
Occult knowledge and experiments of Joseph Stalin. Mystic Moskovsky Highway: What did Stalin think? Stalin and Gurdjieff

Two great mysticism? Gurdjieff and Stalin

Stalin and Gurdjieff knew each other well. According to some information, they studied at the same time in the Tiflis Orthodox Seminary. Although I doubt this: Gurdjieff by that time he had already received such colossal spiritual knowledge that the seminary would not give him anything ... But it's completely exactly that they lived on the same apartment in Tiflis. And since both were exceptional personalities, then the influence of each other was noticeable. Subsequently, being in emigration, Gurdjieff has once mentioned the injury that he received in his youth in the Transcaucasus. Just during the famous "extras" of young revolutionaries, the organization of which is attributed to Stalin. Much says that he was wounded by bullets at the end of 1904 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Chiatur Gorge, when the mail diligence robbed. Nevertheless, exaggerate the influence of Gurdjieff on the future leader, as many now do it, do not.

The existence at one time of two powerful conceptual systems - National Socialism and Communism - Certainly, interesting fact. I do not leave the feeling that there should be something less real, but being closer to the truth for any scientific explanations. With this feeling, I justify my attempt to put between Stalin and Hitler George Gurdjieff, the largest philosopher and, if you want, the esoteric of the 20th century, Russian don Juan 20s.

Stalin and Gurdjieff

Stalin and Gurdjieva trajectories have three intersection points. Answer the question, these points are real or not, it is impossible. If the existing biographies of Stalin can safely be called PR products, the biographies of Gurdjieff fall under the definition of popular ledges. Point first. Stalin was born in 1887 in the city of Gori. Gurdjieff was born in 1885 in the village of Gurdjani. Thus, initially they separated 2 years and one hundred and twenty kilometers. It is known that in the period from 1899 to 1901, they studied in the spiritual seminary of Tiflis. Have they been familiar? Unknown. I can only bring a quotation from the book of Trotsky "Stalin": "At that time, His (Stalin) was interested in the issues of socialism and cosmogony." After that, Stalin goes to the revolutionary struggle, and Gurdjieff leaves for Tibet. Point second. In the period 1912-1913 And Stalin and Gurdjieff are actively working in St. Petersburg. Stalin oversees the editorial board of the Pravda newspaper, and Gurdjieff teaches and organizes the first stage of his performance "Magni Fighting". There is no evidence of their intersection. However, the possibility of their meeting, in my opinion, is likely. The third point is even less real. She looks like a story about the secret arrival Beatles to Moscow. There are no information about Stalin to Esoteric. But there is a legend of how in the late 30s to Russia, to Stalin, a certain person came, who passed unnoticed to the Kremlin, to Stalin's office. On one of the versions it was Gurdjieff. The literary presentation of this story can be found from Viktor Suvorov in the book "Control".

Gurdjieff and Hitler

The intersection of Gurdjieff and Hitler has one known point, quite well fixed. It is known that Gurdjieff was close to Karl haushofer (apparently, they were members of the group engaged in search ... what they were looking for) and, accordingly, with Hitler and other founders of national socialism. In fact, Gurdjieff worked with them for a certain time. There are photos of the early 1930s, confirming this circumstance. There is reason to believe that the swastika as a symbol of national socialism appeared with the direct participation of Gurdjieff.

Comrade Stalin - not shaman

Actually, there is evidence that Stalin showed certain superstitiousness for some time. This, apparently, was due to its origin and upbringing. Thus, the modern connoisseur of Tulan-Shapiro occlue reports a curious detail from the life of the "leader of peoples". Stalin gave guests to the guests and acquaintances only one of his concentrated photograph, on which he is in the trip, squinting - recks the phone. Why did he stop in this picture? Everything is explained by the fact that it was not suitable for the envoltling (a magical operation for harming, by pouring a needle of an image or wax figure), and the eyes are the most vulnerable in the magical sense in a person - the picture is covered.

The author recommends everyone who at least anyone interests the theme of this work, be sure to familiarize himself with a truly fundamental study of A. I. Madeper (Pervushin A. Occult secrets of the NKVD and SS. - SPb. Publishing House "Neva"; M.: Olma-Press , 1999). There, in particular, the author reports: "... about how the envoltling procedure is carried out in practice, Stalin knew not to be superior. In 1920, the future founder of the science of Helobiology, A. Chizhevsky witnessed an attempt to an energy impact on the authorities. Then in one of the houses on the outskirts of Petrograd, several strongest psychics met. They began to perform with images of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, the procedure for envoltov. Chekistov warned about the meeting, and "the bodies reacted to the magical rite so seriously that they shot all the participants in the action on the spot, even without interrogation, not to mention the court and consequence."

There are other evidence of the occult inclinations of the leader. So, he showed some interest in medieval mysticism. In particular, she studied the book of Anatole França "Dialogues under Rose", and, judging by numerous marks, he really liked the fiction. He read about the soul, fluids, ether and other things that do not correspond to materialism. It is noteworthy that the phrase about the secret sun-polynics of Napoleon Stalin allocated particularly, circling it around.

It is also known that the leader periodically appealed to the person of phenomenal abilities, psychic V. G. Messing.

The paranormal spiritual development of Messing began in his eleventh age. He lived at that time with his parents at the then still owned by Russia in the city of Gur Salvaria near Warsaw., Testing an ever-increasing truck for long-ranges, and once with eighteen kopecks in his pocket, he drew from the house that would get to Berlin on the train. Beyond the lack of money, he climbed in a semi-empty car under the seat and immediately fell asleep. "Naturally, I did not have a ticket, and I immediately discovered a conductor. "A young man - I will hear his voice today today - your ticket?". I nervously and intense, I handed it to him a piece of paper, which I touched from some old newspaper. Our views met. With all the power, I wanted him to take this piece of paper for a ticket. The conductor took it, hesitantly turned in his hands. I gathered with all my might - and imposed him my will. He proceeded the bar of the newspaper paper. Then I returned the "ticket" and asked: "Why did you climb under the sesidement, if you have a ticket? Get up, after two hours - Berlin. " "It was the first triumph of my suggestion," the Messing wrote later in his memoirs. Arriving in Berlin, he worked first by courier in the Jewish quarter, then in the famous Wintergarte, where I portrayed Fakir. Then he went to the benefit of his ability to acknowledge his body: he did not show out pain when huge nails stuck into his chest. He also acted as a "miracle detective," when the public found hidden jewels and other subjects.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

Hello, Joseph Vissarionovich. - We got your letter. Read with comrades. You will be a favorable answer on it ... Or maybe it's true - you ask for the border? What do we really bother you?

The author of the "Master and Margarita" is one of the most mysterious figures in our cultural history. Today Anews wants to figure out the fate of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov in more detail in more detail. Has mystic scene in his life? How did the writer fought drug addiction? And what role played Joseph Stalin in his fate?

Drug addiction and abortion with their own hands

One of the main "scandalous" aspects of Bulgakov's biography is his passion for narcotic substances. Indeed, the writer had this bad habit, and acquired it quite early - in 1913, learning to a doctor, he tried cocaine.

But truly seriously on the health of Bulgakov affected the use of morphine. The doctor by profession, he came to practice in the village of Nikolsky Smolensk province, and somehow in the summer of 1917 he accepted the patient of the infant diphtheria. Trying to save the child, the Bulgakov cut him the throat and difcterite films were sucking through the tube. And then, in order to secure, introduced himself an oppidiferial vaccine. The effect of the vaccine caused itching and strong pain - For their relief, the young doctor began to apply morphine injections.

From the pain managed to get rid of, but the dependence was paid for it. It is also believed that the writer hardly tolerated life in the wilderness and took drugs from boredom. The dependence of Bulgakov did not believe, arguing that the doctor could not become a drug addict due to his knowledge.

After a few months, the writer began breaking and attacks of madness, during which he chased with a revolver behind his wife, demanding a dose.

Because of this, Bulgakov began to try to get rid of dependence, smoking cigarettes with opium and reducing the dose. He helped him and the spouse of Tatyana Lappa, in secret diluted with morphine distilled water, gradually increasing its relation to drugs.

The problems of the husband bought Tatiana on truly terrible tests. Writer Yuri Vorobievsky, author of the book "Unknown Bulgakov", told:

"Tatiana Nikolaevna, the first wife of Bulgakov, recalled how her husband reported on pregnancy. He answered: "On Thursday I will conduct an operation. I am a doctor and know what children are from morphineists. " True, he has not yet had such operations. Before pulling gloves, it leafed long medical handbook. The operation lasted for a long time. Wife understood: something went wrong. "I will never have children now," she thought stupidly. "

Tatiana children who made the first abortion in 1913, really no longer had. As, however, they did not appear at Bulgakov, who broke up with his faithful companion who lived with him in the legendary "bad apartment", in 1924. Then the writer became interested in the stylish and relaxed Lion's lioness with Belozerskaya, at first, even offered to the spouses to live three, to which LAPPA responded with an indignant refusal. Belozerskaya was married to the Writer, but after 6 years a divorce followed - it is believed that a bright woman did not pay attention to the coat of the spouse.

For a long time, it was believed that by the beginning of the 20s, the writer managed to defeat the tendency to drugs, but in 2015 the group of scientists from Israel and Italy analyzed 127 by chance of selected pages of the original manuscript of the "Master and Margarita" novel. On old paper, they found significant morphine traces, from 2 to 100 nanograms per square centimeter.

On the page with the largest number of morphine is the narrative plan, which the author has repeatedly redid. This find made it possible to assume that last years Life writer returned to death addiction.

Gravestone, fire and ghost Gogol

In folk memory, the figure of Bulgakov is traditionally shrouded in a mystical fler. One of the legends is connected just with the narcotic dependence of the writer and includes another outstanding writer - Nikolai Gogol.

In his diary, Bulgakov wrote, as, mutating from the next breakdown, suddenly saw the included in the room "A low pointed man with small insane eyes" - He leaned over the bed of suffering and evil threatened his finger.

It is believed that the alien described was Gogol, and that after his visit the drug addiction began to go rapidly.

Naturally, the legends associate Bulgakov and with the characters "Master and Margarita" - and in particular, with a hippopot.

According to one of the stories, the hippopotamus had a real prototype - just not a cat, but a dog with the same nickname. He was so smart that one day on New Year After the battle, the chimes were broken 12 times, although his no one taught it.

True, reliable evidence is called the prototypes of the magic animal, all the same cats - a home kitten of the Bulgaki Flyfish family and Murra from the Satyric novel of Ernst Hoffmann "Lighting Cat Murra".

Another story is associated with the famous phrase of hippo: "I do not touch anyone, I do not touch anyone, I replenish the primus". It is believed that one day, when Bulgakov once again edited an episode with a quote, a fire unexpectedly began in the apartment above. Subsequently, when trying to find the source of fire, it turned out that it was primus in the kitchen of the writer's neighbors.

The main "posthumous" story about Bulgakov is associated with Gogol - this time is genuine. The third wife of the writer Elena in the message His brother Nikolai wrote:

"I could not find what I wanted to see Misha on the grave (Dead Bulgakov) - worthy of him. And once, when I went to the workshop at the cemetery with Novodevichy, - I saw a deeply scored granite in the pit in the pit.

The director of the workshop on my question explained that this is Calvary with Gogol's grave, filmed from Gogol's grave when he was given a new monument. At my request, with the help of the excavator, they raised this block, they were brought to Misha and watershed to the grave. You yourself understand how it comes to the Mishina grave - Calvary from the grave of his beloved writer Gogol. "

Bulgakov and Stalin

Relations with the "father of peoples" became a special part of the biography of Bulgakov.

Experts characterize them as very ambiguous. On the one hand, Stalin several times quite coldly responded about the works of Bulgakov, never who had never had a negative attitude towards the revolution and Soviet system. The head of the USSR called the Pieces "Run" "The manifestation of attempts to cause pity, if not sympathy, to some strata of the anti-Soviet emigrant", striving "To justify or semi-fission a Belog Guard business". About the play "The Days of Turbines", put on the novel "White Guard", Stalin said: "Anti-Soviet phenomenon", but at the same time added: "Why is it so often put on the stage of the play Bulgakov? Therefore, it should be that their plays, suitable for the production lacking. On unfortunate, even "turbine days" - fish.

If even people like turbines are forced to fold the weapons and conquer the will of the people, recognizing their work finally lost, "hence the Bolsheviks are invincible, with them, the Bolsheviks, nothing can be done. "Turbine Days" is a demonstration of the Jus Crashing Forces of Bolshevism. Of course, the author is not at least "not hanging" in this demonstration. But what is the case before that? "

And then the other face of Stalin's relationship was manifested. On March 28, Bulgakov wrote a letter to the government, where he said that it was not possible to be published and cooperate with the theater in the USSR. "I ask to take into account that the inability to write for me is equivalent to the burial alive", - concluded a writer and asked permission to travel abroad.

Already on April 18, a telephone call rang in his apartment. In 1956, Elena Bulgakov recorded a record in the diary about the then husband's story:

"He lay down after lunch, as always, to sleep, but immediately a phone call rang, and Lyuba called him, saying that he was asked from the Central Committee. Mikhail Afanasyevich did not believe, decided that this is a draw (then it was done), and, dismissed, annoyed, took up the tube and heard:

- Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov?

- Yes Yes.

- Now with you comrade Stalin will speak.

- What? Stalin? Stalin?

- Yes, Stalin says with you. Hello, Comrade Bulgakov (or Mikhail Afanasyevich - I do not remember exactly).

- Hello, Joseph Vissarionovich.

- We got your letter. Read with comrades. You will be a favorable answer on it ... Or maybe it's true - you ask for the border? What do we really bother you?

Mikhail Afanasyevich said that he did not expect such a question so much (and he did not expect a call at all) - which was confused and did not immediately answer:

- I thought very much lately - whether the Russian writer can live outside the homeland. And it seems to me that it can not.

- You're right. I think so too. Where do you want to work? In the art theater?

- Yes, I wanted. But I talked about it, and I was refused.

- And you submit a statement there. It seems to me that they will agree. We would need to meet, talk to you.

- Yes Yes! Joseph Vissarionovich, I really need to talk to you.

- Yes, you need to find time and meet. And now I wish you all the best. "

Bulgakov got a job in the Moscow Art Theater, the main dramatic theater of the country, and subsequently the threat of poverty did not experience. Mass repressions of the second half of the 30s also bypassed the writer side.

However, the full recognition of Bulgakov never received. Some of his plays still forbidden to produce, the personal meeting with Stalin did not take place, and he was not allowed to leave abroad.

The last attempt to find a dialogue with power and society a writer took in 1939 by writing a play "Batum", dedicated to the youth of Stalin - it was believed that the need for such a production would arise at the 60th anniversary of the head of the USSR. Along the way, Bulgakov, most likely, cherished the hope that the success of the play would help the publication of the main work of his life - the novel "Master and Margarita".

Preliminary demonstrations of the play, including the party officials, were very good. Elena Bulgakov wrote a mother:

"Mommy, dear, has long been going to write to you, but was busy crazy. Misha finished and passed the mkhat play ... He was tired of the devilish, the work was tense, it was necessary to pass it by time. But the fatigue is good - the work was terribly interesting. According to general reviews, it is a big luck. There were several readings - two official and others - we have on the apartment, and always great success. "

Bulgakov extremely seriously perceived what happened. He spoke to his wife: "Bad to me, lidge. It (Stalin) i was signed by a death sentence. "

"Misha, how many strength enough, Roman ruled, I rewrite"

According to the memories of loved ones, from the moment the health of the writer began to deteriorate sharply, the beginning to disappear. Doctors diagnosed hypertensive nephroclerosis - kidney disease.

"And suddenly I can (civil husband) the newspaper shows: Bulgakov died. Arrived (to Moscow), came to the little on (Sister of the Writer). She told me everything, and the fact that he called me before his death ... Of course, I would come. Scary worried then. On the grave came up. "

Roman "Master and Margarita" lay on the shelf for more than a quarter of a century and was first published in the November issue of the Moscow magazine for 1966.

Stalin's Board stretched for 30 years. Such a long period can be explained by several reasons - raising the country's economy, a one-party system and cruel punitive measures towards disagreeable. But in total there is an invalid side and the biography of the Great Leader did not exception.

Many people do not give peace. The question is like the son of the masts of the master, who has not finished the spiritual seminary managed to get power over the whole country. There are no opinions that it was not without the occult. But is it?

Sources of strength and power Stalin

Having joined the revolutionary path, Stalin stated himself with a supporter of Marxism, refuting any attitude to religion and the whole supernatural. However, there are many facts about the leader who contradict him the words.

Many people know that the owner graduated from the Gorisian Spiritual School and studied in the Tiflis seminary, where his mentor was a famous philosopher and an adherent of occult knowledge of Gurdjieff. The young Joseph captured the philosophical and mystical ideas of the Guru, under the influence of which he even changed the date of his birth so that the enemies could not harm the future leader.

First of all, Gurdjieff was famous thanks to his teaching about the possibility of managing other people. That is what he taught his followers, and there is no doubt that Stalin has perfectly mastered the technique of this teaching.

Himself Gurdjieff has fasted the skill of management in India and Tibet in the Great Provons and Cognition Cognition.

Having taken post secretary-GeneralStalin created a special department engaged in the study of Tibet. He headed the department Gleb Boky, who organized not one expedition to Tibet.

Red Shambala

Nikolai Roerich is a famous artist of Tsarist Russia, the favorite of Emperor Nicholas II, and on part-time Orientalist initially extremely negatively reacted to the formation of the Soviet regime. However, after time, dramatically changed its opinion.

Versions Why this happened several:

  1. A certain meeting with the "Light Teachers", which all the Roerichs worshiped. The conversation with them opened the artist's eyes on the events.
  2. The recruitment of the artist Agents of the NKVD, who attracted him to work on the Soviet Union.

Whatever it was, but Roerich went to the expedition to Tibet in the company Chekisti from the Bokia department under the leadership of the doctor Alexander Barchenko. The main goal of this expedition was a mysterious country - Shambala.

In 1925, expedition was equipped in Himalayas, headed by Barchenko. But at the last moment Stalin, who was afraid of the leakage of information replaced him to a more reliable Yakov Blumkin. Thus, the leader tried to keep the search for mythical shambal under full control.

The search for a cherished country did not interfere with Stalin severely punish supporters who fell suspicious about treason. People who are welcomed in occult matters believe that these executions were caused by not excessive suspicion of the leader, but a carefully thoughtful magical action. There are several facts in confirmation.

Bringing victims

The essence of most world religions is the redemption of guilt and sacrifice. And immediately remember millions of dead people during the period when Stalin stood in power. All these deaths could be explained by excessive suspicion and cruelty of the leader if no humility to such measures from the people. What was it really - sacrifice or strengthening its position?

Everyone knows about several waves of repression, riding around the country during the reign of Stalin. The first repressions conducted from 1927 to 1930 were a serious impetus in the development of the USSR economy - the emergence of many plants engaged in metallurgy and mechanical engineering, hundreds of kilometers railways, construction of heat and hydrostations.

The second wave of repression of 1937-1938 made it possible to win the war in his wichest scale and brought worldwide recognition to Stalin.

After the end of the third wave, the repressions of the USSR began to study space spaces.

If you remember all the courts over suspects in treason, you can come out that repentance from each person was pulled out in the deed. But it is known that repentance in any of the religions means the opportunity to walk on. So what is the repression of Stalin, the way to strengthen its influence and power or the helicaly disguised occult ritual aimed at the elevation of the Soviet state?

Stalin's enthusiasm by occultism overrides the architectural structures of those times of Lenin's Mausoleums by the same principle as the ancient zikcurats, the high-rise buildings in Moscow pushed the thoughts of the temples of the sunken Atlantis and do not end in this similarity.

It is impossible to leave without attention and the habit of Stalin work at night, in which there is more a magical or mystical, rather than communist.


Occult background soviet power Discussed no less actively than the occult background of the Third Reich. What is the role of Joseph Stalin played in it, which ruled the country of "winning socialism" for almost 30 years? Was he ordinary tyrant or for him were unknown forces? Unfortunately, we have only a few random facts at our disposal.

It is known, for example, that Stalin visited the Tiflisian spiritual seminary, in which the future famous magician, philosopher and the occultist Georgy Gurdjieff, also studied, at the same time they were even friendly. There is also a theory that Joseph Jugashvili was part of the occult "Eastern Brotherhood", which consisted of Gurdjieff and his followers.

Sources suggest that Gurdjieff often mentioned the mysterious figure of Prince Nijaradze. It was a pseudonym of a person, the "essence" of which was changed at the energy level, which made his zombies. Gurdjieff describes the expedition in the Persian Gulf, which he also entered the Prince Nijaradze. He suggests that the "prince" in the road fell ill with fever, because of which travelers were forced to stay in Baghdad for a month. It is known that in 1899-1900, Jugashvili worked in Tiflis in a geophysical laboratory, so in theory he could well take part in the expedition. The leader's face was covered with Ospins, maybe it is by-effect "Persian" fever?

The nickname of the leader of the party - Koba - also causes some questions. Translated from the Old Slavonic language, this word means "sorcerer" or "prophet". It was the name of the Persian king Kobadees, who at the end of the fifth century won the Eastern Georgia. The Byofan's Byzantine historian suggests that Kobadees was a great magician and head of sect, the ideals of which were close to the ideals of communism, for example, they considered it necessary to conduct a property section on equal parts in order to eliminate the difference between rich and poor.

In the era of Stalin, the State Security Service has created a whole department, which was engaged in the search for extraterrestrial civilizations and ancient cultures. The Bolsheviks needed knowledge and technologies that could make their power invincible.

Also say that in 1941, Stalin secretly visited the famous Moscow blissful Matron (Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova). According to one of the versions of Matron, Stalin said: "A red rooster will win. The victory will be yours. You are the only leader who does not leave Moscow."

The government at that time often resorted to the services of Wolf Messing hypnotist. It is said that one day, Stalin called him and ordered to get 100,000 rubles in a bank with clean paper. He had to convince the banker that he sees a check on 100,000, but when the experiment was completed, and the cashier saw a blank sheet instead of a check, he suffered a heart attack. Another messing task was to get into the Beria Cabinet without skipping, bypassing security. He easily coped with this task.

There are also evidence that the "leader of peoples" had magical knowledge and extraordinary abilities. Parapsychologists say that in most portraits, Stalin was depicted with a tube, and all due to the fact that tobacco smoke gave him magical defense.

Daniel Andreev in his "Rose of the World" argued that Stalin could enter the special state of the trance, which allowed him to see the deepest layers of the astral world. The leader, as a rule, went to bed before dawn, because access to his "Astral Body" he had only when the night was on the outcome. At these moments, even the appearance of Stalin changed: wrinkles disappeared, the skin was smoothed, and the cheeks were covered with a blush.

Stalin had to be included in the trance for energy, as well as to predict future events. Thus, Stalin recognized what troubles and dangers can threaten him and tried to prevent them. According to Andreeva, Stalin also communicated with spirits and demons. Mass executions were no more than victims of this astral being. That is why Joseph Stalin managed to stay in power longer than any other Soviet ruler.

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