
Picture of Levitan March Description Painting Brief. Picture of Levitan "Mart": description and analysis. Banner and Snow Color


At this room, the artist appears the time when there is a fast arrival of spring. This is the first calendar spring month - March. There are still a circle of snow drifts, but the cloudless sky of the sky seems to say that, though they have not retreated at all completely cold, but quite soon the sun will be harvested much stronger. And already hesitates little.

One of these clear sunny days and captured the artist. In the picture, we see a cloudless-clear sky. Circle - Sugro. We see and the road on which the snow was estimated, but rather, not so much from the solar heat, as from what, according to it, probably often go.

On the right side of it there is a wooden big house. Only its part is visible. It can be seen that the house is two floors. Before entrance door - Porch under the visor, on which there is still snow. The roof of the house is seen partially.

Not far from the porch, stands on the road a horse hardened in small sledges. Snowy drifts in a picture with a slightly grayish blue tint. Someone traces and shadows from the trees are visible on them. Birches are banging. At one of them, which grows beside the house, hangs a birdhouse, he is waiting for the Spring Guests. It was not by chance that he was thrown into this landscape. After all, looking at him, you immediately think about the birds that will soon have come back after the winter journey, the arrangement of the arrival of spring. And the birchings stands a lot near the house and opposite - across the road.

Then the pine forest is visible, which leads the trail, barely seen in the picture. Everything is permeated with sunlight. Weather this March day is how the impression is created, rather warm for this time. From the picture and itifies the approaching spring. All nature is waiting for these days.

Simplicity of the image that everyone constantly observes, very picturesque in the painting of Levitan. And the brightness and sunshine of the colors used by them creates from this, such a familiar and frequently observed picture, some particular invigorating attitude.

Writing Description of the painting Mart Levitan

The artist Isaac Levitan wrote his spring picture "March" in 1895, and rightly can be considered one of his best creations.

The canvas depicts the favorite season of Levitan - Spring, month March. How thin and multifaceted it transfers the usual rue to the spring day!

In the foreground - the road heated with solar heat. It is already exempt from captive snow captive, which retreated under the first warm rays of gentle sun. It has many traces and Protalin. Right and left Ruffy, is about to turn into ringing streams and run a lot of water with each other. They sparkle brightly and shimmer by all the colors of the rainbow in the sun, like a kaleidoscope, and it seems that if you look at them, then in the eyes it will be charged.

In the center of the painting barked in Sani Poggy Horse, unloaded, she rest at the threshold of a neat beige house in two floors. The door is open, probably now from there the owner will be released and again will chase the text of the forest path in the depths of the forest.

The forest is guarded by mighty fluffy fir, folding large and blurry bluish shadows. Like guarangus, sullenly walking, silently dawn on their post.

It will not soon melting all the snow. Slender timid birches are also preparing to unfold in their summer outfits, but as long as the forces are gaining, kidney is growing. On one of the beauties-berez - a birdhouse, waiting for newcomers from distant edges. Slisp the slim song of the drops, and drown on different birds of birds, waiting for the arrival of the long-awaited heat.

A bright clean blue sky above his head without a single muddle or cloud, depicted incredibly deeply and real. It seems to breathe spring freshness and azure cool, not foregoing bad weather.

The artist's palette is full of cold shades - blue, black, brown, dark green, but despite this, the landscape attracts gaze, with his perky mood, fascinates everyday joy, an unprecedented harmony, melting in every smear of his brushes. The bright white contrast emphasizes the beauty and purity of nature, its refinement, penetrated by the charming magic and the magic of this wonderful town on the edge of the forest.

There is nothing superfluous on the canvas - every detail and the shade is drawn to the scrupulous, accurately, with feeling. Something native is felt in this landscape, which is worried about the heart and touches the soul.

Spring - the time of striking changes, rebirth and the birth of a new life - this is exactly what Isaac Levitan wanted to convey.

4 and 5 classes. 2, 3, 6, 7th grade

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"March" - the Krestan landscape of Isaac Levitan (1860-1900), written in 1895. The picture is part of the meeting of the State Tretyakov Gallery (Inv. 1489). Size - 60 × 75 cm.

The picture was written by Levitan in March 1895, when he lived in a hill manor in Tver province. It was exhibited at the exhibitions of 1896, and in the same year was purchased by Pavel Tretyakov.

The painting "March" is considered one of the most famous and bright samples of the Look Heritage of Levitan. It also serves as an example of the influence of impressionism on the work of the artist.

This life-affirming landscape, combining a picturesque image of snow, spring sky and trees, is considered "discovery in Russian landscape painting." Subsequently, this motive became a popular topic in many Russian landscape players of the 20th century - Igor Grabar, Konstantin John and others.

In 1894-1895, Levitan lived several months in the hill estate, located at one and a half kilometers from the village of Ostrovno, at that time was located on the territory of the Novnevolotsk district of Tver province, and now the part of the Utva region of the Tver region. The manor belonged to the secret advisor to Ivan Nikolayevich Turchaninov, and there was often his wife Anna Nikolaevna with daughters, Sophia and Anna. The main building of the estate was a two-storey house with a mezzanine, painted in a yellowish color. He is shown in the painting "March", as well as on the earlier pastels of Levitan "Autumn. Manor "(1894), which is currently part of the collection of the Omsk Regional Museum fine arts named after M. A. Vrubel.
Levitan became acquainted with Anna Nikolaevna Turchaninova in the summer of 1894 in the isna, where he stayed in the estate of Ushakov, along with his companion, the artist Sophia Kuvshtinikova. Levitan and Turchaninov had a novel, who led to a quarrel and rupture relations with Kuvutynikova. After that, Levitan moved to the hill estate and lived there in August and September 1894, and then returned there in early spring next year. Especially for him, a two-storey house-workshop, located on the shore of the lake, was built on the territory of the estate.

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