
Spins of grapes. What can be cooked from grapes: home recipes. Billets from grapes for the winter - for everyone and everyone! Selection of vitamin billets from grapes for the winter

Grape berries more than half consist of water, there are many organic acids in them, mineral salts, pectin, sugar, there are vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP. Worldwide, grapes on 2/3 of the harvest assembled is used for winemaking. Waste go for the production of alcohol, enzyme and vitamin concentrates, tannine, wine stone and acid.
In addition, the grapes prepare excellent compotes, jelly, jam. Its dried, marinate, soaked and squeeze juice from berries.


This is the easiest billet for the winter. We take recycling fruits, preferably more suphed, but in general will go any. Juice can be obtained using a sludge, juicers, screw presses. And it is possible without such devices.
Grapes to wash the juice, give a track of water. Wech the berries or skip through the meat grinder. Filling, slightly rubbing, through a sieve or colander, then leaken to gauze. You can add a liter of cold boiled water to 10 kg of mezgi with a pressed mezuge. Sometimes the first and second press juice is stirred. Getting up for 15 minutes without bringing to a boil. Then we bring to a boil and cut the cut in the cans. Roll You can first pour into banks and sterilize grape juice in liter banks for 25 minutes (water to boil and immediately reduce the fire, so as not to burst). The grapes processed on juice can be used in other recipes of blanks.

Marinated grapes

This billet for the winter serves as a good addition to fried meat and bird. Preparing a weakly acidic marinade. On 1 liter of water there is a 100-gram cup of sugar, a 100-gram glass of vinegar. This mixture boil. Vintage, let the water stalk. It is possible to decompose on the prepared banks, you can small clusters, you can-separating the berries. Put the carnation, bay leaf, fragrant pepper, a bit cinnamon. Sterilize a liter container 12 minutes, 3 liter 20 minutes.

Marinated grapes (other fills)
And here is another set for fill. By 3.5 liters of water, sugar 700 grams, vinegar 500 grams, salts 1 tablespoon. Spices to taste. Maridules the same.
You can simply take on 1 liter of water sugar to taste, lemon cut by slices, grated lemon zest. Throw to the bottom of the cans of the zadeh, then boil the water with slices. Filled banks pour marinade. Sterilize and roll. Marinated grapes ready. This can be a home billet.

Marinated grapes
2 kg grapes. For marinade on a 3-liter jar: 5 water glasses, 0.5 kg of sugar, 0.5 cup 5% vinegar, 1 g of cinnamon, 10 pieces of carnations.
Grapes can be marrying both clusters and berries - large, dense (they are separated from the brushes with scissors). In each case, grapes need to be rinsed thoroughly, slightly cut and decompose according to sterile banks.
Prepare marinade: 10 minutes boil the water with cloves and cinnamon, add sugar, wait until the solution boils, then remove the vinegar from the fire and pour into it.
To pour the grapes with hot mortar, cover the cans with covers and put in a saucepan with warmed up to 50 degrees with water. Pasteurize at 90 degrees Paul-liter banks for 15 minutes, liter - 20 and three-liter - 45 minutes. Roll

Grapes marinated in Armenian
1 kg of brushes of a small grape varieties "MSCHALI", "Achabash" or others.
For marinade: 100 g of water, 200 g of vinegar, 20 g of salts, 50 g of sugar, 50 g of honey, 5 pieces of carnations and cardamom.
Rinse rinse brushes thoroughly rinse, quivel, then immediately lower it into cold water. Slightly dry and put in rows into sterile banks.
Prepare marinade. To pour the grapes with hot mortar, cover the cans with covers and sterilize at 90 degrees half-liter banks for 15 minutes, liter - 20 and three-liter - 45 minutes. Roll

Village grapes

5 kg of grapes of sour-sweet varieties.
For fill: 2.5 liters of water, 80 g of sugar, 25 g of salt, 25 g of mustard powder.
Choose ripe, strong, solid berries. Rinse them thoroughly in cold water, put it tightly into the enameled bucket or pan, cover with a napkin, put a wooden circle and burns.
Prepare fill. Fill it dishes with grapes. Leave at room temperature for 3 days, then endure in a cold place.
In 25 days, grapes will be ready. Signs of readiness: Berries are soft, but whole, sour-sweet with a characteristic smell. The solution is transparent, pleasant to taste and smell.

Grape compotes

For syrup: 1 liter of water - 600 g of sugar.
Select beautiful large grape berries, rinse them thoroughly, give a track of water and decompose grapes by banks.
From water and sugar to cook syrup and boiling berries. Cover the cans with covers and put sterilize into a saucepan with warmed up to 60 degrees with water. Sterilize half-liter banks for 8 minutes, liter - 10. Then right there to roll and turn the banks upside down to the complete cooling.

Grape compotes
For fill: 1 liter of water - 1 cup of sugar.
The bunches of grapes are thoroughly rinsed in several waters and give water drain. To lay the cluster sterilized three-liter jar, filling it by a third. Prepare a fill, dissolving sugar in boiling water. Boiling fill to pour jars with grapes so that it breaks a little, immediately roll.

Homemade wine from grapes

Grapes (preferably "Isabella") - 5 kg, sugar sand - 3 kg, water - 12 liters.
We swore grapes, rinse, knead in enameled dishes. Add sugar sand to berries and leave for a week to fill. Then poured them with boiled water and withstand for a month. Then filtering wine through the gauze and pour into the bottles.

Vine-based liquor and wine from the same grapes
On a three-liter jar: 2kg dark grapes shot with brushes, 700g sugar and a glass of cold boiling water.
For syrup: 450g sugar, 1,5l water.
Prepared grapes to put in a three-liter jar, add sugar and a glass of cold boiled water. Install the water shutter on the bank or close it with a polyethylene lid with a rubber tube, the end of which is lowered into a jar with water. After 30-35 minutes, when the fermentation stops, carefully drain fixing through a gauze, without pressing the berries, then filter it, pour on the bottle and sod.
From the remaining berries to prepare light wine. To do this, put them in a jar, spread, pour in advance the remaining syrup, install the water shutter and close the cover with the tube and leave in a warm place for fermentation. After 20-30 days, strain the contents of the banks, filing, pouring on bottles and climb. Store bottles with liquor and wine in a warm cooler place.

Drunk grapes
Large white grapes - 1kg., Vodka - 1l., Sugar - 400g., Lemon - 2pcs., Vanilla sugar - 1 bag, carnation - 8pcs, cinnamon - 2 sticks.
Washing bunches of grapes to place for a while in a bowl with cold water. Then wash the borders and cut the grapes from them so that the tails are long about 5mm left on the berries: it will help to avoid leakage of juice. Considerate the berries with a paper towel. A sharp knife with a thin chips cut off the zest from lemons, put it in a bowl, add vanillin, carnation and cinnamon. Dissolve sugar in vodka, pour spices, mix and leave for 15 minutes so that the syrup is impregnated with aroma. Fill with grape sterilized cans, pour them with flavored vodka so that it completely covers the berries, and sunk them with covers. Grapes must draw before use at least 2 months.

Vintage jam for winter

For recycling berries, free from the twigs. We take 1 kg of berries 1 kg of sugar and 120 ml of water. Water and sugar boil, put grapes, boil, turn off and leave let it stand 30-60 minutes. Then peel 20 minutes, stirring. Again, let the same in the same way. Dormit on low heat until thickening and transparency of grapes. Before spilling, you can add a lemon or orange zest, a little vanilla. Put hot and roll.

Jam from grapes
Per 1 kg of grapes: sugar - 1200 gr., Water - 2 tbsp., Vanillain - 1-2 grams.
Large varieties of grapes are preferred. Purified from the ridges of berries is washed in cold water. If the skin on the berries is too dense, we advise you to lower them for 1-2 minutes in hot water, then pour the berries with boiling syrup and cook until readiness.

Grape juice jam and fruit assortment
Recipe cooking on the extract.
Cooked from sweet grapes juice to respect halfway. Cut with pieces apples, pears, plums, peaches (everything optional) and immerse in the grape extract for 5-6 hours. Boil on a small heat for 20 minutes. To withstand 5-6 hours. Bring to readiness and roll hot. Jam is ready.

Even the recipe for cooking jam from grapes
Berries taste in boiling water 1 minute, cool in water. Syrup is preparing. For 1.5 glasses of liquid we take 1 kg of sugar. Grapes pour hot syrup and leave for 5 hours. Then cook for 5 minutes. If grapes with thick skin, then cook in 3 reception. If thin-skinned, then peel immediately after insisting to readiness. Put the banks and twist. For fragrance, add the taste of lemon, orange, vanilla, cinnamon to taste.

Grape jam
Per 1 kg of grapes - 1 kg of sugar, 300 g of water, citric acid, vanillin.
Select dense intact berries, rinse thoroughly, give a track of water and omit in boiling water for 1 minute. Then immediately immerse in the cold. While water flows, cook sugar syrup.
Hot syrup pour into the pelvis, lay out grapes in it and leave for 6 hours. After that, put the pelvis on the stove, boil, peck for 10 minutes and leave for 8 hours. Repeat the same procedure and a second time. For the third time to peel 8 minutes, add citric acid, vanilla powder, hold a couple of minutes and remove from the fire.
Hot jam decompose into warm dry jars, roll.

Vintage jam with cherry aroma
3 kg of grapes, 3 kg of sugar, citric acid, vanillin, dry cherry fruits.
Berries of grapes thoroughly go through, rinse and taste in hot (90 degrees) water 2 minutes. In this water for the aroma in advance to lower the fruits of cherries.
From the water and sugar to cook the syrup, lower the grooved berries in it and retain for four hours. Then bring to a boil, peck for an hour on a small heat, remove from the stove for 10 minutes, add citric acid and vanillin, then to respect the jam until readiness. Capped dry banks warm and put hot jam in them. Cover with covers, put in a saucepan with hot (90 degrees) water and sterilize half-liter banks for 9 minutes, liter - 14.
Roll and cool, without turning the jar upside down.

Vintage jam with pumpkin and pear
0.5 kg of grapes, 1.5 kg of pumpkin flesh, 600 g of pears, 3 glasses of grape juice, juice 2 lemons, 1.7 kg of sugar, 2 tbsp. Cognac.
Peel peeled cut into cubes, grapes - quarters. Remove seeds and bones. Purified and sliced \u200b\u200bpumpkin cubes put in a pan for a microwave, add 200 g of sugar, close the lid and bake in the microwave for 20 minutes. Cool
Relief in the dishes with a thick bottom grape juice up to half of its original volume, then, without removing the pan from the fire, add sugar and, constantly stirring, dissolve it. Stay in this pan fruit and pumpkin with the flesh, mix, bring to a boil and turn off. Remove from the stove and leave for 1 hour. Then boil again, add to the aroma brandy and peak 3 minutes. Pour to clean banks and roll.

Jelly of grapes

On 1 kg of grapes - 2 glasses of water, 1 liters of juice - 700 g of sugar.
Select not quite ripe grapes with a dense pulp. Thoroughly go through, wash, shift into the enameled pan, bring to a boil and peck for 16 minutes. The resulting juice is filtered, filtering also the mezdu.
Soking to respect twice, remove the foam. Continue cooking, gradually adding sugar. When sugar is completely dissolved, check whether the jelly doubles quickly if it is poured onto a plate. If quickly means, jelly is ready and can be removed from the fire.
Hot decompose in dry heated jars, cover with covers and put on the plate in a saucepan with a water temperature of 70 degrees. Cover pans close. Pasteurize at 90 degrees Paul-liter banks - 8 minutes, liter - 12. Then banks roll and cool, without turning over.

Jam from grapes

Per 1 kg of grapes: sugar - 200 gr., Half of lemon.
Berries separate from the brushes, wash and put in the pelvic basin. Preheat on low heat until juice appears. Add sugar and sliced \u200b\u200blemon slices. Now add fire and, constantly stirring, boil the jam until readiness, periodically removing the foam with seeds.

Honey from grape juice (extract, bekmes)

Welded juice called Bekmes. Processing it so. Juice must be expensive with constant stirring to a decrease in volume of 3-3.5 times. It is possible to determine the readiness in mind - air bubbles are becoming larger. Bekmes from grapes light brown, fragrance pleasant. Spilled in any container, for example, in bottles of wine-vodka products. You can in banks. You can not roll. Store in a cool place. Use both honey or for cooking various jam instead of sugar syrup.


Vineyard is a view non-alcoholic beverage From grapes. Best for him fit nutmeg varieties. You can safely treat them guests - everyone will like it! Muscat grapes, mustard grains, pears, quince, horseradish, grape jam.
Estropy 25-30 mustard grains, pour out into a linen bag and sew.
Washing pears, quince and horseradish cut into pieces.
The bunches of grapes thoroughly rinse with cold water, slightly dry and fold into a wooden tub (you can also use clay or enameled dishes). On the bottom to put a bag with mustard, on top - grapes. Every 3 rows of grapes to move pears, quince and horseradish. Top pour 3 cm grape jams above the level laid in a tube. Close all clean cloth and make it in a cool place. In 25 days, the vineyard can be served to the table.

Grape syrup

Sweet grapes of light-colored varieties, on 1 l of juice - 1 kg of sugar. For the syrup, to select ripe, healthy berries, rinse them thoroughly, squeeze the juice and profile it through a dense linen fabric. Add sugar and boil the syrup of 8 minutes. It is hot to profile through the gauze and pour over sterile dry banks. Immediately roll.


BUY Raisins is expensive and even unwise if his grapes grow in the garden. If you dry grapes with a bone - it means, get raisins, if without bones - kishmish. In any case, for drying grapes you need to select sugar grades, with berries dense and mature.
Large borders of grapes are divided into several small, remove rotten berries and rinse thoroughly. Table 3 seconds in a boiling solution of food soda (6 g per 1 liter of water), and immediately rinse with cold water. With such a treatment on the berries, the smallest pores are formed, of which then the moisture evaporates when drying. Treated clusters put in one layer on a sieve (or other lattice base) and dry in the sun from two from three weeks, periodically turning over. The dried berries to remove with the brushes, on time to fold into the boxes, to withstand 2 days, and then shifted into banks, and so that the raisins do not dry, the banks are tightly covered with lids. Although grapes dried in the sun, tastier and better in quality, it can be dried in the oven at a temperature of 70 degrees.

Groundman (utered grapes)

10 kg of grapes, 0.5 kg mustard.
Take wine grapes. Berries cut off with brushes, throw out rotten and damaged, rinse well. Put in sterile jars, sprinkling mustard. Pour water completely covering berries. Close up with polyethylene lids, put in a cool place for 25 days. At the finished clustering should have a pleasant, not very sour taste.

Grape marmalade

Dark grapes - 1kg, red dry wine - 1/2, sugar - 500g.
Washed grapes to pour wine and cook on moderate heat for 10-12 minutes. Then berries to stretch and squeeze juice from them. Juice merge into a saucepan, add sugar to it and respect for a third. To make sure the mass is boosted, you need to drop the hot marmalade on a cold plate: if the drop does not spread, turn off the fire. Dispatch ready-made marmalade in banks, give cool, close them with covers and put in a cool place.

Canned grapes

Canned grapes in its own juice
Grapes, sugar.
Select ripe intact berries, rinse. From part of berries with a juicer or ordinary pestle squeeze juice. Give to stand 3 hours, then profile, pour into an enameled pan. Optionally, you can add sugar. Boil. Slightly cool.
Another part of the berry is to decompose on sterile banks and pour juice. Cover with covers and put sterilize in hot water: half-liter cans 10 minutes, liter - 15. Turn. Banks turn upside down, cool and make it storage in a cold place.

Canned grapes with aspirin
Dessert grapes.
For fill: on a liter can - 3 tbsp. l. sea \u200b\u200bsalt, 8 tbsp. l. Sugar, 1 Tablet aspirin, 1 tbsp. l. Seeds mustard, 2 cherry sheet, 70 ml of vinegar.
Choose strong, intact grapes, wash thoroughly and decompose on banks. Add to each jar salt, sugar, aspirin, mustard and cherry leaves.
Boil the water, add vinegar to it, wait 2-3 minutes and pour the contents of the cans. Tightly close the lids. For several days to shake banks. Do not sterilize: Mustard seeds reliably provide preservation and quality grapes. Store in a cool dark place.

Canned table grapes
Grapes of table varieties, chreex leaves and cherry, 5% mustard powder.
For fill: 1 cup of sugar, 1 glass of salt, 1 bucket of boiled water.
Grapes wash under the jet of water, dry and cut into a mustard powder.
In the enameled pan on the bottom to put the leaves of the horseradish and cherries, lower the rubber hose in the pan. Share grapes, glorifying each series of cherry leaves. From above to close the leaves of the horseradish and cherries.
Prepare fill. Fill out with a pan through the hose by inserting a watering can in it. It is necessary in order for water to rise from below and did not wash off mustard. Cover the plate and leave for 10 days. When grapes will become a pleasant amber color and gains a sour-sweet taste, you can read it ready. Prepared by such a way grapes in banks do not roll: thanks to the mustard, it will not deteriorate and does not mold. Store him in a dark place in the dark opaque dishes, as grapes do not like light.

Grape leaves saline
For the preparation of the cabbage can be used not cabbage, but salted grape leaves. It should only be remembered that although the leaves of all varieties of edible grapes can be eaten, the leaves of red grapes are tougher, so it is better not to preserve them. But from white grapes - please! They are soft and tasty. True, it is better to collect them when the bush only blooms.
1 kg of young grape leaves, 120 g of salts.
For brine: 1.5 liters of water, 60 g of salts.
For salting to select intact large leaves without residence and gun below. Rinse them thoroughly, leave for 3 hours in cold water, every hour changing water, then rinse under running water. Slightly dry and taste 3 minutes in boiling water. Throw back on colander, cool.
To put in sterile banks, moving salt and tampering. Top to put the load so that the leaves lay the denser. Pour the brine, close by the drop-down lids and leave for 2 weeks, as needed topping the brine. After that, put in a cool place for storage. Use for cooking cabbage rolls and dollars.

Grape vinegar

1.5 kg of grape mezgi, remaining after pressing juice, 200 g of sugar, 1.5 liters of water.
In a 3-liter jar, pour mezuge, fall asleep with sugar, add water. Tie the neck of gale and put the jar into a warm place.
After 3 months, filter the vinegar, pour it on bottles, close the paraffin and store in a horizontal position in a dark place.

Fresh grapes before spring

In order for the grapes itself, the grapes remained fresh and tasty, it is necessary to process it specially: omit for 15 minutes in warmth (35 degrees) water, then it is exactly 5 seconds to immerse in boiling water, then instantly in cold water. Chilled grapes lay on clean canvas and dry. After that, grapes fall asleep with wood sawdust and put stored in a dry cool place.

Delicious fragrant berries of grapes love adults and children. Make vitamin reserves during the cold season, when the grape season is already over, the recipes of a compote from grapes for the winter will help. After all, not everyone loves to drink grape juice because of its showing taste. Yes, and I like the wine (or you can) not everyone. There is a way out - cook compote from grapes. It vitamins the body, and the taste is softer.

For the preparation of compotes for the winter, berries of any varieties are suitable - both blue and white, and you can roll grapes even with whole clusters. There is a lot of compote recipes from grapes for the winter from the grape berries alone, as well as with the addition of other fruits and spices in compote and other fruits, which will give him a unique taste. Grape compote is not only delicious, but also has a positive effect on the body. In grapes contain iron, magnesium, potassium.

Grape compote advise to use if there are problems with gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

Compote from grapes for the winter

Turn the compote from the grapes at home on this recipe can be from any variety, and in taste it will resemble grape juice. The ingredients are indicated on one 3-liter bank.


  • grapes - to cover half capacity;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • lemon acid.

Computer Preparation Technology:

Compote from grapes without sterilization

For a compote of grapes without sterilization, grapes can be used both blue and white varieties. So that the compote is saturated, it will take a little more sugar and grapes itself. You can add to the compote during a spices (carnation, mint or cinnamon).

Compote, rolled over winter without sterilization, is stored no more than one year.


  • grapes - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 4 liters.

Cooking technology:

Compote from grapes in the way of double fill

Quickly roll compote for winter without sterilization, using double fill - a method used when preserving a tomato. This compotation recipe from grapes for the winter is also different in that it is not necessary to prepare sugar syrup. He falls asleep in the jar, and not immediately, but after the first fill with boiling water.

Ingredients (based on a 3-liter bottle):

  • grapes - 700-800 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 2 liters.

Cooking technology:

Compote from grape clodes with sugar

Without sterilization, you can also roll the compote from the blue grapes of small varieties using whole clusters. The ordering process is slightly different from the previous recipe - sugar is not covered with a jar, but syrup is prepared from it. However, too much sugar is not worth putting, otherwise the taste of the compote will be too shred, and this is not like everyone.

Grape clusters will slightly change the taste of the compote and give it a lightweight tartness.


  • water - 2 l;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • grapes - at the rate to fill in banks by a third.

Cooking technology:

Compote from grapes without sugar

To prepare a compote from grapes for the winter, this recipe will require a little extra time, since compote without sugar needs additional sterilization. But it contains even more useful vitamins and is suitable for consuming persons suffering chronic diseasesunder which sugar cannot be used.


  • grapes in the cluster - in quantity to fill the bank to the edges;
  • water for fill - in the amount required for the remaining volume of banks.

Cooking technology:

Compote from grapes Kishamis

Easy and pleasant compote taste is obtained from white grapes, for example, from a variety of kishmish. You can use both small and large kishmish - there is no principled difference, because the main thing is taste.


  • white grapes - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • water - 0.7 liters.

Cooking technology:

Grape compote "Isabella" with spices

Close the useful compote from Isabella grapes for the winter can be even a beginner hostess. It is good to use it in the cold weather for the prevention of infectious diseases.

Ingredients (on 1 three-liter bottle):

  • grapes Isabella - 1 big bunch;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • water - about 2 liters (depends on the size of the grape cluster) to fill the bank to the edges;
  • and Melissa - 1 branch;
  • lemon or Lime - 1 slicing.

Cooking technology:

Compote from green grapes with honey

A very unusual taste has a compote from green grapes for the winter with adding instead of sugar. Grapes of green varieties are not often used in conservation, because it gives a compote very weak color.

To give a compotency of beautiful color, you can add red apples.

If the color is not as important as taste, it is worth testing this recipe. So, how to make a compote from grapes with honey?


  • grapes of green varieties - 3.5 kg;
  • honey - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • grape vinegar - 50 ml;
  • cinnamon hammer - 1 tsp;
  • carnation - 5 pieces;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Cooking technology:

Cooked with your own hands compote from home grapes will like everyone without exception and will allow you to please close people in the festive, and not only, a cold winter evening. Even if there is no own vineyard, it is not necessary to purchase a lot of berries for the workpiece of the strategic reserve for the winter. But this drink is much more tastier and more useful to shopping juices! Bon Appetit everyone!

Compote from grapes and peaches - video

Grapes are good and in the form of fresh covers, and like juice or wine. But there is still a mass of ways to preserve the taste and beneficial properties of fruits for the winter. From berries, sugar and water you can create a variety of desserts of various shades of taste, consistency and sweets for any occasion. Vintage blanks are not only compotes, jams and jams. Breaky canned in Marinada is an original, exquisite handbroker to meat and vegetable dishes.

Features of preserving grapes

Grape berries are infrequently becoming a billet object for the winter. It is believed that homemade grape desserts cannot be stored for a long time and inevitably turn into wine vinegar after a few weeks. In order to avoid such troubles, it suffices to comply with simple rules:

  1. 1. Wash berries thoroughly, changing water several times. So from the surface is removed wax raid and supporting substances.
  2. 2. If a whole bunch is applied in cooking, then the frozen and brush should be carefully examined, rejecting copies with traces of diseases or rot.
  3. 3. Grapes are chosen taking into account the type of processing: on jam and compote, they leave slightly misunderstood, and for juice, jumped, Jem is selected the most ripe.
  4. 4. The more sugar in the recipe and longer processing, the longer you can save the final product.

The famous rules for the preparation of high-quality billets for the winter is the sterility of all the dishes, surfaces, glass containers and covers in contact with the products.

Adding dry spicy spices (cinnamon, ginger, badyana) additionally protects canned berries from damage. Lemon, orange, honey introduced into the recipe, increase the cooking time of the dessert, for better safety.

Grape juice

Methods of grinding berries affect the taste of the finished product. You can separate the liquid from the pulp, rubbing grapes through the sieve. The juice will be light and transparent, and the taste will be easy. Flowing fruits through a meat grinder, get a bright drink with a tart, saturated taste. Due to the grinding of the bones and the skin, the content of nutrients increases.

A drink saturated with nutmeg aroma is obtained from Isabella grapes and its hybrids. The best juices are made of technical varieties with small berries, the tables beautiful bunches can be left for the preparation of other desserts.

Juice without boiling


  1. 1. Out of berries with fruits, separating thowned. Thought fruits without signs of rot and mold can not be rejected.
  2. 2. Mechanically grind grapes in any way: tolerate, in a blender, with the help of a meat grinder. You can simply crush the berries with your hands, putting rubber gloves.
  3. 3. Place a lot of deep saucepan. It is unacceptable to use aluminum dishes, a stainless or enameled one is suitable.
  4. 4. In the smallest fire, grapes are heated to the "guy". Remove the saucepan from the plate before the weight boils.
  5. 5. Dry separated juice, and the mezu is pressed through several layers of gauze or wipe through the sieve.
  6. 6. The resulting liquid is advocated at least an hour and neatly drained from the formation of a precipitate.

Spill hot juice over sterile banks and bottles. We will collapse the container with the processed covers and leave for air cooling. The cooled blanks should be sent to a dark place and stored at a temperature of about 10 ° C.

Juice with sugar and water

Not everyone likes the concentrated taste of natural grape juice. Removal from it with the addition of sugar, get a more delicate taste, and the characteristic fragrance is preserved.

Sucker recipe with sugar:

  • 3 kg of berries;
  • 1 l of water;
  • from 50 to 100 g of sugar, depending on the sweetness of grapes.

Preparing concentrated juice, as in the previous recipe, merge it into the pan and fill with water. After adding sugar, put on fire and boil 15-20 minutes. The drink is spilled by sterile bottles hot and immediately silent. Juice with sugar is well stored at home, most importantly, find a dark place for him.

Grape compotes

For cooking compote, grapes of any variety are suitable. It can be both beautiful, ripe, sweet clusters, and submerged, small berries and grapes of a technical variety. The original aroma and the color of the drink is obtained by using varieties with different color and taste.

Carefully adhering to the instructions, you can cook compote without sterilization, which will save more useful properties And ensure natural taste of the drink. In compliance with the proportions and rules of sterility, such a preservation is stored in winter no worse than failed blanks.

For the preparation of 3 l compotes will be needed ingredients:

  • grapes - about 1 kg;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • citric acid - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • spices to taste: Vanilla, Badyan, Mint, Cinnamon or Carnation.

Preparation starts with grapes and dishes: berries wash with running water, and pure glass jars are pre-sterilized. Next steps:

  1. 1. The berries separated from the fruits are laid into the glass container, filling it by a third. This is the optimal ratio of fruits and syrup to obtain a saturated taste.
  2. 2. Separately heated 2.5 liters of water with sugar. Boiling mortar poured banks to the top.
  3. 3. The neck is covered with a sterile lid and insist the workpiece of 10-15 minutes.
  4. 4. Dump the cooled fluid into the pan and adjust to a boil with citric acid and spices.
  5. 5. Bay of the bank with syrup for the second time, they immediately shapple them, turn over and, hunching heat, leave for a day.

Even of the dark varieties of grape compote at this stage it turns out pale. He will finally be impaired and acquired a characteristic color and taste after a month.

Before the last fill with berries, syrup should be strain. This will remove random impurities added when cooking spices and make compote more transparent.

The compote for the winter can be prepared from the whole covers of grapes, not separating berries. Banks are stacked in the same way and flooded with the same composition, but before silence, the drink will have to be sterradized for 10-15 minutes.

Jam in the oven

For the recipe you can take any grapes, but it is especially successfully a jam from varieties of bones of type Kishmish. The peculiarity of the preparation is that the excess liquid in the oven evaporates especially intensively and you can quickly achieve the desired consistency. After all, the jam from grapes is always reluctant.

Required ingredients:

  • grape berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water is 1 cup;
  • spices (lemon zest, badyan asterisk, carnation, anise seeds) to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. 1. Saved for cooking whole berries are thoroughly washed and give water drain.
  2. 2. The grapes are distributed on deep babysitter, pour water, falling asleep with sugar evenly and spices add.
  3. 3. Set a baking sheet into a heated to 150 degrees an oven for 1 hour.
  4. 4. An hour later, we take spices and send grapes back to the hot oven.
  5. 5. When the jam re-boils, heating is turned off and leave the product to languish in a closed oven for another hour.

When cooled, syrup becomes thick and drig. A warm jam is packaged into sterilized banks and covered with covers. An unusual method of cooking retains the aroma of berries, and the resulting thick consistency is suitable for the filling in sweet baking.

Please note that natural spices have too pronounced fragrances and are able to overshadow a thin grape taste. Use these components in minimum quantities And be sure to take them out of the dessert before silent.

Jam with gelatin

For the manufacture of a jelly-shaped mass, it is necessary to separate the pulp of grapes from the peel and remove the bones. For this, the berries are blanched - lowered in boiling water for 2 minutes. After feeding the fruits with the help of a noise, wipe them through a colander, a large sieve or several layers of gauze, removing hard fragments. From the resulting puree, you can begin to cook a jacket, jam or jelly.

Product ratio:

  • grape mass without skins and bones - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • gelatin (instant) - 10 g.

Sugar and grapes are connected in enameled dishes and boil 10 minutes on medium fire, constantly stirring. Assessed the workpiece, give it completely cool. Heat and cool came to room temperature as many times as needed to obtain the desired consistency.

Long thermal treatment deprives grapes of the flavor, so during the second cooking you can add to the hot mass of the gelatin for thickening and, having stirred before dissolving, immediately pour from prepared banks. The baked jam is covered for slow cooling and stored at room temperature in a dark place.

Jumped without sugar

Raw berries wipe through a sieve. To facilitate the process, you can pre-crush the fruits in the blender. Separating the pulp from the bones and the skin, put the resulting grape mashed on a weak fire. To achieve the desired consistency, a long-lasting cooking will be required. So that the mass does not burn, choose dishes with a thick bottom of stainless steel.

Readiness is checked by having spent a wooden blade on the surface - the "track" will remain on the jacket of the desistence. The hot mass is folded into the floor-liter banks, retreating 1.5 cm from the edge, and carefully build in a heated to 180 degrees oven. Covers on tanks are not yet needed.

Having distributed banks, the oven closes and turn off. The top layer of the jacket must grab a little, for this it is enough 15 minutes. After that, the banks are removed and immediately rolled out by sterilized covers.

From dark grape varieties, it turns out beautiful jumped, and white and green fruits can acquire an unpleasant gray shade. To improve the color, it is recommended to add some red or dark blue berries to the dessert.

Jumped with leather

The original sweet dish is obtained from grape varieties in which the pulp is easily separated from the skins. For the preparation of fruits, washed berries are cut off on one side with a knife, after which the pulp is easily extruded from the peel with his fingers. Such a reception is treated all the volume of grapes, folding the skins separately.

Further preparation of jogging:

  1. 1. The pulp boils for several minutes in a separate dish and is listed through a colander or a large metallic sieve, freeing from the bones.
  2. 2. The finished grape mass is connected to the skins and bring to a boil on the smallest fire.
  3. 3. Sugar add gradually, gently stirring each portion before its complete dissolution.
  4. 4. By connecting all the ingredients, the mass is baptized for another 2-3 minutes.

Podelly packaged in tanks with a volume of no more than 500 ml and hermetically covered with sterile lids.

Billets without sugar are stored at a temperature not higher than +6 ° C, without access light. Sweet grape joke remains fresh from 6 months to a year at home, at room temperature.

Marinated grapes

Not only sweet dishes are obtained from berries, you can prepare grapes in the marinade. The original side dish is served to meat, vegetable dishes, add to salads or used separately. Well suited for the recipe for the clouds of light varieties.

On one 3-liter bank will need:

  • grapes - 2 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vinegar (9%) - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • fragrant pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • carnation - 3 pcs.

Grapes are removed from the bunch, take elastic fruits without spots and cracks. Well washed berries leave in colander so that water glass. Clean banks are sterilized and fill in grapes, add spices.

For the preparation of marinade, water, vinegar and sugar in enameled dishes and bring to a boil. Prepared banks poured hot marinade, covered with covers and sterilize 20 minutes, after which they are tightly rolled and, turning, leave to cool.

Wine vinegar

In some types of canning grapes, the mezga - peel with bones and pulp residues. It is easy to cook a wine vinegar from it, as a beautiful home replacement to the store balsamic. Especially beautiful and fragrant will get this seasoning from the berries of dark varieties.


  • cake (mezga) of red grapes;
  • boiled cold water;
  • granulated sugar.

It is convenient to prepare vinegar in a glass jar, which is pre-sterilized and cooled. Lay the cake in a capacity of approximately 1/6 volumes, the as much sugar is added, fed with boiled water, not reaching the edge. The neck is covered with several layers of clean gauze and tied.

In a dark, warm place vinegar will be ready in 3 months. It can be merged with sediment and use as seasoning to salads, for the preparation of marinades, fish and meat dishes.

Grapes are not the most familiar berry for canning, but not the most difficult. Simple recipes for the preparation of desserts and harsh blanks will help you easily diversify the winter table and save the sunny berry in the diet until spring.

In the photo jam made of grapes

To prepare a jam from grapes on this recipe, for the beginning of the berries you need to remove from the clouds and rinse well, pre-breaking the tails. Then discard damaged fruits. In order for jam from grapes is really tasty, it is necessary to take only whole berries with fleshy pulp and dense skin. Next, it all depends on which variety is used: green, blue or white. This will depend on the quality of the final product. Green fruits are usually pre-dried in ordinary water so that they become softer. To preserve the color, you can add a little salt at the rate of half a teaspoon per 1 kg of berries. Blue and white varieties do not need this processing. Of these, only the grains are removed. If the berries are overripe, it can be removed and skinned.

Now the product is fully ready for the main process.

Vintage can be prepared in different ways. The most common is the usual option for which you need to take 1 kg of ripe fruits, 1 kg of sugar and a glass of cold water.

Cooking is carried out in several techniques: Syrup is boiled from water and sugar. They give into it prepared berries and bring the mixture to a boil. The product is boiled 5 minutes on a weak heat, and then assign to the side to the complete cooling. The procedure is repeated a couple of times. In the course of the boil, you must not forget to remove the foam and remove the pop-up grains. For taste, you can add some lemon acid at the very end of the cooking (teaspoon) or vanillin on the tip of the knife. At the end of the cooking, hot jam made of grapes prepared on this simple prescription, lay out on sterilized banks and tightly clogged with tin lids. Store in a cool and dry place.

The jam from grapes can be done somewhat different way: Washed berries lay out in the prepared pelvis. Boiling syrup fill the fruits and leave the clock at 12. Then the mixture to bring to a boil and leave half a day. On the third day in the hot mass add a crushed lemon (without seeds). Otherwise, the process of cooking jam from grapes on this recipe is conducted unchanged. On the fourth day, fall asleep in hot jam 10 g of vanillina and decompose the product in banks.

Grape jam with cherry smell for winter

In the photo, an unusual jam of grapes

In order to prepare such an unusual jam from grapes on this simple recipe, you need to have the following: 3 kg of grapes, 3 kg of sugar sand, citric acid, cherry fruits, vanillin.

Grapes carefully come through. After that, it is washed and boiled in boiling water about two minutes. So that the grapes have acquired a pleasant cherry smell, it is necessary to put the washed cherry fruits into this water.

Then they take water and sugar, make syrup, the berries are put in it, which are already fed. Let all this cost at room temperature for 4 hours. Next, everything is adjusted to a boil, boils around an hour on a small fire, and then removed from the plate about 10 minutes. Next is added to the joy of citric acid, as well as at the request of Vanillin and already joke until prepared.

Banks that will be used for jam must first wash, after bite five minutes, and then put in the oven for drying.

Be sure to sterilize banks with jam, before rolling. The jam from grapes, cooked for the winter on this recipe, is cold, without turning the cans.

Look at the photo to the recipes of jam from grapes:

Grape jam

Berries and fruits are good not only in the form of jam. An excellent option may be jam. This product is perfectly suitable as a filling for pies or additives to the morning toast. Jam from the home grapes on this simple recipe is prepared as follows.

For such a dish, 1 kg of sugar will be needed, 1.8 kg of grapes, lemon colon and 80 ml of lemon juice. Prepare the jam is better: the bunches of grapes are thoroughly rinse and go out. Each grape is released from the shell. The resulting mass cover the lid, put on the middle fire, bring to a boil and leave for 5 minutes. Now the mixture must be sold through a sieve to get rid of unnecessary bones. Mass again pour back into the pan, add the rest of the components on the recipe, give it to boil and leave on a small fire to boil until complete readiness. It remains only to fold everything in advance prepared dishes, hermetically close and stored in a cool place.

Grape cake without baking

On the photo grape cake

Grape cake gentle and very elegant. It will take 700 g of sour cream, 100 g of raisins, 200 g of chocolate, 25 g gelatin, 300 g of crackers, 90 g jelly (1 bag), grapes (to taste), vanilla sugar (to taste), 1 cup of sugar.

Gelatin is bred as indicated on the packaging. Jelly are bred in 300 ml of hot water. Sugar, sour cream, vanilla sugar are whipped in a bowl. When gelatin is ready, it is poured into cream and whipped. Raisins are sealed in boiling water, departed. Chocolate and crackers crushed. These ingredients are mixed with sour cream and placed in the form. All this put half an hour in the refrigerator. We wash grapes, divide on halves, if there are bones - take out. Put the halves of berries and pour jelly. Put in the refrigerator until completely cooling.

See how the cake is appetizing with grapes on this recipe in the photo presented below:

Tsukati from grapes

For this recipe for a dessert from grapes, grapes are chosen not very large and, desirable, without stones. It does not break off with the brushes.

A syrup is boiled in which water and sugar equal. The brush of grapes in it falls out in sugar. Then heat the oven well and turn it off. Bold the brush of grapes. As soon as the oven will cool, the berries of grapes will be ready. They should be removed from the twigs and store in dry closed dishes. Cooks from grapes prepared at home on this recipe can be used when baking.

Grape marmalade

Required ingredients: Dark grapes - 1 kg, red dry wine - 1/2 l, sugar - 500 g.

For the preparation of marmalade for this recipe, washed berries to pour wine and cook on moderate heat for 10-12 minutes. Then berries to stretch and squeeze juice from them. Juice merge into a saucepan, add sugar to it and respect for a third. To make sure that the mass is boosted, you need to drop a hot marmalade on a cold plate: if the drop does not spread, turn off the fire. Descript ready-made dessert from grapes in banks and make cool, and then close them with covers and put in a cool place.

Grape grapes with nuts

The essence of the preparation of grape grapes, as well as any other, is long-term drying at low temperature. In the terrain where the hot climate prevails, pastes are prepared directly in the sun. In other cases, it is practical to use the oven.

For the manufacture of 200-250 g of the product, it will be necessary: 1.2 kg of grapes, 100 g of sugar, 80-100 g of any nuts, 2 h. Corn starch.

Grapes wash, carefully move, separating berries from the twigs and removing spoiled berries. Then crushed with the help of a blender. Then we wipe the mass through the sieve to get rid of the skin and seeds. The resulting juice with the flesh is poured into a small pan with thick walls and put on fire. Conduct the mass to boil and remove the foam. Weld juice on very low heat until its volume decreases by two-thirds or even up to a quarter of the initial volume. When this happens, the sugar juice is added to juice.

Starch is bred in a small amount of cold water. Pull the starch in grape concentrated juice and mix well. Mass thickens a bit. Then Kissel is removed from the fire.

Nuts are cut, add them to grape mass and stirred.

The resulting mass is distributed according to the absence of a decreased parchment or silicone rug, and dried at a temperature of 60-70 ° C for 5-6 hours. It is better to use convection regime.

To check the readiness of the paste, you can touch it with your finger: if it does not stick, it means that it has already dried enough.

The finished floppy is cooled, carefully separated from the parchment or silicone rug and cut the rains of arbitrary width.

Strips twisted with a tube and stored in a tightly closed container or a glass jar - so it will remain tasty for a whole year.

Juice from grapes

On the photo juice from grapes

For the preparation of juice from home grapes on this recipe, you can take several brushes of any variety of berries. Vintage is well rinsed, immerse 5 seconds in boiling water. Separate the berries from the brush, squeeze the juice through the gauze or the juicer. Pour juice into banks by colding up to 30 degrees, cover the cans with sterile lids and pasteurize in a saucepan with water at a temperature of 90 degrees 10 min (0.5 l) or 15 min (1l), sin and cool down the neck.

Grape compote for winter

In the photo grape compote

Traditional compote from grapes for the winter on this recipe is prepared at the rate of: 1 kg of berries (grapes of Isabella), half a cup of sugar sand and liter of water.

Grapes must be cleaned from the twigs, rinse and decompose on banks. Berries must occupy half the volume of the container used. Next boils syrup (water with sugar). The obtained syrup should pour banks and give to stand 10 minutes. After that, the syrup needs to merge, boil and pour back again. Split jars with compote from grapes prepared on this recipe for the winter, turn them over and leave to complete cooling.

Grapes in its own juice

For grapes in its own juice, this recipe will be needed: grapes, 1 l of grape juice 100 g of sugar.

Large berries go through and rinse, put on dry clean banks. Press the juice from other berries, pour into the enameled pan, pour sugar and heat up to 90-95 ° C - sugar must dissolve. Pour juice into banks by colding up to 30 degrees, cover the cans with sterile lids and pasteurize in a saucepan with water at a temperature of 90 degrees 10 min (0.5 l) or 15 min (1l), sin and cool down the neck.

Below is described what can be prepared from grapes as a snack.

On the photo pickled grapes

Marinated grapes are perfectly suitable as a side dish, thanks to a gentle taste, it can be added to salads, decorate canape or simply add when preparing second dishes.

For marinization, ripe elastic berries are needed, the grapes in no case should be overwhelmed. The grape variety can be taken anyone, which is at hand, but best suite varieties with dense skin and crispy flesh. To make the finished marinated grapes attractively looked at the table, choose a large berry.

Marinated grapes has a spicy pathercy taste that many compare with taste of olives. Therefore, by the way, quite often home pickled grapes is more affordable alternative to olquams in various dishes.

So, prepare marinated snacks from grapes!

Ingredients for 3 half-liter banks: Grapes, 1 l of water, 200 g of sugar, 100 g of vinegar, 3 tablets aspirin, 3 buds cloves, 3 laurel leaves, 3 peas of fragrant pepper, slightly cinnamon (on the tip of the knife).

Before making grapes, you need to wash the floor-liter jackets of food soda, to rinse well, put sterilize for 10 minutes.

Pour water in a bowl, omit the bunches of grapes, rinse well. Next, rinse grapes under a water jet. Kitchen scissors cut off the bunches of berries with tails.

In the prepared banks, lay grapes only to the shoulders and add one tablet aspirin into each jar.

Prepare fill. To do this, combine water, sugar, carnation, cinnamon, leaf bay, fragrant pepper in a saucepan.

Before boiling, pour caution vinegar, bring to a boil. Pour the brine cans with grapes, trying to get a bout of cloves, a laurel leaf and peas of fragrant peppers into each jar. Take the keys to the conservation keys.

Be sure to put banks with grapes marinated on this recipe, upside down, bite and leave until complete cooling.

On the photo pickled grapes with mustard

For cooking you will need: 12-13 kg of grapes, 10 liters of water, 2 kg of sugar, 200 g of acetic acid, 10 g of mustard, 10 g of a laurel sheet, 15 g of pepper fragrant, 15 g of cinnamon, 5 g of carnations, salt to taste, vegetable oil.

Marinated grapes prepared on this recipe should be stored in a cold place. In dry clean banks to lay prepared grapes (washed, separated from the brushes). Pour the chilled marinade cooked from water, sugar, salt, vinegar and spices.

On top of the berries in the marinade, pour the thin layer of the calcined vegetable oil - to prevent the appearance of mold.

Banks with grapes to bite with pure droppore covers. When stored in the refrigerator or cellar, grapes marinated in this way is suitable for several months.

Ready grapes can be served to the table as an independent snack, use in salads, add to cheese or meat plates, use to prepare canapes.

On the photo Marinated Grapes in Armenian

And now marinate grapes for the winter in Armenian. To do this, it is necessary to take 1 kg of brushes of a small grape varieties "MSCHALI", "Achabash" or others.

For marinade you need: 100 g of water, 200 g of vinegar, 20 g of salts, 50 g of sugar, 50 g of honey, 5 pieces of carnations and cardamom.

Rinse rinse brushes thoroughly rinse, quivel, then immediately lower it into cold water. Slightly dry and put in rows into sterile banks.

Prepare marinade. To pour the grapes with hot mortar, cover the cans with covers and sterilize at 90 degrees half-liter banks for 15 minutes, liter - 20 and three-liter - 45 minutes. Roll Marinated grapes, cooked for the winter, can be stored for about a year.

In the photo salty grapes

Summer (salty) grapes are ready for use two months after the salmon. This original side dish or cold appetizer It looks beautiful on the table and always has success. You can use white or red grapes of any variety.

Required products: 2 Vine buckets, 10 liters of water, 1 glass of salt, 2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of mustard powder, 1 cup of shrine skipped through a meat grinder. Also you will need 10-liter glass bottles (enamelled saucepan or bucket).

Khrena root clean, wash, skip through a meat grinder, a volume equal to one cup should be in crushed form.

Grapes separate from the twigs and wash, grapes to give well.

Boil the water and dilute to the complete dissolution of mustard powder, salt and sugar. Brine cool. Fall asleep the berries of grapes in a glass container, speaking periodically horseradished until its full fill.

Content pour brine. Cover with a lid and store in the cellar. If the chest of grapes is performed in an enamelled saucepan or a bucket, then the contents are covered with a clean cloth, and the wooden circle (plate or lid) is put on top.

Serve a dish from grapes prepared for this recipe, two months after the salmon, in the form of an independent side dish for meat or fish.

In the photo dried grapes

Drying grapes at home - in the sun, in the shade, under the film, etc. - Long (about a month) and a painstaking process requiring experience. With grapes can happen anything, it can be contlected from an excess of moisture or low temperatures, can be spoiled due to low sugar, grapes can mercilessly eating wasps, flies, etc.

You can improve the process using a simple fan and an increase in air temperature, but not more than 60 ° C, as the caramelization process may occur. Nowadays, a more convenient way is to dry the grapes with the help of household electric dryers whose species on the market there is a large number and on any "taste".

The drying process takes about 70 hours with the preparation process.

Preparation lies in the washing of grapes, the selection of poor-quality berries, the separation of them from the twig and calculation of trays. It is recommended to lower them in boiling water for a few seconds before the preparation of dry grapes (some in boiling water is added to the soda) to open their surfaces, which in turn leads to a more quick removal of excess moisture from grapes.

On the photo Salted grape leaves for dollars

Dolma - dish, loved by many nations. It is preparing a lot of different ways, but the most popular and distributed a recipe with grape leaves around the world. For the preparation of this dish, the sheet is collected during the flowering of the vine - it was then that it is the most tender, juicy and fragrant. It is best to use grape leaves for dollars collected from white varieties. Reds are often used in cooking, but there are a lot of trouble with them.

First, the edges of them are painfully figured, and secondly, they are pretty tough and require more heat treatment time. But you can prepare your favorite dish not only in May-June, it is worth only to put the grape leaves for the winter.

There are a lot of ways, and everyone can choose the most acceptable for themselves. What leaves choose? In order for the dolma, it is better to take the bright sheets of medium size. The fourth-fifths from the end of the vine are ideal for this purpose. On the leaves there should be no mechanical damage, garden pests, cobwebs, plaque. It is such grape leaves and choose for canning.

The most common recipe for the preparation of grape leaves is litter in banks. With this task, any mistress will cope. The recipe is extremely simple: young leaves are thoroughly washed under running water; scraped boiling water and immediately cooled; collapsed in rolls of 10-15 pieces and tightly put in a sterilized bank; poured boiling water.

Then water is poured, the salt is added to it at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter, put on fire and bring to a boil; They pour into banks again and roll. Before cooking dolma, the leaves need to be counted to pull out of them excessive salt. The same rules concern and marinated grape leaves for dollars. Solish the dish in any case, most likely, do not have to.

Bekmes from grape juice

On the photo Bekmes from grape juice

Welded juice called Bekmes. Processing it so. Juice must be expensive with constant stirring to a decrease in volume of 3-3.5 times. It is possible to determine the readiness in mind - air bubbles are becoming larger. Bekmes from grapes light brown, fragrance pleasant. Plums into any container, for example, in bottles of wine-vodka products or in banks. You can not roll. Store in a cool place. Use instead of honey or sugar syrup for cooking of various jams.

Cooking grape vinegar

In the photo grape vinegar

Cooking grape vinegar is very simple. It is necessary 1.5 kg of grape mezgi, which remained after pressing the juice, 200 g of sugar, 1.5 liters of water. In a three-liter jar, the mezu is placed, fall asleep with sugar, water is added. Tie the neck of gale and put in a warm place.

After 3 months, the vinegar is filtered off, spill it on bottles, closed with paraffin and stored in a horizontal position in a dark place.

Grape jam

Per 1 kg of grapes - 1 kg of sugar, 300 g of water, citric acid, vanillin.

Select dense intact berries, rinse thoroughly, give a track of water and omit in boiling water for 1 minute. Then immediately immerse in the cold. While water flows, cook sugar syrup.

Hot syrup pour into the pelvis, lay out grapes in it and leave for 6 hours. After that, put the pelvis on the stove, boil, peck for 10 minutes and leave for 8 hours. Repeat the same procedure and a second time. For the third time to peel 8 minutes, add citric acid, vanilla powder, hold a couple of minutes and remove from the fire.

Hot jam decompose into warm dry jars, roll.

Vintage jam with cherry aroma

3 kg of grapes, 3 kg of sugar, citric acid, vanillin, dry cherry fruits.

Berries of grapes thoroughly go through, rinse and taste in hot (90 degrees) water 2 minutes. In this water for the aroma in advance to lower the fruits of cherries.
From the water and sugar to cook the syrup, lower the grooved berries in it and retain for four hours. Then bring to a boil, peck for an hour on a small heat, remove from the stove for 10 minutes, add citric acid and vanillin, then to respect the jam until readiness.

Capped dry banks warm and put hot jam in them. Cover with covers, put in a saucepan with hot (90 degrees) water and sterilize half-liter banks for 9 minutes, liter - 14.

Roll and cool, without turning the jar upside down.

Vintage jam with pumpkin and pear

0.5 kg of grapes, 1.5 kg of pumpkin flesh, 600 g of pears, 3 glasses of grape juice, juice 2 lemons, 1.7 kg of sugar, 2 tbsp. Cognac.

Peel peeled cut into cubes, grapes - quarters. Remove seeds and bones.

Purified and sliced \u200b\u200bpumpkin cubes put in a pan for a microwave, add 200 g of sugar, close the lid and bake in the microwave for 20 minutes. Cool

Relief in the dishes with a thick bottom grape juice up to half of its original volume, then, without removing the pan from the fire, add sugar and, constantly stirring, dissolve it. Stay in this pan fruit and pumpkin with the flesh, mix, bring to a boil and turn off. Remove from the stove and leave for 1 hour. Then boil again, add to the aroma brandy and peak 3 minutes. Pour to clean banks and roll.

Jelly of grapes

On 1 kg of grapes - 2 glasses of water, 1 liters of juice - 700 g of sugar.

Select not quite ripe grapes with a dense pulp. Thoroughly go through, wash, shift into the enameled pan, bring to a boil and peck for 16 minutes. The resulting juice is filtered, filtering also the mezdu.

Soking to respect twice, remove the foam. Continue cooking, gradually adding sugar. When sugar is completely dissolved, check whether the jelly doubles quickly if it is poured onto a plate. If quickly means, jelly is ready and can be removed from the fire.

Hot decompose in dry heated jars, cover with covers and put on the plate in a saucepan with a water temperature of 70 degrees. Cover pans close. Pasteurize at 90 degrees Paul-liter banks - 8 minutes, liter - 12. Then banks roll and cool, without turning over.

Grape vinegar

1.5 kg of grape mezgi, remaining after pressing juice, 200 g of sugar, 1.5 liters of water.

In a 3-liter jar, pour mezuge, fall asleep with sugar, add water. Tie the neck of gale and put the jar into a warm place.

After 3 months, filter the vinegar, pour it on bottles, close the paraffin and store in a horizontal position in a dark place.

Grape compotes


For syrup: 1 liter of water - 600 g of sugar.

Select beautiful large grape berries, rinse them thoroughly, give a track of water and decompose grapes by banks.

From water and sugar to cook syrup, and boiling berries. Cover the cans with covers and put sterilize into a saucepan with warmed up to 60 degrees with water. Sterilize half-liter banks for 8 minutes, liter - 10. Then right there to roll and turn the banks upside down to the complete cooling.

We surprise our guests with unusual routines from grapes: grapes uroin and pickled. We offer you to try these unusual canned food.

Wing family
Krasnodar city.

Marinated grapes

2 kg grapes.

For marinade on a 3-liter jar: 5 water glasses, 0.5 kg of sugar, 0.5 cup 5% vinegar, 1 g of cinnamon, 10 pieces of carnations.

Grapes can be marrying both clusters and berries - large, dense (they are separated from the brushes with scissors). In each case, grapes need to be rinsed thoroughly, slightly cut and decompose according to sterile banks.

Prepare marinade: 10 minutes boil the water with cloves and cinnamon, add sugar, wait until the solution boils, then remove the vinegar from the fire and pour into it.

To pour the grapes with hot mortar, cover the cans with covers and put in a saucepan with warmed up to 50 degrees with water. Pasteurize at 90 degrees Paul-liter banks for 15 minutes, liter - 20 and three-liter - 45 minutes. Roll

Grapes marinated in Armenian

1 kg of brushes of a small grape varieties "MSCHALI", "Achabash" or others.

For marinade: 100 g of water, 200 g of vinegar, 20 g of salts, 50 g of sugar, 50 g of honey, 5 pieces of carnations and cardamom.

Rinse rinse brushes thoroughly rinse, quivel, then immediately lower it into cold water. Slightly dry and put in rows into sterile banks.

Prepare marinade. To pour the grapes with hot mortar, cover the cans with covers and sterilize at 90 degrees half-liter banks for 15 minutes, liter - 20 and three-liter - 45 minutes. Roll

Urohen grapes

5 kg of grapes of sour-sweet varieties.

For fill: 2.5 liters of water, 80 g of sugar, 25 g of salt, 25 g of mustard powder.

Choose ripe, strong, solid berries. Rinse them thoroughly in cold water, put it tightly into the enameled bucket or pan, cover with a napkin, put a wooden circle and burns.

Prepare fill. Fill it dishes with grapes. Leave at room temperature for 3 days, then endure in a cold place.

In 25 days, grapes will be ready. Signs of readiness: Berries are soft, but whole, sour-sweet with a characteristic smell. The solution is transparent, pleasant to taste and smell.

The vineyard is a kind of non-alcoholic drink from grapes. Best for him fit nutmeg varieties. You can safely treat them guests - everyone will like it!

Sergey Krylenko,


Muscat grapes, mustard grains, pears, quince, horseradish, grape jam.

Estropy 25-30 mustard grains, pour out into a linen bag and sew.
Washing pears, quince and horseradish cut into pieces.

The bunches of grapes thoroughly rinse with cold water, slightly dry and fold into a wooden tub (you can also use clay or enameled dishes). On the bottom to put a bag with mustard, on top - grapes. Every 3 rows of grapes to move pears, quince and horseradish. Top pour 3 cm grape jams above the level laid in a tube. Close all clean cloth and make it in a cool place. In 25 days, the vineyard can be served to the table.

In winter, I even have children can make themselves juice from grapes. And all because there is always a grape syrup in stock. Try - your children will also like it!

Ekaterina Dulskaya,
Gomel region.

Grape syrup

Sweet grapes of light-colored varieties, on 1 l of juice - 1 kg of sugar.

For the syrup, to select ripe, healthy berries, rinse them thoroughly, squeeze the juice and profile it through a dense linen fabric. Add sugar and boil the syrup of 8 minutes. It is hot to profile through the gauze and pour over sterile dry banks. Immediately roll.

BUY Raisins is expensive and even unwise if his grapes grow in the garden. Last fall, we tried to dry grapes themselves, it turned out well. I share with you the technique of receiving home Izyum.

Svetlana Berkutova,
G. Narovl.


If you dry grapes with a bone - it means, get raisins, if without bones - kishmish. In any case, for drying grapes you need to select sugar grades, with berries dense and mature.

Large borders of grapes are divided into several small, remove rotten berries and rinse thoroughly. Table 3 seconds in a boiling solution of food soda (6 g per 1 liter of water), and immediately rinse with cold water. With such a treatment on the berries, the smallest pores are formed, of which then the moisture evaporates when drying.
Treated clusters put in one layer on a sieve (or other lattice base) and dry in the sun from two from three weeks, periodically turning over.

The dried berries to remove with the brushes, on time to fold into the boxes, to withstand 2 days, and then shifted into banks, and so that the raisins do not dry, the banks are tightly covered with lids.

Although grapes dried in the sun, tastier and better in quality, it can be dried in the oven at a temperature of 70 degrees.

Our reader Vladimir Yatsyno from the Zhabinkovsky district shares its secrets of storage of grapes: "In order for the most spring grapes, you remained fresh and tasty, it is necessary to process it specially: omit for 15 minutes in warm (35 degrees) water, then divertly immersed In boiling water, then instantly in cold water. Chilled grapes lay on clean canvas and dry. After that, grapes fall asleep with wood sawdresses and put stored in a dry cool place. "

We also present the recipes of blanks from the grapes of Elena Malori district, Olga Drobysh from David Town and Natalia Kuznetsova from Azov.

Groundman (utered grapes)

10 kg of grapes, 0.5 kg mustard.

Take wine grapes. Berries cut off with brushes, throw out rotten and damaged, rinse well. Put in sterile jars, sprinkling mustard. Pour water completely covering berries. Close up with polyethylene lids, put in a cool place for 25 days.

At the finished clustering should have a pleasant, not very sour taste.

Canned grapes in its own juice

Grapes, sugar.

Select ripe intact berries, rinse. From part of berries with a juicer or ordinary pestle squeeze juice. Give to stand 3 hours, then profile, pour into an enameled pan. Optionally, you can add sugar. Boil. Slightly cool.

Another part of the berry is to decompose on sterile banks and pour juice. Cover with covers and put sterilize in hot water: half-liter cans 10 minutes, liter - 15. Turn. Banks turn upside down, cool and make it storage in a cold place.

Canned grapes with aspirin

Dessert grapes.

For fill: on a liter can - 3 tbsp. l. sea \u200b\u200bsalt, 8 tbsp. l. Sugar, 1 Tablet aspirin, 1 tbsp. l. Seeds mustard, 2 cherry sheet, 70 ml of vinegar.

Choose strong, intact grapes, wash thoroughly and decompose on banks. Add to each jar salt, sugar, aspirin, mustard and cherry leaves.

Boil the water, add vinegar to it, wait 2-3 minutes and pour the contents of the cans. Tightly close the lids. For several days to shake banks. Do not sterilize: Mustard seeds reliably provide preservation and quality grapes. Store in a cool dark place.

Canned table grapes

Grapes of table varieties, chreex leaves and cherry, 5% mustard powder.

For fill: 1 cup of sugar, 1 glass of salt, 1 bucket of boiled water.

Grapes wash under the jet of water, dry and cut into a mustard powder.
In the enameled pan on the bottom to put the leaves of the horseradish and cherries, lower the rubber hose in the pan. Share grapes, glorifying each series of cherry leaves. From above to close the leaves of the horseradish and cherries.

Prepare fill. Fill out with a pan through the hose by inserting a watering can in it. It is necessary in order for water to rise from below and did not wash off mustard. Cover the plate and leave for 10 days.

When grapes will become a pleasant amber color and gains a sour-sweet taste, you can read it ready.

Prepared by such a way grapes in banks do not roll: thanks to the mustard, it will not deteriorate and does not mold. Store him in a dark place in the dark opaque dishes, as grapes do not like light.

For the preparation of the cabbage can be used not cabbage, but salted grape leaves. It should only be remembered that although the leaves of all varieties of edible grapes can be eaten, the leaves of red grapes are tougher, so it is better not to preserve them. But from white grapes - please! They are soft and tasty. True, it is better to collect them when the bush only blooms.

Lydia Konovalova,
G. Suzdal.

Grape leaves saline

1 kg of young grape leaves, 120 g of salts.

For brine: 1.5 liters of water, 60 g of salts.

For salting to select intact large leaves without residence and gun below. Rinse them thoroughly, leave for 3 hours in cold water, every hour changing water, then rinse under running water. Slightly dry and taste 3 minutes in boiling water. Throw back on colander, cool.

To put in sterile banks, moving salt and tampering. Top to put the load so that the leaves lay the denser. Pour the brine, close by the drop-down lids and leave for 2 weeks, as needed topping the brine. After that, put in a cool place for storage.

Use for cooking cabbage rolls and dollars.

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