
Where are the best orthopes. Free consultation: Reception orthopedic. Savchenko Sergey Vladimirovich

Orthopedist - A doctor who is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and deformations of the musculoskeletal system.

➤ On our portalyou can choose an orthopedic traumatologist from the best clinics of Moscow and sign up for a reception online or by phone. Find a good specialist to you help the questionnaires of doctors with information about their experience, education, as well as patient reviews.

Frequently asked Questions:

Where does an orthopedist accept? Where to find a good specialist?

Good doctor you can find on the site. Here you can choose a specialist based on criteria important for you, as well as record to the orthopedist via the Internet.

You can see the reviews of patients about orthopedic doctors and choose a suitable doctor. It is also worth paying attention to the education and experience of the specialist specified in the questionnaire.

What treats orthopedic doctor?

Orthoped has been treating diseases and defects musculoskeletal system. The spectrum that treats the orthopedist doctor is entitled to congenital pathologies, defects of the development of the bone system, complications after infectious diseases, chronic and primary domestic injuries and injuries, as well as the post-antimacious states and diseases of the bone system.

In addition, orthopedes treats professional diseases associated with disrupting the operation of the musculoskeletal system.

What diseases treats orthopedist?

The main diseases in which the orthopedic intervention is necessary:

  • osteochondrosis is a severe chronic disease of various spinal segments;
  • congenital diseases (Krivoshi and displays of hip joints);
  • closure, curvature of stop, flatfoot;
  • rheumatoid arthritis is a lifelong chronic system-wide disease, affecting the bone system and causing severe deformation of the joints up to disability;
  • fractures of bones and dislocations of the joints;
  • arthrosis and Bursitis - inflammatory diseases joints and near-handing bags.

In what cases should you contact an orthopedist?

There are a number of symptoms when to go to the orthopedist is urgently, since these symptoms may indicate serious diseases. Specialist help is needed if observed:

  • swelling of the joint with pain when moving;
  • tugaway and crunch in the joints;
  • backache;
  • simultaneous numbness of hands;
  • violation of posture and fast fatigue;
  • lomota I. many pain In connection with the change of weather.

How are orthopedic and neurologists related?

Orthopedists are treating the musculoskeletal system, neurologists violations in work nervous system. Often these specialists work in parallel.

Orthopedist traumatologist

Orthopedics and traumatology are closely linked by some diseases and a common subject of study - the musculoskeletal apparatus. For this reason, there is a general specialty "orthopedist-traumatologist", after which individual doctors can choose a narrower specialization.

Orthopedist surgeon

Orthoped doctor, conducting operations in the dissemination of bones during curvature, tenotomy (operation for tendons), ligamotomy (operation to increase the penis in men) and transplanting tendons (with paralymps).

What kind of doctor is the orthopedist vertebrologist?

The vertebrologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats the disease of the musculoskeletal system. Previously, orthopedists and neuropathologists were engaged in such problems, but recently a new direction appeared in medicine, which studies the effect of the spine to the entire body. Some doctors get additional education and have both qualifications at the same time.

How is the admission of orthopedic?

At inspection, the doctor polls the patient for the nature and intensity of the symptomatic picture. Collected detailed history. For detailed information on the state of health and in order to clarify the causes of the appearance of diseases, the peculiarities of the professional field of activity are being studied. An inspection of the area on the body, in which painful signs arose. A diagnosis is made based on the results of medical examination, putting laboratory tests and the passage of instrumental diagnostic methods.

How to prepare for accepting orthopedic?

It is necessary to take a hygienic shower, choose comfortable shoes and loose clothing, which allows you to make an external inspection and is easily removed if necessary. If there are already diagnosed orthopedic pathology, medical documents should be prepared, which are related to this disease: extracts from diseases of the disease, X-rays with descriptions, conclusions of doctors according to the results of ultrasound, MRI, CT and other instrumental research, analyzes.

How is the record via DocDoc?

Choose an orthopedic help doctors with information and reviews about them or a call center operator. You can log on-in by selecting the desired date and time, or by phone.

Note! The page is available for reference. For appointment, consult a doctor.

A good orthopedist is salvation for your spine and joints. But before proceeding directly to therapy, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis. It is easy and easy to implement by visiting the reception of the orthopedic in medical center "Free Movement".

Why is preliminary consultation?

The list of diseases of the human musculoskeletal system is extremely extensive. And here clinical manifestations Different pathologies can be largely similar. And naturally, effective treatment Perhaps only if the diagnosis is exactly established. Then the specialist completely imagines a picture of the disease and a clear scheme of therapy is generated.

Medical Center "Free Movement" offers its patients to undergo a free consultation of the orthopedic. It is necessary to identify the reason for the symptoms who worry you and decide on the tactics of further treatment.

In addition, the course and manifestation of diseases in each patient is different. And therefore, the treatment plan should be individual. Dr. Orthoped already during the preliminary examination in our clinic will be diagnosed, and also assign additional research you need.

In the case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, self-diagnosis and self-treatment are simply unacceptable! After all, in case of even the slightest mistakes, you not only do not improve your health, but you can, on the contrary, seriously harm your body. It is explained by the fact that different orthopedic diseases, with the external similarity of symptoms may have different contraindications to therapy.

The main symptoms pointing to the fact that you need an orthopedic consultation:

  • stiffness of movements and difficulties when lifting weights, especially in the morning,
  • periodic appearance of pain in the back, neck or limbs,
  • swelling on the legs by the end of the day, the appearance of gravity and pain in the lower limbs,
  • crunch and pain in the corners of the body or movements in the joints,
  • posture disorders
  • changes in sizes, their swelling and redness
  • suspicion of the development of flatfoot.

Free consultation The orthopedic doctor in the Medical Center "Free Movement" is a great opportunity to complete the full examination of your bone-articular apparatus. A visit to the reception of our specialists will allow to establish a preliminary diagnosis and choose the most effective in your case the treatment regimen.

Orthopedist is a doctor who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of damage to the musculoskeletal system: bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Such doctors are engaged in restoring broken posture, gait, foot shape. Orthopedics as a section of clinical medicine examines both congenital defects of the support system and the effects of injuries.
This area is closely related to traumatology, prosthetics, sports medicine. Massages, physiotherapy and therapeutic physical culture are also methods used by orthopeds to improve the patient's condition, restoring the disturbed functions of the musculoskeletal system. In Moscow, several specialized orthopedic centers are open.

Why do you need orthopedic services

Services of this doctor are required for both children and adults. If the child is extremely important since childhood to form the right posture, then adults, which spend a lot of time in the sitting pose, must be adjusted. The orthopedist picks up and assigns a bandage or corset to correct the back. In addition, the competence of this specialist includes monitoring the formation of foot and a healthy gait. The manufacture of medical rack is under the control of this physician.
The most common diseases that treats orthopedist include: the curvature of the spine, the deviations of the muscular tone, the injuries of the limbs, arthritis, arthrosis, flatfoot, dysplasia, damage to bundles and tendons, osteochondrosis.

When contact

Although not all diseases of the musculoskeletal system are noticeably manifested in the initial stages, the first signals about what should appeal to the doctor are:
  • disease feelings in the back, lower back, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis;
  • sustained pain, their swelling;
  • deformation, limb damage;
  • crunch in the knees and other joints.
The orthopedist conducts a complete inspection, makes the measurement of growth and weight, monitors the state of the spine, the joints of the lower and upper limbs. When identifying violations or pathologies, the doctor conducts a myography, computed tomography, makes X-ray bones and joints, spine, prescribes the diagnosis of foot pathology. With the help of the PLAKToscope, the doctor determines the load on the surface of the stop, reveals the skew of the bones of the pelvis and the curvature of the spine.
  • Modern Orthopedics: Metal with shape memory in the treatment of Valgus Foot Deformation (tells the doctor traumatologist-orthopedist) - Video
  • Orthopedic recommendations: how to identify the child a flat-grade deformation of stop, treatment, choice of shoes, massage - video
  • One of the best children's orthopedists of Russia: the main orthopedic diseases in children, recommendations for early detection and treatment - video

  • The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

    Sign up for orthopedic

    To make an appointment to a doctor or diagnostics, you just need to call on a single phone number
    +7 495 488-20-52 in Moscow

    +7 812 416-38-96 in St. Petersburg

    The operator listens to you and redirect the call to the desired clinic, or accept an order for writing to the specialist you need.

    Or you can press the green button "sign up online" and leave your phone. The operator will call you back within 15 minutes and will pick you up a specialist that meets your request.

    At the moment, the record is conducted to specialists and clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Who is the orthopedist, orthopedist traumatologist and the orthopedist surgeon?

    Orthopedist - This is a doctor who specializes in the field of orthopedics, which is a medical sphere involved in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of people suffering from various deformations of bones, muscles, joints or ligaments. That is, if for any reason a person has any deformation of bones, joints, ligaments or muscles, it corrects such defects by an orthopedist.

    Different deformations of the bone-screen-muscular system may appear due to a variety of causes, such as injuries, congenital malformations, long-term inflammatory diseases, etc. However, regardless of the reason for the appearance of the deformation of the bone-muscular-articular system, the orthopedist is done by their correction.

    Orthopedics are closely connected with another medical sphere - traumatology, which is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of muscle damage, bones, joints and ligaments. However, traumatists reveal and treat "fresh", recent damage to the bone-artistic muscular system, such as fractures, stretching, muscle breaks and tendons, etc. But orthopedists detect and treat the deformations of the bones, muscles and joints, which occurred relatively long ago, and managed to hear and fix in the wrong position.

    Due to the close relations of traumatology and orthopedics among themselves, these medical disciplines are combined into one specialty. This means that after the end of the Institute, the doctor who has passed the internship or the residency in the specialty "orthopedics and traumatology", receives the qualification "doctor traumatologist-orthopedist". After the completion of the internship or the residency, the doctor can work in the field of orthopedics or traumatology. To pass the internship or the residency in the specialty only orthopedics or only traumatology and, accordingly, to obtain the qualification "orthopedist" or "traumatologist" is impossible. Data discipline is one specialty as "obstetrics and gynecology".

    Accordingly, the term "orthoped traumatologist" is the right and complete name of the specialty of a physician dealing with the detection and treatment of damage and deformations of the bone-screen-screen-muscular system. But, in addition, to the term "orthopedist traumatologist" In everyday life, another meaning is investing - that the doctor simultaneously can eliminate damage as a traumatologist, and the deformation of the bone-muscular and articular system is treated as an orthopedic. The name is simple "orthopedist" It is clarifying, since it puts the meaning that this doctor is actually involved in the direction of orthopedics, and traumatology is in the second plan.

    Based on such features of terminology, if a person has any complex damage to the bones, joints, muscles or ligaments, which will subsequently give the deformation of the bone-screen and muscular apparatus, then he needs to contact an orthopedic traumatologist who can simultaneously eliminate damage, And then conduct correction of arising deformations. If a person has any deformation of bones, joints or muscles without acute damage, then to eliminate it, it is necessary to contact an orthopedist, which is actually involved in this industry and is not distracted by traumatology.

    Term "Surgeon-orthopedist" implies a specialist who can produce not only conservative but surgery (operations) of various deformations of bones, joints, muscles and ligaments. In principle, traumatology and orthopedics are a surgical specialty whose possession implies performing operations. But in practice, not all orthopedic traumatologists perform surgical interventions, some doctors specialize only in conservative therapy. Therefore, when the "Surgeon-orthopedist" says, they mean that the doctor treats the deformation of bones, joints and muscles not only by conservative methods, but also with the help of surgical operations. Accordingly, if a person has any deformation of bones, joints, muscles or ligaments, requiring operational treatment, then it should be referred to as "an orthopedic surgeon".

    Orthopedist can be used both conservative and operational methods treatment of deformations of the bone-screen muscular system. So, for example, contractures, closure, congenital dislocation of the hips are treated with conservative methods using gypsum dressings, scoliosis - with the help of corsets and a specially designed complex exercise, etc. But the curvature of bones, paralysis, tenders' breaks are treated with operational methods, performing operations to restore the normal position of bones, transplanting tendons, etc. Regardless of whether operational or conservative treatment Deformations of joints, bones or muscles, orthopedic doctors widely use various orthopedic devices, such as insoles in shoes, corsets, prostheses, pipelogyl devices.

    It should be remembered that orthopedics is a very extensive medical industry, as a result of which there are separate narrow directions: spinal surgery, intra-articular operations, joint prosthetics, etc. Accordingly, different doctors orthopedic traumaturas can specialize in one or another direction of orthopedics or traumatology, and therefore not all doctors will take care of the treatment of any orthopedic or traumatological pathology.

    Children's orthopedic

    Children's orthopedist is a doctor who specializes in the field of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of deformities of the bone-muscular-articular system in children of any age (from birth to 18 years). Children's orthopedist is no different from an adult except that his patients are children, not adult people.

    The selection of a children's orthopedic in a separate specialty is made because the doctor needs to know the features of bones, joints and muscles in kids of different ages, as well as the speed of their growth, and take into account this during the selection of therapy. Due to the characteristics of the structures and growth of bones, joints and muscles, children's orthopedists are a separate medical specialty.

    What treats orthopedist?

    The orthopedist is detected by the prevention and treatment of the following deformations of bones, joints, muscles and ligaments:
    • Congenital malformations of the limbs (for example, congenital dislocation of hips), deformities of the neck, chest and spine;
    • Clubfoot;
    • Scoliosis and other disorders of the posture;
    • Torticollis;
    • Deformation of the joints after injuries suffered or due to chronic diseases (for example, deforming osteoarthritis, aseptic necrosis of the head of the femur);
    • Osteocondritis of the spine;
    • Deformations of hands or feet caused by injuries or any transferred diseases;
    • Arthrogriposis (congenital disease, characterized by deformations and underdevelopment of bones, joints and muscles);
    • Cysts or benign bone tumors;
    To treat the above diseases and states, the orthopedist can also be applied and conservative and operational methods. Conservative methods are a totality of therapeutic physical education, massage and special devices (orthopedic insoles, shoes, corsets, plaster dressings, etc.), which are superimposed on the deformed areas of the bone-screen-muscular system. Treatment with conservative methods - long-term, requiring participation in the process of patient therapy.

    Operational treatment methods are a combination of various operations that are manufactured in order to eliminate the deformation and restoration of the normal position of bones, elements of the joints, ligaments and muscles. Operational treatment in orthopedics is carried out if the deformations of the bone-screen-muscular machine cannot be adjusted by conservative methods. In the course of surgical treatment, stricture can exclude, pinch muscles and ligaments, prostheses are injected.

    In its work for diagnosing and controlling the effectiveness of treatment, the orthopedician applies only tool methods of surveys, for example:

    • CT and MRI (computed tomography and magnetic resonance tomography).
    Various blood tests and other biological fluids for orthopedic are not diagnostic, since they do not allow to clarify the nature and localization of deformations, as well as the degree of damage to the musculoskeletal and articular structures. Therefore, for the primary diagnosis, the orthopedic doctor on gives directions to various analyzes. However, before the start of therapy and, especially, before performing the operational treatment of deformations of bone-screen-muscular structures, an orthopedic doctor prescribes various blood tests, urine and feces to evaluate general state Human and degree of readiness of his body to interference.

    In which cases should contact orthopedic?

    The orthopedist should be applied in cases where the person of any age or floor is present or visible deformations of the bone-artistic muscular system, or symptoms occur periodically, indicating the presence of such deformations. This means that the orthopedic need to contact if a person is worried about any states or symptoms:
    • Krivoshoye (the tilt of the neck to the side and down with the inability to directly put the head);
    • Any deformations in the joints (for example, currency, the inability to bend or dispersed the joint, etc.);
    • Any deformations of the bones (for example, a peasional pelvis, the curvature of the bones of the chest, legs, hands, etc.);
    • Any disorders of posture;
    • Flatfoot;
    • Clubfoot;
    • The usual dislocations of the hip or shoulder;
    • Osteochondrosis;
    • Residual phenomena after transferred polio;
    • Difficulties, pain or boundedness in movements in any joints;
    • Stubborn, non-leaving pain in the joints, hands, legs or spine;
    • The need for rehabilitation after injuries;
    • The need to select prostheses or orthosis.

    Reception (consultation) orthopedic - how to prepare?

    To get the most efficient and informative advice of an orthopedic doctor, it is necessary to prepare for reception. To do this, you should remember when it was and in connection with which there was a problem, about which a person appeals to an orthopedist. It is also very important to recall how the disease developed - when it began, at what speed progressed, which resulted in strengthening the severity of deformities and other nuances. In addition, it is very important to tell the doctor the entire spectrum of sensations (pain, sipping, speeding, etc.) arising from movements or at rest in the deformed area of \u200b\u200bthe bone-muscular-articular apparatus. All this information It is best to write down on paper in a sentence form, and at the doctor's reception, either just read, or tell, referring to the abstract to miss anything and not forget.

    Since the orthopedic doctor will necessarily produce a physical inspection, the deformed area should be washed, remove bandages and other devices from it used to improve the state on their own. Also need to dress in such a way as not to feel the feelings of shame or awkwardness in the process of undressing in front of the doctor.

    In order for the orthopedist to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment literally for one reception, before consulting the doctor, you can make x-ray or tomography of the deformed area of \u200b\u200bthe bone-screen-screen-muscular system. In this case, snapshots and research conclusions need to take with you to receive.

    In addition, the reception to the orthopedic is necessary to take all available X-rays, tomograms, ultrasound records and other studies that were previously produced on the deformed region of the bone-screen-muscular system (unless, of course there are).

    Where does an orthopedist accept?


    Orthopedian can work both on the basis of the department of any hospital and in outpatient polyclinic institutions. However, the orthopedist is always receiving only on the basis of outpatient polyclinic institutions. Currently, orthopedists can take patients in municipal polyclinics, in rehabilitation centers, in the sanatoriums of the orthopedic direction or in private medical clinics. Accordingly, to get to the reception to the orthopedist, it is necessary to apply either to the clinic at the place of residence or work, or to a rehabilitation center for people with impaired musculoskeletal system, or to a private clinic or in the sanatorium of the orthopedic direction.

    Orthopedist in clinic

    In the municipal polyclinics in the staffing schedule there is a doctor-orthopedic traumatologist. Therefore, if the doctor's rate is busy, then you can get to the orthopedist filming at the reception And having received a predetermination or coupon in a precision therapist. If the orthopedic place is actually not occupied in the clinic, then it is necessary to contact the head of the clinic and receive a referral to consult an orthopedist in another outpatient-polyclinic institution of the city.

    Orthopedist in rehabilitation center

    To get to the reception to the orthopedist in the rehabilitation center can be unprofitable from the district therapist. It is enough to know the reception schedule and sign up for a consultation for free time.

    Modern Orthopedics: Metal with shape memory in the treatment of Valgus Foot Deformation (tells the doctor traumatologist-orthopedist) - Video

    Orthopedic recommendations: how to identify the child a flat-grade deformation of stop, treatment, choice of shoes, massage - video

    One of the best children's orthopedists of Russia: the main orthopedic diseases in children, recommendations for early detection and treatment - video

    Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

    Specialty: Orthopedist

    Work experience more than 22 years

    Moscow, Color Br, 30, korp. 2.

    Metro Station: M Mira Prospect M Sretensky Boulevard M Sukharevskaya M Pipe M M Colored Boulevard

    ONLINE record The cost of receiving 2100 rubles.

    Owns methods of osteosynthesis, arthroscopic technology, endoprosthetic of large joints, external fixation devices (Ilizarov apparatus) and methods for treating orthopedic diseases, modern methods Recovery of tendons (for diseases and during injury), post-traumatic contractures, contracture Dupuitren, Trochanteritis, Pleuchopulk District Periatritis, etc.

    Lazarev Alexander Alexandrovich

    Work experience over 40 years

    Metro Station: M Peasant Zadava M Paveletsky M Paveletskaya

    ONLINE record The cost of receiving 2500 rubles.

    Chief doctor of the clinic. The doctor of the highest category. Specializes in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal apparatus of adults and children. From the removal of acute pain until the development of individual programs for non-surgical treatment of diseases, such as osteoarthritis, heel spur, flatfoot, closure, krivoshes, scoliosis, shoulder-painting periarthrosis and other, intra-articular blocks of any complexity. He has many years of experience with young athletes and sports veterans and children. He is the author of therapeutic cream gel Alantophosphone (removal of acute pain and inflammation).

    Specialty: orthopedist, traumatologist

    Work experience more than 25 years

    Moscow, ul. Derbenvskaya, d. 1, p. 5, entrance 53

    Moscow, ul. Bolotnikovskaya, d. 5, korp. 2.

    Moscow, ul. Kozhevnichesky, d. 10, p. 1

    Metro Station: M Warsaw Ma Kakhovskaya M peasant Zadava M Nakhimovsky Avenue M Paveletskaya M Paveletskaya m Sevastopol M Serpukhovskaya

    ONLINE record The cost of receiving 1500 rubles.

    Doctor traumatologist-orthopedist, podiater. Specializes in accelerated pain relief and rehabilitation injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in adults and children. High experience of posture correction and flatfoot. Engaged in the manufacture of individual orthopedic stelks, developed an individual program of the exercise program.

    Savchenko Sergey Vladimirovich

    Candidate of Medical Sciences

    Specialty: orthopedist, traumatologist

    Work experience over 35 years

    Moscow, ul. School, d. 49

    Metro Station: Maxist MM Square Ilyich M Roman

    ONLINE record The cost of receiving is 1800 rubles.

    It is engaged in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, conducts traumatological and orthopedic interventions and manipulations, intra-articular blocks of any complexity, drug blockades with pain syndrome. Also owns techniques manual therapy and the treatment of diseases of the spine.

    Doctor of Medical Sciences

    Specialty: Orthopedist

    Work experience over 31 years

    Moscow, Shchelkovskoe sh., 61

    Metro Station: M Schelkovskaya

    ONLINE record The cost of receiving is 3500 rubles.

    Chief Doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation, doctor traumatologist-orthopedist. Conducts a classic examination of patients with orthopedic pathology, clinical diagnostics, is engaged in the preparation of individual treatment plans. Author 58 scientific papers, 3 monographs. Does not take pregnant women and does not treat patients with fractures or any injuries, conducts rehabilitation, but not earlier than 6 months after the treatment of the surgeon.

    Candidate of Medical Sciences

    Specialty: orthopedist, traumatologist

    Work experience over 33 years

    Moscow, Leninsky PR, 2a

    Metro Station: M Dobryninskaya m Oktyabrskaya m Oktyabrskaya m Polyanka m Serpukhovskaya

    ONLINE record The cost of receiving 1500 rubles.

    Doctor traumatologist-orthopedist. Owns the treatment method for the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints with the use of PRP (enriched with plasma platelets). He was awarded with diplomas, diplomas of the Department of Health of Moscow and the International Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences. It has a number of scientific publications in central medical publications on traumatology and orthopedics. Does not take pregnant women, does not treat patients with fractures or any injuries. Conducts rehabilitation, but no earlier than 6 months after the treatment of the surgeon.

    Specialty: orthopedist, traumatologist

    Work experience more than 24 years

    Moscow, ul. School, d. 11/3

    Moscow, ul. Garibaldi, d. 36

    Metro Station: M Marxist MM New Cheryomushki M Square Ilyich M trade union m Rimskaya m Taganskaya m Taganskaya

    ONLINE record The cost of receiving is 1700 rubles.

    Children's traumatologist-orthopedist, surgeon. A wide profile specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the stop and spine, among which Krivoshi, closer, flatfoot, osteoarthritis, heel spur, shoulder-painting periarthrosis, scoliosis.

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