
Pineapple plantation. How Pineapple is growing: Growing Tips. Growing at home

Pineapple is an amazing fruit, the sour-sweet pulp of which many tried, not even thinking about how he grows. The first mention of the amicing "Shishko-Apple" is referred to 1553. It was then that the Spanish priest, a writer and geographer Ciez de Leon introduced readers of the book "Chronicles of Peru" with this plant. Now the product is no longer exotic, you can buy it in fresh and canned form.

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Motherland Plant is Brazil. The name of the fetus combines more than 100 varieties. However, the differences between them are how they grow in nature, practically no. The height of the plant does not exceed 50-60 centimeters, juicy leaves, with an uneven edge, are collected in a large outlet.

The fetus is called "coil" and is the berries that are closely resembling a large one. Considering how pineapples are growing in nature, it should be noted that the leaves on the top are the result of growing a color space through the nozzle. The central part of the nozzle is the coarse core, from which small "berries" depart.

In what countries?

Having considered how the grass grows, we turn to the topic of where it is common. The birthplace plants are considered to be Brazil. The list of countries that includes information on where pineapples are growing today, combines many states that differ in the tropical climate. Among them, Vietnam, Thailand, Argentina, etc. where the pineapples are growing:

  • in some territories of Africa;
  • in India;
  • in the Hawaiian Islands;
  • on Jamaica, etc.

At one time, the fruits were diluted even in the Oranges near St. Petersburg for the needs of nobility, but then the product began to import steamers. It is curious to know, not only where and in which countries are ruling pineapples, but for what purposes are grown. In particular, in the Philippines and in Taiwan, the plant is widely used as a raw material for the production of fabrics and fibers. and

Brazilian pineapple

How long is it required to grow?

Even in the conditions of the tropical climate will have to gain patience to wait for the first crop. How many grass grow depends on its variety, but on average, the fruits appear for 3-4 years after landing. The ripening period ranges from 4 to 6 months.

Is it a fruit, berry or vegetable?

In the vintage times, the sour-sweet pulp was made to be made in barrels, add to soup and serve in vinegar. From here, they start the doubt about that fruit or vegetable is Pineapple. The ambiguous type of fetus is the cause of other numerous disputes about the "berry" belonging to culture.

Indeed, it is not immediately clear what pineapple is: a berry is or fruit. Confuses the fetus size and appearance The plant itself. Answering the question that it is fruit, vegetable or berry, scientists choose the latter. After all, the fruit itself is a set of many berries combined under dense scales. It is a fruit or a vegetable, in the root incorrectly.

Is there a ratio to citrus?

Another common myth is the kinship of grass with a family of citrus. However, no reason, assume that the fruit is a citrus, no.

The plant belongs to the family of bromels and is related cereal cultures. Citrus is a proposal of the rut family, which is part of the orange subfamily.

How to put at home?

Juicy berry does not leave anyone indifferent. Once, having tried the sour-sweet pulp to get rid of the thought on how to grow pineapple at home, it becomes more and more difficult. However, the fruit is devoid of seeds. It comes out to the idea that the cultivation of pineapple at home is impossible. In fact, there are some ways.

Is it possible to plant the top?

The key to success is high-quality material. Before planted pineapple, it is necessary to make sure that the top is fresh, not subjected to freezing, without traces of rot. The top kidney should not be damaged.

Grow pineapple from a strong healthy tip at home is quite real. However, it is very difficult to achieve fruiting plants.

The cultivation of the berries of the house from the top requires special attention to climate and moisture. The plant does not tolerate sharp temperature drops, needs regular, but not excess watering. Before planting the grass at home from the top, it is important to take into account the period of fruiting. You can wait for the appearance of berries for years, and sometimes never wait.

Instructions for landing step by step

It is quite difficult to understand the nuances yourself. Even an experienced gardener is better to take advantage of how to grow pineapple at home from the top. Careful compliance with all requirements will make it most likely to get fruit.

Table. How to step bypassing a fruit-burning plant from the top at home

StageMore details
Preparation of soilLanding at home implies a competent soil selection. It is best to take peat and sand in a ratio of one to one
Preparation of the topBefore planting a tail, it should be cut off from the fetus itself without affecting the kidney itself. Carefully clean from the pulp, leave only a cone-shaped base. Before boarding the top you need to pounce with poured charcoal and suck in the shade of 1-2 days
Education rootsThere is a way how to germinate the tail faster - use the tool "Kornin". They should be frozen the lower part before landing
Choosing a potSpeaking about how to step by step to plant grass at home, it should be noted the preferred container. It is worth choosing a pot having a diameter of no more than 10 centimeters. It is necessary to cover with polyethylene and leave for a month without watering
AdaptationIt is important to know not only how to put the culture at home, but also how to adapt a young plant. It should be gradually removing polyethylene for a couple of hours, evaluating how the plant reacts to the air
TransferAt home it is possible to plant a plant into a larger pot annually. For the second year with a diameter of 12 centimeters, at 3 - 18 centimeters
ConditionsTo grow pineapple, it is necessary to maintain such conditions as the temperature (22-24 degrees and above) and the humidity of the soil
PodkordIt is possible to grow pineapple at home only when feeding. It is recommended to use fertilizer 1 time in 14 days

Unfortunately, with how to grow pineapple at home from the tops to cope not immediately. It is possible to do this from curiosity, but not for the sake of the fetus itself.

Requirements for full cultivation

The plant is very afraid of soil dryness. Before planting the top of the pineapple at home, you should make sure that there is a regular watering time. It is forbidden to put grass on drafts, expose cold air.

It is possible to plant the fruit at home both on the northern and south side. However, direct sunlight is not recommended.

Interest in the topic on how to plant pineapple is closely connected with the benefit and flavor of the berries. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, vitamins of a group in acids, minerals. In some cases, it may harm.

To plant grass at home from the top should be due to how little calories contains fruit. 100 grams of them are only 52.

Food is only the flesh of berries. In countries where fruits are grown, it is easily cleaned both with a knife and appliant means. Optimally use special fixture.

Sliced \u200b\u200bpineapple can be served on its peel

The one who is not yet ready to plant the fruit must know how to choose it correctly. It is important to know that the green berry is never a spice after collecting.

Useful video

From the video you will learn a few useful SovietsHow to properly root, and after and grow pineapple at home:


  1. It is difficult to find a person who did not eat a "Shishko-Apple", but to meet someone who knows what the fruit is growing on how it is harvested and put together more difficult.
  2. This valuable culture is a source of food for people of animals, used for the manufacture of fibers and fertilizers.
  3. Interesting experience will be the independent cultivation of the plant. It is quite realistic with the instructions on how to grow a berry at home.

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Seeing this photo, I immediately thought about photoshop :-) Well, the stereotype of pineapple fell on my brain in my brain!
Pineapples, like bananas in general, do not grow on the palm trees. Moreover, pineapples grow not even on the tree! The pineapple plant is herbal and does not grow above one and a half meters. Grass.
They grow on Earth, approximately like cabbage. Only in contrast to the cabbage, pineapple is a perennial plant. He has sharp long leaves, and the fruits grow from the central part, on the leg.

Pineapple fruit is a cluster of small fruit (nozzle), each of which is formed from its flower, but which threw out the whole pineapple. Therefore, pineapple outside such a cell. Sometimes on the arrow you can see still small side shoots. Pineapple flowers pollinated mostly hummingbirds. In pollarms, seeds are formed, and the fruit of pineapple comes out by nickidal. What we eat are fruits from self-absorbed flowers that do not form seeds.

The Motherland of Pineapple - Paraguay and the south of Brazil, but most of the pineapples are now grown in Southeast Asia. Pineapples can grow in arid areas because due to the specific method of self-photosynthesis, the plant of pineapple loses its little moisture through evaporation from the surface of the leaves (carbon dioxide at night covers in cell vacuoles, and in the afternoon it is used for photosynthesis, so that the absorption of it through the open Ust not required). In addition, pineapple absorbs the rainy moisture accumulating in the sinuses of the leaves.

And pineapples multiply in several ways:

Seeds. They are immediately under the leather, in segments, appendant to apple bones, only smaller.

Side shoots. They need to cut off as soon as roots grow.

The top of the pineapple, the so-called palm. The main thing is that she looks the whole, especially her center. He must be stuck in the ground and wait until she enters the roots (about a month).

Pineapples can be grown even at home. Now you have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to grow pineapple, and you can try to do it at home. For example, the third way.

Of course, the pineapple plantation itself does not attract anything. The usual field, with some small exotic herbaceous plants, not more than a meter high. And if not peering, you can simply pass by, so not noticing anything. Pineapple cultivation is not small works. Thailand for example is the world leader in exporting pineapple, this is at all the economic branch of the production of this state.

By the way, someone else except me thought that the pineapples grow on the trees? :-)

This exotic fruit can be grown with us, and right in the room. To do this, cut off the tip of the leaves from the top of the fetus. It is cut off at the very base of the nozzle - without pulp. Then the rosette was washed in a pink solution of potassium mangartee-cancer, sprinkled with ashes and allowed to dry 5 - 6 hours. Sit down this cutlets in a pot capacity of not more than 0.6 liters. Drainage is placed on the bottom of the pot, the loose earth mixture is poured, consisting of a delicate earth, leaf slowing, sand and peat in a 1: 2 ratio of 1: 1: 1. From above, a layer of 3 cm is added a mixture of leaf slowing and sand in a 1: 1 ratio. In the center, the pots make a hole with a depth of 2 - 2.5 cm, a diameter of a little larger than the diameter of the socket. A little crushed charcoal is placed in it so that the tip of the outlet does not bother. At the edges, the pots have 2 - 4 wands, a rosette is fixed to them with ropes.
The soil must be moistened, to put on a transparent plastic bag and put in a bright place. The socket is rooted at a temperature of 25 - 27 ° C. In winter, the battery is put on the battery and put a pot with a cutter. After 1.5 - 2 months, the roots are formed, new leaves will begin to grow.
The polyethylene package is removed only after 2 months after the plant is rooted. At adult pineapple from the base of the stem may appear lateral chains. They are rooted in the same way as the outlet.
Pineapple transplanted, as a rule, annually, slightly increasing the pot capacity. The root cake is plugged by 0.5 cm. Transplanted only by the method of transshipment, without destroying the land coma. The composition of the substrate is the same as in rooting.
When growing pineapple, the temperature regime is important. In the summer, the temperature should be 28 - 30 ° C, although pineapple grows well with 25 ° C. In winter it is contained at 22 - 24 ° C. The plant is not put on the windowsill, but by the window on the table or a special colors stand. You can put a pot on the battery by placing a plank under it. In winter, the plant must be highlighted with a luminescent lamp.
Pineapple pineapple with an estimated rain or melt water. It is possible to use a simple incentive or boiled water, acidifying it with lemon or oxalic acid to pH 5 - 6. The acidity of water is checked by universal indicator lactium paper. Water for watering is heated to 30 ° C. The water is poured into the rosette, but the soil is not overly overcooked. Pineapple also needs frequent spraying with warm water.
Every 10 to 15 days, the plant is fed by liquid complex mineral fertilizers, as well as a carefully expanded infusion of horse or cow manure. Mandatory 1 - 2 times a month, pineapple sprayed and watered with an acidic solution of iron vapor at the rate of 1 g of 1 liter of water. The solution is poured into the outlet. Alkaline fertilizers, such as wood ash and lime, plant does not tolerate.
For proper care Already at 3 - 4, pineapple will begin to give fruit. Usually at this age, the length of its leaves reaches 80 - 90 cm. Mature fruits weigh from 300 g to 1 kg.
An adult pineapple can be made to bloom and fruit, fuming him smoke. For this, a dense polyethylene package is put on the plant, next to the pot of 10 minutes. Put several smoky coal. The procedure is repeated 2 - 3 times with an interval of 7 - 10 days.

nASAS has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas, it will help with thrombosis and edema - it is enough to eat every day half of the pineapple or drink 250 milliliters of pineapple juice, so that it will soon get rid of these problems.
In addition, pineapple is an excellent tool for dealing with corn. At night, it is necessary to attach to the corn the flesh of pineapple, and in the morning to unspoke the skin in hot water, and the corn will easily remove. Ananas is able to help those who are in the sea and in the air constantly sick - before the flight or travel on the ship should be a glass of pineapple juice.
Pineapple and skin is useful. For example, bold skin can be wiped with a pulp every evening. And, of course, it is impossible to forget about the pineapples, if there is a desire to preserve slightness for a long time. As for calories - in a hundred grams of pineapple of their just forty six. So Pineapple can be found at least three times a day, without worrying about the figure. Useful weekly to arrange a discharge "pineapple" day.
And if every day to indulge yourself with several slices of pineapple for dessert, the metabolism in the body will improve significantly. In addition, pineapples in this case also clear blood, and serve as stimulants of the work of the immune system.
In addition to the foregoing, the consumption of pineapple in food, according to some scientists, is also prevention of cancer.

The fruits attribute amazing properties to burn fats, give vigor, return potency. And he remains tasty in pickled, canned, dry, replacing harmful candies. How to help grow pineapple whether it is possible to breed it at home - read in a new material.

Pineapple is a heat-loving plant, perennial, having a delicious dense pulp with sourness. It was bred many centuries: the fruits helped to survive the tribes of Africans and the Indians even in ancient times, before the discovery of America Columbus. Pineapples Solili, Quasili, fried on the fire, cooked. Used for the manufacture of fibers for clothes, mats, fishing networks and baskets.

Pineapple looks so unusual that disputes are still underway: what is it really? Fruit or berry? How does pineapple grow on earth or tree? Inquired biologists have long found the nature of this exotic. It turns out that pineapple is nothing more than grass that simply adores warmth and moisture. Some varieties of the grass slightly above 30 cm, and others grow up to two meters in height - it all depends on climatic conditions and nutrition.

Since Pineapple is generally unpretentious, it began to actively grow far beyond Africa. Today it is bred in Australia, Asia, America. Even with a Russian moderate climate, to actually grow fruits on the windowsill or in a greenhouse. Only now they will be sweet - a big question. Some varieties of fruits will bring exclusively aesthetic pleasure, but sweets, alas, do not expect.

Village pineapple

The first Europeans who experienced the happiness of acquaintance with Pineapple, became the Spaniards, which were involved in the shores of America. They were wound with juicy fruits and did not regret the scarce at that time to make the fruits and send them to the oldest Light nobility. Know appreciated the gifts and demanded the next delivery. So Pineapples began their victory procession in the world.

In the process of further acquaintance with fruits, it was found that there are several types of pineapples: some acid, the second slightly sweeter, third with barely by the catchful mustard. And even later, people learned to cross the fruits on their own, bringing the types of pineapple to their own needs. Few people know that the whole Institute of Pineapple works in Hawaii, and the best biologists are engaged in the fact that large, juicy and sweet varieties of fruits are separating, helping them grow and ripening.

World famous varieties:

  • Smart Canynes - It combines a whole group of subspecies, such as Esmeralda, Claire and Typhoon. The varieties are incredibly popular in Australia, Kenya, Mexico, Cuba and Hawaii, where they are planted with large-scale plantations. "Smart Canynes" stand out by an ovoid form, gain weight up to 2.5 kg, fruozen dense and strong, pulp dense with sourness. The varieties are fragrant, but they need them quickly - they are not stored for a long time.
  • Mauritius. It is grown specifically for global transportation worldwide. Before the strong and resistant damaged fruits. Particularly known for the subspecies of Vazkulam (or Cannar) - it is considered the royal variety, despite the rather modest weight - 1.5 kg. These are sweet, fragrant, juicy fruits, literally spreading tropical juices in the mouth. Mauritius varieties are valued for a balanced composition with a large number of vitamins, trace elements.
  • Amrita. The hybrid variety, obtained by crossing two wild varieties - Ripley and Kew. It differs from bringing brothers with spiny leaves, slightly elongated form resembling a cylinder. The weight of fruits up to 2 kg, the taste is gentle, thin, fragrant and not acidic. Plus, Amrita has a thin crust, which makes it perfect for Fresh.
  • MD2 - a variety standard for fruit exporters. All because it is the sweetest and juicy fruit Among all pineapples. They practically do not rot (the majority of pineapple are subject to this disease) are perfectly stored, do not spoil the weeks. Suffice it to say that 75% of the European market shall be flooded by this particular variety. And as many as 50% falls on the share of the entire world market.

Separately, it is worth saying about a small group of purely ornamental pineapples of the sort of Pineapple Nationalas. She is purchased landscape designers, summer houses, flowerflowers. The species features beautiful leaves a little reddish shade, incredible beauty flowers. But it is not difficult - they grow fruit from the Khokholka of any variety. Let the fruit be able to become sweet - their appearance will definitely be pleased.

Where the pineapples grow

Many for some reason believe that pineapples grow on a tree. As we said, pineapples - in essence, the usual grass growing on Earth. There is another common misconception: fruits have African origin. But biologists, finding out which country, is the birthplace of pineapple, disagree. They are confident in one - the place of origin will be correct to call a plot from Brazil to Paraguay. It is there that the most thick wilderness thickets of this unusual herb are located.

What does the growing pineapple look like

How does pineapple grow in wildlife? Pineapples grow in the form of small shrubs tall up to 30-40 cm. They are planted with uneven rows, located only 10 cm from each other. The leaves will be angry in different directions, from the side of the green part reminds all the familiar Aloe. If the year was rainy, or arid, the leaves dry or bother, and the fruit, having lost its external protection, does not have time to float juice and sweetness. It is clear that when growing agronomists care about the fruits, providing plants with everything necessary, helping to fight diseases, droughts and shoes.

How long the pineapple is growing

A gentle "socket" carries out and develops for a whole year - it should strengthen in the ground, dial a lot. After 12-18 months, she gains strength and begins to bloom, throwing amazing processes from the beauty. The blooming pineapple field is a sight, for which you can go to another corner of the planet. So it is impressive! After some time, the flowers are compacted, turning into a dense, elastic fruit with characteristic spikes. How many pineapple grow in total? According to a variety of estimates from 21 months to 2 years. Mature fruits are assembled, and then new sprouts are planted.

Pineapple cultivation on plantation

If you tanned the idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing your own pineapple field, you should familiarize yourself with some aspects of agrotechnology. This is not as simple as it seems.
What do in countries where pineapples are growing on plantations?

Stages of growing pineapple:

  1. Do not look for seeds for planting - only the method is suitable for the method of rooting the tops, or breeding with tanks.
  2. Fruits for breeding are selected only strong, dense without damage with smooth, without dents of the skin. Leaves should be elastic.
  3. Take a look at the center of the socket: it is important to make sure that the leaflets are live and green. Only then the rosette can be separated with a sharp knife (sometimes unscrew it), and put it in a jar with water, wait for the appearance of white roots with a delicate structure.
  4. When the roots are fixed slightly (the week goes away - a little more), the plant is transplanted into the hole. And now it remains only to wait for a year: "Baby" will strengthen, it will feel comfortable in Earth.
  5. The first bloomer appears in spring or summer - mini bush starts to bloom bright purple flowersOr burn-pink.
  6. And now the start time of the fetus itself is the time of the fusion of flowers to one whole. After 5 months, the finished fruit is cut off.
  7. Barely Kostik made his contribution, they say goodbye to him, leaving one of the young processes in his place.

In countries where pineapples are grown in large volumes, this whole process is put on the flow and is done almost on the machine. But the instructions have one huge plus - it is even suitable for those who decided to start with a small one. Easy, following the recommendations, put this unusual plant in the pot on the windowsill. Try, experiment, engage in breeding exotic plants and you will have a flowering house.

A pineapple?! So what? Yes, it is full on the counters of our hyper- (yes what to say there) and not hypermarkets ...

Full of his, dear friends, and in overseas countries. Pineapple can be found everywhere:

  • - on the tracks (Thais's workshops sell it right on the roads, just like our enterprising peasants strawberries);
  • - in the fruit markets where they are in bulk lie on some clamshells, at best (cost, by the way, penny (< 1$) и продаются поштучно);
  • - at breakfast at the hotel (in two different countries, Thailand and Sri Lanka, where we were lucky to visit, this very pineapple was in cheese marinated and even fried).
  • - In all sorts of cafes, where Pineapple was served with everything, than only can, especially the dish in the pineapple in the pineapple itself).
  • - It is impossible not to remember the juices, fries, cocktails from Pineapple.

And why? Yes, because. In all these warm exotic countries He, the very familiar pineapple, just awesomely delicious. Yes, yes ... if you think you know the taste of a yellow bump thoroughly, I will have to upset you: you do not know you at all what pineapple is.

Thais say: "Add a bit of salt - and you will make the taste of pineapple as much as possible."

Honestly, I will not try, but I will definitely try what I advise you.

Delicious bright yellow pulp, juicy and very sweet. Such a delicious thing that you have a pleasure to close your eyes and imagine the warmer Andaman Sea (well, okay, it is not Andamansky).

And what do we know about this fruit? Yes, I honestly will tell you that it is not strong in encyclopedic knowledge. Although one big plus I can still draw myself: I saw him grows ... Well, perhaps, all ...

"Not a thick," I thought and climbed on the knowledge of the Internet, the information from which is poured, as from the horns of an abundance.

Where does pineapple grow? On the ground!

Pineapple is herbate plant. And what do you think, who came from the Europeans first? Of course, the discoverer Columbus! He in 1493, sitting down in Guadeloupe (America), saw the plantation of pineapple.

However, it turned out a little later that Guiana and Brazil are the birthplace of this fruit. From there, local residents who used pineapples not only in food, but also as raw materials for the production of fibers, as well as for medical purposes, distributed it everywhere.

A long time ago of pineapple fibers made a cloth like Jute! Pineapple fibers are very tough and durable.

How does pineapple grow?

Pineapple stem grows up to eighty centimeters, hard sharp leaves depart from it. In many varieties - spines resembling cactus. Pineapple juicy leaves, concave, as they are designed to accumulate water in arid regions where our hero grow. On concave leaflets, water and dew flow into the center of the socket, the whole plant with moisture deficiency. The leaves themselves also accumulate moisture to be able to give strength to the plant during drought.

Pineapple flower

After a year and a half after landing, pineapple can already bloom. Pineapple flowers resemble spikelets on a long thick stem. Flowers are small (up to 2 cm), lilac or pink colors, collected in inflorescence (up to 200 pcs.). At first they reveal at the bottom of the spike, then bloom closer to the top. During the day, it can bloom up to 15 small flowers.

After the swords, the wounds are combined into one fruit, which is known to us under the name of Pineapple.

To force a blooming of the spikes of pineapples on plantations, they are treated with special gas, and earlier for these purposes the smoke of fires was used.

So that the plant does not give seeds, it is carefully protected from pollination. They put on special caps on inflorescences so that the hummingbirds cannot poll the pineapples.

Gather fruits with special equipment.

History of pineapple

Interestingly, Pineapple appeared in Brazil, and especially spreading the Islands of the Caribbean. The locals even grown him in order to eat wine from it, and from leaves - clothes.

Europeans decorated their feasts pineapple. If this fruit was on the table, it means that the owner was rich enough. One pineapple cost as much as an adult bull.

ANA-ANA translated from the language of the Indians - a strong smell. Rineapple with English. - Apple-bump.

In Russia, pineapples began to cultivate in Orangers with Catherine Great. Russians Pineapple seemed like cabbage. Therefore, it was used in the sauars, stewed, as well as acidic borschs and.

Where are pineapples grow?

Pineapples were born on one of the high mountain plateau South America. Today they are grown

  • in Brazil,
  • in Mexico,
  • in India,
  • and even in Africa and Australia.

Thailand, where we recently visited, exported pineapples around the world. The larger varieties grow here.

Taste of pineapple

The fruit has a sour-sweet taste. If you get an immature pineapple, you risk burning lips, so it will be caustic.

Poland use

Ripe fruit can be called a mini-pharmacy in the assortment:

  • - Pineapple is able to slow down aging: antioxidants in its composition prevent free radicals to destroy the cells of the body;
  • - Vitamins A and beta-carotines have a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • - Enzymes improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of this enzyme (bromeline) can be felt in the degree of "corrosion of the language". Therefore, pineapple juice can be added to Steak, and it quickly softens meat.
  • - This miraculous enzyme breaks off protein cells, thereby reducing the risk of cancer to a minimum. After all, malignant cells are proteins.
  • - Vitamin C contributes to the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is a necessary protein that retains the integrity of tissues, organs, vessels;
  • - Vitamin C is needed for immunity. Pineapple flesh can easily facilitate ORVI symptoms.
  • - Pineapple can accelerate wound healing;
  • - Delicious fruit is a powerful antidepressant;
  • - the fiber in its composition helps to reduce weight, dull feeling of hunger and improving digestion;
  • - Because of its water, the fruit helps with the prevention of thrombosis, as it dilutes blood.


For the sense of pineapple, it is enough to eat half the fetus per day.

Harm pineapple

  • excessive use of pineapple damages mucous mouth, tooth enamel, causes diarrhea;
  • it is impossible to use fruit in gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • pineapple is harmful to pregnant women, since substances in its composition cause muscle cuts, reinforce the tone;
  • in children under 6 years old, irritation of the intestinal mucosa may appear,
  • pineapplated Pineapple Allergies and those who do not tolerate the components in the composition of the fruit.

How to choose pineapple

  1. A delicious fruit is 90% consisted of water, so very light fruit will be exactly tasteless.
  2. It is impossible to pay attention to the color of the peel when choosing: and green pineapples can be ripe.
  3. Pineapple leaves should be bright, fresh. They can be easily removed from the fetus.
  4. With a slight pressure of the peel should not form dents.
  5. There should be no spots on the most tasty and juicy pineapple.
  6. Too strong smell indicates that Pineapple overripe and not worth buying it.
  7. The most useful pineapple - with a yellow pulp.

In general, there are pineapples in moderation more likely, than the opposite. Where to find Ryabchikov, I will not tell me, but the fact that the most nice pineapples can be found in the kingdom of Thailand - verified for yourself. Therefore, collect suitcases if you want to be forever young and slender, and go on the journey. Maybe it will not work to get to Thailand, but any journey in a good company will become a panacea in the fight against old age and bad mood.

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Many are surprised by learning how Pineapple grows. We are accustomed to collect potatoes, radishes and other roots, but tropical plants are associated exclusively with exotic palm trees. But Pineapple - the plant is not only tasty and useful, but also completely unique, it grows right on Earth. Today it will be about how to grow it in a pot on the windowsill.

What is pineapple

There are still disputes between scientists on how to classify it. Believe it to the Bromeliev family, this is a herbaceous fruit plant. According to the method of fruiting, it looks like a cabbage, but still pineapple - fruit. His homeland is arid areas of South America. Plant is a perennial, the fruit collection can occur regularly.

Contrary to the assurances, it grows not in the ground, like root. From the soil, there are straight leaves up to 90 cm long. In the center, inflorestection is formed on a fleet of fleet, from which the fruit is formed. Probably, everyone will be interested to know that the elegant bump is a nozzle, the accumulation of small fruits, each of which is formed from his flower. Therefore, its surface is so cellular. Hummingbird's birds pollinate, and what we eat are fruit of self-absorbed colors that do not form seeds. Knowing how the pineapple grows, you can try to put it and at home.

Where the pineapples grow

Pineapples grow not only in their homeland, but also in all tropical countries, in Hawaii, the Philippines, a significant number of plantations in India. In Russia, they are also engaged in cultivation, but for this use greenhouses. An amazing spectacle is fields engaged in pineapple. From the ground, fleshy spiny stalks rise, and their golden bumps walked. Depending on the diversion of maturation, the color may vary from red to straw yellow.

In the first year, seeds are used for landing. After about 12 months, the plant launches the arrow and begins to form a fruit. After its ripening, it enters the phase of reproduction and produces side processes from the sinuses. They are collected for growing new plants and in order for Pineapple to be fruit again. After collecting the second harvest, the plants are uprooted and planted plantation again. The presence of seeds in the fruits strongly spoils their taste, so people diligently prevent pollination.

Probably, the reader will be interested to know how Pineapple is growing in the wild. These plants have more powerful leaves and smaller fruits. Since the birds here nobody prevents the pineapples here, they are full of seeds. Some animals are happy to be touched by these fruits.

Methods of breeding

If we talk about how Pineapple grows, the question of reproduction arises. There are three ways. The first is seeds. So that they were horseshi, the fruit must be routine, with a soft pulp, while bridge fruits are collected by green. They ripen immediately under the skin. In the pot, it is possible to grow such seeds, but it will take long years, and then subject to the appropriate conditions. Otherwise, the sprout will die.

The second way is the side shoots. The adult plant letters with sides with small horsters, resembling the top of the fetus, and after some time the roots begin to grow. Then you can cut and plant them.

The third method is most accessible. They usually use if they want to grow such an exotic plant. This is the top with a regular bump fruit. Green Khokholok, which we usually throw out, can become a valuable planting material. Pineapple cultivation - the occupation is very interesting. Even if he won't be fruit, it looks like very impressive. And if your friends are interested in flower growing, then pineapple, planted in a beautiful pot, will become an excellent gift.

Rooting the plant in water

First you need to choose a good fruit. It is important that it has no rot and traces of diseases, a separate attention should be paid to the quality of the leaves. Upstairs there should be a strong "sultan" from green leaves. Plays the role and time of year. Fruit bought in winter with a greater fraction of probability will be frozen, even a slight time spent on the cold air, it will lose the opportunity to root. The most suitable season for the purchase is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. Choose fruits in good supermarkets, on the market is too highly likely to buy a depressed product.

Growing pineapples at home will not require tremendous skills in gardening. The main thing is the patience and compliance with the temperature regime. This is a little later, and now you need to separate the green joke from the pulp as soon as possible. To do this, you need to collect all the leaves in the bundle and the elegant movement of the hand turn counterclockwise. You have a cutlery from which the bottom leaves should be removed. At the same time, the roots can be expounded, but they should not be hoped, they will not be sprouting. Do not hurry to put a cutting into the water, he will definitely start. It is better to rinse it in a weak solution of manganese and hang on the rope for drying for three days. During this time, cuts will be sent. So far you can enjoy the beautiful taste of tropical fruit.

Prepare a dark glass with a soft lid, in which you can do the hole and fasten the stalk well, so that the upper leaves do not float in water. From above on a jar with pineapple pineapple to wear a plastic bag to keep the wet microclimate. Water should be changed for about once every two days. With the appearance of the roots (about a month later) you can remove the package and take a transplant in the ground.

Rooting in the substrate

Some prefer to immediately plant a cutlery in a pot, so as not to injure the roots when transplanting. Also carefully need to choose a healthy large fruit and a clean knife cut off the upper part along with the green "Cocardian". Now carefully separate the extra pulp, so that the green part is left with a small foot-penet. Mandatory step is to dry outlet. It is also washed in a solution of manganese and leave suspended on the rope, so it should spend 3-5 days.

Next, in the soil make a deepening in which activated carbon puffs, and the outlet is placed there, slightly moistened. It is very important to establish additional struts to which the cuttings can be attached so that it does not fall. From above, you need to closely close the package. Put in a light warm place, the socket is rooted at a temperature of about 27 degrees. After about a month and a half the roots will appear, and the package can be removed. Watering need to be gradually and necessarily warm water.

Plant landing. We select a pot

Initially, the plant requires a pot of the same diameter as Pineapple himself. As it grows, it is possible to increase the volume, but even for an adult plant, it should not exceed 3-4 liters. As a substrate, you can take a ready-made soil for bromelia, cacti or succulents. There is also a mixture for orchids. Do not forget to make a good drainage from the grainsitis and make holes. If you prepare a mixture yourself, then take 2 pieces of the turf of the land and one part of the leaf land, humid and sand. Top 3 centimeters Potcharge should be filled with a mixture of sand and leaf slowing down, and in the center - make a deepening and pour charcoal. The first transplant plant may be required in a year, while take a pot of a few more diameter.

Flowering and subordinate

Growing pineapples at home - the process is extremely fascinating. Do not wait for a quick result. In the first year, the plant will actively grow, only by the middle of the second year of life, pineapple can release the arrow. Usually for the pot plant, this figure moves to age in two and a half years. If you did not wait for the arrows, you can try to stimulate its appearance artificially. Remember that Pineapple is grass, flowering and subsequent fruiting inevitably leads to the death of the plant. In room conditions, it is almost impossible to achieve a second harvest. Another thing is that after fruiting the plant actively multiplies, and you can put a large number of melts. They are already adapted to the surrounding conditions and will grow much faster.

Most. simple way Stimulation of flowering is the creation of conditions close to the natural habitat of the plant. To help flowers for sale special meanswho are able to awaken pineapple. The simplest is ethylene. It can be obtained, laying up ripe red apples around the plant. But calculated the amount of gas released is difficult, as well as the likelihood of flowering. It is much more reliable to use calcium carbide. One teaspoon is dissolved in 0.5 liters of water and insisted when the lid is tightly closed during the day. Then the infusion should be accurately merged so that the precipitate remains at the bottom. The resulting water should be watering the plant once a day for a week, pouring 50 ml of fluid into the central part of the socket. Within two months you will see bloom, which lasts only one day, and the beginning of the formation of charming fruit-bumps.

So that the plant grew well and develops, requires a mandatory feeding. This is the answer to the question of how beautiful your pineapple will be. How much it grows in nature, we know about 2 years. At home, lifespan, decorative properties and fruiting depend on a greater extent of the plant's nutrition. Every 10 days it is fed by complex mineral fertilizer. You can use a lessed infusion of a cow. You can not use alkaline fertilizers, wood ashes, lime.


For normal growth and development requires an annual transshipment. This is a type of transplant. Its feature is that the gentle roots are not affected, the plant is transferred to a larger pot together with the land of land, which should be pre-slightly adding. Choose a pot of slightly large than the previous one.

Temperature mode

If you decide to grow home pineapple, care will be to maintain a sufficient level of heat and humidity. This is a tropical plant, so the whole period from March to September the temperature should be not lower than 28 degrees. It is necessarily good lighting, not less than 12 hours a day, but preferably without direct sunlight, although the adult plant does not receive burns even on the southern window. In winter it is better to contain at a temperature of 22 degrees. If the thermometer column drops below 20, then the plant will begin to root and can perish. Drafts are also unacceptable, and in winter, additional lighting of the luminescent lamp is required.


Enough capricious plant in terms of irrigation. Have you seen pineapples grow? The photo of exotic plantations show huge areas planted with barbed plants that heated and dries the sun, fueled the moisture streams of warm rains. Approximately the same way to act at home: to give the opportunity to the soil slightly dry, and then pour a warm rain or melt water, be sure to spray the leaves and add water to the center of the socket.


As you can see, the cultivation of pineapple is a very interesting and exciting occupation. The plant will delight you not only with decorative leaves, but also beautiful colors, and if you are lucky, you can enjoy homemade fruits.

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