
What is work on. Spiritual work on himself: the inner need to live deep feelings. What is work on yourself

For many years I have been watching life and women who fall into different problem family situations, and very often hear from them "I work so much on myself, and he ...", "I changed so much, and he ..." and the like statements. Listening to women, watching their behavior, I see that many of them are in illusion regarding themselves, therefore, they receive the results that they are not happy.

Let's look today, what is the mysterious "work on yourself", and how to avoid illusions in this matter. Let's do this on the example of letters from Lyudmila:

"I'm doing myself 13, and my husband does not want to develop in this direction. And today I first thought about (I understand that I would need before, but I studied myself first), and the husband is not going to develop. And I believed holy - I change and he will change. Lyudmila

13 years is a huge period, during this time you can achieve very much in the relationship, and if this happens, it means that you are in illusions regarding changes in yourself.

I know this condition by myself. There was a time when I seemed very smart when to right and left the tips, and did not understand why they raise other people's irritation. I read a lot and soaked others. But ... my life has not changed. In no way. For fifteen years, I seemed to go in a circle - the events were repeated, life went along the rolling alone, and at the same time it was inexorably rolled down. And I began to look for another way, the path to changes to my own life. On this path, I go for five years, but the results on it are significantly different. On this path I became happy. Because not only realized what work on himself, but began to do it.

Have you heard the proverb "Singing the habit - get enough character"? I always admired the folk wisdom capable of expressing whole volumes of wise books in one phrase. It is she who reflects the essence of the concept of working on themselves.

What exactly needs to make a person who wants to develop?

Change your habits that interfere with living, new ones.

Learn to solve your problems yourself, and not hang them on other people.

Take care of your body - his cleanliness and health, and about their consciousness - to clear it from negative thoughts.

Learn to communicate with loved ones, see your responsibility in relationships, and not to take someone else's burden.

To study the wisdom of our ancestors, to understand the answer to the question "how to be happy", and follow this path.

Set goals and reach them.

To be able to correct your mistakes, and not to cycle on them for several years.

Constantly develop, improve, improve your character and relationship with people who are found on the way.

Here you can write many more points, these are the main, and the person who has become on the path of development will inevitably pass through all these stages.

A sign that you are changing, developing, are your results. They may not be visible during the first two or three years if you accumulate problems, but did not solve them. By the way, therefore many people throw the started, believing that their actions did not lead anywhere and chase recipes that will give quick results.

But, if you go ahead, do not pose in front of difficulties - the results are inevitable.

How to see what you have changed?

There are specific signs that you work on yourself.

If your health improves, if in this area you acquire good habits, and your diet becomes more healthy; If your friends are surprised how good you look, and you are satisfied with your appearance and internal condition; If you are extremely rarely sick and very quickly recover;

If relations with close people are improving, you can easily find a common language with my husband, you penetrate it with great respect and love, and he meets you care and attention, taking responsibility for my men's affairs, and you are very good together;

If colleagues are very soulful at work, try to be longer in your society, ask advice if you feel comfortable in the team;

If circumstances fold so that your dreams come true - as if the whole world helps you: transportation comes on time, you meet necessary people, information comes to you from different sourceshelping to look for answers to your questions, even the weather favors you - the rain goes only when you have an umbrella;

If you have money on everything you want, and you are calm and confident in tomorrow; If the world pleases you with gifts, and you thank it with his love;

If you are increasingly in a raised mood, you want to share your joy with the world and you do it, if a smile often lives on your face, and you often want to hug the whole world; If you quickly come out of difficult situations and conflicts, returning yourself to the state of love;

If you still do not have this, but there are already going on trends to all this to achieve or you know how to achieve and act in the selected direction.

If all this is in your life, you can congratulate yourself - you really drummed over yourself!

Unfortunately, a modern man in the concept of work on himself puts a completely different meaning, makes mistakes and lowers hands, not getting the necessary result, also accuses everyone around - her husband / wife, colleagues, authors of such texts, God.

Some typical errors Women I list.

Error number 1. I read a lot \u003d I know a lot \u003d I know a lot.

Do you agree with what to read about a healthy lifestyle and keep a healthy lifestyle are different things? You can know a lot about proper nutrition, day, benefits and harm different productsBut at the same time stuffed with buns and coffee, smoking and relaxing with friends behind a beer mollar. Will there be the desired result in this case?

Similarly, in other areas of life - you can know a lot, but if you do not apply at least 30% of your knowledge, they lie down in your memory to your memory, taking it and supporting the illusion of its own development.

Error number 2. I am smart, and my husband is more stupid me, he must listen to me.

In the arsenal of modern women, a lot of funds that allow her to consider themselves above and better husband - she goes to trainings, listening to smart lectures, reads a lot of books, discussing their topics with other women.

This gives her a feeling of significant superiority over her husband, who will not drive anywhere and do not make smart books. She does not understand that it is not enough to visit the training, you need to use the tools that she got there, and for this you need to work well.

Pride is not the best state to establish relationships with her husband. If you begin to do this, you will definitely see that your husband and without books knows all capital truths.

Error number 3. Listen to me all, I know how to live.

At one time I was tired of my friends, trying to teach their lives. I easily distributed the advice to the right and left, and did not understand why they do not listen to me. Now I am funny to remember it, because I know that before you give advice, you need to follow himself. Another secret - a person should be ready to change himself. It is meaningless to give advice to a woman who says "all this is nonsense, I already tried it, I come across some goats" - what would you say to her, whatever effective techniques would give, she will disappoin them, because it is not going to change. For such people, you never need to spend your time, proving them that you have happiness, you will only spend energy - they do not want to look for him.

I was lucky with friends - my period of life ended in illusion, and I did not lose friends. Now we are going together and discuss many living questions. They appreciate and respect me, and ask advice, because they see my changes.

Error number 4. I understood everything, I know everything! It does not change.

Changes in us occur very slowly. When I started changing myself, it seemed to me that I would go like a snail that everything around me was moving much faster, and achieve success in a short time. My depressure was intensified when I read about miraculous techniques, which for three days completely changed the life of a person - I seemed myself as stupid in the world.

Later, I began to understand what how much, and saw some regularities, the confirmation of which later found in Vedic exercises:

Work on itself is very slow, for several years;

First it is very difficult, and it seems that there are no results, I want to throw everything and live in the old way;

From the moment of understanding his problem, up to the moment of its decision takes at least nine months, when you need to introduce new habits, controlling yourself every time and correcting errors;

Many people enjoy our desire to get everything immediately, and manipulate us, taking the "Million over three days" type trainings, "marry in two weeks", "Business from scratch for three months", as well as various means from all diseases and problems . Some of them give effective tools to achieve success, but you need much more time and effort to apply them in practice.

These are the most common mistakes, and if you caught yourself on them, then you are only at the beginning of the way, and you need to go further on it, taking any situations as lessons, and studying on.

Many people (including me), becoming a spiritual way, at some point are asked questions: what prevents me from the spiritual path that such attachments to the material world, what is the work on himself, can I have a family , work, friends and so on. Well, what, let's understand.

Family and spiritual development

A person who goes on the spiritual path should not be affection for the material world. But does such a person have no family?

I am married, and I have a child. My family does not prevent me from going along the spiritual path. The husband does not prevent me from living on conscience. And I also do not prevent him from what I think more about good, I don't swear with him, I do not argue. It's great! We both have changed and very happy about it. We have become even stronger relationship. They are more confidence, honesty, respect for each other. I stopped swearing with my mother. It is wonderful. I am immensely grateful to God for the fact that he has discovered the books of Anastasia New and Programs with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov for me. Thanks to the books, I changed my attitude towards problems and situations, to life itself.

What does the phrase actually mean that a person walking on a spiritual path should not be affection for the material world? Is it really necessary to throw a family job, leaving a deserted island or settle in a cave, meditate there from morning to evening? And what it will eat, what to dress? Yes, and it is necessary to work, because for everything in this world you need to pay - for food, clothing, electricity, heating, water, etc. Really, if a person is engaged in spiritual development, then he needs to live in a cave?

Recall the books of A. New. The main character of Sensei has the work of the vertebrologist, he is engaged in martial arts, he has friends, he travels to the sea, looks at the old films, plays the catch-up with dolphins. He lives ordinary human life! And at the same time is Bodhisatat. But what then distinguishes him from the rest?

"And now, just you will face such a guide and you know it, it is important, notice, you know. After all, the problem lies in the fact that people are blind. They do not see who in front of them. They see just three dimensions. Right? And not having spiritual development, how can you feel the one who is before you? You will be measured by the brain, and the brain will immediately tell you everything up to the opposite. On the contrary, he will say: "Yes, you are on him, see which scam is still the next junk." So after all? "

From the program "The meaning of life is immortality"

Only inner distinguishes the spiritually coming person! And just that!

If a person loves someone - it's great. Family, love is not bad. Why did God create men and women, if the love between them is bad and is affection? In this case, he could only create men or only women.
In the books of A. New it does not say that the love of two people is forbidden. On the contrary, in the book "Allara" (p. 163) contains the following lines:

"When two people show a real love to each other, one in their deep feelings, even physical unity (" Body communication, human flesh ") only helps, as they say in Orthodoxy:" Open them the real sacrament, which is the action, directly emanating from God and leading to it. " This is "a miracle that exceeds all natural relationships and conditions." In this, there is a deep meaning, and in this sacrament is really huge power. Here the primacy is not matter, but the Spirit. Matter is only an additional means. "

Each person himself decides: to make a family, divorce. This personal choice of each and does not affect spiritual development.

"Nothing prevents person. You can be an active figure, live among people, it is difficult to work physically or be a teacher, a researcher, to explore ... This does not interfere with absolutely. It's just one thing when the brain dominates a person, then a lot of problems. When the person becomes free, first of all, from the dictatorship of the material world, everything becomes in its place. "

From the program "The meaning of life is immortality"

Submenues from the system

I was surprised when he heard the expressions that people engaged in spiritual development do not hold hands, because it is affection. And what a swing ride is evil. Perhaps I will give your experience as an example. I can safely hold on hands with my husband, it does not affect the inner. With the child we ride a swing, and I saw nothing bad there.

Do not start a family, do not hold on hands, do not ride a swing - this is not the entire list. In such a way more:

1. Do not follow external species And do not paint (girls). The spiritually coming person is not painted, he does not stroit and does not erase his clothes - it is a substitution. The consciousness of most people always meets for dressing, and already follows the spiritual qualities. If I was about spiritual development told unshaven, overgrown man, dressed in ripped rags and fading ... Well, I would only think about how to catch up.

2. Do not care for your body. What for? I'm still not a body - it is already wise from the mind, justification of laziness. Body has certain needs. So that it function normally - it needs due care. Any mechanism will deteriorate faster if you do not follow it. The body needs healthy nutrition, clean water, warmth and comfort. It also needs exercise. If a person comes off the whole day on a chair, then he will have many sores. The body needs to move, you can go to the pool, do a charging, go to workout, jogging, vegetable garden (also a very good load), etc.

"... Internal changes should be, first of all, in the man itself, in this sense of his spiritual development! The rest is even secondary. Behind the body, as for any machine, of course, should be monitored, but only to get to the goal. "

3. Do not watch movies, I'm spiritual - it was personally for me. And at the same time, every time someone watched the film, immediately appeared pride and the desire to teach. And in the head of thought: "He sinful so much! Save you! " Now it's funny. All this nonsense. And the movies are good: "Pickets", "Stars on Earth", "Mirny Warrior", "Monk and Bad", "O my God" (2012, India), "Jodha and Akbar", "Juseppe Moskati: Healing Love " etc. And these are only modern. And how many good old movies, fairy tales and cartoons. And in each - examples of honor, good, conscience.

4. Do not communicate with friends. They are on the "animal". If you remember, in the books of Sensei communicated with the guys, rested with them, trained. Although the guys on the book were not angels, they were ordinary people. People need communication with each other. The entire planet needs friendship and unity.
In a person who is engaged in its spiritual development, relationships with loved ones and acquaintances are established, and not, on the contrary, are destroyed. And this is well referred to in a wonderful record on the alto of the radio with Vladimir (Sumy) "True spirituality in practice."

5. Do not work - if a person is lazy and he does not like work, then it is clear why you need to dismiss. But you need to eat on something. So, it is necessary to work. And as mentioned earlier: " You can be an active figure, live among people, it is difficult to work physically or be a teacher, a researcher, to explore ... This does not interfere with absolutely ".

This is not the entire list of substitution from the animal mind.

Such substitutions are not isolated cases, and there are almost everyone who has become a path to spiritual development.

The fact that everyone has the same substitutions proves the work of a single animal intelligence system. Templates are the same, just a little painted in different colors, according to the life experience and the views of the person.

For the animal mind system, and so unprofitable when the person studies the original knowledge laid in the books of Anastasia New. The system understands that you need to do something or she will simply lose power over personality. Then she is trying to replace a person's desire in spiritual development by change in the external. Consciousness proposes to believe the person in the man invented by him the same image of a man walking along the spiritual path, although neither consciousness nor an animal reason system knows anything about God, about spiritual development and the very person.

"Why is a person a lot of time as he spent on the classes" spiritual ", in quotes, but does not become a spiritual person? Now, if we look at the model, which we already serve the second gear - these are "artists" on the "scene" and you as a person, the viewer sitting in the hall. It turns out that you are not looking for a spiritual path. You have a desire, you feel that it is necessary and that it is true, you feel it. But your consciousness, that is, your demons or "artists" - here they are just playing in it. Do you understand? They play spirituality. It turns out, they instead are engaged in spiritual searches. They are engaged in meditations, then tell: "Look, you already have a Buddha! You're not even an angel, you are generally a Buddha! You are already bodhisatatva or even more ", something is there. "Where are you more!?", - Yes? So let's come back at this point. But what happens really? In fact, you as sitting and sitting. You as looked at your "artists," on our demons, and look. But once again I say: the only one who can come from this "theater" with the world of spiritual - it's you as a viewer, that is, as a person. But "artists" is closed there. "

Consciousness constantly builds some complicated pathways in the head: it is necessary to find a spiritual mentor, read all the books on spiritual development, learn how to do all meditations, throw a family, work, go to the mountains, etc. But God and so inside us. And in each second you can and need to contact him.

« Tatyana: God here, you feel the world spiritual and you do not need to go anywhere. But people all the time build some labyrinths, some long ways, and he is already here, in the dialogue, waiting.

Igor Mikhailovich: But this is consciousness. Right. This is how we said before that, that the "artists" begin to show you "scenes" as you do spiritual. And in the last program, we told you, I brought my friends as they were in their spiritual search just Lasili to meditate on the mountains and the like ... who sent them there? Yes, "artists" are the same. Do you understand? His consciousness is thoughts ... So they chase people from one there, everywhere chase. But God does not lead to God, here is the trouble. But man busy. And, it turns out, personality - she feels the desire for God, and consciousness replaces. And here it chases there and here, from one church to another, somewhere else. What's the difference? God is inside. He is. The main thing to strive to him. And not to change the storyline on the "scene".

From the program

Matter can not interfere with God. These are just matter. How can matter can interfere with spiritual? It's impossible.

"There is no power above the spiritual!".

A. New, "Allara"

It turns out, come to God or not - this is an exceptional choice. There are no obstacles that can prevent this. An internal choice of personality and a solid solution are important.

« Olga: And how is a person, exactly is this a state to know in everyday life? Really there in work, in the family, it does not matter ... so very often they say that life does not allow to develop spiritually ...

Igor Mikhailovich: It is not true, it can not be. There are no obstacles that may prevent a person to comprehend the world of God. No, and can not. This brain says. Consciousness says. It distracts, it always bits. What's the difference? What would you do not do, you can always feel, you must feel the world spiritual. And first of all, constantly be in the dialogue with the world of God, with God. This is urgently, it is a permanent dialogue, that's fine. And for this you do not need to sit somewhere there, clock away from people, on the top of the mountain or in the forest some, retaining and contemplate something so that you did not distract anything.

Did not distract what? Brain. This suggests that people who leave who go into the forest, go somewhere in some settlements there and try to comprehend something, they try to comprehend the brain. Well, how can you shove the ocean in the menzurka? It is necessary to become the ocean. Then you don't care where your Menzur is worn and what she does, just watch it for her so that they do not find it. Right?"

From the program "The meaning of life is immortality"

We all learn. All the system throws the same thing. And the analysis of these situations with people who go through the spiritual path is very important, because it makes it possible to share your experience of working on yourself.

What is attachment to the material world?

"And you do not imagine how much the people protruded at the Finalwhere Shambhala. And only the units found this sentence. The passage became their pure thoughts and a good heart. Won read in the manuscripts: "... people free from attachment to things, property, personal enrichment, free from egoism, that is, who have reached high moral perfection ..."

If I have some kind or close person Or work, will I be sure to be tied to her? Answer: No! Take a look at Sensei from the books of A. New. He has a job, car, friends and even pets. He is not tied to them. He is Bodhisatatva, he cannot be tied to matter. It turns out that attachment to matter is extremely internal and depends on the person himself.
So how to find out if a person is attached to matter? Very simple:

1. You think about it;
2. Binding causes you an internal emotional reaction.

And now in more detail. If a person is tied to the body, consciousness will constantly remind about it. It can be endless thoughts: "I recovered, you need to lose weight," "I need to roll up here", "What am I cool", "I'm ugly", "again a pimple, what horror", etc ..

Previously, even before the acquaintance with the books of A. New, I had a very developed binding to the body. These were constant thoughts on how I look, a comparison of my appearance with others, fear that my appearance would not like someone. This binding caused me very strong negative emotions. And at school I was crying at all, learning that I could not like someone (even if the person was unfamiliar to me). When, on the contrary, some boy said that I was beautiful, there was an exorbitant pride "What I am cool" and imaginary, quickly ending "happiness". Honestly, I also notice a binding to the body. But now it proceeds in a more hidden form. For example: I can unconsciously look at the mirror during the day, when I walk past him, and at the same time a thought can be slipped in my head: "You launched yourself" or "nothing like that."

Suppose a person is tied to his beloved. He will also constantly think about his second half. This may be jealous: Thoughts about where my partner, with whom, etc. Or 10 times on the day of the praise of his partner in the head or in front of other people: "What is it cool", "and yours can", " Imagine what I did "," I was so lucky with my person, "etc. The attachment of the second half will also be expressed in multiple fantasies on the topic of a joint possible future. It is clear that this is not real love, but only the desire of power and domination.

For the system it is very profitable when a person has a binding to something. Because it is an emotional feeding for it. For example, a person is tied to his car. The system will create such situations for this person to hook somehow and cause emotions, and both negative and positive. For example: such a person will constantly trim on the road, someone scratches in the morning of his car, birds will leave a gift, often breakdowns can be in the car. Binding to the car in these situations will cause indignation, anger, aggression. But it happens that the system will focus situations in which a person will experience Euphoria. For example: long-awaited successful place in the parking lot, you won a free sink of your "metal beauty", etc.

When a person is tied to money, to wealth - any actual or potential reduction in these material values \u200b\u200bwill also cause a whole bouquet of negative emotions.

"If you are tied to wealth with your thoughts and aspirations, then it is better to distribute it to the poor. For it will be better for your soul. After all, constant care for the increase in his wealth materializes a person, awakens in it the quality of an animal principle, such as greed, envy, egoism. "

To get rid of bindings, the discipline of the mind is necessary and hard control of what comes to mind. It is necessary not to react to illusory images that consciousness sends.

"Only one who is not tied to seem to be happy about the soul."

In fact, all the bindings will disappear when a person learns to receive joy and pleasure from contact with the spiritual world, and not with the material.

"If God is in the first place, then everything else will be on your own."

Augustine Aureli.

Spiritual development is inner work above oneself

Everything that a person does in the material world says and thinks - all this is external. Thoughts are information, matter, and therefore external. Words, affairs and actions - especially.

Whatever a person says: "I want to serve God", "My goal is spiritual liberation"- If it does not change inside, then it will be only words, air shaking.

"If a person wants to develop spiritually, limited only by wishes, like" I want, "" I will become, "" I will ", and in my daily life it really doesn't really do and does not change, then there will be no sense . But, if a person is really engaged in self-education and self-development, working on himself with the help of discipline, self-control and spiritual practices, then over time he learns to control his emotions, his behavior, his thoughts. "

A. New, "Allara"

There is no magic prayer, magic book, magic practice that will make you spiritually liberated, transfer you to the 7th dimension. This is a work on yourself, an internal choice of personality.

"R the personal choice of man played by the role here, his purposefulness, work on himself and his interpretation from the spiritual goal. I emphasize, such changes are connected exclusively with the transformation of the inner world of a person! If a person is trying to change his external conditions, without changing internally, it will not be any sense! "

Changes in external without a change in inner is not spiritual development, this is the attack of the ego, the game of spirituality, the illusion of consciousness.

"And if I tell you:" Sit smoothly, breathe in times and you will become spiritually enlightened. " Yes, stupidity is all. You still stand on the head, and you will not become a spiritual person, if you do not be engaged in your internal development. It is to engage in internal development, every second. Here, as Father Sergius says, every hour, in every moment. That is, it is impossible to lose the sensual perception of the world of spiritual. "

From the program "The meaning of life is immortality"

God, the spiritual world is far from materially, the consciousness does not understand this, does not know. Spiritual development does not apply to external. These are not external changes invented by consciousness, but internal.

"So, treasures are spiritual transformation of a person. But to achieve it, you need to work hard on yourself in every day. Not everyone who has taken away the prospect of the way reach its end, for the path involves internal changes. The first to leave the path those who say a lot, but nothing does to transform themselves. Behind them are followed by those who are looking for lung victories. Then, with the spiritual path, those who are addicted to those who have opened their abilities to meet their significance in this world are rejected. Next - those who find pleasure in the very process of finding the meaning of life, but does not understand themselves and as a result does not find anything. Fold from the spiritual path and those who doubt in themselves, in the wiser, who discovered the spiritual truth, and in the most truth. All these people interpret the spiritual path as it is beneficial for themselves in this material world. And only the one who comes with the purity and sincerity of intent to the end, making perseverance in his spiritual work, transforming itself in every day, only that in life finds his spiritual treasures, which make it possible to go to another world. The meaning of this parable: Often, following the spiritual path, people are looking for personal success in this temporary world for them instead of their spiritual treasures that open them the path in eternity. "

"The meaning of the spiritual development of a person in the qualitative internal change!"

Love Two

Personality does not separate anything from God, except for his own consciousness. Consciousness is the only thing that shares, puts all sorts of illusory obstacles. This is not a job, not a family, not close, not the things of the material world separate the personality from God, it is only their own consciousness, or rather, the choice to listen to him.

God is love! Personality is part of the Holy Spirit, the essence of which love. So, the personality is also love. Consciousness is not able to love. No one interferes with the personality in her free choice, nor God, nor the devil, nor own consciousness. If the person chooses God, she goes to God, merges with love. If the person chooses the devil (he listens to the consciousness), she goes to the devil. This is a choice of exclusively personality.

"Yes, it doesn't matter what you are doing in this world. It is much more important that will be after this world. What are you doing for what will happen after this world. After graduation. It ends very quickly. Time runs quickly. This is the current substance. It is impossible to hold. "

From the program "Truth for all one. Illusion and path "

A person can do whatever in this world: to get out at home, work in the garden, to be at work, ride a swing with a child, hold on hand with the second half, compose music, draw, dance, climb the mountain. It does not matter, the main thing is to be with God! This is a purely inner. This is the relationship of two beloved - you and God!

With a creative approach of the teacher, a child can be developed right attitude To errors, the ability to work with them. Conducting work on errors contributes to the fact that the final assessment reflects the actual level of preparedness. Some teachers practice raising estimates for each such work, and they should be at least on the score higher than the mark for the main task.

When and where is the work on errors?

Work on errors can be held in the class, together with the teacher, or at home, possibly under the control of parents. If the teacher determines the work on errors as homeworkHe must be sure that all students know and remember the main algorithm of work. It is possible for this to do with each child to issue a memo with the procedure for performing actions.

Work on errors is carried out, as a rule, after control, independent or creative work. In the practice of individual teachers there is a systematic analysis of the analysis and correction of errors made in each class or homework.

The main stages and forms of organization of work on errors in the lesson

When working in the lesson, several main stages can be distinguished:

  • consultation,
  • correction of knowledge and skills,
  • diagnosis of results,
  • evaluation.

Work on the mistakes conducted in the lesson, under the control of the teacher, the occupation may be devoted to a fully or part of it. This solves the teacher depending on the amount of work and the abilities of the collective. In the practice of each teacher, there may be its own individual organization of this activity. Let us give a few examples found most often in the learning process.

  • The teacher asks to raise the hand of those students who made mistakes in the first sentence (task, question). At will, or by decision of the teacher, one of the schoolchildren comes to the board and performs work on the board. All students do the same in their notebooks. Thus, children work out errors made not only by themselves, but also in the whole class, which can be both a plus and the disadvantage of this method.

The use of this form of organization is possible after testing (control, independent, sections).

  • With this form of the organization's organization, one student performs work on his own bugs at the board, the rest of the students correct their shortcomings in notebooks. On the one hand, this method saves the time spent on this activity, on the other, the teacher loses control over the team. In order to avoid this, you need every child to contact the teacher for help, without distracting the rest of the children.

With such an organization of work, there is a need for something to take students who performed work on "excellent" without allowing errors in it. Best if it is creative activity. These students can check or advise other guys, solve problems of increased complexity, write an essay, to draw up their tasks, the most interesting of which can then be fulfilled by the whole class.

  • Sometimes teachers, in order to save time in the lesson, allocate for themselves only typical errors made by students when performing a task, and work only on them. In this case, the analysis and correction of the most common shortcomings performs the whole class together. For this, schoolchildren are called to the board at will, in turn or by decision of the teacher, depending on which mistakes made in their work.

Algorithm of action

Work on errors is performed on a specific algorithm defined by the teacher. IN primary school It is recommended that each student has a memo on the procedure for performing actions.

For example, in the lessons of the Russian language, the algorithm looks like this:

  • View all the work, pay attention to the corrections of the teacher.
  • Find a mistake to write out true, remembering the rule on this topic.
  • Put the emphasis, allocate orfograms.
  • Emphasize the place where the error was allowed.
  • Choose one or more words / phrases similar to those checked.

Similarly, work is working on syntactic errors. It is necessary to write out the proposal in which an error is made, allocate members of the sentence (all or basic - at the discretion of the teacher, depending on the task), remember the rule on this topic. It is further recommended to write your proposal so that its scheme corresponds to the conducted design.

After creative works, such as writings or presentation, it may be necessary to work on stylistic, speech errors. The main groups include syntax-lexical, morphol and stylistic and vocabulary-stylistic.


Some teachers in their practice use cards - memo. They can make a teacher and distribute to all class students, but can be performed with the guys under the control of the teacher. They are numbered and recorded the main groups of errors in the form:

  • Subject.
  • Examples.

When checking the work on the notebook fields, the number corresponding to the number on the memo is set. This facilitates the work of students, but also improves the knowledge system, thanks to the visibility, the use of visual memory. The student repeatedly refers to this card, which contributes to the best memorization of the material.

Check and summarize

At the end of the work on errors should be checked. There are several forms of its organization.

  • self-test;

For many years I have been watching life and women who fall into different problem family situations, and very often hear from them "I work so much on myself, and he ...", "I changed so much, and he ..." and the like statements. Listening to women, watching their behavior, I see that many of them are in illusion regarding themselves, therefore, they receive the results that they are not happy.

Let's look today, what is the mysterious "work on yourself", and how to avoid illusions in this matter.

Let's do this on the example of letters from Lyudmila:

"I'm doing myself 13, and my husband does not want to develop in this direction. And today I first thought about (I understand that I would need before, but I studied myself first), and the husband is not going to develop. And I believed holy - I change and he will change. Lyudmila

13 years is a huge period, during this time you can achieve very much in the relationship, and if this happens, it means that you are in illusions regarding changes in yourself.

I know this condition by myself. There was a time when I seemed very smart when to right and left the tips, and did not understand why they raise other people's irritation. I read a lot and soaked others. But ... my life has not changed. In no way. For fifteen years, I seemed to go in a circle - the events were repeated, life went along the rolling alone, and at the same time it was inexorably rolled down. And I began to look for another way, the path to changes to my own life. On this path, I go for five years, but the results on it are significantly different. On this path I became happy. Because not only realized what work on himself, but began to do it.

Have you heard the proverb "Singing the habit - get enough character"? I always admired the folk wisdom capable of expressing whole volumes of wise books in one phrase. It is she who reflects the essence of the concept of working on themselves.

What exactly needs to make a person who wants to develop?

Change your habits that interfere with living, new ones.

Learn to solve your problems yourself, and not hang them on other people.

Take care of your body - his cleanliness and health, and about their consciousness - to clear it from negative thoughts.

Learn to communicate with loved ones, see your responsibility in relationships, and not to take someone else's burden.

To study the wisdom of our ancestors, to understand the answer to the question "how to be happy", and follow this path.

Set goals and reach them.

To be able to correct your mistakes, and not to cycle on them for several years.

Constantly develop, improve, improve your character and relationship with people who are found on the way.

Here you can write many more points, these are the main, and the person who has become on the path of development will inevitably pass through all these stages.

A sign that you are changing, developing, are your results. They may not be visible during the first two or three years if you accumulate problems, but did not solve them. By the way, therefore many people throw the started, believing that their actions did not lead anywhere and chase recipes that will give quick results.

But, if you go ahead, do not pose in front of difficulties - the results are inevitable.

How to see what you have changed?

There are specific signs that you work on yourself.


- If your health improves, if in this area you acquire good habits, and your diet becomes more healthy; If your friends are surprised how good you look, and you are satisfied with your appearance and internal condition; If you are extremely rarely sick and very quickly recover;

- If relations with close people are improving, you are easyit is possible to find a common language with her husband, you penetrate it with great respect and love, and he meets you care and attention, taking responsibility for my male affairs, and you are very good together;

- if at work colleagues relate to you very soulful, try to be longer in your society, ask advice if you feel comfortable in the team;

- If the circumstances fold so that your dreams come true - as if all the world helps you: transportation comes on time, you meet the necessary people, the information comes to you from different sources, helping to look for answers to your questions, even the weather favors you - the rain goes only then when you have an umbrella;

- If you have money for everything you want, and you are calm and confident in tomorrow; If the world pleases you with gifts, and you thank it with his love;

- If you are increasingly in a raised mood, you want to share my joy with the world and you do it, if a smile often lives on your face, and you often want to hug the whole world; If you quickly come out of difficult situations and conflicts, returning yourself to the state of love;

- If you still do not have this, but there are already outlined trends to achieve this or you know how to achieve and act in the selected direction.

If all this is in your life, you can congratulate yourself - you really drummed over yourself!

Unfortunately, a modern man in the concept of work on himself puts a completely different meaning, makes mistakes and lowers hands, not getting the necessary result, also accuses everyone around - her husband / wife, colleagues, authors of such texts, God.

Some typical women's errors will list.

Error number 1. I read a lot \u003d I know a lot \u003d I know a lot.

Do you agree with what to read about a healthy lifestyle and keep a healthy lifestyle are different things? You can know a lot about the right nutrition, day mode, benefits and harm of different products, but at the same time stuffed with buns and coffee, smoking and relaxing with friends behind the beer mollar. Will there be the desired result in this case?

Similarly, in other areas of life - you can know a lot, but if you do not apply at least 30% of your knowledge, they lie down in your memory to your memory, taking it and supporting the illusion of its own development.

Error number 2. I am smart, and my husband is more stupid me, he must listen to me.

In the arsenal of modern women, a lot of funds that allow her to consider themselves above and better husband - she goes to trainings, listening to smart lectures, reads a lot of books, discussing their topics with other women.

This gives her a feeling of significant superiority over her husband, who will not drive anywhere and do not make smart books. She does not understand that it is not enough to visit the training, you need to use the tools that she got there, and for this you need to work well.

Pride is not the best state to establish relationships with her husband. If you begin to do this, you will definitely see that your husband and without books knows all capital truths.

Error number 3. Listen to me all, I know how to live.

At one time I was tired of my friends, trying to teach their lives. I easily distributed the advice to the right and left, and did not understand why they do not listen to me. Now I am funny to remember it, because I know that before you give advice, you need to follow himself. Another secret - a person should be ready to change himself. It is meaningless to give advice to a woman who says "all this is nonsense, I already tried it, I come across some goats" - what would you say to her, whatever effective techniques would give, she will disappoin them, because it is not going to change. For such people, you never need to spend your time, proving them that you have happiness, you will only spend energy - they do not want to look for him.

I was lucky with friends - my period of life ended in illusion, and I did not lose friends. Now we are going together and discuss many living questions. They appreciate and respect me, and ask advice, because they see my changes.

Error number 4. I understood everything, I know everything! It does not change.

Changes in us occur very slowly. When I started changing myself, it seemed to me that I would go like a snail that everything around me was moving much faster, and achieve success in a short time. My depressure was intensified when I read about miraculous techniques, which for three days completely changed the life of a person - I seemed myself as stupid in the world.

Later, I began to understand what how much, and saw some regularities, the confirmation of which later found in Vedic exercises:

- work on itself is very slow, for several years;

- first it is very difficult, and it seems that there are no results, I want to throw everything and live
the old way;

- From the moment of understanding his problem until the moment of its decision takes at least nine months, when you need to introduce new habits, controlling yourself every time and correcting errors;

- Many people enjoy our desire to get everything immediately, and manipulate us, leaving for training type "Million for three days", "marry in two weeks", "Business from scratch for three months", as well as various means from all diseases and Problems. Some of them give effective tools to achieve success, but you need much more time and effort to apply them in practice.

These are the most common mistakes, and if you caught yourself on them, then you are only at the beginning of the way, and you need to go further on it, taking any situations as lessons, and studying on.

Good luck to you!

Self-education is a conscious human activity aimed at implementing his own "I" and achieving goals. This process is not limited to any framework, and includes a certain model of human behavior, its attitude to life, actions, self-esteem. Self-education definitely helps to cope with life difficulties and achieve the desired one. Implementing itself occurs by targeted actions that should lead to a specific purpose.

The essence of the education of the person

Accurately determine what kind of self-education is quite difficult, since this term includes many other definitions. This concept has also related terms such as self-knowledge and self-realization.

This is not the same thing, but each process complements each other and is not possible separately. Self-education is a necessary condition for each person, since in the process of this, searching itself, the formation of self-assessment and a look at the world around. Self-consciousness allows you to answer such questions as personal ideals, life path, relations with the surrounding world. The key to the upbringing itself is the awareness of the importance of the love of himself and others. On the way to self-improvement, a person begins to distinguish such concepts as selfishness and true love to yourself. And it turns out that without love to do not love other people and truly appreciate life.

There are many strategies for upbringing our own "I", but many psychologists support it is the path of love. In the process of self-realization, a person tries to make himself better, but in no case adjusts the external world under himself.

Improving yourself it is important to set the right objectives:

Self-supply is not limited to a certain period of time. it life processwhich every person occurs in different ways. Egoism, anger, dissatisfaction with the outside world is raised by bad actions. A positive attitude towards himself and the surrounding person brings up in itself vitality, inner motivation, the ability to distinguish between an important and secondary.

What gives self-education

Self-improvement is given to a person not easy, the main task is to know itself, but not to receive pleasure from this process. People tend to justify many of their unpleasant acts, but they will have to recognize them on the path of self-knowledge and see how to deal with them. It is important to understand the motivation of actions, after which it becomes clear that aggression, irritation, antipathy are the result of a protective mechanismwhich works in response to psychological complexes.

Work on yourself is a difficult definition, the purpose of this is the knowledge of the mechanisms of self-defense to eliminate it. Of course, it is not about the natural instinct of self-preservation, but about a detrimental response mechanism that interferes with realizing itself. Self-knowledge implies unpleasant discoveries, and to accept them to allow them to be self-cultivating.

Before starting self-education, it is important to clearly define your life goals and the result desired in the future. Only with a clear vision of the result, you can talk about the possibility of changing yourself and upbringing.

Golden mean

In the process of self-knowledge, it is important to understand that developing, a person improves one quality and, ideally, oppresses the other. It is impossible to get rid of all complexes and disadvantages, because education takes a long time. If the goal is to get rid of everything bad and acquire a good one at the same time, it does not initially make sense and will not be implemented.

Each character character traits has polarity:

  • confidence-stiffness;
  • openness-closedness;
  • activity-apathy and other examples.

Excessive development of a certain feature may adversely affect the nature as a whole, such an accentuation may even lead to various mental disabilities.

To avoid mistakes on the path of self-knowledge and improvement, these definitions should be given to their meaning. That is, know what expected result and that these words are mean in a separate case.

Consent with the personal "I"

Such experiences like shame, wines, malice, irritation is a consequence of certain mind algorithms, when the most varying information is combined, and as a result, the brain issues a model of behaviorthat meets the current idea of \u200b\u200byourself and others. These emotions can be controlled, because initially they are just feelings. If some definite experience prevails, it goes into a chronic character. This can not be allowed, and if it happened, it is important to rethink the motives and find the root cause.

Together with consent, you need to acquire harmony with the outside world. A person in the process of self-education makes the decision to change myself, and not his surroundings. This is a necessary condition for the path to harmony, because if everyone proceeds, thus the true harmony comes, and not only between people, but also between man and nature.

Self-education also includes a refusal of attachment to things. The material world gradually goes to the background, but not the last. Between the inner world and the material should also be harmony, when a person is aware of how much he needs to implement himself. Understanding this just comes by self-education.

Ultimately, a person begins to feel free, full and happy, which is the indicators of the right self-education. In many cases, mans are allowed, but it is only increases the term of achieving the goalBut does not exclude it. Errors are also a motivational powerful factor that takes place.

POLYESTER.RU - Magazine for girls and women