
Taro White and Black Magic. The origin and power of the pagan tarot. The meaning of the senior arkanov

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating tarot black and white magic appeared thanks to the works of one American. The deck is filled with an extraordinary force that is capable and destroyed, and create. She quickly found for herself use in ordinary life.

Taro Black and White Magic - Powerful tool for answering important questions

Pagan Taro unites unique knowledge that the ancient pagans have accumulated over many centuries. Each of the cards in this deck has its own drawing. It concluded a special plot filled with deep meaning.

Taro White and Black Magic (Pagan Tarot) is recommended to be used for the purpose of self-knowledge and receiving answers to important questions.

The meaning of the senior arkanov

Senior Arcans, which can be seen in the gallery, which presents the whole deck, is rightfully considered the most important cards. They form various events and situations. You need to learn how to correctly understand them to make your own life a little better. Senior Arcana can work independently or in a group with other cards.

It is very important to correctly understand Taro White and Black Magic. Acquaintance with him is to start with senior arcanes that may have such interpretation:

  • 0 Jester (Il Matio). Magic arcan means a new movement to which should strive. A person has to trust what goes beyond his usual existence. All concerns that may occur at the same time will be false. So do not pay attention to them.
  • 1 Mag (Il Bagatto). Foreshadows the ability to change their own destiny. A person will learn to independently control all the events in which he is directly involved.
  • 2 Supreme Priestessa (La Papessa). The map says about the need to concentrate on its spiritual personality.
  • 3 Empress (L'Imperatrice). It is time for the implementation of long-time desires. During this period, it should be carefully and with love to relate to close people in order not to lose the accumulated positive energy.
  • 4 Emperor (L'Imperatore). The map advises to listen to his foreboding and act according to the rules and ethics. Only in this case, a person is waiting for personal and career growth.
  • 5 Hierophant (IL PAPA). No need to be afraid to ask for the highest forces to help in understanding the main truth.
  • 6 Lovers (Gli Amanti). The map foreshadows a difficult choice that needs to be done. The correct decision will certainly tell intuition.
  • 7 Chariot (IL Carro). Arcan predicts the end of the negative event and the beginning of a completely new period, which will bring with it a powerful flow of positive energy.
  • 8 Strength (La Forza). The map advises a person to start exercise his will and inner power. Only so he will be able to get out of the difficult situation.
  • 9 Hermit (L'Eremita). It is necessary to find a quiet place, where a person has the opportunity to relax in the soul and body, as well as hear the inner voice, which will give a lot of useful tips.

Stars - the ability to see your own destiny

On this acquaintance with the older arcans does not end. You need to know the meaning and other equally important cards that are able to predict the future:

  • 10 Wheel (La Ruota). The map foreshadows the appearance of new perspectives in the life, for which it is worth grabing. They will help find the right path.
  • 11 Justice (La Ciustizia). A person should not immediately try to do something to correct the unpleasant situation. It is better to temporarily go to the side of the observer to be able to see the real picture of what is happening.
  • 12 hanged (l'appeso). The map warns about the impossibility of achieving the goal due to previously performed errors.
  • 13 Death (La Morte). Arkan advises something to change in his life, discover himself for new undertakings. But before this will have to endure a painful refusal of old habits.
  • 14 Moderation (La Temperanza). It is necessary to learn to abide by the rhythm of the movement of energy in the stream of life. It should be seen to the fateful signs that surround a person everywhere.
  • 15 Devil (La Diavolo). No need to sacrifice personal interests for the sake of obtaining the approval of another person. Haipe from this exactly no one will become.
  • 16 Tower (La Torre). The map means the need to abandon pressure from human instincts. Otherwise, person will not be able to avoid the influence of negative habits.
  • 17 stars (Le Stelle). A person will be able to see his own destiny. It will be given the opportunity to easily achieve a cherished goal. And he will leave his depleting sense of loneliness for a long time.
  • 18 Moon (La Luna). The map warns about the illusions that are able to push a person from the right path. He must learn to distinguish reality from fantasy to successfully bring his job to the end.
  • 19 Sun (Il Sole). A person will have to meet with serious obstacles. But he can easily get around them, since it will be accompanied by luck at such moments.

Complete the study of older arcanes two important cards, namely:

  • 20 Court (IL CIUDIZIO). The map foreshadows the reward for all previously done works. And only from actions and actions of a person depends, it will be good or bad.
  • 21 World (Il Mondo). A person will be able to feel its significance and integrity with the world around him.

Justice - a person is not worth taking hasty decisions

The meaning of the younger Arcanes

The pagan tarot would not be complete without younger arcanes. These cards are present in the gallery in which the whole deck is presented. Younger Arcans are well suited for solving household problems, health-related issues. It is possible to understand that he wants to say a gadget Taro, only after studying the meaning of his cards.

Tarot's masses correspond to the four elements, namely water, land, air and fire.

Pentacles personify themselves earthly energy. It manifests itself through the material side of life. For example, through household activities or nature.

Swords belong to air energy. The cards on which this suit is applied to have an impact on intellectual and mental aspects, culture and education. Wands are fiery energy. They are correlated with the spirituality of man, its capabilities and abilities. Bowls symbolized water energy. It affects the emotional world of people, affects their personal growth.

Younger arcans are divided into two large sections. The first is the numeric cards. They have the following meaning:

  • Ace. The map personifies something new, which will certainly enter the life of a person and will force him to start a useful case, take on a number of commitments. He will be ready to commit an unexpected action, avoiding extra doubts about the correctness of the decision taken.
  • Two. Map means a peace. She helps a person to find harmony in life, find his purpose.
  • Troika. In the life of a person comes the end of the old stage. Following this, he is waiting for something new. He will be able to abandon the past without much difficulties, as it is entitled to the possibilities of the future.
  • Four. Arkan advises to start active actions. It is now that a person has the necessary support, on which he will be able to build a successful business. In his life, there will be stability over the near future.
  • Five. The problems that man worried so long will finally end. The whole negative will remain in the past. Hope will be gained, which will push new accomplishments and victories.
  • Six. It's time to free yourself from the oppression of old things and events. If something has ceased to satisfy a person, then he is time to get rid of him. In return, he gained something more valuable and necessary. And it will not hurt to forget all the insults and get rid of negative emotions that deplete spiritual strength and energy.
  • Seven. One of the most positive cards, the fallout of which promises good luck. The person is waiting for an interesting undertaking. And it will certainly lead to success. If there is such a desire, then you can call for the highest forces so that they will help to quickly implement a cherished dream. But in this case, even faith in itself will be plenty.
  • Eight. This card means overcoming anything. No difficulties and obstacles are able to break the spirit of a person who stubbornly follows the cherished goal. If he continues to move in the right direction, then in the near future it will be only successful. And the card indicates good relationships with loved ones.
  • Nine. The map marks several cycles that came to their logical conclusion. Ahead of man awaits joys in a new life stage. If he starts to move towards his fate, then in the end will be able to defeat his own demons, which constantly pull him into the abyss. But before this, several important life lessons presented in various situations should be mastered.
  • Ten. Arcan indicates mandatory summing up. A person will have to rethink perfect a few, to find out if he achieved success. During this period, it is very important to analyze the experience gained and make a number of conclusions that will affect future. If a person is displeased with the result of his actions, he should begin to correct the mistakes admitted during the development of life lessons. Only after that, harmony and calm appear in his soul.

Two symbolizes harmony

The most interesting in the deck are courtyard maps. They are also called persons. They exactly transmit Taro energy and reflect the current stage of its development. The courtyards must be interpreted in this way:

  • Elemental (Elementale). This card is a pristine energy form. It has the capabilities of the elements to which belongs. Arcan himself means unlimited inspiration and creating something new. Loss of the card foreshadows the first step towards the implementation of the conceived.
  • Newbie (novizio). Arkana has a different name - neophyte. It is an alternative to the knight in the traditional Taro deck. The novice indicates the area in which a person can show its energy. It is able to freely navigate the actions and work on achieving previously scheduled goals. The person will be fully concentrated in practice, which he fascinated him so much. But he will not lose sight of other events from their lives that are currently less important to him.
  • Initiated (INIZIATO). Arkan is also called dedicated. It falls out in the layout per person who by then it was already possible to achieve something substantial and important. But to stop at this stage a personal growth is not worth it. It is necessary to continue to move, no matter how difficult. In fact, a few more important events are waiting for a person, with whom he is obliged to face. If he is enough forces and continually work hard, he will soon be awaited by a well-deserved award. And the person will forget what laziness is, thanks to which the new victories can achieve.
  • Senior (Anziano). The second name Arkana is Pastof. He points to a person who has already managed to realize most of the opportunities provided. He managed to do this without much difficulty. A person can continue to follow forward. But for this, it is necessary for him to hand over part of the accumulated knowledge and the experience of one who is just beginning to be implemented in life. If a person does not teach another, then miss his chance to get a new force that will fill his body and the soul of positive energy.

To correctly understand what information wants to convey to the gadget of the pagan tarot, it is not enough to simply memorize the basic values \u200b\u200bof his cards. After all, in different scenaries, they have a different meaning.

The owner of the deck should have a special connection with it. To do this, it is necessary to conduct secluded meditations with cards. And it is also worth trying to associate emotions that arise when looking at one or another Arkan, with the events to which he may indicate. All this will allow you to get the most accurate answer to the question set during the laying of Tarot.

The pagan tarot is an esoteric and occult subject, on the work of which the creators ran the work of the Witch from America. This gallery does not just have the second name-tarot of black and white magic, and all because it contains religious and witchcraft teachings, the worldview of different nations and continents, spiritual superstitions, secret and obvious beliefs and, of course, ritual practices.

Pagan Tarot - Occult and Esoteric Item

All that the years were accumulated and growing up, which was scattered around the world, all particles of the creators joined together, in one heel of unusual and mysterious cards.


The pagan tarot, unlike other fortune-melting decks, is not as bright, it does not contain the motley and clearly drawn lines, but these cards make in themselves a great strength, magical meaning, spiritualism and philosophy, superfront and ultra-industrial knowledge of being. They help to configure the relationship between the world of tanging and the world of otherworldly substances that are not amenable to logical explanation.

Legends go that this is not a simple deck of cards, as it may seem at first glance. Taking it once in the hands, you will become the Lord of your destiny, you can foresee significant events, take control of your life. These cards will teach you to apply esoteric knowledge in real life.

Technical specifications

The pagan tarot resembles Taro Wait with its traditional arcane location. The main acting face of the whole deck, and especially superior caste, is a mystical girl. The card gallery consists of an even number 78, like any magic deck, of which:

  • 22 cards are given to the senior arkanam - this is the dominant caste, she keeps the whole deck in his submission: these cards reflect the depth of the soul, the state of the fortune
  • 56 cards are allocated to junior arcans - workhorses, they give the definition of each new day, a new surge of emotions: they are subject to senior arkanam, but also in their separate group are also susceptible to the hierarchical staircase.

Junior arcanes are divided into 4 groups, according to the combining thread. In each of them 14 cards:

  • brotherhood of Cups;
  • brotherhood of pentacles;
  • guild Guilds;
  • league Swords.

The map of the younger Arcanes Taro White and Black Magic (Pagan Tarot) differ from the rooted values \u200b\u200bof the traditional fortuneral deck:

  • instead of a group here you will get acquainted with an elemental;
  • all the loved knight will be a newcomer;
  • The queen will go into the rank of dedicated;
  • well, and the king will replace the elder.

Pagan Taro carries a strong and powerful energy

And all this is not just like that! Tarot contains a strong, powerful energy and cards change their name according to esoteric visions. Thanks to this, the younger castes are much more accurately characterized by the energy of their cards.

Superior Arkana

Senior Arkana give a characteristic of the most characteristic human life processes, project phenomena and circumstances, read emotions, give advice according to the sensual components of the inner world, urge to curb or spill up the energy in order to put the flow of life in the right direction.

  • The jester - the card encourages to trust his inner intuition, not to think narrowly, expand the boundaries of its world, leave the "sink" and move to the heights.
  • Mag - This card falls when changes are urgently needed in your life. You need to become more decisive, take the brazers of the board in their hands. Supreme Priestess - Try to disconnect from external stimuli, concentrate on your inner world.
  • The Empress - you, like a magic wand, in the form of positive wishes you have the opportunity to create for yourself and your close paradise state. The emperor is like a father who protects his fate, the patron saint of his desires, you will seek goals. The main thing is to act, as suggests conscience and heart.
  • The hierophant - falls at the most important point, hints that he now has arrived when it is necessary to insist on his own, not to be fed under circumstances. You will have enough strength for everything. Lovers - you were on dissolve, only intuition would be able to tell what way to move on. Establish clear goals.
  • Chariot - Change Cycle. If you have stood some obstacles, now it's time to leave them in the past and move in a new direction. Strength - courage, courage, endurance are the main items of force. You must trust the world, do not go across, but feel and change with him.
  • Hermit - symbolizes privacy. You are confused, so the card suggests that it is time to stop, leave the ordinary in awareness of yourself. The wheel is a part of life that you would like to change, the wheel gives you a chance. You will be able to start something for a long time not dared. Justice - to pay for old accounts. Karma will overtake everyone, so do not do nonsense, do not judge people from a worldly point of view, guided by the highest.
  • Having excreted - the call of energy that will help change what prevents go ahead. You need to break the chain that keeps you in place. Death is a map of rebirth. Do not be afraid to leave everything that many years have been saved, you will be waiting ahead more, new lifeNew happiness. Moderation - Do not try to be in two places at the same time. Stay on more important, watch out signs, which gives fate, concentrate all the energy on something else, do not listen to others.
  • Devil - look at yourself, do not live in the detriment of your desires and emotions. The devil tempts, suppresses personal desires in order to like society. Break stereotypes, live in what is important for you. Tower - greed, lust, malice, put on too enslaved you. It's time to reset the shackles, otherwise these emotions pull you into the abyss. Stars are the road with pointers, which you have to go. You are waiting for fateful decisions, on this path you will not be left without the help of loved ones.
  • The moon - pay all that is hidden from the eyes. It is enough to live illusions, go to the real world. Fantasies should remain in the shadows, they will never be able to come true. The sun is an inner spirituality, butterfly in the stomach asks outside. Open the door to them, allow fears to retreat. Belief in itself and their strength will help overcome everything and restore balance.
  • The court is all that you did before, karma will overtake you. It's time to reap the fruits of your acts, not all of the time you fight, it's time to take a reward. Mir - You are part of the world, everything exists according to one laws, intertwining fate and dreams. Everything works as one mechanism, and you are in it an integral particle.

Junior arcans. Wands

Junior Arcans, as in the rest of the tarot, predict ordinary situations, point to everyday problems, help solve household daily tasks.

It is not necessary to treat them dismissively, because the brick and there is a whole life, everything that happens every day, directly has an impact on our inner state and feeling.

Ace of Wands - a symbol of what such a desirable will surely come true

  • Ace - personifies powerful energy and effort to embody the conceived. You are waiting for new accomplishments that you on the shoulder, everything that will be scheduled for this day will come true at the best.
  • Two - Open the new one, take someone else's ways of life. Look for new relationships, change jobs or leave the shadow in the existing one. Trust Fresh Ideas. Troika - she calls to look for ways to exit stagnation. Do not hold dreams in your head, start acting, implement material benefits, strive to meet love. Four - you expect a fateful event, even a wedding. Collect all your friends on this holiday of life. You will achieve your deserved, harmony is torn to your destiny. Five - Map suggests that it is worth stopping and resting to look at the current situation, and then you will understand who puts you stick into the wheels.
  • Six - personifies the long-awaited success, which will end all the undertakings. You can offer a tempting deal that will bring income, or the offer to get married. Seven - marks complexity, but of your strength and skill is enough to cope with them. The main thing remains unshakable, in a difficult situation you will come to the rescue.
  • G8 - the past knocks on the door, be prepared to be responsible for the previously deed. It can be dividends from deposits or will punish you, for the fact that "the road has passed." Nine - But now you will be overtaken by unplanned material losses - small breakdowns, illness, rates are not on the command. Post off the poor things for tomorrow. Dozen - you have taken over too heavy burden, and the quality of life suffers from it. A lot of work, many fans that are hard to carry, and throw out a pity.
  • Elemental - this card personifies a person like Salamandra, it indicates the flamingness of passions and high ambitions.
  • Newbie - a card states that your emotions are tormented outside, it is worth learn to manage them. Credit the dust so that you do not have to answer for the deed. It's time to relax.
  • Dedicated - potential and energy will find their use. Paranormal abilities will open in you, you can become an example for someone.
  • The elder is a king by calling, and not for its intended purpose. Power loves those who know how to use it, try not to give in to the cult of personality.

Cups - what do they mean

  • Ace - a new feeling burst into your life. Happiness, wealth, joy, at work you will find a lot of privileges. Wait for changes, a new sense of love is in a hurry.
  • Two - the map encourages himself with all the shortcomings. Opponents may appear at work, in love you will remove from your beloved. Moving is possible.
  • Troika - Hold the time to your friends, support them in a difficult moment, and they will answer the same. Meeting of old beloved, sharing, business plans.
  • Four is insecurity, discontent with what you have. Dreams of something unreal. Do not closure to yourself, strive to embody dreams.
  • Five - troubles and misfortunes will soon end, the main thing is not to lose heart and try to stand out. You will receive a proposal of hands and hearts.
  • Six - the past and present are faced in this map. It's time to release everything that does not suit you. Spend time with your family, pamper their favorite trifles.
  • Seven - a happy number, it marks a success in all endeavors. Strive for the awareness of happiness, rejoice at each step on the way to goal, do not expect true bliss only at the end.
  • Eight - hesitates a sense of confidence in everything you do. Keep firmly and stubbornly, you will achieve everything that planned. You will throw out everything old and unnecessary, rupture sluggish relationships.
  • Nine - Of the three possible solutions, it is important to choose one thing, and no matter how difficult it is, it is not necessary to decide otherwise your strength is not enough to start all over again. Map promises many workers.
  • Dozen - a great period in everything: in the family, in work, in personal life. The map advises to accommodate insane suggestions, unite into creative unions.
  • Elemental - Water Spirit, Undin, a fabulous mermaid, lubricating trails, symbolizes a person who knows new sensations, emotions, experiences.
  • Newbie - Map suggests that you clearly know what you want, do not devoid of dreaminess, working to achieve your goals. Good luck will not leave you.
  • Dedicated - you are ready to help a woman who can help embody your dreams into reality. The card symbolizes respect, care, the desire to understand and support.
  • Senior - Now you will have a wise, a powerful woman who wants to tell you his knowledge and skills. Try to behave confronted and respectful.

Pentacles and their meanings

Ace marks the upcoming difficulties, it is necessary to keep the ear in acute, you will be waiting for a decisive step towards reconciliation. Try to conclude a truce with opponents. Two - You will find yourself before an alternative to the choice and to make the right decision, you need to concentrate on the purpose, throwing third-party prompts. Expect hit by side.

If the triple falls out - an unpleasant map, it promises negative in everything, starting with the loss of the workplace, the sorry in the family, loss of business and ending with the betrayal of a loved one.

Four Swords - a map saying about the presence of a problem that needs to be solved

Four - there was a problem, but not to escape from it, you need to concentrate all your knowledge to solve it. Try to now not trust anyone.

Five - just together you can win. Your friend and you ended up in a difficult situation, it is necessary to combine efforts and defend against the offensive actions of enemies. Six - the past and present in this map come into contact and you need to escape the mump of trouble to best Life. Take all the most valuable and move.

Seven - when it seems that there is no way out, the saving beacon will appear on the horizon. This card proves that magic exists and sometimes happiness falls like snow on the head. Other cards also have their meaning.

  • The eight - you prete, like a tank, no one shakes your confidence in winning the future. Continue to go to the goal when it is difficult - you will be helped by loved ones.
  • Nine - hints at what the inner fears drive you. The constant state of stress and depression, waiting for a trick. It is necessary to understand what moves them.
  • The top ten - it's time to look at the fear of the eyes, cope with trouble. Breaking relationships, disassembly with offenders.
  • Elemental - in the picture shows Sylphide, spirit in the form of a woman, personifying the element of the air. She talks about a man creative, intellectually developed.
  • Newbie - You are not detained by any obstacles, but in order not to block firewood, try to comprehend and plan your actions.
  • Dedicated - you walked so long and got to the peak, but it is only half of the way, most of the way is still ahead, but you go in the right direction.
  • The eldest is a gray-haired man, an old man who becomes an ideal for you, to whom you will navigate, he will give you the right advice.

It is safe to say that the pagan tarot is not simple, and it will be able to understand it only to those who feel sacred in forces who are not reasonable to the supernatural, and feels this thin line between the reality and the world of spirits.

Tarot White and Black Magic (Pagan Tarot) is an occult deck, which is based on the work of the American "Witch".

Taro White and Black Magic is an incredibly deep deck, although it does not differ in bird paints and bright drawing characters. The peculiarity of these cards is that they have an extraordinary force, magical signs, which give the deeline of the mysterious occult depth. The author of Gina M. Pace and the artists of Luca Raymondo and Christiano dropped did an incredible job. They tried to collect together the culture, time and the location of the worldview, the teachings and the spiritual experience of different cultures and peoples of the world. After all, the beginning of the magic is one, and its absolutely different sources consistently converge in one truth. Hence the idea to systematize all the material into one universal medium of information, which would not only be able to perform prediction or magic functions, but also would be an excellent tool for self-knowledge and meditation. We always have a desire to feel a connection with other spaces and worlds. And Taro White and Black Magia just gives us this opportunity.

Structure of decks

Let us turn to the structure of the deck. Taro White and Black Magic (Pagan Tarot) adheres to the traditional hierarchy of Arkanov Tarot Wait. Maps are distributed to 22 senior and 56 younger arcanes. Arkana Strength and justice are located under 8 and 11 by the number respectively. The younger arcans are illustrated and have four masters: rods, bowls, swords and pentacles. The courtyard maps in Taro White and Black Magic have a slightly different hierarchy. They are changed according to the occult system and are designated as: elemental, newcomer, initiated, elder. Actually, thanks to these changes, the courtyard card is much more accurately transmitted to the energy characteristic of this or another arcana. Thus, the map transmits a certain level of energy development. For example, elemental bowls in Taro White and Black Magic symbolizes Undines or a person experiencing new emotions, sensations, feelings. Elemental wands symbolizes salamander or man with fiery passions and high ambitions. Elemental swords represents a sylph - a person with great intellectual potential, artistic and mental abilities. Finally, in Taro White and Black Magic, the value of elemental pentacles - a dwarf, a person with a deep, strong connection with natural nature, earth and animals. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe senior arcanes in Taro White and Black Magic is that arkans are energies that affect the main processes in life, and also form events and situations in it. These are the energies that each person must learn to manage in order to change their life for the better. The idea of \u200b\u200bjunior arcanes in Taro White and Black Magic is to apply them to ordinary everyday situations, so to speak, to solve household issues. After all, the latter are no less important in life. The home situation significantly affects the degree of human spiritual growth.

Purpose and meaning of the deck

Speaking about Taro White and Black Magic, it can be said that this deck provides an opportunity to become truly free and at the same time - to have the foreseen of important events, manage its own life as a whole. It connects together and, at the same time, conducts a clear line between white and black, between the creation and destruction. Taro White and Black Magic is perfectly combined with both ancient traditions and knowledge and a variety modern Mira. The deck is created for foresight, control the situation and practical application occult knowledge in real life. Therefore, Taro White and Black Magic will answer both questions related to domestic, everyday problems and the questions of the multidimensionality of the space and everything that has not yet been denied by this world. Taro White and Black Magic Layouts are mainly standard. Honestly, Taro White and Black Magic - a deck is not from the lungs. Therefore, she will not suit any newcomer. But I can say with confidence that those who will understand how to guess on Taro White and Black Magic, the rest of the decks will be made enough enough. So, to study these cards, it is not necessary to be initiated or elder from magicians - it is enough to have faith in a supernatural and feel the relationship with the universe, with its cosmic energy.

Online fortune telling on Taro White and Black Magic

Taro White and Black Magic or Pagan Taro is a predictive system created by the work of the American "Witch". The peculiarity of the pagan tarot of white and black magic is that this deck has an incredible occult strength and depth. The pagan tarot is very convenient for divination for a wide variety of questions, - on Taro White and Black Magic, you can guess for love, relationships, work, finance, situation, future and fate. This deck surprises the striking precision predictions. The pagan tarot is also interested in the fact that the plot of each Arcana Tarot is part of the "travel", a separate witch's life period, which is the main character of this deck

The divination on the pagan tarot of white and black magic is a meeting of love. With this fortune telling, you will learn whether the meeting of your loved one will be held how the relationship will be developed that it will be for a person, its emotionality, intellect, material and spiritual potential, and also learn what you need to change in yourself, to quickly meet your love

Fortune telling on the pagan tarot of white and black magic - family budget. With this fortune telling, you will find out what your financial situation is really in fact whether it is worth it to limit yourself how much you can make money, as well as dispose of them, whether they can postpone them, and also - what will be your financial situation in a riddled time

Fortune telling on the pagan tarot of white and black magic - from the first mouth. This alignment will help figure out the existing problem, find out what is hidden from you, what potential you have not yet used in solving the problem, what do you think and what you get in the end

Divination on the pagan tarot of white and black magic - rhombus. This alignment will show the strengths and weaknesses of your personality, favorable opportunities in the upcoming period, possible dangers, how circumstances will be formed in a reasonable period, how the relationship with the surround will develop, which will be the result of your efforts, and what will be the total result of the mandated period

Fortune telling on the pagan tarot of white and black magic - a deed. This alignment shows the essence of the act, the external reason for his commit, the true motives of the act, which was the stimulus that you wanted to get as a result of this act and what you really get, as well as the events developed in the event of an alternative option

Fortune telling on the pagan tarot of white and black magic - chatter. With the help of this divination, you can understand whether the information was correctly received than it is actually an assumption, gossip or exaggeration, for what purpose you reported this information and how to proceed.

Translation Collaboration - Unword

Fortune telling on the pagan tarot - Shahryzada fairy tales. This alignment will show you the main atmosphere of the month, which positive and negative events can occur during the month, how events in the field of love, work, finance will be, what your emotional state will be, as well as - the results of the month

Fortune telling on the pagan tarot of white and black magic - the division of the day. This fortune telling will show what role you play today, what are the tasks of the day for you, the possible acquisitions and loss of the day, surprise, and the total of the day - what will he bring you

Divination on the pagan tarot - healing and improvement of relations. With the help of this divination you will learn what the chosses are problematic behaviors in relationships, what you are afraid of how you are soldered from love, from what you need to abandon that the relationship has improved, as well as - how you can heal the relationship

Fortune telling on the pagan tarot of white and black magic - family photography. This fortune telling is well suited for analysis. family relationships; With this scenario, you will learn how the situation is in your family at the moment, which tells your mind, which says your heart, and also - the prospect of relations in the family in the future

Fortune telling on the pagan tarot - summer campaign. With this divination, you will learn that you will bring you a summer period; What are your hopes, plans and dreams, to whom you can rely in the summer, what difficulties you have to overcome, as well as - results or results of summer

Fortune telling on Taro White and Black Magic - a conflict situation. This fortune telling will help you deal with the reasons for the occurrence of a conflict situation; With this divination you will learn what you do not as you and your partner need to interact to settle conflict

Fortune telling on the pagan tarot of white and black magic - the house of love. This interesting alignment can be applied to analyze existing relationships. With this divination you will learn what relationship is being built on how sincere your feelings, what to do to improve relationships.

Fortune telling on the pagan tarot - the feather of the fiery rooster. This fortune telling is used to predict events per year. With this scenario, you will find out that you are waiting for you in love, marriage, relationships, work of finances, health, family, etc. This fortune telling will also show that it will go forever, that you can get this year and with what you will enter the next year.

Divination on the pagan tarot - spring fairy tales. This divination shows the main trends in spring, hopes and prospects that are carrying the spring months. With this divination you will learn what will dominate from the course of spring, what should be expected to be avoided what to hope

Fortune telling on the pagan tarot - thought, word, business. This fortune-telling can be used to despite any questions, including love and relationships. With this fortune telling you will learn what you can do to solve the exciting situation

Dusting on the pagan tarot of white and black magic - the outcome of the situation. This simple alignment consisting of three cards will show this state of affairs in an exciting situation, the near future, as well as the result - what will happen in the future

Fortune telling on the pagan tarot of white and black magic is a golden key. With this divination, you can find answers to the exciting questions, understand how the situation or the problem you should decide how effective your methods are that you need to take to implement the conceived, as well as what will result.

Dusting on the pagan tarot of white and black magic - does he remember about me? This fortune telling will help you learn if your favorite person remembers what his memories are, what are their character, whether he wants to resume communication, what is the cause of his inaction, and also - how he reacts if you first show the initiative and leave him Communication

Divorcing on the pagan tarot of white and black magic - will he return? This alignment is designed to situations where there was parting with a beloved person, he left, but the feelings left for him. With the help of this divination, you will learn what a loved one thinks about the causes of parting, whether he wants to return which external circumstances hinder his return, and you will get an answer to the question: does he return? What are the prospects for your relationship in the future


Taro White and Black Magic, which we will talk about with you today, can rightfully be called modern, but at the same time a very wise dealer based on the ancient esoteric postulates and the preservation of pagan traditions. This is an excellent tool not only for divination, but also for self-knowledge, meditation, magic. The second name of the deck is the pagan Taro. It seems to me that more accurately characterizes the main orientation of these cards. But let's all in order.

History of creation deck

For the first time, this novelty appeared on the shelves of esoteric stores in 2002. For sixteen years from the moment of the first issue, it was reprinted four more times - both in the usual and mini-format. The author of the idea is Gina M. Pace, artists who worked on the creation of illustrations of Taro White and Black Magic - Luca Raymondo, Christian Dowdoni. Personally, I want to call this deck with a journey of one young modern witch in search of myself and its destination. An important promise that these cards carry: to be a witch - does not mean driving on the balcony of frogs and live away from civilization in the swamp, because it is quite possible to let the magic in your daily life. I have such an idea very close.

Key features of the deck

In many reviews they write that these cards are made in the tradition of Wait, but I would not say that. Still, Vikanism and Wate are a few different things, isn't it? And to search in purely pagan plots, the echoes of acquaintances on his deck of situations, as it seems to me, is not worth it. The pagan tarot of black and white magic - still a deck is unique. It is replete with magical symbols, beautiful natural landscapes, which is paying much attention to the Wiccan tradition, plot scenes showing the steps of the spiritual search of the heroine.

Senior Arcana Decks retain their names, suit - also, but the courtiers - have undergone a number of changes. Instead of ordinary packages, knights, Korolev, kings we see here natural spirits and three degrees of magical initiation, which can be compared with the identity self-knowledge process: first there is a faceless elemental - the spirit of the elements, behind him, magazine, which over time turns into the initiated, and Then - in the older or master. Very unusual, but the logical, competent approach to curly cards.

Symbolism decks

Even one by one name can be guessing that the deck is focused on magic and, of course, on the magic of the Wiccan. On the illustrations of Taro White and Black Magic cards, you will find pagan symbols, ritual items and actions. But in fact, all arcanes can be combined into one sense row - this is the spiritual path of the young modern witch. She learns to harmoniously combine ordinary, daily life with magical practice. Does this get it? Sometimes - yes, sometimes - not very, but even performed mistakes turn around for our heroine useful experience. On the one hand, she is an ordinary girl who goes shopping, meets friends, communicates with his family, puts order in the house, but on the other - it always finds time for meditation, magical rituals, meetings with their associates on the pagan tradition. There are different people on her ways: good and not very, inspiring and causing rejection, but all this only contributes to the search for their true "I".

Senior Arkana

Traveling along Taro White and Black Magic is starting with senior arkanov. On Arcana, the fool we see the very beginning of the path of our charming heroine. She goes like a touch on the Milky Way emitting under his feet. In this journey it is accompanied by the faithful, reliable assistant is a white cat, which is capable of seeing in the dark and prevent her hostess about possible danger. Around the heroine is still a solid darkness - she has not yet opened her true destination. She is at the very beginning of his amazing journey, which will bring both joyful discoveries and disappointments, but its thoughts and sincere clothing (white clothing).

Interest in the interpretation of Arkan loved. Here is the classic selection situation: what path will our heroine choose: the house, family, ordinary life or will it follow by their like-minded people on spiritual views? To make a decision to the girl clearly will be very difficult.

Hermit Shows us time for self-development. Our young witch was postponed by books on magic, something enthusiastically studied, analyzes, writes. The main idea of \u200b\u200bArkana - loneliness is not given to be sad, but to engage in important cases of the spiritual plan.

At Arkana, the hanged young witch prepares her comrades to the rite of initiation, initiation. The knitted hands, the bandage in the eyes, bare feet - all this suggests that choosing the path of spiritual development, a person must abandon excessive concentration on ordinary, worldly, material affairs. It can be said that this card in Taro White and Black Magic seems to be a continuation of hermit.

I also want to note the Arkan Court on which our heroine is present at the hypnotherapy session, with the help of which studies its past lives. This is a very deep card, which was most likely to be called karma.

You can talk about the form of each card infinitely, but I think that if you wish, you will do it yourself. And we go to the younger arkanam.

Junior Arkana

The image of all younger arcanes Taro White and Black Magic is very deep, so we can say that numeric maps carry in this deck at all is not a supporting role, as often happens. At the top five, the young witch stands in the queue to receive unemployment benefits. A very important idea is shown here: Can you choose your own spirituality in the face of material deprivation? I think our witch is thinking about what is actually more important: to hide their true motives, pretend to be a common person, get a job and live a common life, or continue to devote the time of magic instead of hiding behind the mask of a simple person? Would it give her a guide if they found out that she practices pagan rituals instead of working hard as other people?

The eight of the chash also shows us an interesting situation. Judging by the setting, a tack of backpack and a spelling in the courtyard, the time for our heroine approached the road. She has already learned what he could, on his own, and now the moment has come when they need to continue spiritual searches elsewhere. Is it scary to leave what is expensive? Will this decision be wrong? What new ways in front of it will soon open?

On the twice wands of Taro White and Black Magic, the heroine has already reached uncharted places. Her path was long and difficult, and now it overlooks the surroundings. Behind it - the rod, which was used for old rituals, and in hand - another. He shines, symbolizing the beginning of a new way. Is a girl to give up an old image of action, thinking and try a new approach?

It is interesting to feed dozens of swords. Swimming on the floor symbolize problems or situations that the girl needed to solve. She had enough strength to deal with the difficulties standing on the way (reversible swords). All that was unnecessary - she managed to throw out (swords in the trash can). Now she knows how to control his life and will not obey someone else's will. The last numerical map of the deck says that the young witch passed its way and came to the right goal.

Court cards

As I said, court cards in Taro White and Black Magic are represented by the author's vision. Puffs are elemental, clean spirits of elements. Spirit of fire - Salamander, Water - Undina, Air - Sylphide, Earth - Gnome.

Knights, Queen, Kings are three degrees of the spiritual development of the magician. Here, in principle, especially nothing to add. Just look at how the student develops to the master on the example of the way of water. The novice girl is full of high aspirations and strong, but not yet realized feelings, after the initiation, she is already an adult woman who understands his feelings, able to help others, but becoming a master, it seems emotionally deserted, but it is not like this: she just learned to keep her Emotions under control, not show them.

Features of interpretation of cards

The values \u200b\u200bof the Taro black and white magic cards can well withdraw intuitively. The drawings are pretty simple and very speaking, and those who at least know something about the Wiccan traditions, illustrations at all should not cause questions. I personally do not see these cards, but you may be able to find your own interpretation for them.

To consider what questions fits the deck?

The deck can be safely attributed to the category of universal. It also makes it perfectly suitable for analyzing the path of its own spiritual development, meditation, studying of the Wiccan traditions. Detailed plots will reveal the amazing world of true harmony with himself and the forces of nature.

Who will suit the card data?

  • Tarologists who adhere to pagan traditions
  • Newcomers looking for a simple to understand a deck with "unresolved" plots
  • Magic Card Collectors
  • Those who are interested in the spiritual side of life and deals with self-development

According to this deck, the author's book of Gina M. Pace translated into Russian. It is called "Taro White and Black Magic". There is another manual from Russian Tarologists Alexei Lobanova and Tatiana Borodina - "Pagan Tarot", in which the authors show their gaze on these wonderful cards. I also recommend to visit Internet forums dedicated to the development of the decks practicing plate - from them, too, you can learn a lot useful informationAnd also learn how you see the values \u200b\u200bof your colleagues.

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