
Find out who I will be in the future life. Who was I in a past life? Free online test. Who were you in a past life

Religion gives many people a belief in life after death. But there are also those who approach the issue from a scientific point of view.

No clues

There are a great many versions of what happens to us when the heart stops beating and the soul is separated from the body. The Vedas are considered the most authoritative source of knowledge about this ( scriptures Indians). The concept of rebirth is associated in them with the law of karma, according to which the birth of a living being in a particular body depends on his behavior in a previous life.

In total, there are 840 thousand life forms (people, animals, plants, and so on)... And what form you will be destined for the next birth directly depends on your behavior. Accordingly, each kind deed will bring a reward, and every unrighteous one will bring punishment.

However, what actually happens to our soul after it leaves the body, no one knows for sure. It is not the task of the Universe to inform us about what happened to us before birth. On the contrary, everything in human nature is created in such a way that past lives are forgotten once and for all. No clues. Just a blank sheet of paper and thousands of small choices that we make every day. And which leave traces on this sheet that lead our soul to where "to be continued."

Hour of conception

And yet a person does not give up hope of getting at least some information about the adventures of his soul. Research related to this was conducted by the American scientist Stanislav Grof. Introducing patients into an altered state of consciousness with the help of holotropic (rapid) breathing, he explored their "memories". Grof described, for example, the story of a client whose business was falling apart, his wife left. During the session, he saw how he participates in a crazy space race and comes to the finish line first. “The picture my patient described is very reminiscent of a race between sperm,” Grof recalls. - He managed to relive the moment of conception and meeting with the earliest memories of his soul. He admitted that now he feels a huge baggage of victory. He seemed to have exhaled all his troubles, calmed down. And soon. By themselves ... "


The theme of reincarnation excites the imagination of writers who love to depict the adventures of the soul after death. The heroes of Bernard Werber, the tantronauts, put themselves into a coma in order to find out what happens to the soul after it has left the body. In reality, modern tantronauts travel through the nooks of consciousness through holotropic sessions.

Under the guidance of a coach, a team of like-minded people gathers in the gym and begins to breathe quickly. The session, accompanied by special music, lasts from half an hour to three. One of the participants in the session described the experience of holotropic travel: “At some point, you stop thinking about breathing. The body starts up by itself. First I find myself in a space disco. And then I fly somewhere at great speed. And I find myself on a bright green planet. Forests, rivers, lakes - everything is so clean on it, beyond words. It seemed to me that this was my real homeland, where I was first born ... "

In the animal world

Instructions can be found online to help you prepare for your future reincarnation. According to the "experts", the first thing to do is to take patronage over some animal. In this case, it is not at all necessary to start. It is enough to periodically watch programs about animals and, if possible, go out to visit the sponsored at the zoo. In addition, it is recommended to leave behind some kind of material monument in this world. The bigger the better. It will be easier for your next incarnation to navigate on the planet, where native traces already exist.

In this regard, it seems that architects, builders and gardeners, those who build houses and plant trees in industrial quantities, will have the whiter karma. The rest can only get carried away with the construction of a summer cottage and plant gooseberries on the plot, hoping that these actions will also attract a positive reincarnation scenario into their lives.

The Cathars were initiated into the mystical secrets of the universe, were the keepers of secret wisdom and knew the fate of the world. Montsegur was the last citadel of the Cathars after the declared crusade against them and a secret repository of their untold treasures, including the Holy Grail.

In May 1243, the Crusaders laid siege to Montsegur, where the last of the Perfect Cathars took refuge, led by Bishop Bertan d, An Martí. The Cathars opposed the carrying of weapons, which was a direct symbol of evil. But they desperately resisted the invaders, day after day defending their shrines. And 10,000 crusaders could not take possession of the fortress for almost a year. In the end, the defenders of Montsegur were promised life in return for renouncing the faith.

But the Cathars refused. The forces were unequal, and on March 16, 1244, two hundred and fifty-seven Cathars left the fortress and solemnly went to the fire. This place at the foot of Montsegur is still called the Field of the Burned. But before that, a magic ritual was performed in the fortress, and the four Perfect ones hid unnoticed in the underground caves of Montsegur. With them was the Holy Grail ... Tradition says that those four gracefully avoided the fate of their brothers, went to the cities and "dissolved" there among the local residents. The mysterious disappearance of the Cathar treasures remained "sealed with seven seals."

The only property of the Cathars that has survived to this day is the so-called Narbonne prophecy. It tells about the fate of the world, the meaning of the Cathar faith and the methods of transmitting secret knowledge. Perfect Cathars already possessed this knowledge at the beginning of the thirteenth century and predicted the events that will take place in the world for a thousand years ahead. The Narbonne prophecy describes both the fall of Montsegur and the destruction of the Templars. It speaks about all revolutions and wars, about the destinies of countries and individual outstanding people. At present, the Narbonne prophecy is not a secret and parts of it have already been published.

The last date of the Narbonne prophecy is 2442, but this is not the year of the end of the world and not the year of a cosmic cataclysm. The Cathars believed that after 2442, new prophets would appear on earth, their faith would revive, and the Perfect ones would lead humanity along the path of progress without wars, murders, and betrayals. New Perfect ones will predict the future of humanity for the next thousand years.

On April 13, 2002, at noon at the dedication in Montsegur, the Narbonne prophecy was presented to Alexander and Lana Rempel. It also describes the method of forecasting the next incarnation of a person, using which you can predict who a person will be in the next life. The calculation method involves the summation of all the digits in the date of birth of a person (without reducing them to prime number) and on the basis of the resulting figure, one can say who the person will be in the future life, when and where he will live, and a lot of other information. You can also find out your future waxing, for which you should add all the numbers in your date of birth.

For example: 01/01/2000 = 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 4.

Another example: 10/29/1969 = 2 + 9 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 37.

Perhaps, in the prophecy of the Cathars, not everything is clear to us today, some verbal formulas do not lend themselves to interpretation, but we left the description of the future professions and occupations of people by the Cathars as they are said in the Narbonne prophecy. Also, the Cathars believed that the soul receives the next incarnation only if in a previous life a person lived to be 33 years old. If life breaks off for one reason or another earlier than this period, then the soul does not receive subsequent incarnation "returning to God who created it, and dissolves in the body of the Creator." Also, the Cathars attached great importance to the time of birth of a person, since the time of birth determines your name, the exact place of birth and all other exact parameters of life. Deciphering and interpretation of Qatari terms was made by Alexander Rempel. This article presents a general calculation of the future incarnation, excluding the time of birth.

Each of us at least once in our life wondered whether it is possible to know the future? Does it look too tempting to lift the veil of secrecy even slightly and find out what lies ahead? And therefore, each of us will be glad to the slightest tip. It is clear that no one will give you a specific "schedule" of your life, but it is quite possible to find out what outlines the roads you will have to wander along.

The modern world offers several options for how you can find out your future, we will tell only about a few of them.

How to find out the future in numerology?

This is not only the most common method, but also one of the most truthful. Because the influence of numbers on the fate of a person is great. Religions are proof of this, in each of which numbers are assigned a specific role. It is possible to know the future since the time of the Pythagoreans, and since this knowledge remains popular for so long, it means that there is definitely something in it.

So, I want to know my future. I take my date of birth, for example, 03/31/1984, and add all the numbers sequentially until a single-digit number is formed as follows: 3 + 1 = 4; 0 + 3 = 3; 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 22; 4 + 3 + 22 = 29; 2 + 9 = 11; 1 + 1 = 2. And then, I see what my number means.

How do you know the near future?

To find out the future, say, a horoscope will help for tomorrow, but fortune-telling can also come to the rescue. For example, on coffee grounds. Ask your cup what awaits you tomorrow, and then rely on your imagination, which will help you see the picture of tomorrow in the coffee patterns.

Most importantly, remember that a lot in your future depends on your thoughts. Think good, good and dream!

Theory past life and the fact that our souls go through reincarnation has been around for about 3000 years. Who was I in a past life? Is there life after life? Considerations on these issues can be found in treatises ancient greece, India and Celtic Druids. Millions of people believe that their spirit has existed not only for seven, eight or nine decades of life on Earth (whoever is lucky), but that we have lived before, and that we will live again.

Those who believe in past lives assume that the clues can come from various complex aspects: physical, emotional, intellectual, psychological, and personal. The main ones are deja vu, mystical memories, spiritual kinship to a foreign culture, uncontrollable habits, unexplained pains, moles, dreams and fears. All of these phenomena can indicate what is hiding your subconscious mind.

Despite the large number of people who believe in reincarnation, only 0.3% can get their memories back. When answering questions, they use their subconscious and past life experiences.

Who were you in your past life?

Do you want to know who the person was in a past life? How did he live? What have you been doing? Below you will find a free online test, based on the research of the English scientist, archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter, who found the tomb of Tutankhamun. He received this knowledge when he was very young from his grandfather, who kept the ancient mysteries. Howard studied the history of ancient countries and civilizations, and his parents were engaged in spiritualism and numerology.

Follow the clues that will guide you through the ancient tables and help you discover the goals and objectives of the previous incarnation and the present person's life. Despite the fact that these maps and tables are somewhat simplified, they are all based on the knowledge that allowed the ancient adepts to command life and death.


Are you bored in your real life?

Who do you think you could be in your next life?

Maybe the president or some kind of animal?

It is likely that you will be born in a different place or on a different planet.

Take this test and find out who you will be in your next reincarnation.

Soul reincarnation

Reincarnation is the idea that a soul or some part of a soul is reborn in a new life. Depending on religion or philosophy, the soul can be reborn in a person, animal or plant. Many religions believe in reincarnation and see it as the path of purification and salvation.

But is reincarnation just an idea, or is there evidence of its existence?

Diseases and Disorders

Some researchers believe that chronic illness and pain may have roots in our past lives. For example, a person suffering from bulimia swallowed salt in a previous life, fear of heights is associated with the fact that in a past life you fell from a roof, and pain in your shoulders indicates that in the past you participated in a war.

Phobias and nightmares

Where do irrational fears come from? Fear of water, heights, or flying. Many of us are afraid of certain things almost from birth. Many believe that these are psychological complexes, but there are also those who think that this has to do with our past life.


Some researchers have put forward the theory that a person in this life is very similar to who he was in a previous life. This can be not only a general physical similarity, but also some features, for example, scars.

Memories of children

Many young children claim to remember their past lives, to talk about certain activities, environments, and foreign languages ​​that they might not have known before.

Birthmarks and birth defects

In a 1993 study of 895 children who remembered their past lives, 35 percent had birthmarks. Typically, a birthmark or defect indicated the site of injury or trauma to the person whose life they were recalling.

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