vaginal, the upper ones are heart-ovate. Flowers 10-20 are collected in an inflorescence - an umbrella. Color - yellowish-greenish. The fruit is a lionfish. The flowering period is July. Fruiting - August. It is a common plant in central Russia, Siberia, Altai. Especially widespread in Bashkiria Prefers light deciduous forests: birch, aspen or mixed. It can be found on forest edges, glades.

Galega medicinal - Galeca officinalis L. - a perennial herb of the legume family - Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Another name is goat's rue. Plant height up to 90 cm. Stems are erect, without edge, sometimes covered with sparse hairs. The root system is pivotal, slightly branched, the rhizome is short. The leaves are densely arranged on the stem, have stipules and petioles. Unpaired, oblong. The calyx of the flower is campanulate with subulate teeth. As with most legumes, the corolla is moth-type, with a corolla ranging from light blue to pale purple. The fruits of the galega are polyspermous beans. The flowering period is from June to August. Fruiting continues until late autumn. Seeds are smooth, dull, kidney-shaped.

Harmala (in Latin.Peganum harmala) is a perennial herb belonging to the family of aromatic plants. It grows as a weed, mainly in the steppes of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Plant height is approximately 50 cm, its root is powerful and multi-headed, approximately 2-3 m high, which goes into the soil to the aquifers. The height of the stems is about 30-80 cm, they are branched, green, glabrous. Leaves are alternate, flowers are yellow and white, large, placed on pedicels, often single or 3 flowers at the ends of the branches. The fruit is in the form of a spherical, somewhat flattened capsule, 6-10 mm in diameter, with septa. Seeds are brown or brownish-gray in color, wedge-shaped, with a bumpy surface. The plant blooms in May-July, and the ripening time comes to July-August. Harmala has a rather strong and specific smell.

Carnation (from Lat. Diánthus) is from the genus of perennial plants belonging to the Clove family. Carnation refers to perennial grasses and small shrubs with linear or linear-lanceolate leaves. Its flowers are single or grow 2-3 at the ends. The flowers are cylindrical with longitudinal veins. The plant has five petals with long marigolds and a toothed, slightly dissected, and sometimes even integral limb. The fruit of a carnation is in the form of a cylindrical capsule, which is located on a short carpophorus, unilocular, opening with four teeth. It contains numerous oval-shaped seeds, black, flattened, small-tuberous.

Highlander pochuyny, or hemorrhoid herb, - Polygonum persicaria L. - an annual herb of the buckwheat family. Stem erect, 20 to 80 cm high. Leaves are alternate, lanceolate, 3 to 10 cm long.
The flowers of the hemorrhoid herb are small, pink or white, collected in dense short inflorescences, clusters, located at the ends of stems and branches, as well as in the axils of the upper leaves.

Highlander bird, or knotweed, - Polygonum aviculare L. s.I. - an annual from the buckwheat family with a flattened or rising stem, strongly branched from the base.
Knotweed is a widespread plant in Eurasia and North America. It is found throughout Russia, with the exception of the northernmost regions and highlands. It grows on wastelands, village streets, along roads, on sandy shores of water bodies, in kitchen gardens, orchards.

The spring adonis, or in another way the spring adonis (in the Latin Adonis vernalis) is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Buttercup family. It has a thick short rhizome of gray-brown color, an adonis grows about 50 cm in height. The stems of the plant form a bush with thick leaves. Leaves are sessile, with linear narrow lobules. The flowering period of the adonis falls on March-May, and the ripening of the fruits in June-July. The fruits look like a cone-shaped achene. The flowers are large, solitary, yellow, growing on the tops of the stems. Adonis grows mainly in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of Russia, in the Ukraine, in the North Caucasus. It is often found on dry open steppe slopes, along gullies, forest edges, bushes, on limestone.

Perennial (lat.Peucedanum) - belongs to the genus of perennial herbaceous plants belonging to the Umbrella family. It is a perennial plant with complex, tripartite or pinnately dissected leaves, a thick root and a grooved stem. It grows up to 50-80 cm in height. Calyx teeth are short, not quite visible. The flowers of the mountaineer are white, greenish or yellowish, broadly ovoid, notched from above. Fruits are small, elliptical, strongly compressed from the back, and semi-fruits with three filiform, slightly protruding, close, dorsal ribs. Representatives of this genus grow practically throughout Eurasia, as well as in the regions of South and Central Africa. The mountainous genus has up to 170 species of plants.

Mustard belongs to the Sinapis plant species, which belongs to the cruciferous family, some mustard species from the genus Brassica. These are mainly weeds, growing 25-100 cm tall. The plant has leaves with lyre-like lobes, from whole to incised, flowers are dissected and yellow, and occasionally white-yellow, placed on the stalk. The mustard fruit is a bivalve pod, with a conical, long nose, sharp at the edges, and noticeable veins, which is located on a pedicel strongly deviated from the stem, obliquely directed upwards. Mustard seeds have a strong aroma, but after grinding and interacting with water. The genus Sinapis has about 10 annual and sometimes perennial species. The most common plant in Europe, Asia and North Africa.

Grapefruit (lat.Citrus paradisi) is a subtropical evergreen tree belonging to the genus citrus of the rue family. The tree reaches a height of about 5-6 meters. Its leaves are dark green, thin and long. Flowers are white with 4-5 petals. Fruit is yellow in color with a reddish flesh and a thick skin. Fruit with a diameter of 10-15 cm with a sour pulp, which is divided into slices. There are approximately 20 varieties of grapefruit. In turn, they are divided into two main groups: yellow (or white) grapefruits, the flesh of which is yellowish, and the second group is red. Today, grapefruit is grown in almost all subtropical countries. The largest producer of this fruit is the USA, the main plantations for cultivation are located in Florida and Texas. In Europe, the main manufacturers are Cyprus, Israel. Grapefruit is also grown in areas of Western Georgia and on the Caucasus coast.

Walnut (Latin Juglandaceae A. Rioh.) Is a deciduous tree belonging to the walnut family, which reaches up to 30 meters in height. It has a powerful root system. The leaves of the nut are very large, with 2-5 pairs of oblong-ovate leaves, unpaired - the unpaired upper leaf is larger than the lateral leaves. Blooms 2-3 flowers in the form of large stamen earrings. The fruit is oval or spherical in shape - a drupe, with a green outer leathery-fleshy pericarp and an inner woody bone, which cracks when ripe and the stone is separated. This seed with a seed is called a walnut. Walnut blossoms occur in April - May, during the period of leaf blooming, and ripening of the fruits occurs in August - October.

Elecampane high - Inula helenium L. - a large perennial herb from the Asteraceae family with a short thick rhizome and large fleshy adventitious roots extending from it. Stems are erect, thick, 1-2 m high (up to 2.5 m), furrowed, abundantly leafy, branching only in the uppermost part, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe common inflorescence.

Medicinal melilot - Melilolus officinalis (L.) Pall. - biennial herb: a plant from the legume family with a taproot and an erect, branched stem, 30 to 150 cm high.
Melilotus officinalis is a Eurasian plant introduced to North America. It is found in almost all regions of the European part of Russia and in the south of Siberia. Debris and sandy wastelands are the usual habitats of sweet clover. It also grows along forest edges, in meadows, in the steppe, in thickets of bushes, along roads, on sandy shores of water bodies.

Common oak, or pedunculate, - Quercus robur L. - a large tree from the beech family, well known to Russians. The tree is striking in its power and longevity. It reaches a height of 30 and even 40 m, bears a powerful crown, develops a thick trunk, the diameter of which often reaches 1-1.5 m. It is no coincidence that when they talk about something especially durable, strong, powerful, they use a comparison with an oak. The bark on old stems is brownish-gray, with deep cracks; the bark of young shoots is olive-brown, smooth, shiny. The oak has a well-developed root system with a tap-branching root extending to a considerable depth.

Angelica ordinary, or drug angelica, - Angelica archangelica L. (Archangelica officinalis Hoffm.)- a large perennial (biennial in culture) herb from the umbelliferae family with a thick wrinkled radish rhizome and meaty adventitious roots containing yellowish milky juice. The stem is erect, from 1 to 2.5 m high, thick, branched in the upper part, smooth, with a bluish bloom, hollow inside.
Angelica forest, or angelica forest, - Angelica sylvestris L. - a biennial or perennial herb from the Umbelliferae family with a hollow grooved stem, 60 cm to 2 m high.

The cocklebur (translated from Lat. Xanthium strumarium) is a herbaceous annual plant of the Astrov family. It has a straight, rigid, branched stem of a grayish-green or reddish color. It grows in height from 30 to 120 cm. Leaves of cocklebur are cordate, with petioles, coarsely toothed at the edges, green above, and light green below. The flowers are formed into monoecious and unisexual heads, which are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. In the upper part of the inflorescence there are baskets with male flowers, and in the lower part with female flowers. Its fruits are oblong, prickly, rounded, tenacious achenes-burps, up to 2 cm in diameter. The cocklebur blooms in July-September, and the seeds ripen in September-October.

Oregano, or perennial marjoram, - Origanum vulgare L. - a perennial herb or shrub from the Labiate family with a long creeping rhizome. The plant is glandular pubescent, with a strong pleasant smell. The stem is erect, 20 to 80 cm high. The leaves are opposite, with short petioles, differ greatly in size - always smaller in the upper part of the shoots.

Spruce (in Latin Pícea - resinous) - belongs to the genus of trees from the Pine family. There are about 35 types of trees - evergreen, tall, with a beautiful cone-shaped and pyramidal crown. Trees grow up to 30m high. The root system of the plant is pivotal for the first years, and then the main root dies off and it becomes superficial. The bark is gray, which flakes off in thin plates. It has coniferous, needle-shaped, short green leaves. Gymnosperm plants, ovules develop on fertile scales, not enclosed in an ovary, forming cones. Spruce pollination occurs in May, and the seeds ripen in October and are carried by the wind.

Jasmine (in Latin Jasmínum) - belongs to the genus of evergreen shrubs belonging to the Olive family. It looks like climbing or erect shrubs with simple, pinnate and trifoliate leaves, with large and regular flowers. It grows 3-10 m in length. The corolla of flowers is white, with a yellow or reddish, split narrow tube, inside it there are 2 short stamens. It has an upper ovary that turns into a berry when ripe. Jasmine blooms from April to autumn. There are different types of jasmine, depending on where it lives: white jasmine, which is recognized as the national flower in Pakistan, Indian, Brazilian, scented in Southeast Asia. In Russia, jasmine is an upright shrub.

Jojoba - Simmóndsia chinénsis (Chinese Simmondsia) is a branched evergreen shrub plant that grows mainly in the desert regions of North America. In China, jojoba is not found, although its scientific name says otherwise. The reason for such a strange fact is the banal carelessness of the scientist IG Link, who, while decoding T. Nuttall's collection, read the inscription "Calif" as "China" and gave the plant a corresponding name. Jojoba is the only representative of the monotypic family of Simmondsia.

St. John's wort - Hypericum perforatum L. - a perennial herb from the family of St. John's wort with erect stems 40-80 cm high (up to 1 m), branching in the upper part.
St. John's wort is found in the temperate zone of many regions of Eurasia. In our country, this plant is quite widespread in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Western and Eastern Siberia (to the east it reaches Cisbaikalia).

Ziziphora - Ziziphóra is a whole genus of the Lamiaceae family, widespread throughout Central Asia and Europe. It is a very fragrant herb, smelling like peppermint, with a thick woody rhizome. The leaves are egg-shaped, covered with short hairs. The stems are also slightly fleecy, reaching up to 40 cm in length. Lilac-pinkish flowers are located at the very top of the stem in the form of a dense capitate inflorescence. The habitat is predominantly stony and gravelly slopes, meadows, rocky river banks. The flowering period is almost all summer (late June - late August). It is actively used in scientific, folk medicine and perfumery. The people are often referred to as a douche, or a scent for its aromatic properties.

Winter-lover - Chimaphila is a genus of flowering plants of the Heather family. There are two main types - the umbrella winter-lover, and the Japanese winter-lover. Both are practically the same in chemical composition... The Russian-language name is explained by the fact that this plant is covered with snow, while still having juicy green leaves. Winter-lover reaches 25 cm in height, its rhizome is creeping, at the base of the stem it has a ribbed structure. The stem of the plant is straight, somewhat branched at the bottom. Leaves - oblong with serrated edges. Above - shiny, dark green, leathery. Bottom - slightly lighter. Winter-lover fruits are slightly flattened spherical capsules. Pink umbrella-shaped inflorescences usually contain from 2 to 8 flowers, located at the very top of the plant.

European zyuznik - Lycopus europaeus L. - belonging to the Labiate family, a herbaceous perennial plant, reaching from 25 to 90 cm in height. Stems are branched, erect, tetrahedral, furrowed. The root is fusiform. Leaves are oblong, dentate, opposite. In the axils of the leaves, inflorescences of small white flowers with small purple specks are located. The fruits of the European zyuznik are small smooth nuts. The flowering period of the plant falls in June-August, and the plant bears fruit in September-October. The growing area is quite extensive - it is found in many European countries, in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, Central Asia, in Western and Eastern Siberia. Zyuznik loves moisture, therefore it grows along ditches, in damp meadows, along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, in swampy areas.

Norway willow, red willow, red willow, willow - Salix acutifolia - a tree up to 10-12 m high or a large tree-like shrub of the willow family. Branches are thin, long, rod-shaped, flexible, red-brown, less often bright red with a bluish bloom. The leaves are alternate, narrow, lanceolate, 6 to 15 cm long and 0.7-1.2 cm wide. Blooms in March-April, before the leaves open. The fruits ripen in April-May.

Ginger - Zingiber is a perennial herb from the genus Ginger. Also known by the popular name as "white root". The stem is not pubescent, round and erect. Leaves are elongated, whole, lanceolate, with a pointed tip and heart-shaped base. The root system is fibrous, consists of adventitious roots. The rhizome of ginger is often mistaken for the root, although it is a modified underground shoot, from which the adventitious roots and green aboveground shoots extend. Spike-shaped inflorescences consist of zygomorphic flowers located on short peduncles. The fruits are tricuspid capsules. The main value for humans is the ginger rhizome. It is it that is widely used in cooking, has medicinal properties... Ginger is a traditional Indian spice. But it also found application in Russian cuisine. This product is an optional component of sbitn, kvass, mash, cakes, gingerbread, all kinds of liqueurs and liqueurs. Ginger is a component of the famous curry seasoning and is also used to make a special Tibetan tea.

Cassia holly - Cassia acutifolia Del. - shrubby tropical perennial plant. Belongs to the legume family, adults reach 1 m in height. Leaves are paired, complex, alternate, consist of 4-8 pairs of small lanceolate, pointed, leathery, short-petiolate leaves. White, yellow, or pink inflorescences are collected from many irregularly shaped flowers. Cassia fruits are elongated, or short, reticulated pods with a large number of seeds. The seeds are angular-heart-shaped, or almost quadrangular, they are partly wrinkled, greenish-yellowish in color. The plant is most common in the Nile Valley, Sudan, the Red Sea coast and Arabia. Also known as senna.

Narrow-leaved fireweed - Chamacnerium angustifolium is a perennial herb belonging to the willow family, its height can be up to 120 cm, has a thick creeping rhizome. Among the people, narrow-leaved fireweed is also known as ivan tea. The stem of the willow-herb is erect, bare. The leaves of the plant are alternate, lanceolate, with prominent yolks - as a rule, to a greater extent whole-edged, practically sessile. The flowers of the fireweed are purple-pink in color, irregular breeds, since they are collected in a rather long racemose inflorescence. The fruits of the plant are long, multi-seeded capsules. It is noteworthy that narrow-leaved fireweed blooms from June to July inclusive.

Meadow clover, or red, - Trifolium pratense L. is a perennial herb from the legume family, 25-60 cm high (under good conditions, when grown in fertile fields, it can grow up to 1 m). The meadow clover has a powerful root system with a taproot penetrating to a depth of 1-2 m (up to 3 m), and numerous lateral roots.

Coconut palm - Cocos nucifera is a plant belonging to the Palm family (aka Arecaceae), which is also the only species of the genus Cocos. Let's start with the fact that the scientific name of the coconut tree comes from the Portuguese "coco", which translates as "monkey" - this name was given to the plant in connection with the spots on the nut, which can sometimes really be very similar to the face of a monkey. The name "nucifera" comes from the Latin words "nux" ("nut") and "ferre" ("to bear"). To date, the homeland of the coconut palm is not exactly known - according to some assumptions, the palm appeared for the first time in the region of Southeast Asia.

Horse chestnut - Aesculus - from a genus of plants belonging to the Sapindov family. Many of its species are widely bred in various parks today. Horse chestnut was named directly for the purpose of distinguishing its inedible fruits from very similar appearance the fruit of an edible chestnut like Castanea Tourn. According to another variant of the origin of the name, the ripe fruits of this type of chestnut resembled and still resemble the skin of a bay horse. As for the external data, the horse chestnut is a deciduous tree that sometimes reaches twenty-five meters in height, and the shrub can be from one and a half to five meters, again. Chestnut leaves are large, complex in structure - five to seven-fingered, opposite and with long petioles that do not have stipules and form a rather dense crown.

Tea penny (aka Red Root) - Hedysarum theinum Krasnob is a perennial herb that belongs directly to the legume family. Its height can be from twenty to fifty centimeters, and its root is rather thick and long, woody. The stems of the tea penny are considered erect, unbranched. The leaves of the plant are complex, usually having five to ten pairs of elliptical leaves. The flowers of the Red Root are relatively small, purplish-violet in color, and are collected in multi-flowered clusters. As for the fruits of the plant, they themselves are drooping, fluffy and have a wide border. Blossoming of the Red Root occurs, as a rule, in August.

Cinnamon, or Ceylon Cinnamon, - Cinnamomum verum (lat.) - is an evergreen tree, Cinnamon - Cinnamomum, from the Laurel family - Lauraceae. Cinnamon is the dried bark of a tree that is widely used as a spice, i.e. spice. Cinnamon sometimes comes on sale in the form of small pieces of bark rolled up into a tube, but most often it is ground. Cinnamon has long been known as a spice and also as a medicine. There are two types of cinnamon known: Chinese and Ceylon. Ceylon cinnamon has a sweet taste and sophisticated aroma, but, unfortunately, it is very difficult to find it in stores and markets. Cinnamon is even mentioned in the Bible. This plant was used in ancient Egypt for embalming and in medicine, it was valued much more expensive than gold.

Stinging nettle - Urtica dioica L. - a perennial herb from the nettle family with a creeping rhizome. Stems are erect, up to 120 cm high, tetrahedral.
Stinging nettle - Urtica urens L. - a perennial herb from the nettle family. This species differs significantly from the stinging nettle described above and more familiar to the Russian inhabitant. external signs, and by biological characteristics and practical use by humans.

Red brush or four-membered Rhodiola - Rhodiola quadrifida Fischer et Meyer - an unsurpassed gift to a woman from nature. This plant can be considered unique in every way. The red brush grows in the only corner of our planet - Gorny Altai, is an Altai endemic. In appearance, it looks like cedar or spruce legs that grow on the ground. Locals have been using this plant since time immemorial.

Brittle buckthorn - Frаngula аlnus Mill, its other names are wolf berries, magpie berries, buckthorn, bird cherry. In ancient times, buckthorn branches were hung over windows and doors, believing that it destroys (crushes) the intrigues of demons and sorcerers. The medicinal properties of the bark of this shrub became known around the 14th century. Legend claims that the laxative properties of buckthorn became known as a result of observing the life of bears, which lie in a den for the winter, only having cleared their stomachs. People saw how in late autumn the bear tore the buckthorn bush out of the ground and began to gnaw the bark. This led them to believe that this plant has healing properties.

Corn (maize) - Zea mаys L - belongs to the Cereals family. Corn is a herbaceous annual plant that grows to a height of three meters. Fibrous, highly developed roots penetrate deep into the ground. Powerful single stem with broad-leaved large leaves. Corn blooms in August - September. In addition to its taste and nutritional qualities, corn has a lot of useful and healing properties for humans. The grains of this plant contain minerals necessary for the body: salts of potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron. Corn protein contains the essential amino acids tipofan and lysine. This plant is rich in vitamins B, PP, E and ascorbic acid.

Meadowsweet, or meadowsweet, - Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. - a perennial herb from the Rosaceae family with a strong creeping rhizome. The stem is erect, 60-100 cm high (sometimes reaches a height of 2 m), ribbed, often reddening, ends in a multi-flowered inflorescence.
The range of meadowsweet meadows covers all of Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia, Mongolia. In our country, it grows in the forest and forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia, the North Caucasus, Western and Eastern Siberia.

This plant appears differently in different reference books: spike lavender, or real, or medicinal, or French, - Lavandula spica L. (L. vera DC, L. officinalis Chaix), there are other names as well. This is an evergreen highly branched subshrub from the family of the lamipopus, or labiate, with a height of 20 cm to 1 m.
Lavender is native to Southern Europe and other regions of the Western Mediterranean.

Laminaria (seaweed) - Laminaria saccharina - is in the class of brown seaweed. In the world there are more than 30 types of kelp, or seaweed, but the most applicable and known for a variety of human needs are kelp and Japanese kelp. Japanese seaweed is harvested in the Far East in the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan and the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. Finger-dissected kelp chose the northern seas - the White Sea, the Kara Sea, the Barents Sea - as the main habitat. Since ancient times, this plant has been used in the diet of people who live near the sea. It was also used as a fertilizer, because the kelp contains a large set of micro and macro elements. Laminaria grows at a depth of 4 to 40 meters. It forms dense “forests” throughout the underwater world.

Kuril tea, or cinquefoil shrub - Potentilla fructisosa, or cinquefoil, is an ornamental shrub of the Rosaceae family. Shrub 20-85 cm tall, branches covered with brownish-gray bark. The leaves have a feathery structure, the bottom is covered with fine hairs. The flowers are yellowish-gold, 15-30 cm across, located at the ends of the branches. Cinquefoil is common in the mountainous regions of the Far East and Siberia, including Kamchatka and Sakhalin. Grows in coniferous forests, in the valleys of mountain rivers.

Leuzea safflower, or maral root, - Leuzea carthamoides (Willd.) DC. - a large perennial herb from the Asteraceae family with a dark brown horizontal branched rhizome and numerous hard roots up to 20 cm long extending from it. Several aerial shoots extend from the rhizome.

Flax - Linum is a genus of plants from the Flax family - Linaceae. Flax is a unique plant. Flaxseed products are flaxseed, flax fiber and flax oil. Ancient India is considered the birthplace of the plant - it was there, about 9000 years ago, that the very first linen fabric was produced. 5000 BC e. this plant was well known to people who lived in Assyria, Mesopotamia, Egypt. The ancient Greeks knew about healing properties Flaxseed.

Lemon - Citrus × limon is a hybrid tree species from the genus Citrus - Citrus. Lemon is a small evergreen fruit tree up to 6-8 m high, with a pyramidal or spreading crown. Homeland these plants are China, India and the Pacific tropical islands. Lemon fruits are fragrant and have a specific smell. Approximately 60% of the mass of the fruit is pulp, it contains up to 6% citric and other acids, up to 4% sugar, vitamins B1, B2, C, D, P, flavonoids, etc. The lemon pulp contains potassium, copper, pectin , in the seeds - bitterness, fatty oil. The peel of the fruit of this tree contains essential oil.

Heart-shaped linden, or ordinary, - Tilia cordata Mill. - a large, well-known, tree from the linden family with a slender trunk up to 25 m high and a wide crown. The bark is brown, smooth on young trunks and branches, on thicker ones with furrowed cracks in the upper layer. Linden has a well-developed root system with a deeply penetrating taproot, making it wind-resistant.

Larch - Larix - from the genus of woody plants, one of the most common species of conifers. In favorable conditions, this tree reaches over 40 meters in height, with a trunk diameter of more than 1 meter. Larch lives up to 300-400 years. Due to its durability and strength, wood is widely used in a variety of industries. Larch bark contains about 18% tannins. A persistent brownish-pink dye for fabrics and skins is obtained from the bark.

Common raspberry - Rubus idaeus L. - a shrub from the Rosaceae family. It grows wild in the forests of European Russia and the Urals. It is widely cultivated in Russia and other countries as a berry crop.
For medicinal purposes, fruits, tops of flowering shoots and other parts of plants are used. The main thing that the raspberries are famous for is an excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic agent that heals and prevents the development of colds.

Mandarin is an evergreen subtropical tree of the Rutaceae family and a species of the genus Citrus. Mandarin tree or shrub reaches a height of no more than 4 meters. Young shoots are dark green in color. Leaves are elliptical or ovoid, small, petioles slightly winged or practically without wings. The flowers of the tree are two in the axils of the leaves or are single. Stamens are mostly with underdeveloped pollen or anthers. The flower petals are dull white. Fruits are flattened from base to apex and 4-6 cm in diameter. The height is less than the width.

The cuff is a herbaceous and perennial plant from the Rosaceae family. Several stems, they are smooth, branched, pubescent and green. They reach a height of 0.1 - 0.4 meters. The leaves are large, wide, wavy and resemble a round fan in shape. They are located on long petioles. The size of the leaves is 3-8 cm in most cases, shaggy (pubescent) with jagged edges, sometimes they are bare. The flowers of the plant are inconspicuous, small and have a yellowish-green tint. The size is only a few millimeters. The flowers are collected at the ends of the twigs into inflorescences of flowers. The fruit of the cuff - with one seed, a single nutlet, which is enclosed in a receptacle with a calyx. The fruit is dry, round, yellow.

Lungwort obscure, or dark, - Pulmonaria obscura Dum. - a perennial herb from the borage family with a height of 75-30 cm.
lungwort unclear - European species. In the European part of Russia, this is a common plant in all areas of the forest and forest-steppe zone. Grows in forests, on forest edges, clearings, clearings, in forest ravines, thickets of bushes.

Almonds are small trees or shrubs that belong to the Rosaceae family. Mistakenly, almonds are often referred to as nuts, but in fact they are a stone fruit. Similar in size and size to a peach pit. Almond prefers calcium-rich soil and grows from 800 to 16000m above sea level on gravelly and rocky slopes. It grows in groups of 3-4 individuals, which are 5-7 meters apart from each other. Powerful root system that penetrates deep into the soil. Due to this, the tree has a high degree of drought resistance. The crown of the almond is spreading, pyramidal and drooping.

Juniper is a genus of trees in the Cypress family and evergreen coniferous shrubs. In the Northern Hemisphere, from the polar zone to the mountainous tropics, there are more than 70 species. Juniper reaches a height of up to 12 m. This plant is long-lived, some specimens live for 200-300 years. The trunk is powerful and branched. Juniper leaves are scaly and acicular in whorls of three. The cones of the tree do not open, their scales are closed. In common people they are also called cone-berries. The cones are elongated and spherical or, with 1-10 wingless seeds. Junipers are very light-requiring and most specimens are drought-resistant. The tree is undemanding to soil conditions.

Sphagnum moss is a genus of white (peat) or sphagnum mosses, which includes 320 species. These are mainly marsh mosses that form carpets on sphagnum bogs and grow in dense dense clusters. The stem is highly branching, which, depending on the type of sphagnum, can be both porous and soft. On the stem, branches are arranged in a spiral in clusters. At the apex, the distance between them decreases, and the branches form a shaggy head. The plant is covered with small, narrow, green leaves. Moss reproduces both vegetatively and by spores. Depending on the species, the number of spores ranges from 20,000 to 200,000. In July, the sporophyte begins to throw out spores. The capsule explodes in warm, dry weather and the spores are carried over long distances by the wind. Spores are also carried by spray from rain drops or by a stream of water.

Peppermint is a herbaceous and perennial plant from the lamb family. The genus of this plant contains about 25 species and about 10 natural hybrids. Most species contain menthol and are highly aromatic. Rhizome branched, horizontal, with fine fibrous roots. The mint has an erect stem, the height of which is about 100 cm. It is tetrahedral, hollow, leafy, straight, with appressed short hairs or glabrous. The leaves of the plant are opposite, criss-cross, short-petiolate, pointed, oblong-ovate, with a sharp-serrate edge and a heart-shaped base. Dark green above and satal green below, 1.5-2 cm wide and 3-6 cm long.

Peppermint - Mentha piperita L. - a perennial herb from the family of lamellar, or labiate, with a well-developed system of horizontal rhizomes. Stems are erect, up to 1 m high.
Peppermint in the wild is not found anywhere else. This is a cultivated hybridogenic plant, bred in England by crossing the local wild species - water mint (Mentha aquatica L.) and spearmint (M. spicata L.).

Sea buckthorn is a genus of plants in the Loch family. The dioecious tree is covered with gray bark and thorny branches.

The trunk of trees or shrubs reaches a height of 0.1 to 6 meters, some specimens grow up to 15 meters.

The leaves are green, long and narrow, alternate narrow-lanceolate at the points in the upper part.

The flowers are brownish, unisexual and appear before the leaves. At the base of young shoots, unisexual, nondescript, small male flowers are sitting, which are collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence. Female flowers are collected in the axils of twigs. Usually taller male specimens.

Dandelion is a perennial herb from the Astrov family, whose height reaches no more than 30 cm.

It has a rod type of root system. The main root of the plant is branchy, upright, fleshy and about two centimeters thick. Woolly root collar, in rare cases naked.

Rosette-type leaves, 10-25 cm long and 1.5-5 cm wide.

The dandelion has several flower arrows that are leafless, hollow, and smooth.

All flowers are bisexual, bright yellow and ligulate.

The lemon yellow bud opens in May. And from June, the plant begins to bear fruit with seeds with a white tuft. Fluffy seeds are easily carried by the wind over great distances.

The olive belongs to the olive family, a subtropical evergreen tree. Mature trees reach a height of 6 m, but sometimes 10 - 11 meter specimens are found. The trunk of the olive is knotty, hollow, twisted. The bark has a grayish tint. The branches are knotty and long. There are varieties with drooping branches. The leaves are gray-green in color. Olives, unlike other trees, do not shed their foliage for the winter. It gradually renews it over the course of two or three years. The olive flowers are white and unusually fragrant. They are small, from 2 to 4 cm long, with two stamens, which are located in the axils of the leaves in the form of paniculate brushes. 10 to 30 flowers per inflorescence.

The Saw Palmetto (Serenoa) belongs to the Arecaceae palm family. The species is creeping gray. Grows in Texas, Florida, Arkansas, less commonly found on the Yucatan Peninsula and the Caribbean islands in pine forests near the coasts. It is a small palm tree that grows slowly and grows only 2-4 meters. The flowers are white-yellow with a pleasant smell, the fruit is a drupe, red-black in color, which looks like olives or dried dates.

Panzeria belongs to the Labiate family and has a Latin name - Panzeria lanata L. The plant grows for many years, can reach a height of about 30 meters, and has a thick woody taproot. Several stems extend from the root system, which are simple from the beginning, and begin to branch towards the end. The branches are slightly uplifting, hollow and tetrahedral. All leaves of the plant are petiolate, have wide ovoid outlines, the diameter of the leaves can reach 5 centimeters. Inflorescences are formed on the leaves, which have slightly wedge-shaped leaves and leaves dissected on three sides. The flowers form a spikelet-shaped inflorescence. All flowers are sessile and are arranged in false whorls. After flowering, a fruit is formed on the inflorescence, which consists of four nuts, enclosed in a calyx left after flowering. Nuts are brown in color and are about two millimeters long. The flowering of the plant begins in June and continues until the end of August. Full ripening of the fruit ends in September.

Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris, hearts, shepherd's handbag, henbane, field buckwheat) is a biennial or annual plant belonging to the Cruciferae (cruciferous) family. Plant height reaches 60 cm, and the root is thin and fusiform. The stem of the plant is simple or can be branched, erect and single. The plant has small white flowers, which are collected in a straight, vertical brush. During the growing season, the flowers elongate. In place of flowers, fruits are formed in the form of pods, which are slightly flattened and have a triangular shape. The fruit contains many small elliptical seeds, yellow or brown in color. The flowering of the plant begins in April and continues until the onset of the autumn period. Thanks to this, during the summer period, about 4-5 generations of shepherd's bags have time to grow. However, in the presence of a warm and humid autumn, the fruits of the plants allow the seeds to grow. The seeds have a fairly long germination period, which can reach 6 years.

Patrinia sibirica has a second name, valerian sibirica (Patrinia sibirica or Valeriana sibirica). It is a perennial plant that belongs to the valerian family and has a developed root system. In this root system, the root is quite thick and has many branches, on which a large number of dark-colored heads are formed. The rhizome of Siberian valerian gives numerous stems with flowers and shoots, as well as rosettes of leaves. All stems of Siberian valerian are distinguished by their straightness and have two longitudinal lines, made up of many delicate hairs. The leaves are collected in rosettes with deep cuts in the form of feathers. In sterile rosettes, the leaves are aimed at shape. In some cases, there are leaves with serrated cuts or dissected in the form of a feather, but such leaves are not pubescent.

Red pepper (Capsicum annuum or Capsicum frutescens, paprika, chilli, cayenne pepper, hot pepper, annual pepper, paprika) is a dried half-shrub that grows in the tropics and has a pungent or pungent taste. For medicinal purposes, the fruits of this plant are used, which can reach a height of no more than 60 cm, has elliptical leaves and flowers with grayish or white spots. In the summer-autumn period, the fruits are plucked and dried in the sun, as a result, they shrivel and are sent for storage. Store red pepper either whole berries or ground.

Black pepper (Piper nigrum) belongs to the plants of the Piperaceae family and is a vine, which is about 15 meters long. The leaves of pepper are black, ovoid, simple and up to 10 cm long.The fruit ripens after the appearance of small flowers with white or dirty yellow flowers, collected in inflorescences, the length of which can reach 10 cm.The formed fruit has a drupe, which changes when ripe its color from green to reddening and completely black. All fruits are located on cobs, the length of which reaches 140 mm and can include from 25 to 30 drupes. Fruiting of black pepper is carried out twice a year, and in its entire life one plant can bear fruit for about 30 years.

Peach (Prunus persica) is a tree that bears tasty and juicy fruits. It has a not very high height (3-5 meters), a wide crown. The leaves of the peach tree are elongated. The blossoming of the peach tree is a spectacular sight. The tree during this period is strewn with red or pink flowers. At the end of summer, juicy fruits ripen, which, depending on the variety, can have a different color - from milky white to pink. The peach pulp is very tasty and juicy. The peach seed contains a kernel that is edible. Wild varieties of peach are unknown. This tree comes from the countries of East Asia. Today the peach is grown in countries where the right climate conditions allow it to grow. In our country, the main supplier of peaches is Kuban.

Common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.) - belongs to the genus of perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs of the Asteraceae family. Popular names - "wild mountain ash", "love spell", "sorokobratov", "nine". This plant smells very strong, has numerous stems with large, dissected like rowan leaves, yellow flowers are collected in inflorescences. Blooms from June to September. It is found throughout Russia in forest and forest-steppe zones. It grows on roads, fields, bushes and forest edges.

Peony evading, or Mary's root, - Paeonia anomala L. - a perennial herb from the peony family with a horizontal rhizome and spindle-shaped thickenings on the roots - root tubers. Each plant usually has several stems. Stems are erect, thick, up to 1 m high, densely leafy. The flowers are large, from 8 to 13 cm in diameter, located singly at the tops of the stems.

Fir (abies) is a monoecious, evergreen tree of the pine family. There are more than fifty species of fir all over the world. Fir trees are common in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, in the mountainous regions of the subtropical belt of Eastern and Central Europe, Siberia, North America, the Far East, Central and Eastern Asia, and North Africa. The trunk of the fir is strong and straight, the bark is mostly smooth. Her crown is cone-shaped, dense, needle-like needles, single, flat, spirally located. Fir cones are oval or ovoid-cylindrical. Seed scales are arranged spirally; when ripe, they crumble with the scales of cones, leaving rods on the shoots. The root system is strong, pivotal.

Big plantain - Plantago major L. - a perennial herb from the plantain family with a lobe of white roots.
The big plantain is a widespread species in all regions of Eurasia, it is also introduced to other continents. In Russia, it grows in almost all areas. It is found on vacant lots, on field and forest roads (hence the name), on the outskirts of fields, in kitchen gardens, orchards, on village streets, meadows, forest glades.

Bitter wormwood, or silvery, - Artemisia absinthium L. - a perennial herb from the Asteraceae family, or Compositae, with a strong peculiar smell, 40-120 cm high. Stems are erect, branching.
Common wormwood, or Chernobyl, - Artemisia vulgaris L. - a perennial herb from the Asteraceae family, or Compositae, 50-200 cm high with a multi-headed rhizome. The stem is erect, angular-ribbed, branching, usually reddish or brownish-violet in color (hence the name Chernobyl), abundantly leafy along the entire height.

Common motherwort, or heartwort, - Leonurus cardiaca L. s.l. - a perennial herb from the family of lamellar, or labiate, grayish with long soft hairs, with a woody rhizome. Stems are erect, tetrahedral, 50-120 cm high.
Common motherwort is a European-Caucasian species. In Russia, it is found in many areas of the European part and in Western Siberia.

Big burdock is a 2-year-old or perennial plant. Its height is more often 60-120 cm. Sometimes the plant can reach 3 meters in height. Has a fairly strong edge, especially on the baskets. Fusiform long root, up to 60 cm long. The burdock has a large erect, powerful stem, numerous branches that cover papillary hairs. It blooms in tubular flowers in large, globular, dark purple baskets. Blooming period of large burdock: June-July. Leaflets can be glabrous or slightly cobweb, ciliate-toothed along the edge.

Ordinary agrimony, or pharmacy, - Agrimonia eupatoria L. - a perennial herb of the Rosaceae family with a thick rhizome. The stem is erect, 30 to 100 cm high, sometimes branching, pubescent.
Agrimony is common in Europe and Western Asia.

Rhodiola rosea, or golden root, - Rhodiola rosea L. - a perennial herb from the jumbo family with thick tap and fleshy lateral roots. Stems are erect, 20-40 cm high (up to 50 cm).
Rhodiola pink blooms in June-August, the fruits ripen in July-September.

Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis L is an evergreen, perennial shrub of the Lamiaceae family. Sometimes this shrub reaches 2 meters in height. The leaves of rosemary are narrow and resemble needles, the flowers are blue-violet, the fruits are smooth, rounded, brownish nuts. Rosemary blooms in April - May, and by September the fruits are already ripe. In the wild, rosemary is found in Turkey, North Africa (Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria), in southern Europe (Italy, Portugal, Greece, Spain, the former Yugoslavia, France). In Russia, the plant does not occur in the wild. This evergreen shrub is not whimsical to soils, does not like increased humidity and does not tolerate frosts above - 10 - 12 degrees. In this connection, it is quite often grown at home in pots. Rosemary is used as a spice in cooking, an essential oil is obtained from it, which is used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and perfumery.

Pharmacy chamomile (medicinal), or peeled, - Matricaria recutita L. - an annual plant from the Asteraceae family, or Compositae, 10-50 cm high, with a strong peculiar aroma. Stems are erect, highly branched.
Chamomile is a Eurasian-North American species.

Rowan ordinary - Sorbus aucuparia L. - a small tree from the Rosaceae family up to 10 m high (rarely 15 or even 20 m), with an openwork crown and gray smooth bark.
According to botanical terminology, rowan fruits are apples, they are popularly called berries. Fruits are bright red or red-orange, spherical, juicy, ripe with soft pulp, rather bitter taste, with 2-5 seeds.

Small duckweed - Lemna minor L. - perennial aquatic plant, belongs to the Aroinnikov family or Aroid family. This is a small floating plant with a rounded stem that does not even reach 1 cm in length, it is convex above, green in color, below it is greenish-yellow, flat. The root of the plant is translucent and thin, with its help the duckweed is kept on the water. The flowers are miniature, the fruits have pterygoid edges. This aquatic plant reproduces by budding. Flowering occurs in May - September, but it should be noted that the plant practically does not bear fruit. Duckweed grows all over the world, the only exception is the Arctic. It grows in stagnant water bodies, quite often completely covering their surface, releasing oxygen during photosynthesis, it purifies water. The unique ability of duckweed is that it survives even under ice; a plant that has died from the cold can leave viable rudiments behind.

Marsh cinquefoil, or five-leafed, - Comarum palustre L. - a perennial herb or subshrub of the Rosaceae family with long underground branching shoots-rhizomes that have woody stems, from the nodes of which adventitious roots extend. Aerial shoots from 20 cm to 1 m high, glabrous below, pubescent in the upper part. The leaves are alternate.

Sugarcane - Saccharum officinarum L. is a perennial perennial plant with wide leaves similar to those of corn (60 to 150 cm long and 4-5 cm wide). Belongs to the Zlakov or Myatlikov family. It should be noted that this is a fairly tall plant. Sugarcane rhizome strongly rooted, short-segmented, developing numerous, knotty, cylindrical, dense, glabrous, yellow, green and purple stems reaching 400 cm in height with a thickness of 3-5 cm.At the end of the stem is a pyramidal panicle 20-60 cm in length ; ears are monochromatic, small, in pairs, with hairs downward. Sugarcane is cultivated by cuttings.

Eryngium - Eryngium L. is a herbaceous perennial plant that belongs to the Umbrella family. The popular name is hollow thistle. This plant is characterized by a rather thick, straight, bare stem of bluish color, strongly branched at the top (up to 60 cm in length), the rhizome of the erythematosus is brown, rather thick, stiff and lumpy. Leaves are hard and thorny to the touch, short-petiolate, sometimes sessile. The multi-flowered capitate inflorescence of the plant is blue-blue, tightly framed by the covering leaves, with protruding thorns. Its fruits are covered with scales. Blossoming of bluehead occurs in June - July. There are about 230 species of this plant in temperate, tropical and subtropical zones, mainly in Mexico and South America. On the territory of Russia and in neighboring countries, about 15 species of erythroat grow, mainly in the south. This plant is not whimsical at all found in meadows, slopes, wastelands, roadsides.

Cyanosis blue, or blue cyanosis, - Polemonium coeruleum L. s.l. - a perennial herb from the cyanide family with a short rhizome, from which numerous thin adventitious roots extend. Stems are erect, from 30 cm to 1 m in height, unbranched or branched only in the upper part, ending in a paniculate inflorescence.
Cyanosis blue is distributed over a large area of \u200b\u200bEurope and Asia.

Red currants - Ribes rubrum L. (R. vulgare Lam., R. sylvestre Mert. Et Koch) - shrub from the gooseberry family up to 1.5m high. Widely distributed in many regions of Russia, wild, widely cultivated in gardens.
Black currant - Ribes nigrum L. - a shrub from the gooseberry family with a height of 1-1.5 m (up to 2 m).

Licorice glabra - Glycyrrhiza glabra L. is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the legume family. The underground part of the plant consists of the maternal root, horizontal and vertical rhizomes, forming a network of weaves in the ground from several tiers. The roots of licorice penetrate into the soil up to 8 meters deep, often reaching groundwater. The stems of licorice are glabrous with spines, which are rare glands. The leaves are rather long from 5 to 20 cm with 2-10 pairs of dense, shiny oblong-ovoid leaflets. Flowers with a sharp-toothed calyx and a violet-white corolla. The fruit is a straight or slightly curved pod (1-8 seeds) up to 3.5 cm long. Nude licorice blooms in May-June, while the fruits ripen by August-September.

In the flora of Russia there are conifers, which are universally called cedars. The Siberian "cedar" will be discussed below. The word "cedar" is not in quotation marks by chance - in fact, this breed belongs to the botanical genus pine -

Pinus, while real cedars belong to a completely different genus - Cedrus. In our country, in the wild, there are no true cedars at all, and they have very limited use in gardening - only on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, as they are very thermophilic.

Bitter Saussurea (bitter) - Saussurea amara L. is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae or Astro family, often rough, sometimes smooth, of bluish tones. The stem of Saussurea is straight, branched in the upper part, grows in length to 20-60 cm. The leaves of this plant are quite varied in the shape of the edge. Lower and basal - elliptical, with a long petiole, leaves located on the stem sessile or short-petiolate. The plant is characterized by a dense inflorescence formed by bell-shaped baskets 1 - 1.5 cm wide. The flowers are pink-white. Achene without crown, smooth (15 mm long). Saussurea bitter blooms in July - September.

Japanese Sophora - Sophora japonica L. is a deciduous tree from the legume family, with a well-developed root system and a luxurious spherical crown. At home it reaches a height of up to 25 m. In our climatic conditions, trees above 10 m are not found. The bark on the trunks is dark gray with deep cracks, the leaves are pinnate, the flowers are yellow-white, the fruits are fleshy beans, when ripe they take on a red color. Sophora blooms in July - August, while the fruits ripen by September - October and hang on the trees all winter. Sophora grows wild in Japan and southern China. This tree is grown in many Asian countries, the USA and Europe. I also cultivate Sophora in Uzbekistan, Transcaucasia, South Kazakhstan, Crimea and southern regions of Russia. The presented plant does not like the cold wind and grows in illuminated, protected areas, is resistant to droughts and saline soils, and can tolerate minor frosts.

Soy - Glycine max L. is a climbing plant belonging to the legume family. Scientists combine the varietal diversity of cultivated soybeans into four subspecies, which differ in the structure of the bush, the shape of the beans and leaves, the duration of the vegetative period, as well as the color and size of the seeds. Soy has a taproot system with a coarse, short main root and an enormous number of long lateral roots (up to 2m). The stem is quite firm, from 20 to 200 cm high, with 2-5 side shoots. Leaves are pinnate, alternate, consisting of three leaflets of various shapes: rhombic, oval, round, ovoid. Flowers are five-petalled, miniature, odorless. Fruits - beans, flat, straight, crescent, curved, drooping, up to 5 cm long, from gray to black.

Creeping thyme, or thyme, - Thymus serpyllum L. - a semi-shrub from the family Labiatae, forming tufts with creeping shoots, from which erect or ascending flowering shoots from 2 to 5 cm in height extend. Their stems are tetrahedral, densely pubescent. Leaves are opposite, with petioles, linear or elliptical, 6-10 mm long and 1.5-3 mm wide, ragged, soft, with slightly noticeable veins.

Bearberry ordinary, or bear grapes, bear berry, bear's ear, flour flour, - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) is a perennial evergreen shrub from the heather family. It has a branched creeping stem. Leaves are leathery, shiny, oblong-ovate. The flowers are small, white and pink. The fruits are bright red drupes. Bearberry is widespread in the northern part of European Russia, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. Bearberry also grows in North America. Prefers dry sandy and gravelly soils of pine forests. It grows well in clearings and burnt-out areas.

Yarrow - Achillea millefolium L. - a perennial herb from the Asteraceae family, or Compositae, with a horizontal branched rhizome.
Yarrow is a Eurasian species introduced to other continents. It is found almost throughout the territory of Russia, with the exception of the most northern regions.

Fragrant dill, or fragrant dill, garden dill, cucumber caraway, - Anethum graveolens (L.) - an umbellate annual plant with a pronounced spicy smell, green or dark green in color. The root is fusiform, thin. The stem is erect, with longitudinal stripes. The flowers are small, with yellow petals. Inflorescence - umbrellas with brownish fruits, ovoid or elliptical. The elongated filamentous segments of young leaves are especially delicate and have a pleasant taste. Due to its wide medical and culinary use, dill is cultivated in various countries, in Russia - almost everywhere.

Ficus - (Ficus L.) belongs to the genus of plants from the mulberry family. There are many species of ficus, most of which are evergreens and some are deciduous. Ficus grows mainly in the tropics (in southern Africa, the Mediterranean, on the coasts of the Pacific and Indian Ocean), sometimes in temperate climates. Ficuses are trees, shrubs and vines. All parts of ficus contain milky juice. The most famous representative of the ficus is fig, or fig, wine berry, fig tree, fig, - (Ficus carica L.), the fruits of which contain up to 75% of sugars and have long been eaten. The fruiting bodies of ficuses are called syconiums and are nuts placed in a fleshy receptacle, which is usually called fig.

Horsetail - Equisetum arvense L. - a perennial herb from the horsetail family with a long black-brown rhizome, which provides the plant with rapid growth. Aerial shoots of two types. Spore-bearing shoots grow in early spring. They are erect, up to 25 cm high, non-branching, juicy, white-pink, devoid of chlorophyll. At the top of such shoots, sporangia are located, in which spores develop, due to which sexual reproduction takes place.

Cotton, cotton plant - (Gossypium L.) belongs to the genus of plants of the Malvaceae family (Malvaceae) and includes up to forty species of artisanal, woody and herbaceous plants. There are many varieties of cotton, and new varieties are being produced through cross-pollination. Cotton leaves are variable, with long petioles. The cotton flower has white, cream or pink flowers. It is formed by a corolla with wide fused petals, and a calyx surrounded by a three-lobed wrapper. The fruit of cotton is a green box with seeds covered with fluff, which is called cotton. The root system of cotton is powerful and highly branched.

Common hops - Humulus lupulus L. is a perennial herbaceous dioecious vine from the mulberry family. Aerial shoots twine around the trunks of trees and shrubs or artificial supports. In winter, the aboveground part dies off, in spring the plant grows back from the rhizomes. In the genus, 4 species are known that grow in the countries of the temperate zone. There are 2 types of hops in Russia - ordinary hops (N. lupulus) and hops japanese (H. japonicum).

Tea tree, or melaleuca, paper bark - (Melaleuca L.) is a genus of trees and shrubs belonging to the myrtle family. The tea tree grows only in Australia. This genus has similar characteristics to another genus of myrtle - eucalyptus. Melaleuca are evergreen trees and shrubs with soft flaky bark, white or yellow fluffy flowers and dry leaves. The leaves contain a large amount of aromatic essential oils that smell a bit like camphor. A valuable essential oil is obtained from the leaves by steam distillation. About 10 kg of oil is produced from one ton of leaves. More than 200 species of tea tree are known, the most common of which is Melaleuca alternifolia L. The first Australian colonists began to use the name "tea tree" when they saw how the natives brew melaleuca leaves to prepare an aromatic medicinal drink.

Blueberry - Vaccinium myrtillus L. - a deciduous shrub from the heather family with long rhizomes and angular-ribbed green stems 15-40 cm high. Individuals of blueberries with rhizomes up to 7.3 m long and 6 mm in diameter are known. In contrast to evergreen lingonberry (a shrub from the same genus), all blueberry leaves fall off in autumn. Blueberry flowers are solitary, with short stalks, drooping. Blooms in May-June. The fruits ripen in July-August.

Tea, or Chinese camellia, tea bush, - (Camellia sinensis L.) is a plant from the genus Camellia belonging to the tea family. Some taxonomists have assigned tea to a separate genus Thea. Black tea is a fermented tea leaf. The tea bush has been cultivated since ancient times in China, since the eighteenth century - in India and Sri Lanka, and since the nineteenth century it has been cultivated in various parts of the world. The tea bush can reach a height of ten meters or more, but in cultivated plantations, the height is usually limited to facilitate collection of leaves. The leaves of the tea bush are glossy, dark green, oblong-ovoid.

Chistets, or snake grass, stachis, - (Stachys L.) is a genus of perennial, annual plants or dwarf shrubs belonging to the family of lacustrine. This genus includes more than three hundred plants, distributed almost throughout the entire globe. In the European part of Russia, 9 species grow, in Western Siberia - 7 species, in Altai - 5 species. In almost all of Russia, you can find herbaceous plants of the forest plant (Stachys sylvatica L), the flowers of which have a dark crimson color, and the marsh plant (Stachys palustris L.). In southern and central Russia, the yellow-flowered plants of the annual purse (Stachys annua L.) and the straight purse (Stachys recta L.) are predominantly widespread. Chisetz grows in deciduous forests, meadows.

Clary sage, or royal sage, great sage, - (Salvia sclarea L.) is a subshrub, a species of the genus sage, belonging to the family of lacustrine. In the wild, it is found in Asia, Central and Southern Europe, in the Caucasus. It grows on stony, clayey slopes, on sands and arable lands. It is grown everywhere as a cultivated plant. Sage is a biennial or perennial plant up to 1 meter high; cultivars reach a height of 2 meters. The lower and middle stem leaves are ovoid, wrinkled, long-petiolate. The upper leaves are smaller than average, have shortened petioles. The flowers are pinkish, lilac, white, collected in false whorls. Sage blooms from June or July to September.

Shiksha aka Vodyanika, Voronika (Latin - Empetrum nigrum L.) Shiksha is a creeping shrub of the heather family, whose height does not exceed 20 centimeters, while the length of the shoots can reach one meter. Shiksha grows in the tundra and in the north of Siberia, in the alpine belt of the Altai Mountains, loves swamps and coniferous forests. It is also found in South America, in the Chilean Andes and on Tierra del Fuego, It grows in spots so-called clumps, each of which is one plant. The stem of the shiksha is dark brown in color, often abundantly covered with leaves; at a young age, the branches are covered with light brownish hairs, the plant branches strongly, while the old branches often form adventitious roots. Over time, the shiksha curtain gradually occupies more and more spaces, while in the center of the curtain, the branches gradually die off. Often, in the tundra, there are extremely extensive thickets, the so-called black crows, or bobcats.

Evergreen trees and shrubs, trees up to 100 m high. The trunk is straight, less often curved, often covered with secretions of sap, gum, called cinema. The crown of trees is varied, ovate, almost tent-shaped, wide-pyramidal, weeping and others.

According to the structure of the bark, there are also: smooth-crusty, fibrous-crusty iron-crusty, scaly-crusty, peppermint, folded-crusty types of eucalyptus.

Erva woolly (Latin Aerva lanata) or half-sex is a herbaceous plant of the Erva genus of the Amaranth family. The plant grows in India, Australia, Indonesia, African countries, Saudi Arabia. It is not found in the wild on the territory of the CIS. Grown in Georgia.

A large biennial herb, reaching up to 1.5 meters in height. It has a taproot, the length of which reaches 20 centimeters, with a diameter of up to 1 centimeter, the root itself is white-gray with a few lateral appendages.

The stems of the plant are green, can be either erect or strongly creeping, often highly branching. The diameter reaches 1 centimeter at the base. Erva's leaves, which reach 1.5 centimeters wide and 2 centimeters long, are alternate, short-stalked, almost round, pubescent.

Sainfoin sainfoin (Latin Onobrychis viciifolia) is a forage grass of the moth family. Refers to a large genus of plants Espacents, legume family. At the moment, more than 80 species of plants of this genus are known, mainly wild-growing herbs, dwarf shrubs or small shrubs. Sainfoin is widespread in central and southern Europe, western Asia and northern Africa.

Sainfoin is a large perennial herb. The root of the plant is rod-shaped, reaching 20 centimeters. The stem of the plant reaches 70 centimeters in height, straight, branched at the top

The leaves of the plant are pinnate, with stipules. The main leaf petiole sometimes turns into a thorn; therefore, all plants of this genus are abundantly covered with thorns.

Many herbaceous plants are edible. Most of them contain almost all the substances a person needs. The richest plant foods are carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins and mineral salts... Leaves, shoots, stems of plants, as well as their rhizomes, tubers and bulbs are eaten. Underground parts of plants, being natural repositories nutrients, are very rich in starch and have the highest nutritional value. Plants with edible leaves and shoots are widespread. Their main advantage is the ease of collection, the possibility of eating raw, as well as in the form of salads, soups and additives to other products. The substances contained in herbaceous plants are able to partially restore the expended energy, support vitality organism, stimulate the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems.

One of the most common plants in the forest is stinging nettle (Urtica dioica).Its stems are straight, tetrahedral, unbranched, up to one and a half meters high. Leaves are opposite, ovate-lanceolate, with large teeth at the edges. The whole plant is covered with stinging hairs. Nettle grows in shady moist forests, in clearings, burnt-out areas, along ravines and coastal shrubs. For their great nutritional value, nettles are sometimes called "vegetable meat". Its leaves contain a large amount of vitamin C, carotene, vitamins B and K, and various organic acids. Nettle has been used as a food plant for a long time. Very tasty green cabbage soup is prepared from its young leaves. Scalded with boiling water, nettles go to salads. Young, not hardened stems are chopped, salted and fermented, like cabbage. Inflorescences are brewed instead of tea. Nettle also possesses numerous medicinal properties... It is used mainly as a good hemostatic agent. Fresh juice (one teaspoon three times a day) and infusion (10 grams of dry leaves per glass of boiling water, boil for ten minutes and drink half a glass twice a day) are used to treat internal bleeding. Outwardly, fresh leaves or powder from dried leaves are used to treat festering wounds.

Dandelion (Taraxácum officinále) is also common in forest flora.- a perennial plant with a height of 5 to 50 centimeters with a thick vertical almost unbranched root; collected in a basal rosette, oblong, pinnate toothed leaves and bright yellow flower baskets. Dandelion settles on weakly soddy soils - in floodplains of rivers, along roadside ditches, on slopes. It is often found in forest glades and forest edges, along the sides of forest roads. Dandelion can be fully classified as a vegetable (in Western Europe it is grown in vegetable gardens). The plant is rich in protein, sugars, calcium, phosphorus and iron compounds. All parts contain a very bitter milky juice. Fresh young leaves are used for making salads. Bitterness is easily eliminated if the leaves are kept in salt water for half an hour or boiled. Peeled, washed and boiled roots make food as a second course. The boiled roots can be dried, grinded, and added to tortilla flour. Ground dandelion root can replace tea. The dug out and cleaned rhizome of the plant is first dried until the milky juice ceases to stand out at the break, then dried and fried. To obtain an excellent brew, all that remains is to finely crush it.

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) grows in river valleys, along sandy coasts, in meadows in spruce, light coniferous, birch and mixed forests. In spring, its pale spore-bearing stems appear from the ground, similar to densely spaced arrows with brown tips, and a month later they are replaced by green “fir-trees” that do not wither until autumn. This strange ancient plant is edible. Young spring spore-bearing shoots are used for food - they are used for making salad, making soup or eaten raw. You can also eat groundnuts - nodules growing on the rhizomes of horsetail - they are rich in starch, taste sweet and are edible raw, baked or boiled. Horsetail (“herringbone”) herb is rich in valuable medicinal substances and has long been used in medicine. Possessing hemostatic and disinfecting properties, the infusion (20 grams of horsetail per glass of boiling water), powder or juice of fresh grass is used to treat festering and cut wounds. Horsetail infusion gargle with sore throat and gum disease. All of the above applies only to the horsetail; other types of horsetails contain alkaloids.


Among the many herbs in the forest, there is nothing more common than burdock (Arctium tomentosum).In the hollows and ditches, in the forest, on the bushy slopes to the river - everywhere you can find this green whopper, sometimes exceeding human growth. The trunk is sinewy, fleshy with a red tint. The leaves are dark green arshin length as if covered with felt on the seamy side. In Siberia, burdock has long been considered a vegetable plant. In spring, young tasty leaves are boiled in soups and broths. But the main thing in burdock is a long, powerful root vegetable that can replace carrots, parsley, parsnips. Fleshy burdock roots can be eaten raw, as well as boiled, baked, fried, used in soups instead of potatoes, and made into cutlets. In field conditions, the burdock roots are thoroughly washed, cut into slices and baked over a fire until golden brown. Fresh burdock leaves are used as compresses for joint pain and bruises.

In the spring, when the buds on trees barely begin to unfold in forest clearings and thickets, primrose stalks (Primula veris) appear along the banks of rivers and in thickets of bushes, similar to bundles of golden keys. It is a perennial plant with a straight flower arrow and large, woolly, whitish, wrinkled leaves. The bright yellow corollas of flowers with five teeth are fragrant with honey. Primrose in some countries is bred as salad greens. Its leaves are a storehouse of ascorbic acid. It is enough to eat one leaf of primrose to replenish the daily need for vitamin C. In early spring the fresh leaves and flower arrows of this plant are an excellent filling for vitamin salad. Soothing and diaphoretic teas are made from primrose leaves and flowers.

One of the first spring herbs is oxalis acetosella. This unpretentious forest plant is unsightly and inconspicuous. The sorrel has no stems. Fleshy, light green, heart-shaped leaves extend immediately from the roots. Dense thickets of this herb can often be found under the trunks of fir trees. It grows everywhere in shady and humid forests. Oxalis leaves contain oxalic acid and vitamin C. Along with sorrel, it is used for dressing cabbage soup and soups. Sour juice refreshes well, therefore, a sour drink is prepared from crushed sour, which perfectly quenches thirst. Sour can be added to salad, brewed as tea, or eaten fresh. Applied to purulent wounds, boils and abscesses, crushed sour leaves or their juice have a wound-healing and antiseptic effect.

At the end of spring, in the forest glades, among the grass stands, it is easy to find a straight stalk with a tassel of spotted flowers and oblong (like a tulip's) leaves, also covered with spots. This is the orchis. It is clear from the Latin name that this plant is an orchid. Indeed, the first thing that catches your eye is a purple flower - an exact reduced copy of a tropical orchid. In addition to its beauty, the orchis has long attracted people with its juicy tuber, which is rich in starch, protein, dextrin, sugar and a whole range of other nutrients and medicinal substances. Kissels and soups cooked from orchis rhizomes perfectly restore strength, save from exhaustion. 40 grams of crushed tubers powder contains the daily requirement of nutrients that a person needs. Orchis tubers, which have enveloping properties, are used for indigestion, dysentery and poisoning.

On wet edges, lowland and watershed meadows, grassy bogs, swampy shores of water bodies, the snake mountaineer (Polygonum bistorta) grows - a perennial herb with a high, up to a meter, stem; large basal leaves as long as a palm, but much narrower and sharper. The upper leaves are small, linear, wavy-notched, grayish below. The flowers are pink, collected in a spikelet. The snake mountaineer is edible. Young shoots and leaves are mainly eaten, which, after removing the middle veins, can be boiled or eaten fresh or dried. The aboveground part of the plant contains a fair amount of vitamin C. The rhizome of the plant is thick, sinuous, resembling a crayfish neck, and is also edible. It contains a lot of starch, carotene, vitamin C, organic acids. However, due to the large amount of tannins, the rhizomes must be soaked. Then they are dried, pounded and added to flour when baking bread and tortillas. Knotweed root is used as a powerful astringent for acute intestinal disorders. Outwardly, decoctions and tinctures are used to treat old wounds, boils and ulcers.

The very first newcomer to forest fires was the fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium).It lives on forest edges, in tall-grass meadows, clearings and slopes. This is a plant with a smooth, tall, ankle stem, on which successive leaves, cut by a mesh of veins, sit. Fireweed blooms all summer - from a distance, its purple-red or purple flowers, collected in long brushes, are striking. The leaves and roots of fireweed contain a large amount of protein substances, carbohydrates, sugars, organic acids. Almost all parts of the plant can be used for food. So, young leaves taste no worse than salad. Leaves and unblown flower buds are brewed like tea. The roots of fireweed can be eaten raw or cooked like asparagus or cabbage. Flour from dried rhizomes is suitable for baking flat cakes, pancakes and porridge. An infusion of fireweed leaves (two tablespoons of leaves, brewed with a glass of boiling water) is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and general tonic.

Sorrel (Rumex acetosa) grows on forest edges, along roadsides and wastelands.This plant, which has long been introduced into cultivation and moved to vegetable gardens, is known to everyone - everyone has tried its sour spear-shaped leaves on long cuttings. The stem of the plant is straight, furrowed, sometimes up to a meter in height. Leaves grow out of a lush rosette. Just three weeks after the ground thaws, the sorrel leaves are ready to harvest. In addition to oxalic acid, the leaves contain a lot of protein, iron, ascorbic acid. Sorrel is used to make soup, sour cabbage soup, salads or eaten raw. A decoction of seeds and roots helps with indigestion and dysentery.

Another edible herb - runny (Aegopodium podagraria) - is often found in moist shaded forest, along ravines and gullies, damp stream banks. It is one of the very first spring grasses to appear in the forest at the same time as the shoots of nettles. To runny from the umbrella family - the inflorescences are fixed on thin knitting needles, which diverge in rays in radial directions. At the top of the plant is the largest fist-sized umbrella. In places where there is little light, the runny forms thickets, entirely consisting of leaves without flowering stems. In glades rich in sun, the plant acquires a rather tall stem with a white umbrella. Even in the heat, the leaves of the plant are covered with droplets of water - this is perspiration that seeped through the water gaps in the green plates. Cabbage cabbage soup cooked from dream is not inferior to cabbage. Young, unfolded leaves and petioles are harvested. Go to food and stems from which the skin is pre-cut. Petioles and stems put in a salad will give it a spicy taste. Wild greens of dream as a very nutritious and vitamin product were widely used by Moscow canteens in the spring of 1942 and 1943. Dozens of people went to the forests near Moscow to harvest this grass. In those difficult years, she also helped her sleep in winter - she was chopped and salted in advance, like cabbage. Dream soup is prepared as follows: chopped and fried petioles of dream leaves, onions, finely chopped meat are placed in a pot, poured with meat broth and put on fire. Chopped leaves of dream is added to a barely boiled broth and boiled for another thirty minutes, and fifteen minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, pepper, bay leaf.

One of the few forest plants in which both leaves, stems, and rhizomes are suitable for food is hogweed. Among our herbs, there is hardly another such giant. Powerful ribbed, covered with bristles, the trunk of this plant sometimes reaches two meters in height. The trifoliate leaves of hogweed are also unusually large, coarse, woolly, dissected into large lobes. No wonder the popular name for hogweed is "bear paw". This is a common inhabitant of forest edges, forest meadows, wastelands, roadsides. Its peeled stems have a sweet, pleasant taste, somewhat reminiscent of that of a cucumber. They can be eaten raw, cooked, or fried in oil. In spring, hogweed is tender, and its young leaves with a taste of carrots are also edible. All types of hogweed contain essential oils and therefore smell harsh. Hogweed greens are usually first scalded in order to reduce the pungent odor, and then put into borscht or put to stew. The hogweed broth resembles chicken broth. The sweetish rhizome of the plant, containing up to 10% sugar, is not inferior in calorie content and taste to garden vegetables and corn. Some hogweed juice contains furocoumarin, which can cause skin burns. Therefore, care must be taken when collecting this plant.

In clearings and fires, in damp and shady places, often vast areas are covered with luxurious bracken ferns (Pteridium aquilinum). Its thick brown rhizome is overgrown with filamentous roots; large pinnately complex leathery leaves emerge from the top of the rhizome. The bracken differs from other ferns in that the bags with spores are placed under the wrapped edges of the leaves. how food product bracken is widely used in Siberia and the Far East. Its young shoots and leaves are boiled in a large amount of salt water and washed thoroughly to remove all scales from the leaves. Bracken shoots soup tastes like mushroom soup.

Another inhabitant of the forest, migrated and cultivated in the gardens, is rhubarb (Rheum).
In rhubarb, from the underground shoot (rhizomes), long-stemmed leaves with more or less wavy plates are collected in a rosette. It grows on forest edges, along streams and rivers, on the slopes of hills. For food, they use fleshy leafy cuttings, which, having peeled off the skin, can be eaten raw, boiled or prepared from them compote, fruit drink. In England, rhubarb soup is made.

On the banks of rivers, marshes and lakes in the water you can find dense thickets of cattail (Typha angustifolia). Its black-brown inflorescences resembling a ramrod on long, almost leafless stems cannot be confused with anything. The food is usually fleshy rhizomes containing starch, proteins and sugar. They can be cooked or baked. Pancakes, flat cakes, porridge are baked from dried and ground cattail roots. To prepare flour, the rhizomes are cut into small slices, dried in the sun until they break with a dry crack, after which they can be ground. Young spring shoots, rich in starch and sugar, are eaten raw, boiled or fried. When cooked, cattail shoots taste very much like asparagus. The yellow-brown pollen of flowers, mixed with water to a mushy state, can be used to bake small loaves.

One of the most beautiful plants in the forest is the white water lily (Nymphaea candida).It grows in quiet waters, on stagnant and slowly flowing waters. The leaves of the water lily are large, their upper side is green, the lower one is purple. Its highly developed rhizome is eaten boiled or baked. The roots are also good for making flour. In this case, they are cleaned, divided into narrow strips, cut into centimeter-long pieces and dried in the sun, and then pounded on stones. To remove tannins from the resulting flour, it is poured with water for four to five hours, draining the water several times and replacing it with fresh. Then the flour is sprinkled on paper or cloth in a thin layer and dried.

Chillim water walnut

Another inhabitant of water bodies is also edible - chilim, or water nut (Tgara natans).It is an aquatic plant with large greenish leaves, very similar to those of currants. Long thin stems stretch from the leaves to the very bottom. If you raise them, then under the leaves on the stem you can see small blackish boxes with five thorns. Chillim is similar in size and flavor to chestnuts. The local population sometimes picks it up in sacks in autumn. In some countries, water walnut (Tgara bicornis) is widely cultivated. Chilim can be eaten raw, boiled in salted water, baked in ash, like potatoes, and made into soup. Bread is baked from walnuts ground into flour. The boiled fruits of this plant are widely sold in China.

The calla palustris has long been called the marsh breadbasket. This conspicuous inhabitant of the swamps is not high and, being a relative of exotic calla lilies, has many similarities with them. “Leaves on long stalks - flush with the stem. Each plate is wide, pointed, with a contour like a heart, sparkles with lacquered green ... But first of all, this plant stands out with an ear, in which small flowers are collected. Such ears whiten like a stearin candle among thickets of marsh grasses. One and a half, or even three centimeters, the ear of calla rises, exposing the coverlet forward and the cover leaf. This leaf is fleshy, pointed, snow-white on the inside, and green on the outside, "- such a description of calla is given by A.N. Strizhev and L.V. Garibova. All parts of the plant and especially the rhizome are poisonous. Therefore, before eating, the calla root is cut into small slices, dried, ground, and the resulting flour is boiled. Then the water is drained, and the thick is dried again. After such processing, calla root flour loses its bitterness and toxic properties and may well be used for baking bread. Bread made from white calla flour is fluffy and delicious.

Susak - wild bread

Along the banks of rivers and lakes, in swampy meadows, there is a susak, nicknamed wild bread.An adult plant is large - up to one and a half meters in height, usually lives in water. On its straight, standing stem, umbrellas of white-pink or green flowers stick out in all directions. There are no leaves on the stem, and therefore the flowers are especially noticeable. The triangular leaves of the susak are very narrow, long, straight. They are collected in a bunch and rise from the very base of the stem. Thick, fleshy rhizomes are edible. Once peeled, they are baked, fried, or boiled like potatoes. The flour obtained from the dried rhizome is suitable for baking bread. Rhizomes contain not only starch, but quite a lot of protein and even some fat. So it's even better nutritionally than regular bread.

Herbaceous plants in the forests of our country are much more common than shrubs and trees combined. The length of their stem is usually short, although there are also quite high ones - banana, reed, corn, etc.

A feature that characterizes herbaceous plants is the soft or succulent aerial stem. It is believed that these are the result of the evolution of woody representatives of the flora. Scientists came to this conclusion by comparing their anatomical structure with the anatomical structure of one-year-old branches of related tree species.

Herbaceous plants are subdivided into several types according to their lifetime: annuals, biennials and perennials.

Annuals include those whose entire life span is one, i.e. one season that is favorable for their growth. As a rule, the seeds of such plants germinate in the spring, then they reach their normal size, bloom, bear fruit, and then completely die off. cucumber, tomato, corn, flowering aster, petunia, wild quinoa, cornflower, wood lice, etc.

Biennial herbaceous plants have two growing seasons: in the first, their vegetative organs are formed, after which the leaves die off, but the roots remain, and in the second year, fruit grows from the buds, and then dies. These are beets, cabbage, carrots known to us, which cannot stand the cold on their own, so gardeners usually dig them up and store them in basements or cellars in order to plant pre-selected seeds in the spring. Wild biennials are burdock, thistle, caraway seeds, chicory.

However, the overwhelming majority of species known to us are perennial herbaceous plants, many of which do not reach the flowering period either in the first or even in the second year of their life, but five to ten years after germination of the seed. Their flowering and fruiting period is repeated up to twenty years. Every year, new ground shoots are formed from the buds, which die off by the end of the growing season, however, not entirely: only the upper part perishes, while what is at the level of the soil or under it remains. Sometimes shoots are spread on the ground, pressed against it covered with plant debris.

Almost all herbaceous plants of the forest are perennial, many of which hold their place for a long time, while, thanks to their long roots and ground shoots, they spread in different directions, capturing new habitats.

This variety does not reproduce well by seeds, since in the forest the soil is almost always covered with a thick layer of fallen needles or leaves, which makes germination difficult, and such a litter does not interfere with the vegetative reproduction method.

Many types of winter-green grasses grow in the forest, which reliably hide under a thick layer of snow. They are shade-tolerant and tolerate the absence of light well.

However, the forest is not the only habitat for perennial herbaceous plants. Many of them grow well in meadows, glades, in general, in any open place. Here, as a rule, they grow much more magnificently, and they bloom and bear fruit much more abundantly.

However, it is not out of place to note the fact that among herbaceous plants there are also those that have a very wide distribution area that does not depend on these so-called indifferent plants.

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