
Passion and love differences. What love is different from passion: definition, how to recognize, signs and features. Attraction and true love - what's the difference

Love or still passion? How to distinguish these two concepts and sort out your feelings for another person? It is only necessary to listen to yourself and analyze the emotions that you are experiencing. Then you definitely do not mistaken in your assessment.

What is love

According to psychologists, love consists of three components:

  • Intimacy lies in the proximity and, sense of partnership. As a couple gets closer, intimacy is felt stronger. True, in ordinary life it does not appear in any way, but in a difficult crisis situation, it is intimacy that is expressed by the strongest.
  • Sexual attraction is most pronounced at the very beginning of relations, when people only recognize each other. Long marriage sexual attraction Looks into the background.
  • Obligations over the years only strengthen their meaning. And this is true both for long relationships and short-term.

If all three components are present, love can be called perfect. All couples seek to her. Of course, you can achieve such ideal relationships, but it is very difficult to maintain their long time. Such feelings never last long. Of course, if one of the components will disappear, the relationship will not stop, just ideal love is transformed into something else.

Signs of love

How to recognize? Just watch yourself and you will understand everything. Loving man All the time wants to see the subject of his feelings, wants to be as close as possible. He has an insurmountable desire to be all the time. Lovers seek to look into the eyes of his beloved man. Even if the in love will pronounce speech in front of a huge audience, subconsciously he will look for her eyes a loved one to look into them and understand what he is experiencing or she is said.

A people in love strives to give his favorite signs of attention, make him pleasant things. It is possible to recognize a person who experiences the love of a person by which it provides you with services. If a person is in love, he will readily fulfill your request, indifferent will find a thousand reasons to turn even from the easiest task.

Over time, when the pair comes closer and better learns each other, you can notice more serious signs of love. One of the first is intimacy. Loving people do not wear a mask, they can even argue, and have a glad together with your loved one. Test lovers and jealousy, without it, toohere anywhere. It is important that it does not go to manic obsession. The most important feeling in love is self-sacrifice. Perhaps a loving person and does not fall asleep you by daily signs of attention, gifts and compliments, but if he is ready to immediately catch it to the rescue for one call, be sure - his love is real.

What is passion

A sharp desire to possess a man, often not looking at social norms and rules, it is customary to call passion. The passion in itself becomes the meaning of the human life. It is characteristic that man wants only to possess the subject of his passion physically, and the tenderness and care is not here.

To some extent, the passion is one of the components of the feeling of love. It is included in the concept of sexual attraction. But by itself, without intimacy and obligations, the passion destroys both people.

Signs of passion

The sense of passion is fully based on physical attraction and the desire to possess. At the same time, a person does not think about the real state of things. In his imagination, the subject of worship is a person, without flaws. This explains the fact that the feeling of passion is very quickly passes, as soon as a person begins to realize that his partner is very far from the ideal painted in the imagination.

We list the main signs of passion:

  • Man is only interested in the appearance of a partner.
  • Talking to any topics do not attract, interests exclusively sex.
  • A person is not inclined to talk about his real feelings, all his thoughts are focused on their own fantasies.
  • Immediately after sex, a person strive to leave, and not to spend together together.
  • Your union is rather reminding the relationship of lovers, not friends.

Passion and love: how to distinguish

First, decide how you or your partner are positioning yourself in your relationship. For love, a desire to give pleasure to a partner. If a person is experiencing only a passion, it is concentrated only on his desires. The passion is based only on physical activation and very quickly disappears. There is no understanding of mutual understanding, kinship of souls and mutual respect.

For passion, strong emotions are characterized, a person in such a state cannot think about something else, except the subject of his worship. Love is a more meaningful and calm feeling. For love, interest in person's personality is characteristic, and not just to his appearance. Passion lives one day. A person exposed to passion does not think about long-term relationships and their development. He is ready to actively seek the object of his desire, contrary to all circumstances.

A loving person may have fun even from simple communication and talk on the phone. For passion, the most important thing is to satisfy sexual needs.

So easy to get confused in your own feelings. Even men sometimes may not understand how they belong to the ladies. You might think that the girl attracts only sexually, but then to remember it for a long time after parting. You can think that you fell in love with a girl, although in fact just feel passionate and sexual attraction to it. Emotions are often intertwined with each other, scoring the head of a man with unnecessary thoughts. That is why the male log site proposes to consider distinguishing between passion and love.

In order not to become a victim of your own deception, it is better to understand how you feel about the girl. If you think that you love, then you will suffer for a long time because of the girl, if suddenly she challenges you or start using. If you think that the girl attracts you only sexually, then you can lose it with your Khamsky and indifferent behavior.

First, decide with your feelings, so as not to become a victim of not only your deception, but also partners.

Imposed love

Cinema, advertising, fashion and consumerism are introduced into an unconscious person ideas forming needs, including sexual. In advertising tights, lipstick, carcasses, clothes, shoes are often used by the image of a sensual woman. At the same time, its pose, as a rule, provoking, clothing emphasizes the features of the anatomical structure. This supersenside is unusually attractive, thanks to the art of advertising. All women immediately begin to imitate her, use advertised goods, seeking to increase their attractiveness in men's eyes. Some types of tights, types of skirts, lipstick brands have become synonymous with sexual attractiveness. The problem is not so much in the abuse and manipulation of men's hormones to submit them to certain incentives, but in the fact that all this demonstration heats the cauldron of sexual passions, creating a false psychological sexual appetite with time, which is not biological.

Loving - does not mean sailing downstream, giving up passions, because love cannot be passive. On the contrary, the essence of true love is the activity and power of will. A person must create and feed love himself, and not focus on slaughtered, erroneous and useless generally accepted schemes. - This is not a passive imitation, but the act of creation.

Unfortunately, many men are looking for an ideal woman, that is, a woman to which they would project their fantasy. But it is worth a man to find out a woman closer, as he loses interest to her, thinks that he was wrong. And tolerates his sweet, but destructive fantasy to the next woman, and it can be repeated infinite.

It also happens with a woman. WITH early years She dreams of an ideal man or about. Sources of her fantasies serve love novels, movies, television, magazines. In search of a fabulous prince, a woman is looking for life, and gives out that one, then another man in pursuit of his fantasy, may even become a prostitute. I barely felt the attraction, she's sure that I found an ideal manBut soon disappointed in it and, thinking that I was wrong, it renews my search. After a while appears new manwhich carries it, but also for a while. Perhaps in old age she will understand that it was a fruitless chase for mirages, not allowed her to have a real partner.

Love or love?

Love or love? How to distinguish these concepts? From ignorance, many people think that love is gone, although in fact there was love, or what they are in love, in reality love is experiencing. How to distinguish one of the other? Where is love, and where is love?

  1. Love does not force to suffer. The man during love is calm, happy, is peaceful, which cannot be said about love, which is often chasing in modern songs. It leads to various kinds of disorders: loss of appetite, sleep, elevated heartbeat, concentration of thoughts only on one person, etc.
  2. It is said that the love of the blind. This is a mistake of people who confuse her with love. In fact, this is a blind love, because it makes you create an image of your loved one and feel feelings for him. But when the image begins to dissipate, then love passes with all the feelings. Love, on the contrary, wonderful, as it can look soberly on another person and love what sees.
  3. Love quickly flashes and also quickly goes away. Love slowly flares up and almost never goes out.
  4. Love always requires attention, big salaries, beautiful appearance, restaurants, many sex, etc. The joy of love is the return. Love gives, because it can only show myself, without losing it, but increasing and developing.
  5. Love can be born even with someone who does not like himself close man - ourselves. Over time, it develops only in love dependence, since the favorite partner is a source that can fill it and fill the emptiness of shortly. That is why a person requires more and more, not giving anything in return - he himself is empty. Love, on the contrary, can only have someone who loves themselves, respects and appreciates. He, as a self-sufficient source, can feed itself and a partner, which does not need a mandatory return. A loving person as he knows how to give, so can receive with gratitude.
  6. Love is the opposition of love. The mission of love is to connect two people, interest and give the opportunity to know each other. Euphoric feelings are given to partners for fastening the Union. But if they won't love each other, they will also quickly disperse, as they agreed. With the care of love, many people have a sense of leaving. In fact, love has not yet had time to appear until the man and the woman were absorbed by their own illusions.

Despite the availability of information, more and more people do not understand the difference between Love and Love. Some begin to be afraid of love, when they understand that this is a short-lived feeling, others immediately interpret their feelings as love. But from the fact that everyone creates illusions, pretending to love, a warm feeling will not appear. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the real state of affairs and just know what love and love is.

How to distinguish these two wonderful feelings?

  • Love comes quickly, and love - gradually.
  • Love is short-term, explosive, changing, for love is needed.
  • Love suddenly falls on his head, love comes with time.
  • To fall in love, you just need to put everything on a samone. To love, the personality growth is needed.
  • The image of a loved one in a state of love becomes marching, and life is meaningless. In a state of love, the image of a loved one is constant and real, you live like near him and in his absence.
  • During the period of love, it plays crucial importance, in love it does not occupy a major role.

Love is the beginning of love. Initially, love flashes, and only with time you can feel love. This is normal, naturally. Therefore, do not be afraid of your surgery feelings at the beginning of the relationship, since after that you have a chance to experience love.

Love comes in itself, it is an uncontrolled feeling. However, love overtakes not all pairs. Very often, partners are cooled together with their love, anticipating the inevitability of the collapse of relations. They take some measures, begin to do something, most often criticizing and accusing each other in something. In such respects, there is not enough one - the maturity of both partners. The internal personal growth of the lovers themselves can lead to love between them. No changes in appearance, quarrels and scandals, romantic evenings or frequent making love will preserve the Union, if the partners themselves have not grown so much that love is able to radiate.

As for the love itself, what it is and what it is manifested, you can read in other articles. However, the complexity is not how correct people will understand the essence of love, and whether they are ready to love. In fact, love requires effort primarily from the person himself. If he will only demand a warm feeling from a partner, he will not only not be able to love himself, but it will not even feel love from his beloved man.

Between love and love is a big abyss, but one feeling smoothly goes into another, depending on the readiness of the people themselves. And then, and the other feeling is fine, which is not to be afraid. Therefore, only you depends on that you can experience with your loved one.

How does passion develop into love?

When a man and a woman meet, a passion arises between them. This is that love at first glance, which many people chant. Passion is based on sexual desire: a man and a woman at the physiological level attract each other.

If partners are interesting to each other not only physically, but also intellectually, emotionally, psychologically, that is, a man and a woman has a desire to continue relations, then love arises. People are interesting to each other at the human level, perhaps in interest, in the views on life, in habitations, etc. Partners are of interest to their human qualities that are rarely found, unusual, not combined with each other or simply are pleasant and useful.

Passion and love arise by themselves. To excite, you just need to see the person who is sexually attracting you. To fall in love, the partner is just necessary to tell about yourself something interesting, unusual, kind, exciting. But when will love grow into love?

This, unfortunately, happens quite rarely, because love begins when a person begins to take responsibility for everything that happens to him with his partner. Responsibility - this is what determines the presence of love in the Union of Men and Women. When partners understand that they want not just to meet, but also to build a joint future, then they take responsibility for everything that will happen to them (including how the beloved person will feel in this relationship). A person is responsible not only for himself, but also for his partner. A person is responsible for how relations will develop in the future, where they will live, what will their contacts and so on.

When will love grow in love? When partners take responsibility for their beloved person and for the relationship they build.


Obviously, passion, love and love are different feelings. In order not to fall the victim of your own delusions, it is better to understand this difference. This will allow you to maintain a balance in situations that should not worry you at all.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the spell is used by women to attract men, the reverse situation is occurring much less. At the same time, the spell has some features that allow it to reveal. If all indicates that a person has become a victim of a witch influence, a ritual for liberation from him should be held.

Differences of Loveness from Love

One of the main features of the attitude is the suddenness of feelings. Love can also arise suddenly, but there is one important difference: it arises almost immediately after the person you fell in love with. With a spell, the situation is different - you can know this person for years, and suddenly, at some point, inexplicable thrust for it suddenly flashes. Similar to breaking the attraction to the person you have long known, is a very bright symptom of the lability.

There is another moment, allowing to recognize the spell. You felt a craving for a person and began to seek his favor - if your love is a true feeling, the object of your passion, most likely, will not answer it immediately. In most cases, men have to conquer the hearts of their favorite ladies. With a spell, otherwise - if a woman fulfilled the ceremony, she immediately responds to your feelings, because for this, everything was thinking. To reject the courtship of an awesome person, she has no sense.

To correctly perform a spell, you need to know much and be able to. In particular, the literate spell is performed immediately to the mind and heart. But most women who independently perform the rituals of the attitude, do not know these subtleties. As a result, the spell affects only the sphere of senses, but not reason. A wary man turns out in a strange state: the heart stretches to the object of his passion, while the reason tells him that it is impossible that it should not be. Such mismatch of the heart and reason is fraught with depression, drunkenness, and in some cases and attempts to suicide.

Love as a true feeling

Love is a true feeling and arises if people have a certain affinity of the shower. Communication occurs spontaneously at the energy level, lovers are associated with thousands of energy yarns. People, long-time living together, are associated so closely that they often understand each other without words, at the telepathic level - the same thoughts come to them at the same time.

With a spell, everything is different. Energy Communication is created forcibly, people's energies do not have the commonality that is necessary. And it imposes an indelible imprint on the relationship. A pavement of his passion is drawn to the object of his passion, but even when he is responsible for reciprocity, the calm in the soul still does not occur. There is no joy, there is no happiness, the soul continues to suffer.

Knowing the main symptoms of the attitude is quite easy to distinguish true love from the triggered ritual. Remove the spell can be independently or contacting a specialist.

Some believe that love and passion - the concepts are completely identical, and therefore consumes them as synonyms. In fact, they have a little bit, although they are inextricably linked with human relationships. Love should not be replaced by passion or in speech, nor in life. Why should you always distinguish a passion from love? Let's try to clarify this question.


Lovedeep feelingdirected to another person, the basis of which are spiritual proximity, mutual respect, the desire to give the best object of love.

Passion- Based on the desire, a sense of lust, which is not amenable to control and strongly affects the behavior and thinking of a person.


Passion is closely connected with the desire, lust. But when the desire is fulfilled, satisfied, passion, as a rule, fades, comes off. Relationships in which love is dominated, much longer.

Passion is a sense of egoistic, proprietary, it is impatient, manifestation. Passion deprives a person of freedom, making it emotionally addicted. If required, it will no doubt put on a relationship with other people, causes pain. When the passion in priority, she ultimately destroys itself and the relationship of the couple.

If a passion without love - then such relationships are deprived of the future. Love can be without passion. Very often, passionate feelings go into a peaceful, calm bed. Passionate gusts are replaced by trust, mutual respect, the need for each other. Love is based on dedication, unconscious, oblivion of themselves for the other. Love says: "What i I can do for you? ", And the passion shouts:" What you Ready to do for me? " Passion goes against alive, love tactical and noble, she does not hurry, does not hurry.

Passion makes falling into dependence of akin to narcotic, painfully desire all new bright and strong emotions. But such violent feelings cannot exist for a long time. Passion is able to lead to humiliation, love never humiliates, but, on the contrary, elevates, gives the strength to live.

Conclusions Site

  1. The passion is based primarily at a desire, and love is in proximity.
  2. Passion quickly, sometimes instantly flashes, but also quickly and fades. Love is a long-term feeling, over the years it will only grow up, enhanced.
  3. The passion without love ultimately destroys, love (with or without passion) - creates, makes a person better, perfect.
  4. Passions are inherent egoism, love is based on the return partner of all the best, at the desire to please him. Passion seeks to bind, love gives freedom.
  5. Life without passion for many is not a problem, but life without love is unbearable for any person.

Hello, dear friends! When we are in love, then the least inclined to analyze their emotions. At such moments, few people think that they drive - love, passion, or a raging cocktail of these bright feelings. But over time, the thought is increasingly visiting: what does you really associate?

I really want this feeling to be a real love you will carry through all my life. But that if there was just a fire of passion between you, who over time, ledge, leaving at best only the heat of memories, and in the worst - ashes offended and disappointment.

So that you do not have to torment doubts, let's see what passion and love are represented, and can these feelings supplement each other.

What is a passion?

This concept is interpreted differently. Someone considers a passion by synonymous with love and its integral part. Someone is confident that passion is a lowest feeling, absolutely opposite of love. It is equal to the animal instinct, a blurring brain and sometimes pushing on insane acts.

To be absolutely impartial, let's refrain from subjective assessments and push out from scientific definition. According to intellular dictionary- This is a mental impulse, insane desire, an indomitable attraction, uncontrolled by mind.

In psychology, the passion is described as physiological arousal, entailing uncontrollable emotions and sometimes inadequate behavior. A person who experiences passion is literally cycled on the object of lust. If the feeling is mutually, the couple is experiencing a stormy intimate life, as sex is one of the brightest manifestations of passion.

If the feeling is unrequited, a person is hard to experience the fact that he was rejected. In this case, he can either fall into depression, or begin to pursue the object of his passion, little caring about his mental state. Someone wounds his passion with gifts and love sms, someone constantly adjusts the "random meetings", and someone openly blackmails, threatening or deal with the opponent, or to commit suicide.

How to understand what the passion is controlled by you?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the change in the physical condition. When we hear that the love throws into a shiver, this is not a literary hyperbole. The feeling of the notorious "goosebumps" on the skin is one of the most pronounced symptoms of passion.

Also, a person overwhelmed by passion often feels a rapid heartbeat, maybe without a visible reason to experience the heat or chills. When thought about the partner often feels a tide of sexual energy, becomes scattered and thoughtful, or on the contrary - nervous and excited.

In the soul, at this time, the volcano of emotions will be buried, because of which the mood can be changed often and unfortunately. Just that you stayed in Euphoria and wanted to sing from happiness, and in a minute, go crazy from anxiety or suddenly dive into deep sadness.

If there is no partner next, you constantly think about him, go through the memories of the past and meetings and draw the following in the imagination. And when you together, you can not literally suck on your half and experience an insurmountable need for physical contact - touch, hugs, kisses.

Is there a future in relation to passion

Of course, the spark of passion between partners should be present, otherwise both are very bored with the notion and events. But if only passion and nothing more, no longer counting about long-term relationships.

The fact is that passion is nothing more than a combination of chemical processes in the body. During the period of passion, hormones are actively produced, which provoke changes on physical and psychological levels.

  • For goosebumps and "fluttering" in the chest, the heart is responsible adrenaline and norepinephrine. They also provoke a feeling of anonymous alarm.
  • Euphoria, recklessness, elevated mood and sudden feed rings provoke serotonin and dopamine.
  • The feeling of bliss, joy and happiness gives endorphin. The greatest emission of this hormone occurs at physical proximity. That is why a person who is in captivity of passion is experiencing such an irresistible desire to constantly touch the partner.

These hormones cause dependence, in something similar with the narcotic. After having experienced their action once, the body begins to demand an increasing and greater dose. And when his resources are depleted, the passion becomes nothing to support, and this feeling fades as quickly as it appeared.

What is love and what it differs from passion

We often utter this word, thinking about its true meaning. Many identify love with love, passion or affection. Meanwhile, real love is a feeling that formulates in our consciousness gradually. It is in this its difference from passion and flashing instantly as a result of the biochemical processes of the body.

Therefore, "love at first sight" is nothing more than a beautiful romantic definition of the beginning of relationships. At this stage of partners can associate love, passion, or a drinking mixture of these feelings. Over time, the hormonal background comes to normal and ceases to eclipse the mind. If at this stage partners do not lose interest to each other, love can transform into real love.

How to understand what is your love between you

The relationship between a man and a woman is rarely cloudless. Therefore, both partners can wonder if I really love and do you really like me?

And the truth is how to understand the feelings, if yesterday you considered our partner the best, loved ones and loving, and today suddenly they have timedered and think that a person who loves would not allow such a ridiculous quarrel. In fact, disputes and misunderstandings - not a sign of what they do not like. All people sometimes quarrel. Much more important is how you belong to each other.

Here are the main signs that there is a sincere feeling between you:

If you are now difficult to determine, love or passion between you, try to answer two questions.

  1. Do you or something?
  2. Will your feelings also strong if "something" will suddenly disappear?

Do not hurry and be sincere with you. This is not an exam - you will not bet or condemn. Even if after reflections you will understand that the passion drives you, and not high feelings, there is no reason to be upset. You can make efforts and try to bring your relationship to new level.

If your partner is not capable of any feelings other than passion, be sure to read the book Dina Damis and Cassandra Phillips " Paradox passion. She loves him, but he is not". Thanks to the tips set out in it, you can change the behavioral patterns of your halves and build harmonious relationships.

Determine priorities

What is your union now based on? If relations lie exclusively in the intimate plane, it weak position. Whatever the dizzying sex, one will not be enough for stable long-term relationships.

Try adding souiffs and tenderness to your communication. Express your feelings or emotions not only physiologically and tactile, but also verbal. Talk with a partner, interest it, praise, sympathize and support. Try to allocate more time on joint walks, romantic dates.

Do not be afraid to say a partner about what you are waiting for him. If he needs only sex and he is not ready, it is better to learn about it right away how to build illusions, and then be bitterly disappointed.

Learn to trust

Passion is an indomitable desire to be able to enjoy someone. It is for this reason that is a constant companion of passion. If you decide to build an adult relationship, you will have to learn to trust the partner. First, stop controlling your halves and terrorize endless persisions and suspicions. Please accept the fact that each of you has the right to personal space.

If, explain to him that he can trust you. Do not be afraid to say that such distrust and total control is not only annoying, but also humiliate you.

If not looking at anything, you continue to pursue and control, think about - so you see your happy future? Jealousy flashes only at first. Over time, endless scenes, reproaches and excuses either destroy your union, or give you as a person.

Give up without requiring nothing in return

At first it will not be easy, but remember that real love is disinterested. If making something pleasant for the partner you are waiting for a response, try to change your attitude to the situation. Learn to have the pleasure of what you are doing a happy loved one.

If you do not want to give and cannot sacrifice yourself or your interests for the other, no matter how hard they tried, this is a signal. When in a pair, one or both wish only to receive, not giving anything in return, their union will not be long. Love is a partnership, and therefore, protruding its own ego, you can hardly build a strong relationship.

As you can see, passion and love have little in common, but nevertheless, organically complement each other. The passion without love will be a bright, but short-lived outbreak of emotions. Love without passion can be more like a friendship than a romantic relationship. If there is real love between a man and a woman, a small portion of passion not only will not spoil the bright feeling, but also adds bright paints and pleasant experiences into it.

What do you think will be a full relationship built on something one? And perhaps you have examples, as passion turned into strong love? Be sure to write about it in the comments!

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