
Black dog with blue eyes

Siberian huskies are strong beautiful dogsspecially designed for long sledding trips. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a stubborn disposition and a bright, memorable exterior. IN last years they have become very popular with city dwellers. They are often taken on as a friend and companion. After reading today's article, you will learn about the main features of these dogs, as well as what colors of the Siberian husky are.

History reference

Representatives of this breed appeared several thousand years ago. They were brought out by the Chukchi who inhabited the territory of North-Eastern Siberia. Since these people did not write down their history and kept themselves apart from other peoples, it was not possible to establish more precise dates for the appearance of the first huskies. It is possible that the purity of the breed was preserved due to the fact that the Chukchi lived far from civilization.

In the first half of the 20th century, American gold diggers who participated in dog sled races acquired several dozen dogs that they liked. So the first huskies came to the United States and helped save the breed. These animals were brought to Russia from the Czech Republic and Belgium. This only happened in 1995. Since foreign breeders paid more attention to the exterior rather than the driving qualities, today these friendly dogs do an excellent job of being a companion and just a pet.

Description of the breed

They are compact working dogs with light, free and graceful movements. They have strong well-developed muscles, without the slightest hint of excess weight. The height of an adult male is 53-60 centimeters with a weight of 20-28 kg. Bitches are a little bit smaller. They grow up to 50-56 cm, and their weight ranges from 15-23 kilograms.

On a relatively small head, set high, triangular ears of medium size. The eyes of these animals are almond-shaped. They can be brown, blue, gray and multi-colored. Blue-eyed white huskies look especially impressive. However, such dogs are considered very rare and cost a lot of money.

The beautiful, slightly elongated body of these dogs is covered with double hair that is not too long. Moreover, clear lines of the body should be visible under the edge. The undercoat is long enough to support the guard hair. Trim on the cheekbones, between the toes, and around the paws to give the animal a neater appearance.

Acceptable colors

The color of the coat is highlighted as a separate item in the breed standard. Acceptable colors include:

  • Black with small splashes of white. As a rule, light markings are localized on the chest, muzzle, paws and tip of the tail. The body of such a dog should have at least 75% black wool.
  • White. Huskies of this color are very rare. They should have a completely white coat without any blotches. In such dogs, not only black, but also brown nose is allowed, as well as lip pigmentation and eye outline.
  • The sable husky has a copper, tan or tan undercoat. This is a very unusual and rare color. In such dogs, only black pigmentation of the nose, lips and eyelids is allowed.

In addition, there are isabella, fawn, wolf and marbled dogs. On the streets of megalopolises you can often see piebald, red, copper, silver, gray and black and tan representatives of this breed.

Character traits

It should be noted right away that the white husky, like any other representative of this breed, is completely unsuitable for the role of a plush dog that will sleep on the couch for days. At their genetic level, they have a desire for high-speed running in endless spaces.

They are very curious and friendly dogs with a well-developed hunting instinct that cannot be suppressed. Therefore, in the house where the husky lives, there should be no cats and other small animals.

Representatives of this breed are incredibly resourceful and independent. They should not be allowed out into the street without supervision, even for a few minutes. They tend to run away and wander.

Huskies (pure white, black, red and any others) do not show special suspicion towards strangers, therefore they are absolutely not suitable for use as a watchman. These animals have practically no possessive instincts and aggression.

Professional breeders immediately warn that representatives of this breed are not suitable for living in an apartment. These dogs were bred in the Far North, so they are uncomfortable in a warm room. Husky white and any other color perfectly tolerate low temperatures and are well adapted for living in a private house.

In addition, they love to chew on everything and love to dig holes. Therefore, those who want to bring such a puppy to their apartment need to think carefully whether they are ready for the fact that in the near future they will have to change floors and update furniture.

You also need to understand that a white husky, like, indeed, a dog of any other color, needs increased physical activity... Without long walks and regular jogging, the representatives of this breed quickly turn into clumsy and unhealthy animals, little like graceful sled dogs. In general, you should be prepared for the fact that you have to spend at least four hours a day outdoors.

As for grooming, it boils down to the systematic combing of the coat and periodic clipping of the nails. These dogs should be washed no more than twice a year using special shampoos.

Any Siberian husky (white, black, fawn or gray) eats both natural and industrial food with equal pleasure. These active animals always have excellent appetite. They perfectly assimilate high-protein and fatty feed.

Meat should be the basis of the diet of a dog eating natural food. Beef or lamb is best suited for these purposes. Meat can be replaced about a couple of times a week. sea \u200b\u200bfish... Also, in the pet's menu, you must definitely include eggs, cereals, vegetables and low-fat dairy products.

If the animal eats dry food, then it should not contain artificial preservatives, flavors and colors. It is advisable to give preference to premium or super premium products. Together with such food, the dog will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Education and training

Despite the fact that the white husky, like any other representative of this breed, has a freedom-loving disposition, it is easy to train. Raising a dog should be dealt with immediately after he has adapted to a new home and learned his nickname.

The puppy must clearly learn from the very beginning what he cannot do. Otherwise, an uncontrollable dog will grow out of him, which will be almost impossible to re-educate. If you are not sure that you can train your pet on your own, it is better to seek the help of a professional dog handler.

Predisposition to disease

In general, these animals have enough good health... However, they sometimes have problems. So, with a lack of zinc, bald spots begin to form on the husky's coat. Also, the representatives of this breed have a predisposition to epilepsy. This gene is transmitted not only by white huskies, but also by dogs of any other color. In addition, there are a number of diseases that these dogs are prone to. They are often diagnosed with eye problems such as cataracts, retinal atrophy, volvulus, and corneal degeneration.

In addition, huskies have a predisposition to hypertension, laryngeal paralysis, atopic dermatitis, degenerative myelopathy and nasal depigmentation. Of the hereditary diseases, these dogs are often diagnosed with joint dysplasia and thyroid problems. However, with proper care and timely treatment, representatives of this breed can live for about fifteen years.

Dogs of this breed come with different coats, basically everyone is familiar with gray-white, black-white, brown-white and pure white huskies, which are considered official in Russia.

But there are other colors of the Siberian Husky, often, many do not even know what to call this or that coat color.

Husky is rare, but still exists. Absolutely black huskies do not exist, it is so genetically incorporated that there are always areas of wool of a different color. Basically, the black husky is the result of crossing a husky and a dog of another breed. Often black color predominates, but there are white areas of hair, for example, on the face, chest, paws, tip of the tail. The outline of the eyes, nose and lips is black.

The color is the most common, with coat and undercoat ranging from completely white to black. The back from occiput to tail is usually black, and the underside (chest, legs, tail) and part of the muzzle are white. On the knees, the coat can be of a reddish tint. Eye rims, nose and lip pigmentation are black.

Some dogs are different wolf coat color, namely dark gray with light red blotches around the eyes, behind the ears, on the back of the head, neck, forearms, knees, thighs, hock. The undercoat is beige, the rims of the eyes, the pigmentation of the lips and nose are black.

Siberian husky with color a guti not uncommon, the wool is colored unevenly, it comes in different shades, from gray to black. The undercoat is creamy; there are reddish areas on the body, mainly on the paws. On the muzzle, the coat is predominantly black ("dirty mask"), there may be white or reddish areas. The tip of the tail is black. Pigmentation of the nose and lips, black eye rims.

Husky is quite common. The coat is gray, and the undercoat is gray with a silver or cream tint. Eye rims, lip pigmentation, black nose. Some distinguish between gray and saddled (black-backed) colors, in the second case, there is a patch of gray wool only on the back, resembling a saddle.

The color is less common, a distinctive characteristic of a silver husky is a silver or white undercoat, light gray coat. Eye rims, nose and lip pigmentation are black.

Husky is rare, with pure white coat and undercoat. The eye rims, lip pigmentation are black or brown, and the nose is brown, black, flesh colored.

Huskies are rare, most are inclined to believe that huskies with such coat are not purebred. The color of the coat is heterogeneous, mainly white, but on the face, back, hips, tail there are areas of dark gray, light gray, black. The pigmentation of the nose and lips is black, brown, the rim of the eyes is black.

Piebald or the spotted color of the Siberian Husky is somewhat surprising. The coat is white, but there are dark (black, gray, brown) asymmetrically located spots on the back, sides, on the muzzle. Eye rims, nose and lip pigmentation are brown and black.

splash is distinguished by the presence of a white "collar" - a white strip around the neck. Part of the muzzle, back, hips, tail are black, gray, brown. Pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims are black or brown.

Or a gentle pastel husky - wool without a red tint, from light brown to fawn, the undercoat is light cream, fawn. The rims of the eyes, nose, and lips are brown or light brown.

Husky red & white the color is distinguished by a red nape, back and part of the tail. The muzzle and lower body are white. The reddish color can be saturated and not very. Eye rims, nose and lip pigmentation are brown. The ginger coat fades in the sun, so the shade can change from dark red to light red.

Some dogs have sable coat with a bright red undercoat. The coat is not uniform in color, the reddish color at the roots gradually turns to gray or black at the tips. There are areas of reddish shades, for example, behind the ears, near the eyes, on the neck, forearms, hips, knees. Eye rims, lip pigmentation are black, and nose is black or brown. This color can be called red.

Huskies with copper or chocolate hair look unusual. Pigmentation of nose and lips, eye rims are brown, nose may have pink streaks (snow nose).

Very rare black husky with tan... The coat is mostly black, there are orange, singed patches on the face, chest, paws, less often on the back of the head. An undercoat of light red shades is visible through the coat. Eye rims, lips and nose are black.

Some colors differ little from each other except for beautiful names and little things, but still each dog is individual and sometimes you want the color to be not just red, but sable or chocolate, not just black and white, but spotted or marbled. However, despite the shades of coat, be it gray or red, each husky dog \u200b\u200bis unique.

The Siberian Husky is one of the most popular breeds, and it was precisely appearance dogs. Husky colors range from pure white to jet black with many different shades.

In Russia, the following husky colors are considered officially recognized: gray-white, black-white and brown-white, as well as the rare pure white. However, according to the international standard, representatives of the husky breed can be of any color, and even various patterns on the coat are not considered a flaw.

The modern classification of colors has more than two dozen. Often it is not possible to determine the color of the Siberian Husky from a photo, because the color component includes many shades of both coat and undercoat. The percentage of a particular color, the pigment of the lips, nose, eyes, and even the shape of color spots should also be taken into account. Some of the colors are very rare. The color is determined based on the combination of coat and undercoat colors.

Let's take a closer look at the well-known colors of Siberian huskies:

White. One of the rarest and most popular at the same time, because white husky puppies are rarely born. Most often found in racing and show lines. Snow-white dogs must have both a white coat and a white undercoat. With this color, black and brown pigmentation of the lips, nose and eyelids is allowed. The dog's nose can also be flesh-colored. Dogs of a snow-white color look very impressive, especially if the dog's eyes are blue.

Gray-white color Siberian huskies are not uncommon. The color of the coat itself in dogs should be gray, and the undercoat can have a fawn or cream shade. Pigmented eyes, nose and lips should be black.

Silver-white color, unlike gray, does not allow warm shades of the undercoat. It should have shades of cold colors ranging from silver to white. The coat is light gray to silver, respectively. The pigmented color (nose, eyes, lips) is also black.

Copper husky, or chocolate, often confused with redhead. However, the color of the metal is deeper and more saturated, in contrast to the red shades. The color of the "glasses" around the eyes, nose and lips should be liver-colored, light chocolate shade.

Red color much lighter than copper. In sunny weather, the red-colored husky's coat shimmers, which makes the pet look like a fox. Pigmentation of nose, eyes and lips is also brown.

Light red color of the Siberian husky less saturated than bright red. Despite this, the color must be recognizable. Typically, the undercoat of these dogs ranges from white to cream. Pigmentation of eyes, lips and nose can be either brown or light brown.

Fawn color often identified with light red, but it is different. First, it is a warm pastel color without a hint of red. Secondly, the coat itself is of a fawn or light brown shade, and the undercoat has a shade from fawn to light cream. The outline of the eyes, lips and nose, as in the previous version: liver or light brown.

Wolf gray color in dogs, huskies are not so rare, but the most effective, since a dog of this color is really very similar to a wolf. The color of the main coat is warm gray with visible patches of fawn, tan or yellow, which are most often found in the neck, behind the ears, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forearm, thighs, lower leg and hocks. The undercoat can be fawn, silver or cream. The pigmentation of the eyes, lips and nose should be black.

Perhaps one of the most beautiful colors of the Siberian Husky is the rare sable color. Such dogs have a bright copper, tan or ginger undercoat. Moreover, each hair has a gradient color and ends in gray or black at the end. The most pronounced dark blotches are the same as in wolf-colored dogs. The pigment of the lips and eyes should be black, the nose may be brown interspersed.

Agouti colormost commonly found in work and racing lines. The coat color of such dogs varies from gray to black. The hairs of the coat can have a gradient color in gray-black tones. The color of the undercoat is warm cream tones. Reddish patches are often found on the paws. A distinctive feature of the agouti color is a black tip of the tail and a dark mask on the muzzle interspersed with gray and red spots. Pigmentation of eyes, nose and lips in agouti color should be only black.

Husky black and tan, or tricolor, belongs to rare. Most of the coat in these dogs is black. The tan markings (mainly orange tones) are placed on the face, legs and chest. The color of the undercoat ranges from tan to coppery chocolate. The masks on the muzzle are closed, although a black stripe on the back of the nose is not uncommon. The pigmentation of the nose, lips and eyes in dogs of this color should be black.

Piebald color (pibold, pinto) husky called spotted. The shade of the coat is white, but these dogs have pronounced rounded spots of different colors and sizes. The spots should not cover more than 30% of the body. If they are reddish, the pigmentation of the eyes, nose and lips may be hepatic, if the spots are black or gray, then only black.

Husky marbled color resemble Dalmatians, because have a chaotic pattern of gray or black spots on a light background. Pets of marbled color are considered to meet the international standard, however, due to their specificity, such pets often have problems with mating.

Siberian husky splash coat color often confused with piebald. The main color of such huskies is white, but a dark or bright "raincoat" is visible on the back of the dog, and there may also be a "hat". The main difference between this color is the presence of a light collar around the neck. Pigmentation of the nose, lips, eyelids and eye rims can be black or brown.

Husky black-backed color have on the back a "saddle" of a darker shade of wool. The saddlecloth can be of any color. This color is found mainly in racing lines.

Isabella color refers to rare and differs from the classic white in a light fawn or reddish shade of awn.

Black color very rare among Siberian huskies. Interspersed on the face, paws and tail of white is allowed. To classify a dog as a given color, the dog's body must be at least 75% black. Due to genetic characteristics, the coat of a black husky cannot be of the same tone - dogs always have hairs of other colors. The pigmentation of the rims of the eyes, lips and nose, respectively, should be black.

Classic black and white husky color pretty common. Percentage shades of black and white are about 50 to 50, so the color of the undercoat can vary from pure white to black. On top of the coat, from the back of the head to the tail, there is a solid fill of a black shade, below the chest and further - white (sometimes it starts from the muzzle). The paws of the black and white husky are always white, however, small reddish areas are allowed in the fold area, which are especially noticeable in the light. The pigmentation of the nose, eyelids and lips of a black and white husky is always black.

In Russia, and in the world too, one of the most popular medium-sized dogs is the Siberian Husky breed. These pets are remembered by people not only for their coat color or eye color, but also for their friendly character. However, it is their own (and also the Malamutes) with their charming blue eyes that makes them so charming in photographs.

Husky puppies with blue eyes

Below we have compiled a selection of photos in which very cute Siberian Husky puppies of various colors, but all with blue eyes. Such babies are sold out very quickly, so to buy them you will have to follow the news of several nurseries, or book in advance.

Siberian husky puppy with blue eyes, nickname Kaisa, 2.5 months old. Photo shared by Yulia Koval.

Black husky puppy with blue eyes, photo by Ksenia Tsitrikova.

Babies of this breed, when they grow up, can reach 50-60 cm in height, while remaining quite light - from 15 to 28 kilograms. Huskies belong to, therefore, they are characterized by a fluffy long coat. Another distinguishing feature is endurance, because these dogs are sled dogs - and today sleds with them participate in various competitions.

According to the standard of acceptable colors, the breed has many - from black to white. Most often, huskies are black and white and gray and white, sometimes red, brown and white, and pure black and pure white colors are very rare.

Photo of a husky puppy with blue eyes, shared by Olesya Khazhieva.

White husky with blue eyes - photos of puppies (shared by Valentina Strelkova).

The photo was shared by Tatiana Pinchuk.

White husky puppy with blue eyes, nickname Kai, 2 months old (photo shared by Anastasia Annenkova).

Siberian husky with blue eyes, photo by Maxim Fadeev.

Photo of a blue-eyed Siberian Husky puppy.

Photo shared by Maxim Vernidub.

Siberian Husky puppy named Locky, 6 months old. Photo shared by Alexander Vovk.

We looked at the little pets and, you see, they are adorable. What will your blue-eyed pet look like when it grows up? Let's find out by looking at photos of adult dogs of this breed.

Adult husky with blue eyes

A dog with blue eyes is a husky, the photo was shared by Anya Kostyleva.

Photo by Maria Zavatskaya.

The photo was shared by Natalia Zrazhevskaya.

Husky dog \u200b\u200bwith blue eyes, photo from Maria Zavatskaya.

Photo by Natalia Zrazhevskaya.

Siberian Husky dog, photo shared by Maria Zavatskaya.

Black and white husky with blue eyes, nickname Skif (photo shared by Evgeny Kulagin).

Video: blue-eyed husky puppies

In the video above, there are 3 boys, age 1.5 months, what kind of breed they are, you guessed exactly

Price of puppies and where to buy

On average, the price of puppies in the kennel is 15-25 thousand rubles. Such babies will be with RKF documents, all vaccinations and definitely purebred. It is much cheaper to buy Siberian huskies without documents "off hand", but then there is no guarantee that this, for example, is not a half-breed.

  • (in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus);
  • (find out where to buy a puppy in your city).

I have long wanted to make an article describing all the colors of the Siberian Husky, but everyone did not get it. A couple of years ago, when our puppies were born, I did not know what to call their color, turning to the search, I also did not find the desired answer, and then the idea arose to compose an explanatory article describing all Husky colors.

Having climbed the Runet, I did not find any descriptions of colors at all, only I read somewhere that Official colors recognized in Russia: black and white, gray and white, white, brown and white. In other countries, there are different qualifications for Siberian Husky colors. I tried to find a description of these "official" colors, but it was all in vain. This state of affairs did not suit me at all, because trying to decorate all the abundance of husky colors with these official colors is like trying to graze cats. Well, since we do not have, I decided to go look for a description of colors abroad. I searched in America, Poland and Italy and found about 20 colors. I will try to describe all of them in this article. When I just thought about making an article, it seemed to me that it would be very simple, that in a day you can pull pictures from google and that's it. In fact, everything turned out to be not so rosy and the process of searching for pictures lasted for a month. Some colors are very difficult to find, I really wanted to use only normal pictures, not from mobile phones, without noise and on which clean dogs. As for the photographs, as a professional photographer, I have a quirk, but after spending three weeks I realized that it would definitely not work out the way I wanted to, I gave up my principles and decided to look for any photos, but even in this way collecting everything presented below turned out to be a big problem. I want to warn you right away, I tried to collect the most typical samples of husky colors in the photographs. For example, a completely black color, allows white areas, but I was looking for absolutes, and with other colors. Also, most of the colors presented below should theoretically be called, for example, Red White, since they contain a significant part of white, but I omitted white, since this is understandable, with the exception of Black and white color... I would very much like to replace many photographs, if you have a desire to see the colors of your Siberian Husky in the photographs, send me photos by e-mail with the name of the color and the name of the dog, it is desirable that the photographs were not taken on the phone, the dog was clean and the color was well read, photos taken outdoors in daylight are very welcome. Soon it is planned to add a couple more colors and paint a method for determining the color. A little later I will make a description for each of the colors, it needs to be translated from different languages. If you want to help with the description of the colors, I will be very happy, I will also be happy with useful criticism in the comments. All pictures in the news are clickable, you can click on the photo and enlarge it if you cannot see it well. I hope you appreciate the work done.

Mostly Black

The absolutely black color of the Siberian Husky is very rare. The color allows interspersed white patches of hair, as a rule, they are on the paws, muzzle, chest and tip of the tail. To qualify for this color, the dog must have at least 75% black on the body. The pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims should be strictly black.

Solid White

Absolutely white color, it is snow-white, is quite rare among Siberian Huskies. To qualify as this color, the coat and undercoat must be white. In this color, both black, liver (brown) and flesh-colored nose are allowed. Lip pigmentation and eye lining can be either black or brown.

Black and White

The black and white color of Siberian Huskies allows for an undercoat color from absolutely black to white. The percentage of wool itself is about 50/50 percent black and white. Above there is a solid fill of black from the back of the head to the tail. Bottom is solid white from the chest and further, sometimes the fill of white starts from the muzzle. Paws are always white, however, reddish areas are allowed on the folds of the hind legs, they are especially noticeable in sunlight. The pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims should only be black.

Gray / Gray

The gray Siberian Husky is not a rare color. The color of the coat itself should be strictly gray, and the color of the undercoat can be silver or cast in beige fawn or cream. The pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims should only be black.

Silver / Silver

The silver color of the Siberian Husky, in contrast to gray, does not allow any warm tints of beige undercoat. The undercoat ranges from silvery to white. Coat color from light gray to silver. The pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims should only be black.

Copper / Cooper

The copper color of the Siberian Husky is also called chocolate. The color of the coat itself is a rich copper-chocolate color. The pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims should be liver (brown) in color.

Red / Red

The red color of the Siberian Husky is much lighter than the chocolate color. The coat should be of a well-defined red color; in the sun, huskies of this color seem fiery like foxes. The pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims should be liver (brown) in color.

Light Red

The light red color of the Siberian Husky is not as rich as that of the red. The reddish color should be readable but not saturated. Undercoat color from light cream to white. The pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims should be liver (brown) or light brown.

Fawn / Pale (Light Brown)

The fawn color of the Siberian Husky is a warm pastel color that should be well defined and not tawny. The coat should be light brown to fawn. Undercoat from fawn to light cream. The pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims should be liver (brown) or light brown.

Isabella / Isabella Whites

Wolf Gray

Wolf Gray color of Siberian Husky really looks like a wolf. The color of the coat is warm gray interspersed with red fawn, tan and yellow. These blotches are most noticeable behind the ears, on the back of the head (occiput), neck, forearm, thighs, lower leg, knees and hock. The undercoat should be strictly beige. The pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims should only be black.

Saddle Backs

Pictures of color as well as description in the process of creation.

Sable / Sable

The sable color of the Siberian Husky is very beautiful, although it is quite rare. In sable, in contrast to Wolf Gray, the undercoat is brighter, copper red or tan. The color of the coat is very unusual, each hair or strand is, as it were, a gradient, starting at the root of a beige-tan color and ending at the tip with a dark gray or black color. Also on the body there are more pronounced blotches as in the Wolf Gray color and in the same places, except that they can be darker and reach in their shades to chocolate color. The pigmentation of the lips and eye rims should only be black, the nose sometimes appears with liver (brown) blotches.


The Agouti color of Siberian Husky is usually found in racing and working lines, it is unlikely that you will find such a color in show lines. Agouti's coat varies from gray to black, sometimes stripes can be noticeable on the body, this feeling can be caused by the fact that each hair can be dyed in several colors. The undercoat can be in warm tones from cream to tan. On the paws, there are areas with reddish shades. Distinctive feature This color has a black tip of the tail and a "dirty mask", this is when the muzzle is almost completely filled with dark colors, however, small blotches of white and red tones may occur. The pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims should only be black.

Black and Tan

Black and tan color in Siberian huskies is quite rare. Most of the coat is black and the rest is tan (orange-peach tones), although lighter parts may be present. As a rule, scorched are found on the paws of the chest and muzzle. The color of the undercoat ranges from tan to copper (chocolate). Masks are usually closed, often with a black stripe on the bridge of the nose, although this is not required for this color. The pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims should only be black.

Splash Coat

Pictures of color as well as description in the process of creation.

Piebald / Piebald or Pinto

The piebald color of Siberian Huskies is often called spotted. The main color is white, but on the body there are characteristically pronounced spots of different colors, as a rule, the spots are rounded and asymmetrically located. The spots do not cover more than 30% of the dog's body. Pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims can be hepatic if the spots are reddish or black for black and gray spots.

Marble / Marmoreal

Pictures of color as well as description in the process of creation.

Long Wool / Wooly-Coat

The Long Coat of the Siberian Husky is not a color. Long-haired huskies can be absolutely any color, the above colors. As a rule, they are found in working lines of the breed, in the circumpolar regions, where long hair is welcome due to the prevailing cold temperatures.

I would like to make my own statistics on the prevalence of colors, if it is not difficult for you to vote, you can vote two colors at once if you have two dogs.

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