
Doctor vertebronewrologist. Vertebronyevologist: Who is this and what this doctor treats. What it is? Description. What is part of the Specialist

Doctor vertebrologist Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the field of spine. The consequences of even the most at first glance of innocuous diseases can be very serious and lead to loss of performance. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to the vertebrologist when any complaints in the field of its specialization.

What does the vertebrologist are engaged

Vertebrology considers the human body in the complex. Vertebrologist - relatively new specialization, which managed to get widespread in clinics and acquire a high demand. The specialist is engaged not only by the problems of the spine. Among what Trechit Doctor, all adjacent fabrics and systems, nervous system. For effective assistance to patients, an integrated approach is applied, uniting knowledge in the areas of orthopedics, neurosurgery and neurology.

Among the main tasks:

  • Definition of communication between spinal pathologies and condition internal organs.
  • Determining the source of the problem and consequences.
  • Effective treatment diseases and their prevention.

If pathology is detected on early stage Development, its elimination will be held much faster and easier, without complications. In the arsenal of a specialist advanced developments, effective methods of diagnosis and treatment of a variety of diseases.

Sphere of work vertebrologist

The specialist is engaged in the spine, joints, nerves and vessels in the field of the back. Help can be provided with:

When it is worth contacting the vertebrol

The reason to appeal to a specialist can be:

How to receive

At the first visit, the doctor:

  • He will hold a survey, learns about the symptoms that the patient's disturbing.
  • Holds an inspection, feeling the neck and back.
  • Calculate sensitivity, muscle tone.
  • Appoint additional examination - X-ray, ultrasound, CT or MRI.
  • HAVE consultation According to the information received.

On the reception The vertebrologist will conduct diagnostic samples, asks to tilt, turn the torso. According to the indicators seen, it can draw conclusions about possible pathologies and determine the algorithm for further action. Whether additional research methods are needed and analyzed which one is determined individually.

Treatment is usually complex. In most cases, it costs without injections, medicines, operations. Gudotherapy, reflexology, physiotherapy, physiotherapy can be applied. The specialist uses therapeutic gymnastics. With the right time choosing, relief occurs already on the first session. The muscle tension is reduced, the pain goes, the effect of other techniques used is fixed.

Where to visit a vertebrol doctor

Visit the reception of a qualified specialist in Moscow Offer clinic CKB RAS. The work uses high-tech equipment, accept top doctors Higher category. Learn more O. prices, schedule A specialist can be as entries by phone or through the site. The administrator will help you choose a convenient time to visit and answer all your questions. Also on the site can be found in reviews patients. To make an appointment It is necessary if any complaints associated with the back and spine. You can call a specialist at home.

Medicine has a separate industry - vertebrology. Who is a vertebronurologist? He is engaged in the study of the diseases of the spine. There are still very few such doctors. Causes are in a huge amount of knowledge that you need to be able to correctly operate, and experience is necessary.

Direction Vertebronewrology

Vertebronurology - what it is ? New separate direction in medicine. Several disciplines, neurology, neurosurgery, orthopedics and manual therapy are included in the vertebronurology. The basic principle of this new industry is to deal with the root causes of the spine. The treatment is then assigned, including ordinary therapy and non-traditional methods.

In vertebronurology, the causes of congenital and acquired diseases of the central and peripheral departments are investigated nervous system. As well as their relationship with the pathologies of the spine and musculoskeletal.

What is treated with vertebronurologists?

What treats vertebronurologists? These specialists are engaged in youth flatfoot, intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis. Cyphosis is treated, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and protrusion. Vertebronurologists help correct the curvature of the back, they are treated not only the disease of the spine, but also the nervous system, joints. The list includes vegetative dystonia.

Often, the doctor is treated with incessant gastric or headaches. Discomfortable feeling in the back (both when driving and in the calm condition of the spine). Patients complain about kidney or pancreas problems.

In practice, it turns out that much of the listed is a consequence of diseases of the spine. In this case, the vertebronurologists begin a complete examination in many directions, as pathology may not be in their competence.

Most often, such specialists are treated with radiculitis, scoliosis and osteochondrosis. These diseases meet each second person. In second place in appeals to the doctor there are protrusions, intervertebral hernias and the displacement of the vertebrae.

When should I contact a doctor?

To the vertebronurologist, you need to contact with sharp or stupid pains in the spine. Especially if the sensations do not pass for several months. Also consultation of a specialist is required if available:

The doctor needs to be handled in the occurrence of pain in the spine during the movement, slopes, bending of the back, etc. If it feels gravity, and physical exertion could not cause. When tingling in the legs and hands.

The list of main vertebronurological syndromes includes:

With all the listed syndromes, urgent consultation of the vertebronyrevologist is necessary. He will be able to find out the cause of the disease and appoint individual treatment.


Before diagnosis is diagnosed with a vertebronology, diagnostics are carried out to obtain a clear clinical picture, Availability inflammatory processes and foci of their occurrence. For this, ultrasound, MRI, X-ray and cT scan. If necessary, appropriate surveys from different specialists.

Treatment methods

The main therapy includes the reception of painkillers. They are appointed in the form of tablets, injections in veins and muscles. Treatment can be complemented by manual therapy, osteopathy. Massage and acupuncture is used. Methods are used:

  • restorative medicine;
  • neurosurgery;
  • reflexotherapy;
  • pharmacopuncture;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • biomechanics movements;
  • physiotherapy.

During treatment, homeopathic preparations are prescribed, biostimulants for damaged vertebrals, complexes of vitamins. Special gymnastics is appointed. At the same time, the doctor gives recommendations for lifestyle correction.

The results achieved are fixed by swimming and therapeutic gymnastics. The duration of treatment is established depending on the individual characteristics of the organism and the stage of development of the disease. Therapy is carried out until complete recovery, and relapses are only in very rare cases.

During treatment, a soft effect on muscles and internal organs is applied. The blood circulation is restored, the activities of the lymphosystem, the initial work of the joints is returned. The body is configured to self-healing.

Another effective method to which the vertebronurologists resort is to stretch the spine. This method has already proven itself in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Physiotherapy has a very wide range of procedures, which is also used by doctors as a supplement to the main therapy.

IN last years Reflexotherapy received recognition of official medicine. Its techniques have positive results that remain a long period after the patient's recovery. The reflexotherapy is based on bioenergy. In antiquity, doctors treated patients with their hands on certain points on the body.

During therapy, pressing varying degrees is carried out. Gradually, painses are becoming less pronounced. It helps to treat sickness acupuncture. For proper therapy, it is necessary not only to have extensive knowledge in this area, but also sufficient experience.

Why are professional vertebronologists occur infrequently?

Vertifications Vertebronurologists are a doctors of a rare specialty. The work of such a specialist in the root differs from the activities of other doctors. They are most often engaged in diagnosis and treatment only in a specific area. Vertebronurologists cover several directions at once.

These specialists differ from manual therapists who are popular with firewalls. They have only superficial knowledge of traumatology and orthopedics. During therapy, a strong physical effect on the bones, joints, muscles and vertebrae are carried out: refueling, pressing, stretching, etc.

Vertebronurologists are the doctors of the highest category with extensive knowledge at once in several areas of medicine, which allows for less painful and more efficient treatment.

Therefore, such specialists are still very small, since such a profession requires a huge package of theoretical and practical knowledge, the possibility of improving technology and techniques, have many own developments and, of course, experience.

Many diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the spine can be prevented if they are due to injury. To do this, it is necessary to observe several elementary rules. First of all, the day of the day. Sleep should be not only full, but also comfortable.

Bad if the bed, sofa, etc. Very soft. For the spine best suits a sleeping place having a moderate stiffness mattress. It is necessary to walk only in shoes, which has the right staging of the sole. Feet should feel in shoes, boots, etc. Comfortable. It is impossible to pass the body with excessive physical exertion. In the gym always there are instructors who will help to correctly choose the classes. The most optimal sports loads are swimming and daily gymnastics. It is necessary to follow the posture, the workplace is to choose correctly or equip it so that it is convenient.

All the listed rules must be observed not only by adults. Children from the smallest age should be accustomed to gymnastics, sports. It is impossible to allow the child to slouch. The place for performing lessons should be chosen correctly.

A vertebrologist is a narrow specialist whose professional interests of which are the definition of objective state and pathological changes of the patient's musculoskeletal system. Consultation of a qualified vertherbrolologist is an integral part of the diagnosis of diseases of various spinal departments, and is also necessary to determine the effectiveness of their interaction with various internal bodies.

When need to contact the vertebrol

You must turn to the vertebrol if the patient has:

    any form of the posture disturbance,

    difficulty of motor functions of hands or feet,

    complaints of dizziness, migraine,

    pain in any spine area.

The vertebrologist is engaged in the treatment of a wide range of common diseases of the musculoskeletal system: various forms of curvature of the spine, osteoporosis and osteochondrosis, as well as sharp pain (straps) in the loan area. The surveys that the vertebrologist will assign will help determine the state of the intervertebral discs and establish the possible narrowing of the spine channel, which, in turn, may be the cause of the insufficiency of the cerebral circulation.

Treatment of many diseases defines a vertebrologist

Of course, the most efficient place to determine the state of the patient's musculoskeletal system is the vertebrology center. Here are focused on both qualified specialists who own specific knowledge in this area and modern equipment needed to implement the examinations appointed by the doctor's vertebrol. Often research of a qualified vertebrol is based on the recommendations of other specialists. Therapists, cardiologists, gastroetrologists and other doctors in the overwhelming majority of cases are the initiators of the treatment of patients to the services of a highly specialized doctor - the vertebrol. Sometimes the treatment that assigns a vertebrologist determines the main destination line for the patient.

Vertebrologist. Emergency help

If a person is worried at least periodic back pain or he has discomfort in any spine, this is direct indications in order to contact the center of modern vertebrology. It is not necessary to postpone the reception to the vertebrologist before the moment when the pain will become unbearable. In this case, only one thing remains to look for the nearest vertebrologist and urgently stop painting pain, resorting to the drug blockade of one or more spine departments. It is clear that at such moments the price of taking a vertebrologist and the procedures appointed by them are not decisive factors. But in other cases, before visiting a specialist, it is advisable to conduct a small analysis and find such a vertebrol, which, on the one hand, was qualified and owned modern methods diagnostics, and on the other - the cost of its services was reasonable. The price of the verticrologist is usually determined by its qualifications, equipping of a cabinet and its territorial location.

Vertebrologist. We are looking for the place of residence

In the clinics, the problems of the back most often do a doctor who is not a highly specialized vertebrol. In this approach, there are definitely positive moments. The problems of the back are often a consequence of pathologies of other organism systems, or vice versa - provoke their dystrophic changes.

When contacting an ambulance at the place of residence, a visit to the vertebrologist is cheap. Only surveys are appointed by a vertebrologist using advanced diagnostic methods: ultrasound examination, computed tomography, MRI.

Vertebrologist. We listen to familiar

Problems from the back - the real Beach of our time. On the forums of medical portals, visitors often contact requests: "Advise the vertebrologist." Familiar to the vertebrologist can also advise, whose relatives or they themselves had problems with the musculoskeletal system. They can also give proven information about the cost of vertebrolov. However, if you are really concerned about the state of your musculoskeletal system, it is worth using the entire spectrum of services provided by the center of vertebrology, where there is everything necessary to make a timely diagnosis using a competent specialist and determine effective treatment.

Vertebrologist. We are looking for on the Internet

A good help in search of a competent specialist are electronic resources. In medical forums, it is often possible to see the messages: "I am looking for a qualified vertebrologist." In solving these issues, the Internet could be a good assistant. The availability of Internet resources allows you to quickly get a list of vertebrols of your city, and also provides a sufficiently large amount of information about these specialists. With the help of the Internet you can

    find out what health problems will decide Dr. Vertebrologist;

    get addresses of vertebrolov and decide which of them is geographically located more convenient all;

    inquire reviews of real patients on practitioners of vertebrologists;

    familiarize yourself with the cost of receiving various vertebrolov;

    calculate which studies of the vertebrologist carries out.

Vertebrologists in Moscow

Vertebrology Centers (Moscow): East Clinics on Lubyanka, Med and Care Clinic, Capital Capital on Arbat, Solopova Irina Pavlovna, Re-Clinic, Smirnov Vladimir Alexandrovich, Medstyle effect on Dostoevskaya, Medsi Clinic at Prechistenka, Medical Center Trustmed on Taganka, Gritsenko Clinic

The vertebronology is called the doctor who treats destructive spinal processes, nearby fabrics, nervous trunks, roots and endings passing through the vertebral barrel.

A new narrow direction in medicine is studied by the effect of the pathologies of the ridge on the state of the whole organism, namely: on the joints, the brain and the nervous system as a whole. The competence of neuropathologists includes a very extensive list of diseases associated with pathological changes in the conductivity of nerve trunks and spinal fibers, brain and peripheral departments of the nervous system. In this regard, neuropathologists always solved problems with his back.

The vertebronurologist is engaged not only by the pathology of the nervous system, covering the central trunk, but also the problems of a bone-artistic nature, which initially provoke the development of infringement of nerves. These two directions go hand in hand in modern medicine, so very often they are combined into one unit, calling the vertebronurology.

Symptoms of diseases that the doctor treats

Who is a vertebronurologist and that he is treating all departments of the ridge, taking into account the pathology of neurological origin, is already understandable. But independently define the alarming signs under which you should contact this specialist, patients cannot. In time, the initiated treatment is a very important aspect in practical vertebronurology And, consequently, each person must extremely carefully consider the manifestation of spinal symptoms. The most frequent subjective complaints in the pathological change in the spine:

  • prolonged headaches in normal arterial pressure;
  • testing I. many pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck;
  • soreness in the field of chest;
  • feeling crawling goosebumps on any body site;
  • paresthesia (numb) fingers of the limbs;
  • violation of posture and skewing silhouette;
  • soreness B. lumbar Department backs;
  • study in the back after a long stay in a monotonous position.

If such symptoms appear, you need to visit the doctor. In the initial appeal to the medical institution about the manifestation of this symptoms, it is necessary to consult the therapist on the subject of disturbing pain. The specialist will appoint certain surveys to eliminate pathologies of internal organs that can manifest themselves identically with the problems with the spine. If the internal etiological factors were not found, the therapist gives the direction to the vertebroneworologist.

Frequently found diseases in the practice of a specialist

The vertebrojologist is a highly qualified doctor who is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of destructive changes in the spine mainly through a variety of manual therapy. The doctor can help stop the progression of the process with the following diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • vertebral protrusion;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • flatfoot;
  • infringement of a sedlication nerve;
  • estimates in the lumbar department are also included in the competence of the vertebrojolologist.

The elimination of destructive manifestations in the bone-articular system contributes to the restoration of the transmission of nerve pulses in the trunks and fibers of the central nervous system.

Urgent or planned reception of the vertebrol can be shown at difficulties Spine in adults and children. But this is a rather rare narrow specialist who is engaged in directly diseases of the spinal column. Therefore, to get to the reception of the verticrologist in Moscow in the urban or district clinic is very difficult. In most municipal medical preventive institutions there is no such specialist even in a staffing schedule. Where there is a vacancy, rarely are suitable for the requirements of the doctor.

But do not be upset. To sign up for free reception A vertebrologist in Moscow is in our clinic of manual therapy. We experience doctors with a huge practical experience. Many of them have their own author's methods of treating certain diseases of the spinal column.

Repeating vertebrol is already paid. But it will only be required if special surveys are required for the preliminary diagnosis refinement. In most cases, our doctors identify pathology already during the primary consultation. They provide full-fledged recommendations for effective treatment.

How much is a verticrologist session?

Rates may depend on numerous factors. For example, how much is a verticrologist session, the following factors affect:

  • the level of professional training of a specialist, it is logical that the reception of the doctor of the highest category will always be somewhat more expensive than the consultation of the Intern;
  • experience practical work;
  • dr. load (the larger patients, the higher the price, since otherwise the reception queue is stretched a few months ahead;
  • the location of the clinic in which the doctor works (the farther from the capital, the lower the price);
  • session duration.

In our clinic of manual therapy, weighted rates have been developed, which are designed for a wide range of potential patients. They are available for the overwhelming majority of patients. But the primary reception is always done for free. Therefore, a person can evaluate the competence of a doctor, the degree of his trust in him and its capabilities during a full-fledged treatment. All recommendations are already given at the primary consultation. The doctor will be able to say which approximately the cost will cost comprehensive treatment in our clinic.

This information will give a patient with the opportunity to compare our offer with similar in Moscow, as well as to compare with alternative ways of therapy of the disease, which is diagnosed.

Re-receiving a vertebrol doctor in our clinic of manual therapy costs 600 rubles. The first reception is free.

Where to get a consultation of the vertebrologist in Moscow for free?

Many patients suffering from painful pains in the back are asked about where they are to contact which specialist to get the rapid and safe relief of their suffering. Where can be visited by a vertebrol doctor in Moscow for free - this is the most popular question among people suffering from osteochondrosis, intervertebral disk protrusions and scoliosis.

Hurry to give an answer: the doctor vertebrologist in Moscow leads to a reception completely free of charge in our clinic of manual therapy. If you sign up for a consultation to him, you will get a chance to safe and efficient pain relief, the treatment of the main disease and the formulation of an accurate diagnosis.

What includes consultation of a vertebrol doctor in Moscow?

Another question from patients - which includes the consultation of the verticrologist, which in our clinic in Moscow is provided completely free. Hurry to give a full-fledged answer.

Primary duration free consultation It is up to 30 minutes. If the duration is more at the initiative of the doctor, it will be free for the patient.

During the consultation of the vertebrologist, the following patient reception algorithm is used in Moscow:

  1. anamnesis is collected (a survey on existing symptoms of the disease, circumstances that were able to lead to its development);
  2. a full-fledged inspection with palpation and diagnostic functional tests allows you to collect objective data on the state of the spinal column and the surrounding soft tissues;
  3. familiarization with the patient with medical records, where earlier appeals on this disease can be recorded, reports on surveys conducted, etc.;
  4. formulation of preliminary diagnosis;
  5. appointing additional methods of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics (if there is such a need);
  6. providing complete information on methods, opportunities and prospects for the treatment of detected pathology through manual therapy.

After the primary free consultation received, the patient receives all the necessary recommendations for the fulfillment of the treatment of pathology. The decision on the continuation of treatment in our clinic of manual therapy, the patient accepts independently. The primary consultation does not oblige him.

Who will help a vertebrologist with great experience of work?

Who can help a vertebrologist with great experience of work, own author's methods of treating diseases? First of all, its potential patients should include children and adolescents, which for the most part currently suffer from various types of spinal column curvature.

Parents should be understood that the violation of the posture in children and adolescents contributes to a sharp decline in school performance. There is squeezing and deformation of the internal organs of the chest. In case of slope, blood flow in the rear vertebrates is disturbed. Against this state, the mental health and concentration of attention is reduced.

The child begins to learn badly and lead less active lifestyle. In the second stage of the spinal curvature, characteristic pains in the deformed department appear. Symptoms of vegetative dystonia on hypertensive, hypotonic, cardiac or mixed type can develop. When they appear consultation, the doctor's vertebrologist for a child is mandatory. Often, only this specialist can detect and eliminate the potential reason for all the teenager problems with the health.

In addition, the consultation of the vertebrologist is necessary to follow the following patients:

  • suffering from constant pain in the neck, back and lower back;
  • noting a change in sensitivity in the upper and lower limbs, anterior abdominal wall and other parts of the body;
  • feeling a decrease in muscle strength of the back of the back, upper and lower extremities;
  • let's notice the habit of narrowing or tilt the torso in one direction;
  • when signs of the growth of withers in the collar zone region;
  • with the appearance of stiffness of movements in the morning or evening hours.

The Vertebrologist's doctor is treating the spinal osteochondrosis on a fundamentally different level than the precinct therapist makes it. In contrast to this doctor, the vertebrologist eliminates the potential cause of the degenerative destruction of the intervertebral disc. Most often, the treatment is based on the principle of eliminating negative impact factors. Therefore, during the reception, the vertebrologist conducts the following actions:

  • finds out the patient all possible reasons blood flow disorders in the muscles surrounding vertebral post;
  • it can be a sedentary lifestyle, no regular physical Loads, incorrect organization of the worker and bed;
  • after identifying the potential risk factor, the doctor gives the patient an individual recommendation, which is in life, the patient stops the further development of the disease;
  • then the full-fledged complex treatment begins;
  • for him, it is necessary to restore blood microcirculation and diffuse fluids between the cartilage cloth of the intervertebral disk and the surrounding muscle fibers;
  • this is facilitated by the methods of manual therapy, such as osteopathy and massage, traction stretching of the spinal column, acupuncture and kinesiotherapy, physiotherapy and much more.

Each course of the therapy by the vertebrologist is developing strictly individually. The characteristics of the patient's body, its age, weight, lifestyle, the presence of concomitant diseases (including somatic) are taken into account.

Thus, the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine caused by improper standing of the feet and excessive body weight effectively start with the development of a special diet to reduce weight and carry out a treatment complex for the purpose of correcting closure or flatfoot. If you do not remove these two factor of negative influence, then the osteochondrosis is useless. Intervertebral discs will still continue to collapse.

Similarly, spondylosis, spondylo-edge, instability of the position of disks and bodies of vertebrae, the curvature of the spinal column, the rear vertebral artery syndrome and many other pathologies.

How to make an appointment with a vertebrol in Moscow?

You can make an appointment with a vertebrol in Moscow in our clinic of manual therapy. To do this, it is enough to call on the following telephone number. The clinic administrator will consist with you the time of visiting a doctor.

You can also use the feedback form located in the table below. Select from the list of doctors of the vertebrol and click on the "Record Record" link. In the window that opens, enter your contact phone number. Our administrator will call you soon.

Before visiting the reception of a vertebrol doctor, prepare all the medical documentation you have. This may be an outpatient patient map, survey results, etc. The more information you provide the doctor, the better.

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