
What you need to know about tomatoes. Interesting facts about tomatoes. And actually a berry

It is difficult to believe that tomatoes (they are also tomatoes) were known to Europeans from the middle of the 16th century, but they began to eat them in food only at the very end of the 18th century. Before that, the bunches of tomatoes were grown exclusively as decorative plants, and their fruits were considered to be poisonous. Back in 1774, gardened leadership warned that tomatoes are driven by those who use them into food. Perhaps they were not so far from the truth: a delicious juicy tomato can really drive a true gourmet driving!

Tomatoes are grassy annuals or perennial plants belonging to the Parenic family (Solanaeae). Tomato has a very developed root system, and its seeds retain about nine years.

Growing seedlings

For the sowing of tomatoes, it is necessary to use: plastic containers, seating cassettes and so on, which before sowing need to disinfect. Any containers should be with special drainage holes at the bottom, otherwise the plants will be subject to the disease. Before embarking on sowing, it is necessary to provide good, regular temperature and air ventilation.

For sowing of tomatoes seedlings, you can use any universal substrate or a mixture and taken in equal parts. It is not worth sowing too thick, otherwise the seedlings will stretch, it will be. In sowing it is necessary to produce rows, it will allow the use of lighting with maximum benefit.

And lamps and lamps for lighting seedlings can be selected in our directory, where the proposals of many large garden online stores are collected. .

Plants needed somewhat deeper than they grew in a greenhouse. Experienced gardeners advise to break down several lower sheets and when landing, the plants can maximally (you can up to half of the stem). It is necessary to plant a bit with a slope to the north-west. The roots of seedlings are necessary to carefully enhance the earth, not flexing them so that the ends of the roots are directed to the bottom of the wells. After the seedlings of tomatoes are planted, the plants need to be poured, and sprinkle the well itself with a dry ground.

Excellent results gives the cultivation of tomatoes under simple film shelters and on the warmed soil - steam ridges. This allows you to provide higher early yields of early tomatoes and accelerates the ripening of fruits.

To make steam ridges, it is necessary to dig up with a width of about 60 cm and a depth of about 20 cm. Inside it is necessary to load biofuels - preheated manure (layer about 5 cm), and close the ground with 15 cm from above. Seedlings in steam ridges need to plant just like And in open soil, the only difference is that it is necessary to start at the landing 20 days earlier, somewhere in mid-May.

Frequently used shelters from a transparent plastic film, the use of which, especially when combined with steam ridges, makes it possible to plant tomato seedlings already in early May and get a treasor harvest in mid-July. Frames covered with film must be installed above steam ridges immediately after planting seedlings, leaving for the entire period of cultivation. Caring for plants under the film is exactly the same as the growing in the open ground: timely loosening, feeding, the formation of bushes.

Nuances of care

The care of tomatoes is to enlist the soil, and watering, the formation of a bush and timely fighting and.

The soil in the aisles and rows with tomatoes need loosening - approximately every 10-12 days, but not less than several times over the summer. If you cultivate tomatoes on heavy soils, deep loosening is needed in the first 10-15 days after planting plants.

The first time to hurt tomatoes is one after 9-11 days after the seedlings landing. Immediately before the start of work, it is necessary to produce watering: the dipping of a wet land will accelerate the formation on the plant's new roots. The second dying must be carried out 16-20 days after the first.

Tomatoes should be in time to water in the wells, water consumption - 0.7-0.9 liters per plant. The best time is the second half of the day and cloudy weather. Watering is obligatory during the flowering period of the first and second brush, before looser, after making dry mineral fertilizers. To air humidity plants are undemanding, but if it is excessively high, they can get sick and drier spot.

You can choose biological preparations to combat tomato diseases in our catalog that unites the offers of large garden online stores. .

Webly turbo for feeding peppers and tomatoes 15 gr. 11 rubles
Russian vegetable

Webly turbo for feeding peppers and tomatoes 30 gr. 17 rubles
Russian vegetable

Fertilizer for tomatoes and peppers gum, 0.5 kg 123 rubles

Fertilizer for seedlings of tomatoes Orton-seedlings-tomatoes, 20 g 19 rubles

In the process of tomato care, much attention must be paid to the formation of a bush - timely step-down, pinching the top of the stem. The practice of many gardeners showed that an excellent harvest of mature tomatoes in the open ground can be obtained if forming a bush of plants into one stem, leaving 2-3 brushes.

Tomato plants need to be engaged to the neck or stretched along the rows along the rows. Cheing need to be put on the northern side at a distance of 9-11 cm from the stem.

Plants must be attached to the stakes in three receptions:

  • the first time immediately after disembarking seedlings (not far from the first sheet);
  • the second and third - as the plant grows, at the level of 2 and 3 brushes.
If the tapers are used, it is necessary to score stakes every four meters, between which you need to pull the thread.

Pests and diseases

The most common diseases of tomatoes:
  • phytoofluorosis;
  • macrosporiosis;
  • strik;
  • septoriasis;
  • starbar;
  • top rot.


  • wires;
  • bellenka;
  • medveda;
  • gallean nematoda;
  • scoops.
The lack of most nutrients in tomato plants can be determined as follows:
  • with a lack of nitrogen, the color of the stem, leaves, as well as the fruits themselves. The leaves become smallety, yellowish in color, the veins that are located below, become red-bluish, and the fruits are solid and small;
  • if the phosphorus lacks, the leaves of the plant wrap inside;
  • with a lack of potassium, sheets become curly;
  • the lack of calcium leads to the fact that young leaves are completely covered with yellow spots, and the old becomes more and change the color to dark green. Frequently in such cases, tomato plants are affected by vertex rot, especially with high humidity;
  • with sulfur starvation, leaves first become pale-green, after which they are intensely yellow, and sometimes blush. Sulfur fasting is first manifested at the young sheets, while the stems become extremely brittle and fragile;
  • the lack of boron leads to the blaclicity of the point of growth of the stem, and the fruits are affected by brown spots;
  • if the molybdenum lacks, the tomato leaves are yellow, spinning upwards, gradually the entire plate is amazed by chlorosis;
  • in the event of a shortage of iron, tomatoes are fully stopped in growth. Their young leaves are amazed by chlorosis. In the most severe cases, plants leaflets are completely white.

Cleaning subtlety

Three weeks before the final cleaning, buds and blooming shoots of the plant must be removed, it will contribute to a speedy ripening of the main mass of fruits. Tomato cleaning is performed selectively, first of all remove ugly fruits.

To preserve tomatoes for a long time, they need to be removed without red, but brown, and only then they are put on maturation. Tomatoes need to be removed from the bushes until the air temperature at night dropped below +8 ° C (at low temperatures the risk of tomato diseases) is significantly increased).

Varieties and hybrids

By the structure of bushes, Tomatoes are divided into:
  • uncomfortable;
  • stambling;
  • potato-shaped.
Non-nets are characterized by more subtle stems that run in the period of fruiting, as well as large, slightly corrugated leaves.

Stambling tomatoes are distinguished by compact bushes with sufficiently thick stems, strongly corrugated leaves, medium size, with short cutters.

Potato-shaped (large) tomatoes are rare enough, and they are called so because of the leaves, in the form resembling potatoes.


Today there are more than 70 varieties and hybrids of tomatoes for cultivation in open ground, as well as over 40 - for closed soil. The most common of them:

"White filling"

One of the most damned varieties.

Tomato grade "White Puff", photos from the site vaneevasdorove1.ru

Bushes are relatively small and do not need mealing. The fruits are rounded or rounded-flat, fleshy, smooth, slightly ribbed fruits, weighing up to 130 g. The color of mature fruits is bright red, in unripe condition - dairy-white.

"Ground Mushroom 1180"

It is distinguished by stability both to diseases and to low temperatures, drought-resistant, but at high humidity is subject to phytoofluorosis.

Tomato grade "Ground Mushroom 1180", photos from PhotoHost.ru

Gives high yields not only when growing across seedlings, but also sowing seeds right into the ground. The fruits of the variety are rounded or rounded-flat, smooth, medium in size, weighing reaching until 100 g.

Tomato - annual or many years herbate plant, View of Roda Nightshade Family Parenic. It is cultivated as vegetable culture. The fruit of tomato (berry) in colloquial speech is called a tomato. The name "Tomato" comes from Ital. pOMO D "ORO - « golden Apple" Aztec name " tomato"The French redesigned in Fr. tomate (Tomato). Motherland - South America, where wild and semi-cultural forms of tomato are still found.

Cormor tomato - one of the wild Tomato species

In the middle of the XVI century, Tomato hit Spain, Portugal, and then to Italy, France and others european countries. For a long time, tomatoes were considered inedible and even poisonous. European gardeners bred them as an exotic decorative plant. The earliest recipe for tomatoes dishes is published in the culinary book in Naples in 1692, while the author referred to the fact that this recipe genus from Spain. In the XVIII century, Tomato hit Russia, where he was first cultivated as a decorative plant, since the berries were not fully matured. Vegetable food crop plant was recognized by Russian scientist-agricultural A. T. Bolotovwho managed to achieve full ripeness of tomatoes using a seaside method of cultivation.

Rooming Pastor - Decorative Plant

Tomato fruits are distinguished by high nutritional, taste and dietary qualities. Caloriciness of ripe fruits ( energy value) - 19 kcal. They contain 4-8% of the dry matter, in which the main place is occupied by sugar (1.5-6% of the total mass of fruits), presented mainly glucose and fructose, proteins (0.6-1.1%), organic acids ( 0.5%), fiber (0.84%), pectin substances (up to 0.3%), starch (0.07-0.3%), minerals (0.6%). In the fruits of tomato, the high content of carotenoids, vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5), folic and ascorbic acid (15-45 mg / 100 g of raw mass), organic (lemon, apple, oxal, wine, amber, glycolic), high molecular weight fatty (palmitic, stearin, linol) and phenolcarbonic (p-coumar, coffee, ferulovaya) acids. Anthocians, stearins, triterpene saponins, abscusive acid are found in the fruits. The choline existing in the thomators lowers the cholesterol content in the blood, warns the fat rebirth of the liver, increases the immune properties of the body, contributes to the formation of hemoglobin.

Tomatoes and their juice due to the high content of iron are useful in cardiovascular diseases and small blood

Tomato has a strongly developed root system of the rod type. Branched roots, grow and form quickly. Go to the ground on a greater depth (with a reckless culture up to 1 m or more), spreading in diameter by 1.5-2.5 m. If there is moisture and nutrition, additional roots can be formed on any part of the stem, so the tomato can be multiplied not only Seeds, but also cuttings and side shoots (stepsing). They put in the water, they form the roots in a few days. Stem at tomato is a reprehensive or running, branching, height from 30 cm to 2 m or more. Non-parketer leaves, dissected on large shares, sometimes potato type. Flowers are small, unbroken, yellow different shades, collected in a brush. Tomato is an optional self-sifold: in one flower there are male and female organs.

Tomato flowers and leaves

Fruits - juicy multi-nest berries of various shapes (from a flat-round to cylindrical; may be small (weight up to 50 g), medium (51-100 g) and large (over 100 g, sometimes up to 800 g or more). Fruit color Pale pink to bright red and raspberry, from white, light green, light yellow to golden yellow. The greatest fruits are from the first strings. Their weight can reach 500-800 g depending on the variety.

The difference between the scientific and domestic (culinary) representation of fruits, berries, fruits, vegetables in the case of tomato (as well as some other plants, for example, cucumbers) leads to confusion. Tomatoes - tomato fruit - from the point of view of nerds - multi-ski syncampable berries. IN english language There is no difference between the terms of fruit and fruit. In 1893, the US Supreme Court unanimously admitted that when charging customs seals, tomatoes should be considered vegetables (although the court noted that from a botanical point of view, tomatoes are fruits). In 2001, the European Union decided that tomatoes were not vegetable, but fruit.

Tomato varieties are characterized by various criteria:
By the type of bush growth - determined and intenermated By ripening time - early, secondary, late By way of consumption - cutlery, for conservation, for the production of juice and others .
According to the growth of the bush, Tomato varieties are divided into deterministic (slaughter) and intenermated (tall). Determinated varieties are the main stem and side shoots stop growth after formation on the stem 2-6, sometimes more brushes. Stem and all shoots end with a flower brush. Steying are formed only at the bottom of the stem. A short or medium-sized bush (60-180 cm). Intenermated varieties of tomatoes, plant growth is unlimited. The main stem is ends with a floral vicious (the first brush is formed above 9-12 sheet), and stepper growing from the sinus sheet nearest to the top brush continues the growth of the main stem. A tall bush (2 m or more), but the pace of flowering and fruit is lower than that of tomatoes of deterministic varieties, stretched.

Large tomatoes are more often related to the intederminant varieties. Among them, for example, varieties - bear Lap, de Barao, King of Giants, Bull Heart.

Bear paw - high-yielding grade. Tomatoes can weigh up to 800 g, the flesh is very juicy and sugar on a break

De Barao is a mid-range variety that can be grown in a garden or greenhouse with the same success. Under the thin skin there is a juicy flesh, and the mass of each tomato is about 300 g

Bull heart. Weight may vary from 150 g to 500 g. A distinctive feature And the main advantage is a juicy flesh with a sweet flavor, which is preserved even after heat treatment

In Russia, among non-specialists, in addition to these, the Tomatoes "Ladies" and "Cherry" also received the widespread.

Tomatoes Fingers of Naples - Ladies of Naples

Tomatoes "Sweat-Cherry"

Tomato is a heat-breeding culture, the optimal temperature for the growth and development of plants is 22-25 ° C: at temperatures below 10 ° C, the pollen in the flower does not ripen and the non-advocated marking disappears. Tomato does not tolerate increased air humidity, but requires a lot of water to grow fruit. Tomato plants are demanding of light. With its lack of plants, the development of plants is delayed, the leaves are pale, the formed buds fall out, the stalks are strongly pulled out. The dispensing in the repent period improves the quality of seedlings and increase the productivity of plants. When making organic and mineral fertilizers and maintaining the soil in a loose state, the tomato can grow on any (except very acidic) soils. The main elements of mineral nutrition for tomatoes, as well as for other plants - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Checking at the stage of receipt of seedlings improve its quality and increases yield

Tomato seeds are physiologically mature become already in green, generated fruits. The germination retains 6-8 years. With favorable temperature conditions and the presence of moisture, the seeds germinate in 3-4 days. The first real sheet appears usually after 6-10 days after germs, the subsequent 3-4 sheets - another 5-6 days, in the future, each new sheet is formed in 3-5 days. Starting from young age in the sinuses of the leaves, the side shoots (stepsing) are growing. The duration of the period from shoots to the flowering of the plant is 50-70 days, from flowering until the fetal maturation is 45-60 days.

Tomato Today is one of the most popular cultures due to its valuable nutritious and dietary qualities, a wide variety of varieties, high responsiveness on the applicable growing techniques. It is cultivated in open ground, under film shelters, greenhouses, greenhouses, balconies, balconies, and even in the rooms on the windowsill.

In Kamenka-Dneprovskaya Zaporozhye region (Ukraine), a monument "Glory Tomor"

Tomato fruits are eaten fresh, boiled, fried, canned, of which tomato-paste, tomato-puree, tomato juice, ketchup and other sauces are prepared, ledge. In Spain, cold tomato soups are popular - gaspacho, Salmamorjo. In the former USSR, Tomaty is customary to marine for the winter.

Ledge from sweet pepper with tomato

Cold Tomato Gaspacho Soup with Sweet Pepper, Celery and Fragrant Grass

Spanish thick Salmamorjo soup. This is cold tomato and bread soup. Looks like Gaspacho, but, thanks to the addition of bread, more thick. It can be used as a delicious sauce for macania

The richest lyonic and other nutrients dried tomatoes, which are added to soups (as, for example, prunes). For 4-10 days of drying in the Sun, Cherry Tomatoes lose 88% of their weight, and large-scale tomatoes - up to 93%. To get a kilogram of dried tomatoes, it takes from 8 to 14 kg of fresh fruits.

Drier tomatoes are a typical product of southern Italy. Collected ripe tomatoes are cut on halves and dried under the sun outdoors. Dry, as a rule, within 3 days, and then preserved in olive oil, seasoning with fragrant herbs. Perfectly combined with salads, fish, meat, paste

Once again, drinking tomatoes, did you think about what they imagine? It is unlikely that they are so familiar to what they are so familiar, you can buy them in any store, at least in winter, at least in the summer. In fact, these vegetables are very interesting, besides, they are popular almost all over the world. Miscellaneous varieties are grown on all continents, except Antarctica, as well as on most populated islands.

Facts about tomatoes

  • Tomato name is also correct. More precisely, both names are correct.
  • If there is moisture and nutrition, additional roots can be formed on any part of the tomato stem. For this plant requires only a few days.
  • Some tomato varieties can grow up to 2 meters in height. And the height of the lowest of them usually does not exceed 30-35 centimeters.
  • The word "tomato" came to us from Italian, where it means "Golden Apple", and the word "Tomato" comes from the language of Aztecs ().
  • Conducted in tomatoes The choline substance helps to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • In the Mediterranean countries, in particular, in Italy and Spain, cold soups based on tomatoes are popular. For example, the famous Gaspacho soup.
  • Tomatoes are used as seasonings and in dried form, and for 5-10 days of drying, they lose up to 85-90% of the mass.
  • Historically, tomatoes come from South America. There are still wild varieties in nature.
  • In Europe, tomatoes have come only in the middle of the XVI century, after the opening of new light by Europeans.
  • The world's first recipe for tomato-based dishes was published in the recipe book, published in 1692 in Naples. At the same time, the prescription author claimed that he borrowed him in Spain.
  • Scientists work in many countries to eliminate new tomato varieties. For example, when crossing a cultural variety with a wild tomato from the Galapagos Islands in California University managed to get a variety, the fruits of which have a salty taste. As the experiments have shown, the salted tomatoes grow well on sandy soils when watering them with sea water.
  • For a long time, tomatoes were considered inedible and even poisonous, and therefore gardeners were grown as an exotic decorative plant.
  • For the first time, Tomatoes came to Russia only in the XVIII century, that is, relatively recently.
  • In the first place for the production of tomatoes, and with a huge margin, there is China. In the following are India and the USA ().
  • Every third tomato in the world is grown in China.
  • The flesh of ripe tomatoes in folk medicine Often used for the treatment of wounds and burns. Fast healing due to high content in the pulp of so-called plant antibiotics - phytoncides, which do not give to develop infections.
  • At temperatures below +10 degrees, tomatoes lose the ability to reproduce, and the plant dies, without leaving the fruit.
  • In the appropriate conditions, the tomato seeds can be stored until 6-8 years, without losing germination.
  • Unlike some other vegetables and fruits, green and unripe tomatoes, being torn, perfectly jerky themselves.
  • From the point of view, botany tomatoes are not vegetables and not even fruit, but berries.
  • For a long time it was believed that the tomato refers to Aphrodisians, but studies have shown that it is not.
  • Tomatoes are rich in fiber, as well as vitamins A and C.
  • The tomato monument is in Ukraine, in the city of Kamenka-Dneprovskaya.
  • The world's largest tomato was raised in the USA, in Wisconsin. He weighed as much as 2.9 kg.
  • There are at least 10,000 varieties of tomatoes. The smallest tomato has less than 2 centimeters in diameter, and the largest weight reaches almost 1.5 kilograms. But on an industrial scale, less than a hundred varieties () is cultivated.
  • Tomato is a biological relative of potatoes and tobacco - all three plants belong to the parlor family.
  • In North America, tomatoes grow on more than 90% of all home gardens. This is the most popular vegetable in the USA and Canada.
  • Every year more than 170 million tons of tomatoes are produced in the world.
  • Tomatoes are quickly losing vitamin C if sunlight falls on them during storage.
  • The beneficial properties of tomatoes do not deteriorate, but only improve with heat treatment.
  • La Tomatina is an annual holiday passing into last week August in the Spanish city of Bunol. Tens of thousands of participants come from different countries To participate in a tomato party, gambling in each other with these fruits.
  • Noble tomatoes contain a poisonous substance - Solan. If you eat a more kilogram of green tomatoes, you can easily choose. Solanin is also formed in ripe tomatoes, which are stored for a long time.
  • In tomatoes of red varieties, more nutrients than yellow.

You can talk about tomatoes infinitely. How, after potatoes, this is a second vegetable, and for many gardens even the first! In the article we will tell you how to grow tomatoes on their plot. Information will be useful both beginners and experienced gardens.

Changes are constantly in the tomato world: new varieties and hybrids, superficial protection against disease, are inventing methods for increasing yields.

What are tomatoes

The formation and placement of plants on the beds depends on the peculiarities of the growth and development of varieties and hybrids. Distinguish:

  • intemimensional (Lian) - with unlimited growth,
  • detterminants (high) - with limited growth,
  • a variety of determinant-bush (superwater permanent) tomatoes.

Lianny - Most often not early. The return of the crop is long and uneven. Brushes are formed in two or three sheets. They are formed into one stem with a border on a wire or a sleeper. Such varieties are suitable for greenhouses with long growing times.

Determinant tomatoes Brushes are formed through one or two sheets and the main stem is driven after the fifth or sixth brush. Form in two or three stems and also tied to the support.

In bush tomatoes Brushes are formed through a sheet. They constitute a small branched bush, and you can form them in four stems, supporting stakes.

SuperBeans Characterized by the meantime and friendly harvest. In the first three weeks of fruiting, they ripen 80-90% of all fruits. Their growing is the perfect exit for gardens from the northern regions and regions of Siberia, in which summer is short and non-jar.

Almost every letter with the order for the tomato seeds, readers ask about how I grow seedlings, are interested in the features of agrotechnology and methods of formation of plants, etc.
To answer all the questions asked by me in letters, I will try to answer, taking as a basis to the agrotechnik experience of growing tomatoes in the Ural-Siberian zone, a famous gardener - a gardener in the Chelyabinsk region of Hope Alekseevna Stukalova.
In his book, she shares its secrets and obtaining crops. Many years have passed, the book was released in 1998. And I did not meet even such simplicity of presentation for beginners and for experienced gardeners.
I already wrote in my articles that every gardener is a gardener, its agricultural engineering, his experience, its habit of growing a culture. But everyone unites the desire to grow a unique "I". For the embodiment of his "I" "in the tomato" grow very large, about one kilogram and more.

1. General rules Growing tomatoes.

To have a good harvest with minimal costs, novice gardens need to determine for themselves several uncomplicated rules.

The rule is first. Move the workbook. In the notebook, mark the varieties, landing time, feeding, weather features, etc. And all that we need to consider.

Rule second. Select the varieties, knowing their characteristics: the height of the stem, weight and color of fruits, harvest from the bush, resistance to diseases, etc. Determine for yourself how you will use the harvest.

Some gardeners are keen on the manufacture of salads, ledge, ketchup, of course, need large fleshy fruits for this. For juices and salting, crops are suitable. To fill the cans are good, small "Cherry" and medium.

Finally, picking up the varieties, consider the climatic zone in which you live, and the place where you will grow plants, in a greenhouse, in warm beds, in the open soil. And, most importantly, the possibility of growing, given the time, health, age. As a rule, in our time, the earth is not engaged in young people, and therefore everyone loved such a wonderful grade Mongolian Dwarf.
Yes! These are not sugar fruits, not giants. These are ordinary tomatoes, but do not require any care, only put, but collect.
Where to get seeds?
Do not buy with random people! Large-door, copyright varieties are better to purchase from famous gardeners.
Good "Masters - Pomatozy" is in every collective garden, village. Standard varieties can be purchased from known agrofirms. I acquire a variety of "Novosibirsk selection" and "Altai selection".
Rule third. Constantly monitor the variety.
Rule fourth. By purchasing a new grade, we grow several copies, and the main area takes your test varieties.
Rule fifth. To extend the life of tomatoes, grow varieties, different maturation terms: early, middle and late and long-term. Then the first you will try in June, and the last decorate the New Year's table.
Rule sixth. Grow seedlings yourself, better less, but reliable. Once I bought a luxurious pepper seedlings in the market, and I didn't see fruits, it was sown late, and so that there was a commodity look, I fed urea.

2. What are tomato plants.

I can't but affect this question, since, writing the seeds, or especially buying in stores does not always understand how to form plants.

According to the nature of growth distinguish inteherminant, determinant and semoutherminant Types of plants.

For integers The varieties of "hybrids" are characterized by the continuous growth of shoots, such bushes need to be formalized. They are high yields, and as a rule they write about them (for greenhouses and open soil), although in the open ground they give a crop less, and the fruits are not so weighty. Determinant varieties are limited to shoots. Escape ends with inflorescence. The height of the bush from 30-80cm. But among the determinant varieties allocate 3 groups. Here and begin gardeners to be confused. If the determinant is written, then it is considered that it is low (30-50cm).
It is the breeding, the bush is compact, low. The harvest with a bush is small, fruits are usually small, but they ripen at the end of June. "Mongolian Dwarf" matures from me on June 20th. Varieties such tomato are a lot.
Actually determinants. Fruiting late superbermannants. After education 4-6, sometimes a larger number of inflorescences, the plant ceases growth. The height of such plants is 60-80cm.
After the formation of 8-10 inflorescences, the growth of the main escape is limited, such includes "Pink Elephant", "Babushkin Secret", "Batyang", etc.
The varieties and hybrids of these two groups are usually high-yielding with large fruits. "Favorite holiday", "royal gift", "Southern Tan", "Monastery Trapes", "Mammoth", "Barrel". The height of such plants from 80 to 1m. 20cm. Well, they succeed in greenhouses and protected tunnels, but also in the open soil give a good harvest.

4. Growing seedlings.

I wrote about your method of cultivation of seedlings, but I get questions almost in every fourth letter, about growing seedlings. Briefly introduce the method of cultivating seedlings, caring and other events of the stubble hope of Alekseevna.
Source for seedlings should be air and water permeable, rich nutrients.
Such a composition; 1ch. Derdy earth, 1h. Sheet humus, 0.5 tank river sand or washed construction, 0.5 h. peat. On bucket of a mixture of 0.5 liters of ash. Disinfection of the soil definitely.
If this process is not to fulfill, it can "fall" due to the "black leg". Reliable method - action of water vapor.
On the bottom of the old bucket or the pan, put a convex side up the bank from under herring, pre-breaking through the holes in it. You can put a metal circle with holes or a grid on the fragments of bricks, or an old sieve. Pour water to the bottom of the bucket. On the grid (above the water), pour so far, not sealing. We will put a bucket on fire to warm over 50 minutes. The resulting couples permeate the thickness of the soil mixture, disinfecting it.
I prefer my way. The land will turn out from the fall and several times for the winter I will bring it home, waiting for the appearance of weeds. Then I again come out for the frost.
4. 1. Preparation of seeds.
Seeds of each variety separately tie in a piece of fabric, leaving a long tail on the tail. Cut the plaster and write the name of the tomato variety on it.
I do not rinse seeds if they are fresh and if they are grown me. I carry the seeds for 12 hours in solution. "Epina" - 3 drops of 100g water. There are other active substances containing growth stimulants and trace element salts (Gumix, Hibersib, etc.). But strictly follow the instructions offered on the concentration label. Then every grade to be quenched into a separate jar, can sign jars or directly, according to the variety of varieties.
4. 2. Seedlings.
To grow high-quality seedlings, calculate the number of plants that you can fit on the windowsill or on special devices. Each plant should be sufficiently light.
In our apartments dry and hot, and tomatoes at night need a temperature of no more than 14-18 degrees S.

What time frame is sowing? For each type of plants, their term. Determine the period by using the table.

Seeds close on the depth of growth of two seeds. Soil in the containers should be wet, but not overcooked. Capacity needs to be closed with polyethylene and put in a warm place. The optimal temperature for germination of seeds + 25 + 27 degrees. Shoots appear after 3-4 days, you need to not skip this moment and put on a sunny place otherwise shoots will quickly stretch. Well, if each grade is sown into a separate container, you can remove those in which seedlings climbed.
Water shoots need to be moderately, fastened with water warmer room temperature. It happens that on some shoots, shells from seeds remain. Try to wet the "hat" and carefully remove it with a stupid side of the sewing needle.
Seed seeds with a margin so that you always have the opportunity to select the strongest, strong plants with large seedy leaves. In a good soil mixture, you can not feed them before picking.

4. 3. Picking.
It is better to conduct a dive when shooting stronger (and stems and roots). At this time, 3-5 real leaves will grow.
Before picking 0.2C manganese, dissolve 1 liters and carefully, not overcoating, paint the seedlings. To dive better in separate containers in such plants during transplantation is not disturbed by the earthen com, and the roots immediately come into operation. On each container, mark the variety of your catalog.
Sour for picking can be left of the same composition what they did for Seva. You can change the composition with minor deviations. But be sure to put 2-3 superphosphate granules in each cup. Divide the seedlings on a short and tall. It is necessary to dive them in different ways. For short, fill in the cups by 2.3 volume soil, make a pencil in it, lower the plant to seedy leaves, carefully, from the sides of the same pencil, compact.
In tall varieties of seedlings above. For them, fill in a glass of ground half, stem spirally put along the wall, swaying the soil. Pour, when picking, take the seedlings carefully per sheets, do not disturb the protective hair cover of the stem. I never pinch the roots. Extra injury is not needed. After picking a plant for 2-3 days, do not exhibit on the sunlight.
4. 4. Care for seedlings.
The health of plants, like the health of people, is laid at the beginning of life. Tomato is extremely demanding on the light, set the cups so that you can rearrange them, change the rows. There are two ways to maintain the seedlings: refueling the soil for the entire period of seedlings, I use this way, but you need skills, experience. The second way is to introduce nutrition elements with watering during the entire period of growing seedlings.
Basically gardeners - lovers use the second way. Infusions of Korovaka, Chicken and Konsky Passter, few people apply. Most comfortable liquid comprehensive fertilizers with trace elements. If you do not find them, you can use a universal composition for all feeding (1 time every 10 days), 3-4g nitroammophos for 1 liter of water. It is very convenient to use completely soluble fertilizers of the type of Kemira, soloin and others (they are very much released now). Good water alternately weak mortar Manganese and an ash solution (1l water, 1st ash), boil, defend, merge and add to 2l.
When feeding, Moisturize the earth and only then adopt the plants. Increase the number of feeders if the seedlings are pale, yellow the bottom leaves. In no case increase the concentration of mixtures for feeding, you can burn roots. And all the same, growing without backlight, with insufficient illumination, seedlings are drawn. Let she confuse a little. Gently put it with a ring along the wall of the cup, suck the soil. Initially, try on 2-3 plants, otherwise you can break the entire seedlings. In no case do not water the seedlings for the night, only in the morning or day!
Be sure to loosen the soil in the cup, previously scattered 1st l of ash on the surface. In order to protect plants from viral diseases, sprayed 1 time in 7 days by low-fat milk (1l water, 1st milk and 2-3 drops of iodine). 3 weeks before disembarking, as soon as the weather is allowed, it is necessary to tempt the seedlings, at the beginning to take out 20 minutes, then for more time.
Before planting in the ground, for the prevention of phytoophulas and drone spot, seedlings treat the chloroise of copper (5g copper chlorocycy for 3 liters or 1% burgundy fluid) against mushroom, disease. Dilute as recommended on the package.

5. Biological features.
Tomatoes are thermal-loving plants, southern origin. They require good lighting, heat and dry air. The optimal temperature of 20-25 degrees with, during the day and at night -10-12 degrees C. At low temperatures, the vital processes flow slower. At a temperature of 15 degrees with tomatoes, bloom is delayed, and below +8 +10 degrees, the growth and pollen ceases not mature.
High temperatures (above 35 degrees C), adversely affect plants.
Bright comprehensive light, optimal day and night temperatures, contribute to the development of a good root system and the formation of a large number of flowers, the flowers are pollinated normally. Short-term night cooling up to +5 -6 degrees C, significantly affect the growth and ripening of fruits. In addition to temperature regime and illumination, tomatoes have a great need for soil moisture. The moisture content of the soil before the start of fruiting - 70%, during the period of fruiting - 75 - 80%. With a lack of water in the soil, the leaves begin to twist, photosynthesis and growth of plants weaken, fertilizer is used not effectively, the growth of fruits stops, the crop decreases and its quality: the fruits are fragible to the vertex rot, and after abundant irrigation cracks.
It is also possible to excessively watering the soil, since the excessive moisture displaces the air from the soil, and when it is lacking in the soil, the growth of the roots is suspended, their breathing is disturbed. Air is necessary for the livelihood of microorganisms in the soil.
To ensure the root system with air, the roots of tomatoes must be covered with a layer of loosening mulch, dark film, I cover straw, or rice grass.
The humidity of the air is of great importance for the good development of plants. The optimal humidity of 65%, with high humidity, the pollination of flowers deteriorates, they begin to fall, the plants themselves are amazed by mushroom diseases.
To obtain high yields of tomatoes, except organic fertilizers, we need mineral, including macro and trace elements. Among all vegetable crops, tomatoes are the most demanding to the digestible phosphorus, which accumulates in seeds and fruits.

In Russia, trace element fertilizers used long before 1917.

As a potassium fertilizer is made of ash, as mineral fertilizer make lime destroying acidity. The use of lime and ash is good in the fact that they contribute to the destruction, testicles and larvae of harmful insects, well affect the quality of fruits and accelerate maturation.
Tomatoes are branching plants, self-population. On the main escape (depending on the variety), 7-12 leaves are formed, and on the side - significantly less, the higher the escape is laid, the less on it leaves. Therefore, when forming plants in 2-3 stems often leave the top, the strongest shoots.

6. Preparation Groz.
For tomatoes, the best predecessors - perennial herbs, onions, carrots, beans, cabbage different, green crops, cucumber, zucchini. Tomato plants can not be planted after pepper, Physalis, eggplant, potatoes. Good tomato grows on weakly acid and neutral soils (pH 5.5-7). As neutralizing materials, wood and vegetable ashes are used, ground limestone, dolomite flour. The main refueling of the soil can be carried out in the spring. By one plant, the loss of humus, (superphosphate 20g / m). If there are no mineral fertilizers, fuel the soil with a compost, adding 1,5 cup of ash to each bucket.
Depending on the size of the site, the number of seedlings do the ridges 120 cm wide, the length is arbitrary, it makes sense to commend the length of the ridge with the length of the undercover material. Between the ridges pass 50-60cm. Orientation Girdo from north to south. Good ridge to turn the board, I have a slate, brick, and the passages fall asleep with sawdust, (you can work after the rain).

7. Rechazzle seedlings.
From when the seedlings are planted for a permanent place, the success of obtaining an early harvest depends. It is possible to plant seedlings when the soil at a depth of 12-15 cm warms up to + 10-15 degrees. The sooner you land the seedlings, the higher the harvest, the earlier you get ripe tomatoes, but this is if you have a shelter. I wrote, how to do it, the most primitive way, but the verified me and reliable, withstand up to -7 degrees.
Tomatoes love to a lot of light, air and nutrition, and the roots were warm.
From the north side, set the Kulisu from corn, tall flowers. Move the furrow at a distance of 25-30cm from each other. Come on the water, scatter in each furrow 40-60 the granules of superphosphate, pour. Sore seedlings in varieties. It is necessary that in the first row from the east to plant the lowest varieties from the mid-tall of your collection, let's say those that reach 1M during the period of fruiting. In the second, those whose growth is 1m 20cm, in the third 1m 50cm, etc.
Place the highest 2m and more, such as Tankina Trencins, Astrakhan, "sexy" and others. With this placement, all plants will be covered properly.
Summary seedlings, paint at least one hour before disembarking. Put in the slope into each groove one plant in a chess order so that there are 3 leaves above the surface, the rest can be cut. Place the seedlings in such a way that the tops of the plants formed smooth oriental and Western rows, with distances between the tops 50-60cm. Fall off the seedlings from the groove of the earth. Under the top Put carefully lumps of the earth. A little bit, inspire the furrows. Do not confuse the varieties, make a landing scheme where the plants are noted according to your catalog. In the center from north to south, a solar trap is formed, the soil here will warm up better. Additional mulch from old sawdust and humus and ash will give extra meals. The middle part of the bed close the black polyethylene film or old transparent. Such a landing will allow not to loosen during the entire season, do not ride weeds. In conditions of heat and moisture, the roots of the tomato are introduced by additional suction, the mass of which is located under a mulching film. 2-3 times in the season remove it, plug the muffin layer and close again.
Do not satisfy the seedlings in the deep holes, tied to the cola, it is better to plant in the tilt or lying.
Over the beds, put arcs from thick wire. Cover the film, firmly fasten from all sides. If cold is coming, additionally cover the landing. If the heat, ends of the tunnels need to open early in the morning. Such troublesome life until June 5-10, and then the film can be removed. It is good to cover the landing by the covering material of the brand 40 or 42 and then you may not look at the week. Under such shelter, seedlings will not burn and will not leave.

8. Benefits of the collapsed bed.
Even more reliable is the double shelter of the ridge. The first layer is pounced by observing material, attach it to arcs can be wooden clothespins. The second layer is a polyethylene film, so that it closes the ends, the frost -7-8 is not terrible under such a shelter.
In August, with a sharp change of day and night temperatures, abundant dew drops out. Over such a garden, the roof, protecting plants from dew, rain (often acid, etc.) is easily constructed. Along the sides are driven by old water pipes, arcs are inserted into the pipes, the film is stretched, the film is stretched, it can be secured with twine, clothespins, wire.
Autumn is coming, the main crop is removed, but there are still many inconsiderable fruits on the plants. What to do? Put on the black film that you were spreading at the beginning of the landing in the middle of the ridge, the hay, straw, small branches, carefully untie the plants from stakes or trellis and put on a soft litter, squeeze the garlic infusion, "sweeping" ashes. And again, as in the spring, put arcs, cover with observer material, and from above the film.

The benefit of the collapsed bed with such planting of plants is great.

1. When planting seedlings is less injured.
2. The possibility of early landing seedlings.
3. Watering and feeding are economical. They are conducted only in the root zone.
4. No weeds.
5. No need to join.
6. Good conditions Testing fruits.
7. It is convenient to organize drip watering.
8. The possibility of shelter in bad weather throughout the season.
9. Obtaining additional products from the same area.
10. The possibility of shelter to grow late crop.

9. Watering.
If you fulfilled recommendations on the organization of the ridge and closed the middle part of the ridge (roots are located there), watering this part of the watering can, hose with a small pressure, the soil should not be spilled so that the roots are not denied.
With the first irrigation, do not rush, pour days 7 days after landing. The moisture deficit stimulates the growth of the roots. Next, watering depending on the weather, in the drought - in 2-3 days. Watering should be abundant, better in several techniques and only in the root zone. Never water around the leaves, tomatoes can get sick. With lack of water, the growth of plants stops. After graduating from watering the film, return to the place.
As the plants grow, increase the rate of irrigation. By mid-August, she should be at least one bucket on a tall bush. The irrigation rate is proportional to the height of the plant. Do not glorify weeds.

10. Fertilizers.
Fertile soil contains the whole complex of nutrients. The main elements that are required by plants are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K); In some smaller - magnesium, calcium, sulfur, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Microelements include: iron, boron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc and copper. The lack of any of them leads to the appearance of visible signs of deficit in plants.
This is how the famous soil scientist and agrochemist V.V. Cerening, influence of lack or excess batter elements in particular tomato.
The lack of nitrogen (N) causes growth delay: Stems are thin rigid; leaves, starting with the lower, yellow-green, yellow-brown, flowers are small many fall; Fruits are small, painted badly, urgently adopt with a cow.
With phosphorus deficiency (P), tomato blush the bottom of the leaves, and later the whole plant. Fruits small, underdeveloped, ripen later. Urgently spend the extraordinary feeder superphosphate. Excess of phosphorus causes the overall yellowing of the leaves, reduces the flow of trace elements.
Lack of potassium (K) causes the "edge burn" of the lower leaves; Fruits are impossible, small with dark stains on the peel and inside the fetus! Fall-up leaves. Root and non-rooted feeders with potash fertilizers will help to eliminate the underdevelopment of plants.
With an excess of potassium, the leaves are withering and falling out, matte spots appear on them. With a deficiency (Ca) calcium, tomato fruits have in the middle of the dark spots of dead tissues. The top leaves of plants whitish.
The lack of magnesium (MG) is noticeable on the leaves, the veins of the sheet remain green, and the leaf itself is discolored.
To avoid this, it is necessary regularly once every 10-15 days to make magnesium sulfate into the soil, in the feeders (10-20g) for 10 liters. With a lack of iron (Fe), the upper leaves become pale green or yellow.
Signs of lack of molybdenum (MO) are similar to a lack of nitrogen, the only difference is that the upper young bodies are ill.
With deficiency (Zn), the leaves are small, yellowed; Fruit is not enough, they are small, ripen early. More often this disease is present in the protected ground.

Once again about ash.
Black wood ash rich in potassium and other mineral elements. Store follows in hermetic container. When growing an uola tomato, it is used often: when soil refueling, for dubbing plants and soil surfaces, for root and non-rootful feeding. Phosphorus and potassium in the ashes are contained in a form easily accessible for plants. In addition to potassium and phosphorus, calcium in ashes contains: sulfur, iron, magnesium, boron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc. For example, when making 70g ash, the need for plants in Bore is fully satisfied.
Ash is a good alkaline fertilizer. The ash is used to combat malievous dew, (300g of sifted ash, boiling during half an hour, ate decoction is fixed and adjusted to 10l), they are pollinated by gray, it is painted 2-3 times in the summer, 10-15g on the plant. With the lack of phosphorus and potassium in the fruit, the formation of sugar is slowed down. When making these fertilizers, the quality of the fruits is improved, they become sweet, brightly colored, is better stored.
Now you need to know why some gardeners, fruits that must be sugar ones are completely different.
Borish fertilizers improve the taste of fruits, interfere with cracking.
Magnic fertilizers contribute to the accumulation of sugar and vitamin C. Fruits of good quality are obtained only with balanced diet over all elements.

11. Falker.

The rise of the roots of tomatoes is continuously until the end of the growing season, but the increase in the above-ground organs is even more 160 times. That is why the harvest depends on the feeding. Tomatoes do not like to starve, but the crust acts even worse on them. Azot has a big impact on the plant. Nitrogen is needed for the development of green mass, fruit and pouring tomatoes. If the plants have a strengthened growth of leaves, stems, shoots, and there is little fruit, it is necessary to exclude nitrogen fertilizers from feeding. Tomatoes are most of all out of the soil of potassium. Each gardener applies its drawing scheme, but what advises in his book N. Stukalov.

First feeder after 10 days, after disembarking the seedlings with a solution of a cowber (1:10) or chicken litter (1:20). Subsequent feedstocks are carried out depending on the state of the plants every 10 days with a complete mineral fertilizer (60gr of the garden toe of a 10 liter of water).

Before the flowering under the plant contributes 1l feeding, in the future 2-5l. For feeding uses fermented grass. The most useful nettle (even dry). Ash can be used throughout the growing season, scattering in the root zone or in the form of an exhaust. 2-3 times for the season is useful feeding by trace elements. 5 Tablets Estropy in a mortar, shake in 0.5 bank, pour, stirring at 10l bucket, flow 1 liter under the bush.
Sometimes the flowers from the first brushes are creepy, lose the flowers of the first brush, which means not to have an early harvest.
It happens that the wounds fall. This happens if the zeror is not fertilized or the plant lacks moisture and food - it should be urgently pouring and pretending. With high humidity, the flowers can also crumble. It is sprinkled with a solution of boric acid (1 g by 1 liter of water). Boric acid dissolves only in hot water.
The error of many gardeners is that after the start of fruiting, they reduce watering, feeding, i.e. Help the plants to die. This is my mistake while the plant is alive, you should care for him as at the beginning of life.

12. Non-believers - ambulance plants.
Scientists have proven that the leaves are absorbed nutrients, just like roots, but more selectively. They absorb those elements of nutrition from tinctures that the plant is missing, but they do not replace root feeding. Some feeders can be made mineral and organic fertilizers. The best concentration of mineral fertilizers for tomato -0.4% (8.5g of superphosphate, 16.5g potassium chloride, 15 mounted water). To 10l aquatic solution Macroelements add 1l microelegen solution normally on labels.
Non-believeby superphosphate affects the tie and ripening of fruits.
It is very good to clean the plants during the flowering period of 0.5% superphosphate. You need to take 50GP superphosphate to pour hot water, mix, hold the day. 50gr taking 10 liter of hot water. Spray the tomatoes with a solid solution. Spray organic infusion well using nettle, lupine, socket, lawn grass. All components cut into a linen bag, put in the container, pour water. Every 2 days a bag turn. A week later, tea is ready, dilute to the color of weakly-brewed tea.

13. Formation of the bush.
This question is asked gardeners in almost every 4 letter. As I wrote, tomatoes have the ability to bother. From each kidney, located in the top of the sheet on the main stem, the side escape grows - stepper. The removal of these shoots (meats) is called step-in. Pasynkuya, plants form in one, two, three stems.
With a single-lock form on the main stem, all the side shoots are removed; with a double-sided, also all side shoots, except for one, the strongest growing under the first floral brush; With three-skewed - leave another strong stepper, located above or below the flower brush. Meaching every week, in the morning or day, so that the wounds on the plant dried. Penets from the step must be left 2-3cm. So that there is no escape on the same sheet. It should be remembered that step-down accelerates the ripening of fruits, but the harvest with bushes will be lower.
Tall forming in two stems. In addition to steps, it is necessary to pise (ie leve the tops of fruitless shoots) - it limits the growth of the plant, which contributes to the acceleration of the formation and aging of the proposed fruit. The top is bursting at 3-5 cm above the second sheet over the last brush with urins. In June, July, the plants grow 60-70mm per day, they need to be taped, the binding of the bush and brushes contributes to better illumination, and therefore the fruits will be more. Garter methods are a lot of it - pegs, rings, grid.
But the most convenient way of garter must recognize the organization of the Trellier. The main thing is that the sun is strong.

Summing everything written, remember:

Greenhouse varieties in the open ground can give a low harvest, and vice versa, the varieties of open soil are badly fruit in the greenhouse.

Walking around the amount of varieties, you can miss the quality.

Different in terms of ripening grade seite in different, optimal time for each time.

Do not overdo the seed preparation. Not only quenched, you will not have time to sow.

Do not hurry with the planting seedlings, the soil must warm up to +10 C. But not be sure to seed in the greenhouse until June. Late seedlings will bring big troubles and a small harvest.

Squeeze tomatoes in the ridges. With late return freezers, bedding is easier to cover from the cold.

Do not save on the food area. Biological pattern: the thick of the plants are, the smaller the size of the fruit.

Timing the plants in a timely manner, even low. They will better warm up, come into contact less with the soil, cheering less.

Form plants correctly. Choosing a variety, you need to know under what conditions of formation - in one, two or three stems, with a piece of or without it, it gives a maximum harvest.

The disease is easier to warn. Sometimes it happens very late, the harvest is lost.

Tomatoes do not have it better than overgrown. "Girling" powerful, beautiful plants with large leaves give the "skinny" harvest

Water the tomatoes regularly, and not from the case. Plants, like people, cannot be drunk.

Tomatoes love "wet legs" (roots) and "dry clothing" (leaves).

Material prepared Ishimtseva Lydia Iosifovna. Using the literature N.A. Stukalov "Gold Apples of Love". Material of growing tomatoes by method I.M. Maslov. And your own experience.

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