
Violation of sexual differentiation - Medical reference book. Violations of sexual differentiation Violation of sexual differentiation

Jean D. Wilson, James E. Griffin Sh ( Jean D . wilson , James E . Griffin W)

Sexual differentiation is a consistent and ordered process. The chromosomal sex, which is formed at the time of fertilization, determines the gonadal sex, and the gonadal sex, in turn, determines the development of the phenotypic sex, which implies the formation of a male or female genitourinary apparatus (Table 333-1). Changes at any stage of this process during embryogenesis lead to disturbances in sexual differentiation. Known causes of impaired sexual development include environmental changes, for example, when taking virilizing agents during pregnancy, non-familial aberrations of sex chromosomes, for example 45, X-gonadal dysgenesis, congenital malformations of multifactorial genesis. for example, most cases of hypospadias, as well as hereditary defects caused by single gene mutations, such as testicular feminization syndrome.

Limited knowledge allows us to give only an empirical assessment of the nature of physiological disorders in certain defects. Nevertheless, with the help of a combination of methods of genetic, (phenotypic and chromosomal analysis), it is usually possible to establish a specific diagnosis, determine sex and, if necessary, make changes in the phenotype.

Normal sexual differentiation

At the first stage of sexual differentiation, the chromosome sex is established: the sex of the heterogamete (XY) is male, and the homogamete (XX) is female. Then, until about the 40th day of pregnancy, embryos of both sexes develop in the same way. The second stage of sexual differentiation consists in the transformation of undifferentiated gonads into testicles or ovaries. Differentiation of the gonads into testis is mediated by genes on the Y chromosome, one of which is either identical to the gene encoding the HY antigen or closely linked to it. The final process - the translation of the gonadal sex into the phenotypic sex - depends on the type of fetal gonads formed and their endocrine secretion. The development of the phenotypic sex leads to (the formation of the male and female genitourinary apparatus.

The internal genital organs are formed from the wolf and müllerian ducts, which are on early stages embryonic development both sexes are located side by side (333-1, a). In the male fetus, the Wolffian ducts give rise to the epididymis, vas deferens, and seminal vesicles, while the Müllerian ducts disappear. In female embryos, the fallopian tubes, uterus, and upper vagina develop from the Müllerian ducts, while the Wolffian ducts regress. The external genitalia and urethra in fetuses of both sexes develop from a common anlage - the urogenital sinus and genital tubercle, folds and swellings (333-1, b). The urogenital sinus in the male fetus gives rise to the prostate gland and the prostatic part of the urethra, and in the female fetus to the urethra and part of the vagina. The genital tubercle forms the glans penis in male fetuses and the clitoris in female fetuses. The urogenital swellings turn into the scrotum or labia majora, and the genital folds into the labia minora or merge to form the male urethra and penile shaft.

If the testicles are absent, as, for example, in normal female embryos or in male embryos castrated before the onset of phenotypic differentiation, the development of the phenotypic sex occurs in a female direction. In this way. masculinization of the fetus is a positive result of the action of the hormones of the embryonic gonads, while the development of the female type does not require the journey of the gonads. The sexual phenotype normally corresponds to the chromosomal sex. In other words, chromosomal sex determines gonadal sex, and gonadal sex in turn controls phenotypic sex.

Table 333-1. Classification of violations of sexual development in humans

Chromosome sex disorders Klinefelter's syndrome Males with karyotype XX Gonadal dysgenesis Mixed gonadal dysgenesis True hermaphroditism Gonadal sex disorders Pure gonadal dysgenesis No testicle syndrome Phenotypic sex disorders Female pseudohermaphroditism

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Female pseudohermaphroditism of extraadrenal genesis Developmental disorders of the Mullerian ducts Male pseudohermaphroditism Disorders of androgen synthesis Disorders of androgen action Müllerian duct persistence syndrome Malformation of the male genitalia

The formation of the male phenotype is determined by the action of three hormones. Two of these, the Müllerian duct inhibitor and testosterone, are secretory products of the fetal testicles. The Müllerian duct inhibitory substance is a protein hormone that causes the Müllerian ducts to regress and therefore prevents the formation of the uterus and fallopian tubes in male embryos. Testosterone directly stimulates the differentiation of derivatives of the wolf ducts and serves as a precursor of the third embryonic hormone, dihydrotestosterone (ch. 330). Dihydrotestosterone, which is formed from circulating testosterone, induces the formation of the male urethra, prostate, penis, and scrotum. Thus, during intrauterine life, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone cause the formation of accessory organs of the male reproductive system, acting through the same intracellular mechanism that mediates their effects in differentiated tissues (chap. 330).

333-1. Normal sexual differentiation. a - internal genital organs; b - external genitalia.

The secretion of testosterone by embryonic testicles reaches a maximum by the 8-10th week of pregnancy, and the formation of the sexual phenotype is completed mainly by the end of the first trimester. On the late stages During pregnancy, female fetuses develop ovarian follicles and vaginal maturation, while male fetuses develop testicular descent and external genitalia growth.

Table 333-2. Clinical manifestations chromosomal sex disorders


Chromosomal aberrations

Gonad development

external genitalia

internal genitalia

Breast development


Klinefelter syndrome

47,XXY or 46,XY/ 47,XXY

Hyalinized testicles

normal male

normal male


The most common violation of sexual differentiation, high growth

Male with karyotype XX

Growth below the norm for men; increased incidence of hypospadias, similar to Klinefelter's syndrome. May be family

Gonadal dysgenesis (Turner syndrome)

Gonadal bands

Immature female

Hypoplastic female

Immature female

Short stature and multiple somatic anomalies. May be 46,XX with structural disorders of the X chromosome

Mixed gonadal dysgenesis

46,XY/ 45,X or 46,XY

Testicles and gonadal bands

Vary but almost always questionable; 60% are raised as girls

Uterus, vagina and one fallopian tube

Usually masculine

The second most common cause of questionable genitalia in newborns; frequent tumors May be familial

True hermaphroditism

46, XX or 4b, XY or mosaicism

Testicles and ovaries or ovotestis

Vary, but usually doubtful; 60% are raised as boys

Usually uterus and urogenital sinus; ducts correspond to gonads

Gynecomastia in 75% of cases

Chromosomal sex disorders

Chromosomal sex disorders (Table 333-2) occur when the number or structure of X- or Y-chromosomes changes (Ch. 60).

Klinefelter syndrome

Clinical manifestations. Klinefelter's syndrome is characterized by primary hypogonadism (small, hard testicles), azoospermia, gynecomastia, and elevated plasma gonadotropins in men with two or more X chromosomes. Karyotype - more often 47, XXY (classic form) or mosaicism 46, XY / 47, XXY. This syndrome is the most common disorder of sexual differentiation and occurs in about 1 case per 500 men.

In prepubertal age, patients have small testicles, but otherwise they look normal. After puberty, the disease is manifested by infertility, gynecomastia, or sometimes insufficient androgenization (Table 333-3). A constant feature of the 47,XXY karyotype is hyalinization of the seminiferous tubules and azoospermia. The testicles are small, firm, less than 2 cm long (always less than 3.5 cm), corresponding to a volume of 2 ml (12 ml). The increase in average height is determined by the lengthening of the lower part of the body. Gynecomastia usually appears in adolescence and usually on both sides; the mammary glands are painful and can increase to a size that changes the figure (ch. 332). From 30 to 50% of patients suffer from obesity and varicose veins. Mild mental retardation, difficulties in social adaptation, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus and lung disease are common. to the occurrence of breast cancer is 20 times higher than that among healthy men (but 5 times less than that in women). Most patients are characterized by a male psychosexual orientation, their sexual function is similar to that of healthy men.

According to the results of the study of the chromosomal karyotype in peripheral blood leukocytes, it was found that about 10% of patients suffer from the mosaic variant of the syndrome. The frequency of this variant seems to be underestimated, since chromosomal mosaicism can only occur in the testicles, and the peripheral leukocyte karyotype remains normal. Mosaic 4yurma is usually not as severe as variant 47, XXY, and the testicles may retain normal size (Table 333-3). Endocrine disorders are also less pronounced, and gynecomastia and azoospermia are less common. Moreover, patients with mosaicism can sometimes be fertile. In some of them, due to the insignificance of physical deviations from the norm, one may not suspect the correct diagnosis.

Table 333-3. Characteristics of patients with classic and mosaic variant of Klinefelter syndrome 1


Change in testicular histology

Reducing the length of the testicles


Decreased testosterone levels

Facial hair reduction

Elevated levels of gonadotropins

Reduced sexual function


Decreased hair growth under the armpits

Reduced penis length

The table is based on the results of a survey of 519 patients with an XX karyotype and 51 patients with an XY/XXY- karyotype. 2 Probability of differences p<0,05 или еще выше. Из Gordon et al.

333-2. Scheme of normal spermatogenesis and fertilization.

The effects of nondisjunction in meiosis and mitosis are shown, which leads to the formation of the classical Klinefelter's syndrome, Turner's syndrome and the mosaic form of Klinefelter's syndrome. The scheme will not change if disturbances occur during oogenesis.

About 30 more karyotype variants have been described in Klinefelter's syndrome, both without mosaicism (XXYY, XXXY and XXXXY) and with mosaicism with or without concomitant structural disorders of the X chromosome. As a rule, the greater the degree of chromosomal abnormalities (and in the case of a mosaic form, the more pathological cell lines), the more severe the clinical manifestations.

Pathophysiology. The classical form is due to the nondisjunction of chromosomes during meiosis during hematogenesis (333-2). In about 40% of cases, nondisjunction in meiosis occurs during spermatogenesis, and in 60% during oogenesis. As the age of the mother increases, the likelihood of nondisjunction increases. The mosaic form is attributed to the non-disjunction of chromosomes in mitosis after fertilization of the egg; this nondisjunction can occur in both the 46,XY zygote and the 47,XXY zygote. A double defect (nondisjunction in both meiosis and mitosis) most often causes the syndrome and thus explains why its mosaic form is diagnosed less frequently than the classical one.

Plasma levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are usually elevated; due to a permanent defect in the seminiferous tubules, the FSH level overlaps less with normal values ​​and is of greater diagnostic value. Plasma testosterone levels are on average half normal, but their fluctuations overlap with normal ones. The average content of estradiol in plasma is increased for reasons that are not entirely clear. In the early stages of the disease, the testicles might secrete large amounts of estradiol due to elevated plasma LH levels, but eventually testicular secretion of estradiol (and testosterone) is reduced. An increase in the content of estradiol in the later stages of the disease can probably be explained by a combination of a decrease in the rate of its metabolic clearance with an acceleration of the conversion of testosterone to estradiol outside the gland. As a result, both in the early and late stages, one or another degree of insufficient androgenization and excessive feminization is manifested. Feminization, including gynecomastia, depends on the relative or absolute predominance of estrogens over androgens in the blood, and individuals with less testosterone and more estradiol are more likely to develop gynecomastia (ch. 332). The increase in plasma gonadotropins after the administration of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) in postpubertal age is more significant, and the normal inhibitory effect of testosterone on pituitary LH secretion (negative feedback) is weakened. Patients with untreated Klinefelter's syndrome may have "reactive pituitary pathology" in the form of an increase or deformity of the Turkish saddle. This is apparently due to the chronic loss of the influence of the gonads by the negative feedback mechanism and the hypertrophy of gonadotrophs due to their stimulation by LHRH. Whether a true adenoma occurs in such cases is unknown.

Treatment. It is impossible to restore fertility in Klinefelter's syndrome, and the only effective way to correct gynecomastia is the surgical removal of breast tissue. Some patients with insufficient androgenization are helped by androgen therapy, but sometimes it leads to a paradoxical increase in gynecomastia, probably due to the fact that it increases the availability of substrates for the formation of estrogens in peripheral tissues. Androgens should be used in the form of testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate. With the introduction of testosterone, the level of LH in plasma, if normal, is only after a few months.

XX-male syndrome

The 46,XX karyotype in phenotypic males occurs at a frequency of approximately 1:20,000 to 1:24,000. In such persons, all female internal genitalia are absent, and psychosexually they feel like men. Indeed, the symptoms of this syndrome are similar to those of Klinefelter's syndrome: the testicles are small and firm (usually less than 2 cm), gynecomastia, azoospermia and hyalinization of the seminiferous tubules are often observed, the penis is either normal or reduced in size. Plasma testosterone concentration is reduced, estradiol is increased, and the content of gonadotropins reaches a high level. Such patients differ from patients with classic Klinefelter's syndrome only in that their height is on average lower than in normal men, mental lag is not more common than in the general population, and the incidence of hypospadias is increased.

The pathogenesis of this disorder is explained as follows: 1) translocation of a part of the Y chromosome to the X chromosome; 2) mosaicism along the Y chromosome in some cell lines or early loss of the Y chromosome; 3) mutation of an autosomal gene; and 4) deletion of the genetic substance of the X chromosome, which normally has a negative regulatory effect on testicular development. However, none of them is able to fully explain this violation. Mosaicism is unlikely to take place in most cases, but all other processes are quite possible. The heterogeneous nature of the syndrome cannot be ruled out. Therapeutic measures in such cases are similar to those in Klinefelter's syndrome.

Gonadal dysgenesis (Turner syndrome)

Clinical manifestations. Gonadal dysgenesis is characterized by primary amenorrhea, sexual infantilism, short stature, multiple congenital anomalies, and the presence of gonadal cords on both sides in phenotypic women with some kind of X-chromosome defect. This condition should be distinguished: 1) from mixed gonadal dysgenesis, in which there is a testicle on one side and a gonadal cord on the other; 2) from pure gonadal dysgenesis: in this case, gonadal cords on both sides occur in individuals with a normal karyotype 46 , XX or 46, XY, normal growth and primary amenorrhea; 3) Noonan syndrome - an autosomal dominant disorder in men and women, characterized by wrinkled skin on the neck, short stature, congenital heart defects, valgus deformity of the forearms and other congenital defects, despite normal karyotype and gonads.

The frequency of gonadal dysgenesis is 1:2500 newborn girls. The diagnosis is made either immediately after birth for concomitant congenital malformations, or, more often, at puberty, when amenorrhea accompanies congenital anomalies. Gonadal dysgenesis is the most common cause of primary amenorrhea (about 30%). Patients do not reach puberty, the external genitalia of the female type, but underdeveloped, as well as the mammary glands (in the event that the patient was not treated with estrogens). The internal genitalia are represented by the infantile fallopian tubes and uterus; in wide ligaments on both sides, gonadal strands travel. In the process of embryogenesis, primordial germ cells appear transiently, but they disappear as a result of accelerated atresia (ch. 331). By the age of expected puberty, these strands no longer contain distinguishable follicles and eggs; they contain fibrous tissue indistinguishable from normal ovarian stroma.

Associated somatic anomalies affect mainly the skeleton and connective tissue. In infancy, the disease is diagnosed by the presence of lymphatic edema of the hands and feet, wrinkling of the neck, low hairline, excessive skin folds at the back of the head, shield chest with widely spaced nipples, and low birth weight. In addition, patients have a characteristic face with a small jaw, epicanthus, low-set or deformed ears, fish horn, and ptosis. In 50% of cases, shortening of the IV metacarpal bones is noted, and in 10-20% - coarctation of the aorta. Growth in adult patients rarely exceeds 150 cm. Associated disorders include kidney malformations, pigmented birthmarks, nail hypoplasia, ketotic tendencies, hearing loss, unexplained hypertension, and autoimmune disorders. About 20% of patients suffer from hypothyroidism.

Pathophysiology. Approximately 50% of patients have a 45.X karyotype, and 25% have mosaicism without structural abnormalities (46,XX/45,X). and the rest have structural para-collapses of the X-chromosome with or without mosaicism (ch. 60). Variant 45, X is caused by the loss of a chromosome during gametogenesis in either parent or by a mitotic error in one of the early divisions of the fertilized zygote (332-2). Short stature and other somatic changes are a consequence of the loss of genetic material from the short arm of the X chromosome. Gonadal cords are formed when genetic material is lost from either the long or short arm of the X chromosome. In patients with mosaicism or structural disorders of the X chromosome, phenotype changes occupy an intermediate position in severity between those observed in the 45,X variant and the norm. In some patients with clitoral hypertrophy, in addition to the X chromosome, a fragment of some other chromosome, presumably an abnormal Y chromosome, is also missing. Rarely, a balanced autosomal X translocation can cause familial transmission of gonadal dysgenesis (Chapter 60).

Previously, sex chromatin was studied to detect X chromosome abnormalities. Sex chromatin (Barr bodies) in healthy women is a product of inactivation of one of the two X chromosomes; women with a chromosome set,45,X, like normal men, were classified as chromatin-negative. However, only about 50% of patients with gonadal dysgenesis are chromate-negative (patients with a 45,X karyotype and with the most pronounced mosaicism and structural disorders). Therefore, to establish the diagnosis and identify patients with Y-chromosome elements and a high lump of malignant tumors in the gonadal cords, analysis of the karyotype is necessary.

During the period of expected puberty, armpit and pubic hair is scanty, the mammary glands are undeveloped, and there is no menstruation. The content of FSH in serum, elevated in infancy, decreases to normal in childhood, and at the age of 9-10 years increases to the level characteristic of castrates. At this time, the content of LH in serum is also increased, and the level of estradiol in plasma is reduced (less than 10 pg / ml). Approximately 2% of patients with variant 45.X and 12% of patients with mosaicism have enough follicles in the ovaries to occasionally menstruate. Furthermore, in lindens with minimal damage, pregnancy is sometimes possible. However, the duration of the childbearing period in such patients is small.

Treatment. At the expected time of puberty, estrogen replacement therapy should be initiated to induce the development of the mammary glands, labia, vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes (chap. 331). In the first year of treatment with estradiol, the rate of body growth in length and bone maturation approximately doubles, but the final growth of patients rarely reaches the expected (ch. 331). Treatment with growth hormone is not successful. In patients with variant 45, X gonadal tumors are rare, but they occur in some individuals with Y-chromosome mosaicism. Therefore, gonadal cords should be removed in any case if there are signs of virilization or when a cell line containing the Y chromosome is detected.

Mixed gonadal dysgenesis

Clinical manifestations. Mixed gonadal dysgenesis is a condition in which phenotypic males or females have a testis on one side and a gonadal cord on the other. Mosaicism 45, X / 46, XY is found in most patients, but the clinical manifestations go beyond the limits of chromosomes determined by this aberration. The frequency of the syndrome is unknown, but according to most clinics, this is the second most common cause (after congenital adrenal hyperplasia) of genital ambisexuality in newborns.

Approximately 60% of patients are considered girls, and most phenotypic boys are not fully virilized at birth. Most have ambisexual genitalia, including a slightly enlarged penis, urogenital sinus, and labia fused to the scrotum to varying degrees. The testis in most patients is located intra-abdominally; persons with a testicle in the groin or in the scrotum are considered boys. There is almost always a uterus, vagina, and at least one fallopian tube.

Until puberty, the testis appears relatively normal. At postpubertal age, it contains many mature Leydig cells, but the seminiferous tubules are devoid of germinal elements and contain only Sertoln cells. Gonadal cord - a thin pale elongated formation, located either in the broad ligament or on the pelvic wall, consists of the stroma of the ovary. In patients of pubertal age, the testicle secretes androgens and both virilization and an increase in the size of the penis occur. Feminization is rare, but if present, estrogen secretion by a gonadal tumor should be suspected.

Approximately 30% of patients have somatic manifestations of 45, X-gonadal dysgenesis - low posterior hairline, shield-shaped chest, multiple pigmented birthmarks, valgus de4urmation of the forearms, neck folding and short stature (height less than 150 cm).

Almost all patients are chromatin-negative. When examining a group of patients, the 45,X/46.XY karyotype was found in 60%, the 46,XY karyotype was found in the rest, but the frequency of mosaicism could be underestimated or limited to only some cell lines. The cause of 45,X/46,XY mosaicism is best explained by the loss of the Y chromosome early in the mitotic division of the XY zygote, similar to the postulated loss of the X chromosome in 46,XY/47,XXY mosaicism shown at 333-2.

Pathophysiology. It is assumed that the 46, XY cell line stimulates testicular differentiation, while the 45, X line causes the development of a contralateral gonadal cord, but a real comparison of karyotypic and phenotypic manifestations does not confirm such a relationship. Moreover, there is no correlation between the percentage of cultured blood or skin cells containing 45.X or 46.XY and the degree of gonadal development or somatic abnormalities.

Both masculinization and regression of the Müllerian ducts inutero are incomplete. Since Leydig cells function normally during puberty, insufficient intrauterine virilization may be due to a delay in the development of the testis, in which the Leydig cells eventually acquire the ability to function normally. It is also possible that the testicle of the fetus is simply not able to synthesize the required amount of the substance that inhibits the Müllerian ducts and androgens.

Treatment. It should be noted that in older children and adults whose gender was fixed before diagnosis, tumors may appear in the gonads. The overall incidence of such tumors is 25%. Seminomas are more common than gonadoblastomas, and tumors can occur before puberty. Patients with a female phenotype, devoid of somatic signs of typical 45,X-gonadal dysgenesis, are more susceptible to this; intra-abdominal testicles are affected more often than gonadal bands. When the diagnosis is established in patients with a female phenotype, exploratory laparotomy and prophylactic gonadectomy should be performed, both because gonadal tumors can develop in childhood and because the testis at puberty secretes androgens and thereby causes virilization. In order to induce and maintain feminization, such patients, as well as those with gonadal dysgenesis, are then prescribed estrogens.

Treatment of patients with a male phenotype, in whom the diagnosis is established in older childhood or in adulthood, is difficult. Phenotypic males with mixed gonadal dysgenesis are infertile (the testicles lack germinal elements), and they also have an increased risk of developing gonadal tumors. In what cases can you save the testicle without fear? As a rule, the following should be taken into account: tumors develop in the scrotal gonadal cords, but not in the testicles located in the scrotum; tumors appearing in undescended testicles are always associated with structures of the ipsilateral Müllerian duct; tumors in the gonadal cords are always associated with tumors in the contralateral intra-abdominal testes. Therefore, it is recommended that all gonadal cords be removed, that the testicles in the scrotum be preserved, and that the intra-abdominal testes be removed unless they can be brought down into the scrotum and are not associated with structures of the ipsilateral Müllerian duct. When performing reconstructive operations on the penis, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the defect.

If the diagnosis is made in early childhood and the genitals are ambisexual, the female sex is more likely to be chosen. Later, resection of the enlarged penis and gonadectomy can be performed (usually immediately). If they choose the male sex, then when deciding on the removal of the testicle, I use the same criteria in childhood as in adult men.

True hermaphroditism

Clinical manifestations. True hermaphroditism is a condition in which the patient has both ovaries and testicles or gonads with histological features of both sexes (ovotestis). The diagnosis can be confirmed only if the histological examination reveals both types of gonadal epithelium (it is not enough to detect only the ovarian stroma without oocytes). The frequency of occurrence of the syndrome is unknown, but more than 400 cases have been described in the literature. Patients are divided into three groups:

1) in 20%, both testicular and ovarian tissue (ovotestis) travel on both sides;

2) 40% have an ovotestis on one side and either an ovary or a testicle on the other;

3) the rest have a testicle on one side, and an ovary on the other.

The external genital organs of patients are at various stages of transition from male to female. Two-thirds of sufficiently masculinized patients (about 60%) are brought up as boys. However, less than 10% of patients have normal male external genitalia; most have hypospadias and more than 50% have incomplete fusion of the labia into the scrotum. In 60% of individuals with a female phenotype, the clitoris is enlarged, and the majority have a urogenital sinus. The differentiation of the internal ducts usually corresponds to the adjacent gonad. Although the testis usually has an adnexa, the vas deferens is fully formed in only 30% of patients. Among individuals with ovotestis, 75% have an epididymis and 60% have a fallopian tube. The uterus is usually hypoplastic or has one horn. The ovaries are usually in a normal position, but testicles or ovotestis may be found at any level along the path of testicular descent in embryogenesis and are often associated with an inguinal hernia. In 30% of patients, testicular tissue is localized in the scrotum or labioscrotal fold, in 30% - in the inguinal canal, in the rest - in the abdominal cavity.

Puberty is characterized by feminization and virilization of varying degrees; 75% of patients develop gynecomastia and about 50% menstruate. In individuals with a male phenotype, menstruation appears as cyclic hematuria. Ovulation occurs in about 25% of patients - more often than spermatogenesis. In individuals with a male phenotype, ovulation may present with testicular pain. Fertile individuals with a female phenotype have been described who had their ovotestis removed, as well as a "man" who had two children. Congenital defects of other systems are rare.

Pathophysiology. Approximately 60% of patients have a 46,XX karyotype, 10% have a 46,XY karyotype, and the rest have chromosomal mosaicism, in which a cell line with a Y chromosome travels. The mechanism that determines this development of the gonads is unknown. It is believed (although not proven by the available karyotyping methods) that sufficient Y-chromosome genetic material is present in this case (due to translocation, non-disjunction, or mutation) to induce the development of testicular tissue. Rarely, many sibs with a 46,XX karyotype are affected, probably due to autosomal recessive gene traversal or a common translocation.

Since the ovaries of more than 25% of patients contain corpus luteum, it can be concluded that the female neuroendocrine system functions normally in such individuals. Feminization (gynecomastia and menstruation) is due to the secretion of estradiol by the existing ovarian tissue. In masculinized individuals, androgen secretion predominates over estrogen secretion, and some of them produce spermatozoa.

Treatment. If the diagnosis is made in a newborn or a young child, the choice of sex depends on the anatomical features. In older children and adults, gonads and their internal ducts that are contrary to the predominant phenotype (and gender of upbringing) should be removed, and, if necessary, the external genitalia should be modified accordingly. Although gonadal tumors are rare in true hermaphroditism, individuals with the XY cell line have been diagnosed with gonadoblastomas. Therefore, when deciding whether to preserve the tissue of the gonads, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of the appearance of a tumor in them.

Gonadal sex disorders

A violation of the gonadal sex is said when the differentiation of the gonads does not correspond to the chromosomal sex, i.e., the chromosome sex does not correspond to the gonadal ifenotypic sex.

Pure gonadal dysgenesis

Clinical manifestations. Pure gonadal dysgenesis is a disorder in which individuals with a female phenotype whose reproductive organs, including the gonads, are identical to those of individuals with gonadal dysgenesis (bilateral gonadal cords, infantile uterus and fallopian tubes, and sexual intimacy) have normal height , a normal karyotype (46, XX or 46, XY), while they have practically no congenital anomalies. This condition is 10 times less common than gonadal dysgenesis. From a genetic point of view, it is distinct from gonadal dysgenesis, but clinically it is not possible to differentiate pure gonadal dysgenesis from gonadal dysgenesis with minimal somatic abnormalities. Patients are usually tall (sometimes more than 170 cm). Estrogen deficiency varies from pronounced, characteristic of typical 45, X-gonadal dysgenesis, to insignificant. In the latter case, the mammary glands are developed to some extent in patients, menstruation occurs, although menopause occurs quite early. Approximately 40% of patients note a certain degree of feminization. Axillary and pubic hair growth is scanty, and the internal genital organs are represented only by derivatives of the Mullerian ducts.

Tumors may develop in the gonadal cords, especially dysgerminomas or goiadoblastomas (46,XY karyotype). Such tumors are often accompanied by signs of virilization or the appearance of plus tissue in the pelvic region.

Pathophysiology. Although the term "pure gonadal dysgenesis" has also been used to describe cases of chromosomal mosaicism, we refer only to non-mosaic cases of the 46,XX or 46,XY karyotype. (Mosaicism is a variant of gonadal dysgenesis or mixed gonadal dysgenesis discussed above.) The rationale for this distinction is that both XX and XY variants of this syndrome can result from single gene mutations. Families are described in which the 46,XX karyotype was detected in several snbs; this was often observed in marriages between blood relatives, indicating an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. Familial cases of variant 46, XY were also noted; sometimes the mutation seems to be transmitted as an X-linked recessive trait, while in other families the prevalence of this syndrome corresponds to an autosomal recessive inheritance of a trait that appears only in men. In both forms (46,XX and 46,XY), the mutation prevents differentiation of the ovaries or testicles, respectively; the mechanism for this is unclear. If the gonads do not develop, a female phenotype is formed. As in all persons with non-functioning gonads, the secretion of gonadotropins is increased, and estrogens are reduced.

Treatment. Treatment of patients with estrogen deficiency is similar to that for gonadal dysgenesis. Estrogen replacement therapy begins at the time of expected puberty and continues throughout the entire period of maturity (ch. 331). Patients with a 46,XY karyotype should undergo an exploratory operation after diagnosis and remove the gonadal bands due to the high incidence of gonadal tumors in them. The indication for immediate surgery is the manifestation of signs of virilization. The natural history of gonadal tumors in this syndrome remains unclear, but the prognosis after surgical removal is usually good.

Testicular absence syndrome (anorchia, testicular regression, gonadal agenesis, agonadism)

Clinical manifestations. Individuals with a 46,XY karyotype who lack or have only rudimentary testicles, but at some stage in fetal life appear undoubted signs of the endocrine function of these glands (for example, obligatory regression of the Müllerian ducts and testosterone secretion), may have a different phenotype. This rather rare disorder should be distinguished from pure gonadal dysgenesis, in which there are no signs indicating the functioning of the gonads during embryonic development. Clinically, the syndrome manifests itself in different ways - the complete absence of virilization, incomplete virilization of the external genital organs of varying degrees, or a normal male phenotype, with the exception of bilateral anorchia.

The purest form of pathology is those with a female phenotype and a 46,XY karyotype. They have no testicles, sexual infantilism is pronounced, and both derivatives of the Mullerian ducts and accessory organs of the male reproductive system are absent. Such patients differ from individuals with 46,XY-form pure gonadal dysgenesis in that they fail to detect any remnants of the gonads: neither gonadal cords nor derivatives of the Müllerian ducts. Testicular failure should occur at the stage between the onset of the formation of a substance that inhibits the Müllerian ducts and the secretion of testosterone, i.e. after the development of the seminiferous tubules, but before the onset of the functioning of the Leydig cells.

In other patients, the clinical picture indicates a later manifestation of testicular insufficiency in the process of intrauterine development, and they may have difficulty in choosing a sex. In some cases, Müllerian duct regression deficiency may be more pronounced than testosterone secretion deficiency, but full development of the Müllerian structures never occurs. In individuals with more significant virilization, the external genitalia have a male phenotype, but both the rudimentary oviducts and the vas deferens can travel simultaneously.

There is also a syndrome of bilateral anorchia in individuals with a male phenotype. At the same time, patients lack Müllerian structures and gonads, but the system of wolf ducts and external genitalia are developed according to male mud. The presence of a micropenis means that failure of androgen-mediated growth of the penis occurs late in embryogenesis, after the anatomical formation of the male urethra has been completed. After the expected time of puberty, some patients develop permanent gynecomastia, others do not.

Pathophysiology. The pathogenesis of the disease is unclear. Testicular regression could be determined by a mutated gene, a teratogen, or trauma. Multiple cases of agonadism in the same family are described, and in some patients the disorder was unilateral, while in others it was bilateral.

The quantitative dynamics of the secretion of sex steroids has not been studied enough. In two patients with a female phenotype and primary amenorrhea, sexual infantilism and the absence of internal genital organs, the kinetics of androgens and estrogens was similar to that in gonadal dysgenesis; the rate of estrogen production was low, testosterone secretion could not be detected at all, which confirms the functional, and not just the anatomical absence of the testicles. In one patient with a male phenotype and bilateral anorchia, the production of testosterone and estrogens was carried out only due to their peripheral formation from plasma androstenedione. However, in some patients in whom the testicles could not be found during laparotomy, the level of testosterone in the blood exceeded that of the castrated individuals; probably, the hormone was produced by the remnants of the testicles.

Treatment. Persons with sexual infantilism and a female phenotype should be treated in the same way as patients with gonadal dysgenesis, ie. they need to inject estrogen in an amount that can cause the development of mammary glands and somatic changes characteristic of a woman. In case of any manifestations of concomitant vaginal agenesis, surgical or conservative methods. Likewise, individuals with a male phenotype and anorchia should be given androgens in an amount that would ensure the development of normal male secondary sexual characteristics. Patients with incomplete virilization or ambisexual development of the external genitalia require an individual approach to the issue of the need for surgical treatment, in addition to hormonal treatment at the time of expected puberty.

Phenotypic sex disorders

Female pseudohermaphroditism

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Clinical manifestations. The pathways for the formation of glucocorticoids in the adrenal glands and androgens in the testicles and adrenal glands are shown in 333-3. Three enzymes are involved in the synthesis of both glucocorticoids and androgens (20,22-desmolase, 3b-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenazan 17a-hydroxylase); insufficiency of any of them prevents the formation of glucocorticoids and androgens and, therefore, leads to both congenital adrenal hyperplasia (due to increased levels of ACTH) and insufficient virilization of the male embryo (male pseudohermaphroditism). Two enzymes are involved in the synthesis of androgens - 17,20-desmolase and 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; the lack of any of them leads to pure male hermaphroditism with normal synthesis of glucocorticoids. Deficiency in either of the last two glucocorticoid synthesis enzymes (21-hydroxylase and 11b-hydroxylase) impairs hydrocortisone production; a compensatory increase in ACTH secretion causes adrenal hyperplasia and a secondary increase in androgen production, leading to virilization in women and premature masculinization in men.

333-3. Synthesis pathways for glucocorticoids and androgens.

Adrenal insufficiency in these disorders causes severe and life-threatening pathology in both sexes. This is discussed in detail in Chapter 325. The main features of different forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia are listed in Table 333-4. Considering disorders of sexual development, it is advisable to analyze enzymatic disorders in steroidogenesis, leading to either female or male pseudohermaphroditism. (One such disorder, 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency, causes both male and female hermaphroditism, but since incomplete virilization in males is a more common genital malformation, this enzymatic pathology is considered here as a violation of the differentiation of the male phenotype.)

The most common cause of genital ambisexuality in newborns is congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (in Europe it occurs with a frequency of 1:5,000, and in the USA - 1:15,000). Virilization in girls usually manifests itself already at birth, and in boys - in the first 2-3 years of life. Girls are characterized by hypertrophy of the clitoris in combination with its ventral tightening (pathological erection), partial fusion of the labioscotal folds and virilization of the urethra of varying degrees. The internal female reproductive organs and ovaries remain intact, and the Wolffian ducts regress normally, probably because the adrenal glands begin to function relatively late in embryogenesis. The external genitalia in girls are similar to those in boys with bilateral cryptorchidism and hypospadias. The labioscrotal folds are enlarged and wrinkled and resemble the scrotum. In rare cases, virilization reaches such an extent that the male urethra, penis, and prostate gland develop completely in the girl, which leads to an error in determining the sex of newborns. When x-rays after the introduction of a contrast agent into the external genital opening, the vagina, uterus, and sometimes even the fallopian tubes are found. In a few cases, the virilization of girls at birth is slightly or absent at all and manifests itself only later - in childhood, adolescence or maturity. Apparently, this is due to the allelic variation of the mutant genes (the so-called late-appearing, or adult, form of the disorder). Without treatment, sick girls grow rapidly during the first year of life and their virilization progresses. During the period of expected puberty, normal female-type puberty does not occur and menstruation does not appear. Rapid somatic maturation in both sexes leads to premature closure of the epiphyseal fissures and short stature in adulthood.

Table 333-4. Forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia



The degree of virilization in women

The degree of insufficient virilization in men

Predominantly secreted steroid


Partial deficiency of 21-hydroxy oxidase (simple virilizing or compensatory form)


The most common form (about 95% of all cases); in 1/3-2/3 patients there is a loss of salt

Severe 21-hydroxplase deficiency (accompanied by salt loss)


Deficiency of 1 lp-hydroxylase (hypertonic form)

11-Desoxp-cortisols 11-deoxycorti-costerone


Deficiency of 3p-gpd-roxnsteropd-dehydrogenase

D^3p-OH-compounds (dehydroepiandrosterone)

Apparently the second most common; usually occurs with loss of salt

17a-hydroxidase deficiency

Corticosterone and 11-deoxycorticosterone

Lack of feminization in women, hypertension

Deficiency of 20,22-desmolase (lipoid adrenal hyperplasia)

cholesterol (?)

Rare form; usually occurs with loss of salt

Because the differentiation of the male phenotype remains normal, the disease in boys is usually not recognized at birth unless there is overt adrenal insufficiency. However, already in the first years of life, patients experience intensive growth and maturation of the external genital organs, frequent erections and excessive muscle development. Virilization in boys can manifest itself in two ways. Excess secretion of androgens by the adrenal glands inhibits the production of gonadotropins so that the testicles remain immature despite the acceleration of masculinization. In adulthood, such patients, if left untreated, are capable of erection and ejaculation, but they lack spermatogenesis. In other cases, secretion of androgens by the adrenal glands can activate precocious maturation of the hypothalamic-hypothyroidal axis and initiate true precocious puberty, including spermatogenesis (chap. 330). Untreated men may develop ACTH-dependent "tumors" of the testicles, consisting of remnants of adrenal gland cells.

With 21-hydroxylase deficiency, which causes about 95% of cases of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hydrocortisone production decreases and, consequently, ACTH secretion increases, the growth of the adrenal glands increases, and thus there is a partial or complete compensation for violations of hydrocortisone secretion. Approximately 50% of patients have a partial deficiency of the enzyme, and cortisol secretion remains normal. This form of the disease is called simple virilizing, or compensated. The rest have a more complete deficiency of the enzyme; even enlarged adrenal glands cannot produce adequate amounts of cortisol and aldosterone, leading to severe salt loss with anorexia, vomiting, fluid loss, and collapse in the first weeks of life. This is a chak called salt-wasting form of 21-hydroxylase deficiency. In all untreated patients, excessive production of cortisol precursors is noted, which are formed before the stage catalyzed by 21-hydroxplase, due to which the content of progesterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone increases in plasma. They act as weak aldosterone antagonists at the receptor level, which in the compensated form requires more than normal aldosterone production to maintain normal sodium balance.

Female pseudohermaphroditism can also be caused by a lack of 11b-hydroxylase. In this case, the blockade of hydroxylation of the 11th carbon atom leads to the accumulation of 11-deoxycortisol and deoxycorticosterone (DOC), a strong salt-retaining hormone, which is accompanied not by salt loss, but by hypertension. Clinical manifestations due to glucocorticoid deficiency and androgen excess are similar to those in 21-hydroxylase deficiency.

Pathophysiology. Both disorders are the result of an autosomal recessive mutation. The incidence of 21-hydroxylase deficiency is approximately 1:50. At least three forms of deficiency of this enzyme have been identified, and all of them are associated with mutations of genes located on the 6th chromosome near the HLA-B locus: the most common type, manifesting as a common autosomal recessive mutation with a change in enzyme activity: a variant due to cryptic an allele that, even in homozygotes, has no clinical manifestations, but causes a typical disease if it coexists with a common variant, and a late onset variant. Carriers of the disease (as well as homozygotes) among members of a given family can be identified by the HLA haplotype. In 11b-hydroxylase deficiency, the association of the mutation with the HLA system remains unknown.

Endocrine pathology in this condition is discussed in Chapter 325. In short, it boils down to an increase in the excretion of ketosteroids, as well as the main metabolites that accumulate above the site of enzymatic blockade. In untreated patients, plasma ACTH is elevated. With a deficiency of 21-hydroxylase, 17-hydroxyprogesterone accumulates in the blood, excreted in the urine mainly in the form of pregnantriol. In case of insufficiency of 11-hydroxylase, 11-deoxincortisol accumulates in the blood, which is excreted in the urine mainly in the form of tetrahydrocortisolone.

Treatment. Sex selection should be determined by chromosomal and gonadal sex, and appropriate surgical correction of the vulva should be performed as soon as possible. early dates. This is very important, because with the right treatment, men and women can become fertile. However, if the correct diagnosis is made late (over 3 years of age), sex selection should only be made after careful consideration of psychosexual orientation.

Conservative treatment with glucocorticoids prevents manifestations of hydrocortisone deficiency, stops rapid virilization and prevents premature somatic development and fusion of the epiphyses. In case of 11b-hydroxylase deficiency, the suppression of pathological steroid secretion leads to the normalization of blood pressure, and in both cases, it ensures the timely onset of menstrual function and the development of female secondary sexual characteristics. In men, glucocorticoid therapy suppresses adrenal androgen secretion and leads to normalization of gonadotropin secretion, testicular development, and spermatogenesis. Substitution therapy is controlled by determining the plasma content of 17-hydroprogssterone, androstenedione. ACTH and renin. In severe forms of 21-hydroxylase deficiency, accompanied by salt loss or an increase in plasma renin activity, treatment with mineralocorticoids is also indicated. In such patients, the adequacy of mineralocorticoid replacement therapy is judged by plasma renin activity. Female pseudohermaphroditism of extra-adrenal genesis. Female pseudohermaphroditism rarely has extra-adrenal causes. In the past, administration of progestins with androgenic side effects (such as 17a-ethnyl-19-nortestosterone) to pregnant women to prevent abortion resulted in masculinization of female fetuses. Female pseudohermaphroditism may also occur in children born to mothers with virilizing tumors (eg, arrhenoblastomas or luteomas of pregnancy); in rare cases, the cause of the disease cannot be established.

Congenital defects of the Müllerian ducts (congenital absence of the vagina, agenesis of Müllerian structures). Clinical manifestations. Congenital hypoplasia, or absence of the vagina, in combination with an anomaly or absence of the uterus (Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome) is second only to gonadal dysgenesis as a cause of primary amenorrhea. In most patients, the disorder is diagnosed at the expected age! o puberty due to the absence of menstruation. Their growth and mental development are normal, and the mammary glands, axillary and pubic hair, and physique correspond to the female type. The uterus may be almost normal, devoid of only the external entrance canal, but is more often represented by rudimentary bicornuate bands with or without a lumen. Some patients experience intermittent pain in the abdomen, indicating the presence of sufficiently functional endometrium to cause retrograde menstruation and/or hematometra.

Approximately 30% of patients have renal anomalies, most often agenesis or ectopia. There is also an fusion of the kidneys in the form of a horseshoe and solitary ectopic kidneys located in the pelvic cavity. 10% of patients have skeletal disorders, and in 60% of them the spine is involved in the process, and in the rest - limbs and ribs. Specific bone changes are characterized by wedging of the vertebrae, their fusion, rudimentary or asymmetric vertebral bodies, and the presence of additional vertebrae. Often at the same time, Klnppel-Feil syndrome is observed (congenital fusion of the cervical vertebrae, short neck, low posterior hairline, as well as soreness and limited movement cervical spine).

Pathophysiology. All patients have a 46,XX karyotype. Most often, the disease occurs sporadically, although a few familial cases have been observed. The pattern of inheritance in most familial cases corresponds to a sex-limited autosomal dominant mutation. It is unclear whether sporadic cases represent new mutations of the same type that defines the familial disorder or if they have a multifactorial cause. Family cases are characterized by inconsistent expressibility; some affected family members have only skeletal or renal abnormalities, while others have other abnormalities in the Müllerian duct derivatives, such as uterine doubling.

In stillborn fetuses, the absence of the uterus and vagina is often combined with bilateral aplasia of the kidneys. Therefore, in all cases, one should be interested in the presence in the family history of isolated disorders of the skeleton or nights, as well as stillbirths, which could be associated with congenital absence of both kidneys in the fetus.

The preservation of ovarian function is evidenced by ovulatory peaks in plasma LH levels and biphasic temperature curves during the cycle. In patients with a normal uterus after surgical plastic surgery of the vagina, pregnancy is possible.

Treatment. Patients with vaginal agenesis can be treated surgically and conservatively. The goal of the surgery is to create an artificial vagina by implanting a rubber canal covered with several layers of skin. Conservative treatment consists in repeated pressure with a simple dilator on the vaginal fossa to ensure its sufficient depth. Since the overall complication rate for surgical treatment is 5-10%, a conservative approach should be attempted in most patients. Surgery may be recommended for women with a well-formed uterus when the possibility of pregnancy persists. In order to preserve the patient’s newly formed vagina by any method, it is advisable to conduct regular sexual life or to carry out instrumental expansion of the organ.

Male pseudohermaphroditism

Violation of the virilization of the male embryo (male pseudohermaphroditism) may be the result of a violation of the synthesis of androgens or their action, anomalies in the regression of the Müllerian ducts, and some unclear reasons. In 80% of cases of male pseudohermaphroditism, androgen synthesis in patients remains normal.

Androgen synthesis disorders. Clinical manifestations. Five enzyme defects are known that lead to impaired testosterone synthesis (330-3) and cause incomplete virilization of the male fetus during embryogenesis. All of these enzymes catalyze the conversion of cholesterol to testosterone at certain steps. Enzymes 20,22-desmolase, 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17a-hydroxylase are also involved in the synthesis of other adrenal hormones; therefore, their deficiency leads not only to male hermaphroditism, but also to congenital adrenal hyperplasia (Table 333-4). Enzymes 17,20-desmolase and 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase are involved only in the synthesis of androgens, and their deficiency leads only to male pseudohermaphroditism. Since androgens serve as obligate precursors of estrogens, it is correct to conclude that with all such disorders (except the last stage, catalyzed by 17b-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase), estrogen synthesis will also be reduced in patients of both sexes).

Adrenal dysfunctions with three corresponding defects are described in Chapter 325, and only violations of sexual development are considered here. In the 46,XY karyotype, the uterus and fallopian tubes are absent, which indicates normal production by the testes during embryogenesis of the Müllerian duct-inhibiting factor. Masculinization of the wolf ducts, urogenital sinus and urogenital tubercle is different: in some patients these formations are developed normally, in others they are completely absent, therefore, the clinical signs correspond to those in phenotypic men with mild hypospadias or phenotypic women who, until full maturation, resemble patients with complete testicular feminization. This extreme variability of manifestations is due to different degrees of severity of enzyme disorders in different patients and different effects of steroids that accumulate proximal to the sites of metabolic blockade in different disorders. In patients with partial defects and in those whose plasma testosterone levels are within the normal range, the disease can be diagnosed only by determining the steroids that accumulate above the site of metabolic blockade.

20,22-desmolase deficiency (lipoid adrenal hyperplasia) is a form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in which steroids (neither 17-ketosteroids nor 17-hydroxycortcoids) can be detected in the urine. The disorder affects the step prior to the formation of pregnenolone and is thought to involve one or more enzymes of the 20,22-desmolase complex that converts cholesterol to pregnenolone. The syndrome is characterized by salt loss and severe adrenal insufficiency, most patients die in early childhood. At autopsy, enlarged adrenal glands and testicles infiltrated with lipids are found. In sick boys, incomplete masculinization is noted, while the genitals of girls develop normally.

3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency is the second most common cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In boys, it is manifested by varying degrees of latency or a complete absence of masculinization up to the presence of a vagina. In newborn girls, signs of moderate virilization are noted due to the weak androgenic activity of dehydroepiandrosterosteroid, the main secreted steroid. If the enzyme is not produced either in the adrenal glands or in the testicles, none of the urinary steroids has d 4 3-keto-configuration, but in patients with a partial defect or damage only to the testicles, a normal or even increased amount of d 4 3-ketosteroids is found in the urine . Most patients have severe salt loss and severe adrenal insufficiency. Patients with severe enzyme deficiency die. In sick boys, puberty proceeds normally, only pronounced gynecomastia is possible. In such cases, the level of testosterone in the blood is at the lower limit of normal, but the concentration of d 5 precursors is increased. In different tissues, enzyme activity is regulated differently, since enzyme deficiency in the testicles may be less pronounced than in the adrenal glands, and in the liver, the enzyme can fully retain its activity against the background of its deep deficiency in the adrenal glands and testicles. Differentiate. individuals with normal activity of liver enzymes from patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency can only be found that the content of d 5 -pregnentriol in the urine is higher than the level of pregnantriol.

17a-hydroxylase deficiency is characterized by hypogonadism, lack of secondary sexual characteristics, hypokalemic alkalosis, hypertension, and almost complete loss of hydrocortisone secretion in the female phenotype. The secretion of corticosterone and deoxycorticosterone (DOC) by the adrenal glands is increased, and the content of 17-ketosteroids in the urine is reduced. The secretion of aldosterone is small, which is apparently due to the high level of DOC in plasma and a decrease in the content of angiotensin. However, after the introduction of suppressive doses of hydrocortisone, it normalizes. Patients with a karyotype of 46,XX often have amenorrhea, lack of pubertal hair, and hypertension, but since sex steroids are not required for the formation of a female phenotype in embryogenesis, such patients retain the normal phenotype of prepubertal girls. In men, however, enzyme deficiency leads to impaired virilization ranging from complete male pseudohermaphroditism a to ambisexuality of the vulva with a urethra opening into the perineum or scrotum. Boys with partial deficiency of the enzyme during puberty may develop pathological gynecomastia. There are no streets with this disorder of adrenal insufficiency, as they have increased secretion of corticosterone (weak glucocorticoid) and DOC (mineralocorticoid). Hypertension and hypokalemia, which are prominent manifestations of this disorder (even in the neonatal period), disappear after suppression of DOC secretion by appropriate doses of glucocorticoids.

Deficiency of 17,20-desmolase was observed in some families. In sick boys with a set of chromosomes 46,XY, the normal function of the adrenal cortex was preserved, but certain signs of male pseudohermaphroditism were observed. In most patients, ambisexuality of the external genitalia was noted at birth, but some virilization occurs during the period of expected puberty. However, in two patients with a 46,XY karyotype, a female phenotype was observed, virilization at the age of expected puberty did not occur. This disorder was also noted in one woman with a 4b,XX karyotype, suffering from sexual infantilism.

Deficiency of 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase affects the last stage of androgen biosynthesis - the restoration of the 17-keto group of androstenedione with the formation of testosterone. This violation is the most frequent defect of fer-

333-4. Schematic representation of the internal and external genital organs, as well as the mammary glands in various androgen resistance syndromes.

Table 333-5. Anatomical, genetic and endocrine features of hereditary

nogo male pseudohermaphroditism



endocrine function in relation to

healthy men




urogenital sinus





level L1



Testosterone Synthesis Disorders

Five Enzyme Defects

Autosomal or X-linked recessive


Variable development

Normal or reduced

Usually female

Usually male

Normal to reduced


Androgen dysfunction

5a-reductase deficiency Receptor pathology:

autosomal recessive

Normal or reduced




Normal or elevated

Complete testicular feminization





Incomplete testicular feminization

X-linked recessive

Clitoromegalia and posterior fusion



Rei-fenstein syndrome


Variable development

Varies from male to female

Incomplete male development



male infertility syndrome

Probably X-linked recessive

Absent or reduced

Usually male

Normal or increased

Normal or increased

1 hpManb-iiblii 11in upgraded

Resistance in the presence of receptors



Absent or reduced


From female to male


Normal or increased

Normal or increased

E-[form; p,-ny or ich-higher

Müllerian duct regression disorders

Mullerian duct persistence syndrome

Autosomal or X-linked recessive

Rudimentary uterus and fallopian tubes




Norm;!.11.- ny

cops testosterone synthesis. Patients with a 46,XY male karyotype usually have a female phenotype with a blindly terminating vagina, no Müllerian duct derivatives, but testicles and virilized Wolffian duct structures in the inguinal ligament or abdomen. During the expected heart maturation, both virilization (with an increase in the size of the penis and the appearance of hair on the face and trunk) and the development of the mammary glands according to the female type, expressed to varying degrees, occur. In some patients, if left untreated, sexual behavior changes from female to male at puberty. The dynamics of androgens and estrogens has not been studied in detail, but the 17-keto reduction of estrone to estradiol in the gonads is also reduced. The enzyme 17b-hydroxysterond dehydrogenase is normally found in many tissues, except for the gonads. This disorder is characterized by its insufficiency, apparently, only in the gonads. Plasma testosterone levels may be at the lower limit of normal, and therefore, it is important to document an increase in plasma levels of androstenedione to establish a diagnosis.

Pathophysiology. Defects in 17a-hydroxylase and 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Limited data on the familial prevalence of 17,20-dssmolase and 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiencies indicate either an autosomal recessive or an X-linked recessive mutation. Concerning the insufficiency of 20,22-desmolase, the available data do not allow making a definite conclusion about the type of inheritance.

The nature of secretion and excretion of steroids depends on where one or another metabolic blockade is localized (333-3). As a rule, the secretion of gonadotropins is increased, and as a result, in many patients with incomplete enzyme deficiency, the latter is compensated, so that the constant concentration of end products, such as testosterone, may be normal or close to normal.

In some cases of male pseudohermaphroditism, testosterone is not produced in sufficient quantities due to a deficiency of any one enzyme of androgen synthesis. Such cases include disorders where the main defect is Leydig cell agenesis (possibly due to the absence of LH receptors), or the secretion of a biologically inactive LH molecule. In addition, as noted above, there are a number of testicular developmental disorders, including familial XY gonadal dysgenesis, sporadic testicular dysgenesis, and absent testicular syndrome, in which testosterone deficiency is secondary to gonadal developmental defects.

Treatment. In disorders accompanied by adrenal hypoplasia, replacement therapy with glucocorticoids and, in some cases, mineralocorticoids is indicated. As for the anomalies of the genital organs, the decision to correct them should be made strictly individually. Patients with male hermaphroditism are infertile, which must be taken into account when choosing a sex. In individuals with a female genotype, sex selection does not encounter difficulties (which are present in the diagnosis): patients are brought up as women, at the age of expected puberty, they should be prescribed estrogen replacement therapy to induce the normal development of female secondary sexual characteristics. If, on the other hand, ambisexual genital organs are found in a newborn boy, then the decision of whether to bring him up as a man or as a woman depends on the anatomical defect; as a rule, with more severe disorders, the child should be brought up as a girl and, if possible, perform surgical plastic surgery of the genital organs and removal of the testicles earlier. Persons brought up in the female sex, at the appropriate age, estrogen therapy is also indicated to ensure the normal development of female secondary sexual characteristics. In male-reared individuals, any hypospadias present should be surgically corrected and, during expected puberty, plasma androgen and estrogen levels should be closely monitored to determine the need for chronic testosterone supplementation.

Violations of the action of androgens. Some violations of the formation of the male phenotype are due to a deficiency in the action of androgens. The various phenotypes involved are shown at 333-4 and are summarized in Table 333-5. With this pathology, the formation of testosterone and the regression of the Müllerian ducts proceed normally, but due to the resistance of target cells to the action of androgens, the development of the male type in tone or another degree is disturbed.

Deficiency 5 a -reductases. This autosomal recessive form of male pseudohermaphrodigism is characterized by: 1) the presence in patients of severe perineoscrotal hypospadias with a hood-like foreskin, a ventral urethral groove and an opening of the urethra at the base of the penis; 2) the presence of a blind vaginal pocket of various sizes, opening either into the urogenital sinus, or on the urethra posterior to its opening; 3) the presence of well-developed testicles with normal appendages, vas deferens and seminal vesicles, and the ejaculatory pathways open into the blindly ending vagina; 4) the female physique of patients, not accompanied by the development of the mammary glands of the female type; the presence of normal axillary and pubic hair growth: 5) the absence of female internal genital organs; 6) the presence of normal plasma testosterone levels for men; and 7) varying degrees of masculinization of patients during puberty.

The fact that virilization disturbance during embryogenesis is limited to the urogenital sinus and the anlage of the external genital organs makes it possible to understand the nature of the main defect. Testosterone secreted by the fetal testes serves as an intracellular mediator of differentiation of the Wolffian duct into the epididymis, vas deferens, and seminal vesicle, but virilization of the urogenital sinus and vulva is mediated by dihydrotestosterone. Therefore, in a male embryo with normal testosterone synthesis and normal androgen receptors, the formation of a phenotype characteristic of an individual with this disorder (normal derivatives of the wolf ducts with insufficient masculinization of structures formed from the urogenital sinus, genital tubercle and genital folds) would be expected with insufficient formation of dihydrotestosterone. Since the secretion of LH is regulated by testosterone itself (chapter 330), the plasma levels of this hormone are only slightly elevated in these patients. Therefore, the rates of testosterone and estrogen production remain characteristic of normal men and gynecomastia does not develop.

Deficiency of 5a-reductase in this disorder was established by direct determination of the content of this enzyme in tissue biopsies and fibroblast cultures of patients. Most of them have either a severe deficiency of 5a-reductase or a loss of its function, while others have an enzymatic protein, although it is synthesized at a normal rate, but it differs structurally from a normal enzyme. It remains unclear why virilization at puberty proceeds more actively than the virilization that takes place in the process of sexual differentiation.

receptor pathology. The pathology of androgen receptors can lead to the formation of several different 4-R enotypes. Despite differences in clinical presentation and molecular basis, these disorders share similar endocrinological, genetic, and pathophysiological aspects. First, the main clinical manifestations of the pathology will be considered, and then similar features of the endocrine function and pathogenesis.

Clinical manifestations. The most common form of pseudohermaphroditism is complete testicular feminization (from 1:20,000 to 1:64,000 newborn boys). It is the third most common cause of primary street amenorrhea with a female enotype, after gonadal dysgenesis and congenital absence of the vagina. Women go to the doctor either for inguinal hernia (at prepubertal age) or for amenorrhea (after puberty). The development of the mammary glands in patients, the physique and distribution of hair on the body and on the scalp are characteristic of females, so that many patients look like real women. Axillary and pubic hair is absent or weakly expressed, but there is usually a slight hair growth of the vulva. There is no vegetation on the face. The external genitalia are female, the clitoris is normal or slightly reduced in size. The vagina is short and terminates blindly, but may be absent altogether or in a rudimentary state. All internal genital organs are absent. In patients, only undescended testicles containing normal Leydig cells and seminiferous tubules are found; no spermatogenesis.

The testicles can be localized in the abdominal cavity, along the inguinal canal, or in the labia majora. Sometimes in the paratesticular fascia or in the fibrous bands coming from the testicles, the remnants of Mullerian or Wolf structures travel. Patients are usually tall, bone age and mental development are within the normal range. Psychosexual orientation in relation to behavior, appearance and maternal instincts female,

The main danger of undescended testicles, as in other forms of cryptorchidism (Ch. 330), lies in their tumor degeneration. Because patients experience a normal pubertal growth spurt at the age of expected puberty, feminization occurs, and because testicular tumors rarely develop until post-pubertal age, castration is usually delayed until expected puberty is over. Surgery in the prepubertal age is indicated if the testicles are located in the groin or labia majora and cause discomfort or lead to the formation of a hernia. (When prepubertal hernia repair is indicated, most physicians prefer to simultaneously remove the testicles to reduce the number of operations.) When removing the testicles in prepubertal age, estrogen therapy should be started promptly to ensure normal growth and development of the mammary glands. If castration is done post-puberty, then estrogen replacement therapy will help prevent the onset of menopausal symptoms and other complications of estrogen withdrawal (ch. 331).

Incomplete testicular feminization is about 10 times less common than the complete form. In these cases, the virilization of the external genital organs is slightly pronounced (partial fusion of the labioscrotal folds and mild clitoromegaly), normal pubic hair growth and some virilization, as well as feminization during the expected puberty. The vagina is short and ends blindly, but unlike the full form of pathology, the derivatives of the wolf ducts are often partially developed. Family history is usually uninformative, but in some cases, pathology is found in many family members, and the nature of inheritance indicates the linkage of the trait with the X chromosome. Treatment of patients with complete and incomplete forms of testicular feminization is different. Since virilization occurs in patients with an incomplete form at the age of expected puberty, gonadectomy in the presence of clitoromegaly or posterior labial fusion should be performed at prepubertal age.

Syndrome of Re and fenstein called various forms of incomplete male pseudohermaphroditism. Previously, these forms were considered separate nosological units and were called differently - Reifenstein syndrome, Gilbert-Dreyfus syndrome, Labs syndrome. However, families are now known whose diseased members have varying manifestations of pathology, covering the entire spectrum of phenotypes described by these terms, and it is now generally accepted that the listed syndromes represent different manifestations of a single mutation. Most often, the disease is characterized by the presence of perineoscrotal hypospadias and gynecomastia, but the manifestations of virilization disorders in affected families are different - from phenotypic men with azoospermia to phenotypic women with pseudovagina. Axillary and pubic hair growth corresponds to the sex, but breast hair growth is minimal. The testicles are small, often observed crnptorchism, azoospermia. In some patients, anomalies of the derivatives of the wolffian ducts are noted: for example, they have no or underdeveloped vas deferens. Since the psychosexual orientation of patients in most cases is unconditionally male, hypospadias and crinptorchism should be corrected surgically. The only successful treatment for gynecomastia is surgical removal of the mammary glands.

Syndrome male infertility in the pathology of androgen receptors, it occurs most often and in reality does not represent any form of male pseudohermaphroditism. In some cases, this syndrome is the only manifestation of familial Reifenstein syndrome, and infertility in members of the affected family is due to azoospermia due to receptor disorders. More often, patients with male infertility do not have a family history; pathology of androgen receptors can occur in 20% or more of all men with idiopathic azoospermia. There is no effective treatment for any of these conditions.

Pathophysiology. The karyotype in patients is 46,XY, and the mutant gene is linked to the X chromosome. Approximately 60% of patients with testicular feminization and Reifenstein syndrome and some patients with male infertility syndrome have a family history. It is believed that in the absence of a family history, cases of the disease are due to new mutations.

The dynamics of hormones in all syndromes of androgen receptor disorders is similar. The content of testosterone in plasma and the rate of its production by the testicles are within the normal range or increased. An increase in the rate of testosterone production is due to a high average plasma LH concentration, which in turn is explained by a violation of the feedback mechanism due to the resistance of the hypothalamic-pituitary system to the action of androgens. An increase in the content of LH probably determines the increased production of estrogens by the testicles (ch. 330). (In healthy men, most estrogens are formed by peripheral conversion of blood androgens, but with an increase in plasma LH levels, a significant amount of estrogen is secreted into the blood directly by the testicles.) plasma, and this, in turn, caused an acceleration of the secretion of both testosterone and estradiol by the testicles. When the testicles are removed, the content of gonadotropins increases even more, indicating that the secretion of these hormones is under partial regulatory control. It is likely that under stable conditions and in the absence of an androgen effect, LH secretion is regulated only by estrogens, which causes an increase in the concentration of estrogens in the blood plasma in men. Hormonal shifts in male infertility syndrome are similar to those in other receptor anomalies, but less pronounced. In some patients with this syndrome, plasma levels of LH or testosterone do not rise.

Feminization in the described disorders is caused by two interrelated circumstances. First, androgens and estrogens have opposite effects at the peripheral level, and in healthy males, virilization occurs at an androgen to estrogen ratio of 100:1 or greater; in the absence of the effect of androgens, the action of estrogens on cells is not resisted. Secondly, the production of estradiol exceeds that of healthy men (although it is less than that of healthy women). Varying degrees of androgen resistance, together with varying degrees of increased estradiol production, explain the difference in signs of impaired virilization and increased feminization in four clinical syndromes.

Any of these four syndromes is associated with androgen receptor pathology. Initially, it was shown that in cultures of skin fibroblasts of some patients with complete testicular feminization, high-affinity binding of dihydrotestosterone is almost completely absent. Then it was possible to establish that in other patients with complete testicular feminization, as well as in individuals with incomplete testicular feminization, Reifenstein's syndrome and male infertility syndrome, either a decrease in the number of outwardly normal receptors or qualitative changes in androgen receptors take place.

resistance in the presence of receptors. A form of androgen resistance that does not appear to be associated with either 5a-reductase deficiency or androgen receptor dysfunction was first discovered in a family with testicular feminization syndrome. Then, patients with various phenotypes were described - from incomplete testicular feminization to Reifenstein's syndrome. Hormonal shifts in these cases are similar to those in receptor pathology. The nature of the molecular disorder in these patients remains unclear. The syndrome could be associated with androgen receptor abnormalities so subtle that they cannot be detected by conventional methods. If the defect is indeed localized distal to the receptor, then it could be the inability of cells to generate specific messenger RNAs or a violation of RNA processing. In fact, this disease may represent a heterogeneous group of molecular disorders. Treatment of patients depends on their phenotype.

Mullerian duct persistence syndrome. Affected males have a normal penis but, in addition, fallopian tubes on both sides, uterus, upper vagina, and differently developed vas deferens. Patients often go to the doctor about an inguinal hernia in which the uterus is located; cryptorchidism is also often found. Family history is uninformative in most cases, but several pairs of siblings have been described in which the syndrome should be inherited either as an autosomal recessive or as an X-linked recessive mutation. Since the external genital organs are well developed and normal masculinization of patients occurs at puberty, it is believed that at the critical stage of sexual differentiation, the testicles produce the required amount of androgens. However, regression of the Müllerian ducts does not occur, which can be explained by the inability of the fetal testicles to produce a substance that inhibits the Müllerian ducts, the untimely production of this substance, or the inability of the tissues to respond to this hormone. To minimize the risk of tumor formation and preserve virilization, one-stage or staged orchiopexy should be performed. Malignancies of the uterus or vagina are not described, and since the vas deferens are closely associated with the broad ligaments, the uterus and vagina do not need to be touched during surgery to avoid trauma to the vas deferens and thereby preserve possible fertility.

Defects in the development of the male genital organs. Hypospadias. Hypospadias is a congenital anomaly in which the urethra opens along the midline of the ventral surface of the penis between the normal urethral opening and the perineum. This malformation is often accompanied by some degree of ventral pulling up and bending of the penis (abnormal erection); in the USA it occurs in 0.5-0.8% of newborn boys.

Hypospadias is usually subdivided depending on the location of the urethral opening - on the glans penis, its body, or in the perineoscrotal region. Since penis development is mediated by androgens, hypospadias is thought to be related to some early disruption of androgen production or action during embryogenesis. Indeed, hypospadias occurs in most disorders of male sexual differentiation. Sometimes this malformation is caused by the mother taking progestin drugs in the early stages of pregnancy. Causes (single gene defects, chromosomal abnormalities, and maternal drug use) are now known in about 25% of cases of hypospadias, and the causes of most remain unknown. Surgical treatment.

Cryptorchidism. normal process testicular descent is. probably the least studied aspect of male sexual differentiation, both in regard to the nature of the forces causing testicular movement and the hormonal factors that regulate this process. From an anatomical point of view, testicular descent can be divided into three stages: 1) their transabdominal movement from the place of formation above the kidneys to the inguinal ring;

2) the formation of an opening in the inguinal canal (vaginal process), through which the testicles leave the abdominal cavity; 3) the passage of the testicles through the inguinal canal into the scrotum. This whole process takes more than 6-7 months of pregnancy, starting around the 6th week and not ending completely in some healthy boys even at the time of birth. If androgens are involved in this process, they do not appear to be the only hormones responsible for normal testicular descent. If any of the above processes fail, it can lead to undescended one or both testicles (which occurs in 3% of full-term male newborns and 30% of preterm male fetuses). Cryptorchidism is divided into intra-abdominal, retractile (periodic retraction of the testicles into the inguinal canal), obstructive (permanent location of the testicles in the groin) and high scrotum. In most patients, retractile cryptorchidism is noted, in which in the first 6 weeks - 3 months of life there is a gradual descent of the testicles, so that in late adolescence the pathology persists only in 0.6-0.7% of patients who require artificial reduction of the testicles.

After puberty, the undescended testis functions poorly, but it is not known to what extent the undescended testis is the result and to what extent it is the cause of impaired testicular function. Two main theories have been proposed for the occurrence of cryptorchidism - insufficient intra-abdominal pressure and insufficient endocrine testicular function in terms of either testosterone synthesis or the formation of a substance that inhibits the Müllerian ducts. Indeed, congenital malformations leading to insufficient intra-abdominal pressure or development of the testicles themselves may be accompanied by cryptorchidism. As with hypospadias, however, known causes of cryptorchidism underlie only a small proportion of cases, and the causes of most of the rest remain to be elucidated. Two complications of cryptorchidism matter; at abdominal temperature, spermatogenesis does not occur, and therefore, in order to ensure possible fertility, the correction of the process must be carried out as early as possible. However, the fact that men treated for both unilateral and bilateral cryptorchidism are often infertile suggests that undescended testicles are usually the result, not the cause, of testicular dysfunction. There is also a high incidence of malignant degeneration of undescended testicles, and therefore in all these cases it would be necessary to resort to surgical intervention (Ch. 297).

The development of the reproductive system is a long process that does not end in the embryonic period, but continues after birth, until the body reaches puberty. The main sign of violations of sexual differentiation is the external genital organs of the intermediate type in newborns. Such newborns need urgent examination and constant monitoring, as they may develop a salt loss crisis and shock. It is necessary to find out the cause of the anomaly of the genital organs as soon as possible, to reassure and reassure the parents, and together with them to choose for the child the gender of education, which is best suited for the structure and function of the genital organs.

Stages and mechanisms of sexual differentiation.

The formation of the genital tract in embryogenesis is determined by the interaction of three groups of factors: the genetic mechanism, internal epigenetic factors (enzyme systems, hormones), and external epigenetic factors that reflect the influence of the external environment.

At the time of fertilization is determined genetic sex embryo (a set of sex chromosomes in a zygote). Genetic sex determines the formation gonadal sex(formation of male or female gonads). In turn, the gonadal sex determines the formation phenotypic sex(formation of the genital ducts and external genital organs according to the male or female type). Sexual differentiation can be disturbed at any stage. Violations can be caused by aberrations of sex chromosomes, mutations of genes involved in the formation of the gonadal and phenotypic sex, as well as non-genetic causes (for example, taking virilizing drugs during pregnancy).

genetic sex depends on the karyotype of the zygote. The 46,XX karyotype corresponds to the female sex, and 46,XY to the male. Causes of genetic disorders:

1. Changes in the number or structure of sex chromosomes. For example, classical variants of Klinefelter's syndrome (47,XXY karyotype) and Turner's syndrome (45,X karyotype) are caused by nondisjunction of sex chromosomes during meiosis during gametogenesis. Turner syndrome can also be caused by a deletion of one of the X chromosomes (eg, 46,X).

2. Mosaicism on sex chromosomes (XX/XY). Such mosaicism is found in a third of patients with true hermaphroditism.

3. Point mutations of genes on the sex chromosomes, for example, mutations in the SRY gene on the Y chromosome.

Numerical changes and aberrations of sex chromosomes and mosaicism are detected by cytogenetic methods, and point mutations - by molecular genetics.

Differentiation of the sex glands (formation of the gonadal sex). At the 3rd week of embryogenesis, in the wall of the yolk sac, primary sex cells precursors of oogonia and spermatogonia. On the 4th week, thickenings appear on the medial surfaces of the primary kidneys - sex cords. These are the rudiments of the gonads, consisting of mesenchymal cells of the primary kidney and covered with coelomic epithelium. Initially, the sex cords in male and female embryos do not differ (indifferent sex glands). At the 5-6th week of embryogenesis, the primary germ cells move from the yolk sac to the sex cords. They migrate through the blood vessels and mesenchyme of the mesentery of the hindgut. From this moment begins the formation of the gonadal sex. Primary germ cells stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal cells and coelomic epithelial cells in the sex cords. As a result, the indifferent sex glands turn into testicles or ovaries and detach from the primary kidneys. Normally, sex cords differentiate into ovaries if they are populated by primary germ cells with a 46,XX karyotype, and into testes if they are populated by cells with a 46,XY karyotype. The transformation of sex cords into testicles is determined by the SRY gene (sex-determining region Y), localized on the Y chromosome. The SRY gene encodes testicular development factor. This DNA-binding protein induces the transcription of other genes that direct testicular differentiation.

1. Testicular development. At the 6-7th week of embryogenesis, the cortical substance of the testis is formed from the coelomic epithelium of the sex cord. Subsequently, the surface layer of cells of the cortical substance turns into the white of the testicle. From the inner layer of the cortex, the glands grow into the mesenchymal stroma floor cords. They consist mainly of epithelial (somatic) cells, between which lie the primary germ cells. The sex cords, together with the mesenchymal stroma, form the medulla of the testis. Almost from the very beginning of the growth of the sex cords, the expression of the SRY gene is increased in epithelial cells. As a result, the cortical substance degenerates (only the albuginea remains), and the sex cords turn into convoluted seminiferous tubules. The epithelial cells of the sex cords differentiate into sertoli cells, and mesenchymal cells of the medulla - in Leydig cells. By the 9th week of embryogenesis, Sertoli cells begin to secrete the Müllerian duct regression factor, and Leydig cells - testosterone. Under the influence of testosterone, the primary germ cells in the convoluted seminiferous tubules differentiate into spermatogonia(this happens after the 22nd week).

2. Ovarian development. At the 7th week of embryogenesis, the ovaries separate from the primary kidneys. From the coelomic epithelium of the sex cord, short genital cords grow deep into the mesenchymal stroma, containing primary germ cells. Primary sex cells multiply and turn into oogonia. By the 5-6th month of embryogenesis, about 7 million oogonia are formed. About 15% of oogonia transform (without division) into oocytes of the first order, and the rest degenerate. Oocytes of the first order enter the 1st division of meiosis, which is blocked at the prophase stage. At the same time, the sex cords are dissected and primordial follicles. Each primordial follicle contains a first order oocyte covered with a single layer of epithelial cells. Then the maturation of the follicles begins: a transparent membrane (zona pellucida) is formed around the oocyte; epithelial cells grow and form a stratified epithelium - a granular layer (zona granulosa). In the future, the outer shell (theca folliculi) appears in the follicle, formed by mesenchymal cells and dense connective tissue. Meiotic division of the first order oocyte resumes only in mature (preovulatory) follicles under the influence of LH. At the 17-20th week of embryogenesis, the structure of the ovaries is finally formed. Follicles at different stages of maturation form the cortex of the ovary. A newborn girl has about 1 million follicles. Some of the follicles undergo atresia, so that by the time of menarche, 400,000 follicles remain in the ovaries. The medulla is made up of connective tissue through which blood vessels and nerves run.

Gonadal sex disorders

1. The differentiation of the sex glands on the right and left occurs independently. Therefore, their histological structure may differ. Moreover, different sex glands can simultaneously form in one sex cord. For example, true hermaphrodites have a testicle and an ovary on both sides in the form of a single formation (ovotestis), or a testicle is located on one side and an ovary on the other.

2. Normally, testicular development is determined by the SRY gene located on the Y chromosome. However, this gene is found in some patients with gonadal and phenotypic male sex, without a Y chromosome. Probably, in such cases, the SRY gene is transferred to the X chromosome or to the autosome as a result of translocation. Testicles can also form in patients with a karyotype of 46,XX, without the SRY gene. It is believed that such patients have mutant genes that direct the differentiation of sex cords to the testicles, and not to the ovaries.

3. At the stage of migration of primary germ cells into sex cords, the following anomalies may occur:

a. The karyotypes of the primordial germ cells and the somatic cells of the sex cords do not match (for example, a 46,XX cell migrates to the sex cord formed by 46,XY cells). Primary germ cells usually die, and a "sterile" testicle is formed that does not contain germ cells. However, there are cases when primary germ cells survive. Then the testicle contains only germ cells with a 46,XX karyotype.

b. The reverse is also possible. 46,XY primordial germ cells can induce genes that direct the differentiation of 46,XX somatic cells in the sex cords along the testis formation pathway.

4. Unlike the testis, the ovaries can dedifferentiate and turn into strand-like connective tissue formations. Possible causes of ovarian dedifferentiation:

a. The oocytes of the first order are not formed from oogonia.

b. Oocytes of the first order are not capable of meiotic division (for example, with aneuploidy or chromosomal aberrations). This is probably how the striago gonads develop in girls with Turner syndrome (45,X or 46,X karyotypes).

v. Follicles do not form around the oocytes.

Thus, the development of the ovary requires not only the presence of normal X chromosomes in the sex cord cells, but also the presence of normal oocytes of the first order.

5. It is likely that other as yet unknown factors also influence the differentiation of the gonads.

development of the genital ducts. By the 4th week of embryogenesis, paired Wolffian (mesonephric) ducts are formed from the mesoderm next to the sex cords, and by the 5th week, Mullerian (paramesonephric) ducts are formed laterally from them.

Differentiation of the wolf ducts. If a normal testicle is located next to the Wolffian duct, then between the 9th and 14th weeks, the epididymis, the vas deferens, the seminal vesicle and the ejaculatory duct are formed from this duct. Stimulates differentiation of the Wolffian duct testosterone, secreted by Leydig cells. Testosterone does not diffuse to the opposite side of the embryo and therefore acts only on the duct closest to the Wolf testis. If the ovary is adjacent to the Wolffian duct, or if the testis does not secrete testosterone, the duct degenerates.

Mullerian duct differentiation. If a normal testicle is located next to the Müllerian duct, then this duct degenerates on the 9-10th week of embryogenesis. Degeneration due to müllerian duct regression factor a glycoprotein secreted by Sertoli cells. If the production or action of the Müllerian duct regression factor is impaired, or if an ovary is adjacent to the Müllerian duct, then the fallopian tube, half of the body of the uterus (which later fuses with the opposite half) and the upper two-thirds of the vagina are formed from this duct. The ovaries do not participate in the differentiation of the Müllerian ducts, therefore, with ovarian dysgenesis, the formation of derivatives of these ducts is not disturbed.

Development of the external genitalia. The phenotypic sex of the newborn is determined precisely by the external genitalia. Their development occurs simultaneously with the development of the urinary tract and distal gastrointestinal tract.

1. By the 3rd week of embryogenesis, a cloacal membrane is formed that overlaps the hindgut. An unpaired genital tubercle is formed in front of it, laterally - two genital folds. By the 6th week, the cloacal membrane divides into the urogenital and anal membranes, and by the 8th week it becomes the urogenital groove in front and the anal-rectal canal in the back. The genital folds are divided into 2 pairs of folds: the urogenital folds, located medially and surrounding the urogenital groove, and the labioscrotal folds, located laterally. All these events occur before the formation of the gonads and are not regulated by hormones. Violations at this stage of development lead to atresia anus, exstrophy of the bladder or the formation of a congenital cloaca, transposition of the penis and scrotum (when the genital tubercle forms caudal to the genital folds) and penile agenesis. Such anomalies are usually caused by disturbances in the early stages of embryogenesis, and not by disturbances in genetic and gonadal sex or the secretion of sex hormones.

2. Differences between male and female external genitalia appear after the 8th week of embryogenesis. The direction of development of the external genital organs is determined by sex hormones, primarily testosterone.

a. In a male fetus testosterone, produced in the testicles, reaches the genital tubercle with blood, where it is converted by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase into dihydrotestosterone. This hormone acts on androgen receptors and causes rapid growth of the genital tubercle. The urogenital groove moves forward, its edges (urogenital folds) grow together and by the 12th week a spongy part of the urethra is formed. The labioscrotal folds fuse caudally to form the scrotum. The formation of the spongy part of the urethra ends by the 4th month of embryogenesis, when the ectoderm of the penis invaginates into the lumen of the urethra. This process is disrupted by a lack of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone or an excess of androgen antagonists (progesterone).

b. In a female fetus Blood testosterone levels are normally very low. Therefore, the indifferent external genitalia, formed by the 8th week of embryogenesis, subsequently undergo only minor changes. The genital tubercle turns into a clitoris, which can increase under the action of androgens not only in the prenatal period, but also after birth. The urogenital folds remain in place and form the labia minora. The labioscrotal folds increase without shifting and turn into the labia majora, and the urogenital groove remains open, forming the vestibule of the vagina. The position of the external opening of the urethra is determined by the 14th week of embryogenesis. At later stages of embryogenesis, androgens are no longer able to cause the fusion of the labioscrotal folds and the displacement of the urogenital folds forward. Thus, an excess of androgens at different stages of embryogenesis leads to various anomalies: before the 14th week, it causes clitoral hypertrophy, enlargement of the labia majora and their fusion (then they resemble the scrotum) and vaginal atresia; after the 14th week - only hypertrophy of the clitoris.

clinical picture.

One of the chromosomal syndromes occurring with disorders of sexual development is the syndrome Shereshevsky - Turner.

Turner syndrome- this is a clinical manifestation of an anomaly of one of the X chromosomes in women. Turner syndrome in 60% of cases is due to monosomy of the X chromosome (45,X karyotype), in 20% of cases - mosaicism (for example, 45,X / 46,XX) and in 20% of cases - aberration of one of the X chromosomes (for example, 46,X). The prevalence of Turner syndrome, due to complete monosomy of the X chromosome (45,X), among children born alive is 1:5000 (in girls 1:2500). Fetuses with a 45,X karyotype are spontaneously aborted in 98% of cases. The syndrome is characterized by multiple malformations of the skeleton and internal organs. The most important phenotypic features: Stunting is especially noticeable in puberty. Growth rarely reaches 150 cm. On examination, general dysplasticity is noteworthy, children are stocky (low-set head, short neck, barrel-shaped chest with widely spaced nipples and depression in the sternum / thyroid chest /) For patients with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, it is characteristic : short neck with a wide base, low border of hair growth on the back of the neck, pterygoid skin folds from the back of the head to the shoulder girdle, the so-called "neck of the sphinx". The following features of the facial skull are distinguished: micrognathia, retrognathia, ptosis, epicanthus, deformed and low-lying ears. The cerebral skull is relatively larger than the facial one. In some cases, there is a valgus deviation of the elbow and knee joints, shortening of the metacarpal and metatarsal bones, deformities of the nails deeply seated in the nail bed. There are many age spots on the skin, vitiligo. Slight swelling of fingertips (pads). Intelligence is reduced. Sexual infantilism manifests itself in the pubertal period: there are no secondary sexual characteristics, the mammary glands do not develop, secondary hair growth is absent or scanty, the labia, vagina and uterus are underdeveloped. The mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina is dry, its epithelial cover is thin

Cytogenetic variants of the syndrome. Patients with a 45,X karyotype usually lack a paternal X chromosome; maternal age is not a risk factor. The 45,X karyotype in most cases is due to nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes in the 1st division of meiosis (as a result, only one X chromosome enters the zygote), less often due to mitosis disorders in the early stages of zygote cleavage. In patients with mosaicism, there are cell clones containing two X chromosomes (45,X / 46,XX), X and Y chromosomes (45,X / 46,XY) or clones with X chromosome polysomy (for example, 45, X/47,XXX). Translocations between the X chromosome and autosomes are sometimes observed. Translocations and the presence of additional cell lines in patients with mosaicism strongly influence the formation of the phenotype. If there is a clone of cells carrying the Y-chromosome, then in the rudiments of the gonads on one or both sides, hormonally active testicular tissue may be present; there are external genitalia of an intermediate type (from a hypertrophied clitoris to an almost normal penis). Possible aberrations of the X chromosome in Turner syndrome: long arm isochromosome, in rare cases short arm isochromosome; terminal deletion of the long arm or deletion of the entire long arm (Xq -), terminal deletion of the short arm or deletion of the entire short arm (Xp -); terminal rearrangement of the X chromosome; ring X chromosome. If the aberrant X chromosome is inactivated, the aberration may not show up in the phenotype at all or show up incompletely. In the latter case, the aberration is partly compensated by the presence of a normal X chromosome (gene dose effect). Aberrations of the X chromosome are often combined with mosaicism, i.e., with the presence of a 45,X cell clone [for example, 45,X/46X,i(Xp)]. In a translocation between the X chromosome and an autosome, the karyotype may be balanced or unbalanced. Even if the translocation is balanced, the frequency of malformations or mental retardation is increased. The normal X chromosome is usually inactivated in autosomal X translocation. In rare cases, patients with Turner syndrome (including patients with mosaicism with a 45,X cell clone) have an aberrant Y chromosome. The recurrent risk of having a child with Turner syndrome is low unless one or both parents have an inherited autosomal X translocation or when the mother carries a 45,X cell clone.

Characteristic signs of Turner syndrome in newborns- lymphatic edema of the extremities and heart defects (occur in approximately 20% of patients). The body weight of children with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome at birth is less than normal. Growth retardation manifests itself at any age, in some cases from birth. Defects in 75% of cases are represented by defects of the interventricular septum or coarctation of the aorta. In addition: stenosis of the aorta, pulmonary artery, horseshoe kidney, double pelvis and ureters, rotation, hypoplasia of the kidney. Any girl or woman with severe stunting should be evaluated, even if there are no other signs of the syndrome. Other indications for examination: delayed puberty, isolated delayed menarche, dysmenorrhea, infertility, repeated spontaneous abortions (3 or more), premature menopause. On ultrasound, the uterus is infantile, hypoplastic, appendages in the form of strands. X-ray examination of the hands and wrist joints reveals a lag in bone differentiation (bone age lags behind by 2–4 years), hypertrophic osteoporosis. On the craniogram, hyperpneumatization of the sinuses of the sphenoid bone. Pneumopelviogram - sharply hypoplastic uterus and strands at the location of the ovaries. An increase in gonadotropic activity, especially FSH in the pubertal period (9-13 years), the maximum amount of functional activity by 16-17 years. The secretion of LH has the same character, but its level is usually 1/2 - 1/6 of the FSH level. A sharp increase in LH and FSH with frequent chaotic desynchronized fluctuations, feedback is maintained in the pituitary-gonadal system, estrogen therapy is necessary. Estrogen excretion is low, vaginal swabs are of atrophic type. A slight increase in growth hormone, tissue insensitivity to thyroid hormones is possible. Decreased glucose tolerance, glycemic curve is questionable or deabetoid. The final diagnosis of Turner's syndrome should be based on cytogenetic analysis. At least 50 cells should be viewed.

Management of patients with Turner's syndrome. The primary task is a detailed examination of patients, especially young girls. The purpose of the examination is to identify heart defects, aortic dissection, anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, and hearing impairment. Surgery may be required. Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, and hypertension are common in older girls and women; these diseases require long-term conservative treatment. Treatment somatropin(sometimes in combination with anabolic steroids) accelerates growth in childhood and increases the growth of adult patients. Treatment with somatropin can be started from 2 years of age (but only in cases where the girl's height is less than the 5th percentile). Replacement therapy low doses estrogen they begin, as a rule, after ossification of the epiphyses (from the age of 14). If the patient is seriously experiencing the absence of pubertal changes, estrogens are prescribed earlier. Even with hormone treatment, secondary sexual characteristics are often not fully developed. Women with Turner syndrome are usually infertile, but in rare cases spontaneous ovulation occurs and pregnancy may occur. In some patients, menstruation appears and the level of gonadotropic hormones normalizes in the absence of hormone replacement therapy. The risk of malformations in the offspring of patients is increased. Women with Turner syndrome are warned about the risk of spontaneous abortion and premature menopause, and if pregnancy is suspected, prenatal diagnosis is offered.

Trisomy X-chromosome (47,XXX) occurs in newborn girls with a frequency of 1:1000; rarely diagnosed in early childhood; adult patients usually have a normal female phenotype.

A few prospective studies have shown that women with a 47.XXX karyotype most often have: tall height; mental retardation (usually mild); late development of speech; epilepsy; dysmenorrhea; infertility. The risk of having a baby with trisomy X is increased in older mothers. For fertile women with a 47.XXX karyotype, the risk of having a child with the same karyotype is low. There appears to be a protective mechanism that prevents the formation or survival of aneuploid gametes or zygotes. With polysomy of the X chromosome with more than three X chromosomes(for example, 48,XXXX, 49,XXXXX) there is a high probability of severe mental retardation, facial proportions, skeletal or internal malformations. Syndromes of this kind are rare and usually sporadic.

Klinefelter syndrome - this is a clinical manifestation of polysomy on the X chromosome in men (prevalence is about 1:500). The most common karyotype 47,XXY(classic variant of the syndrome), but there are also rarer karyotypes: 48,XXXY; 49.XXXXY; 48,XXYY; 49,XXXYY. The presence of at least two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome in the karyotype is the most common cause primary hypogonadism in men.

Approximately 10% of patients with Klinefelter's syndrome have mosaicism 46,XY/47,XXY. Since a clone of cells with a normal karyotype is involved in the formation of the phenotype, patients with 46,XY/47,XXY mosaicism may have normally developed gonads and be fertile. The extra X chromosome is inherited from the mother in 60% of cases, especially during late pregnancy. The risk of inheriting the paternal X chromosome does not depend on the age of the father.

Classic variant Klinefelter's syndrome is a triad of symptoms in the form of hypogonadism, gynecomastia and dysgenesis of the seminiferous tubules of the testicles. Clinical diagnosis of Klinefelter's syndrome in the neonatal period is impossible, since no characteristic features are detected when examining newborn boys with an abnormal set of XXY sex chromosomes. When examining smears of the buccal mucosa, chromatin-positive interphase nuclei are determined. Despite the paucity of signs, the clinic of the syndrome is characterized by a rather pronounced polymorphism. Depending on the somatic development, the following types of Klinefelter's syndrome are distinguished: dysplastic - a lean type, pseudomuscular with the so-called eunuchoid fat deposition on the thighs, chest and lower abdomen. With eunuchoid chromatin-positive patients, patients are usually taller than average. The high growth of patients is due to long legs . There is a tendency towards narrower shoulders and a wider pelvis. A flat and narrow chest, weak muscle development, stoop are determined. In adolescents and young patients, there is cyanosis of the hands and feet, their increased sweating. Gynecomastia develops in prepubertal and pubertal age from 12 to 16 years, usually on both sides. The tissue of the patient's gland consists of ducts, around which the development of dense fibrous tissue predominates, usually the glands do not secrete. The development of gynecomastia is explained by the increased formation of estrogens by the interstitial cells of the testicles. Male external genitalia. The testicles are lowered into the scrotum, dense, very small 1.5 cm (at a rate of 5 cm). The internal genital organs are much smaller than normal. Facial hair is sparse, however, a low border of hair growth on the forehead is characteristic, axillary hair is rare, on the pubis, usually of the female type (apparently due to a general quantitative and qualitative insufficiency of androgens, as well as reduced sensitivity to androgens from tissues). Patients are characterized by a high level of gonadotropins. An obligatory symptom of the disease - gonadal hypoplasia - is rarely determined in the prepubertal period. In some cases, in the prepubertal period, signs of mental retardation appear, which can serve as the basis for the study of sex chromatin. A preliminary diagnosis of the disease on the basis of clinical data is possible only in the prepubertal or pubertal period. Wolffian duct derivatives are formed normally. In childhood, testicular developmental disorders are invisible and may not be detected even with a biopsy. In typical cases, testicular biopsy in adults finds hyalinosis of the convoluted seminiferous tubules, Leydig cell hyperplasia, a decrease in the number or absence of Sertoli cells; spermatogenesis is absent. Patients are usually infertile (even if there are signs of spermatogenesis). The formation of secondary sexual characteristics is usually impaired: facial hair and armpits are scarce or absent; observed gynecomastia; fat deposition and female-type pubic hair growth. As a rule, mental development is delayed, but in adults, intellectual impairment is minor. Each extra X chromosome enhances intellectual deficiency. Often there are behavioral disorders, epileptic activity on the EEG, epileptic seizures. Concomitant diseases: breast cancer, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, COPD.

Methods of treatment infertility in Klinefelter's syndrome has not yet been developed. Testosterone replacement therapy is usually started at 11-14 years of age; with androgen deficiency, it significantly accelerates the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. In adult patients, libido increases during testosterone treatment. Gynecomastia may require surgery. Psychotherapy contributes to the social adaptation of patients with Klinefelter's syndrome and patients with other sex chromosome anomalies.

Karyotype 47,XYY. This variant of aneuploidy is the least studied, attracts the attention of doctors and excites the interest of the general public.

This chromosomal anomaly occurs in men with a frequency of 1:800 and rarely manifests itself in childhood. Adult carriers of the 47,XYY karyotype in most cases have a normal male phenotype. The extra (paternal) Y-chromosome appears most often as a result of non-disjunction of chromatids in the 2nd division of meiosis. Father's age is not a risk factor.

Carriers of the karyotype 47,XYY are characterized by high growth; pubertal growth acceleration occurs earlier and lasts longer than usual. Often there are minor malformations; the association of the 47,XYY karyotype with major malformations has not been proven. ECG changes, nodular or abscessed acne, and varicose veins are occasionally observed, but an increased risk of these disorders in individuals with a 47,XYY karyotype has not been confirmed. Mental development is within the normal range, but speech development is delayed. Often adolescents and men with a 47,XYY karyotype are very aggressive, prone to criminal acts and do not adapt well to life in society. In most, the development and function of the gonads is normal, but cases of underdevelopment of the testicles, infertility or reduced fertility are known.

Treatment is not required. If a 47,XYY karyotype is found during prenatal testing or in a prepubertal child, parents should be counseled truthfully and in detail. An adult male who has a 47,XYY karyotype for the first time needs psychological support; genetic counseling may be required. Married couples in which the man has a karyotype of 47,XYY are recommended to have prenatal diagnosis, although children in such families usually have a normal karyotype.

Another syndrome that occurs with a violation of sexual development and has a pronounced family character called testicular feminization syndrome. It is transmitted to women - carriers of the pathological gene, they have a weak sexual hair growth, a late onset of menstruation. Testicular feminization syndrome is explained by insufficient activity or instability of the enzyme 5-&-reductase, which is responsible for the formation of an important testosterone metabolite 5-&-dihydrotestosterone, which ensures the development of the male external genitalia. It has been shown that with this syndrome, androgen receptors in the cells of some tissues are reduced or completely absent. In the absence of tissue response to the sex hormone, the tonic secretion of gonadotropins increases. With testicular feminization, the content of LH in the blood is sharply increased. Gonadotropins, interacting with specific receptors located inside cell membranes, not only react with receptor proteins, but also affect their formation. Large amounts of LH inhibit their own receptors. Despite the unresponsiveness of tissues to androgens, there is a normal masculinization of the centers regulating the secretion of gonadotropins. Most researchers believe that the pathogenesis is based on genetically determined unresponsiveness of tissues to androgens with preserved sensitivity to estrogens. Fetal testicles have anti-Müllerian properties that lead to atrophy of the paramesonephric ducts. As a result, patients lack the uterus, fallopian tubes and the upper third of the vagina. The internal genitalia are male, there is no prostate gland, there is a blind vaginal process of the urogenital sinus. With complete unresponsiveness of tissues to androgens or a violation of testosterone biosynthesis, masculinization of the external genitalia does not occur and they retain a female, neutral structure. The phenomena of feminization in the pubertal period are explained by increased production of estrogens by the testicles due to increased stimulation by gonadotropins. There are two forms depending on the severity of estrogen and androgenic effects. The complete form is characterized by a complete lack of sensitivity to androgens, as a result of which patients have a female phenotype and the correct structure of the external genitalia. In puberty, the female structure of the body is formed, the mammary glands develop. Sexual hair growth is often absent or very poor, while the hair on the head is magnificent, the appearance is attractive, pretty, feminine. The incomplete form is characterized by partially preserved sensitivity of target organs to androgens, which is expressed in incomplete masculinization of the external genitalia, which manifests itself already at birth. In puberty, masculine features, intersex physique. The main signs of testicular feminization syndrome are genetic and gonadal male sex, absence of the uterus, fallopian tubes, upper third of the vagina, incomplete masculinization of the external genitalia, and development of feminization during puberty. No genital hair, no menstruation. Cytogenetically: sex chromatin is negative, karyotype is male 46 XY. The level of basal testosterone is within the age norm for boys. The level of basal estradiol exceeds the age norm for boys, and in some cases approaches the age norm for girls. The functional test with chorionic gonadotropin is ambiguous. Increased LH levels. An increase in gonadotropic activity is observed at 12-13 years of age. At the age of 13-14, the level of testosterone and estradiol increases. By the age of 16-17, testosterone approaches the age norm for boys, and the level of estradiol rises.

Violations of prolular differentiation can be caused not only by chromosomal aberrations, but also by gene mutations and various embryotoxic factors. As a result, in practice there are many syndromes occurring with certain signs of sexual development disorders. Below are a number of syndromes in the nuclear signs (ie found in 80% of observations of this syndrome) which include some manifestations of violations of sexual development.

Perrolla syndrome: deafness, hearing loss of any type; a-, hypoplasia, ovarian dysgenesis; hypogonadism; a-, hypoplasia, unicornuate uterus; nanism proportional; ataxia; delayed intellectual development; short neck; scoliosis, etc.. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Wodehouse mental retardation - deafness - hypogonadism syndrome: delayed intellectual development; deafness, hearing loss; hypogonadism; diabetes; scalp hypotrichosis; a-, eyebrow hypoplasia; a-, hypoplasia, unicornuate uterus; a-, hypoplasia, ovarian dysgenesis; hypoplasia of the mammary glands, etc. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

De Grushy oligophrenia - dwarfism - sex inversion syndrome: delayed intellectual development; microcephaly; a-, hypoplasia, unicornuate uterus; sex inversion, XY dysgenesis; nanism proportional; hirsutism, thick eyebrows, large nose; a-, hypoplasia, ovarian dysgenesis; hypoplasia of the labia, etc. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Meineck polydactyly - genitourinary abnormalities syndrome: a-, hypoplasia of the kidneys; a-, hypoplasia, unicornuate uterus; a-, hypoplasia, ovarian dysgenesis; tumors of the gonads; prenatal hypoplasia, etc. Unspecified type of inheritance.

Tibi mental retardation - obesity - hypogonadism syndrome: intellectual retardation; gynecomastia; hypogonadism; obesity; arachnodactyly of the hand; a-, hypoplasia, unicornuate uterus; a-, hypoplasia, ovarian dysgenesis; stoop; X-shaped curvature of the legs, etc. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Ulnaro - mammary syndrome: nipple hypoplasia; hypogonadism; a-, hypoplasia of 4-5 fingers or toes; microcephaly; a-, hypoplasia unicornuate uterus; nanism proportional; obesity; eunuchoid addition, etc.

Haymet's deafness - nephropathy - hypogonadism syndrome: deafness, hearing loss; nephropathy, proteinuria; hypogonadism; the onset of the disease after 5 years; a-, hypoplasia, unicornuate uterus; a-, hypoplasia, ovarian dysgenesis; amenorrhea, etc. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Al - Eweidi hypotrichosis - hypogonadism syndrome: a-, hypoplasia, unicornuate uterus; a-, testicular hypoplasia; hypogonadism; focal alopecia; body hypotrichosis; a-, hypoplasia, ovarian dysgenesis; amenorrhea, etc. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Bernard - Weil neurological anomalies - hypogonadism syndrome: ataxia; dysarthria, dyslalia; hypogonadism; high arch of the foot; the onset of the disease after 10 years; amenorrhea, etc. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Frazier gonadal dysgenesis - nephropathy syndrome: nephropathy; a-, hypoplasia, ovarian dysgenesis; sex inversion, XY dysgenesis; amenorrhea, etc. Unspecified type of inheritance.

Bengsted oligophrenia - dwarfism - hypogonadism syndrome: ataxia; delayed intellectual development; microcephaly; hypogonadism; nanism proportional; diabetes mellitus, etc. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Brosneck oligophrenia - nanism - sex inversion syndrome: delayed intellectual development; trigoncephaly; atresia, stenosis of the auditory canals; sex inversion, XY dysgenesis; nanism proportional; a-, hypoplasia, unicornuate uterus, etc. Autosomal recessive inheritance.

Malouf cardiopathy - hypogonadism syndrome: eyelid ptosis; wide, high back of the nose, bridge of the nose; cardiopathy; a-, hypoplasia, ovarian dysgenesis; hypogonadism, etc. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Neumen's multiple hypoplasia of the endocrine glands syndrome: a-, hypoplasia of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands; a-, hypoplasia, dysgenesis of the ovaries, testicles. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Weinstein deafness - cataracts - dwarfism - hypogonadism syndrome: cataract; deafness, hearing loss; hypogonadism; nanism; obesity.

Frisk Facial Anomalies - Hypogonadism Syndrome: delayed intellectual development; enophthalmos; wide back of the nose, nose bridge; progeny; hypogonadism; eunuchoid addition, etc. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Fitch dwarfism - anomalies of the hands - hypogonadism syndrome: hypogonadism; nanism; isodactyly; a-, hypoplasia of the phalanges of the hands, etc. It is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.

Famizyma acromegaly - black acanthosis syndrome: broad bridge of the nose, thick lips, macrogenia; hypogonadism; nanism; brachydactyly; black acanthosis; insensitivity to insulin. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

It should be noted that the prevalence in the populations of the above syndromes is low: for the vast majority of these nosologies it is 1:200,000-500,000.

differential diagnosis.

The structure of the external genitalia is clarified during physical examination and using instrumental methods. The appearance of the external genitalia may change over time, requiring a re-examination. Excretory urography, ultrasound, fistulography and, if necessary, cystoscopy and cystography are performed (the feasibility of using MRI has not yet been confirmed due to the small number of observations). Then a cytogenetic study is carried out, the levels of pituitary, adrenal and gonadal hormones are determined, and, if necessary, stimulation or suppression tests are performed. In some cases, diagnostic laparotomy and biopsy of the gonads are indicated. Trial androgen treatment may be required for final sex selection. Palpation examination of the gonads is especially important. If in a newborn with an unclear phenotypic sex in the inguinal canals or labioscrotal folds the gonads are determined, incomplete virilization of the male fetus should be suspected. Virilized girls do not have this anomaly.

Sex glands in the external genitalia are not defined. Virilization of a female fetus caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia should be suspected.

1. Followed from day one water and electrolyte balance, since in some forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, a salt loss crisis develops. With salt loss syndrome, basal levels of steroid hormones are determined and mineralocorticoids (fludrocortisone orally, 0.1-0.3 mg / day) and glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone intravenously, intramuscularly or orally, 100-150 mg / m 2) are prescribed. / day for 48 hours with a gradual decrease in dose to 24 mg / m 2 / day). To eliminate hyperkalemia prescribed sodium polystyrenesulfonate orally or rectally, 1 g/kg every 6 hours. Parenteral deoxycorticosterone is no longer available.

2. Spend radiopaque examination of the genital organs and pelvic ultrasound for visualization of the upper part of the vagina, cervix and body of the uterus. In newborns, the ovaries or testicles in the abdomen are not always visible on ultrasound, so ultrasound results are unreliable.

3. Simultaneously carry out Ultrasound of the kidneys, since their anomalies are often found in incompletely virilized boys and in newborns with multiple anatomical anomalies.

4. Spend cytogenetic study(determine the karyotype of leukocytes).

5. In newborns with normal internal female genital organs, on the 2nd day, steroid levels and continue to monitor the water and electrolyte balance. The most likely diagnosis is a virilizing form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia with 21-hydroxylase deficiency (with or without salt wasting syndrome). To confirm this diagnosis, serum 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone levels are measured 24 hours after birth or later. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11beta-hydroxylase deficiency is less common. A sign of 11beta-hydroxylase deficiency is an increase in serum 11-deoxycortisol levels. An even rarer cause of the virilizing form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a deficiency of 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. It is detected by an increase in the levels of dehydroepiandrosterone or dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and androstenedione in serum and urine. In addition, determine the level of testosterone in serum.

6. If instrumental and cytogenetic studies and the determination of basal hormone levels have not revealed the cause of sexual differentiation disorders, stimulation tests with hCG ortetracosactide . These tests allow:

a. Detect the block in the synthesis of corticosteroids and sex hormones (by excess of the precursor or lack of the product).

b. Make sure that the sex glands are functionally complete. It is possible that during the determination of the basal levels of sex hormones there was no physiological stimulation of the gonads.

Conducting and evaluating the results of stimulation tests is hampered by the fact that standard test protocols have not yet been developed for newborns and normal indicators have not been established. So CG usually used in the same doses as for older children: for 3 days, CG is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 1000 units/day and serum steroid levels are determined on the 4th day, or CG is administered once at a dose of 5000 units/m 2 IM and determine the levels of steroids after 72 hours. Tetracosactide administered intravenously at a dose of 0.25 mg and after 60 minutes determine the levels of steroids in the serum. The results are compared with normal values ​​for older children, bearing in mind that such an assessment is of relative accuracy. If stimulation tests did not reveal the cause of the anomalies, a diagnostic laparotomy and biopsy of the gonads are performed.

7. If virilization is mild in the 46,XY karyotype, testicular dysgenesis should be suspected and renal function should be examined to rule out Dresh syndrome (a combination of nephroblastoma, genital anomalies, and renal glomerular lesions).

8. If abnormal internal genital organs are found, then virilization in a female fetus is unlikely. We must look for other causes of the disease.

The sex gland is determined on one side (asymmetry of the gonads). The most likely mixed gonadal dysgenesis or true hermaphroditism. Normal ovaries, as a rule, do not form hernias and do not descend into the labioscrotal folds. The testicles or ovotestis, together with the testicular conductor, can be located at any level of the normal way of bringing down the testicles.

1. First of all, an X-ray contrast study of the internal genital organs and ultrasound of the small pelvis and abdominal cavity are performed.

2. Cytogenetic analysis may reveal mosaicism (46.XX/46.XY or 46.XX/45.X). However, it must be remembered that 80% true hermaphrodites, in which follicles and seminiferous tubules are simultaneously determined in one or two gonads, have a karyotype of 46,XX.

3. The gender of upbringing is chosen not by karyotype, but by anatomical criteria, taking into account the most favorable prognosis. Laparotomy may be required to clarify the anatomical diagnosis. The female gender is recommended in the following cases:

a. A child with a 46,XX/46,XY karyotype has developed ovaries, uterus, and penis.

b. A testicle was found, but there are doubts that the penis will develop normally.

If a true hermaphrodite with a karyotype of 46,XX and a normal penis lacks internal female reproductive organs, a male gender should be selected. Conversely, in some cases, for a true hermaphrodite with a 46,XY karyotype, it is better to choose the female gender.

Symmetrical sex glands in the scrotum. Most often it is the testicles or ovotestis. The most likely diagnoses are incomplete masculinization syndrome, Reifenstein's syndrome, true hermaphroditism.

1. The cause of incomplete masculinization may be congenital adrenal hyperplasia, including the most severe salt-losing form, 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency. To avoid a salt loss crisis and shock, monitor electrolyte levels.

2. With salt loss, serum steroid levels must be determined. The diagnosis of a salt-wasting form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia is confirmed if:

a. The level of androstenedione is lowered against the background of an increased level of dehydroepiandrosterone.

b. The ratio of 17-hydroxypregnenolone/17-hydroxyprogesterone is increased.

3. Conduct instrumental studies, in particular ultrasound.

Isolated micropenia. If micropenia is not accompanied by other anatomical abnormalities, hypopituitarism or testosterone deficiency should be suspected.

1. Boys with hypopituitarism and micropenia often develop hypoglycemia, so these patients need constant monitoring. To exclude secondary hypothyroidism, the levels of thyroid hormones are determined.

2. Deficiency of testosterone may be due to violations of its synthesis in the testicles or violations of its action on target tissues. Violation of the synthesis of testosterone in the testes can be combined with a salt-losing form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Partial androgen resistance is the most difficult to diagnose and treat. To confirm this diagnosis, a biopsy of the foreskin is taken and androgen receptors are examined in vitro. Trial testosterone treatment is carried out: if the sensitivity to androgens is not impaired, the penis enlarges.

Anomalies of the external genital organs are combined with anomalies of the anus. Suspect CHARGE or VACTERL syndromes or transposition of the penis and scrotum. All these syndromes are caused by disturbances in the formation of the cloaca and anus in the early stages of embryogenesis.

1. CHARGE syndrome usually occurs sporadically. Syndrome components: C oloboma - coloboma, H ear defect - heart disease, A tresia choanae - choanal atresia, R etarded growth and development - stunted growth and development, G enital anomalies - anomalies of the external genital organs, E ar anomalies - anomalies of the ears. Sometimes there is hypopituitarism.

2. VACTERL syndrome more often sporadic, but may be due to the use of sex hormones in early pregnancy. Syndrome components: V ertebral anomalies - anomalies of the vertebrae and other bones, A nal atresia - anal atresia, C ardiac defects - heart defects, T racheo E sophageal fistula - tracheoesophageal fistulas, R adial dysplasia and R enal anomalies - dysplasia of the radius and kidney anomalies, L imb anomalies - malformations of the limbs (for example, polydactyly).

3. Transposition of the penis may be isolated or combined with anal atresia.


Caring for a child with an intermediate type of external genitalia is a difficult job that must be planned for several years in advance. The main components of treatment: reconstructive surgery, drug therapy, psychological assistance to the patient and his family.

Reconstructive Operations Plan

1. Girls undergo plastic surgery or resection of the clitoris. We recommend performing these operations between 1.5 and 2 years. Other authors prefer earlier dates. But it is generally recognized that the purpose of the operation is to restore the normal appearance of the genital organs before the child begins to realize his condition. Vaginal reconstruction surgery should be postponed until adolescence. This operation requires fixed shape grafts, and vaginal dilators are used in the postoperative period. Therefore, a successful outcome depends on the cooperation of the patient and her desire to be treated; otherwise, vaginal stenosis may occur.

2. In boys, phalloplasty is usually performed in several stages, depending on the degree of hypospadias and the degree of curvature of the penis. In the absence of testicles, they are replaced with grafts cut from the scrotum. We prefer adolescents to undergo immediate penile implantation with an adult size prosthesis after a short course of androgens. If the child begins to suffer from his anomaly at an earlier age, the operation is done earlier and a child-sized prosthesis is used.

3. Treatment of a child with congenital anomalies should be comprehensive.

Comprehensive treatment plan

1. Indications for medical and surgical treatment are determined by a specialist (usually a pediatric endocrinologist). Long-term treatment should include regular conversations with parents. They allow parents to better understand what is happening with the child and build confidence in the doctor.

2. If the cause of the anomaly is an autosomal recessive or X-linked disease, medical genetic counseling is indicated. It may be necessary to examine relatives (especially in diseases caused by androgen resistance).

3. Long-term treatment and repeated operations are a difficult test for patients and their relatives. Therefore, they should always be treated with warmth and sympathy.

Used Books.

1. Kozlova S.I., Demikova N.S., Semanova E., Blinnikova O.E.,

"Hereditary syndromes and medical genetic counseling" M. Practice 1996.

2. Veltishcheva Yu. E. Bochkova N.P.

"Human Hereditary Pathology" manual in 2 volumes. etc M. 1992


4. http: // www. medicine. nnov. en

5.http: //www.farmo.ru

Stages and mechanisms of sexual differentiation. At the time of fertilization, the genetic sex of the embryo is determined (the set of sex chromosomes in the zygote). The genetic sex predetermines the formation of the gonadal sex (the formation of male or female gonads). In turn, the gonadal sex determines the formation of the phenotypic sex (the formation of the genital ducts and external genitalia according to the male or female type).

Differentiation of the sex glands (formation of the gonadal sex). At the 3rd week of embryogenesis, primary germ cells appear in the wall of the yolk sac - the precursors of oogonia and spermatogonia. On the 4th week, thickenings appear on the medial surfaces of the primary kidneys - sex cords. These are the rudiments of the gonads, consisting of mesenchymal cells of the primary kidney and covered with coelomic epithelium. Initially, the sex cords in male and female embryos do not differ (indifferent sex glands).

At the 5-6th week of embryogenesis, the primary germ cells move from the yolk sac to the sex cords. They migrate through the blood vessels and mesenchyme of the mesentery of the hindgut. From this moment begins the formation of the gonadal sex. Primary germ cells stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal cells and coelomic epithelial cells in the sex cords. As a result, the indifferent gonads turn into testicles or ovaries and lace up from the primary kidneys. Normally, sex cords differentiate into ovaries if they are populated by primary germ cells with a 46,XX karyotype, and into testes if they are populated by cells with a 46,XY karyotype. The transformation of sex cords into testicles is determined by the SRY gene (sex-determining region Y), localized on the Y chromosome. The SRY gene codes for testicular development factor. This DNA-binding protein induces the transcription of other genes that direct testicular differentiation.

Testicular development. On the 6-7th week of embryogenesis, the cortical substance of the testis is formed from the coelomic epithelium of the sex cord. Subsequently, the surface layer of cells of the cortical substance turns into the white of the testicle. Sex cords grow from the inner layer of the cortex into the mesenchymal stroma of the gland. They consist mainly of epithelial (somatic) cells, between which lie the primary germ cells. The sex cords, together with the mesenchymal stroma, form the medulla of the testis. Almost from the very beginning of the growth of the sex cords, the expression of the SRY gene is increased in epithelial cells. As a result, the cortical substance degenerates (only the albuginea remains), and the sex cords turn into convoluted seminiferous tubules. The epithelial cells of the sex cords differentiate into Sertoli cells, and the mesenchymal cells of the medulla into Leydig cells. By the 9th week of embryogenesis, Sertoli cells begin to secrete the Müllerian duct regression factor, and Leydig cells - testosterone. Under the influence of testosterone, the primary germ cells in the convoluted seminiferous tubules differentiate into spermatogonia (this occurs after the 22nd week).

Ovarian development. At the 7th week of embryogenesis, the ovaries separate from the primary kidneys. From the coelomic epithelium of the sex cord, short genital cords grow deep into the mesenchymal stroma, containing primary germ cells. Primary sex cells multiply and turn into oogonia. By the 5-6th month of embryogenesis, about 7 million oogonia are formed. About 15% of oogonia transform (without division) into oocytes of the first order, and the rest degenerate. Oocytes of the first order enter the 1st division of meiosis, which is blocked at the prophase stage. At the same time, the sexual cords are dissected and primordial follicles are formed. Each primordial follicle contains a first order oocyte covered with a single layer of epithelial cells. Then the maturation of the follicles begins: a transparent membrane forms around the oocyte; epithelial cells grow and form a stratified epithelium - a granular layer. In the future, the outer shell appears at the follicle, formed by mesenchymal cells and dense connective tissue. Meiotic division of the first order oocyte resumes only in mature (preovulatory) follicles under the influence of LH. At the 17-20th week of embryogenesis, the structure of the ovaries is finally formed. Follicles at different stages of maturation form the cortex of the ovary. A newborn girl has about 1 million follicles. Some of the follicles undergo atresia, so that by the time of menarche, 400,000 follicles remain in the ovaries. The medulla is made up of connective tissue through which blood vessels and nerves pass.

It is likely that other as yet unknown factors also influence the differentiation of the gonads.

2. Development of the genital ducts. By the 4th week of embryogenesis, paired Wolffian (mesonephric) ducts are formed from the mesoderm next to the sex cords, and by the 5th week, Mullerian (paramesonephric) ducts are formed laterally from them.

Differentiation of the wolf ducts. If a normal testicle is located next to the Wolffian duct, then between the 9th and 14th weeks, the epididymis, the vas deferens, the seminal vesicle and the ejaculatory duct are formed from this duct. Wolffian duct differentiation is stimulated by testosterone secreted by Leydig cells. Testosterone does not diffuse to the opposite side of the embryo and therefore acts only on the duct closest to the Wolf testis. If the ovary is adjacent to the Wolffian duct, or if the testis does not secrete testosterone, the duct degenerates.

Mullerian duct differentiation. If a normal testicle is located next to the Müllerian duct, then this duct degenerates on the 9-10th week of embryogenesis. The degeneration is caused by the Müllerian duct regression factor, a glycoprotein secreted by Sertoli cells. If the production or action of the Müllerian duct regression factor is impaired, or if an ovary is adjacent to the Müllerian duct, then the fallopian tube, half of the body of the uterus (which later fuses with the opposite half) and the upper two-thirds of the vagina are formed from this duct. The ovaries do not participate in the differentiation of the Müllerian ducts, therefore, with ovarian dysgenesis, the formation of derivatives of these ducts is not disturbed.

3. Development of the external genitalia. The phenotypic sex of the newborn is determined precisely by the external genitalia. Their development occurs simultaneously with the development of the urinary tract and distal gastrointestinal tract.

By the 3rd week of embryogenesis, a cloacal membrane is formed that overlaps the hindgut. An unpaired genital tubercle is formed in front of it, laterally - two genital folds. By the 6th week, the cloacal membrane divides into the urogenital and anal membranes, and by the 8th week it becomes the urogenital groove in front and the anal-rectal canal in the back. The genital folds are divided into 2 pairs of folds: the urogenital folds, located medially and surrounding the urogenital groove, and the labioscrotal folds, located laterally. All these events occur before the formation of the gonads and are not regulated by hormones. Differences between male and female external genitalia appear after the 8th week of embryogenesis. The direction of development of the external genital organs is determined by sex hormones, primarily testosterone.

In the male fetus, testosterone produced in the testicles reaches the genital tubercle with blood, where it is converted by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase into dihydrotestosterone. This hormone acts on androgen receptors and causes rapid growth of the genital tubercle. The urogenital groove moves forward, its edges (urogenital folds) grow together and by the 12th week a spongy part of the urethra is formed. The labioscrotal folds fuse caudally to form the scrotum. The formation of the spongy part of the urethra ends by the 4th month of embryogenesis, when the ectoderm of the penis invaginates into the lumen of the urethra.

In a female fetus, testosterone levels in the blood are normally very low. Therefore, the indifferent external genitalia, formed by the 8th week of embryogenesis, subsequently undergo only minor changes. The genital tubercle turns into a clitoris, which can increase under the action of androgens not only in the prenatal period, but also after birth. The urogenital folds remain in place and form the labia minora. The labioscrotal folds increase without shifting and turn into the labia majora, and the urogenital groove remains open, forming the vestibule of the vagina. The position of the external opening of the urethra is determined by the 14th week of embryogenesis. At later stages of embryogenesis, androgens are no longer able to cause the fusion of the labioscrotal folds and the displacement of the urogenital folds forward.

Genetic sex determination occurs during fertilization. The Y chromosome is a genetically male determinant (the zygote contains 22 pairs of autosomes + XY sex chromosomes, i.e. 46XY). The karyotype of the zygote is genetically female - 46XX. Primary germ cells are formed in the wall of the yolk sac and on the 5th week of embryogenesis begin to migrate into the gonadal ridges - the rudiments of indifferent gonads. The sex glands develop from the gonadal ridges.

Y chromosome. The genetic male sex is determined by the Y chromosome (including the gene sry, belonging to the family of DNA regulatory genes sox).

Gene SRY encodes the regulatory factor TDF (Testis-Determining Factor).

The TDF factor (H-Y Ag) determines the differentiation of the male type of gonads from the initially bipotent gonads.

Gene SRA1. Chromosome 17 contains Sox- similar gene SRA1, whose mutations lead to sex reversal (genetic men have a female phenotype) and camptomelic dysplasia (2/3 of patients with the XY genotype have a female phenotype).

Sources of the gonads and genital ducts- indifferent gonads (gonadal ridges) and internal genital ducts (male and female).

Male duct ( Wolfs, mesonephric) in men subsequently becomes the vas deferens, in women it is obliterated.

female duct ( Mullers, paramesonephric) in women forms the fallopian tube, uterus and part of the vagina.

Critical stage of development of indifferent gonads- 8th week of intrauterine development. Until 45–50 days, the rudiments of the gonads do not have sexual differentiation. Under the influence of the regulatory factor TDF, as well as under the influence of genes sox gonadal ridges develop like testicles; in the absence of the effects of these factors, ovaries develop. The differentiation of other structures is determined by male sex hormones and Mullers an inhibitory factor produced in the fetal testicles.

Differentiation of the internal genital organs according to the male type(with 46XY karyotype).

Cells Leydig testicles of the fetus under the control of gonadotropins (chorionic and pituitary) secrete testosterone.

Under the influence of testosterone from the mesonephric duct develop: vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles.

5a-reductase catalyzes the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which is necessary for the differentiation of the external genital organs (scrotum, penis), which is completed by 12–14 weeks of intrauterine development.

Cells Sertoli fetal testicles secrete Mullers inhibitory factor causing regression Mullerian ducts in a male fetus.

Differentiation of the internal genital organs according to the female type(with karyotype 46XX) occurs in the absence of testicular development factor TDF, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and Müllerian inhibitory factor.

In the absence of a Y chromosome, the gonadal ridges develop as ovaries.

Without Müllerian inhibitory factor Mullers The duct develops into the fallopian tubes, uterus, and upper third of the vagina.

In the absence of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone Wolfs duct degenerates.

Differentiation of the external genital organs originates from the urogenital sinus, genital tubercle, genital folds and genital folds. The development of the external genital organs depends on sex hormones.


Testosterone. In the male body, under the influence of testosterone, the urogenital sinus gives rise to the prostate and bulbourethral glands.

Dihydrotestosterone. The genital tubercle differentiates into the penis under the influence of dihydrotestosterone, the genital folds form the distal part of the urethra, and the genital folds develop into the scrotum.

In the absence of androgens, the urogenital sinus develops into the lower part of the vagina, the genital tubercle develops into the clitoris, and the genital folds and genital folds differentiate into the labia minora and labia majora, respectively.

Female sex hormones contribute to the differentiation of the extragonadal organs of the female reproductive system.

Gametogenesis. In the fetal period, primordial germ cells differentiate into ovogonia in the developing ovaries or into spermatogonia in the testicles. On the way from ovo- or spermatogonia to gametes, several stages are distinguished, during which meiosis also occurs.

Spermatogenesis begins no earlier than the onset of puberty. Meiosis results in the formation of spermatozoa with different sex chromosomes: spermatozoa contain either an X or a Y chromosome. There are known cases of translocation occurring during crossing over from the Y chromosome to the X chromosome of the locus sry, coding regulatory factor TDF.

Ovogenesis. In the ovaries undergoing differentiation, oogonia enter the stage of reproduction, forming first-order oocytes. By seven months of intrauterine development, the reproduction stage ends, first-order oocytes in the prophase of the first meiotic division acquire a membrane of follicular cells (a primordial follicle is formed) and enter a long period of rest, until puberty.

Ovarian-menstrual cycle. At the peak of the level of luteinizing hormone, the first meiotic division is completed. The signal for the completion of the second meiotic division is fertilization, the second-order oocyte divides to form a mature egg (haploid set of chromosomes) and a second polar (directive) body.

germ cell tumors. They arise from the cellular precursors of germ cells. This term is also used in relation to the somatic cells of the embryo and its membranes. The level of cell differentiation - pluripotent, poorly differentiated, embryonic and extraembryonic types.

† Embryonic carcinomas. Formed from pluripotent cells.

† Teratoma. Germline cells or cells with somatic differentiation form teratomas, both benign and malignant.

† Choriocarcinomas. Cells with extraembryonic differentiation form tumors of endodermal origin (including yolk sac tumors) and trophoblast tumors.

† Seminomas in men (rarely in children) and dysgerminomas in women, they develop from the precursors of germ cells.

† Diagnostic markers.

Embryonic carcinomas and endodermal tumors produce their characteristic marker - a-fetoprotein.

Embryonic carcinomas and chorionic carcinomas synthesize chorionic gonadotrophin.

Violations of sexual differentiation. Distortions in sexual differentiation lead to the birth of a child that has features of both male and female, but is not completely (phenotypically!) either male or female. The etiology, pathogenesis, manifestations and therapy of various forms of this pathology are discussed in the article "Disorders of sexual differentiation" of the "Miniencyclopedia" appendix.

Puberty. Normal puberty (puberty) occurs during the transition from puberty to the adult state of puberty. During this period, the secretion of sex steroid hormones caused by FSH and LH leads to the development of secondary sexual characteristics and reproductive ability. The synthesis and secretion of sex hormones is regulated by the hormonal chain "gonadoliberin of the hypothalamus - pituitary gonadotropins".

The diagnosis and clinical problems associated with distorted sexual differentiation require an understanding of the developmental mechanisms of the gonads and ducts.
Normal sexual differentiation. The rudiments of the gonads in humans do not have sexual differentiation until 45-50 days
intrauterine development. In the early stages, internal genital ducts are present: both male (Wolffian, or mesonephric duct), and female (Mullerian, or paramesonephric duct) and undifferentiated gonads (genital rollers). Later (critical phase - 8 weeks of intrauterine development) in various ways, dictated by genetic and hormonal factors, differentiation of male and female genital organs occurs.
Male differentiation. Genotype -46,XY
Y-xp. - male determinant. Under the influence of a regulatory factor (a factor that determines the development of the testicles), encoded by Y-xp., the genital folds develop like testicles; in the absence of the factor, ovaries develop
Leydig cells of the testicles of the fetus under the control of gonadotropins (chorionic and pituitary) secrete testosterone
Under the influence of testosterone from the mesonephric duct develop: vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles
5a-reductase catalyzes the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is necessary for the differentiation of the external genital organs (scrotum, penis) to be completed by 12-14 weeks of intrauterine development
The Sertoli cells of the fetal testis secrete Mullerian inhibitory factor (MIF), which causes regression of the Mullerian ducts in the male fetus.
Differentiation according to the female type (genotype -46, XX) occurs in the absence of a defining development
ti testis factor Y-xp., testosterone, DHT and MYTH
In the absence of Y-xp. genital folds develop as ovaries
In the absence of MIF, the mullerian duct develops into the fallopian tubes, uterus, and upper third of the vagina.
In the absence of testosterone and wolf DHT, the duct degenerates and the clitoris, labia majora, labia minora, and vagina develop.
The ovaries begin to function at puberty; the formation of the female phenotype proceeds autonomously, under the influence of the hormones of the placenta and the maternal organism.
Distortions in sexual differentiation lead to the birth of a child that has features of both male and female, but is not completely (phenotypically!) either male or female.
True hermaphroditism. The gonads contain both testicular and ovarian tissue. Karyotype: approximately 80% - 46.XX, other cases - 46.XY or mosaicism. Etiology unclear
Significant virilization is usually expressed, as a result of which most true hermaphrodites are brought up as men. Gynecomastia and cyclic hematuria may occur as a result of uterine bleeding
A strong suspicion of true hermaphroditism should arise if the child has transitional genitalia, an XX karyotype and a normal level of 17-hydroxyprogesterone, which excludes 21-hydroxylase deficiency. The final diagnosis is based on surgical examination and the discovery of the gonads containing both ovarian and testicular tissues.
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis is observed in karyotype 45,X/46,XY
Clinic: a wide range of structures
external genitalia - from fully male to fully female
Sex glands can look different: from recognizable outwardly ovaries to dysgenetic testicles; often observed asymmetry of the gonads
Effects of the 45,X cell line may mimic the Turner syndrome phenotype
The diagnosis is established by karyotyping.
Male pseudohermaphroditism. Children of genotype 46.XY; there are testicles, but masculinization is incomplete (hypospadias, microfallia, underdeveloped scrotum with or without testicles). Male pseudohermaphroditism is observed in a variety of endocrine disorders (defects in testosterone synthesis, its metabolism and effects on target cells)
Reifenstein syndrome. Familial form of male pseudohermaphrodism: phenotypically indeterminate gender of the genitals, hypospadias, postpubertal gynecomastia; infertility due to sclerosis of the seminiferous tubules. Synonym: Klinefelter-Reufenstein-Albright syndrome
Testicular feminization (see)
Male pseudohermaphroditism (*300018, Xp21.3, gene/III, K) is a locus on the X chromosome, the doubling of which leads to sex inversion.
Deficiency of 5a reductase (*264600, p) disrupts the conversion of testosterone to DHT
Boys (karyotype 46XY) are born with vulva of indeterminate sex. Some newborns are classified as girls due to minimal manifestations of virilization at birth.
During puberty, testosterone-dependent changes occur: moving the testicles to their final position, increasing muscle mass, coarsening of the voice
There is a report of one isolate in which many children were raised as girls, but after puberty they acquired pronounced features of the male phenotype.
The diagnosis can be established by detecting an elevated testosterone/DHT ratio after HCG stimulation.
Violations of the synthesis and metabolism of testosterone are rarely observed; several forms of enzyme deficiency are known (p)
Deficiency of cholesterol desmolase. A severe form of salt loss is characteristic. Severe deficiency of mineral and glucocorticoids, as well as androgens, leads to death in early childhood, despite steroid hormone replacement therapy.
Deficiency of 3p-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Men are virilized incompletely (defect in testosterone synthesis). Women may be virilized to a mild degree. The diagnosis is based on the detection of elevated blood concentrations of dehydroepiandrosterone and 17-hydroxypregnenolone
17a-hydroxylase deficiency (see 17a-hydroxylase deficiency)
Deficiency of 17-oxidoreductase prevents the conversion of androstenedione to testosterone. The diagnosis can be established by detecting an increased ratio of androstenedione to testosterone after HCG stimulation.
Deficiency of 17-a-ketosteroid testicular reductase (*264300, 9q22, gene HSD17B3, EDH17B3, p) - clinically indistinguishable from deficiency of 5-a-reductase-2 (264600)
17,20-desmolases (*309150, X p) are a rare cause of male pseudohermaphroditism resulting from a block in the conversion of progestogens to androgens. The defect can be detected by a distorted ratio of progestogens and androgens both at the basal level and after HCG stimulation. In women, the genitals are normal, but puberty does not occur (no estrogens).
Female pseudohermaphroditism. Children of genotype 46,XX (have ovaries), but usually have a male phenotype at birth. Increased sensitivity of the XX-fetus to the effects of androgens during the critical period (8 weeks of intrauterine development) leads to the development of varying degrees of labio-scrotal fusion, the formation of the urogenital sinus and an increase in the clitoris. Some babies look like boys with cryptorchidism at birth
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Defects leading to the development of female pseudohermaphroditism - deficiency of 21- and 11-hydroxylase, as well as 3-p-hydroxysterone dehydrogenase
Influence of maternal androgens and progestin. As the potential danger to the developing fetus of drugs taken by the mother during pregnancy is realized, androgen drugs are becoming an increasingly rare cause of female pseudohermaphroditism. Occasionally, the cause of the development of this pathology may be a virilizing tumor or a disease of the mother during pregnancy. Careful collection of anamnestic data (the course of pregnancy, including the use of drugs and diseases) is necessary.
Congenital malformations of the external genital organs: hypospadias and microfallia
Hypospadias of varying severity is recorded in isolation or in combination with other birth defects, especially genitourinary system
Microfallia. The genitals of boys are small, but well differentiated. There are standards for evaluating the length of an erect penis, starting from an early age. childhood to adulthood. Growth of the genitals is determined by hormonal stimulation of the testicles of the fetus by pituitary gonadotropin


Microfallia (penile hypoplasia) may indicate postnatal hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (as in Kallmann syndrome) or may reflect congenital hypopituitarism


. An effect can be expected from the use of testosterone (25-50 mg every 3 weeks for 3 months), which leads to a positive cosmetic effect without a significant acceleration of skeletal maturation.
Managing a child with bisexual genitalia
A complete diagnostic evaluation should be undertaken as soon as possible after the birth of a child with bisexual genitalia. Parents should be persuaded to postpone naming and gender attribution until the end of the diagnostic process. Need: a thorough collection of family history, details of the course of pregnancy, general examination
Inspection. The size of the penis, the location of the urethra, the presence of palpable gonads (usually testicles) and other signs (dysmorphic and asymmetric) should be assessed.
Laboratory studies include: chromosomal analysis, determination of electrolytes, testosterone, LH, FSH and 17-hydroxyprogesterone. Radiographic contrast examination of the urogenital sinuses often helps to detect the vagina and cervix, sometimes it is possible to examine the fallopian tubes. Pelvic ultrasound can reveal the presence of ovaries and uterus
With a karyotype of 46,XX and an increased content of 17-hydroxyprogesterone, 21-hydroxylase deficiency is most likely. With a normal level of 17-hydroxyprogesterone, true hermaphroditism is most likely. Evaluation of the content of 11-deoxycortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone excludes the possibility of insufficiency of 11-hydroxylase or 3-p-hydroxysterone dehydrogenase
With a karyotype of 46,XY, the assessment of the content of sex and adrenal steroids before and after ACTH and HCG stimulation makes it possible to identify rare forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia and impaired testosterone synthesis and metabolism
If glucocorticoid insufficiency (including with salt loss) is suspected, children should be closely monitored until test results are available.
The diagnosis of partial androgen resistance depends on family history. High testosterone levels in newborns with increased level PH suggests androgen resistance.
Gender Assignment. An accurate diagnosis is needed to address many therapeutic and general questions.
Even noticeably virilized girls with 21-hydroxylase deficiency should be brought up as girls, since with adequate treatment of the disease and cosmetic restoration of the external genital organs, they will have full reproductive opportunities.
For boys with a 46,XY karyotype and bisexual genitalia, sex determination should be based on the decision of the ability to perform sexual functions as a man. This usually depends on the size of the penis and the surgeon's assessment of the possibility of surgical correction of hypospadias.
Dysgenetic testicles and ovarian testes should be removed, as there is a high probability of their malignant transformation
In order to avoid unwanted hormonal influences during puberty, it is necessary to remove gonads that do not correspond to the sex.


Adequate replacement hormone therapy, as a rule, should be administered during puberty.
Genetic counseling (including sexual behavior) for families and children is an important part of medical care.
Full, but tactful communication of the results of all tests (according to the age of the patient) should lead to successful psychosexual adaptation.
Removal of the gonads. Due to possible malignancy, the XY gonad in resistant ovarian syndrome must be removed before puberty or immediately after diagnosis. No need for removal of gonads in patients
neither with Turner's syndrome, nor with Kalmann's syndrome, since there is no potential for malignancy of the gonads; in Turner syndrome, there is no xp.Y, but in Kallmann syndrome, the chromosomes are normal. Androgen insensitivity syndrome () is characterized by the presence of type XY gonads; the gonads should not be removed before puberty is complete because the risk of developing gonadal neoplasms is low until age 20.
Sex change is performed in case of hermaphroditism, as well as at the request of a transsexual (600952, ?), when the patient is convinced that his sexual characteristics do not correspond to his sex. After careful preoperative preparation (psychiatric consultation, hormone replacement therapy), a destructive operation is performed, followed by organ reconstruction using various flaps and skin grafts.
See also , . Klinefelter syndrome, Testicular feminization syndrome, Androgen receptor defects
Abbreviations. DHT - dihydrotestosterone, MIF - Müllerian inhibitory factor


Q56.0 Hermaphroditism, not elsewhere classified
Q56.1 Male pseudohermaphroditism, not elsewhere classified
Q56.2 Female pseudohermaphroditism, not elsewhere classified
Q56.3 Pseudohermaphroditism, unspecified
Q56.4 Uncertainty of sex, unspecified


Hermaphroditism (from Greek mythology -Hermaphrodites, the son of the god Hermes and the goddess Aphrodite; while bathing, merged his body with a nymph) The presence of both male and female gonads in an individual (true hermaphroditism)
The term is also (and from a genetic point of view - loosely) used in its meaning: the presence in an individual of signs of both sexes (including behavioral)


Zachmann M et al.: Steroid 17,20-desmoiase deficiency: a new cause of male pseudohermaphroditism. Clin. Endocr. 1:369-385, 1972; Zhou J-Net al: A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality. Nature 378:68-70, 1995

Disease Handbook. 2012 .

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