
Types of waterproofing strip foundation. Waterproofing of strip foundations of various types. Vertical and horizontal insulation

In low-rise construction, especially if the house is not supposed to have a basement, the most popular and reasonable is the strip foundation for the house.

In recent years, the suburban housing market has been rapidly developing in Russia. Small garden houses, baths, summer cottages, wooden log cabins, panel board prefabricated buildings, prefabricated panel cottages, etc. All these buildings are united by the fact that they are relatively lightweight, and if the location is well chosen and the structure and composition of the soil allows, then they do not require a buried foundation.

About what is strip foundation and how it is built, you can get a visual representation from the slide show (click to run):

This strip foundation was created by the builders of the NST + company, the city of Navoloki, Ivanovo region. This enterprise not only builds foundations, but also performs works on waterproofing foundations in the Ivanovo region.

The device of the strip foundation under the house

As a rule, speaking of strip foundations, they mean an economical option, when the base of the house goes into the soil by 200 ... 500 mm. For example, the photo shows the process of pouring concrete into the formwork, just for the device of a shallow strip foundation for a house.

But it also happens that the strip foundation is chosen as the basis for a house or a cottage of 2-3 floors and it is necessary to deepen by 1500 ... 2000mm. In this case, the walls of the strip foundation also form the walls of the basement. In this case, of course, you will also need to perform horizontal waterproofing of the basement floor. The next photo shows just such a house (without a basement, but with a basement).

Regardless of the depth, it is required at home.

Waterproofing strip monolithic foundation

The following figure is a diagram of a waterproofing device for a house on a strip foundation. Let's simplify the task and consider a building without a basement, since this is a special case.

It can be seen from the figure that the section of the strip foundation forms two waterproofing contours, zonally divided into 5 parts.

Contour 1 is formed by zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Contour 2 is formed only by zones 3 and 4.

Zone 1, marked in orange, is the basement waterproofing, i.e. that part of the wall of the strip foundation (usually from FBS blocks), which protrudes above the ground and on which the walls of the house rest.

Zone 2, marked in yellow, is the vertical waterproofing of the foundation wall.

Zone 3, marked in red, is the horizontal waterproofing of the foundation wall supported by a monolithic tape. Theoretically, this stage of work can be omitted if the waterproofing in Zone 4 has been performed correctly and reliably. But it is impossible to perfectly waterproof the entire zone 4 - see below.

Zone 4, marked in green, is the concrete waterproofing of the monolithic tape and FBS blocks. If this is not done, then the concrete will leach and crumble over time, which will affect the stability of the building. More details on how to protect concrete from corrosion and destruction are described using the example of waterproofing concrete with liquid rubber.

Zone 4's Achilles' heel is the base of the monolithic tape. Waterproofing of this plane can only be done with roll-up waterproofing materials before the concrete is poured. Accordingly, there is always a risk of water penetration into the monolithic tape. Therefore, so that capillary moisture does not get into the foundation wall and waterproofing is performed in zone 3.

Zone 5, marked in blue, is the horizontal waterproofing of the house wall. There must be waterproofing between the foundation wall (basement wall) and the above-ground wall of the house.

LLC "Technoprok" offers several types of cold-applied liquid bitumen-polymer materials, which are convenient to use, they are excellent functionally for waterproofing a strip foundation under a house, materials for manual and automated application, known in Russia as LIQUID RUBBER.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing strip foundation correctly

As a rule, you have to choose the option of making a waterproofing strip foundation with your own hands. This is due to the fact that the amount of work is often small and the use of an automated method that allows you to do the work quickly, economically inefficient.

If you do not deviate from the technology and make waterproofing of zone 3, then there will be technological limitations associated with the fact that waterproofing of circuits 1 and 2 cannot be performed simultaneously, because several days pass between the filling of the tape and the laying of the FBS blocks.

It was already mentioned above that the waterproofing of the base of the foundation tape (in the sketch this is the lower horizontal green line), if they do not forget about it, is arranged before the monolith is poured. Most often, rolled bituminous materials are used, which are grown to the bottom of the trench, where concrete is then poured.

Therefore, the automated method of waterproofing strip foundations is used only when applying liquid rubber on large-scale objects, if the area is at least 150 ... 200m2. To better understand why this is so, you should watch the video and read it on the website page www.site how to waterproof the foundation correctly installation B-21 and liquid rubber TECHNOPROK or Rapidflex.

In all other cases, rational and correct do it yourself waterproofing the strip foundation or by "wrong hands" mastic liquid rubbers. They are commonly called in Russia - one-component liquid rubbers.

According to the "western" classification, these are cold water-based bitumen-polymer mastics under the trade marks Elastopaz and Elastomix. Supplied in buckets of 5, 10 and 18kg.

To find out more about these materials, incl. watch the video, in the upper horizontal menu of the site www.site select the menu item "Liquid rubber" and then - Elastopaz or Elastomix.

By the way, one-component liquid rubber Elastopaz can also be applied to a shallow strip foundation of a small area automatically. Do not confuse with the automated application of Rapidflex and TECHNOPROK two-component liquid rubbers.

To apply Elastopaz mastic, high pressure airless equipment such as Graco or Wagner is required. The process of waterproofing the strip foundation in this case looks like in the photo below. The result will be the correct monolithic waterproofing strip foundation for the house, almost forever.

This photo was taken in Israel, where, in fact, at the Pazkar plant, the production of waterproofing materials Elastopaz, Elastomix, Rapidflex and Technoprok, which Technoprok offers in Russia, is carried out. Here we also note that liquid rubber TECHNOPROK (this is a trademark of Technoprok LLC) has been produced since 2011 at the facilities of the Pazkar plant.

But still, in Russia, the automated application of liquid rubber for waterproofing strip foundations is a rarity. Typical for our country, regardless of whether it is Krasnodar or Vladivostok, Syktyvkar or Irkutsk, is do it yourself waterproofing strip foundation one-component mastic liquid rubbers Elastopaz or quick-drying Elastomix.

These materials are easy, convenient and safe to apply. No heating or thinning with solvents required. All you need to do is open the bucket and arm yourself with a spatula, roller or brush.

No special skills are required, although, of course, a professional plasterer will do the job faster and more accurately than the manager of Gazprom or the Central Office of Sberbank.

The waterproofing carpet resulting from the application of liquid rubber is a single monolithic rubber-like surface without any joints and gaps. Liquid rubber coating is reliable protection against destruction of a concrete wall and FBS blocks of a strip foundation.

When building foundations for buildings, pay special attention to waterproofing issues. High quality waterproofing strip foundation at home using modern materials such as liquid rubber will provide your building with a long life.

Water destroys building structures, rendering them unusable, reducing their service life. This is especially true for the underground part of the house, which is exposed to several types of moisture at once. Outside, rain and melt water has a destructive effect on it, and groundwater causes trouble in the soil, the level of which can vary depending on the season. Waterproofing methods for the foundation of a building depend on its type and manufacturing method (tape, slab, pillars or piles).

How does moisture affect

There are several ways in which water can lead to the destruction of a concrete foundation:

  • Washing out of the structure of particles, formation of irregularities and potholes due to aggressive components in rain or ground water.
  • Destruction when water penetrates into the foundation body and freezes there. The fact is that water is the only substance on the planet that expands, rather than decreases in volume, when it goes into a frozen state. Getting into the capillaries, it exerts strong pressure on the foundation from the inside, which leads to the appearance of cracks and cracks.

That is why waterproofing of the foundation is important and should be carried out immediately after the construction of the structure.

Moisture protection types by location

In general, the foundation waterproofing device is divided into three groups:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • blind area device.

Several methods can be applied simultaneously depending on the type of base.

Combined moisture protection

Horizontal is designed to prevent moisture penetration between different levels. It can be made from various materials. Provided for all types of foundations (tape, slab, pillars, piles).

Vertical is needed so that groundwater cannot affect the foundation. Not all types of grounds need this protection. Required only for tape and columnar supports at home. Horizontal protection is provided for all types (tape device, plate or free-standing supports).

The device of the blind area protects the base from the penetration of rainwater and thawed water in the spring. The width of the structure is essential here. If it is insufficient, then the moisture will be diverted for a short distance and will be able to reach the foundation. This type of protection reduces the load on all others, allowing them to increase their service life.

Vertical and horizontal insulation

Waterproofing roll material

Foundation waterproofing can be done using various protective equipment. Separately, it is worth considering vertical and horizontal views and the device of the blind area, since the materials in these cases will differ quite strongly.

Protection of a buried part of a building with vertical and horizontal insulation implies that materials can be used in the following ways:

  • pasting;
  • coating;
  • penetrating;
  • plaster;
  • injection;
  • mounted;
  • structural (additives to concrete).

It is worthwhile to separately figure out which material to use in each case.


Such protection of the structure is carried out using roll options on a bituminous binder. Weld-on or bonded material can be used. Fusion types involve an adhesive layer that is heated at high temperatures and adhered to the surface. To fix the insulation on the base without an adhesive layer, you will need to use bitumen mastic as a connecting substance.

Pasting materials include:

The use of roofing material is the most common method
  • roofing (the material is outdated and it is not recommended to use it as protection of critical structures at home, but it is worth noting its low cost);
  • glassine (waterproofing the foundation based on thick thick cardboard, which is impregnated with a bituminous binder, cannot be attributed to reliable and durable methods, but it will significantly save money);
  • roofing felt (remains the leader among roll insulation due to its affordable price, the service life is rather short);
  • polymeric materials impregnated with bitumen; bases made of fiberglass or polyester (Here, as an example, the following common options for protecting walls and foundations of a house from moisture can be cited: Linokrom, Hydroizol, Technonikol, Stekloizol, Bikrost, etc.).

The last group is the most reliable option, but the price for such material can be quite high.

But here it is worth considering their long service life, which will reduce the frequency of repairs. The advantages of the pasting method include the fact that it can be provided for various surfaces:

  • concrete;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • asphalt concrete;
  • old waterproofing coating (during renovation).

Lubricated insulation

In this case, waterproofing the foundation is most often performed using bituminous mastics. To protect the buried part of the building and the walls of the house, one-component and two-component compositions are used. In addition to bitumen on the building materials market, now you can find more reliable and modern options:

  • polymer resins;
  • bitumen-polymer resins;
  • bitumen-rubber mastics.

Unlike conventional bitumen, which cracks at low temperatures, these mixtures with additional additives are resistant to cold. The disadvantage of more modern options is their price, which cannot compete with conventional bitumen-based mastic. The latter is best used to protect house structures with a deep location of groundwater.

Penetrating insulation

Waterproofing the foundation in this way prevents moisture from entering the concrete capillaries. This increases the strength of the surface layer of concrete. Waterproofing a strip foundation in this way is often carried out using an additional coating or pasting layer.

On average, the penetration depth is 15-25 cm, but some materials are capable of burying 90 cm. It is important to note that such methods are only suitable for concrete. When used on brick and stone, they are useless.

The most common compositions for this processing method are:

  1. Penetron;
  2. "Peneplag";
  3. "Hydrohit";
  4. "Penekrit".
  5. "Osmosil".

Protection of the concrete base from moisture

The technology of protecting the foundations and walls of a house in this way implies a thoroughly cleaned, degreased and even base, therefore it is recommended for use on new buildings.

Paint and plaster insulation

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of the foundation using paint and plaster compounds is not durable and reliable. If possible, it is better to give preference to other methods of protecting the foundations and walls of the house, since the average service life of such materials is 5 years.

Injection insulation

Technique of introducing polyurethane resin into the base

The option is suitable for repairing a base that has already been put into operation. The technology allows you to protect the foundation without performing excavation work. Injectors are inserted into the supports and deliver the insulating material. The following materials can be used as raw materials:

  • foam;
  • resins;
  • acrylate gels;
  • rubber;
  • cement-containing mixtures;
  • polymer compositions.

Mounted insulation

Waterproofing the foundation in this way allows you to most effectively deal with the high level of groundwater and their high pressure. It is mainly used for strip foundations when it is required to protect an underground room.

The most reliable way to install waterproofing can be called a steel caisson. In this case, the structure of the walls and floor of the basement is sheathed from the inside with steel sheets 4-6 mm thick. The option is very expensive, so it is extremely rarely used.

Brick walls are sometimes erected outside, but in most cases this method is used in conjunction with a pasting or coating option. The brick is more likely not to protect the foundation from moisture, but to protect the waterproofing from mechanical damage.

Blind area device

Do-it-yourself foundation waterproofing in this case involves the use of the following blind area materials to protect the structure from the outside from atmospheric moisture:

Blind area manufacturing
  • concrete;
  • asphalt concrete;
  • clay;
  • paving slabs;
  • diffusion membranes.

The choice of a method for making a blind area depends on the preferences of the future owner of the house, the architectural solution and the availability of materials. The cheapest option for the blind area will be laying it out of concrete or asphalt. This option does not have an attractive appearance, but it allows you to protect the foundation without much labor costs. In addition, savings in raw materials for manufacturing are provided. The device of a blind area made of concrete or asphalt is popular in the mass construction of multi-apartment residential buildings and administrative and public buildings.

Waterproofing technology depending on the type of foundation

Each type of support for a building needs certain protection options. Before waterproofing the foundation, you need to find out what is required for the full range of measures.

Strip foundation protection

The waterproofing of the strip foundation is different for the monolithic and prefabricated version. Let's first consider the prefabricated option. To prevent damage to the underground walls of the house and flooding the basement, you will need to perform the following measures:

  • device of a reinforced seam between factory-made foundation slabs and concrete blocks of the basement walls;
  • placing the roll material in the first seam between the blocks, which is located below the basement floor mark;
  • roll material is mounted along the edge of the foundation at the junction of the walls and the supporting structure;
  • vertical insulation of the underground part of the tape from the outside;
  • device of the blind area.

Strip base protection

It is important to note that at the junction of the foundation slabs and concrete blocks, materials cannot be laid on a bituminous binder. This can lead to displacement of elements relative to each other. Only a thickened concrete joint is suitable here. Insulation along the edge of the foundation is needed so that the different moisture content of the material of the supporting parts of the structure and wall fences does not lead to destruction. For horizontal insulation, gluing methods are used.

It is better to perform vertical insulation from the outside, since this will not only protect the room, but also the supporting elements. In new construction, walls can be treated with pasting or coating materials. From the inside, work is carried out during the repair. In this case, the penetrating or injection type is used.

If you need to perform a complex of waterproofing work for a monolithic tape, then the following measures should be provided:

  • vertical insulation;
  • waterproofing along the edge of the foundation;
  • device of the blind area.

Materials are selected in the same way as for the prefabricated version.

Column and pile foundation protection

A simple method of moisture protection

The simplest type of moisture protection is used here. You only need to make insulation along the edge of the foundation. Its location depends on the material of the grillage. If the strapping is made of the same material as the foundation, then the roll materials are laid at the point of contact between the grillage and the walls. Another option could be considered. For example, a wooden house rests on metal piles. In this case, the bottom crown of the walls will serve as the grillage, so the insulating layer is laid on the heads of the supporting elements.

Foundation slab protection

To protect against moisture, the following measures will be required here:

  • lean concrete preparation to protect the slab from groundwater and leveling the base;
  • waterproofing for concrete preparation;
  • protection from external moisture.

Base slab waterproofing

For the manufacture of the second layer when making a plate, roll methods are used. It is best to dwell on modern materials, since after pouring the slab, it is almost impossible to monitor the state of such insulation or carry out repairs. For small buildings with a low degree of responsibility and low water saturation of the soil, plastic wrap is often used.

To protect the slab from moisture that can enter from above, it must be treated with penetrating compounds. Sometimes in private housing construction they resort to using the following method: a solution for penetrating insulation is introduced into the composition of concrete.

Also, after pouring the slab, it will be necessary to provide for the laying of the roll material in the places where the walls are supported.

Before making the correct waterproofing of the foundation (tape slabs, piles, pillars), you need to carefully study the issue. It is important to use high quality materials. If you save money at this stage of construction, you can spend a lot of money on repairs during operation.

  • Drainage system

The foundation is the main part of the house. The durability of the building as a whole depends on its quality. The base of the house is affected by ground, rain and capillary waters, which can cause it to sag and deform. Concrete is a hygroscopic material. The moisture that it absorbs rises through the capillaries, penetrating the walls and floors and causing mold and mildew to form. When this water freezes, the foundation can collapse. In order to protect the house from destruction as a result of moisture exposure, it is necessary to timely waterproof the foundation. If you are still thinking about whether to do waterproofing, keep in mind that repairing the foundation in the future will cost more than building a house, and there is no need to talk about the complexity and laboriousness of the work.

Foundation waterproofing scheme.

This is not to say that doing such work is an easy task. Waterproofing technology requires certain skills and understanding of the processes that take place in concrete and soil and in various materials. Experience is also important, therefore, before performing work, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and follow his recommendations.

House base waterproofing technology

First you need to decide on a complex of construction works for waterproofing. In this case, the following factors must be taken into account: the level of occurrence of groundwater, the forces of frost heaving, the operating conditions of the house, the heterogeneity of the soil. If the maximum groundwater level is 1 m or more below the base of the foundation, it is enough to make a vertical coating waterproofing and horizontal using roofing material.

The main types of foundation waterproofing.

If the groundwater is close to the foundation, but does not reach the basement level, the work will have to be expanded. Horizontal insulation is performed in 2 layers, each of which must be coated with bituminous mastic. For vertical waterproofing, both gluing and coating methods are used. Depending on the budget planned for the purchase of building materials, all concrete structures can be treated with penetrating materials that stop the movement of water through the capillaries.

If the groundwater is located above the basement sole and basement floor, it is necessary to additionally equip a drainage system. The price for waterproofing a foundation depends on its area, the amount and type of materials used. In the simplest case, only bitumen will have to be purchased. In the most difficult part, you will have to spend money on penetrating, roll and coating materials, as well as on the arrangement of the drainage system.

Foundation horizontal waterproofing

For a monolithic and strip base, horizontal waterproofing is carried out in 2 places: at the level of the basement floor and at the junctions of the foundation with the walls.

Horizontal waterproofing can only be carried out during the construction phase of a building, so it must be taken care of in time.

To do this, you will need the following materials and tools:

Horizontal waterproofing scheme.

  • shovel;
  • oily clay;
  • concrete;
  • bituminous mastic;
  • roofing material;
  • cement;
  • rollers, brushes;
  • adhesive mastics.

Before erecting the foundation, a layer of oily clay 20-30 cm thick must be covered at the bottom of the pit, which must be carefully tamped. After that, a layer of concrete of 5-7 cm is poured. This is necessary for arranging the waterproofing of the foundation. Before placing the material, the concrete must dry and gain the required strength. Then the concrete is coated with bitumen mastic, on top of which roofing material is placed.

The surface is again covered with mastic and a second layer of roofing material is applied. Concrete is poured from above and ironing is performed. It is also included in the complex of works on the insulation of the base. Ironing is done as follows: cement sifted through a sieve is poured on top of the concrete and leveled. The cement will get wet after a while from the moisture contained in the concrete. Then the surface is periodically moistened with water until it gains strength.

After the strip or pile foundation is built, its surface must also be waterproofed to prevent moisture from rising into the walls. The surface is covered with bituminous mastic, on top of which roofing material or any other roll material is laid. The procedure is performed twice to obtain a two-layer waterproofing. The edges of the material are not cut, but brought down and pressed with vertical insulation.

Drainage system

Option with waterproofing and drainage of the foundation wall.

Depending on the depth of the groundwater and the type of soil, it may be necessary to equip a drainage system to collect and drain atmospheric and groundwater into the well. Such a need mainly arises with poor soil permeability and high groundwater. To build a drainage system, you need to dig trenches around the perimeter of the building at a distance of about 70 cm from it. The depth depends on the water table. Width - 40 cm. The trench should be located with some slope in relation to the pit and well.

Geotextile is laid at the bottom, its edges are wrapped on the sides of the pit by 90 cm.Crushed stone or gravel is poured with a layer of 5 cm along the length of the trench and perforated pipes are laid with a slope of 0.5 cm for each m.Then the previously washed gravel is poured, everything is covered with the remaining edges geotextiles. The pipes are led into a collecting well and the soil is backfilled. The drainage system can be equipped after putting the house into operation.

Vertical waterproofing of the base of the house

Foundation vertical waterproofing diagram.

For this, a wide variety of materials can be used that can be combined. The cheapest is considered to be bituminous waterproofing of the foundation. This will require bitumen sold in bars. In a large container, 70% of bitumen resin and 30% of waste oil are laid. Chan needs to be warmed up by making a fire under it. After the bitumen has melted, it can be applied to the pre-leveled surface. With a brush or roller, bitumen is applied to the surface of the base, starting from its sole and ending 15-20 cm before the surface of the soil. Bitumen must be applied in several layers, bringing the total thickness to 3-5 cm. To prevent the bitumen from solidifying in the container, it must be hot all the time.

Bitumen fills the pores in the concrete, protecting it from moisture penetration. The service life of such waterproofing is 5 years, after which the coating begins to crack and collapse, letting water into the concrete. To extend the life of the waterproofing, bitumen-polymer compositions are used that do not have the disadvantages of conventional bitumen.

Foundation waterproofing

The scheme of waterproofing the foundation with roofing felt.

Roll materials can be used alone or in combination with coating materials. The most popular pasting material is roofing material. Before fixing it on the surface of the base, it is treated with bituminous mastic. After that, the roofing felt canvases are heated with a gas burner and applied to the surface with an overlap of 20 cm. The roofing felt can be fixed with adhesive mastics. Before fusing the vertical waterproofing, the edges of the horizontal one must be wrapped and pressed, fusing roofing material on top.

Roofing material can be replaced with more modern materials based on polyester, which increases their strength, durability and elasticity. But even they cannot provide the required strength of the coating without first applying mastic, since they do not fill the pores.

Foundation waterproofing scheme with liquid rubber.

The glued waterproofing can be replaced with liquid rubber with good adhesion to the surface. The surface will be seamless, which will provide quality protection. If the work will be done manually, "Elastomix" or "Elastopaz" - one-component rubber will do. Elastopaz is applied in 2 layers, each of which must dry for at least 24 hours. Sold in containers of 18 kg, if the contents are not completely consumed, the bucket can be sealed and the material left for storage. Elastomix is \u200b\u200bapplied in one layer, it is sold in 10 kg each. If the bucket with the mixture is not used up to the end, it cannot be stored, since after 2 hours it will turn into rubber.

A surface covered with liquid rubber requires protection from external influences if the backfill soil contains inclusions in the form of stones or debris. In this case, the foundation is covered with geotextiles and a pressure wall is installed.

Penetrating foundation waterproofing

The scheme of penetrating waterproofing of the foundation.

Penetrating materials are materials whose substances penetrate into the structure of concrete and crystallize inside. Hydrophobic crystals protect concrete from water penetration into its structure and its rise through capillaries. This prevents the destruction of concrete and increases its frost resistance. Materials such as "Hydrotex" and "Aquatron" are penetrating waterproofing, most often they are used to treat the inner surfaces of the basement or basement. It is better to apply penetrating materials to damp concrete. For this, the surface must be cleaned of dust and thoroughly moistened. The material is applied in several layers. Once absorbed, the outer layer can be removed.

For waterproofing and leveling the vertical surfaces of the foundation, plaster mixtures with moisture-resistant components can be used. The foundation is plastered in the same way as the walls on the lighthouses. The plaster must be applied hot to prevent cracking. After drying, the plaster layer must be protected with a clay lock.

The clay lock does not admit pressurized water to the foundation. To do this, a trench is dug around the perimeter of the foundation at a distance of 0.6 m, at the bottom of which rubble is poured. The walls and bottom of the trench are covered with oily clay. The remaining space can be covered with clay or gravel, and a blind area can be made on top. During the spring flood, the clay does not allow water to reach the base, and excess moisture leaves through the gravel layer.

Foundation waterproofing device: work technology

The foundation waterproofing device starts with horizontal insulation. It can be done with bitumen, roofing material, liquid rubber and other materials. They are also used for vertical insulation.

The destructive action of moisture is prevented by waterproofing the strip foundation during the entire life of the house. The materials used, the methods of their application, the durability of the protection may vary.

The choice is made taking into account the whole complex of conditions of the construction site - geology, climate, building density, neighboring buildings.

Protection from natural factors

Engineering-geological study of the site in combination with the characteristics of the climatic zone will set the magnitude of seasonal fluctuations in the groundwater level (GWL).

The depth is conventionally divided into two values:

  • Above 2 m (high);
  • Below 2 m (low).

During floods, abundant melting of snow, after heavy rains, the water level in the ground can rise up to 2 meters higher. Seasonal fluctuations should be accounted for in the worst possible values.

The influence of water bodies is felt at a distance of more than 1 km from the place where the facility is built. The necessary waterproofing of the strip foundation with your own hands is carried out already if the distance from its lower border to groundwater does not exceed 1 m.

Prospective change accounting

An important step in choosing waterproofing before starting work is to make an amendment for the future, to look a little further after the house is built. The hydraulic component can be influenced by:

  • Increase in support pressure due to dense construction of the site. The water will rise;
  • Long-term cycle of water saturation change;
  • Changing the drainage system of neighboring areas (including the arrangement of water collectors, dams, wells);
  • Violation of the movement of high groundwater (creating a monolithic obstacle in front of the flow in the ground on slopes) due to the new construction of houses with deepened strip foundations.

Types of waterproofing

Moisture comes to the surface of the poured monolith from above (precipitation), from the sides, from below. It is necessary to make a barrier to absorption in two directions:

  1. Horizontal. Rolled materials cut off the capillary rise from the foundation to the walls, from the pillow to the concrete. The blind area must be made to prevent water seepage from the soil surface to the concrete of the outer part of the foundation. For this purpose, a screed with a slope of 2 ÷ 3 ° should protrude beyond the roof cut by at least 0.3 m.Drainage removes incoming water, prevents it from seeping through the bedding of the monolithic base of the house and serves in tandem with the blind area, but at a deepened level ...
  2. Vertical. Prevents groundwater seepage into the foundation structure. Capillary insulation prevents water from entering the concrete, free-flow insulation protects against seasonal fluctuations in water saturation of layers, anti-pressure insulation prevents the penetration of groundwater.

Doubts about the need for insulation arise at the stage, followed by pouring non-buried tapes directly into a trench dug in dry soil. The presence of the cushion ensures a break in front of the rising drops of moisture. If the mortar is placed in a mold covered with foil, the foundation of the built house will stand for a long time.

Horizontal waterproofing should be done in accordance with SNiP 3.04.01-87. The order of waterproofing work for the foundation of the house is established by SNiP 3.04.01-87, SNiP 2.03.11-85, SNiP 3.04.03-85

Separation by application method

Depending on the consistency of the material, the application method can be:

  • coating;
  • spraying;
  • pasting;
  • impregnation;

Methods performed by certified specialists:

  • injection;
  • shielding.

If the capillary rise of moisture on the surface of the house, located underground, prevails, then coating, spraying, bitumen or polymer compounds (liquid rubbers) is made. Mastic is in a hot / cold state - it depends on the composition.

Roll materials (films, geotextiles, roofing felt) on the surface prepared before this are glued with an overlap, with heating after a burner, rolling out air bubbles with a roller.

Impregnating compositions penetrate deeply into the structure of monolithic concrete (blocks) and create a water-repellent layer of vertical insulation from water of sufficient thickness.

If a basement, cellar, basement is built in the house, the waterproofing of the vertical walls of the tape, after hardening, must be done.

The injection method is used as a repair measure for cracked or hollow bases. The method is expensive, but sometimes the only possible one, if there is no technical access to the surface to be repaired, there is deep damage to the bearing belt of the house after it is built.

Shielding is an expensive, rarely used method. It consists in the installation of a protective casing made of special mats or plates.

Material selection

The qualities of the polymer material from which the foundation tape is waterproofed:

  • Water repellency (hydrophobicity);
  • Water resistant structure;
  • Elasticity, adherence after application to a rough surface;
  • Adhesion to concrete;
  • Manufacturability (easy enough to undergo processing, installation under construction conditions, the ability to connect into a solid surface after soldering or gluing);
  • Durability in the ground with multiple temperature fluctuations.

The most common brush coating materials are bitumen mastics. Do-it-yourself application allows you to thoroughly fill all the pores of the surface with a fluid composition.

Cover all parts in 3-4 layers, allowing them to dry for a day at each stage. The advantages include the ability to independently perform work, maintainability of any individual site, and the availability of material.

With a hot method of application, it is necessary to observe safety measures, use personal protective equipment.

The use of dry plaster mixes with hydrophobic additives for coating is possible if the composition is frost-resistant. However, even under favorable conditions, cracking occurs after 10-15 years, requiring repair. The hydraulic resistance is not high.

Mounting material

If you apply roll materials, then you cannot manage it yourself. Assistants are invited to this stage. SNiPs are allowed to use:

  • fiberglass;
  • polyvinyl chloride film;
  • brizol;
  • hydroisol (hydrostekloizol);
  • polyisobutylene.

When spraying liquid rubber, one must not only be able to use a sprayer, but also cover the resulting surface of the lower part of the house with a geo-style to protect the entire area. Can also be applied with a brush.

The materials are glued from top to bottom. The vertical rows must be made with a 0.4 m interchange at the seam joints. At the next stage, the corners are armored, after the vertical walls are closed, with the same sheet, with an overlap of 0.2-0.3 m in each direction. Flame burners, bottled propane and protective equipment are used.

Watch a video on how to waterproof a strip base.

Liquid rubber is not stored in the finished state. It is necessary to calculate how much will be used immediately when you open the package or mix the two component composition. A primer is needed under the rubber.

The service life will be 50-70 years.

Important points

According to GOST 12.3.009, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The maximum moisture content of the poured concrete is not more than 4%;
  2. Waterproofing from sprayed or paint compounds is carried out after the primer has completely dried;
  3. The thickness of the waterproofing layer is between 0.3 cm and 0.6 cm.

If the house is built close to the groundwater level, it is necessary to carry out gumming work (SNiP 3.04.03-85). The protection is made up of rubber sheets and vulcanized at the joints.

How to drain

If there is a high ground level, heaving soil, the horizontal waterproofing of a part of the house includes a drainage system.

Watch the video on how to properly install the drainage of the strip base.

Drainage happens:

  • Annular. Distance 5-8 m from the walls in the form of a solid or open circle.
  • Wall mounted. The distance from the walls is equal to the width of the foundation. The depth is no more than its depth.
  • Reservoir. The pipes are laid under the building area.

Branch pipes are placed in a water-permeable filler (coarse gravel, sand) and taken out into a drain tank, which must be built outside the site.

Kirill Sysoev

Callous hands do not know boredom!


Groundwater, moisture, weather dampness - all these pose a natural threat to a building if its base is not reliably protected from water. So that concrete and other materials in the structure of the foundation do not suffer from moisture, creating an atmosphere of dampness in the lower rooms, a number of works must be carried out during construction, the main of which is waterproofing the foundation. What materials, technologies are better suited for this and is it possible to cope with the process on your own - find the answers below.

What is foundation waterproofing

Any waterproofing is a series of works aimed at warming, protecting the foundation from influence, moisture penetration, and reducing the natural absorbency of concrete. This procedure is especially relevant if the house is on wet soil or has a basement, garage, basement. There are different ways than to process the base from moisture:

  • bitumen, bituminous mastics are widespread;
  • then cement-polymer compositions follow;
  • liquid rubber and self-adhesive roll materials are used.

What is it for

Concrete is the main component of any foundation; it has a porous, pliable structure, so liquid from the atmosphere and soil always seeps into it, destroying the integrity of the structure, creating and increasing microcracks. Ultimately, this will help lead to such serious consequences as partial destruction, rotting, crumbling of the house at the base.

Protection from water is necessary for every building in order to increase the period of its safe, guaranteed operation, to protect the house from dampness and its unpleasant components - fungus, mold. Modern waterproofing allows you to eliminate all these dangers with the help of functional, affordable building materials and simple technology.

Horizontal waterproofing

Depending on the characteristics of the material and terrain, a horizontal or vertical type of procedure is used. The horizontal one provides good protection of ceilings, walls, basements, terraces and balconies from capillary waters, it is laid along the edge of the base, just above the blind area. For implementation, a roll or impregnation method is used. Horizontal waterproofing of the foundation is carried out at the beginning of construction, before the construction of the walls.

Vertical waterproofing

It is better to use light bituminous mixtures for this, which insulate the building and do not burden its structure. Vertical waterproofing is necessary to protect the side walls, frame, doorway assemblies, underground rooms, from the penetration of surface water. Since this part of the building is often exposed to external factors, an additional layer must be applied on top of the main protective one.


Gluing waterproofing of the foundation is made using materials such as roofing material, glass-insulated glass, glassine, which are glued in several layers using mastic or special glue. Other methods are film diffusion membranes, which have high vapor permeability and protect the interior of the building well, or bitumen, polymer rolls, hot-bonded, floating (for better connection to the surface).

The amount of material required for horizontal protection from groundwater should be calculated in advance: the future protective layer should be about 3 mm if the base sole is at least 3 meters. The thickness and quantity of coatings depend on the quality and strength of the material; the recommended standards are often indicated on the packaging.


Bituminous insulation is used when soil moisture is low, when the groundwater is at least 2 meters below the basement level. It protects well against capillary moisture, is applied in 3-4 layers by hand or using a mechanical spray. Material - bitumen, bitumen-polymer mixtures and rubber mastics, additional coatings with a base, varnish, paint. Commercially available are cold, soft, ready-to-use, or hot, hard, which must be preheated.

How to make waterproofing

Craftsmen recommend laying horizontal waterproofing layers before erecting the main support structure: clay is poured onto the bottom of the pit, covered with a concrete screed, then two layers of bitumen and roofing material and one more screed. If the soil has a tendency to store water, it may be necessary to build a drainage system for better protection. Foundation waterproofing takes place in several stages:

  1. preparation of a trench with a minimum width of 1 meter, in depth - 0.5 meters below the base of the base;
  2. grouting of the outer layer for better adhesion to waterproof coatings;
  3. primer using the selected technology.

Waterproofing strip foundation

The tape structure is one of the most reliable, since the layers of reinforced concrete fit tightly to each other, practically without seams. It is influenced by groundwater, capillary and sedimentary waters, and it is possible to choose a non-pressure, anti-pressure or capillary (the most effective) method. All of them will well protect the building from melt water, rain, minor floods, penetration of soil moisture. When waterproofing a strip foundation, it is important to take into account the degree of swelling of the soil during freezing, the characteristics of the soil, the amount of precipitation.

Column foundation waterproofing

A columnar foundation is a good solution for small, lightweight structures, or for cost savings in large-scale buildings. To protect such a structure from moisture, different technologies are used, depending on the surface material:

  • monolithic concrete slabs must be coated with bituminous mastics;
  • blocks - with liquid mastics or pasted over with roll materials;
  • for a brick foundation, pasting in rolls is better.

Before waterproofing the pillar foundation, it is necessary to thoroughly clean, level the working surface, treat it with mastic and two layers of anchoring roofing material; for complete protection, the outer side of the foundation can be covered with the same layer 30 cm above ground level. This will help preserve the integrity and strength of the material, increase the life of the building.

What waterproofing to choose for the foundation

The types of waterproofing foundations differ in the type of materials used, the method of application and the effect on the surface. Prices vary, so you need to choose the right method, taking into account the purpose of the building, soil characteristics and available finances. It is important to bear in mind that not all types can be done independently; some require special equipment and the help of other people. What are the ways:

  • Coating. A cheap option, suitable for small, shallow buildings: sheds, garages, outbuildings. For better protection and insulation, you can cover the top with geotextiles or install drainage.
  • Rolled. Hot bitumen mastic and several layers of roofing material are used, a reliable and durable method.
  • Plastering. It helps well with the threat of capillary water. Required cement-containing mixtures (hydro-concrete, asphalt concrete), they need to be applied hot, just like ordinary plaster, in several layers.
  • Sprayed on. With the help of a special construction spray, without pretreating the walls. It is recommended to lay a reinforced layer on top of the spraying to consolidate the insulating effect. Materials - polyurethane foam, liquid rubber.
  • Penetrating. It penetrates deeply into the material, fills all cracks and cavities, protects well against capillary water and moisture. An expensive, high quality and effective method.
  • Screen. It is used under strong influence of groundwater, it is an interlayer of oily clay, geotextile or a brick wall.

How to choose waterproofing

When choosing a way to protect a house from moisture, you need to carefully study all the features of the structure and the area in which it is located (weather, soil, proximity to water bodies). Waterproofing materials for foundations should be chosen based on the estimate, not to save on quantity and quality, so that you do not have to dismantle the structures and repair the base in a couple of years.

  • For a tape structure, it is better to choose bituminous or polymer compositions; penetrating or plastering coating.
  • For columnar and pile-screw bases, different methods are suitable, depending on the required degree of protection, but it is recommended to cover them with an anti-corrosion agent on top.
  • It is good to combine vertical and horizontal protection, but if the opportunity for horizontal protection was missed, then it is better to use the roll method or spraying with liquid rubber.
  • It is better to determine the method of waterproofing at the very beginning of construction in order to take this into account when laying and pouring the base.
  • A combination of several methods can have a good effect.

Waterproofing price

The cost of waterproofing a certain type of foundation includes all basic, additional materials (glue, primer, roofing material), construction work (digging a trench, ditch), and the services of craftsmen, if you use their help. You can buy everything you need in an online store with delivery, in a supermarket, or order a service on any website of a construction company or private specialists. Buying a “turnkey” waterproofing house can cost 600 rubles per m2, the prices of materials are very different, depending on the composition and manufacturer.

Cost of work per m2

You can buy waterproofing for the foundation in any construction company, this procedure is often included in the general price list of works. You can order it separately from specialists, with a complete diagnosis of the site and possible threats. Plastering and coating waterproofing are cheap, the most expensive price is for penetrating, sprayed procedures. Approximate prices for moisture protection work of the base in Moscow and the region are shown in the table:


To protect the base of the house from moisture on your own, or to control the cost of services, you need to focus on the prices of materials. In large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg), all possible tools, mastics, roll, sprayed coatings are on sale. Additional mixtures will be needed to process the finished waterproofing layer. Buying material for waterproofing the foundation, you can save money if you follow the promotions, sales in stores: often the desired product can be bought at a discount. Look at the average prices in Moscow in the table:

Do-it-yourself foundation waterproofing

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