
The similarity between the inclination conditioned imperative. Writing-reasoning on a linguistic subject. Linguistic Work on Role

The wording of the part with fundamentally changed in 2014. Recall that then it was necessary to write an essay-reasoning on a linguistic theme.

In the Augta of 2015, the choice of one of the three tasks is already available: to disclose the meaning of the statement with a support for linguistic material, or explain the meaning of the text of the text, or formulate and comment on the value of the moral and ethical concept.

Previously, the words of one linguist were presented as a thesis for writing-reasoning and needed to act according to the sample, leading only examples from the text that came on the exam. Now the linguistic quote can be any content, belong to different writers, linguists. It is clear that it is so harder to prepare, because there is a surprise effect: I will suddenly come to what will happen.

Let's try to find a way to prepare for the composition-reasoning on a linguistic subject. Undoubtedly, the main thing that can help, - search for interesting words and expressions in this text (lexical level). You must easily learn synonyms, phraseologists, outdated and new words. Probably, you can find words in a figurative value: personification, metaphors, epithets. pay attention to test tasks. In them, you can also see tips.

Do not forget about the three-part composition of your reasoning: at the beginning the thesis (the position of the author and its attitude towards it), then an argument consisting of two examples and conclusion. Each part begins with a red string. Alternatively, it is possible to split the central part into two paragraphs, selecting each example separately.

What is an argument and how to introduce it into an essay? The argument is an example that corresponds to the admitted thesis and proves its justice (the purpose of the argument: the impact, suggestion for the correct understanding of any idea). You can quote an example from the text or indicate in brackets the number of that sentence that serves as an illustration of the thesis.

Let's try to evaluate the complexity of the task. To do this, we turn to the materials to prepare for the exam - a collection of typical examination options edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

Test 4.

(1) Mom knew exactly who, in which apartment and what is sick. (2) It seemed that she got a task to respond to the health of all residents of our house. (3) "From whom did you get?" - I thought. (4) And only mature, I realized that this task gave my mother to her conscience.

(5) It determined the patients at once: according to the color of the face, according to the inflamed shine of the eyes, in motion and gait. (6) She could not pass by a man who had no excuse.

- (7) This is my illness, "Mom said.

- (8) U-y, how you breathe! She appealed to one. - (9) Do not help your heart is barbarism, blessing.

- (10) Why are you trying to overcome the disease on the legs? - appealed to another. - (11) Keep in mind: the conflict with the body will not end in your favor!

(12) People who neglected the health, Mom considered cruel:

- (13) Do not regret yourself, so I would regret close!

(14) "Your kind I do not like!" - Mom said, and, pulling out on socks, as during the gymnastics, she fell someone's forehead. (15) Her palm determined the temperature up to the tenths.

(16) Gradually, herself not wishing himself, Mom taught her neighbors to contact her not only on medical issues, but also with other requests. (17) "Bureau of Good Services" - so nicknamed our apartment.

- (18) Non-offended nickname, - Mom said. - (19) But one person can not work at the Bureau. (20) There must be a minimum of two. (21) Did you understand?

"(22) Live to wear, invaluable," Grounds crushed. - (23) And those for which you wear yourself, will they want to repair you in the case of any vital accident? (24) After all, doctors, I guess, not only treat, but also sick.

(25) Browse the disbelief into the surrounding world was a painful passion for a neighbor from the lower floor.

- (26) I would see your deceased spouse! (27) Oh, after all, before this sickness ... Non-residential and balm you, like a child!

(28) Tenderness, however, did not smear mom, and the balobiness did not spoil. (29) She lived on wear as if the wear could not be: she hid fatigue, and the actions did not give out per feats.

- (30) The doctor is not only a profession, but also a lifestyle, she assured.

(31) And the Bureau of Good Services continued to act.

(According to A. Aleksin.)

Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the expression of the outstanding Russian linguist Alexander Afanasyevich Pothebni: "The similarity between the inclination of conditional and imperative is that both of them ... express a valid event, but perfect, that is, the speaker ideaable existing ones.

Example of writing-reasoning

The meaning of the statements of the famous linguist A.A. The sweebni lies in the fact that the verbs of two inclinations - conditional and imperative - express the "perfect" event. The verbs in the conditional ignition denote the actions that may occur under a certain condition, and the verbs in the imperative ignition transmit advice, requests or orders.

For example, in Proposition 11 there is a verb of the imperative ignition "Keep in mind." He denotes the motivation to action. And in the sentences 13 and 26, the verbs of the conditional ignition "would regret" and "would have seen", which in this text are used in the value of the imperative inclination. Heroes of the story give each other advice, which, in their opinion, are useful.

Thus, the conditional and imperative inclination of verbs is very similar, as they express the actions desired, "ideal".

Test 32.

(1) I sharply turned around and saw wild: silently, viciously, ineptly Seva Agaps pounded Allochka Oshchepkov, and she resisted exactly the cat - just as silently, viciously and ineptly.

(2) I jumped to Seve, shook him so that he would come to his senses, came to his senses, pulled off his hand, and without any transition, with the same rage of Seva began to beat his free fist in my hand, dirtily swearing.

(3) I, stunned, sentenced to his blows:

- (4) Seva! (5) North! (6) Seva!

(7) He collapsed with a strong draper movement with all the body on my hand and escaped.

(8) The door slammed, and I cried. (9) from surprise, fear, powerlessness. (10) 3Dowed a full voice. (11) What to do, I then was a novice teacher and often cried. (12) I had a lot to me, and this is the worst of all - Non-School Brank.

(13) Now, ten years later, having passed a lot and bubbling different, having evolved from tears and getting used to the hardness of genuine truth, I firmly know that the teacher should be able to dive into a person and not always - not always! - There, in depth, he will find fragrant flowers, sometimes it happens just the opposite. (14) But do not be afraid! (15) must be taken for business, rolling the sleeves. (16) We must take a hoome in the hands and, despite the burden and dirt, stumbling, entering deadlocks and returning back, to dry the swamp, until the gardens bloom in his place!

(17) There are no shameful positions, there is a shameful - or fit - the attitude of the case, and I have not felt a special tide of purity and clarity, with an ecstasy, throwing out of the most secret thoughts of children's souls souls, petty, which, by the way, not so I almost hardly in every person.

(18) The fright and panic is not the best way out of the situation for the teacher who heard Rugan or saw the nasty. (19) Let's go for the work, yes better secretly, but truly, without fuss and exclamations!

(20) The most serious and teacher, the most incurable - if he shakes his prestige, is afraid to admit a mistake and still stubborn in the error. (21) This stone is litter, and the most for the teacher is a grave sin to pour, using the authority of the profession, with a sick head to healthy, and even if the head is small, student ...

(22) I repeat again, that this is my current understanding of the problem, when my tears were dry, but not because the spring was dried, and because it became more restrained, and my lovely love and the heart coming out, experienced.

(23) Then Sevin Brani is exactly the slip of the shooting.

(24) But I was araned myself, squished again the face under the ice trickle, put a wet handkerchief to allochkiy bruises, and we left her in the corridor to respond before the pedal council. (25) Alla - for the fire, I am for the fate of the first "b".

(By A. Likhanov.)

Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statements taken from the textbook of the Russian language: "Frameologists - unchanging satellites Our speech. We often use them in everyday speech, sometimes not even noticing, because many of them are familiar and familiar from childhood. "

Example of writing-reasoning

"Phraseologisms - the unchanged satellites of our speech ..." They are also called " sustainable combinations". We use them, indeed, very often, although we do not notice this. The evidence is in the text A. Likhanov.

In Proposition 7, the phraseological units "blurted out with one spirit". It replaces the synonymic expression "quickly, instantly, rapidly" and sounds brighter, expressive than adveria.

In Proposition 24, the author uses the combination "wedged into the conversation." He also has a synonym "... interrupting, intervening in someone else's conversation." This phraseologist characterizes the behavior of the girl and is used as a finest language.

It can be concluded: without phraseological units, familiar and familiar to us since childhood, do not do in everyday speech.

there is an existing only in thought of the speaker "

Help please write an essay by expressing.A.A.Potefin "The similarity between the inclination of conditional and the imperative is that both

express not a valid event, but perfect, i.e. ideaable only in the thought of the speaker ". Added

(Sorry that so few points, has already spent everything: ((((, please help)

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the expression of the outstanding Russian linguist Alexander Afanasyevich Pothebni: "The similarity between the omitting conditional and imperative is that both of them ... express a valid event, but perfect, that is, the speaker ideaable existing ones. [Only not what is already on the site, you need another ...] and bring examples on the text (on the text link below): (ie, for example, in Proposition No. 1 ....) please help :)) http://imgdepo.ru/show/6532787.

Help, please))) Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the expression of an outstanding Russian Linguist Alexander Afanasyevich Pottni:

"The similarity between the ignition of conditional and the imperative is that both of them ... express a valid event, but perfect, that is, the speaker ideaable existing ones.

Smells and screams floated
. (2)
Hope covered the table and
I swore with Oksana, which was in the bathroom and answered through the wall.
I didn't hear the words, but the Kolkov traveled the meaning of the conflict.
The conflict was that Nadezhda wanted to sit at the table along with
young people, and Oksana exactly did not want and led to the example of others
Mothers who are not only not sitting at the table, but even go out of the house.
Nadezhda shouted that she spent a week for cooking
festive table. And all last life on the upbringing of Oksana and not
intends to sit in the kitchen as a servant
. (6)
Korolkov lying in her
the room on the sofa and thought that Oksana could not talk to
mother, and hope - with daughter
. (7)
She commands, humiliating her
. (8)
And they
ignite about each other like a match about boxes
. (9)
Korolkov knew on his own: from
it can also be achieved only by land
. (10)
Lesset like
lifted his capabilities, and he sought to raise himself before
New and enjoyable limit to him.
Opened the door, and Oksana entered in a long new shirt in style
Or, as she called
, «
– (12)
Dad, well, tell her
, –
Oksana complained loudly
. – (13)
What she is
I nerves winds?
– (14)
How do you talk to your mother
? –
He faded the kolkov.
– (15)
Well, Pop
. (16)
Well, what she sits with us
? (17)
I will all the time in
. (18)
She is forever something blossoms and everything is inconvenient

– (19)
What means
– (20)
Well, not blunt
. (21)
Will pronounce a toast for peace all over the world
. (22)
will start paying attention to me
… (23)
Or start to impose on
Plates, as if hunger

– (24)
Pretty to listen to you
, –
Announced Korolkov
. –
You say, like the completed egoist .- (26)
But my birthday
. (27)
I'm sixteen years old.
Why on this day you can not do the way I want?
Korolkov looked with longing on her clean new face with
new bright white teeth and thought that she was cross in childhood and
Now have to have what sowed
. (30)
He understood what was needed
daughters not when I wore her in my arms and visited in the wellness
Children's camp
. (31)
Namely, at sixteen years, when it is laid
Foundation of the whole of life
. (32)
And not outpatient as they say
, –
Came, gone
. (33)
And stationary
. (34)
. (35)
Skip potential complications
. (36)
And complications, as he understood,
Called at the door
. (38)
Oksana as the wind blew together with her
displeasure, and in a second her voice heard

tight and ring
like a jet, beaten under pressure
. (39)
It was all right with her
. (40)
holiday and life

as a holiday. Here, in what value is used in the word word
new "




2Well number grammar foundations in a sentence
Write down the digit. 3B The following sentences from the read text are numbered
All commas. Write down numbers denoting commas between parts
Complex proposition associated with writing bond.
Words were not heard,
(1) But Korolkov traveled the meaning of the conflict.
The conflict was
(2) What Hope wanted to sit at the table
Together with the youth,
(3) And Oksana exactly did not want this and led to
example of other mothers
(4) who are not only not sitting at the table,
(5) but
Even go out of the house 4 in the proposals
Find difficult sentence with homogeneous
subordinate to the apparent. Write the number of this offer. 5. Spending offers
Find a challenged offer with the nonsense
Communication between parts. Write the number of this offer.

Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the expression of an outstanding Russian linguist A.A. Pothebni: "The similarity between the inclination of the conditional imperative is that both of them ... express an invalid event, but the perfect, that is, the speaker ideaable existing ones.
Option 1 With this thought can not disagree. Indeed, verbs in conditional and imperative challenges indicate the actions possible or desired under certain conditions or circumstances. Thus, in the sentence of 16 verb of the imperative ignition ("not cry") expresses the request of Dimka, encouraging the baby to make the specified action. But it is possible only if the boy gets warm and calmed down. And in the sentence of 23 verb of the conditional inclination "would be (you)" also contains the urge to action. In the hidden form, Dima recommended her classmate not to ask for trouble, but it is unknown, whether this advice will make a teenager who offended Tanya. These examples help to understand that verbs in imperative and conditional inclination denote not real actions, but the required, desired or possible, which, however, may not be accomplished.
Option 2. In Russian, only in the zealing tillation of the verbs express really existing actions, and in conditional and imperative - only those that can be accomplished under certain circumstances or the desire of the interlocutor. For example, in Proposition 1, the action "beat" can be realized only under the condition that Dima will order this, and the fulfillment of the urgent request of Alevtina Georgievna ("Believe my experience") still depends on whether Zhenya will want to follow her advice. So, the right was the outstanding Russian linguist A.A. Fleebez, who argued that "the similarity between the inclination of conditional and imperative is that both of them ... express a valid event, but the perfect, that is, the speaker ideaable existing ones.
Option 3. It is known that any statement contains an indication of how correlated with real reality. Only in the zealing inclination, the action is filed as actually what is happening, and in conditional and imperative - as a possible, desired or mandatory execution. For example, the verb in the conditional ignition "would upload" reports the desire of Mathematics teacher to distract Dima from extraneous thoughts, so it strongly advises his wife: "Believe my experience." However, these actions are not committed, they only think. Therefore, the right was the famous linguist A.A. Sreaty who claimed that "the similarity between the inclination of conditional and imperative is that both of them ... express a valid event, but perfect, that is, the speaker ideaable existing ones ».
Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statements of the famous linguist A.A.reformat: "Placed words words Secondary, alignment words. The Gold Foundation for pronouns is significant words, without which the existence of pronoun is "is impairment". Indeed, locomotive words, not expressing concepts, only send to anything that has already mentioned in the previous or subsequent proposals. Thus, in Proposition 4, the relative pronoun "(K) of which" indicates the noun "stick" in the main sentence and replaces it, connecting parts of a complex proposal. Or, for example, the pronoun "(c) of this" (Proposal 21), the noticeing verbs "got drunk" in 19 and 20, also only indicates actions without calling them. Thus, the locomotive words just replace significant, and their meaning can be understood only from the text or speech situation.
Write overallization, revealing the meaning of the statement ...... Russian journalist A.A. Miroshnichenko: "Some scientists even offer to allocate two languages \u200b\u200b- oral and written, so big differences exist between oral and written speech." ... Russian writer B.V.Shergin: "The oral phrase, transferred to paper, is always subject to some processing, at least in terms of syntax ", etc. Russian journalist A.A. Miroshnichenko claims: "Some scientists even offer to allocate two languages \u200b\u200b- oral and written, so large differences exist between oral and written speech." Indeed, in oral speech, much can be passed with the help of intonation, gestures and facial expansions, and in writing everything should be clear solely from its meaning, so it must be competently built. For example, telling the reader about the actions and mood of the guys, the author uses a complex proposal of 25 with consistent turnover. The oral speech is easier, but the speaker can also transfer his emotional state. So, in the sentence 15 ("How do I know?!") To understand how upset the boy, inversion helps. Consequently, in oral speech, we are trying to see the content for the form, and in writing - for the content we select the appropriate form.
Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statements taken from Literary encyclopedia: "Forcing the heroes to speak with each other, instead of conveying their conversation from yourself, the author can make appropriate shades into such a dialogue. The subject and manner of speech, he characterizes his heroes. "
Dialogue features: 1. Assistance in the development of action. 2.informativity.3. Supplement characteristics of heroes.
In the literary encyclopedia, it is argued that "Forcing the heroes to speak with each other, instead of conveying their conversation from ourselves, the author can make appropriate shades in such a dialogue. The subject and manner of speech, he characterizes his heroes. " Of course, the spiritual warehouse of a person is reflected in the nature of his speech, in its content, and, including a dialogue, the author helps the reader better understand the inner world of characters. So, the kindness of the hostess, whose Ivan Pavlovich lived, is felt in circulation "Baby" (offer 4), which she meets the children. In addition, a woman is very worried about what happened to her apartment, and inversion in this sentence (the circumstance and addition, expressed by the nouns, stand in words to which they relate) transmits its excitement, pain. The suddenness of the misfortune of the misfortune of the misfortunes and guys, so the repeat of the word "pressed" in an interviewal sentence 5 reflects their fear for Ivan Pavlovich. So, by passing the emotions of the hostess, Vanya and Nures, the author helped the reader to understand their characters, and the character of uncle Solkin, who became a close man with all the characters of the story.
Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statements of modern linguist N.S. Valgina: "Paragraph functions are closely related to the functional-style text, at the same time reflecting the individual and author's design feature of the text."
Paragraph1.Tager to the right at the beginning of the first line.2. Part of the text between two such increments.
Indeed, paragraph acts as a means that allows us to correctly understand the information in any text, however, using a paragraph indent, the author may express its importance to any thoughts in the development of microthema. For example, M. Pryshvin wanted to emphasize a special attitude towards the saved bird, and therefore he made this thought - only one phrase: "And we fell in love with a little chrome" - in the seventh paragraph. And the ninth paragraph - again only one sentence "so chrome in people came out" - allegorically conveys the importance of final information, the main thought of the text, and the writer by paragraph naughty emphasized it. Thus, each paragraph develops and supports part of the main idea, helps to see the author's design feature.
Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statements of the modern linguist I. I. Svetnikova: "The ability of the word to contact in other words is manifested in the phrase." Famous philologist Postnikov I.I. Approves: "With a lexical, and grammatical meaning, the word is able to unite with in other words, to be included in the sentence." This is in fact so. It is from the meaning of the word that it depends on how it connects with another word, but the semantic compound is impossible without coordination of forms. For example, a proposal 16 ("the foodine mowed on it expanded from horror by the pupil") - these are grammatically related words that have semantic and intonational finality. It is consistent in it and the following is consistent with the number and number, and the words "in the meadow" and "pupil", dependent on the "Kosil", dependent on the fant. With the help of the end and the pretext, the grammatical connection of words in the phrases "expanded pupil" and "expanded from horror" are also expressed. But in the sentence 20 there are words that combined grammatically seemingly not suitable for each other in lexical meaning: "Green palms (leaves)". But the main word here is used in a figurative value and calls what the leaves are similar to, and therefore naturally enters the structure of this proposal. Consequently, the famous linguist is right.

The role of lexical phenomena in the language (preparation for the task C2)
The article contains not only a list of lexical phenomena, but also information about the role of these phenomena in speech. This material can be used in the argument of their reasoning in the C2 task.
allow you to see that there are contrasts in life, emphasize them,
help express thought with greater accuracy
make speech bright and convincing.
help to avoid monotony of presentation,
we divert our speech, making it alive and expressive,
allow comprehensively characterize the image,
help with maximum accuracy and completeness to transfer the content,
allow you to express the thinnest semantic shades,
allow it thin and color to describe phenomena,
contribute to the accuracy and clarity of statements,
make it possible to express various shades of thought, clarify, emphasize some position.
Outdated words:
serve to transfer an accurate point in writing and oral speech,
make speech bright and convincing
serve to transfer the solemnity of the moment
serve to recreate historical settings,
serve as a speech characteristic characteristic of the character,
used to create a comic effect, irony;
help the author to convince the reader in the vitality and truthfulness of the events depicted,
emphasize the accuracy of the said
serve as the names of the realities of past years.
help to transfer the local flavor, the peculiarities of the speech of heroes.
Words with a direct meaning:
serve to designate objects, signs, actions.
Words with a portable meaning:
speakers as one of the means of expressive speech.
Stylistically neutral vocabulary:
used by writers as a language base of the work,
used in any conditions of communication,
it serves an impassive, objective designation of concepts, objects, actions, signs, phenomena and relations between them.
Spoken and spacious vocabulary:
creates a stylistic color of the word,
One of the distinguishing features of spoken vocabulary is concreteencies (designation of concrete subjects, actions, signs);
used for the verbal characteristic of the hero.
help to understand what profession is about the proposed text,
serve to designate various production processes, productions of production, raw materials, manufactured products, etc.,
serve to create reliability, accuracy of information, speech characteristics of the character,
serve for the belief of the opponent, allowing you to clearly express the position of the author or bring a bright, convincing argument.
Book words:
allow the author to draw the attention of the reader to socially significant events, moral values, convince the need for the desired behavior,
help the writer to emphasize and discuss the social and important problem,
serve to create the completeness of the picture, figurative, emotional perception of the reality of the reality,
serve a speech characteristic of characters.
strengthen expressiveness, image image form;
give artistic, poetic brightness of speech;
enrich the content of the statement;
identify a characteristic feature or quality of the subject, phenomena, emphasize its individual sign;
create a live idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject;
evaluate the subject or phenomenon;
cause a certain emotional attitude to them;
help to see the author's attitude towards the environment.
Phraseological units:
practice special expressiveness, imagery, emotionality, accuracy,
characterize all sides of human life.
Lexical replay:
helps to emphasize, allocate in speech important in a sense group of words,
means of giving clarity to a statement that helps avoid the nebula of the presentation,
means of transfer of monotony and disposal of action,
the repetition of words contributes to a greater force of statements, greater tension of the narration,
means of expressions of multipleness or duration of action.
The role of grammatical phenomena (preparation for the task C2.1)
This material is useful when writing the part of the discourse on a linguistic theme (task C2.1), where it is necessary to bring an example illustrating grammatical phenomena.
1. Uniform members
help transfer the actions of heroes;
allow you to see simultaneous, consistent actions of the subject;
specify the sign of the subject.
2. Appeal
call the interlocutor, to whom (connectivity): Lena, give me one paint.
it expresses a certain attitude of the speaker, that is, it acts as an assessment function: living for wear, invaluable, ...
reveals the author's idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero: Comrade Sergeant, I order to leave the post entrusted to you.
in the lyrics performs a fine-expressive role, reinforcing lyrical text mood: "Where to run, the path is cute, ...
3. Introductory words
express the rating of the speaker degree of reliability of the reported (confidence, assumption, doubt, uncertainty, etc.): Of course, it is undoubtedly certainly undoubtedly, obviously, without any doubt, probably, in all likelihood, in fact, of course, of course, of course, of course maybe it must probably probably seem likely by others.
Mountain air, without any doubt, acts beneficially on human health.
express feelings of speaking (joy, pleasure, regret, surprise, indignation, etc.): Fortunately, to joy, to pleasure, unfortunately, unfortunately, to surprise, to amazement, to chagrin, to Zakorby, for annoyance, A strange thing is uneven an hour, which is good, as noticeable and others. But, unfortunately, at that time the governor turned up.
indicate the connection of thoughts, the sequence of presentation: first, secondly, etc., on the one hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, however, in general, in particular, by the way, by the way, so, so Therefore, it means that, for example, so, thus, the other life of Nikita was not a permanent holiday, but, on the contrary, was an imperceptive service.
indicate at the techniques and ways of thinking of thoughts: in short, in one word, in short, generally speaking, in other words, so to speak, in other words, etc. Acknowledge to say, at what time the Kolotovka does not represent an express spectacle.
indicate the expressive nature of the statements: it is better to say rudely, gently expressing, in truth, between us speaking, it's funny to say, to say on conscience and others. In truth, I did not really count on his help.
point to the source of the reported: according to the report, according to, according to rumors, according to information, in my opinion, in your opinion, etc., they say, they say, according to my calculations, from the point of view, as is known, etc. According to the captain, two days remains to the nearest port.
it is also used to attract the attention of the interlocutor to the reported, to suggest a certain attitude to the outlined facts: you see (Lee), see (Lee), you understand (Lee), understand (Lee), understand, understand, imagine yourself, sorry, sorry, please, please Make mercy, remember (Li), remember (Lee), hindle, listen, agree, notice yourself, let and others are withering, you know if you live Live Live.
4. Separate agreed definitions
it is helped to specify the defined noun, refine the sign of the subject: people who neglected the health, Mom considered cruel.
help the author fully reveal the distinctive properties of the subject;
help the author "squeeze" information, allowing in definition to transfer the content that can be expressed and the press part of the NGN: grew up for the summer of the bear played on the stones ... (Compare: Bear, which grew over the summer, played on the stones ...)
5. Separate inconsistent definitions
help the author brightly, repeatedly present the subject: the city has already begun, with high houses, with the noise of trams.
help the author to supplement and strengthen the picture, establish causal relationships: Stepan, in a torn tag ray, dusty boots, was similar to the vaga.
5. Separate applications
explain or clarify the nominal noun;
help the author to clarify whom it implies, reveals the content of the defined word-pronouction: And when I left for my apartment, a lonely, cold, they, mother and father, stood on the landing, and cried, and waved, and repeated me after.

6. Separate circumstances
express an extension action to the main;
help the author to clarify the main action using an additional, expressed by the particralization;
help the author to highlight the quality of the main action: I became unimaginably sorry for him, and I said, barely holding back tears.
help the author to designate the goal of the main action: everyone crowded by the window, trying to feel a thin sweet scent, and were interested in what kind of plant, why it blooms.
help the author to specify the cause of the main action: yes, unhappy, for they do not know what we do what we want, hoping to live on earth forever.
help the author to concretize the time of the main action: and only mature, I realized that this task gave my mother to her conscience.
help the author to designate the condition, contrary to which the main action is committed: Gradually, not wanting to me, Mom taught the neighbors to contact her not only on medical issues, but also with other requests.
help the author to say about the condition of the main action: but, carefully distinguishing, he understood: a gray spot in the bushes is a deer of sandy hills.
help the author more precisely to say how, how is the action takes place: the Tolik peered into the chimino-loose face and thought everything would be able to regret it, not to regret it, how does it often happen, but in fact?
help the author compare one with another on the basis of a common feature for them: he was already burning with might and, like a torch.
7. Separate additions
the exception is carried out, that is, they perform a restrictive function;
help the author to enter the proposal value of the inclusion or exception: he did not see anything but the Cebor.
8. Open clarifying members of the sentence
help the author to concretize the preceding member of the sentence: in a nearby house, on the first floor, the boy hurt ...
9. Separate explanatory members
help the author to designate the same thing in other words: how could she, mother and wife, do not go to the chamber after duty ...
help the author to make additional clarifications or comments: workers of the forestry industry, there were ten people, played cards, lazily talked and smoked
Complex offer
SSP with opponent unions A, but, yes (\u003d but), but, however help the author show that one event is opposed to another: after the fifth lesson I had a circle, but I did not stay.
SSP with connecting unions and, yes (\u003d and), nor ... neither, also, as well as ... and, not only ... but also help the author to show consistently occurring events: the city ended, and the sea appeared soon .
SSP with dividing unions or, or, then ... then, not that ... Not that allow the author to point out the alternation of events: the door will creak, it quietly turns the wicket ...
SNPs with apprehensive spelling helps the author to uncover the meaning of the verb in the main part: I must immediately prove it that the "alleged diagnosis" was assumed in vain that everything would be fine.
A NGN with a pressing definition help the author to reveal the sign of the noun from the main part: she could not pass by the man who had no excuse.
SNPs with pressing time help the author indicate the flow of action in the main part: it's not very shameful when it takes a thin dirty stomach from hunger and in the eyes darkens.
SNP with pressing targets help the author indicate the target with which the action is performed in the main part: it ate in order not to die.
SNP with pressing reasons help the author indicate the reason for which the actions occur in the main part: this failure was completely natural, as Demosthenes had a very weak voice ...
SNPs with pressing conditions help the author indicate the condition in which the action in the main part will be possible: the people for everything with each other are accounted for, all the world will turn into the store.
Non-union complex suggestions
help the author show at the same time what is happening the events: there was a late autumn, behind the window poured heavy rain, pounded iron on the roof.
help the author to explain the meaning of the first part of the first part: Finally we waited: Dad called.
help the author to point out the reason why it is said in the first part: it was useless to ask him: he was silent.
help the author to supplement what is said in the first part: I know: there is pride in your heart, and a straight honor.
help the author to oppose two events: Summer suppresses - Winter eats.
help the author to clarify, at what time (when) occurs, the event is referred to in the second part: I finished the case - the walk boldly.
help the author to point out the condition at which the action takes place in the second part: we will lay the wind - get the storm.
help the author to conclude from what is said in the first part: the children became big - they need to seriously learn.
help the author to transfer the quick change of events: Shot came - the beast fell.
help the author compare events: will say the word - the nightingale sings.

Linguistic Work on Role

the imperture and conventional levens of the verb

(Presentation materials)

An important task of writing on theoretical level is an explanation (explanation) students in 1-2 sentences The meaning of the statement .


It is impossible In writing immediately after the thesis, bring examples from the text! There must be an element of the discharge of a student about as He understands these words!

Any statement contains an indication on how correlated with real reality. What is told in the sentence can be served

q. as really what is happening (Friend is passionatetells About traveling to Crimea),

q. as desired (With pleasurei would go to Crimea),

q. as mandatory for execution (Congress In Crimea, certainly!).

All of these semantic differences are expressed with the help of odds.

An expressive - expresses the action that really exists, existed or will exist; The verbs in the zealing tilt are form of time (present, past and future), persons (1.2 and 3) and numbers (sole or multiple);

Conditional - expresses the action that really does not exist, but is only possible or desired(i would buy, I would read);it is formed with the help of the verb in the past time of the expansive inclination and particles would;

The imperative expresses the will of the speaker, i.e. the action that not real; It is formed from the basis of a present or simply future time with the help of a suffix - and - (Catch, read)or zero suffix Fly, abandon), the multiple number is formed by adding a sole number of impetus to the shape of the sole number of imfifix (Catch, read),also, the imperative inclination can be formed by adding to the verbs in the identifier inclination of the present time of the particles Let, let.

The forms of conditional inclination of the verb denote the desired or possible action under any conditions or the action in which the speaker doubts and only assumes it.

1. Tint of desiracy: I would punish him for disobedience.

2. The shade of conditional, possible action: He would come if I could.

3. Hue to fear, doubt, assumptions: It would not make this old man of nonsense.

Intelligence proposals with the fault in the form of conditional inclination are mainly expressing the desire that a specific person makes a certain action or experienced this or that condition.

In the artistic literature and in conversational speech, the statements in the form of conditional inclusion express advice are widespread.

Would you go to the movies. Would you teach his life!

The similarity of conditional and imperative

Intelligence proposals in the form of conditional inclination are mainly used when it is necessary that a specific person (speaking, interlocutor, 3rd face) make a certain action.

Proposals with imperative molding can also express this value. Therefore, in the same time, these expressions are close, almost identical:

Relax a littleand Would you break a little

Bookand You would bring you a book.

Conditional mood

If the urge to action, expressed with the help of an imperative ignition ("go") - this is a program of action prescribed by the addressee, then encouraging to action, expressed using the forms of conditional inclination, is the Council, please:

W. chiele - parents:

- Sasha ceased to prepare for lessons. You would talk to him for souls.

Teacher - Pupil:

- You would stay after lessons work out. I want to help you.

With the help of a conditional inclination form, the speaker expresses the request, considering that the execution of the proposed action will change the situation for the better.

The use of conditional inclination in the motivating value performs the function of the imperative inclination, expressing this sense, denoting which is impossible using the latter.

Thus, with the help of a conditional inclination, i.e. the forms showing the content of speech conceivable presumably, it is possible to transmit a real non-existent, but possible (with certain conditions) or desired.

Shades of motivating values \u200b\u200b(conditional and imperative inclination)

Order, request, requirement, advice, disposal, commission, permit, consent, ban, offer, invitation, call, warning, prevention, plenty, persuasion, conviction, etc.


(1) "If only she ordered me, I would beat all the guys in our class! (2) I would have passed on the hands of the locker room to the gym on the fourth floor. (3) No, it is nonsense, it's easy. (4) I would be better with closed eyes On the fourth floor eaves. (5) If only she ordered! "
(6) In a note left in the notebook and randomly read Zhenya, there were no appeals, nor dedications. (7) But she immediately guessed the sixth sense of the teacher, Dima Voronov wrote about the com. (8) Of course, about your classmate Tanechka!
(9) Zhenya clearly introduced himself to Dima Voronov, an alone, a bald nine-grader with a slightly poster appearance. (10) The kids dragged behind him as Walking. (11) They boasted all the school to the whole school and composed legends about his exploits. (12) When Dima played a volleyball, they overwhelmed the platform from all sides and so noisy "hurt" that there were no whistles of the judge ...
(13) Once he saw on the rink of Zhenya, as Dima Gulliver rummaged among the babies shuffled. (14) It was ridiculous and touching. (15) He taught five-graders to play hockey, strictly and picky them. (16) And then she saw Dima rubbed his hands to the baby, who lost the mittens, and said: "Do not cry, now we will warm up!"
(17) Zhenya clearly introduced himself and a fragile little girl from the first part, Tanechka. (18) She was ugly, and when she put on glasses, the features of her face became simply elusive.
(19) Zhenya remembered how on New Year's Ball, someone from the young man let the evil joke about the non-zeal Tanina appearance

(20) Dima then came close to the joker and with a person who did not foreshadow nothing, said:
(21) - I didn't think that you were such a balloise! (22) Your happiness that duels are prohibited. (23) Would you go from here!
(24) And the whole evening danced with Tanya. (25) "Well Knight!" - Mentally admired Zhenya.
(26) She remembered that Dima and Tanechka often remained at school after lessons to engage in geometry, with which Tanya was not in Ladakh. (27), very reminding his wife a cool lady of the old days, belonged to these classes skeptically. (28) Noticing somehow in the already empty dressing room lonely hanging tanino coat, and on the shelf Dimin the hat, Alevtina Georgievna grinned:
(29) - do? (30) nothing of this so-called "mutual assistance" will not work. (31) They just need to teach apart! (32) Understand, the tasks that my young men decide, the girls are not at all on the shoulder!

(33) And Zhenya with the pickwatch of the teacher of the Russian language and literature thought: "Not on the shouldch, of course, they say, but still a strange expression: shoulders, what do tasks decide? (35) I would have said better" not by mind. " .. "

(36) And the mathematician continued:

(37) - Yes, and this in love ... (38) would load it with public work - and everything would be removed as a hand. (39) Believe my experience.
(40) The experience of Aleceptina Georgievna Zhenya did not believe, but she also did not have his experience. (41) However, she decided to talk to the Dimka after the lessons that he could simply be able to beat his comrades for the fourth floor with closed eyes on the elderly ... (By)

Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the expression of an outstanding Russian linguist:"The similarity between the ignition of conditional and the imperative is that both of them ... express a valid event, but perfect, that is, the speaker ideaable existing ones.

Task for independent work

(1) "If would beonly she is ordered I would be beat All guys in our class!

(2) I would have passed On the hands of the locker room to the gym on the fourth floor.

(16) And then she saw Dima rubbed his hands to the baby, who lost the mittens, and said: "Do not Cry, Now warm! "

(23) Whether would be You are from here!

(32) Understand Tasks who solve my young men, the girls are not at all on the shoulder!

(35) Would say It is better "not by mind."

(38) Would loadyou are his social work - and everyone would have taken away.

(39)Believe memy experience.

What actions are transmitted by these verbs?

In fact, these actions are possible?

Write an essay-reasoning about the role of verb data.

We write an essay

With this thought can not disagree. Indeed, verbs in conditional and imperative challenges indicate the actions possible or desired under certain conditions or circumstances.

Thus, in the sentence of 16 verb of the imperative ignition ("not cry") expresses the request of Dimka, encouraging the baby to make the specified action. But it is possible only if the boy gets warm and calmed down.

And in sentence 23 verb of the conditional inclination " whether would be(You) "also contains encouragement to action. In the hidden form, Dima recommended her classmate not to ask for trouble, but it is unknown, whether this advice will make a teenager who offended Tanya.

These examples help to understand that verbs in imperative and conditional inclination denote not real actions, but the required, desired or possible, which, however, may not be accomplished.

In Russian, only in the zealing tillation of the verbs express really existing actions, and in conditional and imperative - only those that can be accomplished under certain circumstances or the desire of the interlocutor.

For example, in Proposition 1, the action "beat" can be realized only under the condition that Dima will order this, and the fulfillment of the urgent request of Alevtina Georgievna ("Believe my experience") still depends on whether Zhenya will want to follow her advice.

It means that the right was the outstanding Russian linguist, which argued that "the similarity between the inclination of conditional and imperative is that both of them ... express a valid event, but perfect, that is, the speaker ideaable existing ones.

It is known that any statement contains an indication of how correlated with real reality. Only in the zealing inclination, the action is filed as actually what is happening, and in conditional and imperative - as a possible, desired or mandatory execution.

For example, the verb in the conditional ignition "would load" transmits the desire for Mathematics teacher to distract Dima from extraneous thoughts, so it strongly advises his wife: " Believe me My experience. " However, these actions are not committed, they only think.

Therefore, the right Linguist was right that "the similarity between the inclination of conditional and imperative is that both of them ... express a valid event, but the perfect, that is, the speaker ideaable existing ones.


1. Kulkova subjunctive inclination in modern Russian. M., 1986.

2. From the notes in Russian grammar. - M., T. 1-2.

3. Modern Russian. In 3 hours / ed. . - M., 1981.

4. Modern Russian /,. - M., 1987.

5. Modern Russian. Educational Guide-Directory for Russian Language for Faculty Students of Russian Philology Pedvuses and Universities / Ed. . - T., 1995.

In Russian, the main form of imperative inclination, free from imperative intonation, comes far beyond the limits of imperative syntactic structures. Coming with personal pronouns and nouns in the nominal case, in some syntax conditions, it expresses a variety of modal values \u200b\u200bclose to the circle of the values \u200b\u200bof the conditionally desirable inclination.
According to I.F. Annensky, "Observation of the facts (People's.- V. V.) of speech could establish some steps between imperative in the main and imperative in the apparent. Analysis of the convention can also be found in such an eponymous combination of proposals as:
Aya Solnyh Yes, Vladimir Prince, yes Standard-Kiev!
And let me down in a purely field.
And I will go to SHIP as an old Cossack yes Ilya Muromets "(420).
Most grammatists have long been in the diversity of the values \u200b\u200band use of the imperative inclination of its ancient connection with the desired inclination. It is known that the forms of Slavic ladies tend to an ancient desirable tendency, which can express not only the desire, but also the orders and even condition (421).
MH Katkov wrote: "With this imaginary imperative we can, we can express what the Roman used his modum conjunctivum: not only our read unequivocally Latin Legas, but also the expression Si Legissem, -s, -t; Fecissem, -s, -T We can conveniently pass in in one word: Read, Make, you, he, we, they. Next Ciceronevo Proposition: Si Neptunus, Quod Theseo Promiserat, Pop Fecisset, Theseus Filio Hippolyto Pop Esset Orbatus- can be conveyed with accuracy so in Russian : Neptune will not be true to Neptune his promise to theses, would not lose the theses of the Son of Ippolitus "(422).
But A.A.Potefnu pointed to the possibility of removing all portable values \u200b\u200bof imperative forms from the value of the input: "Other modal values \u200b\u200bof the forms under consideration are presented (or depicted) their imperative value." Thus, "the similarity between the inclination of conditional and imperative is that both of them, as opposed to the withdrawal, express a valid event, but perfect, i.e. the ideal idea ideaable existing ones" (423).
Thus, the shape of the imperative inclusion serves as a means of expressing the verification of communication mainly in conditional and graded structures, giving a special modal shade to the statement. For example: "Yes, from here, at least three years of download, no one will you reach" (Gogol, "Auditor"); "I give you alms," she suddenly said firmly, "and you will reject me and then still in the forest" (Dostoevsky, "Teenager"); "Fools at least put up to the top, even at least at the bottom - anyway" (Chekhov, "Lord Outdoors"); "Do not, on the one hand, riding boats, do not, porn with waists, etc., and whether my wife is dressed in an intense hood and sit at home, and be, on the other hand, in normal conditions a person absorbing food as much as you need to work, and if I, I have a saving valve open, otherwise he accidentally covered somehow at this time, - I would not fall in love with "(L. Tolstoy," Crazerova Sonata "); "Well, the blow so that frost will be lost everything"; "Only Khristney in the forest branch, shelshy leaves, so all and shook out of fear" (L. Tolstoy, "Why evil in the world"); "And they ask for a loan, she will cry" (Chekhov, "Chaika"). To this area of \u200b\u200buse of the imperative form, the type of gravity or conditionally interpreting statements is also adjacent in the conditionally gradual value. For example:
About life deserted as sweet nor write
And alone is able to live anyone.
It should be noted the possibility of impersonal use of the same form of the verb and in the same function: "Wolves happen here, and the sheep would disappear." This is a symptom that in these structures there is a special inclination, which, similar to the subjunctive, assumes the function of expressing the dependent syntactic relations between "offers".
However, the main form of imperative inclination is used not only in dependent syntactic combinations. The shape of the imperative inclination from the foundations of the imperfect species (and under certain syntactic conditions and on the basics of the perfect species) may be a predicate of any personal or uncertain-personal offer with a special shade of modality. It denotes the action imposed on the subject against his will, prescribed to him as his duty. With this form, the shade of indignation and protest is associated. The time value of this form of the verb is alien. It follows from the time of the correlation proposal, from the syntax context.
For example: "confused, confused, and I unwind," he said angrily, thinking about the goats that build him enemies "(F.Sologub," Small Dev "):" She is greedy, she is all "(ibid.); "The maiders of the shawl drops are raising, she is part of you get up and give her your chair, goes to you," (Chekhov, "Women's Happiness"); "Tableware, windows, homemade do not fall: Fooletit" (Pisemen, "Thousand Souls"); "Here you are sinful, and the authorities are responsible for you" (blinds); "We have no one torture about the salary, scolds on what the light is worth" (Ostrovsky, "Thunderstorm"); "You will not believe how I was angry with him. Sorry, Grubynit, and do not ask things" (Goncharov).
Cf. Saltykova-Shchedrin in the "granny gentlemen" (in the speech of Arina Petrovna about the upcoming freedation of the peasants): "Now I have a cabbage and potato and loaf - everything is pretty, well, and eat little by little: the potato net is to make the cabbage to cook; there are no kaps Movie the cucumbers! But then I myself after all the Bazaar shoots, yes for all the money pay, yes buy, yes, I'm supposed to, - where are you for a sort of orav? "
Perhaps, in this use of the imperative form, transient, hybrid cases adjacent to the impertling system should be seen. But it is no longer any possibility for live language consciousness to communicate with a modern imperative inclination of the Omonimic form of the past time of the perfect species expressing an instant arbitrary action (he says).

More on the topic § 64. The use of forms of imperative inclination with other modal values:

  1. § 63. The impeller system with its agglutinative
  2. § 64. The use of forms of imperative inclinations with other modal values

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