
Map of the British Islands in English. United Kingdom Map in Russian. Detailed map of Great Britain with cities, counties, roads, airports. Animal and vegetable world

The British Virgin Islands are located in the Caribbean. British Virgin annually take about a million tourists from around the world. Have one of the most sustainable economies of the region.

British Virgin Islands on the map
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British Virgin Islands. Map from satellite

Once, the islands inhabited the tribes of the peaceful farmers - Aravakov, but they were destroyed by the Caribbean, too, the Indians, but militant and bloodthirsty. Biting the tremble hearts, eliminated from the breast of the enemy during the battle, their famous custom. So it lasted before the coming of Europeans, put the end of these innocent entertainment, trally cutting out local.

Columbus opened these islands, but not interested, and later they were settled by the British. Of course, it was mostly settled, but black slaves, and black slaves, to work on sugar cane plantations. The reed continue to raise so far, despite the fact that the prices for reed sugar has long fallen hopelessly. From it now make rum, which are supplied with all the islands of the Caribbean sea from the time of pirates.
Inhabited mainly ebony 80%, official language - English, and religion Protestantism.

Freshwater on the islands is not enough and that there is very deeply, therefore use the ancient method of collecting rain. To do this, there are several desalination stations on the islands.
In financial circles, they are also famous, here is one of the largest centers for registering offshore companies. Registered more than 650 thousand.
Virgin Islands One of the Tourism Centers of the Caribbean Region. Especially popular among English-speaking tourists. Unfortunately, these islands are not included in the list of visa-free countries for Russians, but regret is not too big, since the tourist can be freely live and photograph for up to 6 months, in the presence of a return ticket.

The British Virgin Islands are located in the Caribbean. British Virgin annually take about a million tourists from around the world. Have one of the most sustainable economies of the region.

British Virgin Islands on the map
Card can be increased or decreased

British Virgin Islands. Map from satellite

Once, the islands inhabited the tribes of the peaceful farmers - Aravakov, but they were destroyed by the Caribbean, too, the Indians, but militant and bloodthirsty. Biting the tremble hearts, eliminated from the breast of the enemy during the battle, their famous custom. So it lasted before the coming of Europeans, put the end of these innocent entertainment, trally cutting out local.

Columbus opened these islands, but not interested, and later they were settled by the British. Of course, it was mostly settled, but black slaves, and black slaves, to work on sugar cane plantations. The reed continue to raise so far, despite the fact that the prices for reed sugar has long fallen hopelessly. From it now make rum, which are supplied with all the islands of the Caribbean sea from the time of pirates.
Inhabited mainly ebony 80%, state language - English, and religion Protestantism.

Freshwater on the islands is not enough and that there is very deeply, therefore use the ancient method of collecting rain. To do this, there are several desalination stations on the islands.
In financial circles, they are also famous, here is one of the largest centers for registering offshore companies. Registered more than 650 thousand.
Virgin Islands One of the Tourism Centers of the Caribbean Region. Especially popular among English-speaking tourists. Unfortunately, these islands are not included in the list of visa-free countries for Russians, but regret is not too big, since the tourist can be freely live and photograph for up to 6 months, in the presence of a return ticket.

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Where are the British Virgin Islands?

Virgin Islands Located on the continent of North America, in the time zone GMT-4 (Current time: 09:30, Wednesday).

Remove from your time zone: h. The country is located in the area of \u200b\u200b153 km² with a population of about 21.7 thousand people.

Are the capital of the country are the British Virgin Islands?

Main country - British Virgin Islands - Road town.

Latitude and latitude

British Virgin Islands on the World Map

Virgin Islands

Largest cities in British Virgin Islands

1 Geographical realities
2 Political realities
3 Adjectives and other derivative words
4 names of residents
5 Historical aspects
6 Numbering of monarchs


Diagram illustrating terminology associated with British Islands

The use of different terms to describe various (and sometimes overlapping) geographical, political and historical realities associated with the concept of British islands often leads to confusion and misunderstanding.

The purpose of this article is to explain the meaning and relationship of these terms. It should be remembered that the wording in Russian can noticeably differ from that in other languages, in particular in English.

1. Geographical realities

  • British Isles - Archipelago, including the islands of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as groups of Hebrid, Orkney, Smetland Islands and smaller Islands of Anglese, Maine, etc.
  • United Kingdom (island) - The largest of the British Isles.

"Veliko-" means simply "more" than Brittany (the historical region in the north of France), and not the "greatness" of the state. The latter was settled by Britons (from Cornwall) in about 500 and was called "Small Britain". For example, in French "Brittany" will be Bretagne. , and "United Kingdom" - Grande Bretagne. .

  • Ireland (island) - The second largest from the British islands.
  • Norman Islands - A group of islands in the Strait of La Mans off the coast of France.

Not included directly into the UK and do not constitute political unity, being divided into two corona lands: Jersey and Guernsey. Geographically not belong to the British Islands, but they may be included in them for political considerations.

  • British Islands in Geographical Plan
  • United Kingdom Island
  • Ireland Island
  • Isle of Man - Geographical Concept and Crown Earth
  • Norman Islands (Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark and Herm)
  • Territory under the rule of the Crown: United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey

Political realities

  • Great Britain - The short name of the state occupying the UK island and the north of the island of Ireland, exercises custody over the Norman Islands and about. Maine, which are formally not included in the country.
  • - the full name of the same state
  • Britannia - in modern meaning - unofficial synonym for the concepts of "United Kingdom" and "British Empire"; Historically, the Roman province (lat.

Britannia.), approximately corresponding to the territory of England and Wales.

  • United Kingdom - Ceing with English. The United Kingdom. - Reduction of the term The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), rarely used in Russian and corresponding to the term "United Kingdom" in Russian.
  • England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are composite administrative and political parts (English) of Great Britain.
  • England - The historic core of Great Britain, in conversational speech can be used as a synonym for the latter.

In the USSR and pre-revolutionary Russia, it was consumed much more often than the term "United Kingdom", including in scientific literature.

  • Crown lands - The name of the three owners of Great Britain, which are not directly in its composition, but are not at the same time the overseas territories.

These include: Beiliviki Jersey and Guernsey (Norman Islands) and Isle Of Man In the Irish Sea.

  • In addition, there are no generally accepted terms in Russian for the following concepts:
  • England, Wales and Scotland as a whole - Great Britain .
  • United Kingdom + Crown lands on the British Islands (Maine, Jersey and Guernsey) - British Isles (≠ British Isles. in geographical sense). If the use of "UK" is usually used in increasing use in this sense.
  • Republic of Ireland - Another sovereign state in the British Islands, occupies most of the island of Ireland.
  • Northern Ireland (Olster) - one of the four administrative political parts of the UK (see
  • Brittany "The name of the peninsula in France, who has once populated by Britons from the south of Britain and giving him his name.
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • Scotland
  • Northern Ireland
  • Republic of Ireland
  • England
  • Wales

3. Adjectives and other derivatives

  • British - Adjective to the words "United Kingdom" and "Britain"

4. Names of residents

  • British (Briton, British) - British citizens.

Include the following main ethno-linguistic groups:

  • British - residents of England and / or English speakers.
  • Welsh - Residents of Wales and / or speaking in Welsh language.
  • Scots - the inhabitants of Scotland and / or speaking either on Gaelle (Galno-Scottish) or in English-Scottish.
  • Irish - Residents of Ireland, including Northern Ireland, only a smaller part of which speaks Irish, the rest - only in English.
  • Britty (Britt, Brittka) - a group of Celtic tribes, to V c.

n. e. Attached by the main population of Britain besides the northernmost areas populated by picats.

Spoke on (general) by British, from which otherwise developed british languages : Cumbriage, Welsh, Korjan and Breton.

  • Bretonians - People in Brittany.

Historical aspects

Greeks called British Islands Pretaniké. .

Romans called the United Kingdom Britannias. or Alba. , and Ireland and other islands Britanniae. . After disembarking in 41, they called Britain the territory close to modern England and Wales, Caledonia - Scotland, and Hibernia. - Ireland.

First, the British Islands were the kingdoms of Celts, Saxons and Vikings (Reed, Stratklide and Wessex).

  • 843 - the emergence of the Kingdom of Scotland.
  • 927 - the emergence of the kingdom of England.
  • 1283 - Principality of Wales.
  • 1536 - First Merge: The Principality of Wales joins the kingdom of England.
  • 1541 - the emergence of the Kingdom of Ireland (initially lordness).
  • 1707 - Second Merge: The Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland are united to the Kingdom of the United Kingdom.
  • 1801 - Third Merge: The Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland are united in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
  • 1919 - the emergence of self-proclaimed state Irish Republic.
  • 1922 - split into two independent states:

United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland;

2. Free State Ireland (later - Republic of Ireland).

6. Numbering of monarchs

In 1603, the Scottish King of Yakov VI inherited Trone of England as Yakov I English (and called himself Yakov I british despite the fact that there was no Kingdom of Great Britain Until 1707), but countries have retained independent parliaments and sovereignty.

Scottish historians often call this monarch Yakov VI and I , British historians prefer - Yakov I and Vi .

Many Scots (and not only the nationalists) were upset in 1953, when at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, she received the second serial number, although neither the former Kingdom of Great Britain (1707-1801) nor the United Kingdom (from 1801) did not have Elizabeth I .

However, Elizabeth I was already in the kingdom of England (927-1707).


1. Britain, Oxford English Dictionary: "More Fully Great Britain.

As a Geographical and Political Term: (The Main Island and Smaller Offshore Islands Making Up) England, Scotland, And Wales, Sometimes with the Isle of Man »

2. NEW OXFORD American Dictionary: "Britain: An Island That Consists of England, Wales, and Scotland.

The Name IS Broadly Synonymous with Great Britain, But The Longer Form Is More Usual For the Political Unit. »

3. Britain, Oxford English Dictionary: 1a - The Proper Name of the Whole Island Containing England, Wales, And Scotland, With their dependencies; More Fully Called Great Britain; NOW ALSO Used for the British State or Empire as a whole. »

"Great Britain", New Oxford American Dictionary: "Great Britain: England, Wales, and Scotland Considered As A Unit. The Name Is Also Often Used Loosely To Refer to the United Kingdom. »

5. Countries within a country. Number-10.gov.uk (2003-01-10).

British Isles - Islands archipelago in the north-west of Europe between the Northern Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. On the British Islands there are states such as United Kingdom and Ireland, as well as the territories of the United Kingdom.

British Islands lie on the shelf near the North-West Bank of Europe.

The climate is soft, and the Western shores that wash the Atlantic Ocean, get a lot of rains fit for good pastures.

There are about 5,000 islands, many of which are very small.

The biggest ones are the United Kingdom and Ireland. On the island of United Kingdom there are three countries - England, Scotland and Wales, which together form United Kingdom.

The north of Ireland also includes there, but most of the island forms a separate independent state. United Kingdom and Ireland - Members European Union. Isle of Man and the Norman Islands have self-government, but retain close ties with the UK. In the British Islands live the British, Irish, Scots, Welsh, Jews, Roma, Asians and people from the Caribbean countries.

There are fertile lands to grow crops and breeding cattle and sheep.

The world's first large plants were built in the 1800s, when Britain was the center of a huge empire. More and more people work in the service sector, for example, in banking, and not in the heavy industry.

Where is and how to get there

Address: British Isles

A group of islands, located in the northeast of the Caribbean, is indicated on the world map as Virgin Islands. After his memorable trip, H. Columbus designated the Virgin Islands on the map. Now on the world map shows that this island group is east of. Today, these islands are one of the most comfortable corners of the world, where they strive both alone tourists and families with children.

Panoramic view of the British Virgin Islands

Virgin Islands belong to two countries: Great Britain and USA. Therefore, to visit them, you will need either.

British Virgin Islands consist of sixty elements. Tortol is considered the largest island.

Location of virgin islands on the world map

As it follows from the name, the main master in this beautiful corner of the world is one country - United Kingdom. It is for this reason that in the culture of residents of these islands a lot of customs and the traditions of the British are reflected.

When planning a trip

The British Virgin Islands are always welcome to tourists, but the most attractive time for visiting is considered winter-spring off-season. A person who wants not only to swim in the affectionate waters of the Caribbean Sea, also to have fun, must come to the Virgin Islands in December - April.

It is important to take into account that this period is considered to be a real peak of the influx of holidaymakers, therefore and prices are no democratic.

Detailed map Virgin Islands indicating all islands

So, if you want to save and relax in a relaxed atmosphere, then you need to go to the Virgin Islands in May - August.


The British Virgin Islands have many of the most interesting natural attractions. The most rich in this regard should be called the city of Road Town and the island of Tortol.

The most noteworthy place here is the island of Tortole. Translated from Spanish, the name of the island sounds like "Land of the Gorlin". Tortol is the largest in this group of the island. The nature of the island is very romantic and picturesque. "Pure English" green hills are harmoniously combined with ancient volcanoes, cozy coves and pristine bays. Northern Tortol is incredibly attractive for a beach holiday.

Hotel on the Caribbean on the Virgin Islands

Sand here is amazingly soft, white and clean. Southern Tortol is famous for its valleys and a little gloomy shores. Here, too, there are many luxurious places for a serene rest. Coral sand here has volcanic origins.
According to tourists who come to the Virgin Islands, such a place like Tortol is great for meditative or romantic holidays.

In Road Town, tourists will delight the abundance of the diverse shops, boutiques and restaurants, where you can have a pleasant time for very little money and acquire both souvenirs and clothing.

In the vicinity of the city you can admire the old chapel and Tornton plantation. In the Bay of Carrot Bay, you can find a huge collection of sea shells, among which are often the most unusual and bizarre specimens. In the National Park, Seyad-Mountain can go to Ecoprogulk.

Panoramic view of Seyad Mount National Park


The British Virgin Islands have enough saturated, in the most direct sense of the word, the kitchen. Here you can meet "Popourry" from a wide variety of world culinary trends.

Good and cheap dine, enjoy the magnificent service, you can, in any corner of this place. In restaurants and cafes are served as classic dishesAnd island, representing a crazy, but incredibly tasty mixture of Caribbean flavor and European restraint.

Grocery shop on the Virgin Islands

Sports rest

Also, the British Virgin Islands are extremely popular among fans of a sports holiday. There are quite a few schools of yacht sports, diving and windsurfing.

British Virgin Islands is not only a paradise place for fans of active and passive recreation, but also a recognized offshore background. It is here that there is an extensive range of international Finiss.
So, the offshore zone allows you to invest in the economy, accumulate construction savings and protect your assets.
The offshore background is relevant because in the current, hyper-nimble economic conditions increases the need for strict control over its capital. At the British Virgin Islands, a person can be sure that he will be able to significantly save on taxes and maintain its business assets outside the country of permanent residence.

British Virgin Islands are characterized by economic stability. The standard of living here is considered the highest among other countries in this region. Due to the offshore sector, the uninterrupted receipt of finances in the state pag. Due to this, the unemployment rate is extremely low here.

Against this background, the crime rate is also quite low and violent offenses is almost never observed. It is important to take into account that the British Virgin Islands is considered to be the abuse of nicotine in public places.

American dream

The Virgin Islands of the United States was open to H. Columbus at the end of the fifteenth century. For long years, this corner of the world passed to a variety of owners, and only at the dawn of the twentieth century the United States was bought.

The American Virgin Islands is rightfully considered to be a real paradise for tourists of all stripes. You can relax here both in proud loneliness and family or a noisy company.

Features of climate

Virgin Islands, owned by the United States, are able to please lovers of sun and affectionate sea with a soft tropical climate. Conditionally here you can highlight 2 dry and as many wet seasons. Such seasons include winter and summer periods. Spring-autumn time is the season of abundant rains.
In July - October, visiting the Virgin Islands is undesirable, since the likelihood of hurricanes is very large.

Natural conditions

The American Virgin Islands can boast more than six dozen reefs and a variety of islands. The world of fauna here today, unfortunately, is very poor.

What to visit

American Virgin Islands are rich in historical and natural attractions. So, on the island of Saint Thomas, the rest attracted Fort Crysian. Particular attention here should be given to the castle of Blackburn and the old market square. Having risen to Mount St. Peter Greithaus, you can visit luxury botanical gardens and blinces. In numerous souvenir shops, you can acquire a lot of interesting gifts.

The connoisseurs of the sea fauna will probably be not interesting to visit the Bay of Coki Bay.

It is there that an aquarium is with the most different tropical lovers. The same one who most appreciates the beach holiday should pay the attention of ChristianStand, a cozy town in which the medieval Danish spirit has been preserved. Here you can visit local beaches and enjoy a magnificent holiday.

Virgin Islands have a lot of real natural pearls. One of these pearls is a small island tank. He is uninhabited and attracts all lovers of exciting adventures.

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