
What does mango look like in the context. Mango - juicy fruit. How to choose a ripe fruit

Mango - Tropical Fruits Plants indian mangifer, or mango Indian (Mangifera Indica.). The fruits of egg-shaped green-yellow, apricot, bright red color, depending on the degree of maturity. The fruit has a sweet taste and a nicyst structure. Often the word "mango" is called the plant itself. Indian Mange is one of the national symbols in India and Pakistan.

Mango, or mangifer ( Mangifera.) - the genus of tropical plants of the Summy family. Rod includes about 70 species, among which the Indian Mange ( Mangifera Indica.).

Motherland Mango - wet tropical forests of the Indian state of Assam and Myanmar's state.

Useful properties of mangoes

Mango fruits are often used in home medicine in India and other Asian countries. For example, in India, mango is used to stop bleeding, to strengthen the heart muscle and for better brain.

In the green (misappropriate) fruits, mangoes contain a large amount of pectin, lemon, oxal, apple and amber acids. Also, the green mango is rich in vitamin C, there are other vitamins: B1, B2, niacin.

In mature fruits, mango also contains many vitamins and sugars, but significantly less acids.

Vitamin A, contained in a mature fruit in large quantities, has a beneficial effect on organs of vision: helps with "chicken blindness", dryness of the cornea and other eye diseases. In addition, the regular use of ripe fruits of mangoes in food contributes to improving immunity and protects against cold infections, such as Orz, rhinitis, etc.

Mature mango fruits are also used to reduce weight, as the fruits contain many vitamins and carbohydrates - the so-called mango dairy diet.

Mango, or Mangifer (Mangifera). © Joel Ignacio.

Nutritional value mango

100 g mango contains approximately:

  • Energy value: 270 kJ / 70 kcal
  • Proteins: 0.51 g
  • Fat: 0.27 g
  • Carbohydrates
  • Sugar: 14.8 g
  • Fiber: 1.8 g
  • Tiamine (B1): 0.058 mg (4%)
  • Riboflavin (B2): 0.057 mg (4%)
  • Niacin (B3): 0.584 mg (4%)
  • Pantothenic acid (B5): 0.160 mg (3%)
  • Vitamin B6: 0.134 mg (10%)
  • Folic acid ((B9): 14 μg (4%)
  • Vitamin C: 27.7 mg (46%)
  • Calcium: 10 mg (1%)
  • Iron: 0.13 mg (1%)
  • Magnesium: 9 mg (2%)
  • Phosphorus: 11 mg (2%)
  • Potassium: 156 mg (3%)
  • Zinc: 0.04 mg (0%)

Mango sighing, or mangifer (Mangifera). © Joel Ignacio.

Crossing a mango bone

If you are going to grow mango, keep in mind that this is a major fast-growing tropical tree, which must be provided with the relevant conditions.

For the cultivation of mango, it is necessary to take the most mature as possible (it is desirable even overripe, it can sometimes find a bone with a sprout that appeared) fruit.

The fruits are cut along, and then the halves turn in opposite directions, thus dismissed from the pulp. Thoroughly rinse the mango bone under the jet of water and immediately plant in a small 9-centimeter pot with a mixture of turf and humus ground. From above, you can organize the greenhouse.

The mango bone can not be stored for a long time, as its germination is lost.

At +22 .. + 24 ° С Mango sprouts appear in 2-4 weeks. The pot with mango shoots is kept warm at the same (+22 .. + 24 ° C) temperature. Each year, the bush transplant in the capacity of the larger size with the same composition of the Earth as when planting a seed. When the mango tree will live for you for five years, the transplant can be done in three years, not forgetting to pour a mixture of large river sand onto the bottom of the container and shallow pebbles.

Mango will grow well and decorate the room if you put it on a sunny place. In winter, mango sapling will not perish from hot dry air in heating batteries, if you do not forget regularly spray it with an estate water temperature.

In the spring and summer, the plants are fed by organic and mineral fertilizers that are used for indoor palm trees and oleandrov. The year-round mango loves abundant watering, winter moisture for irrigation should be warm.

Mango is growing rapidly, it is well tolerating the forming trimming. Kush can give the shape of a ball, cube, pyramids. Flowering will have to expect several years. The patient an exotic amateur will receive a reward to the most comprehensive and dark temper - mango flowers in November or December.

"King of fruit" - Mango became the most popular, he overtook even an apple and banana in the ranking. According to the legend, the God of Shiva raised this tree for his beloved.

This is a fruit or vegetable - Photo

Of course, this is a fruit. Fetus indian mangiferes - Mango - truly won the hearts of connoisseurs of exotic. Varieties of this delicious fruit do not read if you believe some sources, there are about 1500.


Spread plant The world began with the sixteenth century, when it fell with navigators from India to the countries of East Africa. In the eighteenth century, it settled in, in the first half of the nineteenth century it was delivered to, and a little later in South Africa and the Middle East.

What does it look like?

Mango ( mango Indian tree) It is an evergreen tree, originally growing in India, where at present, as in Pakistan, is considered a national plant. In natural conditions of growth, depending on age and variety, its height can reach from ten to forty-five meters, and the diameter of the crown from five to twenty. Delicious mango fruits are called "fruit of the gods."

To date, a huge number of mango varieties are known, the fruits of which have a different mass and painting dense, smooth skin. Medium weight Fruit ranges from two hundred grams to one kilogram. The color can be white, greenish yellow, bright green, yellowish-orange, red, black.

Depending on the variety, the form of fruit can be egg-shaped or spheroid. They possess juicy, fibrous pulp yellow or orange color. In an adhesive form, it has a sweet taste with light sourness. Fruit flavor varies, he can resemble peach, apricot, rose, melon, pineapple, lemon. The size of the seed (bone) is also quite impressive. In length, it can be from five to ten centimeters, and by weight up to fifty grams.

Benefit From the use of the permissible amount of mango, recognized by the nutritionists of many countries of the world. This is due to its low calorie and special chemical composition.

The benefits of mango and its calorie

Calorie Fresh fruit is sixty-five kilokalories per hundred grams of product. Dry mango is no less useful, but it should be aware that the calorie content of the dried fruit increases to three hundred ten kilokalories.

Mango Mountains contain many proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin A, C, D, group B, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, copper, sodium, iron, zinc, pectin, shady, amino acids, sucrose.

Due to such a variety of useful substances in the composition of the fruit, its regular consumption:

  • Restores weakened immune system;
  • Rejuvenates organism;
  • Strengthens nervous system eliminates The consequences of stressful situations and removes depression and insomnia;
  • Normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and urogenital system;
  • Promotes the treatment of some skin diseaseas auxiliary;
  • Used in prevention oncological diseases;
  • Widely used in diet with diabetes mellitus and weight loss;
  • Cleans the body from harmful substances;
  • Improves eyesight.

In folk medicine India decoctions from leaves and fruit seeds are used for pancreatitis, diseases of vessels and varicose veins. A mixture of mango juice, honey and salt are equally positively disposed of both constipation and diarrhea.

Harm and contraindications

But, despite all the useful properties of mango and his pleasant taste, you need to know that with the wrong use it can harm health.

On the day it is recommended to eat no more than two hundred and fifty grams fruit. If you consume more immature fruits, it is possible to appear colic, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and nasopharynx. And the overeating of ripe mango can provoke the appearance of constipation or diarrhea, as well as allergic rashes.

Since mango, is an exotic fruit for our country, then some may have individual intolerance or allergies to it. Therefore, when you first use you need to eat it minimal amount. It is also impossible to eat Mango together with alcohol consumption.

If mango is eaten with leather, then with sensitive mucous membranes, the swelling of the lips and rash can appear on the skin.

In order to avoid the above-described troubles, it is desirable, to clean the fruit before use.

How to choose ripe fruit?

In order to choose a ripe mango fruit, you should know somewhat simple rules:

  1. Fruit peel should be smooth without dents and damage, the color of the value does not have. Permissible the presence of small spots and points of brown;
  2. To the touch The fruit must be elastic and not too soft;
  3. Ripened fruit should be clearly expressed fruit fragrance. If it is missing at all, it means the fruit disturbed. And in the case when an acidic or wine smell comes from mango, it can be argued that it overrered, and perhaps it is already beginning to wander or rot.

How to store and clean?

If mango is hard to hold it for several days at room temperature. After the fruit becomes too soft, it should be stored in the refrigerator no more than five days.

Also, mango fruits can be freezed entirely, or cutting into pieces, useful substances will be saved.

The optimal and most neat way can be called the following method mango cleaning:

  • On both sides of the fruit cut along According to the semicircular part of the pulp with the skin, trying to do it near the bone;
  • Taking a sharp knife cut the pulp, leaving the skin as a whole;
  • Afterverting half, you can easily cut the flesh to the plate;
  • I need to flesh on the bone correctly cut, Clear and cut into pieces.

If mango is not intended for further preparation of any dishes from it, you can simply cut the fruit across and turn the halves in different directions. Then remove them from the bone and just eat the flesh with a spoon. This method is only suitable for enough elastic mangoes.

See in this video, how quickly and beautifully clean and cut the mango:

How to eat?

In order to have learned maximum amount of useful substancescontained in mango, you should chew for a long time and keep purees in the oral cavity.

Besides the mango eating just like fresh fruit, his bash with meat, stew With various vegetables and fruits, added to salads, baking, desserts and cocktails.

From it, juice is made, it is part of the seasonings "CHATNE" and Curry sauce.

Places of Growing

In addition to where the largest Number of Mango Plants is located, it is widely grown in many other countries of the world.

In Vietnam

In Vietnam, mango is grown mainly in the middle and southern part of the country, less often in the north. Here are common mainly sweet yellow varieties And green having peculiar sourness. These fruits can be found not only in the gardens or on special plantations, but also on the banks of the river or the side of the road.

Season Collection in the south of the country - from February to May, and in the north - from the beginning of May to September. Depending on the variety and quality, the price of one kilogram of mango in hesitates from twenty-five to seventy thousand dong (70-199 Russian rubles).

In Thailand

Thailand stands in third place among mango producers, after India and. For this country is the most ancient and popular fruit. Here you can meet more than a hundred of its varieties with the most diverse color, size and taste. In Thailand, the Mango Collection Season begins in March and ends in May.

And how much is Mango? Price per kilogram Mango B is from thirty baht on the market up to one hundred eighty baht in popular resort areas (54-325 Russian rubles).

In Egypt

Egypt is a list of twenty major countries growing mango. Here it is collected from mid-July to early October. It grows in the country several varieties This fruit with different coloring peel.

Cost One kilogram of fruit B lies between five to twenty five Egyptian pounds (from 19 to 90 rubles).

Mango is known to mankind more than 4 thousand years. Translated from Sanskrit, the word means "Great Fruit". This juicy exotic product is like a pleasant sweet taste and gentle flesh. It does not grow in our latitudes, so few people know how to better approach the choice of a good mango.

Features, benefits and harm

Today on the shelves of mango supermarkets - a frequent guest. He attracts to his overseas origin, delicate taste and aromas of the tropics. His homeland is India. A total of about 1000 MANGO varieties are derived, and they all have their own characteristics. In the last decade, the culture has won a special popularity in world markets. Mango supplies are established with countries such as Thailand, Argentina, Mexico, Guatemala.

The fruit in appearance has a rounded or oblong oval shape. Fruit is very elastic, but when pressed, he is a little crushed. It has a smooth and very dense peel, which, depending on the variety, can be different colors - green, yellow, red or combined. Inside the fetus there is a fairly large oblong firm bone. Under the leather there is a juicy pulp, which has a very pleasant taste and a pronounced tropical smell. For most people, mango has become a favorite fruit.

Fruit use

Mango is a plant that has received many solar heat in the homeland. The nutritional and use of the product is determined by its composition, and in mango it is special. In the fruit there is:

  • a large set of different vitamins;
  • many mineral substances (iron, calcium, phosphorus);
  • large volume of beta-carotene in fruits with orange flesh (in the amount of 500 μg per 100 g of product);
  • starch, ascorbic acid in unripe fruits;
  • fructose, pectin, sucrose in ripe fruits.

When drinking fruit, the plasticity of vessels is improved, immunity rises, nervous voltage is removed, memory improves. Fruit manifests its defensive qualities with colds. Oncologists assure that mango does not give to grow metastases in cancerous diseases.

Huge benefit mango brings and female health. Women because of their emotionality are often inclined to fall into the state of depression. Mango is a "fruit of joy" - it has substances that increase the mood.

The fruit is a good preventive tool from a variety of female diseases. It does not allow for the development of breast cancer, relieves the problems of the urinary sphere. Culture greatly facilitates pain in critical days. It is used in a variety of diet for weight loss, to split fats and remove slags. The mango has a tocopherol substance that ensures the restoration of new cells.

In this way, the fruit will help for many years to preserve the woman its natural beauty and will significantly delay the approach of old age.


There are several tabs you need to know:

  • with all the positive impact on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the mango may adversely affect the body under the stomach ulcer;
  • people with allergies should be treated with great care to the reception of this product;
  • mango is categorically prohibited to be used with alcohol.

It should be noted that more than three fruits in the day you can not eat, since the uncontrolled use of fruits will necessarily affect the stomach.

Variety of varieties

We will analyze several MANGO varieties and their key features.

Tommy Atkins

This is the most famous variety in the world, it most often appears on store shelves. They bring culture from Florida, and it was bred in the middle of the twentieth century. The tree is distinguished by rapid growth and has an unusual beautiful crown. Ripe fruits have a very beautiful orange-yellow color, they are medium in size - no more than 250-300 gr. The pulp in the color is yellow, and the structure is very solid and juicy, there is a small fiber. Because of its density, the fruits are very well stored and transporting transportation without any problems. Fruits ripen in June and July.


The variety grows on a dwarf tree with a thick beautiful crown. There are no fibers in the pulp. The fruit is quite fragrant and tasty. The harvest is carried out from mid-June until the end of July.


This type is growing in indochite. In taste, the pulp is perfectly combined sweet notes and tartness. The flesh itself is dense, without fibers. The crop is collected from May to July.


Such a grade is a hybrid and grows in indochite. Vintage abundant. The pulp of the fetus without fibers, has a thin and delicate taste. Harvest is carried out from May until the end of July.

When choosing a mango, pay attention to how the product looks like. First of all carefully consider the fruit. Its size and form usually depend on the variety and place of growth. As a rule, the average size of ripe fetus has a mass of about 300 grams, and in diameter it is 10 - 20 centimeters. Some varieties have a weight of more than one kilogram, and even can reach 1.8 kg.

Mango often varies with the color of the peel, but the variety of color options do not determine the ripeness of the fetus, and reflect the characteristics of the variety and the collection of a particular fruit. The taste of mango does not depend on the color, so the pulp of green fetus will not give way to taste a mango of another color.

Ripe mango

How to choose a ripe mango? Take the fruit in your hands and feel it. Ripe mango on sensations is similar to juicy peach or nectarine, but only one difference - the peel is much hard.

In order to correctly determine the maturity, you need to press a finger on the fetal peel - it should be felt like a light elasticity. After pressing the skin of the ripe fruit, it will definitely return to the previous place. Such a fruit can safely buy, you definitely do not make a mistake in choosing. Also, mature mango can have brownish specks on the surface - this is a sure sign of a good product.

Another way to test the mango ripeness is to smell it in the frozen area. It is in this place that the fruit exudes the strongest fragrance. In the smell, mango is clearly felt by the sweets, the aroma of needles with an admixture of wood resin. Do not take care of a very fragrant fruit, as a strong smell is a sign that the fruit has already slept and has long been on the store store.

Peel the ripe fruit is smooth and has a glossy tide. Mango should not be faded in appearance, its colors are bright and saturated. Ripe fruit always has a spherical or slightly oblong shape (in appearance as a large elongated egg).

Unripe mango

The form of the misappropriate fetus is not even, but slightly asymmetric, unlike the doserous culture. Flat-looking fruit has not yet slept, and his pulp will have binding properties.

In this case, it does not make sense to try to learn a good mango on the smell. In unripe fruit, the fragrance is practically not felt, so choose mango only in appearance.

The fruit itself should be green and solid. Immediately there is no need to be, but in a few days it will become quite suitable.

The mango selected should not be with dents, scratches and large dark spots. Such pathologies suggest that the rules for transporting and storing the product have been violated.

In addition to the fruit for a long time wealthy to us, supermarkets flooded exotic fruits of bizarre forms with an unusual color. Many of them are sometimes difficult to distinguish visually. In order for the acquisition of a particular delicacy to be a complete disappointment, you need to study and understand which criteria to distinguish them and what they represent them.

Why mango and papaya confuse

It is difficult to distinguish fruits include mango and papaya. They have almost the same shape, dimensions, color gamut of fruits sometimes coincides. To understand how to distinguish these fruits, it is necessary to consider in detail their characteristics. Also visually from each other also trees on which they grow.

The main parameters of the difference by:

  • fruit sizes;
  • color;
  • form;
  • internal content.


To try an exotic delicacy should not fly to tropical resorts. It is enough to visit the supermarket. But the campaign will be unsuccessful if you do not know how it looks like choosing. After all, it is often confused with mango. What the mango and papaya fruits look like shown in the photo.

External structure of wood and fetus

Papaya is represented by a low tree with a slender barrel. It does not have branches, the trunk grows up from 5 to 10 meters high. At the top there are palpheled leaves. The length of the leaflets reaches up to 70 cm. The flower is tied up, it takes development under the sinus stuffing, after growing a large fruit, which is similar to the elongated melon with a thinnese on the end, like a pear. The diameter reaches 30 cm, and the length is 40 cm. It is possible to consider how the papaya and the tree looks like, on which it grows, you can in the photo.

Powered fruits are soft on touch, have a color from yellow to juicy-amber. The flesh of a reddish shade, elastic, rather sweet. Inside Papaya is a large number of small black seeds. Fruit can differ significantly among themselves not only in size, but also by color. Papaya in the section is shown in the picture.

The tree is represented by two floors: male and female. "Male" produce pollination of flowers, and the crop give "female" representatives.

Interesting fact! It happens that the male tree gives a crop. The crop grows on an extended chain.

The seedling of the tree raises rapidly, the collection of the first crop is produced in six months. Rises harvests quickly, the peel changes the color from greenish to orange, with a golden tint. The size of the fruit fluctuates strongly depends on the variety variety. Hawaiian less in size. Caribbean, Asian weigh about 3 kg, some reach 6-7 kg. The size of the fruit is the parameter for which mango and papaya differ. For the implementation of the harvest is going to be misappropriate. If the fruit is not completely ripe, he needs to give a rose in the dark.

Frup benefit

To use the fetus you need to consider the peel, longitudinally cut, extract seeds. The taste is similar to melon, pumpkin, apricot and carrots. It is stored at cold temperatures for about a week. The benefits of this exotic delicacy, similar to us weak, are indisputable:

  • It is a low-calorie product: 39 kcal. After use, the feeling of satiety is preserved for a long time, which allows it to be used for dietary food.
  • Karikaxanthin, a useful substance that gives the fetus yellow shade, similar to carotine.
  • Papain allows you to maximize the beneficial substances, contributes to the assimilation of valuable vitamin complexes and elements.
  • Juice is used for diseases of the joints, to eliminate the symptoms of bites of different insects, relieves pain after burns.

Despite valuable qualities, there are some subtleties, non-burning of which will damage the body. In serial fruits is dangerous juice. Contains latex juice, which is a poisonous substance causing skin irritations, allergic reactions, malfunction of the digestive system, pain in the abdomen. If the juice of the fetus has a colorless, water structure - it has poisonous components, it is prohibited to use it. By comparison, the fruit of non-agricultural mango can be used without fears. Photo of ripened mango and papaya is presented below.

Juice should be a homogeneous whitish color, flesh - soft, smooth, with bright yellow color. In case of concerns about ripeness, it must be subjected to heat treatment.


Another stunningly delicious tropical delicacy. What is the difference in mango fruits from papaya? Dimensions, color, flavoring gamut. In the photos it is clearly visible.

External structure of wood and fruits

Mango - evergreen plant. The height of trees has a large range: from 7 to 45 meters. Crown is about 10 meters with a diameter. Young leaves have a yellowish color with a pink tint, grow fast, changing the color on dark green.

Tree flowers are very beautiful, possess a stunning aroma, similar to the fragrance of lily. Ripened fetus up to 2 kg weighing hanging on long stalks. Photo mango growing on the tree is shown below.

Fruits have a thin skin, smooth to the touch, green, red, yellow, sometimes purple shade. Color varies from the degree of aging. On some you can notice two or even three shades immediately. The density of the pulp, the fibrity changes as ripening. Inside the pulp is hidden solid, large size, a bone, which also found the application in medicine, the cosmetology industry.

The birthplace plants are forests of tropics: between Myanmar and the Indian state of Assam. At the moment, this plant is cultivated in the PRC, the USA, the Mexico region, the countries of South, Central America, Asian countries, the tropical belt of Africa, even on the Australian mainland.

How to choose a fruit?

The fruit is recommended to choose with a shiny skurt, not having damage. Mature fruit does not pushed with fingers, not solid, but not too soft. The longer it is better not to take. The taste tint mango reminds Pineapple with a peach, but much sweeter. According to the stunning taste, the aroma can be distinguished by mango from papaya.

Useful qualities

Fruit contains vital useful components:

  1. The amount of vitamin with sometimes reaches up to 175 mg per 100 g. Recommended for prevention, therapy of colds.
  2. The pulp contains a large amount of dextrose, sucrose, pentoses, fructose.
  3. It has 12 indispensable amino acids, some of them do not produce the body independently.
  4. Red or orange shades are characterized by the presence of a huge amount of carotene. Mature fruit contains carotenoids 5 times more than oranges with tangerines.
  5. The presence of iron, phosphorus contributes to active blood formation. The operation of the circulatory system improves, the hemoglobin indicators increase.
  6. The skin contains a lot of tanins.
  7. The leaves are recognized as a natural tranquilizer. Perfect teeth whiten.
  8. Due to the vitamin group B is a powerful immunostimulator, it has an impact on the body of a tonic, a tonic nature, produces a powerful antioxidant effect.
  9. The combination of the vitamin complex E and C contributes to the prevention of cancer.
  10. Vitamins in groups contribute to the improvement of the nervous system, the fruit is a powerful antidepressant.
  11. Those present micro and macroelements improve the functioning of the heart, the body's tone, reduce the proportion of cholesterol.
  12. Seed extract is able to resolve metabolic processes.

Use in medicine and cooking

  1. Uncooked pulp, mixed with honey with the addition of salt, is used for therapy with dysentery, also the mixture eliminates constipation, eliminates hemorrhoids.
  2. With honey and the addition of pepper is used to eliminate the congestion processes of bile, performs cleaning the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Ophthalmology applies it for the therapy of "chicken blindness", other ophthalmological problems.
  4. The infusion of frying leaves is used to reduce the specific gravity of blood sugar, with hypertension.
  5. Juice is used to eliminate skin diseases, eczema.
  6. Indian doctors use it for the treatment of many diseases, oncological no exception.

Use in the cooking of these fruits is very common. It is used as a component of fruit salads, desserts, juices, puree, smoothie. In the kitchen of the East, it is used as an addition of garnishing for meat, facilitates digestion of oily dishes. Indian culinary has a poor fruit, pickled in spices, salt, butter. An oil enriched with valuable fatty acids is extracted from the bones, which is used for cosmetology purposes.

Dangerous quality mangoes

No matter how much this fruit is useful, its use contains a number of cautions:

  1. Over 2 hours after use, alcohol cannot be taken.
  2. It is not recommended to people prone to allergies, mango skin is a strong allergen, causes swelling of the lips, cracking the skin.
  3. Immature fruits with excessive use cause irritation of mucous membranes, colic, gastric pain.
  4. Carefully use during pregnancy, breastfeeding. May cause allergic manifestations of infants.

Comparative characteristics

Knowing the main differences in these fruits, you can easily choose the necessary delicacy. They differ in the following parameters:

  • Mango fruit size is about 2 kg, papaya - about 3 kg, some grow up to 6 kg. Differences of mango fruit and papaya are shown in the picture.

  • The shape of mango fruits is more rounded. Papaya has an extended, narrower on the end, like a pear.
  • The inner structure of fruits is a significant difference. What the mango and papaya fruits look like in a section shown in the photo. Mango has one big bone, papaya - a lot of small black seeds.

The tropical fruits in the spring, when seasonal apples, pears have already ended, and there is no new crop. These and other exotic natural delicacies wore the body with vitamins and minerals. The main thing is to choose the necessary fruit correctly. It is important for this to know what they differ from each other and their quality characteristics.

Mango - The plant of the Summy family. His homeland is India, where the fruit is still becoming one of the leading positions in exports. To date, the fruit grows in almost all territories with a tropical climate.

Quite large fruits have a spheroid or de elongated egg-shaped form. On average, the weight of the fruit reaches about 400 g, although the record holders that are achieved in weight about 1.5 kg in the weight. Smooth and dense skin is distinguished by its unusual color, as it consists of 3-colors: green, yellow and red, which smoothly go into each other (see photo).

Fibrous pulp has a sweet taste and unusual flavor. Inside there is a large and fairly firm bone of a pale yellow color, which has an oblong-flexible shape.

Beneficial features

Due to the combination of vitamins of group B, carotene and ascorbic acid immunity strengthenedAnd also creates the protection of healthy cells from oxidation. Ripe fruits have a diuretic and laxative action, as well as they improve blood clotting. It is noted that the regular use of mango helps to remove the nervous tension, improve the mood and prevent the risk of depression. In addition, mango increases sexual activity.

Studies have shown that mango has the ability to reduce weight and normalize cholesterol levels in the blood. In the fruit extract contains substances that have the ability to adjust the metabolic rate in the body.

Oil, which has a rich amount of fatty acids, which are useful for the organism is extracted from the fruits bone. It is used in various cosmetics. For example, oil reduces the risk of hair section, as well as it gives them a pomp. From mango fruit, you can cook a mask that is suitable for hair.

Use in cooking

Mango is quite popular in many kitchens of the world, especially in those where it is grown. Fruit is most often used in the fresh form, but besides this, it is baked and canned. Of juicy fruits make a variety of drinks, such as juice, nectar, compote, cocktails, liqueurs, etc. Mango is used to prepare a delicious and sweet jam, jam, jam and confiture. In addition, fruits are used as garnings and put in salads that are an excellent addition to meat and fish.

Mango and Treatment

Mango benefits are known for a long time and is used in traditional medicine many countries. For example, the combination of immature mango, honey and salt helps to get rid of dyspepsia, dysentery, constipation and hemorrhoids. Many people's healers argue that if a small amount of fruits can be chewed daily, then you can significantly strengthen the heart muscle.

In addition, for the treatment of certain diseases, the decoction prepared from the leaves of this plant is used. Treatment of diseases of vision and diabetes also implies the use of this brave. It also helps to improve the activity of the cardiovascular system and the pancreas. In folk medicine, it is recommended to use decoction of mango leaves in varicose veins and with numerous hemorrhages on the skin. You can use fruit juice with sharp dermatitis, and the seeds will be useful in asthma.

Mango harm and contraindications

Mango harm can bring people with individual intolerance to the product. It should be borne in mind that the peel of the fruit can cause allergies, so it is recommended to use gloves for its cleaning. It must be borne in mind that if you eat a large amount of unripe fruit, you can cause colic and irritation of the gastric mucosa, and respiratory tract. The abuse of ripe fruits provokes the development of constipation, fever and urticaria.

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