
Meat dishes of high cuisine. french cuisine

Undoubtedly one of the greatest treasures of this European country- rich french cuisine. The French have a long-lasting love affair with food, and their reverence for the time spent eating is evident in every culinary establishment across the country. It also shows up in traditional family gatherings around the dinner table, especially Sunday dinners, which are lovingly prepared for hours and eaten slowly, beginning with a series of appetizers and main courses, usually accompanied by a rich selection of wines and often lively political conversation.

Despite the general pan-Gallic chauvinism, French cooking is not a monolith: it morphs from the olives and seafood of Provence to the oils and fries of Tours, from ordinary food simple bistros to pretty Tour d'Argent confectioneries. And yet, they all share a common seriousness about food. Across the country, French cooking uses a wide variety of cooking methods, some of which are extremely complex, and are basic. Any cook will say that French food will not tolerate easy ways with respect to these basic principles.Because the skill of sauces or dough is the center of the culinary arts, the recipes themselves remain classic and constant.

As in Japanese cuisine, it is expected that even the most a simple dish must be approached with extreme caution, which means ignoring the time spent. This is one of the reasons why French cuisine has always seemed so intimidating on the other side of the Atlantic. Americans love nothing more than combining innovation with time savings; this is the special spirit of the United States, and nothing can arouse more indignation among aesthetic Frenchmen.

french recipes

National dishes of France

The French are driven by the unyielding belief that there is a right drink for every meal or occasion. Wine is drunk with food, but rarely without food. An aperitif (a light alcoholic drink) precedes the meal, while a digestif (something stronger, like cognac) may follow. This close relationship between food and wine may, in part, parallel the evolution of great cooking and great winemaking. Probably not coincidentally, an impressive amount of the best French cuisine exists in some of France's finest viticultural regions. In Burgundy, Bordeaux, Provence and Touraine, wine is as much used in the cooking process as it is in the glass. Champagne does not accompany food in an elegant manner, just as Champagne is not famous for its food. One notable exception to this rule (and there are, of course, others) is Normandy, which, thanks to its fantastic butter, cream, cheeses, apples and the riches of the sea, has acquired amazing local cuisine without the help of wine. However, the local Calvados, an apple cognac, may also explain this phenomenon.

The French, for the most part, are Catholics, which means they have no food prohibitions, although many dishes have their own lenten variations. In addition, the French are not afraid to eat.

National products of France

It is common knowledge that stereotypical French food is high in saturated fat; heavy cream and butter are a staple in many dishes. Despite this fact, a lower rate of the French population suffers from heart failure than many other Western nations, including the US. Many studies and medical reports seem to link red wine consumption to overall cholesterol reduction. As much as one may believe in this theory, it is a fact that all French food is best accompanied by wine in order to truly enjoy it.

Not only do the basic cooking techniques require no small amount of talent, they also require a deep understanding of the ingredients themselves. Just as a wine merchant knows that the best Bordeaux comes from grapes grown on the other side of the mountain and not on this side, so the cook knows not only which province has the best peas, but also which city. The same goes for asparagus, and even cauliflower. If something is worth eating and cooking, there will definitely be its best representative. Many products are famous for the city that made them famous, such as strawberries from Pessac, peas from Saint Germain, artichokes from Macau, butter from Isigny.

Kidneys, brains, pancreas, stomach, blood sauces and sausages, sheep's feet, tongue and intestines are common ingredients in French cuisine and occupy the same position with lamb, beef, pork, poultry and game. Not being exotic at all, these products are at the heart of the bourgeois menu, seafood is the permanent soul, and vegetables are the flesh.

One of the favorite national products is cheese. It is sung in songs, idolized and the most exquisite dishes are prepared from it. The product is so versatile that you can create anything from it - from hot dishes to the most delicate desserts. There are hundreds of books published in France on how to deal with this "temperamental" ingredient. There are even traditional "cheese tips":
* The golden rule of slicing cheese: everyone should get their share of the core... and edge.
* Since this place is the least cold, the vegetable drawer in your refrigerator is the most the best place, for storage of cheese. Store the cheese in its original wrapping or wrap it in aluminum foil or cling film.
* The French eat more cheese than any other nation in the world. An amazing 20.4 kg per person per year. France makes 400 different types of cheese.
*Some cheeses from goat milk sprayed with dark gray ash. This gives them an ash gray color and serves to absorb surface moisture, helping to preserve them.
i surface moisture, helping to keep them.

History and traditions

Perhaps less widely recognized is that France's reputation for fine dining is based less on long tradition than on constant change. In fact, this general anticipation of enjoying good food is relatively new to the French. At the time of the storming of the Bastille in 1789, at least 80% of the French population were farmers, having bread and cereals as the basis of their diet, which had not changed significantly since the time of the ancient Gauls almost two thousand years before. In the mid-nineteenth century, following the overthrow of the aristocracy, food was a conspicuous symbol of the social position swiftly adopted by the new ruling class the bourgeoisie, which refurbished the sumptuous dishes of the very aristocracy they had once criticized. At the same time, two-thirds of Parisians were either starving or undernourished, more likely to eat plant-based protein rather than meat or dairy products. Golden age gourmet cuisine benefited only those at the top of the social ladder.

It took World War at the beginning of the twentieth century, to stop the gross inequality of wealth at the table, and bring about a more equitable distribution of the national product. The advent of improved transportation, especially by train, caused a culinary revolution in the provinces, and gradually spreading wealth could put chicken on the table of every peasant. Over time, tourism only fanned the flames of change in France's commercial cuisine, as chefs were required to create dishes to satisfy the tastes of an ever-increasing audience of British, Japanese, Middle Easterners and Americans, as well as French travelers hungry for new experiences. In some cases, the reasons for changes in regional production were a pragmatic reaction to the decline of other industries (such as silk) or to the economic disaster caused by phylloxera, which destroyed most of France's vineyards at the turn of the century.

The French and British adopted the Russian style of service, where dishes are served separately, in the middle of the 19th century. A French meal may begin with hot appetizers (or cold appetizers for breakfast), followed by soup, main course, salad, cheese, and finally dessert.

National cuisine France is the pride of the French. Eating here is elevated to the rank of a cult. Almost all dishes of French cuisine are the standard of fine taste and special sophistication. National cuisine has not only absorbed the culinary traditions of many peoples, but has also become a source of inspiration for culinary specialists. different countries. It is worth noting that different regions of France have their own cuisine and favorite dishes, which are distinguished by their original and unique cooking technology. Any tourist who comes to this country is simply obliged to get acquainted not only with the sights, but also with the local cuisine.

So, let's start with the first dishes. The French know how and love to cook soups. In the 19th century, this was considered the most complex dish and included up to 100 ingredients. Moreover, it is customary to eat soup for dinner, as an “evening” dish. As a rule, all soups have a thick consistency. Be sure to try:

  • the famous "julienne soup" (sometimes fish and meat);
  • bouillabaisse - fish platter soup;
  • "Saint Germain" - cream soup of vegetables and green peas;
  • Pistu - vegetable soup;
  • "Potofe" - meat soup with vegetables in pots;
  • dubarry - milk soup with cauliflower;
  • Panade - bread soup;
  • "Eclair" - vermicelli soup with milk, egg yolk and parmesan;
  • "conti" - a thick lentil soup;
  • Potage-o-melon is an exotic melon soup.

No less attractive in the national cuisine of France are meat dishes. Veal, lamb, poultry, game, pork, beef are used for cooking. Here are just some of the must-try dishes in France:

  • “foie gras” - the famous goose liver pate, to which cognac, Madera wine, spices, truffles are added, moreover, they use special breed geese with an enlarged liver that feed exclusively on corn kernels;
  • "blanchetta" - veal stew with egg, mushrooms, sour cream, onions and spices;
  • " kok-o-ven" - a rooster in wine in Burgundy;
  • "galantine" - aspic from lean meat of poultry, game, pork or rabbit;
  • « bloody steak» - fried meat on the outside, and half-raw inside with blood, served with vegetables and potatoes;
  • "bouche la reine" - pancreas and goiter with special seasonings;
  • "la mod de can" - tripe with white wine;
  • "roti" - beef roast;
  • "croque moncher" - a sandwich with ham and melted cheese;
  • "Lang de buf" - beef tongue appetizer;
  • Servey - lamb brain cooked in a special way;
  • Tournedo - steak on toast.

Freshwater and sea ​​fish. Cod, pike, halibut, carp and others are used to prepare fish dishes. Seafood prepared by local chefs has a special taste - lobsters, shrimps, oysters, sea ​​urchins, scallops, mussels. And the most famous dish, thanks to which the French got the nickname "frogs" - delicacy frog legs. The legs of these amphibians (a special breed of "meat" frogs) are fried in breadcrumbs or deep-fried.

Almost no dish in France is complete without sauce. Only officially registered recipes, there are more than 3 thousand. Any sauce can change the taste of the same dish beyond recognition. For the French, sauce is not just a gravy, but a special ritual and a complex recipe. The masterpieces of local "sauce science" are: "bechamel", "bordeaux", "lyonnaise", "mornay" (bechamel with cheese), "madera" sauce, "aioli"; " white french sauce; « French wine sauce; "mayonnaise sauce" (by the way, France is considered the birthplace of mayonnaise), and not to list all ...

Another hallmark of the national cuisine of France is cheese (in French "Fromage"). It should be noted that France produces the largest number of varieties of cheese in the world. More than 400 varieties are officially registered and new ones appear every year. Every year, any Frenchman eats almost 23 kilograms of this product. Each restaurant has its own cheese menu (“plateau de fromages”). Most Popular - " Roquefort, Brie, Camembert, Bleu, Tomme. There are even specialized cheese shops - "fromagerie".

Special attention deserves French desserts, which have long become famous all over the world. It is difficult to find a person who has not heard such names as: " creme brulee, meringue, grillage, eclair, glace, profiteroles, petit four. No less famous are French pastries - “ baguette, croissants, canele, macaroons, biscuits

From soft drinks the French prefer fruit juices, tea, coffee, lemonade, hot chocolate. And of course, it is impossible to imagine the national cuisine of France without world-famous French wines. Almost 10 billion bottles are produced annually in this country - this is 25% of all wines in the world. On average, one Frenchman drinks 90 liters of wine per year. The most famous wine regions are Champagne, Burgundy, Bordeaux, Alsace, Roussillon, Provence, Savoy and others. In addition, France is considered the birthplace of such drinks as cognac, champagne, Calvados, Armagnac.
Welcome to hospitable France and bon appetit to all!

The traditional French lunch begins with cold or hot appetizers, then they eat soup (for example, vegetable sauté), salad and vegetables, after which - the main course. A glass of wine, either red or white, is always served with the meal. Today, rosé wines are very popular.

National French cuisine is distinguished by a very wide use of root crops and vegetables. Very popular are vegetable salads that are rich in vitamins, artichoke, asparagus, lettuce (fresh and canned), leeks. The main meat dishes are traditionally served with coleslaw and green salad.

French chefs in the kitchen use many different types of meat - beef, lamb, veal, game, poultry - and actively use heat treatment: stewing, frying, boiling. Meat is used in the preparation of various salads. A very original technique is flaming (arson) of food. Most often, cooks use it in the preparation of meat. When serving, the dish is poured with cognac and set on fire. This method gives the food a taste and a specific aroma.

Dishes from freshwater and sea fish are very common and popular - flounder, cod, halibut, mackerel, pike, carp, as well as from such seafood as shrimps, oysters, scallops, spiny lobsters.

There are a lot of sauces in French cuisine. There are over 3000 types of them. Sauces are used in the manufacture of salads, cold appetizers and meat dishes.

French cooking rarely uses milk and dairy products. Cheese is an exception, as it is used in the preparation of various dishes. Cheese is always served before dessert.

Popular desserts in French cuisine are creme brulee, chocolate fondant, creme caramel and fruit. In France, there are many dishes made from frog legs and snails. Below are dishes with a simpler set of ingredients.

French cuisine appetizers

In France, savory dishes are often served for appetizers. Recipes for terrine, julienne, pâté, etc. are very common.

Julienne with chicken and mushrooms


  • Chicken breast - 500 g;
  • Champignons - 300 g;
  • Onion - 150 g;
  • Sour cream - 300 g;
  • Hard cheese - 100 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the mushrooms, chop the onion. boil chicken fillet, grind. Next, fry the mushrooms and onions for 3-4 minutes, then add the chopped chicken fillet, and fry for another 2 minutes. Add sour cream to the mushrooms and chicken, mix and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Add pepper and salt to taste. Next, put everything in pots, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven for 5 minutes at 170 degrees.

Chicken terrine with sun-dried tomatoes


  • Chicken fillet - 800 g;
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Tomatoes - 50-80 g;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tsp;
  • Bacon - 100 g;
  • Nutmeg to taste;
  • Sea salt to taste;
  • Ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Remove the skin from the chicken fillet, cut into your choice. Transfer to a deep bowl. We cut onion, fry in oil. We shift everything to the fillet and pour in fat milk. Using a blender, beat everything into a homogeneous mass. Add the already beaten eggs to this mass and beat everything again. Add garlic squeezed through a garlic press, nutmeg, pepper, salt to the mass. Then add sundried tomatoes and mix everything well. Cut up the bacon and lay it out in a bowl.

After that, lay out the minced chicken, level everything. Top with remaining bacon. We send it to the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. After cooking, take it out and wait for it to cool completely, then put it in the refrigerator. Serve the terrine chilled.

Liver paste


  • Chicken liver - 400 g;
  • Carrots - 150 g;
  • Onion - 150 g;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 g;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Rinse the liver and cut off all the veins. Cut carrots, onion and garlic. Next, fry the liver in vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes. Add vegetables, season everything with salt and pepper. Mix everything and cook for 10-15 minutes. Transfer the liver and vegetables (with the juice that has formed) into a blender, chop everything. Transfer the pate to the mold. Melt butter and pour it into the pate, put in the refrigerator. Pâté is best served with crackers or bread.

Salad with pear and goat cheese


  • Spinach - 100 g;
  • Almonds - 20 g;
  • Pear - 1 pc;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Goat cheese - 30 g.

Cooking method:

Coarsely chop the almonds. Mash the goat cheese with a fork. Slice the pear thinly. Wash and dry spinach. Put everything on a plate, add almonds, grated cheese and lemon juice.

homemade mustard


  • Mustard powder - 4 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Brine - 200 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp.

Cooking method:

It is more convenient to dilute mustard with tomato pickle, as it already contains sugar, salt and spices. you will get mustard without much effort.

The brine must be filtered and heated. Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Next, add the mustard powder and mix everything until smooth, pour in the oil and mix again. Pour the resulting mass into a jar, tightly close the lid and leave at room temperature for 15 hours to ripen.

Soups and main dishes of French cuisine

You should definitely try the traditional French onion soup. They also serve meat or poultry with various side dishes as a main course, accompanied by a glass of wine. You need to beautifully set the table to truly plunge into the atmosphere of a French meal.

Onion soup


  • Onion - 3 pcs.;
  • Dry white wine - 100 ml;
  • Beef broth - 1 l;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Wheat flour of the highest grade - 1 tbsp;
  • Hard cheese - 100 g;
  • Wheat bread from flour of the first grade - 4 slices;
  • Thyme - 1/2 tsp;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • Olive oil - 20 g;
  • Sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

Cooking the onion is the most important part of this recipe. It is necessary to heat 2 tablespoons over medium heat. olive oil in a deep skillet. Next, peel the onion and cut it into lengthwise pieces. Fry the onion in a pan over high heat, stirring regularly. After 10 minutes, add a pinch of sugar, which will make the onion brown faster. Cook until the onion is caramelized (about 30 minutes).

Then you need to reduce the fire. Next, you need to peel the garlic and squeeze it into the pan, mix and fry for 1 minute. Add all the flour and mix again, frying for another 5 minutes. Then pour 1/2 tbsp. wine (dry, white) and let the mass boil for 5-8 minutes.

Add bay leaf, thyme and black pepper. After all, you need to pour the beef broth, add salt (to taste), mix everything and bring to a boil. Then cover with a lid and reduce the heat. The soup should be cooked in this state for 30-40 minutes. While the soup is cooking, prepare the toast.

Then pour the soup into a bowl and put a piece of white bread (toast). Put some cheese on and around the bread. Next, preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put the plate in for 10 minutes. As soon as the cheese is baked, you need to get a plate and serve it to the table. Bon Appetit.

Goose feet with apples


  • Goose - 8 pcs.;
  • Apples - 4 pcs.;
  • Onion - 3 pcs.;
  • Apple juice - 250 g;
  • Rosemary - 2 pcs.;
  • White wine - 125 g;
  • Olive oil - 30 g;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Ground red pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

You need to wash the goose leg and wipe dry. after grate coarse salt and ground red pepper. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, lay out the goose legs and simmer for 1 hour in a preheated oven at 150 degrees. While the goose is in the oven, peel the onion and cut in half. Cut the apples into rings, finely chop the rosemary. After an hour, add onions, apples, rosemary, juice and wine to the legs. Simmer for 1.5 hours. Check for readiness and serve hot. Bon Appetit.

vegetable sauté


  • Sweet red pepper - 100 g;
  • Carrots - 100 g;
  • Zucchini - 200 g;
  • Onion - 100 g;
  • Frozen green peas - 100 g;
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 100 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the peppers and carrots into strips, and the zucchini into thin circles. Next, pour oil into a frying pan (stewpan) and heat strongly. Then add zucchini, carrots, peppers and onions, cut into half rings. Cook for 2 minutes, shaking the pan. Add green pea and cook again for 2 minutes. Add garlic, salt and pepper. Add cherry tomatoes cut into halves. Cook all 2-3 minutes. The dish is ready!

Baked omelette with zucchini


  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Zucchini - 50 g;
  • Onion - 20 g;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 10 g;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the zucchini and onion. Fry for 2-3 minutes. Beat eggs with milk, mix zucchini with eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Pour the finished mass into a mold and bake at 190 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

quiche lauren


  • Wheat flour of the highest grade - 180 g;
  • Butter - 60 g;
  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • Bacon - 150 g;
  • Hard cheese - 100 g;
  • Cream - 50 ml;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Sift flour, add salt. Next, add cold butter. Grind flour with butter until crumbs. Add 1 egg and 1 yolk to the mass. Knead the dough, then roll it out, put it in a mold (22-24 cm), making small sides. Finely chop the brisket or bacon. Grate the cheese. Beat 2 eggs and cream for pouring. Then pour over the filling, salt and pepper to taste. Bake for 40 minutes at 190 degrees.

french cuisine or the national cuisine of France is more than a set of recipes in a culinary encyclopedia or a cookbook, it is, above all, culinary traditions that are an invariable part of the culture of this country. Incidentally, with traditional dishes, and not with sights, acquaintance with any country begins. So we invite you to go on a "delicious" trip to France!!!

Superbly presented gourmet dishes are the hallmark of classic French cuisine. Therefore, it is not for nothing that the traditional cuisine of France is called high! By the way, a feature in the preparation of absolutely all dishes is the desire to preserve the taste characteristics of the product used as much as possible even after heat treatment.

Speaking of French cuisine, it should be borne in mind that it is divided into regional cuisines. That is, all provinces differ in their traditional dishes. This difference is especially evident in home cooking. Perhaps only the menu of cafes and restaurants classical cuisine can offer you approximately the same list of dishes. So, for example, in the south of the country they prefer to use a large variety of vegetables and herbs (sage, rosemary, thyme, mint, etc.) in cooking. Southerners prefer seafood and fish. In addition, in the preparation of many dishes, they abundantly use olive oil. The cuisine of the east of France, for example, Alsace, is more satisfying. It is represented meat dishes and poultry dishes, most often chicken.

To understand the features of home French cuisine, let's study the diet of an ordinary Frenchman. So, the morning starts with a light snack. Usually this is a small cup of coffee, complemented by either some kind of pastry, such as a croissant, or a sweet sandwich (toast with fruit or berry jam). Although in the province they pay more attention to breakfast. There it is somewhat more satisfying and can consist of any pies, sandwiches or, for example, traditional crepe pancakes. Also, the French often include all kinds of yoghurts in their diet. They dine in France starting from 12 noon, while calling lunch breakfast. At this time of the day, the French eat snacks, such as slices of cheese, light mashed soups, some kind of "green" salad, meat or fish dishes(however, they are more snacks than main ones), as well as dessert, accompanied by a cup of coffee or a glass of juice. Dinner usually takes place from six to seven in the evening and is the main part of the daily diet. It usually consists of an aperitif, a light vegetable salad, a main hot dish (fish or meat, always with a side dish), as well as a dessert. At the same time, a rich variety of traditional French dishes allows you to make even an ordinary menu very diverse!

An interesting fact is that modern French cuisine is famous for its sauces, of which there are more than three thousand today. Without them, it is simply impossible to imagine recipes for preparing traditional dishes. And the French themselves are quite reverent about them. Although they make a real ritual out of an ordinary meal!

Popular delicacies in France are frog legs, snails, foie gras, oysters, which are famous, in general, all over the world. However, it should be understood that these dishes for ordinary French people are not part of everyday nutrition. Although, of course, on occasion they will definitely take the opportunity to feast on these delicacies. From this we can draw only one conclusion: frog legs, snails, foie gras and oysters are just a small part of French cuisine.

Mastering the basics of French cuisine at home is quite simple, but many, frightened by the term "haute cuisine", do not even take on the preparation of the most elementary dishes that even beginners in the field of cooking can do. We dare to assure you that intricate dishes will be within your power. You just need to use the recommendations of our photo recipes, which describe in detail all the stages of preparation. These are real master classes, the best of their kind, in which all actions are described step by step, and besides, they are also provided with pictures. Keep it up and you will succeed! Bon appetit!!!

Meringues in the form of ghosts are very tasty cakes that will take their rightful place on holiday table on the occasion of Halloween. Both adults and children will like them. Although, perhaps, they will not reach adults, because babies deal with such delicacies very quickly. So if you're wondering about Halloween dessert, ghost meringue cakes are the way to go.

82 0 150 min. 50 people

If you seriously understand, then this pie is not at all considered charlotte, in its classic form. Such a pie has been known since Soviet times, for its simple and quick cooking. Often, hostesses cook it when there are a lot of apples left, or for guests who have suddenly appeared. Charlotte of this kind will become simply an indispensable trump card in the sleeve of any hostess, especially if you know a few secrets of its preparation.

2367 1 60 min. 8 people

If you have your own land plot and you grow apples, then you are probably familiar with the situation when there are a lot of apples, and you have no idea what to do with them. The cellars have long been filled with jam and compote, but there are still a lot of apples. Don't be sad, there is a way out: homemade apple cider! With a little effort, you will get a great drink. And how to cook it, you can learn from our recipe with step by step photos.

1824 3 20160 min. 20 people

This French dessert is very unusual, not many have tried it. chocolate muffin, with a surprise, in the form of a liquid filling inside. Outside is very tasty, crispy biscuit dough, melted chocolate inside. This dessert is quite young, but has already gained crazy popularity. After all, the French are well versed in desserts, and this one is no exception. Thanks to their efforts, we have the opportunity to prepare an exquisite French dessert for our relatives and friends in a short period of time.

1925 0 40 min. 6 people

Wonderful and extraordinary homemade cake recipe. Citrus fruits are loved by many, in any form and consistency. Combining them in one dish is a great idea. When you try this dessert, you will understand why. Cooking it is very simple, the ingredients you need are the most common, which, often, is in every home. Just don't forget to buy lemons and oranges, and our recipe with step by step photos will help you prepare this delicacy.

1616 0 120 min. 8 people

If you are running out of time, and you want to eat deliciously, then this omelet recipe with bread is what you need! The dish is quite simple to prepare and requires minimum quantity products. This omelette is good because it is very satisfying and children like it very much. All you have to do is read our recommendations carefully, and you are guaranteed a delicious breakfast.

1047 0 25 min. 2 people

If you think about it, the principle of preparing French gratin is somewhat subtly reminiscent of such a casserole, so dear to the Russian heart. These dishes differ in the composition of the ingredients, but the method of cooking is very similar. In this recipe, we will talk about how to cook a delicious healthy dietary vegetable gratin with a delicate cheese crust. We will also share all the secrets of cooking this delicious dish.

1768 0 80 min. 2 people

In this recipe, we will share with you one of the most simple recipes entrecote cooked in the oven. We will prepare this dish from juicy beef, which we marinate in spices and homemade mayonnaise. The meat will turn out very juicy and satisfying, as well as very fragrant and incredibly tasty. Already only it will be enough to have a hearty dinner.

1075 0 40 min. 3 people

Entrecote is a dish that can be prepared with absolutely any side dish. Also, entrecote can be served as a completely independent dish, but you still want to dilute such juicy and satisfying meat with some greens. In this recipe, we will tell you about the method of preparing a classic entrecote in the oven, and you will decide for yourself what exactly to serve such a deliciously delicious dish with.

2227 0 80 min. 4 people

Gratin is very tasty and hearty side dish, as well as this unusual and appetizing independent dish, but it can also be made incredibly useful for vitamins and minerals. It is such a vegetable gratin with mushrooms that we will cook today. And the ingredients that will be part of this dish will saturate it with all the necessary useful properties. We will first boil the dish, and then bake it in the oven.

1310 0 120 min. 4 people

Potato gratin baked in a creamy sauce is one of the most popular side dishes in French cuisine. However, gratin is prepared not only from potatoes and not only as a side dish. In this recipe, we will tell you how to cook rice gratin with minced meat and champignons. This dish, for sure, will seem familiar to you, because it is very similar to our usual casserole. However, the taste of such a dish is somewhat different.

1576 0 60 min. 6 people

Today's gratin recipe will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. We will cook potato gratin with pieces of appetizing juicy chicken under a crispy cheese crust. Such a casserole will turn out very juicy, satisfying and deep in taste. Grated nutmeg and the same cheese baked in the oven will add a unique flavor to the dish.

4191 0 90 min. 6 people

Despite the fact that entrecote, in fact, is more of a French designation for a certain part of a meat tenderloin, and not the name of a dish, this does not prevent today from naming differently prepared ingredients that way. All these dishes still have something in common: entrecote is a whole piece of fried or baked meat or fish. Today we will cook beef entrecote in tart wine sauce.

1190 0 60 min. 4 people

Gratin is a French alternative to the famous Italian lasagna and such a familiar casserole for us. And although gratin is more a way of cooking a dish, and not its full name, today it enjoys unprecedented popularity in many countries. All because this dish is prepared very simply, but it turns out incredibly tasty and satisfying. Today we will cook potato gratin with a crispy fragrant cheese crust.

1628 0 80 min. 8 people

Any recipe for gourmet and artsy cuisine is actually very simple and affordable to prepare, if you use the instructions for it correctly. Today we will tell you about the method of creating the famous French dish - Dauphinois gratin. The minimalism and simplicity of its preparation will pleasantly surprise you, and the taste will amaze you. We will cook very thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes in a fragrant creamy sauce.

2128 0 40 min. 1 person

In this recipe, we will tell you the secret of creating real meat, cooked like a fire, only at home. We will prepare pork entrecote on the bone, previously soaked in wine or balsamic vinegar with onions. The meat will turn out incredibly tender, juicy and tasty, and the secret cooking stage will also allow it to smell like a fire, which will give the necessary atmosphere of relaxation and summer.

2618 0 60 min. 3 people

Meat is a universal product. You can cook it in different ways and combine it with a wide variety of additional ingredients. However, there is nothing better than cooking a fresh, juicy piece of pork in its purest form with only spices. Today we will cook entrecote fried in a pan with a minimum of seasonings. This dish is served with a variety of salads and fresh vegetables for breakfast or dinner.

959 0 60 min. 3 people

In ancient times, ratatouille was not considered gourmet dish and prepared in Provence mainly by commoners. All because the dish was very inexpensive, but at the same time quite nutritious and tasty. Today, when the popularity of this dish has crossed geographical borders, ratatouille is cooked in the most fashionable restaurants and each recipe has its own zest. In this cooking option, we will talk about how to create a delicious vegetable ratatouille in a slow cooker.

2023 0 50 min. 4 people

Ratatouille is not only a hearty and very tender side dish for meat, but also a great independent dish. We will traditionally prepare our classic French ratatouille from eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes with the addition of potatoes. Vegetables will be baked in a hearty tomato sauce, which we will season with Provence herbs for a more expressive taste and smell.

2304 0 60 min. 4 people

Ratatouille is one of those dishes that looks amazingly appetizing and turns out very tasty even without meat. This is being prepared french dish exclusively from vegetables with the addition of a variety of spices and dried herbs. Today we will prepare a not quite classic ratatouille with vegetables and mushrooms, which may well be a great option for a late light dinner. Each vegetable in such a dish will feel full and you will fully appreciate and enjoy their overall taste.

792 0 80 min. 2 people

For many, it is customary that ratatouille is a vegetable dish. However, nothing prevents us from trying this famous French meat dish. We will present the recipe for just such a ratatouille to you now. As a meat component, we will use tender chicken fillet, which will perfectly complement the vegetables. When baking our ratatouille in the oven, we cannot do without cheese, which will only improve the overall taste of the cooked dish.

3236 0 120 min. 4 people

Gratin is one of the popular techniques in French cuisine for preparing a variety of ingredients with an appetizing and ruddy crust. The ingredients can be absolutely anything: potatoes, tomatoes, meat or fish. The formation of a golden crust is achieved through the use of dairy products. In this recipe, we bake potatoes in a creamy milk sauce along with grated parmesan cheese.

2761 0 80 min. 4 people

The ratatouille dish belongs to French cuisine and consists of vegetables cut into rings, which are subsequently baked with a variety of spices. In this recipe, we will not only cook lazy ratatouille, but also make it as healthy and dietary as possible. We will prepare our dish from eggplants, tomatoes and carrots, baked in sour cream sauce with a little spice.

2858 0 80 min. 2 people

French cuisine can rightly be considered one of the most sophisticated and original culinary traditions in the world. It is highly regarded by professional culinary specialists, and in 2010 UNESCO even listed French gastronomy as an “intangible cultural heritage". This style of cooking developed on the territory modern France for many centuries. If initially in France there were actually two culinary traditions - simple (peasant) and bourgeois, today these traditions are intertwined and form the basic principles of modern French cuisine.

The main feature of the French traditional cuisine– use only the freshest products. The French pay great attention to the quality and freshness of each individual ingredient. Despite the peculiarities of regional cuisines, vegetables and root crops are very popular throughout the country - eggplant, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, greens and salads.

French cuisine and culinary tradition, like any rich one, consists of many regional ones. In the western provinces of France, people like more spicy and spicy food, Alsatian cuisine has taken a lot from German, and residents of coastal areas actively eat fish and seafood. However, there are also national dishes of France that are loved and cooked throughout the country - these are world-famous baguettes, foie gras (goose liver pate), thin crepe pancakes, bechamel sauce and creme brulee. A traditional meal in France consists of three courses: an appetizer (an introductory dish, sometimes a soup), a main course and a dessert. Extra cheese or salad can be served.

At first, the French prefer mashed soups. A traditional festive dish is a very thick bouillabaisse fish soup, popular in the Provence region. However, French cuisine does not insist on the obligatory use of soups - local eaters often manage with light snacks.

Secondly and most importantly, French cuisine offers meat or fish dishes. Almost all types of meat are used, sea and freshwater fish, and seafood. The French prefer to cook meat and fish in a few proven ways, but they never get tired of the same dishes, because they love to experiment with sauces. Sauces are perhaps the main strong point of French cuisine, because it was in this country that they were invented.

When the main course is eaten, it is customary to serve dessert on the table. Dessert can be just a cup of coffee, which the French simply adore, and a croissant, and various pastries, and creme brulee.

However, it is not so much the recipes of French cuisine that are remarkable, but the view of the French on eating in general. It is not customary to eat in a hurry here, on hastily- The French like to eat slowly, enjoying each dish and washing it all down with wonderful local wine, in which the French know a lot. It's no joke - a meal (not a feast, but eating) in France can last two or three hours. This is another reason why French cuisine is so highly regarded by experts all over the world.

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