
The argument of the essay Meaning of the statements from the literary encyclopedia forcing the heroes to speak with each other (GIA in Russian). How to write an essay- reasoning forcing the heroes to talk to each other

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statements taken from the literary encyclopedia: "Forcing the heroes to speak with each other, instead of conveying their conversation from ourselves, the author can make appropriate shades into such a dialogue. The subject and manner of speech, he characterizes his heroes. "

It is difficult to imagine an artistic work, in which all heroes are silent. After all, the dialogues help the reader better know the heroes, to present them in reality. Consider examples.

The text proposed for analysis is a dialogue that gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroes. In my opinion, Fox is a wise creature. He is not accidental belong to the expressions that have become aphorism: "... You are forever responsible for anyone who has tamed" (offer No. 52), "Zorko is one heart (offer No. 47).

Little prince, on the contrary, is very inexperienced, and besides, very lonely. But he passionately wants to learn everything.

He indicates one of his replicas: "What should I do for this?"

Thus, it is safe to conclude that it is fair to approved from the literary encyclopedia. The theme, manner and other speech features, the author, indeed, can very well characterize its heroes.

Updated: 2013-01-24

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15.1 From how and that a person says, he depends on his surrounding: what the impression he will produce how his words will be perceived, whether he will achieve his goals. To transfer the speech of heroes in the artistic text, a dialogue is used. The dialogue is a way to transfer oral speech on the letter. In the text P.S. Romanova On the dialogues of heroes, you can make an opinion about those who pronounce them.

Thus, in the sentences 23-24, a neighbor dialogue is given to the Polycarpovna: Its speech is replete with words with a negative expressive color: "Badka", "Sleepy", "will tear up with hands." The heroine produces a repulsive impression on us: from such a person will not raise kindness and responsiveness.

Another impression produces Trophone Petrovich on us. The guest's speech is characterized by wealth and expressiveness: it affects the Polycarpovna (Proposal No. 6), and, despite the use of spatrical forms ("Dai-ka" - the same sentence 6), does heat from his words.

Thus, the example of the given text confirms the statement taken from the "literary encyclopedia": "Forcing the heroes to speak with each other, instead of conveying their conversation from ourselves, the author can make appropriate shades into such a dialogue. The theme and manner of speech, he characterizes his heroes "

15.2 In the life of each person there are guidelines. In our time, the thirst for profitable, the material gain overshadows normal human relations and underlying generally human values. About this final lines of text P.S. Romanova. "At the heart of the relationship between people should be faith, then life makes sense," says the author. Let's try to prove the eligibility of this statement on the examples of the text.

Additional Tripon Petrovich chinit the porch of polycarpovna pro-hundred so, and good fee considers a good word and good memory of him. This is stated in the proposals number 8 and 9. The guests are a responsive and kind person, for him relationship with the apartment hostess is not transferred to the plane "paid - Livi".

Polycarpovna in pursuit of progress is ready to start a new guest, refusing Trifon Petrovich, because it prevented the benefit (offers for numbers 33-35). She crosses through the Trifon Petrovich, through himself and betrays his guests to the possibility of disinterested human relations.

Thus, we managed to confirm that if a person moves the petty, the benefit, then life itself turns away from his legs, because the natural need of a person is violated in trust and good.

15.3 Value is the importance, significance, the usefulness of something. Material values \u200b\u200bare important for someone: money, food, clothing, housing. For someone, the priority are spiritual values: spiritual search, disclosure and implementation of their destination, creative self-development.

Hero P. Romanova Tripon Petrovich Chinit The porch of polycarpovna is just like that, and a good fee considers a good word and good memory of him. Resident is a responsive and kind person, for him relationship with the apartment hostess are not transferred to the "paid - Live" plane. But the polycarpovna in pursuit is ready to start a new guest, refusing Trifon Petrovich, because it prevented the benefit. She betrays his guests to the possibility of disinterested human relationship.

Reflecting, what values \u200b\u200bto choose for themselves as a life guide, remember the literary heroes of Gogol: Ostap and Andry from the story "Taras Bulba". Ostap remains faithful to his homeland, father, takes death for his comrades, boldly looking around the enemy. Andriy betrayed his father, friends, homeland. I'm closer to Ostap. I would not like to meet in my way in my way of such people like Andry.

List of life values \u200b\u200bfor everyone. Your life values \u200b\u200bplay a key role in your destiny, because decision-making depends on them, the implementation of the right of choice, the implementation of life destination, relationship with other people.

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, disclosing the meaning of the statements taken from the literary encyclopedia: "" Forcing the heroes to speak with each other, instead of conveying their conversation from yourself, the author can make appropriate shades in such a dialogue. The subject and manner of speech, he characterizes his heroes. "

Each lover of books knows how well monologues or character dialogs characterize them, brightly highlight their literacy, losers and other individual features.

The author for convenience could simply briefly convey the essence of the conversation of two or more book characters, but it is the schedule of their details of their dialogue that allows the reader to make an opinion about each of them. From the sentence "Well, what the hell are you doing here at night, the barefoot! - shouted the German coarse, talked voice, "we are clear to us that these words belong to a person with a cruel and not knowing mercy. There is no need for more detailed description This character is a reader and so clear that nothing good to wait for him.

The following example is: "Oh, uncle, do not bother! - He walked plaintively. - I was looking for my horse. Nasil found. All day and all night dull. I drank ... - he shouted, waking up the whip on Cerco. " Here the author could simply write that the boy pretended to be a shepherd and asked for mercy. But this phrase Vanya helps the reader brightly imagine the image of a miserable cowgirl, who embarked out of his strength and mights to let him go with the world.

The phrases of heroes, their unique manner to speak help the reader deeper into the work and create the effect that he would seem to be present at the site of the events described.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of offers 31-32 texts: "He knew that there was his friends, faithful combat comrades. In the first shout, they will rush to the revenue and lay the fascists of all to one. "

A very important mission is entrusted to Vanya's boy - to be a conductor for scouts, introduce them to the enemy mill and warn about the danger. For this purpose, the image of a fool-cowhone is thought out for it. Vanya realizes how important this goal is and how much depends on it.

There is an offer in the text: "He knew that his friends were near, faithful combat comrades. In the first shout, they will rush to the revenue and lay the fascists of all to one. "

When Vanya showed the road of Bidenko and Gorbunov, he stumbled upon two Germans and his real horror was taught. He was even afraid of himself, and for the fact that all their plan will collapse. He knew that in any case his comrades would not give him offense, defend from the fascists. When one of the Germans impaired him, Vanya was furious: "How! His, the soldier of the Red Army, the intelligence officer of the famous battery of Captain Enakiev, dreamed to hit the boot some fascist Rvanin! " But he took himself in time. If he gives the will anger, the end of their plan. Despite the fact that behind him were people who would protect him, Vanya pushed a personal resentment to the back plan and put his important task for his first place: "But the boy also firmly remembered that he was in deep intelligence, where the slightest noise could detect Group and disrupt the execution of combat task. "

Boy Vanya in the image of a shepherd with honor coped with his assignment and did not let off the scouts who were fully relied on him.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word feat?

The text describes the terrible time for the Great Country - the Great Patriotic War. These were years when fearlessness was required from every citizen of our country, readiness to sacrifice everyone in the name of victory and freedom. It was a time when simple Soviet people were held feats for their homeland.

The feat in my understanding is when a person puts the well-being of his people and the country to first place, and then cares about personal good. The feat is that, for what a person is ready to sacrifice his life.

During the war, millions of people lost their families, they united for victory over the enemy, throwing their personal care to the side.

Simple Russian boy Vanya stoically transferred the mockery of the fascists, threw off his pride. It was incredibly hard for him, but he knew that he simply had no right to sum up combat comrades: "Then he mighty effort will suppressed rage and pride in himself." He coped with the horror that covered him from a meeting with the enemies, and told scouts on.

We from school hearing incredible stories about heroism and exploits of Soviet people during the war. Despite the nation and religion, they all as one rose to protect their country, did not be afraid of heavy tests. People boldly made their way to the enemy camp, freed the prisoners, saved the wounded. All this and there are feats, thanks to which we have the opportunity to live and love today, enjoy the peaceful sky over your head.

Writing 1 "Forcing the heroes to speak with each other, instead of conveying their conversation from ourselves, the author can make appropriate shades in such a dialogue. The subject and manner of speech, he characterizes his heroes "- I read in the literary encyclopedia. Dialogue - a conversation between two people. It is so possible to understand all the feelings, thoughts features a person and attitude towards the surrounding. Typically, the dialogue is as close as possible to the stage speech. That is why instead of the deployed copyright comments we can see remarks. The proposed text is a bright sample of this. Boy speech expresses attitudes towards birch; He is not indifferent to the fate of this tree. "Uncle, don't, she is beautiful!" This speaks of his kindness and love for nature, while the words of the second interlocutor are filled with cynicism, egoism. When dialogue is underway young man And the little hero, we see feelings of both characters. Talking quietly, with anxiety, Alka conveys all his experiences. The dismissive words of Casukova in the address "Patsman" give us to understand that this man is angry and indifferent. During the dialogue, the practitioner is ironic and having a conversation with a child. Feeling power over the boy, the guy exploits him, while I mock: "Crash, Patzan." Instead of conveying the conversation of characters from himself, the author makes the heroes for an objective readership for an objective reader.

Writing 2 Famous Linguist G. Stepanov said: "The dictionary of the language testifies what people think about, and grammar - what they think." In fact, the lexical meaning of the word helps to understand what we are talking about, and the grammar allows you to associate the words among your words to express the idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject, action, a sign. An example of a lexical phenomenon in the text can serve as conversational, non-coordinating words (such as "Malets", "Patzan", "joined", "to the damn grandmother", etc.), used by workers in their conversation. They serve in order to serve the speech characteristic of the characters in more detail. In turn, an example of a grammatical phenomenon - appeal. If you compare how the boy is drawn to the worker "Uncle" and as a worker to him "Malts", "Patzan", subsequently - "Son" shows the attitude of the speaker to the interlocutor, which is clearly visible, for example, in a couple of applications of the same person : Before conversation - "Malets", after - "Son". This is how the relationship of vocabulary and grammar helps to understand the thoughts of the speaker and his mood.

The writing of the 3 "Dictionary of the language testifies what people think about, and grammar - how they think," says G. Stepanov. Words show the image of our thoughts, but to build offers from separate words, It is necessary to change them, associate together, arrange in a certain order. And here grammar comes to the aid of vocabulary. Consider the proposal 51: "Why do you, Malts, who listened to this Balbes?" It uses the conversational word "ballback". Spatrical words create a stylistic color color and are used for the verbal characteristic of the hero. Phrase Kazyukova "Crash, Patzan?" From a grammatical point of view, it gives us to understand that he appeals to the boy. Appeal expresses a certain attitude of the speaker to the object, performing an estimated function, and reveals the author's idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero. Thus, the lexical composition of the tongue, its grammatical laws are very often merged together and help better understand the author's intent.

An essay of 4 "punctuation signs have their own definite in writing. Like each note, a punctuation mark has its own definite place in the letter system, has its own unique "character", "says S.I. Lviv. With the help of which people express their emotions and feelings in writing speech? Of course, with punctuation. Each punctuation mark has its own unique "character", carrying its special function. For example, an exclamation mark can express joy, despair or anger. In sentence 16, he expresses annoyance, despair alki. The boy asks, begging: "Uncle, no need, she is beautiful!" But in the sentences 48, 49, 50 with the help of an exclamation mark, the indignation of Matvey Sergeyevich is expressed: "Oh you, Oak Bina! I will arrange you a bath! " Thus, every punctuation mark with its special "character" is very important. And an exclamation mark - a bright example of this example!

An essay of 5 "one vocabulary without grammar is not yet a language. Only enrolling in the disposal of grammar, he gets the greatest value"," Says L.V. Assumption. Yes, the lexical meaning of the word reflects the representation of a person about the world around the world, but if the words do not build in suggestions, we are unlikely to understand each other. Grammar - the law of building thoughts in the language. Thanks to this, we can competently express our thoughts. The word "Giant" from Proposal 2 gives us to understand that the horse was not just big, but huge. "Upstairs stood a man in a gray cap and a canvas jacket." If it were not for grammar, we would not be able to understand what this offer was about. We understand where which parts of speech, thanks to Morpham. And even unfamiliar words easier to comprehend. Thus, vocabulary and grammar are closely related to each other.

Read the story of Vasily Shukshin and think about the role of the dialogue in this small work.How dialogue helps to reveal the characters of Shukhin's heroes? Why does the search for the exciting questions "hidden" in the dialogue?

And then, preparing for the exam, which is no longer around the corner, write an essay-reasoning on a linguistic topic:
"Forcing the heroes to speak with each other, instead of conveying their conversation from ourselves, the author can make appropriate shades into such a dialogue. The subject and manner of speech, he characterizes his heroes. " Literary encyclopedia

Vasily Shukshin. Zabuxov

The state -hold mechanic Roman Zvyagin loved after work to lie on a homemade sofa, listen to the son of Valerka teaches her lessons. The novel forced her son to learn out loud, even Valley's challenges solved aloud.

"Come on, come on, split the drummers - will fit longer," said Father.

Especially loved the romance lessons of native literature. Here thoughts were rarely, freely ... I remembered the irrevocative youth. He became sad.

Once the novel lay so on the sofa, smoked and listened. Valerka Zubril "Rus-Troika" from the "Dead Souls".

- "Are you not so, Russia, that a brisk rich trio, you carry? Smoke smoke under you the road, ram bridges, everything is lagging behind and stays behind. He stopped ... "No, it is not necessary," Valley himself said. And on. - "Eh, horses, horses, - what kind of horses! Will the vortices sit in your maneers? Does the ear burn in any of your alkalo? I heard a familiar song from the embroidery - the copper breasts strained together and, almost not touch the ground with the hooves, turned into some elongated lines flying through the air, and rushes, all the inspired by God! .. Rus, where are you? Give an answer! .. does not give a response. Wonderful ringing poured ... "

- Do not hurry, - Father advised. - Chely, how ... Think about it! Words are won what good.

Roman remembered how he himself taught this very "Rus-Troika", the same Dulisoma Valil, without any idea, - just to fade.

- Then you will regret ...

- Who do you feel sorry?

- What happened like this - naughty people. You will regret it late will.

- I'm learning! What?

- It is clear to learn, and you have one street on my mind. Where is it going, is your street? Nowhere she will go. And the time will miss ...

- Ho-oh, what are you?

- Nothing, not hokay - learn.

- What am I doing?

- Carefully, I say, it is necessary, not so! .. If only to be overcome.

Valerka spurred his "Troika", and Roman - again for the Duma. And the sweet these Duma, and at the same time some ... sad. Half of life hunched - and what? So you look, and the second protest - and nothing will happen. The novel was even worried - so suddenly it clearly introduced himself as he would like to the end of a smooth path and ... will fall. Roman sat on the sofa. And it's very easy to fly and stretch your legs, as Yegor Zvygin recently pulled out, cousin... yes-a.

And in the ears, Valerkino was hushed:

- "... A copper breasts strained together together and, almost not toupes with the hooves of the earth, turned ..."

Suddenly - from the annoyance, or if, with anger if Roman thought: "And who are being taken? Horses? Of this ... Chichikova? " The novel even brought in amazement ... walked along the hill. For sure, Chichikova is lucky. This scrap is lucky, which dead Souls Skupal, traveled around the edge. Elkin mother! .. That's how Troochka!

- Valerk! He called. - And who goes on the top three?

- Selifan.

- Selifan Selifan! That w - Kucher. And who is he lucky, Selifan?

- Chichikova.

- So ... well? And here - Rus-Troika ... and?

- Well. So what?

- Like what? Like what?! Rus-Troika, everything threatens, everything is poured, and in Troika - Prokhindee, Shuler ...

Before Verley, everything did not reach - and what?

- Yes, how?! - the novel was truly convicted, but she said, waved his hand. - learn. They asked, then, learn, - and so as not to interfere with the son, left the flavor. And the amazement was increasing. Here is a number! Rushing, inspired by God! - And brings a cheeler. What does this come out? - Are you not so, Russia? .. Ugh! ..

- Valerk! - Roman looked into the hube. - Nikolay Stepanych at home?

- I do not know. What? - Fallen Valerka.

- Yes, nothing, learn. Immediately Stroyl ... what are you afraid? Did you get anything again?

- did not have anyone gained. What?

- He was not going to go to the area?

- I do not know.

Roman went to the teacher.

Nikolai Stepanych was at home, hired in Saraj with some trash. They and Roman were familiar with the novel, the teacher often asked the mechanics about the car to go somewhere.

- Hello, Nikolay Stepanych.

- Hello, Roman Konstantinich! - the teacher smoked the dusty hands, went to the door of the barn, to the light. - Lost one thing ... it came out all.

- Nikolay Stepanych, - Roman immediately began to go to the matter, - I listened to the sorceress ... "Rus-Troika teaches ...

- And something I thought: Troika is flying, everyone is surprised, admire, can be said, the road is given - Rus-Troika! There it is right compared. Other powers give the road ...

- And who is in the troika? "Roman inquisitively stared in the eyes of the teacher." - Who rides something? Who is the road? ..

Nikolay Stepanych shrugged.

- Chichikov goes ...

"So this is Russia - Chichikova rushes?" Is this before chikhikov's caps all remove?

Nikolay Stepanych laughed. But the novel watched him in his eyes - inquisitively and demanding.

"No," said the teacher, "what's the chicker?"

- Well, what about? Troika everyone gives the road, everyone is broken ...

- So he is going something, chikhikov!

- So what?

- Yes, how? I do not understand: Rus-Troika, just, they say ... And in the top three - Shuler. What is pride here.

Nikolai Stepanych, in turn, looked at the novel ... grinned.

- Somehow you ... not from that end you went.

- Yes, with what neither go, - in the troika chikhiki. Ehay there, for example ... the wall of the Razin, - everything is clear. And here - traveled around the edge ...

- By province.

- Well, by province. Or maybe, Gogol, and meant: a subneefer, they say: while they guess - I will not be alive. BUT?

Nikolai Stepanych laughed again.

- Somehow ... Suddenly, you all understood. Strange some kind of mood ... What are you?

- Yes, flew into the ball! ..

- Everything is simple, I repeat: Gogol was captured by the move, and the thought of Russia came, about her fate ...

- Yes, I understand it.

- Well, what then? Lyrical retreat, end of the first volume ... He was going to write the second. Chichikova he left - to the second volume ...

- In the troika left something, that's what I ... it ... and scraper. How so, rides a fraud, and ... no, I understand that here you can explain: movement, speed, removal of riding ... Damn it knows, actually! After all, you can also think about how me.

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