
Perfect couple for cancer. With whom of the signs is compatible man cancer perfect compatibility for man cancer

Cancer is a sign of water element, which gives his representatives of sensitivity and emotionality. These people are gentle and full of love are attached to the family and are not completely inclined to risk. For cancer, the mood differences are characterized, which can quickly change from dreaminess and thoughtfulness to sadness and peeliness. High degree of compatibility in love and marriage with cancer have people who differ in patience, stability and reliability.

Cancers are very caring, loving and understanding partners. They expect the same from their loved ones and feel offended if it is not. IN love relationship And the family they can give a lot to give their second half: loyalty, comfort, participation. They assist and support, have the ability to combine instincts with logic. They will pamper the beloved, but will require equal, if no more attention in response.

They are looking for a deep connection of the body, mind and soul - they do not agree to the smaller. These people show their love, taking care of a loved one. They pay more attention to feelings than words. As a rule, cancers are very appreciated by the family and keep loyalty to the spouse, love children and care about their parents. Their ideal is stable, strong relationships in which the place of uncertainty remains.

The best compatibility in love and marriage in cancer with Zodiac signs Scorpio (October 24 - November 22), Pisces (February 19 - March 20) and Cancer (June 22 - July 22). They are well compatible with Taurus (April 21 - May 20) and the Virgo (August 24 - September 23).

Incompatible cancer signs are Aries (March 21 - April 20) and scales (September 24 - October 23), although the Union with Ovny can be useful for career and position in society, and with weights for emotional support. Relationships with Lvom (July 23 - August 23) may be financially beneficial. As for marriage compatibility, Capricorn will be one of the best (December 22 - January 20). For spiritual development, a fruitful partnership with Gemini (May 21 - June 21).

Read more love compatibility Cancer with all the twelve signs of the zodiac read in the articles below:

Cancer Compatibility Horoscope with Zodiac Signs

Compatibility horoscope: Compatibility of the zodiac signs in love Cancer Male is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Each of us is able to fit perfectly with one people and experiences difficulties in communicating with others. Such a sign of the zodiac as cancer is compatible with many people, since it is soft and understanding by their nature. However, for such people there are those with whom the relationship will be built difficult.

Cancer Zodiac Sign - Women Compatibility

Woman cancer is compatible in love with many people, but does not always choose suitable partners. She cannot figure out himself, and her partner also does not always manage to do it. She is afraid of critics and ridicule, it is evil.

She lives past memories, feelings, and all this is very expensive for her. Near her there must be a tactful, kind, understanding partner - another just wounds her feelings. She is an excellent owner, maternity and hospitable, and a person who is alien to whom is alien to them.

Cancer: Love Compatibility

A man whose zodiac sign is cancer, compatible with all watermarks. However, he could get along with each who will appreciate his feelings and will not be offended by his secretiveness.

A man with the zodiac sign "Cancer" is compatible with those who tolerate jealousy, as a strong owner. He is not suitable freedom-loving coquette. Its type is an intellectual woman who is also not averse to household. This is a careful person with an analytical mindset, he can easily solve any problem. However, the cancer is not sure, and in relationships constantly requires evidence of love and affection.

Cancer compatibility with zodiac signs

Cancers do not always understand themselves, and near them need a partner who will help them in self-knowledge and will be patient and devotees.

Cancer can push his tendency to experience and depression - light sadness is its usual state. But if it does not frighten their partner, the Union will be strong and happy.

Man cancer compatibility with other signs of the zodiac

Overall compatibility rating: 8.1. Psychological compatibility of man cancer and female in relationships Real.

Total compatibility rating: 3.7. Psychological compatibility of cancer of a man and aquarius of a woman in relations from.

Overall compatibility rating: 8.1. Psychological compatibility of cancer of a man and Capricorn women in relations to D�.

Total compatibility rating: 5.5. Psychological compatibility of man's cancer and the Sagittarius of a woman in relations M.

Overall compatibility rating: 9.4. Psychological compatibility of cancer of a man and scorpion of a woman in relations �.

Overall compatibility rating: 4.8. Psychological compatibility of cancer Male and women's scales in relationships is about.

General compatibility rating: 7.8. Psychological compatibility of cancer Male and Virgo Women in Relationships.

General compatibility rating: 7.3. Psychological compatibility of man's cancer and a lion of women in the Sun relations.

General compatibility rating: 8.6. Psychological compatibility of man's cancer and woman cancer in relations every way.

Psychological compatibility of the twins of a woman and cancer of a man in the relationship of the twin-male cancer male to.

Psychological compatibility Taurus of a woman and cancer of a man in relations The Union of Taurus and cancer can be called HPE.

Psychological compatibility of Aries Women and Cancer Men in Relationships If you look at this pair from the station.

Cancer compatibility

Zodiacal sign of cancer - minister of a variable moon. Cancer is characterized by its emotionality and sensuality. It is very difficult for him to join new relationships, it is even more difficult to change anything in his life, refusing the usual and "safe" things. Cancer is easily amenable to mood, it is inclined to fall into despair and panic while approaching difficulties. He likes to move in life for sure, slow cameers, and then firmly capture his goal, no longer releasing her of her hands. Cancer is very striving to find stability in life, reliable rear. Having gained confidence that he has protection and support, cancer will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Despite the visible softness and flexibility of cancer, it can be very purposeful and even rigid in decisions when it is necessary. Cancer is rarely confident - both personal, and official relations, he is able to treat their constant suspicions and doubts. Without taking criticism, cancer can be very hurt by people who, at least once in his life, allowed themselves caustic comments in his address. It is almost not possible to pour cancer, but, shrouded to the wall, it will be desperately defended and can even be aggressive at that time.

Huge importance for cancer has financial stability in life, homemade comfort, confident rear. Their satellite life is inclined to represent strong, mascot personwhich will help survive the life storms will protect in difficult situations. Cancer is never a selfish consumer of attention - it will be grateful to respond to the partner with reciprocity, and sometimes it will go to a self-sacrifice for the sake of relationships, completely giving himself to the power of his feelings.

The most compatible marks for cancer, as a rule, are considered to be Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Fish. Aries and scales are considered to be the least compatible cancer signs.

Cancer Compatibility Table

This table shows the average cancer ratios with each of the zodiac signs. Links in the table lead to additional articles on cancer compatibility, which describe this type of relationship in more detail.

Cancer-Man Compatibility in Love

You can never read a cancer man as an open book, with each of your attempt to get close to him, he will start turning to you with his other impermeable side. Cancer-man compatibility in love will only receive if you can accept his secrets, which he usually will never share, even with the most close people. Cancer may be too restless, idealistic, prone to reflections and dreams. At the first meeting with him, you may have the impression that it is too frivolous. Cancer-male compatibility in love will receive only if you do not contradict him, otherwise he can break out anger. More about a man cancer \u003e\u003e\u003e

Cancer-man compatibility in love with women different signs of the zodiac

Both of these sign are essentially jealous. But the difference between them is that the cancer flashes when he is jealous, but the Aries is extremely nice. \u003e\u003e\u003e

Cancer-male Compatibility in love with Taurus: He loves when his beloved woman is pamping and nursing, and the woman herself, this process gives pleasure, then this pair can be called perfect. \u003e\u003e\u003e

Relations between cancer and twin women can be quite happy, but only if they gain patience and be able to adapt to each other. \u003e\u003e\u003e

Cancer-man Compatibility in love with his sign: First of all, for this couple, you must first learn to overcome secrets. Although they believe that they are entitled to have their own secrets, but they also do not like secrecy. \u003e\u003e\u003e

Between them must be connected. But to continue the relationship, cancer will have to understand that the lioness must necessarily manage something. \u003e\u003e\u003e

She is able to return the cancer to the feeling of reliability and the security, which he experienced when he was still a child when his mother spoke to calm down and everything was in order. \u003e\u003e\u003e

Cancer-man is compatible in love with weights: he is so amazed and fascinated by her beauty that at just her form he immediately loses his head, and he has no chance of salvation. \u003e\u003e\u003e

A pair of a male man and a scorpion-scorpion woman promise happy fate. They will never get bored with each other in connection with which their union can exist forever. \u003e\u003e\u003e

Cancer will fall under the charm of the Sagittarius, which will be attended by a hint of a mystery and attraction. \u003e\u003e\u003e

Unlike his companion, the female Capricorn does not suffer excessive sensitivity, so she needs to be careful with him, because it can be very easy to offend. \u003e\u003e\u003e

Cancer will always insist on the role of the main in relationship. Therefore, no matter how gentle it is not, a woman-aquarian needs to be always alert. \u003e\u003e\u003e

Since the female fish from birth can know how no one else to solve the secrets of human relationships, it will not be able to scare any of the cat. \u003e\u003e\u003e

Horoscope for January 2018

With whom from the signs is compatible man cancer

Many of us prefer to build a relationship, relying on a horoscope. And this is an explanation: still long before the existence of us with you the stars were connected by the signs of the zodiac. Surely you have noticed more than once that, it would seem, at first glance a person sympathizes you, but something in it repels you.

Compatibility man cancer with others

Yes, yes, it is the stars trying to convey that he does not suit you as a partner for the relationship of any kind.

In this publication, we will consider compatibility of a cancer man with other signs of the zodiac world.

General Characteristics of Cancer Men

Before you know who is compatible with cancer, we will understand in some features of its temperament.

Among all the signs of the zodiac, the cancer is inherent in special sensitivity (especially if their horoscope horse, snake, goat and dog), because the moon is patronized. Such people are very easy to hurt and offend non-unborn criticism. They can easily be tied to people and openly show it show. They have a superbly developed intuition, with the help of which they manage to cope with stressful situations.

People whose zodiac - Cancer belong to the signs of water element, which, in fact, causes their sensuality. Such personalities with great pleasure help the needy and try not to create conflict situations.

Representatives of this zodiacal sign do not take a rapid decision (with the exception of those who are dragon, monkey, rat and rooster). They need to thoroughly think about everything, weigh everything in and against, only after that the verdict will be made.

If you look at a person who is a horoscope Cancer, from the side, then it is possible to note his calm and self-confident look. But this is a kind of mask, which he is trying to cover his vulnerability and sensuality.

The man whose zodiac is cancer takes everything close to the heart and is hiding in his protective "shell" at any danger. From such an emotional state, it can be pulled out only with caressing, kindness and love attitude.

What are they, male crayfish

Cancers are soft-grateful, so they will not take much difficulty to tighten them. He easily rushes to help in need. And even if it is a stranger, a little-known person, it will not stop this watermark, and he will try in every way to assist in a particular matter. Often, this quality does not benefit him, because there will always be a mass of people who will definitely want to take advantage of the germ-gravity of their friend.

Craks love their home very much and belong to him with great respect (especially, this applies to those who are a pig horoscope (boar), rabbit, tiger and bull). The house for them is some kind of refuge in which they hide from all sorts of adversity and worldly bustle. It is here that they feel protected, calm and confident.

Cancers have an increased parental instinct. They are very attached to their children, and this applies not only to representatives of the beautiful floor, but also men. They carefully envelop their relatives and close to warm, care and attention. In comparison with other signs of the zodiac world, the guy-cancer is too emotional. However, this concerns exclusively personal issues. When it comes to professional activity, then he behaves self-confidently, unbiased.

Men whose zodiac - cancer, extremely rarely trusted unfamiliar people. And if you want to truly recognize it, you will have to spend a lot of time. Such people are hidden and sometimes not reveal even before their close friends.

Compatibility of a man of cancer with a woman in love relationships is built on sincere feelings. But at the same time he misses the ability to smell with the opposite sex, especially if the girl is beautiful and witty at the same time.

By and large, the compatibility of a man of cancer in love with other zodiac representatives largely depends on the woman who will be next to him.

Positive Cancer Characteristics:

  • good sense of humour;
  • rationality;
  • practicality;
  • wit;
  • fantastic memory;
  • patience;
  • gallantry;
  • high mental abilities;
  • goodwill.

At the same time, excessive credulity, the dullness often prevents the man of cancer to succeed in relations of various plan.

Compatibility with Water Element Signs

Tandem Rakov

At first glance, two people have a lot of this sign. They are fine with each other, they have common interests and life goals. When entering into relationships, the canceli is first sincerely admire the manifestation of cardiac heat in relation to each other, but this behavior is due only to the desire to control the behavior of his chosen.

Compatibility Cancer Man and Cancer Woman in friendly relationships show good. And even if they have no opportunity to see them, then they are enough telephone conversation to support and give a good advice.

The love of these representatives of the zodiac world develops slowly, but confident. They provide all-effective support for their satellites, which is very important in the relationship between a man and a woman.

By and large, the compatibility of cancer of man and cancer women largely depends on the sincerity, dedication of partners. If they trust each other, they will not look around, they will be waiting for a beautiful and happy future.

Scorpio woman and cancer man

In this star pair, everything is built on the natural understanding of the partner's mood drops. Head and, so to speak, the engine in such respects is a cancer man.

Sex compatibility Such a pair is based on the synchronized passion of both. Their love for an intimation can continue indefinitely. Such intimate meetings are more emotional temperament than previous.

If it comes to close relationships, the love, both for scorpion and for cancer, is something sublime and extraterrestrial. And when the fears from the man will disappear, they will be incredibly comfortable with each other.

What awaits with fish

In the relationship of this zodiacal pair, everything is fine. They see the partner only positive qualities. It is best to feel at home, where no one sees their feelings, which allows them to be fully in front of their chosen one.

Such couples can live together happy life. However, if the female of the fish will not be able to achieve the full location of his chosen one, he will begin to look for attention and affection on the side.

Element of fire and man cancer

With the signs of this verse, the male cancer is being built as follows:

  1. With a female Ova (patron - Mars) he is waiting for a burning sex, which will not tell about sincere relationships, because it stands at least once to cool down, as a representative of strong sex will immediately go into all the grave. If she gives him a lot of attention, caress and envelops love, he will answer her the same coin.
  2. Male cancer compatibility with a woman's good woman. He will take care of her, and she just needs it, while business partners of them, to put it mildly, bad.
  3. Woman Sagittarius does not always suit a man with a water element with his narcissism. But often they are reduced to a relaxing curiosity in relation to each other.

Compatibility with Earth Element Representatives

If we talk about compatibility with the signs of the earth's element, then things are somewhat different. With the Virny, everything happens on the principle of this stretching towards this. Representatives of these zodiac signs are characterized by a cheerful temperament and a caring attitude towards others, they like security and comfort.

With a woman's woman, compatibility in love affairs is perfect, because it does not get tired to arrange a romantic comfort for him in the house, what he needs.

In the tandem, with the Capricorn, the representative of the water element will be very difficult. The easiest way to protect yourself in advance from all difficulties that, in fact, male crayfish when meeting with such a representative of the zodiac world.

Element of air and man cancer

In relations with the weights it will be difficult. Water fills the containers, and the air does not recognize the restrictions. Well, if they go to each other for concessions and will be able to close their eyes to some of the tricks of their partner.

Happy male crayfish and funny water-women are a fairly interesting tandem. When both are in a good mood, they are able to joke so that no one can resist laughter. Love will be able to build only if each of the partners URSumens the nature of the nature of their chosen one.

Cancer compatibility with other signs, horoscopes for 201

how the relationship of cancer is in marriage, how to live p�

Lion + Cancer - Compatibility - Astratipologist Dmitry Shimko J

Women Cancer and Compatibility Women Cancer with Other

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Gemini + Cancer - Compatibility - Astratipologist Dmitry Sh

Cancer + Taurus - Compatibility - Astretipologist Dmitry Shimk

Compatibility of cancer-man and woman cancer. By horoscope�

Horoscope of the sexual compatibility of cancer with others

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00:06 - Characteristics of cancer 01:48 - Cancer - Aries 03:08 - Cancer - body

Cancer + Aquarius - Compatibility - Astretipologist Dmitry Shi

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Women Cancer and Compatibility Women Cancer with Other

Women Cancer and Compatibility Women Cancer with Other

Compatibility of cancer man and lev-woman. In compatible�

Compatibility of a man of cancer with a woman twin is based on physical imposition. However, it is worth noting that, besides sex, they do not bind anything else. So when both partners find that they have completely different life positions and goals, on this compatibility of the twins of women and cancer Men will be discontinued.

Remember, no matter how your horoscope, you can always make some changes to it. And let the luck always accompany you in life!

Wrinking new relationships with a man, many girls feel the feeling of the insecurity that these relationships are good. That is why, by determining the selection of the zodiac, a chosen was born, a woman tries to know his compatibility in relationships. Compatibility of cancer men with other signs - this is what you need to know by entering into contact with the representative of this sign.

What is he, man-cancer

The compatibility of the man's cancer in love directly depends on how his relationship with his mother was evolved, because representatives of this sign are the most sensitive and vulnerable in the emotional plan. If it is good in his family, his mother is a soft calm woman who paid enough time to family and household, such becomes excellent family man, loving and sensitive. If the chief chief is a hard, shrimp, a powerful woman, or a single mother, excessive son, then a partner is often unbalanced, unnecessary jealous, running from all life adversity and difficulties under the maternal wing. The love of such mothers can be tightly drowning in sensitive children all natural sensitivity, tenderness and desire to create a family itself. The best companion in life will be the guy-cancer, which managed to independently resolve all the problematic moments of family relationships.

If a woman comes into the union of a man of this watermark, it must remember that sex compatibility may not coincide with the compatibility in love. Due to the peculiarities of the formation of a man's cancer character, he can treat sex as something minor. Since the young cancer is romantic, it is inclined to fantasies and overestimated expectations that are rarely justified, because in each relationship he sees love, not only with passion, but also with support, understanding, romantic deeds. Disappointment in the first way can leave a precipitate, which will accompany him the rest of his life, until the fact that such a man will consciously choose loneliness or becomes a companion for his own mother.

If the first love of cancer was mutual and justified his expectations, such a man the best choice Any woman is a gentle and sensitive lover, an approximate and attentive family man.

Typical shortcomings of man cancer

Representatives of all signs of the zodiac have a number of typical drawbacks. That's what you should remember, linking yourself with cancer:

  • cracks are indecisive and passive, even in bed;
  • they are prone to nostalgia;
  • they are not able to adequately perceive criticism in their address;
  • how to recognize your own mistakes;
  • periodically, they will be closed in themselves, enhanced by the world;
  • in humans, they try to seem tough and harsh, but it is only a mask;
  • is not tenderness and stability in sex boring;
  • the moon affects water, which is associated with tides and lowers, in the case of cancer, it can affect his mood and emotional fluctuations.

Choosing cancer in partners in life, we can safely expect that his love will be indestructible and faithful. Such a man will become an excellent family man, loving husband and father, but it is worth avoiding those who failed to determine the life goals. Such men are called walkers, as they migrate from one bed to another, without resting for a long time. These are capricious people who originate themselves and those around them with uncertainty.

As a horoscope cancer compatible with other signs

Although Cancer Cancer Compatibility with a woman-representative of any zodiacal sign is high enough, the most high compatibility of a man of cancer with other representatives of watermarks - crayfish, scorpions, fish.

Since the cancers people are incredulous, the easiest way to establish contact with representatives of their elements. Scorpions seem to be supersecienne and admire their inhuman intuition. With dreamy romantic fish, they can always pose and dream about travel and campaigns that are so fond of both.

In the relationship of two crabs everything will be perfect, but only at the start of their joint path. In the future, the inertia and infantomy of partners show not a good perspective.

Compatibility of such men with representatives of other watermarks is based on their emotionality, which allows you to hide from all the unfortunately surrounding world in your closed space. Only in a scorpion relationship, he is able to take the initiative to his hands, in the Union with the fish becoming a genuine keeper of the family hearth. But the ideal compatibility of two cancers at the beginning of their relationship is able to turn such relationships into torture. Each in such a pair is experiencing constant emotional oscillations, and while the feelings range in unison, everything is fine, but very boring, if there is a dissonance in emotional oscillations, then avoid loud scandals, hysterics and tears making unfortunate both, simply impossible. The man and woman canceli sooner or later understand that it is best to be friends, in which case they achieve absolute mutual understanding.

How cancer is compatible with earthly signs

Compatibility of cancer cancer cancer with a woman representing the element of the Earth is quite high, in some cases it is perfect. Representatives of such a union are complemented by the best of all, because it is emotionality that sometimes lacking several stale calfs, Capricorn and devans.

Cancer and Taurus will become partners who support equilibrium in a relationship, while taking care of the financial well-being of the family. In the Union with the Virgin Cancer acquires a personal psychoanalyst who knows how to empathize and carefully listen, as well as analyze and lay all soul thickens of cancer on the shelves. Pragmatic Virgo is able to force him to act, which will be positively affected on the material aspect of their union.

The most difficult for a cancer to find a balance with Capricorn. Representatives of these signs are directly opposite each other in the zodiacal circle. Maximum that bring the relationship of young representatives of these signs is to satisfy the carnal passions, but in the mature age they are able to find each other exactly what they were looking for all the conscious life.

How cancer is compatible with fire and air signs

The main characteristic of the relationship of cancer with representatives of the fiery and air elements is the confrontation. In the case of fiery lions, Sagittarius and Aries, the root of disagreements lies in the incompatibility of the elements themselves, and in the case of air aquaries, twins and weights - in absolutely different views on any life questions and the difference of approaches to their resolution.

Who would have thought that the water-related cancer and aquarius would not find a common language, but this is so. Aquarius will certainly consider cancer by an amorphous loser, and even a rapid enchanting sex between these people will not save their relationship. A man will invariably annoy the talkativeness and peeliness of ladies-aquarius.

Despite the fact that the Aries and Scorpio is patronized Mars, it is the impact of this planet that negates all possible prospects in the relationship of Aries and cancer. In such a pair, a representative of the fiery element is quite militant and inclined to various kinds of adventures, and the representative of the element of water is a soft non-conflict conservative romantic. Over time, in such an alliance, one person will inevitably begin to annoy the other.

Large lack of twins in the eyes of cancer is their love for freedom and independence. In such respects, the watermark does not feel stability and reliability in the partner, which will certainly lead to a rupture.

In a relationship with a bright lion, Cancer at first will find a support itself, but will not stand constant pressure, as in a relationship with Sagittarius.

With intellectual scales, cancer speak absolutely different languages, and the scales simply will not understand what the partner wants from them.

None of the representatives of the elements of air and fire are not able to give cancer a sense of reliability and security, they are too ulcer, ambitious, selflessness, dodes and cunning, while he needs a soul soul.

Compatibility of male crayfish on the Eastern calendar

For those who wish to know with whom the man is compatible with a man, there is washed away to pay attention not only to the classic zodiac horoscope, but also to the East.

Considering the signs of an eastern horoscope, which is also known to 12, as well as the signs of the zodiac, you need to take into account the date of birth of partners, because At 12 signs of the Eastern Horoscope, 7 planets are noted, which adds differences to two representatives of one sign.

Good compatibility of a man of cancer with other signs is largely based on how the moon affects each of the partners.

Successful Cancer Couples

If a man in the eastern horoscope is a bull, he is perfect for a rat rat or a snake. Such an alliance will be based on coinciding views on family life, joint economy and education of children.

Successful Couples for Cancer-Horse

A very complex partner will be a man cancer, born in the year of the horse, because such a person is just a tangle of contradictions. The closure inherent in the zodiac sign is forced to face straightness and openness of the eastern sign every day. Good compatibility will be in pairs:

  • horse tiger;
  • dragon horse;
  • horse rooster;
  • a monkey horse;
  • horse dog.

Successful Cat Couple Couples (Rabbit)

An ambiguous partner will be a cancer, born in the year of the rabbit (or cat). Such a guy is selfish, self-war, spoiled. It is susceptible to self-culture and often feel a feeling of pity in relation to himself. It does not accept situations that cannot affect and prefers to stay away from them. The love of such a man borders with proprietary, his partner is constantly facing the stormy scenes of jealousy, most often unjustified. A good union is a pair of a rabbit rat and a rabbit monkey.

Successful Couples for Cancer-Pig

In view of the characteristics of the character, a man born in the year of pig can become a great spouse. Cancer-pig (in some editions of the boar) is impressed, but despite emotionality, it is firmly on the legs. Such a man is able to become a successful entrepreneur, or to achieve significant success in the chosen profession. Such a man can not be called boring, because He knows how to not only work, but also to have fun, which distinguishes him from other cancers. The disadvantage of such a man can be excessive waste. For a pig, more successful will be the union with a tiger, a monkey or other pig, while the dragon, snake, a rabbit and a horse frankly unsuccessful choice.

Unions, successful for cancer born in the year of the dragon, tiger, goats and dogs

The most humble and calm from all dragons is dragon-cancer, because he is inclined to dreams, emotional, romantic and gentle. However, in contrast to the qualities associated with the zodiacal sign, the authority, soberness, quick temper, tendency to flashes of anger and intolerance. Such men are often contradictory - externally, they are the harsh owners of life, and inside - finely felt soft and vanity.

Durable alliance in dragons is possible with a rat, a tiger and a pig. Avoid standing horse and dog.

Successful Couple Tiger Couples

A man born in the year of the Tiger is also complicated for himself for others. Despite the fact that Nature endowed him with the mind, force, cunning and energy, she tried his stability. He is unreasonable and sometimes he does not know what he wants. Because of its own instability, it may seem aggressive and quick-tempered, but this is most often due to internal experiences and a sense of uncertainty. For such a man, family and home are extremely important, and he will do everything to keep them.

An unambiguously safeguard will be a tiger union with a dragon, much more unsuccessful prospects. Tigra should not enter into relationships with a bull, snake, goat. Rooster, monkey and other tiger.

Successful Couples for Cancer-Goat (Sheep)

All those who were born in the year of the goats are cute people inclined to self-sacrifice. It is they who realize themselves as volunteers, it is extremely important for them to feel part of society and feel their benefit for this society. Since the crayfish born in the year of the goat is quite altruistic nature, they are not achieving happiness in the Union with a rat, a bull, horse and a dog. Such people will be happy with her like themselves - with goat, rabbit or pig.

Successful Couples for Cancer-Dog

Cancer-man born in the year of the dog is distinguished by perseverance. He spends his own domestic powers To maintain the balance between work and family, which can cause him considerable suffering. In this case, the uncertainty in itself. Such a man should not make reckless acts and to go a bank, otherwise he can lose everything.

The dog with a rabbit, horse and pig will be favorable. Nothing good will come out with a rooster, dragon, tigrome and goat.

Unions, successful for cancer-snake, rooster, rats and monkeys

Cancer-snakes are a very peculiar man. It can be both an independent loner and an exemplary family man. However, having met the family snake, you should not relax - from the partner he is waiting for activity, confidence, understanding. He must know that his woman adamantly believes in a bright and secured joint future.

A good union is waiting for two snakes, as well as snake and rat, pig and tiger. Do not avoid difficulties in a pair with a horse, dog, rooster and bull.

Successful pairs for cancer-rooster

Craks, born in the year of the rooster, are aggressive and straightforward, they simply are incapable of compromise that it often spoils life, both others and themselves. They crave attention and love to shine in society. All their life resembles a pendulum oscillation from success to failure.

There will be a joy of rooster and snake or bull. Very bad everything will be folded with another rooster, horse, rabbit and rat.

Successful Cancer Cancer-Rat

If the man-cancer was born in the year of the rat, he could be the best of her husbands. This is a household, a person who can do something with his own hands. He does not like big and noisy companies. The circle of dating such a person is selected with an extremely serious approach, because this person is looking for friends, partners and a woman for centuries, and any impermanence and changes are frightened and knocked out of the gauge.

With new people, he behaves alert and incredulously, his trust need to be deserved, which you can not say about the business sector. In the affairs of Rat Cancer is just a animal flair.

A successful partner in life for cancer-rat will be a snake, a rooster, a bull, a dog or a tiger. Avoiding the relationship stands with a cat (rabbit), which can "eat" a rat or with a horse capable of this rat "flood".

Successful pairs for monkey cancer

Cancer, which appeared in the world of monkeys, at first glance it may seem too wounded, but it is fundamentally incorrect. Such people hide the monkey nature under the mask of cancer, which allows them to remain in virtually in any situation. However, it bears certain difficulties in personal relationships. Few people can figure out what is the true feelings and desires of cancer-monkey, and that - only a mask.

The best dog, horse or tiger will understand the monkey. It will be extremely difficult to find mutual understanding of the relationship with the rat and a snake.

Now you know about the compatibility of a cancer man with other zodiac signs.

Cracks are representatives of the water elements under the control of the Moon. In astrology, such a combination characterizes people wounded, sensitive. The man-cancer will be such when everything will develop at his request. Overcoming injustice, the character will change: the rigidity will appear, the tendency to obey others.

General Characteristics of Men Cancer

The horoscope of cancers describes them the most emotional of all signs of the zodiac. A serious male appearance may not fit the vane, an indecisive boy living in the soul.

Despite the emotionality, the characteristics of the representatives of the sign includes secrecy, remoteness from others. Psychological picture The opposite of the Terrible appearance. Cancer is afraid of betrayal, humiliation, it is easy to offend. New acquaintances are not easy: a man is drunk from curiosity, but the behavior does not demonstrate it. He has a reputation as a cautious, far-sighted person.

When finding out cancer, many seems cold. If you wish to make a relationship with him, you need to patience, show yourself to know it better. Then the man will reveal his true face.

Negative character trait - pride, precisely because of this lack of men are difficult to endure failures. When cancer is insulted, it is delayed for a long time, especially if it is self-esteem. If a person understands him, finds out closer, he sees a man who lovingly caring about loved ones.

Cancer is characterized by sentimentality. When the guy matures, away from the family, he suffers greatly. Unnatural attachment to the mother remains for life, he tries to please her in everything, even in choosing a companion. Often it interferes in marriage, because communication with parents - weakness, A man leaves his beloved if his mother wants.

Man-cancer in love

Because of the pride of the male crayfish, they are confident that the woman should conquer attention. Could play with the feelings of others, not appreciate their actions. But truly in love with cancer is ready to make actions. It may take tenderness, affection, care. Woning the heart of the elect, immediately weakens the grip, demonstrates complex character.

Sometimes the signs of the sign themselves suffer from this nature, because people managed by the moon especially need love. If partners manage to achieve mutual understanding, learn to give up, understand each other, the love of cancer will be selfless, devotee. Treason should not wait, the main task is to find a woman who can taught a pride, secrecy, having fragile the man.

Representatives of the sign like girls are much younger. Men sit in naivety, mysteriousness - features inherent in young girls.

Cancer in bed

Self-love affects the bed: Cancer likes to behave in such a way as to enjoy, forgetting about the partner. Often it happens when the girl herself sought his location. Such relationships are doomed, last long.

A man who truly loving his choices is sensuality in sex, passion, cares about mutual satisfaction. Description of such a lover: Ideal in the eyes of many women. The man-cancer feels what the partner wants, quickly recognizes its weakness, intimate desires.

Cancer in relationships and marriage

He needs a worthy chosen, which he loves all the soul. Often raks are married after 40, and with girls younger than 10 or more years. If a woman has obvious flaws in appearance, behavior, she will not suit the role of his wife.

Family life will be happy if the chosen is adapted to the character of her husband. In the work of cancer usually successful, hold senior positions. Despite the presence of money, many prefer to live with Mom, leading his wife to her house. Even with a separate accommodation, a cathedral of Cancer should be ready to live under the constant control of his parents.

If in the first few years a pair manages to blame, the Union will be happy: in the family there will be peace, comfort, questions in everyday life will be solved together. The spouse will have time to play the role of nanny not only for children, but also for her husband. She is better to give up work, dedicating to the family.

Compatible with other zodiac signs

High compatibility of cancer with women such signs:

Long-term relationships are impossible.

Compatibility of which with other signs is not always successful. But the Soyuz Cancer and cancer It is quite harmonious and successful.

Cancer and cancer Compatibility in love relationships

Cracks are usually monochrome. By choosing a partner, they hold hard for it and try to preserve the relationship. The representatives of the sign are of great interest in the past of their partner, they do not calm down until they learn all the details, so they are better to immediately tell each other about all skeletons in the closet.

The representatives of the sign are very wounded and sensitive, and therefore in relationship they are very attentive to each other, but at the same time they crave attention from the partner and are often jealous of him to other people. For cancers, constant mood changes are characterized, they are easy to offend and disappoint. Man cancer and woman cancer Always understand each other, although they will often occur. Moreover, the reasons for the quarrel are usually insignificant and often fetched. However, for a long time to be offended by each other, cancers do not know how and quickly lay down.

The relationship between the two crayfish will be simple, if the partners are trying to keep themselves in their hands, trying to smooth out the emerging conflicts. The leading role in this is given to the woman, it is she who can find a compromise. And after the expiration of time, a pair of cancers will be less than quarrels and misunderstandings, because they will learn to understand each other.

For cancers are not characterized by spontaneous actions, they are practical and thoughtful. It concerns this and romantic relationships. They do not rush to the outer with their heads, and very carefully study the potential partner, and then make a decision to create relationships with him. Fear of love failure, at the beginning of relations, canceli may seem cold and inaccessible.

His partner representatives of the sign are subject to numerous checks, trying to better learn and not hurry to show their feelings. Caring Men Cancer cannot be called rapid and dizzy. He tries slowly, but it is right to conquer his chosen. And if the representatives of another sign may seem boring, then the woman is cancer to evaluate such caution and unobtrusion.

In such a pair, everything is in order. The similarity of temperaments make their intimate life filled and outstanding. It is in the bedroom a crayfish can express themselves one hundred percent, forgetting about constraints and shyness. The only nuance that is able to overshadow the sex life of the couple is that both partners are prone to egoism and may insist on the fulfillment of their desires. However, if a man and woman can come to a common denominator, there are not many problems in the intimate sphere.

Cancer and cancer compatibility

Cancer and Cancer, Love Compatibility Which is satisfied with successful, can also create a strong family, because they perfectly understand each other. Free relationship without commitment is not something that chooses woman cancer and man cancer. Compatibility These people are based on the fact that they are like no other value and honor family values, seek to legalize their relationship, create a durable and long-term marriage union. They dream of a big cozy house in which they will spend time with each other and loved children.

As a rule, in such a marriage, a man becomes a getter, often engaged in business, and a woman supports a family hearth, studying homemade hassle and raising children. This does not mean that the woman cancer does not understand anything in affairs and careers, on the contrary, her man often takes important decisions, only consulting with her. The wife becomes for a man of cancer not only a beloved woman, but also best friend and companion. To preserve strong relationships, this pair requires material well-being, financial difficulties are able to overshadow relationships and even lead to the divorce.

Representatives of this sign adore to keep and review photos from the family archive, protect children's drawings, they often have a family hobby, they love to go on vacation throughout the family. But they don't like noisy companies and parties, seeking to spend more time at home in each other's society, for example, for watching a good film or playing with children. Cracks are able to completely dissolve each other in such a way that friends and relatives will move to the background. Even after decades, the spouses will be wondering together, and there will always be to talk about. Their tastes usually coincide: they like them and the same dishes, books, films.

Cancers adore children and spend a lot of time with them, so after the birth of babies, their marriage union becomes. Parents of canceli give children care, attention and create for them at the present happy childhood.

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