
Whiskey composition and manufacture. How and from what whiskey make - species, composition and production technology. It happens two types

I was invited to participate in a press tour to the country of whiskey. Irish whiskey. 3 days stood cloudy weather. But the better I was able to focus on contemplating the process of manufacturing and biting his fruits. And since I love whiskey very much and respect in every way, then all seen and experienced by his own sense of smell and taste tried to capture in the photo.

A Vissocurn, where I visited, called Bushmills by the name of the village in which it is located. By the way, 2 kilometers from it is famous ...

In order not to reinvent the bike and not to talk about the production technologies, which are already so saying enough, I will give an excerpt from Wikipedia. The production process consists of the following main stages:

1. Preparation of barley malt, or barley location. Barley is carefully crossed, clean and dried. Then it is soaked and scattered with a layer of 5-7 cm on the floor of the licorid for germination within 7-10 days. Groced grain (malt) enters drying. If the grain is not gentle, then the obtained whiskey is called grain (grain). In its pure form, it almost does not go on sale, but is used for blend.

2. Drying malt. In Scotland, malt is dried by hot smoke from the combustion of peat, charcoal and beech chips, thus obtaining "smoked grain". As a result, the finished product has a characteristic smoky iodisto peat fragrance, distinguishing Scottish whiskey from all other. In Ireland smoke for malt drying is not used.

3. Getting wort. The malt grind, getting flour (grist), mix with hot water and withstand 8-12 hours, resulting in a sweet liquid (Wort).

4. Fermentation (fermentation). Yeast is added to the cooled wort, and for two days, fermentation is produced at 35-37 ° C. As a result of fermentation, a weak alcoholic drink is obtained, like a beer (Wash) fortress about 5%. The third and fourth stages are characteristic of the production of many alcoholic beverages and for whiskey are not specific.

5. Distillation. Braga distilled two (sometimes three) times in copper distillation devices (Pot Still) having a form of retort. As a result of distillation in the first apparatus (Wash Still), the volume of 7-23 thousand liters is obtained by a liquid with a strength of 25-30%, which is the name of "weak wine" (LOW WINES). It enters the second apparatus (Spirits Still), which has a volume of 6-21 thousand liters, and distilves another one. The product of the second distillation is a whiskey fortress up to 70%. During the second distillation, the "head" and "tail" are separated, that is, those parts of the distillate, which come out of the device at the beginning and at the end of the distillation process, and are separated only by the average fraction. The remaining "head" and "tail" is added to Low Wines and again direct on distillation. The form of distillation devices strongly affects the final taste of whiskey. Each vissoctern has a POT Stills of its own form and container. It is believed that high and narrow distillation devices give whiskey more easy and thin than small and wide. When old apparatus is replaced, then new manufactures, accurately reproducing the shape of the old, up to defects (convexities and dents) to preserve the taste of the whiskey manufactured. The resulting alcohol is diluted with water to the fortress 50-63.5% about.

6. Excerpt. It is produced in oak barrels. The most appropriate is the Spanish barrels from under the sherry. This element of technology appeared in the XVIII century. In order to reuse the barrels in which wine was imported from Spain, and turned out to be extremely successful. If the whiskey is withstanding only in such barrels, the manufacturer reports this as an additional evidence of high-quality drink. Since such barrels are not enough, the barrels from the American white oak, which previously contained Bourbon or specially treated with cheap sherry are used. It was at the stage of the barrel extracts whiskey acquires characteristic color and flavoring properties: it darkens, becomes softer, gets an additional fragrance.

7. Swimming. To obtain mixed whiskey (blended whisky), various malt varieties are mixed separately (from 15 to 50 grades) and grain (3-4 grain whisky) whiskeys of various shutter speeds (at least 3 years). Then they are connected and withstand a few more months. Some recipes are already hundreds of years, but manufacturers are developing new or modified old in accordance with the requirements of the market. The meaning of the swimming is to use cheap grain whiskey, obtaining the product of standard quality and connecting the best properties of various varieties of malt whiskey in one finished drink. The first mixed whiskey, which was widespread, Old Vatted Glenlivet, was developed by Andrew Asher (Andrew User) in 1853. The production of mixed whiskey in the UK is regulated by law from 1860. On the swimming wizard lies a difficult task of mixing varieties of malt and grain whiskey in this way, In order not to just create a unique blend, but also to support his constancy from year to year. Everyone selected for swimming whiskey master should be tasting immediately after distillation, as well as during its ripening in barrels. There are two types of swimming:

* Different varieties of malt and grain whiskey are mixed in special vessels, where it is kept for 24 hours. Then this mixture is placed in barrels and a few weeks are bottled. Thus, it turns out cheap whiskey;

* Select various varieties of malt whiskey, then in special vessels mixed with grain whiskey. In order to improve the quality of blend, it is maintained for 6-8 months in oak barrels. This period is called the "wedding". Thus produce a more expensive high-quality whiskey.

8. Pouring. Before bottling, whiskey is filtered through paper membranes at a temperature of from 2 to 10 ° C and diluted with spring water to the necessary fortress. If on the bottle of mixed whiskey is the term of its excerpt, it refers to the age of the youngest whiskey, which is in Blend. If the share of older (from 12 years of excerpts) of malt whiskey is large, then the word de luxe is present in the title of whiskey.

In this chane, the wort is obtained. Knives are hosted by malt flour, mixed with hot water and press all water (Wort):


Inside the fermentation process takes place:


The most fascinating attraction, the final of which is alcoholic knockout. Slowly lowering his head in Chan, we absolutely do not expect the lightning smell of alcohol. A different way to describe my feelings is simply impossible:


Copper distillation devices (POT Still) having a form of retort. Distillation in Ireland occurs 3 times unlike Scotland, where it is tapered and made only 2. Constructs for some reason reminded the Gauf's fairy tale about the glass from the "Cold Heart":


Figure 2 on the device means that it is intended for a second distillation. Inside it is a spiral, and the principle of operation completely resembles the work of the electric kettle:


Most of all, we all interested in a pipe with a white inscription, which we dubbed the "alcohol". It is strange, but it was not allowed to dry holes and stay there:


Barrels. Many barrels. A total of 3 sizes of barrels. Each of these barrels in which before this was contained by Bourbon from Kentucky, can be used only 3 times. And there is such a container as much as $ 100 per piece. They have only 200,000 barrels. And produce whiskey 6.5 million liters per year:


Each barrel is burned. The drink in it retains the ability to breathe. The smallest pores in the tree allow oxygen to penetrate inside, oxidizing ethanol. So whiskey acquires its wonderful taste:


In the sign on Viscocur, we all signed on the barrel. After 5 years, it "matures" a great whiskey in it, for which I will come to the bushmill once again:


There is there and my signature. Question mark attributed Azamat. without my knowledge…


Tara, moving by the force of one person, is sent to the warehouse, where he will hold the next few years:


So the workshop itself looks like. Horfootar descends on top of the screw conveyor:


Fascinating bottle movement process:


Sparkling amber whiskey:


Please note that all European production workers use earplugs. Mandatory condition for labor protection:


Ready drink, spilled in barrels. Believe it, there is a lot of it:


Local "Mentopanoram". This probe must be buried and, not straight, pour whiskey into a cooked glass. The length of the probe is 1 meter ...


In the hands of the girl, this process looks extraordinarily beautiful. However, she poured whiskey. And by me, thanks to his natural guafection (and modesty), guessed to intercept the dipstick and did not break away a drop:


All produced by a viscous range of drinks:


Everything is ready for tasting. Caps - glass, holding aroma inside the glasses:


Master of Cupaja or "Chief Technologist of the enterprise" told how to properly drink whiskey. The most important rule: to enjoy and it does not matter, you get it mixing his whiskey with a cola or apple juice, whether you add ice or water into it. The most important thing is that you like:


Tasting passed as follows: We first chatted whiskey in a glass, looked like it flows down the walls back down, sniffed, made a little sip and saved. The master of bathage also "listened" whiskey:


Before each tasting, he uttered some toast like these:

When you drink - you get tired
When you get tired - you fall asleep,
When you sleep - you do not sin
When you do not sin - you get to heaven.
So drink to get to paradise!

Let's drink for our wives and girlfriends! And for the fact that they never met!

After the first pharmacy, we diluted the whiskey with a small amount of water. It was possible to observe how the water is beautifully mixed in a glass. Water is added to "split" the surface of the whiskey and fill the glass of its aroma:


Every time on tastings, I am amazed how the masters beautifully describe the taste of the drink. They manage to find the shades of raisins in it, hints on nuts or something else, which is clearly not there. Listen and look at yourself:

Personal bottle of whiskey - my. What is evidenced by the inscription on it. Managed to make a mistake in the name:


Finishing the alcohol theme, I want to show 2 more drinks that we drank on a trip. "HARP" - a real Irish lager with a magnificent taste:


The Guinness Experiment, which will be held for 3 months. The company for the first time released a lager and watches consumer demand. Sold only in Ireland. I like it:


The surrounding space is packed. There is no anxiety in it. But at the same time, this land for the spirits of people. It feels:


The little island next to Bushmills, with which the rope bridge is connected:


To walk along it - solid pleasure.

Bad whiskey does not happen. Just some whiskey varieties are better than others.
William Falkner

Whiskey - Star of Duty Free stores, male sites and any respected bar. It is difficult to find a person who at least once, even if the cinema did not hear about whiskey. It is drinking cowboys in Westerns and oil magnates, presidents and beggars, whiskey is mixed in cocktails or drink simply with ice. Whiskey with soda has long been no longer just a drink, but a cinematic brand, although experts claim that it is soda that allows you to reveal to taste and fragrance of whiskey.

If we speak scientific language, then whiskey (whisky, whiskey) is a strong alcoholic drink of a pleasant straw color, with smoky aroma and a strong fragrant taste. Whiskey is prepared by distillation. Barley, corn, wheat and rye are used as raw materials.

The history of this drink is traced from the end of the 15th century, when in documents for the first time mention of the purchase and sale of barley malt, as well as references to uISGE BEATHA.that Celtic is translated as "live water" and directly hints at the Latin name Aqua Vitae alcohol. Celtic name for long 5 centuries changed many times with uISGE on UISCE, FUISCE, UISKIE And finally, the word has become familiar to us. whisk.

The distillation technology was believed to be brought to Europe Crusaders who borrowed a secret from Arabs. The manufacture of alcohol for medical purposes from various products has been engaged in monasteries from the 12th century, but alcohol is still far from whiskey. Decisive in the history of whiskey, as it often happens, played the case. On the british islands Drinks from Spain and Portugal - Jerez, Madera and Portugal, who were transported in strong, heavy oak kegs were enjoying much popularity. The barrels were devastated and remained in the "economy." Someone first flooded in an empty barrel from under Jerez alcohol obtained by distillation of barley malt, and in a few years found that alcohol acquired a stunning flavor and taste. Hold out in old oak wine barrels and has become the main secret of Scottish vinokurov.

A new drink quickly gained popularity, and Vinokura Ireland and Scotland constantly upgraded technology and improved the quality of whiskey. The decisive stage on this path was the idea of \u200b\u200bmixing old weathered whiskey with young in various proportions. Moreover, the varieties of whiskey from different raw materials were mixed. Bathing or mixture of different whiskey opened endless possibilities for creating unique varieties. By the mid-19th century, the technology was established, and in 1860 a law regulating the quality of whiskey was published in Britain. In 1890, there was an unprecedented growth in the production of whiskey, the origin of many modern brands and brands, the overall quality of whiskey improved, elite and collectible varieties appeared.

Currently, the main exporter of whiskey is the United Kingdom, in second place - Canada, on the third - the United States, then follow Ireland and, oddly enough, Japan. Each manufacturing country has its own distinctive features, for example, in Scotland, so far as the main raw material use barley malt, practice an excerpt in oak barrels near the sea and take a real peat for the drying of malt. In the USA for whiskey, they use mainly corn and call their drink bourbon. or whiskey.. In Ireland, preparing the best light whiskey with a refined taste and aroma without a haze. Japanese whiskey is less smoky and "peat" than Scottish, has a thinner taste, although it is manufactured according to Scottish traditions.

Types of whiskey

According to the international classification, whiskey is divided into several categories.

For raw materials:
. Malt whiskey (Malt Whisky) is called a drink only from barley malt.
. Grain Whiskey (grain whiskey) make corn, wheat and rye.
. Bolded whiskey (blended whiskey) is obtained by mixing malt with grain whiskey.

Separately several subcategories of malt whiskey differ:
. Vatted Malt - a mixture of whiskey different distillers. Marked on the label as pure Malt. or bledd Malt..
. Single Malt - whiskey of one distillery. If the label also indicates single Cask.This means that whiskey from one barrel. Otherwise, there may be a blend of several barrels.
. Single Cask - Whiskey from a separate barrel. It can be undiluted (50-60%) or up to 40% of the fortress.
. Cask Strength - whiskey of a barrel fortress, otherwise - undiluted whiskey, fortress up to 65% alcohol.

A US classification is worth a mansion:
. Bourbon (Bourbon). Contains at least 51% of corn in raw materials.
. rye whiskey (Rye whiskey). Contains at least 51% rye in raw materials (Susle).
. Corn whiskey (Corn Whiskey). Contains 80% or more corn in raw materials. It is maintained necessarily in new unregulated barrels.
. Wheat Whiskey (Wheat Whiskey). At least 51% of wheat.
. Blended Whiskey, in which there must be at least 20% straight whiskey.
. Light whiskey (Light Whiskey). Differs on very light shades. It is maintained in old barrels.
. Sour Mash Whiskey. Explosion, remaining from the previous wort, is added to the young to activate fermentation. Most American whiskey is made on this technology.
. Sweet Mash Whiskey indicates that the proceeding process was not applied, and fermentation is caused by yeast.
. Tennessee whiskey. Cleansed with a coal filter from Clean wood.
. Bottled-in-Bond whiskey. It is maintained from 4 to 8 years in special warehouses controlled by the US government.

Whiskey from Scotland, Ireland, USA, Canada and Japan

Scotland is considered to be the homeland whiskey and ranks first in the export of this drink. About 90% of unambiguous single-beam whiskey is made in Scotland. Whiskey from this region is distinguished by smoky aroma, saturated color and the richest shades of taste. For some taste of Scottish whiskey, even unnecessarily bright. Most elite temples are based in Scotland.

Ireland although it takes the fourth place in the number of exported whiskey, but is one of the applicants for "birthright". Some believe that the first whiskey was made in Ireland, and the disputes still do not subscribe about this. The first difference of Irish whiskey can be considered the writing of the very name of the drink. Irish add an excess letter and write whiskey.. The same word is called whiskey in the USA and Canada - in places where migrants from Ireland founded distillery. The second difference is considered the fact that malt in Ireland is not dried with the help of peat, rather a long time ago refused to use special furnaces instead of peat. From this malt, it turns out less fragile, but in general the flavor and the taste of the drink is noticeably thinner and more elegant. However, this is a matter of taste. The third difference is that in barrels from under Jerez, most of the Irish Whiskey are withstanding. Another difference: in Ireland, the blend is withstanding in oak barrels of only a few weeks or even days before spilling around the bottle. Well, the main difference is the absence of peat taste and smell, which is an indisputable plus for someone, and to whom and minus.

Whiskey in the USA, as in Canada, only relatively recently became expensive drink good quality. Even in the 20th century, the American whiskey was, above all, "just a strong drink", an analogue of the Russian moonshine. But competition from European brands and the opportunity to earn quickly everything changed for the better. The main production of the American whiskey is concentrated on grain raw materials. The malt is practically not used. The main difference is the technology: American whiskey is prepared without the use of malt, dried by peat, and the taste and color of it give to him the charred from the inside of oak barrels in which the grain alcohol is withstanding.

Whiskey from Japan - sounds exotic. But for many years, Japan has been fifth in the world in the world of whiskey and makes a very high-quality drink close to the properties to the Scottish and Irish whiskey, but with its own characteristics. The technology of production of the Japanese whiskey is almost identical to Scottish, but even more accurate and technological, brought to perfection with its characteristic efforts. In Japan, filled with grain and malt whiskey, oak barrels from under Jerez and Maders, as well as new Japanese oak barrels. Whiskey from new barrels is interesting to connoisseurs of whiskey. The new taste and gamma flavors are always very interesting to collectors and are available to simple lovers thanks to a low price ($ 5-30 per bottle of Japanese whiskey). 90% of whiskey in Japan are banging. As a rule, it is 40% of malt varieties in premium class and up to 10% in economy brands.

Japanese whiskey is divided into three categories:
. Special (the word is present on the label) - 30% malt whiskey.
. The first category is at least 20% of the malt whiskey.
. The second category is at least 10% of the malt whiskey.
Up to 15% of the Scottish malt whiskey is added to the best samples of the Japanese whiskey. Prices for Japanese whiskey are very democratic. For a 700 ml 12-year-old Suntory Pure Malt spout about $ 15.

How to drink whiskey

There is a Russian translation of the famous Scottish "Rules of five S": Sight, Smell, Swish, Swallow, Splash, that in Russian will sound like "Rule of five P": see, sniff, put, swallow and splashing water. Initially, pour whiskey into a glass and enjoy the color of the drink, which is the dark, the longer he was withstanding in the oak barrel.

Then you need to breathe aroma. The best glass for whiskey, as for brandy and similar drinks, is a glass-tulip. The drink is spinning in a glass and brings to the nose, but inhale not too much. You can drink from thick-walled glasses, especially if it is a simple bathed unbeatable whiskey, but you should always pour into a glass "on the bottom." The fragrance of a real weathered whiskey is saved in a glass for several days.

After "dating" with color and aroma make the first sip. Rate the aftertaste, it should be pleasant and long. Typically, whiskey is served with an extra glass of water, lemon juice or cola for mixing (straight) or with ice cubes (on the rocks). Some types of whiskey, such as the Cask Straight (bar fortress) reaches a fortress in 60% of alcohol, they are customary to dilute, since in its pure form such a fortress can cause numbness of taste receptors. The whiskey of the usual fortress (up to 43%) is diluted to taste or drink in its pure form. Single-beam, unaccompanied whiskey is taken to drink exclusively undiluted and preferably in a setting, like a drink and its price (up to $ 7000 for some varieties). There are fans of various blending options and styles. The most simple is considered whiskey with soda (carbonated water).

What to drink whiskey

It is believed that whiskey is better not to mix anything like cognac, Armagnac, Grappa or Calvados. However, alcohol almost always causes the strongest appetite, and over time there sustainable combinations This drink with products. Temples of three-year exposures and simple shocks are very well combined with apple juice. In Ireland, whiskey is made to combine with seafood and solid cheeses (like Calvados in Normandy). Professional tastors prefer not to add anything to whiskey, except for several drops of clean cold spring water. So the taste and aroma of the drink is revealed, whiskey becomes more fragrant. In Portugal, whiskey is not diluted, but the portion of a good whiskey is necessarily driving a freshly prepared espresso with cream. Bourbon and simple inexpensive whiskey are diluted or dried with apple, cherry or grapefruit juice. In the US, a mix of Bourbon, water and sugar is very popular.

Whiskey is an alcoholic and aromatic drink, which was most appreciated by the inhabitants of Misty Albion and the United States. A rather common question, what makes the technology of whiskey production and what is the technology? It is worth noting that the technology of making whiskey is very difficult. To make it, germinated corn grains, rye, barley or wheat are needed. Actually grain and are the main components of the drink of interest.

  • The process of making an alcoholic beverage begins with the fact that wheat, corn, rye or barley is placed in vacepling, filled with water at least by 2 to 4 days.
  • The next stage - grain removed from the chains and scattered in special drying chambers. Over the next 12 days of grain, daily flipped manually in anticipation of the moment when they germinate.
  • When the barley grains germinate, then starch, which is included in their composition, is partly transformed into sugar.
  • Further, the gentle grains go to the mill, after which they fall into a special container to rub them using the conveyor.
  • In this container, barley is flooded with boiling water and stirred so that sugar, which is part of the grains, was dissolved and was formed.
  • Further, the wort is allowed to cool, after which they are transferred to the containers, where the yeast is added. The active fermentation of the product begins, as a result of which sugar sugar is transformed into alcohol. The duration of the fermentation process is at least two weeks.
  • Ultimately, we get a product that is called - malt milk, which will be subjected to distillation using special equipment.

Formula for the success of the perfect alcoholic beverage

Perhaps the most important factor during the cooking of the drink is form of distilted cubeSince it is from her that the nature of the product will depend on it. For example, if a distillation cube has a short neck, then at the exit we will get an oily whiskey with a rich aroma, and if the cube has a high and oblong neck, then the whiskey will be less oily with the bare aroma.

The malt milk when heated passes through the first cube of the device, the alcohol pairs are actively climes up, entering the serpentor by removal. Then the distilled drink goes into the second, alcohol distillation cube of the device and the whole process is repeated again. Flowing from there The liquid enters a special glass container.

It is worth noting that in the production of whiskey, not only the quality of raw materials and the apparatus plays a huge role but also the experience of the Vinorur. During the distillation and distillation, Vinokur does not have the opportunity to smell or try the taste of a drink, everything that he remains - to evaluate the situation exclusively on the "Eye". Most of the alcohol is placed in special containers for its further maturation.

As for the duration of the aging of whiskey, then a purely theoretically, the distillation process can be completed within one week, however, a good whiskey should ripen at least three years. In fact, the solid malt whiskey matches 8 to 15 years.

The last stage of cooking is Cold filtering of whiskey and its excerpt in special oak barrels, where barley alcohol, being fermented, turns into a first-class whiskey. During the time of whiskey becomes darker, acquiring the characteristic color, aroma and taste.

Classification of whiskey

This alcoholic drink is three species. Mixed, grain malt. The latter is divided into three more types:

Much popularity has acquired a single-beam drink, unlike barrel, which is kept, as mixed in oak barrels and is characterized by a fortress of 40 degrees. The recipe was lost in medieval year, however, he managed to restore it in 1960 in Scotland. Previously, the pebbles were believed that whiskey should be loosen exclusively by bathing, since it is characterized by a sharp taste and smell. As a result, new varieties of beverage were obtained, each of which possesses unique features and properties.

The overwhelming majority of the grain of the drink Used for swimming, as for the small part, it goes on sale in a non-clear form. If the drink is subjected to additional cleaning, then in the future it will be used for the production of vodka or gin. For the first it is distilled about five times.

Mixed whiskey They are obtained by pumping malt and grain species. The most popular drink, where the proportion of pure whiskey is more than 90%, and various ingredients come to the remaining 10%.

Village whiskey

Scottish - indisputable leader

In Scotland itself, this drink is divided by five varietieswhich differ from each other with taste and fortress: a grain blending, a malt blended, burned, grain and single-beam.

At the very beginning, Scotland specialized in the production of malt whiskey, whose preparation used barley grains. The malt was dried by hot air, mixed with hot water to produce Susl sugar, subjected to fermentation and distilled. On the outcome received alcohol, which was kept in oak barrels.

The quality of water, peat and beverage, which was kept in oak barrels, plays a huge role for taste.

Irish whiskey is one of the leaders

This drink is rightfully belongs to the title of the oldest in Europe. In most cases, it is subjected to triple distillation, and during the drying of malt to the use of peat, they are rarely resorted, so the taste of smoke is not peculiar to it. The entire Irish whiskey is divided into four varieties: bathed, clean, one-one-room and single-beam. Based on the variety of the beverage, its shutter speed may vary from 8 to 15 years.

Raw Material for Irish Whiskey serves malt and barley grains. And also, add other cereals: oats, rye and wheat. However, the main component of the Irish drink is natural clean water. If the composition includes auxiliary components, then they will definitely be indicated on the bottle label. Mixed types of whiskey acquired the greatest popularity. To date, in Ireland, they resort to seven stages of manufacture of drink.

First of all, this is a malt drying, further withstanding the drink and its distillation, batting and other manipulations. At the final stage, Vinokur determines the nature of the variety, sometimes connecting more than 40 different components. Then, the resulting mixture is filtered and diluted with the necessary amount of water, after which it is sent to the spill into the bottles.

Does the temples of the sloped grain? Yes, this method of cooking is also known. But he has few adherents: alcohol obtained in this way is distinguished by gross taste.


The next step is dried by grain. Water merge. Then:

  • place grain in the fresh air;
  • waiting for 2-3 days;
  • place the grain into the oven.

If you immediately send barley or corn to the hot stove, it will translate. This also does not really affect the final result.

"Raisin" of this stage: in Scotland and Japan manufacturers the marsh peat is used In order for the resulting scotch gained a characteristic "smoky" fragrance.

The dried grain remove sprouts. If this is not done, "live water" will have a bitter taste.

Preparation of Sousla

Heating is gradually. At first, the wort reaches a temperature of 38-40ºС. At this stage, flour and water becomes a homogeneous mass. The temperature grows. Consistently occurs:

  • protein cleavage (at 52-55ºС values);
  • sehalation of sugar (temperature from 72 to 75ºС);
  • the formation of sugar substances (with an increase in temperature to 78ºС).

When the process comes to this stage, the heating is stopped, the wort is removed from the fire and is cooled to a temperature slightly above room.


It is necessary to saturate Sousl oxygen. If you neglect this step, the fermentation will be impossible. Take the second container and overflow the wort into it, highly raising the Chan, in which the wort was originally.

Connect the following ingredient - yeast. They are added to the wort.

Install the hydraulic table and for 3 days leave future whiskey indoors, where the temperature is 37ºС. Heat for 3 days is formed. Her fortress is 5%. Taste reminds only devoid of hops.

2 distillation remain.

Distillation first

Finished Braga is poured into the cube. The first distillation goes to water. Its outcome - the formation of raw alcohol. But it is impossible to use it: it is not suitable for the manufacture of whiskey. Therefore, alcohol distinguish the second time.

Distillation Two

The second distillation is carried out, overflowing into a copper cube. Fractional distillation is necessary: \u200b\u200bwe select "tails", "body" and "heads".

The head fraction should be separated like this: on the tablespoon of alcohol from each liter. This liquid can then be used for technical purposes or just pour.

The second part is clean - drinking. There are no clear rules with respect to "tails". If you leave a lot of "tails", it will get a sweet whiskey. Few manufacturers carry out such experiments: a kind of drink, may not please buyers.

If you completely remove the "tails", then alcohol will be fresh.

This main part of production ends. Active actions are no longer required: it remains only to wait "Jerking" Drink.


Ready alcohol is spilled in oak. Ideally, it should be a container in which another alcohol-containing drink was previously stored. Each manufacturer has its own secrets. Sometimes whiskey is poured into clean, have never been used by barrels.

In the barbs whiskey stays from 3 to 5 years. At this time processes go:

  • extraction ("pulling" of fragrances);
  • oxidation;
  • filtration;
  • evaporation.

Whiskey acquires its original color - goes colorization. Wood absorbs, which remain in alcohol after fermentation and distillation.

Interestingly, a certain subspecies of the tree gives taste of characteristic notes. So, if whiskey is stored in a barrel of American oak, in alcohol will be present bright vanilla notes. If this is a French oak - the tastor will feel taste of cinnamon. And the Hungarian Oak will give a curious combination: vanilla with chocolate.

Not always placed alcohol into oak barrels. As a replacement is perfect oak chip. These are waste of construction production.

Scoop prepare specially:

  • dried in the sun;
  • soaked in soda solution;
  • washed, dried again;
  • spool on fire.

Oak lumps become an alternative to Oak Tare. Whiskey insist on them in glassware.

Is it worth it to withstand whiskey longer than 5 years? Manufacturers converge: if the "aging" whiskey goes to dozens of years, this not only does not add alcohol quality, but, on the contrary, makes it less suitable for use.

Whiskey becomes too strong. Justified excerpt up to 12-15 years old: Before that time, the quality of the drink is improving. Next, it does not change or becomes what is called, "an amateur".


The pumping process is mixing various distillates. At first there were only whiskey, but by the middle of the XVIII century, various variations of the drink appeared. Winemakers experimented by adding different infusions to each other.

A distillation alcohol obtained from distillates of shutter speeds up to 2 years is used for swimming. The final result is strong alcohol, but it is often not very expressive taste.

The second method is to use the traditional method prepared (that is, with an excerpt of 3 years) alcohols that were distilled in Cuba. The quality of final alcohol is usually excellent. It has its own "character" and easily recognizable by connoisseurs.

Famous brands of bathed whiskey:

  • Standard Blend;
  • De luxe blend;
  • Premium.

First Mark is in demand, but the true connoisseurs of drink assure that the taste of this whiskey is not impressive. Most attracts the price: this alcohol is inexpensive, while acceptable quality.

Second Brand is more expensive. Specialists approvingly belong to it, as the quality is an order of magnitude higher.

Name " Premium."Says for itself. The length of the beverage is 12 years. Let it be expensive, but if an important celebration is to be, it is better to put a round sum after the drink. But you will get alcohol to which it is impossible to frit.

Performing batting, manufacturers can mix up to 50 distillates. Immediately pouring a drink on bottles. It is impossible: all alcohols must be mixed so that the taste of the drink becomes complete and uniform. After mixing, alcohol is placed in a barrel, where it is withstanding a few more months.


The last stage of cooking is bottling. But it is impossible to do this immediately: in live water, there are various impurities and particles that have fallen into it from the barrel. Therefore, I first filter by mechanical method. Then already spill the finished products in the bottle, and in this form it goes on sale.

The process of producing whiskey complex and long. Therefore, home whiskey is rare phenomenon. In order to get a high-quality drink, you need have a separate roomwhere certain temperature conditions will be observed. In addition, they will need equipment for distillation and special packaging, which makes the process of making whiskey with their own hands is practically unrealistic.

But if you wish, you can master all the stages of production and open the houses of a small "Zavod" on the manufacture of strong alcohol. Gradually, you master how to make whiskey at home, learning several cooking methods. Experiment, trying your techniques.

It is unlikely that we will know someday the name of the person who invented whiskey. With geography of the invention and technology, it is easier for business. Scots and Irish claim the authorship, and the production process is similar in all countries.

The Irish argue that Holy Patrick himself handed over the monks a recipe for cooking whiskey. Scots refer to the first documentary mention of whiskey in their sources and insist that for the first time this strong alcohol could only appear with them. The arguments forget that in those days they were a common people - the ancient Celts living on the two neighboring islands. Nowadays, it doesn't matter who first began to make whiskey, the main thing - the drink exists, successfully spreads the world and conquers all new admirers.

Whiskey in the world

Whiskey produce in most countries that do not have legislative restrictions in the production of beverage. Manufacturers can be divided into two groups. The list of leading manufacturers is headed by Scotland, followed by Ireland, USA, Canada and Japan. Hard compete with the leaders of India, Australia, France and Taiwan.

The list is not complete. For example, the cheapest whiskey in the world is made in Laos - the cost of the bottle is less than one dollar. Economic meaning in this production, of course, no - cheap species of alcoholic beverages, on the plan of manufacturers, should attract tourists.

Many manufacturers adhere to Scottish recipe. An example is the Japanese who use it for almost a hundred years, in the trifles, copying original recipes. Production in Japan did not stop even during the war. The demand for whiskey here is very big, the release is lagging behind internal need, Therefore, local alcohol is almost no exported.

Often, manufacturers bring their own nuances into classical technology. As a rule, it concerns raw materials. For example, the French make whiskey from buckwheat, the Germans are from corn, and in Austria prefer rye and oats.

Unconditional leaders in the production of whiskey Scots. Today in this small country more than a hundred factories manufacturing about two thousand varieties of this strong alcohol. The main part of them produces alcohols from malt, and only eight - from the grain. The malt alcohol is produced at no more than 8%, the rest is baked varieties.

How do whiskey in scotland

The technological scheme consists of several stages having specifics depending on the manufacturer's recipe. Short description Process:

  • Cooking malt

At this stage, the barley is decomposed and keen in the tanks germinate, withstanding a certain temperature and humidity. The grain is constantly turned over - this is required for the uniformity of the process.

  • Drying malt

The Scots are dried with warmth from burning peat. "Eroticing" malt, giving whiskey a taste of smoke - an important feature of the product.

  • Preparation of Sousla

The dried malt is grinding large, poured with hot water and stirred thoroughly. The wort (braga) for distillation is a thick turbid liquid with the smell of malt.

  • Frying Susla

After adding yeast and stirring, the wort wanders in special tanks from 2 to 7 days. Ready to distillation of Braga contains up to 6% alcohol.

  • Distillation

The fucked wort is distilled in copper distillation cubes (Pot Still). Copper perfectly carries out heat and is well handled forging, which allows you to produce from it the devices of any shape and complexity. After distillation in the first stage apparatus (Wash Still), "weak wine" (LOW WINES) is obtained with an alcohol content of 25-30%.

In the device, the second distillation (Spirits Still) is separated by the initial and final fractions containing many fuses, ketones and aldehydes. They are returned to "weak wine" and distilled again.

In addition to two-stage installations, Patent Still continuous actuators use. The process in them passes much faster, and this equipment is used for distillation of a blend of grain whiskey.

The alcohol obtained after the second distillation is diluted with spring water to 50-63.5% vol. And spill to excerpt.

  • Excerpt

It is maintained distillate in oak barrels - barrels are better suited from under the Spanish Herez Valoso. You can use barrels from Bourbon, brandy, wines, roma. During excerpt, the drink is gaining the necessary properties: it darkens, it acquires a saturated color, aroma, taste, softness. Part of the alcohol "flies" through the pores of the tree, and the product strength is slightly reduced. "The proportion of angels" - such a romantic name was given by manufacturers of whiskey to this process. The barrel capacity does not exceed 700 liters, the period of exposure of 3 years is depends on the recipe and region.

  • Swimming

Bathing whiskey is obtained by mixing to 50 types of malt and up to 5 types of grain alcohols. The master of blend combines whiskey to create a unique taste of drink and maintaining its constancy for many years. Barrels with a blend are withstanding about half a year for thorough mixing. It is called this "marry whiskey". The exposure time of a bathed product is the age of the youngest single-beam component in Blend.

  • Spill

Before spilling in the bottle, the whiskey are filtered at a temperature of 2-10 o C and diluted with spring water to the desired fortress.

For the domestic market, Scottish producers dilute the drink to a fortress of 40%, prepare for exports a little more strong product - up to 43%. True lovers are confident that it is confident that it is properly drinking the undegraved whiskey from the bar, it is reasonably believing that with dilution, if necessary, can cope with themselves.

Differences between the Irish and Scotch Whiskey

Raw materials and recipes for the production of Scotch and Irish whiskey have their own characteristics, which is why the taste is quite different.

  • Rail, barley, oats and wheat can serve as raw materials for Irish whiskey, but the basis is rye.
  • In Scotland whiskey is boiled from barley malt. To do this, use the selected barley of special varieties. Additionally, other types of cereals from solid grain, specially processed and fermented can be used.


  • Barley malt after germination is dry by heat from burning peat - this is a very important feature of the Scottish technology. The "smoking" of the malt gives a special smoky aroma and a light taste tint, which is considered the main feature of the product.
  • According to Irish technology, malt is germinated and dried in chashans, and the product has the smell and a malt taste.
  • The Scots use two distillations, so the product is more rigid, tart and sharp taste, with a characteristic smoky tint.
  • The Wholes-under Spanish Herse, Irish prefer to use barrels from under the American Bourbon prefers the best for excerpts.
  • Scots often experiment with exposure, the Irish are more conservative and adhere to traditional recipes.
  • The barrels of Irish put vertically, believing that in this way it is possible to more rationally use the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

How do the American and Japanese whiskey

The main agricultural culture of the USA - corn, from which Americans and boil their famous Bourbon. Moreover, corn in grain raw materials must be at least 51%. In the production of wort can also use rye, wheat and barley.

The recipe for the manufacture of the drink is simple: the raw materials are grinding and boiled, then it is precipitated with malt, yeast is added and distilled. Bourbon is withstanding at least two years exclusively in new barrels from American oak, and no longer indicate the exposure time. The barrels are pre-burning from the inside, so that the drink acquires a special saturated-amber or dark golden color and fragrance.

The Japanese are cooking whiskey for a hundred years and largely repeat the British formulation, even a peat for the fusion of malt to Japan is taken from Europe. Despite the borrowed production process, the Japanese whiskey has its own, inherent in him, features. This is due to the use of softer water, the use of different in the form and volume of distillation cubes, climatic characteristics of the country.

Like the British, the Japanese has three types of whiskey - malt, grain and bathed. Each plant manufactures bipes exclusively from its own alcohols without using distillates of other distillers. There are also features also in exposure - except for classic barrels from under wine, Bourbon, Roma, the Japanese are often withstanding whiskey in new kegs from oak growing on the Japanese islands.

The Japanese do not like sharp odors, so the aroma of their whiskey is very soft. By tradition, residents of the country of the rising sun do not drink strong alcohol in its pure form - it is roughly diluted with water.

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