
Field is a linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. Receptive field - a set of receptors that send signals to a given neuron through one or more synapses Sets of records of connections between them

Field - a set of parts, united by the commonality of those attributes, according to which they (parts) enter into integration.

The three fields of MEZ correspond to three possible directions of the human thought process, the categorization in which occurs in the process of understanding "; by a qualitative attribute" ;. (Bruner J., 1977: 30).

Field of thought with subject representations (MPP) contains MEZ about visual signs of people, objects, various figures, nature.

Field of thought with representations in abstract paradigms (MAP) contains MEZ acquired: as a result of sensory experiences or only MEZ about these experiences; from any physical condition or MEZ about these conditions; from being in any situation or MEZ about possible situations; in the process of communicating with people or MEZ about them, about characters.

The field of thought-action with ideas about communication (MC) includes MEZ acquired in the process of listening, speaking, reading, analysis of literary texts.

The proposed concept makes it possible to indicate that thinking operates with information previously organized and ordered in the form of specific MEZ.

Note that in the proposed work, the division into three fields is made rather conditionally, since it is impossible to divide the thought process of an individual into fields (especially autonomous ones). Such a division in the work is undertaken conditionally and only with the aim of showing that all the information available in the memory of an individual is ordered and organized in a certain way.

Consideration of the process of understanding as the integration of thought activity and thought action is based on the concept of understanding as thought action with representations. In the process of understanding, the activated MEZ group contributes to the discretion of the idea of ​​appearance, of an object or of nature, which is called a scheme of action with a representation of a person, object or nature.

The basic set of MEZ is enriched and activated in the process of understanding due to the formation of new connections between units. (Alekseev N.G., 1991).

If the units of knowledge are considered as the result of any experience, activity, then it becomes necessary to highlight everyday experience and scientific experience. The significance of everyday experience is obvious, since the primary form of human cognitive activity that arises soon after his birth is everyday, everyday experience. This generally available, but far from equally inherent in all human individuals experience is an unsystematized variety of impressions, experiences, observations. The richness of life experience is not fully realized by its owner, since this experience is formed, multiplied mainly without conscious cognitive efforts simply because a person lives, uses objects, communicates with other people, sees, hears, experiences, involuntarily remembers the perceived, experienced, not even knowing what exactly was deposited in his memory, not thinking about him until the circumstances evoke the imprinted images in his mind. Joy and sorrow, love and hatred, birth and death, health and disease, lofty and base deeds, historical events experienced in different ways by human individuals - all this, and especially knowledge about other human individuals, constantly enriches everyday experience. But no matter how great the significance of scientific knowledge, its existence, functioning, development is in undoubted dependence on the mass of everyday experience, the accumulation of which takes place outside the sphere of scientific research or assimilation of ready-made scientific knowledge. "; Of course, everyday experience is not free

from delusions and illusions. And yet, everyday experience is not alien to reflection, self-criticism, especially when his delusions are exposed by practice "; (Oizerman T. P., 1990: 4).

The second layer of MEZ (transformed from experience) is the result of scientific activity. "; Unlike everyday experience, science constantly invades the sphere of the unknown, the unknown; in the bosom of scientific research, a transition is invariably made from ignorance to knowledge, from one knowledge to another, deeper, more accurate, adequate"; (Oizerman T.P., 1990: 5).

Both scientific experience and everyday experience are a set of transformed mnemonic units of knowledge and are stored in the basic set of knowledge units of an individual. The identification and study of these units of knowledge in the process of understanding can be viewed as another representation of the model of the mechanism of understanding. Such a model will not have a stable form with obvious stable links between MEZ.

An approach to the process of understanding as to the integration of thought activity and

thought action is fundamentally determined by the model structure. On the one hand, the model sets the programmatic task of thinking activity if "; the task is a differential element" ;. (Deleuze J., 1998: 201). On the other hand, the model is determined by stable, multiple connections between units, which reveal subjective criteria for understanding. The structure of an individual's knowledge, presented in the form of a model, has an abstract character, since "; specific knowledge systems, although they model reality quite adequately, are characterized by significant diversity, which is explained by different life experiences, as well as the goals and objectives of the cognitive activity of various people." (Novikov A.P., 1983: 42). If the goal of cognitive activity is the same, then it is legitimate to expect identical results according to the models in the studies carried out, although the variety of knowledge and their model representation is provable.

The results of practical research, given in the book by A. N. Luka "; Thinking and Creativity"; confirm the emergence of not only identical links in the form of a model between individual words in the process of understanding a person, which the author calls associations, but also a logically conditioned possible chain of grouped associations caused by a number of lexical units. So, A. N. Luk proposes to take two words "; sky"; and "; tea" ;, the connection between which "; is established using four natural associations:

heaven - earth

earth - water

water - drink

drink - tea ";. (Onion A. N., 1976: 15).

The scientist comes to the conclusion that "; associative connections represent the basis for the ordered storage of information in a person's thinking, which provides a quick search for the necessary information, an arbitrary appeal to the necessary material"; (Ibid. P. 16). Thus, in the thinking of an individual, elements of knowledge are encoded in the form of units that reveal stable ties among themselves in the process of understanding. The stability of connections allows us to talk about the possibility of such a model construction of the process of understanding a person, which is based on "; deeply hidden to all people, the general principle of like-mindedness in assessing the forms in which objects are given to them"; (Kant P., 1995: 225). This principle is the principle of categorization, characterized by the unity of the logical structure of the thinking of all mankind.

The process of understanding as the integration of thought activity and thought action in the construction of meaning is complicated due to the fact that reflection is out of direction (reflection occurring instinctively, as I. Kant believes (P. Kant, 1995) "; affects the entire totality of past experience (as a unit)" ; (Ukhtomsky A.A., 1959: 40), without contributing to

discretion of a number of ideas, categorizing which the recipient forms mnemonic patterns. Understanding your own way of categorization in the process of understanding requires indicating those activated MEZ, thanks to which the recipient comes to the result of understanding in the form of meaning-making.

Understanding algorithm model it is presented as a process starting with the activation and integration of MEZ, which leads to the discretion of ideas, with the assignment of an object to a certain category, and "; the categories to which the perceived objects belong are not isolated from each other"; (Bruner J., 1977: 24), since they are due to the relationship between those MEZ that are included in the content of the category. The connection, in turn, is an interdependence according to a related qualitative characteristic. In other words, in accordance with the proposed concept, the three fields of the scheme of thinking activity (MPP, MAP, MK)are interconnected and plastically interdependent.

The process of understanding always relies on an activated group of such MEZs, which enter into integration and contribute to the discretion of this or that representation.

In the process of understanding and interpreting, MEZ is the smallest cognitive unit, the identification of which makes it possible to substantiate the individuality of each interpretation.

2.4 Mnemo-pattern as a cognitive structure

If in the thinking of an individual, elements of knowledge are encoded in the form of units that reveal stable ties among themselves in the process of understanding, then it becomes possible to identify the cognitive structures that are formed from these units.

Considering the process of understanding as the integration of thought activity and thought action, it is necessary to indicate that the concept "; action with ideas"; corresponds to Kant's concept of schematism of the process of understanding (P. Kant, 1964). Hence, in the present work, thought-action is defined as action with representations. In the active process of understanding, the recipient operates with ideas about appearance, nature, and objects.

In this work, the representation is the combinatorics of activated MEZ, which is formed in the process of understanding the literary text.

A mnemonic pattern is a mental image formed as a result of the categorization of ideas about something or about something.

MEZ are always mobile, interdependent and capable of integrating with other mnemonic units of knowledge. This is their dialectic manifestation. It can be argued that non-dialectical MEZ does not contribute to the discretion of representations, and, consequently, the formation of mnemonic patterns, since the dialectic nature of the MEZ is due to the possibility of the formation of links between the existing MEZ and the newly formed ones. Lack of MEZ or lack of ability to integrate leads to misunderstanding. For example, an individual has a unit of knowledge "; round" ;, can explain what the word "; round" means ;; has a unit of knowledge "; space"; but to form a view "; round space"; will not be able, because these two units are "; round"; and "; space"; do not integrate.

The process of activating MEZ, their integration into the presentation, categorization of the presentation or representations and the formation of mnemonic patterns in the reception of a literary text can be designated as a process in which the extraction of "; socially adequate from a poorly understood physiological" ;. (Bogin G.P., 1994: 15).

If the necessary MEZ for the process of understanding is not found, a situation arises that can lead to misunderstanding.

Analyzing and describing the process of understanding, it is possible to identify MEZ, thanks to which this or that mnemonic pattern is formed. Such a description is model of the mechanism of understanding.

As an example, we can cite a segment from the novel by I. Turgenev "; Fathers and Sons";

"; ... but at that moment a man of medium height, dressed in a dark English suite, a fashionable low tie and lacquered ankle boots, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov entered the living room. He looked about forty-five years old; his short-cropped gray hair shone with a dark sheen, like new silver; his face, bilious, but without wrinkles, unusually regular and clean, as if drawn with a thin and light incisor, showed traces of remarkable beauty; especially good were light, black, oblong eyes. youthful harmony and that striving upward, away from the earth, which for the most part disappears after the twenties ";

In general, during the reception of the given segment of the text, such MEZ are activated, which contribute to the perception of the idea of ​​a man of the described appearance, which is probably predictable due to the fact that the recipient could see a man of the described appearance in the films or have contact with a person corresponding to the description in the text. By categorizing the idea of ​​a man's appearance, the following mnemonic pattern can be nominated "; fashionably and elegantly dressed man who pays enough attention to his appearance";

If the recipient has in the basic set of MEZs acquired as a result of communication with a man of the described appearance (for example, the recipient can activate units of knowledge about the behavior, about the manner of communication), then in the process of understanding, the activation of these MEZs can provoke the discretion of such a representation, which is re-formed upon categorization in the mnemo-pattern "; secular lion" ;. The basis for the formation of such a mnemonic pattern was the author's mention of the fashionable tie and ankle boots, the grace and slenderness of Pavel Kirsanov's figure, along with the mention of his age (forty-five). This mention contributed to the activation of those MEZs, which led to the discretion of ideas about age and about the ability to look elegant enough, since the recipient may know that the older the person, the more difficult it is for him to look elegant. Comparing and categorizing these two ideas (about age and about the ability to look elegant), one can form mnemonic patterns "; striving for beauty" ;, "; the habit of being liked by others" ;, "; the desire to look elegant" ;.

The activation of MEZ, acquired from reading and analyzing fiction, can contribute to the discretion of the idea of ​​the author's intentional use of rustling-hissing notes in the lexical unit "; ankle boots"; and in the specification "; graceful and thoroughbred" ;. By categorizing this view, the recipient forms the mnemonic pattern "; flirtatiousness" ;. At the reception of lexical units "; dressed in a dark English suite" ;, "; short-cropped gray hair"; MEZ are activated, acquired from reading and analyzing such fiction, in which the author deliberately shows the character as a person belonging to people of the old type (judging by the severity of his clothes and short-cut hair). When categorizing the perceived representation, a mnemonic pattern is formed "; severity under the prevailing circumstances" ;.

Often in the process of understanding, the activation of mnemo-units of extralinguistic knowledge contributes to the formation of such mnemo-patterns that are not formed without the presence of these units of knowledge. As an example, we can take a piece of text from the novel by M. Bulgakov "; The Master and Margarita";

"; - Where do you live permanently?

I do not have a permanent home, the prisoner answered shyly, I travel from city to city.

This can be expressed in short, in one word - a tramp, - said the procurator and asked: - Do you have any relatives?

There is nobody. I am alone in the world ";.

In the novel by M. Bulgakov, it is said about the prisoner of Yeshua, nicknamed Ha-Nozri from the city of Gamala, but upon receiving the second chapter, the reader understands that it is not about some other Pontius Pilate, the procurator of Judea, who tried and sent Yeshua to a painful death. namely, the one who sent Jesus to be crucified. And Yeshua himself is none other than Jesus. By activating the mnemonic units of extralinguistic knowledge, the recipient can form such a mnemonic pattern, which is carried out in the novel by M.

Bulgakov's leitmotif is the opposition of the House to the Antidome. Yu.M.

Lotman, examining the work of M. Bulgakov, in this regard points out: "; This tradition is extremely significant for Bulgakov, for whom the symbolism of the House - Antidom becomes one of the organizers throughout the entire period of creativity." (Lotman Yu.M., 1997: 748). Forming such a mnemonic pattern, the reader understands that house or apartment No. 50 in the novel is not a place to live, not a place to live, but a place where the sinister can connect with the tragic, mystical (the apartment used by Woland for the ball) for life and love (the apartment of the Master and Margarita, in which they were happy).

In the novel, there are no lexical means directly contributing to the discretion of such a representation, which, when categorized, would allow the formation of a mnemo-pattern "; symbolic sound in the descriptions of the House and Antidom" ;, there are no lexical means nominating the latent fear and confusion of Pontius Pilate when interrogating Yeshua, which are mixed with compassion and a desire to help the prisoner. All mnemonic patterns are formed from the condition of detecting mnemonic units of extralinguistic knowledge. In case of non-detection of the mnemonic units of extralinguistic knowledge, the formation of the mnemo-pattern "; the symbolic sound of the House-Antidom"; will not happen.

Since in this work we operate with the concept "; mnemo-pattern";, it is necessary to point out the differences that made it possible to use this particular concept, and not the concept "; concept" ;. If we compare the mnemo-pattern and the concept, it becomes obvious that the mnemo-pattern covers a wider lexeme composition, implying contextual and semantic connections, and is not tied to certain lexical units. The proposed hypotheses about the frame and the concept in some way correspond to the developed hypotheses of psychologists in the field of research of such a recognition process, which is interpreted as the moment of comparison; (Shekhter M.S., 1982: 304). The result of such a comparison is concepts or frames that enter into interaction and mutual influence each time in the process of cognition. In this study, the task is not to present the process of recognizing perceived realities from the standpoint of psychologists or neurophysiologists, but the task is to show which cognitive units and cognitive structures the recipient operates in the process of understanding and interpreting a literary text, which constitutes the process of constructing the meanings of a literary text.

From the examples given, it becomes obvious the difference between the concept and the mnemonic pattern, which consists in the fact that the mnemo-pattern is formed according to the results of the categorization of perceived representations, while the concept in the process of understanding will be rather that which is taken as representation in this work.

Another difference can be recognized that the conceptual theory does not show, as a result of which mental categorizations the concept is formed. The mnemonic pattern is formed according to the results of the categorization of such perceived representations, which were formed due to the activation and integration of certain MEZs, and these MEZs can be nominated and analyzed.

The next difference between the concept and the mnemo-pattern can be recognized as the fact that the conceptual theory does not reveal the mechanism of understanding and interpretation of a literary text and implies the simultaneous calculation of lexemes that determine the initial nuclear concept. Consideration of the mnemo-pattern as a cognitive structure allows us to identify both the individuality of the structure of knowledge and the individuality of the mechanism of understanding and interpretation, without giving priority to the lexeme composition.

The idea of ​​a mnemo-pattern is interpreted as the formation of such a mnemo-pattern, which contributes, on the one hand, to the activation of the process of understanding itself, on the other hand, to the construction of meaning.

Chapter 3


3.1 Meaningfulness as a process of categorization during reception

artistic text

The peculiarities of the perception of the world by a person with all his senses are consistent with the need for him to adapt to different forms of matter and different forms of movement. In order to correctly reflect the world, it is necessary to distinguish between different objects, different forms of their interaction, different relations between objects and phenomena, etc. and create for the perceived adequate structures of their representation, their representation in the human brain. It is not so much real things, objects, faces, etc., as their mental representations are subject to naming. But the connections themselves, established in the chain between the specific impact of a certain objectively existing fragment of the world on a person and the processing of information about this fragment through the formation of his mental representation, and then the nomination of this latter, begin to form in the structures of human activity with the specified fragment of the world, and therefore are conditioned the joint action of several different factors: among them, the pragmatic goals of the activity being carried out play an important role, and therefore not only its ontological prerequisites. "; In the nomination of fragments of the world around us, a person includes, albeit in an indirect form, ideas about such fundamental categories of being as time, space, personality, quality, quantity, etc."; (Kubryakova E. S, 1992: 11).

Both philosophers and scientists working in the field of cognitive sciences have been and are engaged in the study of categories, since "; a category is one of the cognitive forms of human thinking that allows one to generalize his experience"; (Babushkin A.P., 1999: 68).

The categorical apparatus of an individual is a complex network that has its origin in the name and separation of an object from a class of objects. Thus, the functions of the category reflect the functions of the language, since one of the most important functions of the human language is the function of categorizing external reality, which ensures the process of cognition. By naming this or that thing, the thinking subject carries out the operation of superimposing its features or properties on the features and properties of fragments of reality already known and fixed in the language. "; Comparison and unification of objects, processes and their

signs occurs on the basis of the establishment of relations of similarity or contiguity "; (Mikhalev A.B., 1995: 13).

Categorization in the process of understanding can be considered as such a thought process in which assessment and assignment to a certain class of the perceived representation and the formed mnemonic pattern take place. In such a process of assessment and assignment, only some of the features or properties of the material being understood are superimposed on individual features or properties of the already acquired MEZ.

Improving the means of his abstract, mental activity in the process of understanding more and more complex laws of the objective world, a person changes and improves the categorical apparatus of his thought process. As for the order, the sequence of presentation of categories, it usually depends on the target setting, on what it is done for. "; All categories have equal rights to exist. To achieve unification in this matter would be a rash step, since categories should be understood as a set of concepts with the help of which the most general laws of the development of being are expressed and their reflection in human thinking." (Tulenov Zh. T., 1986: 26).

A category, on the one hand, is a reflection in human thinking of the most general properties of being; on the other hand, a category is a certain form of thought that orients towards revealing oneself in the studied subject. This orientation is due to the unity of the logical thinking structure of all individuals.

Similarly to the fact that categories are a reflection in our thinking of the most general, basic properties of being, Aristotle was the first to give a classification of categories, which we took as a basis in this work, modifying it in accordance with the specifics of the material being studied. Aristotle singled out "; essence, quantity, quality, attitude, place, time, position, possession, action, suffering"; (Aristotle, 1976: 178).

True, Aristotle did not formulate a clear definition of his understanding of categories, which serves as the basis for the existence of different points of view regarding what, in fact, he understood by categories. Many are inclined to think that Aristotle's categories are the main kinds of being and, accordingly, the main kinds of concepts about being, its properties and relationships.

Like all mental operations, categories have their own functions. The main functions of a category are division and synthesis. Division and synthesis are such functions of categories, "; which belong to their very entities, so that the category as such does not exist at all without them; if these functions are separated from the category, then it becomes the concept ";(Bulatov M.A., 1983: 21).

The earliest stages in the development of categorization include primary categorization of things. This categorization is understood as the selection of objects, objects from the surrounding background with the help of words. In this case, the presence of lexical designations is already assumed, therefore, in the present study, the principle of categorization is taken as the basis for the discretion of representations and the formation of mnemonic patterns. and interpretation(to the grounds interpretations text as an analytical activity) // Sat. scientific works, vol. 459 " Problem... modern stylistics ", M .: 2001, p. 3-13. For reference: Kashirina, N.A. Understanding and interpretation v...

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    Arbitrariness in interpretations the sources under consideration, various options interpretations for example ... 1. Specificity of humanitarian knowledge. Problemunderstanding. Understanding and "getting used to" the culture. Understanding and cultural context. The phenomenon of re-semantisation ...

  • On the problem of translation and interpretation of a literary text about one criterion of adequacy


    TO PROBLEM TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATIONS ARTISTIC TEXT: ON ONE CRITERION OF ADEQUACY Problem“Translation and interpretation”.... - 456 p. V.L. Naer. Understanding and interpretation(to the basics interpretations text as an analytical activity). // Collection ...

  • Temperature field- a set of temperature values ​​at all points of the body at a given time. Mathematically, it is described as

    where x, y, z- spatial coordinates;

    t- the time of the thermal process.

    There are two characteristic cases of the temperature state of the body:

    1. At every point of the body, the temperature remains unchanged over time, i.e.

    In this case, the temperature at different points of the body can be the same or different. The temperature state of a body, unchanged in time, is called stationary (steady-state). In this state of the body, the arrival of heat is equal to its consumption.

    In a stationary thermal regime, the masonry of a blast furnace, continuous thermal and heating furnaces, and recuperators operate. The heating time of the furnace to the operating temperature in these devices is negligible in comparison with the time of the furnace operation at a given temperature.

    2. When the body is heated or cooled, the temperature at each point of it changes continuously over time. Such a temperature state of the body, in which the temperature is a function of both coordinates and time, is called unsteady (unsteady). In this mode, the laying of batch-type furnaces (bogie-hearth furnaces, heating wells, open-hearth furnaces), as well as the nozzle of regenerators, operate.

    If the body temperature changes along only one spatial coordinate, the temperature field is called one-dimensional.

    Temperature gradient- the limit of the ratio of the temperature increment between two isotherms to the distance between them, measured along the normal.


    Heat flow- the amount of heat transferred per unit of time ( Q, W) across the entire surface.

    Vector grad t is considered positive if it is directed in the direction of increasing temperature, and the heat flux vector Q positive if it is directed towards lowering the temperature.

    If the heat flux is referred to a unit surface, then we get the heat flux density, W / m 2.

    The simplest database object for storing the values ​​of one parameter of a real object or process

    5. For visual display of relationships between tables in the database, use

    Condition on value

    Error message

    Data schema

    Default value

    Lookup list

    6. A record of a relational database table can contain

    Inhomogeneous information (data of different types)

    Exceptionally homogeneous information (only one type of data)

    Numeric information only

    Text only information

    7. The process of creating the structure of the database table includes

    Grouping of records by any criterion

    - determination of the list of fields, types and sizes of fields

    Determining the list of records and counting their number

    Linking to Already Created Database Tables

    8. According to the method of accessing data, databases are





    9. Establish the correct sequence for database design

    Description of the subject area

    Conceptual model development

    Development of an information-logical model

    Physical model development

    10. The real or imagined object, information about which must be stored in the database and be available, is called


    The essence

    By submission

    11. Databases that implement the network data model represent dependent data in the form

    Recordsets of relationships between them

    Record hierarchies

    Sets of tables

    Collections of charts

    12. The representation of the relational data model in the DBMS is implemented as


    Of tables


    13. Searching data in databases

    Determining data values ​​in the current record

    Procedure for highlighting data that uniquely identifies records

    The procedure for selecting from a set of records a subset whose records satisfy the given condition

    Procedure for defining database descriptors

    Software and programming technologies

    1. A variable is ...

    Description of actions to be performed by the program

    The ordinal number of the element in the array

    Completed minimal semantic expression in a programming language

    A service word in a programming language

    An area of ​​memory that stores some value

    2. Violation of the program recording form, detected during testing, leads to an error message







    3. One of the five main properties of the algorithm is






    4. To implement the logic of the algorithm and the program from the point of view of structured programming should not be used

    Sequential execution

    Repetitions (cycles)

    Unconditional Jumps


    5. The Java Virtual Machine is





    6. The set of operators performing a given action and independent of other parts of the program source code is called


    Section of the program


    The body of the program

    7. Data markup languages ​​are

    HTML and XML

    8. Implementation of loops in algorithms

    Reduces the amount of memory used by the program executing the algorithm and increases the length of records of identical sequences of commands

    Reduces the amount of memory used by the program executing the algorithm and reduces the number of records of the same sequence of commands

    Increases the amount of memory used by the program executing the algorithm and reduces the number of records of identical instruction sequences

    Does not decrease the amount of memory used by the program executing the algorithm, and does not increase the length of records of identical sequences of commands

    9. Of the listed

    2) Assembler

    5) Macro assembler

    are not considered high-level languages

    Only 5

    Only 1

    10. Scripting languages ​​are

    11. To describe the syntax of constructions in programming languages, ________________ grammars are used


    Context sensitive



    12. Cannot be consistent ________________ data presentation structure


    Hash addressing



    13. Routines are NOT common

    Complicating the understanding of the program

    Making the program easier to read

    Structuring the program

    Reducing the total program size

    14. The compiler analysis phase cannot contain stages


    Lexical analysis

    Semantic Analysis

    Generating intermediate code

    15. The description of a loop with a precondition is the following expression

    Execute the statement a specified number of times

    If the condition is true, execute the operator, otherwise stop

    Execute statement while condition is false

    - while the condition is true, execute the operator

    16. A method of recording programs that allows their direct execution on a computer is called

    Functional programming language

    Machine programming language

    Logical programming language

    Procedural programming language

    17. The sequential enumeration method is applicable

    Ordered and unordered data structures

    Unordered data structures only

    Social structure - closed or limited (they also say: countable) set. The number of substructures and the number of elements in it is limited. Social field - infinite uncountable set. It is created not by the number of elements, but by the number of relations and connections between them, and they are infinite. Moreover, this number is infinitely changing every second of time. II. Bourdieu explains: “As I pointed out ... the field is the relation of forces and the space of the struggle for the transformation of this aggregate of forces. In other words, there is competition in the field for the legitimate appropriation of what is the stake of the struggle in this field. naturally, constant competition for the appropriation of the public, as well as for the appropriation of what should attract the public, that is, the priority of information, for scoop, exclusives, as well as distinctive rarities, famous names, etc. ".

    The term "field" is understood by him as a relatively closed and autonomous system of social relations, ie. it is a kind of social subspace.

    Topos is a common place. In the Middle Ages, this term was used in the meaning of "the prototype of visible things." In modern mathematics, a topos is a space with variable topology. Topology in mathematics is the skill of objects that do not change when their shape is constantly twisted or stretched. Sizes and proportions make no sense in topology. A small oval is equal to a huge circle.

    The first models of the social field in Bourdieu were the intellectual, literary and religious fields. Later, other areas of social space were added to them - politics, economics, science, sports, family.

    Individual agents, groups of agents, classes and spheres of society (political, economic, religious, etc.), distinguished by certain properties, make up subfields in the social space. If these properties are considered not only as frozen characteristics, say, religion or level of education, but as some active properties, namely social actions and interactions, then the subfields turn into fields of force. The concepts of force and interaction, which include rivalry, "practical solidarity", exchange, direct contacts and other actions, transforms the theory from the category of substantial to the category of field theories.

    Field theory: History of the issue. Field theories are most fully represented by two sciences - physics and psychology. The concept of strength is based on the classical physics Newton. Faraday and Maxwell, having investigated the effects of the action of the forces of electricity and magnetism, introduced the concept of a force field and were the first to go beyond the limits of Newtonian physics. The state capable of generating strength was called field. The field creates each charge regardless of the presence of an opposite charge capable of experiencing its effect. This discovery significantly changed the concept of physical reality. Newton believed that forces are closely related to the bodies between which they act. Now the place of the concept of force was taken by the more complex concept of the field, correlated with certain natural phenomena and had no correspondence in the world of mechanics. The pinnacle of this theory, called electrodynamics, was the realization that light is nothing more than a variable electromagnetic field of high frequency moving in space in the form of waves. Today we know that radio waves, visible light waves, and X-rays are nothing more than oscillating electromagnetic fields, differing only in the frequency of oscillations. Einstein went even further, declaring that the ether does not exist, and that electromagnetic fields have their own physical nature, can move in empty space and do not belong to phenomena from the field of mechanics. Einstein's general theory of relativity argued that three-dimensional space is indeed curved iodine by the action of the gravitational field of bodies with a large mass. Quantum theory expanded our understanding of space. Quantum theory describes observable systems in terms of probabilities. This means that we can never say with precision where a subatomic particle will be at a certain moment and how this or that atomic process will take place. Experiments in recent decades have revealed the dynamic nature of the particle world. Any particle can be transformed into another; energy can be converted into particles, and vice versa. In this world, such concepts of classical physics as "elementary particle", "material substance" and "isolated object" are meaningless. The Universe is a mobile network of inseparably connected energy processes. A comprehensive theory for describing subatomic reality has not yet been found, but there are already several models that quite satisfactorily describe certain aspects of it.

    Field theory is also psychological direction, formed under the influence of the ideas of a German-American scientist Kurt Levin(1890-1947). Since 1933, having emigrated to the United States, he developed the concept of personality (based on the concept of a field borrowed from physics) as a unity of the personality and its environment. To build a model of the structure of the personality and its interactions with the environment, the language of topology, a section of geometry, in which the mutual arrangement of figures and the distance between their elements are investigated, was used. Since then, the zero theory of Levin and his followers has acquired a second name - topological, or vector, psychology. She argues that psychic energy is carried out of the personality to surrounding objects, which, by virtue of this, acquire a certain valence and begin to attract or repulse it, cause locomotion. When such behavior collides with insurmountable barriers, the transition of psychic energy to other personal systems associated with other activities occurs, and a replacement occurs. The integral structure of the human psyche appears as a personality, taken with its psychological environment, on the border between which there are perceptual and motor systems. At the heart of human behavior, Levin believed, is a force that has a direction and can be represented by a vector. The concept of a vector field used by K. Levin means a region, at each point P which is given a vector a (P). Many physical phenomena and processes lead to the concept of a vector field (for example, the velocity vectors of particles of a moving fluid at each moment of time form a vector field). Levin attached particular importance to cognitive power, which is restructured in the course of the implementation of behavior.

    Concept fields plays for P. Bourdieu no less role than the category of space. He interprets space as a field of forces, or rather as a set of objective relations of forces that are imposed on everyone who is part of it, and which are irreducible to the intentions of individual agents, as well as to their interaction. In other words, the concept of a social field is covered by the principle known from systems theory that the whole is not reducible to the sum of its parts.

    Indeed, the behavior of each of us is forcibly influenced by such forces as the power of money, traditions of the environment, the level and profile of education. We may not want their influence on us, but we cannot disobey them. They are objective in nature, and their configuration and vectors are formed somewhere above us and behind our back. The political system of society is beyond our control, we have almost no influence on it, our vote in elections is a microscopically insignificant value. Political parties, as well as large corporations, negotiate behind our back and create such a configuration of vectors of influence that is beneficial only to them, but which forces us to submit to this objective force.

    Based on the teachings of P. Bourdieu, modern sociologists distinguish the following properties of the social field (Table 14.1).

    P. Bourdieu's social field is a multidimensional space of positions, each of which is determined by a variety of variables depending on a particular type of capital (or their combination).

    Table 14.1

    Properties and features of the social field



    The holistic nature of the field

    Within the field, social interaction is much more intense than between fields. An integration property arises

    The multifactorial nature of the field

    The behavior of an individual is the result of the influence of a large number of factors. Many interacting factors give rise to the systemic quality of the field, which is not reducible to the sum of the influences of all factors and resembles an unpredictable play of forces

    Coercive nature of the field

    The social field has a forceful character, i.e. has a coercive force in relation to people who have fallen into it. An individual, regardless of personal tastes and needs, is forced to adapt to the requirements of his field

    Multiple nature of the field

    Each individual is simultaneously in several social fields. Different fields have different potential for impact on a person

    Resource nature of the field

    Field agents interact with each other and with representatives of another field with a force proportional to the amount of available funds, i.e. the amount of their power, economic, social or cultural capital

    The value character of zero

    Differentiated field character

    The fields are formed in different planes and intertwine in an unpredictable way. Zeros have different strengths, so their effect on individuals caught in them can vary greatly.

    Comparative nature of structure and field

    The basis for the emergence of the social structure is the social division of labor, the basis of the social field is the forceful interaction of agents

    The nature of the transitions in space and yole

    Social space is discrete, it is very easy to move from one topos to another. The social field is continuous, it has the power of attraction, it is very difficult to leave its borders

    The nature of the socialization potential of the field

    Social space creates conditions for the socialization of the individual. The social field forms the process of socialization of the individual. The field imposes on the individual its language, symbols, norms, way of interpreting events

    Social field- the historically forming interaction of social forces, which can be carried by individual agents, groups, organizations, resources, capitals, expressing themselves through the nature of the social relations developing between them (influence, domination, pressure, subordination, competition, etc.). Field agents interact according to certain rules, occupying a strictly allotted place in the social space.

    If we look closely at the definition of social field, we will notice its difference from the definition of social structure. It turns out that the social field contains elements that were not in the social structure, namely, apart from people and statuses, there are resources and capitals. In other words, the social field is more heterogeneous. It involves physical components.

    Field approach depicts social reality as a dynamic, internally interconnected, mobile whole.

    Each field has its own bid -"the imposition of a legitimate vision of the social world." This is especially true of the so-called experts, who in all disputes consider themselves to be right and dictate their opinion as the only correct one. Politicians consider themselves experts in public affairs and judge everything categorically, the elders believe that, having lived a long life, they have the right to advise the young on how to behave in a given situation. Scientists dominate the layman, the locals look arrogantly at the newcomers. "The stake in the discussion of two politicians attacking each other with numbers is to present their vision of the political world as justified: based on objectivity, since it has real referents, and rooted in social reality, since it is confirmed by those who take it personally and defends "

    Picture 2

    Field types

    Figure 1. Representation of information in the database

    Basic concepts

    Database fields

    The language of a modern DBMS

    The language of the modern DBMS includes subsets of commands that were previously related to the following specialized languages:

    Data Description Language is a high-level, non-procedural, declarative type language designed to describe a logical data structure.

    Data manipulation language is a command language of the DBMS that provides basic operations for working with data - input, modification and retrieval of data on request.

    Structured Query Language (SQL) - provides data manipulation and definition of a relational database schema, is a standard means of accessing a database server.

    Ensuring the integrity of the database is a prerequisite for the successful functioning of the database. The integrity of the database is a property of the database, which means that the database contains complete and consistent information necessary and sufficient for the correct functioning of applications. Security is achieved in the DBMS by encrypting application programs, data, password protection, and maintaining access levels to a separate table.

    Field- the smallest named item of information stored in the database and considered as a whole.

    The field can be represented by numbers, letters, or their combination (text). For example, in a telephone directory, the fields are surname and initials, address, phone number, i.e. three fields, all of which are text (a phone number is also considered some text).

    Recording- a set of fields corresponding to one object. Thus, a subscriber of the telephone network corresponds to a record consisting of three fields.

    File- a set of related records (i.e. relation, table). Thus, in the simple case, the database is a file.

    All data in the database is divided by type. All information of fields belonging to one column (domain) is of the same type. This approach allows the computer to organize the control of the input information.

    The main types of database fields:

    Symbolic (text). This field can store up to 256 characters by default.

    Numerical. Contains numerical data in various formats used for calculations.

    Date Time. Contains a date and time value.

    Monetary. Includes monetary values ​​and numerical data up to fifteen decimal places and four decimal places.

    Note field. It can contain up to 2 ^ 16 characters (2 ^ 16 = 65536).

    Counter. A special numeric field in which the DBMS assigns a unique number to each record.

    Logical. Can store one of two values: true or false.

    An OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object field. This field can contain any spreadsheet object, microsoft word document, picture, sound recording, or other binary data embedded in or associated with a DBMS.

    Substitution wizard. Creates a field that prompts you to select values ​​from a list or containing a set of constant values.

    Database fields do not just define the structure of the database - they also define the group properties of the data written to the cells belonging to each of the fields.

    The following are the main properties of the fields of database tables using the example of Microsoft Access DBMS:

    Field name- determines how the data of this field should be accessed during automatic operations with the base (by default, field names are used as headers of table columns).

    Field type- defines the type of data that can be contained in this field.

    Field size- defines the maximum length (in characters) of data that can be placed in this field.

    Field format- defines how the data in the cells belonging to the field is formatted.

    Input mask- defines the form in which data is entered into the field (data entry automation tool).

    Signature- defines the table column heading for this field (if the signature is not specified, then the Field name property is used as the column heading).

    Default value- the value that is entered into the cells of the field automatically (data entry automation tool).

    Condition on value- constraint used to check the correctness of data entry (an input automation tool that is used, as a rule, for data of a numeric type, currency type or date type).

    Error message- a text message that is displayed automatically when an attempt is made to enter erroneous data in the field (error checking is performed automatically if the Condition on value property is set).

    Required field- a property that determines the mandatory filling of this field when filling the database.

    Blank lines- a property that allows entering empty string data (it differs from the Required field property in that it does not apply to all data types, but only to some, for example, text).

    Indexed field- if a field has this property, all operations associated with searching or sorting records by the value stored in this field are significantly accelerated. In addition, for indexed fields, you can make sure that the values ​​in the records will be checked against this field for duplicates, which allows you to automatically exclude data duplication.

    Since different fields can contain data of different types, the properties of the fields may differ depending on the data type. So, for example, the list of the above field properties refers mainly to text-type fields. Fields of other types may or may not have these properties, but they can add their own to them. For example, for data representing real numbers, an important property is the number of decimal places. On the other hand, for fields used to store pictures, sounds, video clips, and other OLE objects, most of the above properties are meaningless.

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