
Morphological analysis of the Union why. Summary of the lesson "Subordination unions. Morphological analysis of the unions.". Types of unions on syntactic function

When you know the unions, then the commas are able to deliver without difficulty. Unless, of course, you can apply punctuation rules!

But the unions are very difficult to distinguish from pronouns and impregnation, omonymic particles (as, only, although, and, a) and prepositions.

You need to analyze words in the proposal: particles usually express semantic shades (amplifying, restrictive), and unions associate homogeneous members and parts complex offer.

Still unions can be similar to pronouns and adveria (which; how, when, barely, while), on the combination of the pretext and pronoun (but for the one, because of whether it is precisely because, while What), pronouns and particles (so that, too, the same), adverbs and particles (also - the same way).

Universal techniques to distinguish alliances, a little. The first: Identify his official role, that is, that he binds. Second: replace with him with a synonym. The particle can be rearranged to another place or omit at all.

We argue like that. In the sentence: everyone is late, I, too. - The word can also be replaced by synonym and (everyone is late, and me.). In another sentence (I performed the same task as you.) The particle can be omitted.

In fact, unions need to know "in the face", distinguish between their groups by origin, structure, use and meaning. Those unions that cannot be divided into morphemes are called non-derivatives (a, but, and, yes, or, or, however, for, if). The derivatives occurred from combinations with pronouns, adverbs, pretexts (so that, as well, due to the fact that).

If the union consists of one word, then it is simple (and, yes, though), from several, composite (due to the fact that, despite the fact that, because since). Complex unions do not happen.

If the union is used once, then it is single, if two or more times is repeated, then it is called repeating (nor ... either, or even ... either, not that ... not that), if he disintegrates Two parts, then double (not only ..., but also; like ..., so; if ..., then; than ..., the more so ..., because; although ... but) .

All unions are divided into two groups: writing (associate homogeneous members of the proposal and part of a complex proposal) and subordinates (combine parts of a complex proposal).

Writing unions transmit different values:

1) Connecting Express List

and, yes \u003d both, and, nor, like ..., so, not only ..., but also

2) Primary - opposition and differences

a, but yes \u003d but, however, but

3) dividing - mutually computies, alternations

or, or or, or, or either, not that is not that, then, whether, whether

4) Attachments serve to express additions, comments

yes, and, too, also, as well as, moreover,

5) Explanatory - to explain

that is, namely, or, somehow

Supplemental unions are much larger than written:

1) Issuctive

What, how, if

2) Temporary

When, as soon as only, while, since, after, while, while not, barely before, before

3) Causes

Because, since, because, because, due to the fact that, because due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that

4) Target

So that in order to, then so that, if only

5) Conditional

If, since, if, provided that, if, kaba, if something, if, when

6) Comparative

As if, as if, exactly, as if, as if, just like,

7) Sustaining

Although, at least, let, let, despite the fact that, despite the fact that

8) Corollary

So, before, with the result

Morphological parsing plan of unions

I. Part of speech. General grammatical meaning (in which proposal is used, the scheme).

II. Morphological signs.

1. The rank of composition (simple or composite).

2. The discharge by origin (non-production or derivative).

3. The discharge on the function (cooking or subordane).

4. The discharge by value.

5. Seasonable category (single, repeated, double).

Using the proposals from the fascinating story of Yana Larry "Unusual Adventures of Karika and Vali", show samples of the analysis of different unions. Do not forget that the union must be written entirely if it is composite or double. Schemes to draw out due to technical difficulties here will not.

Samples of dissembosities of unions

In this amazing forest there was no darkness and 3 silence, as in a pine forest.

I. and - Union, because It serves to communicate homogeneous membership members.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. Cooked,
4. Connecting,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

Eat yes 3 still praise ...

I. Yes (\u003d and) - Union, because It serves to communicate homogeneous membership members.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. Cooked,
4. Connecting,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

Perhaps, I, too, I am like a forgetful outfit!

I. Also - Union, because It serves to communicate members of a simple sentence.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Derivative,
3. Cooked,
4. Connection,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

Its name is also 3 spider-silver ...

I. Also - Union, because It serves to communicate members of a simple sentence.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. Cooked,
4. Connection,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

In thick thickets, then 3 here, then there they hung sticky networks, and it was necessary to very carefully bypass these traps.

I. That ..., then - the Union, because It serves to communicate homogeneous membership members.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Derivative,
3. Cooked,
4. Dividing,
5. Repeating.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

In thick thickets, then there, they hung the sticky networks there, and 3 it was necessary to very carefully bypass these traps.

I. and - Union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. Cooked,
4. Connecting,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

The microscope allows you to consider only a spider's eye or 3 tip of his legs, or a cohesive, similar to the comb, or a web site.

I. or ..., or ..., or - Union, because It serves to communicate homogeneous membership members.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. Cooked,
4. Dividing,
5. Repeating.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

And there was no 3 time, nor hunt for this, Ivan Hermogenovich.

I. Neither ... nor - Union, because It serves to communicate homogeneous membership members.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. Cooked,
4. Connecting,
5. Repeating.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

She was littered with thousands of mouths, which were not then 3 chewed something, did not say that they knew the karika and currency for bare feet.

I. Not that ..., not that - the union, because It serves to communicate homogeneous membership members.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Composite
2. Derivative,
3. Cooked,
4. Dividing,
5. Repeating.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

It seemed that the wall was beaten soft, but 3 with tremendous fists.

I. But - Union, because It serves to communicate homogeneous membership members.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. Cooked,
4. Constive,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

She wanted to say something, but 3 lips did not obey.

I. But - Union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. Cooked,
4. Constive,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

Now it does not blow, "Valya said," but 3 became very dark. "

I. But but - the Union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Composite
2. Derivative,
3. Cooked,
4. Constive,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

Although the karyan and Valya knew that it was not monsters, and 3 most ordinary insects, they still stayed in fright.

I. A - Union, because It serves to communicate homogeneous membership members.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. Cooked,
4. Constive,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

I don't think that, "said Professor," but 3 we must be prepared for the worst ...

I. However - the Union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. Cooked,
4. Constive,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

Ivan Germogenovich, of course, it was known that it catches insects is not a network, namely 3 these tiny, sticky nodules.

I. Namely - the Union, because It serves to communicate members of a simple sentence.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Composite
2. Derivative,
3. Cooked,
4. Connection,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

Meanwhile, these most flies killed a few hundred years ago in Europe twenty-four million people, that is, 3 fourth part of the entire population of old Europe.

I. That is - Union, because It serves to communicate members of a simple sentence.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Composite
2. Derivative,
3. Cooked,
4. Connection,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

Ivan Germogenovich, of course, it was known that 3 catches insects not a network, namely these tiny, sticky nodules.

I. What is the Union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Derivative,
3. subordinate
4. Anathective
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

On the way, they stopped, they took heavy leaves with both hands and watched whether there were 3 under the leaves of berries.

I. Lee - Union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. subordinate
4. Anathective
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

If 3 such a flower breaks around and falls on my head, I can hardly stay alive, "Ivan Hermogenovich laughed.

I. If - the Union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. subordinate
4. Conditional,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

And it was no wonder, because 3 she looked only on them, still not believing that they died in a hot battle.

I. Because - Union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Composite
2. Derivative,
3. subordinate
4. Cause
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

In this amazing forest there was no darkness and silence, like 3 in a pine forest.

I. How is the Union, because Used to communicate the subject and object of comparison.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Derivative,
3. subordinate
4. Comparative,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

Than 3 closer the guys walked to the shore, the more clearly this noise was heard.

I. Than ..., the factory, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Derivative,
3. subordinate
4. Comparative,
5. Double.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

The ceiling of the hole crackled, as if 3 it was drilled from above.

I. As if the Union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Composite
2. Derivative,
3. subordinate
4. Comparative,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

To 3 not to fall on them, it was necessary to look to look around.

I. To - Union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Derivative,
3. subordinate
4. Target,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

He calmly stood on the water, putting long legsAnd I was waiting for 3 all packed up.

I. So far - the Union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. subordinate
4. Temporary,
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

Although 3 Karik and Valya knew that it was not monsters, but the most ordinary insects, they still stayed in fright.

I. Although - the Union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Simple,
2. Unproduced,
3. subordinate
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

No matter how 3 packaged products, ants still get to them.

I. No matter how the union, because It serves to communicate parts of a complex proposal.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Composite
2. Derivative,
3. subordinate
5. Single.

III. Not a member of the sentence.

1. Soyuz - The service part of speech, which binds both members of the sentence and simple proposals in the composition of complex.

For example:

Noisy blizzard inforest anddeaf Side (Union and associates homogeneous definitions);

Dacked september, and dahlia morning nightobgogo (Fet) - Union and connects simple proposals in a complex proposal;

Face hissmiled andwrinkledas if heit was Schoekto, painfully, funny (The union seems to associate a supplied proposal with the main part of the complex).

2. Unions, like other service parts of speech, do not change.

3. Unions are not members of the proposal, but bind members of the sentence and / or part of a complex proposal.

4. The structure of the union is divided into categories:

simple (consist of one word) - and, but, but yes, if that when and etc.:

Day and night; no day, and night; I learned that I was late;

compound (consist of several words) - because, since, as if, due to the fact that, since, while in order to and etc.:

He did not come because he got sick; They said, as if he was seen in Anapa; In order to pass the exam, you need to do a lot;

repeatable (consist of two or more identical unions) - no, something, not that - not that:

He was not in the garden, nor in the house; There is no snow on the street, not the rain;

double (necessarily consist of two parts) - both - and; not only but; not so much - how much; Once; If something; barely like; than - Top:

5. By the meaning of the union are divided into categories:

but) writing - associate homogeneous members and simple proposals in the composition of a complex proposal:

connecting (have a connection value): and, yes (in meaning and), none, and - and not only - but, both - both, too, also:

I did not comeand he did not come; I did not come, healso did not come;Not only I did not comebut also he did not come;N. I did not comen. he did not come;

proputative (have the meaning of opposition) - a, but, but yes(in meaning but), but (in meaning but) and etc.:

Not hebut I will do it; He spoke quietly,but quietly; He spoke quietly,but quietly; He spoke quietly,but calmly.

separation (have a separation value) - or, or, something, not that - not that, or - or and etc.:

Or It is raining,or Snow Pillar;That It is raining,that Snow Pillar;Not that It is raining,not that Snow Pillar;

b) subordinates - associated simple proposals in a complex proposal:

temporary (indicate time) - when, while, barely, only only, as soon as and etc.:

When We returned, it was already dark;As soon as We returned, went raining;

causals (indicate the cause) - because, because, since, for and etc.:

We stayed at homebecause Rain is coming; We stayed at homeas Rain is coming;

targets (indicate purpose) - to (so that) in order to and etc.:

I had to hurry,to not be late for dinner;

conditional (indicate the condition) - if, since and etc.:

If a Time do not want to be late, hurry;

sEEDS (indicate a contradiction of one event to another) - although; although; Lose and etc.:

Although It was still dark, there was a lot of people on the street;Lose Weather warm, you can still catch a cold;

comparative (indicate comparison) - as if, like, exactly, as if, that (in meaning as if) and etc.:

Bird shouted longlike cried;

investigative (indicate a consequence) - so that:

We are late for the train,so that The night had to spend at the station;

issuctive (indicate what they say) - what seems to and etc.:

I knew,what arrived not in time; Saylike He was going to go to the village; I want to,to He stayed at home.

Note. Some union discharges in school grammar are not considered. They are usually included in writing alliances:

but) explanatory unionsthat is, or (in meaning i.e) and etc. ( We sang, laughed,i.e walked all over; Linguistics,or Linguistics is a language science);

b) connecting Unionsyes I. (I spoke with a whisper,yes I. Grandfather answered in a low voice).


1) Some unions have homonyms among other parts of speech. In particular, what, how, when they have homonyms among pronouns and placed laws. For their distinction, it should be remembered that relative pronouns and prisoner adverbs in the composition of the appropriate proposals perform the function of members of the pressing proposals, while unions are not members of the proposal.

Wed: I know,what he will not come (what - Union). - I know,what He will give me a birthday (what - Union word, pronoun).

2) Union nor has homonym among the amplifying particles. Note that the Union is neither always repeated and is synonymized by the repeating union and - and.

Wed: hown. hard, hold on (n. - amplifying particle). - He was absentn. at home,n. at work (no no - Union; He was absentand at home,and at work).

3) Despite - the pretext in the simple sentence (despite fatigue, he continued climbing to the top); Despite the fact that - the Union in a complex proposal with a gradious attachment.

4) Composite unions Because, because, while, in order to disintegrate into two parts: the first one is part of the main offer and is an independent part of speech - pronoun and locomotive imposition (this is a member of the main offer); The second part is in the apparent and performs the function of the verification union.

Wed: He could not continue ascent,because Too tired (because - Union). - He could not go with usbecause , what should help mother in housework (because - locomotive adverb; The circumstance of the cause in the main sentence; what - Union).

Never disintegrate into two similar parts of the composite union: because, so.

"Union. Morphological parsing of unions. Spelling of Unions »

Exercise 109. Open brackets, insert where necessary letters missing. Make a complete morphological analysis of words over which the figure is 3.

1. So (by), like thunder, gr..Meli combat guns. So (), like zipper, St. .. Skali Fire .. of the explosions. So (by), like winds, burst into pieces (Gaidar). 2. What (if) 3 fish with .. is need to climb in the water (proverb). 3. He is unfortunate ... .. But I wanted to become M. .. And for this was ready to do any, the worst thing that he would not be offered (Simonov). 4. Vasileuk in (that) would (that) neither (became) wanted a race .. to enter the brother (N. Ostrovsky). 5. Everything is white..t... Lukeria Lvivna, all that () Lyubet Love Petrovna, Ivan Petrovich .. So (Same) Stupid, Semyonich .. So () Skup (Pushkin). 6. To you and the Red Summer yes .. But that (if it) either .. but to love this is a scarce field, that (b) edayes .. but it seemed to you (Nekrasov). 7. Fat carpet lying on the floor, the walls (as well) 3 were lebid .. and .. they were carpets (M. Gorky). 8. And that (if it), neither did, for which (if), nor .. it is - all the way out .. it does not have beautiful (Turgenev). 9. Not for (TO) Wolf b..t, what is gray, and for (TO), that the sheep s..el (proverb). 10. I no. Especially peacefully, success, fame, so () 3 works and successes of friends (Pushkin). 11. So () in the morning over the near mills, the air was moaned from the beeps, but 3 was no longer cold and 3 tums .. and 3 bright, luminous (kataad). 12. Dogs DR .. Mauli, horses with a bit ..zh..ch..m, weakly l .. myself .. with the lights of the stars, then they were lying (Chekhov). 13. The horse could not shift WHO, according to (this) that 3 rear wheel nipple..chilo (L. Tolstoy). 14. According to (this), the sign and software (this) that the bottom .. I am part of the trunk of the Obg. .. I have solved me. Equipment of the pit (Svanchin). 15. PO (TO), like, the Castle. Highs, Castling .. Curly heads of pines and sharp spins of firs, was guessed, which was underground. So .. and (B. Field). 16. Upon graduation .. the rally people diverged so (as) quickly, as gathered (Kataev). 17. The work is necessary for a person so (as), as food, it should be r..gular, syst .. icy (Sukhomlinsky). 18. I thought so (the same) and about that man, in h .. And my hands were my fate (Pushkin). 19. I would like that (if it) is happy ... pr .. like a merit (send). 20. The person needs to live, work and relates ... to people in such a way that (if) s..o to earn real fame (Cassil). 21. I bowed to the river, but also there, in this, Toram..y, cold. And the depth, then (by), the stars (Turgenev) trembled. 22. Here, (for) an example, I will say (for) the account of the rebellion said that it is impossible to call the Kyrgyzniki Kyrgyz Republic ... ! (Saltykov-Shchedrin). 23. It became for me that there is a man .. but annoying not (by) what gu. . Those who are about, but (from) that the meaning of the word, which is for me for a long torch .. so, OK .. So simple (M. Gorky). 24. (by) the fact that 3 spoke "grandfather", it was clear that 3 Vitka kept the word (Fadeev). 25. K..met Haleua and what (then) is another to..met with a poison .. the tail (same) VD .. The factory block, software (so) that they were "disastrous" (Chukovsky). 26. In st .. Rone from the village of Sky a little armed, the blue s) began to play under clouds - (no) it caught fire that (that), (not), then 3 Germans nervous..t, guessing That this night .. I'm closed around them .. a ring, and again began to let R..ts (Ovechkin). 27. (for) An example, he write .. not about the negligence of the language of the writer, (with) what it does ... and that it is unable to drop .. the negligence of the author from negligence ko..r. (M. Gorky). 28. I think that it has .. but f..tatasia, "fiction" created both the reaches ..tah (that) is one of the UD..Vestrics .. of a person - intuition, (that) there are 3 " (M. Gorky). 29. It is impossible to imagine that (if) reader cm .. a fellow fellow ..tone from the first to the last .. and lice .. so (M. Koltsov). 30. Quickly st ..Mno, so (that) 3 (n ..) What could not already be already RA .. HAPPY N .. at his feet, n .. (c) front, n .. 3 (c) Zadi (Fadeev). 31. Blue eyes His cl .. Gka swelling, (c) consequence .. Starbed .. the tear, but watched (by) the former benefits .. they said, (like) bu .. well said: (for) what my belief is in my soul .. RAT .. and? I am already all here (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

Recall the order of morphological analysis of the pretext.

1. We write out from the sentence with the word to which he belongs, find out their role in the proposal.

2. Determine morphological signs:


Semantic relations expressed by the pretext;

Structure: simple or composite;

With the form of what case is used.

Sample: In continuation of the campaign, we twice over the river (V. Arsenyev).

In continuation (hike) - the preposition is used to communicate the verb overlap with a word to continue the campaign ", morphological signs: immutability, expresses temporary relations, composite, derivative, used with the name of the existence of a campaign in the form of a genus. P.

Through (river) - the pretext, used to communicate the verb swam with a noun river, morphological signs: immaculate, expresses spatial relationships, simple, unproduced, used with the name of the noun river in the form of wines. P.

The Union is the service part of the speech, which serves to communicate members of a simple supply, parts of a complex proposal, entire proposals or parts of the text.

The general grammatical value of the Union is the expression of writing or supervisory relations.

Discharges of Unions in Structure

By the structure of the union shall be divided:

On simple, consisting of one word (A, and, if, like, etc.);

Composite consisting of two or more words (due to the fact that, despite the fact that, etc.);

Repeating (then ... then, not that ... not, etc.);

Double (as ... and, not only ... but also dr.).

Discharges of Unions by origin

By origin, the union is divided into non-derivatives and derivatives.

Unproductive (primitive) unions (A, but, or) are not divided into morphemes and do not have a producing foundation.

Derivatives of alliances (but, however, although) consist of several syllables and relate to certain independent parts of speech.

Discharges of unions by value and grammatical functions

The importance and grammatical functions of the Union are divided into writing and subordinates.

Writing alliances (A, yes, or, or nor ... neither, however, also, then ... then, etc.) express the relationship of equality and serve to connect homogeneous members of the proposal, parts of a complex sentence, parts of the text: Somehow in the glades flew and poultry (K. Pouustovsky) were complaints about the union and was used to communicate homogeneous faiths; The sky above his head was very bright, white, and closer to the ground it was thick, and his color was reminded Lead (K. Pouustovsky) - Unions A, and serve to communicate parts of a complex sentence.

By the meaning of writing unions are divided into three groups: connecting, interpretation, separation.

Connecting unions and, yes (in meaning and), too, also, neither ... neither, not only ... but also otherwise express the connecting relationships (relationship of transfer) between homogeneous members of the proposal, equal parts of a complex proposal or text: Cricket sings very loudly and does not pay attention to either my steps or the ringing of the cups (K. Powet).

AND Quietly having a green boring, ANDin silver forest lakes - still slim by his column, still fresh pines crown AND Delicate deciduous.

Primary alliances But, yes (in value, but), however, but others express the relationship of comparison or opposition to homogeneous members of a simple supply, equal parts of a complex proposal or parts of the text: not a genus, and the mind will put in the governor (A. Pushkin); Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten (I. Bunin).

Separate alliances or, or, then ... That is not that ... not even. Express the relationship of alternation or mutually exclusion of phenomena, actions, events: Maple You are my fallen, maple is zoyarey, what are you going to burn under the white blizzard? Or what did you see? Or what he heard? (S. Yesenin).

Supplemental unions (that, as if, due to the fact that, despite the fact that, and others) express the relationship of submission (dependence) of one part of the complex proposal of other or parts of the text: the water fell so scary that, When the soldiers fled down the book, the raging streams were already flying (M. Bulgakov); I can not say that I think then only about my picture (V. Garshin).

By meaning, the verification unions are divided into the following discharges:

Issuctive: what, like others;

Conditional: if if, if, if, times, etc.;

Temporary: When, barely, only as soon as, et al.;

Causals: because, because, since, for, due to the fact that, due to the fact that others;

Objectives: To, and others;

Seven: despite the fact that, although others;

Corollary: So "

Comparative: as if, as if, exactly, as if dr.

Spelling of unions

1. The particle is not written with alliances separately: not that ... not that, not only ... but also more: Through the noise of the waves before them did not reach the sighs, not the quiet, gentlely sounding cries (M. Gorky) .

2. The derivatives of the unions are also also, but that, because, because, formed from independent speech parts, they are picked. They should be distinguished from the homonymic combinations of pronouns and adverbs with particles and pretexts.

Consider Table 39.

Table 39.

Unions Omonymic combinations
1. But the interconnected union is equal to the meaning of the Union, but: Branil Homer, Feocrite, and read Adam Smith (A. Pushkin). To - subordinate to the Union: To wait for such an evening, it was necessary to live a hundred years (K. Powetsky), too, also - connecting unions, close by the meaning of the Union and: Young Sons also looked at her legs to the head (N. Gogol); A strange old man said very long, the sound of his voice was also amazing me (I. Turgenev) 1. Because, because - causal unions, close to the meaning of the Union since: And because it is impossible, he came in despair (A. Chekhov) ; In the village of Spring are not waiting because it brings warmth and sun (P. Proskurin) For the fact that the building is an index pronoun and a preposition for (building), he is written separately: she completely graduated for the time we did not see each other (K. Powesty) whatever - an interim placement with a particle would be written separately. The particle can be omitted or rearranged to another place of sentences: and whatever it makes, for whatever it takes - everything comes out of her beautiful (I.Turgenov) Wed: And that it would be done, for which she was taken. Would - everything comes out of her nicely pronoun, then the adverb so with a particle they are written separately. The particle can be omitted: the same, I can say about Anna Karenina (K. Powesta). - Wed: The very same I can say about Anna Karenina, and he is all a member of a member, everything is also humble, as deaf (A. Pushkin). - Wed: And he is a member all club, everything is so smoked so deaf. Pronouns with pretexts from that (place), according to that (bridge) are written separately, they are members of the sentence, they can be put on the question: Children moved away from the house (from which house?) For a long distance; You should not judge me only on that (judge what I have?), What am I doing (I.Turgenyev)

The order of the morphological parsing of the Union

1. We define the relationship that the Union expresses in the proposal.

2. We find out the morphological signs of the Union:

Simple, composite, repeating or double;

Non-production or derivative;

Compound or subordinate.

Sample: Nurse approached and strictly demanded that the soldiers leave (L. Stepanov).

And - the union, simple, unproductive, compound, connecting, is used to communicate homogeneous fagged and demanded.

To - the union, simple, derivative, submitting, anonymous; Connects parts of a complex proposal.


The particle is the service part of the speech intended to express the shades of the meaning of words and proposals, as well as for the formation of words.

The overall grammatical value of particles is to express additional semantic shades: the night approached, but the thought of a dream did not even occur (K. Powesta) - the particle does not attach a negative value to the verb-tajam, the particle even enhances the value of the action.

The particle is an immutable part of speech, is not an independent member of the proposal, but it may be part of the sentences as a clarifying component: wherever they turn. From everywhere, the singing of the Orioles, the piscancy of the fodder and the cobster (A. Chekhov); Let Bohr raging in the rain, let the dark and right nights (I. Bunin).

Discharge of particles by structure and meaning

By the structure of the particle shall be divided:

On simple, consisting of one word (if, whether, because, and others);

Composite, which includes two or more words (just that, hardly, etc.).

Disclaimed word formation, shaping and semantic particles.

Formation particles serve to educate a word with a new lexical value. The word-forming particles include particles (sometimes they are called morphemes) -to, -libe, who, who serve to form an indefinite pronoun: someone, anyone, anyone, someone, Some and others.

The particles are not and either, turning into the prefix, can also serve to form new words with the opposite meaning: the truth is not true, the friend is not unfortunate who is someone that is nothing when - never.

Forming particles are for the formation of forms of the leaning of the verb: a particle would (b) participates in the formation of the form of the subjunctive leaning of the verb: I would have learned, I would say; Let the particles let, let, yes, come on to form a form insecurity: Let him come, let it answer, it will come, let's talk.

Semantic particles are divided into the following discharges:

Questionatively questioning the question: Is it really (l), is it: really and life has gotten, got away, how is your dress? (A. Block);

Amplifying, distinguished words, the most important for understanding the meaning: even, already (so), because, after all, the other: I even terribly look at the immense mass of water ... (S. Aksakov);

Indexing, indicating the subject, highlighting it from a number of others: here (and here), Вона (and Вон), here (here), etc.: So the Sun gets up, because of Paschen, I. Nikitin);

Exclamation, expressing surprise, admiration and other emotions: what for, like DR: what the beauty of these fairy tales! (A. Pushkin);

Excretory-restrictive, separating the subject or phenomenon (only, only, almost, although dr.): I cut off at a half-hour sonnet only for who on top (I. Bunin);

Determinent and clarifying values \u200b\u200bthat are clarifying (exactly, just and others): And the Komar ached just aunt directly into the right eye (A. Pushkin);

Modal particles, expressing doubt (hardly, hardly, etc.): Aphorism is hardly the best form for presenting philosophical judgments (L. Tolstoy);

Negative particles (not nor): Trees are closely, calmly, not a single twig will be laughing (Fedoseyev).

Spelling of particles

1. Separately, with the words of different parts of the speech, the particles would be written, whether, whether they would have happened, people should continuously do their job (K. Powhovsky); There are no different roads for water, all the ways are too early whether it will lead it to the ocean (M. Svtain); But the heart is Russian - all the same. And kindness, and songs are! (L.Tejnicheneva).

2. The particles are written through a hyphen, -to, -libo, something, in some way: tell me, uncle, because there is no wonder Moscow, a breakdown by fire, the Frenchman is given? (M. Lermontov); It was in some holiday (N. Leskov); There are many rich people who are death alone for anything (I. Wings); Basargin listened to the considerations of his assistants, which was recorded (K. Powetsky).

The particle is written through the hyphen after the verbs and the adverbs: we went for a walk. In the evening, the rain went again. With other parts of speech, this particle is written separately: dust is also accurate (N. Leskov); How I did not pay attention before such words, - that she did not exclude such cases (I. Bunin).

Particles are not and with the words of different parts of speech can be written both shaped and separately.

Spelling particles not with different parts of speech

Apart Ply
1. With verbs, adapters, brief forms of suffering communities, numerical, pronouns (except negative): do not leave, not to know; not reading without deciding ", not built, not sewed", not two, not three, "not you, not for us, not yours, not this 2. With nouns, adjective, communions, naschadi, if there is or meant Contrasting: not true, but a lie ", not a deep river, but small", not finished, but only the work started, "not loud, and in a whisper 3. with the full forms of communion, if they have a dependent word: not performed on time the task that does not resume the conversation in the yard 4. With adjectives, gentlemen, at-about in the presence of the words, far, not at all, at all, "is not close, not indifferent, not at all old, not a slippery, not at all close ", by no means outdated, not the risen, not at all justified, not imagined, not at all preventing", not really, it's not sweet, it's not dark at all, it's not dark at all 5. With the words are ready, I must, sorry , you need, obliged, etc.: I'm not glad, it should not, not ready, not required, do not, not UB. 1. With noun, adit, verbs, communions, verbs, adverbs, words of category of states that are not not used without: Sneak, unfortunate, ridiculous, perplex, unfortunate, perplexed, unbearable, indifferent, unpleasant, can not be 2. with noun, adjectives And adverbs on -O, if the word can be replaced by synonym without not: not true (false), shallow (small), not (far) 3. With full forms of communion without a dependent word: an unfinished story, a non-working mechanism 4. In unspecified pronsections: someone , something, some, a few, some

Spelling a particle with different parts of speech

The particle may be negative and amplifying. Negative particle either with the words of other parts of speech, except pronoun, always written separately: Eki DosaDa! As noticeable nor soul (N. Gogol); Wherever you look, everywhere young people (V. Ketlin).

The amplifier particle is either used in the presence of denying when the taught is: it has never seen Alyosha that the tree is covered with such a thin polishing (K. Powest).

The combinations are nothing other (other) and not anyone else (other) have the meaning of opposition. Here is not a negative particle and written separately. Contrasting can be expressed by the Union as standing after this expression, or the Union A, standing before this expression: it was nothing but a lake, "no one else came, a brother came, and not anyone else.

The combinations are nothing other (Other), no other (other) with opposition is not connected. They are usually used in suggestions where there is already a denial, less often - in sentences without negation. In this case, it is a prefix and is written in a punk: nothing else bothered him, "no one else, except for the guard, did not stay in the building," it could not be any other.

The particle is either used in sustainable phrases: not at night, "neither then neither" nor the light is neither nor two one and a half; neither fish nor fowl; No much.

Attention! By all means it became from where he did not happen to anything. It should be distinguished: not one (a lot) - none (no one); More than once (many times) - never (never).

  1. Part of speech. General value.
  2. Morphological signs: a) cooking or subordinate; b) simple or composite.

Sample analysis

Chestnut looked around and saw that she was walking along the street right on her shelter. (A. Chekhov.)

Oral analysis

AND - Union.

  • First, connects homogeneous fag looked back and saw.
  • Secondly, has morphological signs: compositive, simple.

what - Union.

  • First, connects parts of a complex sentence: Chestanka looked around and saw (what?) - that on the street right on her Shelk soldier.
  • Secondly, has morphological signs: subordinative, simple.

Written analysis

AND - Union.

  1. _ _ _ and _ _ _
  2. Morph, prize.: Op., Simple.

what - Union.

  1. , (what...).
  2. Morph, prize.: Stage, simple.

382. Analyze and describe alliances. Make them morphological analysis. Spinit, arranging the missed commas and inserting the spells at the site of skips and brackets.

1. Today at five o'clock in the morning, when I opened the window, my room was filled with the smell of colors r..stand in a modest .. ..self my letter (n, nn) \u200b\u200bthe table of them white lepes .. 3. Further the amphitheater is cumbersome (?) Mount all blue and tum (n, nn) \u200b\u200band on the edge of the horizon pulls (?) Smiling silver (H, NN) Aya snow vertices Starting by Kazbek and ending the double-headed..m Elbrus.


383. Casting text. What kind of style is it? What advises children author? Why ^^ "^ Books should always be next to you? Make the morphological seals of the unions. Slide, setting the missed commas, opening brackets and inserting missed letters. Name the types of unsophograms on the site of the pass and brackets. Explain the colon setting.

Who would you become my Yu (n, NN) friends wherever you call you the paths, the roads may always be with you your favorite books!

A huge, etc. AREACE WORLD LIVE .. OUR PRESENTS AND OUR SUPERS (?) Opens nikov (?) Smiling in millions of books. The authors of children's books are the most b .. your friends.

X..teo would be that you guys Cre.ko to be friends with the works of our classics: Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Nekrasov, Lion Tolstoy, Gorky. After reading the books of these writers, you will feel more able to resume deeper to appreciate your actions and acts of others. Feel the beauty of the beautiful Russian language.

(S. Mikhalkov)

384. The writing. Read the excerpt from Roman I. Goncharov "Oblomov". How did it believed to read Ilya Ivanovich, the father of the main hero of the novel? Do you agree with his opinion that reading is luxury? Write an essay on the topic "The book is our friend and the adviser." Pick up the necessary evidence. Use the statement placed at the beginning of the textbook, and the text of the previous exercise.

Ilya Ivanovich will sometimes take the book in his hands - he doesn't care anyway. He did not suspect in reading a significant need, and he considered his luxury, such a thing, without which it is easy and can do, so exactly how you can have a picture on the wall, you can not have, you can go stroll, you can not go: from this he does not care whatever the book; He looked at her, as a thing assigned to entertainment, from boredom and nothing to do.

Union value, its morphological signs and syntax function

Soyuz - The service part of speech, which serves to communicate members of the proposal, parts of a complex proposal, proposals in the text, as well as parts of the text.

By origin unions may be non-produced (and, but, and)and derivatives (What if, as).On the structure are allocated unionssimple (how, when, as if)and composite (Because, before, while).In their use in the proposal unions Single are divided (but, but, however)repeatable (then ... then, or... or, not that ... not that)and double (if ... then, though... but since ... that).

Depending on the function being performed soyuz It can open an offer, may stand between parts of a simple supply, and maybe within a simple sentence. For example: Rybnikov drank a glass of big, greedy sips. Even his hands trembled from greed. And immediately poured another cup. It was immediately visible whathe was already tormented by thirst (A. Kubrin). Flies, the steppe mare flies and the Kovyl member ... (A. Block).

Being a service part of speech, soyuz Does not call the phenomena of reality, but only indicates the relationship between them. On syntactic function unions divided into writing (and yes, but)and subordinates (When, if, because).

Unions do not possess independent meaning and are not members of the sentence, therefore unionsit is necessary to distinguish from the rights of relative proncesses and the impurities acting as union words. For example: I said, what (soyuz) i will not go to school today.- I asked, what (Union Word) we did in the lesson.

Types of unions by origin, structure and use

In their way origin of the union may be non-produced (and, but but, oret al.) and derivatives (What if, how, whenand etc.).

According to the structure of the union may be simple (what, how whenand others) and composite (because, since, in order to, despite the fact thatand etc.).

By consuming unions divided by single (but, but, but, however, yesetc.), repeated (and ... and, then... then, or ... or, or... either, not that ... not that nor ...et al.), double, or paired (if ... then when ... then, although ... but, because ... then, barely ... as, only ... how ... how ... how... so, not only ... but, not so much ... how much, if not ... then, not that ... and, not that ... But, not that a, not that. .. N.and etc.)

Types of unions on syntactic function

Unions Just like prepositions, do not have an independent value. Under meaning union understand those grammatical relations that arise between syntactic units connected by soyuce. Depending on the nature of the expressed relationships and taking into account the role in the proposal unions are divided into writing (and, but, but, orand others) and subordinates (what, how, when, why, why, as soon as because becauseand etc.).

Writing Unions

Writing Unions Syntactic equally expressing relationships between homogeneous members of the proposal, as well as between the parts of a complex supply, for example: In the distance, the tram is still buzzing, but the alleys silence, and swells the sky (Ellis).

In the nature of expressed relationships writing Unions divided into several groups:

Types of writing unions

Expressed relations



Express the relationship of enumeration.

And, yes(in the meaning "and"), and ... and nor ... neither, too, also.


Express the relationship of opposition, inconsistencies, differences.

But, yes, yes(in the meaning "but") however, but.


Express the relationship of mutually exclusion, alternation of actions, phenomena, signs.

Or, or, whether ... Lee, then ... then, not that ... not that, or even ... either.

Comparable, or gradual-compositive

Express the relationship of comparison.

As ... so, not only ... but also, although ... But, if not ... then, not so much ... how much.


Express the relationship explanations

Namely, that is, or(in the meaning "that is"), somehow.


Express the relationship of joining, that is, they join the proposal something added, additional.

And that butthen yes butalsoand etc.

Writing Unions There may be at the junction of certain proposals of the connected text, for example: At the table at the window sits the owner of the reserve of the army Valerian Ivanovich Chizhevich. In front of him, the house book in which he enters the passports of guests. But after yesterday, the work goes badly, the letters are rippled and spread, the trembling fingers are not soldered with the pen, and in the ears buzzing, as in the autumn in the telephone pillar (A. Konprin).

Promotional unions but, yes (in the meaning "but"), however,opening paragraphs are performed in the work of an artistic function. This technique helps a writing to transfer the special emotional state of the hero, make an unexpected transition from one topic to another. For example:

...We- foxes and society- this is a chicken coop protected by dogs. Do you know that in the villages the most artistic, the most gifted nature go to Konokrad and in poachers-hunters? What to do: life has so far been so scarce, so flat, so unbearably boring for fervent hearts! But I turn to inspiration. Without a doubt, you, gracious sovereigns, had to read about supernatural in their intent and the execution of theft? (A. Kookin).

Subordination unions

Subordination unions Express the relationship of the syntactic unequivocability between parts of a complex proposal, for example: And I lived, I am struck by your will, since this world requested a help (I. Konevsky); I was only a horn, in order, in the mountains of a captivating echo awake (Vyach. Ivanov); If anyone survived from people, then against things is powerless (N. Rerich).

According to the nature of the expressed relationship (the function of the registered part of the considered in a single-main an impersonal sentence). divided into several groups:

Types of supervisory unions

Expressed relations



Express the relationship explanations.

What to likeand etc.


Express temporary relationships.

When, as soon as only, barely, only, only before, since, as long as, until, until, as long as, as afterand etc.


Express causal relationships.

Because, since, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, because, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that due to the fact thatand etc.


Express conditional relationships.

If, if, once, if, kaba.


Express comparative relationships.

How, as if, as if, exactly, than, rather, just like, as ifand etc.

Subordination unions, like writing, can be at the junction of certain proposals of the connected text.

Morphological parsing of the Union

Morphological parsing of the Union Includes the allocation of two permanent signs (the type of union, immutability). Non-permanent signs of the Union does not have, as it is an immutable word. IN morphological analysis of the Union You can also specify its type of structure: simple or composite.

The diagram of the morphological parsing of the Union.

I. Part of speech.

II. Morphological signs:

1) cooking or subordinate;

2) unchanged word.

III. Syntax function.

IV. The benefit of spelling (if any).

I ever had a little, I loved ice cream very much (M. Zoshchenko). Sample of the morphological parsing of the Union.

I. When- Union, connects simple proposals in a complex.

II. Morphological signs.

1) subordinate, temporary;

2) unchanged word.

III. Syntax function.

Not a member of the sentence.

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