
How do you spell "what time" or "how much"? "How much", as a separate word, can be

If you look at the title of this article, you can already understand that the phrase is written separately, but then the question arises: - "And in all cases?" - we answer: "Yes, without exception, in all!" Let's figure out why this is so, and not otherwise.

Analysis of a phrase

  • in (preposition)
  • how much (pronoun)

It is necessary to pay attention to the preposition, as spelling of the phrase "at what time" is a common mistake. In this case, it is impossible to skip the additional vowel "o", because the single preposition "in" is in front of a pair of consonants.

"How much", as a separate word, can be:

  1. Numeral, interrogative pronoun.
  2. Pronominal adverb
  3. Union word

The pronoun differs from other parts of speech in that it indicates objects, signs, quantity, but does not name them. In this case, "what time": preposition (in) + numeral pronoun (how much).

Let's remember one of the spelling rules - "Prepositions with pronouns are written separately"!

Many people confuse numeral pronouns with adverbs or introductory words. For example: "secondly" is an adverb with a prefix (in), spelled with a hyphen.

Examples of

  1. How old should I send my child to kindergarten?
  2. Do you know what time the train leaves?
  3. How much would you estimate the value of a car?


After analyzing this phrase, we can definitely say that there are no other ways of spelling "what time", except separately! In order not to remember every time what and to what part of speech belongs, just remember: "What time!"

what time or how much

As a unit or separately?

The stable phrase "what time" is written separately in all cases - what time .

There are no other forms of spelling.

If you find that somewhere "how much" is spelled together or with a hyphen, feel free to point out to the writer of his gross mistake.

Even with the non-identical use of the word "so much" in different contexts, the spelling of the phrase " what time"Will be uniform.

The rule

Before answering the question, how is the word “ what time»Together or separately, you need to clarify that this is not even a word, but a combination of words, and figure out what parts of speech it consists of. " In"Is a preposition," how much»Is either a pronominal adverb, or a numeral, or a union word. Together with a preposition, they form sustainable combination... According to the rules of the Russian language, prepositions with words are written separately. So, no matter what part of speech the word “ how much", This phrase will never be written together.

The use of the preposition " in", And not synonymous with it in most cases, the preposition" in "is due to the stable nature of its compatibility with pronominal adverbs" how much"," So much "and others.

Examples of

Speak out all the examples for better memorization.

  • What time Will this amazing piece of silver chiffon cost me?
  • Dear Vera Iosifovna, please tell me more specifically, what time to pick you up tomorrow.
  • Yurochka, what time How old did you go on your first trip to the Ryazan region without your parents?
  • To count quickly what time since the granddaughter is younger than the grandmother, you need to divide the number of grandmother's years by the years lived by the granddaughter.
  • I'll find a way to see you, just tell me what time do you usually walk in the park with your dog?

Almost 90% of people do not know their exact time of birth. 80% only believe that they have such information. I have already written many times on this topic, I will not repeat myself about the inaccuracies in the tags, about the lag / rush of hours in maternity hospitals. Therefore, I give only new information.

When a person contacts me to order a horoscope and does not know or doubts his time of birth, I give him a questionnaire that he must fill out. Often you just have to force data out of people. Some are not very serious about filling it out, without entering half of the information, which then they still manage to extract from them. It seems that not everyone understands how important it is to provide accurate data with all the details.

There were cases when in general they indicated incorrect dates of acceptance / dismissal from work (although they should be the most famous, since they are spelled out in work book). Some were just too lazy to go and take a copy of the work record book from the personnel department.

So what is this "scary" profile? I'm telling you. You wanted to buy a horoscope and you doubt the time of birth. You write to my mail, I send you the details for payment, you pay, and we are waiting for the money to fall into the account. While we are waiting, so as not to waste time, I am sending you a questionnaire, with which everything starts. What data you indicate in it, such a time will be determined by the astrologer. Here's what you need to specify:

  • 1st marriage and subsequent ones.
  • Driver's license.
  • 1st international passport.
  • Defense of the thesis. University diploma.
  • Creative or sporting achievement. Reward.
  • Conception of children (namely, CONCEPTION, not to be confused with birth).
  • Death of relatives and friends (parents, children, spouse, brother, sister, close friend).
  • Dangerous situations concerning you personally: assault, beating, robbery, car accident, attempted suicide, industrial accidents, natural disasters, etc.
  • Accidents, injuries, fractures, operations.
  • Robbery of an apartment, summer house, garage, car theft, litigation, arrest, prison. First trip abroad.
  • Moving to another place of residence.
  • Divorce (if the parents are divorced, then indicate this).
  • Applying for work, promotion. The most significant.
  • Dismissal from work. The most significant.
  • Diseases

I have highlighted the most important points ( 1st marriage and subsequent, driver's license, 1st international passport, employment, dismissal from work), according to them you can most accurately determine the time of your birth. For example, only having the date of the marriage, you can already make a clarification with 90% accuracy.

For each event, you need to indicate the date, time and place, as well as comment on the circumstances, as well as what changes (in life, in thinking) the incident entailed. Yes, by the way, options for specifying dates like "spring-summer 2001" will not work. You need a day, month and year. It is only at the beginning that it seems that you do not remember anything, in fact, if there are entries in the work book, this is already something, and the rest of the dates, if desired, can be restored. Of course, not all events can happen to you, so don't worry if you haven't filled in something.

Now you know what the profile is. It remains only to get it!

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